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Review: Treatment of Constipation in Older People

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Treatment of constipation in older people

Dov Gandell MDCM, Sharon E. Straus MD MSc, Maria Bundookwala MD, Vincent Tsui MD,
Shabbir M.H. Alibhai MD MSc

he prevalence of constipation rises dra- frequency can vary between 3 motions per day Competing interests: None
matically with age, with some estimates and 3 motions per week. Frequencies outside that declared.
approaching 50% among adults over 80 range may also be normal if a change from base- This article has been peer
years of age.1 Up to 40% of seniors living in the line has not been observed and no other symp- reviewed.
community and 60% of those in institutions are toms manifest. For patients with moderate to Correspondence to:
affected.2,3 Lower socioeconomic class, non- severe cognitive impairment, diagnosis usually Dov Gandell, dov.
white race, regular medication use, female sex, depends on a caregiver’s report.
and symptoms of anxiety and depression have In research settings, the consensus-based CMAJ 2013. DOI:10.1503
all been associated with increased prevalence of Rome III criteria (Box 2) are frequently used to /cmaj.120819
constipation among older people.4,5 define chronic constipation and can be used to
Consequences of constipation can be sub- further characterize the problem in the clinical
stantial. In susceptible older people who are setting.12
frail, excessive straining can trigger a syncopal
episode, or coronary or cerebral ischemia.6 Less
acutely, constipation leading to fecal impaction
What causes constipation
can present with anorexia, nausea and pain asso- in older people?
ciated with functional decline.7 Case reports
have identified stercoral ulceration, perforation The causes of primary, or idiopathic, chronic con-
and death as consequences of fecal impaction.8 stipation, including the subtypes of normal tran-
Quality of life also appears to be lower for older sit, slow transit and dyssynergic defecation (i.e.,
people with than without constipation, and long- related to neuromuscular dysfunction), remain
term care facilities incur high costs managing unknown. Despite the aging colon displaying
the problem, estimated at US$2253 per year per smaller and more tightly packed collagen fibres
resident.9 as well as a reduced number of myenteric plexus
Given the growing proportion of older adults neurons, age-related changes in colonic anatomy
in North America, effective management of con- and physiology are not considered to be major
stipation by health care professionals will be contributors to the development of constipation.13
increasingly necessary. Randomized controlled Decreased mobility, low fibre intake and limited
trials (RCTs), mostly categorized as lower qual- fluid intake have also been implied as causes of
ity with some higher quality trials, exist for the constipation, but there is little evidence from the
treatment of constipation in older people. New literature to support these claims.
agents, with different mechanisms of action, Secondary causes of constipation are more
have been developed. In this article, we review easily identified. Medications, metabolic abnor-
the efficacy and safety of treatments for consti- malities and disease states are common culprits
pation in older people. A summary of the evi- and often coexist in older people. These causes
dence used in this review is found in Box 1.
Key points
How is constipation defined?
• The prevalence of constipation increases dramatically with age,
affecting almost 1 in 2 adults over 80 years of age.
Any complaint of difficulty passing stool, incom-
• In older people, the predominant symptom of constipation is more
plete passage of stool or diminished frequency frequently straining than decreased stool frequency.
identifies the problem. Straining is the most com-
• Randomized controlled trials support the use of osmotic agents
monly identified symptom by older adults, even (polyethylene glycol and lactulose) to treat symptoms of constipation
though physicians tend to rely on bowel move- in older people.
ment frequency to diagnose constipation.10 Addi- • Evidence supporting the use of bulk agents, stool softeners, stimulants
tionally, patients tend to underestimate their fre- and prokinetic agents is lacking, limited or inconsistent.
quency of bowel movements.11 Normal stool

