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Oracle® Cloud: Using The Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Release 17.1

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Oracle® Cloud

Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Release 17.1
Part No. E66534-07

February 2017
Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter, Release 17.1

Part No. E66534-07

Copyright © 2015, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Primary Author:     Melody Yang

Contributing Author:     Deepika Annavarapu, Rekha Ayothi, Parul Goel, Ravindra Nadakuditi

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Send Us Your Comments


1 Getting Started with the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Getting Started with the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter..................................................... 1-1
Common Terminologies............................................................................................................1-2
Concepts and Features............................................................................................................... 1-4
Typical Task Flow for Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter........................................ 1-5

2 Setting Up and Creating an Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Connection

Setup Overview......................................................................................................................... 2-1
Setup Tasks for Enabling the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter..............................................2-1
Setup Tasks for an SSL-Enabled Oracle E-Business Suite Environment.............................. 2-5
Setup Tasks for Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a Trigger (Source) Connection
.................................................................................................................................................... 2-5

3 Creating an Oracle E-Business Suite Connection with Oracle E-Business Suite

Overview................................................................................................................................... 3-1
Creating an Oracle E-Business Suite Connection with Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter......3-1
Testing an Oracle E-Business Suite Connection...................................................................... 3-6

4 Creating an Integration
Creating an Integration with the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter........................................ 4-1

5 Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Connection to an Integration
Overview................................................................................................................................... 5-1
Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a Trigger (Source) Connection.................... 5-1
Configuring an Oracle E-Business Suite Business Event in an Integration.......................... 5-4
Configuring an Oracle E-Business Suite XML Gateway Message in an Integration............ 5-6
Post Activation Manual Steps for XML Gateway Messages as a Trigger.................... 5-10
Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target) Connection................. 5-13

6 Creating Mappings and Lookups in Integrations

Creating Mappings and Lookups............................................................................................. 6-1

7 Administering Integrations
Activating and Managing Integrations..................................................................................... 7-1

8 An Example of Using a Business Event as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration

Overview................................................................................................................................... 8-1
Preparing the Oracle E-Business Suite Instances..................................................................... 8-2
Preparing the Order Management Instance......................................................................... 8-2
Preparing the Oracle Accounts Receivables Instance...........................................................8-3
Establishing Oracle E-Business Suite Connections..................................................................8-4
Creating the Connection for Oracle E-Business Suite Order Management.......................... 8-4
Creating the Connection for Oracle E-Business Suite Accounts Receivables....................... 8-6
Creating an Integration........................................................................................................... 8-10
Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter (Trigger) and the REST Adapter (Invoke) to the
Integration............................................................................................................................... 8-12
Creating Mappings.................................................................................................................. 8-24
Assigning Business Identifier for Tracking........................................................................... 8-33
Activating and Testing the Integration................................................................................... 8-33

9 An Example of Using an XML Gateway Message as a Trigger (Source) in an

Overview................................................................................................................................... 9-1
Preparing the Oracle E-Business Suite Instances Purchasing Instance................................... 9-2
Establishing an Oracle E-Businss Suite Connection for Publishing XML Gateway Messages
.................................................................................................................................................... 9-3
Creating an Integration............................................................................................................. 9-5
Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a Trigger (Source) Connection.................... 9-7
Assigning Business Identifier for Tracking........................................................................... 9-11

Activating the Integration....................................................................................................... 9-12
Configuring Trading Partner Information for Post Integration............................................ 9-13
Testing and Validating the Integration.................................................................................. 9-15

10 An Example of Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke

(Target) in an Integration
Overview................................................................................................................................. 10-1
Establishing the Connections for Oracle E-Business Suite and REST Services.................... 10-2
Creating an Integration........................................................................................................... 10-6
Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target) Connection................. 10-8
Adding the REST Adapter as a Trigger (Source) Connection ............................................. 10-14
Creating Mappings................................................................................................................ 10-19
Assigning Business Identifier for Tracking......................................................................... 10-25
Activating and Testing the Integration................................................................................. 10-26

