Word Final-Iascl-Program-7-23-21 No Hyperlinks
Word Final-Iascl-Program-7-23-21 No Hyperlinks
Word Final-Iascl-Program-7-23-21 No Hyperlinks
Thursday, July 15
Thursday, July 15
12:15pm-1:15pm Courtenay Norbury, PhD
Friday, July 16
12:15pm-1:15pm Asifa Majid, PhD
PLENARY II No recording of this Plenary is available.
Ahufinger, Nadia; Ferinu, Laura;
P50 Statistical word learning deficits in children with Developmental
Cognition and language Sanz-Torrent, Mònica; Evans, Julia; Andreu,
Language Disorders are cross-linguistic: Study from Barcelona.
P51 Acquisition of attitude verbs: dissociation between know and think in
Cognition and language Demiral, Ebru; Nakipoglu, Mine
Migdalek, Maia; Shiro, Martha; Rosemberg,
Cognition and language P52 Argumentative components and stance-taking in children's disputes
P53 The effect of explicit instruction on implicit and explicit linguistic Spit, Sybren; Aboh, Enoch; Rispens, Judith;
Cognition and language
knowledge in kindergarteners Andringa, Sible
Cognition and language P54 A systematic review of children’s referential pact sensitivity Bozin, Nera; Nurmsoo, Erika
Cognition and language P55 7-year-olds’ ability to identify and portray liars in narratives Stude, Juliane; Fekete, Olga
Willard, Jessica; Bihler, Lilly-Marlen; Kohl,
Cognition and language P57 Longitudinal interrelations between nonword repetition and vocabulary Katharina; Leyendecker, Birgit; Agache,
P58 Developmental change in statistical word segmentation is moderated by
Cognition and language Black, Alexis; Hudson Kam, Carla
language background
P59 Learning What Counting is for may be the Hardest Part
Friday, July 16 Cognition and language Flaherty, Molly; Martin, Samantha
link to video file .mp4
1:30PM P61 The Dynamics of Conversational Turns in a Symbolic versus Non-symbolic
Cognition and language Creaghe, Noelie; Kidd, Evan
P62 Nonverbal Reasoning Ability and Nighttime Sleep Duration Predict
(NO Q&A) Cognition and language Expressive and Receptive Language Ability in 2-year-olds with Williams
Greiner de Magalhães, Caroline; O'Brien,
Louise; Mervis, Carolyn
P63 The effect of grammar type and complexity on artificial grammar Lukics, Krisztina Sára; Dobo, Dorottya;
Cognition and language
learning Lukacs, Agnes
Egger, Julia; Rowland, Caroline; Bergmann,
Cognition and language P64 Improving the robustness of infant lexical speed of processing measures
P65 Directional relationship between Executive Functions and Language
Cognition and language Liu, Huei-Mei; Tsao, Feng-Ming
Abilities in Children with Specific Language Impairment
de Villiers, Jill; Zhu, Yanwan; Berlstein, Lily;
Cognition and language P66 Preschool children misjudge the truth of negative complements.
Quevedo, Lydia; Zhong, Shengqi
P67 The Links Between Inferential Comprehension, Receptive Vocabulary,
Filiatrault-Veilleux, Pamela;Poirier,
Cognition and language Theory of Mind and Short-Term Memory in French-speaking Preschoolers
Sarah-Eve; Desmarais, Chantal
with Developmental Language Disorder
P68 Using attention to differentiate ADHD from DLD: Increased focus
Cognition and language Stanford, Emily; Delage, Hélène
improves syntactic performance in children with ADHD
P69 Static and Dynamic Space: Verbal-Gestural Description of Place and Fibigerova, Katerina; Tartas, Valérie;
Cognition and language
Route in Children Jouffrais, Christophe; Oriola, Bernard
P70 Exercising to learn: An examination of the relation between physical
Cognition and language Pruitt, Madison; Morini, Giovanna
activity and word learning
Nematova, Shakhlo; Jasinska, Kaja; Morlet,
P71 Noise is all around us: Exploring the relation between regular exposure
Cognition and language Thierry; Morini, Giovanna; Richard,
to noise and young children’s vocabulary development
P72 French-English bilingual children's acquisition of article use in generic
Cognition and language Herve, Coralie
P74 Mental State Training and Sociopragmatic Development of Preschool Pronina, Mariia; Hübscher,Iris; Holler,
Cognition and language
Children Judith; Prieto, Pilar
P75 Letter-sound knowledge and rapid naming measured at the beginning of
Cognition and language prekindergarten predict reading and/or spelling ability in Brazilian Cardoso-Martins, Cláudia; Mervis, Carolyn
Portuguese at least through the end of Grade 3
Neveu, Anne; Kaushanskaya, Margarita;
P76 Dual-Language Immersion has Minimal Impact on Children’s Executive
Cognition and language Crespo, Kimberly; Gangopadhyay, Ishanti;
Ellis Weismer, Susan
P77 The relation between executive functioning and language abilities in
Everaert, Emma; Vorstman, Jacob; Boerma,
Cognition and language preschoolers with Developmental Language Disorder and preschoolers with
Tessel; Selten, Iris; Wijnen, Frank
22q11.2 deletion syndrome (link to video file .mp4)
P78 Putting onomatopoeia into numbers: a comparison of voiced vs.
