Ba Ii
Ba Ii
Ba Ii
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
A. Texts Prescribed
1. Gauri by M.R. Anand
2. Moments in Time : An Anthology of Poems, Guru Nanak
Dev University, Amritsar.
3. Murphy's English Grammar (Raymond Murphy), 3rd
Edition, CUP 2004, rept. 2005. (Units : 42-48, 53-68, 98-112)
Instructions for the paper setter/examiner :
Note : The question paper will consist of three sections and
the distribution of marks will be as follows :
Section A : 20 Marks
Section B : 48 Marks
Section C : 32 Marks
Section-A : It will consist of ten (10) questions on usage of grammar
related to units 42-48, 53-68, 98-112 of Murphy's English
Grammar (Reymond Murphy), 3rd Edition, CUP. 2004
rept. 2005. Each question will carry two (2) marks. All
questions will be compulsory.
Section B : It will consist of eleven (11) questions. Students will
be required to attempt eight (8) questions. Each question will
carry 6 marks. The total marks for this section will be 48.
Eight questions (Q. I to VIII) will be set from the two literary
texts (four from Novel and four from Poems). The questions
on literary texts will include two reference to the context
questions on poems. The students will be required to attempt
any five (5), choosing at least two questions from each
2 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Instructions for Paper Setters :
1. Five questions, each to be answered in not more than 60
words, will be set from the play, The Merchant of Venice.
Each question will carry 2 marks. The examinees will be
required to answer all the questions. (2x5=10 marks)
2. Five questions, each to be answered in not more than 60
words, will be set from the book, Fresh Showers. Each
question will carry 2 marks. The examinees will be required
to answer all the questions. (2x5=10 marks)
1. The examinees will be required to answer 2 questions on
reference to the context out of the three set from the play,
The Merchant of Venice and two questions on reference
to the context out of the three set from the text book, Fresh
Showers. (6x4=24 marks)
2. The examinees will be required to write notes on any four
out of the six literary terms given from those prescribed in
the syllabus. (6x4=24 marks)
1. The examinees will be required to answer in 500-600 words,
one essay-type question out of the two set from the play,
The Merchant of Venice. (16 marks)
2. The examinees will be required to answer in 500-600 words,
one essay-type question out of the two set from the textbook
Fresh Showers. (16 marks)
Prescribed Books :
1. The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare.
CENGAGE Learning Indian Edition, 2008.
4 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 100
Instructions for Paper Setting :
Section-A will comprise 10 queations. Each question carrying
2 marks, the total weightage of this section will be 20 marks. The
examinees will be required to answer all the questions. The division
of marks and the nature of questions to be set from each text will
be as follows :
1. Five questions, each to be answered in not more than five
sentences, will be set from Modern English Prose.
2. Five questions, each to be answered in a word, a phase, or
anot more than three sentences, will be set from the textbook.
Study Writing. The questions should relate to the task like
identifying a sentence as formal/informal or creating a
definition/developing a statement from a single word/phrase
or giving classification/comparison etc. as suggested in the
tasks given in the textbook, Study Writing.
Section-B will comprise eight questions. Each question
carrying 6 marks, the total weightage of this section will be 48
1. Six questions will be set from Modern English Prose. The
examinees will be required to answer any 4 questions.
2. Six questions based on the tasks given in the textbook, Study
Writing will be set. The examinees will be required to
answer any 4 questions. These questions will be related to
the tasks such as rewriting a short passage in formal/
academic/objective style by making changes in its grammar
and vocabulary or creating a paragraph from a statement in
the form of definition or classification or identifying and
completing text structure/identifying words, phrases,
sentences that signal evaluation or recommendation etc.,
exploring cohesion and coherence in a given prose passage.
6 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks 100
Theory : 75
Practical : 25
The paper shall consist of 3 Sections.
Section-A carries 16 marks. 2 questions will be set of 8 marks
each testing learner's ability to identify formal, informal
response, and to provide contextual responses to given
Section-B carries 35 marks. 7 questions carrying 7 marks each
will be set. Students will be required to attempt any 5
questions. Questions should evaluate the student's ability
to use language according to the given situation/context
and present it in the written mode.
Section-C carries 24 marks. Two questions of 12 marks each will
be set. First question shall be on comprehension of a given
conversation. Second question shall consist of short notes
with internal choice on key concepts like oral or written
communication, difference between dialect and idialect,
difference between register and style etc.
Note : There will be a practical examination of 25 marks. An
external examiner will test communication skills in
specific with the help of an interview or oral test.
Objective : To introduce different social situations and develop
Conversational Skills.
Course Contents :
Language and Society.
Language and Communication
English in situations :- (a) Greetings, (b) In the post office,
(c) At the bank, (d) Buying a dress, (e) At the travel agency,
10 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
pµj`bI (l`zmI)
sm~ : 3 GMty k@ul EMk : 100
1. k`iv kIrqI-hirBjn isMG,
gurU n`nk dyv wUnIvristI, EMimRqsr, 2007.
2. E`Duink iek~gI
(sMp`. rOSn l`l EhUj` Eqy mnjIqp`l kOr),
gurU n`nk dyv wUnIvristI, EMimRqsr, 2007.
3. sMKyp rcn` (pRYsI)
4. d&qrI ic@TI-p@qr
5. ivE`krx :
(a) mUL ivE`krx iek`eIE~ dI pC`x Eqy sQ`pqI
(E) v`k bxqr Eqy v`k rcn`
(e) aupv`k bxqr : pC`x Eqy k`rj
(s) Sbd joV~ dy inwm
(h) gurmu@KI il@pI dIE` ivSySq`v~
EMk vMf qy pypr sYtr~ leI hd`ieq~
1. iksy ie@k kivq` d` ivSY vsqU/s`r (do iv@coN ie@k) 20 EMk
2. iksy ie@k ie@k~gI d` ivSY vsqU/s`r (do iv@coN ie@k)
j~ c`r iv@coN do p`qr~ dI p`qr-aus`rI 20 EMk
3. sMKyp rcn` (pRYsI) 10 EMk
4. d&qrI ic@TI-p@qr (do iv@coN ie@k) 10 EMk
5. nMbr 5 auqy inrD`rq ivE`krx iv@coN 20 EMk
vrxn`qimk pRSn
6. auprokq lVI nMbr 1 Eqy 2 dIE~ pusqk~ ivcoN sMKyp au u#qr~
v`ly 10 pRSn pu@Cy j`xgy| hryk d` au#qr 50 Sbd~ qoN v@D n`
hovy| 10x2=20 EMk
12 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
pµj`bI (ieLYkitv)
sm~: 3 GMty k@ul EMk : 100
1. m@Dk`lI pMj`bI k`iv (1701 qoN 1900) 40 EMk
(sMp`.) hrijMdr isMG iF@loN Eqy nrjIq isMG Kihr`,
gurU n`nk dyv wUnIvristI, EMimRqsr, 2007.
2. kQ` kh`xI
(sMp`.) f`. rGbIr isMG Eqy pRo. drb`r` isMG, 30 EMk
pMj`bI wUnIvristI, pitE`l`|
3. siBE`c`r Eqy pMj`bI siBE`c`r (inbMD sMgiR h) 30 EMk
(sMp`.) f`. rxjIq isMG b`jv` Eqy ipRMsIpl vIr isMG rMD`v`,
gurU n`nk dyv wUnIvristI, EMimRqsr, 2007.
wUint Eqy QIm
1. m@Dk`lI pMj`bI k`iv (1701 qoN 1900) 10+10=20 EMk
(a) pRsMg sihq ivE`iKE` (c`r iv@coN do)
(E) iksy kivq` d` ivSY vsqU/kvI b`ry j`xk`rI Eqy ausd`
wogd`n (do iv@coN ie@k) 10 EMk
(e) mltIpl cox pRSn 5x2=10 EMk
2. kQ` kh`xI
iksy iek kh`xI d` ivSY-vsqU/kl`, kh`xIk`r b`ry j`xk`rI
Eqy ausd` wogd`n (do iv@coN ie@k) 20 EMk
3. siBE`c`r Eqy pMj`bI siBE`c`r (inbMD sMgRih) iksy iek
lyK d` ivSY/s`r/SYlI (do ivcoN iek) 20 EMk
4. kQ` kh`xI Eqy siBE`c`r Eqy pMj`bI siBE`c`r pusqk~
iv@coN p`T E`D`irq sMKyp auu#qr~ v`ly pRSn (Cy iv@coN c`r)
4x5=20 EMk
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 13
k`rjI pM j `bI
ku@l EMk=100
prc`-ey = ilKx SY l IE~ 50 EM k
prc`-bI =rsmI ilKq~ 50 EM k
pR w o j n :
1. pMj`bI B`S` dI ivE`krnk bxqr n`l j`x-pC`x
2. pMj`bI B`S` dy rijstr~ sMbMDI j`x-pC`x
3. pR`pq ilKx SYlIE~ n`l j`x pC`x kr`aux` Eqy rsmI p@Dr
'qy ilKx d` EiBE`s kr`aux`|
k`rjI pµ j `bI
prc` ey : pR Y k tIkl
sm~ : 2 GMty ku l EM k : 50
(pRYktIkl prcy iv@c ividE`rQIE~ dI suxn-smJx-ilKx
wogq` dI pRIiKE` leI j`vygI)
B`S` pRwogS`l` ivc EiBE`s krn` :
a) pMj`bI dy aup-B`S`eI auc`rn nUM sux ky irport iqE`r krnI|
E) suxy gey Sbd~ dy E`D`r 'qy s`D`rx qy sMwukq v`k isrjxy|
e) B`Sx nUM sux ky sMKyp rUp iqE`r krn`|
s) irk`rf kIqIE~ ^br~ nUM sux ky ilKx`|
k`rjI pM j `bI
prc` bI : iQaU r I
sm~ : 3 GMty ku @ l EM k : 50
1. k`rjI B`S`--d&qrI B`S`, ieSiqh`rI B`S` | 10 EMk
2. P`eIl~ qy noitMg dyx dI ivDI, ic@TI p@qr ilKx dy pRk`r :
d&qrI, pirv`rk Eqy sm`jI| 20 EMk
3. rsmI p@qr ivh`r, EYkspRYs p@qr, q`r, d&qrI E`dyS,
d&qrI sUcn`, pRYs not E`id| 20 Eµk
16 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
k`rjI pM j `bI
prc` bI : pR Y k tIkl
sm~ : 2 GMty k@ u l EM k : 50
(pRYktIkl prcy ivc ividE`rQIE~ dI ivigE`pn, noitMg
Eqy notIiPkySn ilKx dI smrQ` dI pRIiKE` leI j`vygI)
Sanskrit (Elective)
¼x| dkO; rFkk egkdkO;½
(Teaching—Six Periods per week)
Time : 3 Hours M.M. 100
iz'u&iz=k dk ek/;e fgUnh gksxkA mÙkj laLÑr@fgUnh@iatkch@vaxt sz h+ esa
gks ldrs gSAa
I. fu/kkZfjr ikB~;Øe %
1- fgrks i ns ' k ¼ukjk;.kif.Mr½ % lq â n~ H ks n pkS [ kEck lq j Hkkjrh
izdk'ku]okjk.klh] 1990- 25 vad
2- dknEcjh ¼ck.k½ % 'kqduklksins'k Hkkjrh; fo|k izdk'ku] fnYyh]
2003- 40 vad
3- dqekj lEHko ¼dkfynkl½&iape lxZ 35 vad
II. iz'ui=k fuekZ.k funsZ'k%
iz'u&i=k ds 3 Hkkx gksaxs&
izFke Hkkx&20 vad
f}rh; Hkkx&50 vad
r`rh; Hkkx&30 vad
1- izFke Hkkx %
'kqduklksins'k ls 5 iz'u rFkk dqekj lEHko ds iapelxZ ls 5 iz'u
vFkkrZ dqy 10 iz'u vfrlaf{kIr mÙkjksa ds fy;s iwNs tk;saxsA izR;sd
iz'u ds 2 vad gksaxsA 10x2¾20
2- f}rh; Hkkx %
¼d½ 'kqduklksins'k ls 4 x|ka'k nsdj 2 ds ljykFkZ iwNs tk,axsA
izR;sd ds 10 vad gksaxsA 2x10¾20
¼[k½ dqekj lEHko ds iape lxZ ls 4 i| nsdj 2 dh lizlax O;k[;k
iwNh tk,aA izR;sd ds 7 vad gSaA 2x7½+¾15
¼x½ (i) lqân~Hksn ls 2 x|ka'k nsdj ,d dk lizlax ljykFkZ
iwNk tk,xkA blds 5 vad gksaxsA 1x5¾5
20 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
SANSKRIT (Vocational)
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 23
Paper - I
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
In this part 10 Objective type/Short Answer questions
carrying 2 marks each will be set. All questions will be compulsory.
Marks : 20
In this part 12 Questions carrying 6 marks each will be set.
The candidates will have to attempt only 8 questions out of these
12 questions.
Marks : 48
In this part 4 questions carrying 16 marks each will be set.
The candidates will have to attempt only 2 questions out of these 4
Marks : 32
SANSKRIT (Vocational)
Paper - II
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks :Total : 100
(Theory) : 84
(Practical) : 16
In this part 10 Objective type/Short Answer questions carrying 2
marks each will be set. All questions will be compulsory.
Marks : 20
In this part 12 Questions carrying 6 marks each will be set. The
candidates will have to attempt only 8 questions out of these 12
questions. Marks : 48
In this part 4 questions carrying 16 marks each will be set. The
candidates will have to attempt only 2 questions out of these 4
questions. Max. Marks : 32
16 (Written) + 16 (Practical) = 32
1. There will be a practical examination of 16 marks to
fulfil the U.G.C. requirement.
2. The question paper will be set in Hindi.
iz'u i=k&izFke iz'u iz=k&f}rh;
1- vuoyh ute~ vuoyksHkue~ 1- 'kolkajfo/k;%
2- lhÙkksu;ue~ 2- Jn`Hksn%
3- tkrdeZ 3- Jn`dky
4- 4-
5- d.kZos/k 5- Jn`fodkfj.k%
6- vUuizk'kue~ 6- Hkkjrh; oLrq 'kkL=k ifjp;%
7- pqMkdeZ 7- x`gfuekZ.kfof/k%
8- fo/kkjEe~ 8- x`gizos'k
9- miu;ue~s 9- okLrq 'kkfUr%
10- lekorZues 10- x`gLFk/kekZ
11- fookg 12- vUR;sf"kV%
13- vijdekZf.k
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 25
isij % ,s
e/;;qxhu dkO; ,oa bfrgkl rFkk dkO;kax
le;% rhu ?k.Vs dqy vad % 100
uksV % ;g iz'u&iz=k rhu Hkkxksa esa foHkDr gSA
bl Hkkx esa ls 10 iz'u iwNs tk,axsA bl dk ikap iafDr;ksa esa mÙrj
nsuk gksxkA bl Hkkx ds lHkh iz'u vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd iz'u nks vadksa
dk gSA dqy vad 20
bl Hkkx esa 12 iz'u iwNs tk,axs ftuesa ls 8 iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsuk
vfuok;Z gksxkA izR;sd iz'u dk mÙkj nks i`"Bksa rd lhfer gksxkA
izR;sd iz'u ds N% vad gSA dqy vad 48
bl Hkkx esa pkj iz'u iwNs tk,axs ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsuk
vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd iz'u dk mÙkj ikap i`"Bksa dk gksxkA izR;sd iz'u
lksyg vadksa dk gksxkA dqy vad 32
fu/kkZfjr ikB~;Øe
ikB~;&iqLrdsa %
1- dkO;&xfjek] lEiknd MkWŒ gjegsUnz flag csnh] izdk'kd % xq# ukud
nso ;wfuoflZVh] ve`rljA
2- fgUnh lkfgR; dk bfrgkl] izdk'kd% xq# ukud nso ;wfuoflZVh]
& fgUnh lkfgR; ds vkfndky vkSj HkfDr dky dk v/;;u visf{kr
gSaA rRlEcU/kh izeq[k ifj{ks=k&vkfndky ifjfLFkfr;ka] fo'ks"krk,a]
ukedj.k] dky foHkktukfnA
HkfDrdky&ukedj.k] dky foHkktu] ifjfLFkfr;ka] fo'ks"krk,aA
26 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
isij % ch
miU;kl] ukVd rFkk lS)kfUrdh
le;% rhu ?k.Vs dqy % 100
uksV % ;g iz'u&iz=k rhu Hkkxksa esa foHkDr gksxkA
bl Hkkx esa ls 10 iz'u iwNs tk,axsA bl dk ikap iafDr;ksa esa mÙrj
nsuk gksxkA bl Hkkx ds lHkh iz'u vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd iz'u nks vad
dk gSA dqy vad 20
bl Hkkx esa 12 iz'u iwNs tk,axs ftuesa ls 8 iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsuk
vfuok;Z gksxkA izR;sd dk mÙkj nks i`"Bksa rd lhfer gksxkA izR;sd
iz'u ds N% vad gSA dqy vad 48
bl Hkkx esa pkj iz'u iwNs tk,axs ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsuk
vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd iz'u dk mÙkj ikap i`"Bksa dk gksxkA izR;sd iz'u
lksyg vadksa dk gksxkA dqy vad 32
fu/kkZfjr ikB~;Øe
vferk µ¼,sfrgkfld miU;kl½ % ;'kiky
dks.kkdZ ¼ukVd½ % txnh'kpanz
miU;kl] rFkk ukVd dh ifjHkk"kk] Lo#i% rRo] izdkj
vad foHkktu%&
1- izFke [k.M esa vk/ks iz'u lS)kfUrdh ls vkSj vk/ks iz'u ikB~; iqLrdksa
ls gksaxsA
2- nwljs [k.M esa ls pkj iz'u lS)kfUrdh lEcU/kh( pkj O;k[;k lEcU/kh
rFkk 'ks"k pkj iz'u ikB~;Øe esa fu/kkZfjr iqLrdksa ls gksaxsA iqlrdksa
ls laca/kh iz'u dF;] f'kYi] ik=kksa jaxeap rFkk vfHkus;rk laca/kh
gksaxsA izR;sd [k.M esa ls nks nks iz'u djus vfuok;Z gSA
3- rhljs [k.M esa nks iz'u lS)kfUrdh rFkk nks ikB~; iqLrdksa ls gksxa As buesa
ys[kdksa ds lkfgR; ds ewY;kadu] egRo] ifrik|] rFkk ukVd vkSj miU;kl
fo/kkvksa ds rRo vkfn ij iz'u ¼ikB~; iqLrdksa ds lanHkZ es½a iwNs tk,axAs
28 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
QaD'kuy fgUnh
isij&,d] izk:i ys[ku] O;kolkf;d i=kpkj vkSj
HkfDrdkyhu fgUnh lkfgR; dk bfrgkl
le;% rhu ?k.Vs iw.kkZad % 100 ¼80$20½
uksV %
d½ ;g iz'uiz=k rhu Hkkxksa esa caVk gqvk gSA igys Hkkx esa ls nl iz'u iwNs
tk,axsA bl Hkkx ds lHkh iz'u vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd iz'u nks vadksa dk
gSA dqy vad 20
[k½ bl Hkkx esa ckjg iz'u iwNs tk,axs ftuesa ls vkB iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsus
gaS izR;sd iz'u 100 'kCnksa rd dh lhek dk gksxkA izR;sd iz'u ds
ikap vad gksxsA dqy vad 40
x½ bl Hkkx esa pkj iz'u iwNs tk,axs ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsuk
vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd iz'u dk mÙkj ikap i`"Bksa vFkok ,d gtkj 'kCnksa
rd lhfer gksxkA izR;sd iz'u ds 10 vad gksaxsA dqy vad 20
?k½ izkstSDV&izkstSDV ds fo"k; dh LohÑfr xq# ukud nso fo'ofo|ky;
ds fgUnh foHkkx ds v/;{k ls fyf[kr :i esa ysuh gksxhA izkstSDV dh
jiV dh rhu izfr;ka ¼Vafdr½ fo'ofo|ky; ds fgUnh foHkkx esa okf"kZd
ijh{kk ls nks lIrkg iwoZ Hkstuh gksaxhA dqy vad 10
ekSf[kdh&ekSf[kd ijh{kk dh lfefr esa fo'ofo|ky; dk v/;{k@v/;{k dh
rjQ ls uketn izksQslj rFkk dkyst dk foHkkxk?;{k gksaxsA
dqy vad 10
fl)kUr% &
¼d½ izk#i ys[ku
lkekU; ifjp;
1- % esa iz;qDr Hkk"kk vkSj 'kSyhA
2- izdj.k ¼dsl½ O;kSjk ¼fgLVjh½
3- vk{kfjd iphZ (Flagging of reference)
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 29
QaD'kuy fgUnh
isij&nks] fuoZpu vkSj izSl foKfIr
(Interpretation and Press Communiques)
le;% rhu ?k.Vs iw.kk±d % 100 ¼80$20½
uksV %
d½ ;g iz'uiz=k rhu Hkkxksa esa caVk gqvk gSA igys Hkkx esa ls nl iz'u iwNs
tk,axsA bl Hkkx ds lHkh iz'u vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd iz'u nks vadksa dk
gSA dqy vad 20
[k½ bl Hkkx esa ckjg iz'u iwNs tk,axs ftuesa ls vkB iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsuk
gSA bu iz'uksa dk mÙkj nks i`"Bksa esa nsuk gksxkA vFkok nks lkS 'kCnksa
rd dh lhek dk gksxkA izR;sd iz'u ikap vad dk gSA
dqy vad 40
x½ bl Hkkx esa pkj iz'u iwNs tk,axs ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsuk
vfuok;Z gSA ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj ikap i`"Bksa vFkok ,d
gtkj 'kCnksa rd lhfer gksxkA izR;sd iz'u 10 vad dk gksxkA
dqy vad 20
?k½ izkstSDV&izkstSDV ds fo"k; dh LohÑfr xq# ukud nso fo'ofo|ky;
ds fgUnh foHkkx ds v/;{k ls fyf[kr :i esa ysuh gksxhA izkstSDV dh
jiV dh rhu izfr;ka ¼Vafdr½ fo'ofo|ky; ds fgUnh foHkkx esa okf"kZd
ijh{kk ls nks lIrkg iwoZ Hkstuh gksaxhA dqy vad 10
ekSf[kdh&ekSf[kd ijh{kk dh lfefr esa fo'ofo|ky; dk v/;{k@v/;{k dh
rjQ ls uketn izksQslj rFkk dkyst dk foHkkxk?;{k gksaxsA
dqy vad 10
32 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
fl)kUr %&
¼d½ fuoZpu (Interpretation)
1- fuoZpu D;k gS\
2- fuoZpu% {ks=k laHkkouk] Hkwfedk
3- nqHkkf"k;k% xq.k vkSj mÙkjnkf;Ro
4- fuoZpu% lkjka'k vkSj Li"Vhdj.k
5- Hkk"kk ij vf?kdkj ¼vaxzsth&fgUnh vkSj {ks=kh; Hkk"kk,a½
6- nqHkkf"k, vkSj vuqoknd esa vUrj
7- vk'kq&Hkk"kkarj.k vuqokn ¼vuqO;k[;k½
8- laiknu
9- cSBdksa ¼lHkkvksa½ vkSj okn&fookn ds fu"d"kZ dh O;k[;k
10- Hkk"k.k dk lans'k vkSj O;k[;kuksa dk lkj
¼[k½ izSl foKfIr (Press Communiques)
1- izSl foKfIr% ifjp;] vo/kkj.kk Lo:i vkSj {ks=k
2- izSl izdk'kuh (Press release) dh eq[; fo"k; oLrq
3- lkjka'k
4- izSl foKfIr% Hkk"kk 'kSyh
5- izSl foKfIr% 'kCnkoyh
6- iqufoZyksdu (Review) vkSj laiknu (Editing)
7- izSl izdk'kuh tkjh djus dk vf/kdkjh
8- dojst (Coverage)
9- izSl fjiksZV&Hkk"kk vkSj 'kSyh
10- izSl&fjiksVZ djuk (Draft Report)
11- izwQ jhfMax
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 33
Paper - A (Written)
Time: 3 Hours M.Marks : 100
1. Translation from Russian into English/Hindi/Punjabi
30 Marks
2. Comprehension (Texts with questions) 30 Marks
3. Translation from English to Russian 40 Marks
Course of Reading & Prescribed Text-Book :
"RUSSIAN" by Wagner V.N. & Ovsienko Y.G.
(Lessons 26 t0 40) PPH, N.D., 1991.
Note : Dictionaries are allowed.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 35
Time : 3 Hrs. M.Marks : 100
(A) (Written) 50
1. Grammer 35
2. Composition (one out of five topics) 15
Topics : My friend; My family; City; My University; My work;
An Off Day; Our Library.
Courses of Reading & Prescribed Text-Book :
- Declension of Nouns & Adjectives in all Cases & Numbers.
- Verbs of motion with & without prefixes
- Use of
- "RUSSIAN" by Wagner V.N. & Ovsienko Y.G.
(Lessons 26 to 40)
- "RUSSIAN" by Ovsienko Y.G. & Skopina (Part-I & II)
(B) Oral/Practical 50
- Reading of a text 15
- Dictation 15
- Conversation 20
36 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Paper-A (Written)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Composition and Grammar :
M.Marks : 100
A : Written : 60
B : Viva : 40
A. : Written (Translation & Literature)
Time : 3 Hrs. M. Marks : 60
1. Translation from French to English 15
(From the textbook)
2. Translation from English to French. 15
(From the textbook)
3. Summery of one of the poems studied. 15
4. Conte De Fee-Le Petit Chaperon Rouge 15
Course of Reading & Prescribed Text-Book :
- "CONNEXIONS-2" by Regine Merieux & Yves Loiseau,
Published by Didier, 2004.
- Conte De Fee-Le Petit Chaperon Rouge
- Poetry-Dejeunei Matin (Prevert)
(B) Oral/Practical 40
- Reading of a text 10
- Dictation 10
- Conversation 20
Course of Reading & Prescribed Text-Book :
- "CONNEXIONS-2" by Regine Merieux & Yves Loiseau,
Published by Didier, 2004.
38 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note : - Instructions for the paper-setters/examiners:
Each question paper may consist of three sections as follows:
Section-A will consist of 10 very short answer questions with
answer to each question up to five lines in length. All questions
will be compulsory. Each question will carry two marks; total
weightage of the section being 20 marks.
Section-B will consist of short answer questions with answer to
each question upto two pages in length. Twelve questions will be
set by the examiner and eight will be attempted by the candidates.
Each question will carry six marks. The total weightage of the
section shall be 48 marks.
Section-C will consist of essay type questions with answer to each
question upto 5 pages in length. Four questions will be set by the
examiner and the candidates will be required to attempt two. Each
question will carry sixteen marks; total weightage of the section
being 32 marks.
Prose & Poetry
i) Explanation of Verses
ii) Explanation of Prose
iii) Introduction to Literary contribution of the following Poets
and Prose writers.
Mir Taqi Mir, Asad-ulla-Khan Ghalib, Nazir Akbarabadi,
Brij Narain Chakbast & Jigar Muradabadi)
Prose Writers
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, Mohd. Hussain Azad, Altaf Husain
Hali, Munshi Prem Chand, Rashid Ahmad Siddiqui)
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 39
Book Prescribed
Naqoosh-e-Adab published by Education Book House,
A.M.U. Market, Aligarh, 2003.
Books Recommended
1. Mukhtasar Tarikh-Adab-e-Urdu, by Aijaz Husain, Education
Book House, A.M.U. Market, Aligarh, 2003.
2. Urdu Zaban-o-Adab ka Khaka by Khushhal Zaidi, Edara
Bazme Khizre Rah, 80-Ghaffar Manzil Jamianagar, New
Delhi, 110025, 2001.