A Sample Payloads
Sample XSD for the Create_Invoice Activity Used in the Business Event Example.............. A-1
Sample JSON Payloads for the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke Example......A-3

B Error Messages
Overview................................................................................................................................... B-1
Error Messages While Testing an Oracle E-Business Suite Connection................................. B-1
Error Messages While Creating an Integration with Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a
Trigger (Source) Connection..................................................................................................... B-5
Error Messages While Creating an Integration with the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as
an Invoke (Target) Connection................................................................................................. B-5


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Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter, Release 17.1
Part No. E66534-07

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Intended Audience
Welcome to Release 17.1 of the Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter.
Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter describes how to securely connect and use
Oracle E-Business Suite services through Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter from Oracle
Integration Cloud Service.
Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter is intended for users who want to create,
activate, and monitor application integrations for Oracle E-Business Suite.
See Related Information Sources on page x for more Oracle E-Business Suite product

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support
through My Oracle Support. For information, visit
http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit
http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.

1  Getting Started with the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter
2  Setting Up and Creating an Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Connection
3  Creating an Oracle E-Business Suite Connection with Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter
4  Creating an Integration

5  Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Connection to an Integration
6  Creating Mappings and Lookups in Integrations
7  Administering Integrations
8  An Example of Using a Business Event as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration
9  An Example of Using an XML Gateway Message as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration
10  An Example of Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target) in an
A  Sample Payloads
B  Error Messages

Related Information Sources

For more information, see these Oracle resources:
• For additional documentation related to your Oracle Cloud service, visit the Oracle
Cloud website at:
Open the Resources menu at the top of the page and select Documentation to
access the Oracle Cloud Documentation home page. Search or browse the library
for documentation specific to your application, infrastructure, or platform cloud

• You may want to refer to other Oracle Cloud guides when you set up and use
Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter from Oracle Integration Cloud Service.
Using Oracle Integration Cloud Service
This book describes how to use Oracle Integration Cloud Service to integrate your
Using the Oracle Mapper
This book describes how to use the mapper to map source data structures to target
data structures.
Getting Started with Oracle Cloud
This book introduces you to cloud concepts and describes how you can request a
trial subscription or purchase a subscription for an Oracle Cloud service. In
addition, this book describes how to add users, change passwords, and access
service consoles.
Managing and Monitoring Oracle Cloud
This book describes how to manage and monitor your Oracle Cloud services,
manage your subscriptions, user accounts, contacts and notifications.

Additionally, refer to the following Oracle E-Business Suite documentation, available in

the Oracle E-Business Suite Documentation Web Library on the Oracle Technology
Network. See http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E26401_01/index.htm for the latest Release 12.2
documentation or http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E18727_01/index.htm for the latest Release
12.1 documentation. Most documents are available in PDF and HTML formats.

Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway User's Guide
This guide describes the high level service enablement process, explaining how users
can browse and view the integration interface definitions and services residing in
Oracle Integration Repository.
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide
This guide explains how integration administrators can manage and administer the
Web service activities for integration interfaces including native packaged integration
interfaces, composite services (BPEL type), and custom integration interfaces. It also
describes how to invoke Web services from Oracle E-Business Suite by employing the
Oracle Workflow Business Event System, and how to manage Web service security,
configure logs, and monitor SOAP messages.
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Developer's Guide
This guide describes how integration developers can perform end-to-end service
integration activities. These include orchestrating discrete Web services into meaningful
end-to-end business processes using business process execution language (BPEL), and
deploying BPEL processes at run time.
This guide also explains how to invoke Web services using the Service Invocation
Framework. This includes defining Web service invocation metadata, invoking Web
services, and testing the Web service invocation.
Oracle E-Business Suite Concepts
This book is intended for all those planning to deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Release
12.2, or contemplating significant changes to a configuration. After describing the
Oracle E-Business Suite architecture and technology stack, it focuses on strategic topics,
giving a broad outline of the actions needed to achieve a particular goal, plus the
installation and configuration choices that may be available.
Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide
This guide contains information on a comprehensive range of security-related topics,
including access control, user management, function security, data security, and
auditing. It also describes how Oracle E-Business Suite can be integrated into a single
sign-on environment.
Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide
This guide explains how to patch an Oracle E-Business Suite system, describing the
adop patching utility and providing guidelines and tips for performing typical patching
operations. It also describes maintenance strategies and tools that can help keep a
system running smoothly.
Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide
This guide explains how to navigate, enter and query data, and run concurrent requests
using the user interface (UI) of Oracle E-Business Suite. This guide also includes
information on setting user profiles and customizing the UI.

