Naca TN 1670
Naca TN 1670
Naca TN 1670
No. 1670
By William H. Ph+ps ..
August 1948
- -
% normal-force coefficient
norm31 force
SS >
Figure 8: In the expression under the curve "Neutral stick-free
stability for static margin of - .O~C,~ the value -.Ogc should be
changed to .05c.
SUMMA.RY ........................... 1
IlYTRODUCTIOl? ...................... 1
FLIGHT .......................... 2
~C-csIE~IGmmEr ........ 2
Requirements e&Definitions ............... 2
Methods of Obtaining Static Longitudinal Stability ....
Dynmic Longitudinal Stability .............. %
l!zce!EcTsmPRo~o~oHmpawwoHsTABIIsTy .... 7
single4zngineAirp1anes .................
MultiengineAlrplanes .................. ;
Jet--PropeUedAirplanes ................. 10
coI!?rRoL cHAR4cmcs IH sfJT&imv .......... 10
-10x OF -PO~FROM~GEC~TS ...... 16
Stick4Mxed Neutral Point- ................ 16
Stick4Zree Neutral Point . ................ 16
Ei3TxzsoFc~LBILITyo~ TRIMmD8TABILITJT . . . . . . 17
Effects of Compressibility onVarious Airplane
Components . . . :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Examples of Effects of Ccnnpressibility ..........
Reasons for Compressibility Effects ............ 3
Div&ecoveryFlaps ................... 19
L0IWxmuD~STABILITY.................. 19
LolQxEruD~TRlMc~mTO~mFLAps . . . . . . 20
Requirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Reason for Trim Change with Flap end Power Condition . . 20
LAJYDmmT- CVICS . . . . . . . ...*. 21
Requirement for Landing Characteristics . . . . . . . . . 21
Requirements for Take-Off Characteristics . . . . . . . . 21
M Discussion of Ground Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
l d
FLIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Relations between Longitudinal Stability in Straight
and in Accelerated Flight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Calculation of Stick Forces in Accelerated Flight ; . . . . 25
Effects of pitching the whole airplane to a higher
angleofattack................... 25
Effects of curvature of the flight path . . . . . . . . 26
DlRFCTIOEKLTRJNC BICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
l 33
Req,uiremente . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Directional Trim Characteristics for Sizgle4ngine
Airplanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
CHARAcTERIsTIcsm-s~m . . . . . . . . l . . . . 34
Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Directional stability and control characteristics
in sideslips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Pitching moment due to sideslip . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Side-force characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Discussion of.Equilibrium of an Airplane in a Steady .
Typical Deficiencies in Sideslip Characteristics . . . . . ;z
Contributions of Various Airplane Components to the L -
Directional Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Page 6
Directional stability of the fuselage . . . . . . . . . . 37 ‘-
Propelleryawingmoments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 0,
W~ya~momente.................... 38
Yawing moments from the vertical tail . . . . . . . . . . 38
Design Considerations for Prevention of Rudder Lock . . . . 39
DihedralEffect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Definition of effective dihedral . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Influence of wing location, power, and sweepback on
effective dihedral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Measurement of effective dihedral. in fli@ . . . . . . . 42 ,
Requirements for Satisfactory Stalling Characteristics . . . 51
D~SCI.WS~OII 0f Typical Characteristics
stdin@s . . . . . . . 52
Influence of Various Design Factors on Stalling
Cheracteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Fli@zt Conditions LeadinS to Inadvertent Stallin@; . . . . . 54
GroundLooping....................... 55
Wind&Funnel Tests Employing a Ground Board . . . . . . . . 63
Simulation of Power for Take--Off Condition . . . . .
Wind-Tunnel Test Procedure for Talrs-Off cond~t~o;l . . . . . 2
Computation of Ground-Reaction &%mmt~ . . . . . . . . . . 64
Tricycle landing gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: 64
Conventional landing gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
~IONOF~POINTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Stick4FixedNeutral Point. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Stick-Free Neutral Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
APPENDIX-SYME3OLS..................... 70
REFERENCES........................ 74
TABLE II ........................... 78
FIGURES............................ 79
By William H. Phillips
The material given in this paper summar izes scme of the results of
recent research that will aid the designers of an airplane in selecting
. or modifying a configuration to provide satisfactory stability and
control characteristics. The requirements of the National Advisory
“Committee for Aeronautics for satisfactory flying qualities, which
Specify the important stability and control characteristics of an
airplane from the pilot's standpoint, ere used as the main topics of
the paper. A discussion is given of the reasons for the requirements,
d of the factors involved in obtaining satisfactory flying qualities, and
-- of the methods used in predicting the stability end control charact-
istics of 811 airplane. This material is based on lecture notes for a
training course for research workers engaged in airplane stability and 9
r control investigations. .
measurements of control movements, control forces, and airplane motions
while the pilots performed certain specified maneuvers. The results of -.
Requirements and Definitions
Methods of Obtaining Static Longitudinal Stability
An airplene will be statically longitudinally stable if, when the
. angle of attack is increased, the pitching moment acting on the airplane
becomes negative, tending to return the airplane to its original angle
of attack (duda negative). If this condition is fuDXl.led, the
airplane wiIl. also tend to return to its trim speed if the speed is
changed. For example, if the speed is seater than the trim speed,
corresponding to a lower eqQe of attack than that required for trim,
the adrplane will tend to pitch up to the trim angle of attack. As
a result, it will go into a climb and the speed will decrease and tend
to approach the trim speed.
An amroa-lte theory of static longitudinal stability is given
in order to show the effects of pAmary design features on the stability.
lil the folJowing anelysis, it is assumed that drag forces and propeller
effects may be neglected. The theory derived under these assumptions
applies approximately to the condition of gliding flight at low angles
of attack. The theory given herein is not sufficiently complete for
design purposes because the methods for determining the effects of the
fuselage and idling propellers are not discussed. The methods presented
in references 5 and 6 may be used to calculate the longitudinal stability
of an airplsne in the gliding condition for design purposes.
4 NACA TN NO. 1670
CL =%
M = c,qsc
Making these substitutions gives i
M = ~SX’
dCL + ~qsc - % t
+SLdcL (4)
da c
NACA Tm NO. 1670 5
From equation (4) a value msy be found for xr, the distance from the
aerodynamic center to the center of gravity, such that -dCm = 0.