Cognition and language Miyakoda, Haruko; Imabeppu, Narumi
voiceless obstruents
Duinmeijer, Iris; Peet, Sanne; Bliekendaal,
P79 The relation between language development, academic achievement, Wendy; Stevens, Angela; Zoons, Marijke;
Cognition and language social-emotional functioning and quality of life in children with (a history Vegter, Carla; Close, Rianne; Janssen,
of) DLD. Lonneke; Scheper, Annette; Zwitserlood-
Nijenhuis, Margo
Cognition and language P80 Understanding of causal language in Hindi-speaking children Mishra, Suneeta
P82 “Il avait un p’tit bobo”: the development of reference time in child De Pontonx, Sophie; Morgenstern, Aliyah;
Cognition and language
language Parisse, Christophe
P83 Frequency and semantics of connective and in children's narrative
Cognition and language Košutar, Sara; Hržica, Gordana
P322 What's better? Learning new words in two languages in person or Pacheco-Vera, Fernanda; Sanz-Torrent,
Cognition and language
technology in children bilingual with ASD Monica; Andreu, Llorenç
Piazzalunga, Silvia; Schindler, Antonio;
P84 The assessment of children’s communicative participation: validation of
Gianera, Sabrina; Salerni, Nicoletta; Limarzi,
General language the Italian version of Focus on the Outcome of Communication Under Six
Sofia; Garavaglia, Federica; Ticozzelli,
questionnaire in children with typical and atypical language development
P85 Creating a Book and an App for Bilingual Children's Japanese
General language Zhao, Akiko
Case-Marker Learning : Based on Their Language-Learning Ability
General language P86 Aspect acquisition correlates less with tense than expected Mazara, Jekaterina; Stoll, Sabine
P87 Comparing spoken versus iPad-administered narrative retell tasks to Bardell, Taylor; Schouten, MaryAnn; Smith,
General language
assess change in language ability following language intervention Kristen; Archibald, Lisa
P88 Does my Child Have a Language Impairment? What Parents Want to
General language Betz, Stacy; Todd, Meg
Know – What Speech-Language Pathologists Say
P89 Unraveling Conversations in Neurotypical-Neurodivergent Dyads: A
General language Abbas, Irfan; Sohail, Ayesha
Study of Repair in Interactional Loops
General language P90 Play-Based Language Assessment in Kindergarten Class Kjærbæk, Laila; Schaffalitzky, Caroline
P92 How caregiver talk relates to back-and-forth conversation and Masek, Lillian; Luo, Rufan; Alper, Rebecca;
General language
implications for later child language Golinkoff, Roberta; Hirsh-Pasek, Kathy
P93 Investigating the promise of Parents Plus training for parents of Smith, Julie; Cai, Yin; Sawyer, Brook;
General language
preschoolers with language impairment Hammer, Carol; Santoro, Julie
Bélanger, Roxanne; Gervais, Katie;
General language P94 Parent-report and Vocabulary Assessment of Preschool Children
Mayer-Crittenden, Chantal
P95 Situational and Sentence-level Cues Support Learning Emotion Shablack, Holly; Becker, Misha; Lindquist,
General language
Adjectives Kristen
P96 The impact of 'burden' on attendance and adherence in speech and
General language Warwick, Jennifer
language therapy
Monday, July 19
All conference times are SYM16.4 - Macrostructure Components in Narrations of Kurmanji-Turkish Eresin, Seda; Peña, Elizabeth D.; Dogucu,
Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) Bilingual and Turkish Monolingual Children Mine; Tunçer, Aylin Müge, Mavis, lknur
SYM17.1 - A new approach to measure vocabulary development in bilingual Gonzalez-Barrero, Ana Maria; Byers-Heinlein,
Monday, July 19 toddlers Krista; Schott, Esther
10:00am-11:30am Wagley, Neelima; Caruso, Valeria; Bedore,
SYM17.2 - Brain organization for sentence processing in good and poor
Lisa; Baron, Alisa; Booth, James; Kovelman,
bilingual readers.
(Asynchronous) Are Bilinguals Delayed in Peña, Elizabeth; Kovelman, Ioulia; Bedore,
Both Languages? Current SYM17.3 - Rethinking the Bilingual Delay: Is this a Measurement Problem?
