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The Tip of The Iceberg: 1 Before You Start

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The tip of the iceberg

MOD510: Mandatory project #1

Deadline: 12 September 2021 (23:59)

Aug 30, 2021

Learning objectives. By completing this project, the student will:

• Get experience in structuring and writing a report.
• Write new functions and classes in Python.
• Explore numerical round-off and truncation errors.

• Be introduced to useful Python libraries for scientific computing.

Because computers have finite memory, numerical errors must always be
taken into account when doing calculations, especially when working with
floating-point numbers [2]. In the first parts of this project we investigate
round-off errors and truncation errors using the Python programming
language, and we discuss how different implementation strategies affect
code efficiency and code clarity. In particular, we show how coding with
classes can simplify the implementation of numerical algorithms. Finally,
we highlight the power of available Python libraries to quickly visualize
and manipulate large data sets. To this end, we look at how ice melting
in Antarctica could affect sea level rise [1].

1 Before you start

In the last part of this project we are going to import ice data for Antarctica
using the rockhound library. On some platforms it is a challenge to install this
library, however if you use environments in conda it should be much easier, see
Appendix A for more information. We recommend you to do the following:
1. On the windows start menu, open Anaconda prompt, (located in the
Anaconda folder)
2. Create a new conda environment by running the commands below (in the
Anaconda prompt)

conda update conda

It probably goes without saying, but this command updates the conda package.
The rockhound library and cmocean library are not in the default channel so
you need to add conda-forge

conda config --add channels conda-forge

Now, we can create an environment project1 with the following packages

conda create -n project1 python matplotlib numpy pandas rockhound cmocean pip spyder jupyter

Entering all the package names when creating the new environment forces conda
to check for dependencies, and makes sure that there are no conflicts. Do

conda activate project1

Now you can do e.g. jupyter notebook and continue to work on the project.
Later you can add packages using conda install <package-name>.

pip or conda.
Always try conda install <package-name> first, even if you find on
the web that people have done pip install <package-name>. If conda
install fails you can try pip install.

2 Exercise 1: Finite-precision arithmetic

Part 1. Run the following code snippet:

import sys

• Explain the meaning of the printed-out numbers using the IEEE Standard
for floating-point arithmetic.

Part 2.
• Derive the following values yourself: max, min, epsilon.

Part 3. In Python, typing 0.1+0.2 does not (typically) produce the same
output as 0.3.
• Why not?

Part 4.
• Should you use the ==-operator to test whether two floating-point numbers
are equal?
• Why / why not?

3 Exercise 2: Need for speed? (NumPy)

The purpose of this exercise is to learn a little bit about NumPy, which is an
incredibly useful Python library. A major reason for its popularity is efficiency:
doing computations with NumPy arrays (objects of the type ndarray) instead
of using native Python lists can, by itself, speed up a program by several orders
of magnitude! The mechanism for speed-up is vectorized computation.

Vectorized functions.
Using NumPy arrays allows you to create vectorized functions; functions
that operate on a whole array at once, rather than looping over the elements
one-by-one inside a custom written loop.
The way vectorization works behind the scenes is still via loops (opti-
mized, pre-compiled C code), but as Python programmer you do not need
to worry about the details.

Part 1. The following code block gives an example of a vectorized function:

x = np.linspace(0, 1, 10)
fx = np.exp(-x) # apply f(t)=exp(-t) to each element in the array x

Notice the usage of np.exp instead of using the exponential function provided
in the built-in math library; this is an example of a universal function.
• What happens if you change x to be a list?
• If x is a list, how can you modify the second line above to calculate fx?
Tip: Use either a custom loop, or a list comprehension.

Part 2. As already hinted at, the NumPy library comes with a plethora of
useful features and functions. The code snippets below show some examples:



np.linspace(0, 10, 11)

np.linspace(0, 10, 11, endpoint=False)

vector = np.arange(5) + 1

• Explain what each line of code does.

• How would you produce the same output using native Python lists?