© 2013 Canadian Medical Association or its licensors CMAJ, May 14, 2013, 185(8) 663

should be identified and treated before applying patients cannot be made because of the absence
a label of primary constipation. Opioid anal- of research addressing the issue. We suggest
gesics, calcium-channel blockers, oral iron sup- conducting a thorough history and physical
plements and antidiarrheal agents are frequently examination to elicit symptoms and signs of
used medications that have constipation as an secondary causes of constipation. Careful re-
adverse effect. Disease states such as hypothy- view of medications, with the possibility of
roidism, hypercalcemia, stroke, Parkinson dis- reducing the dose or substituting with another
ease and colorectal carcinoma can cause symp- medication that does not have constipation as an
toms of constipation in older people. Boxes 3 adverse effect should be considered if the bene-
and 4 list medications and disease states com- fits of the drug are not greater than the bowel
monly implicated in causing constipation.14 symptoms. Clinical judgment should be applied
when requesting laboratory tests to identify
Are investigations required? metabolic causes such as hypothyroidism and
hypercalcemia. An abdominal radiograph can
Evidence-based recommendations for the diag- help to exclude fecal impaction in patients who
nostic work-up of chronic constipation in older are immobile or cognitively impaired. If alarm
symptoms or signs are present (Box 5), local or
national guidelines for colon cancer screening
Box 1: Evidence used in this review
should be consulted.
To identify relevant randomized controlled trials, we searched each of the
following databases from the earliest available date through Jan. 6, 2012: What treatments are effective?
MEDLINE (1966), Embase (1980) and CINAHL (1982). We used the search term
“constipation” combined with floating subheadings for all possible therapies.
Constipation was also combined with the following terms: “osmotic laxative,” Evidence from RCTs supports the use of osmotic
“irritant laxative,” “bulk laxative,” “fecal softener,” “lactulose,” “sorbitol,” agents as an effective treatment of chronic con-
“magnesium sulfate,” “senna,” “bisacodyl,” “danthron,” “cascara,” stipation in older people. One RCT evaluating
“psyllium,” “methylcellulose,” “calcium polycarbophil,” “isphagula,” “bran,”
electromyographic biofeedback for dyssynergic
“celandine,” “plantain,” “alovera,” “docusate,” “poloxalkol,” “mineral oil,”
“glycerine,” “misoprostol,” “erythromycin,” “herbal,” “traditional,” defecation also revealed benefit. Evidence sup-
“colchicine,” “Chinese herbal,” “milk of magnesia” and “polyethylene porting the use of bulk agents, stool softeners,
glycol.” We searched reference lists of previous reviews and trials on stimulants and prokinetic agents was lacking,
constipation in adults and older people for additional reports. limited or inconsistent. At the time of our litera-
We included studies if they were randomized controlled studies, had a ture search, lifestyle modifications had not been
baseline definition of constipation (any definition was eligible) and the study
evaluated in RCTs. The evidence is summarized
population had a mean or median age of at least 65 years. For the effect of
fluid intake and physical activity on constipation, we accepted observational herein by treatment, and details of the supporting
studies, since randomized controlled trials were not found. We excluded trials15−30 are summarized in Appendix 1 (avail-
studies if they were not published in English, were conducted in palliative or able at www.cmaj.ca/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1503
intensive care settings, or the therapy had been withdrawn from the market /cmaj.120819/-/DC1).
at the time of the search. Two of us (D.G. and M.B.) independently reviewed
titles and abstracts and extracted data in a standardized manner. Data on
participant age, treatment, control, study setting, inclusion criteria, exclusion Oral therapy
criteria, outcomes and follow-up were extracted. We assessed the quality of
included trials. Disagreements were resolved by consensus. Osmotic agents
Osmotic agents exert their effect by promoting
the secretion of water into the colonic lumen to
Box 2: Rome III diagnostic criteria* for chronic constipation maintain isotonicity with plasma. Lactulose and
1. Must include 2 or more of the following: polyethylene glycol are commonly used osmotic
a. Straining during at least 25% of defecations agents. Studies of salts of poorly absorbed
b. Lumpy or hard stools in at least 25% of defecations cations and anions, such as magnesium- and
c. Sensation of incomplete evacuation for at least 25% of defecations phosphate-based agents, did not meet our inclu-
d. Sensation of anorectal obstruction/blockage for at least 25% of sion criteria.
defecations Four placebo-controlled RCTs of osmotic
e. Manual manoeuvres to facilitate at least 25% of defecations agents (n = 250) all revealed statistically signif-
(e.g., digital evacuation, support of the pelvic floor) icant results in favour of active treatment.15−18 In
f. Fewer than 3 defecations per week one of the trials, polyethylene glycol improved
2. Loose stools are rarely present without the use of laxatives stool frequency and resulted in improvement in
3. Insufficient criteria for irritable bowel syndrome Rome III criteria among 57 patients with
*Criteria fulfilled for the last 3 months with symptom onset at least 6 months before
Parkinson disease who had constipation (80%
diagnosis. [16/20] in the treatment group v. 30.4% [7/23]
Reprinted, with permission, from Rome III diagnostic criteria for functional gastrointestinal
disorders.12 in the placebo group, 95% confidence interval
[CI] 23.9%–75.3% for the difference, p =

