PG Extension Prospectus
PG Extension Prospectus
PG Extension Prospectus
1. About the University
2. Location
4. Academic Programmes
5. Collaborative Ventures
6. Library
7. University Hostel
8. Health Centre
9. Internet Centre
This University is reaccredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC (3rd cycle). Institutional rank 93
among the University has been awarded by NIRF, MHRD, GOI during 2017-2018. This
University has been ranked 5th by MHRD, GOI in Swachh Campus ranking 2019 of Higher
Education Institutions.
In pursuit of Excellence
“by providing quality Education especially for the rural and the unreached”
“through innovation in teaching , research and extension activities”
“by promoting human values for social harmony”
Advanced Academic Programmes are offered in various Departments which have been
streamlined to make them competitive and accountable in accordance with the criteria
stipulated for national accreditation.
1. Department of Tamil
2. Department of English
Social Sciences:
3. Department of History
4. Department of Economics
5. Department of Sociology
6. Department of Communication
7. Department of Management Studies
8. Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice
9. Department of Commerce
10. Department of Education
11. Department of Physical Education
12. Department of Psychology
Note: The University has the right to suspend any Programme, if the
circumstances so warrant.
Many of the Departments have linkages with premier National & International Institutions.
Research programmes are being carried out in all the Departments. Campus Interview is
conducted periodically to cater to the needs of the aspiring students through
Placement Cell.
The University is actively engaged in collaborative ventures with individuals and institutions.
The Centre for Environmental Sciences at Alwarkurichi, functioning in collaboration with the
Amalgamations Group, bears testimony to this. Eco-friendly ventures in aquaculture, fishing
and agro-inputs are its thrust areas of Centre for Marine Science and Technology at
Rajakkamangalam. Further, Departments of Mathematics, Communication and Mass Media
and Management Studies and Geo technology have made their mark in the respective field
of study.
Department of Sociology
Department of Physics
Department of Statistics
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Department of Communication
Department of Mathematics
Centre for Marine Science and Technology
The following Departments are funded by Department of Science and Technology Fund for
Improvement of Science and Technology (DST- FIST)
The University Library is well equipped and has a good collection of reference sources,
books and journals in printed as well as in electronic forms. Internet facility is available to
browse any information in a moment and also efficient Online Public Access Cataloguing
Service is provided to the users. The Library is fully automated with the help of INFLIBNET
Centre, Ahmedabad. The University Library provides research oriented information to its
users getting information from American Information Resource Centre. It has its
membership with DELNET and also provides e-journals service through INFONET.
Well equipped Health Centre with Medical Lab and 24 x 7 Ambulance facilities is available
in the University Campus, Abishekapatti. Insurance coverage is also provided to all the
An Internet Centre is available for the exclusive utility of the University Students throughout
the day at free of cost. Wi – Fi facility is available in the University Campus, Abishekapatti.
The Equal Opportunity Cell (SC/ST/OBC (Non Creamy Layer) / Minorities Cell) functions
for the welfare of the SC/ST/OBC/Minorities students of the University. The Cell takes the
responsibility for the improvement of overall performance of the SC/ST/OBC/ Minority
students in the competitive examinations so as to bring them up to the expected
competitive level as compared to other communities.
a) A candidate who successfully completes all the core courses, the project prescribed,
the optional and supportive Courses¸ and acquires not less than 90 credits and puts the
minimum of residence time will be eligible for receiving the degree.
b) One credit means one teaching period per week for one semester for theory
Programmes and one laboratory session of two periods / week for one semester. One
teaching period is of 60 minutes duration.
a) Core Courses are compulsory on which one student admitted to a particular programme
of study must undergo.
b) Elective Courses may be chosen by student from the optionals offered by his/her
Department. Department will try to offer as many optional Programmes as possible.
6. In the choice of Elective and Supportive Courses, the student will be guided by the faculty
Advisors / Head of the Department.
7. In general, the Supportive Courses of 4 credits will be offered in the second and third
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Post Graduate Extension Centre has been started
from the academic year 2014-15 at Nagercoil. Following full time Programmes are offered
1. M. A. English – 2 years
2. M.Sc. Mathematics – 2 years
3. M.A. Tamil * – 2 years
4. Certificate course in Naattaar Vazhakkatriyal * - 6 months
5. Certificate course in Ilakkiya Manudaviyal * - 6 months
* Subject to the approval of the statutory body of this University
At Present the Centre is functioning at the following address Government High School
Campus, Nesavalar Street, Vadasery, Nagercoil, Kanyakumari District – 629 001.
a) The cost of application form is Rs.500/- and the fee for Entrance test is Rs 150/-.
c) SC / ST candidates are exempted from the payment of Application fee for any one
Programme only. Applying for additional Programmes, prescribed application fee
should be paid. However, they have to upload the photocopy of the community certificate
along with the application. (But they have to pay the Entrance Exam fee of Rs.150/-).