Part 3. Frequently you will want to extract a subset of values from an array
based on some kind of criterion. For example, you might want to count the
number of non-zero numbers, or identify all values exceeding a certain threshold.
With NumPy, suchs tasks are easily achieved using boolean masking, e.g.:

array_of_numbers = np.array([4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42])

nnz = np.count_nonzero(array_of_numbers)
print(f’There are {nnz} non-zero numbers in the array.’)
is_even = (array_of_numbers % 2 == 0)
is_greater_than_17 = (array_of_numbers > 17)
is_even_and_greater_than_17 = is_even & is_greater_than_17

However, the following code line does not execute:

is_even_and_greater_than_17 = is_even and is_greater_than_17

• Why not?

Part 4. The function np.where can also be used to select elements from an

• Explain the output of the following two lines of code:

np.where(array_of_numbers > 17)[0]

np.where(array_of_numbers > 17, 1, 0)

4 Exercise 3, Part I: Finite Differences (FD) with

In scientific computing one often needs to calculate derivatives of functions.
However, exact formulas may not be available, in which case numerical estimates
are needed. To evaluate the correctness of our programmed numerical methods,
it is still wise to choose test functions where the derivative is known beforehand.
In this exercise, we consider a function that is relevant for describing wave
f (x) = sin(bx) · e−ax (1)
One way to implement the function in Python is:
def f(x, a=0.1, b=10):
return np.sin(b*x)*np.exp(-a*x*x)

We have chosen to define a and b as default arguments, which allows us to

evaluate the function at x = 1 by simply typing f(1); this is equivalent to the
command f(1, 0.1, 10). If you want to change the b parameter, you can
do, e.g., f(1, b=2). Note also that the function works both when x is a single
number and when it is a Numpy array. This is because we use the Numpy
versions of the sine (np.sin) and exponential (np.exp) functions.

Python functions are first-class!

An important feature of Python is that functions are first-class objects,
meaning that you can assign them to variables, you can store them in-
side various containers and data structures, they can be passed as input
arguments to other functions, and they may be return values of other

We will exploit this property of Python several times during this project.

Part 1. It is always a good idea to start by visualizing the function in a plot.

• Make a Python function that plots f (x) from equation (1) over an arbitrary
closed interval.
• Use the function to plot f (x) in the range [−10, 10]. Try to make your
figure similar to the one shown in figure 1

Figure 1: A plot of f (x).

Part 2. The analytical derivative of f (x) is

2 2
f 0 (x) = b cos(bx) · e−ax − 2ax sin(bx) · e−ax (2)

• Write a Python function that calculates the derivative defined in equation


Part 3. Next, we are going to write a Python function that calculates the
numerical derivative of an arbitrary single-variable function f at a point x
using finite differences. If f only depends on x, this is extremely easy: we can
simply take f, x, and h (step-size) as input arguments to our derivative function.
Assuming it is called calc_derivative, it could work something like this:

df_x = calc_derivative(f, x=1.0, h=1.0e-3)

However, the function in equation (1) depends on two additional input

parameters, a and b. We can of course add these two as extra arguments to the
derivative function, but then we would lose generality, for not every function has
the same two parameters. A way out of this dilemma could be to create a new
function each time you choose values for a and b, e.g:

def g(x):
The function g(x) = sin(10x) * exp(-0.1x^2).
return f(x, 0.1, 10.0)

Another possibility is to use the the args mechanism, which lets you pass
around a variable number of parameters to a function. An example of how this
works is:

def calc_derivative(f, x, h, *args):

return (f(x, *args) - f(x-h, *args))/h

• Write a Python function that calculates the derivative of an arbitrary

function using the forward difference method (see section 1.3 in [3] ).
• Apply your function to the particular case of equation (1) and x = 1. Use
a suitable value of h, e.g. h = 1e − 2, and check that your estimate agrees
reasonably well with the analytical solution.

Part 4.
• Write another Python function that calculates f 0 (x) with the central
difference method (see section 1.4 in [3]).

Part 5. We want to quantify the error in our numerical estimates. To this

end, we start by choosing a point at which to evaluate the numerical derivative
of the function in equation (1), e.g., x = 1. Next:

• Make a figure in which you plot the absolute error versus step size, h.
• Vary the step size logarithmically between 10−16 and 1.
• The figure should include one error curve for the forward difference method,
and another for the central difference methods.