664 CMAJ, May 14, 2013, 185(8)


0.0012).18 Two trials revealed benefit with lactu- We found 7 RCTs (n = 254) in which older
lose. The first reported that patients given lactu- people were randomly assigned to receive either
lose required less additional laxative use over 3 dietary fibre or placebo.19−25 Two trials evaluating
weeks than those in the placebo group (87% psyllium (n = 20) did not show improvements in
[47/54] v. 61% [30/49], p < 0.02).17 The second stool frequency. 19,20 Results from 3 trials of
trial, conducted over 12 weeks, reported a galacto-oligosaccharide were mixed. Use of a
higher mean (± standard deviation) stool fre- mixture of fibre (guar gum and wheat bran) and
quency per day with lactulose than with the osmotic agent lactitol in yogourt resulted in
placebo (0.63 ± 0.31 lactulose v. 0.58 ± 0.30 increased stool frequency (5.9 ± 3.8/wk v. placebo
placebo, p < 0.02).15 The fourth trial showed 4.3 ± 1.8/wk, p < 0.05) in 51 medical and surgical
that lactitol, another disaccharide similar to lac- inpatients.21 It is unclear from this study whether
tulose, increased stool frequency over 4 weeks the bulk agent or the osmotic agent was more
(p < 0.001), but no specific point estimate was responsible for the favourable result.
Bloating, flatulence, abdominal pain and diar- Box 4: Disease states commonly associated
rhea are potential adverse effects from osmotic with constipation
laxatives. These effects occur most often with Metabolic
lactulose because of its metabolism by colonic
• Diabetes
bacteria to carboxylic acids. Patients can also
• Hypothyroidism
develop an aversion to the sweet taste of lactu-
• Hypercalcemia
lose. Polyethylene glycol is metabolically inert
and can be dissolved in other liquids. • Hypokalemia
Magnesium- and phosphate-based laxatives Gastrointestinal
carry the risk of excessive absorption resulting in • Colorectal carcinoma
dose-dependent hypermagnesemia or hyperphos- • Diverticulosis
phatemia. More caution is advised in patients • Stricture
with renal impairment.31 • Hemorrhoids
• Rectal prolapse
Bulk agents Neurologic
Nonabsorbable, soluble dietary fibres, or bulk • Stroke
agents, exert their laxative effect by holding water • Parkinson disease
in stool, thereby increasing stool weight, increas-
• Dementia
ing colonic distension and improving frequency
• Multiple sclerosis
of bowel movements. There are natural, semisyn-
• Autonomic neuropathy
thetic and synthetic varieties. Galacto-oligosac-
charide is another nonabsorbable polysaccharide Psychiatric
bulk laxative that has been evaluated in RCTs but • Depression
is not readily available to consumers. • Anxiety
• Somatization
Box 3: Drugs commonly associated with Connective tissue
constipation • Systemic sclerosis
Over-the-counter drugs • Amyloidosis
• Antacids containing calcium or aluminum Source: Gallagher and O’Mahony.14
• Calcium supplements
• Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
• Oral iron supplements Box 5: Alarm symptoms and signs in
• Antihistamines patients with chronic constipation
Prescription drugs • Family history of colon cancer
• Opioids • Hematochezia
• Calcium-channel blockers • Anemia
• Antiparkinsonian agents • Weight loss ≥ 5 kg in previous 6 months
• Anticholinergics • Positive result of fecal occult blood test
• Diuretics • Persistent constipation unresponsive to
• Antipsychotics treatment
• Tricyclic antidepressants • Acute onset of constipation
Source: Gallagher and O’Mahony. 14 Source: Brandt et al.39

