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Your Statement: 20 May To 19 June 2021

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The document provides bank statement details for Cristina Rotaru from May 20 to June 19, including transactions, balances, and account information.

The statement provides the account holder's name, sort code, account number, opening balance, transactions, payments in/out, interest rates, and closing balance. It also gives contact details and information about protections under the FSCS.

For foreign currency transactions, a 2.75% fee will be charged on the transaction amount. For cash withdrawals abroad, a 2% fee (minimum £1.75, maximum £5) will also apply unless the customer has an HSBC Advance account.

Contact tel 03457 404 404

see reverse for call times

Text phone 03457 125 563
used by deaf or speech impaired customers

Your Statement
Miss C Rotaru
30 Montague Road
Account Summary
Ope ning Balance 1,164.0 1
Paym e nts In 2,156.47
Paym e nts Out 1,830.02
Clos ing Balance 1,490.46

International Bank Account Number
20 May to 19 June 2021 Branch Identifier Code

Acco unt Nam e S o rtcode Acco unt Num ber S he e t Num be r

Miss Cristina Rotaru 40-42-08 12293803 152

Your Bank Account details

Date Pay m e nt t y p e and de t ails Paid o ut Paid in Balance

19 May 21 BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD . 1,164.01
VIS AMZNMktplace
amazon.co.uk 21.98
SLOUGH 5.16 1,131.87
25 May 21 VIS AMZNMktplace
amazon.co.uk 11.40 1,120.47
REDFIN PAY 2,118.51 3,238.98
27 May 21 BP Lucian G Muntianu
Luci 500.00 2,738.98
28 May 21 BP Lucian G Muntianu
Luci 500.00 2,238.98
SLOUGH 45.35
WINDSOR BERKS 47.20 2,146.43
02 Jun 21 BP Lucian G Muntianu
Luci 200.00 1,946.43
04 Jun 21 DD THE GYM LTD
FIRST PAYMENT 17.99 1,928.44
07 Jun 21 VIS T K MAXX
SLOUGH 110.05 1,818.39
08 Jun 21 VIS AMZNMktplace
amazon.co.uk 54.97 1,763.42

128 High Street Slough Berkshire SL1 1JF

Contact tel 03457 404 404
see reverse for call times
Text phone 03457 125 563
used by deaf or speech impaired customers
20 May to 19 June 2021
Your Statement
Acco unt Nam e S ortco de Acco unt Num ber S he e t Num be r
Miss Cristina Rotaru 40-42-08 12293803 153

Your Bank Account details

Date Pay m e nt t y pe and d e t ails Paid out Paid in Balance


14 Jun 21 CR MARKIN A & A
VIS Gap Windsor
Windsor 172.13
SLOUGH 36.59
CR T Nobrega Margalho
Patricia-samosas 14.83 1,483.46
19 Jun 21 CR Juliana Alves Bati
Sent from Monzo 7.00 1,490.46

Info rmatio n abo ut the Financial S e rvice s Co mpe ns atio n Sche m e

Your deposit is eligible for protection under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). For further information
about the compensation provided by the FSCS, refer to the FSCS website at www.FSCS.org.uk, call into your nearest branch
or call your telephone banking service. Further details can be found on the FSCS Information Sheet and Exclusions List
which is available on our website (www.hsbc.co.uk).

AER Arrang e d Ove rdraft EAR

Cre dit Inte re s t Rate s balance variable Inte re s t Rate s b alance variable
Cre dit inte re s t is not paid upto 25 0.00%
ove r 25 39.90%