The concept of neutral point may now be introduced
because the neutral
point is defined as the centeMf-gravity location at which -%?l = 0 when
,the airplaneistrimmed (Cm= 0). When the center of gravity is ahead
of the neutral point, d&/da is negative and the airplane is statically
stable. When the center of gravity is behind the neutral point, the value
of dCm/da is positive and the airplane is statically unstable.
The preceding equations for determining the neutral point with
stick fixed can also be used to determine the neutral point with stick
free by using a value for the slope of the lift curve of the tail
corresponding to that obtained with the elevator free. If the elevator
tends to float with the relative wind (thatis, to float up when the
angle of attack is increased positively), the lift effectiveness Of the
tail will be reduced and the stick-free neutral point will be farther
forward than the stick-fixed neutral point. If the elevator tends to
float against the relative wind (that is, to float down when the angle
-*’ of attack is increased positively as it may with certain types of
aeromc balance), the lift effectiveas of the tail w-ill be increased
Y and the stick-free neutral point will be behind the stick-fixed neutral
The stability of an airplane is expressed in terms of various design
parameters in formula (4). It is more convenient to trensformthis
formula so that the center-ofsavity position is expressed in terms of
its distance from the neutral point rather than from the aerodynamic
center of the wing--fuselags combination. Solving equation (4) for the
distance between the center of gravity and the aerodynamic center of the
wing-fuselage combination yields
x -
da (7)
=-- *Cm
Formula (7) shows that the degree of stability is determined solely by
the distance between the center ofgravity and the neutral point. The
distance between the center of gravity and the neutral point, expressed --
in percent of the mean aerodynamic chord, is fYequentl,y called the static
margin. If, in the design of the airplane, the centelr-ofvavity location
if3 COIISider8d t0 b8 VfXCiabl8, any degree Of Stability may b8 obtained
by suitable location of the center of gravity, and the tail msy then be
designed stiply from consideration of its ability to provide trim. On
the other hand, if the center of gravity is fix8d by other deeIgn
considerations, stability must be obtained by prwiding a sufficiently
rearward location of the neutral point; Formula (6) shows what design
features of the airplane may be changed to provide more resrwar d location
of the neutral point. These possibiliti8s include increasing the tail f
area, tail length, and tail aspect ratio.
Under the smlified a8sumptions of the preceding analysis, the
pitching+noment coefficient varies i.inesrly with angle of attack and,
as a result, the neutral-point location is independ8nt.of angle of attack.
These assumptions no longer hold in power-on flight or in flightnear
the St& where the drag is increasing or where appreciable flow
separation may have set in. In these cas88, the Variation of pitching
moment with angle of attack mey be nonlinear and neutral-point-location
will be a function of-e of attack.
The divergence that occurs with the center of gravity behind the
neutral point is not violent, but is generally a slow, easily controlled
motion. Although this type of instability is not dang8rous, it is
objectionable to the pilot on a long flight because small corrections
must be made continually to hold a given flight speed. It is also
undesirable because of illogical control-force variations end stick
movements that sre required in changing the flight Sp88dS. For these
reasons, this type of instability is considered unacceptable for
satisfactory handling qualities. (This difficulty will be discussed
more fully in connection with control cheracteristics.)
Single4Engine Airplanes
=1 attempts have been made to devfse semiempilriosl methods that will yield .
fairly accurate results. The method given in reference 10 msy be used
-. for design purposes.
Multiengine Airplanes
The effects of power on the longitudinal stability of tti+ngine
or multiangtie air-planes sre similar to those on single-engine airplanes,
but certain.additional effects that depend on the mode of rotation of
propellers are introduced. If the propellers rotate in opposite direc-
tions, changes in downwash over the horizcntal tail will be introduced
by the slipstream rotation. This effect is most marked in the case of
twin-engine airplanes, because in mO6t oases the span Of the horizontal
tail does not extend far beyond the center lines of the two propellers.
The downwash betind the tibosrd portions of the propeller disks will
have a predominant effect on the angle of attack of the tail.
Experiments have shown that in the flamp condition of flight the
rotation of the slipstream behind the propeller continues in the same
dtiection after the slipstream has passed over the wing. If the
propellers rotate in opposite directions with the blades moving up in
. the center, the slipstream rotation will cause an increment of upwash
at the tail that will increase in strength as the speed is decreased
because of the resulting increase in torque coefficient. This upwash
J at the tail will cause a negative pitch3nga nt increment that
increases with increasing angle of attack; therefore a stabilizing effect
will result. Conversely, if the propellers rotate in opposite dlreotions
with the blades moving down in the center, an additional downwash at
the tail will be produced resulting in a destablizing effect. Figure 4
illustrates these conclusions.
-rants have shown that tith flaps down the direction of
slipstream rotation is reversed after the slipstresm has passed over
the wing. (See reference Il.) As a result, the effects on stability
discussed for the flap-up condition may be reversed in a flap-down
condition of flight. Ii~scune oases, inwhiohtests showthatthe
stabil.Pty of a m-engine airplane may be different with flaps up or
down, the mode of propeller rotation may b8 charged to utilize these
stability effects; for example, if the stability is satfsfactory with
flaps up but deficient with flaps down, the stability with flaps down
might possibly be improved by using propellers that rotate down In the
In general, the mode of rotation cannot b8 readily changed because,
for r8asonB of servicing and maintenance, it is'desirable to employ
engines that rotate in the same direction.
10 NACA m NO. 1670
Jet&?t?ope~ed ALrpJan8s
on a j8i+pI?Ope~8d airplane in whlchthe jet is expelled from the
rear of the fuselage, the influence of the jet on the flow about the
a-lane will probably have a negligible effect on stability. Application
of the jet power will, however, introduce the mom8nt of the direct jet
thrust about the center of gravity. The moment coefficient caused by
this force varies wfth speed in a manner similar to that caused by the
propeller axial force, and its effects on stabiiity are the aam8* A more
serious effect on stability may occur if the jet exit Is unsymmetrical.
In this case, the jet may adhere to one side of the nozzle in some
flight -conditions and not in others. As a result, the direction of the
jet thrust may change In sn unpredictable msnner and cause large pitohing-
moment changes. For this reason, it is advisable to use a symmetrical
nozzle which is not located directly alongside other parts of the
In Order t0 avoid damage t0 the StlllOtUT8, the jet iS always located
in such a way that it-does not 3mpinge directly on some psrt of the
airplane. Jets mounted on the wing, which pass below the tail, may,
however, cause considerable change in the dowrxa sh at the tail even
though they do not blow directly on it, because of the inflow of air
Into the mixing zone behind the jet. The destabilizing effect of this
downwash is similar to that of a propeller slipstream. The magnitude
of this effect may be estimated from data given in reference 12.
