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NDT Inlet Guide Vanes

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Attachment 1

Scope of Work

The Scope of Work is intended as a guide for the Contractor. Contractor is responsible for developing the
proper work, using Prudent Industry Practices for sequences, procedures and processes to perform the
expected scope of work during a Frame 7B Major Inspection. Contractor is responsible for providing critical
path schedule for disassembly and assembly.

All parts removed are to be tagged and bagged, or otherwise location and/or part number identified.


External components
1. Visually inspect all compartments
2. Check unit alignment
3. Remove all roof interference
4. Remove turbine roof & side panels as required
5. Remove cooling & sealing air piping as required
6. Remove all fuel gas /oil/water/atomizing air/fuel oil pigtail pipes
7. Remove all upper-half gas manifolds

Combustion Components
1. Remove all combustion covers
2. Remove all combustion liners, cross-fire tubes & retainers
3. Remove all upper half transition pieces
4. Remove necessary Combustion Wrapper Bolting
5. Remove Upper-Half Combustion Wrapper
6. Remove Transition Pieces

Case Removal, Turbine, Compressor, Inner Barrel, First Stage Support Ring and Nozzle:
1. Install mechanical casing support jacks
2. Remove all turbine shell bolting
3. Remove all fwd & aft compressor casing bolting
4. Remove all compressor discharge casing bolts
5. Remove all inlet bellmouth casing bolts
6. Remove all exhaust frame/diffuser bolts
7. Remove upper halves fwd & aft compressor casings
8. Remove upper-half turbine shell
9. Remove upper-half compressor discharge casing
10. Remove upper-half inlet bellmouth
11. Remove upper-half inner barrel bolts
12. Remove upper-half inner barrel
13. Remove upper-half 1st stage nozzle (nozzle is being replaced)
14. Remove upper-half 1st stage nozzle support ring
15. Remove upper-half exhaust frame / diffuser
16. Remove exhaust plenum top hat (cap)
17. Remove exhaust plenum side panel (wing)
18. Remove exhaust frame/exhaust plenum flex seals
19. Remove exhaust diffuser/exhaust plenum flex seals
20. Remove exhaust plenum fwd wall
21. Remove exhaust plenum chamber insulation panels
22. Remove aft exhaust diffuser insulation panels (for bolt removal)

Attachment 1
Scope of Work

23. Remove all upper half exhaust frame/diffuser bolts

24. Remove upper-half exhaust frame/diffuser
25. Remove air inlet elbow, (the inlet elbow on this Unit permits rotor pulls without full
disassembly of the elbow)
26. Remove air inlet transition piece
27. Remove upper-half air inlet plenum chamber
28. Remove upper-half inlet casing

Rotor Removal
1. Remove all rotor coupling bolts
2. Check accessory shaft alignment
3. Break accessory and load coupling
4. Inspect accessory shaft
5. Install compressor rotor support & split marriage coupling
6. Remove all upper-halves of bearing housings
7. Record all bearing/seal clearances
8. Remove turbine rotor
9. Remove as required 1st, 2nd and 3rd stage turbine buckets
10. Remove compressor rotor and prep for shipping
11. Set compressor/turbine rotors on truck
12. Prep rotor for shipping

Turbine Component Removal

1. Remove lower-half 1st stage nozzle
2. Remove upper/lower half 2nd stage nozzle segments
3. Remove lower/lower half 3rd stage nozzle segments
4. Remove lower/lower 1st stage shroud blocks
5. Remove lower/lower 2nd stage shroud blocks
6. Remove lower/lower 3rd stage shroud blocks

Disassembly Inspection:
Contractor and Owner to mutually determine as parts are removed, which parts will be required to be sent
to Repair Facility(ies) for refurbishment
1. Take & record a full set of turbine clearances
2. Take & record a full set of compressor clearances
3. Inspect all turbine/compressor components
4. Record all damage to compressor/turbine components
5. Measure/inspect turbine bearings
6. Measure and record all rabbit fits
7. Record all bearing and seal clearances and rotor diameters
8. As found rotor thrust

1. Clean and NDT IGV’s
2. Clean all compressor stator blades
3. NDT all compressor stator blades
4. Clean all inlet guide vanes
5. NDT all inlet guide vanes
6. Clean all bolting

Attachment 1
Scope of Work

7. Clean all bolt hole area's on fwd & aft rotor stub shafts
8. NDT all bolt hole area's on fwd & aft rotor stub shafts
9. NDT all turbine bearings
10. NDT coupling bolts
11. NDT on all couplings

Shipping and Storage

1. Provide all boxes required for shipping or storage of removed components
2. Provide rotor stands for shipping and on-site rotor stands as needed
3. Prep cases and removed parts for interim down time on site

Unit Pre-Assembly:
1. Clean out lower-half turbine/compressor casings
2. Assemble 1st stage shroud blocks
3. Assemble 2nd stage shroud blocks
4. Assemble 3rd stage shroud blocks
5. Assemble lower-half 1st stage nozzle
6. Assemble lower-half 2nd stage nozzle segments
7. Assemble lower-half 3rd stage nozzle segments
8. Carry out final inspection of lower-half turbine/compressor casings

