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Ivan Co, MD
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
No disclosures
Emily Faulks, MD
Assistant Professor of Surgery
Trauma and Critical Care Surgeon
Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital
Roanoke, Virginia, USA
No disclosures
Karel Fuentes, MD
Intensive Care Solutions
Medical Director of Neurocritical Care
Baptist Health Neuroscience Center
Miami, Florida USA
No disclosures
John C. Hunninghake, MD
Pulmonary/Critical Care Physician
Assistant Professor of Medicine (USU)
San Antonio Military Medical Center (BAMC)
San Antonio, Texas, USA
No disclosures
Richard Iuorio, MD
Mount Sinai Hospital
New York, New York, USA
No disclosures
James J. Lamberg, DO
Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA
No disclosures
Ignacio Previgliano, MD
Professor of Neurology
Maimónides University
Hospital Fernández
Buenos Aires, Argentina
No disclosures
Michael Ritchie, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine
University of Louisville School of Medicine
Louisville, Kentucky, USA
No disclosures
1. Rapid Response System
2. Airway Adjuncts
3. Endotracheal Intubation
4. Intraosseous Needle Insertion
5. Arterial Blood Gas Analysis and Treatment
6. Brain Death
7. Organ Donation
Case Study
Clinicians often think that patients with a critical illness present with
sudden acute clinical deterioration. However, in retrospect these patients
usually have shown early signs and symptoms that could have clued
clinicians to the potential of serious illness. Early identification of patients
at risk for life-threatening illness makes it easier to manage them and is
associated with improved patient outcomes. Time-sensitive interventions
and early stabilization usually require less aggressive treatments and
prevent further deterioration. Many clinical problems, if recognized early,
can be managed with simple measures such as supplemental oxygen,
respiratory therapy interventions, intravenous fluids, dextrose
administration, or effective analgesia. The early identification of patients in
trouble allows clinicians to identify the main physiologic problem,
determine its underlying cause, and begin specific treatments. The longer
the interval between the onset of an acute illness and the appropriate
intervention, the more likely it is that the patient’s condition will
deteriorate, even to cardiopulmonary arrest. Several studies have
demonstrated that physiologic deterioration precedes many
cardiopulmonary arrests by hours, suggesting that early intervention could
prevent the need for resuscitation, admission to the ICU, and other sentinel
events. Many hospitals are using rapid response systems to identify patients
at risk and begin early treatment. (See Appendix 1 for further information
on the organization and implementation of a rapid response system.) The
purpose of this chapter is to describe the general principles involved in
recognizing and assessing seriously or critically ill patients.
A. Assessing Severity
Tachycardia in response to
physiologic abnormalities (ie, fever,
low cardiac output) may be
increased with pain and anxiety or
suppressed in patients who have
conduction abnormalities or are
receiving ß-blocker medications.
“How sick is this patient?” is one of the most important questions clinicians
must answer because it will dictate the urgency needed to stabilize, treat,
and ultimately triage a patient to the appropriate level of care. Evaluation of
severity of illness in any given clinical situation starts with proper
measurement of vital signs and other specific physiologic variables
(Appendix 1). Obtaining a heart rate, respiratory rate, a well-measured
blood pressure, temperature, and pulse oximetry can be completed
efficiently and will set the basis for an accurate patient assessment. Acute
illness typically causes predictable physiologic changes associated with
both disease-specific and general clinical signs. For example, a patient’s
physiologic response to a bacterial infection may result in fever, delirium,
shaking chills, and tachypnea. The most important step is to recognize these
signs and initiate physiologic monitoring to quantify the severity of disease
and take appropriate action. Sick patients may present with confusion,
irritability, impaired consciousness, or a sense of impending doom. They
may appear short of breath and demonstrate signs of a sympathetic
response, such as pallor, sweating, or cool extremities. Symptoms may be
nonspecific, such as nausea and weakness, or they may identify the
involvement of a particular organ system (for example, chest pain).
Therefore, a high index of suspicion is required when measuring vital signs:
heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, oxygenation, temperature, and
urine output. Clinical monitoring helps to quantify the severity of the
disease process, tracks trends and rates of deterioration, and directs
attention to those aspects of physiology that most urgently need treatment.
Studies have identified several clinical findings that independently predict a
higher risk of mortality. Some of these findings include low blood pressure,
oliguria, prolonged capillary refill time, and skin mottling. A recent
prospective cohort study found that the presence of a higher respiratory
rate, higher systolic blood pressure, lower central temperature, altered
consciousness, and decreased urine output were independently associated
with mortality when documented on day 1 of an ICU stay. When these
findings were all present, they offered similar or improved prognostic
abilities compared with validated severity of disease scores. The goals at
this stage of assessment are to recognize that a problem exists and to
maintain physiologic stability while pursuing the cause and refining
treatment with the implementation of disease-specific interventions.
Making an accurate diagnosis in the acutely ill patient often must take
second place to treating life-threatening physiologic abnormalities. In the
early phases of evaluation, the clinician must identify any physiologic
derangement that requires immediate attention with supportive therapeutic
measures. Correcting the problem may be as simple as providing oxygen or
intravenous fluids. There may not be sufficient time for a lengthy pursuit of
a differential diagnosis initially if the patient is seriously ill and needs to be
stabilized. However, an accurate diagnosis is essential for refining treatment
options once physiologic stability is achieved. The general principles of
taking an accurate history, performing a brief, directed clinical examination
followed by a secondary survey, and organizing laboratory and radiographic
investigations are fundamentally important. Good clinical skills and a
disciplined approach are required to accomplish these tasks.
A framework for assessing the acutely ill patient is provided in Table 1-1
and discussed below. Further information on specific issues and treatments
can be found in later chapters of this text.
A. History
The patient’s history usually provides the most valuable information for
diagnosis. Many seriously ill patients may have altered levels of
consciousness or confusion and are incapable of providing a reliable
history. Often the current history, past medical history, and medication list
must be obtained from family members, caregivers, friends, neighbors,
medical records, or other healthcare providers. The risk of critical illness is
increased in patients with the following characteristics:
Table 1-1 Framework for Assessing the Acutely Ill or Injured Patient
Primary Survey Secondary Survey
Initial Contact—First Minutes Subsequent Reviews
What is the main physiological What is the underlying
problem? cause?
Chart Review: Essential physiology, vital signs Case records and note
Documentation keeping
Heart rate, rhythm
Blood pressure Examine medical
Respiratory rate and pulse records, if available
oximetry Formulate specific
Level of consciousness diagnosis or
Document current
Arterial blood gas analysis (can Laboratory blood
obtain venous blood gas if tests
arterial access not possible) Radiology
Blood glucose Electrocardiography
B. Examination
Ongoing deterioration or
development of new symptoms
warrants repetition of the primary
survey followed by a detailed
secondary survey.
Look, listen, and feel. The patient must be fully exposed for a complete
examination. The initial examination must be brief, directed, and
concentrated on the basic elements of airway, breathing, circulation, and
level of consciousness. As the treatment proceeds, a more detailed
secondary survey should be conducted to refine the preliminary diagnosis
and assess the response to the initial treatment. A full examination must be
performed at some point and will be guided by the history and other
Tachypnea is the single most
important indicator of critical
Causes of Direct trauma, blood, vomitus, foreign body, central nervous system
Obstruction depression (with soft tissue or tongue blocking airway), infection,
inflammation, laryngospasm
LOOK for Cyanosis, altered respiratory pattern and rate, use of accessory respiratory
muscles, tracheal tug, paradoxical breathing, altered level of consciousness
LISTEN for Noisy breathing (grunting, stridor, wheezing, gurgling); silence indicates
complete obstruction
FEEL for Decreased or absent airflow
Causes of Inadequate Breathing or Oxygenation
Depressed Central nervous system
Decreased Muscle weakness, nerve/spinal cord damage, chest wall abnormalities,
respiratory pain
Pulmonary Pneumothorax, hemothorax, aspiration, chronic obstructive pulmonary
disorders disease, asthma, pulmonary embolus, lung contusion, acute lung injury,
acute respiratory distress syndrome, pulmonary edema, rib fracture, flail
LOOK for Cyanosis, altered level of consciousness, tracheal tug, use of accessory
respiratory muscles, altered respiratory pattern, altered respiratory rate,
equality and depth of breaths, oxygen saturation
LISTEN for Dyspnea, inability to talk, noisy breathing, dullness to percussion,
auscultation of breath sounds
FEEL for Symmetry and extent of chest movements, position of trachea, crepitus,
abdominal distension
Routine monitoring and charting should include heart rate, heart rhythm,
respiratory rate, blood pressure, core temperature, fluid balance, and
Glasgow Coma Scale score. The fluid balance should include loss from all
tubes and drains as well as any fluids used to flush drains. The inspired
oxygen concentration should be recorded for any patient receiving oxygen,
and the oxygen saturation level should be charted if measured with pulse
oximetry. Patients in the ICU setting may have central venous catheters or
continuous cardiac output catheters in place. These catheters can measure
central venous pressure, various cardiac pressures, stroke volume
variations, cardiac output, and mixed venous saturation. These complex
monitoring devices require specific operational expertise. Likewise, the
data must be interpreted by someone with clinical experience and expertise
in critical care. Finally, proper documentation of current continuous
medication infusions along with the drip rate is especially important to
provide an accurate picture of clinical condition.
D. Investigations
Suggested Readings
Airway management is pivotal in managing a critically ill patient.
Maintaining a patent airway is necessary for oxygenation and elimination of
carbon dioxide to keep normal acid-base homeostasis. While establishing or
preserving a patent airway, management involves minimizing the risk of
aspiration or exacerbating cardiovascular instability. In many patients,
endotracheal intubation will be needed; however, prior to establishing a
definitive airway, restoring a patent airway is necessary. In some patients,
this may prove more difficult than endotracheal intubation. The personnel
caring for critically ill patients should be proficient in manually establishing
a patent airway and facilitating oxygenation and ventilation. This chapter
delineates the different techniques and airway tools used for establishing a
patent airway, performing endotracheal intubation, and the pharmacologic
agents used to help achieve this goal.
The first step in airway management is assessing airway patency and
recognizing any impending threat to the patient’s airway or breathing.
The operator extends the neck and maintains extension with his/her hands on both sides of
the mandible. This mandible is elevated with the fingers of both hands to lift the base of the
tongue, and the thumbs or forefingers are used to open the mouth.
Reproduced with permission Eubanks DH, Bone RC. Comprehensive respiratory care: a
learning system, St. Louis, 1990, Mosby.
The nasopharyngeal airway may be used with intact airway reflexes and is
much less likely to provoke gagging. The largest diameter which will easily
pass through the nostril should be used. The nasopharyngeal airway needs
to be long enough to get past the tongue. The proper length is estimated by
measuring from the tip of the nose to the ear tragus (Figures 2-3 and 2-4).
If a patient has a suspected basilar skull or midface fracture, the device
should not be used because it may pass beyond the cribriform plate into the
cranial vault. The presence of coagulopathy or use of anticoagulants or
antiplatelet agents are relative contraindications to its use because excessive
bleeding and airway obstruction may result.
Figure 2-3. Oropharyngeal Airway
Reproduced with permission Eubanks DH, Bone RC. Comprehensive respiratory care: a
learning system, St. Louis, 1990, Mosby.
Reproduced with permission Eubanks DH, Bone RC. Comprehensive respiratory care: a
learning system, St. Louis, 1990, Mosby.
Inadequate spontaneous ventilation (eg, agonal respirations)
The alternative two-handed method is useful if the patient has a large face
or a beard, after neck injury, or in any other situation when a mask seal is
difficult to secure.
1. The operator stands at the head of the bed as stated previously, and
adjunctive airway devices are used as previously suggested.
2. The base and apex of the mask are placed in the manner previously
3. The operator uses the “C-E technique” described previously by placing
both hands along the mandible on each side of the face while the
thumbs rest over the apex of the mask and first fingers rest over the
base of the mask.
4. Soft tissues of the cheek are brought upward along the side edges of
the mask and held in place by each hand to reinforce the mask’s seal.
5. In the absence of possible cervical spine injury, the neck is slightly
extended as the operator gently elevates the mandible from both sides
and provides gentle pressure on the mask over the face.
6. An assistant provides ventilation, as needed, by compressing the
resuscitation bag.
1. Suction
- Yankauer suction placed under the mattress on the right side, head of bed (×2 if
gastrointestinal bleed, vomiting, or copious secretions)
2. Oxygen
- Bag-valve-mask (with PEEP valve) ready
- Non-rebreather mask on patient (O2 wide open)
- Nasal cannula on the patient (with 15 L O2) during RSII
3. Airways
- Oral, nasal airways
- 2 ETT (expected size and one size below) w/ cuff valves and balloons checked,
and stylet in place
- 1 ETT ready for video laryngoscopy (curved stylet needed)
- Rescue devices (laryngeal mask airway, scalpel, etc.)
4. Position
- Adjust the bed height for airway operator’s comfort.
- Align the external auditory canal with the sternal notch
- Consider elevating the back and shoulders of obese patients
5. Monitoring and Medications
- Continuous monitoring devices
- RSII meds: Drawn up in carefully considered doses, labeled syringes
• Sedative (ketamine, etomidate, etc.)
• Paralytic (rocuronium, succinylcholine)
- Post-intubation sedation meds (propofol, etc.)
6. Equipment
- Continuous ETco2 or at least color-change device to confirm successful
- Bougie placed under the mattress next to Yankauer suction
- 2 laryngoscopes (MAC 3 and 4) with lights checked
- Video laryngoscope plugged in and turned on
E. Cricoid Pressure
Cricoid pressure (Sellick maneuver) is the application of downward
(posterior) pressure on the anterior neck overlying the cricoid cartilage,
with an intended effect of physical occlusion of the esophagus. Cricoid
pressure has been previously recommended for use during mask ventilation
and intubation of patients who lack protective airway reflexes and during
rapid sequence intubation. New guidelines no longer recommend cricoid
pressure, except as a means of positioning the glottis for better visualization
during laryngoscopy. It does not reduce the risk of aspiration as previously
thought. Proper application of cricoid pressure may improve vocal cord
visualization. Excess pressure can compress the trachea and hypopharynx,
compromise mask ventilation, and increase the difficulty of endotracheal
In approximately 5% of the general population, manual mask ventilation is
difficult to achieve. Impossible mask ventilation occurs in at least 1% of
patients. Predictors of difficult mask ventilation are neck radiation changes,
snoring, presence of a beard, and short thyromental distance. Presence of a
beard is the only potentially modifiable factor. Intubation via direct
laryngoscopy is difficult in approximately 5% of the general population and
impossible in 0.2% to 0.5% of patients. Predictors of airway difficulty are a
Mallampati airway classification III or IV (Figure 2-8), age of 57 years or
older, severely limited jaw protrusion, limited mouth opening, limited neck
mobility, male sex, and history of snoring. A crisis occurs when manual
mask ventilation and intubation are impossible. Supraglottic airway (SGA)
devices, like the laryngeal mask airway and the esophageal-tracheal double-
lumen airway device, are useful adjuncts to provide an open airway and
permit gas exchange in such situations. These devices are inserted blindly
and their use may offer additional time after a failed intubation attempt. The
choice of device depends on the operator’s experience, equipment
availability, and specific clinical circumstances.
Figure 2-8. Mallampati Classification
Most airway algorithms focus on three key airway adjuncts. These are mask
ventilation, intubation, and SGAs. The American Society of
Anesthesiologists and the Difficult Airway Society highlight that SGAs are
useful rescue devices, particularly during a “can’t intubate and can’t
ventilate” situation. The Vortex Approach is an airway management tool
that was developed to be used in real time during a time-critical airway
emergency, independent of the background of the clinicians. This approach
also focuses on the three major devices for providing oxygenation and
ventilation, termed “lifelines,” which are face mask ventilation,
endotracheal intubation, and SGA placement. If all three of these measures
fail, then a surgical airway should be performed.
In case of “can’t ventilate and can’t intubate/oxygenate (CICV or CICO)”
situation, the algorithm below helps to guide how to escalate the
interventions (Figure 2-9).
Figure 2-9. The Algorithm for “CICV/CICO”
Adapted from The Vortex Approach To Airway Management (http://vortexapproach.org/).
The laryngeal mask airway (LMA) is a SGA device designed with a tube
attached to a bowl-shaped cuff that fits in the hypopharynx behind the
tongue. An LMA may be used to ventilate the lungs when mask ventilation
is difficult, provided that the patient does not have upper airway
abnormalities. It may also serve as a conduit for intubation when a
bronchoscope is used or as a rescue technique after failure to intubate. Less
sedation may be required with the LMA than with direct laryngoscopy
because stimulation to the airway (eg, gagging, laryngospasm, sympathetic
stimulation) in passing the device is only moderate. It is effective in
ventilating patients ranging from neonates to adults, but it does not provide
definitive airway protection. (For specific details regarding use of a
laryngeal mask airway, see Appendix 2.)
B. Esophageal-Tracheal Double-Lumen Airway Device
In the event that visualization of the glottis and mask ventilation are both
impossible and there is no spontaneous ventilation, options include:
A. Analgesia/Anesthesia
B. Sedation/Amnesia
Rapid-acting, short-lived, and potentially reversible agents are preferred for
sedation. No single agent has every desirable feature, and often more than
one agent may be considered to provide a balanced technique. The status of
the patient’s intravascular volume and cardiac function must be carefully
considered during the selection of an agent and its dosage. Most may induce
hypotension when heart failure or hypovolemia is present. Examples of
commonly used medications are listed in Table 2-2. Be prepared to manage
hypotension following induction with fluid boluses and/or vasopressors
(Chapters 5 and 7).
C. Neuromuscular Blockers
Endotracheal intubation in the ICU is typically performed during urgent or
emergent conditions. Rapid sequence induction and intubation (RSII) is
commonly performed and the addition of neuromuscular blocking agents
improves intubating conditions in most settings. Paralysis is avoided in
patients that are at high risk for difficult intubation and ventilation
(CICV/CICO). In those patients, intubation is performed after topical
anesthesia (awake intubation) or with sedation alone. Paralysis should only
be used if necessary and by experienced providers.
The following are commonly used neuromuscular blocking agents:
Reprinted from Miller’s Anesthesia, Miller, Ronald. 825. Copyright 2019 with permission
from Elsevier.
E. Intracranial Pressure
Intracranial pressure may rise during laryngoscopy and intubation, and this
may be harmful in patients with preexisting intracranial hypertension.
Appropriate analgesia (eg, fentanyl) and anesthetic agent use will help
attenuate increases in ICP. Ketamine may be used in this population and
maintaining normocapnia (providing adequate ventilation) blunts changes
in ICP. Etomidate does not increase ICP. Propofol decreases ICP, which is
an ideal characteristic. However, measures should be taken to avoid
hypotension because this can increase mortality in patients with traumatic
brain injury.
Suggested Readings
Suggested Website
Case Study
You are performing rounds on patients on the general medical floor when a
code blue (cardiac arrest) is announced on the overhead paging system. You
are the first house staff member to arrive at the room. A 67-year-old man is
unresponsive and apneic on evaluation. The nurse is attempting to place the
patient on the monitor.
– What should be your immediate actions?
– What are the next steps if you are the team leader?
– What tasks are delegated to team members during the resuscitation?
The immediate response to an in-hospital cardiac arrest is frequently the
responsibility of primary care providers, hospitalists, nurses, house staff,
and other members of the healthcare team. The Society of Critical Care
Medicine and the Fundamental Critical Care Support program recognize the
valuable training provided by the American Heart Association’s Basic Life
Support (BLS), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS), and
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) curricula. All healthcare
practitioners are encouraged to successfully complete the appropriate
C. Documentation
A do-not-attempt-resuscitation
order does not imply that care will
be withheld; patients should receive
proper treatment for their
underlying condition, including
pain and anxiety.
If so, how can you assist? Identify yourself and offer help. Be ready to
accept a delegated role and to focus your efforts on that role while
remaining aware of other evolving resuscitation activities.
If not, you may be required to assume the leadership role until a more
qualified individual or the designated team member arrives.
2. Delegation
The list of important tasks to delegate has been outlined below. If the
number of responders is not sufficient, team members must establish
priorities for performance.
Manage the airway (Chapter 2). Establish a patent airway, provide
manual bag-mask ventilation, use available airway adjuncts, and/or
perform endotracheal intubation. Ventilations should not exceed the
recommended 8 to 10 breaths/min to optimize coronary artery
perfusion pressure by decreasing the percentage of time in positive
intrathoracic pressure. Avoid hyperventilation.
Perform chest compressions. The resuscitation leader should designate
a second person for relief and instruct the rescuers to exchange
responsibilities every 2 minutes. The person on relief should monitor
the effectiveness of compressions by checking the carotid or femoral
pulse. Chest compressions are interrupted only for shock delivery and
rhythm checks once the airway is secured. Pulse checks are performed
only if an organized rhythm is noted.
Closed-chest compressions
produce approximately one-third
of normal cardiac output.
The most significant adverse effects of TTM are the potential for
coagulopathy, increased risk of infection, cardiac arrhythmias, and
hyperglycemia. One of the most commonly encountered adverse effects is
shivering and the use of a validated scale to treat it can prove helpful. Both
pharmacologic treatments (eg, antipyretics, buspirone) and non-
pharmacologic management are important to control this adverse effect (eg,
heating blanket, warming patient’s extremities).
Invasive and external devices are available for TTM, but no one strategy
has proven to be superior. In the absence of specific temperature
management equipment, the use of iced saline and ice packs can be
effective, although hypervolemia from excessive administration of fluids
should be avoided. Careful monitoring for skin breakdown should be
performed around device sites or ice packs.
Neurologic: shivering
Cardiac: dysrhythmias
Renal: “cold” diuresis, associated electrolyte derangements
Hematology: coagulopathy
Skin: frostbite
Altered drug metabolism
Case Study
You are outside the room of an ICU patient who is intubated when you hear
the ventilator suddenly begin alarming. You note the patient has worsening
hypoxia, hemodynamic instability, and absent right-sided breath sounds on
lung auscultation.
2. Patient Assessment
In many instances, careful assessment of vital signs (including pulse
oximetry), air movement, and work of breathing will indicate that
respiratory impairment is present. Tachypnea progressing to bradypnea,
paradoxical abdominal breathing, and progressively decreasing alertness
may herald imminent respiratory arrest. Noninvasive respiratory monitoring
may identify patients who are decompensating. Normal arterial blood gas
measurements do not rule out the need for mechanical ventilatory support
because decompensation can occur precipitously once respiratory muscle
fatigue begins to manifest. Moreover, certain acute conditions (eg, asthma
or pulmonary embolus) cause tachypnea. A normal Pco2 in these instances
portends advanced respiratory failure and fatigue.
2. Tension Pneumothorax
Patients with tension pneumothorax typically have hypotension and/or PEA
with narrow complex tachycardia. Physical assessment may reveal jugular
venous distension and ipsilateral decreased or absent breath sounds.
Ipsilateral tympanic percussion or subcutaneous emphysema may be noted
as well. In patients receiving mechanical ventilation, airway pressures for
normal tidal volume values will be high, and the ventilator high-pressure
alarm limit may be exceeded. Resistance to bag-mask ventilation will
increase as well. If readily available with a trained provider, a focused
bedside ultrasound examination may quickly assess for the presence of a
For patients with severe hypotension or PEA and findings consistent with
tension pneumothorax, treatment should be instituted immediately, without
waiting for radiologic confirmation. Needle thoracostomy can be
accomplished on the affected side by sterile placement of a 16- or 18-gauge
catheter through the anterior chest wall in the second intercostal space, at
the midclavicular line. Successful decompression is associated with a rush
of air, restoration of pulses, and a decrease in airway pressures in response
to bag-mask or mechanical ventilation. All needle thoracostomy procedures
should be followed by standard tube thoracostomy because this procedure
can result in: 1) temporary relief of a tension pneumothorax; 2) creation of a
pneumothorax if the presumption of a tension pneumothorax was wrong; or
3) no change in the patient’s condition if the needle is not long enough to
decompress the pleural space (ie, patients with a large chest wall thickness
that is the result of muscle or adipose tissue). Endotracheal tube obstruction
(from a patient biting the tube or buildup of secretions) can mimic some of
the findings described but does not usually cause severe hypotension or
A. General Issues
To be prepared for critical events such as cardiopulmonary arrest, clinicians
should know the clinical background and status of patients in the critical
care unit. They should review each patient’s record during checkout rounds
for signs of potential problems, such as electrolyte abnormalities. In
addition, the clinical history and course may give clues to the etiology of a
potential complication. For instance, a patient on a ventilator who is known
to have a large emphysematous bulla and who suddenly develops PEA has a
high likelihood of developing a tension pneumothorax secondary to rupture
of the bleb. Making patient rounds at the beginning of each tour of duty also
gives the staff an opportunity to clarify the resuscitation or code status of
each patient.
B. Principal Concerns
Suggested Readings
Suggested Websites
1. Society of Critical Care Medicine. http://www.SCCM.org.
2. American Heart Association. http://www.americanheart.org.
3. Circulation. http://www.circulationaha.org.
4. European Resuscitation Council. http://www.erc.edu.
Chapter 4
Case Study
Abbreviations: ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease; CVA, cerebrovascular accident; NMB, neuromuscular blockade.
Reproduced with permission Pamplin J, Borgman M, eds. Fundamental Critical Care Support:
Resource Limited. Mount Prospect, IL: Society of Critical Care Medicine; 2020.
Hypoxemic respiratory failure may be seen in disorders that interfere with the
oxygenation of the blood as it circulates through the alveolar capillaries. This may
occur in patients with severe pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome
(ARDS), or acute pulmonary edema. Hypercapnia most often results from
inadequate alveolar ventilation, which results in ineffective CO2 clearance. This can
be seen in patients with severe airflow obstruction, central respiratory failure, or
neuromuscular respiratory failure.
The following are common ICU scenarios that lead to ARF:
A. Hypoxemia
Hypoxemia signifies a decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen (Pao2) in the
blood. Hypoxia defines a state in which the supply of oxygen to the body as a whole
or a specific region is inadequate. Although the usual definitions of hypoxemic
respiratory failure include pulse oximetry (Spo2) and Pao2, additional measurements
of oxygenation, mechanisms of hypoxemia, and the degree of its impact include: the
alveolar-arterial (A-a) gradient, the ratio of Pao2 to the fraction of inspired oxygen
(Fio2) known as the P:F ratio, and the oxygenation index (OI). Regardless of how
hypoxemic respiratory failure is defined or monitored, the important clinical context
is how the degree of hypoxemia results in tissue hypoxia.
Alveolar-arterial gradient:
The A-a gradient is the oxygen gradient between the alveolar oxygen partial
pressure (PAo2) and the content of dissolved oxygen in the arterial supply (Pao2). A
normal A-a gradient for a young healthy adult is usually 5–10 mm Hg, but increases
with age. An age-adjusted approximation for the A-a gradient = (Age/4) + 4. The
calculation for A-a gradient is:
A-a gradient = PAo2 – Pao2
Paco2 is the partial pressure of CO2 obtained from the ABG analysis
P:F Ratio:
The Pao2:Fio2 (P:F) ratio, in which Pao2 is measured as mm Hg and Fio2 is the
fraction of inspired oxygen, is a measurement of oxygenation that accounts for the
amount of supplemental oxygen that the patient is requiring. It is a simple
calculation that is most commonly used in patients with hypoxemic respiratory
failure, specifically ARDS, to classify the severity of their disease process and trend
it over time. A normal P:F ratio is usually 300–500. Based on the Berlin definition
of ARDS, the P:F ratio stratifies the severity of the hypoxemia and provides
indications for certain advanced management therapies. The most accepted
definition of ARDS is the Berlin definition, which was updated in 2012. To be
classified as having ARDS, a patient must meet all three of the following criteria:
An OI of ≥ 25 can indicate severe hypoxemia. The OI has some advantages over the
P:F ratio. The two main techniques to improve alveolar oxygenation for a patient on
positive pressure ventilation are to increase the Fio2 and the airway pressure (the
latter commonly by increasing positive end-expiratory pressure [PEEP]). Thus, two
different patients with the same Pao2 and Fio2 can have different mean airway
pressures but the same P:F ratios; therefore, their different OIs will more accurately
predict the discrepancy in oxygenation dysfunction.
For Example:
Which patient has a higher likelihood of worse outcomes?
Patient 1: Pao2 65 mm Hg, Fio2 80%, PEEP 10, PIP 30, MAP 20*, P:F 0.8 = OI
Patient 2: Pao2 65 mm Hg, Fio2 80%, PEEP 18, PIP 40, MAP 29*, P:F 0.8 = OI
Answer: Patient 2 with an OI of > 25 has more severe hypoxemia with evidence
of worse lung compliance, and ultimately a higher mortality rate compared with
Patient 1.
Abbreviations: PIP, peak inspiratory pressure; Ti, inspiratory time.
*Mean airway pressure (MAP) based on Ti 1.0, respiratory rate 30 breaths/min, pressure based
on presumed lung compliance differences.
Mechanisms of Hypoxemia:
The four main mechanisms of hypoxemia are ventilation/perfusion (V̇ /Q̇ )
mismatch, hypoventilation, diffusion impairment, and reduced inspired oxygen
tension (Pio2).
Diffusion abnormality is rarely the primary cause for hypoxemia because oxygen
transport across the alveolocapillary membrane is generally perfusion limited rather
than diffusion limited; however, in cases such as increased cardiac output and
tachycardia, diffusion may be limited when the transit time across pulmonary
capillaries is reduced. Therapy for diffusion abnormalities, in addition to
maintaining adequate circulating volume, includes treatment of the cause of
interstitial pathology (ie, diuretics for cardiogenic pulmonary edema, corticosteroids
for inflammatory disorders). Ensuring adequate minute ventilation will correct
hypoxemia that is solely the result of hypoventilation. High altitude is a rare cause
of acute hypoxemia in patients. As a compensatory treatment strategy, providing
oxygen supplementation (Fio2) while the cause of the hypoxemia is investigated and
corrected may improve oxygenation.
B. Hypercapnia
Strategies to reduce dead space may include reduction in peak or mean airway
pressures, if the patient is receiving mechanical ventilation, augmentation of
intravascular volume and/or cardiac output, or treatment of other causes for limited
pulmonary blood flow. It may be possible to compensate for hypercapnia caused by
high VD by modifying parameters to increase minute ventilation during mechanical
ventilation while the cause of hypercapnia is sought and corrected. Because of the
high solubility of CO2, a diffusion barrier rarely ever occurs. Increased CO2
production may contribute to hypercapnia secondary to either excess carbohydrate
nutritional calories or extreme hypercatabolic conditions (eg, burns,
hyperthyroidism, persistent fever).
B. Diagnostic Tests
Pulse oximetry can be used to rapidly evaluate oxygenation in a patient with
respiratory distress by estimating the arterial oxyhemoglobin saturation (Chapter
6). However, pulse oximetry provides no assessment for hypercapnia. Arterial blood
gas analysis is commonly used in severely ill patients to determine the two primary
measures of respiratory failure, the Pao2 and Paco2, as well as pH. Additional tests,
such as electrolytes, hematocrit, and drug levels, may provide clues to the
underlying etiology of ARF. Chest radiography and bedside ultrasonography in
combination with these laboratory tests is invaluable in suggesting the underlying
pathophysiology of ARF.
A. Oxygen Supplementation
Most patients with ARF require supplemental oxygen. Oxygen transfer from
alveolar gas to capillary blood occurs by diffusion across the alveolar-capillary
membrane and is driven by the oxygen partial-pressure gradient between the partial
pressure of alveolar oxygen (Pao2) and the Po2 of the pulmonary capillary blood. In
most cases of ARF, the Pao2 can be substantially increased by use of supplemental
oxygen, thus increasing the gradient across the membrane and improving the Pao2.
Reproduced with permission Pamplin J, Borgman M, eds. Fundamental Critical Care Support:
Resource Limited. Mount Prospect, IL: Society of Critical Care Medicine; 2020.
For example, a tachypneic and hyperpneic patient will have a high inspiratory flow
rate during each breath. In such cases, hypoxemia is less likely to respond well to
oxygen supplementation by nasal cannula because it is a low-oxygen, low-flow
system and cannot match the patient’s high inspiratory flow rate. Room air will be
entrained during inspiration, and the tracheal Fio2 will be reduced. A high-oxygen,
high-flow system should be selected for this type of patient.
C. Aerosol Mask
Delivers cool, aerosolized oxygen or air
FIO2 is set by dial on oxygen adapter
Maximum FIO2 = 40%-60%
Minimum flow rate = 8 L/min
D. Face Tent
E. Venturi Mask
Delivers humidified oxygen (aerosol adapter can be added)
FIO2 is set by entrainment dial on mask
Low concentrations = 24%, 26%, 28%, 31%
High concentrations = 35%, 40%, 50%
G. Tracheostomy Mask
H. Non-rebreathing Mask
Delivers non-humidified oxygen
Used for emergency delivery
FIO2 range = 60 - ?100%
Reservoir bag provides 100% FIO2 and minimizes room air dilution
Flap valves minimize entrainment of room air (which will dilute FIO2)
Flow rate is adjusted according to the patient’s ventilator pattern to keep reservoir bag inflated
Advantages Disadvantages
NIPPV encompasses several different modalities. The two modes most frequently
used in patients with ARF are bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP) and
continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). Each mode has unique indications but
share the same contraindications (Table 4-4). Overall, NIPPV can decrease
mortality, endotracheal intubations, and ICU length of stay in a variety of clinical
scenarios. However, it has been shown to increase mortality if used incorrectly. All
types of NIPPV are contraindicated in patients who are not able to follow
commands, cannot handle oral secretions appropriately, underwent recent
esophageal surgery, have facial deformities, require restraints, and/or are
hemodynamically unstable. As with HFNC, if work of breathing and/or oxygenation
do not improve after an initial trial of NIPPV, endotracheal intubation should not be
further delayed.
BiPAP may be indicated in several clinical scenarios. NIPPV has potential benefit
for several patient types but is not ideal for all. Traditionally, patients with
exacerbations of congestive heart failure or COPD can respond well with NIPPV as
a bridge while the underlying process is addressed. Other situations in which
NIPPV may provide benefit over mechanical ventilation or avoid the need for
mechanical ventilation include immunocompromised patients with respiratory
failure, patients with asthma exacerbation, postextubation, respiratory failure in
patients with cystic fibrosis, intubation refusal, and palliative care. The use of
NIPPV in ARDS is controversial. In some studies, it has been shown to decrease the
rate of endotracheal intubation but does not influence overall mortality.
The initial setup for NIPPV and close monitoring of the patient within the first 1 to
2 hours are the most crucial aspects for ensuring success of NIPPV. Suggestions for
initiation and monitoring NIPPV are highlighted in Table 4-5. The patient should be
properly monitored in an environment in which a nurse, respiratory therapist, or
physician has continuous direct observation of the patient and proper monitoring
with heart rate, blood pressure, pulse oximetry, and ideally ETco2. Pre-NIPPV
baselines for pH, Paco2 (or Spo2), Pco2 (or ETco2), respiratory rate, and patient
comfort must be established, and clear ideal trajectory identified in these numbers
and observations to indicate success or failure. Reassessment after initiating NIPPV
should occur within 30 to 60 minutes. In general, if there is no improvement within
4 to 6 hours (or if there is earlier clinical decline), invasive mechanical ventilation
should be strongly considered. Sedation should be used cautiously during NIPPV to
avoid respiratory depression. Consider gastric decompression with a nasogastric
tube if a helmet is used or the patient requires very high delivered pressures (above
15 cm H2O). The patient’s oral intake should be limited in the initial period in the
event that gastric insufflation causes emesis or the patient fails NIPPV and requires
invasive mechanical ventilation.
Adjust difference between IPAP and EPAP to achieve desired VT (and VA), measuring end
effect with either Paco2 or ETco2.
Titrate down FIO2 as desired for Pao2 or Spo2
Reassess within 30 to 60 minutes and closely monitor thereafter until success or failure is
Abbreviations: BiPAP, bilevel positive airway pressure; CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure;
EPAP, expiratory positive airway pressure; ETco2, end-tidal carbon dioxide; FIO2, fraction of inspired
oxygen; IPAP, inspiratory positive airway pressure; NIPPV, noninvasive positive pressure ventilation;
Pao2, partial arterial oxygen pressure; Paco2, partial arterial carbon dioxide pressure; PEEP, positive
end-expiratory pressure; Spo2, oxygen saturation; VA, alveolar minute ventilation; VT, tidal volume.
Reproduced with permission Pamplin J, Borgman M, eds. Fundamental Critical Care Support:
Resource Limited. Mount Prospect, IL: Society of Critical Care Medicine; 2020.
The initial parameters that are set include the inspiratory positive airway pressure
(IPAP), expiratory airway pressure (EPAP), Fio2, and back-up respiratory rate. The
IPAP may be adjusted to manipulate ventilation parameters, while the EPAP (in
conjunction with the Fio2) may be adjusted to control oxygenation. A difference of
at least 4 cm of water (cm H2O) between the IPAP and EPAP is recommended.
Parameters are titrated to promote a patient ventilation of 5–8mL/kg, improve
oxygenation to 88–92%, while being comfortably tolerated. Initial reasonable
BiPAP settings would be an IPAP of 8 cm H2O, EPAP of 4 cm H2O, Fio2 of 50%,
and a back-up respiratory rate of 12. If additional minute ventilation is required,
increase IPAP accordingly; conversely, EPAP and Fio2 may be titrated to improve
Patients with COPD who have been endotracheally intubated can be extubated
earlier to BiPAP ventilation. This not only decreases days on mechanical
ventilation, but also ICU length of stay and even mortality. CPAP is primarily
indicated in hypoxemic respiratory failure secondary to acutely decompensated
congestive heart failure (CHF). CPAP may be beneficial by several mechanisms.
