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Flow Reactor

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CHL0010.1177/1747519820977164Journal of Chemical ResearchMiao and Li

Research Paper

Journal of Chemical Research

Enzymatic esterification of lauric acid to give July-August 2021: 660­–667

© The Author(s) 2021

monolaurin in a microreactor
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/1747519820977164

Shanshan Miao and Xin Li

Monolaurin is a naturally occurring compound widely utilized in food and cosmetics. In this paper, we present a new
method for the synthesis of monolaurin by esterification between lauric acid and glycerol catalyzed by Novozym® 435
using a microreactor. The conversion of lauric acid is 87.04% in 20 min, compared with 70.54% via the batch approach
in 5 h. Using an optimized solvent system consisting of t-BuOH/tert-amyl alcohol (1:1, v/v), the selectivity using the
microreactor method is enhanced to 90.63% and the space–time yield of the process is 380.91 g/h/L. This newly devised
method has the potential for application to other multiphase and enzymatic reactions.
Graphical Abstract

enzymatic esterification, microreactor, monolaurin
Date received: 24 June 2020; accepted: 9 November 2020

Introduction focused on producing diacylglycerol via glycerolysis,15 or

esterification17 between monoglycerides and fatty acids,
Glycerol monolaurate,1 also known as monolaurin or 1-lau- and most reports on the enzymatic synthesis of glycerol
royl-glycerol (Figure 1), is a naturally occurring fatty acid monolaurin describe low yields (⩽40%).3,6 Only one report
that is widely utilized in food and cosmetics. It is most com- on the biocatalytic synthesis of monoacyl glycerides gave
monly used as a surfactant/emulsifier in food and cosmetics. excellent yield (100%) and selectivity (100%), in which
It is also widely used as a dietary supplement, a food ingre- ionic liquids were used as reaction media.11 The enzymatic
dient, and a feed additive because of its nutritional function, synthesis of monolaurin is a multiphase reaction, and mass
and is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the Food and transfer is one important factor affecting the apparent reac-
Drug Administration. Also, monolaurin has antibacterial, tion rate of the enzymatic reaction as known. The excellent
antiviral, and other antimicrobial effects in vitro, and can be results described in Lozano et al.’s11 work benefit from a
used as a preservative in the above products.2 compatible system, created by the water-miscible ionic liq-
Methods to obtain monolaurin include hydrolysis/alco- uid that enhanced the mass transfer between glycerol (GL),
holysis/glycerolysis and esterification.3–15 The reactions oils, and fats significantly.
can be catalyzed either by enzymes or chemical catalysts. One of the most important features of microreactor tech-
The reported chemical catalysts for esterification are p- nology is its highly effective mass-transfer rate. With
TSA,14 zeolite Y,13 SBA-15,8 MCM-41,4 and so on.16 The microreactor technology, the time to reach the chemical
disadvantages of chemical catalysis include harsh reaction equilibrium of an enzymatic transformation can be reduced
conditions (⩾120 °C), long reaction times (⩾6 h), complex significantly. The selectivity toward monolaurin in the
post-processing, and low yields (44%–79%). For the indus- reaction is affected by multiple factors, such as solvent
trial synthetic process toward monolaurin, the complicated
post-processing is the most urgent problem, because molec-
ular distillation is needed to separate monolaurate from the College of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Nanjing Tech
glyceryl dilaurate and glycerol trilaurate by-products. University, Nanjing, P.R. China
Therefore, developing a novel preparation with high selec-
tivity toward monolaurin is urgently needed. Generally,
Corresponding author:
lipase-catalyzed esterification is considered to be the most Xin Li, College of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Engineering,
appropriate route for food or pharmaceutical grade mono- Nanjing Tech University, 30 Puzhu Road(S), Nanjing 211816, P.R. China.
glycerides.12 However, enzymatic syntheses are mainly Email: xinxin2019@njtech.edu.cn

Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits non-commercial use,
reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and
Open Access pages (https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/open-access-at-sage).
Miao and Li 661

Figure 1.  Esterification between GL and LA.

