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History: A Limited-Edition Publication On The World of Trousers, Happy Reading!

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A Limited-Edition Publication on the world

of Trousers, happy reading!

Pants, also called trousers, are outer
garments that cover the lower body
from the waist to the ankles and are
neutral colours that would come to
divided into several sections to cover
dominate menswear till today.
each leg. When trying to define pants,
historians often explain that if any part
Bifurcated European clothes such as
of a piece of clothing passes between
breeches, knickerbockers, and
the legs, it is the ancestor of that piece
pantaloons were popular until the end
of clothing. Defined in this way, pants
of the 18th century. Trousers, as we
can be traced back to ancient times
know them today, had become
and are especially common among
popular among men by 1820. Since
equestrian ethnic groups such as
then, they have been the most popular
Scythians and Mongolians.
style of men's clothing, ranging from
the slim fit to the wide Oxford bags of

Instead of the older "falls," a front

panel that buttoned around the sides,
a looser-fitting trouser with a button-fly
front appeared in the mid-1800s.
Men's pants started to appear in the Trousers have been worn in Western
dark or cultures since antiquity. They are now
the most popular form of men's lower-
body attire. It's no surprise that both These trousers were eventually
sexes have accepted them as part of reduced to plain breeches with a knee
their everyday attire because they're fastening. However, these were
practical and comfortable. eventually phased out in favour of the
working class's ankle-length trousers.
Trousers were created because robes
are uncomfortable to wear while riding ● Pants were worn by ancient
a horse. In fact, those who fought in people, and they are mentioned
trousers had an advantage over those in both the Bible and Greek
who fought in robes. As a result, mythology.
civilisations across the world ● Men in mediaeval Europe wore
developed this style of clothing in short tunics with tight-fitting
order to survive warfare. pants or leggings. In inclement
weather, women wore leggings
or loose britches under their
THE CHANGING dresses for warmth.
SHAPE OF TROUSERS ● These tight pants developed
into a tighter kind of leg
covering, resembling hose with
associated foot coverings.
● These pantaloons were
adorned with buttons and
ribbons in the 1600s, while
lower-class working men wore
ankle-length pants.
Trousers were once military uniform.
● Equestrians from Asia Minor
They come in the style of tight-fitting
and Eastern Europe wore the
shorts or loose-fitting pants with ankle
first pants in the Western world.
● Throughout the 3rd century
BCE, pants were worn in
They evolved into tight trousers with
Western Europe.
connected foot coverings in the late
● Pants became acceptable work
14th century. Underneath their plate
attire for women in the 1970s.
armour, knights wore this garment that
looked like hose.

By 1500, dimensions had become

increasingly exaggerated. The
voluminous trousers ballooned over
the thighs and nipped in at the ankle.
They were composed of elaborate
material with cuts that revealed the
vibrant lining beneath.
Jeans (sometimes known as
dungarees) were manufactured and
marketed for California gold miners in
the late 1800s. The durability of these
pants, which have not changed much
since the turn of the century, was
enhanced by double stitching. Denim
became the quintessential clothing of
the late twentieth century, embraced
by farmers and labourers, and is now
a part of practically every wardrobe.