Integration Repository
The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the service
endpoints exposed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a
complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets
users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for
integration with any system, application, or business partner.
The Oracle Integration Repository is shipped as part of the Oracle E-Business Suite. As
your instance is patched, the repository is automatically updated with content
appropriate for the precise revisions of interfaces in your environment.

Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle E-Business Suite Data

Oracle STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that you never use SQL*Plus, Oracle Data
Browser, database triggers, or any other tool to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data
unless otherwise instructed.
Oracle provides powerful tools you can use to create, store, change, retrieve, and
maintain information in an Oracle database. But if you use Oracle tools such as
SQL*Plus to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data, you risk destroying the integrity of
your data and you lose the ability to audit changes to your data.
Because Oracle E-Business Suite tables are interrelated, any change you make using an
Oracle E-Business Suite form can update many tables at once. But when you modify
Oracle E-Business Suite data using anything other than Oracle E-Business Suite, you
may change a row in one table without making corresponding changes in related tables.
If your tables get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving erroneous
information and you risk unpredictable results throughout Oracle E-Business Suite.
When you use Oracle E-Business Suite to modify your data, Oracle E-Business Suite
automatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle E-Business Suite also keeps
track of who changes information. If you enter information into database tables using
database tools, you may store invalid information. You also lose the ability to track who
has changed your information because SQL*Plus and other database tools do not keep a
record of changes.

Getting Started with the Oracle E-Business
Suite Adapter

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Getting Started with the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter
• Common Terminologies
• Concepts and Features
• Typical Task Flow for Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Getting Started with the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

The Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter is one of many predefined adapters included with
Oracle Integration Cloud Service allowing you to securely connect and use Oracle
E-Business Suite services in integrations in Oracle Integration Cloud Service. It not only
provides the connectivity between Oracle E-Business Suite and other cloud-based
applications, but also significantly simplifies the complexity of typical integration
experiences. Through the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter, you can quickly integrate
your systems with desired Oracle E-Business Suite services in the cloud, as well as
monitor and manage the integrations when needed.
The Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter in Oracle Integration Cloud Service leverages the
functionality of Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway (ISG) to provide the
access of Oracle E-Business Suite REST services.

Note: The Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter in Oracle Integration Cloud

Service allows you to connect to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3
as well as Release 12.2.3 and onwards.

Getting Started with the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter    1-1

Supporting Inbound and Outbound Integrations

In this diagram, Business Events and XML Gateway messages are available for inbound
integrations in Oracle Integration Cloud Service when adding the Oracle E-Business
Suite Adapter as a trigger (source) connection in an integration. If the Oracle E-Business
Suite Adapter is added as an invoke (target) connection, PL/SQL APIs and Concurrent
Programs are available as REST services for invocation from Oracle Integration Cloud
To access these REST services or interfaces in Oracle E-Business Suite on-premise which
is behind the firewall, Oracle Integration Cloud Service agents can be used if your
Oracle E-Business Suite is not set up in a DMZ configuration.
Please note that an outbound integration from Oracle E-Business Suite into Oracle
Integration Cloud Service is also referred as an inbound (trigger or source) integration
in Oracle Integration Cloud Service.

