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UC NCM-111 Module-5

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College of Nursing

NCM 111- Nursing Research 1 Theory

Module 5
Major Phases of Nursing Research
Process: The Conceptual Phase,
Research Framework and Variables

Learning Outcome: At the end of the module, the learner will:

1. Develop appropriate theoretical / conceptual framework or philosophical underpinning
for a specific research endeavor.

Mode of Instruction: Synchronous/Asynchronous

I. Activate prior knowledge

To activate prior knowledge, I will elicit from students via online discussion (or
using mentimeter.com) what they already know about framework and variables in
(nursing) research and building the initial knowledge and concepts that they need in
order to access upcoming content of the Research Framework and Variables.

II. Acquire New Knowledge

Defining the framework and variables

Discusses the merits of the theories/concepts that legitimize the:
validity of the research questions
meanings of the variables in the study, the measurements employed, and
the design adopted
analytic and interpretive approaches used

Depicts and briefly explains the conceptual blueprint that serves as the roadmap
of the study either in the form of a:
Causal Paradigm
IPO (Input-Process-Output) Paradigm
Operational Paradigm (Process Flowchart)

Developing conceptual framework

Conceptual framework is the system of concepts, assumptions, expectations,

beliefs and theories that supports and informs your research and the relationships
among them (Miles and Huberman, 1994; Robson, 2002). An explanation, either
graphically or in narrative form, of the main things to be studied- the key factors,
variables, or constructs- and the presumed relationships (Miles, et al., 2014, p.20). An
argument about why the topic one wishes to study matters, and why the means
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proposed to study it are appropriate and rigorous (Ravitch and Riggan, 2017, p.5). The
actual ideas and beliefs that you hold about the phenomena studied, whether these are
written down or not; this may also be called the theoretical framework or idea context for
the study (Maxwell, 2013, p.39).

Marshall and Rossman (2016, p. 6) defined conceptual framework as the first

major section of the proposal- demands a solid rationale. In examining a specific
setting or set of individuals, the writer should show how she is studying instances of a
larger phenomenon. By linking the specific research questions to larger theoretical
constructs, to existing puzzles or contested positions in a field, or to important
policy issues, the writer shows that the particulars of this study serve to illuminate
larger issues and therefore hold potential significance for the field.

Flexibility. It is based on flexible conceptual terms rather than rigid theoretical variables
and causal relations.
Capacity for modification. Conceptual frameworks can be reconceptualized and
modified according to the evolution of the phenomenon in question or as a result of new
data and texts that were not available at the time the framework was first developed.
This is consistent with the basic premise that social phenomena are evolutionary and
not static.
Understanding. Conceptual frameworks aim to help us understand phenomena rather
than to predict them.

Developing theoretical frameworks

Theoretical framework as the underlying structure, the scaffolding or frame of

your study (Merriam and Tisdell, 2016, p. 85). Anfara and Mertz (2015, p.15) defined as
any empirical or quisi- empirical theory of social and/or psychological processes, at a
variety of levels…that can be applied to the understandings of phenomena.

Ravitch amd Riggan (2017, pp. 11-12) defined as follows:

In the case of theoretical frameworks, the parts referred to this definition are
theories, and the thing that is being supported is the relationships embedded in the
conceptual framework. More specifically, we argue that the parts are formal theories;
those that emerge from and have been explored using empirical work. The theoretical
framework should do the following,
1. Identify the theory cluster. A theory cluster combines theories into categories, such
as grand, emerging, middle-range, or practice-based nursing theories.
2. Identify specific theories relevant to that cluster, including the originator or source
and the major propositions and hypotheses of each theory.
3. Identify the theory selected for the study. This includes specifying the specific
theory within the cluster that will be used, the propositions of the theory that relate to the
specific study, and the review of prior studies using that theory as a focus.