selection, the molar ratio of GL to LA (lauric acid), and the were investigated for their ability to dissolve LA and their
temperature. Combining the high mass-transfer rate of influence on the selectivity for monolaurin. The method
microreactor technology and the high specificity of bioca- used for this screening involved using a batch esterification
talysis, the enzymatic synthesis of monolaurin was con- process with the solvent method described in the
ducted in a microreactor for both high conversion of LA “Experimental” section. The results showed that all these
and high selectivity for monolaurin in a short time. solvents were able to dissolve LA very well. The influence
In order to synthesize glycerol monolaurin using an of the solvents on the selectivity is shown in Figure 3.
immobilized enzyme in a microreactor, the experimental The esterification in t-BuOH gave the highest selectivity
conditions needed to be optimized. Some of the parameters for monolaurin, but the conversion of LA was low. The
such as enzyme screening, the solvent system, the tempera- esterification in n-hexane and tert-amyl alcohol gave high
ture, and the GL/LA molar ratio can be optimized under LA conversion but low selectivity for monolaurin. Hence, a
batch methods and then transferred to a microreactor mixed solvent system was tested to study the effect on the
method. Other factors, which are unique parameters, such monolaurin selectivity. The yield of monolaurin was
as retention time, need to be optimized with microreactors. enhanced a little in the mixed solvent system, even though
The optimized batch and flow reactions will be compared the esterification gave lower selectivity for monolaurin and
based on conversion, selectivity, and space–time yield to a higher conversion of LA, compared to pure t-BuOH.
demonstrate the advantages of the microreactor method for Therefore, the mixed solvent of t-BuOH and tert-amyl
the synthesis of monolaurin. alcohol in which the selectivity for monolaurin was 94.06%
and the conversion of LA was 67.54% in the batch method
was chosen as the medium for the esterification using the
Results and discussion microreactor method.
The optimization of the key parameters by esterification in
batch is presented. Temperature optimization
The optimal temperature for the Novozym® 435 was inves-
Enzyme screening tigated for the esterification between LA and GL using the
The catalytic activity of four enzymes, including Novozym® batch esterification process. The suitable temperature range
435, Lipozyme®RM-IM, CalB, and Lipozyme®TL-IM, on for Novozym® 435 is from 30 °C to 60 °C. The tempera-
the esterification between GL and LA was investigated to tures investigated were 46 °C, 50 °C, 54 °C, 58 °C, and
identify the best immobilized enzyme for the microreactor 62 °C, and the results are depicted in Figure 4. The conver-
technique. The enzyme screening was conducted in batch sion of LA and the selectivity for monolaurin reached the
without a solvent as described in the Supplemental material. highest values (81.04% conversion, 79% selectivity) when
The results are summarized in Figure 2. The 90.16% con- the esterification was performed at 58 °C.
version of LA and 63.55% selectivity for monolaurin were
obtained in the esterification catalyzed by Novozym® 435. Reaction in flow
The reaction catalyzed by Lipozyme®RM-IM afforded
similar results. Considering the price of these enzymes, Flow experimental setup. Continuous flow reactions were
Novozym® 435 was selected as the optimum catalyst for performed using a Vapourtec fixed-bed reactor and an
further research. R-Series machine (Scheme 1). t-BuOH was used as the
rinsing solution. The fixed-bed reactor was filled with
Novozym® 435 (1.32 g). The volume of the reactor was
Solvent screening 5.19 mL. The flow rates of the pumps were calculated from
The appropriate solvent choice needs to be determined in this volume and the designed retention time.
order to dissolve LA and GL, and to avoid pump/microchan-
nel blockage and inaccurate flow rates in the microreactor.
Optimization of the flow esterification
At the same time, the choice of solvent is also an important
factor for high selectivity toward monolaurin over the dilau- Influence of the molar ratio of GL to LA on the flow esterifica-
rate and trilaurate products.18,19 The commonly used sol- tion.  After the key parameters of reaction had been opti-
vents in esterification, including n-hexane, t-butanol, mized in batch, the reactions in the microreactor were
tert-amyl alcohol, and methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), conducted with a solvent system of t-BuOH/tert-amyl
662 Journal of Chemical Research

Figure 2.  Catalytic performance in the esterification between

GL and LA using various enzymes.
Reaction conditions: GL/LA, 3:1 (mol/mol); catalyst amount (relative Figure 4.  Effect of temperature on the esterification between
to LA + GL), 5 wt%; reaction temperature, 50 °C; reaction time, 6 h; GL and LA.
stirring rate, 200 r/min; no solvent. Reaction conditions: GL/LA, 5:1 (mol/mol); catalyst amount (relative
to LA + GL), 3 wt%; reaction time, 5 h; stirring rate, 350 r/min; solvent
t-BuOH/tert-amyl alcohol (1:1, v/v). Optimization on the GL/LA ratio in
batch was conducted before the temperature optimization. The optimal
GL/LA ratio was 5:1.