40 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Books Recommended
1. Urdu Sahafat by Saqib Siddiqui, Sir Syed Book Depot, Jamia
Urdu, Medical College Road, Aligarh-202002 (UP), 2003.
2. Sahafat Kaya Hai edited by Department of Persian and
Urdu, Punjabi University, Patiala, 2001.
3. Television Ki Sahafat by Shakeel Hasan Shamsi, 37-Johri
Mohalla, Lucknow, 2001.
42 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Paper - A
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note : - Instructions for the paper-setters/examiners:
Each question paper may consist of three sections as
Section-A will consist of 10 very short answer questions with
answer to each question up to five lines in length. All questions
will be compulsory. Each question will carry two marks; total
weightage of the section being 20 marks.
Section-B will consist of short answer questions with answer to
each question upto two pages in length. Twelve questions will be
set by the examiner and eight will be attempted by the candidates.
Each question will carry six marks. The total weightage of the
section being 48 marks.
Section-C will consist of essay type questions with answers to
each question upto 5 pages in length. Four questions will be set by
the examiner and the candidates will be required to attempt two.
Each question will carry sixteen marks; total weightage of the section
being 32 marks.
Prose and Poetry
Prose :
Azan-e-Maghrib by Saeed Nafisi. (Page-171)
Khana-e-Pidari by Saeed Nafisi. (Page-178)
Khud-Kushi by Mohd. Hijazi, (Page-199)
Eidi by Mohd. Hijazi. (Page-205)
Poetry :
a) Ghazaliyat-e-Hafiz
Agar An Turk Shirazi Badasat Arad Dile Mara
Dil Miravad z Dastam Sahib Dilan Khudara
Saqi Banoor-e-Bade Bar Afroz Jam-e-Ma. (Pages 4-8)
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 43
b) Ghazaliyat-e-Khusrau
Jaan z tan Burdi-o-Dar Jani Hanuz
Madeh Pindam Keh Man Dar Sene Sauda-e-Digar Daram
Janan Shabi Bakoo-e-Ghariban Maqam Kun. (Pages 24-
Qasida Mlik-ush-Sho'ara Bahar (Jughad-e-Jang)
1. Fughan z Jughad-e-Jang-o-Marghwai-o. (Pages 54-59),
Masnavi-Maulana Room
Bishno Az Nai Choon Hikayat Mee Kunad
Hikayat Ashiq Shudan-e-Badshah Bar Kaneezak
Zahir Shudan-e-Ijz-e-Hakiman Az Mo' alija-e-Kaneezak
Badshah b Dargah-e-Khuda-o-Khwab Didan Shah Wali Ra
(Pages 117-133)
Book Prescribed :
Nisab-e-Jadeed-e-Farsi, Published by Jyed Press Ballimaran
Delhi-6 and available from Maktaba Jamia, Urdu Bazaar, Jama
Masjid, Delhi-6. (1990)
Books Recommended :
1. Jadid Farsi Shai'ri by Dr. Mohd. Taqi Ali Abidi, Uttar
Pradesh Urdu Academy, Lucknow, 1996.
2. Jadid Farsi Shai'ri by Dr. Munib-ur-Rehman, University
Press, A.M.U. Aligarh, 1980.
3. Asari Farsi Shai'ri by Dr. Syed Ahsan-uz-Zafar, Uttar
Pradesh Urdu Academy, Lucknow, 1995.
4. Masnaviyat-e-fani Kashmiri by Iraq Raza Zaidi, 2003 (2nd
5. Sho'ra-e-Namwar by M.M. Jalali, Uttar Pradesh Urdu
Academy, Lucknow, 1995.
6. Tarikh-e-Adabiyat-e-Iran by Raza Zada Shafaq, Edara
Musannifin, Hyderabad, 1990.
44 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Paper - B
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note:- Instructions for the paper-setters/examiners:
Each question paper may consist of three sections as
Section-A will consist of 10 very short answer questions with
answer to each question up to five lines in length. All questions
will be compulsory. Each question will carry two marks; total
weightage of the section being 20 marks.
Section-B will consist of short answer questions with answer to
each question upto two pages in length. Twelve questions will be
set by the examiner and eight will be attempted by the candidates.
Each question will carry six marks. The total weightage of the
section being 48 marks.
Section-C will consist of essay type questions with answers to
each question upto 5 pages in length. Four questions will be set by
the examiner and the candidates will be required to attempt two.
Each question will carry sixteen marks; total weightage of the section
being 32 marks.
Grammar and Persian Genres :
a) Grammar : Definitions and kinds of the following :
Ism, Zameer, Sifat, Fail, Fa'il, Mafool & Jumla
Mutazad Alfaz
b) Persian Genres:
Zindgi Nameh
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 45
Media :
Its Qualities and Duties
Books Recommended:
1. Miftah-ul-Qawaid by Mohiuddin Jafri, 2001.
2. Naseem-e-Balaghat by Jalal-ud-din Jafri, 2001.
3. Farsi-o-Dastur, Part-II by Zohra Khanlari, 2003.
4. Urdu Sahafat by Anwar Dehlvi, Urdu Academy, Delhi, 2000.
5. Rehbar-e-Akhbar Navisi by Iqbal Qadri, Qaumi Council,
R.K. Puram, New Delhi, 1999.
6. Urdu : Radio aur Television Mein by Kamal Ahmad Siddiqui.
Qaumi Council, R.K. Puram, New Delhi, 2003.
7. Awami Zra'i Iblagh : Tarsil aur Tamir-o-Tarraqi by Shahid
Parvej, Qaumi Council, R.K. Puram, New Delhi, 2001 (2nd
46 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
History of India (1707-1964 A.D.)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Note : The question paper shall consist of two sections as
follows :
Section A : The examiner will set 10 questions and the candidates
will attempt 7 questions carrying 4 marks each. Answer to each
question will be in 10 to 15 sentences. The total weightage of the
section will be 28 marks.
Section B :The examiner will set 8 questions which will cover the
entire syllabus. The candidates will attempt any 4 questions in at
least 5 pages each. Each question will carry 18 marks. The total
weightage of this section will 72 marks.
Important Note : Paper Setter must ensure that questions
in Section-A do not cover more than one point, and questions in
Section-B should cover at least 50 percent of the theme.
1. Foundation of British Rule : Advent of the British; Battles
of Plassey and Buxar, Clive and Warren Hastings; Subsidiary
Alliance Policy, Doctrine of Lapse.
2. The Uprising of 1857 : Causes, Spread of the Uprisings,
Nature and aftermath.
3. Economic Changes : Agriculture, British commercial
policies and the impact on the trade balance; Destruction
of indigenous industries; the growth of modern industry;
The drain theory.
4. Growth of Education and Political Organisation : New
education; Rise of the middle classes, Political institutions.
5. Socio Religious Movements : Brahmo Samaj, Arya
Samaj, Rama Krishana Mission, Prarthna Samaj,
Theosophical Society, Aligarh Movement.
6. The Revolutionary Terrorism : Partition of Bengal and
its impact; Revolutionary Terrorism in Bengal, Maharashtra
and the Punjab, Impact on the national movement.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 47
History of the Punjab (1469-1799)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Note : Each question paper shall consist of two sections as
follows :
Section A : The examiner will set 10 questions and the candidates
will attempt any 7 questions carrying 4 marks each. Answer to
each question will be in 10 to 15 sentences. The total weightage of
this section will be 28 marks.
Section B : The examiner will set 8 questions which will cover the
entire syllabus. The candidates will attempt any 4 questions in at
least 5 pages each. Each question will carry 18 marks. The total
weightage of this section will be 72 marks.
Important Note : Paper Setter must ensure that questions
in Section-A do not cover more than one point, and questions in
Section-B should cover atleast 50 percent of the theme.
1. Sources : Geographical and Physical features, Historical
literature in Persian and Punjabi; Religious literature;
Administrative records and documents; European travellers'
accounts, Non-literary sources : numismatics and paintings.
2. Socio-Religious condition of the Punjab around 1500
A.D. : The Sunnis; the Shias; the Sufis, the Brahmans; the
Jogis; the Vaishnava bhakti and the saints.
3. Foundation of Sikh Panth : Guru Nanak Dev and his
Teachings : Early life, Conception of God, Importance of
the Guru, Insistance on right conduct and earnest profession;
Institution of community kitchen (Langer) and
Congregational worship (sangat), Succession to Guruship.
4. Development of the Sikh Panth : Guru Angad Dev to
Guru Arjan Dev : Increasing number of sangats : Sikh
ceremonies; the Manji and Masand system, The founding
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 49
Political Science
Paper – A
(Indian Constitution)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
20x4 = 80
10x2 =20
Instructions for the Paper Setter:
The question paper will consist of five Sections: A,B,C,D
and E, Section A,B,C and D will have two questions from the
respective portion of the syllabus and will carry 20 marks each.
Section E will consist of 10 short answer type questions to be set
form entire syllabus i.e sections A, B, C & D and will carry 20
marks in all, such short answer type questions carry 2 marks.
Instructions for the candidates:
Candidates are required to attempt one question each from sections
A,B,C and D of the question paper and the entire section E. The
candidates are required to answer the short questions in not less
than 50 words.
Section — A
1. Constitution Assembly and making of India’s Constitution.
2. Basic features of the Indian Constitution.
3. Preamble and its importance.
4. Nature of Indian Federalism and Centre-State Relations.
Section — B
1. Fundamental Rights, features, kinds and evaluation.
2. Fundamental Duties.
3. Directive Principles of the State Policy.
Section — C
1. Parliament: Composition, Powers and Role.
2. President: Election, Powers and Position.
3. Indian Cabinet and Prime Minister: Election, Powers,
Position and Changing Role.
4. Supreme Court and High Court: Composition, Powers
and Role.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 51
Section — D
1. Governor: Appointment, Powers and Role.
2. State Legislature: Composition, Powers and Role.
3. Council of Ministers and Chief Minister: Election,
Powers, Position and Role.
Books Recommended:
1. G. Austin, The Indian Constitution : Corner Stone of a
Nation, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1966.
2. G. Austin, Working of a Democratic Constitution : The
Indian Experience, Oxford University Press, 2000, Delhi.
3. D.D. Basu, An Introduction to the Constitution of India,
New Delhi, Prentice Hall, 2008.
4. C.P. Bambhri, The Indian State Fifty Years, New Delhi,
Shipra, 1997.
5. P. Brass, Politics of India Since Independence,
Hyderabad, Orient Longman, 1990.
6. P. Brass, Caste, Faction and Parties in Indian Politics,
Vol. II, Delhi, Chanakya Publications 1984-1985.
7. P. Brass, Ethnic Groups and the State, London, Croom,
Helm, 1995.
8. P. Brass, Language, Religion and Politics in North Indian,
London, Cambridge University Press, 1974.
9. B.L. Fadia, State Politics in India, Vol. II, New Delhi,
Radiant Publishers, 1984.
10. F.R. Frankel, India’s Political Economy 1947-1977, The
Gradual Revolution, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1978.
11. R. Kothari, State against Democracy : In Search of Human
Governance, Delhi, Ajanta, 1988.
12. R. Kothari, Politics in India, New Delhi, Orient Longman,
13. R. Kothari, Party System and Election Studies, Bombay,
Asia Publishing House, 1967.
14. I. Narain (ed.), State Politics in India, Meerut, Meenakshi
Parkashan, 1967.
52 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Political Scienc
Paper - B
(Indian Political System)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
20x4 = 80
10x2 = 20
Instructions for the Paper Setter:
The question paper will consist of five Sections:A,B,C,D and
E. Section A,B,C and D will have two questions from the respective
portion of the syllabus and will carry 20 marks each. Section E will
consist of 10 short answer type questions to be set from the entire
syllabus i.s sections A, B, C & D and will carry 20 marks in all,
such short answer type questions carry 2 marks.
Instructions for the candidates:
Candidates are required to attempt one question each, from
sections A,B,C,and D of the question paper and the entire section
E. The candidates are required to answer the short questions in not
less than 50 words
Section — A
1. Nature of Party System in India: A Critical Evaluation.
2. National Political Parties (National Congress – BJP, CPI,
CPI(M), BSP; Their organisation, Ideologies and electoral
3. Regional Political Parties (SAD, NC, DMK, Telugu
Desam): Their Organisation, Ideologies and Electoral
4. Pressure groups in Indian Politics.
Section — B
1. The Election Commission: Powers, functions, and
Electoral reforms.
2. Voting Behaviour.
3. Political Participation: Determinants and levels of Political
Section — C
1. Caste and Religion in Indian Politics.
2. Regionalism and Indian politics.
3. Liberalisation and Indian Politics.
4. Emerging trends in Indian Politics.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 57
Section — D
1. Basic principles and determinants of Indian Foreign Policy.
2. Policy of Non-alignment and its relevance in contemporary
Books Recommended:
1. G. Austin, The Indian Constitution : Corner Stone of a
Nation, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1966.
2. G. Austin, Working of a Democratic Constitution : The
Indian Experience, Oxford University Press, 2000, Delhi.
3. D.D. Basu, An Introduction to the Constitution of India,
New Delhi, Prentice Hall, 2008.
4. C.P. Bambhari, The Indian State Fifty Years, New Delhi,
Sipra, 1997.
5. P. Brass, Politics of India Since Independence,
Hyderabad, Orient Longman, 1990.
6. P. Brass, Caste, Faction and Parties in Indian Politics,
Vol. II, Delhi, Chanakya Publications 1984-1985.
7. P. Brass, Ethnic Groups and the State, London, Croom,
Helm, 1995.
8. P. Brass, Language, Religion and Politics in North Indian,
London, Cambridge University Press, 1974.
9. B.L. Fadia, State Politics in India, Vol. II, New Delhi,
Radiant Publishers, 1984.
10. F.R. Frankel, India’s Political Economy 1947-1977, The
Gradual Revolution, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1978.
11. R. Kothari, State against Democracy : In Search of Human
Governance, Delhi, Ajanta, 1988.
12. R. Kothari, Politics in India, New Delhi, Orient Longman,
13. R. Kothari, Party System and Election Studies, Bombay,
Asia Publishing House, 1967.
14. I. Narain (ed.), State Politics in India, Meerut, Meenakshi
Parkashan, 1967.
58 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Description of the battle.
Analysis (strategy, tactics, application of
principles of war and causes of defeat and
5. The Mongol art of war under Changez Khan and
a) Organisation of Mongol Army.
b) Mongol Art of War.
6. Industrial Revolution and its impact
a) Impact on Society
b) Impact on weapons for land and naval warfare
c) Impact on means of communications
d) Impact on tactics for land and naval warfare.
7. Napoleonic Warfare
a) Elements of Napoleonic Warfare.
b) Principles of Napoleonic Warfare.
8. Naval Warfare with particular reference to the Battle
of Trafalgar 1805 A.D. :
a) Background of the English and Franco-Spanish rivalry
for naval supremacy.
b) Battle of Trafalgar.
I. Opposing forces and their deployment.
II. Description of the battle.
III. Analysis (strategy, tactics, application of principles
of War and causes of defeat and victory).
9. American Civil War (1861-65)
i) Introduction
ii) Causes
iii) Events in brief
62 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
5. Fighting techniques of Southern Muslim Sultana with
particular reference to the Battle of Talikota, 1568 A.D.
i) Introduction
ii) Opposing forces and their deployment
iii) Description of the battle
iv) Analysis (strategy, tactics, application of principles of
War and causes of defeat and victory)
6. Military Organisations of Marathas under Shivaji and
his techniques of fighting :
i) Shivaji as a military leader.
ii) Higher Defence Organisation.
iii) Military Organisation.
iv) Techniques of Fighting.
7. Military organisation of Sikh Army and its fighting
techniques under Maharaja Ranjit Singh :
i) Maharaja Ranjit Singh as a Military leader.
ii) Growth and development of the Sikh Army from 1799-
iii) Organisation of the Army.
iv) Fighting techniques of the Sikh Army strategies and
8. Anglo-Maratha and Anglo-Sikh Warfare with particular
reference to the Battles of Assaye, 1803 A.D. and
Chillianwala, 1849 A.D. :
(a) Battle of Assaye
i) Introduction
ii) Opposing forces and their deployment.
66 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Supplementary Readings :
16. Cook, H.C.B. : The Sikh Wars 1845 to 1849.
17. Dupuy, Earnest : The Encyclopaedia of Military History.
18. Habibullah, A.B.M. : The Foundation of Muslim Rule in
19. Jaffar, S.M. : Medieval India under Muslim Kings.
20. Kangle, B.P. : Kautilaya's Arth Shastra.
21. Majumdar, B.K. : Study of Indian Military History.
22. Shastri, Sharma : Artha Shastra.
23. Singh Nagendra : The Theory of Force and Organisation
Defence in India.
24. Subramanyam T.G. : Famous Battles in Indian History.
68 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Total Teaching Hours : 3 Periods per week
Time for Practical Examination : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 40
Section-A Written Test : 1½ Hours
1. Map : Definition, features, classification : Topo Sheets and
its utility for Military : Enlargement and reduction of Maps.
2. Conventional Signs.
3. GRID System : Four Figure and Six Figure Map References.
4. Scale : Definition methods of presenting scale
Interconvention of statement into Representative fraction :
construction of simple scale line and the comparative scale
5. North : Types of north and finding out true north direction
by equal altitude methods : Watch method & Compass
Discussion (Topics)
(i) Punjab Problems
(ii) J & K Problems
(iii) Assam Problems
(iv) Human Rights (Meaning and Concept)
Section-C : Viva-Voce
Section-D : Record
Instructions for the Examiners
Written test would be given on the spot by the external
examiner. Internal examiner is to be appointed to assist the external
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 69
Paper - A
Personnel Administration in India
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note:- Instructions for the paper-setters/examiners:
Each question paper may consist of three sections as
Section-A will consist of 10 very short answer questions with
answer to each question upto five lines in length. All questions will
be compulsory. Each question will carry two marks; total weightage
being 20 marks.
Section-B will consist of short answer type questions with answer
to each question upto two pages in length. Twelve questions will
be set by the examiner and eight will be attempted by the candidates.
Each question will carry six marks. The total weightage of the
section shall be 48 marks.
Section-C will consist of essay type questions with answer to each
question upto 5 pages in length. Four questions will be set by the
examiner and the candidates will be required to attempt two. Each
question will carry sixteen marks; total weightage of the section
being 32 marks.
Meaning, Nature and Scope of Personnel Administration.
Functions and Significance of Personnel Administration.
Public Services and their role in Administrative System.
Characteristics of Public Personnel Administration in India.
Civil Services in India:
Recruitment : Meaning, Methods
Promotion : Meaning, Principles.
Training : Meaning, Objectives and Types, Training System in India.
70 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Personnel Agencies:
Functions and Role of Department of Personnel and Public
Grievances, Union Public Service Commission, State Public Service
Commissions & Staff Selection Commissions.
Employer — Employee Relations and Working Conditions:
Employees participation in Management.
Employee's Unions.
Joint Consultative Machinery.
Rights of Public Servant, Conduct and Discipline.
Motivation and Morale.
Integrity in Public Services - Problem of Corruption.
Relationshi9p between permanent and political executive.
Lok Pal and Lok Ayukta. Central Vigilance Commission.
Organization and working of Central of Bureau Investigation (CBI)
Sugessted Readings :
1. Government of India, Report on Personnel Administration,
New Delhi, 1970.
2. Glenn O. Stahl : Public Personnel Administration, 7th Ed.,
Oxford IBH Publication Compo, New Delhi, 1977.
3. Goel S.L. and Shalini Rajneesh, Public Personnel
Administration : Theory and Practice, Deep and Deep
Publications, New Delhi, 2002.
4. Indian Institute of Public Administration, Personnel
Administration, New Delhi, 1970.
5. Sahib Singh and Sawinder Singh, Public Personnel and
Financial Administration, New Academic Publisher, 2002.
6. Sinha V.M., Personnel Administration, R.B.S.A., Publisher,
Jaipur, 1985.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 71
Paper - B
Financial Administration
Preparation of Budget.
Enactment of Budget.
Execution of Budget.
Performance Budgeting.
Zero-Base Budgeting.
Control over Finance.
Legislative Control.
Public Accounts Committee.
Estimates Committee.
Committee on Public Undertakings, Comptroller and Auditor
General, Accounting and Audit.
Suggested Readings
1. Goel S.L., Financial Administration, Deep and Deep
Publication, New Delhi, 2002.
2. Government of India, Administrative Reforms Commission,
Report of Financial Account and Audit, New Delhi, 1967.
3. Government of India, Administrative Reforms Commission,
Report of Central State Relations, New Delhi, 1967.
4. Lall G.S., Financial Administration in India, H.P.J. Kapoor
Delhi, 1969.
5. Puri K.K. and G.S. Barara, Personnel and Financial
Administration, Bharat Prakashan, Jalandhar, 2003.
6. Sahib Singh and Swinder Singh, Public Personnel and
Financial Administration, New Academic Publisher, 2002.
7. Thavaraj M.J.K., Financial Administration in India, S.Chand
& Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1997.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 73
Paper - A
Society in India
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note:- Question paper may consist of two sections as follows:
Section-A will consist of 10 very short answer questions to each
question upto five lines in length. All questions will be compulsory.
Each question will carry two marks; total weightage being 20 marks.
Section-B will consist of short answer questions with answer to
each question upto 3 pages in length or in 500 words. The examiner
will set fifteen questions (at least 7 from each unit) and the
candidates will attempt eight (four from each unit). Each question
will carry ten marks. Total weightage of the section being 80 marks.
Unit —I
(a) Indian Society : Features and Unity in Diversity.
(b) Caste : Features, Functions, Changing pattern, Caste and
Politics, Difference between caste and class.
(c) Social Issues : Regionalism and Communalism.
(a) Marriage—Meaning, Types, Functions, Rules and
(b) Family—Meaning, Types, Functions and Changes.
(c) Kinship Systems in India: North and South India.
74 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Social Change in India
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Note:- Question paper may consist of two sections as follows:
Section-A will consist of 10 very short answer questions with
answers to each question upto five lines in length. All questions
will be compulsory. Each question will carry two marks; total
weightage of the section being 20 marks.
Section-B will consist of short answer questions with answer to
each question upto three pages in length or in 500 words. The
examiner will set fifteen questions (at least 7 from each unit) and
the candidate will attempt eight (four from each unit). Each question
will carry ten marks. Total weightage of the section being 80 marks.
Unit —I
a) Social charge : Meaning and Forms : Evolution, Revolution,
Progress and Development.
b) Factors of Social Change : Demographic, Education,
Industrialization and Legislation.
Unit —II
a) Processes of Change : Sanskritization, Westernization,
Modernization and Secularization.
b) Problems of Social Change : Dowry, Domestic Violence,
Divorce, Problems of elderly, Female foeticide.
Books Recommended for Paper A and B
1. Ahuja, Ram : Social Problems, Rawat Publishers, New
Delhi, 1992.
2. Abraham, M. Francis : Contemporary Sociology, Oxford
University, New Delhi, 2006.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 75
Experimental Psychology
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 75
Note : 1. The use of Non-Programmable calculators and
Statistical Tables are allowed in the examination.
2. Only one numerical question is to be set either of nine
marks (from section-B) or of twelve marks (from
3. The question paper may consist of three sections as
Section-A will consist of 10 very short answer questions with
answers to each question upto five lines in length. All questions
will be compulsory. Each question will carry 1½ marks; total
weightage of the section being 15 marks.
Section-B will consist of short answer questions with answer to
each question upto two pages in length. Six questions will be set
by the examiner and four will be attempted by the candidates.
Each question will carry 9 marks; total weightage of the section
being 36 marks.
Section-C will consist of essay type questions with answer to
each question upto five pages in length. Four questions will be set
by the examiner and candidates will be required to attempt two.
Each question being 24 marks.
(The questions are to be set to judge the candidates basic
understanding of the concepts.)
Experimental Psychology : Introduction and Nature
Experimental Methed : Experimental of Method, Name,
Advantage and Dis-advantage.
Variables:-Types of Variables, Stimulus, Organismic and Response
Variables, Process of experimentation-manipulation and control of
variables, Concept of within and between Experimental Designs.
Sensation: Types of sensations, Visual sensation; structure and
functions of the eye. Theories of colour vision (Young-Helmholtz.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 77
Paper-B (Theory)
Experimental Psychology
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks 75
Note : 1. The use of Non-Programmable calculators and
Statistical Tables are allowed in the examination.
2. Only one numrical question is to be set either of nine
marks (from Section-B) or of twelve marks (from
3. The question paper may consist of three sections as
Section-A will consist of 10 very short answer question with
answers to each question up to five lines in length. All questions
will be compulsory. Each question will carry 1½ marks; total
weightage of the section being 15 marks.
Section-B will consist of short answer questions with answer to
each question upto two pages in length. Six questions will be set
by the examiner and four will be attempted by the candidates.
Each question will carry 9 marks. Total weightage of the section
being 36 marks.
Section-C will consist of essay type questions with answer to each
question upto five pages in length. Four questions will be set by the
examiner and the candidates will be required to attempt two. Each
question being 24 marks.
(The questions are to be set to judge the candidates basic
understanding of the concepts.)
Psychophysics : Concept of Psychophysics,Physical V/S.
Psychological continua, Weber Fechner law Concept of Absolute
and Differential Thresholds. Determination of AL and DL by
Methods of limits, Method of Constant Stimuli & Method of
Average Error.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 79
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 50
Note: Any Ten Practicals out of Twelve are to be conducted.
1. Measurement of Differential Threshold.
2. Span of Attention/Division of Attention
3. Muller-Luyer Illusion
4. Role of set in perception.
5. Retroactive inhibition
6. Recall Vs Recognition Method
7. Bilateral transfer of learning.
8. Reaction Time (Simple vs choice RT or Auditory vs Visual RT)
9. Retinal Colour zones.
10. Problem-Solving
11. Paired Associate learning.
12. Concept formation.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 81
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 70
Objective :
1. To understand concept of resources and their interface with
2. To examine use and misuse of various resources, and analyse
future prospects;
3. To study various methods and approaches of conservation
and management of natural resources;
4. To understand the quantitative and qualitative aspects of
human resources in spatial perspectives and the associated
environmental problems.
Course Content :
Unit - I
Meaning, nature and components of environment. Nature
and definition of Resources. Resources environment interface.
Classification of Resources : Renewable and Non-
renewable : Biotic (forests, wild-life; live-stock, fisheries, agricultre
crops) and abiotic (land, water, mineral).
Unit - II
Distribution availability, utilization and conservation of water,
minerals and energy resoruces; their economic and environmental
significance and sustainability.
Types and distribution of forests—their economic and
environmental significance and conservation.
Types and distribution of fisheries—their economic and
environmental significance and conservation.
82 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Books Recommended
1. Agarwal, A. : The Citizen's Fifth Report, Centre
for Science and Environment,
New Delhi, 1999.
2. Chandna, R.C. : A Geography of Population,
Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana,
3. Chawla, I.N. : Geography of Resources, Bharat
Prakashan, Jalandhar, latest
4. Hartshorne Truman : Economic Geography, Prentice
A, and W. Alexander: Hall, 1988, 3rd John Edition.
5. Kates, R.W. & : Geography, Resources and
Burton, I (Eds.) Environment, Vol. I & II,
University of Chicago Press,
Chicago, 1986.
6. Trewartha, G.T. : A Geography of Pupulation—
World Patterns. John Wiley and
Sons, New York, 1969.
7. Zelinsky, Wilbur : A Prologue to Population
Geography, Prentice Hall, New
Jersey, 1966.
8. Zimmerman E.W. : World Resources and Industries,
Harpar New York.
9. Chandna, R.C. : Environmental Awareness
Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana.
