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Cartwright 2017 - No 12

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Simpson’s Rule Cumulative Integration with MS

Excel and Irregularly-spaced Data

Kenneth V. Cartwright, Ph.D. †


A recent publication presented a method to numerically integrate irregularly-

spaced data using Simpson’s Rule and a spreadsheet. The method did not
explicitly show how cumulative integration using Simpson’s Rule may be
computed, as required in some applications. This paper removes that
shortcoming by the presentation of two different methods to achieve this goal.
Examples using MS Excel are given.

Keywords: Simpson’s Rule, numerical integration, cumulative numerical

integration, integration using spreadsheets, irregularly-spaced data


Often, it is necessary to cumulatively integrate data (e.g. experimental) which

are irregularly spaced. For example, Foss’s method [1] (and its modification [2])
of fitting exponential functions to data or the method by Jacquelin [3] that fits
many different functions to data, require cumulative numerical integration. The
authors of [2] and [3] suggest the use of the trapezoidal rule to accomplish this.
However, in this paper, it is shown how this cumulative numerical integration
can be accomplished using Simpson’s Rule with MS Excel and irregularly-
spaced data. In fact, two different methods will be given. The case with
regularly-spaced data using a FORTRAN computer program has been
previously considered by Blake [4], whereas [5] did the same using a
spreadsheet and a different algorithm. Also, it should be mentioned that
Cartwright [6] has shown how Simpson’s Rule ordinary numerical integration
can be done with spreadsheets such as Excel with irregularly spaced data.
However, the method of [6] did not explicitly show how cumulative integration
can be accomplished as required in some applications.

Statement of the problem

Given the N data points  x1 , f  x1  ,  x2 , f  x2  ,.... xN , f  xN   , find


estimates to the integrals I i   f  x dx, where

i  1, 2,3,...N , using Simpson’s

rule. Assume that the abscissa values  x1 , x2 ,...xN  are not equally spaced. Note

Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Mathematics Education Vol. 12 No. 2 1

that in some cases, f  x  for general x might be unknown, i.e., only
f  xi  , i  1, 2,...N , are known.


Simpson’s Rule requires that a parabola f  x   Ax 2  Bx  C is fitted to the

points  x1 , f  x1   ,  x2 , f  x2   ,  x3 , f  x3  . Hence, the following must be
Ax12  Bx1  C  f  x1  (1)
Ax22  Bx2  C  f  x2  (2)
Ax32  Bx3  C  f  x3  . (3)

Solving these equations, as shown by Cartwright [6], gives

f  x3   f  x2  f  x2   f  x1 
A  ,
 x3  x2  x3  x1   x2  x1  x3  x1 
f  x3   f  x2 
B  A  x2  x3  , (4)
 x3  x2 
C  f  x1   Ax12  Bx1 .

The area under the three-point parabolic segment is then given by

x3 x3

 f  x dx    Ax     
A 3 B 2
I3  2
 Bx  C dx  x3  x13  x3  x12  C  x3  x1  .
3 2
x1 x1
As shown by Cartwright [6], Eq. (5) can also be written as

I3 

 x3  x1    x3  x2   x3  x1 2  x x  
2   f  x1   f  x2   2  2 1  f  x3   .
6   x2  x1   x3  x2   x2  x1   x3  x2  

x2 x2

 f  x dx    Ax     
A 3 B 2
I2  2
 Bx  C dx  x2  x13  x2  x12  C  x2  x1  .
3 2
x1 x1

Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Mathematics Education Vol. 12 No. 2 2

Furthermore, using Eq. (4) and symbolic math programming in MATLAB
(please see the Appendix), Eq. (7) can be shown to be given by

 x  x    x2  x1 2 x  x  
 3  2 1  f  x1   3   2 1  f  x2  
 x  x    x3  x1    x3  x2  x3  x1  x3  x1  
I2  2 1  .
6   x2  x1 2 
 f  x3  
  x3  x2  x3  x1  
Note that the correctness of Eq. (8) will be demonstrated in the examples below.

Previous solutions to the problem for equally-spaced data

If the distances between points are equal, i.e., d  x3  x2  x2  x1 , Eq. (5) and
Eq. (6) become the well-known Simpson’s Rule
I 3   f ( x)dx   f  x1   4 f  x2   f  x3   .
x3 d
x1 3
However, what about I 2 ? Blake [4] has shown that this is equal to
d 5 1 
I2   f  x1   2 f  x2   f  x3   . (10)
34 4 
It is rewarding to note that Eq. (8) becomes Eq. (10) for equally-spaced data, as
it should.

