Position Paper UNWOMEN, China
Position Paper UNWOMEN, China
Position Paper UNWOMEN, China
This rising trend of induced abortions and sex-ratio has led to a disproportionate effect on the
size of China’s female population and an estimated four million to six million person labor
shortage each year during the 2020s. The Chinese government brought a recent change by
implementing three-child policy to mitigate with mentioned factors. Further efforts include; in
2000, the Chinese government began the “Care for Girls” Initiative; since 2005, China has
sponsored a “boys and girls are equal campaign”; in 2005, sex-selective abortion was made
illegal in China. In 2015, an additional campaign was launched against illegal prenatal gender
tests and sex-selective abortions. Furthermore, several levels of government have been modified
to protect the “political, economic, cultural, and social” rights of women. UNICEF and UNFPA
have partnered with the Chinese government and grassroots-level women's groups such as All
China Women's Federation to promote gender equality in policy and practice, as well engage
social campaigns to lower birth sex ratio and to reduce excess female child mortality rates.
China has played its role and pledged USD 10 million commitment to UN Women, assistance for
developing countries to build 100 health projects for women and children for the implementation
of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the realization of the related goals in the
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This is also a solemn pledge that the government has
made to the world in matters of women equality and empowerment.
The Chinese government feels the important solutions that must be addressed to reach a
breakthrough are:
Despite the trend towards reforming abortion laws, some countries, maintain draconian and
discriminatory laws that still ban abortion in virtually all circumstances. In fact, according to
the WHO, across the globe 40% of women of childbearing age live in countries with highly
restrictive abortion laws, or where abortion is legal, is not available or accessible. Hence,
easy accessibility of safe abortion services should be a key priority in such countries.
Effective state mechanism and prohibitory laws should be developed and implemented to
promote gender equality and prevent sex-selective abortions all over the world.
Women should be given the right and opportunity to participate in decision making and
management, which can ultimately lead to a reduced ignorance regarding unsafe abortion
practices and foeticide.
Unwanted pregnancies are easily avoidable by use of contraceptives. Hence, the role of
awareness and contraception in this issue must be acknowledged and implemented in rural
and ground level.
Is Induced Abortion a Part of Family Planning in China? Published: August 19th 2019
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.86342
Working Paper 1.0
Committee: The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
Authors: French Republic, People’s Republic of China, United States of America
Signatories: Kingdom of Denmark, The Swiss confederation, The republic of Korea, Kingdom
of Sweden, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Republic of Estonia, Italian
republic repubblica italiana, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Republic of Cuba, United Mexican
States, The Republic of Turkey
Recognizing the committee for discussion on the agenda “Female Foeticide and Abortion rights”
Seeking co-operation from pro-abortion countries such as China, France, USA, Estonia, Italy,
UK, Vietnam, Sweden, Denmark, for assistance
Expecting the states to provide easily accessible health facilities in matters of reproductive and
sexual health through approaches like;
safety and protection oriented short, timely and legal access to abortion is guaranteed to
women in both law and practice;
Re-defining legal grounds for abortion in countries worldwide so that they are more
inclined to Women’s rights of reproductive and sexual health;
o Life Exceptions
o Health Exceptions
o Broad Social or Economic Grounds
o On Request
o Rape and Incest Exceptions
o Fetal Viability and Impairments
recognize the need for basic education to be provided about sex, consequences of
unwanted pregnancies to students starting from junior high school;
qualitative contraception are to be easily accessible and free of cost at community
healthcare centers, family planning centers to avoid unwanted pregnancies.
Working Paper 1.0
Committee: The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
Authors: French Republic, People’s Republic of China, United States of America
Signatories: Kingdom of Denmark, The Swiss confederation, The republic of Korea, Kingdom
of Sweden, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Republic of Estonia, Italian
republic repubblica italiana, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Republic of Cuba, United Mexican
States, The Republic of Turkey
Realizing the general pattern of how various cultures over the world
Redifining good cultural tradition to strength women'position.
the government should establish sufficient hospitals and skilled health workers to ensure every
women citizen of nation gets access of safe abortion.
From Angola// UNWOMEN born alive rule shuld be implemented
the government should establish sufficient hospitals and skilled health workers to ensure every
women citizen of nation gets access of safe abortion.-turkey
The delegate would like all the countries to formulate laws and its strict implementation, and
media being one of the source of awareness relating to this problem and build an equal
environment.- Bahamas
determination of gender before baby born should be prohibited and same goes for sex selective
emphasizing in spreading awareness and providing education facilities to everyone around the
countryemphasizes in spreading awareness and providing education facilities to everyone around
the country- Burundi
If abortion stays illegal only then the problem like female foeticide won't arise-colombia
While the specific nature of gender relations varies among societies, the general pattern is that
women have less personal autonomy, fewer resources at their
disposal, and limited influence over the decision-making processes in theirown lives.