Conceptual Exercises M&R1: 1 Tutorial 1
Conceptual Exercises M&R1: 1 Tutorial 1
Conceptual Exercises M&R1: 1 Tutorial 1
July 2021
1 Tutorial 1
Question 1: Suppose three swimmers A, B, and C are crossing a river.
In the diagram, vectors ~vA , ~vB and ~vC represent the speed and the direction
of swimmers relative to the water, respectively.
where c is the speed of light (3.0×108 m/s). For simplicity’s sake, let’s agree
to take the direction of motion of particle B to define +x direction in both
the laboratory frame and particle A’s frame. We would like to calculate the
relative velocity of particles A and B.
2 Tutorial 2
Question 1: Describe/draw an experiment that would test the radar method
in a Galilean universe. Argue why the speed of light being constant and the
same in all reference frames in SR is what causes coordinate time to be
frame dependent.
3 Tutorial 3
Question 1: Consider the following events
Which of the the above events could have been caused by the supernova?
How about the other way around—which event could have caused the su-
pernova to explode?
Hint: You find the relevant dates on and
4 Tutorial 4
Question 1: Suppose you sent a probe to an alien civilisation. On board
you put a 1m stick and a 1kg ball. Can you explain the SI unit of 1 sec
using physical laws and experiments that they will have to perform?
5 Tutorial 5
Question 1: What if your twin moves away and comes back through a
wormhole and or in a closed universe? Explain wormhole, explain closed