Ime3300 S09
Ime3300 S09
Ime3300 S09
1. Simulation using ProModel; 2nd edition; Harrell, Ghosh and Bowden; McGraw Hill; 2004.
2. Notes on Simulation Modeling using ProModel; Houshyar.
1. System Improvement Using Simulation; Harrell, Bateman, Cogg and Mott; ProModel Corp; 1997
2. ProModel Student Version, User’s Guide, and Reference Guide.
3. Simulation Modeling & Analysis; Law and Kelton; 2nd Edition, 2000.
4. Simulation with Arena, Kelton, Sadowski, and Sadowski, McGraw Hill; 1998
5. Introduction to Simulation Using SIMAN, Pegden, Shannon and Sadowski, 2nd Edition, 1995.
Course Learning Objectives1: By the end of semester the student should be:
1. Apply knowledge of mathematics and engineering to discrete-event simulation problems (a)
2. Numerically analyze and solve all discrete-event simulation problems (b, c)
3. Report and present individual and group results (e, g)
Course Objective 2
a) Provide accurate description to the random number generation, input modeling, output
analysis, and comparison of alternative system designs questions.
b) Determine the appropriate simulation model to solve any real-world problems.
Course Objective 3
a) Participate in teamwork, class discussion, case studies, and submit written and oral reports to
the class.
1st exam 20 pts
2nd exam 20
Term-project 35
Portfolio 5
Quiz, Case Studies, Homework and Active Participation 20
Total Score 100 pts
The tests will be graded on a numerical scale. At the end of the term, the grades will be added up for
all the items and then converted to a letter scale.
93 - 100 A 89 - 92 BA
83 - 88 B 79 - 82 CB
73 - 78 C 69 - 72 DC
60 - 68 D Below 60 E
Computer Usage:
Extensive use of computer software is required throughout this course. Students are encouraged to
solve problems on statistical analysis manually, and then reconfirm their results using computer.
Each individual is expected to create a portfolio that contains all the graded assignments, quiz,
tests, and submit it along with a disk containing all the created files.
1. Some notes on the lecturers is available at my web site. The address of the site is: You may need a password to get into the “Teaching
Material” Section of the site. If so, you will get your password in the first day of class.
2. Using your password, you can visit the site to download notes, samples of quiz, exams, etc.
3. The lectures will focus on the main topics, but students are responsible for reading the whole chapter.
4. The style of teaching is based on the notion of Critical Thinking. As such, students are expected to
review the chapter prior to coming to class. In doing so, the class time will be dedicated to answering
questions and solving problems. Rather than an elaborate lecture plan, a brief review of the main
topics will be conducted in class, but you should study them in detail, and ask questions, if necessary.
Each team is free to choose any problem, but they are expected to adhere to this guideline. The simulation
problem should include:
1. A minimum of ten Locations with at least ten Processing Stations
2. A minimum of five Random processing times
3. A minimum of five Resources
4. A minimum of three Attributes
5. A minimum of three locations and resources Downtimes
6. Shift assignments to locations and resources
7. Path network for the material handlers, resources and entity movements
8. Counters that show the number of processed part in each station, throughput, and a
summary of major statistics.
9. Appropriate use of Macros, Subroutines, Table Functions, user Distributions, Arrival
Cycles, ...
Each team should submit five reports during the course of the semester along with a disk-copy of the
simulation model and supporting material. The proposed due dates are selected so that you will not be
overwhelmed with submitting a comprehensive report for the whole project at the end of semester.
The nature of the reports and the corresponding due dates for these reports are as follows:
1. Report 1: Proposal/Problem Definition. Due Jan 21
2. Report 2: Data Collection/Processing Report. Due Feb 16
3. Report 3: Building the Simulation Model. Due March 9
4. Report 4: Validation and verification Report. Due March 30
5. Report 5: Final Report: Project Finding Due April 13
6. Final Powerpoint Presentation by the Team. Due April 17
First Report: Consists of description of the problems, clear statement of how you propose to solve it,
clear statement of the objective/s to be measured for the current system and compared with the
proposed system, the number of entities, the number of locations, the number of resources, the flow
of material, the flow of personnel, flow chart, operational logics, ..., the data that is needed to be
collected (for this report just name them, you will collect them in the next report).
Third Report: Is the ProModel that you build to represent the current situation. The ProModel
should be as comprehensive as possible and should be running. Don't worry about validation or
verification. That will be done in the next report.
Fourth Report: This report will show the verification and validation efforts that were used to prove
that the ProModel represents the real world problem. You must show that your Model output is
statistically the same as the real-world output. For this purpose, you have to run simulation numerous
times, and find the mean and standard deviation of the objective(s) of interest. Then use statistical
test to compare that with the real-world distribution and show that they are statistically indifferent.
You have to, also, list all tools that you used for verification, and explain each one. For instance, you
used animation to correct the way resource is modeled. In addition, you will to build Proposed
Scenarios for what if analysis.
Fifth Report: This is your final report and shows all your simulation runs, your statistical analysis of
the output, and your recommendations. It has to be submitted to me prior to your final presentation.
Final Powerpoint Presentation: Each team will have 10 minutes to present their cases to the class
and answer questions and concerns. The presentation should include:
1. Define the problem
2. State the goal of the simulation modeling
3. Depicts the flow of material/resources/information through the system
4. List a complete list of decision variables/factors
5. State the procedure used to collect data relevant to the problem
6. Describe the simulation model
7. Description of the experimental design procedure
8. Explain the simulation outputs
9. Discuss the team's interpretation of the output; and
10. List the team's recommendations as to how the problem can be resolved.