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Reflecting Sensor

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IR emitter and IR phototransistor

1. Overview

2. Applications

2.1 Infrared Reflectance Sensor

2.2 IR slotted optical switch

2.2.1 How to connect a slotted optical switch to the Handy Board

2.2.2 Software Interface

1. Overview

An infrared emitter is an LED made from gallium arsenide, which emits near-infrared
energy at about 880nm. The infrared phototransistor acts as a transistor with the base
voltage determined by the amount of light hitting the transistor. Hence it acts as a
variable current source. Greater amount of IR light cause greater currents to flow through
the collector-emitter leads. As shown in the diagram below, the phototransistor is wired
in a similar configuration to the voltage divider. The variable current traveling through
the resistor causes a voltage drop in the pull-up resistor. This voltage is measured as the
output of the device.

An IR emitter An IR phototransistor

2. Applications

One of the applications of the IR emitter and IR phototransistor is a photo-reflector. The

photo-reflector is a small rectangular device that contains an phototransistor (sensitive to
infrared light) and an infrared emitter. The amount of light reflected from the emitter into
the phototransistor yields a measurement of a surface's reflectance.The
photoreflector can be used in robot to follow a path (e.g. a white line on
the floor).

2.1 Infrared Reflectance Sensor

IR reflectance sensors contain a matched infrared transmitter and infrared

receiver pair. These devices work by measuring the amount of light that is
reflected into the receiver. Because the receiver also responds to ambient
light, the device works best when well shielded from abient light, and
when the distance between the sensor and the reflective surface is small(less than 5mm).
IR reflectance sensors are often used to detect white and black surfaces. White surfaces
generally reflect well, while black surfaces reflect poorly. One of such applications is the
line follower of a robot.

The diagram on the right shows an example of a infrared reflectance sensor. For this
particular example, the IR detector being used can be ordered from Mouser Electronics
( Part# 512-QSE113) and the IR emitter can be ordered form Digi-Key (Part# LN175PA-
ND). The resistors being used in this example are chosen to match the electrical
properties of the IR dectector and emitter. You might want to choose different resistors if
you use different dectectors and emitters. Different resistor values affect the sensitivity of
the infrared reflectance sensor.

The following is a test IC program used to illustrate how to use the IR emitter and
detector with the Handy Board. The program will switch on a servo motor when the the
IR detector receives enough Infra-red light. The program uses the analog input 6 of the
Handy Board to read from the IR reflectance sensor. (The lower the value of the variable
num is, the higher the intensity of the IR light)

void mot()
{ float period=0.0;
int k; servo_on();
k = servo_deg(period);

void main(){
int num;
num = analog(6);
printf("intensity level is %d\n", num);
if (num < 100){
else servo_off();
2.2 IR slotted optical switch

An infrared slotted optical switch is a device similar to the photo-reflector except that the
emitter is pointed directly into the phototransistor. The slotted optical switch can be used
to build shaft encoders. Shaft encoders can give the robot feedback on how far its wheels
have turned or on synchronizing two wheels' velocity. A shaft encoder usually consists of
a slotted optical switch and a striped wheel with a palette of radically alternating holes or
slots on it. The palette of stripes will alternately reflect or not reflect light to the
phototransistor, yielding a pulse-train output. The robot can then tell how far its wheels
have rotated by counting the pulses.

2.2.1 How to connect an IR slotted optical

switch to the Handy Board

A typical IR slotted optical switch

Pinout diagram of the slotted optical


Alernating slots make reflecting and

non-reflecting surfaces. More stripes
give greater resolution to
measurements, but the stripes cannot be
narrow than the field of view of the
slotted optical switch.A 48 segments
palette is shown above.

The wiring for the slotted optical switch is straightforward. The white dot on the optical
switch corresponds to pin 2 in the pinout diagram and you can figure out the pins using
the pinout diagram shown above. The emitter LED is powered by te Handy Board's +5V
supply, with a 330 ohm resistor in series to limit the current through the LED to an
appropriate value. In fact, there is a pull-up resistor of 4.7K ohm built in the Handy
Board and it is not shown in the diagram. Different varieties of phototransistor, however,
may perform better with a smaller resistor value than the on-board 47K resistor. If the
sensitivity of the device is poor, you can try connecting the signal line to the power
supply through another resistor to determine the best response.

2.2.2 Software Interface

Shaft-Encoder Pulse-Accumulator Software Driver

In order to use the shaft-encoder sensors in some sort of velocity control scheme for the
robot, we must first interface the photoreflectors to the microprocessor and store the
ensuing counts for each wheel in 2 variables. One shaft encoder is fed into the pulse
accumulator on port A PA7, corresponding to the digital input PAI/PA7 on the Handy
Board, and the other shaft encoder is fed into PA0, which corresponds to the digital input
TIC3/PA0 on the Handy Board.