The flow into the inlets of a turbojet engine also causes a
destabilizing effect which may be estjmated from the change in direction
and the mass flow of the air entering the inlet.
This formula neglects the small pitching mment of the tail about its
qmrter-chord point. The p1tching-momen-t coefficient is
acL, 2Ecl
c, = -6e ag (9)
12 - NMA ti ~b. 1670
J .
or the elevator angle vsries inversely as the square of the speed.
Typical e-plea of the variation of elevator angle with speed for
stable and unstable airplanes are shown in figure 6. In general, curves
of the type predicted by formula (14) are measured in gliding flight
but considerable vsriations from this type of curve msy be obtained in
power+n flight, because of the effects of power mentioned previously
and also because of effects of sideslip that will be considered later.
The stick-Eree stability of sn airplane In flight is apparent to
the pilot through its influence on the variation of control force with
speed. The control-force variation with speed depends not- only on the
elevator-angle variation with speed but&o on the hinge-mome nt &aracte*
1st10s of the elevator. Some consideration of the hinge+uome nt cheracter-
istios of typical COnt3?01 surfaces will th8refore be required in order to
derive an ewession for the stick-fOrC8 variation with speed. A control
surfaoe‘that consists of a plain flap with no aeromc balance usually
has hinge moments that vary linearly with angle of attack orwith
deflection at- an&es below the stall. In practice, some type of aero-
dynamic balance on the surfaces is usually employed. In sdane cases, the
hinge-mome nt cheracteristics of anaerodynamically balanced surface are -
nonlinear. In order that the control characteristics of t.he airplane ?
shallbe normal, however, linear hing8+nome nt characteristics are very
desirable and an effort-is usually made to avoid nonlinear characteristics.
For this reason, it will be assumed in the following discussion that the L -
elevator hinge moment varies linearly tith angle of attack of the tail-.
NACA TN No. 1670 13
Ch = (16)
H= + "ec%, (17)
The term ChO has been added to take care of any initial hing8-mment
coefficient that may eldst when q.f and Se are zero. The trim tab
maybe usedtovary C$,.
The variation with speed of elevator hinge Jllament may be obtained
by substituting in formula (17) the eqressione fOr the values of QT
and 6, already derived. The expression for 6, (formula (14)) has
been modified by adding 8eo, the initial elevator d8fl8CtiOn when CL
is zero. This substitution gives
. .
14 NACA m NO. 1670
The first two terms of formula (19) are 2CCC bece 2 and 62.~~ebec82.
RACA TN No. 1670 15
s (a
of C& will float against the relative wind. The two methods of
considering the problem of stick-free stabill* ere therefore in agreement.
Data for the determination of neutral points from flight tests sre
obtained by measuring the elevator angle and stick force required to
trim the airplane at-various speeds. The tests are made at two or more
centeMf*avity positions.
(1) Large nosing-down tendency at high speed that may require pull
force on the stick exceeding the strength of the pilot .i
(2) Large increase in stability which requties unduly large elevatoi
movement and forces to produce a given change In lift coefficient or
An example of the variation with speed of the stick force required
for steady flight in a fighter a-lane of this type is shown in figure 12.
The stick forces required to pull out of the dive with various accelerations
are also shown. Although most airplanes experience a diving tendency
due to compressibility effects, som aIrplanes have shown a nosing-up
Dive-Recovery Flaps
One device which has proved successful in providing recovery from
dives at high Mach numbers on straighMng airplane configurations
designed primarily for flight at subcritical speeds is lmawn as the
div-recovery flap which consists of a pair of smsll mrrvable flaps on
the lower surface of the wing, generally located at about 30 percent
of the chord. Such flaps should be located in front of the horizontal
tail because their ma3n effect is to change the span load distribution
of the wing so as to provide en increased downwaah at the tail. For
a fighter ah-plane such flaps would have about 2-foot span and &Inch
chord. Uhen deflected in the dive these flaps will cause the a-lane
to pull out with an acceleration of about 59. The acceleration obtained
may be adjusted by vsrying the flap deflection. A typical dive-recovery
flap installation is illustrated in figure 13.
Requirement *
down and power off. This condition usually requires full nose-up tr&
tab deflection. With application of power the velocity of flow over the
trim tab generally increases lIlore than the average change over the tail
and lsrge push forces may be required to wevent the airplane from
nosing up.
Onlarge airplanes, the value Cof must be made small to obtain
light forces in maneuvers Over a reasonably large centeMf-gcavity rsrge.
Since large changes in angle of attack of the tail usually occur when
the flaps ere deflected, the value of Cb must also be smsll to avoid
large trim changes. In general, a large positive value of C&
(obtained with a horn4alanced elevator or a 'beveled-trailing-edge
elevator) has been found to lead to excessive trim changes.
DisCU3SiOn~of Ground Effect
. The foregoing requirements were established because the landing
condition is often the most critical with regard to elevator control.
This condition results from the fact that the ground reduces the downwash
22 NACA TN No. 1670
angles near the tail and makes the airplane more stable. The size of-the
elevator is usually determined by the oontrol requirments near the l a
f=- W
The dowmash is therefore reduced by the presence of the ground and more
umlevator angle is required to trim the airplane.
n-E-Z 1 ar
82 =- (26)
24 NACA TN No. 1670
Substituting this value in formula (24) gives the following expression:
NACA TN NO. 1670 25
The mm of these two increments of elevator angle gives the total change
in elevator angle required in accelerated flight.
Substituting the preceding values for AEel snd &,I in equation (32)
m and simplifying gives the following expression for the change in elevate
. hinge moment:
. .
26 NMA TN NO. 1670
AH1 =
- ke+,e
a"T 2 ( n2n;" )
(3) For pursuit types, sport planes, and other highly maneuverable
airplanes, less than 8 pounds per g
(4) For any airplane it shouldrequire a pull force of not less
than 30 pounds to obtain the allowable load factor
These requirements vary somewhat in the specifications of various
agencies, but the force limits are in the same rsnge. Another requirement-
sometimes made is that-the airplane should not, under any conditions, be
flown with the center of gravity far enough back to reduce the force
gradient to zero pounds per g. An additional requirement that the force
in rapid maneuvers should be sufficiently heavy compared to the force
in steady turns has been ahownto be necessexy by recent research.
by use of a bobweight. A bobweight, therefore, has an effect on the
stick-force characteristics similes to that of a more positive value
.. of c Means for independently varying the values of Ch and C%,
were discussed in connection with the balancing of control surfaces.
