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4.11.2 Fillet Weld Test. A fillet welded T-joint, as 4.12 Complete Joint Penetration
shown in Figure 4.19 for plate or Figure 4.20 for pipe
(Detail A or Detail B), shall be made for each WPS and
(CJP) Groove Welds for Thbular
position to be used in construction. One test weld shall Connections
be the maximum size single-pass fillet weld and one test
CJP groove welds shall be classified as follows:
weld shall be the minimum size multiple-pass fillet weld
used in construction. These two fillet weld tests may be (1) CJP butt joints with backing or backgouging (see
combined in a single test weldment or assembly. The 4.12.1 ).
weldment shall be cut perpendicular to the direction of (2) CJP butt joints without backing welded from one
welding at locations shown in Figure 4.19 or Figure 4.20 side only (see 4.12.2).
as applicable. Specimens representing one face of each (3) T-, Y-, K-connections with backing or backgoug-
cut shall constitute a macroetch test specimen and shall ing (see 4.12.3).
be tested in accordance with 4.8.4. (4) T-, Y-, K-connections without backing welded
from one side only (see 4.12.4).
4.11.3 Consumables Verification Test. If both the pro-
posed welding consumable and the proposed WPS for 4.12.1 Complete Joint Penetration (CJP) Butt Joints
welding the fillet weld test plate or test pipe prescribed in with Backing or Backgouging. A WPS with backing or
4.11.2 are neither prequalified nor otherwise qualified by backgouging shall be qualified using the detail shown in
section 4, that is: Figure 4.24 (with backgouging) or Figure 4.25 (with
(1) If the welding consumables used do not conform
to the prequalified provisions of section 3, and also 4.12.2 Complete Joint Penetration (CJP) Butt Joints
(2) If the WPS using the proposed consumable has without Backing Welded from One Side Only. A WPS
not been established by the contractor in accordance with without backing welded from one side only shall be qual-
either 4.9 or 4.10, then a complete joint penetration ified using the joint detail shown in Figure 4.24.
groove weld test plate shall be welded to qualify the pro-
posed combination. 4.12.3 T-, Y-, or K-Connections with Backing or
The test plate shall be welded as follows: Backgouging. A WPS for tubular T-, Y-, or K-connec-
tions with backing or backgouging shall be qualified
(1) The test plate shall have the groove configuration
shown in Figure 4.21 (Figure 4.22 for SAW), with steel
backing. (1) the appropriate nominal pipe 00 selected from
Table 4.2(2), and
(2) The plate shall be welded in the 1G (flat) position.
(3) The plate length shall be adequate to provide the (2) the joint detail of Figure 4.25, or
test specimens required and oriented as shown in Figure (3) for nominal pipe ODs equal to or greater than
4.23. 24 in. (600 mm), a plate qualification in conformance
(4) The welding test conditions of current, voltage, with 4.9 using the joint detail of Figure 4.25.
travel speed, and gas flow shall approximate those to be
4.12.4 T-, Y-, or K-Connections without Backing
used in making production fillet welds as closely as
Welded from One Side Only. A WPS that conforms to
the prequalified requirements of section 3 shall be ex-
These conditions establish the WPS from which, empt from qualification testing. When qualification is re-
when production fillet welds are made, changes in essen- quired, the requirements are as follows:
tial variables will be measured in conformance with 4.7.
The test plate shall be tested as follows: WPSs without Prequalified Status. For a
(1) Two side bend (Figure 4.13) specimens and one WPS whose essential variables are outside the prequali-
all-weld-metal tension (Figure 4.18) test specimen shall fied range, qualification for complete joint penetration
be removed from the test plate, as shown in Figure 4.23. tubular groove welds shall require the following:
(2) The bend test specimens shall be tested in con- (1) Qualification in conformance with Figure 4.27 for
formance with Those test results shall conform pipes or Figure 4.27 and Figure 4.28 for box tubes.
to the requirements of (2) A Sample Joint or Tubular Mock-up. The sample
(3) The tension test specimen shall be tested in con- joint or tubular mock-up shall provide at least one mac-
formance with The test result shall determine the roetch test section for each of the following conditions:
strength level for the welding consumable, which shall (a) The groove combining the greatest groove
conform to the requirements of Table 2.3 or the base depth with the smallest groove angle, or combination of
metal strength level being welded. grooves to be used: test with welding position vertical.


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