e) The attested copies of the following certificates should be uploaded in the online application.
i. Plus Two Mark sheet.
ii. Degree Mark statements (up to V Semester, if the candidate is awaiting final
Semester result and for others final consolidated mark statement).
iii. Degree Provisional Certificate / Diploma (for those who are awaiting results, a
Programme certificate from the Principal is needed)
iv. Transfer Certificate
v. Community Certificate (for SC/SCA/ST/BC/BCM / MBC/DNC candidates only)
vi. Sports Certificates (if the candidate is an outstanding sports person)
vii. Differently abled Certificate (if the candidate is Differently abled)
viii. NCC Certificate
ix. Ex-servicemen Certificate
f) Any change in the address of the applicant should be intimated immediately to the Registrar
and to the Head of the Department concerned.
a) Ranking for admission will be based on the marks secured in qualifying UG Examination
and Entrance Examination. 50:50
b) 50 marks will be calculated on the basis of average of marks obtained by the candidate in
the qualifying degree.
For those who are waiting for final semester results - all the Major, Allied / Ancillary
papers upto 5th semester examination (without any arrear) of the qualifying degree.
For others – all the Major, Allied/Ancillary papers in the qualifying degree (without any
c) The number of questions for the entrance examination is 50. Total marks are 50. Questions
will be of multiple choice types and with no negative marks.
d) The rules of reservation of seats prescribed by the Government of Tamil Nadu, 15% for
SC and 3% for SCA, 1% for ST, 20% for MBC and DNC, 26.5% for BC other than BC
Muslims and 3.5% for BC Muslims and 31% for Open Competition will be followed in
admission to each Programme. Among the total number of seats in the University
Departments, 2% will be reserved for outstanding sports persons, three seats for children
of Ex-servicemen of Tamil Nadu origin(G.O.Ms. No.230, Higher Education (G1)
Department, dated 23-7-2001), 5% for Differently Abled and one seat for NCC cadet of
outstanding merit with ‘A’ certificate for +2 students and ‘C’ Certificate for degree students.
e) Candidates selected for admission will be intimated individually through a memo/mail. The
University is not responsible for any delay or loss in postal transit.
f) The selected candidate should submit the following certificates in original at the time of
i. S.S.L.C Mark Sheet
ii. Plus Two Mark Sheet
iii. Degree Mark Statement
iv. Degree Provisional Certificate / Original Degree or Diploma.
v. The candidates awaiting the results need to submit mark statements up to V
Semester and the Programme Certificate from the Principal.
vi. Transfer Certificate and Conduct Certificate
vii. Community Certificate
viii. Stamp size photo for ID card.
Dyslexic, Spastic students are permitted to use an amanuensis and additional one
hour (60 minutes) time for each paper will be given in all the University Examinations.
If any incident of ragging comes to the notice of the University, the student concerned will be
given an opportunity to explain his or her conduct and if his or her explanation is not found
satisfactory, the University will expel him or her from the Institution.
Students should submit an undertaking from parents for not indulging in ragging.
a) The candidates admitted shall pay the tuition and other fees as specified in the admission
b) In accordance with G.O.Ms.No.722 Social Welfare Department dated 13th October 1977,
SC/ST and SC / ST converted Christians are exempted from the payment of tuition fee and
exemption will be granted only upon the production of Community Certificate (in original).
The exemption does not cover other fees, namely, special fee, laboratory fee, guidance &
counselling fee and contingency fee.
c) Tuition fee, Examination fee and other fees in the University Departments are exempted for
the students belonging to the category of Transgender.
d) Tuition fee, Examination fee and other fees in the University Departments are exempted for
the children who are belonging to the category of folk artist.
a. Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) is followed for all the Programmes.
c. University Examinations will be held in each semester.
d. A student can be admitted to an examination only upon the submission of the prescribed
application form on or before the prescribed date through Online.
f. Students should register for all papers in the first appearance in each semester.
Students may apply for paper-wise appearance for arrears papers also.
g. When a student completes the required 90 credits prescribed for the Programme, CGPA
will be calculated as follows. The marks obtained by the candidate (sum of external and
internal marks) in a paper is multiplied by the credits assigned to that paper. Such
weighted marks for all the courses are added and divided by the total credits (minimum
Total 3000
B. Semester wise Programme Fees.
Stationary Fee
Welfare Fund
Special Fee
Tuition Fee
Lab Fee
Sl. NO
Pass in any
Bachelor Odd 675 275 250 250 400 1850
1 M.A., English Degree with
English in 4
semesters Even 675 275 250 250 -- 1450
course in Any UG Rs.2500
4 Naattaar Degree
course in Any UG Rs.2500
5 Ilakkiya Degree