Figure 18 shows that an unbalanced elevator will provide satisfactory
stick forces on a light airplane, but that a lerge amount of aerodynamic
balance will be required on larger airplanes. The required reduction
in C!h as a function of airplane weight is shown roughly in figure lg.
Since small variations in (2% will occur because of differences in
contours of the elevators within production tolerances, the stick-force
chsracteristics of very large airplanes may be difficult to predict and
may vsry widely between different airplanea of the same type if a
conventional elevator is used. These difficulties may be avoided by
the use of a servotab or by 6ome type of booster mechanismwhich multiplies
the pilot's effort by a large factor.
30 NACA TN No. 1670
Balance Characteristics
balance (paddle balance), Frise balance, piston b&Lance, end vsrious types
of double&inge control surfaces, such as those described in references 21
and 22. Other devices that may be used to reduce control forces include ..
spoilers (reference lg), all-movable control surfaces (reference 23),
servotaba, and spring tabs (reference 24).
W sin@ = CysS
This relation shows that at low speeds or high lift coefficients, a large
amount of sideslip will be required in combination with a smell angle of
bank in a steady sideslip. At high speed the engle of sideslip corre-
sponding to a given amount ofbank is reduced. The formula also shows
that an airplane with a small amount of side area will have to sideslip
t-o lKt?g8 a1@88 for relatively small EUnOuntsOf bank in steady sideslips.
E anairplane is banked and an effort is made to raisethelowwing by
uSe of the rudder-alone, the flight-path of the airplane will continue
to curve toward the low wing until the sideslip is sufficient to develop
side force on the fuselage to offsetthe lateral component of gravity.
A large side-force coefficient is therefore desirable in order to
minimize course changes that occur when the airplane is displaced in
roll by gusty air.
moment with angle of yaw for en isolated fuselage with circular cross
a8ction. The effect of smeJl fins added on the rearpert of the body
is also shown. The addition of fins makes the fuselage very stable at
large angles of sideslip though it does not effect the instability at
small angles of sideslip.
Propeller yawing moments.- A tractor propeller gives an unstable
variation of yawing moment with sideslip it behaves like a
vertical fin located 'ahead of the center of gravity. The instability
contributed by the propeller mey be accurately estimated from theoretical
calculations of the direct propeller forces, such as those given in
reference 9. The propeller also affects the flow conditions at the
vertical tail end so influences its contribution to the directional
Wing yawing mom8nts.- The variation of yawing moment with sideslip
for the wing is generally small. A wing with positive geoketric dihedral
will give a slightdestabilizingeffect because of the iIIflU8nCe of the
lift force on the yawing moments. The reason for the unstable variation
of yawing moment with sideslip is shown in figure 31. The lift vectors
are drawn perpendicular to the relative wind and perpendicular to the
surface of the wing. Yawing moments contributed by the induced drag
in a steady sideslip are small because the ailerons are used to balance
oh the rolling mcment and hence tend to equalize the lift on the two
sides of the wing. For conventional designs the contribution of the
isolated wing to the directional stabilit;y is very small, but it-may
become important in the case oftailless airplanes.
Yawing moments from the vertical tail.- The vertical tail is
designed to-overcome the unstable yawing moments contributed by the
propeller, wing, and fuselage. The yawing moments produced by the
vertical tail mey be estimated from the following formula:
as tests have shown that the portion of the verticaltail located behind 1
V8X'tiCal tail located above the fLU3ele&58. The aspe& ratio of the .
Dihedral Effect
Requirements .-The dihedral effect as indicated by the variation of
aileron angle with sideslip in steady sideslips should be such that up
aileron is required on the leading wing. The variation of aileron angle
with sideslip should be approximately linear. The variation of aileron
force with sideslip angle should be such that the stick will tend to
return toward its trim position at zero sideslip when it--is released.
This requirement is equivalent to stating that the dihedral effect shall
be positive with stick fixed or stick free.
The max3mum allowable dyhedral effect is specified indirectly by the
following requirements:
(1)Whenthe airplane is displaced laterally and the controls are
released, the resulting oscillation should damp to one-half amplitude in
less than 2 cycles
(2) The rolling velocity in a roll made with rudder f.ixed should
never decrease to zero as a result of the sideslip produced in the roll
The foregoing re@rements for the maximum allowable dihedral effect .
are rather lenient and a more severe requkement should possibly be
provided. Some a-lanes with large dihedral effect and low directional
stability have paved obJectionable because of the violence of the rolling
motion caused by small movements of the rudder in hlgtipeed flight.
Further research is required before a definite requirement can be formulated
to cover this condition.
Definition of effective dihedral.- The geometric dihedral angle is
defined as the angle, as seen in the front view, between the wing panels
of an airplane and the spanwise axis of the adrplane. The effective
dihedral anglemay differ from-the geometric dihedral angle because of
the interference effects of the fuselage and propeller slipstream. The
effective dihedral of an a&&ane is defined as the number of degrees
of geometric dihedral that would be required on an isolated wing of the
same plan form to give the same vat?iation of rolling-moment coefficient
with sideslip. The.effective dihedral is taken on the basis that it is
constant fromthe root to the tip of the wi?. Thus, a wing'with tips
upturned at a 45O angle might have about 10 effective dihedral. .
The variation of rolling moment with sideslip per degree dihedral.
for wings of various plan forms and aspect ratios has been determined
theoretically and may be obtained from various papers, such as reference 27. . *.
For an aspect ratio of 6, lo of effective dihedral corresponds to a
NACA TN No. 1670 41
vsJm3 of the variation of rolling -Munent coefficient with sideslip
angle, of 0.0002 per degree.
Influence of wing location, power, and sweepback on effective dihedral.-
Ordinarily a high+ing errangement has about 3O more effective dihedral
thangeometric dihedral. A lowa errangement has about 3O less effective
dihedralthangeometric dihedral.
The effective dihedral on a tractor-type airplane frequently decreases
' with the application of power. This condition is most marked in the
climbing condition with flaps down at low speeds because in this condition
the ratio of dynamic pressure in the slipstream to free+tream dynamic
pressure is highest. The reason for the decrease in effective dihedral
with power is illustrated in figure 34. The decrease in dihedral effect
is caused by the additional lift developed by the trailing wing when the
slipstream, which is deflected in the sideslip, covers a larger area of
that wing. The lift results in a rolling moment tending to raise the
trailing wing. Because of the increase in the thrust coefficient as the
speed is decreased, the effective dihedral in power-on conditions of
flight becomes progressively more negative (unstable) as the lift coeffi-
cient increases.