CMAJ, May 14, 2013, 185(8) 665


Fermentation of natural bulk agents by colonic ity for the human ether-à-go-go-related gene
bacteria can cause bloating and gas. Mechanical (hERG) protein and less anticipated cardiovascu-
obstruction following consumption of bulk agents lar effects than other prokinetic agents, has been
has been reported.32 Nonambulatory patients with tested. Three different doses of prucalopride
low fluid intake may be at increased risk. Rare were evaluated for 4 weeks in 300 older partici-
cases of allergic reactions to psyllium have also pants.29 Only the 4-mg dose, at one time point
been described.31 (wk 1), reached statistical significance for the
primary outcome of 3 or more spontaneous and
Stimulants complete bowel movements per week. No differ-
Stimulants exert their effect by increasing intesti- ences in adverse effects were observed between
nal motility and colonic secretions. Anthranoids the groups.
(senna, cascara) and diphenylmethane deriva- Concerns about a 9-year delay between the
tives (bisacodyl) are commonly used stimulants. completion of a study evaluating prucalopride in
Two trials involving patients in nursing homes adults with constipation and submission for pub-
(n = 182) compared stimulants with placebo and lication have been raised.33 Prucalopride (Reso-
revealed significant benefit. In the first trial, use tran) was approved by Health Canada in 2011
of an herbal mixture containing senna resulted in for use in women with constipation in whom
4.14 more bowel movements on average over 4 laxatives have failed. A recommendation for the
weeks versus placebo (p = 0.017).26 The second use of prucalopride in older people cannot be
trial studied an herbal formulation containing an made at this time.
anthraquinone combined with the osmotic agent
magnesium oxide; however, the reported benefit Enemas and suppositories
(5.6 ± 2.0 spontaneous bowel movements/wk in We did not find RCTs that evaluated the use of
the study group v. 4.6 ± 2.5/wk in the placebo only enemas and suppositories to treat chronic
group; p = 0.049) did not change a global assess- constipation in older people. In one RCT, 206
ment of efficacy by caregivers.27 Bisacodyl has frail residents in long-term care facilities who
not been evaluated in RCTs in older patients. had a history of fecal incontinence and im -
Abdominal pain, electrolyte imbalances and paction were randomly assigned to receive either
allergic reactions have been reported as adverse lactulose alone or lactulose with a daily glycer-
effects of stimulant laxatives.31 Regular use of ine suppository and weekly enemas with tap
anthranoids can cause pseudomelanosis coli, a water.34 Among the 123 participants remaining in
benign and often completely reversible pigmen- the study after 5 weeks, episodes of incontinence
tation of the mucosa of the large intestine. No and soiled laundry did not differ significantly
definitive relation to myenteric nerve damage or between the study arms.
carcinogenesis has been established with the use
of stimulant laxatives. Regular use may lead to Lifestyle modifications
decreased efficacy over time.31 Our search did not identify RCTs of fluid intake
or physical activity for constipation in older
Stool softeners people. A retrospective cohort study involving
Stool softeners act as anionic surfactants, easing 883 older volunteers did not find an association
the interaction of water with solid stool. Intesti- between chronic constipation and intake of
nal motility and colonic secretions may also be fewer than 3 glasses, between 3 and 5 glasses,
increased. Stool softeners are generally well or 6 or more glasses of water per day (odds
tolerated. ratio [OR] 0.847, 95% CI 0.53–1.38).35 How-
One trial of dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate con- ever, low fluid intake in a cohort of nursing
ducted in 1968 showed 12 of 15 older inpatients home residents was found to be a risk factor for
to be less constipated than when they received the development of constipation (OR 1.49, 95%
placebo before active treatment (mean difference CI 1.21–1.82).36
of 1.0 ± 0.29 stools/wk, p < 0.01).28 Physical activity, in the form of resistance and
functional-skills training, was evaluated in long-
Prokinetic agents term care facilities but failed to show benefit
Prokinetic agents act by stimulating 5-hydroxy- over the control (a program involving discus-
tryptamine-4 (5-HT4) receptors in the intestine, sions about topics of interest to older people,
which induces peristalsis. Two previous- such as history, music and relaxation).37
generation prokinetics, cisapride and tegaserod, Appropriate physical activity should be en-
were removed from the market because of con- couraged for other health outcomes and may
cerns about cardiac safety.33 improve symptoms of constipation, but definitive
A newer agent, prucalopride, with less affin- evidence for improvement in constipation is