90.63% selectivity toward monolaurin. Hence, the opti-

mum residence time in flow was 20 min. Also, purification
of the reaction was conducted affording 52.80 g monolaurin
as a white waxy solid starting from 47.52 g of LA. The
yield was 81.12%.

A comparison between the reaction in batch and in a microre-

actor.  In addition, the batch method was optimized in this
study in order to compare the results with those using
microreactor method. The factors to be optimized with the
batch method included treatment of the water produced in
the reaction, the enzyme amount, and the reaction time.
The esterification reaction between GL and LA is a
reversible reaction and continuously produces water
Figure 3.  Effect of solvents on the esterification between GL
and LA. (Figure 1). Therefore, the method of handling the gener-
Reaction conditions: GL/LA, 3:1 (mol/mol); catalyst amount (relative ated water can affect the reaction equilibrium signifi-
to LA + GL), 5 wt%; reaction temperature, 50 °C; reaction time, 5 h; cantly, especially in the batch method. To investigate the
stirring rate, 350 r/min. effect of water on the reaction in batch, three systems,
including a closed system, an open system, and a 4 Å
alcohol (1:1, v/v) at 58 °C. First, the effect of the GL/LA molecular sieves system, were designed. The highest con-
molar ratio on the flow esterification was investigated by version of LA and selectivity toward monolaurin was
arranging the molar ratio from 3 to 5. Neither the conver- achieved using the open system. For the closed system,
sion of LA nor the selectivity for monolaurin changed sig- accumulation of water will have an adverse effect on the
nificantly when the molar ratio was increased from 3 to 5, conversion of LA. For the 4 Å molecular sieves system,
as shown in Figure 5. Thus, the optimized GL/LA molar removing the produced water would be beneficial for the
ratio was set as 3:1. The flow esterification afforded a simi- esterification process but also resulted in low selectivity
lar conversion and selectivity with a lower GL/LA molar for monolaurin. The conversion of LA was 87.59% and
ratio compared with the esterification in batch. In addition, the selectivity for monolaurin was 72.39% in the open
the flow process was more economical. system for the batch method. Open system was thus
selected for the batch method.
Influence of retention time on flow esterification.  Furthermore, The influence of the enzyme amount on the esterifica-
the influence of the retention time on the flow esterification tion in the batch method was examined by varying the
was investigated. The reactions with retention times of 15, enzyme amount from 1% to 9% (relative to LA + GL) and
20, and 25 min were conducted in a microreactor and the the optimum enzyme loading was set as 3 wt% (relative to
results are given in Table 1. The esterification after 20 min LA + GL) where the conversion of LA was 73.81% and the
of residence time achieved 87.04% conversion of LA and selectivity for monolaurin was 88.1%.
Miao and Li 663

Figure 5.  Effect of the GL/LA molar ratio on the flow esterification between GL and LA.

Table 1.  Influence of the retention time on the esterification in a microreactor.

Entry Pump A Pump B Time (min) Conversion (%) Selectivity (%) GC yield (%) Notes
(mL/min) (mL/min)
1 0.169 0.176 15 83.64 80.91 67.67 Volume of reactor:
2 0.127 0.132 20 87.04 90.63 78.88 0.3421 × scale = 5.19 mL
3 0.102 0.106 25 79.50 83.26 66.19 Mass of enzyme = 1.32 g

GC: gas chromatography.