10. Chawla. I.N., : Resources & Environmental
Bharat Publishers, Jalandhar.
84 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Geography of Punjab
Time : 3 Hours Max Marks: 70
Objective :
1. To understand the regional setting of Punjab State in detail
through physical and political maps.
2. To examine the pattern of select population characteristics.
3. To study the distribution of major crops, industries and
transport links in the state.
4. To understand the intra regional variations in the select
Location, evolution of the state, administrative divisions.
Relief, drainage, climate, soils, vegetation, mineral and power
Population : Numbers, distribution, density, growth (birth rate, death
rate and migration), religious composition, urbanization.
Agriculture : Main characteristics including green revolution,
irrigation, main crops (wheat, rice, cotton, sugarcane) and their
distribution, agricultural marketing, livestock and dairying, problems
of agriculture.
Industries : Main characteristics, distribution pattern of major
industries (cotton textile, sugar, hosiery, engineering) industrial
concentration, problems of industrialization.
Transport and Trade : Road, rail and their transport; inter-state
Regional Geography of Majha, Doaba, Malwa and major
characteristics of each region.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 85
Note :
1. A compulsory question containing 20 short answer type
questions will be set covering the whole syllabus. The
students will attempt any 15 parts in about 25-30 words
each. Each part will carry 2 marks (Total 30 marks).
2. The whole syllabus will be divided into 4 units. Eight questions
will be set out of the whole syllabus, 2 from each unit. The
students will be required to attempt one question from each
unit. These will be in addition to the compulsory question at
serial number 1. Each question will carry 10 marks. (Total
40 Marks).
3. Special credit will be given to appropriate use of maps and
Books Recommended :
Essential Readings :
1. Mankoo, Darshan S. : Geography of Punjab, Kalyani
Publication, Ludhiana, 1977.
2. Mavi, H.S. & : Geography of Punjab, National
Tiwana, D.S. Book Trust, Delhi, 1993.
3. Singh, Malkit : Geography of Punjab, Reshmeet,
Publications, Jalandhar.
Further Readings :
1. Census of India : Punjab: Census Atlas, Vol. XIII,
No.IX, 1996.
2. Deshpande, C.D. : India : A Regional Interpretation,
Northern Book Centre, New
Delhi, 1992.
3. Gosal G.S. & : Regional Disparities in Levels of
Gopal Krishan Socio-Economic Development in
Punjab,Vishal Publications,
Kurukshetra, 1984.
86 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 60
Written Paper of 3 Hours : 35 Marks
Distribution of Terminal Exam.
Viva and Practical Record (10+15) : 25 Marks
Objective :
1. To apprise the students with symbolization of different types
of geographical data and depiction of various spatial data.
2. To provide training in application of various graphical
methods of depicting geographic data.
3. To train the students to interpret the topographical sheets at
different scales course Content.
Symbolization of Geographical Data :
a) Point symbols : Dot, circle, sphere.
b) Line symbols : Isopleths and flow lines.
c) Areas symbols : Choropleth.
Construction and Significance of the following:
a) Columnar diagrams : Simple, percentage, superimposed,
b) Graphs : Line graphs, climograph, hythergraph, erograph,
wind rose.
a) Cartographic Representation of : Population data
(distribution, density, growth, migration and literacy)
88 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Books Recommended :
Essential Readings :
1. Khullar, D.R. : Essentials of Practical Geography,
New Academic Publishing Co., Mai
Hiran Gate, Jalandhar, 2000.
2. Robinson, A.H. : Elements of Cartography, John
Wiley, New York, 1995.
3. Singh, Gopal : Mapwork & Practical Geography,
Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi, 1995.
4. Singh, R.L. & Singh : Mapwork and Practical Geography,
Raghunandan Central Book Depot, Allahabad,
Further Readings:
1. Birch, T.W. : Maps Topographical & Statistical;
Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1949.
2. Garnett, A. : Geographical Interpretation of
Topographical Maps, George Harrap
& Co., London, 1953.
3. Monkhosue, F.J. : Maps and Diagrams, Methuen &
Co., London, 1994 (reprint).
90 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
* Advertising Agency
* Advertising Budget
* Advertising Designing & Layout
Public Relations
* Meaning & Concept
* Role & Importance
* Qualities to Good PRO
* Tools/Technique of PR
* PR in Government, Public & Private Sector
Difference between PR & Advertising Propaganda, Publicity
& Public Opinion
Practicals Max. Marks : 40
Handling Cameras.
Visit to Ad, Agency, I and B organs and other media organization.
Marking of an advertisement (Print and Audio-visual)
Making of Press note/press releases.
Books Recommended :
1. Advertising, Santokki, Kalyani Publishers, 1994.
2. Handbook of Public Relation, D.S. Mehta, Allied Publishers
Limited, 1998.
3. Press laws, D.D. Basu, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,
Philosophical, Sociological and Psychological
Foundations of Education
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
There will be two papers of 100 marks each.
Total Teaching Periods : 150
Note : 1. There will be eight questions in all, four quesitons from
each section.
2. The candidates are required to attempt atleast two
questions from each section and five in all.
Philosophical, sociological and psychological foundations of
Meaning of sociology, relationship between education and
sociology, nature and scope of educational sociology.
Social change-Meaning factors and role of education.
Meaning and importance of value education, imparting value
Education and international understanding.
Moral and religious education.
Need and importance of population education.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 97
Books Recommended :
1. Aggarwal, J.C. - Principles and Techiques of Education,
Ayra Book Depot, New Delhi.
2. Bhatia and Narang - Theory and Principles of Education,
Ludhiana, Parkash Brothers, 1986.
3. Bhatia and Safaya - Educational : Psychology, Jalandhar
Dhanpat Rai and Sons, 1980.
4. Dhaliwal, A.S. - Vidyak Manovigyan, Patiala : Punjabi
University, 1985.
5. Sandhu, I.K. and - Sikhya Manovigyan : Punjabi
Kaur Amrio University, Patiala.
6. Saxena Swaroop, N.R.- Education in Emerging Indian Society,
and Chaturvedi Sikha R. Lall Book Depot, Meerut, 2005.
7. Sharma, T.R. - Sikhya Manovigyan, Ludhiana :
Lahore Book Shop.
8. Sociological Approach to Indian Eduction, Agra Pustik Mandir.
9. Sodhi, T.S. - Bharti Sikhya, Patiala : R.K.
Publication, 1989.
10. Taneja, V.R. - Socio-Philosophical Approach to
Education, Delhi : Atlantic Publishers,
98 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
There will be two papers of 100 marks each.
Total Teaching Periods : 150
Note : 1. There will be eight questions in all, four questions
from each section.
2. The candidates are required to attempt atleast two
questions from each section and five in all.
Meaning, Nature and theories of learning.
Meaning of memory, retention, recall, recognition and
measures of improving memory.
Concept of intelligence, concept of I.O. and its measurement.
Meaning types and Measurement of aptitudes.
Meaning and importance of evaluation, examination reforms.
Types and importance of co-curricular activities.
Characteristics and problems of exceptional children.
Gifted, Slow learner & Problem Children.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 99
Books Recommended
1. Bhatia and Narang - Theory and Principles of
Education, Parkash Brothers,
Ludhiana, 1996.
2. Dayakar, Reddy, D. - Value Oriented Education,
Educational Psychology,
Jalandhar, Paul Publishers, 1985.
3. Dhaliwal, A.S. - Vidhyak Manovigyan, Patiala :
Punjabi University, 1985.
4. Govt. of India, - Report of Secondary Education
Ministry of Education Comission (1952-53), New Delhi.
5. Prasad and Chandra, - Sociological Foundation of
Deepak Education KSK Publisher, Delhi,
6. Saxena Swaroop - Education in Emerging Indian
and Chaturvedi Sikha Society, R. Lall Book Depot,
Meerut, 2005.
7. Sodhi, T.S. - Philosophical and Sociological
Foundations of Education, Bawa
Publication, Patiala, 2007.
8. Taneja, V.R. - Foundations of Education,
Chandigarh, Mahindra.Capital
Punjab, 2006.
9. Walia, J.S. - Philosophical and Sociological
Basis of Education, Ahim Paul
Publisher, Jalandhar, 2007.
100 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
Note : - Instructions for the paper-setters/examiners. Each
question paper may consist of three sections as follows:
Section A : The candidates are required to attempt all the six
questions. Each question carrying two marks. 6x2=12 Marks
Section B : The candidates are required to attempt seven out of
twelve questions. Each question carrying four marks.
7x4=28 Marks
Section C : The candidates are required to attempt two out of four
questions. Each question carrying ten marks. 10x2=20 Marks
1. Meaning of Learning, Nature of Skill Learning and laws of
2. Learning Curve.
3. Motivation in Physical Education.
4. Play meaning and theories.
5. Psychological factors effecting sports performance i.e.
stress tension, anxiety, aggression.
6. Psychological characteristics of the adolescent in sports
1. Transfer of training, its application in sports situations.
2. Growth and development during childhood;
i) Physical
ii) Mental
iii) Emotional
iv) Inter-personal social development.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 101
Books Recommended :
1. Singh, Kanwaljeet and Singh Inderjeet : Sports Sociology,
Friends Publication, New Delhi, 2000.
2. Tandan, D.K., : Scienctific basis of Physical Education
and Sports, Frends Publication, New Delhi, 2001.
3. Singh, Ajmer and Gill Jagtar : Essentials of Physical
Education and Olympic movement, Kalyani Publishers,
Ludhiana, 2004.
4. Kang, G.S. : Anatomy, Physiology and Health Education,
Publication Bureau, Punjabi University, Patiala, 2000.
5. Kang, G.S. and Deol, N.S. : An Introduction to Health and
Physical Education, 21st Century, Patiala, 2008.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 105
Logic : Western and Indian
Time Allowed : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Lectures to be delivered : 75
Pass Marks : 35
Instructions for the Paper-setters
The question paper will consist of five sections : A,B,C,D
and E. Section A,B,C and D will have two questions from the
respective sections of the syllabus and will carry 15 marks each.
Section E will consist of 10 short answer type questions which will
cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 40 marks in all,
each short answer type question carrying 4 marks.
Instructions for the candidates
Candidates are required to attempt one question each from
the sections A, B, C and D of the question paper and the entire
Section E.
1. Definition, Nature and Utility of Western Logic.
2. Laws of Thought : Identity, Contradiction, Excluded Middle,
Law of Sufficient Reason and their Characteristics.
3. Terms : Kinds, Connotation, Denotation and Relation
between Connotation and Denotation.
4. Proposition : Classification of Propositions, Four-fold division
of Propositions.
5. Immediate Inference : Square of Opposition-contradiction,
contrary, sub-altration.
6. Mediate Inference : Structure and Rules of Validity of
Categorical Syllogism.
106 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
7. Definition of Deduction and Induction; Distinction between
Deduction and Induction.
8. Causation : Nature of Cause, Plurality of Causes (Mill)
9. Nature and Conditions of a Valid Hypothesis.
10. Definition, Scope and Utility of Indian Logic.
11. Nyaya Syllogism.
12. Difference between Nyaya Syllogism and Aristotelian
Ten Short answer type questions.
Recommended Readings
1. Cohen and Negal, Introduction to Logic and Scientific
Methods, Allied Publishers, Bombay, 1976.
2. R.D. Nirakari, Uchera Tarak Shastra (Punjabi).
3. Wazir Singh & Harnam Singh, Tarak Gian De Mudhle
Niyam : (Part-I) (Nigman), Punjabi University, Patiala.
4. Wazir Singh & Harnam Singh, Tarak Gian De Mudhle
Niyam : (Part-II) (Nigman), Punjabi University, Patiala.
5. Wazir Singh & A.P. Sharma, Tarak Gian Di Jan-Pahichan.
6. S.S. Barlingay, A Modern Introduction to Indian Logic,
National Publishing House, Delhi, 1965.
7. Peter A Facione, Logical and Logic thinking, a modular
approach, McGraw Hill, New York 1978.
8- Mk- lqjsUnz] Hkkjrh; rdZ 'kkL=k dh :i js[kk] jktLFkku xazFk vkdneh] t;iqjA
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 107
Applied Ethics (Opt. i)
Lectures to be delivered : 75+50=125
(Only for Regular Students) Max. Marks : 100
Time : 3 Hours Theory Marks : 60
Pass Marks : 35% Project Work & Practical : 40
Note : Instructions for the Paper-Setter :
The question paper will consist of five Sections : A,B,C,D &
E. Sections A,B,C and D will have two questions from the respective
sections of the syllabus and will carry 10 marks each. Section E
will consist of 10 short answer type questions which will cover the
entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 20 marks. Each short answer
type question will be of 2 marks. There will be a separate paper for
the project and practical related to the subject. For it there will be
four lectures in a week besides the theory lectures. The focus of
these lectures would be on the applied aspect of the course. A
candidate will have to prepare a project report at least of 15 pages.
A teacher from the affiliated colleges will conduct the viva-voce
before the theory examination and will award the marks on the
basis of project report and viva voce separately. Out of the 40
marks, 20 marks are each for the project report and viva-voce.
Instructions for the Candidates :
Candidates are required to attempt one question each from
the sections A,B,C & D of the question paper and the entire section
E. They will have to prepare a project report of atleast of 15 pages
and will have to appear in viva-voce. The project report and viva
voce will be of 20 marks each.
1. Applied Ethics : Nature and Scope.
2. De-ontological and Teleological Approaches to Moral
108 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
3. Ecology : Definition, Scope and its relation to Ethics.
4. Man-Nature Relationship (Indian Tradition).
Ecological Problems
5. Population
6. Pollution
7. Nuclear Threats
Professional Ethics
8. Medical Ethics
9. Educational Ethics and Moral Principles
10. Legal Ethics
Ten short answer type questions.
Recommended Readings :
1. Surjit Kaur Chahal, Environment and the Moral Life,
Towards a New Paradigm, Ashish Publishing House, New
Delhi, 1994.
2. T.L. Beauchamp & J.E. Childress, (Jr.), Principles of
Biomedical Ethics, 2nd Ed., Oxford University Press,
Oxford, 2001.
R. Attield, Environmental Philosophy : Principles and
Prospects, Aldershot, Avebury, 1994.
4. Harold H. Titus, Ethics for Today, Eurasia Publishing
House, New Delhi, 1966.
5. Oleg Dreyer, Ecological Problems of developing
Countries, Ajanta Publications, Delhi, 1989.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 109
Paper-B (Opt. ii)
(Social Philosophy)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Lecture to be delivered : 75 Pass Marks : 35%
Instructions for the paper-setter
The Question paper will consist of five Sections : A, B, C, D
& E. Sections A, B, C, D and E will have two questions from the
respective sections of the syllabus and will carry 15 marks each.
Section E will consist of 10 short answer type questions which will
cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 40 marks in all,
each short answer type question carrying 4 marks.
Instructions for the Candidates
Candidates are required to attempt one question each from
the sections A, B, C and D of the question paper and the entire
section E.
1. Social Philosophy : Nature and Importance of Social
2. Social Philosophy and Ethics.
3. Social Philosophy and Political Science.
4. Plato's Theory of State
5. Theories about origin of Society : Organic Theory, Social
Contract Theory and Idealistic Theory
6. Social Progress : Meaning and Factors
7. Major Social Theories : Socialism and Democracy
8. Gandhism : Swaraj and Sarvodaya
9. Social Philosophy of Sikhism : Justice and Equality
110 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
10. Social Problems : Dowry, Divorce and Corruption
11. Crime : Meaning and Nature of Crime
12. Punishment : Theories of Punishment and Capital
Ten short answer type questions
Recommended Readings :
1. Daya Krishan, Social Philosophy : Past and Future,
Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla, 1969.
2. Dr. A.K. Sinha, Social Philosophy, Krishna, Amritsar, n.d.
3. Anthony Quinton (Ed.), Political Philosophy, Oxford,
London, 1973.
4. Ram Nath Sharma, Overview of Philosophy, Lucky Star,
Delhi, 1983.
5. Robert N. Bech, Handbook of Social Philosophy.
6. f`. gurSrnjIq isMG, gurU n`nk b`xI ivclI nYiqkq` d` Ejok`
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 111
Drm EiDEYn
pypr-ey (s`mI Drm)
sm~ : 3 Gµty ku@l Eµk : 100
lYkcr~ dI igxqI : 75 p`s hox leI Eµk : 35%
pypr sYtr leI hd`ieq~ :
pypr dy pµj B`g hoxgy : a, E, e, s Eqy h| B`g a, E, e Eqy s
ivcoN 2-2 pRSn pu@Cy j`xgy| ividE`rQIE~ ny iek-iek pRSn krn` ho vyg`
Eqy hr iek pRSn dy 15 Eµk hoxgy| kul Eµk 60 hoxgy| B`g h ivcoN sMKyp
au#qr~ v`ly 10 pRSn hoxgy, ijhVy s`ry slybs iv@coN hoxgy Eqy aunH~ dy 40
Eµk hoxgy| hryk pRSn dy 4-4 Eµk hoxgy|
pRIiKE`rQI leI hd`ieq~ :
B`g a, E, e, s ivcoN kyvl ie@k-ie@k pRSn krn` hY Eqy B`g 'h'
dy s`ry pRSn zrUrI hn|
B`g (a) whUdI Drm
1. mu@FlI j`x pC`x--whUdI Drm d` ieiqh`s
2. pYgMbr mUs` d` jIvn qy is@iKE`v~
3. whUdI Drm-gRMQ qor`h (The Law), nbI (The Prophets), ikq`b~
(The Writings) b`ry sMKyp j`xk`rI|
B`g (E) eIs`eI m@q
1. eIs`eI crc d` E`rMB Eqy p`s`r (nvyN nym dI pµjvIN pusqk
'rsUl~ dy krqb' dI pusqk 'qy E`D`irq)|
2. wsU msIh d` jIvn qy is@iKE`v~
3. nv~ nym (New Testament) iqMn mu@K B`g:
1. m@qI dI EµjIl sMiKpq j`xk`rI
2. 21 p@qr (Epistles) sMq p`l Eqy dUjy sMq~ dy
3. pRk`S dI poQI (Apocalypes) b`ry sMKyp j`xk`rI
B`g (e) : iesl`m
1. ipCokV, E`rMB Eqy ivk`s, iesl`m qoN pihl~ Erb dI D`rimk
Eqy sm`ijk siQqI|
112 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Drm EiDEYn
(mDk`lIn Eqy E`Duink D`rimk lihr~)
sm~ : 3 Gµty ku@l Eµk : 100
lYkcr~ dI igxqI : 75 p`s hox leI Eµk : 35%
pypr sYtr leI hd`ieq~
pypr dy pµj B`g hoxgy : a, E, e, s Eqy h| B`g a, E, e Eqy s
ivcoN 2-2 pRSn pu@Cy j`xgy| ividE`rQIEE~ ny iek-iek pRSn krn`
hovyg` Eqy hr iek pRSn dy 15 Eµk hoxgy| kul Eµk 60 hoxgy| B`g 'h'
ivcoN sMKyp au#qr~ v`ly 10 pRSn hoxgy, ijhVy s`ry islybs iv@coN hoxgy
Eqy aunH~ dy 40 Eµk hoxgy| hryk pRSn dy 4-4 Eµk hoxgy|
pRIiKE`rQI leI hd`ieq~ :
B`g a, E, e. s ivcoN kyvl ie@k-ie@k pRSn krn` hY Eqy B`g 'h'
dy s`ry pRSn zrUrI hn|
B`g (a) : BgqI lihr
1. BgqI lihr : auqpqI qy ivk`s
2. au#qrI B`rq dI inrgux Eqy srgux BgqI prMpr`
3. BgqI lihr dy pRmuK Bgq~ dy jIvn n`mdyv, kbIr, rivd`s
B`g (E) : sUPI m@q
1. E`rMB, ivk`s Eqy iesl`imk ipCokV
2. sUPI m@q dIE~ ivSySq`v~, h`l Eqy muk`m dy hv`ly sihq|
3. icSqI islisl` qy b`b` PrId-jIvn qy is@iKE`v~
B`g (e) : pRmu@K Drm pRvrqk
1. cYqMnw mh`pRBU : jIvn qy is@iKE`v~
2. SMkr dyv : jIvn dy is@iKE`v~
3. mIr~ b`eI : jIvn qy is@iKE`v~
B`g (s) :
aunIvIN sdI dIE~ pRmu@K D`rimk lihr~
1. r`m` ikRSn imSn
2. bRhmo sm`j
3. E`rIE` sm`j
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 115
Paper - A Theory : 3 Hours Durations Marks : 80
Paper - B Practical : 20 Minutes Marks : 100
Project Work Marks : 20
Total Marks : 200
Teaching work load :
Theory : 3 Periods per week
Practical : 9 Periods per week
Note : There should not be more then ten students in one
group of practical class.
Instructions given to the examiners are as under :
1. There should not be more than ten students in a batch for
practical examination.
2. While sending the syllabus to paper setter in theory the
syllabus prescribed for the practical paper should also be
3. Separate practical paper should be set for each class from
practical paper-B prescribed syllabus.
4. The paper setter would set nine questions in all. Three in
unit-I, four in unit-II & two in unit-III. The candidate may
be asked to attempt five questions in all selecting at least
one question from each part.
5. Candidate can take both subjects i.e. Vocal & Instrumental
Music as an elective subjects.
6. Candidate can take Tabla subject along with Instrumental
Music (mentioned below in Seriol No. 7).
7. The practical paper will be of 100 marks for the private &
regular candidates. 20 marks for the computer aided project
report in the form of presentation relating to any field of
music (approx. 3 to 5 pages) using computers. (MS-Office)
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 117
Paper-A (Theory)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80
Unit - I
1. Historical developments of Indian Music during the medieval
period i.e. from 12th to 15th century with special reference
to Granths Gharanas & Shallies.
2. Computer & Music
3. The Life sketch and Contributions of the followings :-
a) Ustad Villyat Khan
b) Ali Akar Khan
c) Abdul Halim Zafar Khan
d) Shiv Kumar Sharma
Unit - II
1. Knowledge of the following :-
a) Youth & Classical Music
ii) Tuning of your instrument
iii) The contribution of stage music to the growth of popular
2. Importance of Gharana System in Indian music with its
merits and demerits.
3. Descriptions and Notation of prescribed Ragas (Gats and
Talas) Ragas :- Malkauns, Sohani, Assawari, Puriya,
4. Talas : Ada-Chautal, Sultal, Rupaktal
5. Brief knowledge of the following Ragas : (Aaroh, Avroh,
Palar etc.) Marwa, Bhairvi, Purvi, Jaunpuri, Chanderkauns.
Unit - III
1. Importance of Instrumental Music in Gurmat Sangeet.
2. Contribution of Guru Teg Bahadur Ji towards Indian Music.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 119
Paper - B
Time : 30 Minutes
Practical : Max. Marks 100
Project work : Marks 20
Total : 120
(a) One Drut Gat with Alap, Jor, Tora and Jhalas in each of the
prescribed Ragas : Malkauns, Assawari, Puriya, Bhimpalasi.
(b) One Vilambit Gat with Alaps and Toras in any of the
prescribed Ragas.
(c) One Gat in Chautal (Dhrupad Style) in Single and double
layakaries in any of the prescribed Ragas.
(d) One Gat in Rupak Tal in Madhya laya with toras.
(e) Ability to recite Ada-Chautal, Sultal and Rupak Tal; by hand
in ekgun and dugun layakaries.
(f) Use of the two Swaras Meend i.e., Sa Re Ga, Re Ga Ma
(g) Tuning of your instrument.
(h) Ability to play Rupak Jhap Tal on Tabla.
(i) Ability to play four Alankars based on Thats of prescribed
Ragas in the course.
(j) Brief knowledge of Ragas (Aaroh, Avroh, Pakar etc.)
Marwa, Bhairvi, Purvi, Jaunpuri.
Books Recommended
1. Rag Parichaya H.C. Shrivastava (published by
Sangeet Sadan Prakashan
Allahabad) 2004.
2. Sangeet Visharad Sangeet Karayalaya, Hathras, 2004.
120 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Paper - A Theory : 3 Hours Durations Marks : 80
Paper - B Practical : 20 Minutes Marks : 100
Project Work Marks : 20
Total Marks : 200
Teaching work load :
Theory : 3 Periods per week
Practical : 9 Periods per week
Note : There should not be more then ten students in one
group of practical class.
Instructions given to the examiners are as under :
1. There should not be more than ten students in a batch for
practical examination.
2. Harmonium will be allowed as an acompaniment in vocal
3. While sending the syllabus to paper setter in theory the
syllabus prescribed for practical paper should also be sent.
4. Separate practical paper should be set for each class from
practical paper-B prescribed syllabus.
5. The paper setter will set nine questions in all. Three in
unit-i, four in unit-ii & two in unit-iii. The candidate may
be asked to attempt five questions in all selecting at least
one question from each unit.
6. The practical paper will be of 100 marks for the private &
regular candidates. 20 marks for the computer aided project
report in the form of presentation relating to any filed of
music approx. 3 to 5 pages) using computers. (MS-Office)
which will be evaluated by the external examiner at the
time of examination. Separate marks sheet should be used
for project report.
7. Candidate can take both subjects i.e. Vocal & Instrumental
Music as an elective subject.
8. Candidate can take Tabla subject alongwithMusic Vocal.
122 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Paper - A (Theory)
Time : 3 Hours Max.Marks : 80
1. Historical Development of Indian Music during the period
i.e. from 14th to 17th century with special reference to
Musicians, Granths & Changing Traditions of Music.
2. Definition of the following :-
Bol-Alaap, Bol-Bant, Upaj, Murki, Katka, Mukhra, Gamak,
Varieties of Tan. Teaching & Learning Methods of Music.
3. Contributions in detail and life sketches in brief of the
following great master :-
i) Rajan Sajan Mishra
ii) Reshid Khan
iii) Pt. Bhim Sen Joshi
iv) Kishori Amolker
1. Knowledge of the following :-
i) Laya and Tal in Folk Music
ii) Methods of tuning your instrument (Tanpura)
iii) The place of Harmonium in Vocal Music in present
2. Detailed knowledge of Dhrupad, Dhammar and Khayal
Styles of Singing.
3. Description and notation of the prescribed ragas (Khayals)
& Talas.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 123
Paper-B (Practical)
Time : 20 Minutes
Practical Max. Marks : 100
Project work Marks : 20
Total Marks : 120
1. One drut Khayal in each of the following ragas :- Bhairavi,
Poorvi, Miyan ki Sarang, Jaunpuri Malkons.
2. One Vilambit Khayal in any ragas prescribed in the course
with alap and tanas.
3. One Dhrupad with Duggen, Tigun and Chougun layakaries
in any of the prescribed ragas.
4. One Shabad in Nirdhaat Raga with proper Gurmat Gayaki.
5. Ability to recite Tilwara, Deepchandi, Chautal by hand.
6. Notation of the khayals and talas prescribed in the syllabus.
7. Description of the ragas and talas prescribed in the syllabi.
8. Ability to demonstrate Teevra and Kehrva on Tabla.
9. Ability to Sing in meed.
Books Recommended
1. Sangeet Vishard Basant, Sangeet Karyalaya Hathras
2. Rag Parichaya G.C.Srivastava 2004
Part-II (Sangeet Sadan Parkashan,
3. Hamare Sangeet Sangeet Karyalaya Hathras 1978
4. Gurmat Sangeet Dr. Gurnam singh Punjabi
Prabandh te Pasar University, Patiala, 2000
5. Nibandh Sangeet Sangeet Karayalaya, Hathras, 1989
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 125
Paper-A Theory : 3 Hours Durations Max.Marks : 80
Paper-B Practical Marks : 100
Project Work Marks : 20
Total marks : 200
Teaching work load
Theory : 3 periods per week.