First, it maintains an elevated PEEP, therefore increasing mean airway pressure and,
as a consequence, oxygenation. Secondly, in patients with CHF, as positive pressure
is delivered, intrathoracic pressure increases. As a result, preload decreases, thereby
reducing lung edema while decreasing afterload and promoting an increase in
cardiac output. CPAP is the equivalent of EPAP in BiPAP. As discussed earlier, a
starting point of 5 cm H2O of CPAP may be adequate if the patient’s saturation and
work of breathing improve, although more typically a pressure of 8–10 cm H2O
may be required.
C. Pharmacologic Adjuncts
Many diseases that cause ARF produce similar anatomic and physiologic
derangements, including bronchial inflammation, mucosal edema, smooth muscle
contraction, and increased mucus production and viscosity. Each of these processes
may contribute to obstruction of airway gas flow, increased airway resistance,
mismatch, and elevated VD. Some pharmacologic agents may be helpful in the care
of such patients and may directly alter shunt or dead-space effects.
1. β2-Agonists
Inhaled β2-agonists are important therapy in patients with ARF secondary to many
causes. Stimulation of β2-adrenergic receptors causes bronchial and vascular
smooth-muscle relaxation. These agents are typically administered by metered-dose
inhaler or by intermittent or continuous nebulization (Table 4-2). On rare occasions,
in very critically ill patients with obstructive airway disease, β2-agonists are
administered by both inhalation and subcutaneous injection. Long-acting inhaled
agents do not have a role in the management of patients with acute respiratory
failure. Racemic epinephrine aerosol is an established therapy for upper airway
obstruction in children with croup and is also used for laryngeal edema in adults.
2. Anticholinergic Agents
Ipratropium bromide competes with acetylcholine at the bronchial receptor site,
resulting in bronchial smooth-muscle relaxation. This agent is delivered by metered-
dose inhaler or nebulization (Table 4-6). Ipratropium has a more delayed onset of
action than β2-agonists and has more consistent bronchodilatory effects in COPD
than in asthma. The addition of ipratropium to albuterol appears to have an additive
benefit in approximately 30% of patients with asthma. Tiotropium is a long-acting
anticholinergic bronchodilator that has sustained effects in patients with COPD;
however, its use in acute exacerbations is not recommended.
3. Corticosteroids
Providing corticosteroid therapy has a clear benefit for critically ill patients with
respiratory failure who are at risk of an exacerbation of asthma or COPD. Although
the central role of inflammation in obstructive airway disease is well established,
corticosteroids may also decrease β-receptor tachyphylaxis. Intravenous and oral
routes are equal in efficacy. Limited consensus exists on dosing schedules in
asthma. Doses of methylprednisolone of 80 mg/24 h have been as effective as > 360
mg/24 h. Some clinicians use doses equivalent to those given for asthma when
treating COPD, whereas others begin with doses equivalent to 1 mg/kg/24 h,
adjusting as patient response dictates. Careful monitoring of corticosteroid adverse
effects is warranted. Acute myopathies have been described after the administration
of moderate to high dosages of corticosteroids in patients with COPD and/or
asthma. After the acute exacerbation, inhaled corticosteroids are often useful
adjuncts to therapy and may allow a reduction in systemic corticosteroid dosage.
However, routine use of inhalational agents is not recommended in the setting of
acute severe bronchospasm. In ARDS, the use of corticosteroids is not well
understood, but may have some benefit in the late phase, between 7 and 13 days
after onset.
4. Antibiotics
Bacterial infection (bronchitis/pneumonia) frequently precipitates ARF. Antibiotics
should be used when there is clinical suspicion that a bacterial respiratory infection
is present (eg, change in sputum characteristics, pulmonary infiltrates on the chest
radiograph, fever, leukocytosis), and they should be chosen to effectively treat the
usual pathogens (Chapter 11). Therapy should be subsequently adjusted when
culture and sensitivity data become available.
Several randomized trials have compared clinical outcomes in patients hospitalized
with acute exacerbation of COPD and have shown antibiotic treatment has been
associated with a decreased risk of adverse outcomes. When the decision is made to
use antibiotics, it is important to distinguish a simple from a complicated case of
acute exacerbation of COPD and a 5-day course is usually recommended.
Suggested Readings
Case Study
When hypoxic or hypercapnic respiratory failure cannot be treated by other
means, as discussed in Chapter4, advanced support with positive pressure
ventilation may be needed. A ventilator is a device used to assist or replace
the work of the respiratory system. Positive pressure ventilation can be
delivered noninvasively via a mask or helmet or invasively via an
endotracheal tube or tracheostomy. Generally accepted indications for
initiating positive pressure ventilatory support are summarized in Table 5-1.
The use of the helmet as an interface for the NPPV device has been
increasing recently. The levels of PEEP that can be delivered through the
helmet can be higher than those that can be obtained with other interfaces or
with a high-flow nasal cannula. Benefits of the helmet include comfort,
where the patient can move more freely, or the ability to partially preserve
some intake, like drinking through a straw if needed. In addition, less skin
injury and lacerations are noted. Assessing the tidal volume is usually
difficult when using a helmet because of varying distention. Disadvantages
could include noise, accumulation of CO2 in the helmet, and desynchrony
between the patient and the ventilator because of less sensitivity of
Do not delay intubation if needed and keep in mind the patient’s resuscitation status.
Consider ABG analysis prior to initiation.
Explain the procedure.
Keep head of bed at ≥45°.
Ensure appropriate mask or helmet size.
Assess the patient’s tolerance of the mask by applying it by hand before securing the
Use the following initial ventilator settings:
Mode: Spontaneous
Trigger: Maximum sensitivity
FIO2: 1.00
EPAP: 4-5 cm H2O (higher levels are poorly tolerated initially)
IPAP: 10-15 cm H2O
Backup rate: Start at 6/min
Adjust the difference between EPAP and IPAP to achieve and effective VT and CO2
clearance. Adjust EPAP for alveolar recruitment in increments of 2 cm H2O per step
to improve oxygenation. Depending on the ventilator, a similar increase in IPAP may
be required to maintain the same VT. The VT will be identified on the NPPV machine
with each breath the patient takes.
If assist-control volume ventilation is used, begin with a VT of 6 to 8 mL/kg
(depending on the underlying pulmonary condition).
Titrate pressures, volume, and FIO2 to achieve appropriate pH, PaO2, and PaCO2 levels.
Ventilator changes can be made every 15 to 30 minutes.
Follow vital signs, pulse oximetry, mental status, clinical appearance, and ABG (if
Remember that goals of NPPV may include a respiratory rate <30 breaths/min, VT
>6-8 mL/kg of predicted body weight, improved gas exchange, and patient comfort.
It is also important to be cognizant that IPAP > 20 cm H2O may lead to gastric
Abbreviations: ABG, arterial blood gas; EPAP, expiratory positive airway pressure; IPAP,
inspiratory positive airway pressure; NPPV, noninvasive positive pressure ventilation; VY,
tidal volume
A. Volume-Cycled Breath
B. Time-Cycled Breath
A time-cycled breath, often called pressure assist-control breath, applies a
constant pressure for a preset time. The application of pressure throughout
inspiration results in a square (constant) pressure-over-time waveform
during inspiration and a decelerating inspiratory flow waveform as the
pressure gradient falls between the ventilator and the patient (since pressure
rises as the lung fills). Flow in this breath format is variable and this leads
to variable tidal volume depending on lung compliance. Flow depends on
the resistance of the lung, the compliance of the lung, and patient effort.
With this type of breath, changes in airway resistance or lung/chest-wall
compliance will alter tidal volume (ie, worsening of airway resistance or
lung compliance results in a decrease in tidal volume).
C. Flow-Cycled Breath
A flow-cycled breath, usually called a pressure support breath, is a
spontaneous mode of ventilation. The patient initiates every breath and the
ventilator delivers support with the preset pressure value. With this support,
the patient self-regulates the respiratory rate and tidal volume. The set
inspiratory pressure support level is kept constant with a decelerating flow.
The patient triggers all breaths. A change in the mechanical properties of
the lung/thorax and/or patient effort affects the delivered tidal volume. The
pressure support level must be regulated to obtain the desired ventilation.
Pressure support breaths are terminated when the flow rate decreases to a
predetermined percentage of the initial peak flow rate (typically 25%). As
the patient’s inspiratory effort decreases, the flow decreases, marking the
proximity of the end of inspiration.
CMV delivers unassisted ventilator breaths at a preset rate. All breaths are
mandatory and are either volume-cycled or time-cycled. No additional
spontaneous assisted breaths are initiated beyond the set number of
controlled breaths. Current ventilators do not allow direct setting of CMV,
and this mode can be achieved only in patients who are not capable of
spontaneous respiratory effort, such as those who are heavily sedated or
receiving neuromuscular blockade during surgery under anesthesia.
AC pressure
ventilation Variable flow rates Variable VT
Limits pressure
Pressure support
ventilation Patient comfort Apnea alarm may not
trigger backup ventilation
improved patient- mode
ventilator interaction ET cuff leak can affect
Decreased work of cycling
breathing Requires spontaneous
Augmented patient breathing
Flow-cycled breaths
intermittent Volume or time-cycled Increased work of breathing
mandatory breaths compared with AC
ventilation Patient or time-elapsed Not a good mode for
initiation of breaths critically ill patients
Improved preload with Increased WOB if pressure
negative pressure support not set to assist
spontaneous respirations spontaneous breaths
mechanical Rests muscles of Requires use of
ventilation respiration completely sedation/neuromuscular
Volume or time-cycled blockade
only Adverse hemodynamic
Patient is unable to trigger
any spontaneous breaths
Abbreviations: AC, assist-control; ET, endotracheal; VT, tidal volume; WOB, work of
50 + 2.3 (height in inches –
50 + 0.91 (height in cm –
45.5 + 2.3 (height in inches –
45.5 + 0.91 (height in cm –
1. Choose the ventilator mode with which you are most familiar. The primary goals of
ventilatory support are adequate oxygenation/ventilation, reduced work of breathing,
synchrony between patient and ventilator, and avoidance of high end-inspiration
alveolar pressures.
2. The initial FIO2 should be 1.0. The FIO2 thereafter can be titrated downward to maintain
the Spo2 at 92% to 94%. In ARDS, Spo2 ≥88% may be acceptable to minimize
complications of mechanical ventilation.
3. Initial VT = 6 to 8 mL/kg in patients with relatively normal lung compliance. In patients
with poor lung compliance (eg, ARDS), a target VT of 4 to 6 mL/kg by PBW is
recommended to avoid overdistension and maintain an inspiratory plateau pressure
≤30 cm H2O.
4. Choose a respiratory rate and minute ventilation appropriate for the particular clinical
requirements. Target pH, not PaCO2.
5. Use PEEP in diffuse lung injury to maintain an open alveoli at end expiration. If
volume is held constant, PEEP may increase peak inspiratory plateau pressure, a
potentially undesirable effect in ARDS. PEEP levels >15 cm H2O are rarely
6. Set the trigger sensitivity to allow minimal patient effort to initiate inspiration. Beware
of auto cycling if the trigger setting is too sensitive.
7. In patients at risk of obstructive airway disease, avoid choosing ventilator settings
that limit expiratory time and cause or worsen auto-PEEP.
8. Call the critical care consultant or other appropriate consultant for assistance.
Abbreviations: ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; PBW, predicted body weight;
PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure; Spo2, oxyhemoglobin saturation as measured by
pulse oximetry; VT, tidal volume
A. Inspiratory Pressures
During positive pressure volume assist-control ventilation, airway pressure
rises progressively to a peak inspiratory pressure (Ppeak; Figure 5-5),
which is reached at end inspiration. The Ppeak is the sum of the pressure
required to overcome airway resistance and the pressure required to
overcome the elastic properties of the lung and chest wall. Ppeak,
sometimes referred to as peak airway pressure, is affected by many other
variables, such as the flow rate, diameter of the endotracheal tube,
secretions, and diminished bronchial diameter. When an inspiratory hold is
applied at the end of inspiration, gas flow ceases, all dynamic factors are
eliminated, and the pressure drops to a measurement called the inspiratory
plateau pressure (Pplat). The Pplat reflects the pressure required to
overcome the elastic recoil within the lung and chest wall and, contrary to
the Ppeak, is a static pressure. The Pplat is the best estimate of peak
alveolar pressure, which is an important indicator of alveolar distension.
Accurate measurement of Pplat requires the absence of any patient effort
and an inspiratory hold for a minimum of 0.5 seconds (usually 1 second).
Figure 5-5. Relationship of Peak Inspiratory Pressure and Inspiratory Plateau Pressure
Abbreviation: PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure
C. Fio2
E. Humidification
Gases delivered by mechanical ventilators are typically dry, and the upper
respiratory tract is bypassed by artificial airways, resulting in loss of heat
and moisture. Heating and humidification of gases are routinely provided
during mechanical ventilation to prevent mucosal damage and minimize
inspissation of secretions. Available systems include passive humidifiers
(artificial nose) or active, microprocessor-controlled heat and humidifying
systems (heated humidifiers). The passive humidifiers are contraindicated
in the presence of copious secretions, minute ventilation > 12 L/min, air
leaks > 15% of delivered tidal volume, or blood in the airway.
G. Prophylactic Therapies
Mechanical intubation is a risk factor for venous thromboembolism, gastric
stress ulceration, and nosocomial pneumonia. Measures to prevent venous
thromboembolism include the prophylactic use of anticoagulation (unless
contraindicated) and/or pneumatic compression devices. Using a proton
pump inhibitor or histamine 2-receptor blocker is warranted for stress ulcer
prevention. The risk of ventilator-associated pneumonia (ventilator bundle)
is reduced by elevation of the head of the bed to ≥ 30°, oral hygiene, and
daily evaluations for liberation from mechanical ventilation.
Case Study
ARDS causes a decrease in lung compliance, making the lungs stiff and
difficult to inflate, and produces hypoxemic respiratory failure (Chapter4).
Guidelines for mechanical ventilation in ARDS are outlined in Tables 5-8
and 5-9. High Ppeak and Pplat complicate mechanical ventilation because
of the low lung compliance or high airway resistance. Lower VT (4–6
mL/kg of predicted body weight) is required, and the Pplat should be
maintained at the desired level of ≤ 30 cm H2O; permissive hypercapnia
may be required to accomplish that goal. The Fio2 is increased as necessary
to prevent hypoxemia but reduced as soon as other ventilatory interventions
are effective. Because of increased shunt in ARDS, hypoxemia may be
severe. PEEP is the most effective way to improve oxygenation and is
typically applied in the range of 8 to 15 cm H2O, based on the severity of
hypoxemia. Higher PEEP levels may be indicated in severe lung injury.
Although patients with ARDS are somewhat less likely to develop auto-
PEEP because expiratory time requirements are reduced as a result of
decreased lung compliance (stiffness), its presence should be monitored,
especially at higher inspiratory-expiratory ratios. Table 5-9 outlines the
recommended strategy for ventilating patients with ARDS. Table 5-8
outlines the recommended Fio2 and PEEP combinations.
Decrease by 1 mL/kg over the next 4 hours until VT of 4-6 mL/kg is reached.
If Pplat is >30 cm H2O, decrease VT by 1 mL/kg until VT is 4 mL/kg or arterial pH
reaches 7.15.
If using VT of 4 mL/kg and Pplat is <25 cm H2O, VT can be increased by 1 mL/kg
until Pplat is 25 cm H2O or VT is 6 mL/kg.
If a Pplat of ≤30 cm H2O has been achieved with a VT >6 mL/kg and a lower VT is
clinically problematic (ie, need for increased sedation), it is acceptable to maintain
the higher VT.
Initiate PEEP at 5 cm H2O and titrate up in increments of 2-3 cm H2O (Table 5-8).
Full recruitment effect may not be apparent for several hours.
Monitor blood pressure, heart rate, and PaO2 or pulse oximetry during PEEP titration
and at intervals while the patient is receiving PEEP therapy.
Optimal PEEP settings are typically 8-15 cm H2O.
NOTE: These guidelines are summarized to facilitate early intervention in critical patients.
The physician should be familiar with these situations and seek appropriate consultation
as soon as possible.
Abbreviations: Pplat, plateau pressure; VT, tidal volume; PBW, predicted body weight;
PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure
Case Study
– What is the likely etiology of her high peak airway pressures in the
setting of unchanged plateau pressures?
– What adjunctive therapies, in addition to ventilator support, does this
patient need to reduce the elevated airway pressures?
– Which parameter (ie, peak airway pressure or Pplat) has been
associated with a higher risk of barotrauma in an intubated patient?
B. Obstructive Airway Disease
Mechanical ventilation for patients with asthma and chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease is designed to support oxygenation and assist ventilation
until airway obstruction has improved. After initial intubation, airway
secretions and persistent small airway obstruction may manifest as elevated
peak airway pressures and a normal Pplat. This suggests an airway
obstruction (not worsening compliance), and bronchodilators and steroids
should be used aggressively to help alleviate this obstruction while
mechanical ventilation supports the patient. As airflow improves, the
patient will tolerate higher VT levels and longer inspiratory times.
Mechanical ventilation in these patients may also produce hyperinflation,
auto-PEEP, and resultant hypotension. Therefore, careful attention is needed
to balance cycle, inspiratory, and expiratory times. The initial VT should be
6 to 8 mL/kg, and the minute ventilation should be adjusted to a low normal
pH. With volume ventilation, the inspiratory flow rate should be set to
optimize the inspiratory-expiratory ratio and allow complete exhalation.
Such management reduces breath stacking and the potential for auto-PEEP.
D. Heart Disease
The major goals of ventilatory support in patients with myocardial ischemia
are to decrease the work of breathing and ensure adequate oxygen delivery
to the heart. Decreasing the work of breathing will reduce the consumption
of oxygen by respiratory muscles, thus increasing oxygen availability to the
heart. Patients with cardiogenic pulmonary edema who are mechanically
ventilated receive additional benefit from the decrease in preload as a result
of increased intrathoracic pressure. Left ventricular afterload also decreases
through application of positive juxtacardiac pressure during systole.
E. Neuromuscular Disease
Patients with peripheral neuromuscular disease typically have an intact
respiratory drive and normal lungs. These patients may require a higher VT
level to avoid the sensation of dyspnea. Adjustments are made in other
ventilatory parameters to ensure a normal arterial pH.
Obtain a chest radiograph after intubation and repeat as indicated to evaluate any
deterioration in status.
Obtain arterial blood gas measurements after initiation of mechanical ventilation and
intermittently based on patient status.
Measure vital signs frequently and observe the patient directly (including patient-
ventilator interaction).
Measure inspiratory plateau pressure as clinically appropriate.
Use pulse oximetry to monitor oxygenation.
Use ventilator alarms to monitor key physiologic and ventilator parameters.
A. Tension Pneumothorax
When hypotension occurs immediately after initiation of mechanical
ventilation, tension pneumothorax should be one of the first considerations.
This diagnosis is based on a physical examination that finds decreased or
absent breath sounds and tympany to percussion on the side of the
pneumothorax. Tracheal deviation away from the side of the pneumothorax
may be observed, although it is uncommon after placement of an
endotracheal tube. Treatment includes emergent decompression by inserting
a large-bore catheter or needle into the second or third intercostal space in
the midclavicular line. Treatment should not be delayed awaiting a chest
radiograph. The insertion of a catheter or needle is both diagnostic and
therapeutic: it improves blood pressure and reverses the findings of physical
examination. The insertion of the catheter or needle must be followed by
chest tube placement.
C. Auto-PEEP
As previously discussed, auto-PEEP occurs when the combination of
ventilator settings and patient physiology results in an inadequate expiratory
time. Excessive end-expiratory pressure may increase intrathoracic pressure
and cause hypotension because of decreased venous return to the heart.
Although auto-PEEP may occur in any patient, those with obstructive
airway disease are particularly predisposed to this condition because of the
need for a prolonged expiratory phase.
The main cause of the respiratory failure that lead to the intubation and
mechanical ventilation has improved significantly or resolved.
Adequate mental status to maintain an airway (including the ability to
clear secretions)
Adequate oxygen saturation > 90%, Po2 > 60 mm Hg with Fio2 40–
PEEP around 5–8 cm H2O
pH > 7.25
Able to initiate inspiratory effort
Appropriate mentation to protect airway
Minimal secretions with strong cough
Hemodynamically stable and no escalation of resuscitation or
Suggested Readings
Suggested Website
Case Study
Monitoring devices are not therapeutic and information from monitoring
devices must be integrated with patient assessment and clinical judgment to
determine optimal care. In addition, the clinician must be aware of the
limitations and risk-benefit ratio of a monitoring system. Monitoring may
be as simple as measuring the pulse or temperature or as complex as
invasive hemodynamic techniques with direct and calculated
measurements. Physiologic stress leads to early effects on the heart rate,
respiratory rate, vascular tone, and blood pressure. Significant abnormalities
of these vital signs may suggest the need for more intensive monitoring.
More invasive monitoring strategies carry a higher risk of complications,
but should be considered if they provide sufficient new information to guide
therapy. This chapter will emphasize only basic monitoring techniques that
can be initiated in most care environments.
The goals of monitoring in seriously ill patients are to recognize
physiologic abnormalities and to guide interventions. These actions help to
ensure adequate blood flow and oxygen delivery for maintenance of cellular
and organ function. Tissue oxygenation cannot be directly measured or
monitored at the bedside in a predictable and reliable manner. However,
estimates of the adequacy of oxygenation can be made based on knowledge
of the oxygen balance, which is determined by oxygen delivery and oxygen
consumption. An understanding of these principles is required to appreciate
the usefulness and limitations of various monitoring tools.
Sao2 is the arterial oxyhemoglobin saturation and Pao2 is the partial pressure
of oxygen dissolved in arterial blood. Each fully saturated gram of
hemoglobin transports 1.34–1.39 mL of oxygen, depending on the affinity
of hemoglobin for oxygen. Hemoglobin is the major contributor of oxygen
for tissue demands and releases bound oxygen based on cellular uptake of
dissolved oxygen as blood flows through the capillaries. The ability of
hemoglobin to release more oxygen when supply is inadequate or cellular
demand is increased is one of the main compensatory mechanisms to
sustain cellular function. The oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve shows the
relationship of hemoglobin saturation and partial pressure of oxygen (Pao2)
(Figure 6-1).
When the Pao2 drops to approximately 40 mm Hg (5.3 kappa) in the
capillaries, the decrease in oxyhemoglobin saturation to 75% reflects the
amount of oxygen released to the tissues. During physiologic stress,
oxyhemoglobin saturation at the tissue level may decrease to <20%,
reflecting the release of additional oxygen to tissues. Acidosis, fever, and
increased CO2 production will shift this curve to the right, resulting in a
lower affinity of oxygen for hemoglobin and greater delivery of oxygen to
the tissues. Lower temperature, higher pH, and lower CO2 will shift the
curve to the left and increase the affinity of oxygen for hemoglobin. In other
words, a shift to the right will result in more oxygen being delivered to the
Stored packed red blood cells
rapidly lose a substance called 2,3-
diphosphoglycerate (2,3 DPG).
This results in an impairment in
oxygen transport to tissues.
B. Cardiac Output
Right heart Neck vein distension, liver enlargement, dependent edema
Presence of dyspnea on exertion, orthopnea
Assessment of central venous pressure can help understand right
heart filling/preload conditions.
Left heart Pulmonary edema, rales on lung examination
Figure 6-2. Cardiac Output as the Product of Heart Rate and Stroke Volume
Stroke volume is the quantity of blood pumped out of the left heart with
each beat and is determined by the difference between the end-diastolic
volume and end-systolic volume of the ventricle. Variables that determine
stroke volume are preload, afterload, and contractile function. The first
compensatory mechanism to increase oxygen delivery is often an increase
in heart rate. Patients who are unable to increase their heart rate (eg, beta-
blockade or fixed pacing) will have a limited ability to compensate.
1. Contractility
Contractility is the ability of myocardial fibers to shorten during systole. It
is highly dependent on preload and afterload and is difficult to measure as
an independent variable. Systemic factors that can affect contractility in the
critically ill patient are endogenous sympathetic activation, acidosis,
ischemia, inflammatory mediators, and vasoactive agents. An increase in
contractility would result in a larger stroke volume. Echocardiographic
measurement of the ejection fraction provides some information to the
clinician on contractility.
2. Preload
Preload is a measure or estimate of the ventricular volume at the end of
diastole (end-diastolic volume) and is determined by venous return and
ventricular compliance. The distensibility or stretch (compliance) of the
ventricle and the volume load (venous return) it can accept are the basis for
the Frank-Starling curve. In general, a greater end-diastolic volume leads to
increased stretch on the myocardium, resulting in a larger stroke volume
and therefore, better cardiac output. The curve is actually bell-shaped and
too much fluid, thus elevated preload, can lead to overstretch of the
ventricle, leading to decreased stroke volume as a result of the loss of
effective contractility (Figure 6-3). Because it is difficult to measure
volume, preload is most often estimated from the ventricular end-diastolic
pressure, which is transmitted and reflected in the atrial pressure. The atrial
pressure is estimated by the measurement of pressure in a central vein or the
pulmonary artery. Thus, the right ventricular preload is estimated by
measurement of the central venous pressure (CVP) and the left ventricular
preload by the measurement of pulmonary artery occlusion pressure
(PAOP). These pressures indirectly reflect the end-diastolic volume as well
as the compliance of the ventricular wall. Using bedside ultrasonography,
assessment of the size and variability of the inferior vena cava with
respiration may aid in the assessment of right ventricular preload. However
it should not be used independently because it is not sensitive or specific
enough to predict volume responsiveness.
Figure 6-3. Relationship Between Ventricular Preload and Stroke Volume:
When end-diastolic volume of the ventricle (preload) increases, stroke volume usually
increases proportionately.
1. Principles
The pulse oximeter is a simple, noninvasive device that estimates arterial
oxyhemoglobin saturation. The transmission of red and infrared light
through the capillary bed creates several signals throughout the pulsatile
cardiac cycle. These signals measure the absorption of the transmitted light
by the tissue or venous and arterial blood. Calculations made from the
processed signals provide estimates of the oxygen saturation of
hemoglobin, expressed as a percentage. This is not the same as the Pao2 in
the blood, although Pao2 is the primary determinant of the saturation of
hemoglobin. It does not reflect adequacy of oxygen delivery or ventilation.
The value measured by the device is commonly called the Spo2 to
distinguish it as the oxyhemoglobin saturation measurement by a pulse
oximeter rather than the Sao2, which is determined directly from an arterial
blood sample by co-oximetry. Pulse oximetry is useful in detecting
hypoxemia and titrating the delivered oxygen concentration in patients
receiving supplemental oxygen.
2. Clinical Issues
Studies have shown that to ensure a Pao2 of 60 mm Hg (8.0 kPa), an Spo2 of
92% should be maintained in patients with light skin, whereas 94%
saturation may be needed in patients with dark skin. Oximetry sensors can
be applied to the finger, toe, earlobe, bridge of nose, forehead, or any skin
surface from which a reliable pulsatile signal can be obtained. Factors that
can affect signal detection or fidelity are listed in Table 6-3. Pulse
oximeters display a digital heart rate derived from the pulsatile signal
detected by the sensor. This rate should equal the patient’s heart rate as
measured by another method, so these two rates should be compared as the
first step in the analysis of an Spo2 measurement.
a. Principles
Automated blood pressure devices are frequently used to obtain
intermittent blood pressure measurements. These devices use one of
several methods to measure systolic and diastolic pressures, but the
most common method is oscillometry. Systolic and diastolic pressures
and the mean arterial pressure are directly measured via appearance,
disappearance, and amplitude of oscillating waves. The arm is the
preferred measurement site in adults, but alternative sites include the
calf, forearm, or thigh, the latter being the least comfortable site for
patients. The cuff should not be placed on an extremity that is being
used for intravenous infusion or in an area susceptible to circulatory
compromise. The appropriate cuff size is necessary for accurate
measurements. A cuff that is too large will underestimate the true
blood pressure, and a cuff that is too small will overestimate the true
blood pressure.
b. Clinical Issues
An adequate blood pressure measurement does not ensure adequate
tissue perfusion. Automated blood pressure devices are less accurate in
clinical situations commonly encountered with the critically ill patient,
such as shock, vasoconstriction, mechanical ventilation, and
arrhythmias. Shivering, muscle contraction, and movement of the
extremity can lead to erroneous measurements. Blood pressure
monitoring via an arterial catheter is preferable to the use of an
automated blood pressure device in hemodynamically unstable
2. Arterial Cannulation
a. Principles
An indwelling arterial catheter allows for continuous measurement of
blood pressure, pulse volume or pressure, and mean arterial pressure
(Figure 6-7) by transduction of pressure via a specialized monitoring
setup. Pulse pressure is the difference between the systolic and
diastolic pressure measurements. It may also be used for arterial blood
gas measurement. The primary indications for insertion of an arterial
cannula are the need for frequent arterial samples and continuous
assessment of arterial blood pressure. Use of an arterial catheter should
be considered for arterial blood sampling if more than four samples are
required in 24 hours. Arterial pressure monitoring may also be used
with minimally invasive hemodynamic monitoring systems to evaluate
cardiac output, stroke volume, or pulse pressure variation.
Figure 6-7. Appearance of Arterial Pressure Wave with Invasive Monitoring
When invasive monitoring is used, the calculation of the mean arterial pressure is
based on the area under the curve.
The most common insertion sites for arterial catheters are (in order of
preference for adults) the radial, femoral, axillary, and dorsalis pedis
arteries. Brachial artery cannulation is usually avoided if possible
because it is an end artery and hand ischemia is a potential
complication. Shorter catheters are used for radial and dorsalis pedis
artery insertion and longer catheters for insertion in femoral and
axillary sites. Preferred sites have alternative collateral circulations.
The choice of site is based on the presence of palpable pulses, general
hemodynamic state, and other anatomic or physiologic factors unique
to each patient.
With positive pressure applied during inspiration, the decrease in systolic pressure is
greater than the decrease in diastolic pressure, resulting in a decrease in pulse pressure.
Possible complications associated with arterial catheter insertion are listed
in Table 6-4. These can be minimized by careful insertion technique,
appropriate catheter size for the artery, proper site care, and a continuous
flush system. The arterial waveform must be continuously monitored and
displayed, with alarm settings to prevent inadvertent blood loss through a
catheter that is accidentally opened to the atmosphere. The extremity with
the arterial catheter should be inspected frequently for evidence of ischemia
or infection. Any sign of ischemia distal to the catheter or infection at the
site of insertion requires immediate removal of the catheter. Arterial
catheters should be removed as soon as possible to minimize the risk of
Typical cyclic pattern for continuous venous pressure (CVP) waveform that shows
inspiration (I) and expiration (E). A, Respiratory variation during spontaneous ventilation:
CVP decreases during spontaneous inspiration as intrapleural pressure decreases. B,
Respiratory variation during positive pressure mechanical ventilation: CVP increases during
delivery of the mechanical breath as positive pressure is transmitted from the airway to the
intrapleural space and great vessels. The vertical arrows denote the point of end-expiration
during spontaneous and mechanical ventilation.
A. Cardiac Output
Passive leg raising (PLR) is another technique that may be used at the
bedside with less invasive monitoring techniques to determine whether
additional fluid is beneficial. This maneuver is performed by placing the
head of the bed flat from the semi-recumbent position and then raising both
legs simultaneously to a 45° angle (Figure 6-10). This action results in a
gravitational transfer of 250–350 mL of blood from the lower limbs and
splanchnic compartment toward the right heart. No fluid is infused and the
clinical effects are completely reversible. If a significant increase in cardiac
output or stroke volume is noted within 30 to 60 seconds of PLR, the
patient is determined to be fluid responsive. PLR has been noted to be
reliable in mechanically ventilated patients and patients with spontaneous
respiratory effort who are not mechanically ventilated. Although blood
pressure and pulse pressure have traditionally been used during PLR,
cardiac output and stroke volume changes are much more sensitive in
assessing volume responsiveness. No increase or an insignificant increase
in blood pressure is less helpful in this circumstance. PLR should not be
performed in patients with increased intracranial pressure and may not be
reliable when intra-abdominal pressures are increased.
Figure 6-10. Effects of Passive Leg Raising
Fluid boluses may also be used to determine whether a patient is fluid
responsive. Boluses of isotonic crystalloid (usually 250–500 mL) are
administered over a short period (5–10 minutes) and subsequent cardiac
output or stroke volume measurements are noted. If a significant increase in
cardiac output or stroke volume occurs following the bolus, the patient is
fluid responsive. This technique must be used carefully because additional
fluid may be detrimental to the patient’s cardiac or respiratory status.
3. Contractility
Low cardiac output after normalization of preload and afterload requires the
addition of intravenous infusion of inotropes. Inotropes increase
contractility, thus leading to an increase in stroke volume. Prior to initiation
of inotropic agents, a healthcare practitioner should have monitoring of
cardiac output established to effectively titrate these medications.
B. Hemoglobin
The patient’s hemoglobin is monitored and if the level is <7g/dL (<8g/dL if
heart failure/ischemia), then the patient should be considered for a
transfusion. Transfusion may be required for hemoglobin levels >8g/dL if
the patient is symptomatic. Symptomatic anemia results in hypo-tension,
tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, fatigue, dizziness with movement, and
in extreme cases, hypoxemia. As the transporter of oxygen to the tissues,
loss of hemoglobin significantly affects oxygen delivery. Blood transfusions
have significant risks on their own and should only be done if necessary.
C. Oxygenation
If the patient’s oxygen level is not adequate, supplemental oxygen can be
added to ensure appropriate saturation of hemoglobin. Supplemental
oxygen can range from a nasal cannula to endotracheal intubation.
Treatment of the underlying cause of hypoxemia is important to decrease
the length of time supplemental oxygen is required (Chapter4).
B. Metabolic Acidosis
C. Metabolic Alkalosis
D. Respiratory Acidosis
Respiratory acidosis is most commonly the result of ineffective alveolar
ventilation. If the respiratory acidosis is acute, the pH decreases by 0.08
units for each increase of 10 mm Hg (1.3 kPa) in Paco2. A very small
increase in plasma HCO2 can be seen acutely because of titration of
intracellular non-bicarbonate buffers. For each acute increase of 10 mm Hg
(1.3 kPa) in Paco2, the HCO2 increases by 1 mmol/L to a maximum of 30 to
32 mmol/L. In chronic respiratory acidosis, the pH decreases 0.03 units and
the HCO2 increases 3.5 mmol/L for each increase of 10 mm Hg (1.3 kPa) in
Paco2. The limit of normal renal compensation in chronic respiratory
acidosis is an HCO2 of approximately 45 mmol/L. Higher values suggest an
associated metabolic alkalosis. Treatment of respiratory acidosis involves
the rapid identification of the etiology and implementation of corrective
action. In some circumstances, intubation and mechanical ventilation may
be necessary to support alveolar ventilation.
E. Respiratory Alkalosis
Respiratory alkalosis results from primary hyperventilation that is the result
of a variety of etiologies. Acute pulmonary processes or an acidosis should
be considered in the seriously ill patient. Similar to changes noted in
respiratory acidosis, pH increases 0.08 for every decrease of 10 mm Hg (1.3
kPa) in Paco2 in acute respiratory alkalosis, and pH increases 0.03 for each
decrease of 10 mm Hg (1.3 kPa) in Paco2 in chronic respiratory alkalosis.
The [HCO2] decreases 2 mmol/L in acute respiratory alkalosis and 5
mmol/L in chronic respiratory alkalosis for each decrease of 10 mm Hg (1.3
kPa) in Paco2. Chronic respiratory alkalosis is unique among acid-base
disorders in that pH may return to normal if the condition is prolonged.
Therapy is directed to the underlying cause.
F. Complex Acid-Base Disorders
Simple acid-base disorders result from a single process such as metabolic
alkalosis. In many critically ill patients, multiple acid-base disturbances
exist concurrently and result in complex acid-base disorders. For example,
sepsis often presents with respiratory alkalosis and metabolic acidosis. A
systematic approach to acid-base analysis is needed to identify the ongoing
disturbances and determine appropriate diagnoses and interventions.
Formulas that are helpful in evaluating acid-base status are listed in Table
Reproduced with permission Killu K, Sarani B, eds. Fundamental Critical Care Support. 6th
ed. Mount Prospect, IL: Society of Critical Care Medicine; 2017.
Key Points
Low Scvo2 values suggest an oxygen imbalance that may be the result
of decreases in cardiac output, hemoglobin concentrations, or arterial
oxyhemoglobin saturation, or increases in tissue oxygen consumption.
The pulse oximeter estimates arterial oxyhemoglobin saturation but
does not reflect adequacy of oxygen delivery.
Blood pressure monitoring via an arterial catheter is preferable to the
use of an automated blood pressure device in unstable patients.
Determination of systolic blood pressure, pulse pressure, or stroke
volume variation and fluid responsiveness using special monitoring
devices may be helpful in optimizing cardiac output and oxygen
Assessment of acid-base status may suggest specific diagnoses and/or
therapeutic interventions.