666 CMAJ, May 14, 2013, 185(8)


lacking. Promoting fluid intake with the goal of on the behavioural mechanisms involved in defe-
improving symptoms of constipation is not sup- cation (p < 0.01).30 Constipation was diagnosed
ported by the literature. based on Rome criteria, and efficacy was main-
tained up to 2 months after treatment. Adverse
Biofeedback effects were not reported in this study.
In dyssynergic defecation, a subtype of chronic
constipation, musculature in the pelvic floor, par-
ticularly the puborectalis muscle and external
Comparison with studies involving
anal sphincter, contract inappropriately during younger adults
defecation, leading to difficulty passing stool and
incomplete evacuation. Biofeedback is a method We did not find reports of direct comparisons
patients can learn to help gain control of relaxing between younger and older adults. However, the
these muscles during defecation.38 The availabil- results from studies presented in our review are
ity of biofeedback therapy is low. similar to those reported in systematic reviews
A 4-week RCT of electromyographic synthesizing data for adults irrespective of age.
biofeedback sessions twice weekly, conducted The American College of Gastroenterology pro-
with 30 cognitively intact older people, reported vides a grade A recommendation for the use of
an increase in stool frequency from 2 to 4 bowel polyethylene glycol and lactulose to improve
movements per week compared with controls stool frequency and consistency in adults. Psyl-
who received information on bowel functioning lium, a bulk agent, received a grade B recom-
and counselling sessions twice weekly focused mendation for improvement of stool frequency.

Table 1: Characteristics of treatments of chronic constipation in older people

Category; mechanism Treatment Dose Adverse effects

Osmotic agents Polyethylene glycol 17–34 g/d Bloating, flatulence, abdominal pain,
Increase water content in diarrhea
colon to maintain Lactulose 15–30 mL daily to twice Bloating, flatulence, abdominal pain,
isotonicity with plasma daily diarrhea
Sorbitol 15–30 mL daily to twice Bloating, flatulence, abdominal pain,
daily diarrhea
Magnesium hydroxide 15–30 mg daily to twice Hypermagnesemia, bloating, flatulence,
daily abdominal pain, diarrhea
Sodium phosphate 10–25 mL with 350 mL Hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia,
of water hypernatremia and hypokalemia, bloating,
flatulence, abdominal pain, diarrhea
Bulk agents Psyllium Up to 20 g/d Bloating, flatulence; rarely cases of
Fibre retains water, which mechanical obstruction and allergic reactions
increases fecal mass, Methylcellulose Up to 20 g/d Bloating, flatulence
stimulating peristalsis
Polycarbophil Up to 20 g/d Bloating, flatulence
Stimulants Sennoside Up to 68.8 g/d in Abdominal cramps, hypokalemia,
Increase intestinal motility divided doses pseudomelanosis coli
Bisacodyl 5–10 mg/d orally or Abdominal cramps, hypokalemia,
rectally pseudomelanosis coli
Stool softeners Dioctyl sodium 100 mg twice daily Abdominal cramps, diarrhea
Decrease stool surface sulfosuccinate or docusate
tension leading to increased Docusate calcium 240 mg twice daily Abdominal cramps, diarrhea
water penetration
Prokinetic agents Prucalopride 2 mg/d Nausea, vomiting, flatulence, headache
Stimulates 5-HT4 intestinal
receptors, inducing peristalsis
Enemas or suppositories Phosphate-based enema 120 mL/d Hyperphosphatemia and other electrolyte
Enemas distend the rectum disturbances
to initiate the defecation Tap-water enema 500 mL/d
reflex; they also soften stool
Glycerin suppository Once daily