Practical : 9 period per week.
Note : There should not be more then ten students in one
group of practical class.
Instructions given to the examiners are as under : -
1. There should not be more than tewelve students in a batch
for practical examination.
2. Harmonium will allowed as accompaniment to perform the
5. The paper setter will set nine questions in all. Three question
in each unit. The candidate may be asked to attempt five
questions in all selecting at least one question from each
6. The practical paper will be of the 100 marks for the private
& regular candidates. 20 marks for the computer aided
project report in the form of presentation relating to any
filed of music (approx. 3 to 5 pages) using computers. (MS-
Office) which will be evaluated by the external examiner at
130 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Paper - A (Theory)
Time : 3 Hours Max.Marks : 80
1. Define and explain the following terms : Uthan, Tabla
Vadak, Sangatkar, Rela laggi, Peshkzra, Chakradar.
2. Ten Parans of Tala.
3. Popular Gharanas of Tabla and Pakahawaj, Vadan i.e.
Delhi, Lucknow, Punjab and Ajara.
4. Writing Method of Dvigun, Trigun and Chaugun Layakaries
Tokaras, Parans and Tihaies.
1. Life sketch of Shri Kanthe Maharaj, Shri Anokhe Lal and
Pt. Santa Parsad.
2. Define the following terms in context of Gurmat Sangeet :
Jori, Makao, Sath.
3. The place of Tabla in different musical compositions.
1. Notation and description of the following :-
i) Jhaptal : One quaida, one peshkar, one gat and rela,
ii) Rupak: Peshkar, gat, Two qaida, Paran and Chakardar
iii) Choutal : Saath, Paran, Chukari
2. Notation of the above mentioned Talas with dugun and
Chugan layakaries
3. Lagi in Dadra Tal
132 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Paper - B (Practical)
Time : 20 Minutes Practical Max.Marks : 100
Project Work Marks : 20
Total Marks : 120
a) Tala Prescribed : Rupak, Tivra, Jhaptal, Sultal, Deep Chandi
and Jhumra.
b) Proper Barhat of the following Talas by hand on Tabla or
Pakhawaj-Rupak, Tivra, Jhaptal, Sultal.
c) Two laggies in Dadra and two in Kehrva.
d) Theka of Jhumra Tal Vilambit Laya.
e) Sultal-Tukras, Paran Bedam, Tehai, Damdar Tehai
Chakradar Paran and Relas.
f) Jhaptal : One quaida, one peshkar, one gat and rela, paran.
g) Rupak : Peshkar, gat, Two qaida, Paran and Chakardar
Books Recommended :
Sangeet Visharad Basant, Sangeet Karyalaya Hathras,
Tal Prabandh Pt. Chhote Lal Misher, Knishka Publisher,
New Delhi, 2006
Bharti Sangeet Vadhya Lal Muni Misher, Bhartiya Gayan Peeth
Parkashan, 1973
Hamare Sangeet Rattan Sangeet Karyalaya Hathras, 1978
Tal Martand Sataya Narayan Vishesht, Sangeet
Karyalaya Hathras, 1994
Project Work
Marks : 20
*It will be Based on computer aided Programme in the
form of presentation relating to any field of Music (Approx. 3 to 5
pages) using computers (MS-Office) which will be evaluated by
the external examiner at the time of examination. Separate mark
sheet should be used for project report.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 133
(Drawing and Painting)
Note :
60 marks for the theory paper and 40 marks per
practical papers and 20 marks for internal assessment
on the basis of session work submitted by the student
shall be assessed by the teacher concerned.
(b) The question paper will cover the entire syllabus.
(c) Questions should be based on world famous paintings
and sculptures whose slides are easily available.
(d) Question paper should cover the syllabus uniformly.
(e) The paper setter should set the paper in three sections,
Section A, B and C.
(f) The division of the marks will be as under :-
Section A—20 marks for 10 short answer questions. Each
question carries 2 marks.
Section B—20 marks 4 questions. The examiner will be set
6 questions; the candidate will attempt 4 questions of 5 marks each.
Section C—20 marks for essay type questions. The examiner
will be set 4 questions; the candidate will attempt 2 questions of 10
marks each. Compartment candidates in the subject of Fine Arts
will appear only in theory paper during the supplementary
examinations. Previous Marks of Practical papers will be considered
for the aggregate.
134 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Paper-A (Theory)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 60
Classical Sculpture—The Guptas—Mathura and Sarnath,
Post-Classical Sculpture—Ellora, Elephanta, Mahabalipuram
Chola Bronzes—Parvati, Shiva Natraja, Vishnu and Kali
Suggested Readings
1. Indian Art A Concise story : Roy C. Craven; Thomas &
Hudson, London, 1997.
2. Bharti Murti Kala : Rama Nath Mishra,. Publication Division,
Delhi, 1978.
3. Bhartiya Murti Kala : Dr. Rama Nath Mishra, New Delhi,
MacMillion, 1978.
4. The Heritage of Indian Art : Vasudeva Agarwala;
Publication Divison, New Delhi, 1964.
5. Rowland and Benjamin, The Art and Architecture of India.
6. Saraswati S.K., A Survey of Indian Sculpture.
7. Abninash Bahadur Verma, Bhartya Chitrakala Ka Itihas.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 135
Early Indian Miniature Painting—Eastern School and Western
Mughal School of Art—Akbar, Jahangir and Aurangzeb.
Rajasthani School of Art-—Mewar, Kishangarh, Bundi and Kota.
Pahari School of Art—Kangra and Basohli.
Suggested Readings
Barret, D.& Gray, Painting of India,
B.Brown Percy Indian Painting under the Great Mughals
Chandra, Moti Mewar Painting
Karl Khandalwala Pahari Miniature Painting,
Majumdar, Bhartya Vidya Mandir Series :
R.C. (Editor) The History and Culture of Indian
People, Vol.V, Sculpture and Painting
Section only.
Randhawa, M.S. Kangra Paintings.
Chandra, Moti Indian Painting
L.C. Sharma, Brief History of Indian Painting,
Merut : Geol Publication, 2002.
A. B. Verma Bhartitya Chitra kala ka Ithas,
Bareli Parkash Book Dept, 1996.
Chandra Moti Indian Painting.
Sharma L.C. Indian Painting.
136 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
(Practical) Poster/Book Cover
Time : 5 Hours Max. Marks : 40
Prepare creative posters for advertisement study of letter
writing in number of colors.
At least six works (04 posters & 02 book covers) will be
prepared for internal assessment.
Medium —Poster Colors
Size—½ Imperial
Book Cover Design
Block lettering, Roman lettering, and free hand brush
To design book cover with illustration title, author's name
etc. in any colors number of colors.
Medium—Poster colors
Size—½ Imperial
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 137
Head Study
Time: 5 Hours. Max. Marks : 40
Rendering of human headfromk life/caste in monochrome
colors. Emphasis should be given on structure, volume, proportion,
light shade and texture.
Medium—Oil, Pastel Colors and Watercolors.
Size—½ Imperial
Five selected works will be assessed by the teacher concerned.
138 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Landscape Painting (on the spot)
Time: 5 Hours Max. Marks : 40
Arrangement of shape based on subjects like human forms
and animal froms in landscape settings, emphasis should be given
on perspective, color its application in harmony.
Medium—Oil, Postel Colors, and Watercolors
Size—½ Imperial
At lested least six works will be prepared for internal
assessment (3 realistic landscapes and 3 stylized landscapes based
on any traditional Indian style of painting).
50 sketches of the size ¼th imperial based on paper B, C
and D in any medium will be submitted.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 139
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
i) The question paper, should cover the entire syllabus. It
may contain very specific short-answer questions.
ii) The paper-setter should set 30 questions in all and students
shall attempt 20 questions.
iii) The question can be repeated from the previous question
History of Indian Painting from C. 9th century A. D. to
C. 1800 A.D. Development of miniature painting : Eastern India,
Western India, Mughals, Rajasthan - Mewar, Bundi, Kishangarh,
Pahari-Basohali, Guler, Gandharas, Kangra.
History of Indian Sculpture under the Sunga Gandhara and
Guptas—Mathura, Somnath, Deogarh, Ajanta.
140 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Paper - B
Theory (Art appreciation & Advertising) 60 Marks
Paper : Layout 60 Marks
Paper C: Poster 60 Marks
Internal Assessment 20 Marks
Paper-A : Theory
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 60
(i) The question paper should cover the entire syllabus. It may
contain very specific short answer type questions.
(ii) The paper-setter should set 30 questions in all. Students
will attempt 20 questions.
(iii) The question can be repeated from the previous question
Meaning of Advertisement. Different Medias of Advertising.
Art and Commercial Art. Commercial Art and Society. Advertising
Agency. TV and Newspaper advertisement, Calliography. Printing
Process. Blocks, Half tone photos and line drawing.
142 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Paper - B
Layout (Practical)
Time : 5 Hours Max. Marks : 60
Medium : Layout & Illustrations (Coloured)
Size : Newspaper 4 columns x 25cms.
Magazine 81/2 " x 11" Illustration 1/4 imperial
Prepare commercial and educational layouts for newspaper in Black
and White and for Magazine coloured Layouts. Use of Screens
and Transfer letters are allowed.
Prepare illustrations based on stories, human beings in groups, birds
and animals, different scenes etc.
Limited references while preparing rough visual are also allowed.
Paper - C
Time : 5 Hours Max. Marks : 60
Poster : or Packing (Practical)
Medium : Poster and Pastol Colours
Size : 1/2 imperial
Maximum 4 colours (Tones can be used for each colour).
Prepare commercial and educational posters for advertisement.
Purpose with creative approach. Atleast 5 works will be prepared
for internal assessment.
Packaging subjects : Cosmetics, colours, toys etc.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 143
Outlines of Test
Paper-I (Theory)
Time : 3 Hours. Max. Marks : 60
Paper-II (Practical)
Time : 10 Hours. Max. Marks : 60
Paper-III (Practical)
Time : 8 Hours. Max. Marks : 60
Time : 10 Hours Max. Marks : 60
Note : Every student, will submit two portraits done in the class as
a sessional work. Sessional work will be assessed by the
teacher concerned and will be submitted to the University
through the Principal of the college.
Head study in clay, modelling from life in life size, these
works should be produced in Plastic cast.
Books Recommended :
1. S.K. Sarswati A Survey of Indian Sculpture
2. Stella Krmisch Indian Sculptures
3. B.M. Barua Bharhut
4. S.M. Asgar Ali Kadvi Moorti Kala Ka Itihas
5. Benjamin Rowland, The Pelican History of Art
6. Dr. Gyacharu Tripathi Prachin Bharat Ki Kala
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 145
Scheme of Study
Instructions :
i) Paper II & III above are Practical Papers & on the spot
subject will be given by the external examiner.
146 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Subject : Theatre Art
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 200
Theory Marks :100
Practical Marks : 100
Internal Assessment Practical : 20
External Assessment Theory : 100
Practical : 80
Instructions for the Paper Setters :
1. Paper Setter will set 10 questions.
2. The candidate may be asked to attempt 5 questions.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
Theory Paper-A Marks:100
1. Introduction to Indian & Asian Theatre
2. Regional Dramatic History - both professional and
3. Introduction to Folk Theatre forms of India Jatra, Tamasha,
Nautanki, Ramlila and Bhavai.
4. Drama as an integrated and inter disciplinary art form
Paper: A Banking and Insurance
Paper: B Salesmanship
Each paper carries 100 Marks. It is required that the candidate
passes each paper separately.
Paper A
Banking & Insurance
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Note : 1. The candidates are allowed to use simple (Non-
scientific) calculators.
2. The question paper covering the entire course
shall be divided into three sections as follows :
Section A : It will consist of 10 very short answer type questions
with answers to each question upto five lines in length. All questions
will be compulsory. Each question will carry two marks; total
weightage being 20 marks.
Section B : It will consist of short answer type question with answer
to each question upto two pages in length. Twelve questions will be
set by the examiner and eight will be attempted by the candidates.
Each question will carry six marks. The total weightage of the
section shall be 48 marks.
Section C : It will consist of essay type questions with answer to
each question upto 5 pages in length. Four questions will be set by
the examiner and the candidates will be required to attempt two.
Each question will carry sixteen marks, total weightage of the section
being 32 marks.
Teaching hours : 80 periods of 45 minutes each.
Introduction to Banking Definition, types and functions of Banks.
Brief outlines of the history of Indian Banking, Banker customer
relations. Deposit mobilisation. Types of deposits, Procedure of
opening a bank account. Types of account holders, Trends in deposit
mobilisation in india.
158 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Paper B
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Note: i) The candidates are allowed to use simple (Non-
scientific) calculators.
ii) The question paper covering the entire course
shall be divided into three sections as follows :
Section A : It will consist of 10 very short answer type questions
with answer to each question upto five lines in length. All questions
will be compulsory. Each question will carry two marks; total
weightage being 20 marks.
Section B : It will consist of short answer type questions with
answer to each question upto two pages in length. Twelve questions
will be set by the examiner and eight will be attempted by the
candidates. Each question will carry six marks. The total weightage
of the section shall be 48 marks.
Section C : It will consist of essay type questions with answer to
each question upto 5 pages in length. Four questions will be set by
the examiner and the candidates will be required to attempt two.
Each question will carry sixteen marks, total weightage of the section
being 32 marks.
Theory : Teaching Hours : 60 periods of 45 minutes each.
Selling- The concept, role of society, careers in selling, characteristics
of sales careers, types of selling jobs; types of sales people
Salesmanship-Definition, nature and scope; origin and development;
salesmanship a science or an art.
Salesman-qualities-physical and mental, salesman's duties and
responsibilities, role in the organisation.
Features, qualities and work performed by counter salesman
travelling salesman, speciality of salesman, staple salesman,
Manufacturers salesman, wholesaler's salesman, Exporters
160 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Note : (i) The Candidates are allowed to use simple (Non-
Scientific) calculators.
(ii) Each question paper will consist of three sections as
follows :
Section-A : It will consist of 10 very short questions with answer
to each question upto five lines in length. All questions will be
compulsory. Each question will carry two marks; total weightage
being 20 marks.
Section-B : It will consist of short answer questions with answer
to each question upto two pages in length. Twelve questions will be
set by the examiner and eight will be attempted by the candidates.
Each question will carry six marks. The total weightage of the section
shall be 48 marks.
Section-C : It will consist of essay type questions with answer to
each question upto 5 pages in length. Four questions will be set by
the examiner and the candidates will be required to attempt two.
Each question will carry sixteen marks; total weightage of the section
being 32 marks.
Distinction between-Micro and Macro Economics.
Determination of Income and Employment. Classical and Keynesian
models; Say's Law of Market and aggregate demand and supply.
Consumption functions; average (short-run and long run);
average and marginal propersity to consume; static and dynamic
multipliers. Marginal Efficiency of Capital. Investment : Meaning,
Demand schedules and factors affecting investment decision.
Trade cycles-meaning, characterisitics and phases. Accelerator and
multiplier-accelerator interaction. Samuelson and Hicks Models.
162 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
International Economics and Public Finance
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Note : (i) The candidates are allowed to use simple (Non-
Scientific) calculators.
(ii) Each question paper may consist of three sections as
follows :
Section-A : It will consist of 10 very short answer questions with
answer to each question upto five lines in length. All questions will
be compulsory. Each question will carry two marks; total weightage
being 20 marks.
Section-B : It will consist of short answer questions with answer
to each question upto two pages in length. Twelve questions will be
set by the examiner and eight will be attempted by the candidate.
Each question will carry six marks. The total weightage of the section
shall be 48 marks.
Section-C : It will consist of essay type questions with answer to
each question upto 5 pages in length. Four questions will be set by
the examiner and the candidate will be required to attempt two.
Each question will carry sixteen marks. The total weightage of the
section being 32 marks.
International Trade : Internal and External Trade. Classical and
Heckscher. Ohlin Theories, Gains from Trade, Terms of Trade,
(gross, net and income terms of trade). Trade and economic
Commercial Policy : Free trade vs. protection, rationale of a
protectionist policy in less developed area. GATT & WTO
164 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Paper A
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Note :i) The candidates are allowed to use simple (Non-
Scientific) calculator.
ii) Each question paper may consist of three sections
as follows :
Section A : It will consist of 10 very short answer questions with
answer to each question upto five lines in length. All questions will
be compulsory. Each question will carry two marks; total weightage
being 20 marks.
Section B : It will consist of short answer questions with answer to
each question upto two pages in length. Twelve questions will be
set by the examiner and eight will be attempted by the candidate.
Each question will carry six marks. The total weightage of the section
shall be 48 marks.
Section C : It will consist of essay type questions with answer to
each question upto five pages in length. Four questions will be set
by the examiner and candidate will be required to attempt two.
Each question will carry sixteen marks. The total weightage of the
section being 32 marks.
Differentiation : Maxima and minima of functions, partial
derivatives, higher order partial derivatives.
Integration : Indefinite integrals. Integration by partial fractions.
Integration by substitution, Integration by parts, definite integrals.
Application of Integration in consumer surplus and producer surplus.
Matrices : Definition, types, addition, subtraction and multiplication
of matrices, scaler multiplication, transposition, determinants and
their properties, minors and co-factors, Inverse of matrix, Crammer's
rule for solution of simultaneous system of equations.
Linear programming : Formulation of problem, assumptions,
Graphical solution, simplex method. Use of artificial variables, Dual
Simplex Method.
166 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note :i) The Candidates are allowed to use Simple (Non-
scientific) Calculators.
ii) Instructions for the paper setter :-
Each question paper may consist of three sections
as follows:
Section-A will consist of 10 very short answer type questions with
answer to each question up to five lines in length. All questions
will be compulsory. Each question will carry two marks; total
weightage being 20 marks.
Section-B will consist of short answer questions with answer to
each question upto two pages in length. Twelve questions will be
set by the examiner and eight will be attempted by the candidate.
Each question will carry six marks. The total weightage of the
section shall be 48 marks.
Section-C will consist of essay type questions with answer to each
question upto 5 pages in length. Four questions will be set by the
examiner and the candidate will be required to attempt two. Each
question will carry sixteen marks; total weightage of the section
being 32 marks.
Multiple regression, concepts, estimation, Non-Linear regressions.
Partial and multiple correlation; concepts derivations, various growth
curves, (modified exponential, Gempertz, logistic).
Analysis of variance: Introduction, assumptions techniques of
analyzing variance, analysis of variance in one-way and two way
Random variables: Concept, type, probability density and mass
functions, expectation (meaning and properties), moments, moment
generating function and characteristic function.
168 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Theory of Firm and Market Structure
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Note : (i) The candidates are allowed to use Simple (Non-
scientific) Calculators.
(ii) Instructions for the paper setter :-
Each question paper may consist of three sections as follows:
Section-A will consist of 10 very short answer type questions with
answer to each question up to five lines in length. All questions
will be compulsory. Each question will carry two marks; total
weightage being 20 marks.
Section-B will consist of short answer questions with answer to
each question upto two pages in length. Twelve questions will be
set by the examiner and eight will be attempted by the candidates.
Each question will carry six marks. The total weightage of the
section shall be 48 marks.
Section-C will consist of essay type questions with answer to each
question upto 5 pages in length. Four questions will be set by the
examiner and the candidates will be required to attempt two. Each
question will carry sixteen marks; total weightage of the section
being 32 marks.
Theory of the firm, Pricing in theory-pricing. under collusive and
non-collusive oligopoly.
Pricing in practice, full cost pricing, Marginal cost pricing and limit
Organisational forms of the firm, ownership, control and alternative
objectives of the firm.
Growth of the firm, Acquisition, diversification, merger, innovation.
Constraints on growth, managerial and financial.
170 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Note :(i) The Candidates are allowed to use Simple
(Non-scientific) Calculators.
(ii) Instructions for the paper setter :-
Each question paper may consist of three sections as
Section-A will consist of 10 very short answer type questions with
answer to each question up to five lines in length. All questions
will be compulsory. Each question will carry two marks; total
weightage being 20 marks.
Section-B will consist of short answer type questions with answer
to each question upto two pages in length. Twelve questions will
be set by the examiner and eight will be attempted by the candidates.
Each question will carry six marks. The total weightage of the
section shall be 48 marks.
Section-C will consist of essay type questions with answer to each
question upto 5 pages in length. Four questions will be set by the
examiner and the candidates will be required to attempt two. Each
question will carry sixteen marks; total weightage of the section
being 32 marks.
Theories of Industrial Location : Contribution of Weber Sargent
Florence and Plander. Factors affecting industrial location.
Patterns of industrialization, Centralised versus Balanced regional
Location policy in India since independence. Industrial concentration
and dispersal in India.
Measures to control industrial concentration; licensing, control of
capital issue, controlling monoplies and restrictive trade practices.
172 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Delhi (1975).
3. P.C. Josh Land Reforms in India - Trends and
Perspectives, Allied Publishers, Bombay
4. C.B. Memoria Agricultural Problems of India, Kitab
Mahal (1985).
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 175
Paper A
Rural Marketing, Exports, Indebtedness & Banking
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70
Instructions for the paper setter :-
Note : i) The candidates are allowed to use simple (Non-
Scientific) calculators.
ii) Each question paper may consist of three sections
as follows :
Section A is compulsory and shall consist of 10 short answer type
questions of 1½ marks each with a total weightage of 15 marks.
The candidates are required to answer each question in/upto five
Section B shall consist of 12 questions and the candidates will be
required to attempt any eight. Each question will carry four marks
with a total weightage of 32 marks. The candidates are required to
answer each question in/upto two pages.
Section C shall consist of four questions and the candidates will be
required to attempt any two. Each question shall carry 11½ marks
with a total weightage of 23 marks. The candidates are required to
answer each question in/upto five pages.
Marketing concept and types, importance and features;
Defects and consequences; Co-operative Marketing; Government
and Marketing; Sales Promotion.
Agricultural Exports : Agro Processing; Present Position,
Problems and Policy.
Agriculture Prices : Market forces and Government
intervention; Trends and causes of Rise and Fluctuations; Stabilisation
and policy - Buffer-Stocks and Imports.
Rural Indebtedness : Nature, magnitude and consequences;
causes and remedial measure. Commercial Banks, Magnitude of
help, assessment of performance; Regional Rural Banks.
178 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Rural Development
Crop Husbandry and Principle Practices
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70
Instructions for paper setter :
Note :i) The candidates are allowed to use simple (Non-
Scientific) calculators.
ii) Each question paper may consist of three sections
as follows :
Section A is compulsory and shall consist of 10 short answer type
questions of 1½ marks each with a total weightage of 15 marks.
The Candidates are required to answer each question in/upto five
Section B shall consist of 12 questions and the candidates will be
required to attempt any eight. Each question will carry four marks
with a total weightage of 32 marks. The candidates are required to
answer each question in/upto two pages.
Section C shall consist of four questions and the candidates will be
required to attempt any two. Each question shall carry 11½ marks
with a total weightage of 23 marks. The candidates are required to
answer each question in/upto five pages.
Agronomy - Definition and its scope. Classification of field crops.
Crops rotations/essential nutrients for plant growth inorganic and
organic measures including green manuring.
Weeds and losses caused by the Common Kharif and Rabi. Weeds
and methods of their control.
Role of water in crop production for irrigation requirement of
important crops.
Scientific production of food crops, rice, maize, wheat and gram
with special reference to their varieties, seed bed preparation, seed
rate, method of sowing, weed control, irrigation and fertilizer
180 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Total Teaching Periods : 75 Max. Marks : 60
Identification of crops and their seeds. Familiarisation with
common weeds, fertilizers, farm hand tools and implements,
Demonstration of rural operations in different crops.
Note : 6 period per week will be devoted each to theory and
practicals. Each period will be at least of 45 minutes duration.
Suggested Readings
1. Thakur, C. : Scientific Crop Production, Vol. I.
2. Indian Council of : Hand Book of Agriculture
Agricultural Research
3. Yawlker, K.B., : Manures and Fertilizers
J.P. & Bokde, S.
4. S.S. Acharya & : Agricultural Marketing in India,
N.D. Aggarwal Oxford
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 181
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Periods per week : Theory : 6
Instructions for the paper setters :
1. Question paper should be set strictly according to the syllabus
and in Punjabi Language.
2. The Language of questions should be straight and simple.
3. Theory paper shall consist of three parts :-
(a) Ten short compulsory questions of two marks each
requiring short replies up to five line each. (Total marks
10x2=20 marks)
(b) Ten questions of six marks each requiring short replies
shall be asked. The candidate has the choice to attempt
eight questions (Total marks 8x6=48)
(c) Four questions of descriptive type requiring five pages
for each answer shall be asked.The candidate has the
choice to attempt two questions (Total marks 16x3=32)
4. The quesiton paper should cover the whole syllabus
Factors affecting quality and quantity of milk production.
Essentials of clean milk production. Sources of contamination of
milk. Milking machine. Importance of milk chilling.
Breeding cycle; castration of male calves; methods and
advantages of castration; control and restraining of animals, casting
of animal. Estimation of age and body weight of animals; dry period;
methods of milking, loose and stall feeding, grazing, use of water in
182 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Distribution of Marks
Assignment 20 Marks
Practical Note Book 20 Marks
Four Visits to Dairy Farm 20 Marks
Oral Examination 10 Marks
Written test 10 Marks
Internal Assessment 20 Marks
Total : 100 marks
Syllabus :
Note: Preparation of practical notebook on the basis of work done
in the laboratory practical, Weekly write-up of daily job
assignments is compulsory.
1. Visits to Dairy farms having machine milking, fodder
harvesting, feed mixing etc., Veterinary hospitals, Milk
collection centre and milk plant.
2. Identification of various feedstuffs, medicines, chemicals,
equipment, instruments, photographs related to
dairy farming.
3. Revision of work done during previous session.
4. Practice in age determination, body weight, disbudding,
casting, cream separation, use of lactometer. Fat and S.N.F.
estimation of milk sample.
184 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Paper - III
Offiece Practice
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks (Theory) : 40
(Pract) : 40
Int.Ass. : 20
Note : The candidates are allowed to use simple (Non-
Scientific) calculators.
Office-meaning, function, importance, concept of an organisation
Centralisation Vs. decentralisation of office services, Principal
departments of a modern office-correspondence, typing and
duplicating, filing, mailing, general office.
Filing and Indexing :
Filing—meaning and importance, essentials of a good filing system,
centralised Vs. decentralised filing system, methods of filing
Mailing Department :
Meaning and importance of mail, centralisation of mail, handling of
work-its advantages, mail room equipment, sorting table and racks,
letter openers, time and date stamps, postal franking machine,
addressing machine, mailing scales, post offices guide.
Handling Mail :
Inward Mail-Receiving, sorting, opening, recording, marking,
Outward Mail :
Folding of letters, preparation of envelopes, sorting, scaling, weighing,
stamping, entering, letter sent book or peon book. Despatching rail
parcel service, air mail service, courier service.
Office Correspondence :
Essentials of a good letter, drafting of business letter, Enquiry,
quotation, order, advice, making payment, trade reference,
complaints, circular letters, follow up letters, official letters, semi
Assisting Visitors :
Office etiquetes, effective use of language, preparation of
appointment schedules and maintaining visitors' diary furnishing
desired information, instructing co-workers.
188 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Office Practice
1. Filing and Indexing :
Practice in filing and indexing-alphabeticals numerically,
arranging files subjectwise, searching a particular file,
transforming of old files for future references, weeding out
of records, developing card indexing system for the college
2. Computer Software as MS Office, Windows-98 etc. be
obliqued with typewriter e-mail for practical on Recording
of Inward outward mail.....................