Suggested Readings
Case Study
Shock is a life-threatening syndrome of impaired tissue oxygenation and
perfusion caused by a variety of different etiologies. The diagnosis of shock
requires the integration of patient information from the history and physical
examination in combination with results from diagnostic studies. Without
recognition and treatment, shock may progress to an irreversible state and
death. Prompt recognition and early, effective interventions are necessary to
prevent organ dysfunction and irreversible organ failure. Efforts to restore
adequate perfusion and investigate the cause of shock should occur
simultaneously and without delay to minimize morbidity and prevent
mortality. Strong evidence supports timely resuscitative efforts to restore
perfusion through administration of fluids and vasoactive medications while
investigating and correcting the underlying causes of shock.
Impaired tissue oxygenation and perfusion may result from one or more of
the following:
Undifferentiated Shock
Patients presenting in extremis with profound abnormalities in perfusion
require rapid interventions to begin correcting their shock state. Because of
rapid physiologic deterioration, providers often must begin resuscitative
efforts with little to no information as to the etiology of shock. Begin with a
primary survey focused on managing life-threatening airway, breathing, and
circulation problems, including acute hemorrhage. Effective delegation of
tasks among available team members is essential. Definitive interventions
are not necessary at first; jaw thrusts and oral/nasal airways can facilitate a
patent airway resulting in effective gas exchange and improved breathing.
Direct pressure to the site of hemorrhage, use of a tourniquet above the site
of hemorrhage, and fluid resuscitation will reduce the loss of hemoglobin
and may improve cardiac output.
Obtaining frequent vital signs provides trend information to the
resuscitating provider. Initial diagnostics ideally have a short processing
time and yield information directly helpful in identifying the etiology of
shock. Arterial blood gas (ABG) data with lactate determination quickly
provide insight into the perfusion and oxygenation status of the patient.
Chest radiographs will identify the presence of an infiltrate, effusion, or
pneumothorax contributing to inadequate oxygen delivery.
Electrocardiogram (ECG) and telemetry will demonstrate dysrhythmias and
morphology changes suggestive of acute ischemia earlier than troponin
assays. Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) has emerged as a beneficial tool
for the resuscitating provider to identify causes of shock and to assess
response to resuscitation efforts; however, specialized training is required
for appropriate use.
Distributive Obstructive
Septic Massive pulmonary embolism
Adrenal crisis Tension pneumothorax
Neurogenic (upper Cardiac tamponade
spinal cord injury)
Constrictive pericarditis
Abdominal compartment syndrome
Cardiogenic ↑ or ↓ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓
Hypovolemic ↑ ↓ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↓
Distributive ↑ ↑ or Na ↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ or
Obstructive ↑ ↓ ↑ or Nb ↑ ↓ ↓
A. Hypovolemic Shock
B. Distributive Shock
C. Cardiogenic Shock
D. Obstructive Shock
Restoration of hemodynamic
stability should be a priority while
efforts to treat the cause of shock
are implemented.
Component Intervention
Blood pressure Fluids, vasopressor or vasodilator agentsa
Cardiac Output
Preload Fluids, vasodilator agentsa
Contractility Inotropic agents
Afterload Vasopressor or vasodilator agentsa
Oxygen Content
Hemoglobin Blood transfusion
Hemoglobin saturation Supplemental oxygen, mechanical ventilation
Oxygen demand Mechanical ventilation, sedation, analgesia, antipyretics
aVasodilator agents are used only when blood pressure is adequate.
A. Monitoring
B. Fluid Therapy
Physical examination may provide valuable information about the
intravascular volume status. Diffuse or dependent crackles, as well as
distended neck veins, suggest high ventricular filling pressures unless acute
respiratory distress syndrome or diffuse pneumonia is present. Clear lung
fields and flat neck veins suggest inadequate preload in the hypotensive
patient. Although orthostatic changes in blood pressure and heart rate may
be helpful in determining the degree of volume depletion, the tachycardic
hypotensive patient should not be subjected to these positional changes. The
nature and degree of fluid deficits should be determined to identify the type
and appropriate quantity of fluid replacement. Monitoring of fluid
responsiveness, as described in Chapter 6, may be helpful in determining
the appropriate volume of fluids.
The initial therapy for most forms of shock is expansion of intravascular
volume. Increasing preload creates more potential energy by distending the
ventricles, resulting in stroke volume increases. It is important to monitor
volume status closely to avoid excess preload which reduces cardiac output.
Fluid resuscitation in the patient with shock can be more complex in the
context of acute and chronic medical conditions. Guidance for fluid
resuscitation in adults with septic shock is outlined in Figure 7.2. Unless
suspicious for hemorrhagic shock, initial fluid resuscitation is begun with
either crystalloid or colloid solutions. Crystalloids are less expensive than
colloids and typically accomplish the same goals, although a higher total
volume is needed because of their higher volume of distribution. Isotonic
fluids consisting of a balanced electrolyte solution which closely resemble
normal concentrations may avoid iatrogenic metabolic derangements. If
0.9% normal saline is used for fluid resuscitation, providers should monitor
electrolytes frequently to avoid iatrogenic hyperchloremia and metabolic
acidosis that can occur with infusion of large volumes. Hypotonic fluids
may create rapid fluid shifts between intracellular, interstitial, and
intravascular spaces as well as severe electrolyte abnormalities. Hypertonic
solutions (2%–23.4% saline) should be used with great caution and frequent
monitoring of electrolytes. Colloid solutions include hetastarch, albumin,
and gelatins. Use of albumin is limited by cost in some areas. Providers
should exercise caution in the use of hetastarch for resuscitation of patients
in shock because of the increased risk of renal injury and coagulopathy.
Crystalloids in titrated boluses of 500 to 1000 mL (up to 30 mL/kg) or
colloids in titrated boluses of 250 to 500 mL may be given initially to most
adult patients and repeated as necessary while appropriate parameters are
closely monitored. Smaller bolus amounts are indicated for patients with
suspected or known cardiogenic shock. Use of bedside assessment tools,
such as ultrasound and the passive leg raise test, may provide guidance on
the benefits and risks of additional fluid. Providers should establish which
end points of resuscitation and measurements of volume status will be
monitored and evaluate data points regularly.
Abbreviations: ALI, acute lung injury; CHF, congestive heart failure; CMS, U.S. Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid Services; CVP, central venous pressure; ESRD, end-stage renal
disease ; SSC, Surviving Sepsis Campaign; Scvo2, central venous oxygen saturation
Reproduced with permission Dellinger RP, Schorr CA, Levy MM. A Users' Guide to the 2016
Surviving Sepsis Guidelines. Crit Care Med. 2017; 45(3):381-385. Copyright © 2017 by the
Society of Critical Care Medicine and Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
C. Vasoactive Agents
Vasoactive agents for the acute management of shock include medications
with vasopressor, inotropic, and chronotropic effects. A vasopressor is a
medication that results in arteriolar constriction, a rise in systemic vascular
resistance, and a rise in arterial blood pressure. An inotrope is a medication
that augments cardiac contractility. Many agents have more than one
hemodynamic effect, and results may vary among individual patients and
with dosage. The goals of resuscitation are usually more important than the
specific agent chosen. Table 7-4 summarizes each vasoactive drug and its
mechanism of action. An intensivist should be consulted when the decision
to use vasoactive medications is made. Early initiation of vasoactive
medications is advised to decrease the duration of hypoperfusion. Guidance
for administering vasoactive agents in patient with septic shock is found in
Figure 7.3. Intraosseous access (Appendix 4) allows for early
administration of vasoactive medications without central venous access. In
emergent circumstances, some ino-tropes and vasopressors can be
administered for a short duration through large-bore peripheral IV catheters
that are placed at the antecubital fossa or more proximally.
Abbreviations: BP, blood pressure; DA-R, dopamine receptor; HR, heart rate; UOP, urine
Potency scale is from 1+ to 4+
aβ = adrenergic receptor that increases cardiac contractility and/or heart rate
bβ = adrenergic receptor that mediates bronchodilation and arteriole dilation
cα = adrenergic receptor that mediates arteriole constriction and increase in peripheral
vascular resistance
dMilrinone = a phosphodiesterase inhibitor with indirect β and β effects
1 2
V1 receptor= vasopressin binds to G-protein-coupled V1 receptors on vascular smooth
muscle that leads to increased intracellular calcium levels and vasoconstriction
eAng II-type I = Binds angiotensin II receptor type 1 and stimulates aldosterone release
yielding vasoconstriction and increased afterload
Figure 7-3. Vasopressor Use for Adult Septic Shock With Guidance for Steroid
Abbreviation: MAP, mean arterial pressure
Reproduced with permission Dellinger RP, Schorr CA, Levy MM. A Users' Guide to the 2016
Surviving Sepsis Guidelines. Crit Care Med. 2017; 45(3):381-385. Copyright © 2017 by the
Society of Critical Care Medicine and Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
1. Norepinephrine
Norepinephrine is the initial vasoactive drug recommended in the treatment
of septic shock. It is a more potent α-adrenergic vasoconstrictor than either
dopamine or phenylephrine, and it also has β1-mediated inotropic and
chronotropic effects. In adults, the infusion rate of norepinephrine starts at
0.05 μg/kg/min (μg/min) and is titrated to desired effects. As with other
vasoconstrictors, cardiac output may decrease as afterload and blood
pressure are increased. Norepinephrine may increase renal blood flow in
patients with adequate volume resuscitation. An increase in heart rate is
uncommon with use of norepinephrine.
2. Dopamine
Dopamine is a less frequently used vasoactive agent with dose-dependent
inotropic and vasopressor effects. It is no longer a drug of choice in the
treatment of septic shock. Although dose response varies greatly among
patients, some generalizations about dose and anticipated effect may be
helpful. At low rates of infusion (1–5 µg/kg/min), dopamine has modest
inotropic and chronotropic effects. In this dose range, it acts on the
dopaminergic receptors in the kidney and may increase urine output;
however, its use for renal effects is not recommended because it does not
prevent renal dysfunction or improve outcomes. At intermediate rates of
infusion (6–10 μg/kg/min), dopamine has primarily inotropic effects. At
higher infusion rates (≥ 10 μg/kg/min), it has significant α-agonist effects
that produce dose-related vasoconstriction. At infusion rates ≥ 20
μg/kg/min, dopamine usually offers no advantage over norepinephrine,
which may have greater vasopressor effect. Potential adverse effects include
arrhythmias (particularly atrial fibrillation) and tachycardia.
3. Epinephrine
Epinephrine has both α-adrenergic and β-adrenergic effects, potent
inotropic and chronotropic effects, and at higher doses, vasopressor effects.
Doses start at 0.05 μg/kg/min (μg/min) and can be titrated as desired. The
epinephrine-induced increase in myocardial oxygen consumption may limit
the use of this agent in adults, especially in the presence of coronary artery
disease. Potential side effects of epinephrine include tachyarrhythmias and
increased lactic acid production. The Surviving Sepsis Campaign
recommends adding epinephrine as the second-line agent after
norepinephrine for patients in septic shock, with a recommended dose of
20–50 µg/min (Figure 7-3). Recent literature has also supported the use of
“push-dose” epinephrine in the resuscitation of patients with shock who do
not have central venous access. This can be especially useful among
patients being resuscitated outside of an intensive care unit. Epinephrine
1:10,000 diluted to an epinephrine 10 µg/mL concentration given in 0.5- to
2-mL aliquots every 2 to 5 minutes can facilitate achieving MAP targets
while infusions of other vasoactive medications are prepared and
intraosseous or central venous access is obtained. Epinephrine is also part
of Advanced Cardiac Life Support protocols.
4. Phenylephrine
Phenylephrine is a pure α-adrenergic vasoconstrictor. In adults, the infusion
rate starts at 25 μg/min and can be titrated to the desired blood pressure.
Because its mechanism of action involves solely arterial constriction, it is
most useful in states with arterial dilation without concomitant cardiac
depression, such as neurogenic shock or hypotension caused by an epidural
anesthetic. Phenylephrine is not recommended for use in septic shock
unless in a salvage role when there is failure to improve with multiple other
vasoactive medications or significant dysrhythmias occur with
norepinephrine. In emergent circumstances, push-dose phenylephrine may
be administered via peripheral IV or intraosseous catheter to improve
coronary perfusion and cardiac output. Administration consists of 50–200
μg of phenylephrine 100 μg/mL given every 2 to 5 minutes.
5. Vasopressin
Vasopressin is a potent vasopressor that acts through V1 receptors to
produce vasoconstriction. As blood pressure is increased, cardiac output
may decrease, similar to the effect of norepinephrine. The recommended
dose in adults is 0.01 to 0.04 units/min. In septic shock, vasopressin is
recommended by the Surviving Sepsis Guidelines at a fixed dose (0.03
units/min) to augment MAP in patients already on norepinephrine. The
addition of vasopressin in septic shock may reduce the dose of
norepinephrine needed to achieve MAP targets. Higher doses (0.04
units/min) for prolonged periods of time may lead to ischemic events,
especially mesenteric ischemia. Vasopressin may be considered for use in
hypotensive shock refractory to other agents and fluid resuscitation, but it
has not been found to improve mortality.
6. Dobutamine
Dobutamine is a non-selective β-adrenergic agonist with inotropic effects. It
is used in doses of 5 to 20 μg/kg/min and is usually associated with an
increase in cardiac output, which is mediated mostly by an increase in
stroke volume. Arterial blood pressure may remain unchanged, decrease, or
increase slightly. Dobutamine must be introduced with care in the
hypotensive patient; in the face of inadequate intravascular volume
replacement, blood pressure can drop precipitously and tachycardia may be
problematic. This agent has variable chronotropic effects. Among patients
in septic shock with concomitant acute heart failure, the inotropic effects of
dobutamine may be of value and supersede the use of norepinephrine to
achieve MAP targets and improve perfusion.
7. Milrinone
Milrinone is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor that inhibits the breakdown of
cyclic adenosine monophosphate, the second messenger for catecholamines.
Therefore, milrinone is a sympathomimetic agent with mostly β-adrenergic-
like effects. It will increase cardiac output mostly by increasing stroke
volume and will decrease afterload by causing arteriolar dilation. It should
be used with caution in hypovolemic patients because it can cause
significant hypotension.
8. Angiotensin II
Angiotensin II is a potent vasoconstrictor and has been recently approved
for use by the Food and Drug Administration in high-output shock.
Angiotensin II accomplishes this through multiple mechanisms, including
direct vasoconstriction of peripheral vessels, water reabsorption through
potentiation of antidiuretic hormone, sodium retention via the synthesis of
aldosterone, and through synergistic activity with catecholamines. Although
it is not a new drug, there is a renewed interest in its use in treating
refractory shock. Evidence suggests that angiotensin II may preferentially
be of benefit in acute kidney injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome
in which the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is known to be disrupted.
During hypotension, the RAS is activated in response to decreased pressure
and solute content in the kidney. Acute kidney injury limits the response of
the kidney to hypotension. Acute respiratory distress syndrome disrupts the
RAS as angiotensin I is converted to angiotensin II in the lungs.
Angiotensin II may have a role in cardiogenic shock, angiotensin-
converting enzyme inhibitor overdose, cardiac arrest, liver failure, and in
settings of extracorporeal circulation. Assessment of a serum renin level
may be helpful to determine whether a patient would benefit from this
A. Hypovolemic Shock
The treatment goals in hypovolemic shock are restoration of intravascular
volume and prevention of further volume loss. Therapy for hypovolemic
shock should be targeted to reestablish normal blood pressure, pulse, and
organ perfusion. For initial resuscitation, either colloid or crystalloid fluids
are effective if given in sufficient volume. Subsequently, the fluid that is
used should replace the fluid that has been lost. For example, blood
products may be needed to replace blood loss (Chapter 9), and crystalloid
should be used for vomiting and dehydration. For hypotension, the
crystalloid of choice is an isotonic solution because of the osmolality
needed to restore intravascular volume. In large volume resuscitation,
however, normal saline infusion may produce hyperchloremic metabolic
acidosis. Vasoactive medications should be considered only as a
temporizing measure while fluid resuscitation is ongoing or when
hypotension persists despite adequate volume resuscitation. POCUS allows
for ongoing reassessment of volume status and monitoring of response to
fluid challenges. Passive leg raise provides an intrinsic bolus equivalent to
300 mL and can demonstrate fluid responsiveness if blood pressure
increases by 10–20% after raising both legs to an elevation of 45°. Central
venous pressure monitoring may help to guide fluid resuscitation in patients
without significant heart or lung disease.
B. Distributive Shock
The initial approach to resuscitating the patient with septic shock, which is
a common form of distributive shock, is restoration and maintenance of
adequate intravascular volume. Patients with sepsis manifest life-
threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to
infection. Prompt recognition is essential in patients with sepsis who have
persistent hypotension requiring vasopressors to maintain a MAP of ≥ 65
mm Hg and have a serum lactate level > 2 mmol/L (18 mg/dL) despite
adequate volume resuscitation because they have progressed to septic
shock. Delays in recognition, resuscitation, antibiotic administration, and
achieving other source control are associated with increased morbidity and
mortality. Obtaining cultures and prompt administration of appropriate
antibiotics are essential, as are other interventions to control the infection
(eg, removal of contaminated catheters, surgical procedures including
drainage and debridement of infected collections). Culture-proven infection
is not necessary to initiate antibiotics; however, cultures are of value later in
de-escalating antibiotic therapy. Lactate concentration should be measured
and repeated if abnormal as one component of assessing the resuscitation
C. Cardiogenic Shock
The primary goal in treating cardiogenic shock is to improve myocardial
function. Arrhythmias should be treated promptly. Reperfusion by
percutaneous intervention is the treatment of choice in cardiogenic shock
that is the result of myocardial ischemia (Chapter 10). Diastolic
dysfunction during myocardial ischemia may decrease ventricular
compliance and elevate the left ventricular filling pressures, falsely
indicating adequate preload. Therefore, a cautious trial of fluid
administration may be warranted (250-mL bolus amounts). When blood
pressure is decreased in cardiogenic shock, initial therapy with a single
agent that has inotropic and vasopressor effects (eg, norepinephrine or
dopamine) is indicated. Severely hypotensive patients (systolic arterial
pressure < 70 mm Hg) should be treated with norepinephrine to rapidly
raise the systolic arterial pressure. The addition of an intravenous inotrope,
such as milrinone or dobutamine (or dopexamine, which is available in
some countries), may be considered to augment myocardial contractility
after blood pressure stabilizes, with the goal of decreasing vasopressor
requirements. If moderate hypotension is not responsive to initial therapy,
consultation should be sought for potential interventions, such as intra-
aortic balloon counterpulsation or left/right ventricular assist devices.
The elevated SVR may impair cardiac output if it is a primary
hemodynamic alteration, as occurs in chronic congestive heart failure.
Often in acute cardiogenic shock, the SVR is secondarily elevated to
maintain vascular perfusion pressure. Treatment aimed primarily at
reducing afterload with a vasodilator should be initiated very cautiously and
only in patients with hypoperfusion accompanied by adequate blood
D. Obstructive Shock
In the patient with obstructive shock, relief of obstruction is the treatment of
choice. Maintenance of intravascular volume is vitally important.
Increasing preload by fluid resuscitation may improve the cardiac output
and hypotension temporarily. Inotropes or vasopressors have a minimal role
in the management of obstructive shock, and these agents provide only
temporary improvement, if any. Massive pulmonary embolus is a common
cause of obstructive shock.
Treatment for obstructive shock caused by a pulmonary embolism is
centered on fluid resuscitation to maintain cardiac output and prompt
anticoagulation to prevent clot propagation (Chapter 13). Thrombolytic
therapy or thrombectomy is sometimes needed in patients with refractory
cardiac collapse caused by massive pulmonary emboli. If cardiac
tamponade is present, pericardiocentesis may be a lifesaving intervention.
Tension pneumothorax must be treated promptly by needle decompression
and subsequent tube thoracostomy. Abdominal compartment syndrome in
the most extreme cases may require decompressive laparotomy.
Decreased cardiac output (eg, volume depletion, cardiac failure, tamponade)
Redistribution of blood flow (distributive shock) with peripheral vasodilation and/or
Glomerular disease (glomerulonephritis)
Vascular disease (eg, vasculitis)
Interstitial disease (eg, antibiotics)
Renal tubular disease
Nephrotoxic drugs
Postrenal (Obstructive)
Bilateral ureteral obstruction
Urethral stricture
Bladder outlet obstruction
Urinary catheter obstruction
A Rapid Response Team assessed the patient and spoke with the on-call
hospitalist. An arterial blood gas with lactic acid was obtained to assess
adequacy of oxygenation, ventilation, and perfusion. Inhaled
bronchodilators were ordered and BiPAP was initiated. A chest radiograph,
ECG, and troponin were performed. No evidence of acute coronary
syndrome was evident; however, B-lines were present on the chest
radiograph and intravenous furosemide was administered. Blood cultures
were obtained while the antibiotic spectrum was broadened. Four hours
later, the patient was able to oxygenate adequately without BiPAP and was
able to speak in complete sentences. His skin is now warm and dry and his
vital signs show the following: temperature 37°C (98.6°F), heart rate of 90
beats/min, respiratory rate of 18 breaths/min, blood pressure of 120/80 mm
Hg, and Spo2 of 95% on 2 L/min of oxygen by nasal cannula.
Key Points
Suggested Readings
Suggested Websites
Review the principles of primary and secondary brain insults and the
common mechanisms of neuronal injury.
Apply the concepts of intracranial hypertension and brain oxygen
delivery and consumption to the management of the brain-injured
Review the clinical and diagnostic assessment of a brain-injured
List common treatments in brain injury.
Review specific management principles and options for selected
pathophysiologic conditions.
Case Study
Primary injuries to the brain include ischemic events, trauma, hemorrhage,
and anoxia, which may occur either in isolation or in combination.
Mechanisms for these and other primary injuries are shown in Table 8-1.
Trauma: concussion, contusion, shear injury, penetrating injury, and diffuse axonal
Ischemia: global (eg, cardiac arrest with anoxia) or regional (eg, stroke)
Inflammation: meningitis, encephalitis
Compression: tumor, cerebral edema, hematoma (eg, epidural, subdural, or
Metabolism: encephalopathies (eg, hepatic, electrolyte, drugs, toxins, prolonged
A. Intracranial Hypertension
Intracranial pressure (ICP) reflects the balance of volume-control
mechanisms within the noncompliant cranial compartment. Because the
brain is enclosed within the rigid skull and relatively inflexible dura, with
tissues and fluids that are not compressible, control of the different
intracranial components is essential to maintain brain homeostasis, regulate
ICP, and preserve cerebral perfusion. The critical compartment relationship
depends on the volume occupied by each component. An increase in one
component (eg, brain) must be accompanied by a decrease in another
component (eg, blood), also known as the Monro-Kellie doctrine. When the
compensatory mechanisms are overwhelmed, ICP increases and injury may
ensue. In addition to the impaired cerebral perfusion, which may be a
consequence of globally increased ICP, small pressure gradients within the
skull may cause herniation of the brain around dural reflections (the falx
and the tentorium), with shift of the midline structures. These movements
within the skull may compromise function (eg, cause stupor or coma by
disrupting the activity of the brainstem reticular formation) or lead to
vascular compression and stroke. Understanding the vector of
intercompartmental shifts in the cranium can help predict which patients
will experience life-threatening secondary injury from compression.
An intensivist, neurointensivist, or a neurosurgeon should be consulted if
intracranial hypertension is suspected. The patient may need ICP
monitoring either through a catheter inserted into a lateral ventricle (allows
both monitoring and drainage of cerebrospinal fluid [CSF]), or a strain
gauge (or fiberoptic) pressure monitor inserted into the brain parenchyma
(Table 8-3). This monitoring includes ICP, temperature, and/or brain
oxygen. Measurements of cerebral oxygenation require special equipment
and expertise that are not available in most facilities. When direct measures
are not available, the initial care team must treat the patient based on the
principles of oxygen supply and demand.
Increased ICP has an important
effect on the regional and global
supplies of oxygen to the brain
because it compresses arteries and
decreases cerebral blood flow.
1. Avoid fever. Fever increases metabolic demand, resulting in neuronal injury and
elevates ICP.
2. Avoid seizures. Prophylactic anticonvulsant administration is indicated after moderate
or severe traumatic brain injury to prevent seizures in the first week, but the available
evidence does not support longer use in head trauma or its use in other neurologic
3. Avoid anxiety, agitation, or pain. Neuronal oxygen consumption may be decreased by
an antianxiety agent, sedation, and analgesia.
4. Avoid shivering.
5. Minimize stimulation, particularly for the first 72 hours.
After appropriate management of airway, breathing, and hemodynamic
concerns, the priority in neurologic assessment is to distinguish among
ischemic, structural, metabolic, and infectious injuries. Suspected ischemic
stroke requires an immediate decision regarding thrombolytic therapy or
intervention, and emergent neurologic consultation should be obtained. The
presence of an expanding mass lesion accompanied by significant brain
shift may indicate the need for immediate surgical evaluation and possible
intervention. The most common causes of such an event include epidural,
subdural, and intracerebral hematomas. Intracranial hematomas should be
suspected in the settings of head trauma, recent neurosurgery, anticoagulant
therapy, alcohol abuse, coagulopathies, and chronic or acute hypertension.
The diagnostic procedure of choice, CT scan of the brain, characterizes the
extent of structural injury. Medical treatment may be a temporizing option
until more definitive therapy is available and implemented.
Total Glasgow Coma Scale score = eye + verbal + motor scores; best possible score = 15,
worst possible score = 3.
Neurosurgical consultation is advised for any patient who: (1) is at risk for
developing an expanding intracranial mass lesion; (2) has an open or
depressed skull fracture or acute ventricular obstruction; (3) demonstrates
blood in the fourth ventricle, cerebellar bleeding, or SAH; or (4) has CSF
leakage. Nontraumatic disease processes, such as spontaneous intracerebral
hematoma, large brain tumors, or brain abscesses, require urgent
neurosurgical consultation if clinical findings or an imaging study indicate
significant mass effect (midline deviation, ventricular obliteration,
brainstem or basal cistern compression).
Urgent neurosurgical consultation should be obtained for hemorrhages and
infarcts in the posterior fossa regardless of the level of consciousness.
Although such patients may have few findings on initial clinical
examination, progressive swelling around the lesion may necessitate
emergent surgical decompression. Typically, any cerebellar mass greater
than 3 cm in diameter with hydrocephalus or brainstem compression
requires consideration of evacuation.
Guidelines for the management of severe TBI have been developed by the
Brain Trauma Foundation on the basis of established evidence and expert
opinion. These principles are included in the recommendations in Table 8-
Table 8-6 General Principles for Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury
Abbreviations: CPP, cerebral perfusion pressure; CSF, cerebral spinal fluid; CT, computed
DC, depressive craniectomy; EVD, external ventricular device; GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale;
ICP, intracranial pressure; PTS, posttraumatic seizures; TBI, traumatic brain injury.
B. Intracerebral Hemorrhage
D. Ischemic Stroke
Abbreviations: CSF, cerebral spinal fluid; EVD, external ventricular drain; SIADH, syndrome
of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
Stroke is a leading cause of disability. In the United States alone, there are
approximately 750,000 strokes each year. Of these patients, 15% to 30% are
disabled, 20% require long-term institutional care, and 50% are unable to
return to work. The estimated cost of stroke in the United States is $72
billion. Ischemic stroke usually occurs because of thromboembolic
obstruction of arteries. Administration of intravenous recombinant tissue
plasminogen activator (tPa) during the first 3 to 4.5 hours following the
known onset of ischemic stroke substantially improves outcome in one-
third of patients. Recent studies have demonstrated a role for intra-arterial
treatment with a clot retrieval system (called a stent-retriever device) in
selected patients with larger artery occlusion if they present within the first
24 hours of symptoms (Figure 8-4). This aggressive intervention results in
the impressive relative reduction of disability in 73% of patients.
Figure 8-4. CT Angiogram Demonstrating Occlusion of Left Middle Cerebral Artery (arrow)
Onset of symptoms, or the last time the patient was known to be at baseline
(often called Last Known Well [LKW]), is the time used to determine
whether a patient is a candidate for thrombolytic therapy. The use of a
stroke severity rating scale, such as the National Institutes of Health Stroke
Scale (NIHSS) is recommended. Like the GCS, it forms a common
language by which to risk-stratify patients for treatment. After an initial CT
scan rules out the presence of hemorrhage, intravenous recombinant tPA
should be administered in a dosage of 0.9 mg/kg (10% as a bolus over 1
minute and 90% in a 1-hour infusion) for patients in whom treatment can be
started within 4.5 hours. Protocols should be in place, including absolute
and relative contraindications, to ensure proper selection of candidates for
thrombolytic therapy. Personnel who are not familiar with the use of
recombinant tPA for the acute treatment of non-hemorrhagic stroke should
seek immediate neurologic consultation before administering therapy. Intra-
arterial clot retrieval is an important option for patients with large artery
occlusion, regardless of whether recombinant tPA has been administered.
Guidelines are available from the AHA/ASA.
E. Anoxic Injury
Relative anoxia may be a part of other injuries and may be the result of
airway loss, systemic hypoxemia, hypoperfusion, and other causes. Anoxia
may also be the primary brain insult, as occurs during cardiac arrest.
Neuronal damage may occur as a direct result of the primary insult of
hypoxemia or hypoperfusion.
The initial team should maintain the usual standards of optimal oxygen
delivery. Despite extensive studies of many agents and therapy options,
none has proven selectively beneficial, nor has the poor prognosis from
anoxic brain injury improved over time. The International Liaison
Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) task force recommends targeted
temperature management for adults with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest with
an initial shockable rhythm at a constant temperature between 32°C to 36°C
(89.6°F to 96.8°F) for at least 24 hours. Guidelines are available from the
AHA and the ILCOR.
G. Status Epilepticus
Status epilepticus (SE) is a life-threatening neurologic emergency that
requires prompt treatment and diagnosis. It is defined as 5 minutes or more
of continuous seizure activity or recurrent seizure activity without return to
baseline. It may be classified as convulsive and non-convulsive. The
treatment management plan should include work-up to determine possible
etiologies and rapid protocol for termination of seizures.
Intravenous benzodiazepines are administered at the onset of prolonged or
repeated seizure activity. Status epilepticus requires emergent neurologic
consultation, and lorazepam 0.1 mg/kg should be administered
intravenously. Intramuscular midazolam, 0.15 mg/kg, is an alternative if
intravenous access is not immediately available. The addition of
phenytoin/fosphenytoin, valproate sodium, or levetiracetam has been shown
to be useful. If seizures continue, secure the airway and initiate advanced
treatment for refractory SE. Anticonvulsants used in refractory SE include
propofol (3 mg/kg loading dose, then infusion of 1–5 mg/kg/h) or
midazolam (0.2 mg/kg loading dose, then infusion of 1–20 μg/kg/min) with
electroencephalography and other ICU monitoring.
Key Points
Neurologic Support
Brain injury occurs as a consequence of a primary insult and secondary
injury. The prevention of secondary brain injury is a critical goal for
the initial care team.
The most significant mechanisms for secondary injury in brain-
damaged patients are hypotension and hypoxia.
Optimizing oxygen delivery while controlling oxygen consumption is
a general treatment principle for all types of brain injury.
Important principles and guidelines for initial treatment apply to all
types of primary brain injury and help prevent harmful secondary
BP management is dependent on the initial brain injury. However,
excessive lowering of BP in any acute brain injury may induce
secondary ischemia.
Avoid prophylactic or routine hyperventilation in patients with brain
injuries. Mannitol should be administered for signs of downward
herniation or if neurologic deterioration is not attributable to other
factors. Hyperventilation may be initiated cautiously as a temporizing
Ensure euvolemia using normal saline as the primary maintenance
Seizure activity after acute brain injury should be terminated with an
intravenous dose of a benzodiazepine, followed by an intravenous
loading dose of an antiepileptic drug.
Suggested Readings
Case Study
It is not the intention of the FCCS program to replace the Advanced Trauma
Life Support (ATLS) course provided by the American College of Surgeons
Committee on Trauma. Critical care is a component of caring for the
injured person. The material presented here is intended to highlight
evaluation and treatment issues for the provider confronted with a critically
injured patient. Those providers who regularly encounter patients with
traumatic injuries are encouraged to enroll in more formal trauma-specific
training, such as the ATLS course.
In the United States, traumatic injuries remain the leading cause of death in
individuals aged 1 to 44 years. Death as the result of injury occurs in one of
three periods. The first period is within seconds to minutes of injury, when
deaths generally result from severe brain or high spinal cord injury, loss of
the airway, or rupture of the heart, aorta, or other large blood vessels. Few
of these patients can be salvaged because of the severity of injury, and
prevention is the only way to reduce such trauma-related deaths. The
second period occurs within minutes to hours following injury; these deaths
are usually the result of subdural and epidural hematomas,
hemopneumothorax, solid organ rupture (spleen or liver), pelvic fractures,
or other injuries associated with blood loss. The “golden hour” after trauma
is characterized by the need for rapid assessment and resolution of these
injuries. The third period occurs days to weeks after the initial injury and is
most often caused by sepsis with associated multiple organ failure (Figure
9-1). Advances in critical care and multi-organ support have blunted the late
peak that occurred at the 3–4 week interval, creating a bimodal distribution
of mortality (immediate and early deaths). This is described in the work by
Gunst et al (see Suggested Readings). This flattening of the curve
emphasizes the importance of critical care in caring for the critically
Figure 9-1. The Trimodal Distribution of Trauma Deaths
Reproduced with permission Feliciano D, Mattox K, Moore E. Trauma. 6th ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill; 2008.
1. Airway
If the patient is able to communicate verbally, the airway is unlikely to be in
immediate jeopardy. In this situation, a definitive airway is unlikely to be
needed. A definitive airway is defined as a cuffed tube secured in the
airway with the cuff inflated below the vocal cords. During evaluation of
the airway, cervical spine motion should be restricted. Assessment of the
airway includes inspection for foreign bodies and facial, mandibular, or
tracheal/laryngeal fractures that may result in airway obstruction. Patients
can develop signs of airway obstruction after a benign initial presentation;
therefore, reassessment is paramount. Profuse bleeding from an
oropharyngeal injury may warrant placement of a definitive airway.
Other key issues in airway control deals with concomitant facial fractures.
Facial fractures are not an immediate priority unless heavy bleeding or
uncontrollable secretions are present. Similarly, facial fractures usually do
not require that the patient be intubated. Mandibular fractures, however, are
more likely to be associated with soft-tissue injury that may compromise
the airway. Orotracheal intubation or surgical airway should be performed if
a definitive airway is needed.
If unable to achieve orotracheal
intubation or adequately
oxygenate/ventilate a patient, an
emergent cricothyroidotomy is
indicated or tracheostomy, when
tracheal/laryngeal injury is
2. Breathing
Whereas many injuries can eventually affect the ability to ventilate and
oxygenate, several important injuries need to be identified and managed
urgently. These include: tension pneumothorax, open pneumothorax, and
massive hemothorax.
Tension pneumothorax – this is a clinical diagnosis resulting from air in the
pleural space affecting the patient’s physiology. Treatment (chest tube)
should be performed prior to obtaining a chest radiograph. Patients who are
breathing spontaneously have signs of tachypnea, air hunger, and absent
breath sounds on the affected side. Although hemodynamic collapse can
develop in any patient, it may be the presenting signs in patients receiving
positive pressure ventilation. Other findings include tracheal deviation away
from the side of injury and distended neck veins. See Chapter 5 for more
detailed information.
Open pneumothorax – is generally associated with chest wall soft-tissue
loss creating a “sucking chest wound”. Prehospital providers commonly
treat this injury at the scene with air-occlusive dressing secured on three
sides. Once at the hospital, a chest tube should be placed and definitive
wound closure should be performed in the operating room. Prior to
definitive wound closure, a sterile dressing should be applied to the wound.
Massive hemothorax – is suggested by the patient’s physiology, physical
examination, and chest radiograph. It is often defined as > 1,500 mL of
blood (which corresponds to Class III hemorrhagic shock) in the pleural
space, or ongoing blood loss of > 200 mL per hour for subsequent 2 to 4
hours. This amount of blood in the pleural space can compromise
oxygenation and ventilation. A chest tube should be placed and surgical
consultation obtained for possible thoracotomy. Auto-transfusion of the
scavenged blood from the pleural space can aid in the patient’s
Other injuries associated with breathing problems include a simple
pneumothorax and rib fractures. Usually, a simple pneumothorax is
associated with rib fractures and may require chest tube placement. These
patients often present with chest wall tenderness. Subcutaneous emphysema
may be palpable. A chest radiograph with subcutaneous air is highly
suspicious for a pneumothorax and a chest tube should be placed. High
consideration should be given to placement of a chest tube in any patient
who has a pneumothorax on a chest radiograph and is receiving general
anesthesia and positive pressure ventilation.
Rib fractures are often missed on a chest radiograph; however, a fracture
may be suspected and documented when tenderness over the fracture is
identified during physical examination. Pain control may be required to
ensure adequate spontaneous ventilation. These patients can develop
hypercapnic respiratory failure from inadequate ventilation; therefore, their
ventilation and oxygenation should be continually monitored. Flail chest is
defined as two or more fractures in two or more consecutive ribs. This may
result in paradoxical chest movement (ie, inward movement of the flail
segment during inhalation). Flail chest is also associated with contusion of
the underlying lung, pain, and hypoxemia. These patients require aggressive
pain control and continuous monitoring of oxygenation and ventilation.
They may need to be intubated because of severe respiratory compromise.