Lisa; Anaya, Jissel
Brain and Behavioral
Perspectives SYM17.4 - Dual language learners in transition from home to school:
Understanding apparent “delays” in the context of parent input and child Surrain, Sarah; Rowe, Meredith; Luk, Gigi
SYM17.5 - The Role of Audiovisual Speech on Fast-Mapping and Novel Weatherhead, Drew; Nacar-Garcia, Loreto;
Word Retention in Monolingual and Bilingual 24-Month Olds Arredondo, Maria; Werker, Janet
SYM18.1 - Using the Repeated Word Association Task to Explore Brooks, Patricia; Maouene, Josita; Garzone,
Development of Lexical-Semantic Networks in Children and Adults Alexandria; Sawyer, Jeremy
SYM18.2 - An investigation of network growth principles in the
SYM 18 Siew, Cynthia; Vitevitch, Michael
phonological language network Access code: er7%5a%b
Applications of Network
Modeling to Vocabulary SYM18.3 - How the concepts of beauty and wellness reorganize across the
Kenett, Yoed
Development from Infancy lifespan
into Adulthood SYM18.4 - Abstract Concepts can Emerge from Early Lexical-semantic
Fourtassi, Abdellah
SYM18.5 - A Dynamic Network Analysis of Emergent Grammar Ibbotson, Paul
SYM19.1 - Seeing iconic gestures while encoding events facilitates
Aussems, Suzanne
3-year-old children’s memory of these events
SYM 19 SYM19.2 - Emotion and Gesture Effects on Narrative Recall in Young Sweller, Naomi; Guilbert, Daniel; Van Bergen,
Role of Gestures in Children and Adults Penny
Facilitating Language SYM19.3 - Does Instruction with Gesture Boost Bilingual Children’s Spatial
Acquisition and Cognitive Limia, Valery
SYM19.4 - Producing informative expressions of Left-Right relations:
Karadöller, Dilay Z.; Sumer, Beyza; Ozyurek,
Differences between children and adults in using multimodal encoding
Asli; Ünal, Ercenur
SYM20.1 - Online comprehension of parents’ referential expressions in
Arunachalam, Sudha; He, Angela Xiaoxue
children with and without ASD
SYM20.2 - Pronouns are Linguistic Markers of Social Phenotype
Parish-Morris, Julia
SYM 20 in School-Aged Girls with Autism, but Not Boys
Characterizing and Predicting SYM20.3 - Individual variation in expressive language and communication
the Language Profiles in Tager-Flusberg, Helen
among minimally verbal children and adolescents with autism
Children with Autism
Through Rich Datasets SYM20.4 - Multimodal investigation of neural correlates of auditory
Qi, Zhenghan
statistical learning in children with ASD
SYM20.5 - Predictors of Discourse Marker Usage in Five-to-Seven-year-old Jyotishi, Manya; Naigles, Letitia; Carmona,
Typical Children and Children with Autism Juandiego
SYM 14 - Pragmatic Language; the Good, the Bad and Ways Forward!
Meeting ID: 870 2802 0740 Passcode: 090189
SYM 15 - Imageability and Language Acquisition: How Aspects of Word Meaning Affect Lexical and Grammatical Acquisition
Meeting ID: 834 1450 5743 Passcode: 957249
Monday, July 19 SYM 16 - Story organization in children: new methodological and cross-linguistic insights
11:30am-12:00pm Meeting ID: 859 5213 2602 Passcode: 671850
SYM 17 - Are Bilinguals Delayed in Both Languages? Current Brain and Behavioral Perspectives
LIVE DISCUSSION Meeting ID: 863 6454 3113 Passcode: 190966
Q&A SYM 18 - Applications of Network Modeling to Vocabulary Development from Infancy into Adulthood
(Synchronous) Meeting ID: 893 0684 6632 Passcode: 591511
SYM 19 - Role of Gestures in Facilitating Language Acquisition and Cognitive Development
Meeting ID: 848 6436 5278 Passcode: 952008
SYM 20 - Characterizing and Predicting the Language Profiles in Children with Autism Through Rich Datasets
Meeting ID: 869 6291 4955 Passcode: 334892
Monday, July 19
Catherine S. Tamis-LeMonda, PhD
Language Learning in Context: Contributions of Child, Caregiver, and Culture
P97 Teacher’s bilingual interactional strategies in early foreign language Hanekamp, Kyra; Andringa, Sible; Verhagen,
Input factors
learning Josje; Kuiken, Folkert
Non verbal
P137 A Longitudinal Analysis of the Child-Adult Dyad from a Multimodal
communication (gestures, Andonegi, Asier; Sanz, Eva; Delgado, Irati
facial expressions, etc.)
Non verbal
P138 Gestural symbolic representational techniques in children with Down Bello, Arianna; Volterra, Virginia; Stefanini,
communication (gestures,
syndrome Silvia; Rinaldi, Pasquale; Onofrio, Daniela
facial expressions, etc.)
Non verbal
P140 An Investigation of Language and Behaviour in Monolingual and
communication (gestures, Hepditch, Emily
Bilingual Preschool Children
facial expressions, etc.)
Non verbal
P141 A mixed methods approach to the cognitive function of speech-
communication (gestures, Rombouts, Ellen; Maes, Bea; Zink, Inge
replacing gestures in children with developmental dysphasia
facial expressions, etc.)
Non verbal
P142 Showing, Giving, and Pointing Gestures during Infancy Differentially
communication (gestures, Choi, April Boin
Predict Language Development
facial expressions, etc.)
Tuesday, July 20
SYM22.1 - Developing and piloting the Global TALES protocol for eliciting children’s Westerveld, Marleen; Claessen,
personal narratives around the world Mary
SYM 22
SYM22.2 - Adapting the protocol for use around the world: Exploring experiences of
The Global TALES project: Lyons, Rena
involvement in the Global TALES project.
Personal event narratives from
10-year old children around SYM22.3 - Comparing narratives of Hebrew speaking children (Israel) and English
Ferman, Sara
the world speaking children (New Zealand). Challenges and outcomes
SYM22.4 - Thematic Variations in Children’s Personal Narratives Across Cultures Chen, Kai-Mei; Westby, Carol
SYM23.1 - Added group intervention accelerates speech sound development of
children with Speech Sound Disorder (SSD) and Developmental Language Disorder Keij, Brigitta; Ottow-Henning, Esther
SYM 23
SYM23.2 - Speech development in Dutch children with Developmental Language Bron, Annelies; Scheper, Annette;
Speech Sound Disorders:
Disorder: prevalence, nature and efficacy of treatment. Groen, Margriet; Verhoeven, Ludo
Prevalence, Nature, Severity
and Efficacy of Treatment in van Doornik, Anniek; Gerrits, Ellen;
SYM23.3 - The severity of speech sound disorders
Dutch DLD McLeod, Sharynne; Terband, Hayo;
Welbie, Marlies
SYM23.4 - Do children with Developmental Language Disorder and Speech Sound
Ketelaar, Lizet; Diender, Maaike
Disorder benefit from targeted, short-term early intervention?