3. Recording of inward/outward mail—e-mail.
4. Or Windows-98/Electric Typewriter.
5. Drafting of the following (on the basis of actual information)
- Application for a job
- Interview letter
- Appointment letter
- Letter of enquiry
- Office notes
- Office order
- Issue of tenders
6. Recording of inward/outward mail.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 189
Carbon Manifolding
Taking out copies with the help of carbon papers. Carrying out
corrections on carbon copies, carrying out corrections with
squeezing and spreading methods, correction of drafts.
Stencil Cutting and Duplicating
Stencil cutting, carrying out corrections on stencil papers with
different methods. Cyclostyling.
Electric and electronics typewriters.
Practice on above typewriters.
Typewriting of business letters.
Typewriting of official letters.
Paper : Shorthand
Extended use of certain consonant :
The Aspirate, tick and dot' H'
Downward and upward' R' upward 'sh'
Compound consonants, Medical Semi-circles.
Halving and doubling principle :
Halving-general principles and their exception, use of halving-
principle in phraseography, doubling-general principles and their
exception, use of doubling, principle in phraseography.
Prefixes, Suffixes, Contractions and Intersections :
Prefixes and Suffixes—meaning and uses, list of prefixes and
suffixes, contractions : general rules and list of contractions.
Intersections-meaning and uses, list of intersections, writing of
figures in shorthand.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 191
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : (External) : 50
(Internal) : 50
Note : The candidates are allowed to use simple (Non-
Scientific) calculators.
This course covers analysis of the Markets and their possible
developments. Backing of the products, pricing policies and their
publicity and advertising in the Media-print and Electronic. A study
of the marketing and publicity aids like Books, periodicals,
brouchures, posters, hand cut press release, Audio visuals. The
paper would also include Promotional and public relations methods
employed in Tourism Marketing.
1. The concept marketing, nature, classification and
characteristics of services and their marketing implications
developing marketing strategies for services firms. Linkages
in tourism and other sectors (Travel, Agency,
Accommodation, Food, Nutrition, Catering).
2. Tour Packaging : Concept, characteristics, methodology
consideration and pricing of tour packing, designing and
printing of tour brouchure.
Suggested Readings
1. Kotler, Philip Marketing Management, Universal
Publications, New Delhi, 2006.
2. Maccarthy, D.K.J.Basic Marketing-A Management
Approach, 2005.
3. Douglas Foster Travel and Tourism Management, 1985.
4. Negi, M.S.Tourism and Hotellering, 1997.
198 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
IV (Wealth Tax 3 3 80 20
& Gift Tax
& Practice)
1. The following pattern of setting of question paper shall
be observed.
The question paper covering the entire course shall be devided
into three sections as follows :
Section A : This section will consist of 7 very short answer type
questions with answers to each question upto 5 lines. All quesitons
will be compulsory. Each question will carry two marks, total
weightage to this section being 14 marks.
Section B : This section will consist of short answer type quesitons
with answer to each question upto two pages. Nine questions will
be set by the examiner and the candidates will be expected to
attempt six questions. Each question will carry six marks, total
weightage to the section being 36 marks.
Section C : This section will consist of essay type questions with
answer to each question upto 5 pages. Four questions will be set
by the examiner and the candidates will be expected to attempt
two questions. Each question will carry 15 marks, total weightage
of this section being 30 marks.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 207
Employers Obligations :
Stage I : Certificate to be issued to the recipient's-filing and issue
of the various TDS Forms (16,16A and 16B).
Stage II : Deposit of tax deducted at source-filling and filing of
the challan and deposit of tax.
Stage III : Submission of returns of TDS under Form No.24, Form
Recipient's Obligations :
To obtain TDS certificate from payer; filling and filing of relevant
certificates for lower or no deduction of tax at source (Form
(B) Advance Tax-Who is liable to pay advance tax,
computation of advance tax, instalment and due date of
Advance Tax, Interest payable by the assessee. Filing of
challan and deposit of Advance Tax.
Return of income : Who is liable to file return of income,
time limit, return of loss, Belated Return, Revised Return,
Defective Return, Return by whom to be signed, filling and
filing of Return of Income Tax under :
Assessment Procedures : Inquiring before assessment.
Assessment under Section 143 (1), Self-assesment Tax,
Regular Assessment under Section 143 (2), Best Judgement
assessment, income escaping Assessment, issue of notice
where income has escaped assessment. Time limit for
Notice, Time limit for completion of assessment and
Post Assessment Procedures :
A. Refund : Who can claim refund, Form No.30 for Refund,
Time Limit for claiming refund, Refund of appeal, interest
on refunds.
B. Rectification of mistake (s).
210 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Basic Bioinformatics
Time : 2 Hrs. Max. Marks : 40
Note for the paper setters/examiners :
Each question paper will consist of three sections as follows:
Section A : 8 very short answer questions are to be set. Two from
each unit. The maximum length of answer can be about 1/3 of a
page. All questions are compulsory. Each question will carry one
mark, total weightage being 8 marks.
Section-B : This section will comprise of 8 questions. Five questions
to be attempted and maximum length of answer can be upto two
pages. Each question will carry four marks, total weightage being
20 marks.
Section-C : This section will comprise of four essay type questions.
Two questions to be attempted. Maximum length of answer can be
upto 5 pages. Each question will carry 6 marks, total weightage
being 12 marks.
Prokarayotic and Eukaryotic genome : Structre and
composition of DNA/RNA, types of DNA, organization of DNA in
chromosome in Pro/Eukaryotes, Heterochromatin/Euchromatin,
Unique and repetitive sequences.
Gene expression and regulation : Overview of gene
transcription, splicing of RNA, genetic code, translation, Level of
gene expression : Transcription control, RNA processing control,
mRNA transport control, mRNA translation control, mRNA and
protein degradation control, Gene regulation in development and
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 219
Basic molecular biology, restriction digestion, PCR, cloning
etc. Evolution of genome and basic phycogenetics Genetic
engineering and transgenic organisms, Genome sequencing methods
and analysis. Human genome sequencing project. Functional
Proteomics; Basic concept and analysis, comparative
genomics: definition and applications, Pharmacogenomics and
population genomics : Principle and methods.
Introduction to Biological databases, Protein sequence
databases : Swiss prot, Singal peptide databank, EMBL nucelotide
sequence databank, AIDS virus sequence databank etc. Entry and
retrieval of data from public databases. Other bioinformatics
resoruces in the NET.
List of Books :
1. Brooker, R.J. Genetic Analysis and Principles. Addison
Wisely Longman, N.Y. (2001).
2. Pevzner, J. Introduction to Bioinformatics. John Wiley and
Sons, Y.N. (2003).
3. Baxevanis A.D. Bioinformatics: A practical guide to the
analysis of Gene and Proteins (2nd Edition) 2001.
4. Lodish H, Berk A, Zipursky, S.L., Baltimore, D. Darnel, J.
Molecular Cell Biology. W.H. Freemen and Company, USA
220 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Fundamentals of Computers, Web Technology and
Time : 2 Hrs. Max. Marks : 40
Note for the paper setters/examiners :
Each question paper will consist of three sections as follows:
Section A : 8 very short answer questions are to be set. Two from
each unit. The maximum length of answer can be about 1/3 of a
page. All questions are compulsory. Each question will carry one
mark, total weightage being 8 marks.
Section-B : This section will comprise of 8 questions. Five questions
to be attempted and maximum length of answer can be upto two
pages. Each question will carry four marks, total weightage being
20 marks.
Section-C : This section will comprise of four essay type questions.
Two questions to be attempted. Maximum length of answer can be
upto 5 pages. Each question will carry 6 marks, total weightage
being 12 marks.
Introduction to computer, History of Computers: Evolution,
Generation of computers (I, II, III, IV, V), Classification of computers
(Notebook, Personal Computers, Workstation, Mainframes,
Minicomputers, Microcomputers Supercomputers)—comparison
with memory, power, cost, size-then and now.
Digital Circuits and Computer Architecture: Transistors—
and Integrated Circuits (LSI, VLSI), Operation of processor;
Number Systems and Digital Circuits; ALU; Memory Chips (ROM,
RAM, DRAM), Storage Devices, Memory Hierarchy; I/O Devices;
Bus Systems; Computer Organization and Architecture;
Microprocessor; Moore's Law.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 221
MS-Word : Introduction to word, Introduction to parts of
window (title bar, menu bar, tool bar, ruler, status bar), Creating,
opening, saving and printing a document, Editing a document, Copy
move and replace the text, text formatting, Page Setup, Margins,
Gutters, text alignment, Line spacing, Page break, header and footers,
spell checking. Creation and Manipulation of tables, Mail Merge.
MS-Powerpoint: Introduction, Power point Elements,
Exploring Power Point Menu: opening and closing menu, working
with dialog box, adding text, title. Moving and resizing text, starting
a slide show, opening, saving and printing a slide show.
Views: Slide view, sorter view, notes view, online view,
Formatting Text, Enhancing Text by using bullets, fonts style, font
size, effect and color, Displaying slide show and adding multimedia.
MS-Excel : Introduction, format of electronic worksheet,
adding data in worksheet, cell addressing, saving, opening and
printing a worksheet, Ranges and different type of ranges, applying
formula, copying formula, various, mathematical function, statistical
functional and date functions, charts.
Network Architectures-Layered protocols-local area
networks, Repeaters, bridges, Routers and structured cabling.
Computer Networks: Network communication infrastructure;
Protocols; Wireless LAN and Mobile Computing.
Loading Linux on a PC, launching various services like web
server, email server and proxy server. Setting network on Linux
Web Technology : HTML and Web pages; The Internet and
Intranet; WWW; Java Script and Dynamic Web Pages; Multimedia
Application; Computer Network Security; e-Commerce and m-
222 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Recommended Books :
MS Office
* Kapila H. (2003). PC Computing Window Based
computer system. Dinesh Publishers, Jalandhar.
* Grauer B. (2005). Expolring Microsoft Office 2003
(Volume I). Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
Computing Fundamentals
* Norton's P. (2001). Introduction to Computing
Fundamental. McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi.
* Sinha P.K. (2001). Fundamental of Computers. BPB
Publication, New Delhi.
HTML and Visual Basic
* Harriger R. Alka (1999). Introduction to Computer
Programming with Visual Basic 6, Prentice Hall
Publications, New Jersey.
* Bayross I. (2002). Programming in Visual Basic 6.0.
BPB Publication, New Delhi.
* Deborah S. Ray, Eric J. Ray (2002) Mastering HTML
and XHTML, Sybex Inc.
* HTML Complete, 3rd Edition (2003), Sybex Inc.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 223
Introduction to Database Management System
Time : 2 Hrs. Max. Marks : 40
Data Modeling using ER diagram, ER Model Concepts,
Notation for ER Diagrams. The relational Model, Relational Model
Concepts, Relational Model Constraints, Introduction to Relational
SQL: Introduction, Data Definition in SQL, Quries in SQL,
Update statement in SQL, Views SQL, Simple programs in PL/
Data Mining, Definition, Data Mining and KDD, Data Mining
on relational databases, Data Warehouses, Transactional Databases
etc. Data Mining Functionalities, Pattern Minning. Association
Analysis, Classification and Prediction, Cluster Analysis, Evolution
Analysis, Data Mining on Biological data.
Recommended Books:
1. Fundamentals of Database Systems by Elmasari and
Navathe, Prentice Hall (India), 2001.
2. Data Mining Concepts and Techniques-Jiawei Han,
Micheline Kamber, Morgan Kaufmann Publisher, 2001.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 225
Lab in Database Management System & Computer
Fundamentals, Web Technology
Time : 6 Hrs. Max. Marks : 80
1. To create, open, close a document and toolbars operations.
2. Practical based on page setup, print a document.
3. To add headers, footer, pagebreak.
4. Table handling Mail Merge.
1. Concept of slide, presentation, custom animation.
2. To insert pictures and sound file to slide.
Slide Transition.
1. To create, open, close worksheet.
2. To add numeric as well as character data in a cell.
3. To develop formulas, modify charts.
* Installation of LINUX
* Basic Exercises on HTML.
* Exercises to understand RDBMS: Oracle, SQL etc.;
Usage of important Commands/instructions.
On Job Training
Time : 2 Hrs.
This should be taken up during summer vacations over a
period of one month in Bioinformatics/Computer.
226 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Distribution of Marks and Time
Paper-A 75 Marks 3 Hrs.
Paper-B 75 Marks 3 Hrs.
Practical-A 25 Marks 3 Hrs.
Practical-B 25 Marks 3 Hrs.
Instructions for the paper setters:
There will be a total of nine questions. Question No. 1 will be
compulsory and will be of short answer-type (3-4 lines). No multiple
choice questions, answer of one-word answer type be set. The
remaining 8 questions will include two questions from each unit.
Candidates will be required to attempt 1 question from each of the
4 units. All question including Question No. 1 will have equal marks.
Diversity of Seed Plants and Their Systematics
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks Theory : 75
Practical : 25
Total : 100
Unit I
1. Characteristics of seed plants; evolution of the seed habit;
Distinguishing features of angiosperms and gymnosperms.
2. Major contribution of cytology, phytochemistry and
taximetrics to taxonomy.
Unit II
3. General features of gymnosperms and their classification;
evolution and diversity of gymnosperms including fossil and
living gymnosperms; geological time scale and fossilization.
4. Morphology of vegetative and reproductive parts; anatomy
of root, stem and leaf; reproduction and life cycle of Pinus,
Cycas, Epherda and Ginkgo.
Unit III
5. Angiosperms : Origin and evolution. Some examples of
primitive angiosperms.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 227
Structure, Development and Reproduction in Flowering
Time : 3 Hrs.
Hours of Teaching : Theory : 60 Max.Marks Theory : 75
Practical : 100 Practical : 25
Total : 160 Total : 100
Instructions for Paper Setter :
There will be a total of nine questions. Question No. 1 will be
compulsory and will be of short answer type (3-4 lines). However
no multiple choice, one-word answer type questions shall be set.
The remaining 8 questions will include two questions from each
unit. Candidates will be required to attempt one question from each
of the four units. They will have to attempt five questions in all and
all questions will carry equal marks.
1. The basic body plan of a flowering plant-modular type of
2. The Shoot System : The shoort apical meristem and its
histological organization; meristematic and permanent tissue,
formation of internodes, branching pattern; monopodial and
sympodial growth; canopy architecture; cambium and its
functions; formation of secondary xylem; a general account
of wood structure in relation to conduction of water and
minerals; characteristics of growth rings, sapwood and heart
wood; role of woody skeleton; secondary phloem-structure-
function relationships; Periderm.
3. Diversity in plant form in annuals, biennials and perennials;
trees-largest and longest-lived.
4. Leaf : origin, development, arrangement and diversity in
size and shape; internal structure in relation to photosynthesis
and water loss; adaptations to water stress; senescence
and abscission.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 231
5. The Root System : The root apical meristem; differentiation
of primary and secondary tissues and their roles; structural
modification for storage, respiration, reproduction and for
interaction with microbes.
6. Vegetative Reproduction : Various methods of vegetative
propagation. Detailed study and types of grafting and
budding, economic aspects.
7. Flower : A modified shoot; structure, development and
varieties of flower; functions; structure of anther and pistil;
the male and female gametophytes; types of pollination;
attractions and rewars for pollinators; (sucking and foraging
types); pollen-pistu interaction self incompatiability; double
fertilization: formation of seed endosperm and embroy : fruit
development and maturation.
8. Significance of seed : Suspended animation; ecological
adaptation; unit of genetic recombination with reference to
reshuffling of genes and replenishment; dispersal strategies.
Note for teachers :
Wherever required, role of environment and hormones in plant
development and reproduction should be emphasized.
Suggested Readings
1. Bhojwani, S.S. and Bhatnagar, S.P. 2000. The Embryology
of Angiosperms, 4th revised and enlarged edition. Vikas
Publishing House, Delhi.
2. Hartmann, H.T. and Kestler, D.E., 1976, Plant Propagation:
Principles and Practices, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Mauseth, J.D., 1988, Plant Anatomy, The Benjamin/
Cummings Publishing Company Inc., Menlo Park, California,
4. Peau, K., 1977, Anatomy of Seed Plants, 3rd edition. John
Wiley & Sons, New York.
232 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Paper Maximum Hours or Examination
Marks Equivalent duration
periods hr.
per week
Paper A* 75 3 Hours 3 Hours
Paper B** 75 3 Hours 3 Hours
Practical-I 25 2¼ Hours 3 Hours
(related to Paper-A)
Practical-II 25 2¼ Hours 3 Hours
(related to Paper-B)
Evolution & Biodiversity-III (Chordates)
Examination Time : 3 hrs. Maximum Marks : 75
— Concepts and evidences of organic evolution.
— Theories of organic evolution.
— Origin of life.
— Concepts of micro, macro and mega-evlution.
— Concepts and Species.
— Fossils and evolutionary rate.
— Evolution of man.
Biodiversity-III (Chordates)
Chordates - Origin.
Prochordates - Urochordata-Type study-Herdmania,
Cephalochordata-Type study-Amphioxus.
Cyclostomata - External Characters of Petromyzon &
affinities of Cyclostomata
Pisces - Type study-Labeo,
Scales & fins. Migration & Parental Care.
Amphibia - Type study-Frog,
- Origin & Parental Care.
Reptilia - Type study-Uromastix,
Origin & Extinct reptiles,
Poisonous and non-Poisonous Snakes,
poison apparatus.
236 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Biochemistry & Animal Physiology
Examination Time : 3 hrs. Maximum Marks : 75
- Biochemistry and its scope;
- Carbohydrates, proteins. Lipids and nucleic acids : their
classifications and functions.
- Enzymes : Nature, their classification and coenzymes.
- Carbohydrates metabolism : The Embden Meyerhoff, Parnas
Pathway (glycolysis) the tricarboxylic acid cycle, the hexose
monophosphate shunt, glycogensis and glycogenolysis.
- Lipid metabolism : β-Oxidation of fatty acids, rate of glycerol
and gluconeogenesis, interaction of carbohydrates and lipids,
lipogensis in tissues, ketosis.
- Protein metabolism : Protein metabolism of amino acids
(oxidative deamination, transamination and decarboxylation,
hydrolysis of proteins and ornithine cycle).
Animal Physiology
Digestion : Digestion of dietary constituents, regulation of
digestive processes and absorption. Types of
nutrition, feeding mechanisms, extra and intra
cellular digestion, enzymatic digestion and symbiotic
Blood : Composition and functions of blood and lymph.
Molecular structure and function of haemoglobin,
blood clotting. Blood groups including Rh factor,
haemopoiesis and haemostasis.
Heart : Origin and regulation of heart beat, cardiac cycle,
electrocardiogram, cardiac output, fluid pressure
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 239
Suggested Readings
1. Parker, T.J. and Haswell, W.A, Text Book of Zoology, Vol. II
(Vertebrates), ELBS and Macmillian Press Ltd., 1981.
2. Dobzhansky, Ayala, Stebbins & Valentine, Evolution W.H.
Freeman, 1952.
3. Colbert. E.H., Evolution of Vertebrates, II Edition, Wiley
Eastern Ltd., 1989.
4. Dhami, P.S. & Dhami J.K., Vertebrates, R. Chand & Co.,
New Delhi, 1998.
5. Taneja, S.K., Biochemistry & Animal Physiology, Trueman
Book Co., 1997.
6. Guyton, A.S., Text Book of Medical Physiology, 7th Edition,
W.B. Saunders Company, 1994.
7. Robert, K., Murray, Mayes Daryl, K. Granner, Victor, W.,
Woodwell, Harper's Biochemistry, 22nd Edition, Prentice Hall
International Inc., 1990.
8. Lehninger, A., Principles of Biochemistry, Worth Publishers,
Inc., USA, 2000.
9. Bhamarah, H.S., Juneka K., Cytogenetics & Evolution,
Anmol Publication Pvt. Ltd., 1993.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 241
(Related to Paper-B)
Maximum Marks : 25 Examination Time : 3 hrs.
1. Study of the skeletal of Rana (frog), Scoliodon, Varanus,
Gallus and Oryctolagus (Rabbit).
2. Study of the following prepared slides :
T.S. Amphioxus through various regions.
Spicules & Pharynx of Herdmania & Pharynx of
Histology of rat/rabbit (compound tissues)
3. Identification of food stuffs: starch, glucose, proteins and
fats in solution.
4. Demonstration of osmosis and diffusion.
5. Demonstrate the presence of amylase in saliva, denaturation
by pH and temperature.
6. Determination coagulation and bleeding time of blood in man/
7. Determination of blood groups of human blood sample.
8. Recording of blood pressure of man.
9. Analysis of urine for urea, chloride, glucose and uric acid.
10. Estimation of haemoglobin content.
Field study : Visit to a fossil Park/Lab.
Familiarity with the local vertebrate fauna.
Guidelines for conduct of Practical-II Examination
1. Identify the given bones A & B. Make labeled sketches of
their respective—views (6)
2. Minor experiment of Physiology such as blood groups
determination/identification of some food stuffs/presence
of chloride or glucose in urine etc. (5)
3. Perform the given physiology experiment, write the
procedure and show it to the examiner. (5)
4. Identify the slides C & D giving two reasons for each
identification. (4)
5. Viva-voce+Note Book (4+1)=5
244 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Books Recommended
* Frazier, W.C. and Westhoff, D.C. 1978. Food Microbiology,
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., Ltd., New Delhi.
* Banwart, G.J., 1987. Basic Food Microbiology. CBS
Publishers and Distributions, New Delhi.
* Power, C.B. and Dagniwals, H.F. 1992. General
Microbiology. Volume II. Himalaya Publishing House, New
246 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Microbial Nutrition and Metabolism
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 75
Instructions for Paper Setter :
There will be a total of nine questions. Question No. 1
will be compulsory and will be of short answer type (3-4 lines).
However no multiple choice one-word answer type questions
shall be set. The remaining 8 questions will include two
questions from each unit. Candidates will be required to
attempt one question from each of the four units. They will
have to attempt five questions in all and all questions will
carry equal marks.
1. Nutrition, requirements for growth of Microorganisms,
Nutrients and accessory constituents, medium designing.
2. Transport of nutrients across the cell membrane, active
transport, passive transport, diffusion and group translocation
for the transport of nutrients across the membrane.
3. Growth and metabolism, catabolism and energy, Pathways,
for breakdown of glucose (glycolysis, Kreb's cycle
fermentation, pentose phosphate pathways), gluconeogenesis,
assimilation of nitrogen energy metabolism in aerobic and
anaerobic microorganisms, metabolism of starch & cellulose
by bacteria.
4. Laws of thermodynamics, entrophy, enthalpy and free energy
of reaction standard, oxidative phosphorylation, Electron
transport, respiratory chains of bacteria. Biosynthesis of
nucleic acids, for synthsis of purine and pyrimidine
250 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Microbial Ecology
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 75
Instructions for Paper Setter :
There will be a total of nine questions. Question No 1
will be compulsory and will be of short answer type (3-4 lines).
However no multiple choice one-word answer type questions
shall be set. The remaining 8 questions will include two
questions from each unit. Candidates will be required to
attempt one question from each of the four units. They will
have to attempt five questions in all and all questions will
carry equal marks.
1. Diversity of microbial habitats : Environmental selecting
factors, physical, chemical and biological types of microbial
habitats, atmospheric, aquatic and terrestrial environments.
2. Microbial interactions, Competition for survival in nature (for
nutrients, space, oxygen), antagonism, commensalism,
symbiosis, parasitism miscellaneous associations in nature.
3. Role of microorganisms in geochemicals cycles : Carbon
cycle, nitrogen cycle, phosphorus cycle. Sulphur cycle,
microbial toxins in the enviornment: Types of Microbial toxins,
ecological consequences of microbial toxins as insectical
agents, bioinsecticides.
4. Microbiological aspects of pollution caused by domestic and
industrial sewages, water pollution, air pollution, potable and
non-potable water, concept of BOD and COD, effluent
treatment by primary, secondary and tertiary methods,
biofertilizers bioinsecticides.
252 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Books Recommended
1. Edmonds, P., 1978, Microbiology : An environmental
perspective, MacMillan Publishing Co., Inc., New York.
2. Powar C.B. and Danginwala, H.F., 1992, General
Microbiology, Volume II, Himalaya Publishing House, New
3. Sharma, P.D., 1997, Microbiology, Rastogi Publication,
4. Pleczar, M.J., Chan, E.C.S. and Krieg N.R., 1993,
Microbiology, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., Ltd., New
5. Patel, A.H., 1984, Industrial Microbiology, Macmillan India
Ltd., Delhi.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 253
Time : 4 Hours Max. Marks : 50
1. Isolation and enumeration of total bacteria from soil by pour
plating and spread plating.
2. Isolation of yeasts from fermented foods.
3. Isolation and enumeration of fungi from soil and air.
4. Isolation of symbiotic and non-symbiotic nitrogen fixing
5. Distinction between fermenting and non-fermenting
6. Effects of various concentrations of carbon source on
microbial growth.
7. Effects of various concentrations of nitrogen source on
microbial growth.
8. Effect of temperature on microbial growth.
9. Effect of pH on microbial growth.
10. Determination of bacteriological quality of drinking water.
11. Determination of COD in water sample.
12. Determination of dissolved oxygen in water sample.
254 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Microbial Physiology
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 75
Paper - B
Microbial Biochemistry
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 75
Instructions for Paper Setter :
There will be a total of nine questions. Question No. 1
will be compulsory and will be of short answer type (3-4 lines).
However no multiple choice one-word answer type questions
shall be set. The remaining 8 questions will include two
questions from each unit. Candidates will be required to
attempt one question from each of the four units. They will
have to attempt five questions in all and all questions will
carry equal marks.
1. Classification of carbohydrates, optical properties, chemical
properties of carbohydrates, chemical structure and properties
of starch, cellulose, glycogen. Saturated and unsaturated fatty
acids, biosynthesis of fatty acid, distribution and function of
lipids and microorganism. Degradation of lipids by alpha, beta
and omega oxidation, lipid peroxidation.
2. Properties of proteins (acids base property and solubility),
Primary, secondary, tertiary structures of proteins. Amino
acids classification of essential amino acids. Hendersen and
Hasselbalch equation for ionisation of amino acids and
Zwitterions property. Synthesis of peptides.
3. Enzymes Classification, coenzyme, cofactor, thermodynamics
Explanation of enzyme catalysis, reaction order, derivation
of Michaelis-Menten equation, transfomation of Michaelis-
Menten Kinetics to line weaver-Burke Plot, competitive,
uncompetitive and non competitive inhibition, kinetics of
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 257
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 50
1. Growth curve of Bacteria and fungi in shake flask using,
Optical density, Biomass and Cell numbers
2. Effect of pH on the growth of Bacteria and fungi.
3. Effect of temperature on the growth of fungi/bacteria.
4. Estimation of Extracellular Protein in cell culture.
5. Estimation of sugars in cell culture broth.
6. Extraction and identification of lipids by this layer
7. Isolation of micro organisms from air.
8. Isolation of micro organisms from soil.
9. Isolation of micro organisms from water.
10. Paper chromatographic separation of amino acid and
pigments by one way descending.
11. Measurement of Mutation frequency in bacteria.
12. Mutant isolation by gradient plate technique.
13. Effect of UV light on mutation frequency in Bacteria.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 259
Credit Hrs. Marks
Paper A Biophysics and Molecular Biology 3 60
Paper B Immunology and Animal Tissue Culture 3 60
Paper C Practicals
Immunological and Animal Tissue 6 60
Culture Techniques
On Job Training - 20
Total 200
Biophysics and Molecular Biology
Time : 3 Hrs. Periods-3
Note for the paper setters/examiners:
Each question paper will consist of three sections as follows:
Section A: 10 very short answer type questions are to be set, two
from each unit. The maximum length of answer can be about 1/3 of
a page. All questions are compulsory. Each question will carry 1½
marks, total weightage being 15 marks.