Part 6.
• Comment on what you observe in the figure you made. When is the
numerical error smallest, and why? Is it what you expect from a theoretical
analysis using Taylor’s formula?

5 Exercise 3, Part II: FD with Classes
Implementing numerical algorithms with free functions, as we did in the previous
exercise, is perfectly fine, and you can complete MOD510 by only coding in this
way. However, experience has taught us that it is easy to introduce unnecessary
errors when using this approach. In many cases you are better off by also using
classes, and maybe object-oriented design. In this exercise, you will get some
practice in coding with classes. This knowledge will come in handy in later
projects, and in any case it is a good tool to have in your programming toolkit.
Previously, we worked with a function having two input parameters, a
and b. Implementing numerical algorithms using free functions was then simple.
However, in a more complicated situation there could be dozens, or even hundreds,
of parameters to keep track of. Most of these parameters might have fixed values,
but frequently you will want to re-run a model with slightly different parameters
than before. If you are not using classes, it is very easy to use the wrong
parameters. This is especially true when working in a Jupyter notebook, since
you might run code blocks in any order; if you forget to excute a cell that is
responsible for updating one of your variables, your subsqeuent calculations will
be wrong!

Key take-away: Classes provide encapsulation.

By wrapping parts of your code into classes, and particular realizations of
classes (objects), you facilitate code re-use, and it can make your code easier
to understand and work with, thus reducing the probability of introducing
bugs which may be hard to track down.

5.1 A Crash Course on Classes

To get started, there are really only a couple of things you need to know. First,
all of your classes should include a special function called __init__, in which
you declare the variables (attributes) you wish an instance / object of the class
to keep track of.
Second, inside the class all class attributes should be prefixed with self,
followed by a dot. Third, functions defined inside a class should have self as
the first function argument. All of this is best understood via an example:

class WavePacket:
A class representation of a wave packet-function.
def __init__(self, a, b):
self.a = a
self.b = b
def f(self, x):
return np.sin(self.b*x)*np.exp(-self.a*x*x)

def plot(self, min=-10, max=10, dx=0.01):
A simple plotting routine for plotting f(x) in some range.
x = np.arange(min, max, dx)
y = self.f(x)
fig = plt.figure()
plt.plot(x, y)

Besides the initialization method and a function that calculates f (x) from
equation (1), the class includes a simple plotting routine. A major difference
from before is the following: when our function f (x) is defined inside a class, we
do not have to pass around a and b as arguments to the function f. Instead, we
simply access a and b from inside the class itself (using the self-prefix).
Below is an example of how to use the class:

# Create two WavePacket objects, having their own parameter values

WP1 = WavePacket(0.1, 2) # a=0.1, b=2
WP2 = WavePacket(0.1, 10) # a = 0.1, b=10
# Evaluate the two functions at a specific point
x = 1
# Plot the two functions

Although we had to write slightly more code, we hope you appreciate how
easy this makes running parallel simulations with different parameters!

Part 1.

• Add another function (instance method) to the class above called df_fe.
This function should return the forward difference approximation to the
derivative of the function f at a point x given as input. Include the step-size
h as input argument (i.e., from the outside the class).
• Add a second function, df_cd, which calculates the central difference

Part 2.

• Make a third function inside the class that plots the absolute error versus
step size for the two finite difference approximations. Use step sizes in the
range from 10−16 to 1 (with logarithmic spacing).
Hint: You should re-use the first two functions when making the third one.

6 Exercise 4: A song of ice and fire?
There is currently a great deal of concern about global warming. Some critical
issues are whether we are more likely to observe extreme local temperatures,
increased frequencies of natural disasters like forest fires and droughts, and if
there are "tipping points" in the climate system that are, at least on the human
timescale, irreversible [4]. One particular question to ask is: How much ice is
likely to melt? And, what would be the consequence of ice melting for sea level
rise (SLR)?
Since most of the ice on Planet Earth is located in Antarctica, substantial
effort has been spent in mapping the ice and the bedrock of this continent.
Most of the data is freely available, and we can use them to investigate different

Preparations for exercise: Install helpful Python packages.