Case Follow-up: A 37-year-old man was working at a construction site
when he fell approximately 20 feet off of scaffolding. He sustained a high-
grade splenic injury requiring splenectomy and a spinal cord contusion at
3. Circulation
Case Study
6. Monitoring
Parameters such as heart rate, blood pressure, pulse pressure, respiratory
rate, acid-base status, body temperature, and urinary output are used to
guide adequacy of resuscitation. Evaluation begins during the initial survey
and should be repeated frequently. Pulse oximetry is a valuable adjunct for
monitoring hemoglobin saturation with oxygen in injured patients, but it is
not useful for evaluating the adequacy of ventilation. Blood pressure, as the
sole marker of resuscitation, may be a poor measure of actual tissue
perfusion. Additional metabolic markers, such as serum lactate, base deficit,
and pH, will assist in the determination of the adequacy of resuscitation.
Perfusion of extremities may be evaluated by examining capillary refill as
well as the presence of the peripheral pulses.
A urinary catheter should be inserted as soon as is practical to monitor urine
output as a gauge of renal perfusion, although it must be used with caution
in male patients when urethral injury is suspected (eg, blood at the urethral
meatus, scrotal hematoma, or abnormal prostate on rectal examination). In
these patients, a retrograde urethrogram can be used to rapidly evaluate for
urethral injury.
7. Hemorrhagic Shock
As resuscitation proceeds, it is crucial to identify potential causes of
hypotension. A search for occult blood loss should be undertaken after any
external hemorrhage is controlled. The most frequent sites for such blood
loss are the chest, abdomen, pelvis/retroperitoneum, and the soft tissues
adjacent to long bone fractures.
a. Hemothorax
A chest radiograph (ideally with the patient in an upright or reverse
Trendelenburg position if hemodynamically stable) is a reliable screen
for intrathoracic bleeding. Ultrasonography of the chest also may
reliably detect a hemothorax or pericardial fluid.
A hemothorax should be drained promptly by chest tube placement,
with a subsequent radiograph to verify the location of the chest tube,
blood evacuation, and lung expansion. As noted earlier, rapid loss of
1,500 mL of blood on chest tube insertion or continued losses of > 200
mL/h for 2 to 4 hours may necessitate a thoracotomy. If available,
autotransfusion devices should be attached to any chest tube drainage
canister placed for massive hemothorax.
b. Intra-abdominal Hemorrhage
Abdominal examination is often misleading in the detection of acute
bleeding, especially in patients with lower chest trauma, rib fractures,
spinal cord injury, intoxication, or altered level of consciousness. Any
patient who has sustained significant blunt torso injury from a direct
blow or deceleration, or a penetrating torso injury must be considered
to have an abdominal visceral or vascular injury. Focused ultrasound
for trauma and DPA or DPL are the most expedient methods of
identifying significant intraperitoneal hemorrhage, although the FAST
examination has largely replaced the use of DPL in most institutions.
When readily available and used by trained individuals, FAST has the
sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of DPL in detecting
hemoperitoneum requiring immediate surgical evaluation to determine
the need for a surgical intervention. In stable patients with a positive
FAST result, abdominal and pelvis CT scan with intravenous contrast
may be appropriate to identify the source of bleeding and determine
the need for any further intervention (eg, angiography for blunt solid
organ injury). Abdominal hemorrhage frequently comes from splenic
or liver laceration, other visceral injury, or retroperitoneal hematoma.
Patients who are in shock are not candidates for CT scanning and
require surgery to control bleeding.
c. Pelvic Hemorrhage
Assessment of bony stability by means of physical examination and
plain radiographs of the pelvis is crucial for early identification of
major pelvic fractures. Patients with pelvic fractures (particularly high-
grade anterior-posterior compression or vertical shear) are at high risk
for major bleeding, which is usually venous. Initial management
includes vigorous blood volume replacement and, possibly,
circumferential compression and mechanical tamponade with some
form of pelvic binder. External skeletal fixation may be helpful if the
fracture anatomy is appropriate, and an orthopedic surgeon should be
consulted early in the course of treatment. In patients with arterial
bleeding associated with pelvic injury, CT scanning will reveal a blush
of contrast. Pelvic angiography for embolization should be considered
in the hypotensive patient because of an increased likelihood for
arterial bleeding. Angiography may be required in approximately 10%
of patients with pelvic fractures. Recently, angiography has become
the treatment of choice for control of bleeding from pelvic fractures
and hematomas, even in the unstable patient.
d. Fractures
Patients with fractures will likely have associated hemorrhage in the
surrounding injured tissue. Estimates of blood loss from various
fractures are: rib 125 mL, radius or ulna 250–500 mL, humerus 500–
750 mL, tibia or fibula 500–1,000 mL, femur 1,000–2,000 mL, pelvis
1,000 mL to massive. Multi-injured patients can have severe blood
loss from their musculoskeletal injuries. This needs to be recognized
quickly and appropriate resuscitation initiated promptly. In patients
with long bone fractures, repeated physical examination for soft-tissue
swelling and development of compartment syndrome is imperative in
the management of these patients.
e. External Hemorrhage
External hemorrhage can be very dramatic, as with a lacerated major
artery or vein where direct pressure will decrease blood loss. Other
cases, such as scalp lacerations, may go unrecognized as a possible
source of significant blood loss. Rapid application of direct pressure
(with or without hemostatic gauze), temporizing suture repair, or
application of a tourniquet to a bleeding extremity may be lifesaving.
If a commercially available tourniquet is not available, an alternative
method employs a blood pressure cuff inflated to a pressure higher
than the patient’s systolic blood pressure. Tourniquet use should be
followed by surgical consultation because the tourniquet places the
extremity at risk for ischemic injury. The time the tourniquet is placed
should be written on the tourniquet and communicated to the receiving
facility if the patient is transferred. In some situations, including
military conflict and intentional mass casualty events, the early control
of hemorrhage along with the liberal use of tourniquets can be
lifesaving and may take priority in the initial evaluation and
8. Nonhemorrhagic Shock
The differential diagnosis of nonhemorrhagic shock in the trauma patient
includes obstructive shock (tension pneumothorax, cardiac tamponade),
cardiogenic shock (blunt cardiac injury), and distributive shock (neurogenic
shock with acute spinal cord injury). Head injury is a rare cause of
hypotension, but when it occurs, it is usually a preterminal event.
a. Tension Pneumothorax
Tension pneumothorax causes hemodynamic compromise and
pulmonary dysfunction because of acute compression of the lung
parenchyma and a shift of the mediastinum away from the hemithorax
with the increased pressure. Do not wait for a chest radiograph to make
this diagnosis. Breath sounds will be absent, chest rise will be
asynchronous, and patients may develop respiratory distress, acute
desaturation, bradycardia, and occasionally, distended neck veins.
Classic venous distension may be absent in the setting of
pneumothorax complicated by hypovolemia. All but gross changes in
breath sounds may be difficult to detect in the resuscitation room.
Tracheal shift is a late sign and may not be a presenting finding. In
adults, needle chest decompression in the midclavicular second
intercostal space or finger thoracostomy at the fifth intercostal space
anterior axillary line is performed; this is a lifesaving intervention that
is followed by placement of a chest tube.
If tension pneumothorax is
suspected in an intubated
patient, disconnect the patient
from the ventilator and vent the
pleural space with a finger
thoracostomy or needle
decompression followed by a
tube thoracostomy. Manually
ventilating the patient may reveal
increased resistance.
b. Cardiac Tamponade
The classic signs of cardiac tamponade—hypotension, distant heart
sounds, jugular venous distension, and pulsus paradoxus—may be
obscured because of noise and hypovolemia (decreasing jugular
distension). Ultrasound (FAST) is a sensitive test for fluid in the
pericardial sac. A pericardial window should be performed for the
patient with refractory shock, persistent central venous hypertension,
and a high-risk penetrating wound (between the nipples, above the
costal margin, below the clavicles). When surgical expertise is not
available, a needle/catheter pericardiocentesis may be performed as a
temporizing measure. Occasionally, major blunt chest trauma ruptures
the cardiac surface. Most cases involve atrial tears and can be repaired
if diagnosed early.
c. Blunt Cardiac Injury
The diagnosis of blunt cardiac injury should be suspected in a patient
involved in a high-speed, frontal impact accident who has unexplained
hypotension or arrhythmia or, less commonly, cardiogenic shock.
Changes in the electrocardiograms (ECGs) are usually nonspecific and
can include premature ventricular contractions, bundle branch block,
atrial fibrillation, unexplained sinus tachycardia, and ST-segment
changes. If blunt cardiac injury is a possibility, a screening ECG
should be obtained in the emergency department. If the patient has new
abnormalities, the patient should be admitted for continuous ECG
monitoring. For patients with preexisting abnormalities, comparisons
with previous ECGs should be made. Hemodynamically stable patients
with no ECG abnormalities and negative cardiac troponin need no
further cardiac evaluation or observation. Echocardiography is
indicated in patients with unexplained hypotension or arrhythmias to
evaluate cardiac function and structural heart injury. Treatment
includes correction of acidosis, hypoxia, and electrolyte abnormalities;
judicious administration of fluid; and pharmacologic treatment of life-
threatening arrhythmias.
Inotropes may be indicated to support hemodynamic function. It is
important to ensure that refractory hypotension is not caused by
ongoing blood loss. Patients may present with acute myocardial
infarction secondary to cardiac injury, or an acute myocardial
infarction may have led to trauma (ie, fall, motor vehicle crash). At
times, these patients may need emergent cardiology consultation for
heart catheterization.
d. Neurogenic Shock
Neurogenic shock, a physiologic state of shock, occurs when a cervical
or high thoracic spinal cord injury (above T6 level) causes
sympathectomy. Loss of vasomotor tone causes vasodilation of
visceral and peripheral blood vessels. It is characterized by
hypotension, frequently associated with relative or absolute
bradycardia. Flaccid paralysis, loss of extremity reflexes, and priapism
may be some of the initial associated neurologic findings. This is
usually followed by spasticity. This spectrum of neurologic findings
comprises spinal shock. Treatment for hypotension includes volume
resuscitation and vasopressors (phenylephrine or norepinephrine) if
volume loading does not reverse the hypotension. Atropine or
dopamine may be considered in the presence of bradycardia associated
with hemodynamic instability.
1. History
Essential components of a patient’s history include details of the
mechanism of injury, previous medical illness, past surgical history (eg,
inquiring about surgical scars), current medications, allergies, and tetanus
2. Physical Examination
The patient should be examined from head to toe. The skull is carefully
inspected to identify occult injuries. Signs of basilar skull fracture include
hemotympanum, rhinorrhea, or otorrhea; Battle sign (ecchymosis of the
skin over the mastoid); and raccoon eyes. Facial bones, mandible, and neck
are palpated for tenderness and crepitus. The GCS score and limited
neurologic examination from the initial assessment are used to evaluate for
head trauma (Chapter 8). Extraocular eye movements are checked to
exclude muscle or nerve entrapment. The nares are inspected for blood and
septal hematoma. The neck is inspected for distended neck veins, the
position of the trachea, or subcutaneous emphysema. Neck pain or
tenderness over the cervical spine warrants additional radiographs (see later
section), CT, or magnetic resonance imaging. The chest is auscultated and
palpated for tenderness and crepitus. The patient is logrolled so that the
thoracic and lumbar spine can be palpated for tenderness and other injuries
can be detected. In penetrating trauma, exclude occult entrance or exit
wounds in the axillary, cervical, or inguinal regions. This may require a
second full log roll to the opposite side or quarter roll. The abdomen is
likewise inspected, auscultated, and palpated. The pelvic bones are assessed
for stability with lateral compression, anterior-posterior compression, and a
gentle translational motion; lack of pain with these motions in an awake
patient without competing pain issues is usually sufficient to rule out
significant pelvic bone fractures. Repeated examinations for pelvic stability
should be avoided and may cause further injury. The rectum is evaluated for
tone and the presence or absence of blood and to ensure that the prostate
gland is not displaced or difficult to palpate. The presence of
perineal/scrotal hematoma and blood at the urethral meatus implies
potential urogenital injury, which is a risk for urinary catheter insertion. The
extremities are inspected, palpated, and evaluated for range of motion and
neurovascular integrity.
3. Laboratory Studies
Minimal testing includes complete blood count, electrolyte measurements,
blood glucose level, blood alcohol level, and toxicology screening.
Viscoelastic assays (TEG or ROTEM), if available, can better depict
trauma-induced coagulopathy and provide guidance of massive transfusion
protocols. In any patient with evidence of hypovolemia, blood-group
typing, and a coagulation profile should be performed. Arterial blood gas
measurements should be analyzed in selected patients to confirm adequate
ventilation and perfusion (presence of acidosis). An elevated serum amylase
level may be an indicator of pancreatic or bowel injury in the patient with
blunt abdominal trauma, although it tends to increase several hours after
initial injury. Creatinine phosphokinase should be checked and followed if
rhabdomyolysis or compartment syndrome is suspected. The hematocrit
may not reflect the patient’s acute volume status; ongoing resuscitation
equilibration by transcapillary fluid shifts can take hours to be reflected as a
decrease in hematocrit. In general, a fall of 3% in the hematocrit is
equivalent to 1 unit of blood loss. Serum lactate level measurements and
follow-up to monitor clearance can help management and prognosis.
a. General
In the evaluation of blunt multiple-system trauma, a supine chest
radiograph and supine view of the pelvis are generally obtained as the
primary survey is performed. This allows for interpretation of
completed radiographs as the secondary survey begins. Plain
radiographs of the pelvis are crucial for early identification of major
fractures and may allow for early placement of a pelvic binder to help
reduce ongoing blood loss
b. Head
CT scanning is essential for initial evaluation of a head-injured patient
or in any patient with a decreased or altered level of consciousness.
Special consideration should be given to patients sustaining a blunt
mechanism and are on anticoagulation and/or antiplatelet medications,
especially in the elderly population. Many centers will also obtain a
CT scan of the cervical spine when the head scan is obtained.
c. Spine
The initial lateral C-spine radiograph has been largely abandoned for
the diagnosis of cervical spine injury. Given the common issues in
obtaining adequate cervical spine images, including inadequate
visualization of the spine between C7 and T1 and poor definition of
the occiput, most centers now obtain a CT evaluation of any areas that
cannot be clinically cleared or have concerning results on physical
examination. In the patient with increased risk of C-spine injury,
cervical immobilization is crucial until these studies are reviewed and
correlated with a reliable physical examination for evidence of
tenderness. However, patients should be removed from a rigid spine
board expeditiously because of the risk of skin pressure injury with
extended immobilization. Magnetic resonance imaging is helpful for
disc, spinal cord, and ligament injuries. If a C-spine fracture is found,
radiographic screening of the entire spine is indicated because ~10% of
these patients will have a second, noncontiguous vertebral column
fracture. CT scans of the chest and abdomen often can be reformatted
to provide information on spine injury without the need for additional
plain radiographs or additional radiation exposure.
Neurologic examination alone does not exclude a C-spine injury. The
following considerations apply to patients at risk for C-spine injury:
Patients who are alert, awake, and have no changes in neurologic
status or neck pain may be considered to have a stable C-spine
and need no radiologic studies. Beware of injuries that could
distract the patient with C-spine injury.
Early CT scans may facilitate evaluation of the C-spine in any
head-injured or intubated patient. Adding CT evaluation of the C-
spine to the initial CT scan of the head is an appropriate strategy
after injury.
The presence of paraplegia or quadriplegia is presumptive
evidence of spinal instability.
Patients with neurologic deficits potentially the result of a C-spine
injury require spine surgery consultation.
Exclusion of any bony injury does not eliminate the possibility of
ligamentous disruption. Magnetic resonance imaging can
facilitate clearance of ligamentous injury if the examination is not
d. Chest
Once the spine is cleared for fractures, an upright (or reverse
Trendelenburg) chest radiograph is indicated to better define or
identify pneumothorax, hemothorax, mediastinal widening or
irregularity (concern for aortic transection), or fractures, as well as to
confirm the position of various tubes. Chest radiographs are
inadequate to rule out aortic injury. When a significant lateral impact
or deceleration injury occurs, an aortic injury should be suspected in a
patient with a chest radiograph demonstrating a widened mediastinum.
CT angiography provides an excellent method to screen for aortic
injury and define other thoracic injuries. Its use has largely replaced
traditional angiography in the initial diagnosis of thoracic aortic
e. Abdomen
Plain abdominal radiographs in blunt trauma are not usually helpful. In
the hemo-dynamically stable patient, a CT scan of the abdomen and
pelvis and the FAST examination are the mainstays of abdominal
evaluation in a trauma patient. FAST can be followed up with a CT
scan of the abdomen if free peritoneal fluid is identified in the stable
patient. DPL may still be used in certain circumstances, but has
generally been replaced by CT imaging and the FAST examination.
A nasogastric tube serves to decompress the stomach and may reduce
the risk of pulmonary aspiration; however, it should be placed orally in
patients with midfacial fractures or possible basilar skull fractures.
Blood in the gastric aspirate may be the only sign of an otherwise
occult injury to the stomach or duodenum, and further investigation
may be indicated
f. Genitourinary Tract
Hematuria should be evaluated with a CT scan or other contrast
studies. It provides anatomic detail about abdominal and
retroperitoneal structures and any direct injury to the kidney(s). If
physical examination suggests that a urethral injury is present, a
urethrogram should be obtained before urinary catheterization. A
cystogram may be indicated if bladder injury is suspected. Intravenous
pyelograms are not overly valuable during the initial assessment.
g. Skeletal Fractures
Films of the extremities (anterior posterior and lateral views) should be
obtained on the basis of physical examination or patient complaint.
Films should include the joint above and below the site of fracture.
Evaluation of the head and central injuries take precedence. In stable
patient with no signs of vascular compromise secondary to their
skeletal injuries deferring extremity radiographs is advisable to avoid
delay in proceeding to CT.
5. Other Issues
Systemic antibiotics should usually be withheld until a specific indication is
determined, but they are employed in three situations: (1) patients
undergoing intracranial pressure monitoring or chest tube placement
frequently receive gram-positive coverage when the device is inserted; (2)
patients with penetrating abdominal trauma may be given coverage for
gram-negative aerobic and anaerobic organisms for the first 24 hours after
injury; and (3) patients with low-grade open fractures are given gram-
positive coverage for 24 hours while high-grade open fractures require
broad-spectrum coverage for 48 hours as orthopedic evaluation is arranged.
Abbreviations: Tdap, tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid, acellular pertussis vaccine;
Td, tetanus toxoid and reduced diphtheria toxoid — for adult use (dose = 0.5 mL); TIG,
tetanus immune globulin — human (dose 250 IU).
aPatients who have completed a three-dose primary tetanus vaccination series and have
received a tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine <5 years before the injury do not require a
tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine for wound management.
bChildren <7 years – Tdap is recommended; if pertussis vaccine is contraindicated, Td is
given. Children 7-9 years or adults >65 years = Td is recommended. Children and adults
10-64 years = Tdap is preferred to Td if the patient has never received Tdap and has no
contraindication to pertussis vaccine. For patients >7 years of age, if Tdap is not available
or not indicated because of age, Td is preferred to tetanus toxoid.
cSuch as (but not limited to) wounds contaminated with dirt, feces, soil, and saliva; puncture
wounds; avulsions; and wounds resulting from missiles, crushing burns, and frostbite.
dEquine tetanus antitoxin should be used when TIG is not available.
eIf only three doses of fluid toxoid have been received, a fourth dose = preferably an
adsorbed toxoid – should be given. Although licensed, fluid tetanus toxoid is rarely used.
fYes, if ≥10 years since the last tetanus toxoid-containing dose.
gYes, if ≥5 years since the last tetanus toxoid-containing dose; more frequent boosters are
not needed and can accentuate adverse effects.
Case Study
1. Head Injury
Evaluation of the head-injured patient is an ongoing process requiring early
neurosurgical consultation. Serial assessment of the GCS scores, pupil size
and response, and the presence or absence of lateralizing neurologic signs is
crucial. Any changes in examination results are noted and acted on as they
are discovered. Typically any change in the neurologic examination for the
worse warrants a repeat head CT.
Serial CT scans of the head may offer clinically useful information, but the
key to patient management is detection of changes in the physical
examination. Repeat scheduled head CT is not uncommon for patients on
blood thinners, such as warfarin or direct-acting oral anticoagulants
(DOACs). Continued resuscitation is imperative to avoid secondary brain
injury, which typically occurs when a patient becomes hypoxic or
hypotensive during acute care. These secondary insults increase the
likelihood of a poor outcome (Chapter 8).
2. Pulmonary Injury
Trauma patients often have a full stomach at the time of injury and
experience aspiration. Aspiration of the acidic gastric contents may cause a
chemical pneumonitis initially and predispose patients to an infective
pneumonia or acute respiratory distress syndrome later. Antibiotics are not
indicated in initial management. Early antibiotics can also make the patient
more susceptible to resistant organisms. Bronchoscopy may be needed for
removal of large particulate matter.
Delayed onset of pneumothorax or hemothorax may follow chest trauma. In
addition, pulmonary contusions and resulting acute respiratory distress
syndrome may not become obvious until later (12 to 48 hours). Continued
assessment includes physical examination, oximetry and/or arterial blood
gas measurements, chest radiographs, and ventilatory mechanics.
3. Cardiac Injury
Continuous ECG monitoring and frequent measurements of blood pressure
are mandatory in the emergency department and ICU. Continuous arterial
blood pressure monitoring may be indicated (Chapter 6). Electrolyte
disturbances may lead to cardiac contractile dysfunction or arrhythmias in
the aggressively resuscitated trauma patient. Common electrolyte
disturbances include hyperchloremia, hypokalemia and hyperkalemia,
hypomagnesemia, and hypocalcemia.
4. Abdominal Injury
Substance abuse or neurologic injury may not allow for a reliable initial
abdominal examination. Perforation of a hollow viscus in blunt trauma is
sometimes difficult to diagnose. Free air under the diaphragm on an upright
chest radiograph, over the liver on a left lateral decubitus radiograph, or on
an abdominal CT necessitates the need for surgical exploration. CT
scanning also provides information about the retroperitoneum. In the head-
injured patient who is undergoing a head CT scan and has a nonsurgical
neurologic injury, abdominal scanning should be considered because
physical examination may be unreliable. However, caution must be used in
the clinical interpretation of CT imaging for a hollow viscus injury; a
negative scan does not absolutely rule out the possibility of an occult injury.
An underdiagnosed condition is abdominal compartment syndrome. This
condition occurs when intra-abdominal pressure increases because of
intraperitoneal or retroperitoneal hemorrhage, ascitic fluid accumulation,
edema secondary to massive fluid resuscitation, or intraoperative surgical
closure of the abdomen under tension. Increased intra-abdominal pressure
decreases cardiac output and compresses the vascular bed and kidneys. The
diaphragm is displaced upward by increased intra-abdominal pressure,
which results in decreased thoracic volume and compliance. Decreased
volume within the pleural cavity predisposes to atelectasis, and ventilated
patients with intra-abdominal hypertension require increased airway
pressure to deliver a fixed tidal volume. Vascular compression can decrease
blood flow to the liver and kidneys with resultant dysfunction. Finally,
intra-abdominal hypertension significantly increases intracranial pressure
(Chapter 13). Typically, abdominal hypertension is manifested with
decreased urine output, increasing peak airway pressures, hypotension, and
an expanding tense abdomen.
5. Musculoskeletal Injury
The neurologic and vascular evaluation of the extremities is an ongoing
process. A swollen and tense extremity should be watched closely for the
development of a compartment syndrome, particularly in patients with
decreased responsiveness. In alert patients, serial physical examination is
the best monitoring method. Classic signs include pain, pallor,
pulselessness, paresthesia, and/or paralysis. The most helpful early signs are
reports of pain out of proportion to physical findings and severe pain on
passive stretch of the involved muscle groups. In the unconscious patient or
when the examination is unreliable, compartment pressure may be
monitored using a needle with a pressure transducer. Pressures > 30 mm Hg
warrant consideration of fasciotomy.
In compartment syndrome, urgent
fasciotomy is required with loss of
pulse being a very late finding
Case Study
A. General
Burn injuries represent a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. Near
a half million cases of burn injury occur each year with approximately
40,000 requiring hospitalization. Deaths from burn injury occur with
greatest frequency as a result of residential fires with smoke inhalation.
Like other forms of injury, burns tend to be frequent in the young and the
elderly. Scalds are the most common form of childhood injury, whereas
electrical and chemical injuries affect adults in the workplace. In 1975,
mortality was approximately 25% for severe burns; however, with
improvements in burn care, mortality is now around 4%. Factors that affect
burn mortality include size of cutaneous injury, patient age, and presence or
absence of inhalation injury. Burn injuries should not distract providers
from seeking other potential traumatic injuries. The initial evaluation and
treatment of a serious burn injury follows the same pathway as trauma,
including the primary and secondary surveys.
B. Airway/Breathing
The initial evaluation of the airway is directed, in part, by the history of the
injury. Patients who are at the greatest risk of smoke inhalation injury
typically have a history of being in a closed space with flame and smoke.
With increased exposure time, the likelihood of injury increases. Smoke
inhalation injury can be described by three mechanisms. These include
particulate injury, toxic byproducts of combustion injury, and direct thermal
injury. Particulates found in the soot and smoke of the fire are responsible
for a reactive airway injury that may result in bronchospasm. Toxic
exposure may have a direct cytotoxic effect on alveolar tissue or affect
energy-generating pathways, or bind hemoglobin and reduce the availability
of oxygen for intracellular use. Direct thermal injury can result in oral,
nasal, and upper respiratory injury with airway swelling.
Inhalation injury, the leading cause of death in burns, is generally diagnosed
by a combination of clinical signs and symptoms confirmed by
bronchoscopy. Clinical findings include facial burns, parched oral mucosa,
nasal singeing, soot in the oral and nasal passages, and symptoms of
reactive airway exacerbation. Bronchoscopic findings include mucosal
edema, ulceration, sloughing, and mucus plugging. Chest radiographs are
frequently normal at admission, and hypoxemia often is not appreciated.
Additional diagnostic studies to consider are serial arterial blood gases,
peak expiratory flow rates, pulse oximetry, end-tidal CO2, serum lactate,
and carboxyhemoglobin.
At room air, the half-life of carbon
monoxide in association with
hemoglobin is 3 to 4 hours;
breathing 100% oxygen, the half-
life is only 30 to 90 minutes.
1. Acute hypoxia with asphyxia typically occurs at the scene of the fire.
2. Upper airway and pulmonary edema may evolve during the first hours
to days after injury.
3. Infectious complications that stem from exposure to heat and chemical
irritants may appear later (eg, pneumonia).
C. Circulation
Patients with larger burns (> 20% total body surface area [TBSA]) may
develop burn shock. This is the result of a diffuse capillary leak syndrome
resulting from the release of cytokines, interleukins, and vasoactive amines
and causing third spacing of fluid. The combined loss of fluid from the
burned surface area and the interstitial edema may result in the loss of
circulating volume. Systemic hypotension may ensue. Resuscitation
following the American Burn Association recommendations (discussed
later) should be followed because it permits large volumes of fluid to be
administered over an extended period. Large-bore peripheral intravenous
catheters should be placed (through the burn, if necessary). The preferred
resuscitation fluid is lactated Ringer solution. Intravascular resuscitation
should not be delayed or withheld, especially in patients with inhalation
injury, because this increases resuscitation fluid requirements.
D. Assessment of Injury
The approach to the initial assessment is the same as in trauma. An initial
primary survey (ABCDE) is performed, followed by a head-to-toe
examination. All nonadherent clothing must be removed to determine burn
size, and the patient must be covered with blankets because heat is lost
quickly. Depending on the history, the patient may have other injuries and
should be assessed for trauma in accordance with the guidelines outlined.
1. Depth of Burns
There are classically three burn depths. However, some describe up to six
degrees of burn injury depending on the involvement of underlying
subcutaneous tissue, muscle, and bone. For this course we will use four
burn depths:
Relative Percentage of Body Surface Area Affected by Growth
Age in years 0 1 5 10 15 Adult
A-head (back or front) 9½ 8½ 6½ 5½ 4½ 3½
B-1 thigh (back or front) 2¾ 3¼ 4 4¼ 4½ 4¾
C-1 leg (back or front) 2½ 2½ 2¾ 3 3¼ 3½
The Lund-Browder chart is the most accurate method for estimating burn extent and must
be used in the evaluation of pediatric patients under 15 years of age.
E. Resuscitation
Burn shock presents during the first 24 to 48 hours with profound
hypovolemia, which has both interstitial and intracellular components.
Increased capillary permeability is one of the key components of the burn
shock response. In small burns, maximal edema is seen 8 to 12 hours after
injury; larger burns at 12 to 24 hours. Plasma volume loss coincides with
edema formation and increased extracellular fluid. Edema is affected by
fluid administration during resuscitation. Fluid and electrolytes should be
replaced as dictated by organ perfusion indicators and electrolyte
imbalance. Because fluid and electrolyte losses in burns are primarily
insensible, fluid lost cannot be quantified adequately. Venous access should
be obtained and a urinary catheter placed. In the 2018 update to Advanced
Burn Life Support, the American Burn Association recommends fluids in
patients older than 14 years of age initiated at 500 mL/h with rapid titration
to weight-based fluid infusion rates. For scald or flame burns, infants and
young children weighing less than or equal to 30 kg should receive 3 mL
lactated Ringer per kg per %TBSA and D5LR at maintenance rate. Children
younger than 14 years of age should receive 3 mL per kg per % TBSA;
adult and older children should receive 2 mL per kg per %TBSA. The rates
are increased for electrical burns. All patients with electrical burns should
receive 4 mL lactated Ringer per kg per %TBSA; however, infants and
children should receive additional D5LR at maintenance rate.
Beginning at the low end may reduce edema and extravascular
complications such as abdominal compartment syndrome. The TBSA is
calculated only for second- or third-degree burns. Resuscitation is carried
out with lactated Ringer solution. Half of the crystalloid resuscitation
should be administered in the first 8 hours after time of injury, the
remaining over the next 16 hours. Confirming adequacy of resuscitation is
more important than strict adherence to formulas. Surrogate markers of
adequate resuscitation include normalization of blood pressure, heart rate,
and urine output. Appropriate urine output in adults is 0.5 to 1 mL/kg/h and
in children > 30 kg up to age 17 is 0.5mL/kg/h and young children < 30 kg
is 1mL/kg/h. An arterial blood gas measurement to monitor the pH and base
deficit and serum lactate levels are also good markers of adequate
resuscitation. Although appropriate resuscitation is critical to maintain
physiology, care must be taken to avoid over-resuscitation because this can
lead to significant increases in peripheral edema, pulmonary edema,
compartment syndromes, and result in increased morbidity of the burn
injury. Once target urine output is reached, a gradual reduction of IV fluid
administration is advised to prevent over-resuscitation.
F. Escharotomy
A circumferential burn to an extremity may develop significant edema that
the underlying tissue cannot accommodate because of the constrictive
nature of the burn wound. Impaired limb and tissue perfusion may ensue
that can only be managed by performing an escharotomy to the extremity
and/or digits. In larger burns of the abdomen and chest wall, a compartment
syndrome may develop whereby cardiovascular and respiratory
compromise may mandate torso escharotomies or abdominal
decompression. Surgical consultation should be sought immediately for any
of these problems.
H. Burn Wound
Local wound care begins with serial debridement of nonviable tissue and
blisters by appropriate surgical consultants. Little care, other than covering
with a dry clean dressing to prevent hypothermia, is required for the burn
wound before transfer to the burn center or surgical consultation. If gross
contamination is present, a gentle washing and coverage with clean linen
may be appropriate. If the patient cannot be transferred to a burn center
within 24 hours, it may be necessary to cleanse the burns with a cleansing
agent and apply appropriate topical antibiotic ointment (ie, silver
sulfadiazine or bacitracin) and occlusive dressings to help prevent
evaporative heat loss.
I. Other Considerations
Placement of a nasogastric tube and gastrointestinal stress ulcer prophylaxis
are indicated if the patient vomits, requires intubation, or has a burn > 20%
of TBSA. This may also prove beneficial to provide nutritional support for
large burns, given the high nutritional requirements. Intravenous opiates
should be given for pain. Rings and bracelets should be removed because
they may cause constriction early in resuscitation. Burns are tetanus-prone
injuries, and tetanus prophylaxis should be reviewed (Table 9-3).
J. Special Considerations
1. Chemical Burns
Chemical burns may be caused by acid (eg, cleaning products, industrial
applications), alkali (eg, hydrides of sodium, potassium, and sodas of
ammonia), or organic compounds (eg, petroleum products). Severity of
injury relates to the agent involved, its concentration, and the duration of
contact. Initial care requires removing the patient from the source of
chemical injury immediately. In general, removal of clothing is essential.
Dry substances should be brushed off and the area irrigated copiously with
water. Do not use neutralizing agents because they may increase the
severity of burn.
2. Electrical Injury
Electrical injury is a syndrome with a variety of presentations. Exposure to
an electrical source of < 440 volts produces a low voltage injury similar to
other cutaneous burns. When exposure exceeds 1,000 volts, a greater
potential for deep as well as cutaneous injury exists.
Three types of skin injury can occur with electrocution:
1. Entrance and exit wounds, typically circumscribed, deep lesions, occur
at points of contact with the electrical source or ground (usually hands
and feet).
2. Cutaneous burns may be caused by arc injury from the primary site to
the patient, a flash injury, or an actual flame injury if clothing catches
3. Deep soft-tissue injuries involve muscle, nerve, or the vascular bed as
current passes through the tissue.
*Patients with severe trauma with burns should be addressed at the nearest
trauma center prior to consideration for transfer to burn center. For
additional information on burn transfer criteria, see
https://ameriburn.org/public-resources/burn-centerreferral-criteria/. Some
additional triggers are suggested in Table 9-4.
Physiologic Criteria
Anatomic/Injury Triggers
Penetrating injuries to head, neck, torso, and extremities proximal elbow or knee
Chest wall instability or deformity
Amputation proximal to the wrist or ankle
Two or more proximal long bone fractures
Crushed, degloved, mangled, or pulseless extremity
Pelvic fracture
Open or depressed skull fracture
Patient Triggers
Adapted from Centers for Disease and Prevention. Guidelines for field triage of injured
patients: Recommendations of the National Expert Panel on Field Triage, 2011. MMWR
Recomm Rep. 2012;61(1):1-21.
Key Points
Suggested Websites
Case Study
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) refers to a group of conditions
characterized by acute myocardial ischemia resulting from reduction in
myocardial blood flow. An important distinction is made clinically on the
basis of an electrocardiogram (ECG) between patients with ACS who have
ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), who should be considered for
immediate revascularization, and those who do not (non–ST-elevation acute
coronary syndrome [NSTE-ACS]). ACSs account for nearly 2 million
hospitalizations annually in the United States, and, if patients who die
before reaching the hospital are included, mortality may be as high as 25%.
ACSs share similar pathogenic mechanisms and represent different points
along a common continuum. ACSs are usually precipitated by rupture of an
atherosclerotic plaque, leading to a complex process of inflammation,
platelet activation and aggregation, thrombus formation, and
microembolization to the distal vasculature that results in decreased
myocardial oxygen supply. Plaque erosion may play a role in some patients
with NSTE-ACS. Possible sequelae of plaque rupture include thrombus
formation with total occlusion, with ST-elevation myocardial infarction;
dissolution of thrombus and healing of the fissure, with clinical
stabilization; and subtotal occlusion, which can lead to either NSTE-ACS or
unstable angina.
The distinction between NSTE-ACS and unstable angina is made on the
basis of biochemical evidence of myocardial injury manifested as elevation
of cardiac troponin. Such injury confers a higher risk and is usually an
indication for coronary revascularization. Patients without elevated
troponins are said to have unstable angina. The spectrum of ACS is shown
in Figure 10-1.
Figure 10-1. Overlapping Spectrum of Acute Coronary Syndromes
Patients with other critical illness or injury have an increased risk for ACS
and frequently have atypical presentations. Definitive diagnosis of ACS
may not be possible on initial evaluation and requires continuous
observation, ECG monitoring, and/or laboratory evaluations. The initial
physical examination should include vital signs and general observation,
assessment of jugular venous distension, auscultation of the lungs and heart,
evaluation of the peripheral pulses, detection of neurologic deficits, and
assessment for evidence of systemic hypoperfusion.
A. Diagnosis
Some women may not present with typical left-sided pressure or squeezing-
type chest pain but may have nonspecific symptoms often described more
as discomfort rather than pain. Women also have a greater prevalence of
other features such as nausea, shortness of breath, palpitations, jaw and
neck pain, as well as back pain. Nonetheless, chest pain remains the
predominant symptom reported in those ultimately diagnosed with ACS,
with the frequency in women equal to men.
If equipment and expertise are available, the use of transthoracic
echocardiography allows bedside assessment of wall motion abnormalities
as a marker for current or past ischemia and the detection and follow-up of
new abnormalities. It also provides an estimate of left ventricular (LV)
function and identification of valvular dysfunction and/or pericardial fluid.
The differential diagnosis of chest pain is broad and includes aortic
dissection or aneurysm, myocarditis, pericarditis, aortic stenosis, pulmonary
embolism, pneumothorax, esophageal and gastrointestinal disorders,
pneumonia, pleuritic pain, musculoskeletal or chest wall diseases,
hyperventilation, and other causes. Additional tests, such as
hemoglobin/hematocrit, electrolytes, thyroid function, and arterial oxygen
saturation, may be helpful in identifying precipitating factors for demand
ischemia or ACS, or may identify alternate diagnoses. Other imaging tests
may be indicated as warranted by the clinical presentation.