Common Terminologies
To better understand the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter, the following common
terminologies are explained in this section.
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway (ISG)
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway provides the functionality to expose
integration interfaces published in the Integration Repository as SOAP and REST based
web services.
Oracle E-Business Suite users with appropriate privileges can deploy these integration
interfaces as REST services and manage the service lifecycle activities through the
Integration Repository. The Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter in turn provides the access
to these REST services that you can use for creating integrations in Oracle Integration
Cloud Service.
Integration Repository

1-2    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Integration Repository is an essential component in Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated
SOA Gateway. It is the centralized repository that contains numerous interface
endpoints within Oracle E-Business Suite.
When the connection to Oracle E-Business Suite is successfully established, Oracle
E-Business Suite service metadata will be retrieved from the Integration Repository and
imported to Oracle Integration Cloud Service. You can then create an integration by
selecting a desired Oracle E-Business Suite service. The supported interface types for
integrations in Oracle Integration Cloud Service through the Oracle E-Business Suite
Adapter are:
A business interface can be based on a PL/SQL package from which you invoke
procedures and functions appropriate to an integration.
When you add the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as invoke (target) connections,
PL/SQL REST services are available for outbound integrations from Oracle
Integration Cloud Service.

• Concurrent Program
A concurrent program runs as a concurrent process that executes multiple
programs running in the background. Functions performed by concurrent
programs are normally data-intensive and long-running, such as posting a journal.
The Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter supports outbound integrations with
concurrent programs from Oracle Integration Cloud Service when adding the
Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as invoke (target) connections.

• Business Event
A business event is an occurrence in Oracle E-Business Suite that might be
significant to other objects in a system or to external agents. An example of a
business event can be the creation of a new sales order or changes to an existing
When you add the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as trigger (source) connections,
business events are available for inbound integrations in Oracle Integration Cloud

• XML Gateway Message Map

Oracle XML Gateway comprises a set of services that allows easy integration with
Oracle E-Business Suite to support XML messaging. It uses the message
propagation feature of Oracle Advanced Queuing to integrate with Oracle
Transport Agent to deliver messages to and receive messages from business
Similar to business events, XML Gateway messages are available for inbound
integrations in Oracle Integration Cloud Service when adding the Oracle E-Business
Suite Adapter as trigger (source) connections.

Getting Started with the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter    1-3

For more information about Oracle XML Gateway, see the Oracle XML Gateway
User's Guide.

Representational State Transfer (REST)

REST is an architecture principle in which the web services are viewed as resources and
can be uniquely identified by their URLs. The key characteristic of a REST service is
through the use of HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE) to denote the
invocation of different operations.
Please note that POST is the only supported method for PL/SQL REST services.
HTTP Basic Authentication Security
HTTP Basic Authentication security is the only supported security for REST services in
this release.
When an HTTP client application tries to access an Oracle E-Business Suite REST
service, user credentials (username/password) should be provided as input data in
HTTP header as part of the REST request message. The username and password will be
used for authentication and authorization.
From the perspective of the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter in Oracle Integration
Cloud Service, the username and password information is provided when creating an
Oracle E-Business Suite connection. This credential information is then passed from
Oracle Integration Cloud Service to Oracle E-Business Suite at runtime.

Concepts and Features

Key Features
The Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter in Oracle Integration Cloud Service (ICS) serves as
a connection tool for you to access Oracle E-Business Suite services in the cloud. It has
the following key features:
• It provides seamless connection between Oracle E-Business Suite and Oracle
Integration Cloud Service.

• It leverages Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway to provide Oracle

E-Business Suite REST services.

• It supports business events and XML Gateway messages for inbound integrations
in Oracle Integration Cloud Service when using the Oracle E-Business Suite
Adapter as trigger (source) connections.

• It provides Oracle E-Business Suite services (PL/SQL APIs and concurrent

programs) for outbound integrations from Oracle Integration Cloud Service when
adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as invoke (target) connections.

• It supports Oracle seeded and custom interfaces for integrations.

1-4    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

• It supports HTTP Basic Authentication security for REST services.

• It allows you to access and use Oracle E-Business Suite deployed REST-based

Note: If a REST service is not deployed, it cannot be used for

integration. When such a service is selected for an integration, "Not
Deployed" is shown as the service status and a warning message
appears indicating that you need to contact an Integration
Administrator in Oracle E-Business Suite to deploy the service
through Oracle Integration Repository before using it.