Section B: This section will comprise of 8 questions. Five questions
to be attempted and maximum length of answer can be upto two
pages. Each question will carry five marks, total weightage being
25 marks.
Section C: This section will comprise of four essay type questions.
Two questions are to be attempted. Maximum length of answer
can be upto 5 pages. Each question will carry 10 marks, total
weightage being 20 marks.
Energetics of a living body. Sources of heat limits to
temperature, Heat dissipation and conservation, Lambert-Beer
law, General spectroscopy-UV-vis, fluorescence, IR, Raman
260 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Radioisotopic techniques : Base concepts of radioisotopy, theory
and applications of Geiger-Multer tube, solid and liquid scintillation
counters, primary and scondary flours. Safety rules for radioisotopic
Electrophoresis : Basic principles, theory and application of native,
SDS-Page and Agarose Gel electrophoresis. Introduction to IEF,
(Iso-electric focusing) 2-D gel. Applications in biology for isolation
of biomolecules based on charge and molecular weight.
Chromatography : Theory, principle and application of column,
paper, thin layer, ion-exchange affinity chromatography, GLC,
Molecular basis of life, Structure of DNA, DNA replication in
prokaryotes and eukaryotes, DNA recombination : molecular
mechanisms in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Insertion elements and
Structure of prokaryotic genes, Prokaryotic transcription, Prokaryotic
translation,Prokaryotic gene expression (lac, his, trpoperons,
catabolic repression).
Structure of eukaryotic genes, Eukaryotic transcription, Eukaryotic
translation, Eukaryotic gene expression, transcription factors
etc.,Gene expression in yeast, Gene expression in protozoan
parasites,Gene organization and expression in - mitochondria,
chloroplasts, Post-translation regulation of gene expression,
Development and environmental regulation of gene expression.
Books Recommended:
1. Damal. J, Lodish, H., and Baltimore, D. (1990), Molecular
Cell Biology, 2nd, .. Scientific American Books, Distributed
by W. H. Freeman and Co., New York.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 261
Paper B
Immunology and Animal Tissue Culture
Time: 3 hrs. Periods-3
Marks : 60
Note for the paper setters/examiners:
Each question paper will consist of three sections as follows:
Section A: 10 very short answer questions are to be set. Two
from each unit.The maximum length of answer can be about 1/3 of
a page. All questions are compulsory. Each question will carry 1/2
marks, total weightage being 15 marks.
Section B: This section will comprise of 8 questions. Five questions
to be attempted and maximum length of answer can be upto two
pages. Each question will carry five marks, total weightage being
25 marks.
Section-C: This section will comprise of four essay type questions.
Two questions are to be attempted. Maximum length of answer
can be upto 5 pages. Each question will carry 10 marks, total
weightage being 20 marks.
The Immune system and Immunity along with historical perspective,
Antigen-antibody and their structure. The organs and the cells of
the immune system and their function, Antigen-antibody interaction.
Humoral and cell mediated immunity (role of MHC and genetic
restriction), Origin of diversity in the immune system, Effector
mechanisms, Immunity to infectious diseases, vaccines.
Animal Tissue Culture
History of development of cell cultures, The natural surroundings
of animal cells, Metabolic capabilities of animal cells, Simulating
natural conditions for growing animal cells, Importance of growth
factors of the serum.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 263
Primary cultures, Anchorage dependance of growth, Non-
anchorage dependent cells, Secondary cultures, Transformed animal
cells, Established/continuous cell lines, Commonly used animal cell
lines-their origin and characteristics, Growth kinetics of cells in
Applications of animal cell culture for studies on gene expression,
Organ culture,Transfection of animal cells : Selectable markers,
HAT selection, antibiotic resistance etc., Cell fusion, Transplantation
of cultured cells, Differentiation of cells.
Books Recommended:
1. Austyn, J. M. and Wood, K. J., (1993), Principles of Cellular
and molecular Immunology, Oxford University Press Inc.,
New York
2. Butler, M., (1987), Animal Cell Technology-Principles and
Practices, Oxford University Press.
3. Butler, M., (1991), Mammalian Cell Biotechnology—A
Practical Approach, IRL, Oxford University Press.
4. Buller, M., (1996), The Animal Cell Culture and Technology,
IRL, Oxford Uni. Press
5. Freshney R.T., (1994), Culture of Animal Cells, John Wiley
and Sons, New York.
6. Gareth, E. J., (1996), Human Cell Culture Protocols, Humana
7. Kuby, J., (1992), Immunology, W. H. Freeman and Company,
New York.
8. Paul, W.E., (1995), Fundamental Immunology, 3rd ed., Raven
Press, NewYork. Applications Wiley Liss
9. Roitt, I.M., Brostoff, J and Male, D. K. (1989), Immunology,
Grower Medical Publishing, New York.
10. Strites D. P., Terr. A.I. & Parslow T.G., (1997), Medical
Immunology, 9th ed.,PHI, Cambridge.
264 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Paper-C (Practicals)
Immunological and Animal Tissue Techniques
Time: 3 hrs. Periods- 6
Marks : 60
Cytological preparations :
-Fixation, dehydration and staining.
-Squash in stain.
-Embedding and sectioning.
Measurements with the help of light microscope :
-Calibration of ocular micrometer.
-Finding out average cell size.
-Choromosome length.
Methods for cells lysis: rupture Osmotic/Chemical/Enzymatic lysis,
of cell followed by centrifugation. Monitoring cells lysis by release
of cellular material and by change in light scattering etc.
Preparation of Hanks Balanced salt solution
Preparation minimal essential growth medium
Isolation of lymphocytes for culturing
Isolation of rat macrophages from peritoneum for culturing
Primary lymphoid culture
Isolation of monouclear cells from spleen and their culture
Separation of the constituent molecules of the extract in aqueous
buffer :
-Gel filteration.
-Ion exchange chromatography.
Immunological Methods
Cell counting methods :
-The haemaocytometer and other aides.
Separation of cell types (from blood)
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 265
Purification of Antibodies.
Hemaglutination assay
Raising polyclonal antibodies.
Conjugation and labelling of antibodies.
Enzyme-linked immunoassay .
Radial immunodiffusion analysis.
Separation of serum from the blood.
Books Recommended:
1. Birch, J.R., Lennox, E.S., (1995), Monoclonal Antibodies:
Principles and Applications, John Willey & Sons Inc., New
2. Celis, J.E., (1998), Cell Biology: A laboratory handbook
Vol-I to IV, Academic Press, U.K.
3. Maniatis, T.,E.F. Fritch, and J.Sambrook, 1982, Molecular
cloning: A laboratory manual, Ist edition, Cold Spring
Harbour Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbour, New York.
4. Stevens, C,D., (1996), Clinical Immunology and Serology: A
laboratory perspective, F.A. Devis Company, Philadelphia.
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 65
Note : 1. Questions paper will be consist of two sections. Each
section will consist of five questions set from
corresponding section of the syllabus.
2. The students will attempt five questions in all selecting
at least two questions from each Section.
3. Teaching time for Mathematics would be five periods
per week for each paper.
Definition of a sequence. Theorems on limits of sequences.
Bounded and monotonic sequences. Cauchy's convergence
criterion. Series of non-negative terms. Comparison tests. Cauchy's
integral tests. Ratio tests. Cauchy's root test. Raabe's test logarithmic
test. De'morgan's and Bertrand's tests. Kummer's test, Cauchy
Condensation test, Gauss test, alternative series. Leibnitz's test.
absolute and conditional convergence.
Limit and Continuity of functions of two variables. Partial
differentiation. Change of variables. Partial derivation and
differentiability of real-valued functions of two variables. Schwartz's
and Young's theorem. Statements of Inverse and implicit function
theorems and applications.
Euler's theorem on homogeneous functions. Taylor's theorem
for functions of two variables. Jacobins.
Envelopes. Evolutes. Maxima, Minima and saddle points of
functions of two variables. Lagrange's undetermined multiplier
Books Recommended :
1. Narayan, S.: A Course of Mathematical Analysis, Sultan
Chand & Sons, New Delhi (2000).
2. Narayan S.: Differential Calculus, Sultan Chand & Sons.
New Delhi (2005).
3. Malik, S.C.: Mathematical Analysis, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 273
Integral Calculus
Time : 3 Hours Max.Marks : 65
Note : 1. Questions paper will be consist of two sections. Each
section will consist of five questions set from
corresponding section of the syllabus.
2. The students will attempt five questions in all selecting
at least two questions from each Section.
3. Teaching time for Mathematics would be five periods
per week for each paper.
Partitions, Upper and lower sums. Upper and lower integrals,
Riemann integrability. Conditions of existence of Riemann
integrability of continuous functions and of monotone functions.
Algebra of integrable functions. Inequalities involving integrals.
Improper integrals and statements of their conditions of existence.
Test of the convergence of improper integral. Standard improper
integrals of the first and second kinds. Beta and Gamma functions.
Double and Triple Integrals, Change of Variables. Applications
to evaluation of areas, Volume, Centre of gravity, and moments of
inertia etc. Change of order of integration in double integrals.
Books Recommended :
1. Malik, S.C.: Mathematical Analysis, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
2. Apostal, T.M. : Mathematical Analysis, Addison Wesley
Series in Mathematics (1974).
3. Narayan, S. : Integral Calculus, Sultan Chand & Sons.
4. Kreyszig, E. : Advanced Engineering Mathematics.
5. Shanti Narayan. : Course of Mathematics Analysis, Sultan
and Company, (2008).
274 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Vector Calculus and Solid Geometry
Time : 3 Hours Max.Marks : 70
Note : 1. Questions paper will consist of two sections. Each
section will consist of five questions set from
corresponding section of the syllabus.
2. The students will attempt five questions in all selecting
at least two questions from each Section.
3. Teaching time for Mathematics would be five periods
per week for each paper.
Vector differentiation, Gradient, divergence and curl operators,
line integrals, Vector identity, Vector integration, Theorems of Gauss,
Green, Stokes and problems based on these.
Intersection of three planes : Condition for three planes to
intersect in a point or along a line or to form a prism. Change of
axes, Shift of origin, rotation of axes. Equation of surface of
revolution obtained by rotating the curve.
f(x,y)=0 about the Z-axis in the form of f(x2+y2, z)=0
Equation of ellipsoid, hyperboloid and paraboloid in standard
forms. Surfaces (represented by general equation of 2nd degree
S=0. Tangent lines tangent planes. Normal plane.
Sphere, Section of a sphere by a plane, spheres of a given
circle. Intersection of a line and a sphere. Tangent line, tangent
plane, power of a point a shpere, radical planes. Cylinder as
surface generated by a line moving parallel to a fixed line and through
fixed curve. Different kinds of cylinders such as right circular, elliptic,
hyperbolic and parabolic in standard forms, Cone with a vertex at
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 275
Paper A
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Note : 1. The candidates are allowed to use Non-
Programmable calculators.
2. Question paper will consist of two sections. Each
section will consist of five questions set from
corresponding section of the syllabus.
3. The student will attempt five questions in all
selecting at least two questions from each section.
4. Teaching time for Satistics would be five periods
per week for each paper.
Note : The paper setters may be asked to send solutions for
the questions set in the question paper.
Two dimensional random variables, their joint probability mass
function and joint probability density function, marginal and conditional
probability distributions, independent random variables, functions of
two random variables, distribution of addition, subtraction Product
and quotient of two independent random variables.
Expected value of real valued function of a two-dimentional
random vector and properties of the expected value. Chebyshev's
inequality and its applications.
The covariance, the correlation coefficient, conditional
expectation and regression of the means.
The Multinomial distribution, its expected value and variance.
The bivariate normal distribution, the marginal and conditional
probability distributions associated with the bivariate normal
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 277
Section B
Moment generating function of the sum of finite number of
independent random variables. Reproductive properties of the
Binomial, Poisson, Normal, and Gamma Distribution. Sequence of
random variables, the correspondence between the limiting moment
generating function of a sequence of random variables and the
limiting cumulative distribution function.
The law of large numbers, Bernoulli's form of the law of
large numbers, the difference between convergence in probability
and the ordinary convergence of calculus, normal approximation to
the Binomial distribution, the central limit theorem for independent
identically distributed random variables and the outline of its proof
using moment generating function. Applications of central limit
Books Recommended
Meyer, P.L. Introductory Probability and Statistical Applications,
Addison—Wesley, (1970). Chapters : 6 (Excluding 6.6), 7
(7.3.,7.6, 7.8, 7.9, 7.10, 7.11 only). 8 (8.8 only), 9 (9.10 only)
10 (10.5, 10.6 only), 12 (excluding 12.5).
Books Suggested for Supplementary Reading
Biswal, P.C. Probability and Statistics, Prentice Hall of India, 2007.
Ross, S. A First Course in Probability, Pearson Education, 2007.
Miller, I and Miller, M. Mathematical Statistics with Applications,
Seventh Edition, Pearson Education, 2007.
278 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Paper B
Estimation and Testing Hypothesis
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Note : 1. The candidates are allowed to use Non-
Programmable calculators.
2. Question paper may consist of two sections. Each
section will consist of five questions set from
corresponding section of the syllabus.
3. The student will attempt five question in all
selecting at least two questions from each section.
4. Teaching time for Satistics would be five periods
per week for each paper.
Note : The paper setters may be asked to send solutions for
the questions set in the question paper.
Point estimation, estimator and estimates, criteria for good
estimators- unbiasedness, consistency, efficiency and sufficiency
(only the definitions and examples), Minimum variance unbiased
estimator, Rao Blackwell Theorem, Scheffe's lemma Crammer, Rao
Inequality (only statements and their applications). Methods of
estimation: moments and maximum likelihood method of estimation,
interval estimation and interval estimate of the mean of a normal
Neyman and Pearson's theory of testing hypothesis, the
concepts of statistical hypothesis, two types of errors, critical region,
significance level, power and power function. Most powerful test,
The Neyman Pearson theorem (only the statement) and its
applications for testing a simple hypothesis against a simple
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 279
Note :
1. This Course shall not be opted for alongwith courses in
B.A./B.Sc. Mathematics and for B.A./B.Sc. Statistics.
2. The candidate opting for this course will not be eligible for
admission to M.A/M.Sc. Statistics.
3. There are two papers code named, papers A and B in the
subject of Applied Statistics in B.A./B.Sc. each of one credit
and having a total of 100 marks. These are to be taught
simultaneously throughout the year.
Paper - A
Mathematical Methods-II
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Note : 1. The candidates are allowed to use Non-
Programmable calculators.
2. Question paper may consist of two sections. Each
section will consist of five questions set from
corresponding section of the syllabus.
3. The student will attempt five question in all
selecting at least two questions from each section.
4. Teaching time for Satistics would be five periods
per week for each paper.
Note : The paper setters may be asked to send solutions for
the questions set in the question paper.
Coordinate Geometry of 3 dimensions : Cartesian, Cylinderical
Spherical Coordinates, equations of line, plane, sphere, cone and
Matrices and Linear Algebra : Determinants, algebra of matrices
rank of a matrix, inverse of a matrix, symmetric skew symmetric,
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 281
Paper B
Statistical Methods
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Note : 1. The candidates are allowed to use Non-
Programmable calculators.
2. Question paper may consist of two sections. Each
section will consist of five questions set from
corresponding section of the syllabus.
3. The student will attempt five questions in all
selecting at least two questions from each section.
4. Teaching time for statistics would be five periods
per week for each paper.
Note : The paper setters may be asked to send solutions for
the questions set in the question paper.
Scope and limitation of statistics, collection, classificaiton,
tabulation and diagrammatic representation of statistical data,
Concepts of statistical population random sample and frequency
curve. Central tendency, measures of central tendency, dispersion,
measures of dispersion, skewness and kurtosis and their
meaures.Two dimensional random variable, joint probability
distribution, marginal and conditional probability distributions,
conditional expectation, covariance and correlation coefficient.
Measures of association and contingency, Bivariate data,
scatter diagram, covariance, correlation coefficient and its properties,
and line of regression involving two variables only. Bivariate normal
distribution, marginal and conditional distributions.
Statement of weak law of large numbers and central limit
theorem for independent and identical random variable and its
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 283
Note :
1. There will be three papers of theory and one laboratory
(practical) course.
2. The number of lectures per week will be three for each
theory paper.
3. The number of lectures per week will be six for practical.
4. The examination time for each theory paper will be three
5. The examination time for practical will be four hours.
6. The use of nonprogrammable calculator will be allowed in
the examination centre but these will not be provided by the
Paper A : Statistical Physics 50 marks Total teaching hours 60
and Thermodynamics
Paper B : Optics and Lasers 50 marks Total teaching hours 60
Paper C : Quantum Physics 50 marks Total teaching hours 60
Physics Practicals 50 marks Total teaching hours 90
Each theory paper will consist of Five Units.
There will be two questions from this unit. Each question will
carry 10 marks. Only one question is to be attempted.
There will be two questions from this unit. Each question will
carry 10 marks. Only one question is to be attempted.
There will be two questions from this unit. Each question will
carry 10 marks. Only one question is to be attempted.
There will be two questions from this unit. Each question will
carry 10 marks. Only one question is to be attempted.
There will be Eight parts (each carrying 2 marks) of small
answer type covering the syllabi of all these four units (units I-IV)
out of these five parts are to be attempted.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 285
Paper A
Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics
Max. Marks : 50 Total Teaching Hours : 60
Pass Marks : 35% Time Allowed : 3 hours
The Paper will consist of Five Units :
Unit-I There will be two questions from this unit. Each question
will carry ten marks. Only one question is to be attempted.
Unit-II There will be two questions from this unit. Each question
will carry ten marks. Only one question is to be attempted.
Unit-III There will be two question from this unit. Each question
will carry ten marks. Only one question is to be attempted.
Unit-IV There will be two questions from this unit. Each question
will carry ten marks. Only one question is to be attempted.
Unit-V There will be Eight questions from small answer type
covering the syllabi of all the four units (I-IV). Five
questions are to be attempted. Each question will carry
two marks.
Basic ideas of statistical physics. Scope of statistical physics,
Basic ideas about probability, distribution of four distinguishable
particles in two compartment of equal size. Concept of macro states,
microstates, thermodynamic probability. Effects of constraints on
the system. Distribution of n particles in two compartments.
Deviation from the state of maximum probability, equilibrium state
of dynamic system. Distribution of distinguishable n particles in k
compartments of unequal sizes.
Phase space and its division into elementary cells. Three kinds
of statistics. The basic approach in the three statistics. Maxwell
286 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Paper B
Optics and Lasers
Maximum Marks : 50 Total Teaching Hours : 60
Pass Marks : 35% Time Allowed : 3 hours
The Paper will consist of Five Units :
Unit-I There will be two questions from this unit. Each question
will carry ten marks. Only one question is to be attempted.
Unit-II There will be two question from this unit. Each question
will carry ten marks. Only one question is to be attempted.
Unit-III There will be two question from this unit. Each question
will carry ten marks. Only one question is to be attempted.
Unit-IV There will be two question from this unit. Each question
will carry ten marks. Only one question is to be attempted.
Unit-V There will be Eight questions of small answer type
covering the syllabi of all the four units(I-IV). Five
questions are to be attempted. Each question will carry
two marks.
Interference : Concept of coherence, Spatial and temporal
coherence, Coherence time, Coherence length, Area of coherence.
Conditions for observing interference fringes. Interfere length by
wave front division and amplitude division. Michelson's
interferometer—working, Principle and nature of fringes.
Interference in thin films. Role of interference in anti-reflection
and high-reflection dielectric coatings, Multiple beam interference,
Fabry-Perot interferometer. Nature of fringes.
Diffraction : Huygens-Fresnel theory, half-period zones, Zone
plates. Distinction between Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 289
Paper C
Quantum Physics
Maximum Marks : 50 Total Teaching Hours : 60
Pass Marks : 35% Time Allowed : 3 hours
The Paper will consist of Five Units:
Unit-I There will be two questions from this unit. Each question
will carry ten marks. Only one question is to be attempted.
Unit-II There will be two question from this unit. Each question
will carry ten marks. Only one question is to be attempted.
Unit-III There will be two question from this unit. Each question
will carry ten marks. Only one question is to be attempted.
Unit-IV There will be two question from this unit. Each question
will carry ten marks. Only one question is to be attempted.
Unit-V There will be Eight questions of small answer type
covering the syllabi of all the four units (I-IV). Five
questions are to be attempted. Each question will carry
two marks.
Formalism of Wave Mechanics : Brief introduction to
need and development of quantum mechanics, Wave-particle duality,
de-Broglie hypothesis. Complimentarity and uncertainty principle,
Gaussian wave packet, Schrodinger equation for a free particle.
Operator correspondence and equation for a particle subject to
forces. Normalization and probability interpretation of wave
function. Superposition principle, Expectation value, Probability
current and conservation of probability. Admissibility conditions on
the wave function. Ehrenfest theorem, Fundamental postulates of
wave mechanics. Eigen functions and eigen values. Operator
formalism, Orthogonal systems, Expansion in eigen functions.
Hermitian operators. Simultaneous eigen functions, Equation of
292 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Problems in one and three dimensions : Time dependent
Schrodinger equation. Application to stationary states for one
dimension. Potential sep. Potential barrier, Rectangular potential
well. Degeneracy, Orthogonality, Linear harmonic oscillator.
Schrodinger equation for spherically symmetric potential, Spherical
harmonics, Hydrogen atom energy levels and eigen functions,
Degeneracy, Angular momentum.
One Electron Atomic Spectra : Interaction of atom with
radiation, Transition probability, Spontaneous transition. Selection
rules and life times. Spectrum of hydrogen atom. Line structure,
Normal Zeeman effect, Electron spin, Stern Gerlach experiment,
Spin orbit coupling (election magnetic moment, total angular
momentum). Hyperfine structure, Examples of one electron systems,
Anomalous Zeeman effect Lande-g factor (sodium D-lines).
Many Electron System Spectra : Exchange symmetry of
wave functions, exclusion principle, Shells, Sub shells in atoms, atomic
spectra (Helium). L.S. coupling, Selection rules, Regularities in
atomic spectra, Interaction energy ideas X-ray spectra. Mosley
law, Absorption spectra, Auger effect, Molecular bonding, Molecular
spectra, Selection rules, Symmetric structures. Rotational, vibrational
electronic level and spectra of molecules, Magnetic resonance
experiments. Raman spectra, Introduction to Raman spectra.
Text and Reference Books
1. A Text Book of Quantum Mechanics, P.M. Mathews and
K. Venkatesan, (Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co., Delhi) 2002.
2. Quantum Mechanics, J.L. Powell and B. Crasemann (Narosa
Pub. House, N. Delhi) 1997.
3. Concepts of Modern Physics, Arthur Beiser (McGraw Hill
Pub. Co., Delhi, 9th Ed.), 1995.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 293
Total Teaching Hours : 90 Hrs. Maximum Marks : 50
Pass Marks : 35% Time Allowed : 4 Hours
Guidelines for Physics Practical examination
1. The distribution of marks is as follows :
(i) One full experiment out of Unit-I equiring 20 marks
the students to take some data, analyse
it and draw conclusions. (Candidates
are expected to state their results with
limits of error.
(ii) Brief theory 05 marks
(iii) One exercise based on experiment or 10 marks
computer programming (to be allotted
by the external examiner at the time of
(iv) Viva-voce 10 marks
(v) Record (Practical file) 05 marks
2. The examiner should take care that the experiment allotted
to an examinee from Unit-I and exercise allotted from
Unit-II are not directly related to each other.
3. Number of candidates in a group for practical examination
should not exceed 12.
4. In a single group, no experiment be allotted to more than
three examinees.
List of Experiments
I. Statistical Physics and thermodynamics
(i) Adiabatic expansion of a gas.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 295
Paper A
Max. Marks : 70 Total Teaching Hours : 60
Pass Marks : 35% Time Allowed : 3 Hours
Paper will consist of Five Units :
Unit-I There will be two questions from this unit. Each
question will carry 14 marks. Only one question is
to be attemped.
Unit-II There will be two questions from this unit. Each
question will carry 14 marks. Only one question is
to be attemped.
Unit-III There will be two questions from this unit. Each
question will carry 14 marks. Only one question is
to be attemped.
Unit-IV There will be two questions from this unit. Each
question will carry 14 marks. Only one question is
to be attemped.
Unit-V There will be 10 questions of small answer type
covering the syllabi of all the four unit (1-4). Seven
questions are to be attempted. Each question will
carry two marks.
Disaster-Meaning, Factors, Types, Causes and effects.
Disaster scenario in the World and India, Typology of Disasters—
Earthquakes, Floods, Cyclones, Droghts, Famines, Landslides and
snow avalanche, Fire and forest fires, Industrial and technical
disasters, Epidemics. (Lectures 15)
Disaster Preparedness—Planning, Communication,
Leadership and Co-ordination, Warehousing and stock piling,
298 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Paper B
Max. Marks : 70 Total Teaching Hours : 60
Pass Marks : 35% Time Allowed : 3 Hours
Paper will consist of Five Units
Unit-I There will be two questions from this unit. Each
question will carry 14 marks. Only one question is
to be attemped.
Unit-II There will be two questions from this unit. Each
question will carry 14 marks. Only one question is
to be attemped.
Unit-III There will be two questions from this unit. Each
question will carry 14 marks. Only one question is
to be attemped.
Unit-IV There will be two questions from this unit. Each
question will carry 14 marks. Only one question is
to be attemped.
Unit-V There will be 10 questions of small answer type
covering the syllabi of all the four unit (1-4) Seven
questions are to be attempted. Each question will
carry two marks.
Seismic waves, type and propagation inside the earth, the
variation of the velocity of P and S waves inside the earth. The
study of the interior of the earth through seismic waves, Reflection
and refraction of seismic waves inside the earth.
(Lecutres 15)
Earthquake, effects of earthquakes, types of earthquake—
tectonic, volcanic and man made, some important historical
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 301
Paper C
Lab Practical and Field Training
Max. Marks : 60 Total Teaching Hours : 90
Pass Marks : 35% Time Allowed : 4 Hours
1. Lab Practicals related with the theory 50 Marks
2. Field Training 50 Marks
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 303
Paper Course Teaching Hrs.
I Inorganic Chemistry 60 9 periods
II Organic Chemistry 60 per week
III Physical Chemistry 60
IV Laboratory Practical 6 periods per week
Total = 15 periods/week
(Common instructions for three papers)
Note : The question paper shall consist of three parts, as
detailed below :
It shall consist of 10 very short answer type questions
(Q.Nos. 1 to 10) from the entire syllabus and the maximum
length of each question may not exceed ¼th of a page. Minimum of
3 questions are to be set from each section of the syllabus. Each
question will be of 1 mark and the candidate may be asked to attempt
all the 10 questions. Marks Allotted : 10
It shall consist of 15 short answer type questions (Q.Nos.
11 to 25) from the entire syllabus and the maximum length of
each question may not exceed one-half of a page. Five questions
are to be set from each section of the syllabus.Each question
will be of 3 marks and the candidate may be asked to attempt any
10 questions. Marks Allotted : 30
It shall consist of 3 descriptive type questions (Q. Nos. 26 to
28) from the entire syllabus and the maximum length of each question
may not exceed four pages. One question is to be set from each
section of the syllabus. Each question will be of 5 marks and the
candidate may be asked to attempt any 2 questions.
Marks Allotted : 10
304 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Paper I
Inorganic Chemistry
Time : 3 Hrs. 60 Hrs (2 Hrs/week)
M.Marks : 50 3 Periods/week
I. Chemistry of Elements of First Transition Series
10 Hrs.
Characteristic properties of d-block elements. Properties of
the elements of the first transition series, their simple
compounds and complexes illustrating relative stability of their
oxidation states, coordination number and geometry.