128 High Street Slough Berkshire SL1 1JF

Commercial Banking Customers Effective from 14 March 2020
Interest and Charges Monthly cap on unarranged overdraft charges
[Your] Business Banking Terms and Conditions cover how and when 1. Each current account will set a monthly maximum charge for:
we can charge our interest rates and charges. (a) going overdrawn when you have not arranged an overdraft; or
Details of Debit interest together with details of the interest rate we (b) going over/past your arranged overdraft limit (if you
pay and charge in full [for all accounts] are available in [our] Business have one).
Price List. All [our] business current accounts are non-interest bearing 2. This cap covers any:
when in credit unless we individually agree a rate with you.
(a) interest and fees for going over/past your arranged overdraft limit;
(b) fees for each payment your bank allows despite lack of funds; and
Arranged overdraft: Where you ask us for an overdraft before
making any transactions that takes your account overdrawn, or over (c) fees for each payment your bank refuses due to lack of funds.
your current arranged overdraft limit. Interest rates are individually The monthly cap on unarranged overdraft charges for the HSBC
agreed, for a period of 12 months, and are linked to the Bank of Advance Bank Account, HSBC Bank Account, HSBC Current Account,
England base rate. For details of our fees and charges, please refer Home Management Account and HSBC Graduate Bank Account is £20.
to our Business Price List – see Additional Information below. The monthly cap on unarranged overdraft charges is not applicable
Unarranged overdraft: When you make a payment that takes your to Bank Account Pay Monthly, Basic Bank Account, Student Bank
account overdrawn if you don’t have an arranged overdraft limit, or Account, Amanah Bank Account and MyAccount as these accounts
takes your account over your arranged overdraft limit. When you do not incur unarranged overdraft charges.
don’t have an arranged overdraft limit, we will charge our Business Unarranged overdraft charges incurred before 14 March 2020 may
Standard Debit Interest Rate on any balances. When you have an debit your account after this date (we’ll still give advance notice).
existing arranged overdraft limit and go over this limit, we will charge Charges incurred before 14 March 2020 won’t count towards the new
interest at the rate we have agreed with you on the balance of your £20 cap as they’ll relate to the previous month’s charging period.
arranged overdraft limit and will charge Standard Debit Interest Rate
on any balance over your arranged overdraft facility. In either of these Your debit card
circumstances, unarranged overdraft charges will be applied on each When you use your card outside the UK, your statement will show
working day that your account is overdrawn (if you don’t have an where the transaction took place, the amount spent in foreign
arranged overdraft) or you go over your arranged overdraft limit (if currency and the amount converted into sterling. We also monitor
you have an arranged overdraft). For details of our fees and charges, transactions to protect you against your card being used fraudulently.
please see our Business Price List and for information on our Interest Unless you agree that the currency conversion is done at the point of
Rates – see Additional Information below. sale or withdrawal and agree the rate at that time, for example with
the shopkeeper or on the self-service machine screen, the exchange
Your debit card rate that applies to any foreign currency debit card payments
For debit card charges and how foreign currency transactions are (including cash withdrawals) is the VISA Payment Scheme Exchange
converted to sterling please refer to the Business Price List. Rate applying on the day the conversion is made. For foreign
Additional Information currency transactions we will charge a fee of 2.75% of the amount
A copy of [our] Business Price List and the Business Banking of the transaction. This fee will be shown as a separate line on your
Terms and Conditions can be found on our website statement as a ‘Foreign Currency Transaction Fee’. Details of the
www.business.hsbc.uk/en-gb/gb/generic/ current VISA Payment Scheme Exchange Rates can be obtained from
legal-information. the card support section of hsbc.co.uk or by calling us on the usual
Information on our Interest Rates can be found on our website numbers. We will deduct the payment from your account once we
www.business.hsbc.uk/en-gb/interest-rates/interest-rates- receive details of the payment from the card scheme, at the latest, the
finance-borrowing. next working day. For cash machine withdrawals in a currency other
than sterling we will charge a Non Sterling Cash Fee of 2% (minimum
This information is also available in our branches, by calling
£1.75, maximum £5). This fee applies to all cash machines outside
03457 60 60 60 (lines are open GMT 8am to 10pm, Monday to
the UK, and to cash machines in the UK, if we convert the withdrawal
Sunday) or by textphone 0345 12 55 63. [Details of the interest
to Sterling for you. HSBC Advance customers are exempt from this
rate we pay and charge are also separately available through
fee. Some cash machine operators may apply a direct charge for
these channels.]
withdrawals from their cash machines and this will be advised on
To help us continuously improve our service and in the interests of screen at the time of withdrawal.
security, we may monitor and/or record your telephone calls with us.
Commercial and Personal Banking Customers
Personal Banking Customers Lost and Stolen Cards
Interest If any of your cards are lost or stolen please call 0800 032 7075
Credit Interest is calculated daily on the cleared credit balance and is or if you are calling from outside the UK, please call us on
paid monthly if applicable (this is not paid on all accounts, e.g. Basic +44 1442 422 929. Lines are open 24 hours.
Bank Account, Bank Account and HSBC Advance). For personal
Dispute Resolution
current accounts, overdraft interest is charged on the whole overdraft
If you have a problem with your agreement, please try to resolve
balance above any interest free amount. Debit interest is calculated
it with us in the first instance. If you are not happy with the way in
daily on the cleared debit balance of your account, it accrues during
which we handled your complaint or the result, you may be able to
your charging cycle (usually monthly) and is deducted from your
complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service. If you do not take
account following the end of your charging cycle.
up your problem with us first you will not be entitled to complain
Overdrafts to the Ombudsman. We can provide details of how to contact the
Arranged overdraft: Where you ask us for an overdraft before Ombudsman.
making any transactions that takes your account overdrawn, or over
Disabled Customers
your current arranged overdraft limit.
We offer a number of services such as statements in Braille or large
Unarranged overdraft: When you make a payment that takes your print. Please contact us by calling 03457 60 60 60 (lines are open
account overdrawn if you don’t have an arranged overdraft, or takes GMT 8am to 10pm, Monday to Sunday) or textphone 0345 12 55 63
your account over your arranged overdraft limit. to let us know how we can serve you better.

HSBC UK Bank plc, registered in England and Wales number 09928412. Registered office 1 Centenary Square, Birmingham B1 1HQ. Authorised by the
Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority under reference number 765112.
RFB1898 MCP54585 ©HSBC Group 2019

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