SYM24.1 - Cross-linguistic influence in nominal morphology among Russian-Hebrew Reznick, Julia; Armon-Lotem, Sharon
bilingual children
All conference times are
Altman, Carmit; Armon-Lotem,
Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)
SYM24.2 - Crosslinguistic Influence in Bilingual Narrative Intervention (BiNarI) Sharon; Lipner, Minna; Ahituv
Shlomo, Peer
Tuesday, July 20 SYM 24
10:00am - 11:30am Bi-directional Cross-Linguistic SYM24.3 - Cross-language Interference in a Code-switched Sentence Repetition Task Soesman, Aviva; Walters, Joel
Influence in Bilingual Language with Preschool Bilinguals
SYMPOSIA Acquisition SYM24.4 - The Influence of Majority Language on the Acquisition of the Heritage
Meir, Natalia; Mitrofanova, Natalia;
(Asynchronous) Language: Monolingual vs. Russian-Hebrew and Russian-Norwegian Bilingual
Thomas, Ekaterina
SYM24.5 - Vocabulary assessment in Russian-Hebrew bilinguals: Evidence from
Fichman, Sveta; Hai Weiss, Atalia
picture naming and narrative
SYM25.1 - Normative interactions: Metapragmatics in spontaneous conversations
Rojas-Nieto, Cecilia
with Mexican toddlers.
SYM 25 SYM25.2 - Disputes, justifications and ethical stance takings of Quechua-Spanish
Pragmatic Development Terceros, Carmen
bilingual children in Bolivia
SYM25.3 - Multimodal imitation abilities correlate with narrative and sociopragmatic Pronina, Mariia; Castillo, Eva;
skills in preschool children Hübscher, Iris; Prieto, Pilar
SYM26.1 - The social dynamics of joint attention in American Sign Language Lieberman, Amy; Gagne, Deanna;
interactions Fitch, Allison
Kelly, Ciara; Bannard, Colin; Morgan,
SYM26.3 - The communication of deaf infants with hearing parents
Gary; Matthews, Danielle
SYM 26
Sign Language Development SYM26.4 - Sign language vocabulary development in deaf children with hearing Casseli, Naomi; Lieberman, Amy;
parents Pyers, Jennie
SYM26.5 - Measuring grammatical development in American Sign Language: Lillo-Martin, Diane; Prunier, Lee;
ASL-IPSyn vs. MLU Goodwin, Corina
SYM 21 was intentionally removed
SYM 22 - The Global TALES project: Personal event narratives from 10-year old children around the world
Meeting ID: 819 7754 4514 Passcode: 402571
Tuesday, July 20 SYM 23 - Speech Sound Disorders: Prevalence, Nature, Severity and Efficacy of Treatment in Dutch DLD
11:30am-12:00pm Meeting ID: 828 4487 1017 Passcode: 526445
SYM 24 - Bi-directional Cross-Linguistic Influence in Bilingual Language Acquisition
LIVE DISCUSSION Q&A Meeting ID: 867 4934 2935 Passcode: 222351
(Synchronous) SYM 25 - Pragmatic Development
Meeting ID: 832 1634 3584 Passcode: 297322
SYM 26 - Sign Language Development
Meeting ID: 830 5257 7503 Passcode: 166496
Tuesday, July 20
Jill de Villiers, PhD
Theory of Mind: a Linguistic Point of View
https://www.dropbox.com/s/pwu5ebpwsu1uepm/Aquiles Iglesias - PL4_de_Villiers.mp4?dl=0
L1 acquisition P143 Different cognitive sources do not lead to different prominence in 4- to 5-year-olds Chen, Aoju; Romoren, Anna Sara
P144 The dynamic assessment of picture-elicited story telling of Hungarian-speaking Jordanidisz, Agnes; Bóna, Judit;
L1 acquisition
kindergarteners Mihály, Orsolya
Uziel-Karl, Sigal; Henkin-Roitfarb,
L1 acquisition P145 The Emergence of Verb Complexity in Palestinian Arabic
P146 Evidence from Romanian 4 and 5-year-olds that the parrot next to the hamster
L1 acquisition next to the bunny is not the same as the parrot next to the hamster and next to Bleotu, Adina
the bunny. (link to video file mp4))
P147 Transitivity preferences and encoding the agent of causality: A comparison of Okuno, Akiko; Theakston, Anna;
L1 acquisition
English monolingual and Japanese-English bilingual children and adults. Cameron-Faulkner, Thea
Kelic, Maja; Matic, Ana; Palmovic,
L1 acquisition P148 (Morpho)phonotactics and the acquisition of early lexicon
L1 acquisition P149 Early Knowledge of the Morphosyntax of Romani Possessives Kyuchukov, Hristo; de Villiers, Jill
Short, Kate; Anderson, Jane;
P150 A home visiting intervention with urban Australian Aboriginal families: receptive Bucknall, Natasha; Eadie, Patricia;
L1 acquisition
vocabulary and influences on outcomes. Descallar, Joseph; Elcombe, Emma;
Kemp, Lynn
P151 Early bilingual code-mixing behaviors: language dominance and interlocutor
L1 acquisition Conboy, Barbara; Lee, Maria
L1 acquisition P152 Toddler talk: Context and parent gender effects Quigley, Jean; Nixon, Elizabeth
Jones, Kate; Lam-Cassettari, Christa;
Kalashnikova, Marina; Li, Weicong;
Khamchuang, Chantelle; Hammond,
P153 Development and early norms for the short-form Australian English
L1 acquisition Hollie; Mattock, Karen; Best,
Communicative Development Inventory (OZI-SF)
Catherine; Short, Kate; Dwyer, Anne;
Kaplun, Cathy; Kemp, Lynn; Jones,
All conference times are L1 acquisition P154 Negation and (Non)Factive Verbs in Child Turkish Hendek, Melike; Nakipoglu, Mine
Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)
L1 acquisition P155 Bimodal narratives: how children mark narrative structure in speech and gesture Graziano, Maria
Tuesday, July 20 P156 Story grammar elements in the narratives of children acquiring Finnish Sign
L1 acquisition Kanto, Laura; Syrjälä, Henna
P157 Preschool language education and young children’s biliteracy and trilingual
L1 acquisition Wong, Catherine
POSTERS development (link to video file .mp4)
(NO Q&A) Hrzica, Gordana; Matic, Ana; Kuvac
L1 acquisition P158 Referential choice in ambiguous narrative discourse
Kraljevic, Jelena
Paul, Mariella; van der Kant, Anne;
P159 Non-adjacent dependency learning is linked to language development in early Friederici, Angela; Mueller, Jutta;
L1 acquisition
childhood Höhle, Barbara; Wartenburger,
Isabell; Männel, Claudia
P160 Maternal Repetition of Child Language at 18 Months Promotes Growth in MLU: A
L1 acquisition Brooks, Patricia; Che, Elizabeth
Replication Study Using CHILDES (link to video file .mp4)
P161 MentalProcessing of Nouns in Early Grammar of Hindi–English Bilingually
L1 acquisition Mathur, Rita
DevelopingChildren (link to video file .mp4)
P163 Maternal Behaviors and Joint Attention Mediate the Link between Maternal Kuntay, Aylin C.; Koşkulu, Sümeyye;
L1 acquisition
Education and Language Development Arslan Uzundağ, Berna
P164 Is “before” easier than “after” in Hebrew, too? Testing the relative influence of
Hornick, Shiri; de Ruiter, Laura;
L1 acquisition iconicity and language-specific usage on the processing of adverbial sentences in
Shetreet, Einat
P165 The expression of motion events in English and Japanese narratives: L1 and L2
L1 acquisition Nakamura, Keiko
Kobaş, Mert; Doğan, Işıl; Göksun,
P166 Fine Motor Abilities, Visual Reception, and Language Development in Preterm and
L1 acquisition Tilbe; Aktan Erciyes, Aslı; Kızıldere,
Term Infants
P167 The acquisition of Bangla pronouns and reflexives: What production in rich
L1 acquisition Roy, Yangchen
context tells us
L1 acquisition P168 Syntactic vs. semantic bootstrapping: evidence from Russian Eismont, Polina
P169 Early language skills in toy play and later development of Mandarin Hung, Yi-Fang; Chang, Chien-ju;
L1 acquisition
Chinese-Speaking children in Taiwan: A longitudinal study Yang, Tzu-Yen
L1 acquisition P170 A longitudinal study of German Child Language Acquisition Schramm, Satyam; Szagun, Gisela
P171 The validity of parent reports for assessment of grammar: acquisition of verb
L1 acquisition Matejka, Stepan; Smolík, Filip
forms in Czech
Ben, Elsendoorn; Wolters, Janet;
Perception P173 Training recognition and understanding of emotions in a serious game
Vissers, Constance
Claire, Monroy; Wagner, Laura;
Perception P174 Finding Structure in Dance: an Event Segmentation Study
Vasquez, Savannah
Buchanan-Worster, Elizabeth;
Perception P175 Can speechreading be trained in young hearing children? Dennan, Rachel; MacSweeney,
Mairead; Hulme, Charles
Ferreira de Asis, Mayara; Cremasco,
Perception P176 Cues integration in speech perception task by children with Phonological Disorder. Elissa Barbi Mouro Pagliari; da Silva,
Lidia Maurício; Berti, Larissa Cristina
Karina, Bertolino; Hattori, Ryosuke;
Perception P177 Acquisition of Clausal Comparatives: Evidence from IPL (link to video file .mp4))
Snyder, William; Naigles, Letitia
P178 The association between emergent vocal ability and audio-visual integration in Bastianello, Tamara; Majorano,
I talian infants Marinella
Laura, Ferinu; Ahufinger, Nadia;
P179 Audio-visual integration of minimal pairs in children with and without
Perception Sanz-Torrent, Mònica; Andreu,
Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
Semantics and lexicon P181 Acquisition of Event Culmination in the Chinese languages Lei, Margaret
Semantics and lexicon P182 What do verbal semantic fluency tasks measure? Nicoladis, Elena; Shokrkon, Anahita
P183 Parental input style to young children: Predictors and consequences for 2-year Dale, Philip; Ahmadzadeh, Yasmin;
Semantics and lexicon
vocabulary McAdams, Tom
P184 Tense/aspect marking in Mandarin-English sequential bilingual children in L2
Semantics and lexicon Nicoladis, Elena
P185 Does the noun bias develop? Changes in the trend of novel word learning among Naigles, Letitia; Matsuo, Ayumi;
Semantics and lexicon
Japanese children Ogura,Tamiko
Semantics and lexicon P187 The role of “fake” past tense in the L1 acquisition of counterfactuals Tulling, Maxime; Cournane, Ailís
P188 Revisiting the Mutual Exclusivity Principle: Colour Label Learning in Monolingual
Semantics and lexicon Fung, Priscilla; Johnson, Elizabeth
and Bilingual Toddlers
P189 Developing lexico-semantic networks from simple statistical regularities of word Savic, Olivera; Unger, Layla; Sloutsky,
Semantics and lexicon
use Vladimir
Tang, Tempo Po Yi; Hsu, Yu Yin;
