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Aicte STTP P2 Brochure

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Chief Patron
The University College of Engineering, P rof.M. Ramalinga Raju
K a k i n a d a w a s e s t a b l i s h e d i n t h e ye a r 1 9 4 6 i n Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, JNTUK Kakinada
co mposite M adras stat e as a Govern ment
Engineering College and subsequently became Patrons
one of the constituent co lleges o f Jawah arlal P rof. G.V.R. P rasada Raju One Week Online Short Term Training
Nehru Technological University in the year Rector, JNTUK Kakinada
Program on
1972. From 2008, University College o f Advanced Vibrations - Various Engineering
Engineering has been the lead constituent P r o f . L. Sumalatha
Registrar, JNTU K Kakinada
Applications (Phase-II)
college of the newly formed JNT University
With Hands on Sessions
Under the able and agile guidance of the Chairman
Prof. B. Balakrishna
27th September – 2nd October 2021
Honorable Vice chancello r, Prof M.Ramalinga
Raju, the univer sit y is bubbling with acad emi c Principal,UCEK, JNTUK Kakinada
Sponsored by
activities. Many academic activities like All India Council for Technical Education
workshops, FDP s are taking shape due to the Convenor & Chief Coordinator
V i c e c h a n c e l l o r d yn a m i s m . T h i s F D P i s Prof. K. Meera Saheb, Dept of Mechanical Engineering,
supported by AICTE Gran t to generate interest UCEK, JNTUK Kakinada
and enthusiasm and en rich the kno wledge
among facult y o f Engineering Colleges in the Co-Ordinator
emergin g areas o f Vibrations. JNT Universit y Dr. T.Lakshmana Kishore, Dept of Mechanical
College of Engineering Kakinada is kno wn for Engineering,UCEK, JNTUK Kakinada
its quality of engineering education.
Man y alu mni o f this insti tution have occupied ORGANIZING COMMITTEE
key positions in nation building. The alu mni Prof. V. V. Subba Rao
of this college h ave risen to prime positions Prof. B. Balakrishna
both in India and abroad. The port city Prof. A. Gopala Krishna
Kakinada is well connected by road and rail Prof. A. Swarna Kumari
a n d i s a h u b o f l o c a l i n d u s t r i a l a c t i v i t y. T h e Prof. N. Mohan Rao Chief coordinator
Department of Mechanical Engineering has a Sri. M. Kumara Swamy Prof. K. Meera Saheb
good academic reputation and offers sev eral Dr. D.Lingaraju
P ost Graduate and P h.D. programs. Dr. K. Krishna Bhaskar Coordinator
The department has well qualified , Dr. K. Dileep Kumar Dr. T.Lakshmana Kishore
e x p e r i e n c e d a n d d yn a m i c f a c u l t y a l o n g w i t h Sri.V.Vara Prasad
skilled technical supporting staff who Sri. V.Kalyanamanohar Organized by
spearhead the process of achieving the vision Dr. K.Prasad
of the department. Sri. M.Madusudanprasad
Smt. B.Lakshmi Manasa
University College of Engineering Kakinada (A)
Dr. V.Jaya Prasad
Andhra Pradesh, India.
 Dr. N. Tiwari, IIT Kanpur
Vibrations are an i mport ant issue  Dr. SK Dwivedy, IITG
to control damage in mechanical,  Dr. B. Venkatesham, IITH
Aerospace and other Engineering systems.  D r . Ashok kumar Pandey, IITH
 Dr. S. Panda, IITG One Week Online Short Term Training
This Program will provide unique
 Dr. P. Jeyaraj, NITK Program on
oppurtunities to study the various research  Dr. K. V. Gangadharan, NITK Advanced Vibrations - Various Engineering
areas of linear and non-linear vibrations  Dr. Chetan Kumar Hirwani, NITP Applications (Phase-II)
to understand real-world applications i n a  Dr. P. Anil Kumar, RCI, Hyderabad With Hands on Sessions
 Dr. V. Ramakrishna, NSTL, Vizag 27th September – 2nd October 2021
way that goes b e yo n d the text book. REGISTRATION
Reduction of Vibrations and design of The number of Participants from various colleges are Sponsored by
structures is ver y much n eeded to i mpro ve All India Council for Technical Education
the performance and life of various  There is no Registration fee.
engineering co mponents, which will be Name :
 Participants who put up more than 80% of
discussed indetail in the program. Designation :
attendance and minimum score of 60% of
marks in the test only will be given e-
Organization :
Address :
 Li n e a r a n d N o n - Li n e a r V i b r a t i o n  Scanned copy of the filled in registration form
Analysis of Composites, Smart must be submitted by mail, on or before 22nd
C o mp o s i t e s , S a n d wi c h S t r u c t u r e s , P h/mobile :
September’ 2021.
Functionally Graded and Shape e-mail :
 Limited Seats are available and Registration
M e mo r y d e v i c e s I would like to participate as a delegate
 Experimental modal techniques will be confirmed on First Come First Serve
in One Week Online STTP on Advanced
 I mp a c t a n d d y n a m i c a n a l y s i s o f basis.
Vibrations – Various Engineering
s t r u c t u r a l c o mp o n e n t s ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE
Applications with Hands on Sessions.
 Vibration and combustion investigations on Dr.K.Meera Saheb
engine components. Professor, Chief Coordinator
 Random Vibration analysis and Signature of the Participant
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University College of Engineering, Signature of the Head of the
 R e d u c t i o n o f v i b r a t i o n s f o r d e fe n s e
Kakin ada(A), JNTUK,Kakinada, 533003 Department/Institution with seal
 Case studies M a i l : a i c t e mechucek2019@gmail.com
a n d m a n y mo r e … , Mobile: 8008612555,8897520595

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