New-onset shortness of breath
and/or new left bundle branch
block should be considered possible
evidence of ACS, particularly in
women and patients with diabetes
mellitus, who may have atypical
B. Management
1. Anti-ischemic Therapy
Immediate control of ischemic pain is typically accomplished with a
combination of nitrates, β-blockers, and opiates. Antianginal medications
that are effective in stabilizing patients with unstable angina are listed in
Table 10-4. The goal is to reduce ischemia without causing hypotension or
reflex tachycardia. Patients with ongoing ischemic discomfort should
receive up to three doses of sublingual or spray nitroglycerin. Nitrates
should not be administered if the systolic blood pressure measures < 90 mm
Hg or ≥ 30 mm Hg below the patient’s baseline blood pressure. Additional
contraindications to nitrate administration are a heart rate of < 50 beats/min,
tachycardia > 100 beats/min in the absence of heart failure symptoms, and
in suspected right ventricular infarction or severe aortic stenosis. Nitrates
are also contraindicated in patients who have received a phosphodiesterase
inhibitor for erectile dysfunction in the previous 24 hours (48 hours for
2. Antiplatelet Therapy
The use of antiplatelet and anticoagulant agents (Table 10-5) is important in
patients with NSTE-ACS because of the contributions of platelet
activation/aggregation and the coagulation system to platelet-rich thrombus
formation. Dual antiplatelet therapy is indicated in patients undergoing
revascularization with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). The
intensity of therapy with these agents is often tailored to the patient’s risk
assessment and to plans for early invasive procedures. Non−enteric-coated
aspirin at a dose of 162 to 325 mg should be administered (and chewed) as
soon as possible to all patients with NSTE-ACS (including those in the
prehospital setting) if no aspirin allergy is suspected. Aspirin should be
administered indefinitely. Clopidogrel or ticagrelor should be considered as
an alternative antiplatelet agent if aspirin is contraindicated.
Antiplatelet Agents
Aspirin 162-325 mg chewed and swallowed initially, then 81-325 mg as a
minimum oral dose daily
Adenosine diphosphate inhibitors (thienopyridines)
Clopidogrel Loading dose of *75–300 mg orally can be used with a noninvasive
approach or fibrinolysis; loading dose of 300 to 600 mg orally with PCI;
maintenance dose of 75 mg orally daily
Prasugrel Loading dose of 60 mg orally may substitute for clopidogrel in patients with
STEMI managed with early PCI who are not at high risk of bleeding;
maintenance dose of 10 mg daily (consider 5 mg daily if weight <60 kg);
not studied for STEMI treated with fibrinolysis
Ticagrelor Loading dose of 180 mg orally may be an option instead of clopidogrel in
NSTE-ACS or STEMI managed with early PCI; maintenance dose of 90
mg twice daily; not studied for STEMI treated with fibrinolysis
Abbreviations: P2Y12, The P2Y12 receptor is the predominant receptor involved in the ADP-
stimulated platelet activation; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; STEMI, ST-
elevation myocardial infarction; NSTE-ACS, non–ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome
*Individuals >75 years of age, and those receiving fibrinolysis, should receive a loading
dose of 75 mg because of increased bleeding risk
3. Anticoagulant Therapy
The combination of aspirin and an anticoagulant agent is more beneficial
than aspirin alone in NSTE-ACS. The selection of a specific agent should
take into account the risks of ischemia and bleeding complications, as well
as the presence of renal dysfunction. In patients with ACS treated with a
conservative ischemia-guided approach, low-molecular-weight heparin,
unfractionated heparin, bivalirudin, or fondaparinux should administered as
soon as possible unless there are significant contraindications. Patients
managed with fondaparinux require an additional anticoagulant to prevent
catheter thrombosis if a PCI is subsequently performed. Unfractionated
heparin is continued for at least 48 hours, and enoxaparin or fondaparinux
for the duration of the hospital stay (up to 8 days) in patients managed with
medical therapy or until PCI is performed. If an early invasive strategy is
planned, unfractionated heparin, enoxaparin, or bivalirudin should be
initiated as soon as possible. Serial platelet counts are required to monitor
for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT). Argatroban is an alternative
anticoagulant in patients with known HIT. Patients who are adequately
anticoagulated with warfarin still require antiplatelet therapy, but
anticoagulation with heparin or alternative agents is generally not needed
unless the international normalized ratio is less than 2.0.
4. Reperfusion Interventions
Fibrinolytic agents have no proven efficacy in NSTE-ACS. Patients with
NSTE-ACS and shock benefit from early reperfusion with PCI or coronary
artery bypass graft and should be triaged to the catheterization laboratory as
soon as possible. An early invasive approach is clearly indicated in patients
who have hemodynamic or electric instability, or refractory angina, and
who lack serious comorbidities such as bleeding, advanced liver or renal
failure, or end-stage disease such that the risk of PCI outweighs the benefit.
In other patients with NSTE-ACS, risk stratification is the key to the
decision about an invasive strategy; cardiology consultation is usually
warranted to help with the decision. An initial strategy of medical
management with attempts at stabilization is warranted in patients with
lower risk, but patients at higher risk should be considered for cardiac
catheterization. Calculation of a GRACE risk score can be helpful with
respect to timing; patients with a score > 140 benefited from early
revascularization (< 24 hours) in the Timing of Intervention in Acute
Coronary Syndromes (TIMACS) trial.
5. Other Interventions
High-dose statins are indicated for all patients with ACS. Echocardiography
should be performed to evaluate LV performance because an angiotensin-
converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor or angiotensin receptor blocker should
be administered to patients with NSTE-ACS and evidence of pulmonary
congestion or LV ejection fraction < 40% unless contraindications are
present. Aldosterone antagonist is an option in patients receiving an ACE
inhibitor and β-blocker who have an ejection fraction < 40%, diabetes
mellitus or heart failure, and no contraindications. Risk factor modification,
including exercise, weight reduction, and smoking cessation, is
recommended for all patients with ACS. Patients should be evaluated for
diabetes mellitus even if not previously diagnosed.
A. Diagnosis
Patients with STEMI typically present with prolonged chest pain and
associated symptoms, but some patients have MIs that are painless (silent
infarction/ischemia) or have other related symptoms, such as dyspnea and
fatigue. In the critically ill patient population, STEMIs may not be
associated with classic symptoms and are often suspected when
complications occur, new arrhythmias develop, or ECG changes are noted.
The physical examination findings are nonspecific.
The most common finding in patients with normal sinus rhythm is the S4
heart sound, indicating decreased left ventricular compliance at the end of
ventricular filling. Bibasilar crackles as a result of pulmonary edema may
be present and are helpful in assessing hemodynamic status. A brief focused
physical examination aids in the diagnosis and assessment of possible
complications of STEMI. A limited neurologic examination for evidence of
prior stroke or cognitive deficits also should be conducted.
When possible, a prehospital 12-lead ECG should be obtained and
interpreted to facilitate diagnosis, triage, and treatment on arrival at the
medical facility. Otherwise, a patient with chest discomfort or symptoms
suggestive of ACS should have this ECG performed and read within 10
minutes of arrival or detection of symptoms. The ECG is diagnostic of
STEMI in the absence of QRS confounders (ie, bundle branch block,
pacing, LV hypertrophy, Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome) if it shows ≥ 2
mm of ST-segment elevation in two or more contiguous leads in men or ≥
1.5 mm of ST-segment elevation in women in leads V2-V3 and/or ≥ 1 mm in
other contiguous leads (Figure 10-4).
Figure 10-4 . ECG Indicating an Inferolateral STEMI
This electrocardiogram (ECG) shows classic findings of ST elevation in the inferior (II, III,
and aVF) and lateral (V4, V5, V6) leads, indicating an inferolateral ST-elevation myocardial
infarction (STEMI).
Patients with ECG findings of new or undiagnosed left bundle branch block
and chest pain compatible with myocardial ischemia are treated similarly to
those patients with ST-segment elevation. If the initial ECG is not
diagnostic but the patient remains symptomatic with a high clinical
suspicion for ischemia, serial ECGs at 5- to 10-minute intervals may be
performed to detect the development of ST-segment elevation. A right-sided
ECG showing ST elevation in right-sided V leads may suggest right
ventricular infarction is present.
1. Early Therapy
Immediate 12-lead ECG, cardiac-specific troponin measurement, and
related laboratory tests should be completed. Aspirin should be
administered immediately, and supplemental oxygen should be given in the
presence of dyspnea, hypoxemia, heart failure, or shock.
Early restoration of flow in the infarct-related coronary artery is associated
with improved survival in patients with STEMI; therefore, some type of
reperfusion should be chosen as soon as possible. Primary PCI with stent
placement is the preferred method if it can be performed quickly by
experienced personnel; patients should be transferred directly to the
catheterization laboratory in preference to other intensive care units when
this is feasible. The door-to-balloon time goal is 90 minutes, but 60 minutes
is preferable. Recent studies suggest that first medical contact to balloon
time is a more relevant measure, with a goal set at 90 minutes. Activating
the catheterization laboratory by obtaining and transmitting a prehospital
ECG and taking appropriate patients directly to PCI-capable centers are
strategies that can reduce time to revascularization.
The addition of a loading dose and subsequent maintenance doses of
clopidogrel or ticagrelor as part of dual antiplatelet therapy may improve
outcomes prior to PCI for STEMI, but consultation with the cardiology
team is advisable because other options, such as short-acting intravenous
platelet inhibition, may be advisable in some situations, especially if
surgical intervention may be needed. An anticoagulant agent, unfractionated
heparin or bivalirudin, should also be administered to patients undergoing
PCI. Intravenous nitroglycerin may be useful in patients with STEMI and
ongoing chest pain, hypertension, or heart failure, unless the systolic blood
pressure is below 90 mm Hg. Intravenous β-blockers are not routinely
administered but may be considered at presentation if hypertension or
ongoing ischemia is present and there are no contraindications.
Absolute Contraindications
Prior intracranial hemorrhage
Known cerebral vascular lesion
Ischemic stroke within past 3 months
Allergy to the agent
Significant head or facial trauma within past 3 months
Known intracranial neoplasm
Suspected aortic dissection
Active internal bleeding or bleeding diathesis (except menstruation)
Intracranial or intraspinal surgery within past 2 months
Severe uncontrolled hypertension (unresponsive to urgent therapy)
Relative Contraindications
Severe uncontrolled hypertension on presentation (blood pressure >180/110 mm Hg)
History of chronic, severe, poorly controlled hypertension
Ischemic stroke >3 months ago or intracerebral pathology
Current use of oral anticoagulants
Traumatic or prolonged (>10 min) cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Major surgery within past 3 weeks
Previous use of streptokinase/anistreplase: allergy or prior exposure (>5 days ago)
Active peptic ulcer disease
Recent internal bleeding (within past 2–4 weeks)
Noncompressible arterial or central venous puncture
Table 10-7 Fibrinolytic Agents Used in ST-Elevation Myocardial
Streptokinase 1.5 million units intravenously over 30-60 min
Alteplase 15 mg intravenous bolus, then 0.75 mg/kg (maximum 50 mg)
intravenously over 30 min, then 0.50 mg/kg (maximum 35 mg)
intravenously over 60 min
Reteplase 10 units intravenously over 2 min followed in 30 min by 10 units
intravenously over 2 min
Tenecteplase Intravenous bolus adjusted for weight (30 mg if <60 kg; 35 mg if 60-70
kg; 40 mg if 70-80 kg; 45 mg if 80-90 kg; 50 mg if >90 kg)
3. Adjunctive Therapy
a. Antiplatelet Therapy
Dual antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and P2Y12 inhibition is given to all
patients undergoing PCI, as described previously. However, data suggest
that even patients not undergoing PCI benefit from the addition of
clopidogrel or ticagrelor to aspirin.
Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor antagonists inhibit the final common pathway
of platelet aggregation, blocking crosslinking of activated platelets, but in
the era of dual antiplatelet therapy, the role of addition of a glycoprotein
IIb/IIIa inhibitor in primary angioplasty for STEMI is uncertain.
“Upstream” (prior to PCI) use of GP IIb/IIIa receptor antagonists has failed
to show benefit and is no longer recommended. They may be considered on
an individual patient basis, if a patient has a large thrombus burden at PCI
or if there was insufficient loading with a P2Y12 receptor antagonist.
b. Anticoagulant Therapy
After fibrinolysis with a plasminogen activator, heparin should be used to
maintain vessel patency for 48 hours, adjusted to keep the partial
thromboplastin time at 1.5 to 2 times the control value. Heparin
anticoagulation after use of streptokinase is not necessary. Patients who
have intramural thrombus detected or suspected on echocardiography
should receive heparin, and heparin should be considered in patients with
large anterior infarctions who do not receive PCI or fibrinolysis.
c. β-Blockers
β-blockers are beneficial both in the early management of MI and as long-
term therapy. Oral β-blockers should be initiated after the patient with
STEMI has stabilized, ideally in the first 24 hours. Long-term use of these
agents is helpful in all patients who are at risk for recurrent cardiovascular
events and who have no contraindications to their use.
d. Renin-Angiotensin System Inhibitors
Inhibitors of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) decrease circulating
angiotensin II levels and increase levels of bradykinin, which in turn
stimulates production of nitric oxide. ACE inhibitors have been shown to
improve hemodynamics, functional capacity, and symptoms. They also
improve survival in patients with chronic congestive heart failure and
prevent the development of congestive heart failure in patients with
asymptomatic LV dysfunction. Patients treated with ACE inhibitors after
MI showed improved survival, with particular benefit in patients with LV
dysfunction (ejection fraction < 40%), anterior infarction, or pulmonary
congestion. This improved survival was additive to the benefits of aspirin
and ß-blockers. The mechanisms responsible for the benefits of ACE
inhibitors most likely include limitation in the progressive LV dysfunction
and enlargement (remodeling) that often occur after infarction, but a
reduction in ischemic events was also seen. Immediate intravenous ACE
inhibition with enalaprilat has not been shown to be beneficial, but oral
ACE inhibition should be started early in the hospital course. An ACE-I
should be administered within the first 24 hours to all patients with STEMI
and LV dysfunction or heart failure unless hypotension (systolic blood
pressure < 100 mm Hg) or other contraindications, most prominently a
history of angioedema, are present. Baseline renal function should be taken
into consideration when initiating an ACE inhibitor or an angiotensin
receptor blocker (ARB), but renal failure is not an absolute contraindication
to their use. Patients should be started on low doses of oral agents and
titrated to maximally tolerated doses. STEMI patients that are intolerant to
an ACE-I should be given an ARB. ARBs have been shown to be non-
inferior to ACE inhibitors in this setting.
e. Statins
Multiple studies have shown that statin use in patients after ACS can
prevent death, recurrent MI, and stroke. Use of a high-intensity statin is
preferred and should be initiated before discharge. In patients with ACS,
high-intensity statin therapy should be given regardless of the LDL level.
Contraindications to statin use include a history of statin-induced
rhabdomyolysis or significant myopathy and/or acute liver injury, but often
patients who did not tolerate one statin will tolerate another.
f. Calcium Channel Blockers
Long-acting calcium channel blockers may be a useful secondary therapy
for recurrent myocardial ischemia but are not appropriate for first-line
treatment. Randomized clinical trials have not demonstrated that routine use
of calcium channel blockers improves survival after MI. Immediate-release
nifedipine is contraindicated in the treatment of an acute MI. Diltiazem and
verapamil are contraindicated in patients with STEMI and LV dysfunction
and heart failure.
Transfer to a facility providing a higher level of care is indicated for
patients who have persistent ischemic symptoms after MI, who develop
cardiogenic shock, who have heart failure despite aggressive therapy, or
who have recurrent ventricular fibrillation or tachycardia despite aggressive
antiarrhythmic therapy.
C. Complications
Common early complications of MI are heart failure and cardiogenic shock,
recurrent ischemia and/or infarction, and arrhythmias. Urgent cardiology
consultation should be obtained as soon as possible to assist with
management and decisions regarding advanced interventions in all patients
with complications of ACS.
Percutaneous mechanical
circulatory support should be
considered in patients with ACS
and shock or impending shock,
based on hemodynamic assessment.
3. Mechanical Complications
Mechanical complications following MI include ventricular free wall
rupture, ventricular septal rupture, and acute mitral regurgitation, all of
which typically occur during the first week after infarction.
Ventricular free wall rupture is often lethal although its incidence is low (<
1%). Risk factors include the absence of collateral flow, anterior location of
the infarct, use of corticosteroids or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents,
age > 70 years, and female sex. Pseudoaneurysm with leakage may be
heralded by chest pain, nausea, and restlessness, but frank free wall rupture
presents as a catastrophic event with shock and electromechanical
dissociation. Echocardiography reveals pericardial effusion, and salvage is
only possible following prompt recognition and thoracotomy for repair.
Ventricular septal rupture presents as hypotension, severe biventricular
heart failure, and cardiogenic shock with physical findings of a pansystolic
murmur and parasternal thrill. The hallmark finding is a left-to-right
intracardiac shunt (“step-up” in oxygen saturation from right atrium to right
ventricle), but the diagnosis is most easily made with echocardiography.
Rapid institution of supportive pharmacologic measures and mechanical
support is necessary. Surgical repair is the only viable option for long-term
survival, but even if done in a timely manner, mortality remains high,
ranging from 20% to 80%.
Ischemic mitral regurgitation may be seen following an inferior MI because
of compromised blood flow to the posterior papillary muscle. The typical
presentation is that of acute-onset pulmonary edema and cardiogenic shock.
The murmur of acute mitral regurgitation may be limited to early systole
because of rapid equalization of pressures in the left atrium and left
ventricle or may be soft or inaudible when cardiac output is low. Diagnosis
is made by echocardiography. Afterload reduction inotropic or vasopressor
therapy may temporize by supporting cardiac output and blood pressure, but
definitive therapy is surgical valve repair or replacement, which should be
undertaken as soon as possible because clinical deterioration can be sudden.
Detection of reinfarction is
clinically important because it
carries incremental risk for the
3. Arrhythmias
Arrhythmias associated with ACS and reperfusion include atrial
bradycardias, atrial tachycardias, atrioventricular (AV) blocks, ventricular
tachyarrhythmias, and asystole. Hemodynamically significant atrial
bradycardia or AV block in the setting of inferior MI can be treated initially
with IV atropine in a dose of 0.5 mg every 3–5 minutes to a total dose of 3
mg while preparing for transcutaneous pacing. Atropine rarely corrects
complete heart block or type II second-degree AV block, especially when
this occurs in the course of an anterior MI. Temporary transvenous pacing is
indicated for complete heart block, bilateral bundle branch block, new or
indeterminate-age bifascicular block with first-degree AV block, type II
second-degree AV block, and symptomatic sinus bradycardia that is
unresponsive to atropine. Transcutaneous pacing should be initiated for
patients who have indications for emergent temporary pacing until
transvenous pacing can be instituted.
D. Special Considerations
1. Perioperative MI
Perioperative MI can occur before surgery, intraoperatively, and during the
postoperative period. The last is the most common, with the peak incidence
on the third postoperative day. Perioperative MI is often associated with
atypical presentations and may be painless; patients rarely experience
classic symptoms and signs of acute coronary syndromes, or symptoms may
be masked by analgesics and/or sedatives. New-onset or increased atrial or
ventricular arrhythmia is often the presenting finding, as is postoperative
pulmonary edema. Other possible presentations may include hemodynamic
instability and respiratory distress. The diagnosis can be sometimes
confirmed with serial ECG and cardiac marker determinations, but
echocardiography can be particularly useful to identify new wall motion
abnormalities in cases with diagnostic uncertainty. Medical therapy to
decrease myocardial oxygen demand is usually the first line of therapy.
Catheterization with potential PCI should be considered as long as dual
antiplatelet therapy is feasible; fibrinolytic therapy is often contraindicated.
Suggested Readings
Suggested Websites
Case Study
Life-threatening infections are both a cause and a consequence of critical
illness. The incidence of life-threatening infections or sepsis is increasing as
a reflection of the growing population of patients at risk: the elderly,
immunocompromised patients, and those with malignancy, chronic illness,
or multiple trauma. Septic shock, the most severe form of systemic response
to infection, is a common cause of death in critically ill adults and children.
Early recognition and appropriate management of infections and their
sequelae can decrease the mortality rate.
Sepsis is defined as life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a
dysregulated host response to infection. Abnormalities that suggest organ
dysfunction may include, but are not limited to, lactic acidosis, oliguria,
coagulation disorders, acute alteration in mental status, and an elevated
sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) score. Septic shock is a subset
of sepsis with circulatory and metabolic/cellular dysfunction associated
with a higher risk of mortality. In the clinical setting, septic shock is
characterized by hypotension requiring vasoactive drugs to maintain a mean
arterial pressure of greater than 65 mm Hg along with a serum lactate level
of greater than 2 mmol/L despite adequate fluid resuscitation. Patients with
suspected infection who are likely to have a prolonged ICU stay or die in
the hospital can be identified at the bedside using the quickSOFA (qSOFA)
score which is positive if a patient has two or more of the following:
alteration in mental status, systolic blood pressure of less than 100 mm Hg,
and a respiratory rate greater than 22 breaths/min.
Reproduced with permission Cunha BA. Clinical approach to fever in the neurosurgical
intensive care unit: Focus on drug fever. Surg Neurol Int. 2013;4(Suppl 5):S318-S322.
Copyright 2013 Cunha BA.
B. Epidemiologic Factors
Serious or life-threatening infections may occur in patients from the
community, long-term care facilities (ie, nursing homes), or hospital
settings. Serious or life-threatening community-acquired infections include
bacterial pneumonia, central nervous system (CNS) infections or
meningitis, urosepsis, intra-abdominal sepsis caused by a ruptured or
obstructed viscus, or sporadic uncommon infections, such as necrotizing
fasciitis. Patients from long-term care facilities share this spectrum but
often have infections with more resistant pathogens. Patients from long-
term care facilities have an increased risk of developing device-related
infections and/or infected decubitus ulcers. Finally, hospitalized patients are
exposed to antimicrobial-resistant flora and numerous invasive devices, in
addition to having more comorbidities and greater severity of illness than
the other populations, making them prone for the development of sepsis.
Healthcare-associated infections are acquired while the patient is receiving
treatment for other conditions within a healthcare setting. They are of
particular importance because of the higher risk of resistant pathogens. It is
estimated that healthcare-associated infections result in almost 100,000
deaths annually in the United States. Infection can be acquired during the
current hospitalization or may be associated with an admission in the
preceding 60 days. In addition, other forms of healthcare-associated
infection include the development of infection in residents in a nursing
home or extended-care facility and patients receiving home intravenous
antibiotic therapy or chemotherapy, chronic dialysis, and/or home wound
C. Predisposing Conditions
D. Clinical Manifestations
E. Laboratory Manifestations
F. Clinical Manifestations
G. Microbiologic Studies
Microbiologic studies are divided into those with immediately available
results (minutes to a few hours) and those requiring a period for incubation
or laboratory determinations. Among the studies with quickly available
results is Gram stain of body fluids. Special stains (such as fungal and acid-
fast stains), immunoassays (such as urine Legionella antigen and
Clostridioides difficile toxins), and immunoelectrophoresis panels require
time to process.
Ideally, all cultures should be obtained before initiation or modification of
antimicrobial therapy, but this may not be possible in a patient who is
rapidly deteriorating. The selection of culture site(s) should be guided by
clinical manifestations. Indiscriminate sampling from many sites not only
may yield misleading results because of culture contamination or site
colonization, but is also not cost-effective and may pose additional risks to
the patient. Repeat cultures may be appropriate to assess for changes in the
type of organism or resistance patterns.
At least two sets of peripheral blood cultures (aerobic and anaerobic bottles)
should be obtained from at least two, preferably three, different anatomic
sites. A blood volume of 10 to 15 mL per culture set is optimal in adults.
The volume of blood, number of cultures, and technique are more important
factors for detection of bacteremia than timing of culture collection. Fever
at the time of blood culture collection is neither sensitive nor specific for
the presence of bacteremia. Obtaining blood cultures from indwelling
peripheral or central intravascular catheters may yield false-positive results
because of microbial contamination of the catheter hub. Isolator blood
cultures may improve the diagnostic yield for some organisms (eg,
Candida, Mycobacterium) or in patients already receiving antimicrobial
therapy; cost-effectiveness, however, is unclear.
Respiratory tract cultures require expectorated sputum from the
nonintubated patient and tracheal suction or bronchoscopy specimens from
an intubated patient. Many microbiology laboratories will screen the
specimen for the number of epithelial cells and neutrophils to determine
adequacy for culture. Expectorated sputum samples can be unreliable for
help in identifying bacterial or fungal infections because oftentimes they are
not a good sample. Quantitative cultures of lower respiratory tract
secretions obtained by bronchoscopy can assist with discriminating between
colonizing and pathogenic bacteria.
In the absence of catheterization, urine cultures should be clean-catch
voided specimens; in catheterized patients, specimens should be aspirated
from the urinary catheter tubing. If the catheter has been in place for few
days, replacement is recommended and the culture should be obtained from
the new catheter. Thresholds for significance differ for clean-catch urine
(>105 organisms/mL) and catheter-obtained urine (>103 organisms/mL).
Urinalysis for the detection of pyuria will help to discriminate bacteriuria
from cystitis or upper tract infection. It is not recommended to send
endotracheal tube tip or Foley catheter tip for culture.
Case Study
A 65-year-old man was admitted for altered mental status. He was found
down at home by his wife. He was in his normal state of health the day
prior. On physical examination, the physician noted a fever, nuchal rigidity,
and photophobia. A lumbar puncture is performed and his laboratory
studies confirm meningitis. You are asked to evaluate him.
– What is the likely source of this patient’s infection?
– What factors would influence your choice of antimicrobial agent?
A quick, highly targeted initial assessment, immediate resuscitation, and
rapid initiation of empiric antimicrobial therapy are co-priorities in the
management of hemodynamically unstable patients with a severe, life-
threatening infection. Refinements to therapy can be implemented
following a more detailed evaluation of the patient’s history, physical
examination, and auxiliary test results (laboratory and imaging studies).
Early source control (suspected source of infection) is paramount to
favorable outcomes and is an essential adjunct to adequate antimicrobial
therapy. Examples of source control include wound debridement,
percutaneous or surgical drainage of a closed-space infection, foreign body
removal, and surgery. The antimicrobial therapy recommendations found in
this chapter are general guidelines only. For each clinical scenario,
antimicrobial choices must be individualized to match the clinical
manifestations, patient history of previous antibiotic exposure, patient
history of infection along with organism/susceptibilities, and the available
epidemiologic and microbiologic information, including the patterns of
microbial prevalence and resistance in the institution or local community.
2. Encephalitis or Meningoencephalitis
Many viral agents can cause encephalitis or meningoencephalitis, but only
herpes simplex (HSV) and cytomegalovirus (CMV) encephalitis are
amenable to therapy. Herpes simplex encephalitis usually occurs in
immunocompetent individuals presenting from the community. This is
considered an emergency. Fever, lethargy, confusion, and seizures are the
most common presenting signs and symptoms. Hemorrhagic CSF and
temporal lobe involvement on imaging studies (computed tomography or
magnetic resonance imaging) or electroencephalography are suggestive of
HSV encephalitis. Polymerase chain reaction testing of CSF is sensitive for
diagnosis of this infection. If HSV encephalitis is suspected or confirmed, a
14- to 21-day course of parenteral acyclovir should be initiated promptly,
pending further studies. CMV encephalitis usually occurs in patients with
suppressed immune status (HIV and transplant patients) and could have the
same clinical manifestations as HSV encephalitis. Polymerase chain
reaction testing of CSF for CMV is also highly sensitive, and therapy
should include ganciclovir or foscarnet.
3. Brain Abscess
Brain abscess is an uncommon infection but should be suspected in patients
with chronic infections of parameningeal structures, left-sided endocarditis,
or congenital cyanotic heart disease. Brain abscesses also have been
associated with immunosuppression, as in patients with AIDS, intravenous
drug abusers, or transplant recipients. Infections are often polymicrobial,
and etiologic organisms include aerobic and anaerobic streptococci,
staphylococci, gram-negative bacteria, and anaerobes. Initial antimicrobial
therapy should include vancomycin, high-dose metronidazole, and a third-
generation cephalosporin (ceftriaxone). In patients at high risk for
toxoplasmosis (eg, those with AIDS, cardiac transplant recipients),
pyrimethamine/sulfadiazine should be part of the initial antimicrobial
regimen. Less common causes of brain abscess include tuberculosis,
nocardiosis, syphilis, amoeba, and other parasites. The diagnostic yield of
CSF cultures for brain abscess is extremely low, and brain biopsy may be
needed in patients who fail to respond to empiric therapy.
B. Respiratory Tract
C. Heart
Infections of the heart are usually severe and life-threatening and require
coordinated medical care with a cardiologist and sometimes with a
cardiovascular surgeon. Microbiologic studies and echocardiography
(transthoracic or transesophageal) are the cornerstones for the diagnosis and
management of any infection in the heart.
Infective endocarditis, or infection of the endocardial surface of the heart,
most frequently involves the heart valves. Intravenous drug abuse,
prosthetic valves, sclerosing of natural valves as a result of aging, hospital-
acquired infections, and newly identified pathogens (Bartonella spp,
Coxiella burnetii, Tropheryma whipplei, fungi) are the main risk factors for
this condition. Demonstration of bloodstream infection and positive
echocardiographic evidence of valvular vegetations are key to making the
diagnosis, although peripheral embolic phenomena and other findings are
strongly suggestive. Gram-positive cocci, mainly Staphylococcus and
Streptococcus, but also Enterococcus, are the most common
microorganisms isolated in infective endocarditis in the general population
and in specific risk groups (intravenous drug users and prosthetic valve
endocarditis), but gram-negative, polymicrobial, fungal, and culture-
negative cases of endocarditis are becoming more common. Bactericidal
antimicrobial therapy (eg, penicillins/third-generation cephalosporins,
daptomycin with or without an aminoglycoside, glycopeptides, linezolid),
high drug concentrations, knowledge of resistance pattern of the
microorganism, and long-term therapy are the cornerstones of treatment.
D. Intravascular Catheters
Because of the increasing incidence
of vancomycin-resistant organisms,
attempt to limit the indiscriminate
use of vancomycin.
E. Abdomen
When an intra-abdominal infection is suspected, a surgeon must be
involved in the evaluation of the patient. Definitive source control of intra-
abdominal process may require surgical intervention or interventional
radiology drainage. Both the infecting flora and the antimicrobial therapy
are related to whether the infection was acquired in the community or
healthcare setting. For community-acquired infections, location of a
possible perforation determines the probable organism, with gram-positive,
facultative, and aerobic gram-negative bacteria beyond the proximal small
bowel and anaerobes beyond the proximal ileum. Recommended therapies
include β-lactam/β-lactamase inhibitor combinations and carbapenems as
monotherapy or cephalosporins/fluoroquinolones with metronidazole.
Antimicrobial therapy should be continued until clinical resolution, which
typically occurs in 5 to 7 days. Further diagnostic workup should be
pursued in patients with persistent or recurrent symptoms. Flora isolated
from healthcare-associated intra-abdominal infections resembles that of
other nosocomial infections. Antimicrobial therapy should be based on
knowledge of the flora and antimicrobial susceptibilities of the institution.
Anti-enterococcal therapy is indicated only when enterococci are isolated
from patients with healthcare-associated infections. Antifungal therapy is
indicated only in those who have isolated fungi and comorbid conditions,
such as recent immunosuppressive therapy for neoplasms, transplantation,
and inflammatory disease, or who have postoperative or recurrent
F. Urinary Tract
Third-generation cephalosporins
Wound toxic shock syndrome is a rare condition that can occur within 48
hours of a wound or surgical incision. The causes are toxin-producing S
aureus or β-hemolytic streptococci. Often, the wound does not appear
infected because of a diminished inflammatory response. Diagnosis can be
made based on presenting symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, vomiting,
hypotension, and uremia. Erythroderma and subsequent desquamation are
characteristic signs but may be delayed for several days. Treatment involves
debridement, drainage, and prompt use of specific antimicrobial therapy.
Infection of the subcutaneous tissue, fascia, and muscle can occur in any
patient but may be more common in immunocompromised patients,
particularly individuals with diabetes mellitus. If gas is present in the tissue,
cutaneous gangrene or bullae are noted, or infection progresses rapidly, a
necrotizing soft-tissue infection must be considered. This condition requires
prompt surgical debridement in addition to broad-spectrum antimicrobial
therapy. These infections are usually polymicrobial, involving aerobic and
anaerobic gram-positive and gram-negative organisms.
K. Fungal Diseases
Life-threatening infections caused by fungi may be extremely difficult to
diagnose by routine physical examination or routine cultures. Candida
albicans is the most common etiologic organism in critically ill patients.
Non-albicans species of Candida and other fungi have increased
significantly in recent years. Fungal infection should be considered in
certain geographic regions and in the presence of predisposing factors, such
as HIV, malignancy, neutropenia, long-term use of steroids, broad-spectrum
antimicrobial therapy, parenteral nutrition, severe burns, organ
transplantation, or central venous vascular catheters.
The polyenes (amphotericin B and lipid preparations of amphotericin B)
have been the most commonly used antifungal agents for serious infections.
Newer agents (echinocandins, voriconazole) have shown comparable or
superior clinical outcomes compared with the polyenes and have much less
toxicity than usually associated with amphotericin B. All lipid formulations
have less nephrotoxicity, and their efficacy against Candida is equivalent to
conventional amphotericin B. Fluconazole is still active against most
Candida species and Cryptococcus, and itraconazole may be used for some
of the mold infections. Both agents have an important role in primary or
secondary prophylaxis. The newer agents, such as voriconazole,
posaconazole, and echinocandins, have activity against resistant Candida
strains and some of the mold infections resistant to other regimens.
Voriconazole is the drug of choice for Aspergillus infection.
L. Other Therapy
In addition to antimicrobial therapy, surgical intervention must be
considered in patients with life-threatening infections. Any abscess must be
drained and injured or ischemic organs must be repaired or removed.
Vascular catheters that may be a source of infection should be removed.
Early surgical consultation should be sought when the abdomen may be a
source of infection in the critically ill patient. Guidelines for tetanus
prophylaxis are found in Chapter 9. Further management of the patient
with septic shock is discussed in Chapter 7.
Key Points
Life-Threatening Infections
Fever is the most frequent systemic manifestation that raises the
suspicion of infection.
Ideally, appropriate cultures should be obtained before initiation of
antibiotics in patients with suspected infection.
Selection of appropriate empiric antimicrobial therapy depends on the
suspected pathogen(s) and site of infection, Gram stain results of
available specimens from the suspected site, assessment for
antimicrobial resistance, and comorbid conditions.
Rapid administration of appropriate antimicrobials has been shown to
be a critical determinant of outcome in a variety of severe infections
including meningitis, community-acquired pneumonia, and septic
When bacterial meningitis is suspected clinically, antimicrobial
therapy should be instituted immediately, without waiting for the
results of lumbar puncture.
For suspected septic shock, available evidence suggests that
administration of appropriate antimicrobials within an hour is
recommended because it has been associated with improved survival.
The most common organism resulting in community-acquired, life-
threatening pneumonia is Streptococcus pneumoniae.
Resistant gram-negative organisms and Staphylococcus aureus are
frequent causes of pneumonia in hospitalized patients or in those who
require mechanical ventilation.
Bactericidal antimicrobial therapy, high concentrations of the
antimicrobial agent, the resistance pattern of the microorganism, and
long-term therapy are the cornerstones of therapy for infective
When source control is an option for infection management, it should
be implemented early, particularly for septic shock.
Suspicion of intra-abdominal infection requires the prompt
involvement of a surgeon.
Necrotizing soft-tissue infection requires prompt surgical debridement
in addition to broad-spectrum antimicrobial therapy.
In the absence of a specific source and pending culture results, broad-
spectrum antimicrobial therapy is indicated in the
immunocompromised or neutropenic patient with fever.
Fungal infection should be considered in the presence of predisposing
factors, such as malignancy, neutropenia, broad-spectrum
antimicrobial therapy, parenteral nutrition, severe burns, or organ
transplantation, or if central venous vascular catheters are in place.
Suggested Readings
Suggested Websites
Case Study
A 65-year-old man with altered mental status is brought into the emergency
department by his son. His son states the patient has been increasingly weak
for the past 3 days. He adds that he has been having multiple episodes of
non-bloody diarrhea with decreased appetite. Further history reveals the son
has yet to install an air conditioning unit in the patient’s room at home even
though it is the middle of summer. The patient is unable to provide
additional information because of his confusion. His initial vital signs are as
follows: blood pressure of 104/66 mm Hg, heart rate of 111 beats/min,
respiratory rate of 18 breaths/min, oxygen saturation level of 99% on room
air, and temperature of 36.9ºC (98.4°F). Examination findings include an
awake Caucasian male not oriented to place, time, or person. He appears
clinically dehydrated with dry mucous membranes and poor skin turgor
with tenting. The electrocardiogram shows frequent premature ventricular
– What risk factors does this patient have for electrolyte disturbances?
– Which electrolyte abnormalities might contribute to his presentation?
– How would you initiate the evaluation and treatment of this patient?