We will work with the bedmap2 dataset [1]. The rockhound library can
be used to load the data. As an aid to plotting, we will also employ color
maps from the cmocean library [6]. Therefore, you should start by making
sure that you have both cmocean and rockhound installed in the Python
version that you use.
To avoid potential problems down the road, it is recommended to work
with different Python environments on your computer, rather than a single
global installation. To this end, you can use either venv, or (recommended
for this course) the conda package manager. In the following you should
use the environment you created at the beginning of the project.

6.1 Theory
To calculate SLR, we need to know not only how thick the ice is, but also its
elevation above the bedrock. In this exercise you will see how we can use Python,
together with available data and libraries, to do quite advanced calculations.

Melting of an iceberg. Let us start by deriving a result that you may have
seen before. We shall consider an iceberg that is floating and which is not
impacted by any other forces than gravity. The total volume of ice in figure 2 is
disp disp
Vf + VH2O , where Vf is the ice volume floating above the sea, and VH2O is the
volume of displaced sea water (submerged ice). According to Newton’s 2nd law,
the total weight of ice is therefore

W = mice g = ρice Vice g = ρice (Vf + VHdisp

)g , (3)
where ρice is the density (mass divided by volume), and g = 9.81m/s the
gravitational constant. On the other hand, the Archimedean principle tells us
that buoyancy is proportional to the mass of displaced water, hence another

expression for the same weight is
W = ρw VHdisp
g, (4)
where ρw is the density of the surrounding sea-water. As the ice melts, it must
be turned into an equal mass of liquid ice-water:
mice = mice water
ρice Vice = ρice water Vice water . (5)
By combining the above equations, we therefore get:
ρice water
= Vice water . (6)
Therefore, the net contribution to SLR is captured by the volume change
disp ρice water
∆V ≡ Vice water − VH2 O = 1 − Vice water . (7)
If the melted ice has the same density as seawater, it follows that there is
no increase in sea level. On the other hand, if the density is lower than that of
seawater, there is a contribution. Typically, the melting of ice dilutes the salinity
of the ocean, which leads to a small increase in sea level [5].

Figure 2: A schematic illustration of an iceberg. VHdisp

is the volume of water
displaced by the iceberg.

Freeboard. The vast majority of ice in Antarctica is not freely floating. In

addition to the salinity effect described above, the main contribution to SLR
is from ice located above hydrostatic equilibrium. It is useful to introduce the
concept of the freeboard, which is the height above seawater of a floating iceberg.
Again referring to figure 2, the freeboard height, h, is
h= − 1 hw . (8)

For the bedmap2 dataset, the freeboard level can be computed from (figure 3)
h = −(surface − thickness) · −1 (9)
Note that this formula assumes that the bedrock is below sea-level.

Part 1. The code below is taken from the rockound library documentation:

bedmap = rh.fetch_bedmap2(datasets=["thickness","surface","bed"])
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 7))
ax = plt.subplot(111)
cbar_kwargs=dict(pad=0.01, aspect=30))
plt.title("Bedmap2 Antarctica")

• Run the code and reproduce figure 3.

This may take quite some time, so it is recommended that you do not execute
the cell generating the plot more often than you have to.

Part 2. The Thwaites glacier, named after Fredrik T. Thwaites, is of particular

interest. Also referred to as the Doomsday glacier, it is a fast moving glacier
(up to 4 km/year) at the coast of Antarctica, roughly 120 km wide. It is called
the Doomsday glacier because it is believed that it may trigger a collapse of
west Antarctica. We can use the bedmap2 dataset to view a cross section of the
glacier, y = −0.5 · 106 and x ∈ [−1.6 · 106 , −1.35 · 106 ]:

# Extract cross section using the original coordinates

bed1d = bedmap.sel(y=-0.5e6, x=slice(-1.6e6,-1.35e6))
# Add a second x-coordinate to make prettier plots
# (shift x-axis to start at zero, and convert from m to km)
bed1d = bed1d.assign_coords({"x2":((bed1d.x+1.6e6)/1e3)})

It is now possible to plot the values in the bed1d data array by simply typing


A note concerning the xarray library.

