Assignment 3C. Health Education Plan
Assignment 3C. Health Education Plan
Assignment 3C. Health Education Plan
Assignment:3.C. After listening to the the various lecture and finished with your journey reading on Chapter of your textbook, you
are given a chance to choose atleast one from each type of Family Planning methods and create a health education plan. You are
given a week to accomplished this.
Second Parents/Moth A. Introduce A. Ask about her A. Client is positive about A. Client wishes to know
Meeting er IUD or considerations on the options discussed. more about IUD or
Intrauterine the topics tackled B. Client takes thoughful Intrauterine Contraception
Contraception on the first consideration on the in the next meeting.
B. Seek a meeting. advantages and B. Client is able to restate
decided B. Introduce disadvantages. what she has learned.
decision options C. Client assures a decision
specifically IUD or on the next visit.
Intrauterine D. Client is willing to come
Contraception back for the next visit.
Illustrate the
explanation of
IUD using a
tablet and
playing a
video clip
Show details
on the
Third Parents/Moth A. Respect A. Ask about her A. Client appreciates A. Client is willing to pay
Meeting er client’s decision decision. concern. frequent visits for
B. Monitor the B. Know about her B. Actions suggests future monitoring.
situation current situation consideration of the matter. B. Client consents to the
C. Evaluate why she may or C. Client assures interest contaception method in
may not do the through words of the near future.
procedure at confirmation.
C. Know
possibilities of
taking this
procedure in the