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4. State how the study will contribute to the body of knowledge related to the
Theory: creation of a relationship between concepts to form a specific view of a
phenomenon (Higgins & Moore, 2012). A theory may be explanatory or predictive,
and its concepts are defined in such a way that its premise may be tested through
research. In nursing, theory is generally categorized into three levels: grand, which
addresses the identity and boundaries of the discipline; middle-range, which addresses
nursing practice concerns, but is also broad enough to cross practice areas; and
situational-specific, which addresses a specific population or phenomenon of nursing

Research variables


Characteristics or attributes of a person or object that differs among the person

or object being studies

Independent Variable: the CAUSE; that is thought to influence the dependent variable
Dependent Variable: the EFFECT; a response or behavior that is influenced by the
independent variable
Confounding Variable: INTERFERE with the direct causal relationship between
independent and dependent variables
Extraneous Variable: UNCONTROLLED and outside the purpose of the study

Causal Effect (Cause and Effect Relationship)

Cause and effect refer to a relationship between two phenomena in which one
phenomenon is the reason behind the other. For example, eating too much fast food
without any physical activity leads to weight gain. Here eating without any physical
activity is the “cause” and weight gain is the “effect.” Another popular example in the
discussion of cause and effect is that of smoking and lung cancer. A question that has
surfaced in cancer research in the past several decades is, what is the effect of smoking
on an individual's health? Also asked is the question, does smoking cause lung cancer?
Using data from observational studies, researchers have long established the
relationship between smoking and the incidence of lung cancer.
Source: https://methods.sagepub.com/reference/encyc-of-research-design/n43.xml

System approach (IPO)

The IPO model has a causal structure, in that outputs are a function of various
group processes, which are in turn influenced by numerous input variables. In its
simplest form, the model is depicted as the following:

Input —> Process —> Output

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Thematic approach

Or thematic mapping, mapping comprises 4 components: a definition,

foundational principles, defining features, and core concepts (Ridley & Jeffrey, 2017).

Operational Paradigm

Paradigm: a pattern of beliefs and practices; its identification explicates researchers’

philosophical assumptions about their subject matter (Weaver & Olson, 2006). A
paradigm directs what research topics are investigated, how research is conducted, and
how theories are derived within nursing (Monti & Tingen, 1999). A paradigm is not
directly testable through research.

Terms to Remember!

Theory is an abstract generalization that presents a systematic explanation about

how phenomena are interrelated

Grand theories purport to explain large segments of the human experience

Middle- range theories explain a portion of the human experience (narrow range
of phenomena)

Conceptual model deals with abstractions (concepts) that are assembled

because of their relevance to a common theme

Two types of Models

Statistical models: mathematic equations that express the nature and
magnitude of relationships among a set of variables
Schematic model: also called conceptual map, represents a
phenomenon of interest in a diagram

Concepts and the linkages between them are represented through boxes,
arrows, or other symbols

III. Analysis

Sample case analysis/article review

Article for case analysis/review: Review a research article or articles published in the
Philippine Journal of Nursing, Volume 88 (1), 2018.

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Read and critique the paper/s how theoretical/ conceptual framework used in their

IV. Application

Assignment 4

Research Framework and Variables

Research Article: Palompon, D.R., & Nemenzo, E.P. (January – June 2019). The
interplay of C.P.A. in elderly towards client care satisfaction, Philippine Journal of
Nursing, 89 (1), pp. 41- 48.

Critique the research paper and analyze if the study had framework used, or analyze
what framework used in developing the research framework of the study.

Write your answers below. (Please upload in the comment section under Module 5)

V. Assessment
Online Quiz 4.

References and Suggested Readings

Burns, N., & Grove, S.K., Barcelo, T.I (Editor). Burn and Grove’s Understanding Nursing
Research, Building an Evidence- Based Practice, Elsevier Saunders, 2013, pp.232-

Philippine Journal of Nursing, Volume 89 (1), 2019. Access at http://www.pna-pjn.com/

Philippine Journal of Nursing, Volume 88 (1), 2018. Access at http://www.pna-pjn.com/

Jabareen Y. Building a Conceptual Framework: Philosophy, Definitions, and Procedure.

International Journal of Qualitative Methods. December 2009:49-62.
doi:10.1177/160940690900800406. Access at

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Jackson, J. (n.d.). Nursing paradigms and theories. Access at

Crawford, L.M. (2020). Foundations in Research Design, In Chapter 3 Conceptual and

Theoretical Frameworks in Research, Sage Publications, pp. 35- 48.

I declare no conflict of interest.

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