The bedmap2 data is stored in data structures provided by the xarray
package, which is built on top of NumPy and pandas. While xarray allows
you to apply plot commands directly to Datasets and DataArrays, it might
be easier to use the matplotlib.pyplot module manually. To this end,
you might also want to extract the underlying NumPy arrays containing

Figure 3: Visualization of the ice thickness in Antarctica.

the data you are interested in. This can easily be done as in the following
example: surface_elevation_values = bed1d[’surface’].values.

• Use equation (9) to calculate the freeboard level.

• Make a cross section plot of the ice thickness, bed rock, and freeboard
level, similar to (the right) figure (4)

• Explain what you see. Is the shape of the bedrock important for sea level

Part 3.

• Use the whole data set to estimate the total SLR if all the ice of Antarctica

Figure 4: (left) How to calculate the freeboard level. (right) Cross section plot
of Thwaites glacier.

Hints to get you started:

1. Start by calculating, for each grid cell in the dataset, the height of ice that
can contribute to SLR.
2. Multiply the height with the area of each cell (1000 × 1000 meters) in order
to estimate the volume of ice.

Part 4.
• How can we use the bedmap data to improve decision making?
• What are some limitations in your estimated calculation of sea level rise?

7 Appendix A: Package management with conda

Package installation in Python can be quite tricky, and it is easy to make
mistakes, especially if the packages you wish to use have many dependencies. A
good way of avoiding unnecessary installation problems is to work with virtual
environments; isolated installations of Python on your computer. This allows
you to switch between different Python versions depending on the needs of a
particular project. We prefer to use the conda package manager that follows
along with the Anaconda Python distribution.

7.1 Getting conda up and running

It is possible to use a graphical user interface (GUI) to work with conda, but we
will work exclusively from the command line. On Windows, this will probably
require some additional setup, to make the relevant file paths available to
cmd.exe. Alternatively, you can use the Anaconda Prompt that comes with
the Anaconda distribution. To get started, it is recommended to check out the

official user guide, as well as cheat sheets with an overview of the most frequently
used commands.
Assuming that you have conda installed and available to you from the
terminal, typing the following command should report back the version number
of conda on your system:

conda --version

If everything works, you will get something like this as output:

conda 4.10.3

You can list all of your available conda environments by typing:

conda info --envs

A star asterisk points to the currently active environment. For a fresh

Anaconda installation, you will only have one, the base environment. You can
find out exactly which packages that belongs to this environment by writing

conda list

7.2 Creating virtual environments

It is now very easy to create your own, custom Python environment, e.g.:

conda create --name MyExampleEnv python=3.9 numpy scipy matplotlib

As you might have guessed, we just created an environment with the name
MyExampleEnv, along the way installing version 3.9 of python.exe into it, as
well as several libraries we wish to use. This will require you to answer a query
on the command line, after which the installation should commence.
We can activate the environment as follows:

conda activate MyExampleEnv

Additional packages can be installed later as needed, you just have to remember
to activate the environment first (if it has not been done already), e.g.:

conda activate MyExampleEnv

conda install pandas jupyter

You can verify that pandas and jupyter have been installed by again typing
conda list in the terminal.
Many packages will be possible to install exactly as above; or possibly
by adding a few additional steps. For example, the cmocean and rockhound.
packages can be installed as follows:

conda activate MyExampleEnv
conda install -c conda-forge cmocean
conda install rockhound --channel conda-forge

As always, you should check the installation instructions provided together

with the package!

7.3 Selecting the version of Python to use

Each conda environment comes with its own installation directory, and with
its own Python executable. If you program in an integrated development
environment (IDE), like Spyder or Visual Studio Code, you will typically be able
to choose the Python version to use by changing the project preferences. On
the command-line, you can switch between different environments via the conda
activate command.
When working with Jupyter notebooks, it may require some additional effort
to be able to use your own environments. By writing

conda activate MyExampleEnv

python -m ipykernel install --name MyExampleEnv

the conda environment MyExampleEnv will show up as a possible Python kernel

for your Jupyter notebooks.