The reaction time for the batch method was also opti- However, the quantity of product produced per unit time
mized. The results indicated that the reaction achieved per amount of enzyme was similar. This was caused by the
equilibrium after 5 h, which afforded 81.06% of LA conver- small volume of the microreactor. Therefore, keeping the
sion and 81.13% of selectivity for monolaurin from 2 g of reaction running for a long time to overcome the disadvan-
LA under the optimum conditions in batch. tage was a common solution. As shown in Figure 6, with
Finally, the esterification between GL and LA was con- the microreactor method, the reactant went through the col-
ducted in batch, with the optimum conditions as follows: umn reactor and creates a concentration gradient of the
GL/LA, 5:1 (mol/mol); reaction temperature, 58 °C; reac- product, namely, monolaurate, dilaurate, and trilaurate. The
tion time, 5 h; t-BuOH/tert-amyl alcohol (1:1, v/v) as sol- concentration of these products will be the lowest at the
vent; and 3 wt% enzyme loading (relative to LA + GL). entrance and the highest at the exit of the column. In the
The reaction starting from 30 g of LA afforded 70.54% of meantime, the dilaurate and trilaurate concentrations will
LA conversion and 90.06% selectivity for monolaurin in a depend on the monolaurate concentration since these are
500-mL three-neck bottle. The yield of monolaurin was the products of subsequent reactions. This concentration
63.53%. gradient will favor the reversible esterification reaction
The comparison between the reaction in batch and in a toward producing monolaurate at the entrance of the col-
microreactor is shown in Table 2. The space–time yield of umn. With an appropriate retention time selection, mon-
the reaction in the microreactor was 380.91 g/h/L. With 30 g olaurate will leave the column with little conversion to the
of starting material, the space–time yield of the reaction in dilaurate/trilaurate. Thus, optimization of the retention time
batch was 10.44 and 47.09 g/h/L with and without solvent, will improve both the conversion of LA and selectivity for
respectively. monolaurin. This helps to explain the results of the reten-
With the space–time yield of the reaction in the microre- tion time experiment for the microreactor method. A 15-min
actor being one order of magnitude higher than that of the retention time did not provide sufficient time for the esteri-
batch method, the high effective mass transfer in the micro- fication reaction before the reactants exited the column,
reactor is obvious. The larger specific surface area in the thus resulting in lower conversion and selectivity compared
microreactor enhanced the efficiency of the mass transfer to that of the 20 min retention time experiment. The 25 min
between the enzyme and the reactants. The ratio of the retention time experiment also resulted in a lower conver-
enzyme/starting material in the system was very high. So, sion and selectivity compared to that of the 20 min retention
the apparent reaction rate was improved significantly. time experiment, as a longer retention time leads to more
664 Journal of Chemical Research

Table 2.  Comparison between the reaction in batch and in a microreactor.

Entry Reaction Enzyme GL/LA Retention Conversion Selectivity GC yield (%) Space–time Product quantity/
loading time (min) (%) (%) yield (g/h/L) time/enzymea (g/h/g)
1 Batch in solvent 3b 5:1 300 70.54 90.06 63.53 10.44c 1.76
2 2.5d 3:1 300 73.83 88.1 65.04 10.69c 2.99
3 Microreactor 2.53e 3:1 20 87.04 90.63 78.88 380.91f 1.50
4 3g 5:1 20 88.45 90.13 79.72 384.97h 1.51

GL: glycerol; LA: lauric acid; GC: gas chromatography.

Temperature: 58 °C, Solvent: t-BuOH/tert-amyl alcohol (1:1, v/v).
Product quantity/time/enzyme, quantity of product produced per unit time per amount of enzyme.
2.97 g Novozym® 435.
With esterification starting from 30 g of LA in 500 mL batch in 5 h.
1.79 g Novozym® 435.
1.32 g Novozym® 435.
1.32 g Novozym® 435, running for 12 h.
1.32 g Novozym® 435.
1.32 g Novozym® 435, running for 10 h.

enhanced to 90% by using a solvent system of t-BuOH/tert-

amyl alcohol (1:1, v/v) with the microreactor method.
The process in the microreactor could be maintained and
kept stable for 12 h, thus allowing a repeatable synthesis of
monolaurin. The space–time yield of the process in the micro-
reactor was 380.91 g/h/L, compared with 10.44 ~ 47.09 g/h/L
in batch. This showed that this process has good potential in
industrial applications for preparing monolaurin. This new
method described in this report may serve as an inspiration
for applications to other multiphase and enzymatic reactions.