A wing with sweepback is found experimentally to have a positive
dihedral effect that increases in proportion to the lift coefficient. This
effect mey be used to offset the decrease in dihedral effect due to power.
A typical example of the variation of effective dihedral with lift coeffi-
cient for as airplane in the power--on condition is given in figure 35.
The beneficial effect of a relatively small smount of sweepback in avoiding
negative dihedral effect at high lift coefficients is shown. With flaps
down sweepforward or sweepback of the hinge line of the flaps rather than
the quartemhord line of the wing sections is the important factor in
determining the dihedral effect. The difficulties encountered with large
positive dihedral effect in h-peed flight have been mentioned previously.
It is therefore very desirable to reduce as much as possible any increase
of dihedral effect with increasing speed. Eqerience has shownthat
negative dihedral effect at low epeeds is less serious than excessive
positive dihedral effect at high speeds. Though sweepback is beneficial
in offsetting the decrease in dihedral effect due to Bower, sweepback of
a wing even in small amounts is usually detrimental to its
The use of a large amount of sweepback (that is, 30° or more) on
jet-propelled aircraft for the improvement of performance at transonic
end supersonic speeds generally produces very large positive dihedral
effect at high lift coefficients. The increase in dihedral effect with
lift coefficient and with sweepback may be estimated qualitatively by
The damping in roll C2 may be obtained for wings of various plan forms
from theoretical calc~tions. The value of C2 is between 0.4 and 0.6
for unswept wings of normal aspect ratios.
La=$=c2p (41)
( $@b
> .
c2, = c2 22
( 1
C2,=6a -C28
where the coefficient Czg is equal to -3% and the value of 7 is the
46 NACA TR NO. 1670
c2P= 0.46
% 03,
From formula (43)
= $(0.3)(0.4) = 0.0314
‘Ia .
2v 0.46
The stick forces ere calculated by assuming that plain ailerons with no
aerodynamic balance are used. The foUowlngtypicalvalues are assumed
for the hinge- ntparameters:
NACA TN No. 1670 47
FAXs=E46a (44)
F = 0.35 H
The hinge moment is given by the equation
H= Ck + AEa Ck gbaca2
where L&C is the change in angle of attack at the aileron caused by the
rolling velocity. This change in angle of attack at the ting tip is
equal to the value of pb/2V. The change in angle of attack at any
point on the aileron mey be calculated by multiplying pb/2V by the
ratio 2b' where b' is the distance from the longitudinal &a to
this'point on the aileron end b is the wing span. More complete
analyses, such as that given in reference IL, have shown that a point
near the inboard end of the aileron should be used to give the best
average measure of the angle-of-attack change.
In the present example
= (0.068) 2
direction from that desired and this effecthas therefore been called
adverse aileron yaw. An additional yawing moment due to the profile-drag
differences on the left and right wings when the ailerons are deflected
must also be added to-the induced yawing moment and the yawing moment due
to rolling mentioned previously, but this profile-drag difference is
relatively small for conventional ailerons. With spoiler-type ailerons
the profile-drag differences msy introduce an appreciable favorable yawing
moment; Even when spoiler ailerons sre used, however, at high lift
coefficients this favorable moment is generaUy smaller than the sum of
the adverse yawing moments due to induced-drag differences and due to
The adverse aileron yawing moment-in a roll may be calculated by
adding to the yawing moments measured in a wind tunnel. the yawing moment
due to rolling. The yawing mcment due to rolling may be determined as a
function of wing plan form by methods.from reference 27' and other papers.
If wind-tunnel data are not available, the induced aileron yawing moment
may be found-from theoretical calculations in referenoe 30. An approxi-
mate formula for the adverse aileron yawing- nt coefficient is as
c, = -cL &
This formula, which is accurate within ck5 percent for ordinary wing plan
forms, gives approximately the sum of the yawing mnts due to induced
drag and due to rolling. The adverse aileron yawing moment is directly
proportional to lift .coefficient. ._ .
Requirements,for Satisfactory Stalling Chsracteristics
Conventional airplanes are unable to fly if the flow on the wing
. has completely stalled. In setting up the requirements for satisfactory
stalling chsracteristics the fact that normal control chsracteristics
cannot be maintained beyond the stall has been considered. The purpose
of the requirements is, therefore, to prevent inadvertent entry into a
atsUed condition of flight and to assure recovery from a stalled
condition if the pilot stalls the airplane intentionally.
The required chsracteristics are as follows: First, the approach to
a complete stall should be unmistakable to the pilot. Any of the following
cheracteristica sre considered to constitute satisfactory stall warning:
(1) Msrked buffeting or shaking of the airplane or control system
(2) Msrked rearward motion of the control stick or increase in pull
force required to stall the airplane
(3) Sufficiently slow developnt of instability
(4) A mechanical werning device may be used, in the event that inherent
stsll warning is not present
Second, it should be possible to effect a prompt recovery from a complete
ateLl2 by normal use of the controls. Finally, a'desirable characteristic,
although not required, is that the rate of roll of the airplane after
the stall should be low.
52 BACA TN No. 1670
Flight-Conditions Leading to
&advertent stalling
The handling characteristics of an airplane at speeds above the stall
may have .a decided effect on the danger of inadvertent stalling. A large
pitching moment dU8 to sideslip is undesirable because the pilot has very
little ability to judge the amount of sides7lp existing in flight at low
speed, and because changes in sideslip such as those occurring in a roll
out .of a turn in the landing approach may result in pitching moments
sufficient to stalLl the airplane. Longitudinal instability in the landing-
approach condition also increases the danger of inadvertent stalling
because the airplane will tend to at& by itself u~iiess the pilot applies , -
increasing push forces to the stick. Directional instability may reeult
in inadvertent large sideslip angles while rolling into or outof turns.
The maximum lift coefficient-may be considerably reduced at these large m .
sideslip angles, and the airspeed meter may give false indications, so
that the airplane may stall at indicated speeds at which it would normally
remain unstalled.
EACA TN No. 1670 55
Ground Looping
Ground looping end 8talLing chsracteristics sre closely related.