Unit Assembly Inspections:

1. Take & record a full set of turbine clearances
2. Take & record a full set of compressor clearances
3. Take and record bucket rock measurements on all 3 stages

Unit Assembly:
Note: Buckets can be installed either at the shop or on site at Contractor’s discretion

1. Verify moment weights and install 1st stage buckets

2. Verify moment weights and install 2nd stage buckets
3. Verify moment weights and install 3rd stage buckets
4. Install 1st stage lower half nozzles
5. Install 2nd stage nozzles
6. Install 3rd stage nozzles
7. Install 1st stage shroud blocks
8. Install 2nd stage shroud blocks
9. Install 3rd stage shroud blocks
10. Re-install compressor rotor
11. Re-install turbine rotor
12. Marry turbine rotor to compressor rotor, record coupling bolt stretch
13. Re-assemble all bearing cap upper halves
14. Carry out bearing & casing alignment checks
15. Install all bearing oil seals & liners
16. Record all bearing / seal clearances
17. Re-assemble all upper halves of bearing housings
18. Check axial float of rotor need new thrust shims and adjust as necessary
19. Measure and record all rotor radial and clearance.
20. Re-assemble upper-half compressor discharge casing
21. Secure all compressor discharge casing bolts

Attachment 1
Scope of Work

22. Re-assemble upper halves fwd & aft compressor casings

23. Secure fwd / aft compressor casings
24. Re-assemble upper-half inlet casing
25. Secure all inlet casing bolts
26. Re-set all guide vanes to correct angle & lock gear cogs record positions
27. Re-assemble upper-half exhaust frame / diffuser
28. Secure all exhaust frame / diffuser bolts
29. Re-assemble upper-half 1st stage nozzle support ring
30. Assemble refurbished upper-half 1st stage nozzle
31. Align 1st stage nozzle (grind shims)
32. Assemble refurbished upper-half 2nd stage nozzle segments
33. Assemble new upper-half 3rd stage nozzle segments
34. Re-assemble upper-half inner barrel and replace brush seals
35. Secure all inner barrel bolts
36. Re-assemble upper-half compressor discharge casing
37. Secure all compressor discharge casing bolts
38. Re-assemble upper-half inlet casing
39. Secure all inlet casing bolts
40. Re-assemble all transition pieces
41. Re-assemble upper-half turbine shell
42. Re-assemble turbine shell
43. Re-assemble upper-half combustion wrapper
44. Re-assemble combustion wrapper
45. Re-assemble upper-half exhaust frame / diffuser
46. Secure all exhaust frame / diffuser bolts
47. Remove casing support jacks
48. Re-assemble all combustion chambers, assemble to minimize leakage at split joints on cans 3 and
49. Re-assemble all combustion flow sleeves, liners, cross fire tubes & retainers
50. Re-assemble all combustion covers
51. Re-assemble all upper-half gas manifolds
52. Re-assemble all fuel gas pigtail pipes
53. Re-assemble cooling & sealing air piping
54. Re-assemble upper-half air inlet plenum chamber
55. Re-assemble air inlet transition piece
56. Re-assemble air inlet elbow
57. Re-assemble turbine roof & side panels
58. Re-assemble aft exhaust diffuser insulation panels
59. Re-assemble exhaust plenum chamber insulation panels
60. Re-assemble exhaust plenum side panel
61. Re-assemble exhaust plenum top hat
62. Re-assemble new exhaust frame / exhaust diffuser flexi seals
63. Re-assemble new exhaust diffuser / exhaust plenum flexi seals
64. Check unit alignment
65. Re-install load coupling bolts (turbine end) & secure shaft, Record bolt stretch
66. Re-assemble accessory shaft & secure
67. Final inspection of air inlet filter house, trash screen & plenum chamber
68. Final inspection of exhaust plenum chamber & ducting

Mechanical Start Up Support:

Attachment 1
Scope of Work

1. Provide FE/TFA, supervision and craft as required. Start up to occur immediately following
outage without Contractor incurring stand by time or delay in providing support. If start up is
delayed, Contractor will minimize Owner cost to the degree Contractor can apply personnel to
demobilizing work site.


Running Inspection (Post Overhaul):

1. Verify alignment / balance / vibration
2. Hazardous gas / leak check


1. Turbine to generator alignment
2. Accessory gear to turbine alignment
3. Fit casing support jacks
4. Installation of exhaust frame casing support
5. Turbine rotor axial float
6. First stage nozzle ellipticity and eccentricity checks
Disassembly Inspection:
1. Turbine rotor clearances
2. Compressor rotor clearances
3. As found rotor thrust
Bearing and Casing Alignment:
1. Bearing and casing alignment check, documented
Unit Inspections:
1. Turbine rotor clearances
2. Compressor rotor clearances
3. Bucket rock measurements
4. Axial float of GT Rotor
5. Check rotor thrust (thrust bearing clearance)
6. Turbine to generator alignment
7. Accessory gear to turbine rotor alignment
8. Visual and/or borescope (as appropriate) cleanliness inspection before setting casing,
bearing cover or closing compartment


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