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Bumrungrad Hosp Case Study 1

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Bumrungrad's Hospital 2000 Information System

Q1.Bumrungrad upgrade its information systems in late 1990’s. Explain the rationale for Bumrungrad to
make significant investments in upgrading these systems.

Ans1. Bumrungrad upgraded it’s IS in the late 1990’s and the rationale for Bumrungrad to make
significant investments in the upgrading systems were:

 It would help in accessing several needs of Bumrungrad at one go.

 It would simplify its internal operations which was primarily billing by connecting all the
applications from the pharmacy to eating outlets to the patient’s medical
treatment which would help in generating consolidated medical bills.

 Quicker treatments could be done as well for patients at clinics within the
premises thereby saving the hospital’s money and time in administering medical services.

 It would also help the foreign patients of different nationalities to get all the necessary
information in their languages also helping to book appointments and
accommodation online.

Q2. Bumrungrad's previous information system had several problems which the new system had to
address. Describe the features and the architecture of the new system. Discuss how it solved the problems
of the old systems faced by Bumrungrad, earlier.
Ans2. Features and the architecture of new system involved:

 Picture Archive Communication System (PACS) also known as Amalga

comprised all X-ray images stored in digital format thereby helping them in performing radiology
studies digitally instead of using films. It also provided the radiologists of the hospital the access
to several medical studies and reports through the internet and LAN. It also helped them with the
data in different languages.
 Easy accessibility of the results was also an important feature as results consisting of a simple
blood check-up or high-tech magnetic resonance image scans could be accessed by 900 clients
across the hospitals.
 Quick treatment of the patients was also one of the features as it helped the hospital to treat an
estimate of 3000 patients every day.
 Multi-lingual capabilities were the major benefit of this system. Files containing all the medical
records, bills, drugs and labels could be easily translated in different languages like Japanese,
Chinese and English.

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