How and when women

started to wear
Pants have long been associated, and
often still are, more associated with
men and later power. But for
centuries, when people thought that
pants were not considered an
acceptable women's dress, women
have been wearing pants to break
tradition. They were humiliated,
ridiculed, and even arrested for
wearing them. Both the United States
and France have enacted laws that
require women (and men) to wear
clothes in public.
doing jobs previously assigned to
In 1919, Luisa Capetillo became the
first woman in Puerto Rico to wear
pants in public. However, Capetillo
went to jail for the "crime" of wearing
pants. Fortunately, the judge later
dropped the charges against him.
During World War II, when men
fought in Europe, women were
responsible for producing things
necessary for war. It is not safe to
produce all things wearing skirts, and
women start to wear pants while
Miller was the first modern woman to
working in the factory. However, even
wear pants. Miller was a feminist. Her
at this stage, pants are only allowed to
goal in the 19th century was to help
be used in the workplace.
American women get the right to vote.
After World War II, the situation
He also helped slaves seek freedom:
returned to its previous state. It was
his house was a stop on the
not until the 1960s that this situation
underground railway. Miller claimed to
was completely changed by the
have created his Turkish style pants
feminist movement that demanded
while working in the garden one day in
equal rights amendments.
1851. They are long, loose trousers
that taper to the ankle and are worn
under the skirt. These early trousers
were designed to provide women with
more freedom of movement while
maintaining the decent Victorian
dress. After Miller introduced this style
of trousers, she shared them with her
cousin Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who
later shared them with her neighbour
Amelia Jenks Blue Mo (Amelia Jenks
Bloomer) shared this style. However,
they have received severe criticism
from the mainstream media. Most
women who wear them are actively
involved in the feminist movement.

During World War I, women began to

Surprisingly, a new movement has
wear their husbands' pants when
lately emerged calling for skirts to be
accepted as a common clothing option
for both men and women. In May Onward and upward!
2014, male students and teachers in
Nantes, France, launched a Although there was a "second wave of
nationwide campaign to combat feminism" in the 1960s, according to a
sexism by wearing sport skirts instead Business Insider article, women were
of trousers. The idea behind this encouraged by developments like the
campaign is that women struggled for provision of contraceptives, but there
their right to wear trousers half a is still controversy about women
century ago, and today no one is wearing pants in public. Smoking,
surprised when they see women which is the first women's tuxedo. But
wearing pants on a regular basis. it still caused quite an uproar. "Nan
Kempner was rejected at Le Côte
Although worn by men and women in Basque in New York while wearing a
ancient times, pants have been YSL tuxedo. However, in this serious
"men's" clothing for hundreds of years. hermaphrodite provocative
On the contrary, women wear long temperament, she took off her lower
and wide skirts. body and walked into the restaurant
wearing a jacket like a miniskirt that
However, in the 19th century, women brushed her thigh. The manager later
began to wear pants again. These are said that for formal formal wear, pants
only used when riding a horse, are just as inappropriate as a
although they do wear a wide skirt to swimsuit," Estella Shardlow wrote in
hide them. the film
In the 1880s, Western women finally
began to wear pants during leisure
activities. They are safer to use when
riding a bike, because your pants are
much less likely to catch on the
wheels. They also allow greater
freedom of movement. In addition,
they are considered healthier than the
voluminous skirts that are usually

However, despite the increasing

popularity of pants, it was not until the
1970s that pants were considered
acceptable for women's clothing. In
fact, in some places, it is illegal for
women to wear pants! Today, women
wear pants on all occasions, without
masculine connotations.
The hippie revolution
The hippie revolution of the 1970s
brought new dimensions. For the first
time, women wore everything from
dizziness and rivets to boots and
jeans/trousers in public.


having legs that are roughly 34
inches from the inseam.
All the types of bifurcated garments
designed for both men and women On the other hand, the trousers sized
are subtly varied. Most pants are for women are marked with just one
crafted in the same manner, but it is even number starting from zero. But a
just a little distinction that size 8 trouser purchased from one
differentiates a man’s pants from designer may vary substantially from
those designed for women. the same size bought from another
manufacturer as there is no industry-
(a) Sizing- the largest difference in wide standard for sizing of a women’s
the pants of man and woman is trousers. Furthermore, for women’s
the way they are sized. A trousers, inseam length is not taken
trouser for the male tends to be into account for determination of
wider and longer than those trouser
designed for the opposite sex.
The men’s trousers are marked
with two numbers to label the
size where one indicates the
waist size and the other
signifies inseam or leg length in
inches. To give an example, a length, instead there are choice like
male trouser marked with the petite, short, regular and long
number “36-34” indicates that
the trousers is designed for a (b) Rise- the rise of the trousers
man with 36 waist size and refers to how high up on the
waist the trouser would sit
Although various types of rises
are available for both men and
women, women generally
prefer to wear low-rise trousers
which looks flattering whereas
men shy away from wearing
trousers that sit low on waist.
Medium rise trousers that sit
just below the navel are perfect
for men and are suitable for
women as well.

