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A. Background of The Study

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A. Background of the Study

There are many foreign languages that are taught at school in Indonesia,

such as English, German, France, Japanese, etc. Formerly, English was taught

from junior high school but recently it has been taught from elementary school

even play group. English is more popular than other foreign languages,

because it becomes the international language used by most people in the

world. So, it is important for people to learn it. English is needed to support

science, and technology. In fact, many books, magazines, films use English.

The four language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and

writing, speaking is the most important one because it is one of the abilities to

carry out conversation in our language. Speaking is an interactive process of

constructing meaning tha t involves producing, receiving, and processing


To make the students able to speak fluently, hence, the speaking learning

itself should be effectively and efficiently done. One of the indicators that

shows the effectiveness and efficiency of speaking learning process is that

students have chances to involve themselves actively such as they can practice

it on their daily activities, at home, or at the school. Fluency in speaking

English is one of the main objectives in learning English, because by being

active in speaking they can be easier in communicating the idea, thinking, and


feeling in any situation. It is one of the foreign languages that are not simple

or not easy because they are not accustomed to use native language.

Speaking is something the writer always does in almost every second, it

comes from sound that all human makes, the sounds turn to words which have

meanings and are communicated to others. It becomes problem when someone

learns how to speak English as a second language, because he has to start all

over again or start from the very beginning, such as learning how to

pronounce, write, spell, and use the words in a sentence.

Speaking ability is influenced by two factors; the intrinsic sand the

extrinsic factors. The intrinsic factors coming from the learners include

aptitude, interest, intelligence, motivation and cognitive ability. This

motivation produces the learner’s enthusiasm to practice speaking. Then the

environment comprises both social and physical conditions that directly or

indirectly influence the way of speaking. The extrinsic factors are the school,

curriculum, methods, classroom situation and society. In the process of

learning the language, many students still have the difficulties in mastering

English. In fact, students who want to master English or to have a speaking

ability is not easy, because they do not use the language everyday or every

time and less to practice it. For instance in Indonesia, students get English

from junior high school to the university, moreover English is the first foreign

language taught in Indonesia, but they cannot practice and speak fluently. It

can happen because there is a feeling of fear that they will make some

mistakes in practicing English in their daily activities.


One psychological aspect that improves the students’ success in learning

English specially speaking is interest. Interest is the awareness of someone,

object, or a situation that correlate with him/her (Witherington, 1986: 135). If

the students have interest, it will motivate to do something suitable with their

interest. With this correlation we must emerge an interest from the students.

Interest plays an important role in the learning process. The students

usually gain a good result of their learning if they also have a good interest in

their learning. In other words, the students’ success of failure in learning

certain subject (English) can be identified through the student’s interest in

learning subject. One intrinsic factor that determines the learner’s success is


Interest has influenced the learning achievement of someone. The

student’s interest level also determines the student in studying English. The

student’s interest has a great influence to succeed in learning process because

it has a great influence to the attitude in English lesson. The learners in

Indonesia have some confusion between the languages. Most of them do not

like the curriculum. In fact, the different characteristic of the langua ge and the

unawareness of the student sometimes make the m fear or hate to the English

lesson. Even they find a deadlock feeling in mastering English. It will

influence their interest in learning English, and it will leave an effect on their

achievement related to their speaking ability. By mastering speaking skill we

can carry out conversation with others, give ideas and change the information

with interlocutor.

Based on those problems, the researcher is interested in conducting





B. Problem of the Study

The writer formulates the problem as follows:

“Is there any positive and significant correlation of the student’s English

learning interest toward the speaking ability?”

C. Limitation of the Problem

Learning a language, a foreign language for this matter is an active

process of acquiring something new. In English learning achievement

depends on two main factors, namely internal factors and external factors. In

this study, the writer will limit the study in one of internal factors, namely

English learning interest related to communication or speaking ability. The

reason for this, because it is easy to observed the process of speaking and it is

easy to differentiate between those who have a high interest and those who do


D. Objectives of the Study

The objective of the study is to know more whether learning interest

influences the student’s English speaking ability or not.

E. Benefit of the Study

It is known that everything done always has advantages. There are two

benefits, as follows:

1. Theoretical benefits

a. The result of the research can be used as the reference for those who

want to conduct a research in speaking

b. The result of the research can give benefit for English teacher in their

teaching speaking

2. Practical benefits

a. It can give information for the teacher in teaching learning English

especially in teaching speaking, so he or she can help the student

overcome their problem in speaking ability

b. The writer can know how to motivate the students who have low

motivation and the writer will get some experiences in controlling

teaching and learning situation.

F. Research Paper Organization

This research paper is organized in order to be easy to understand the

content of the paper as follows:


Chapter I, introduction, consists of background of the study, problem of

the study, limitation of the study, objectives of the study, benefit of the study,

hypothesis, and research paper organization.

Chapter II, review of related literature, consists of previous researches,

foreign language learning, interest, speaking ability.

Chapter III, research method, consists of type of research method,

population, sample, sampling, research instrument, reliability of the

instrument, method of collecting data, technique for analyzing data.

Chapter IV presents the research findings and discussion.

Chapter V concerns with conclusion and suggestion.

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