Note: 5-HT4 = 5-hydroxy-tryptamine-4.

Source: Lembo and Camilleri.

CMAJ, May 14, 2013, 185(8) 667


Data were insufficient to recommend the use of vates type 2 chloride channels, enhancing the
other bulk agents, magnesium hydroxide, stool secretion of chloride-rich intestinal fluid. A
softeners and stimulants.39 meta-analysis of data from 3 RCTs (n = 610)
comparing this medication with placebo in
adults revealed a benefit in spontaneous bowel
Are there new movements (risk ratio [RR] of failure to respond
pharmacotherapeutic options? to therapy 0.67, 95% CI 0.56–0.80).40 (Two of
the trials reported the proportion of participants
Pharmacotherapies targeted at specific cellular aged 65 years or older [10% and 13.2%].) Diar-
receptors in the gastrointestinal tract have been rhea (RR 4.46, 95% CI 1.28–15.48) and nausea
developed and studied in adults. To date, they (RR 7.27, 95% CI 3.76–14.06) were more fre-
have not been approved for use in Canada. quent with lubiprostone than with placebo.40
Since 2006, lubiprostone has been approved Self-limited shortness of breath following the
for use in the United States. Lubiprostone acti- first dose has also been observed.41

Table 2: Stepwise approach to the management of constipation in older people

Step Details

1. Identify the predominant Frequency, straining, incomplete evacuation

2. Identify possible secondary • Medications (e.g., opioids, nondihydropyridine calcium-channel
causes of constipation* blockers, iron supplements and antidiarrheal agents)
• Disease states (e.g., colon cancer, stroke and Parkinson disease)
• Secondary causes of constipation are treated in the same
manner as primary constipation
• If alarm symptoms or signs are present (see Box 5), local or
national guidelines for colon cancer screening should be
3. Exclude fecal impaction* • In a person who is bedbound or has severe dementia, an
abdominal radiograph or a digital rectal examination‡ can be
used to diagnose impaction
• Manual disimpaction is often necessary to treat fecal impaction
4. Optimize behavioural factors† • The seated position, with knees at or above the level of hips,
is advised
• If the person has moderate to severe cognitive impairment,
allow adequate time to toilet after the morning meal, to take
advantage of the gastrocolic reflex
5. Trial of dietary modifications • Gradually increase fibre intake to 20–30 g/d from dietary (fruits,
(2–4 wk) vegetables, legumes) or supplemental sources (psyllium,
methylcellulose, calcium polycarbophil)
• Not advised in a person who is immobile or bedbound, to avoid
impaction or obstruction
6. Trial of a previously preferred • The patient may prefer one agent over another from past
laxative agent (2–4 wk) experience
7. Trial of a laxative agent • Polyethylene glycol 17–34 g/d
supported by evidence from • Lactulose 15–30 mL daily to twice daily
RCTs involving older people
(2–4 wk)
8. Trial of another laxative agent • Magnesium hydroxide 15–30 mg daily to twice daily
or a combination of agents • Docusate calcium 240 mg twice daily§
from different classes (2–4 wk) • Bisacodyl 5–10 mg/d orally or rectally
• Sennoside, up to 68.8 g/d in divided doses
• Enema or suppository
9. Referral to a gastroenterologist
or geriatrician

Note: RCT = randomized controlled trial.