II. Chemistry of Elements of Second and Third Transition
Series 10 Hrs.
General characteristics, comparative treatment with their 3d-
analogues in respect of ionic radii, oxidation states, magnetic
behaviour, spectral properties and stereochemistry.
III. Coordination Compounds 10 Hrs.
Werner's coordination theory and its experimental verification,
effective atomic number concept, chelates, nomenclature of
coordination compounds, isomerism in coordination
compounds, valence bond theory of transition metal
IV. Chemistry of Lanthanide Elements 6 Hrs.
Electronic structure, oxidation states and ionic radii and
lanthanide contraction, complex formation, occurrence and
isolation, lanthanide compounds.
V. Chemistry of Actinides 4 Hrs.
General features and chemistry of actinides, chemistry of
separation of Np, Pu and Am from U, similarities between
the later actinides and the later lanthanides.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 305
VI. Oxidation and Reduction 8 Hrs.
Use of redox potential data-analysis of redox cycle, redox
stability in water-Frost, Latimer and Pourbaix diagrams.
Principles involved in the extraction of the elements.
VII. Acids and bases 6 Hrs.
Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry, the Lux-Flood, solvent system
and Lewis concepts of acids and bases.
VIII. Non-aqueous Solvents 6 Hrs.
Physical properties of a solvent, types of solvents and their
general characteristics, reactions in non-aqueous solvents
with reference to liquid NH3 and liquid SO2.
306 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Organic Chemistry-II
Time : 3 Hrs. M.Marks : 50
60 Hrs (2 Hrs/week)
3 Periods/week
I. Alcohols 6 Hrs.
Classification and nomenclature.
Monohydric alcohols—nomenclature, methods of formation
by reduction of aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and
esters. hydrogen bonding. Acidic nature. Reactions of
Dihydric alcohols—nomenclature, methods of formation,
chemical reactions of vicinal glycols, oxidative cleavage
[Pb(OAC) 4 and HIO 4 ] and pinacol-pinacolone
rearrangement. Trihydric alcohols—nomenclature and
methods of formation, chemical reactions of glycerol.
II. Phenols 6 Hrs.
Nomenclature, structure and bonding, Preparation of phenols,
physical properties and acidic character, Comparative acidic
strengths of alcohols and phenols, resonance stabilization of
phenoxide ion. Reactions of phenols—electrophilic aromatic
substitution, acylation and carboxylation. Mechanisms of Fries
rearrangement, Claisen rearrangement, Gatterman synthesis,
Hauben-Hoesch reaction, Lederer-Manass reaction and
Reimer Tiemann reaction.
III. Synthetic Dyes 8 Hrs.
Colour and constitution (electronic concept). Classification
of dyes. Chemistry and synthesis of Methyl orange, Congo
red, Malachite green, Crystal violet, Phenolphthalein,
Fluorescein, Alizarin and Indigo.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 307
IV. Aldehydes and Ketones 14 Hrs.
Nomenclature and structure of the carbonyl group. Synthesis
of aldehydes and ketones with particular reference to the
synthesis of aldehydes from acid chlorides, synthesis of
aldehydes and ketones using 1,3-dithianes, synthesis of
ketones from nitriles and from carboxylic acids. Physical
Mechanism of nucleophilic additions to carbonyl group with
particular emphasis on benzoin, aldol, Perkin and Knoevenagel
condensations. Condensation with ammonia and its
derivatives. Witting reaction. Mannich reaction.
Use of acetals as protecting group. Oxidation of aldehydes,
Baeyer-Villiger oxidation of Ketones, Cannizzaro reaction.
MPV, Clemmensen, Wolff-Kishner, LIAIH4 and NaBH4
reductions. Halogenation of enolizable ketones, reductions.
Halogenation of enoliable ketones.
An introduction to α, β unsaturated aldehydes and ketones,
Michael addition.
V. Carboxylic Acids 6 Hrs.
Nomenclature, structure and bonding, physical properties,
acidity of carboxylic acids, effects of substituents on acid
strength. Preparation of carboxylic acids. Reactions of
carboxylic acids. Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky reaction. Synthesis
of acid chlorides, esters and amides. Reduction of carboxylic
acids. Mechanism of decarboxylation.
Methods of formation and chemical reactions of halo acids.
Hydroxy acids : malic, tartaric and citric acids. (Structural
features only).
Methods of formation and chemical reactions of unsaturated
monocarboxylic acids.
Dicarboxylic acids: methods of formation and effect of heat
and dehydrating agents.
308 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
VI. Carboxylic Acid Derivatives 3 Hrs.
Structure and nomenclature of acid chlorides, esters, amides
and acid anhydrides, Relative stability & reactivity of acyl
derivatives. Physical properties, interconversion of acid
derivatives by nucleophilic acyl substitution.
Preparation of carboxylic acid derivatives, chemical reactions.
Mechanisms of esterification and hydrolysis (acidic and basic).
VII. Ethers and Epoxides 3 Hrs.
Nomenclature of ethers and methods of their formation,
physical properties. Chemical reaction-cleavage and
autoxidation, Ziesel's method.
Synthesis of epoxides. Acid and base-catalyzed ring opening
of epoxides, orientation of apoxide ring opening, reactions of
Grignard and organolithium reagents with epoxiedes.
VIII. Fats, Oils and Detergents 2 Hrs.
Natural fats, edible and industrial oils of vegetable origin,
common fatty acids, glycerides, hydrogenation of unsaturated
oils, Saponification value, iodine value, acid value. soaps,
synthetic detergents, alkyl and aryl sulphonates.
IX. Organic Compounds of Nitrogen 12 Hrs.
Preparation of nitroalkanes and nitroarenes. Chemical
reactions of nitroalkanes, Mechanisms of nucleophilc
substitution in nitroarenes and their reduction in acidic, neutral
and alkaline media. Picric acid.
Halonitroarenes : reactivity
Structure and nomenclature of amines, physical properties.
Stereochemistry of amines. separation of a mixture of
primary, secondary and tertiary amines. Structural features
effecting basicity of amines. Amine salts as phase-transfer
catalysts. Preparation of alkyl and aryl amines (reduction of
nitro compounds nitriles), reductive amination of aldehydic
and ketonic compounds. Gabriel-phthalimide reaction,
Hofmann bromamide reaction.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 309
Time : 3 Hrs. M. Marks : 50
60 Hrs (2 Hrs/week)
3 Periods/week
1. Thermodynamics-I 12 Hrs.
Definition of thermodynamic terms: System, surroundings
etc. Types of systems, intensive and extensive properties.
State and path functions and their differentials.
Thermodynamic process. Concept of heat and work.
First Law of Thermodynamics : Statement, definition of
internal energy and enthalpy. Heat capacity, heat capacities
at constant volume and pressure and their relationship. Joule's
law-Joule-Thomson coefficient and inversion temperature,
Calculation of w,q,dU & dH for the expansion of ideal gases
under isothermal and adiabatic conditions for reversible
Thermochemistry : Standard state, standard enthalpy of
formation-Hess's Law of heat summation and its applications.
Heat of reaction at constant pressure and at constant volume.
Enthalpy of neutralization. Bond dissociation energy and its
calculation from thermo-chemical data, temperature
dependence of enthalpy. Kirchhoff's equation.
II. Thermodynamics-II 8 Hrs.
Second law of thermodynamics: Need for the law, different
statements of the law, Carnot cycle and its efficiency, Carnot
theorem. Thermodynamic scale of temperature.
Concept of entropy : Entropy as a state function, entropy
as a function of V & T, entropy as a function of P & T,
entropy change in physical change, Clausius inequality,
entropy as a criteria of spontaneity and equilibrium. Entropy
change in ideal gases and mixing of gases.
310 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
III. Thermodynamics-III 5 Hrs.
Third law of thermodynamics: Nernst heat theorem,
statement and concept of residual entropy, evaluation of
absolute entropy from heat capacity data. Gibbs and
Helmholtz functions; Gibbs function (G) and Helmholtz
function (A) as thermodynamic quantities, A & G as criteria
for thermodynamic equilibrium and spontaneity, their
advantage over entropy change, Variation of G and A with
P,V and T.
IV. Chemical Equilibrium 5 Hrs.
Equilibrium constant and free energy. Thermodynamic
derivation of law of mass action. Le Chateller' principle.
Reaction isotherm and reaction isochore-Clapeyron equation
and Clausius-Clapeyron equation, applications.
V. Phase Equilibrium 10 Hrs.
Statement and meaning of the terms-phase, component and
degree of freedom, derivation of Gibbs phase rule, phase
equilibria of one component system-water, CO 2 and S
Phase equilibria of two component system-solid-liquid
equilibria, simple eutectic-Bi-Cd, Pb-Ag systems,
desilverisation of lead.
Solid solutions-compound formation with congruent melting
point (Mg-Zn) and incongruent melting point, (NaCI-H2O),
(FaCl3-H2O) and CuSO4-H2O) system. Freezing mixtures,
acetone-dry ice.
Liquid-liquid mixtures-Ideal liquid mixtures, Raoult's and
Henry's law. Non-ideal system-azeotropes-HCI-H2O and
ethanol-water systems.
Partially miscible liquids Phenol water trinse thylamin water
Nicotine water System.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 311
M.Marks : 50
Duration 3.1/2 hrs.
6 Periods/week
Inorganic Chemistry
Quantitative Analysis
Volumetric Analysis
a. Determination of acetic acid in commercial vinegar using
b. Determination of alkali content-antacid tablet using HCI.
c. Estimation of calcium content in chalk as calcium oxalate by
d. Estimation of hardness of water by EDTA.
e. Estimation of ferrous and ferric by dichromate method.
f. Estimation of copper using sodiumthiosulphate.
Gravimetric Analysis
Analysis of Cu as CuSCN and Ni as Ni (dimethylgloxime)
Organic Chemistry
Laboratory Techniques
A. Thin Layer Chromatography
Determination of Rf values and identification of organic
a. Separation of green leaf pigments (spinach leaves may
be used).
b. Preparation and separation of 2, 4. dinitrophenylhydra-
zones of acetone, 2-butone, 2-butanone, hexan-2and
3-one using toluene and light petroleum (40 : 60).
c. Separation of a mixture of dyes using cyclohexane and
ethyl acetate (8.5:1.5).
314 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Qualitative Analysis
Detection of elements (N,S and halogens) and functional
groups (phenolic, carboxylic, carbonyl, esters, carbohydrates,
amines, amides, nitro and anilide) in simple organic
1. To determine the solubility of benzoic acid at different
temperatures and to determine ∆H of the dissolution process.
2. To determine the enthalpy of neutralisation of a weak acid/
weak base versus strong base/strong acid and determine the
enthalpy of ionisation of the weak acid/weak base.
3. To determine the enthalpy of dissolution of solid calcium
chloride and calculate the lattice energy of calcium chloride
from its enthalpy data using Born Haber cycle.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 315
Paper-A (Evening)
M.Marks : 20
Duration 3.1/2 Hrs.
1) Gravimetric/volumetric Analysis - 10
2) Organic Compound Analysis - 10
Paper-B (Morning)
M. Marks : 30
Duration 3.1/2 Hrs.
1) Physical Experiment - 10
2) Thin Layer Chromatography - 10
3) Viva Voce - 06
4) Note Book - 04
Papers No. of Duration Marks No.of Duration Marks Grand
Paper Total
1. Paper-A 1 3 Hrs. 50 - - 10 Int. 60
Basic Dietetics and Assess
Food Commodities
2. Paper-B 1 3 Hrs. 50 1 3 Hrs. 40 90
Sanitation & Hygiene
& Quantity food
Production and service
3. Paper-C
Book Keeping Cost-
Accountancy and
B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
2. Paper-B
Sanitation and 4 6 period/per group/per
Hygiene quantity weeks
Food production
and service
3. Paper-C
Book Keeping and 3 -
cost Accountancy
and Personnel
Note : For "On the Job Training" the Students are required to run
a) Cafeteria in the institutions (each student will run one
b) Undergo ten days (10) training in hotels.
318 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
IV. Routine hospital Diets. Regular diet, light diet, soft diet,
full liquid diet, and tube feedings.
V. Modifications of Diet. Surgical conditions.
VI. Feeding infants and children-problems in feeding
children in the hospital.
VII. Feeding the patient-psychology feeding the patient,
assessment of patient needs.
320 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
1. Introduction, objectives, principles and advantages of double
2. Introduction to Journal.
3. Preparation of cash book-Single column and double column.
4. Cost Accounting : Meaning of cost accounting and
preparation of cost sheet (cost accounting shall have
reference to food cost accountancy.
5. Budgets and Budgetary control : Definition, meaning,
purpose, advantages, key factor in budgeting. Budget-short
term and long term, fixed and flexible, various functional
budgets like sales, purchases, production, stores personnel,
expense and master budget.
6. Marginal Costing : Cost classification by behaviour,
definition, marginal costing features, assumptions,
applicability, advantages and limitations. Break-even
analysis; break even point, margin of safety, profit volume
ratio, opportunity cost.
Book Keeping & Accountancy
Prof. Baljinder Singh
Prof. J.S. Arora
Prof. A.K. Dhir
Cost Accounting
By Bhalla, Gupta & Sharma
By Jain & Narang
By Maheshwari & Mittal
Management Accounting
By Sharma & Gupta
By Vashisht & Pascriche
334 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
4. Job Training - - - - 25 25
Total : 200
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 335
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 50
Instructions for paper setter :
1. Classification of textile fibres and Terminology.
2. Properties & manufacturing process of following:
a) Cotton
b) Linen
c) Wool
d) Silk
e) Nylon
f) Rayon-Vicose & acetate
g) Lycra
3. Brief study of the following yerns :
a) Simple
b) Novelty
c) Bulk/Textured
4. Fabric-construction-A study of :
a) Weaing
b) Knitting
c) Felting
d) Bonding
5. Finishes-Mercerising, Tentering. Calendering,
Moiering, Stain resistan finish.
6. Printing-Block printing, screen printing and roller
7. Seminar
336 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Paper-III (Practical)
Time : 4 Hours Max. Marks : 75
Paper : 60
Int. Ass. : 15
1. Drafting and Garments Construction :
a) Adults Bodice Block, sleeve block
b) Adults skirt Block
c) Sleeves : Dolman, Peasant
d) Collars: Shawl,Coat,Stand and fall,convertible,Chinese.
e) Necklines : Cowl, turtle
2. Designing, Drafting and Construction of :
a) Skirt
b) Tops
c) Ladies Blouse
d) Designer suit
3. Traditional Embroidery :
a) Phulkari
b) Kashmiri
c) Kantha
d) Chickankari
Instructions for Paper Setter (Practical-III)
Paper : 60 marks
Int. Ass. : 15 marks
Q.1 Design any one garment from syllabus on 5 Mark
paper bag—front and back
Q.2 Adaptation to be made from sloper 10 Marks
Q.3 Cutting and placement 10 Marks
Q.4 Construction and finishing of garments 25 Marks
Q.5 File and scheme work 10 Marks
Note : Please send the material list alongwith.
338 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Suggested Readings
1. Camp as an approach for parents : Education (1995), child
resource centre, centre for health education, Training and
Nutrition awareness (CHETNA), lilabatiber Lalbhai's
Bunglow, civil camp road, shahibaug, Ahmedabad-380004
2. Developmentally Appropriate practices in Early Childhood
programe. Serving children from Birth through Ages 8.
Expanded Edition. Sue Bredekamp, National Association
for the education of Young Children. 1884 connecticut
Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C.20009-5786.
3. Education's Manual, Child Centred Health Education
Approaches, (1995), CHETNA (Gujarat).
4. Getting Ready for school-The pre-School years- A manual
for care Givers of Children (1994), CHETNA (Gujarat).
5. Guide to Activities in Creative Drama and Puppetry, (1994),
CHETNA (Gujarat).
6. Planning effective preschool education (1995), CHETNA
7. Fine J. Marvin, Handbook on Parent Education (1980)
Department of educational Psychology and research, School
of Education, University of kansas, Lawrence, Kansas.
8. Amin Ranjan, (1997), Learning for Life from Birth to Five-
Nurturing the Growing Child, Books for Change, Mumbai.
9. Swaminathan Mina (1998), The First five years -A critical
perspective on Early Childhood Care and Education in india,
Sage Publications, New Delhi.
10. Jaswal, S., Nanda, P. & Roy's (1997), Toy Box-Guide to
Creative Toy Making, Asia Vision, Ludhiana.
346 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
(13) Food Irradiation
(14) Packaging of Foods.
(15) Packaging function
(16) Approches to packaging development, Specification and
Quality Control, interaction of Food & Packaging.
1) Evaluation of Food Packages
2) Importance of Packages
3) Packaging criteria, appearance protection, function cost,
materials & forms of packaging.
4) Packaging methods & performances.
5) Packaging specification & control of packaging quailty.
6) Food & Food package interaction.
7) Food packaging & laws
8) Packaging evaluation-package life theory and testing
packaging materials.
9) Self life testing.
1. Technology of cereal, legumes and oil seeds-Chakrobrty
S. DeOr for IBH Pub.
2. Cereal Tech. - Kent.
3. Preservation of fruits & Veg.-Giridhari Lal.
4. Dairy Tech.-Surcumar De.
5. Waste treatment-
6. Food packaging Sacharow and Griffir Avi. Publising Co.
7. Packaging Mng. Briston & Neill. Gower Press
8. Food & Packaging Interaction. Hotchikess American
Chemical Society.
9. Packaging for Climatic Protection Cains, Oswin Paine.
348 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Objectives, importance and functions of quality control.
Methods of quality assessment of food materials fruits, vegetables,
cereals, dairy products, meat, egg and processed products.
Sampling, specifications of raw materials and finished products,
Sensory evaluation.
Concept of HACCP & GMP.
Quality Attributes : Size, Shape, Colour, Aroma, Texture Food
Laws and Regulations. AGMARK, FPO, PFA, MFPO, BIS, ISO.
Recommend Books :
1. Quality Control for Food Industry by Kramer A, Twigg BA.
1970, AVI Publishers, USA.
2. Handbook of Analysis and Quality Control for Fruits & Veg.
Products by Ranganna S, 2nd ed. 2000, Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi.
3. Food Science by Potter NN, 5th ed. 2006, CBS Publishers,
New Delhi.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 349
Digital Electronics
Time : 3 Hours Max Marks : 50
Note : For examiners/paper setters :
1. Equal weightage should be given to each unit of the
2. Question paper should be set strictly accroding to
the syllabus.
3. The distribution of marks is as given below :
Section A : This will consist of 10 (ten) very short answer type
questions. All questions will be compulsory. Each question will carry
ONE mark, total weightage of the section being 10 marks.
Section B : This will consist of short-answer questions. The
examiner will set twelve 12 questions and the candidates will attempt
eight (8) questions. Each question will carry Three marks; total
weightage of the section shall be 24 marks.
Section C : This will consist of essay type questions. The examiner
will set four (4) questions and the candidate will be required to
attempt two (2). Each question will carry 8 marks; total weightage
of the section being 16 marks.
Note for teacher/Student: Minimum number of hours
for theory are three (3)=4*45 minutes per week.
Transistor Oscillators :
Concept of feedback in amplifiers, type of feedback, principle
of feedback amplifier, effects of negative feedback, positive
feedback amplifier, LC oscillators (tuned-collector, tuned base,
Hartley, colpitte), RC oscillators (Phase-shift, Wien-Bridge), Crystal
oscillators, multivibrators. Monostable, Bistable, Astable & Schimmit
Trigger. Saw tooth wave generator.
352 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Introduction to sequential circuits; flip flops, RS flip-flop,
Clocked RS flip-flop, , D flip-flop, Latches, level triggered & edge
triggered flip-flops, positive and negative edge triggering limitations
of JK flip-flop- race-around condition, Master-Slave JK flip-flop,
T flip flops. Applications of flip flop, shift registers, shift-left
Registers, shift right registers. Serial in serial out shift registers
(SISO), serial in parallel out Shift Registers (SIPO), Parallel in serial
out shift registers (PISO) parallel in parallel out shift registers
(PIPO), Universal shift registers, Applications of shift registers
Counters; serial counters, parallel counters, up-down counters
and speed limitation of serial counters, designing of synchronous &
asynchronous counters, hybrid counters, shift register counters, ring
counters, twisted ring counters, cascading of synchronous counters.
Analog to digital and digitial to analog conbeters : Weighed resister
DAC, R-2R ladder DAC, parallel comparator ADC, successive
approximation ADC, counting ADC, Dual Dual slop ADC.
(1) Fundamentals of Digital Circuits by A. Anand Kumar (PHI),
(2) Modern Digitial Electronics by R.P. Jain (Tata McGrew
HIll), 3rd Edition, 2003.
(3) Principals of Electronics by S.K. Bhattacharya & Dr. Renu
Vij (S.K. Kataria & Sons), 2004.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 353
Analog Integrated Circuits
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 50
Note : For the examiners/paper setters :
1. Equal weightage should be given to each unit of the
2. Question paper should be set strictly according to
the syllabus.
3. The distribution of marks is as given below :
Section A : This will consist of 10 (ten) very short answer
type questions. All questions will be compulsory. Each question will
carry ONE marks total weightage of the section being 10 marks.
Section B : This will consist of short-answer type questions.
The examiner will set twelve 12 questions and the candidates will
attempt eight (8) questions. Each question will carry Three marks
, total weightage of the section shall be 24 marks.
Section C : This will consist of essay type questions. The
examiner will set four (4) questions and the candidate will be required
to attempt two (2). Each question will carry 8 marks; total weightage
of the section being 16 marks.
Note for teacher/Student: Minimum number of hours
for theory are three (3)=4*45 minutes per week.
Unit I
Linear Integrated Circuits - I :
Dual-input, Balanced output, Dual-input Unbalanced Output,
Single Input Balanced-Output, Single-input unbalanced output,
differential amplifier with AC and DC analysis, operational amplifier,
block diagram, schematic symbol, op-amp parameters Ideal op, amp,
Equivalent circuit, Ideal voltage transfer curve, Open loop op-amp
configurations, voltage-series feedback amplifier, voltage shunt,
feedback amplifier.
354 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Unit II
Linear Integrated Circuit -II :
Operational amplifier applications; Summing, Scaling
Averaging Amplifiers-Inverting configuration, Non-inverting
configuration, Differental configuration, Integrator, differentiator,
Square Wave, Generator, Triangular Wave Generator, Saw Tooth
Wave Generator.
Unit III
Linear Integrated Circuits -III :
The 555 timer; Pin configuration, Internal Structure. The 555
as a Monostable Multivibrator, Monostable Multivibrator
Applications, the 555 as a Astable Multivibrator, Astable
Multivibrator Applicaions, 78 XX & 79 XX series of Voltage
Regulators, Fixed Voltage Regulators, Adjustable Voltage
Regulators, Switching Regulators, Special Regulators.
Suggested Readings :
(1) Op-Amplifiers & Linear Integrated Circuits by Ramakant
& Gayakwars (Prentice Hall India) 4th Edition Reprint 2002.
(2) Design with Operational Amplier & Analog Integrated
Circuits by Sergio & Franco (Tata McGraw Hill) 3rd Edition
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 355
Paper C
Electronics and Instrumentation
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 50
Measurements II : Standards, construction and equivalent
circuit representation of Resistance, Capacitances and Inductances.
Operating Principles and construction of Galvanometer, Analog
Ammeters, Voltmeters and Ohmmeters, critical, under and over
damping of Galvanometers, Ballistic Galvanometer and their
calibration, Fluxmeter, Vibration Galvanometers, Duddell's
Oscilloscope, Multirange Voltmeters and ammeters, Series and Shunt
type Ohmmeters, Megger and Ducter Ohmmeter, Measurement
using multi-meters.
Measurements-III :Frequency meters, types of frequency
meters and synchrocopes. Measurement of medium, low and high
Potentiometers; DC potentiometers, Standard Reference
voltage source, principle of operation, construction and calibration,
phantom loading range extension and applications for DC
potentiometers, self balancing Potentiometers. AC Potentiometers,
types and applications. AC Bridges; Maxwell's Inductance Bridge,
Maxwell's Inductance Capacitance Bridge.
Measurements-IV : Electronic Voltmeters, FET
Voltmeters, Cathode Ray Oscilloscope principle and working
measurements of Voltage, Frequency and Phase angle with CRO,
Multiple trace and storage type Oscilloscope, Audio Signal
1. Electrical and Electronic Measurements & Instrumentation
by A.K. Sawhney.
2. Electronic Instrumentation & Measurement Techniques by
W.D. Cooper.
3. Basic Electrical Measurement by B. Stont.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 357
Time : 3 Hours 30 Minutes Max. Marks : 50
Note : 1. Perform two experiments at least from each section.
2. Minimum Hours Per week for practical 6.
List of Practicals
1. To examine design and operating characteristics of an
inverting Op-Amp.
2. To Examine design and operating characteristics of a non-
inverting Op-Amp.
3. Study the response of the RC circuit to square wave
(Integrator and differentiator).
4. To study the Op-Amp as differentiator.
5. To study the Op-Amp as integrator.
6. To study Op-Amp as summer.
7. Design a wein-Bridge oscillator using 741.
8. Design a delay circuit using 555 timer.
9. Verification of the truth tables of Multiplexer and
10. Design , Fabrication and testing of differentiator and
integrator circuits using Op-Amp.
11. To study Clipping diode circuit.
12. Design, fabrication and testing of Clipper and Clamper
circuits using Op-Amp.
13. Measurement of Inductance by Maxwell's Bridge.
14. Measurement of Small Resistance by Kelvin's Bridge.
15. Measurement of Capacitance by Schering Bridge.
16. Measurement of Frequency by Wein's Bridge.
17. Measurement of Displacement with help Potentiometer.
358 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Scheme of Examination
Paper-A : Computer Oriented Hours Max.Marks
Numerical and Statistical Methods 3 75
Paper-B : Data Structures and 3 75
Programming in C++
Theory : 4 hours per week in Paper A & B
Paper-C : (Practical) Practicals 3 25
based on Paper-A, Paper-B 3 25
Practical : 2 hours per week (each paper)
Note : 1. Eight questions are required to be set giving the weightage
to all the portions. The candidates will be required to
attempt any five questions. All questions will carry equal
2. The maximum marks for the paper will be 75.
3. As far as possible except in the computer language papers
no programme may be asked in theory papers. Emphasis
should be on alongwith development.
4. The students can use only Non Programmable and Non
storage type calculator in the subject/paper pertaining to
360 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Computer Oriented Numerical and Statistical Methods
Numerical Methods
Time : 3 Hours Marks : Theory : 75
Practical : 25
1. Numerical methods, Numerical methods versus numerical
analysis, Errors and Measures of Errors.
2. Non-linear Equations, Iterative Solutions, Multiple roots and
other difficulties, interpolation methods, Methods of bi-
section, False position method, Newton Raphson-method.
3. Simultaneous Solution of Equations, Gauss Elimination
Method Gauss Jordan method. Gauss Siedel Method, Matrix
Inversion Method.
4. Interpolation and Curve Fitting, Lagrangian Polynomials,
Newtons Methods : Forward Difference Method,
Backward Difference Method Divided Difference Method.
5. Numerical Integration and Different Tryaperzoidal Rule,
Simpson's 1/3 Rule Simpson's 3/8 Rule.
Numerical differentiation by Polynomial Fit
Statistical Techniques
1. Measure of Central Tendency, Preparing frequency
distribution table, Mean Arithmetic, mean geometric, Mean
harmonic, Mean median Mode.
2. Measure of dispersion, Skewness and Kurtosis Range,
Mean deviation. Standard deviation, co-efficient of variation,
Moments Skewness Kurtosis.