Electrolyte and metabolic disturbances are common in critically ill and
injured patients. These abnormalities alter physiologic function and
contribute to morbidity and mortality. The most common life-threatening
electrolyte and metabolic disorders in critically ill patients are disturbances
in potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, and glucose levels.
With early recognition and treatment of these abnormalities, potentially life-
threatening complications may be avoided and outcomes improved.
A. Potassium
Potassium is primarily an intracellular cation that is essential for
maintenance of the electrical membrane potential. Its normal range is 3.5–
5.0 mEq/L (3.5–5.0 mmol/L). Most potassium (95–98%) is found
intracellularly and the remainder is present in the extracellular
compartment. Potassium plays an important role in maintaining cellular
function in excitable tissues. Alterations in this cation primarily affect the
cardiovascular, neuromuscular, and gastrointestinal systems.
1. Hypokalemia
Hypokalemia (potassium level < 3.5 mEq/L [< 3.5 mmol/L]) is a common
electrolyte disorder. It results from renal or extrarenal losses, transcellular
shifts, and decreased intake (Table 12-1). Life-threatening clinical
manifestations of hypokalemia primarily involve the cardiac and
neuromuscular systems. Dysrhythmias (ventricular and supraventricular,
conduction delays, sinus bradycardia), electrocardiogram (ECG)
abnormalities (U waves, QT-interval prolongation, flat or inverted T
waves), muscle weakness or paralysis, paresthesias, ileus, abdominal
cramps, nausea, and vomiting are common manifestations.
1. Administer insulin and glucose (10 units of regular insulin with 50 g of 50% dextrose
over 5-10 minutes intravenously). Glucose monitoring is necessary to avoid
2. Administer sodium bicarbonate (1 mmol/kg intravenously over 5-10 minutes). Be
aware of the potential for sodium overload. Sodium bicarbonate is less effective
than glucose and insulin for decreasing the potassium level in patients with end-
stage renal failure.
3. Administer inhaled β2-agonists in high doses (albuterol [salbutamol], 10-20 mg),
which can decrease serum potassium by approximately 0.5 mmol/L.
B. Sodium
1. Hyponatremia
By definition, hyponatremia is a serum sodium concentration below 135
mEq/L (135 mmol/L). Pseudohyponatremia, a spurious form of iso-osmolar
hyponatremia, may occur in the presence of severe hyperlipidemia,
hyperproteinemia, or hyperglycemia when the sodium concentration is
measured by flame photometry. Serum osmolality determines true
hyponatremia. A serum osmolality value of 280–295 mOsm/kg indicates
pseudohyponatremia as a result of hyperlipidemia or hyperproteinemia. A
serum osmolality value of greater than 295 mOsm/kg indicates
hyperglycemia or the use of mannitol as the cause of low serum sodium
levels. True hyponatremia is indicated when the serum osmolality value is
less than 280 mOsm/kg.
If serum osmolality rules out hyperglycemia or mannitol as the source of
hyponatremia and that true hyponatremia is present, the volume status of
the patient needs to be evaluated. Clinical presentation, along with urine
osmolality and urine sodium, are used to determine volume status.
Fractional excretion of sodium is an additional value that can aid in
determination of volume status. A urine sodium level of < 100 mOsm/kg
indicates a low solute level from primary polydipsia, low sodium intake, or
beer potomania. A urine sodium level > 100 mOsm/kg indicates a
disturbance in sodium/water balance. Hypovolemia, euvolemia, or
hypervolemia is determined using the clinical diagnosis and presentation.
Review of the medication administration record needs to be completed to
identify any medications that could affect sodium-water balance needs.
Urine sodium and fractional excretion of sodium (FENa) values narrow the
underlying cause of the hyponatremia to correctly manage the disorder and
correct the sodium level.
Figure 12-3. Diagnostic Approach to the Etiology of Hyponatremia
Abbreviations: FENa, fractional excretion of sodium; SIADH, syndrome of inappropriate
antidiuretic hormone
Clinical manifestations of hyponatremia involve the central nervous system
(CNS) and muscular system and include disorientation, decreased
mentation, irritability, seizures, lethargy, coma, nausea/vomiting, weakness,
and respiratory arrest. Treatment requires identifying the type of
hyponatremia, treating the underlying disease, removing offending drugs,
and improving the circulating sodium level. Hypovolemic hyponatremia
usually responds to intravascular volume repletion (ie, with normal saline).
As volume is replaced, the release of ADH is appropriately suppressed and
the kidneys begin to excrete free water. Hypervolemic hyponatremia is
usually not severe and improves with successful treatment of the underlying
Total Body Water = 0.6 × Weight (kg) for men; 0.5 × Weight (kg) for women
Correction of the serum sodium level that is too rapid may result in CNS
injury (ie, osmotic demyelinating syndrome), particularly in the setting of
chronic hyponatremia. Osmotic demyelinating syndrome rarely occurs in
patients whose serum sodium is greater than 120 mEq/L (120 mmol/L).
Symptoms of demyelination are typically seen after initial improvement in
mentation. In 1 to 7 days following a hasty reversal of chronic
hyponatremia, patients may develop focal motor deficits, respiratory
insufficiency, and progressive loss of consciousness. Patients at greatest risk
for osmotic demyelinating syndromes are those with malnutrition,
hypokalemia, alcohol abusers, elderly women, and burn patients. If
hyponatremia is chronic and the patient is asymptomatic, regardless of the
magnitude of hyponatremia, free-water restriction alone may be sufficient
to allow for slow return of serum sodium to normal.
Although controversial, vasopressin receptor antagonists, such as
conivaptan and tolvaptan, are available for use in the management of
hyponatremia. These agents should not be used in the management of acute
hyponatremia and expert consultation should be sought before their use.
They inhibit resorption of water via their action on the V2 receptor of the
kidney and result in a slow rise in the serum sodium level. Vasopressin
receptor antagonists can cause hypotension and volume depletion and
therefore should be avoided in patients with hypovolemia. After a
vasopressin receptor antagonist is administered, serum sodium levels should
be monitored frequently (every 4 hours) because of concerns for rapid
sodium correction and neurologic sequelae (specifically, demyelination). To
prevent over-correction, avoid using vasopressin antagonists in combination
with hypertonic saline. Once an increase of 6 to 8 mmol/L is achieved,
consider replacing free water (orally or intravenously) to match urine output
and prevent an excessive rise in sodium levels.
2. Hypernatremia
Hypernatremia (sodium > 145 mEq/L [145 mmol/L]) indicates intracellular
volume depletion with a loss of free water that exceeds sodium loss. Causes
of hypernatremia are listed in Table 12-5.
In stable patients, water may be replaced via the enteral route (ie,
nasogastric tube). In the rare patient with extreme sodium overload, sodium
may be removed with loop diuretics or dialysis (provided intravascular
volume is adequate). Administration of aqueous vasopressin or
desmopressin should be considered for patients with central diabetes
1. Calcium
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body, comprised of 50% active
ionized calcium and 50% calcium bound to albumin in extracellular fluid. It
is required for muscle contraction, nerve impulse transmission, hormone
secretion, blood clotting, cell division, cell motility, and wound healing.
Effective calcium levels in a seriously ill patient are best assessed by using
ionized calcium measurements, if available. Total serum calcium is directly
related to serum albumin whereas ionized calcium is inversely related to
serum albumin. In general, for each increase or decrease in serum albumin
of 1 g/dL, the serum calcium increases or decreases by 0.8 mg/dL (0.2
mmol/L). However, the relationship between albumin and serum calcium is
less reliable in critically ill patients.
a. Hypocalcemia
Hypocalcemia (total calcium < 8.5 mg/dL [< 2.12 mmol/L], ionized
calcium < 4 mg/dL [1 mmol/L]) is common in critically ill patients and
results from impairment of the parathyroid and/or vitamin D systems (Table
12-6). Cardiovascular abnormalities, the most common clinical
manifestations of hypocalcemia in critically ill patients, include
hypotension, bradycardia, arrhythmias, heart failure, cardiac arrest, digitalis
insensitivity, and QT interval and ST-segment prolongation. Neuromuscular
manifestations include weakness, muscle spasm, laryngospasm,
hyperreflexia, seizures, tetany, and paresthesias.
2. Phosphorus
Phosphate is important in cellular energy metabolism. Hypophosphatemia
(phosphate < 2.5 mg/dL [0.81 mmol/L]) results from transcellular shifts,
renal loss, gastrointestinal loss, or inadequate intake (Table 12-8).
Phosphate depletion primarily affects the neuromuscular and central
nervous systems. Clinical manifestations include muscle weakness,
respiratory failure, rhabdomyolysis, paresthesias, lethargy, disorientation,
obtundation, coma, and seizures. Other possible complications include
impaired renal tubular function, impaired pressor response, hepatic
dysfunction, immune dysfunction, impaired protein synthesis, hemolysis,
impaired platelet function, and impaired oxygen off-loading from
3. Magnesium
Magnesium is important to the body for energy transfer and electrical
stability. Causes of hypomagnesemia (magnesium < 1.8 mg/dL [< 0.75
mmol/L]) are listed in Table 12-9.
Case Study
Chronic Conditions
Adrenal glands
Autoimmune destruction
Granulomatous disease (tuberculosis)
HIV infection
Other infection (cytomegalovirus, fungal)
Primary or metastatic malignancy
Drug effects (ie, ketoconazole)
Hypothalamic/pituitary axis
Withdrawal from exogenous glucocorticoid therapy
Hypopituitarism (tumors, infarction, radiation)
Sarcoidosis, histiocytosis
Head trauma
Acute Conditions
Critical illness (affects adrenal glands and hypothalamic-pituitary axis)
Cytokine effects (altered cortisol metabolism, receptor affinity)
Acute adrenal hemorrhage
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Anticoagulation (eg, warfarin, heparin)
Drug effects
Increased cortisol metabolism (phenytoin, phenobarbital, rifampin)
Interference with glucocorticoid synthesis (ketoconazole, etomidate)
B. Hyperglycemic Syndromes
1. Diabetic Emergencies
Serious metabolic complications of diabetes mellitus result from a relative
or absolute lack of insulin coupled with increased production of counter-
regulatory hormones such as glucagon, catecholamines, cortisol,
epinephrine, and others. Life-threatening hyperglycemic syndromes include
diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state (HHS).
These syndromes differ in the severity of dehydration and degree of
acidosis (ketosis) but share many clinical manifestations and therapeutic
interventions. In addition, patients may manifest components of both
syndromes. Table 12-11 lists characteristics that may distinguish the
syndromes, but considerable variability is possible. Although DKA and
HHS may be the initial presentation of diabetes mellitus, the most common
precipitating factors are infection and medication noncompliance. Other
precipitants include corticosteroid use, myocardial infarction, stroke,
alcohol abuse, pancreatitis, trauma, and pregnancy.
1. If serum potassium is <3.3 mEq/L (mmol/L), hold insulin and administer potassium,
40 mEq/h (mmol/h) as potassium chloride or potassium phosphate (or combination),
until potassium is >3.3 mEq/L (mmol/L) to avoid arrhythmias or severe weakness.
2. If serum potassium is <3.3 mEq/L (mmol/L) but <5 mEq/L (mmol/L) and urine output
is adequate, administer potassium, 20–30 mEq (mmol), in each liter of fluids to
maintain the potassium at 4–5 m Eq/L (mmol/L).
3. If serum potassium is >5 mEq/L (mmol/L), do not administer potassium in fluids until
<5 mEq/L (mmol/L).
4. Consider phosphate replacement with potassium phosphate if serum are low (<1
mg/dL, 0.32 mmol/L) or severe symptoms are present.
The intravenous route for insulin administration is the most reliable and
easiest to titrate. Because of the short half-life of intravenous insulin, a
continuous infusion is necessary with serial monitoring of the glucose and
electrolyte concentrations. Smaller doses of insulin may be adequate in
HHS. In the case of DKA, insulin infusion should be continued until the
removal of beta-hydroxybutyrate and acetone, as measured by
normalization of the anion gap or normalization of beta-hydroxybutyrate
levels. Normalization of the anion gap usually occurs many hours after
normalization of the serum glucose levels.
Glucose-containing fluids may be started earlier than recommended if blood
glucose cannot be monitored frequently. When glucose and/or serum
osmolality are controlled, acidosis has cleared, and the patient is stable,
subcutaneous insulin may be administered; an insulin sliding scale of
regular and longer-acting preparations can be started and should overlap for
1 to 2 hours with discontinuation of the insulin infusion.
The ability to provide adequate nursing support and monitoring may affect
the blood glucose goals chosen. Different types of blood sampling and
glucose measurement methods may also yield different results. The
institution’s protocol for blood sampling, insulin infusion, and glucose
management targets should be followed to achieve consistency and
minimize the risk of hypoglycemia.
Key Points
Management of Life-Threatening Electrolyte and Metabolic
In the presence of life-threatening dysrhythmias or paralysis associated
with hypokalemia, administer potassium chloride, 20 mmol/h, through
a central venous catheter.
If hyperkalemia-associated ECG abnormalities are present, administer
calcium chloride or calcium gluconate intravenously over 5 to 10
minutes, then consider shifting potassium intracellularly with 50%
dextrose and regular insulin intravenously, inhaled β-agonists, and/or
sodium bicarbonate.
In symptomatic euvolemic hyponatremia, limit the increase in serum
sodium to 6 to 8 mmol/L in the first 24 hours. Correction of serum
sodium that is too rapid may result in CNS injury.
Patients with hypernatremia and hemodynamic instability should have
normal saline administered until intravascular volume is corrected.
Subsequently, replace water deficit with 5% dextrose in water, 0.45%
NaCl, or 0.2% NaCl with 5% dextrose. Enteral replacement with water
is an effective strategy in stable patients.
Emergent treatment with a glucocorticoid is indicated in patients with
critical illness-related corticosteroid insufficiency (CIRCI) diagnosed
by random plasma cortisol or the results of the cosyntropin stimulation
A glycemic target of 140–180 mg/dL is appropriate for most
hospitalized patients to provide clinical benefits with a reduced risk of
The goals of treatment in hyperglycemic syndromes are to restore the
fluid and electrolyte balance, provide insulin, and identify precipitating
In diabetic ketoacidosis, insulin infusion should be continued until the
ketosis and acidosis have resolved. Glucose-containing fluids should
be administered to prevent hypoglycemia during insulin infusion.
Maintain the glucose between 250 and 300 mg/dL (13.9–16.7 mmol/L)
in hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome until the plasma osmolality
is < 315 mOsm/kg and the patient is alert.
Potassium should be added to the fluid therapy for hyperglycemic
syndromes as soon as serum potassium is recognized to be < 5 mmol/L
and urine output is adequate.
A protocol of blood sampling, insulin infusion, and target glucose
levels should be followed to avoid hyperglycemia and minimize
hypoglycemia in critically ill patients.
Suggested Readings
Suggested Website
Case Study
In addition to the medical conditions discussed in previous chapters,
clinicians may be called on to care for patients with other severe and/or life-
threatening problems. The management and prevention of some of these
commonly encountered conditions are reviewed in this chapter.
A. Clinical Presentation
Pulmonary embolism is defined as a clot obstructing the pulmonary artery
or its branches. It usually originates from the lower extremities or the iliac
veins. Clinical findings and the patient’s history might be unreliable for
diagnosis of a PE. Predisposing factors include any condition that might
cause venous stasis, injury to the vascular endothelium, or
hypercoagulability (Virchow triad). Risks factors for PE and venous
thromboembolisms are listed in Table 13.1.
Abbreviations: CT, computed tomography; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; SBP, systolic
blood pressure.
Data taken from Jauch E, Saver J, et al. Guidelines for the early management of patients
with acute ischemic stroke: A guideline for healthcare professionals from the American
Heart Association/American Stroke Association. Stroke. 2013;44:870-947.
Case Study
A. General Management
B. Specific Management
Do not overlook the possibility of
acetaminophen ingestion in
patients with drug overdoses.
A. Clinical Presentation
Acute hypertension or severe elevation in blood pressure may occur as a
primary or secondary condition in seriously ill patients. Frequently, patients
have an underlying diagnosis of chronic hypertension. New or progressive
end-organ injury secondary to elevation in blood pressure constitutes a
hypertensive emergency, while severely elevated BP without evidence of
organ injury is defined as hypertensive urgency. Although the BP is often >
180/120 mm Hg, no specific BP defines a hypertensive emergency. The rate
of blood pressure increase may be more important than the absolute value.
The organs most severely affected by elevations of BP are the brain, heart,
and kidney, and injury can manifest as encephalopathy, stroke, intracranial
hemorrhage, unstable angina or myocardial infarction, acute left ventricular
dysfunction (with pulmonary edema), acute aortic dissection, and
deteriorating renal function. Hypertensive disorders associated with
pregnancy are discussed elsewhere (Chapter 14).
Symptoms related to an elevated BP at presentation reflect the organ
affected and consequent injury but may be nonspecific. The patient’s
history of use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors, recreational drugs
(including cocaine and amphetamines), over-the-counter medications, and
antihypertensive agents as well as medication compliance should be
ascertained. Physical examination and laboratory investigation should be
directed to determine the presence of end-organ injury. Initial workup
usually includes complete blood count, renal function, urinalysis with
microscopy, ECG to assess for cardiac ischemia, and chest radiography to
evaluate for pulmonary edema or widened mediastinum. Patients with
altered mental status or focal neurologic deficits warrant imaging of the
A complication of uncontrolled hypertension is acute aortic dissection.
Symptoms are often severe and can include unrelenting chest pain,
frequently associated with back or epigastric pain, and neurologic deficits
such as altered mental status, focal deficits, hemiplegia, and paraplegia. A
patient with severe hypertension, severe chest pain radiating to the back,
and a wide mediastinum on chest radiograph should be evaluated for
possible aortic dissection. Aortic dissection is frequently misdiagnosed as
acute myocardial infarction, PE, stroke, esophagitis, pancreatitis, peptic
ulcer disease, biliary colic, and ureteral colic. Physical examination should
include careful auscultation for a new murmur of aortic insufficiency,
assessment for asymmetric blood pressure or pulses in upper extremities,
and careful palpation of pulses in all extremities for significant asymmetry.
The diagnostic standard has been contrast angiography, but computed
tomography angiography is more commonly used. Magnetic resonance
imaging and transesophageal echocardiography may also be useful for
Acute hypertension secondary to increased sympathetic drive and
catecholamine surge is also a frequent manifestation of common disease
processes in seriously ill patients, such as respiratory failure, acute pain,
alcohol or drug withdrawal syndromes, agitated delirium, and increased
intracranial pressure (Cushing reflex). Initial therapy in such circumstances
should be targeted to treating the underlying problem and not lowering of
an elevated BP.
B. Therapy
Hypertensive urgency can be managed with oral or intravenous agents, and
gradual blood pressure control over 24 to 48 hours. The goal is to reduce
the pressure over hours to days to a safer, but not necessarily normal, level
of BP. Hypertensive emergencies require continuous monitoring of BP,
neurologic status, urine output, and other parameters in a monitored
environment. Parenteral and titratable antihypertensive agents should be
administered to lower the BP within minutes to hours. The initial goal of
therapy should be to reduce mean arterial pressure by no more than 20% to
25% in the first few hours. If the BP is lowered too rapidly, it may result in
hypoperfusion of major arterial beds, resulting in cerebral infarction,
myocardial infarction, and blindness secondary to changes in autoregulation
of organ blood flow.
Rapid-acting antihypertensives are preferred, including labetalol, esmolol,
nitroprusside, nicardipine, nitroglycerin, and clevidipine. Agents that can be
considered in some specific situations are given in Table 13-10. Oral
antihypertensives appropriate for the patient can usually be initiated within
6 to 12 hours of presentation and parenteral agents weaned.
Specific Situations:
Case Study
A. Clinical Presentation
Hyperleukocytosis is commonly defined as a white blood cell count (WBC)
> 100,000/mm3. Its incidence occurs more commonly in acute leukemias
rather than chronic leukemias. These conditions are a medical emergency
that need prompt recognition and therapy initiation to prevent end organ
failure. It portends up to 40% morbidity and mortality if not clinically
Leukostasis is a syndromic diagnosis characterized by end-organ failure
with concomitant severe coagulopathy, electrolyte and metabolic
derangement leading to tumor lysis syndrome (TLS), and further
exacerbation of end-organ failure. This is a consequence of
micromechanical obstruction of different organ capillary beds by the
predominant deranged white blood cell line. The significant leukocyte
burden causes disruption of normal hematopoietic production, release of
additional tissue factors resulting in severe coagulopathy, and increased
bleeding tendency. The spontaneous death of the large number of
leukocytes as a consequence of high cellular turnover results in cell rupture
resulting in TLS and electrolyte derangement. When the byproduct of these
two events reaches end organs such as the kidneys, metabolic derangement
further exacerbates the critical clinical scenario.
B. Diagnostic Evaluation
Workup should be initiated early in patients clinically suspected to have
hyperleukocytosis to help guide certain therapy. These should include
diagnostics highlighted in Table 13-11. Additional workup should be
targeted at whichever end organ dysfunction a patient presents with.
Case Study
A. Clinical Presentation
Tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) is a life-threatening medical emergency as a
result of treatment of highly proliferative malignancy. TLS is characterized
by electrolyte derangement with hyperkalemia, hyperuricemia,
hyperphosphatemia, and hypocalcemia as a consequence of the release of
intracellular components from cell lysis during therapy (Table 13-12). TLS
usually arises within 12 to 72 hours of chemotherapy initiation. The
increase in the level of electrolytes seen outside of calcium is a
consequence of renal tubule saturation that is unable to be renally cleared.
Hypocalcemia manifests as a consequence of calcium phosphate crystal
formation. There are certain blood neoplasms that should raise the clinical
suspicion for the development of TLS. These are acute myeloid leukemia
and Burkitt lymphoma in adults. TLS is rarely seen in patients with solid
tumor neoplasms. Indirectly, the degree of hyperleukocytosis coupled with
the elevation in serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) should also raise the
suspicion for the likelihood of development of TLS.
Hyperkalemia Hyperphosphatemia
Hyperuricemia Hypocalcemia
B. Management
The mainstay for management of patients with TLS are therapies targeted at
preventing further kidney injury through hydration, correction of
hyperuricemia, which prevents uric acid crystal deposition on renal tubules,
as well as supportive measures directed at particular electrolyte
derangements. In patients who are symptomatic, hyperkalemia can be
temporized with IV insulin and calcium gluconate. Caution should be
enacted in patients who are hypocalcemic and hyperphosphatemic because
supplementation with calcium gluconate may precipitate further calcium-
phosphate crystal precipitation, worsening acute kidney injury.
Case Study
A. Clinical Presentation
Hemophagocytic lymphohistocytosis (HLH) is a rare hematologic life-
threatening syndrome characterized by hyperactivation of innate immunity
by macrophages. HLH can be categorized as primary or secondary. Primary
occurs most commonly in children as a result of a genetic mutation.
Secondary or acquired HLH, occurs more frequently in adults as a
consequence of certain infections, malignancy, and/or autoimmune
disorders. Secondary HLH is commonly associated with fever and clinical
symptoms similar to sepsis. Despite antimicrobial therapy, patients do not
clinically improve.
B. Diagnostic Evaluation
Workup should be aimed at obtaining laboratory data indicative of HLH.
The presence of at least five out of the eight Henter’s criteria (fever,
splenomegaly, hypertriglyceridemia and/or low fibrinogen,
hemophagocytosis in bone marrow sample, ferritin level >500 µg/L,
elevated soluble IL-2 > 2400 U/mL, low or absent NK-cell activity, at least
2-line cytopenia) indicates HLH. Additional workup should also be catered
to the patient’s history and the provider’s clinical suspicion.
Case Study (continued)
The patient was admitted to the medical ICU and was initiated on broad
spectrum antibiotics and a heated high-flow nasal cannula for her acute
hypoxemic respiratory failure. A bone marrow biopsy was performed which
confirmed the presence of hemophagocytes as well as budding yeast
consistent with histoplasma. What are the indicated treatments?
Case Study
A. Clinical Presentation
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) is a rare disease process with
a high mortality as a consequence of systemic microthrombosis, if left
unrecognized. The usual clinical presentation of TTP is vague without
specific diagnostic criteria and as such, should be part of the differential
diagnosis in patients with new-onset thrombocytopenia and anemia. If
recognized early, TTP responds well to treatment. Classically, TTP presents
as a pentad listed in Table 13-13. However, it is very rare for patients who
have TTP to manifest all five of the clinical criteria.
B. Diagnostic Evaluation
As mentioned previously, presentation of patients with TTP rarely includes
the pentad. Patients usually present with abdominal pain and nausea.
Subsequent diagnostic workup for TTP should be initiated if there is one or
more organ dysfunction as well as bi-cytopenia (anemia and
thrombocytopenia). Table 13-14 highlights some of the initial diagnostic
evaluation tests for patients suspected to have TTP.
Suggested Readings
Case Study
A pregnant woman may present for critical care either with a disease that is
unique to pregnancy or with a critical illness that is not specific to
pregnancy. Diseases peculiar to pregnancy include preeclampsia, eclampsia,
HELLP syndrome (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet
count), and amniotic fluid embolism syndrome. Some critical illnesses not
unique to pregnancy—such as preexisting maternal hypertension,
thromboembolic disease, cardiac and respiratory diseases, and trauma—can
be unmasked, precipitated, complicated, or aggravated by pregnancy. The
normal physiologic, metabolic, and hormonal changes of pregnancy may
alter the presentation of disease processes and add a level of complexity to
diagnosis and treatment. Understanding the normal physiologic changes
during pregnancy, delivery, and the postpartum period is the key to
managing critically ill obstetric patients with underlying medical diseases
and pregnancy-related complications. The most common critical illnesses in
obstetric patients are hypertensive disorders and postpartum hemorrhage.
These may not always come to the intensivist’s attention because these
conditions are commonly managed on a labor and delivery unit.
Most obstetric patients who are admitted to the ICU are admitted
postpartum rather than undelivered: this is because much of obstetric
critical illness requires delivery as a component of management (such as
severe preeclampsia) or only occurs after delivery (such as postpartum
hemorrhage). Much concern, however, is focused on the smaller proportion
of patients who are admitted to the ICU antepartum, because of anxiety
about fetal issues. Nevertheless, the physiologic changes of pregnancy
persist into the postpartum period and must be kept in mind when patients
are admitted to the ICU after delivery.
Leading causes of maternal death worldwide are obstetric hemorrhage,
hypertensive disorders, infection, and unsafe abortion. In high-income
countries, top causes of maternal death are thromboembolism, cardiac
disease, infection, and hemorrhage. Severe acute maternal morbidity is
tracked in some localities, particularly where maternal deaths are relatively
rare; leading indicators in this category are hysterectomy, acute renal
failure, sepsis, acute respiratory distress syndrome, disseminated
intravascular coagulation, and eclampsia.
However, maternal deaths do not map neatly onto maternal ICU
admissions. In the first place, not all deaths are in the hospital; deaths may
be so sudden that a woman does not survive to ICU admission. Many cases
of hemorrhage and hypertension are handled rather routinely on busy labor
and delivery units, rather than coming to the ICU at all; conversely, most
maternal ICU admissions are for additional monitoring rather than for life
support interventions, and most of these admissions are brief (< 48 hours).
A. Cardiovascular
Alterations in blood volume and cardiovascular status are among the most
dramatic changes that occur in pregnancy. These are adaptive mechanisms
that accommodate the increased metabolic needs of the mother and the fetus
during pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Blood volume increases in each
trimester, reaching 40% to 50% above normal values by the end of
gestation. Cardiac output (CO) also increases, up to 50% above pre-
pregnancy values by the 24th week of gestation, and remains elevated into
the immediate postpartum period. This is primarily a result of increased
stroke volume during the first and second trimesters and increases in heart
rate (15 to 20 beats/min) during the third trimester. Improved myocardial
contractility may account in part for the increase in cardiac output. A
decrease of 25% to 30% in CO may occur if the patient is placed in the
supine position. This positioning causes the gravid uterus to compress the
aorta and inferior vena cava, increasing afterload and restricting venous
return to the heart. The left lateral decubitus position is the preferred
position for pregnant women with serious illness, particularly as gestation
progresses and the gravid uterus increases in size. The decrease in cardiac
output in the supine position is exaggerated in women with poorly
developed venous collaterals who exhibit significant hypotension and
bradycardia; this is known as the supine hypotensive syndrome of
pregnancy. Filling pressures, such as the central venous and pulmonary
artery pressures, typically do not change during pregnancy. A decrease in
blood pressure (BP) is seen in the second trimester as a result of decreased
systemic vascular resistance attributed to the vasodilating effects of
progesterone. Peak reduction in BP occurs between 16 and 18 weeks, when
systolic pressures are reduced by 5 to 10 mm Hg and diastolic pressures by
10 to 20 mm Hg. By term, the BP returns to near pre-pregnancy values.
Venous flow in the legs is delayed in pregnancy, and this slower velocity of
blood return can contribute to occlusion of the pelvic veins and inferior
vena cava by the enlarged uterus. This venous stasis also contributes to the
common finding of dependent edema and development of varicose veins in
the legs and vulva, as well as hemorrhoids. This venous stasis contributes to
an increased risk for deep venous thrombosis and venous
The heart undergoes remodeling during pregnancy, with enlargement of all
four chambers in response to expanded plasma volume. This may provoke
or exacerbate cardiac conditions; for example, left atrial enlargement may
precipitate supraventricular and atrial arrhythmias. Systolic ejection
murmurs and a third heart sound are commonly detected during pregnancy
but diastolic, pansystolic, and late systolic murmurs suggest a more serious
underlying cardiac disorder.
In addition to chamber enlargement, the heart is rotated upward and to the
left as the uterus enlarges and the diaphragm is pushed superiorly. This
displacement can be seen as cardiomegaly and increased vascular markings
on the chest radiograph, although the changes have no clinical significance
if the patient has no other evidence of cardiac disease. Nonspecific ST-T
wave changes may be seen in the ECG during pregnancy, usually in lead III
or V1-V3, because of alterations in the shape of the thoracic cage or left
axis deviation as the diaphragm and heart are pushed cephalad by the
enlarging uterus.
During labor, cardiac output is increased by as much as 50% again, from a
rise in both heart rate and stroke volume. The effect on heart rate can be
limited with effective epidural analgesia, but because the augmented stroke
volume is largely caused by uterine contractions, it does not change. After
delivery, an additional 10–20% increase in cardiac output is reached,
peaking in the first hour, and gradually declining over the next 2 weeks.
B. Pulmonary
D. Hematologic
The 1200- to 1300-mL increase in plasma volume that occurs by the end of
pregnancy is associated with a gain in red cell mass of only 300–400 mL.
The disproportionate rise in plasma volume results in dilutional anemia
(physiologic anemia of pregnancy). Hemoglobin concentration is ~11 g/dL
(110 g/L) at 24 weeks, when it stabilizes; however, it may increase slightly
later in the pregnancy when there is less discrepancy between the increases
in blood volume and red cell mass. The white blood cell count climbs to
10,000 cells/μL (10.0 × 109/L) at term, with a slight reduction in platelet
count. Plasma concentrations of all clotting factors except XI, XIII, and
antithrombin III increase in pregnancy. Fibrinogen levels may be as high as
600 mg/dL (6.0 g/L) at term. Fibrinogen levels < 150 mg/dL (< 1.5 g/L) are
overtly abnormal. Although coagulation test results and bleeding times do
not change, the changes of increased coagulation factors, fibrin generation,
and inhibition of fibrinolysis result in a hypercoagulable state that, in
association with venous stasis and vessel wall trauma, raises the risk for
thromboembolic disease.
E. Renal
F. Metabolic/Endocrinologic
*Fetal exposure varies with gestational age, maternal body habitus, and exact acquisition
Abbreviations: CT, computed tomography; PET, positron emission tomography
Reproduced with permission Tremblay E, Therasse E, Thomassin-Naggara I, Trop I. Quality
initiatives: guidelines for use of medical imaging during pregnancy lactation. Radiographics.
3. Chronic Hypertension
Chronic hypertension in pregnancy is defined as hypertension before
conception or detected before midpregnancy (20 weeks’ gestation). Recent
reclassifications of hypertension by the American Heart Association and
American College of Cardiology have not, at this time, been evaluated in a
pregnant population, but clinicians would expect that including women with
what is now called stage 1 hypertension (systolic BP 130–139 or diastolic
BP 80–89) will inflate estimates of prevalence. Preeclampsia may develop
in 20–50% of pregnant women with chronic hypertension, a condition
described as superimposed preeclampsia, difficult to distinguish from a
simple worsening of chronic hypertension. Sudden increases in baseline BP
or in baseline urinary protein excretion, or development of laboratory
abnormalities such as thrombocytopenia or elevated transaminases, may
suggest a diagnosis of superimposed preeclampsia. Although most cases of
chronic hypertension in pregnancy are essential hypertension, an estimated
11–14% are secondary hypertension, such as renovascular, endocrinologic,
or aortic causes.
4. Eclampsia
Eclampsia is described by the American College of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists (ACOG) as the “convulsive manifestation of the
hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and is among the more severe
manifestations of the disease.” Seizures are usually tonic-clonic and self-
limited, although they may be focal or multifocal. Eclampsia is a diagnosis
of exclusion, in that other causes for seizure should be absent. Most women
with preeclampsia do not develop eclampsia; symptoms of central nervous
system irritability (headache, hyperreflexia, altered mental status, visual
changes including scotomata, blurred vision, or even temporary blindness)
are identified, however, in about 80% of women who progress to eclampsia.
It should be noted that some women with eclampsia are not recognized to
have hypertension or proteinuria prior to the initial seizure.
5. Postpartum Hypertension
Preeclampsia can manifest in the postpartum period and commonly does
persist into this time. Blood pressures can remain elevated and labile from 2
weeks to 6 months postpartum. However, new-onset hypertension after 6
weeks postpartum should not be attributed to preeclampsia.
6. HELLP syndrome
HELLP syndrome (Hemolysis, Elevated liver enzymes, Low Platelets) is a
variant of preeclampsia characterized by laboratory abnormalities:
1. General Guidelines
Women with severe preeclampsia, eclampsia, or HELLP syndrome should
be managed in a hospital with facilities for obstetric and neonatal care.
Depending on disease severity, local custom, and bed availability, they are
usually admitted to an obstetric rather than a critical care service. A model
has been developed to predict the risk of adverse maternal outcomes in
cases of hypertension in pregnancy. The fullPIERS calculator can be found
online at https://pre-empt.bcchr.ca/evidence/fullpiers and may be helpful in
making decisions as to the best location for management.
Administration of magnesium sulfate for prevention of seizures, judicious
control of BP, and maternal and fetal monitoring should be initiated early.
Issues such as ICU admission, management, and delivery should be
discussed with an obstetrician and critical care physician as soon as
possible. The treatment of choice in severe preeclampsia is delivery, but
significant prematurity may complicate decision-making, and under some
circumstances the pregnancy is allowed to continue for the possibility of
neonatal benefit. Consultation with a maternal-fetal medicine specialist is
2. Seizure Prophylaxis
Intravenous magnesium sulfate is used prophylactically to prevent seizures
in preeclampsia with severe features. Magnesium sulfate therapy should be
initiated in patients with severe features or symptoms considered
premonitory to seizures, such as headache, altered mental status, blurred
vision, scotomata, clonus, and right upper quadrant abdominal pain.
Opinion is divided as to whether magnesium should be given as seizure
prophylaxis to women with mild preeclampsia.
Women treated with magnesium sulfate to prevent or treat eclamptic
seizures should receive an intravenous loading dose of 4 to 6 g, followed by
a maintenance dose of 1 to 2 g/h, continued for at least 24 hours. It is
unnecessary to monitor serum magnesium levels unless the patient is
symptomatic (loss of deep tendon reflexes, alteration in mental status,
depression of respiratory rate) or has signs of compromised renal function
such as oliguria or abnormal serum creatinine. If magnesium levels are
checked, however, the therapeutic range for seizure prevention is 5–9
mg/dL (2–3.5 mmol/L, or 4–7 mEq/L). Acute magnesium toxicity is treated
with 1 g calcium chloride or calcium gluconate intravenously.
4. Supportive Measures
Pregnancy is a state of expanded total body water, and this expansion is
typically exaggerated in preeclampsia, despite a reduction in effective
circulating volume. Injudicious fluid administration may produce
pulmonary edema in the patient with preeclampsia, and it may be necessary
to tolerate a degree of oliguria to avoid pulmonary edema. In current
practice, there is little appetite for invasive cardiac monitoring. The role of
point-of-care ultrasound in preeclampsia is beginning to be explored.
Thrombotic complications are more common in pregnancy and still more
common in preeclampsia. Thromboprophylaxis is important in these
patients, whether mechanical or pharmacologic; the timing of neuraxial
anesthesia, delivery, or surgical procedures must be factored into decisions
about pharmacothromboprophylaxis.
B. Postpartum Hemorrhage
*Requires refrigeration
†Off-label prescribing for uterine atony and postpartum hemorrhage
The second “T”, for trauma, relates to lacerations, either extension of the
hysterotomy incision in the case of cesarean delivery, or lacerations of the
cervix, vagina, or vulva after vaginal delivery. These must be looked for,
and repaired if found. Lower genital tract hematomas can also lead to
significant blood loss at the time of delivery. Uterine rupture (spontaneous,
following abdominal trauma, or when labor disrupts an existing uterine
scar) can be devastating, and will require repair, if not hysterectomy.