Materials and methods
Novozym® 435, Lipozyme RM-IM, Lipozyme CalB, and
Lipozyme TL-IM were purchased from Novozymes
(Beijing, China). Monolaurin (Analytical Reagent (AR),
Figure 6.  Illustration of the production of glyceryl laurate 99%) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. LA (AR, 98%),
esters in the microreactor.
tert-butanol (AR, 99.5%), tert-amyl alcohol (AR, 98%),
and methanol (AR, 99.8%) were purchased from Macklin
tendency to reverse the esterification reaction, or toward Shanghai, China. n-hexane, ethyl acetate, acetone, and eth-
dilaurate and trilaurate. Hence, the retention time of 20 min anol were purchased from Sinopharm Chemical Reagent
was the optimum time for monolaurin. Co., Ltd. GL (98%) was obtained as a gift from Lemonchem
Co., Ltd.
Conclusion Using the standard curve methods, the quantitative deter-
mination of LA and monolaurin was performed via gas chro-
A new method for the synthesis of monolaurin in a micro- matography (GC, Agilent 7890A) equipped with a flame
reactor has been reported for the first time. Commercially ionization detector. The calibration curves for LA and mon-
available Novozym® 435 was used as the catalyst in the olaurin were obtained by using LA (AR, 98%) and monolau-
esterification reaction of LA and GL in a medium of rin (AR, 99%) as standards. The actual content was calculated
t-BuOH/tert-amyl alcohol (1:1, v/v). by the equation “mass × purity” (mass: the number shown
With the microreactor method, the esterification was on the scale). The procedural details for generating the cali-
significantly accelerated, and under optimized conditions, bration curves are given in the Supporting Information. The
87% conversion of LA was reached and the retention time reactant mixture (200 µL for LA determination and 50 µL for
was reduced to 20 min compared with 5 to 6 h in batch. The monolaurin determination) was added into a 20 mL volumet-
reason for the improvement was due to the highly effective ric flask and immediately made up to the mark with 1:1 hex-
mass transfer in the microreactor, which can decrease the ane/ethyl acetate solvent mixture. The above solution (1 µL)
mass-transfer limitations of the enzymatic reaction. In the was injected into an Agilent 7890A GC system (HP-5
meantime, the selectivity toward monolaurin was also Column, 30 m × 0.320 mm × 0.25 µm), with helium as the
Miao and Li 665

carrier gas at a flow rate of 2 mL/min. The detector and injec- H NMR and 13C NMR were determined and afforded in
tor temperatures were set at 330 °C. First, the column tem- the Supporting Information.
perature was set at 80 °C and kept for 1 min, then increased to
320 °C with a rate of 20 °C/min and kept for 2 min. The con- Flow esterification process.  All experiments under flow con-
centrations of LA and monolaurin in the samples could be ditions were carried out using a Vapourtec fixed-bed reac-
calculated via the standard curve. From GC results, the yield tor and an R-Series machine. As shown in Figure 7, the
of monolaurin could be calculated from equation (1). The solution of GL was pumped through the orange pump
“yield” is also called “GC yield” on assuming no product (Pump A), and the solution of LA in solvent was pumped
loss during the purification. The “yield” shown in all tables through the purple pump (Pump B). The reactant mixture
and schemes is the “GC yield” passed through the column reactor filled with Novozym®
435. The inner diameter of the column reactor was 66 mm.
Monolaurin calculated The reactor volume was calculated from equation (4). The
from GCin moles (1) reaction details are listed in Table 3. All the reactions in the
GC yield = ×100% microreactor were run for 12 h. The sample collection was
Produced monolaurin in theory
performed after 1 h, and the collection was continued for 2
Furthermore, the conversion rate of LA can be calcu- to 12 h using 10 mL tubes. Six of the sample tubes were
lated from equation (2). The remaining LA was determined detected to obtain the mean values of the conversion and
by GC using the calibration curve method selectivity. In our work, the longest running time was 12 h.
The formation of fine particles of the immobilized catalyst
was noted after use. However, we believe the immobilized
Conversion rateof lauricacid=
catalyst can be used for a longer time without blockage.
Lauricacid used in moles − The volume of the reactor was according to the manufac-
Remaining lauricacid in moles turer settings
× 100%
Lauricacid used in moles
Volume = 0.3421× scale (4)
Finally, the selectivity was calculated from equation (3).
The selectivity for monolaurin was defined as the ratio of Calculation of the yield and space–time yield.  The space–time
the formed monolaurin (in moles) with respect to the con- yield was calculated as follows
verted starting material (in moles)
Space − time yield in batch =
Selectivityfor monolaurin = 274..401
(3) Massof starting material ( g ) × Yield ×
GC yield
× 100% 200.322 (5)
Conversion rateof lauricacid Reaction time ( h ) × Volume of reactor ( L )