(c) Colour and pattern- Trousers

forwomen are designed to
incorporate brighter colours,
Chinos are the most popular type of
interesting patterns or
men’s trousers and are a must have
sometimes decorated with trims
for a men’s wardrobe. Chino’s
like beads, rhinestones etc. On
trousers are neither formal nor casual,
the other hand, the design for
they lie in between and therefore can
male trousers stick to traditional
be worn for most occasions and
patterns like houndstooth,
events. The word “chino” in Spanish
pinstripe or plaid and include
means Chinese and the term was
solid and dark colours like grey,
used because the fabric used for
navy blue, etc.
production was imported from China
when the trousers were manufactured
for the soldiers at the time of war
between Spain and America in 1898.


slim fit trousers are the tight trousers
with a snug fit through the legs and
have a small leg opening that can be
anywhere from 9” to 20” in
circumference depending upon the
size of the trousers. Dark colours such
VARIATIONS OF MEN’S as black, charcoal, navy are popular
options for formal and semi-formal
TROUSERS wear of slim fit trousers.

trousers do not wrinkle easy and also
lay flat and clean on the legs.


these are more relaxed form a

trousers which has drawstrings for a
comfortable look and are similar to
joggers . More so designed for casual
days, these trousers can be worn with
a loose t-shirt or a sweatshirt. These
trousers have an elastic stitched on
the waistline which makes them fit
perfectly on the waist and would not
WOOL TROUSERS feel loose or uncomfortable even
when the drawstrings are not secured.

these pants are sometimes called
combat pants/trousers and were
originally designed for military
workwear. These are loosely cut pants
and were initially designed for rough
work environments and outdoor
activities characterised by loose
pockets for carrying tools. These
pants are made of hard wearing fabric
As the and are stitched ruggedly. They are
name suggests, these trousers are stitched out of quick drying synthetic
made of woolen fabric. This category or cotton-synthetic blends and feature
includes both the trousers- one that is oversized belt loops.
made of lightweight wool for everyday
purpose and other that is more
heavier for suiting purpose. These HIGH WAISTED TROUSERS
These are the formal trousers in
these trousers are designed to sit high women’s category and can be worn for
on, above the wearers hips (8 cm formal occasions or as a daily wear to
above the navel). These have been office. The tailored trouser is made to
classic and are often paired with semi closely fit the body and does not hang
formal blazers, roll necks and loose. The cut of this trousers has
crewneck t-shirts. slightly a shorter rise and also less
fabric. The purpose is to slim down the
classic fit by providing a more
streamlined appearance.

tapered pants can be both worn for
joggers are traditional sports pants
formal and casual events depending
that are lightweight, comfortable and
upon the fabric they are made from.
give an athletic appearance. Initially
This trouser tapers at the bottom and
they were intended to be worn for
is roomier around the hips and waist
exercise but the mainstream has
caught on for them to be worn for
many occasions. Joggers are wide at
top and taper down the leg and fit
closely on the ankle. They either have
a drawstring waist or an elastic waist
with the ankles close to the body
through the use of elastic as well.


this term can refer to split skirts and
have a loose fit. Culottes generally
have length till knees or midcalf and
give a look of a skirt when worn.
Culotte features a wide leg silhouette
for a relaxed look and to be worn
comfortably during summertime

harem pants are also loose fitting
pants that gather and collect at the
waist and ankles. Elastic bands or
waistband with drawstrings are used
to hold the gather together.


these trousers are closely fitted at the
waist and thighs and become wider
from the knees downwards forming a
bell like shape of the trouser leg.

