Chapter 1 - Accounting PR
Chapter 1 - Accounting PR
Chapter 1 - Accounting PR
Special Journal- These journals are
used to record transaction of high- Posting- is the process of transferring
volume information. data from the journal to the
appropriate accounts in the ledger.
Ledger- Also called “Book of
secondary entries or boof of financial
entries.” It is a systematize
compilation of a group of accounts.
General Ledger- Contains all the
Example of simple journal accounts appearing in the trial
includes cash receipts journals, balance. It is the “reference book” of
cash disbursement journals, the accounting system.
Payroll journals, and sales
journals. It prepares data for basic
financial statements.
Classified into two general
groups; Permanent and
Temporary accounts.
Real (Permanent) Account- Are not
closed in the end of accounting
Subsidiary Ledger- provides a period. Found in the Statement of
breakdown of the balances of Financial Position.
controlling account.
Nominal (Temporary) Account-
Controlling account are Are closed at the end of accounting
most commonly used to period. Income and expenses account,
summarize receivables and drawings and dividends, income
payables. summary and suspense account (Cash
shortage or overage account).
Mixed Account- Accounts that have
both nominal and real accounts.
Subject for adjustments.
Includes unadjusted
prepayments and deferred
having both expired (nominal
account) and unexpired (real
Contra Account- Accounts that are
Accounts deducted from a related account.
Example of it is accumulated
Is the basic storage of information in
Adjunct Account- Are accounts that
are added to a related account.
Example of this is premium on bonds
Customer’s checks are use Cash funds- Included in cash but with
by customer as payment. The restriction. Restriction doesn’t mean you
only disadvantage of this is
cannot really use the cash, but rather set aside date stipulated on the check. Not
for its intention. qualified as cash since they are not
presently available for use.
Change Fund- This is included in
cash but this refers to coins or bills Normally, entities record
use for change in store or other check collection as debiting
institution. to “cash” and crediting to
Payroll Fund- Included as cash. This “accounts receivable”
fund is set aside for salary purposes. regardless if the check
received is post-dated or not.
Petty Cash Fund- is a small amount
of cash kept on hand, in a locked At reporting date, adjusting
drawer or box, to pay for minor entry is necessary to revert
expenses, such as office supplies or back post-dated checks to
reimbursements. account receivables.
Dividend Funds- Seeks to provide Accounts Receivables
investors with income from common Cash xxx
and preferred shares of stock which In practice, all check
yield dividends in cash and stock (in collection are recorded as
some cases) on a regularly- occurring cash receipts and adjustment
for post-dated checks are
Tax Fund- A funds set aside for made only when financial
paying taxes. statements are prepared.
Travel Fund- A virtual wallet where Unused Credit Line- Not included as cash, It
you can transfer the cost of your is only disclosed in the notes.
ticket, which can then be used to pay
for your future bookings. Unused Credit line is the difference
between amount line of credit minus
Interest Fund- means a fund, escrow the amount borrowed.
or reserve established for the purpose
of providing a source of funds to pay Line of Credit- Is a flexible loan
interest in respect of Indebtedness of from a financial institution that
the Parent consists of a define amount of money
that you can access if needed and
Revolving Fund- A fund similar to repay either immediately or overtime.
petty cash fund but is use for a
limited or specific purpose set by Unused credit line is the uncollected
management. amount part f the line of credit.
Cash Xxx
Balance per books, end is the cash balance in
Long/Short term Xxx
the accounting record and the end of the
investment or
current month.
Time deposit
Balance per bank statement, end is the cash Collection of notes receivable or any
balance on bank statement as of the current receivables- This mean when a
month certain company ask employees to
directly paid their obligations to the
Cancelled Checks
bank under the company’s account.
These are the checks (attached to the The bank then will process the
bank statement upon receipt) issued payment and deposit it to the
by the depositor and paid by the company’s account. A credit
bank during the month. memorandum will be sent to the
Book Reconciling Items
Cash xxx
Credit memos Notes Receivables xxx
These refer to items not representing Debit Memorandum
deposits credited by the bank to the These refer to items not representing
account of the depositor but not yet checks paid by bank which are
recorded by the depositor as cash charged or debited by the bank to
receipts. the account of the depositor but not
Credit memorandum is a written yet recorded by the depositor as cash
document sent by the bank to inform disbursements.
the depositor/owner of the account Examples of debit memo:
that a cash was added.
Bank Service Charges- Service by the
Examples of credit memo: bank has charges and not for free.
Process of loan – This means when Service charge xxx
you apply for a loan in bank and in Cash/Cash in bank xxx
the future the loan was approved
Auto debit (Payment of loan)- Auto
and there is an increase in cash. But
debit means auto payment of loan
you still don’t know that there’s an
like housing and other forms of loan
additional amount of cash added to
to the bank. For example, housing
your account.
loans and instead of paying manually,
Cash xxx you directly deduct it on your salaries
Loan’s payable Xxx or other means.
Maturity of time deposit- We know Notes payable Xxx
already that time deposit is a form of Interest expense (if have) xxx
Cash Xxx Placed in an overnight
Technically defective checks- Error depository
on technicality aspect of the check
Made through check and the
and not about the funds. For
check has not yet cleared
example, you give a check to BDO
and the check was from BPI. During Or, made after the bank’s
the clearing, BDO asked BPI if the cut-off.
check has no error or if it’s cleared
already. If found out cleared then its Outstanding Checks- These are
good, but if something was caught checks already recorded by the
like the authorized person is not on depositor as cash disbursements but
the list of the bank’s authorized not yet reflected on the bank
person to issue check or signed a statement.
check then BDO will not delete the
check but rather record on Excluded in outstanding check:
withdrawal under defective check.
Certified checks- When
Accounts Receivables Xxx certifying checks, the bank
Cash/Cash in bank xxx already deducted the
No Sufficient Fund (NSF) or Drawn certified check on the
against insufficient fund (DAIF) – account, thus reduces
These are checks that are already already the depositor’s
deposited and recorded by the bank account and they are no
but is subsequently returned to the longer outstanding.
depositor because the drawer’s fund Stale Check that remains
is insufficient or not enough to pay outstanding for a relatively
for the check. long period of time are
Accounts Receivables xxx reverted back to cash which
Cash/Cash in bank xxx means they are added back
Note: Remember that the above journal to cash balance per books
entries are not always the same title to be making them not part of the
used on recording such transaction. Always outstanding checks.
used the right title of the transaction to what Certified Checks - It is a check for
really happened on such occasion to avoid which the issuing bank guarantees
errors. availability of cash in the holder's
Book Errors- Errors committed by the account.
depositor. Accounting treatment for certified
Bank Reconciliation Items: checks - Certified checks should be
deducted from the total outstanding
Deposit in Transit- These are checks (if included therein) because
collections already recorded by the they are no longer outstanding for
depositor as cash receipts but not yet bank reconciliation purposes.
reflected on the bank statement. Like
for example: Bank Errors- Errors made by the
Deposits are mailed to the
bank In books reconciling items, the
depositor will make a reconciling
entry for each item while in banks debit
reconciling items not anymore.