P190 Interaction between form and content in the acquisition of temporal expressions
Semantics and lexicon Leung, Man Tak; Kwan, Judy Sze Kit;
among Mandarin-speaking children
Lau, Dustin Kai Yan
Wednesday, July 21
Wednesday, July 21
Mutsumi Imai, PhD
Lexical development as a Process of Symbol Grounding and System Construction
Wednesday, July 21
1:30pm-3:00pm IASCL Business Meeting and Roger Brown Award
SYM 34 SYM34.2 - Supporting language development in children with Language Lorusso, Maria Luisa; Molteni, Massimo; Biffi,
(Serious) Games: Innovation Impairments through Tangible User Interfaces technologies Emilia; Reni, Gianluigi
in Interventions for Children SYM34.3 - A serious game in metalinguistic multimodal intervention for Zwitserlood, Rob; van Heugten, Vera; Gerrits,
with Speech and Language children with Developmental Language Disorder Ellen; Klatte, Inge
SYM34.4 - To game or not to game? Using tablet games in treatment of Gerrits, Ellen; Schulting, Johanna
children with developmental language disorders Zwitserlood; ter Harmsel, Marjan
Thursday, July 22 SYM38.1 - Production of relative clauses in German-speaking children with Stegenwallner-Schütz, Maja; Zukowski,
ASD (with and without language impairment) Andrea; Adani, Flavia
SYM38.2 - Discourse marker production among verbally fluent school-aged Boo, Cynthia; McIntyre, Nancy; Mundy,
SYMPOSIA children with ASD and ADHD in a virtual reality task Peter; Naigles, Letitia
(Asynchronous) SYM38.3 - Comprehension of Wh-Questions in Mandarin-Exposed Preschool
SYM 38 Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Evidence from Intermodal Xiao, Jie; Naigles, Letitia; Su, Yi (Esther)
Language in Autism Preferential Looking
Spectrum Disorder
SYM38.4 - Why does Joint Attention Facilitate Language Development?
Parent Input Varies by JA Type Lame, Jenna; Tecoulesco, Vivi; Naigles, Letitia
Thursday, July 22
12:15pm-1:15pm Kimberly Noble, MD, PhD
PLENARY VI Socioeconomic inequality and children's brain development (No recording of this Plenary is available)
SYM41.1 - The impact of socioeconomic status on language growth in Griffiths, Sarah; Lucas, Laura; Yeomans,
children with and without developmental language disorder. Lydia; Norbury, Courtenay
SYM 41 SYM41.2 - Preschool Literacy Intervention for Low-Income, Ethnically Diverse Borre, Alicia; Bernhard, Judith; Bleiker,
SES and Parental Factors in Children: Effects of the Early Authors Program Through Kindergarten Charles; Winsler, Adam
Language Development Friend, Margaret; DeAnda, Stephanie;
SYM41.3 - Language Specificity in Maternal Education Revisited: Vocabulary
Poulin-Dubois, Diane, Arias-Trejo, Natalia;
Growth before 30 Months of Age
Abreu-Mendoza, Roberto; Lopez, Oliver
Hamdani, Saboor; Kan, Rachel; Chan, Angel;
SYM42.1 - Identifying bilingual Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) Chiat, Shula; Gagarina, Natalia; Haman,
using online testing: evidence from bilingual Urdu-Cantonese children Ewa; Łuniewska, Magdalena; Polišenská,
Access code @7w3A?&T
Kamila, Armon-Lotem, Sharon
SYM42.2 - A longitudinal investigation of children’s early syntactic Kumarage, Shanthi; Donnelly, Seamus; Kidd,
SYM 42 representations Evan
Early Syntactic SYM42.3 - Children's Production of Morpho-Syntactic Structures in Story
Development Retelling in a Diglossic context: Typical and Atypical Language Development
Faour, Rula; Armon-Lotem, Sharon;
(Zoom Video Without Subtitles)
Saiegh-Haddad, Elinor
(Video With Subtitles Must turn on subtitles in youtube settings)
SYM42.5 - Problems with serial verb constructions in Cantonese-Chinese Wong, Anita; Ng, Ashley K-H; Chan, Daryl
speaking children with DLD L-H
SYM43.1 - Hand gestures can increase children’s development of Feijoo, Sara; Esteve-Gibert, Nuria; Riera,
morphological awareness Access code: 0^x3!Hnp (Zoom session) Caterina; Anglada, Mariona
Gagarina, Natalia; Fichman, Svetlana;
SYM43.2 - No L2 impact on L1 morpho-syntactic acquisition: evidence from Dabašinskienė, Ineta; Galkina, Elena;
one language in seven European countries Protassova, Ekaterina; Ringblom, Natasha;
SYM 43 Rodina, Yulia
All conference times are Morphological
Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) SYM43.3 - Effects of a focused stimulation intervention on morphosyntax: a
Development Bruinsma, Gerda; Wijnen, Frank; Gerrits,
single case experimental study with 4 and 5 year old children with DLD in
Friday, July 23 special education
10:00am-11:30am SYM43.4 - Morphological simplification in Inuktitut child-directed speech Johnson, Alice; Elliot, Mary; Allen, Shanley
SYM43.5 - English Morphological Development in Spanish-English Emergent Hokenson, Joanna; Hammer, Carol; Smith,
Bilinguals During Preschool Julie
Selten, Iris; Raemakers, Matthijs;
SYM44.1 - Reduced brain activation during language processing in children
Charbonnier, Lisette; Boerma, Tessel;