• It allows you to monitor and manage integration activities with Oracle E-Business
Suite services.

Typical Task Flow for Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter
The following table describes the typical task flow of using the Oracle E-Business Suite
Adapter in Oracle Integration Cloud Service:

Task Description More Information

Prerequisites Before using the Oracle Setting Up and Creating an

E-Business Suite Adapter, you Oracle E-Business Suite
must perform setup tasks to Adapter Connection, page 2-
ensure the appropriate user 1
privileges and required
features are in place and the
Oracle E-Business Suite
Adapter is ready for creating
integrations in Oracle
Integration Cloud Service.

1 Create an Oracle E-Business Creating an Oracle E-Business

Suite connection. Suite Connection with the
Oracle E-Business Suite
Establish the connection Adapter, page 3-1
between Oracle E-Business
Suite and Oracle Integration
Cloud Service through the
Oracle E-Business Suite

Getting Started with the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter    1-5

Task Description More Information

2 Test the Oracle E-Business Testing an Oracle E-Business

Suite connection. Suite Connection, page 3-6

Ensure that you can

successfully connect to the
Oracle E-Business Suite
instance you specified.

3 Create the integration. • Creating an Integration

with the Oracle
Add the Oracle E-Business
E-Business Suite
Suite Adapter as a trigger
Adapter, page 4-1
(source) or an invoke (target)
connection while creating the • Adding the Oracle
E-Business Suite Adapter
as a Trigger (Source)
Connection, page 5-1

• Adding the Oracle

E-Business Suite Adapter
as an Invoke (Target)
Connection, page 5-13

4 Create mappings between the Creating Mappings and

source and target data Lookups, page 6-1
structures in the integration.

(Optional) Create lookups

that map the different values
used by those applications to
identify the same type of
object (such as gender codes
or country codes).

1-6    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Task Description More Information

5 Activate the integration. • Activating an Integration,

page 7-1
Once an integration is created
with the required data • If an XML Gateway
mappings between the source
message is used in an
and target connections, you
integration, you must
can activate the integration to
perform post activation
use it at runtime.
steps to ensure the
integration works
properly. See: Post
Activation Manual Steps
for XML Gateway
Messages as a Trigger,
page 5-10

6 Monitor the integration on the Monitoring and Managing

dashboard. Integrations, page 7-1

7 Track payload fields in • Assigning Business

messages during runtime. Identifiers for Tracking
Fields in Messages,
Developing Integration
Cloud Services chapter,
Oracle Cloud Using Oracle
Integration Cloud Service

• Managing Business
Identifiers for Tracking
Fields in Messages,
Integration Cloud Service
chapter, Oracle Cloud
Using Oracle Integration
Cloud Service

Getting Started with the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter    1-7

Task Description More Information

8 Manage errors at the • Managing Errors,

integration level, connection Administering
level, or specific integration Integration Cloud Service
instance level. chapter, Oracle Cloud
Using Oracle Integration
Cloud Service

• Error Messages, page B-

1 - error messages
while testing the
connection and creating
the integration with the
Oracle E-Business Suite
Adapter at the design

To better understand how to use the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter in an integration,
• An Example of Using a Business Event as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration, page

• An Example of Using an XML Gateway Message as a Trigger (Source) in an

Integration, page 9-1

• An Example of Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target) in

an Integration, page 10-1

Additionally, refer to the following documents for more information about the Oracle
E-Business Suite Adapter:
• Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter in Oracle Integrated Cloud Service Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ), My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 110687.1

• Oracle Cloud Known Issues for Oracle Integration Cloud Service

• What's New for Oracle Integration Cloud Service

1-8    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Setting Up and Creating an Oracle
E-Business Suite Adapter Connection

Setup Overview
Before creating an Oracle E-Business Suite connection with the Oracle E-Business Suite
Adapter, you must perform the setup tasks to ensure it works properly.
This chapter includes the following topics:
• Setup Tasks for Enabling the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter, page 2-1

• Setup Tasks for Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a Trigger (Source)
Connection, page 2-5

If an XML Gateway message is used as a trigger (source) in an integration, you must

perform additional post activation tasks once you activate the integration to ensure the
message works properly in Oracle Integration Cloud Service. See: Post Activation
Manual Steps for XML Gateway Messages as a Trigger, page 5-10.