leggings are a very tight- fitting bottom
for women and are made of
stretchable fabric like lycra or cotton.
These are generally suitable for Initially the trousers were seen as a
athleisure wear but are also worn for
casual wear with loose hanging t-
shirts. Tights are the same as
leggings, the only difference is they
extend till foot and cover that as well.

these pants are also loose-fitting
pants and have an extremely wide leg
that flares out from the waist. They are military garment and were in the form
made of light flowing fabrics that of snug shorts or loose fitting trousers
makes it breathable to be worn in that closed at the ankles. In the 14th
summers. century, trousers were common and
people became familiar which led to
WHAT LED TO their transformation into tight fits. By
the end of the 15th century, trousers
EMERGENCE OF evolved further and
voluminous, baggy, ballooning on

TROUSERS? thighs and squeezed at ankles. It was

only in the 19th century that the
Trousers were worn in the West since trousers got the look as they are worn
ancient times and now are worn in today and people started wearing
almost all parts of the world. They are them in neutral colours.
the most common form of bifurcated
garments available in the market and
are practical and comfortable.
In the ancient times, when the mode TROUSERS
of transport for people were horses,
wearing robes became uncomfortable COTTON - Cotton is the most
which necessitated the invention of versatile, affordable and used fabric in
trousers. This in fact meant that those making trousers for both men and
who wore trousers had an upper hand women. Cotton also works in all types
in the battle than those who wore of weather from summer to spring.
robes and for the same reason Wearing trousers made from cotton
wearing trousers was adopted by the gives a soft and comfortable
civilisations all over the world to experience and lasts longer because
survive the battle. Images of men and of their durability, water absorbing
women wearing trousers can be found capabilities and sun-friendliness.
on ancient ceramics Cotton trousers can be worn in
summers to keep temperature down
and in the winter for isolation. Cotton
also rarely causes allergies, can be
easily handled making it a near
perfect fabric for trousers. The only
disadvantage is they tend to shrink
and it might be a good tip to buy one
size extra for the perfect fit.

DENIM - It is a cotton fabric with a

different fabric weave, it is best
defined by its 3-by-1 twill and distinct

indigo colour but can be in different

colours and weave structures. Denims
used for tailoring and making trousers
are finer and a lot denser, in order to
achieve the drape which is why denim
trousers look a lot more different than

WOOL - Wool is more expensive but

one fabric that is the perfect fit for
making trousers. Wool is a natural
fiber known for its heat generating and
winter usage, also for its strong
durability. Wool is a soft fiber which
absorbs moisture naturally but needs
regular ironing just like pure cotton.
WHIPCORD - This is a particularly explodes the fiber and causes a fluffy
dense wool twill which gives great appearance.

body and shape to the trouser,

especially formal ones for that classic
fit. The only downside being that it
looks a little too old fashioned but a
classic wool fabric that feels thick with
body and holds shape.

FLANNEL - It is a universal
favourite for making trousers because
on the spectrum it lies between formal
CORDUROY - It is a distinctive
and casual and is therefore perfect
weave and is a type of velvet with
and suitable for both occasions. It is
vertical ridges. Made of nearly always
defined by its milled finish, which
cotton but sometimes also wool. It is a
good weight and with elasticity makes
great trousers.
SILK - Silk denotes luxury and LINEN - Linen is mostly used to
defines royalism. Silk is used to make make summer pants. It is lightweight
formal trousers only and they are and gives a cool, chic vibe. It is soft
expensive and usually only worn for and comfortable and light weight and
formal occasions. It does not shrink absorbs moisture and sweat easily
and holds its shape; it also doesn't which makes it ideal for summer. It is
wrinkle and is exclusively worn mostly also
at night for formal events and is the
difficult to maintain. most


is the softest fabric that can be used
to make trousers. It is obtained from
the cashmere goat which is soft and is
luxurious and expensive. It also does
not cause any allergies and can be
safely worn with people who are
hypoallergenic. Cashmere is superior
to wool in thermal insulating
properties. And trousers made of
cashmere are more suited to be worn
in cold and harsh weather. It is wrinkle