The third “T”, for tissue, refers to retained placenta. Although inspection of
the placenta is routine after delivery, succenturiate or accessory placental
lobes may be retained in the uterus unsuspected. A more feared
complication is placenta accreta, in which the placenta, in whole or in part,
cannot be separated from the uterus. Retained placenta can be diagnosed by
manual exploration of the uterine cavity or by ultrasound demonstrating an
echogenic mass within. Manual removal or curettage of retained tissue is
indicated; if this is unsuccessful, the probability of placenta accreta is high,
and further assessment in the operating room must be undertaken. Most
cases of placenta accreta will require hysterectomy.
The final “T”, for thrombin, is a reminder that coagulopathy may exist
alongside any of these factors, although in most cases it will not be the sole
explanation. Dilutional coagulopathy or disseminated intravascular
coagulopathy (DIC) may occur. Obstetric DIC is associated with
preeclampsia, HELLP syndrome, placental abruption, and the condition
referred to as amniotic fluid embolism.
General treatment measures include early recognition of hemorrhage,
aggressive and early fluid resuscitation, and attempts to locate the source of
the bleeding and resolve it. Maternal mortality rates increase when
treatment is delayed and blood loss is underestimated. Patients with
ongoing blood loss resulting in hemodynamic instability require the
administration of blood products in addition to fluid administration.
Depending upon the amount of blood loss and the presence of
coagulopathy, blood product requirements could include packed red blood
cells, fresh frozen plasma, platelets, and cryoprecipitate. Many institutions
have instituted massive transfusion protocols for obstetric hemorrhage
using protocolized ratios of blood products (packed RBCs, plasma, platelets
and cryoprecipitate) in an attempt to minimize the coagulopathy associated
with massive hemorrhage. Some institutions also adopt protocol driven
flow charts or algorithms for treatment of major obstetric hemorrhage
(Figure 14-1). In austere settings with limited availability of blood and
blood products, the decision to move to definitive surgical treatment would
have to be made much faster.
Figure 14-1. Hemorrhage Flow Chart
Abbreviations: 4/4/1, ratio of packed red blood cells to fresh frozen plasma to pooled
platelets; ABG, arterial blood gas; BMP, basic metabolic panel; CBC, complete blood count;
Cryo, cryoprecipitate; CVC, central venous catheter; EBL, estimated blood loss; FFP, fresh
frozen plasma; HR, heart rate; Hb, hemoglobin; HCT, hematocrit; iCa, ionized calcium; INR,
international normalized ratio; IM, intramuscular; IO, intraosseous; MAP, mean arterial
pressure; PIV, peripheral intravenous line; PLT, platelets; POC, products of conception; PR,
per rectum; PRBC, packed red blood cells; PT, prothrombin time; PTT, partial
thromboplastin time; SBP, systolic blood pressure; T, temperature.
1PRBC is 1.0 Hb value
Courtesy of Scott A. Harvey, MD
C. Embolic Disease
Pregnancy and the puerperium predispose to thrombosis. The incidence of
thromboembolic disease in pregnancy is four to five times that in
nonpregnant women, and in the immediate postpartum period the risk may
be as much as 20 times higher. Risk increases with rising parity, cesarean
delivery, operative vaginal delivery, previous deep venous thrombosis, and
increased maternal age.
Although manifestations of pulmonary embolism in pregnant women are
similar to those in nonpregnant women (Chapter 13), the physiologic
changes of pregnancy complicate evaluation. Lower extremity edema, leg
pain, and dyspnea are common in pregnancy and create a diagnostic
dilemma for the clinician. The usual clinical decision rules for diagnosis or
exclusion of pulmonary embolus are far less useful in pregnancy. After 16
weeks’ gestation, D-dimer values are elevated above the usual normal range
and are of little diagnostic utility. Practically speaking, if thrombosis or
pulmonary embolus is suspected in a pregnant or postpartum patient,
imaging is required. Not all imaging is available in all facilities; the
radiologist should be consulted.
Doppler scanning of the lower extremities (compression ultrasound), when
available, is usually the first diagnostic test for deep venous thrombosis in
pregnancy, but it is less accurate for calf and isolated iliac vein thrombosis.
In a patient with chest symptoms and a positive compression ultrasound
(CUS) , pulmonary embolism is assumed to be present. If the CUS is
negative or not performed, and the suspicion for pulmonary embolism
exists, either ventilation/perfusion scanning or CT pulmonary angiography
(CTPA) is acceptable. Fetal exposure to ionizing radiation is very low with
either technique. An appropriate diagnostic evaluation should always be
performed when indicated. Heparin therapy should be initiated immediately
when the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism is suspected and must be
continued if the diagnosis is confirmed.
The treatment of stable pulmonary embolism in the pregnant patient is
based on heparin (unfractionated or low-molecular-weight) because
warfarin is contraindicated and there is still little data on fondaparinux and
direct thrombin inhibitors. Neither heparin nor low-molecular-weight
heparin (LMWH) cross the placenta. Weight-based dosing should be
calculated according to her pre-pregnancy or early-pregnancy weight. There
is no need for anti-Xa monitoring except in particular circumstances, such
as renal impairment or significant obesity.
Neuraxial anesthesia (including epidural analgesia for labor) cannot be
performed on a patient who is on anticoagulants. Recommendations for
elapsed time vary from 4–6 hours (IV heparin) to 12 hours for subcutaneous
heparin or LMWH in prophylactic doses to 24 hours for therapeutic
LMWH. The proximity of the event to delivery will affect whether
neuraxial techniques can be offered at all. Labor, vaginal delivery, and
cesarean delivery in the setting of full anticoagulation may result in
significant bleeding, and the team should be prepared.
In massive pulmonary embolism with hemodynamic compromise,
thrombolytic therapy must be considered. Maternal survival with
thrombolytics is above 90%, although the fetal/neonatal outcome is not as
good, which may be the result of maternal shock rather than maternal
thrombolysis. Major hemorrhage is a possible complication, twice as likely
with thrombolytic therapy in the postpartum rather than antepartum period.
D. Cardiac Disease
In recent years, cardiac disease has become the leading cause of pregnancy-
related death in the United States, and is clearly the leading cause of
indirect maternal death in Europe. Some conditions are acquired during
pregnancy, or precipitated by pregnancy, while in other cases preexisting,
perhaps stable, cardiac disease is exacerbated by the physiologic burden of
pregnancy. These deaths may occur remote from the delivery
hospitalization and therefore may not be recognized. The increase in cardiac
disease during pregnancy represents both successes and failures: successes
in that many children with significant congenital heart disease now live
long enough to have children of their own, and failures in that the rising
prevalence of obesity and comorbidities contribute to cardiac disease during
this time as well as others.
In low-resource countries, cardiomyopathies and the valvular sequelae of
rheumatic heart disease are the most significant causes of heart disease in
pregnancy. In the United Kingdom, the primary cardiac causes accounting
for maternal deaths are cardiomyopathies (15% peripartum cardiomyopathy
vs 85% other cardiomyopathy), ischemic disease (about one-third of which
were spontaneous coronary artery dissection), sudden arrhythmic deaths
with a morphologically normal heart, aortic dissection, valvular heart
disease, and pulmonary hypertension.
Because of the high-volume state it induces, pregnancy challenges some
hearts more than others. Conditions with a fixed CO or those which poorly
tolerate increased volume, increased heart rate, or decreased systemic
vascular resistance, get worse during pregnancy. The highest risk of
maternal cardiac events (including but not limited to death) during
pregnancy is seen in pulmonary arterial hypertension, severe systemic
ventricular dysfunction with ejection fraction < 30%, previous peripartum
cardiomyopathy with any residual left ventricular dysfunction, severe aortic
or mitral stenosis, severe aortic dilation (depending on the underlying
lesion, aortic dimension > 45–50 mm), severe aortic coarctation, systemic
right ventricle with moderate-severe decrease in ventricular function,
vascular Ehlers-Danlos, or Fontan circulation with any complication.
Ideally, these patients are advised against pregnancy. Nevertheless,
pregnancy may occur, and these patients require expert specialized care
from a multidisciplinary team, at a facility capable of the appropriate level
of care.
A. Clinical Manifestations
Not all cardiomyopathy occurring during pregnancy and the postpartum
period is peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM). Pregnant patients can
present with preexisting dilated cardiomyopathy or hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy which may or may not have been previously diagnosed. As
a contrast to this, PPCM is a pregnancy-specific disorder, although its
specific etiology remains unclear.
PPCM is more common among African American women, women older
than 40 years of age, women with hypertension in pregnancy, and women
with multifetal pregnancy. Peripartum cardiomyopathy is defined as left
ventricular systolic dysfunction that occurs during the last month of
pregnancy or (more commonly) within 5 months postpartum, in the absence
of an identifiable cause for the cardiac failure and absence of prior heart
disease. Left ventricular (LV) systolic dysfunction is demonstrated on
echocardiography as an ejection fraction < 45% and/or LV end-diastolic
dimension > 2.7 cm/m2 or fractional shortening < 30%. Clinical
presentation may be subtle or dramatic. Symptoms include progressive
dyspnea, progressive orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, and
syncope with exertion. Cough, fatigue, and edema are symptoms that may
not be recognized as signaling PPCM. On examination, tachycardia, rales,
and tachypnea may be evident. Approximately 50% of women experiencing
peripartum cardiomyopathy recover baseline ventricular function within 6
months of delivery, but in those with persistent cardiac failure, the mortality
rate approaches 85% over 5 years.
B. Management
B. Aortic Dissection
Other types of vascular dissection and rupture also occur in pregnancy, (eg,
splenic, aortic, and others). Acute aortic dissection is rare, although more
likely in pregnancy, and highly lethal. It is a feared complication of several
inherited connective tissue disorders (Marfan syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos,
Loeys-Dietz syndrome) but can arise in women without any of these
conditions. Aside from the hypervolemia induced by pregnancy, there may
also be hormonally mediated effects on vessel wall integrity. Delays in
diagnosis contribute to the high death rate, as does uncertainty about the
optimal management. If surgical repair is appropriate, as in Type A aortic
dissection, gestational age factors into whether it should be combined with
cesarean delivery or performed separately. All in all, acute aortic dissection
in pregnancy is associated with a maternal mortality of ~75%.
E. Trauma in Pregnancy
Pregnant patients with major traumatic injuries should be admitted to a
facility with surgical obstetric capabilities and neonatal support, unless at a
clearly previable gestational age. Treatment priorities for the pregnant
patient with traumatic injury are the same as those for nonpregnant patients
(Chapter 9). Primary and secondary assessment should be carried out.
However, there are unique changes that should be taken into account during
clinical assessment. The gravid uterus complicates initial abdominal
assessment. A general scheme for the evaluation of severe trauma in a
pregnant patient in presented in Figure 14-2. The uterus reaches the
symphysis pubis at 12 weeks and the umbilicus at 20 weeks; thereafter, the
height increases by 1 cm each week up to 36 weeks, when the uterus
encompasses almost the entire abdomen. Late in pregnancy, a widened
symphysis pubis and widened sacroiliac joints are possible. Aortocaval
compression in the supine position can contribute to hypotension by
restricting blood return to the heart. Whenever possible, the patient should
be placed in the left lateral decubitus position; at a minimum, the right hip
can be elevated by 15–30 degrees to displace the uterus away from the
inferior vena cava. If any question of spinal injury exists, spinal alignment
should be maintained and the patient logrolled, or the uterus can be
manually displaced toward the left by a member of the care team.
Figure 14-2. Initial Assessment and Management of the Pregnant Trauma Patient
Abbreviations: ATLS, Advanced Trauma Life Support; CS, cesarean section; ETT,
endotracheal tube; FAST, focused assessment with sonography for trauma; IV, intravenous;
MHP, massive hemorrhage protocol; OT, operating theater
Reproduced with permission Queensland Clinical Guidelines. Queensland Clinical
Guideline: Trauma in pregnancy. Document no. MN19.31-V2-R24, August 2019.
F. Sepsis
Infection is a leading cause of maternal morbidity, admission to the ICU,
and mortality. Antepartum infection is most commonly respiratory or
urinary in origin, whereas postpartum infection is usually from a uterine
source. All infectious causes that are possible outside of pregnancy, of
course, remain possible in the context of pregnancy.
The applicability of Sepsis-3 criteria in pregnancy remains uncertain,
particularly because the sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) and
quick SOFA (qSOFA) criteria do not account for normal pregnancy
physiology. Cognizant of this, the Society of Obstetric Medicine of
Australia and New Zealand (SOMANZ) has proposed obstetrically
modified versions of both the SOFA and qSOFA scores which take into
account normal physiologic changes of pregnancy, (somanz.org/guidelines).
These have not been validated nor widely tested in pregnancy, but represent
at least a first-order attempt to incorporate the underlying physiology.
If sepsis is suspected in a pregnant or postpartum patient, it should be
managed using standard techniques: fluid resuscitation, early administration
of antibiotics, a search for the source, cultures as indicated, and source
control where feasible. Fluid resuscitation should be undertaken in the
context of the expanded plasma volume and decreased colloid oncotic
pressure typical of pregnancy, understanding that it is easy to precipitate
pulmonary edema in these patients. It may be prudent to start with a lower
volume than the generally recommended 30 mL/kg, and monitor the
response. Passive leg raising or point-of-care ultrasound may be useful in
determining fluid responsiveness.
Broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy is indicated for suspicion of severe sepsis
in pregnancy just as in other circumstances. Most infections with a pelvic
source are polymicrobial. When choosing antimicrobial therapy, it is
important to consider the effects of pregnancy on drug pharmacokinetics
and pharmacodynamics as well as drug safety concerns. Most antibiotics do
cross the placenta. Although gentamicin is often recommended as one
component of a regimen for chorioamnionitis, there are theoretical risks of
fetal toxicity and nephrotoxicity; however, this has not been definitely
demonstrated in real-world use. Tetracyclines are avoided during pregnancy
because they are associated with dental and possibly bony effects in the
fetus/newborn. Quinolones have been reported to interfere with cartilage
development in animals, and because of concerns in humans, should not be
considered a first-line class of drugs in pregnancy.
Spontaneous labor is often seen during or after maternal sepsis, and no
attempt to suppress the process should be made.
If vasopressors are needed, evidence suggests the use of norepinephrine as
the agent of first choice, understanding that data are limited.
G. Respiratory Failure
Respiratory failure in pregnancy may be the result of any condition that can
cause respiratory failure outside of pregnancy (asthma, trauma,
neuromuscular disease), but in addition, pregnancy is a particularly
vulnerable time for some conditions (influenza, gastric acid aspiration) and
is the underlying predicate for others (amniotic fluid embolism, severe
The physiology of pregnancy—increased oxygen demand, decreased
functional residual capacity, increased minute ventilation—means that there
is less physiologic reserve and desaturation occurs faster with
hypoventilation or apnea. In addition, it is important to recognize that
normal values for arterial blood gas are different in pregnancy. It is
important to identify a Paco2 around 40 mm Hg, which would be
normal outside of pregnancy, as impending ventilatory failure in a
pregnant woman.
The lower limit of maternal oxygenation which is acceptable for the fetus is
not definitely known. Experts have recommended maintaining Pao2 > 70
mm Hg (9.3 kPa), although the human data underpinning this
recommendation are thin. Fetal oxygenation is highly dependent on
uteroplacental perfusion and on the properties of fetal hemoglobin, and the
most highly oxygenated blood in the fetal circulation, the umbilical vein, is
normally at about PuvO2 30–35 mm Hg (4.0–4.7 kPa.) Maternal hypercarbia
and acidemia are expected to limit CO2 transport from the fetus across the
placenta, which requires a gradient, and may therefore predispose to fetal
acidemia. The degree of maternal hypercarbia which is safe for the fetus is
also not known.
Caution is needed when considering noninvasive positive pressure
ventilation, because of the increased risk of aspiration during pregnancy. It
is only feasible for very short-term support and only in selected patients
who can protect their airway. High-flow nasal cannula has been used
successfully in pregnancy and may be considered. The indications for
intubation are the same in pregnancy as any other time: inability to protect
the airway, inadequate ventilation, inadequate oxygenation. Intubation is
more difficult, however, so the practitioner should be experienced and a
backup plan should be in place if intubation fails. The endotracheal tube
should be smaller (eg, 7.0 mm) because airway edema complicates
pH 7.42 – 7.44
Paco2 28–32 mm Hg
(3.6 -4.3 kPa)
Case Study
Ethics is one of the foundations of laws, statutes, and regulations that
govern the practice of medicine in many countries. Application of ethical
principles may vary in different regions and nations. Ethics is not identical
to existing laws; often it is in critical tension with laws, leading to statutory
change. Ethics is closely related to morality, culturally accepted norms
regarding right and wrong, but it is not reducible to prevailing or
conventional values. At its best, ethics may lead to substantive moral
Ethics is the branch of philosophy that deals with the concepts of what is
right or wrong conduct and what is good and bad. The basis of medical
ethics is rooted in ancient Greek theories of morality. Modern medical
ethics has been influenced by the moral theories formulated by Immanuel
Kant, Jeremy Bentham, and John Stuart Mill.
Ethics is the critical, reflective consideration of moral practices in light of
basic principles of conduct and value. Medical ethics involves critical
reflection on practices such as clinical research, resource allocation criteria,
relationships between patients and their healthcare providers, and healthcare
policy formulation. It is at the heart of the patient-clinician relationship,
which is grounded in trust. Healthcare professionals have an obligation to
act in their patients’ best interests, recognizing an inequality of knowledge,
information, and experience. Clinicians possess medical expertise but are
limited in their knowledge of patients’ goals and values. Shared decision-
making is one way of productively engaging these differences to determine
what is in the best interest of the patient while preserving the clinician’s
professional integrity.
In the critical care context, three sets of circumstances typically bring
patients at risk of dying in the hospital to the emergency department: (1) an
acute event in an otherwise healthy person (such as trauma, stroke,
myocardial infarction, or pneumonia); (2) a recurrent or relapsing
decompensation in a patient with a chronic and progressive disease (such as
respiratory failure in chronic lung disease, pneumonia complicating
dementia, heart failure in cardiomyopathy); or (3) the patient’s arrival at a
critical point in a progressive, unrelenting decline (such as cancer or
dementia). Many of these at-risk patients may be admitted to an ICU. Such
patients may be unable to participate in decisions about their medical care
and depend on advance directives or surrogate decision-makers to guide the
healthcare team regarding treatment.
The critical care team is involved in end-of-life care decision-making in
three key situations: (1) limitation of therapy and/or resuscitation attempts,
(2) withdrawal of life support, and (3) triage. Therefore, the critical care
team must be able to effectively communicate with patients and their
families about prognosis and futility, reasonable goals of therapy, healthcare
advance directives, and options for limitation of resuscitation efforts or
removal of life support. Without formal discussions, patients’ preferences
are difficult to predict; assumptions based on quality of life, age, or
functional status may be inaccurate; and physicians’ choices may reflect
their own preferences rather than those of their patients.
Healthcare providers must be both cognitively and emotionally prepared to
communicate among themselves and with patients and families regarding:
(1) realistic goals, (2) expectations for treatments and alternatives, (3)
patients’ expressed and implied desires regarding medical interventions and
the implications of those desires, and (4) acceptable therapeutic options.
Meaningful discussions of these issues are grounded in a thorough
understanding of medical ethics, individual and collective cultural values,
and pertinent legal principles. The competency of providers as
communicators correlates directly with patients’ and families’ satisfaction
with the medical care provided and enhances the professional integrity of
the providers.
Rapidly changing clinical conditions and uncertainty create difficult
situations in the ICU. Modern medicine has many technologies and
treatments to apply to diseases and clinical events. However, despite these
technologies, especially in the ICU setting, patients still die. The difficulties
encountered often consist of determining who will benefit from continued
therapies and when therapeutic options should be limited or withdrawn. It is
sometimes difficult to integrate patient wishes and values with the treatment
options in the context of an uncertain prognosis. Most deaths in the ICU
setting occur with some limitation of medical care, whether it be a do-not-
attempt resuscitation (DNAR) order or withdrawing or withholding life-
sustaining treatment. Shared decision-making and defining goals of care
will often help in delineating the best course of treatment for the patient.
The healthcare provider should be certain that the conditions for invoking
an advance directive as intended by the patient have occurred before acting
on the directive. Similarly, acquiescing to requests made by surrogates
occurs only after consideration of proper medical and ethical decision-
making principles. If an incapacitated patient’s specific wishes and values
are unknown, a surrogate is usually expected to act in the best interests of
the patient. Conflict arises when healthcare professionals refuse to
acknowledge and accept the patient’s expressed wishes and choose to
follow the direction of a family member, who may not be acting in the
patient’s best interest. Although advanced directives are not legally binding
in many states, ideally they should be honored as the written wishes of the
patient and discussed with the surrogate decision-maker in detail, should a
conflict arise. Should the family member not be acting in the patient’s best
interest, which is the legal standard for surrogate decision-making, then an
ethics consult, conflict resolution team (if available), or legal intervention
may be appropriate. Conflict also arises when the advance directive is
sufficiently vague and difficult to apply to the current clinical condition. In
those situations, shared decision-making and discussions of goals of care
should occur.
B. Do-Not-Attempt-Resuscitation Orders
The goal of end-of-life care is to allow patients to die with dignity and
respect and to exercise an element of control over their death. It is
paramount that in all communications it is made clear that care is not being
withdrawn; rather, it is life support or unwanted medical interventions that
are withdrawn after the goals of treatment have changed. In many cases, the
intensity of care may actually escalate following termination of life support
as comfort needs are addressed. DNAR never means do not treat. Before
the removal of life support, a proper DNAR order should be in effect based
on local and institutional regulations. A plan for comfort measures should
be developed by the healthcare team and must address anxiety and
analgesia. Although they may have this effect, comfort care interventions
are not intended to directly hasten death; this distinguishes comfort care
from euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide.
Source: https://www.sccm.org/getattachment/f7ff8591-f36e-4dc6-ae02-
F. Palliative Care
Palliative care (PC) focuses on symptom management and goals of care and
can be provided along with life-saving treatment. It is not identical to
hospice care which focuses on end-of-life care with no further treatments
designed to restore health. Too often medicine emphasizes the treatments
available without addressing the symptoms like nausea, pain, constipation,
dyspnea, and others. PC can help address these symptoms and may offer
treatments to relieve symptoms (like venting gastrostomy for malignant
bowel obstruction, or paracentesis for tense ascites). The basics of PC, like
goals of care discussions and simple symptom management, should be in
the scope of every physician. Complex PC, like intractable pain or
extensive conflict among family members, is likely helped by a consult
from the PC team. Involving PC early in the ICU has been shown to
improve discussions about goals of care, addressing code status, and
decreasing use of tests and procedures without increasing mortality.
G. Triage
The ICU is characterized by resource-intensive medical care. Because ICU
technology, physician presence, and staffing are costly and limited, triage
decisions regarding the allocation of these resources are frequently
necessary. Triage is most often necessary when demand for critical care
beds exceeds supply. Thus, patients may be denied admission based on
resource constraints; be transferred from the ICU to another level of care
based on severity of illness, prognosis, or wishes; or be transferred to
another institution. The minimum severity of illness required to meet ICU
admission criteria is likely to fluctuate within an institution (such as during
influenza season or disaster situations). Increasingly, however, patients who
do not meet some minimum objective criteria for ICU admission are cared
for on general medicine units regardless of the preference of patients,
attending physicians, or staff. Critically ill patients who are not admitted to
ICUs may have significantly greater morbidity and mortality rates.
Therefore, triage choices represent life-and-death decisions that must be
based on criteria that are as objective as possible and applied uniformly.
The ethical principle of beneficence is applied at the group or social level in
such cases (maximize the benefit to the most) and is restrained by the
principle of justice (treat all similar cases the same and different cases
H. Organ Donation
Most ethical issues in the ICU seem to be related to poor communication
and disagreement among the healthcare team. Healthcare staff often create
these conflicts through actions on their part: using the term “brain death”
casually and when the patient is not brain dead, but neurologically
devastated; using the term “futile” when the treatment is not futile; by not
ensuring good communication among the healthcare team so that a unified
and coherent and cohesive message is given to the family; by not having
early and frequent meetings with the family and setting goals of care, or
using a best case/worst case framework; by offering a menu of choices
without discussing context or expected outcomes; and by offering choices
when there is not a choice. Early, frequent, and clear communication can
avoid many of these issues in the ICU setting.
Suggested Readings
1. Bernacki RE, Block SD. Communication about serious illness care
goals: a review and synthesis of best practice. JAMA Intern Med.
2. Bosslet GT, Pope TM, Rubenfeld GD, et al. An Official
ATS/AACN/ACCP/ESICM/SCCM Policy Statement: Responding to
Requests for Potentially Inappropriate Treatments in Intensive Care
Units. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2015;191(11):1318-1330.
3. Bossaert LL, Perkins GD, Askitopoulou H, et al. European
Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015: Section 11.
The ethics of resuscitation and end-of-life decisions. Resuscitation.
2015; 95:302-311.
4. Committee on Bioethics (DH BIO) of the Council of Europe. Guide on
the decision-making process regarding medical treatment in end-of-life
situations. Available at: http://www.coe.int/en/web/bioethics/guide-on-
5. Feudtner C, Morrison W. The darkening veil of “do everything”. Arch
Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2012;166:694.
6. Kon AA, Shepard EK, Sederstrom NO, et al. Defining Futile and
Potentially Inappropriate Interventions: A Policy Statement From the
Society of Critical Care Medicine Ethics Committee. Crit Care Med.
7. Kruser JM, Nabozny MJ, Steffens NM, et al. “Best case/worst case”:
qualitative evaluation of a novel communication tool for difficult-in-
the-moment surgical decisions. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2015;63:1805-1811.
8. Moss M, Good VS, Gozal D, Kleinpell R, Sessler CN. An Official
Critical Care Societies Collaborative Statement-Burnout Syndrome in
Critical Care Health-care Professionals: A Call for Action. Chest.
9. Nabozny MJ, Steffens NM, Schwarze ML. When do-not-resuscitate is
a nonchoice choice: a teachable moment. JAMA Intern Med.
10. Nelson J, Curtis JR, Mulkerin C, et al. Choosing and using screening
criteria for palliative care consultation in the ICU: a report from the
Improving Palliative Care in the ICU (IPAL- ICU) Advisory Board.
Crit Care Med. 2013;41(10):2318-2327.
11. Papadimos TJ, Maldonado Y, Tripathi RS, Kothari DS, Rosenberg AL.
An overview of end-of-life issues in the intensive care unit. Int J Crit
Illn Inj Sci. 2011;1:138-146.
12. Soliman IW, Cremer OL, DeLange DW, et al. The ability of intensive
care unit physicians to estimate long-term prognosis in survivors of
critical illness. J Crit Care. 2018;43:148-155.
13. Welie JV, Ten Have HA. The ethics of forgoing life-sustaining
treatment: theoretical considerations and clinical decision making.
Multidiscip Respir Med. 2014;9(1):14.
Chapter 16
Case Study
Caring for the critically ill surgical patient can bring challenges that are not
seen with a nonsurgical patient. Providers overseeing the care of these
patients must remember to consider both surgical and nonsurgical causes of
illness and deterioration to render appropriate care. The patient’s surgical
history may be important in developing a thorough differential diagnosis.
Because not all healthcare personnel who provide critical care have a
surgical background, liberal use of surgical consultation is recommended.
The identification and management of commonly encountered conditions in
critically ill patients that may require additional knowledge of surgical
principles are reviewed in this chapter.
This patient has signs and symptoms of an acute abdominal process. At this
point, the possible diagnoses are varied both in the organ involved and
acuity. The differential diagnosis includes peptic ulcer disease, acute
cholecystitis, perforated viscus, acute appendicitis, mesenteric ischemia,
leaking abdominal aortic aneurysm, and acute pancreatitis. Some of these
conditions require emergent surgical intervention. Therefore, he needs rapid
examination, assessment with laboratory and radiologic testing, and triage
to the appropriate level of care. Studies should include a complete blood
count (CBC), complete metabolic panel (including calcium, blood urea
nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, liver function studies, amylase, and lipase),
upright chest radiograph (to look for free air), and point-of-care
ultrasonography to evaluate for intra-abdominal free fluid.
Case Study (continued)
Reproduced from Banks PA, Bollen TL, Dervenis C, et al. Gut 62(1), 102-111, Copyright ©
2013 with permission from BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.
The role of imaging is to help identify the type of acute pancreatitis because
the treatment plan may be determined by the findings. Edematous
pancreatitis is the most common form, and it consists of inflammatory
infiltration of the pancreas without involvement of other organs. The
severity is generally mild to moderate, and patients generally recover
relatively quickly with low mortality. In necrotizing pancreatitis, there may
be extensive destruction of the pancreas with an accompanying
inflammatory injury to both surrounding and distant organs. These patients
typically require ICU-level care during their resuscitation. They may
require invasive procedures, such as percutaneous catheter drainage,
endoscopic transluminal drainage, or surgical necrosectomy.
Recommended resuscitation is with isotonic crystalloid using goal-directed
therapy for fluid management. Goal resuscitation markers include heart
rate, mean arterial pressure, central venous pressure, urine output, BUN,
and central venous oxygen saturation. Isotonic crystalloid fluid may be
started at 20 mL/kg over 60 minutes, followed by an infusion of up to 250
mL/h for the next 24–48 hours, depending on the achievement of the goals.
More aggressive volume resuscitation has not been shown to improve
outcomes and may lead to edema formation, which may aggravate systemic
conditions, such as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and
increase the risk of abdominal compartment syndrome. Two randomized
controlled trials suggest the use of lactated Ringer solution over normal
saline as the optimal fluid, although there was no difference in organ failure
or mortality. Keep in mind that aggressive resuscitation with normal saline
only can contribute to a hyperchloremic acidosis. Other isotonic fluid
options include more balanced salt solutions such as Normosol or Plasma-
Lyte. Hydroxyethyl starch (HES) is not recommended as a resuscitative
Prophylactic antibiotics are not considered to be part of the treatment plan
for pancreatitis, even in severe cases. Antibiotics are to be used only as a
therapeutic intervention in cases of actual infection. Probiotic prophylaxis is
not recommended for the prevention of infectious complications and acute
pancreatitis. A multicenter, randomized controlled trial of 298 patients with
severe acute pancreatitis showed a higher risk of death in the probiotic
group versus placebo.
Modifiable Nonmodifiable
Diabetes Increased age
Obesity Recent radiotherapy
Alcoholism History of skin or soft-tissue infection
Current smoker
Preoperative albumin < 3.5 mg/dL
Data taken from Ban KA, Minei JP, Laronga C, et al. American College of Surgeons and
Surgical Infection Society: Surgical Site Infection Guidelines, 2016 Update. J Am Coll Surg.
2017; 224(1)L59-74.
Emergency procedure
Increasing complexity
Higher wound classification
Data taken from Ban KA, Minei JP, Laronga C, et al. American College of Surgeons and
Surgical Infection Society: Surgical Site Infection Guidelines, 2016 Update. J Am Coll Surg.
2017; 224(1)L59-74. L59-74.
The patient now develops redness and drainage of the wound. On opening
the wound, there is release of dishwater-appearing fluid and the
subcutaneous tissues appear necrotic.
– What are the signs of a necrotizing soft-tissue infection?
– What is the recommended treatment of a necrotizing soft-tissue
Necrotizing soft-tissue infection (NSTI) is a surgical emergency. The only
effective treatment includes surgical debridement of all involved tissue.
NSTI has a very high mortality rate (approximately 10–12% in recent
literature) and can also have very high morbidity. Delay in diagnosis and
treatment drastically increases the mortality and morbidity of NSTI.
NSTI can be seen with postoperative wound infections, but most patients
present from the community without a recent surgery. Patients coming from
the community can have NSTI of any location, but most commonly NSTI
affects the extremities, perineum, and genitalia. NSTIs involving the
perineum and genitalia are more commonly referred to as Fournier
gangrene. Patients may not be able to recall an inciting inoculation event.
There is always the potential for hematogenous spread of the infection.
These patients may have already sought care for an abscess or cellulitis and
have worsening signs and symptoms despite appropriate initial treatment.
Suspicion of NSTI should be raised when patients have worsening
hemodynamic stability or no improvement or worsening on examination. If
there is any question or concern for NSTI, a surgical consult should be
obtained without delay.
There are four different types of NSTI, and not all types reveal dishwater
drainage or crepitus on examination. Type I NSTI is 55–80% of all NSTI
and is polymicrobial. Patient risk factors for type I NSTI include history of
diabetes mellitus, obesity, immunosuppression, chronic kidney disease,
cirrhosis, malignancy, and alcohol abuse. Type II NSTI is characterized by
single organism infection, usually with β-hemolytic group A Streptococcus
or Staphylococcus. These bacteria exhibit production of endotoxins which
produce a pro-inflammatory cytokine response. Risk factors for type II
NSTI include a history of trauma, surgery, or intravenous drug use as an
initial inoculation of the tissues. Type III NSTIs include infections with
Clostridium and Vibrio and have a mortality rate of 30–40%. Lastly, type IV
NSTIs include infections with Aeromonas and fungi. In
immunocompromised patients, most will have Candida infections, while
immunocompetent individuals usually have Zygomycetes as the organism.
Type IV NSTIs also have very high mortality rates.
Signs of NSTI include:
Case Study
A 52-year-old man who smokes was admitted for abdominal pain and lactic
acidosis. He had undergone a noncontrast (creatinine 1.6 mg/dL) CT scan
of the abdomen, which showed nonspecific findings of bowel edema, most
significant in the distal small bowel and proximal colon. He was initially
resuscitated with crystalloid fluids and admitted to the ICU for shock.
– What are potential signs and symptoms of mesenteric ischemia?
– What are the types of mesenteric ischemia?
Bowel ischemia, if not diagnosed and treated emergently, can have
significant mortality. Once mesenteric ischemia progresses to necrosis,
mortality is at least 50%. Unfortunately, signs, symptoms, and physical
findings can be variable. In addition, a wide differential is usually present.
Therefore, a high index of suspicion is required. Patients are primarily
women 65 years of age and older. Abdominal pain, with or without bloody
diarrhea, that is out of proportion to examination is classically described,
but often the patient presents less dramatically in the early stages. Bowel
sounds are often present early. ECG monitoring with atrial fibrillation may
provide a clue to embolic mesenteric ischemia but is still a nonspecific
finding. Laboratory findings mimic sepsis with an elevated white blood cell
count and left shift, hemoconcentration, and a gapped metabolic acidosis
(lactic acidosis). Plain abdominal radiographs may show an ileus. CT scans
without contrast are often performed because of the hemoconcentration or
acute kidney injury that is present. These scans will likely only show late or
very late findings such as pneumatosis intestinalis or portal venous gas, or
free fluid/air, respectively. CT angiography of the abdomen and pelvis is the
ideal scan, but unfortunately it is usually not ordered in a timely fashion.
Diagnostic delay is the clinical challenge with mesenteric ischemia because
of the nonspecific symptoms reported by the patient and nonspecific
laboratory and radiographic findings.
In view of the abdominal pain and lactic acidosis, a surgical consult was
obtained. The patient was taken to the operating room and intraoperatively
was noted to have diffuse ischemia but no necrosis of the bowel. The
general surgeon consulted with a vascular surgeon who evaluated the
arterial mesenteric vessels, which appeared normal. The portal vein was
noted to be firm with a clot. A heparin drip was started after a bolus. A
temporary closure of the abdomen was performed, and the patient was
taken back to the ICU intubated, on norepinephrine at 5 µg/min, with a
nasogastric and indwelling catheter in place.
Although it is extremely helpful to have a complete diagnosis of mesenteric
ischemia preoperatively, it is not uncommon to have incomplete data
regarding the patient and the type of mesenteric ischemia until the surgical
setting. In patients with a mesenteric embolus, an embolectomy is
performed, and anticoagulation is provided. Patients who have thrombotic
disease typically require revascularization of the SMA and at times, the
celiac trunk. These patients also are anticoagulated as part of the surgical
intervention and in the postoperative period. If severe bowel ischemia is
noted, or if there is frank bowel necrosis and perforation, the affected
portions of bowel are resected. Most patients will be left in discontinuity
and taken back to the operating room for further evaluation of the bowel
within 24–48 hours. These patients will have temporary abdominal closure
systems in place.
Patients who are diagnosed with venous thrombosis are typically treated
with anticoagulation only. The bowel generally does NOT require resection
in venous mesenteric ischemia. However, the bowel is often more
edematous, creating a scenario of intra-abdominal hypertension or
abdominal compartment syndrome if the abdomen is closed before
significant edema has resolved.
Even after this patient has the appropriate diagnosis and treatment, the
critical care plan is complex. The ICU length of stay, assuming survival,
will likely be several days to weeks. Therefore, a comprehensive plan
(Table 16-7) will be needed because the patient will likely require
mechanical ventilation, goal-directed hemodynamic resuscitation, a
comprehensive nutrition plan, multiple surgical interventions requiring trips
to the operating room, and strategies to address the prevention of hospital-
acquired conditions that will likely occur in this complex patient. Similar to
other abdominal conditions such as pancreatitis, enteral nutrition should be
the preferred method of delivering protein and calories.
The cause and therefore the
definitive treatment of mesenteric
ischemia may not be able to be
determined until surgical
intervention is performed.
The patient underwent further surgeries, with closure of fascia and skin on
postoperative day 4. He continued to need aggressive resuscitation with
fluids and blood products but was able to be taken off pressors. During the
evening he had a rapid drop in his urine output, and his pulmonary
pressures rose, making ventilation difficult. Examination at bedside showed
his abdomen to be distended and tight.