Setup Tasks for Enabling the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Perform the following steps to set up the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter:
1. Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway REST services.
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway is an essential component for the
Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter in Oracle Integration Cloud Service. It is the path
to access all Oracle E-Business Suite REST services that you can use in integrations
in Oracle Integration Cloud Service.
If you have not configured Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway,
perform the setup and configuration steps as described in the following documents:
• For Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2

Setting Up and Creating an Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Connection    2-1

Refer to Section B: Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite REST Services, Installing
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway, Release 12.2, My Oracle Support
Knowledge Document 1311068.1.
Ensure that you apply the latest patches for REST services in Document

• For Oracle E-Business Suite 12.1.3

Ensure that you configure Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway to
enable the REST service features. If Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA
Gateway is not configured, follow the setup tasks as described in My Oracle
Support Knowledge Document 556540.1 to configure Oracle E-Business Suite
Integrated SOA Gateway Release 12.1.3.
If Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway is already configured in
your instance, then apply these REST service patches in the sequence as
described in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1998019.1 to enable the
REST service features.

2. Configure access to Oracle E-Business Suite services.

To access Oracle E-Business Suite services from Oracle Integration Cloud Service,
Oracle E-Business Suite services must be accessible in either of the following ways:
• These services are deployed in an environment set up in a DMZ (DeMilitarized
Zone) configuration so that Oracle E-Business Suite REST services are publicly
accessible through the Internet.
For DMZ configuration instructions in Oracle E-Business Suite, see Oracle
E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Configuration in a DMZ, My Oracle Support
Knowledge Document 1375670.1.

• If your Oracle E-Business Suite is not set up in a DMZ configuration, these

services must be accessible through Oracle Integration Cloud Service agent
For information about creating agent groups as well as downloading the agent
installer from Oracle Integration Cloud Service and executing the installer to
install the on-premises agent in your local environment, see the Managing
Agent Groups and the On-Premises Agent section in the Developing
Integration Cloud Services chapter, Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Integration Cloud
Please note that the on-premises agent should not be installed in an Oracle
E-Business Suite instance. Instead, it should be installed in a separate machine.

3. Deploy the required REST services in Oracle E-Business Suite.

To use Oracle E-Business Suite REST services for integrations, ensure that you have

2-2    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

performed the following tasks:
• Deploy the Metadata Provider/Integration Repository service
The Metadata Provider/Integration Repository service is an API that fetches a
list of services available for integration. To integrate these Oracle E-Business
Suite services, you must deploy the "Metadata Provider" API as a REST service.
You can search the "Metadata Provider" API from the Integration Repository,
and then select the Metadata Provider API from the search results to display the
interface details page.
Please note that you must enter "provider" as the service alias name for the
Metadata Provider API and select the GET HTTP method check boxes for ALL
the methods contained in the API before deploying it as a REST service.

Important: If the Metadata Provider API is not deployed as a

REST service with GET HTTP method and "provider" as the
service alias, the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter in Oracle
Integration Cloud Service will not work as expected.

• Deploy the Event Manager service

To use business events from Oracle E-Business Suite as a trigger (source) in an
integration in Oracle Integration Cloud Service, you must deploy the Event
Manager API as a REST service.
Similar to the Metadata Provider service, you can search the "Event Manager"
API from the Integration Repository, and then deploy it as a REST service.
Before the deployment, you must enter "subscription" as the service alias
name and select the POST HTTP method check boxes for ALL the methods
contained in the API.

• Deploy business function related APIs as Oracle E-Business Suite REST services
If you want to integrate or use Oracle E-Business Suite integration interfaces in
Oracle Integration Cloud Service, you must first deploy these interface
definitions as Oracle E-Business Suite REST services.
For example, to process a sales order in Oracle E-Business Suite, you must
deploy the Sales Order Service (OE_INBOUND_INT) API as a REST service
first before you can use this deployed Sales Order Service REST service from
Oracle Integration Cloud Service through the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter.