3. Correlation Bivariate Distribution Multivariate distribution.
4. Regression B.C., Linear Regression, Multiple Regression.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 361
Data Structures & Programming Language Using C++
Time : 3 Hrs. Theory : 75
Practical : 25
Note: i) In theory eight questions are to be set in all. The
candidates are required to attempt five of them. All
questions are to be of equal marks.
ii) The maximum marks of the paper is 75.
iii) As far as possible except in the Computer language
papers no programme may be asked in theory
papers.Emphasis should be on algorithm development.
Practical marks will include the appropriate weightage for proper
maintenance of Lab record.
Data Structure : Introduction to elementary Data Organization,
Common Operation on Data Structures, Algorithm Complexity, Big
O Notation, Time-Space Trade off between Algorithm.
Arrays: Array Defined, Representing Arrays in memory, Various
operations on Linear arrays, Multi Dimensional arrays.
Linked lists : Types of Linked Lists, representing linked list in
memory, advantages of using linked lists over arrays, Various
operations of linked lists.
Stacks : Description of STACK structure, Implementation of stack,
using arryas and linked lists, application of stack-converting
Arithmetic expression from infix notational to polish and their
subsequent evaluation, quicksort technique to sort an array.
Queues : Description of queue structure, Implementation of queue
using arrays and linked lists, description or priorities of queues,
Sorting and Searching : Sorting Algorithms, bubble sort, selection
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 363
sort, insertion sort, quick sort, merge sort, heap sort, searching
Algorithms, linear search and binary search.
Object Oriented Programming : Objects & Classes, Constructor
& Destructor, Operator Overloading, Overloading uniary operators,
Overloading binary operators, Data conversion, Pitfalls of operator
overloading and conversion, Inheritance, Derived class and pase,
Derived class constructor. Overloading member functions,
Inheritance in the English distance class, class hierarchies, Public
& Private inheritance, Level of inheritance, Polymorphism, problems
with single inheritance, multiple inheritance
Seymour Lischutz, Theory and Problems of Data
Schaum’s Outline Series, McGraw Hill Company.
Tanenbaum, Data Structure Using C++
364 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Paper - A
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : (Theory) : 75
Practical : 25
Scheme for Computer Applications
(1) Operating System
(2) Relational Data Base Management System & ORACL
Note for Paper-Setters
(i) Eight questions are required to be set giving the weightage
to all the portions. The cadidates will be required to attempt
any five questions. All questions will carry equal marks.
(ii) The maximum marks for the paper will be 75
(iii) As per as possible except in the computer language papers
no programme may be asked in the Theory papers.
Emphasis should be on algorithm development..
1. What is an Operating System - Evolution of OS Machine
Language, Assembly, Compiler, Interpreter.
2. Types of Operating Systems with Examples
a) Single User Systems - MS DOS
b) Multi User Systems : Unix, Xenix, Vax/VMS.
3. Functions of Operating System
a) Memory Management (Fixed Sized partition, Variavle Sized
Partition, Dynamic Memory Management with Reallocation
Technique, Paging Demand Paging Techniques)
b) CPU Management (For come First served, Shortest Job
First, Round Robin Policy)
c) File Management
d) I/O Device Management
e) Command Interpreter
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 365
f) Data Management
g) Programme Developing Tools
h) Time Sharing
i) Security
j) Communication
4. Brief History of MS-DOS
5. Terminology for MS-DOS
a) File
b) Types of File (Data, Programme)
c) Wild Cards (*,?)
d) Directory- (Root, Single, Multi, Current)
e) Relative and Absolute Path
f) Booting a System (ROM BIOS self test, Port, IO.SYS,
MSBIOS.SYS, Autoexec.bat, Config.Sys, Command.Com
6. Internal and External Commands with Syntax (Arguments
& Parameters)
a) Internal -cls, date, time, md, cd, copy con, dir, type,
ren, delete, rd, copy
b) External -chkdsk, scandisk, mem, attrib, xcopy,
diskcopy, diskcomp, backup, restore.
7. Features and Benefits of Unix.
8. Unix System (Multi-programming, time-sharing, multi-
9. Components of Unix (Kernel, Shell)
10. UNIX file system (Data Block, list, super block, boot block)
11. Types of Files (Ordinary, Directory and Special Files)
12. Types of users in UNIX - levels of users (0-2)
13. Login and Logout from Unix Session
366 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Paper B
Relational Data Base Management Systems Oracle
Time :3 Hrs. Max. Marks : Theory :75
Practical : 25
Paper Setters Instructions :-
i) In theory eight questions are to be set giving the weightage
to all the portions. The candidates are required to attempt
five. All questions are to be of equal marks.
ii) The maximum marks of the paper is 75.
iii) As far as possible except in the Computer language papers
no programme may be asked in theory papers. Emphasis
should be on algorithm development.
Theory : 4 hours per week in paper A & B
Practical: 2 hours per week (each paper)
Relational Data Base Management System & ORACLE
1. Definition of 3 GL and 4 GL languages
2. Definition of CODD's Rules
3. Introduction to RDBMS and Oracle-Advantages and
Limitations over DBMS.
a) Normalization of Data : First, Second and Third Normal
b) Database Models - Hierarchical, Network, Relational
c) Features of SQL Compatibility, Portability
d) Important components (Database Manager, DDL., DML.,
DCL., query processor. (Data Dictionary) ;
e) Introduction to SQL Plus - Definition.
368 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
4. SQL Operators
5. Data Types
Char, numbers, date long, raw, long raw
6. DDL Commands of SQL
- Create Tables
- Alter Table, view
- Drop Table
- Create View-As selected from, where
- Rename
- Create Index
7. Data Manipulation Language
1. Select
- Select distinct
- Select from where
- Select from where order by
- Select group by clause
- Select Group by having clause
2. Insert Into
3. Update Statement
4. Delete Statement
8. Data Control Language
- Roll back
- Revoke
- Grant
9. Sub Query Definition with 2 Levels
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 369
Practical : 25 Marks
Books Reccomended :
- Introduction to Data base System by C.J. Date
- Data base Managemet System by B.C. Desai
- Data base concept by Korth
- Simplifield Approach to by DBMS Kalyani Publications
- Oracle :- Developer 2000 by Iven Bayross.
- Data base System Concepts & oracle (SQL/PIS Q) -
AP Publications.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 371
Paper A
Microprocessor & Assembly Language
Time : 3 Hours M.Marks : 100
Theory : 75 Marks
Practical : 25 Marks
Instructions for the Paper Setters :
i) Eight questions are required to be set giving the
weightage to all the portions. The candidates will be
required to attempt any five questions. All questions
will carry equal marks.
ii) The maximum marks for the paper will be 75.
iii) As for as possible except in the computer language
papers no programme may asked in the Theory
papers, emphasis should be on Algorithm
* Introduction to Micro Computer System : Microprocessor
Definition, Evolution, Microprocessor as a CPU, Single chip
Micro Computers, Organization of a Micro Processor Based
* 8- Bit Microprocessor : Introduction of 8085, ALU (Timing
& Control Unit, Registers, Data & Address Bus, Pin
Configuration, Intel 8085, Instruction), Instruction Cycles
(Fetch Operation, execute Operation, Machine Cycle &
State, Instruction & Data Flow), Timing Diagram (Timing
Diagram for OP Code, Fetch, Cycle, Memory Read, I/O
Road Memory and I/O write).
* Interfacing I/O Devices : Basic Interfacing Concepts,
Interfacing, Output Display Interfacing Output Devices,
Memory Mapped I/O.
* Instruction Set of Intel 8085 : Introduction Instruction &
Data Format, Addressing Modus, Statrs Flags, Intel 8085
372 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
PC Maintenance & Troubleshooting
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Theory : 75
Practical : 25
Instructions for the Paper Setters :
i) Eight questions are required to be set giving the
weightage to all the portions. The candidate will be
required to attempt any five questions. All questions
will carry equal marks.
ii) The maximum marks for the paper will be 75.
iii) As for as possible except in the computer language
papers no programme may asked in the Theory paper,
emphasis should be on Algorithm development.
* Troubleshooting General PC Problems : Introduction,
General Troubleshooting rules, Common Problems &
Solutions, Preventive Maintenance.
* BIOS : Typical Motherboard BIOS, BIOS Features, BIOS
& Boot Sequences, BIOS Shortcoming & Compatible
Issues, BIOS Troubleshooting, BIOS Upgrades.
* Hard Disk : Introduction, Disk Basics, Disk Performance
& Characteristics, Drive Construction, Drive Testing &
* Mortherboard & Buses : Introduction, Motherboard
Components, Expansion Slots system, Bus Functions &
Features. Upgrading & Troubleshooting Motherboard,
General Bus Troubleshooting.
* Basic Memory Concepts : Introduction, Installing
Memories, Upgrade Options & Strategies, Replacing
Memories with Higher Capacity. Troubleshooting Memory.
374 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
List of Practicals Based on Paper-A
1. To study the architecture of 8088 microprocessor.
2. To study the addressing modes of 8086.
3. To add two binary numbers each of 16-bit long.
4. To add two binary numbers each of 8-bit long.
5. To find maximum number in the given string (16 bytes long)
and store it at location 0510.
6. To sort a string of a number of 8-bytes in descending order.
7. To multiply an ASCII string of 8 number by a single ASCII
8. To divide a string of unpacked ASCII digits.
List of Practicals Based on Paper-B
1. Introduction and knowledge of components of PC.
2. To study the troubleshooting Beep Codes.
3. Detection of display card & its replacement.
4. Delection of RAM failures and its replacement.
5. Detection of Motherboard failure and its repair.
6. Up gradation of PC.
7. Troubleshooting Keyboard and Mouse.
376 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Evolution of OOP, OOP Paradigm, Advantage of OOP,
Characteristics of the object oriented language-objects,classes,
Inheritance, Reusability, User Defined data types, Polymorphism
and operator overloading. Identifiers and Keywords, Constants, c++
operators, type conversion, variable Declaration, Statements and
Expressions, Input and output, conditional expression, loop
statements, breaking control statements.
Defining a function, types of functions, storage class
specifiers, recusions.
Arrays, structures, pointers and structures, unions, classes, member,
functions, objects, arrays of class objects, pointer and classes,
constructors, destructors, inline member functions, static class
member, friend function, dynamic memory allocation.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 377
References :
1. C++; A Beginner's Guide by "Schildt, Herbert", Edition 2002,
McGraw Hill.
2. Turbo C++ by "Lafore Robert", Edition Frist, 1991, Reprint,
2007, Galgotia Publication.
3. Bruce Eckel, "Thinking in C++", First Edition.
4. Let us C++, "Yeshwant Kanetkar", First Edition, 2006, BPB
378 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Information Technology
Data Base Management System
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 75
Practical : 25
Instructions for the paper setters
Note: (i) In theory eight questions are to be set giving the
weightage to all the portions. The candidates are
required to attempt any five. All questions are to
be of equal marks.
(ii) The maximum marks for the paper will be 75.
(iii) As for as possible except in the Computer language
papers no programme may be asked in theory
papers. Emphasis should be on algorithm
Indexing Techniques, Primary, Secondary, Clustering, B
Trees, B+Trees, Hashing (Extendible, Dynamic,and linear)
Database Architectures and Data Models, Network, Hierarchical,
and Relational, Object-Oriented, Relational Model; Relations,
Relational operators and integrity constraints. Relational Algebra
and SQL, Query Optimisation, DDL, DML, DCL.
Database Design : ER Modeling, mapping to relational
scheme. Normalisation - Ist, 2nd,3rd, BCNF - Concurrancy Control
Lost Update, Temporary Update , Locking Mechanisms, Binary
Locks, Shared and Exclusive Locks, 2 Phase Locking protocol,
Timestamping approches. Recovery Mechanism Motivations,
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 379
Paper - A (Theory)
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Periods per week Theory 6
Instructions for the paper setter.
Question paper should be set strictly according to the syllabus and
preferably in Punjabi.
The language of the paper should be straight and simple Punjabi.
Paper A : Theory shall consists of three parts :
(a) Ten short compulsory questions requiring short replies of
five lines each. Each question carries two marks.
(b) Ten Questions of six marks each giving to the points replies.
Eight questions carrying forty eight marks will be attempted
by the candidates.
(c) Two questions of descriptive type to be attempted by the
candidates out of set of four questions. Total marks 32.
The question paper should cover the whole syllabus.
Automatic Electrical Systems : -
Basic Automotive Circuits, Starting motor, Starting Devices, Bendix
starting Drive, Overrunning clutch drive, Solinoid shift systems,
Starting motor troubleshooting, Generator, Generator principles,
Generation of Alternating currents, Generation of direct current,
Generator construction, generator output control, Cut out relay,
Regulator, Alternator type generator, Generating Systems
Ignition Systems :-
Introduction, Qualities of a good ignition system, Battery ignition
system, Components of battery ignition system, Ignition coil,
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 381
Time : 3 Hours Max.Marks : 80
Periods per week : Practical 4 Internal Asses. : 20
Total : 100
Distribution of Marks
Three visits to Motor Workshop 15
Oral Examination 10
Written Test 10
Test of Workshop jobs 25
Identification of Workshop Tools 10
Scale Instrument readings 10
1. Self stater opening from the voh and Refitting
2. Dynmo/Alternator Dismentling and assembling.
3. Ignition Timing with the Engine
4. Engine fault Diagonising.
5. Engine Piston and Rings fitting
6. Clutch Dismentling and assembling
7. Clutch Fitting with Engine
8. Cut out opening and fitting with Engine
References :
1) Basic Automobile Engineering (Punjabi Edition) Written by
C.P.Nakra, Published by Dhanpat Rai and Sons, Jalandhar,
2) Royal Basic Automobile Engineering Written by R.K.Kalia.
(Punjabi Edition).
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 383
5. Environmental pollution
Definition, Causes, effects and control measures of :
a) Air Pollution
b) Water Pollution
c) Soil Pollution
d) Marine Pollution
e) Noise Pollution
f) Thermal Pollution
g) Nuclear Hazards
Solid Waste Management : Causes effects and control
measures of urban and industrial wastes.
Role of an individual in prevention of pollution.
Pollution case studies
Disaster Management : Floods, Earthquake, Cyclone and
6. Social Issues and Environment
* From unsustainable to sustainable development
* Urban problems related to energy
* Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed
* Resettlement and rehabilitation of people; its problems and
concerns. Case studies
* Environmental ethics : Issues and possible solutions.
* Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer
depletion, nuclear accidents and holocause. Case studies.
* Wasteland reclamation
* Consumerism and waste products
* Environmental Protection Act
* Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act
* Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act
* Wildlife Protection Act
* Forest Conservation Act
* Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation
* Public awareness
386 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Scheme of Study
Paper Theory Practical
Clothing 2 hrs. 4 hrs./week
Textiles 3 hrs. 2 hrs./week
Scheme of Examination
Name of Paper No. Time Marks Internal Total
Clothing 1 3 hrs. 40 100
Textiles & 1 3 hrs. 50 10
Clothing practical 1 3 hrs. 45 15 60
Laundry practical 1 2 hrs. 30 10 40
Note : Internal assessment should be based on
1. i) Assignment/test/seminars and attendance for theory &
ii) Practical exam. of clothing & Laundry should be held
(at different times on different day) clothing 3 hrs.
Laundry 2 hrs.
2. Practical examinations to be held before the final theory
388 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Clothing (Theory)
Instructions for the paper setter
The question paper will consist of five sections: A,B,C,D
and E. Section A, B,C & D will have two questions from the
respective sections of the syllabus & will carry 8 marks each.
Section E will consist of 8 short answer type questions covering the
entire syllabus uniformly carrying one mark each.
Instructions for the Candidates
Candidates are required to attempt one question each from
the section A,B,C & D of the question paper and entire section E.
Time : 2 Hours/week Maximum Marks : 40
1. Equipments & supplies in clothing :
Construction—their use & care
II. Sewing Machine :
(a) Parts of Sewing Machine & its accessories
(b) Common defects in sewing machine & their remedies
(c) Care of Sewing machines
I. Recording of Body measurements. Care to be taken while
taking body measurement.
II. Different methods of developing a design-Drafting, Pattern
making, Draping (in brief) their advantages and
Aesthetics in clothing
I. Principles of design such as Harmony, Balance, Rhythm,
emphasis & proportion.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 389
Textiles (Theory)
Instructions for the paper setter
The question paper will consist of five sections: A,B,C,D
and E. Section A, B,C & D will have two questions from the
respective sections of the syllabus & will carry 10 marks each.
Section E will consist of 10 short Type/objective type questions
covering the entire syllabus uniformly carrying one mark each.
Instructions for the Candidates
Candidates are required to attempt one question each from
the section A,B,C & D of the question paper and entire section E.
Time 3 Hours/week Maximum Marks : 50
1. Classification of textile fibres
2. Manufacture (in Brief) & properties of different fibres.
a) Cotton b) Linen
c) Silk d) Wool
e) Nylon f) Polyester
g) Rayon viscose & Acetate
1. Different types of yarns—simple, Novelty & Bulk yarn in
2. Fabric construction—A brief study of basic weaves
a) i) Simple weaves—basket, rib.
b) ii) Twill-broken twill, Stain, Sateen.
Knitting, Knotting, felting, bonding.
1. Bleach—Oxidising, reducing bleaches & their suitability to
different fabrics.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 391
Clothing Practical
Time : 4 hours/week Marks : 60
Internal Ass. : 20
1. Make samples of the following :
a) Tacking, running stich, hemming, Back Stitch, Button
hole stitch, Fastners.
b) Seams—Flat seam, counter seam, Mantua, maker; Run
& Fell seam, French seam.
c) i) Processes—Continuous wrap, two piece placket
opening, pleats, gathering into a band, tucks.
ii) Embroidery—10 Fency embroidery stiches.
2. Drafting of the following :
i) child's bodice block
ii) sleeve— a) plain sleeve
b) Puff sleeve
iii) collers—flat—and raised peterpan, cape coller, baby
iv) Jangia, Bloomer, childs bodice block & plain sleeve
v) Drafting of a) Adults bodice block
b) plain sleeve
vi) Petticot
vii) Salwar
viii) Kameez
3. Construction of following garments :
Children : Bloomer, Jangia, Child's gathered frock
with any sleeve & coller.
Ladies : Saree, Petticot, Blouse, Salwar Kameez
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 393
3. Pattern Drafting
Vol. III, Kamakura-Shobo Publishing Co. Ltd.,
Tokyo, Japan, 1972 (fifty edition)
4. A Manual of Children Clothing.
Savitri Pandit, Orient Longmans Ltd., Bombay, 1967.
5. Pattern Cutting & Making up the professional approach.
Martin M. Shoben & Janet P. Ward. Pub., CBS
Publishers & Distributors (p) Ltd., New Delhi.
6. Mc Call's Sewing in Colour Pub. The Hamlyn Pub. group
Ltd., N.Y.
7. Encyclopedia of Dress Making Pub., Marshall Canvendish
Books Ltd., London
8. Creative clothing construction.
Allyne Bane, McGraw Hill Book Company.
New York, St. Louis San Francisco, Tronto, London,
Sydney, Second edition 1966.
9. Dress Pattern Designing.
The Basic Principles of Cut and Fit,
Natalie Bray,
Crosby Lock wood & sons Ltd., London, 1961
10. Practical Dress Design
Principals of Fitting and Pattern Making,
Mable D. Erwin,
The Macmillian Company, New York.
Ninth Printing, 1966.
11. Indian Embriodery
Its Veriegated Charms,
Savtri Pandit,
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 395
Textiles & Laundry
Time : 2 hrs./Week Practicals Practical : 30
Internal Ass. : 10
Max.Marks : 40
1. Testing of cotton, wool & Silk, Nylon by microscope & by
Burning test.
2. Stain removal : Rust, Coffee, Tea, Paint, Nail Polish, Lipstick,
Perfume, Blood, Boot Polish, Ink (Ball Pen) & Curry, Juice.
3. Spot cleaning of wooden garments.
4. Simple house hold dyeing of cotton fabric 12"x12"
5. Preparation of an article of Tie and Dye.
6. Hand Printing
(a) Block
(b) Screen
(c) Stencil
Note :
1. University should appoint one internal examiner alongwith
the external.
2. Preparation of dye/starch/blue should be prepared by
3. Practical group should not exceed 15 students.
1. Sinks 6
2. Basins 12
3. Buckets 12
4. Mugs 12
5. Bhagonas 4
6. Gas burners 4
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 397
7. Enamel bowls 24
8. Scrubbing boards 6
9. Scrubbing brushes 12
10. Microscopes 4
11. Slides 2 boxes
12. Slips covers 2 boxes
13. Test tubes 1 box
14. Test tube holders 12
15. Spirit lamps 12
16. Bhagonas for dyeing 12 big
17. Iron Karachis used for was heating 6
18. Painting brushes 24
19. Dyeing gloves (rubber) 12 pairs
Books Recommended - Textiles
1. Textile Fabrics and their selection, Isabel N. Wingate,
Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1970.
2. Fundamentals of Textiles and their care, Susheela, Dantyagi
Orient Longmans, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi,
Reprinted, 1968.
3. Household Textiles and Laundry Work, Durga Deulkar
Atma Ram & Sons, New Delhi 1973.
4. Indonesian Batic & Ikat, Former Bedrich, Butterworth,
London, 1982.
5. Ideas for Fabric Painting and dyeing Gooch, Peter H.,
Charles Cribner's, New York, 1974.
6. Encyclopedia of Textiles, Fibres and Nonwoolen Fabrics,
Grayson Martin, John Willey, New York, 1984.
7. Textile Identification conservation and Preservation, King
Resalic Resso, New Jersey, 1985.
398 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
(A) Hair Care
Max Marks :-60
Practical : 4 week
I. Hair Care:
a) Shampooing, Bleached hair and giving shampoo.
b) Types of shampoos and procedures.
c) Hair rinses.
d) Hair conditioners.
II. Scalp Treatments and Hair Conditioners
a. Introduction - Hair Brushing,Scientific Brushing.
b. Scalp manipulations - Benefits and Bave scalp manipulations
c. Corrective hair & Scalp treatments-Treatment for dry, oily,
dry dandruff, corrective hair conditioners, Hair treatments
using a thermal cap, listant conditioners.
III. Removing Unwanted Hair - Choosing a method, Tineeing,
Depilatouies, waxing, Bleaching, Basic concept of Electrolysis.
402 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Practical : 4 week Max. Marks-60
Practical - B
Hair Shaping & Styling
1. Basic Hair Shaping
a. Hair shaping instruments and their using.
b. Sectioning for a Hair cut.
c. Hair Texture as it relates to hair Shaping
d. A medium and long length hair cut.
2. Wet Hairstyling
a. Techniques & Equipment used.
b. Principles of Design.
c. Shapings and Moulding.
d. Finger Waving, Pin Curls, Roller setting.
3. Hair styling-Buns-at least 5
Training Marks : 30
Students are required to undergo 3 weeks training in a reputed
saloon, students will gain experience on tasks related to practicals.
To be assessed by Internal Examiner.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 403
Paper A Management of Travel and 100
Paper B Tourism Marketing and Travel 100
Agency Business
Time : 3 hrs. Max. Marks : 100
The Theory Paper consists of two Parts A and B (short
questions and long questions).
Part A : The examiner will set 12 short questions, 3 questions
from each section of 02 marks. The candidate will have
to attempt 10 questions out of 12 questions.
(10x02=20 Marks)
Part B: The examiner will set 8 long questions, 2 questions from
each section of 20 marks. The candidate will have to
attempt 4 questions out of 8 question.
(04x20=80 Marks)
Chapter 1. Strategic Planning and Strategic Marketing
Business Environment.
Alliances - Market Sharing.
Takeovers and Mergers
Chapter 2. Operations Management
404 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Chapter 3. Project Planning
Conceptualizing a Project
Project Cycle.
Techno-economic survey.
Chapter 4. Project Review
Need for a project review
Project appraisal and evaluation
Destination Development
Chapter 5. Financial Management
Financial statements.
Financial ratios and performance
Credit system.
Direct sales.
Chapter 6. Banking and Forex
Banking Operations.
Forex Management.
Money Transfers.
Chapter 7. New Trends in Tourism
Health tourism.
Ski resorts and Adventure sports.
Heritage tours and Eco-tourism
Rural tourism and Space tourism
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 405
Chapter 3. Tour Packaging
Concept and characteristics
Methodology and pricing of tour packaging.
Designing and printing of tour brochure.
Chapter 4. Marketing of packaged tours
Marketing in different sectors of tourism
Leisure and hospitality.
Chapter 5. Travel Agency Business
Linkages in tourism and other sectors - travel agency,
transportation, accommodation, food, nutrition and
Travel agency and its role in the tourism development.
Functions and organizational structure of a travel
agency and the tour operators.
Chapter 6. Travel Agents
Types of travel agents and their responsibilities.
Procedures for becoming a travel agent and tour
operator in India.
Method of getting IATA recognition and the
advantages enjoyed by an
IATA recognized travel agent.
Chapter 7. Transportation
Transportation and tourism development.
Role of transportation in the growth of travel agency
and tour operator business in India.
408 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)
Chapter 8. Accommodation
Accommodation and tourism.
Types of accommodation and their organization.
Suggested Readings :
· Kotler, Philip. Marketing Management: Analysis,
Planning Implementation and Control, Prentice Hall of
India, New Delhi.
· Brigs, Susan. Successful Tourism Marketing: A Practical
Handbook, Kogan Page, London, 1997.
· Middleton, Victor T.C. Marketing in Travel and Tourism,
Butterwort Heinemaun, Oxford, 1994.
· Brunt, Paul. Market Research in Travel and Tourism,
Butterworth Heinemaun, 1997.
· Foster, Dennis L. Sales and Marketing for the Travel
Professional, McGraw-Hill, 1993.
· Witt, Stephen R. & Moutinoh, Luiz. Tourism Marketing
and Management Handbook Prentice Hall. London. 1994.
· Baker, M.J. Marketing: An Introductory Text, Macmillan,
· Veal, A.J. Research Methods for Leisure and Tourism: A
Practical Guide, Longman,l992
· Mohamed. H. Peeru. Marketing: A Financial Approach,
Kaveri, New Delhi, 1997.
· Aaker, David A. & Co. Advertising Management, Prentice
Hall of India, New Delhi, 1995.
· Agarwal, Surinder. Travel Agency Management,
Communication India, 1993
· Negi, Jagmohan Travel Agency and Tour Operation:
Concepts and Principles, Kanishka, New Delhi, 1998.
· Foster, Dennis L. An Introduction to Travel and Tourism,
McGraw-Hill, 1994.
· Bhatia, A.K. Tourism Development - Principles and
Practices, Sterling, 1992.
B.A./B.Sc. Part-II (12+3 System of Education) 409
i) The Part-II examination shall be open to a candidate who
has passed, not less than one academic year previously,
Part-I (under 10+-2+3 System of Education) examination of
the B.A./B.Sc. of this University.
ii) Any other examination recognised by this University as
equivalent to any of the corresponding examinations
mentioned above.
1. English (Compulsory) 1
2. English (Elective) 3
3. Functional English (Vocational) 7
4. pMj`bI l`zmI 11
5. Punjabi (Elective) 12
6. k`rjI pMj`bI 14
7. Punjab History & Culture 17
8. Sanskrit (Elective) 19
9. Sanskrit (Vocational) 23
10. Hindi 25
11. Functional Hindi 28
12. Russian 34
13. French 36
14. Urdu (Elective) 38
15. Persian (Elective) 42
16. History 46
17. Political Science 50
18. Defence and Strategic Studies 59
19. Public Administration 69
20. Sociology 73
21. Psychology 76
22. Geography 81
23. Journalism & Mass Communication 90
24. Mass Communication & Video 92
Production (Vocational)
25. Education 96
26. Physical Education 100
412 B.A./B.Sc Part-II (12+3 System of Education)