Furthermore, Blake [4] provides an algorithm that performs cumulative

numerical integration with a modified Simpson’s Rule and equally-spaced data.
This algorithm was programmed with the FORTRAN computer language but
can in fact be made to work in spreadsheets. However, another algorithm that is
well-known to engineers [5], [7] will be used in this paper: indeed the authors of
[5] give the details of this method in Eq. (6) of [5], which is stated in Eq. (11)
I k  I k  2   f  xk  2   4 f  xk 1   f  xk   for 3  k  N ,
where I1  0 and I 2 is given by Eq. (10).

In the next section, this algorithm will be extended to allow irregularly-spaced


Extension of Eq. (11) for irregularly-spaced data

Note that Eq. (11) can be generalized to

I k  I k  2  Sk , for 3  k  N , (12)

Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Mathematics Education Vol. 12 No. 2 3

where I1  0, I 2 is given by Eq. (7) or Eq. (8) and S k is the area under the
parabola f  x   Ax 2  Bx  C that is fitted to the points

 xk 2 , f  xk 2   ,  xk 1 , f  xk 1   ,  xk , f  xk  .
Hence, the following must be true:

Axk2 2  Bxk  2  C  f  xk  2  (13)

Axk21  Bxk 1  C  f  xk 1  (14)
Axk2  Bxk  C  f  xk  . (15)

Solving these equations gives

f  xk   f  xk 1  f  xk 1   f  xk  2 
A  ,
 xk  xk 1  xk  xk  2   xk 1  xk  2  xk  xk  2 
f  xk   f  xk 1 
B  A  xk 1  xk  , (16)
 xk  xk 1 
C  f  xk  2   Axk2 2  Bxk  2 .

The area under the three-point parabolic segment is then given by


Sk  
xk 2
f  x dx


     
A 3 B 2
 Ax 2  Bx  C dx  xk  xk3 2  xk  xk2 2  C  xk  xk  2  .
3 2
xk 2

Alternatively, Eq. (6) can be generalized to get

 x  xk 1   xk  xk  2 2 
 2  k  f  xk  2   f  xk 1  
 x  xk  2    xk 1  xk  2   xk  xk 1  xk 1  xk  2  
Sk  k  .
6   
  2  k 1 k  2 f x
x x 
    k 
  xk  xk 1  

Note that Eq. (17) and Eq. (18) are valid for 3  k  N .

Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Mathematics Education Vol. 12 No. 2 4

For comparison purposes in the next section, cumulative numerical integration
results using the trapezium rule will also be given: the relevant equation is (see,
e.g. [4] or [7])

I k  I k 1  0.5  xk  xk 1   f  xk 1   f  xk   , for 2  k  N , (19)

and I1  0.

Implementation in MS Excel

In this section, implementation in MS Excel examples will be given.

Example 1

For this first example, let the points be taken from f ( x)  x 2 . Hence, the
theoretical cumulative integral is given by I   x 2 dx  . Using Eq. (7), Eq.
(12), Eq. (16) and Eq. (17) (which will be called Method I), Simpson’s Rule
cumulative numerical integration was performed and the results are seen in
Column I of Table I. The theoretical results are given in Column J. Clearly, the
theoretical and numerical results are the same as they must be for Simpson’s
Rule for f ( x)  x 2 . Furthermore, the cumulative numerical integration using the
trapezium rule results are given in Column K. Clearly, these latter results are
poorer, as expected.

Example 2

For this second example, let the points be taken from f ( x)  sin x. Hence, the
theoretical cumulative integral is given by I   sin dx  1  cos x. Using Eq. (7),
Eq. (12), Eq. (16) and Eq. (17) (Method I), Simpson’s Rule cumulative
numerical integration was performed and the results are seen in Column I of
Table II. The theoretical results are given in Column J. Furthermore, the
cumulative numerical integration using the trapezium rule results are given in
Column K. Clearly, Simpson’s Rule cumulative integration gives answers closer
to the theoretical values.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Mathematics Education Vol. 12 No. 2 5

Table I. Implementation of Example 1 using
Eq. (7), Eq. (12), Eq. (16) and Eq. (17) (Method I) in MS Excel.

Table II. Implementation of Example 2 using Eq. (7), Eq. (12), Eq. (16) and
Eq. (17) (Method I) in MS Excel.

Note to create Table I and Table II:

(i) C3  x2  x1 , D3  x3  x2 and E3  x3  x1 .
(ii) F3  A from Eq. (4), G3  B from Eq. (4) and H3  C from Eq. (4).
(iii) I2 calculates Eq. (7).
(iv) I3 calculates Eq. (5) plus I1.
(v) Cells C3, D3, E3, F3, G3, H3 and I3 are copied and pasted to partially

Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Mathematics Education Vol. 12 No. 2 6

fill in rows 4 through 9.
(vi) K2 calculates Eq. (19).
(vii) K2 is copied and pasted into cells K3:K9.