unit: g/(h·L)
Synthetic procedures
Space − time yield in microreactor =
Batch esterification process in solvent. GL (1.38 g) and LA
 mL 
(1.00 g) were added to the appropriate solvent (6 mL, Rateof Pump B  
0.397 g/mL) in the 15 mL batch and were kept at the  min 
selected temperature using a thermostatic water bath, fol-  g  (6)
×Concentration of Solute B  
lowed by the addition of lipase Novozym® 435. The cata-  mL 
lyst amount (relative to LA + GL) was modified during the 274.401
research. The reactions were carried out for the appropriate × GC yield × × 60
period of time (5–6 h) in an oil bath under continuous stir- Volume of reactor ( L )
ring conditions. The stirring rate was 350 r/min. For kinetic
research, 200 µL aliquots were withdrawn every 1 h and unit: g/(h·L)
analyzed by GC. For optimization, the reaction was The product quantity per time per enzyme, and the quan-
quenched by adding 0.5 mL of acetone/ethanol (1:1) into tity of product produced per unit time per amount of enzyme
the reaction mixture and 200 µL aliquots were withdrawn is calculated as
and analyzed by GC.
The quantity of product produced
The purification of final product.  The purification was con- per unit time per amount of
ducted after the reaction under optimized reaction condi- enzyme (see Supplemental materials) = (7)
tions (15 min, 58 °C, GL/LA 3:1) kept running for 24 h
Space − time yield × Volumeof reactor ( L )
starting with 47.52 g LA. First, saturated sodium bicarbon-
ate and ethylacetate (EtOAc) were added into the reaction Amount of enzyme ( g )
mixture to remove the remained GL and extract the esters.
Vacuum rotating distillation was done after workup, afford- The monolaurin produced in the study.  The monolaurin pro-
ing the final product as a white waxy solid (52.80 g). The duced in the study was confirmed to be 1-lauroyl-glycerol
666 Journal of Chemical Research

Figure 7.  Scheme of enzymatic synthesis of monolaurin by esterification between GL and LA in a microreactor.

Table 3.  Esterification in the microreactor.

Entry Pump Aa (mL/min) Pump Bb (mL/min) Time (min) Enzyme (%)c Notes
1 0.169 0.176 15 1.92 Volume of reactor:
2 0.127 0.132 20 2.53 0.3421 × scale = 5.19 mL
3 0.102 0.106 25 2.71 Mass of enzyme = 1.32 gd

GL: glycerol; LA: lauric acid.

GL in t-BuOH 0.33 g/mL (41.1 g GL in 90 mL t-BuOH, volume = 125 mL).
LA in tert-amyl alcohol 0.23 g/mL (30 g LA in 90 mL tert-amyl alcohol, volume = 130 mL).
The mass percentage of enzyme in the whole reactant mixture when the reaction was kept running for 12 h.
The total mass of enzyme filled in the fixed-bed reactor.

by 1H NMR and 13C NMR methods as shown in the Sup- The number 0.3421 was the manufacturer setting, which
porting Information. It was in good agreement with the is labeled on the tub. Scale is the bed length, which indi-
reported data.20 Also, a comparison between GC of 1-lau- cates where the catalyst was filled to, and is shown in the
royl-rac-glycerol standard and the reaction mixture is Supplemental material.
shown in the Supporting Information.
Declaration of conflicting interests
Calculation of the residence time. The residence time was The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
calculated from equations (8) and (9) to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

Volume of microreactor
Therotical residence time = The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support
Flow rate (8)
for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This
0.3421× scale research was financially supported by National Key Research and
= Development Project of China (2019YFD1101200) and the
Flow rate
Jiangsu Synergetic Innovation Center for Advanced Bio-
Manufacture (XTE1852).
Practical residence time = Therotical residence time
×Porosity of catalyst = Residence time × 98% ORCID iD
Xin Li https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9323-4217
The porosity of Novozym® 435 we used was 98%. The
residence time shown in the paper is the theoretical resi- Supplemental material
dence time Procedures for determining the calibration curve for lauric acid (LA)
and monolaurin, 1H NMR and 13C NMR of monolaurin are supplied
Volume of reactor ( mL ) = 0.3421× scale ( cm ) as Supporting Information.
Miao and Li 667

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