Increased intra-abdominal pressure (IAP), the pressure within the
abdominal cavity typically measured as bladder pressure, has been
increasingly recognized as both the cause and consequence of many
complications in critically ill patients. The perfusion pressure to the
abdomen, termed abdominal perfusion pressure (APP), is the mean arterial
pressure minus the IAP. Similar to cerebral perfusion pressure, APP is the
critical determinant of perfusion to the abdominal visceral organs.
Intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) is defined as a sustained increase of
IAP to >12 mm Hg, whereas abdominal compartment syndrome is defined
as IAP >25 mm Hg with new onset of organ failure at a lower IAP.
Abdominal compartment syndrome can be difficult to diagnose because of
the overlap of symptoms with other common ICU illnesses, such as acute
oliguric renal failure, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and tension
Although normal IAP is in the range of 3 to 7 mm Hg, it can reach 9 to 14
mm Hg in obese individuals. Hence, the physiologic state must be taken
into account when interpreting IAP measurements. Increases can come
from increased abdominal volume, decreased abdominal wall compliance,
or more commonly a combination of the two. Some conditions leading to
IAH/abdominal compartment syndrome are listed in Table 16-8.
Abdominal compartment syndrome is classified as primary, secondary, or
recurrent. Primary abdominal compartment syndrome is a condition
associated with injury or disease in the abdominopelvic region that
frequently requires early surgical or radiologic intervention, whereas
secondary abdominal compartment syndrome develops from conditions that
do not originate primarily from that region (eg, sepsis, capillary leak,
burns). Abdominal compartment syndrome can progress and recur even
after initial therapy is successful.
>Data from Malbrain ML, Cheatham ML, Kirkpatrick A, et al. Results from the International
Conference of Experts on Intra-abdominal Hypertension and Abdominal Compartment
Syndrome. I. Definitions. Intensive Care Med. 2006;32(11):1722-1732.
Suggested Readings
Rapid response systems (RRS) have emerged as important resources that
focus on the hospitalized patient with unexpected, sudden deterioration in a
condition from any cause. Historically, crisis teams were activated only
after a significant event, such as cardiac arrest; there was no organized
approach to preventing an untoward event in an at-risk hospitalized patient.
Most patients who experience a cardiac arrest while in the hospital
demonstrate identifiable signs of deterioration in the previous 8 hours. Early
recognition of deterioration and timely intervention can reduce the
incidence of in-hospital cardiac arrest or the need for intensive care. RRSs
have been shown to reduce in-hospital mortality and cardiopulmonary
arrest, although the presence of a physician is not significantly associated
with a mortality reduction.
Unfortunately, the early indicators of clinical deterioration can be difficult
to identify. Assessing the physiologic reserve of a patient is challenging.
RRSs bring additional experienced providers with advanced monitoring
tools to the patient’s bedside. If needed, more advanced monitoring and
therapy can be initiated immediately, and a decision can be made about the
most appropriate care level. The most important action in the process is the
call for help.
The RRS model can be divided into four components, each of which plays
an integral role in the success of the system (Figure A1-1). The
administrative arm oversees appropriate staffing, provides resources, drafts
protocols and guidelines, and ensures staff education regarding the presence
and utility of the service. The afferent arm is concerned with detecting
impending deterioration, while the efferent arm is focused on rendering
therapy and mobilizing additional resources quickly. Lastly, the
performance improvement arm seeks to identify recurrent patterns of
deterioration and assess improvement in quality measures following
system-wide interventions.
Figure A1-1. Rapid Response System Structure
Abbreviations: AMI, acute myocardial infarction; LOS, length of stay; MET, medical
emergency team; RRT, rapid response team; VIPPS, ventilation infusion of volume,
pressors/pump, pharmacy, and specific interventions
Adapted from Sebat F, ed. Designing, Implementing, and Enhancing a Rapid Response
System. Mount Prospect, IL: Society of Critical Care Medicine; 2009:41.
Typically, physician members are trained (or are training) in critical care,
emergency medicine, anesthesia, or internal medicine. They bring their
knowledge of critical illness and their skills in the management of life-
threatening problems to the patient’s bedside. Nurse members usually have
many years of bedside experience and most often have extensive critical
care training. Team members from other disciplines add value to the MET
or RRT with their knowledge of such factors as airway and respiratory
management, drug therapies, traumatic injury management, and critical care
Team members usually are expected to maintain current provider status in
basic and advanced cardiac life support, pediatric advanced life support
(where applicable), and fundamental critical care. Periodic teamwork
exercises in mock events or medical simulation centers can hone members’
evaluation and management skills. Treatment protocols and standing orders
should be reviewed and amended based on feedback from MET or RRT
calls and quality improvement data.
Abbreviations: SpO2, oxygen saturation on pulse oximetry; FIO2, fraction of inspired oxygen.
The use of a scoring system in evaluating the at-risk patient can provide a
graded assessment of clinical status and help to determine the level of
response needed. An overall score is calculated based on the aggregate of
points assigned to various symptoms, vital signs, and laboratory studies.
Additional points are assigned to results that vary greatly from normal.
Several patented early warning scoring systems are available, although not
all are validated. The Modified Early Warning Score, which evaluates a
patient’s vital signs and mental status, has been validated in hospitalized
medical patients. A score of 5 or greater has been associated with an
increased mortality rate and increased incidence of ICU admission.
Individual MET or RRT programs may choose to define absolute value or
trend thresholds that trigger a move to a higher level of care or mobilization
of additional clinical resources. Collection and analysis of aggregate scores
in patients receiving MET or RRT services can be used for quality
improvement efforts, such as evaluation of standing orders, event cluster
identification, and resource utilization.
One of the primary goals of METs and RRTs is education. The detection
limb of the RRS model relies heavily on the early recognition of signs and
symptoms of clinical deterioration. Regularly scheduled staff in-services
and mock-event drills are effective in maintaining competencies in
identifying the at-risk patient. Public posting and discussion of activation
criteria can further enhance the use of MET or RRT services and reduce
patient clinical crises. Review of aggregate quality improvement data from
response team activity also can reinforce education. Post hoc review of a
patient event with the entire unit staff after an MET or RRT call serves to
raise the collective knowledge and skill of the entire group. This may
reduce the likelihood of subsequent problems and increase the likelihood
that signs and symptoms of clinical deterioration will be detected at the
earliest indication in future patients. Topic-of-the-week presentations, MET
or RRT case reviews, and SBAR practice sessions are examples of targeted
educational activities.
Hospitalized patients can be at risk for clinical deterioration in part because
of the complex nature of healthcare delivery systems. The goal of the RRS
model is to identify and manage signs and symptoms of clinical
deterioration in at-risk patients through detection strategies at the bedside
and mobilization of appropriate resources. Important factors in the
successful implementation of an RRS include: (1) appropriate team
composition; (2) activation criteria based on bedside staff concern, acute
changes in physiology, or the use of scoring systems to identify at-risk
patients; (3) interventions aimed at rapidly stabilizing the patient; (4)
effective communication strategies like SBAR; (5) ongoing education to
enhance detection and management of potential clinical crises; (6)
availability of appropriate advanced clinical monitors, equipment, and
medications to conduct MET or RRT activities; and (7) evaluation and
correction of processes and causes of patient risk.
Suggested Readings
Suggested Website
B. Equipment
(A) Insert lubricated and deflated mask into the open mouth with the bowl facing anteriorly.
(B) Hold the device like a pencil, pressing against the palate and pharyngeal wall with the
index finger. (C) Continue inserting the cuff behind the tongue into the hypopharynx until
definite resistance is felt. (D) Without holding the device, inflate cuff with enough air to
obtain a seal. Attach manual ventilation device and ensure chest movement.
A. Indications
B. Equipment
11. When the device is positioned appropriately, the tube is secured with
Figure A2-2. Esophageal-Tracheal Double-Lumen Airway Device
Some tubes have two pilot balloons to allow for independent inflation of the pharyngeal and
esophageal cuffs, whereas other tubes have a single pilot port and simultaneously inflate
both cuffs. Detection of end-tidal CO2 in the proximal lumen suggests that the tube is in the
esophagus. In the rare instance that the tube enters the trachea, ventilation is only possible
via the distal lumen and end-tidal CO2 will not be detected from the proximal lumen.
Figure A2-3. Insertion Technique of Esophageal-Tracheal Double-Lumen Airway Device
(A) Insertion begins by lifting the chin and lower jaw. (B) The esophageal-tracheal double
lumen airway tube is inserted in a downward, curved movement along the tongue. (C) The
oropharyngeal balloon is inflated with 85 mL of air, and the distal cuff is inflated with 5 to 10
mL of air. (D) With the esophageal-tracheal double lumen airway tube in the esophageal
position, ventilation is performed through the longer no. 1 tube (blue). Air flows through the
holes into the pharynx and from there into the trachea (arrows). (E) With the esophageal-
tracheal double lumen airway tube in the tracheal position, ventilation is performed through
the shorter no. 2 tube. (F) Laryngoscopy facilitated insertion of esophageal-tracheal double
lumen airway tube.
Reprinted from Hagberg and Benumof’s Airway Management, 4th edition, Hagberg C,
Supraglottic airway techniques: Nonlaryngeal mask airways, Copyright (2017), with
permission from Elsevier.
B. Equipment
1. The operator stands behind the head of the bed, and the bed is raised to
a position of comfort for the operator.
2. The patient is placed in a neutral or sniffing position (ie, head
extended, neck flexed), unless potential or definite cervical spine
injury prevents neck extension.
3. Consider lubricating the tongue side of the laryngoscope blade prior to
insertion. Insert the laryngoscope blade into the oropharynx, and
advance into the hypopharynx while watching the video screen for
anatomic landmarks.
4. Once positioned in the hypopharynx, lift up and away, then adjust the
position until the glottis and vocal cords are seen.
5. Insert and advance the ETT into the hypopharynx until the tip is seen
near the end of the laryngoscope blade.
6. Advance the ETT through the glottis opening until the cuff passes the
vocal cords. Make small adjustments in laryngoscope and ETT
positioning as necessary to intubate the trachea.
7. Gently remove the laryngoscope blade while holding the ETT in place.
Be careful not to kink or pinch the camera cable.
8. Inflate the ETT cuff and remove the stylet. Attach the bag-valve device
and provide manual ventilation. Confirm bilateral breath sounds and
end-tidal carbon dioxide.
9. When the ETT is positioned appropriately, the tube is secured with
Figure A2-4. Video Laryngoscope
A. Indications
B. Equipment
D. Technique
1. The operator stands behind the head of the bed, and the bed is raised to
a position of comfort for the operator.
2. The patient is placed in a neutral or sniffing position (ie, head
extended, neck flexed), unless potential or definite cervical spine
injury prevents neck extension.
3. Consider lubricating the tongue side of the laryngoscope blade prior to
insertion. Insert the laryngoscope blade in the midline over the tongue
into the oropharynx and advance into the hypopharynx by rotating the
laryngoscope along the tongue until it is perpendicular. Use caution to
not displace the tongue posteriorly.
4. Once positioned in the hypopharynx, look through the eyepiece and lift
up gently. Adjust the position until the glottis and vocal cords are seen.
If glottis structures are not seen, gently pull back until seen. DO NOT
tilt back or leverage against upper teeth or gums.
5. Advance the ETT through the glottis opening until the cuff passes the
vocal cords. Make small adjustments in laryngoscope positioning as
necessary to intubate the trachea.
6. Inflate the ETT cuff and separate from the laryngoscope with a gentle
spreading or peeling motion. Be careful to not displace the ETT.
7. Gently remove the laryngoscope blade while holding the ETT in place.
Rotate in opposite direction from insertion.
8. Attach the bag-valve device and provide manual ventilation. Confirm
bilateral breath sounds and end-tidal carbon dioxide.
9. When the ETT is positioned appropriately, the tube is secured with
Suggested Readings
1. Asai T, Morris S. The laryngeal mask airway: its features, effects and
role. Can J Anaesth. 1994 Oct;41(10):930-960. PMID 8001213
2. Brain AIJ. The Intavent Laryngeal Mask Instruction Manual.
Berkshire, UK: Brain Medical; 1992.
3. Huang HB, Peng, JM, Xu B, Liu GY, Du B. Video Laryngoscopy for
Endotracheal Intubation of Critically Ill Adults: A Systemic Review
and Meta-Analysis. Chest. 2017;152(3):510-517. PMID 28629915
4. Krafft P, Schebesta K. Alternative management techniques for the
difficult airway: esophageal-tracheal Combitube. Curr Opin
Anaesthesiol. 2004; 17(6):499-504.
5. Lascarrou JB, Boisrame-Helms J, Bailly A. Video Laryngoscopy vs
Direct Laryngoscopy on Successful First-Pass Orotracheal Intubation
Among ICU Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA.
2017;317(5):483. PMID 28118659
6. Lu Y, Jiang H, Zhu YS. Airtraq laryngoscope versus conventional
Macintosh laryngoscope: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Anaesthesia. 2011;66(12):
7. Niforopoulou P, Pantazopoulos I, Demestiha T, et al. Video-
laryngoscopes in the adult airway management: a topical review of the
literature. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2010;54(9):1050-1061.
8. Seet E, Yousaf F, Gupta S, et al. Use of manometry for laryngeal mask
airway reduces postoperative pharyngolaryngeal adverse events: a
prospective, randomized trial. Anesthesiology. 2010 Mar;112(3):652-
Appendix 3
A. Bag-mask resuscitation unit with oxygen supplementation (with
positive end-expiratory pressure valve if indicated)
B. Topical anesthetic spray
C. Medications as selected for analgesia/anesthesia, amnesia, and
neuromuscular blockade
D. Towel roll or pad for occipital elevation
E. Pulse oximeter
F. Electrocardiography monitor
G. Automatic blood pressure device or manual blood pressure monitoring
H. Gloves, mask, eye protection
I. Laryngoscope handle and blade(s): usually sizes #3 and #4 curved, #2
and #3 straight
J. Endotracheal tubes: usually 7.0- or 7.5-mm for adult women and 8.0-
mm for adult men
K. Malleable stylet
L. Yankauer and tracheal suction catheters, suction device
M. Magill forceps
N. 10-mL syringe to inflate cuff
O. Water-soluble lubricant
P. Qualitative CO2 detector, CO2 monitor, or esophageal detector device
B. Video laryngoscopy
B. Technique
1. The operator stands at the head of the bed, and the bed is raised to a
position of comfort for the operator. The head of the bed may be flat or
raised slightly per operator preference.
2. When no cervical injury is suspected, a small pad is placed under the
occiput (the “sniffing” position) and the neck is gently extended
(Figure A3-1). When cervical spine injury is possible, these steps are
omitted, the neck is stabilized by an assistant (as described in Chapter
2), and the anterior portion of the cervical collar is removed.
Figure A3-1. Positioning for Orotracheal Intubation
The axial planes of the neck are not lined up with the head in a neutral position (A).
Slight extension and forward movement of the neck will line up the pharyngeal-
laryngeal axis and place the oral axis perpendicular to this line, thereby allowing
visualization of the vocal cords. (B). Note that this positioning is contraindicated in
patients with possible cervical spine injury.
(A) The blade of the laryngoscope is inserted into the patient’s mouth and pushes the
tongue to the left. (B) The curved blade follows the base of the tongue and is inserted
into the vallecula and (C) the straight blade is inserted beneath the epiglottis.
6. The tongue should be swept to the left; proper tongue control is key to
laryngeal visualization.
7. The blade is gently advanced further to its proper position. A straight
blade is placed beneath the epiglottis; a curved blade is placed into the
vallecula above the epiglottis.
8. Caution! Traction should be applied only along the long axis of the
laryngoscope handle as the laryngoscope lifts the tongue upward away
from the larynx, revealing the glottic opening. A rocking or rotating
motion of the blade and handle may damage teeth, gingiva, or lips. The
base of the laryngoscope blade should never contact the upper teeth!
9. The vocal cords and glottic opening should be visualized.
10. If the vocal cords and glottis cannot be visualized, it may be helpful
for an assistant to grasp the thyroid cartilage between the thumb and
index finger and exert pressure in the following sequence: Pressure is
applied backward against the cervical vertebrae and then in an upward
direction to shift the larynx superiorly. Additional pressure is applied
to shift the thyroid cartilage no more than 2 cm to the right side of the
patient’s neck. This procedure can be remembered by the acronym
BURP (backward, upward, and rightward pressure on the thyroid
11. The endotracheal tube is inserted gently through the vocal cords
(Figure A3-3), holding the tube/stylet with the right hand. The stylet,
if angled, may interfere with passage of the tube into the trachea. If
resistance is encountered as the tube is advanced, consider having an
assistant remove the stylet while the operator holds the endotracheal
tube firmly in the glottic opening.
12. The stylet and laryngoscope should be removed carefully (Figure A3-
3). The operator must continue to hold the endotracheal tube firmly
and position it such that the external centimeter length markers on the
tube show 21 cm (female) or 23 cm (male) adjacent to the front teeth.
Figure A3-3. Placement of Endotracheal Tube
(A) The endotracheal tube is inserted through the vocal cords until the distal end rests
approximately 2 to 3 cm above the carina. (B) Once the endotracheal tube is in the
proper position, the laryngoscope and stylet are removed and the cuff is inflated.
A. Indications
B. Equipment
A. Technique
1. The person performing intubation stands behind the patient’s head with
the bed is raised to a height which is comfortable for the
laryngoscopist (usually at the level of lower sternum).
2. The patient’s head is placed in a sniffing position (with upper cervical
extension and lower neck flexion) unless a cervical spine injury is
known or suspected in which case the head position remains neutral
(no cervical spine movement).
3. The laryngoscope blade is inserted into the oropharynx and advanced
into the hypopharynx while viewing the screen for anatomic landmarks
(epiglottis, vocal cords).
4. When the laryngoscope blade is positioned in the hypopharynx, the
blade is lifted up and/or gently rotated until the glottic opening and
vocal cords are visualized.
5. The endotracheal tube (ETT) with curved stylet is then inserted into
the hypopharynx and advanced until the tip of the endotracheal tube is
seen near the glottic opening.
6. The endotracheal tube is advanced through the glottic opening until the
cuff of the ETT passes through the vocal cords as visualized on the
screen (Figure A3-4A and Figure A3-4B). Small adjustments may
need to be made in the position of either the laryngoscope blade or the
ETT to get the tube through the glottic opening and into the trachea.
Figure A3-4A. Insertion of Endotracheal Tube with Video Laryngoscopy
A) The endotracheal tube is inserted through the vocal cords visualized on the screen
until the distal end rests approximately 2 to 3 cm above the carina. (B) Once the
endotracheal tube is in the proper position, the laryngoscope and stylet are removed
and the cuff is inflated.
Reproduced with permission Rezaie S. Glidescope Video Laryngoscopy. REBEL EM -
Emergency Medicine Blog. https://rebelem.com/video-laryngoscopy-direct-
laryngoscopy-trainees/glidescope-vl/%C2%A0. Published March 5, 2015. Accessed
February 2, 2021.
A. Hypoxia, hypercapnia during procedure
B. Cardiovascular compromise during and immediately after procedure
C. Damaged teeth, lips, gingiva
D. Malpositioned tube (esophagus, right mainstem bronchus)
E. Pharyngeal, laryngeal, tracheal damage
F. Gastric distension and aspiration of gastric contents
G. Bronchospasm
H. Pneumothorax
Suggested Readings
1. Apfelbaum JL, Hagberg CA, Caplan RA, et al. Practice guidelines for
management of the difficult airway: an updated report by the American
Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Management of the
Difficult Airway. Anesthesiology. 2013;118(2):251-270.
2. Carlos A. Artime and Carin A. Hagberg. Airway Management in the
Adult. In: Miller’s Anesthesia, 9th Ed, Elsevier, 2020. Pages 1373-
3. Knill RL. Difficult laryngoscopy made easy with a “BURP.” Can J
Anaesth. 1993;40:279-282.
4. Lascarrou JB, Boisrame-Helms J, Bailly A, et al. Video Laryngoscopy
vs Direct Laryngoscopy on Successful First-Pass Orotracheal
Intubation Among ICU Patients:
A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2017;317(5):483-493.
5. Lavery GG, Jamison CA. Airway management in the critically ill
adult. In: Parrillo JE, Dellinger RP, eds. Critical Care Medicine:
Principles of Diagnosis and Management in the Adult. 3rd ed.
Philadelphia, PA: Mosby Elsevier; 2008:17.
6. Lavery GG, Craig TR. Airway management in the critically ill adult.
In: Parrillo JE, Dellinger RP, eds. Critical Care Medicine. 4th ed.
Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2014:11-30
7. Ungern-Sternberg B and Sims C (2020) Airway Management in
Children. In: Sims C, Weber D, and Johnson C, eds. A Guide to
Pediatric Anesthesia. Spring Cham
8. Wheeler DS, Spaeth JP, Mehta R, et al. Assessment and management
of the pediatric airway. In: Wheeler DS, Wong HR, Shanley TP, eds.
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine: Basic Science and Clinical
Evidence. London, England: Springer-Verlag; 2007:223.
Appendix 4
A. Intraosseous (IO) vascular access was first introduced by Drinker in
1922 and first reported in humans in 1934 by Josefson
B. IO access can be easily achieved by users with little training
C. IO access is recommended as the immediate alternative when IV
access cannot be rapidly achieved
D. IO access provides a noncollapsible venous plexus for rapid fluid
E. All fluids, blood products, and medications can be given by the IO
F. IO access can be used to obtain blood samples for laboratory
A. Ipsilateral fracture
B. Compartment syndrome
C. Superficial infection at site of insertion
D. Osteogenesis imperfecta
E. Previous attempts at the same site
F. Previous orthopedic procedures near insertion site
G. Inability to locate landmarks or excessive tissue
A. IO needle or trocar options, depending on the site of insertion and
patient age
B. Gloves
C. Antiseptic solution
D. Syringes for infiltration of local anesthetic, blood sampling, and
E. Hypodermic needle
F. Lidocaine 1%
G. Connecting tubing
H. Tape and gauze or commercially available securing devices
1. Proximal anterior tibia, just below the growth plate, distal to the tibial
D. Adults
15G tibia 30 mL/min
15G humerus 60 mL/min
15G sternum 90 mL/min
A. Discontinue IO once peripheral or central venous access is established.
B. Stabilize the extremity and withdraw the trocar/needle, maintaining the
axial alignment of the needle. Use an upward clockwise and
counterclockwise rotation until the needle exits the bone cortex.
C. Apply pressure to the puncture site for approximately 5 minutes.
D. Apply a sterile dressing.
A. Inability to place the needle, bending or breaking the needle
B. Subcutaneous extravasation
C. Bone fracture
D. Through-and-through penetration
E. Compartment syndrome
F. Clogged needle
G. Local infection (cellulitis, subcutaneous abscess, osteomyelitis)
H. Pneumothorax, mediastinal hematoma, mediastinitis (in sternal IO
I. Pulmonary fat embolus
J. Pain
Suggested Readings
1a. Which one of the following best describes the acid-base disorder?
A. Metabolic acidosis
B. Respiratory alkalosis
C. Respiratory alkalosis and metabolic acidosis
D. Respiratory alkalosis and metabolic alkalosis
Na 140 mmol/L
Cl 105 mmol/L
HCO3 15 mmol/L
A. Diabetic ketoacidosis
B. Lactic acidosis
C. Uremia
D. Hyperventilation
Case 3
A 21-year-old female college student did not wake up the morning after
attending a fraternity party where alcohol and drugs were available.
Emergency services was called, the patient was placed on supplemental
oxygen via non-rebreather mask, peripheral intravenous access was
obtained, and fluids were started. Initial vital signs in the emergency
department are: heart rate 102 beats/min, respiratory rate 10 breaths/min,
blood pressure 92/60 mm Hg, and oxygen saturation on pulse oximetry
94%. The patient only moans when exposed to noxious stimuli but does
localize. Blood is drawn for laboratory evaluation, including an arterial
blood gas. The result are as follows:
pH 7.23
Paco2 60 mm Hg (8.0 kPa)
Na 141 mmol/L
K 4.0 mmol/L
Cl 110 mmol/L
HCO3 26 mmol/L
Case 4
Na 146 mmol/L
K 3.8 mmol/L
Cl 117 mmol/L
HCO3 18 mmol/L
4b. Which of the following is the most likely cause of the acid-base
disorder in this patient?
A. Cardiogenic shock
B. Hemorrhagic shock
C. Normal saline administration
D. Hypoventilation
Case 5
Na 136 mmol/L
Cl 96 mmol/L
HCO3 33 mmol/L
5a. Which acid-base disorder is present?
5b. Which of the following is the most likely cause of the acid-base
Case 6
Case 7
HCO3 17 mmol/L
Blood urea nitrogen 20 mg/dL
Creatinine 1.4 mg/dL
Albumin 1.5 g/dL
Case 8
HCO3 13 mmol/L
8a. Which one of the following best describes the acid-base disorder?
A. Pulmonary embolism
B. Sepsis
C. Diuretics
D. D. Chronic obstructive lung disease and renal failure
Case 9
HCO3 20 mmol/L
Glucose 90 mg/dL
HCO3 23 mmol/L
10. Which one of the following best describes the acid-base disorder?
Case 1
Using the information from the case, the expected increase in pH would be
0.072, resulting in an expected pH 7.47. This finding suggests a pure
respiratory process. You can further analyze it by considering whether there
is appropriate buffering of HCO3 using the following formula:
Data from the blood gas measurements suggest a decrease of [HCO3] of 1.8
mmol/L, which is close to the decrease of 2 mmol/L of the calculated
Case 2
Case 4
4a. The correct answer is D, Non-anion gap metabolic acidosis.
The correct answer is D, Non-anion gap metabolic acidosis.
The pH is academic and the change in HCO3 concentration would indicate a
metabolic process. The next step is to evaluate whether the respiratory
compensation is appropriate.
Respiratory compensation: 1.5 x [HCO3] + 8 ± 2
There is no elevation in the anion gap, so this patient has a non-anion gap
metabolic acidosis.
4b. The correct answer is C, Normal saline administration.
Metabolic acidosis with a normal anion gap, which is a hyperchloremic
acidosis, may result from gastrointestinal or renal loss of HCO3 or volume
resuscitation with normal saline. In this case, the patient received excess
fluid resuscitation due to hemorrhage in surgery. This patient has metabolic
acidosis as a result of hyperchloremia from normal saline resuscitation.
Cardiogenic shock and hemorrhagic shock would result in metabolic
acidosis with an elevated anion gap. Hypoventilation would be associated
with a respiratory acidosis. The appropriate intervention is to change to an
intravenous fluid with lower chloride content, such as Ringer lactate.
Case 5
5a. The correct answer is B, Metabolic alkalosis.
The pH is alkalemic. The increase in [HCO3] indicates a metabolic process.
Respiratory compensation in metabolic alkalosis is determined by the
following formula:
Increase in Paco2 = 0.6-0.7 x Δ[HCO3] = 0.6-0.7 x 9 = 5.4-6.3 mm Hg
(0.72-0.84 kPa)
Thus, the increase in Paco2 is appropriate respiratory compensation.
Calculation of the anion gap yields a normal result of 7 mmol/L.
5b. The correct answer is D, Diuretic administration.
Metabolic alkaloses are usually characterized as chloride-depleted
(hypovolemic) or chloride-expanded (hypervolemic). In this patient,
diuretic use is the most likely cause of the alkalosis.
5c. The correct answer is D, Decrease administration of furosemide and
consider administration
of fluids.
Chloride-depleted metabolic alkalosis is corrected by administration of an
intravenous normal saline infusion. Discontinuation of the furosemide
should occur to prevent further depletion of chloride and further
exacerbation of metabolic alkalosis. Careful monitoring of the fluid status is
indicated in a patient with history of heart failure, and expert consultation is
Case 6
6. The correct answer is C, Anion gap metabolic acidosis and respiratory
The pH is acidemic and the low [HCO3] indicates a metabolic process. The
formula for determining the expected respiratory compensation is:
Paco2 = 1.5 x [HCO3] + 8 ± 2
Case 7
7. The correct answer is A, Anion gap metabolic acidosis.
The pH is acidemic and the low [HCO3] indicates a metabolic process. The
formula for determining the expected respiratory compensation is:
Paco2 = 1.5 x [HCO3] + 8 ± 2
Case 8
8a. The correct answer is D, Acute respiratory alkalosis and metabolic
The pH is alkalemic and the low Paco2 indicates a respiratory process. The
next step is to determine if this is an acute or chronic respiratory alkalosis.
The formula for acute respiratory alkalosis is:
Increase in pH = 0.08 × (40 – Paco2)/10
Using the data from this case, the expected increase in pH would be 0.2 or
pH 7.6, which is higher than 7.55. The formula for chronic respiratory
alkalosis is:
Increase in pH = 0.03 × (40 – Paco2)/10,
Case 9
9. The correct answer is B, Anion gap metabolic acidosis and metabolic
The pH is acidemic and the lower HCO3 indicates a metabolic process. The
formula for determining the expected respiratory compensation is:
Paco2 = 1.5 x [HCO3] + 8 ± 2
Case 10
10. The correct answer is C, Respiratory alkalosis, metabolic acidosis, and
metabolic alkalosis.
The pH in this very ill patient is nearly normal, which should immediately
raise the suspicion for complex acid-base disorders. The history is
suggestive of possible diabetic ketoacidosis, so the first calculation could be
the anion gap, which is increased at 26 mmol/L. Using the formula for
determining the expected respiratory compensation for a metabolic acidosis
—Paco2 = 1.5 x [HCO3] + 8 ± 2—the expected Paco2 would be
approximately 42 mm Hg (5.60 kPa). Since the patient’s Paco2 is lower at
34 mm Hg (4.53 kPa), a respiratory alkalosis is present. The Δgap should
definitely be calculated for this case. The deviation of the anion gap from
normal is 14 mmol/L, and the deviation of the [HCO3] from normal is 1
mmol/L. The difference of 13 mmol/L suggests the presence of a metabolic
alkalosis. The [HCO3] did not decrease as much as expected for the degree
of acidosis. The clinical scenario is consistent with diabetic ketoacidosis
with volume depletion from vomiting and a respiratory alkalosis, possibly
secondary to pain.
You could also approach the problem by identifying the pH as alkalemic.
The lower Paco2 would prompt assessment of whether it is an acute or
chronic respiratory process. Acute is more likely, so the formula for acute
respiratory alkalosis would be used: Increase in pH = 0.08 × (40 –
Paco2)/10. Based on the data from this case, the expected increase in pH
would be 0.048 or pH 7.45, which is similar to the patient’s value. The
other acid-base processes would still be identified because the anion gap is
always calculated.
Appendix 6
As ICP increases and CPP decreases, Doppler spectral waveforms become extinct.
Complete cerebral circulatory arrest is suggested by equalization of forward and reverse
flow components. Absence of flow should be considered as cerebral circulatory arrest only
when the same operator had found it in a previous examination.
Reprinted from J Neurol Sci., 159(2), Ducrocq X, et al., Consensus opinion on diagnosis of
cerebral circulatory arrest using Doppler-sonography: Task Force Group on cerebral death
of the Neurosonology Research Group of the World Federation of Neurology, 145-150,
Copyright (1998), with permission from Elsevier.
A false negative result could occur in cases of loss of tightness of the skull
(large craniectomies, ventricular drainage, multiple skull fractures). In that
situation, changes in intracranial pressure (ICP) or cerebral perfusion
pressure (CPP) may be not so important to produce the CCA patterns.
However, a large percentage of these patients evolve to CCA, so the study
is not only not contraindicated, but on the contrary, its repetition over time
becomes peremptory for its diagnosis.
A false positive result could occur when ancillary circulatory devices are
present (aortic balloon pump, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) in
which biphasic flow may be identified in the absence of cerebral
In summary, TCD or TCCD are useful and available tools as ancillary tests
for brain death diagnosis in cases in which clinical examinations are not
possible or conclusive as a result of large cranial or facial destruction or
depressant drugs. Physician training is simple and results are not operator-
Suggested Readings
Organ donation is a process consisting of giving an organ or a part of an
organ to be transplanted into another person. Over the past 10 years,
transplant surgery has advanced in the organ recovery and preservation
process in the hopes of meeting the increasing community need for organ
transplantation. Transplant surgery has evolved to meet the public needs for
function and quality of life with the expansion of organ donation to include
tissue graft transplantation, such as extremity and face, as well as infertility
with uterine transplant. Organ donation can occur with a deceased donor or
a living donor.
The first successful human organ transplant occurred in 1954. In 1968, the
Uniform Anatomical Gift Act (UAGA) provided the legal foundation upon
which human organs and tissues could be donated for transplantation. Since
1972, all states in the United States and the District of Columbia have
adopted this Act, or amended forms of this Act. Worldwide over 100,000
transplants occur yearly. In the United States, almost 40,000 transplants
were coordinated in 2019. Unfortunately, the waiting list for men, women,
and children for organ transplantation still is in excess of 100,000 in the
United States with more being added to the list daily. On average, only 3 in
1000 deaths allow for organ donation.
The dead-donor rule was developed by Robertson in 1999 to refer to a norm
that organ donation policies have implicitly held since the beginning of
multiorgan procurement in the late 1960s. Although it is not a law, the rule
established the relationship between the two most relevant laws governing
organ donation from deceased donors: The Uniform Anatomical Gift Act
and state homicide law. The key point is that organ donation must not kill
the donor; the person must first be declared dead. It applies only to organ
donation from deceased donors.
As organ transplantation evolved, the regulation and oversight of the
process evolved as well. In 1984, The National Organ Transplant Act
(NOTA) called for the creation of an Organ Procurement and
Transplantation Network (OPTN). The OPTN is overseen by the Health
Resources & Service Administration (HRSA), an agency of the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The United Network for
Organ Sharing (UNOS), an independent nonprofit company incorporated in
1984, is charged with operationalizing the goals of the OPTN. Examples of
critical requirements the OPTN must support include the establishment and
maintenance of an organ transplant waitlist, the process and procedures to
match organ donors to recipients, securing an allocation process that is
equitable, ethical, and medically sound in manner, the ability to collect and
process data into meaningful information to improve the transplant process,
the presence of a 24-hour availability, and the establishment of a forum for
public comment on policy and process. The United States is divided into
different regions to facilitate transplantation. These regions help determine
how the 200+ transplant hospitals, 50+ organ procurement organizations,
and 150+ histocompatibility laboratories interact with one another.
Recovery of organs and or tissues from a donor whose heart has irreversible
cessation of circulatory and respiratory function, previously referred to as
donation after cardiac death,
non-heart-beating or asystolic donation. This process can be controlled or
uncontrolled depending on the organ donor’s clinical status.
Potential donors are limited to patients who have died, whose death is
imminent, or whose medical treatment no longer offers a medical benefit to
the patient as determined by the patient, the patient’s authorized surrogate,
or the patient’s advanced directive in constitution with the healthcare team.
Prior to the OPO initiating discussion regarding potential DCD organ
donation, the OPO must confirm the decision to withdraw life-sustaining
medical interventions. Prior to withdrawal of life-sustaining measures, the
healthcare team and OPO coordinate donation discussion with the patient’s
family or legally appointed representative.
Once organ donation consent has been obtained by the TC, a time is
coordinated with the family and recovery surgeons for the patient to be
separated from all life-supporting interventions and comfort care is
initiated. This usually occurs in the operating room but may occur in the
ICU and the family may or may not chose to be at the patient bedside. The
patient is pronounced dead by circulatory/cardiac death. Pronouncement of
death is made by the donor hospital healthcare team member who is
authorized to declare death and must not be part of the organ recovery team.
This must occur within 60 to 90 minutes of separation of life support for the
donation to proceed. If transition to comfort measures occurs in the ICU,
the patient is transported to the operating room; if comfort care is initiated
in the OR, the family is escorted out of the OR. A period of 2 to 10 minutes
of asystole (pulselessness, apnea, unresponsiveness) is observed prior to
organ recovery in the operating room. Up to 10% of potential donors
maintain cardiac activity for more than 90 minutes after discontinuation of
life support. These individuals are not candidates for organ donation and
will receive ongoing end-of-life care.
Rapid organ recovery donation after circulatory death (uncontrolled DCD)
involves recovery of organs following death from an unexpected circulatory
arrest and can be an out-of-hospital, refractory cardiac arrest or an
unexpected cardiac arrest in hospital. Optimally an OPO TC will be present
or available during the arrest event; if a representative is not present, the
OPO should be contacted by healthcare staff not participating in the
resuscitation. After resuscitation attempts are judged futile by the healthcare
team, the OPO assesses the patient as eligible to proceed with rapid organ
recovery. The family/ legal representative must have made the decision to
withdraw life support and stop resuscitative efforts prior to the discussion of
donation. Resuscitation is continued as the TC has a conversation with
family regarding possible donation. If consent is obtained and the plan is to
move forward with rapid organ recovery, all interventions are terminated
and the patient is pronounced dead. The diagnosis of death may occur after
resuscitation is terminated on scene or after arrival to the hospital. There is
a “no touch” period after which death is determined, usually 2 to 5 minutes.
After this time, organ preservation may be restarted with cardiac
compressions and mechanical ventilation initiated to preserve the organs for
donation only. Compressions are maintained by healthcare staff or using a
compression/CPR device until a recovery surgeon and OR are available.
C. Living Donation
A living individual from whom at least one organ is recovered for use in a
transplant. A kidney, or a portion of a liver, lung, pancreas, or intestine are
B. Communication
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