The pulse accumulator, associated with port A pin PA7, is an 8-bit counter register and
that makes it very easy to count the number of rising or falling edges input to that pin. In
order to use the pulse accumulator, we have to initialize the pulse accumulator control
register, PACTL, properly. Details of the control register is skipped here, and only the C
code you have to write is presented here. The following C code initializes the pulse-
accumulator system and returns the number of pulses since the last reading.

int PACTL = 0x1026 ; /*Pulse accumulator control */

int PACNT = 0x1027 ; /*Pulse accumulator control */

void init_velocity( ) /*initialize hardware for velocity monitoring */

{ poke(PACTL, 0b01010000); /* PA7 input, enable pulse acc., rising edge
poke(PACNT, 0); } /* Start with 0 measured velocity */

int get_left_vel( ) /* left velocity from PA7 using pulse counter */

{ int vel;
vel = peek(PACNT);
poke(PACNT, 0); /* reset for next call */
return(vel); }

To activate the pulse-counter system, call init_velocity( ) during system initialization.

Velocity of the left wheel can be found by calling get_left_vel ( ) at regular intervals.
Velocity is in units of encoder clicks per time interval (where the time interval is the time
between 2 successive calls to get_left_vel( ) )

Once the pulse accumulator hardware has been initialized, it will run in the background,
automatically incrementing the count every time a stripe on the encoder wheel moves
past the photoreflector. The robot's main program does not have to keep track of this
activity but is free to attend to other sensors and actuators. When it needs to know the
encoder count, the main program calls the function get_left_vel( ).

Shaft-Encoder Input Capture Software Driver

For the encoder wheel connected to port A pin PA0(digital input PA0), more software
complexity is in store. We must use an interrupt to count encoder clicks from the right
wheel because there is only one pulse accumulator in the 68HC11 microprocessor. We
will use the IC3 register associated with PA0 to generate an interrupt on every rising
edge. The interrupt-handler routine, which automatically runs whenever a rising edge is
detected, must increment a counter, clear the interrupt flag, and return from the interrupt.
In order to use the interrupt handler, we have to initialize a few associated registers in a
way similar to setting up the pulse-accumulator. The following C code fragment will
initialize the associated registers properly:

int TCTL2 = 0x1021; /* Timer Control 2, 8 bit reg., interrupt edge */

int TMSK1 = 0x1022; /*Timer Interrupt Masks, 8 bit reg */

bit_clear(TCTL2, 0b00000010); /*IC3 interrupts on rising edges */

bit_set(TCTL2, 0b00000001); /*IC3 interrupts on rising edges */
bit_set(TMSK1, 0b00000001); /* Enable only IC3 interrupts */

You can then insert these codes into your variable declaration section and the subroutine
that initialize the pulse-accumulator, e.g. init_velocity( ).

To write the interrupt-handler routine for the inpuut capture register IC3, you have to
write the handler in the 68HC11 assembly language.. The Interative C compiler has a
means of interfacing to assembly language routines. The following code fragment counts
the shaft-encoder pulses and stores the running sum in a global variable right_clicks.

TFLG1 EQU $1023 ; Timer Flag 1, 8 bit reg

ORG MAIN_START ; Origin for assembly module

ldd #IC3_interrupt_handler ; 16 bit address of interrupt
std $FFEA ;Store in IC3 interrupt vector
cli ;Enable interrupts generally
rts ;return from subroutine

fdb 0 ;fill double byte, 16 bits right_clicks = 0
ldd variable_right_clicks
addd #1 ;add one more encoder count
std variable_right_clicks
ldaa #%00000001 ;Clear the IC3 flag by writing a one
staa TFLG1 ;Store in TFLG1 to clear IC3 flag
rti ;return from interrupt

These code fragments accomplish several goals. A code initalizer module,

subroutine_initialize_module, is created, whose purpose is to store the address of the
interrupt handler in the correct location. The IC system calls this module each time the
reset button is pushed. A variable, variable_right_clicks, for storing the encoder counts
from the right shaft encoder is also created (C routines will reference this variable using
the variable name right_clicks.) Finally, IC3_interrupt_handler, an interrupt handler, is
written, which increments the right-encoder counts variable each time the reflective
photosensor sees the stripe it is looking at changes from black to white.

To use the above assembly program with the Handy Board, you have to copy the code
fragment to the online ICB complier at http://www.newtonlabs.com/ic/icb.html and then
assemble it. Then, you should save the resulting icb file to a file with an extension .icb.
You can then download the .icb file just like any IC files.

To complete the C program, you have to write another subroutine to return the number of
clicks from the global variable. The following subroutine will handle this:

int get_right_vel ( ) /*right vel PA0 using interrupt */

{ int vel;
vel = right_clicks;
right_clicks = 0; /*reset for next call*/
return (vel) ; }

Click here for another tutorial on slotted optical switch

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