Example 3

For this third example, Example 2 will be repeated; however, Eq. (8) will be
used in place of Eq. (7) and Eq. (18) will replace Eq. (17). Indeed, cumulative
numerical integration was performed using Eq. (8), Eq. (12) and Eq. (18) (which
will be called Method II). The results are shown in Column I of Table III. Note
that these are identical to those in Table II, as they should be, thereby verifying
the correctness of Eq. (8) and Eq. (18).

Table III. Implementation of Example 3 using Eq. (8), Eq. (11) with Eq.
(18) (Method II) in MS Excel.

Note to create Table III:

(i) C3  x2  x1 , D3  x3  x2 and E3  x3  x1 .
(ii) I2 calculates Eq. (8).
(iii) I3 calculates Eq. (6) plus I1.
(iv) Cells C3, D3, E3, and I3 are copied and pasted to partially
fill in rows 4 through 9.
(v) K2 calculates Eq. (19).
(vi) K2 is copied and pasted into cells K3:K9.


Two different methods have been presented that allow the numerical cumulative
integration of irregularly-spaced data, using Simpson’s Rule. These methods are

Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Mathematics Education Vol. 12 No. 2 7

suitable for implementation in spreadsheets. Examples using MS Excel were


In this appendix, the MATLAB code for the determination of Eq. (8) will be

The program requires that Eq. (7) be rewritten as a product given by Eq. (A1).
I2 
A 3

x2  x13  
B 2
 
x2  x12  C  x2  x1 
 x2  x1 

 2 2

2 A x2  x2 x1  x1  3B  x2  x1   6C . 
Let a  x2  x1 , b  x3  x2 and c  x3  x1 . Then, Eq. (A1) becomes
 x2  x1 
I2 
2 A  x  a    x  a  x  x   3B  2x  a   6C
1 1
1 1
 x2  x1 
 D,
where D  2 A  x1  a    x1  a  x1  x12   3B  2 x1  a   6C.
 
Furthermore, from Eq. (4),
f  x3   f  x2  f  x2   f  x1 
A  ,
bc ac
f  x3   f  x2 
B  A  2 x1  a  c  , (A3)
C  f  x1   Ax12  Bx1 .
Substituting Eq. (A3) into Eq. (A2) and simplifying produces the desired
expression of Eq. (8).

However, the tedium of these final two steps is eased by the MATLAB symbolic
math program given below:

%simpalgebra2.m Name of program (Comment line)

%Define algebraic symbols (Comment line)
syms f1 f2 f3 x1 a b c
%Now define A, B and C of Eq. (4) (Comment line)
A= (f3-f2)/b/c-(f2-f1)/a/c
B= (f3-f2)/b-A*(2*x1+a+c)
C= f1-A*x1^2-B*x1
%Substitute into D (Comment line)
%Simplify (Comment line)

Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Mathematics Education Vol. 12 No. 2 8

%Collect like terms (Comment line)
%Make D better readable (Comment line)

Note that the final D as given by this program is a function of

a, b, c, f 1, f 2 and f 3. It is no longer a function of x1 .

Finally, substituting a  x2  x1 , b  x3  x2 and c  x3  x1 into D and using

I 2  ( x2  x1 ) D / 6 gives the desired Eq. (8).

† Kenneth V. Cartwright, Ph.D., University of The Bahamas, Nassau, Bahamas.


[1] Foss, S. D. (1970). A method of exponential curve fitting by numerical

integration. Biometrics, 26(4):815-821.

[2] Fresen, J. L., & Juritz, J. M. (1986). A note on Foss's method of obtaining
initial estimates for exponential curve fitting by numerical integration.
Biometrics, 42(4):821-827.

[3] Jacquelin, J. (2009). Regressions et Equations Integrales. Available:

Scribd : http://www.scribd.com/JJacquelin/documents .

[4] Blake, L.V. (1971). A Simpson’s Rule and Fortran Subroutine for
Cumulative Numerical Integration Defined by Data Points. NRL Memorandum
Report 2231, Naval Research Laboratory. Available:
http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/723583.pdf .

[5] El-Hajj, A., & Kabalan, K. Y. (1995). Time domain analysis of linear
systems using spreadsheets. IEEE Transactions on Education, 38(4): 317-320.

[6] Cartwright, K. V. (2016). Simpson’s Rule Integration with MS Excel and

Irregularly-spaced Data. Journal of Mathematical Science and Mathematics
Education, 11(2): 34–42.

[7] Dyer, S. A. & Dyer, J. S. (2008). bythenumbers - Numerical integration.

IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine, 11(2): 47-49.

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