Ground looping difficul.ties have generally been caused by large yawing
and rolling tendencies caused by an unsyzmn8trical stall on the wing of
an airplane while it is in the three-point attitude. The groundangle
of an airplan with a conventional landing gear should be-approximately 20
less then the stalling angle in order to avoid this difficulty. The use
of a tricycle landing gear usually eliminates this trouble.
Influence of Design Factors ,
on Lateral OsciUations
Dutch roll oscillations mey OCCUTwith the controls either ftxed or
free. The period of this type of oscillation on conventional airplanes . .
varies inversely as the speed and generally varies from approximately
NACA TN No. 1670 57
6 seconds nesr the stalling speed to about 2 seconds near the maximum speed.
This oscillation is a combined yawing and rolling oscillation that is
generally well damped for normal values of directional stability and
dihedral. With normal values of directional stability an effective
dihedral of approximately 15’ would be required to cause instability of
the Dutch roll oscillations. On airplanes with a large amount of weight
in the fuselage, the inclination of the fuseleg to the flight path has
an important effect on the stability of the oscilJations. A positive
angle of attack of the fuselage has a stabilizing effect. (See
reference 34.) The tendency for this oscillation is inCr8aEted on
airplanes with high wing loading flying at high altitude and the
requirement for damping of the osclltion may set an upper limit on the
allowable dihedral angle for heavily loaded airplanes intended to fly
at very high altitude.
The type of oscillation called snaking is a constant-amplitude
motion that can oocur only with the rudder free. It is caused by the
use of a rudder that tends to float against the relative wind in
conjunction with friction in the rudder control system. Iftheairplane
is disturbed from a trimmed condition the rudder will tend to float
in a direction to oppose any sideslip that is introduced. The friction
in the rudder control system will then hold the rudder as the airplane
swings back through the trimmed position. The rudder, therefore, tends
to feed energy into the OSCillatiOR and a constant amplitude OsCillatiOn
is built up. This sequence Of 8VeRtS 16 illustrated in figure 43. The
period of the oscillation varies inversely as the speed, and the amplitude
is proportional to the friction in the rudder system. A theoretical
analysis of this type of oscillation is given in reference 35. Because
the motion of the airplane in this type of oscillation is very similar
to that in a Dutch roll, it is difficult to distinguish the two types
of motion. In some cases the pilot msy hold the rudder pedals fixed
but the flexibility in the rudder control system will sJlow the rudder
to move slightly and maintain 89 oacilL3tion of constant amplitude.
Nearly all cases of small amplitude yawing oscillations which have
been reported on numerous airplanes have been cases of snaking rather
than Dutch roll. A good rule to u8e in connection with the design or
rudderbalanoe isthatthe value of C& should always be negative so
as to avoid the possibility of snaking oscillations. Theoretically, a
small positive value of Cb may b8 Used without causing oscillations
provided (2% has a sufficiently large negative value.
Criterions of Similitud8
c rl =-
Tc' = 55w
9 P-w
60 MACATN No. 1670
The speed mey be elcpresged in tern of the lift coefficient by the formula:
T -D = W sin 8
W =- L
CO8 8
T -D =Lten8
Tc* - CD
T,’ = - LF
CO8 e
T,' = CD -c%
and the torque coefficient may be obtained from the measurements of the
power .input to the model motor. From plots of torque coefficient against
thrust coefficient for each qf the blade angles tested, the blade angle
which most closely simulates the full-scale propeller may be selected.
and the variation of thrust coefficient with rotational speed for the
model propeller at the selected blade angle. These chsrte may be combined
to give the variation of propeller rotational speed with lift coefficient.
In order to determine the variation of propeller rotational speed with
angle of attack, the variation of lift coefficient with angle of attack
must be determined with the correct variation of thrust coefficient and
also with the correct stabilizer setting variation to keep the model in
trim. A sufficiently accurate curve may be obtained from the tests with
two stabilizer settings. The results of these tests may be applied as
shown in figure 46. At given propeller rotational speeds the engle of
attack is selected to give the correct lift coefficient for a given
power condition for the two stabilizer settings used. A chart showing
the variation of propeller rotational speed with angle of attack must
be prepared for each power condition and flap condition to be tested.
The curve of lift coefficient agamt angle of attack for trimmed
conditionsmustbe used inprepsringthis chart.
Tests to determine elevator control near the ground are usually made
by instslling a ground board in the tunnel with just sufficient clearance
between it and the model lending gear to permit a reasonable variation in
angle of attack. The tests are made with the model in the landing
configuration, that is, flaps down, landing gear down, propeller windmilling,
and stabilizer set to the value used on the airplane for this condition.
The model is run through the angle-of-attack range with a series of elevator
settings. The pitching moment is plotted against s&l.e of attack for each
elevator setting. A cross plot is then made of elevator deflection
for trim against angle of attack. Because of scsle effect, the model angle
of stall and maximum lift coefficient will be lower than those of the
airplane. Consequently, the model usually stalls before it reaches the
angle of attack corresponding to the three-point attitude. The curve of
elevator angle against angle of attack must, therefore, be extrapolated
to this point in order to determine the elevator deflection required.
64 NACA TN NO. 1670
Mg =-Wfh+Lfh-Wd+Ld
Mg = afh + CLqSfh -Wd + CLqSd (55)
The corresponding moment coefficient is given by the formula
=- M
% MC
4ifh CL@fh Wd CLqSd
Gm@;=qGc+ @c @c @c
Mn = LXn + Ml (58)
-= 5 d%
dCL 0 + q (61)
cml =-- xn
m (62)
CL c
and from equation (61)
=-- %l
= -0.05
Hence, the neutral point IS at 0.25 + 0.05 = 0.30 or 30 percent Rlesn
aerodynamic chord. At a lift coefficient of 0.6, the following relation
exists :
=- 3l
= -0.10
Hence, the neutral point 16 at 0.25 + 0.10 = 0.35 or 35 percent
aerodynamic chord at CL = 0.6.
At other lift coefficients, the results obtained from the tests
at two stabilizer settings must be interpolated or extrapolated. For
example, at a lift coefficient of 0.3, the values of -ac,
dCL =q
obtained from the measured results of figure 49 may be plotted as shown
in figure W(a).
The neutral point is found from the relation
ac, c, -0204
dcL CL
. Hence, the neutral point is at 0.25 + 0.204 = 0.4% or 45.4 percent mean
. aerodpamic chord.
Hence, the neutral point is at 0.25 + 0.204 = 0.49, which agrees with the
value obtained by the previous method.
The pitching- nt curves presented in these examples ere idealized.
