BF Barbarian R2
BF Barbarian R2
BF Barbarian R2
This supplement provides information for playing Barbarians, a Fighter “Sub-Class”, under the Basic Fantasy Role-
Playing Game rule system. If you do not already have a copy of the Basic Fantasy RPG rules, please visit the website
and download a copy.
BARBARIAN Barbarians are tribal fighters recognized by their ferocity
and endurance. They are hardy combatant that enjoy the
The new sub-classes described in this supplement are simplicity of life valuing their freedom and comrades above
sub-classes of the Fighter. As such, they have the same anything else.
attack bonus and saving throws values as Fighters of the
same level. Barbarians must have a Strength and Constitution scores
of 9 or higher and are found most commonly among races
Barbarian with no HD decrease or limit.
Level Exp. Points Hit Dice Physique
1 0 1d8 1 Being fighters they can use basic or “rustic” weapon
(mechanical and “delicate” ones are beyond a Barbarian
2 2,400 2d8 1 interest), they are limited to Chain Mail armor but can use
3 4,800 3d8 1 shields.
Barbarians have nerves of steel gaining a +1 bonus on increase the final damage by 2 points.
saving throws against fear. - Gain a +2 saving throw bonus against fear.
Barbarians are distrustful of those outside their tribe,
When in combat Barbarians are known to use savage
specially of those that not share their fighting bravery or
attacks, they can choose to use an improved path. They tend to have a personal or tribal disdain from
aggressive posture. one kind of character class, be it those that strikes from
afar or from the shadows, those that depends on their
Barbarians are vindictive against those who harm them. gods or that wield unnatural powers.
- Can jog (1.5 x move) and still make a normal attack. Appendix: Combat Postures
- Roll an extra d6 of damage and use the better value
with each attack. Characters can choose an aggressive posture before taking
- Gain a +1 saving throw bonus against fear. any action in combat, this gives them a -1 AC and attack
penalties until their next round in order to gain +2 damage
Once below half his HP they can apply the above
roll bonus.
benefits against any opponent. Against those that
harmed them they:
Barbarians are able to employ an improved version being
- Can move as if running (2 x move) and still make a allowed to remove up to 4 points from either their AC or
normal attack. attack rolls (or a combination of both) and divide that
- Roll an extra 1d6 of damage, use the better roll and value as bonus to their attack and damage roll.
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Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game Copyright © 2006-2011 Chris Gonnerman.
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