with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome and children with developmental language
Everaert, Emma; Wijnen, Frank;
Berezutskaya, Julia; Vansteensel, Mariska
SYM44.2 - Language-universal and language-specific deficits in the bilingual
Yan, Xiaohui; Yan, Xin; Cao, Fan
brain with reading disability
Dynak, Agnieszka; Dzięgiel,Gabriela;
SYM 44
SYM44.3 - Brain response to linguistic stimuli in late talkers with and without Łuniewska,Magdalena; Plewko, Joanna;
Neurobiology of Language
developmental dyslexia Haman, Ewa; Jednoróg, Katarzyna Chyl,
SYM44.4 - The relationship between lexical growth and neural discrimination Shafer, Valerie; Datta, Hia; Yu, Yan;
of English vowels in monolingual and bilingual toddlers Vidal-Finnerty, Nancy; Tessel, Carol
SYM44.5 - Processing of semantically related photographs and sentences
Zane, Emily; Kresh, Sarah; Benasich, April;
in minimally verbal children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder:
Shafer, Valerie
An ERP experiment
SYM45.2 - Children talking also matters: Language practice and experience Cychosz, Margaret; Munson, Benjamin;
predict speech production patterns Edwards, Jan
SYM 45 SYM45.3 - Acquisition of syllable structure in Latvian: the role of
Urek, Olga
Phonetics and Phonology sonority-based markedness
SYM45.5 - Allophone acquisition as informed by alternations: English
Richter, Caitlin
alveolar flapping
SYM46.1 - The language development of heritage speakers: Protracted or Daskalaki, Evangelia; Chondrogianni, Vicky;
SYM 46 different? Blom, Elma
Multilingual Language
Development SYM46.3 - The earlier, the smarter? Socio-cognitive advantages of learning a
Agostini, Valeria; Krott, Andrea; Apperly, Ian
new language in Early Years of school
SYM 41 - SES and Parental Factors in Language Development
Meeting ID: 848 9044 9239 Passcode: 543540
SYM 42 - Early Syntactic Development
Meeting ID: 891 0492 8620 Passcode: 494910
Friday, July 23
SYM 43 - Morphological Development
11:30am-12:00pm Meeting ID: 875 5001 2221 Passcode: 268775
SYM 44 - Neurobiology of Language
LIVE DISCUSSION Q&A Meeting ID: 874 9529 4181 Passcode: 100944
(Synchronous) SYM 45 - Phonetics and Phonology
Meeting ID: 832 7071 6983 Passcode: 265513
SYM 46 - Multilingual Language Development
Meeting ID: 831 7193 7364 Passcode: 889255
Friday, July 23
12:15pm-1:15pm Yvan Rose and Brian MacWhinney
SPECIAL SESSION New Corpora and Tools for PhonBank and CHILDES (Meeting ID: 890 2038 5898 Passcode: IASCL2021)
New methods in language P277 Theoretical and Applied Insights From Multiple Interventions Where
Nelson, Keith
research Significant Language Advances Are Triggered Across 4 Months or More
New methods in language P278 Phonological and Morpho-syntactic skills in Specific Language Belacchi, Carmen; Fratini, Elena; Artuso,
research Impairment (SLI): The contribution of a semantic categorization task Caterina
Soderstrom, Melanie; Bergelson, Elika;
New methods in language
P279 The ACLEW DAS: An annotation system for longform audio recordings Casillas, Marisa; Bunce, John; Rosemberg,
Levine, Dani; Hirsh-Pasek, Kathy; de
New methods in language P280 Reliability and Validity of a New Tablet-Based Language Screener for
Villiers, Jill; Iglesias, Aquiles; Pritulsky,
research Two-Year-Olds
Calla; Puttre, Hannah; Golinkoff, Roberta
New methods in language P281 Using a Multicultural Questionnaire to Assess the Language of Bilingual
Ohana, Odelya; Armon-Lotem, Sharon
research English-Hebrew Speakers
New methods in language P282 Grammatical development in interaction: quantitative corpus analysis
Tatsumi, Tomoko
research of children's Japanese verb usage
New methods in language P283 Predictive Link of Math Ability, Relational Language, and Executive
Gao, Chang
research Function Among Preschoolers
New methods in language P284 Network topology of expository discourse in adolescents predicts Karuza, Elisabeth; McCaffrey, Carson; Miller,
research performance on a test of expressive syntax Carol; Weiss, Daniel; Nippold, Marilyn
New methods in language P285 Holistic evaluation of early combinatorial speech in bilinguals (link for
De Houwer, Annick
research video file .mp4)
All conference times are
Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) New methods in language P286 Exploring noun and predicate comprehension in Italian-speaking Bello, Arianna; Bimbi, Marco; Simonelli,
research toddlers by using the computerised version of the Picture Naming Game Ilaria; Caselli, Cristina; Pettenati, Paola
Friday, July 23 Vigliocco, Gabriella; Wonnacott, Elizabeth;
1:30pm New methods in language P287 A multimodal approach to iconicity and indexicality in child-directed Murgiano, Margherita; Marshall, Chloe;
research language Milan Maillo, Iris; Perniss, Pamela;
POSTERS Motamedi, Yasamin
(NO Q&A) Fernandez, Carla; Campbell, Erin;
Neurobiology in typical P288 The neural substrates of word-learning in 14-20-month-olds: a