In Factice, experimental scatter of the data will make exact determination
of the slopes of the curves difficult. In order to reduce errors in
detemiaing the neutral points, it is desirable to obtain data for three
stabilizer settings with rather lerge increments of deflection.
any control surface to provide additional control power will make the
problem of balancing the control surface to obtain sufficiently light
stick forces more difficult. Many other similar examples may be found
by studying the handling+$mlities requiremnts in detail.
In spite of the conflicting nature of mmy of the design requiremmts,
several airplanes have been built which meet almost all the handling-
qualities requirements without appeciably sacrificing performance
characteristics. Desirable handling qualities in these cases have been
attained by considering the stability end control characteristics in the
early stages of the design and arranging such basic design factors as
the horizontal and vertical tail ereas and locations, wing plan form,
and centeMf-gravity location in such a way that the handling-quelities
requirements may be more easily satisfied.
The ability of an airplene to meet many of the handling~ualities
requirements mey be estimated quite accurately sim@.y from the dimensions
of the airplane. Methods of making these estimations have not been
discussed in detail in the present paper but they may be found in the
various NASA papers given as references. Some factors which cannot be
accurately estimated frcm the airplane dimensions at the present time
are the effects of power on longitudinal and directional stability.
Wind-tunnel tests of a complete model ere desirable in estimating these
effects. Themethods of calculatingthe flying qualities of an airplane
from wind-tunnel tests are described more fully in references 40 and 41.
In order to meke a complete evaluation of the handling qualities of a
proposed airplane, the effects of compressibility should be determined
by means of tests of a complete model in a hi-peed tunnel, end the '
hinge moments of the control surfaces should be measured by means of
tests of large-scale or full4ize models.
CL Uft-coefficient (L/qS)
L NACA em NO. 1670 71
F stick force
Fr friction force
f coefficient of friction
acceleration due to gravity (32.2 ft/sec2)
hinge moment
h' vertical distance between center of gravity and ground
whenairplane is on-the ground
iT . incidenoe of tail
K ratio between elevator stick force end elevator hinge moment
L lift, or rolling moment
Lp dempingmomentinroll I
2 tail length measured from the center of gravity to quarter-
chord point of tail
M pitcHng mDment
pitching moment at zero lift
m mass of atip7
nr yawing moment
P shaft horsepower
. P rol3ng velocity
Qc propeller torque disk-load- coeffeiclent
72 -. NACA TN No. 1670
Q dynamic pressure y *
( >
V true airspeed
W weight of adrplane
W vertical velocity of flow at-tail
X8 stick movement
X distance from center of gravity to neutral podnt
X1 distance from center of gravity to aerodynamic center of
wtng-fuselage combination
propeller efficiency
angle of clMb
airplane relative-density coefficient (m/@Z)
NACA m NO. 1670 73
P air density
-j- =- as control+mface effectiveness factor
Q sidew-ash en&e
angle of bank, or trailing+dge angle of airfoil
a aileroti
b balance
8 elevator
f fl&P
Q . due to presence of ground
LF level flight
n pointn
t tab
T tail
W wing
74 NACA TN No. 1670
29. Gilruth, R..R., and Turner, W. N.: Lateral Control Required for
Satisfactory Flying Qualities Based on Flight Tests of Numerous
Airplanes. NACA Rep. No. 715, 1941.
30. Pearson, H. A.: Theoretical Bpan Loading and Moments of Tapered Wings
Produced by Aileron Deflection. NACA TN No. 589, 1937.
9. Gilruth, Robert R.: Analysis of-Vertical-Tail Loads in Rolling Pull-Cut-
Maneuvers. NhCA CB No. L4ECL4, 1944.
32. Sweberg, Barold H., and Dingwldein, Richard C.: Gummary of Mwasurem.wnt0
In Langley Full-Scale Tunnel of Maximum Lift Coefficients and Btalling
Characteristics of Airplanes. NACA ACR No. ItjC24, 1945.
33. Greenberg, Harry, and Sternfield, Leon&l: A Theoretical Investigation
of Longitudinal Stability of Airplanes with Free Controls Including
Effect of Friction in Control System. NACA Rep. No. 791, 1944.
34. Sternfield, Leonard: Effect of Product of Inertia on Lateral Stability.
NACA TN No. 1193, 1947.
35. Greenberg, Harry, and Sternfield, Leonard: A Theorwtical Investigation
of the Lateral Oscillations of an Airplane with Free Rudder with
Special Reference to thw Effect of Friction. NACA Rep. No. 762, 1943.
36. Recant, fsidore G., and Swanson, Robert 9.1 Determination of the
Stability and Control Characteristics of Airplanes from Tests of
Powwrwd Models. NACA ARR, July 1942.
37. Biermann, David, and Her&an, Edwin P.: Test8 of Five Full-Scale
Propellers in the Presence of a Radial and a Liquid-Cooled Engine
Nacelle, Including Twsts of mo Spinners. NACA Rep. No. 642, 1938.
38. Schuldenfrei, Mervin: Some Notes on the Determination of the Stiokqixed
Neutral Point from Windbl Data. NACA RB No. 320, 1943.
39. Schuldenfrwi, Marvin: Some Notes on the Determination of the Stick-Free
Neutral Point from Windmel Data. NACA RB No. 4B21, 1944.
40. &y-ten, Gerald G.: Analysis of Wi~&a 1 Stability and Control Tests
in Terms of Flying Qualities of Full-Scale Airplanes. mCA Rep.
No. 825, 1945.
41. Goett, Harry J., Jackson, Roy P., and Belsley, Steven E.: Wind-e1
Procedure for Determination of Critical Stability and Control
Characteristics of Airplanes. NACA Rep. No. 78l, 194.4.
NACA TN No. 1670 77
-,perdegree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.03
t/c . . . . . . . . . . . . ..'................. 3
aa w
,perdegree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.07
. : I -
. .
XACA TN No. 1670
0 1.0 2.0
% .
$ 6,, positive
+ Stelling speed
Unstable '-
65 I I I I
0 100 200 300 4000 WJ
Indicated airspeed, mph
F’igure 6.- Typical examples of the variation of elevator angle with speed for stable and
unstable airplanes.
sVI Tail heavy
0 100 200 300
Indicated airspeed, mph
FQure 7.- Variation of stick force with speed in steady flight, as calculated by formula (19).
Values below the staJGngspeed have no physical significance.