8 Appendix B: Some intermediate Python tips

If you want to make your code more elegant, it is very useful to learn about
special functions besides __init__. When working with mathematical functions,
the __call__ function is particularly useful. Again, this is best understood via
an example, a simple modification of the class we suggested in the main text:

class WavePacket:
An updated class representation of a wave packet-function.
def __init__(self, a, b):
self.a = a
self.b = b
def __call__(self, x):
return np.sin(self.b*x)*np.exp(-self.a*x*x)
def plot(self, min=-10, max=10, dx=0.01):
A simple plotting routine for plotting f(x) in some range.
x = np.arange(min, max, dx)
y = self.__call__(x)
fig = plt.figure()
plt.plot(x, y)

We have simply replaced the original function f with __call__. This allows
us to treat objects of the class WavePacket as if they are ordinary functions:

WP1 = WavePacket(0.1, 2)
WP1(1.0) # Evaluates the function at x=1.0

Similarly, the __str__-function allows you to send your custom-made objects

to the print statement, e.g:

class WavePacket:
def __str__(self):
:return: A string representation of the function
(NB: uses LaTeX).
return f’sin({self.b}x)’ + r’$\cdot$’ \
+ f’exp(-{self.a}’+ r’$x^2$)’

wave_func = WavePacket(0.1, 5.0)


9 Guidelines for project submission

You should bear the following points in mind when working on the project:
• Start your notebook by providing a short introduction in which you outline
the nature of the problem(s) to be investigated.
• End your notebook with a brief summary of what you feel you learned
from the project (if anything). Also, if you have any general comments or
suggestions for what could be improved in future assignments, this is the
place to do it.
• All code that you make use of should be present in the notebook, and it
should ideally execute without any errors (especially run-time errors). If
you are not able to fix everything before the deadline, you should give your
best understanding of what is not working, and how you might go about
fixing it.
• Avoid duplicating code! If you find yourself copying and pasting a lot of
code, it is a strong indication that you should define reuseable functions
and/or classes.
• If you use an algorithm that is not fully described in the assignment text,
you should try to explain it in your own words. This also applies if the
method is described elsewhere in the course material.

• In some cases it may suffice to explain your work via comments in the
code itself, but other times you might want to include a more elaborate
explanation in terms of, e.g., mathematics and/or pseudocode.
• In general, it is a good habit to comment your code (though it can be
• When working with approximate solutions to equations, it is very useful
to check your results against known exact (analytical) solutions, should
they be available.
• It is also a good test of a model implementation to study what happens at
known ’edge cases’.
• Any figures you include should be easily understandable. You should label
axes appropriately, and depending on the problem, include other legends
etc. Also, you should discuss your figures in the main text.
• It is always good if you can reflect a little bit around why you see what
you see.

[1] Peter Fretwell, Hamish D. Pritchard, David G. Vaughan, Jonathan L. Bam-
ber, Nicholas E. Barrand, R. Bell, C. Bianchi, RG Bingham, Donald D.
Blankenship, and G. Casassa. Bedmap2: Improved ice bed, surface and
thickness datasets for antarctica. The Cryosphere, 7(1):375–393, 2013.
[2] David Goldberg. What every computer scientist should know about floating-
point arithmetic. ACM computing surveys (CSUR), 23(1):5–48, 1991.
[3] Aksel Hiorth. Computational Engineering and Modeling.
https://github.com/ahiorth/CompEngineering, 2021.
[4] V. Masson-Delmotte, P. Zhai, A. Pirani, S. L. Connors, C. Pean, S. Berger,
N. Caud, Y. Chen, L. Goldfarb, M. I. Gomis, M. Huang, K. Leitzell, E. Lon-
noy, J. B. R. Matthews, T. K. Maycock, T. Waterfield, O. Yelekci, R. Yu,
and B. Zhou (eds.). Climate Change 2021: the Physical Science Basis.
Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Technical report, Cambridge
University Press. In Press., August 2021.
[5] Peter D. Noerdlinger and Kay R. Brower. The melting of floating ice raises
the ocean level. Geophysical Journal International, 170(1):145–150, 2007.
[6] Kristen M. Thyng, Chad A. Greene, Robert D. Hetland, Heather M. Zimmerle,
and Steven F. DiMarco. True colors of oceanography: Guidelines for effective
and accurate colormap selection. Oceanography, 29(3):9–13, 2016.


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