*Steps 1 through 3 should be undertaken concurrently.
†Step 4 should be undertaken concurrently with each of steps 5 through 8.
‡A negative digital rectal examination does not exclude the possibility of impaction more proximally. If the suspicion is high, an
abdominal radiograph should be obtained.
§Docusate calcium and docusate sodium are generally considered to be mild laxatives.

668 CMAJ, May 14, 2013, 185(8)


Linaclotide is a minimally absorbed, 14- Second, the baseline definition of constipation

amino-acid peptide that binds to the guanylate varied extensively between trials, and most studies
cyclase C receptor on the luminal surface of did not adhere to a standardized definition such as
intestinal enterocytes. Binding initiates a signal the Rome criteria for inclusion of participants.
transduction cascade that activates the cystic The trial by Zangaglia and colleagues18 of polyeth-
fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator. ylene glycol in patients with Parkinson disease
This action promotes the release of chloride and and the trial by Simón and Bueno30 of electromyo-
bicarbonate into the intestinal lumen, thereby graphy biofeedback are the exceptions.
increasing colonic secretion and intestinal motil- Third, laxatives were not assessed in specific
ity. In a systematic review and meta-analysis, 3 subtypes of chronic constipation. As with most
RCTs (n = 1582) comparing linaclotide with geriatric syndromes, however, a single isolated
placebo in adults revealed a greater response to pathology accounting for symptoms is less com-
linaclotide than to placebo (RR of failure to mon than multiple contributing factors.
respond to therapy 0.84, 95% CI 0.80–0.87).40
Diarrhea was more common in the treatment Conclusion
group than in the placebo group (RR 3.08, 95%
CI 1.27–7.48).40 Linaclotide is not approved for Constipation is highly prevalent in older people. It
use in Canada. can be the result of multiple contributing factors
such as medication use and underlying disease
states as well as primary constipation. The symp-
How can this review be applied toms can have a profound impact on quality of life
in practice? and in certain circumstances may lead to func-
tional decline. Physicians should educate their
Constipation is usually manageable without patients on the wide range of normal bowel habits
extensive investigation, and most therapies carry and the potential benefits of dietary modifications
a low risk of adverse events (Table 1).42 Behav- to improve symptoms. RCTs involving older par-
ioural measures to increase the chance of treat- ticipants have revealed the benefits of osmotic lax-
ment success include ensuring adequate time to atives, such as polyethylene glycol and lactulose.
toilet, positioning the knees at or above the level Evidence supporting the use of bulk agents, stool
of the hips for mechanical advantage while defe- softeners, stimulants and prokinetic agents was
cating, and taking advantage of the gastrocolic lacking, limited or inconsistent.
reflex by guiding cognitively impaired individu-
als to toilet following a meal. Based on our re- References
view of the literature and clinical experience, a 1. Higgins PD, Johanson JF. Epidemiology of constipation in North
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quately described processes for randomization 9. Frank L, Schmier J, Kleinman L, et al. Time and economic cost
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define constipation? Implications for therapeutic management.
rounding point estimates were not always J Gen Intern Med 1997;12:63-6.
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of reported stool frequency in the diagnosis of idiopathic consti-
across trials, with some reporting spontaneous pation. Am J Gastroenterol 1996;91:26-32.
bowel movements and others using composite 12. Rome III diagnostic criteria for functional gastrointestinal disor-
outcomes. These studies are therefore at high risk ders. Raleigh (NC): Rome Foundation; 2006. Available:
of bias. However, the results from studies assess- (accessed 2012 Dec. 7).
ing osmotic laxatives were consistent with well- 13. Camilleri M, Lee JS, Viramontes B, et al. Insights into the
pathophysiology and mechanisms of constipation, irritable
designed studies involving younger adults44,45 and bowel syndrome, and diverticulosis in older people. J Am Geri-
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CMAJ, May 14, 2013, 185(8) 669


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ingestion. Endoscopy 1994;26:710. final version submitted for publication.

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