,005 Stable region
Positive values of Cb not used
hecau~e of unstable sh&-period
Neutral stick-free stability
for static margin of 0 7 oscillations wfth stick free
Neutral stick-f’ree
-.oof static &-gin of
Unstable re&on
v Unstable side of boundaries
indicated by cross-hatching
-.015 -.OlO -A05 0 ,005
Figure 8.- Boundary between stable and unstable values of %a and Qs for the example
given in the text.
. *
. I I
! I’ I
Yore rearward p&t*
of control stick re- More f&ard position
quired for steadyflight of control stick required
at lower speed, and for steady flight at
vice versa lower speed,andvlceveraa
More pull. force
More push force
required for steady
required for steady
flight at lower flight at lower speed,
speed, and vice
and vice versa
i+ \ C*g. Position, percent M-A-c
10 -
F3ight data
0. .-_I
100 200
Indicated airapead, Eph
(a) Varlatian of elevator angle with Indicated &-speed.
20 t
0 .L .8 1.2 1.6
Lift aoefficient, CL
(b) Veriatlon af elevator angle with lift coefficient.
N8Utl'd point
0 1.
20 30
c.g. position, percentY.A.C.
(c) Variation of the d%
quantity do, with oentWsavitg
position. .
Flight data
I I , , \\ c
loo 200
Indicated alrapeed, mph
(a) Variation of stick force with indicated airspeed.
0 .4 .8 1.2 1.6
Lift coefficient, CL
(b) Variation of the quantity B/q with lift coefficient.
. c.g. poaitfon, percent M.A.C.
Figure 12.- Typical example of effects of compressibility on the variation of stick force with
speed in steady flight and in flight with constant values of normal acceleration.
c .’ :
Section A - A
No distortion
Mgure 14.- Effect of ‘stabilizer incidence on the variation of stick force with speed in straight
flight. The variations in stick-force characteristics result from distortion of the elevator
covering and from stabilizer twist, Angles and distortions greatly exaggerated on sketches.
NACA TN Ho. 1670
v _
Real airplane
Image airplane w
(b) Airplane near ground.
94 NACA TN No. 1670
Figure 16.- Effect of curvature of- flight path on the angle of attack at
the tail during a pull-up.
NACATN No. 1670 95
Forward Back
c.g. position
(b) EPfect of various design variables on the
variation of force per g with center-
of-gravity position.
Stick-fixed neutral point
in straight flight
9 rut- - i
0 1 I
-20 -10 0
Fomard e.g. position, percent M.A.C. Bagk
(a> Light airplane. -- _-
Sea lqve)
1. t
01 I I\ \ I
Forward -20 -lo ' 1
c.g. position, percent M.A.C. B;ck
(b) Fighter airplane.
r)n L
40,oCC it 4
\ k
\ \
Sea level!
o! I I \ \. I
-20 -10 \
Forward c.g. position, percent M.A.C. ' B:ck
(c) Bomber.
-.006 -
-.004- w
j -.002 - Approximate
indLue0fC~ _
0 ,_ I I I ----- I J
0 10 20 N ------
40 50 J -
Airplane weight, thousandsof lb
0 .2 4 .6 .8 1.0
ratio of flap chord to airfoil chord. Plain flaps with sealed gaps on .
NACA 0009 airfoil of infinite aspect ratio. Data from reference 17.
NACATH NO. 1670 99
k-- =b = ‘.
Round nom
Round or
elliptical nose
Round nose
Elliptical norm
c3 0.008
Control area
2 -.008
-.012 I I I I
0 l 05 .lO .15 .20
Area moment of horn
Area moment of control
Figure 22. - Typical effects of unshielded horn balances on control-
surface hinge-moment parameters. Derived from data of
reference 20.
NACATN No. 1670 101
.- 0 /
-2 / Ao.10
20.10 or 0.20
2 -.008
0 1.2
Figure 23.- Typical effects of full-span balancing tabs on control-
surface hinge-moment parameters. Derived from data of
reference 19.
102 NACATN No. 1670
,-Gap sealed
0 -.
f%l .
m -.004
8 .,
2 -.008
0 10 20 30
B ’ deg
0 .2 .4 .6
Sealed internal lmlanae
%i $
Figure 26.- Comparison of effects of various aerodynamic balances on hinge-moment 2.
parameters of typical control surface. P
‘. ’ .
. . .
NAC!ATN No. 1670 105
-. a” Fin 0'
\ Fin 3’ left -- - -
lower1\ __
-L- ----- ----- --- - - E
Power on
Pouer off
Farce on fuselags
hag on aileron0
Flow dire&Ion
figure 28.- Forces ahd moments acting on sfngle-engine tractor airplane in flight at
high angles of attack with wbgs laterally level. Propeller rotation clockwise when
viewed from the reax.
’ 1
.’ :
-1.2' I 1
0 30 60
Angle of yaw, deg
NACATN No. 1670 111
112 ITACATN NO. 1670
mcA TN NO. 1670 113
Oo Sweepback
Flaps up
10 I- /7-
f O/ ,<
Flaps down
0 . .
Lift coefficient, CL
of the formula for helix angle.
. .
. : *’
NACA TN No. 1670 115
20 -
r;! .
i2 Rolling Rolling
Ob d
-1 Yawing O "%- Yawing
0 2 4
Time, set Time, set
(a) I.40 miles per hour. (b) 200 miles per hour,
r Reduction due to
,Wl aileron
rigid wing
Indicated airspeed-
i .
,’ I
I?ACATN No. 1670 117
. 30 lb stick force
Indicated aIrspeed-
Full deflection
30 lb stick force
-- --4
0 I I 1
loo 200 300
Indicated airspeed, mph
2 4000
Indicated airspeed, mph
’ . ‘a
Figure 43.- Illustration of rudder and airplane motion during a snaking oscillation.
122 NACA TN No. 1670
at .7!%, dog
57 l 4-
.2 - Blade angle
35 at .75R, deg
0 .2 .I .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
0 I 1 I 1
0 4 & 12 16
a, da
Figure 48. - Diagram illustrating calculation of moments about
point (n) when forces and moments about point (1) are given. .
CT 0
-0 1
1 I I I I I I I i I ! I I
0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2
-. 2
-. 2 -0 1 0 .l .2
(a) Method of extrapolation of slopes.
0 .-
-. 1
I I I I I f I I I I 1 t I I
-. 4 -. 2 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0
CL .
(b) Method of tangents.
Figure 50.- Graphical procedures for determination of stick-fixed
neutral point from wind-tunnel tests.