resistant, breathable and is highly

absorbent, absorbing upto 35 % water
vapour. Cashmere pants also sit fine
on the body, making the wearer look
clean and sharp. Cashmere pants
durable among all-natural fabrics. It
also need special washing and costs
also stays clean and can tolerate high
heavy bucks if it is pure cashmere
temperatures. It is extremely
shrinkable, and wrinkles easily.
- Polyester is an artificial fabric and is

the cheapest of The blend of polyester with wool is

all, when it is used as a suiting material because it
blended with fits and drapes well and is also
inexpensive compared to worsted
wool and cashmere fabrics. This is
more comfortable than cotton blend
and wrinkles are less. It requires
regular washing but shrinks less and
is of lesser quality when compared to
pure wool formal trousers but works
well for everyday formal attire.

cotton in the ratio of 51% cotton and

49% polyester it makes a good fabric
for trousers. It is comfortable and fit
well on different types of body shapes.
It also wrinkles relatively less when
compared to pure cotton and can be
washed and cleaned easily. It is an
artificial fabric and therefore can
cause rashes and is not very soft on
the skin.
 Seam Pocket — A type of
pocket in which the opening
falls along the seam line of a


Pockets can be separated into three
main categories.
 Patch Pocket — A pocket
applied onto the outside of a These pockets are typical examples of
garment. a set-in pocket that typically feature a
 Set-in Pocket — A pocket curved opening.
made by cutting an opening in
the garment and stitching the
pocket bag to the inside of the
garment so only the opening is
SLASH POCKET Jetted pockets appear from the
outside as nothing more than a
narrow, horizontal slit bordered by two
thin strips of fabric or “welts” that act
as an opening for the pocket bag that
is concealed inside the garment. The
jetted pocket is a sleek and formal
pocket that is mainly used for suit
jackets and other formal wear.


Also known as ‘slant’ pockets, slash

pockets commonly appear on pants,
slacks, and jackets. These pockets
are set into the garment on an angle,
allowing the wearer to slide their
Originally designed for hunting jackets
hands in and out easily. On pants,
and other utilitarian sportswear
slash pockets will typically start at the
pieces, the bellows pocket has folds of
waistband and slash down toward the
excess material along the sewn sides
of the pocket that allow the pocket to
JETTED POCKET expand and accommodate larger

A seam pocket is sewn into a seam of INSIDE POCKET
a garment, with the pocket opening
presenting as a gap in the seam.


A welt pocket is a set-in pocket that is

finished with fabric welts along its
length that strengthen the pocket A pocket concealed inside of a
opening. garment. Which is typically not visible
outside. Are most commonly found in
coats and blazers but also on some
UTILITY POCKET time of Victorian style trousers.


This extra pocket on the right-hand

side of jeans was originally intended
The term ‘utility pocket’ applies to any to protect pocket watches. The pocket
patch pocket that has multiple has gradually become smaller and
compartments. You will often find smaller, and less commonly used for
utility pockets on military-inspired carrying watches, it is now known as a
garments and bags. Utility pockets coin pocket
may also feature additional, miniature
mesh pockets.
WESTERN POCKET Sawtooth pockets are a form of patch
pocket that features a flap that
Western pockets are a form of patch resembles the teeth of a saw.
pockets that feature ornate flap Each of the two points of the sawtooth
closures. Western pockets typically flap has its own snap button.
feature snap button closures.
The Team:

Researched and written by T Divya [BFT/19/156], Ishita Khanna [BFT/19/239], Raish Alam

[BFT/19/708], Kevin Charles [BFT/19/560] and Nidhi Bhatia [BFT/19/1800] as part of the

End Term Submission for Garment Construction III at National Institute of Fashion

Technology, Hyderabad under the guidance of Ms.Sharmila Sure.

-------------------------------------------THE END--------------------------------------------------

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