Bergelson, Elika; Bachman, Matthew;
and/or atypical language replication and extension
(Asynchronous) Woldorff, Marty
P289 Acquisition of L2 English vocabulary and grammar by
Morphology Huang, Ruoyu (Lexie)
L1 Mandarin-speaking preschoolers
P290 The efficacy of an explicit intervention approach to improve grammar
Calder, Samuel; Ebbels, Susan; Leitao, Suze;
Morphology in early school-aged children with Developmental Language Disorder (Link to
Claessen, Mary
video file .mp4)
P291 Early-L2 bilinguals catch up with age-matched L1 children in the
Morphology Ezeizabarrena, Maria José; Idiazabal, Itziar
acquisition of Basque, a minority language
P292 Acquisition of gender and number systems by Hebrew monolinguals
Morphology Reznick, Julia; Armon-Lotem, Sharon
and Russian-Hebrew bilinguals
Morphology P293 Developmental trajectory of grammatical role assignment in Russian Lopukhina, Anastasiya
P294 Diminutivisation as a trigger for the acquisition of derivation: Evidence
Morphology Argus, Reili; Kazakovskaya, Victoria
from typologically different languages
P295 Priming of thematic role order separate from syntactic role order in
Morphology Garcia, Rowena; Kidd, Evan
children’s productions: Evidence from Tagalog
P296 A discriminant function analysis: language sample measures and
Morphology Maleki, Tahmineh; Mansourian, Marjan
non-word repetition in Persian developmental language disorder
Morphology P297 The L1 Acquisition of Case Markers in Korean using CHILDES Corpus. Ryu, Ju-Yeon
P298 The role of dominance in heritage language acquisition of Spanish
Morphology Dracos, Melisa; Requena, Pablo
mood selection in the school years
P299 Acquisition of English and Spanish vocabulary and grammar
Morphology Esqueda, Ana Patricia
by low-income immigrant children in Michigan
P300 The Tolerance Principle in Action: The Productivity of the
Morphology Alkan, Selin
Morphological Causatives in Turkish and Their Role in Language
P301 Assessing Early Compositionality of Russian Verb Forms in L1 Voeikova, Maria; Bayda, Kira; Glawion,
Acquisition with Kendall Rank Correlation Coefficient Anastasia
P302 Word formation as a tool for vocabulary development and vocabulary Tzakosta, Marina; Dafermou, Maria;
teaching: a psycholinguistic approach Mylonaki, Katerina
Balčiūnienė, Ingrida; Kamandulytė-
Morphology P303 The early stages of derivation acquisition in Lithuanian
Merfeldienė, Laura; Dabašinskienė, Ineta
P304 Syntactic and morphological cues to transitivity in the input in Audisio, Cynthia; Ojea, Gladys; Rosemberg,
Toba/Qom to young children from Argentina Celia; Cúneo, Paola
Morphology P306 The Emergence of Subjects in Hebrew-acquiring children Lyle, Lustigman
P307 IT TAKES TWO: Meaning and form in preschooler’s categorization and
Morphology Omar, Niveen; Nir, Bracha; Banai, Karen
word learning
P319 L1 acquisition of variable constraints in Spanish differential object
Morphology Requena, Pablo
P320 How reference is affecting the production of grammatical morphemes
Morphology Teveny, Sarah & Salazar Orvig, Anne
in French speaking children with moderate hearing loss
P308 The production of Object Relative clauses in Italian-speaking children: a
Syntax Contemori, Carla; Manetti, Claudia
syntactic priming study
Dijk, Chantal; van Wonderen, Elise;
P309 A systematic review and meta-analysis of cross-linguistic influence in
Syntax Koutamanis, Elly; Kootstra, Gerrit Jan;
bilingual children
Dijkstra, Ton; Unsworth, Sharon
Syntax P310 The beginnings of subjects in French-acquiring children Veneziano, Edy; Clark, Eve
P311 Socioeconomic and Age Differences in Monolingual and Bilingual
Syntax Rodenhurst, Noorin; Messenger, Kate
Children's Sentence Interpretation
P312 Development of a web application for Language Sample Analysis van Heugten, Vera; Klatte, Inge; Gerrits,
(LSA) (link to video file .mp4) Ellen; Zwitserlood, Rob
P313 Detecting disorder: Different language sample measures for different Overton, Courtney; Ratner, Nan; Lee,
ages? Victoria
P314 Grammatical skills of Dutch children with 22q11DS in comparison with Boerma, Tessel; Steggink, Maaike; Selten,
children with DLD. Iris; Wijnen, Frank; Everaert, Emma
Kornev, Alexandr;
Production P315 Storytelling skills in Lithuanian- and Russian-speaking SLI preschoolers Kamandulytė-Merfeldienė, Laura;
Balčiūnienė, Ingrida
P316 Concurrent Validity of the MacArthur-Bates Communicative
Development Inventory-III for48-month-olds with Williams
Production Becerra, Angela; Mervis, Carolyn
Syndrome:Relations to Naturalistic Language Sampling and Language and
Intellectual Abilities
Kehoe, Margaret; Zesiger, Pascal;
Production P317 Does phonological production predict vocabulary size? Patrucco-Nanchen, Tamara; Friend,
P318 A child’s production of unintended consonant clusters in Greek and
Production Babatsouli, Elena
comparison with her English