The Leader's Hunt 2k21 - FBS, KIT
The Leader's Hunt 2k21 - FBS, KIT
The Leader's Hunt 2k21 - FBS, KIT
List of Events
1. The Clash Show (Debate)
2. Quizalize (Quiz)
3. Mind Scratch (Poster-making)
4. Ad-Mad Show (Advertisement making)
5. Entreprenow (Business Plan)
6. Fixtures (Games)
a. Pair Balloon Race
b. Fill the Bucket
c. Brainly
Flow of Event
· E
ntry fee Rs.50/person.
· M
aximum 2 participants from each School/College.
· T
opic will be given on the spot.
2. QuizAlize
· E
ntry fee Rs. 50/person.
· S
ize of the group should not be more than 3 members.
· E
ntry fee Rs. 50/person.
· M
aximum 2 persons can participate in a team.
· E
ntry fee Rs. 50/person.
· Y
ou are required to prepare a video of your own according to the
given theme.
· The video content should be original. The team members can act
in the video as well as shoot it on their own. The team will be
disqualified if there is any plagiarism.
· V
ideo should not exceed 2 minutes.
· M
embers of the group should not be more than 3.
· Y
ou’ll be required to submit your video till 11th of February on the
5. Entreprenow(Business Plan)
· E
ntry fee Rs. 50/person.
· N
umber of participants should not be more than 3.
· C
ontent of the presentation should include –
(e) Operations
· T
he maximum time allotted to the students is 10 minutes.
6. Fixture (Games)
· E
ntry fee Rs. 50/person.
· P
air Balloon Race.
· F
ill your Bucket.
· B