For information on deploying REST services, see Deploying REST Web Services,
Administering Native Integration Interfaces and Services chapter, Oracle E-Business
Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.

4. Grant the required user privileges.

Setting Up and Creating an Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Connection    2-3

To use Oracle E-Business Suite REST services through the Oracle E-Business Suite
Adapter in Oracle Integration Cloud Service, ensure that an Oracle E-Business Suite
user has the privileges to:
• Access the Metadata Provider/Integration Repository service
Allowing the access of the "Metadata Provider" API enables the user to browse
Oracle E-Business Suite services in Oracle Integration Cloud Service through
the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter.

• Access the Event Manager service

This enables the user to use business events as a trigger in Oracle Integration
Cloud Service when adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a trigger
(source) in an integration.

• Access or execute desired Oracle E-Business Suite APIs and services

To protect application data from unauthorized access or execution, you must
grant the user the interface access privileges for the REST services provided
through Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway.

The Oracle E-Business Suite user credentials should be used to create an Oracle
E-Business Suite connection in Oracle Integration Cloud Service. For example, if
you plan to use an Oracle E-Business Suite user hrmanager from Oracle
Integration Cloud Service to "create employee" in Oracle E-Business Suite, you need
• Create a security grant on all the methods contained in the Metadata Provider
API to the hrmanager Oracle E-Business Suite user.

• Create a security grant on all the methods contained in the Event Manager API
to the hrmanager Oracle E-Business Suite user.

• Create a security grant on the "Create Employee" method in the Employee API
to the hrmanager Oracle E-Business Suite user.

• Use the hrmanager user credentials while creating an Oracle E-Business Suite
connection in Oracle Integration Cloud Service.

At runtime, the username and password information provided through the Oracle
E-Business Suite Adapter connection will be passed to Oracle E-Business Suite for
user authentication for the service being invoked in an integration.
For information on creating security grants for REST services, see Managing Grants
for Interfaces with Support for SOAP and REST Web Services, Administering
Native Integration Interfaces and Services chapter, Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated
SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.
For information on creating a connection with Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter, see:

2-4    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Creating an Oracle E-Business Suite Connection with Oracle E-Business Suite
Adapter, page 3-1.

Setup Tasks for an SSL-Enabled Oracle E-Business Suite Environment

If your Oracle E-Business Suite instance is SSL enabled, to access the Oracle E-Business
Suite instance in Oracle Integration Cloud Service, import additional certificates into
Oracle Integration Cloud Service.
For information on uploading certificates, see Uploading an SSL Certificate, Creating
Connections, Developing Integration Cloud Services chapter, Oracle Cloud Using Oracle
Integration Cloud Service.

Setup Tasks for Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a Trigger
(Source) Connection
To successfully use business events and XML Gateway messages as inbound
integrations in Oracle Integration Cloud Service through the Oracle E-Business Suite
Adapter, you must perform the following one-time setup tasks in Oracle E-Business
Suite to enable the feature:
1. Store the ICS user credentials in Oracle E-Business Suite FND vault.
Execute the PL/SQL script $FND_TOP/sql/afvltput.sql from Oracle
E-Business Suite backend to upload and store the user credentials in Oracle
E-Business Suite FND vault.
1. Connect to an Oracle E-Business Suite database:
sqlplus apps/<apps password>

2. Execute the script to upload the ICS username:

@$FND_TOP/sql/afvltput.sql FND REST_USERNAME <ICS WebLogic
Replace <ICS WebLogic Username> with the username, such as weblogic.

3. Execute the script to upload the ICS password:

@$FND_TOP/sql/afvltput.sql FND REST_PASSWORD <ICS WebLogic
Replace <ICS WebLogic Password> with the associated password value.

At runtime, the user credentials are retrieved from Oracle E-Business Suite FND
vault and are embedded in the HTTP request along with business event data to
Oracle Integration Cloud Service. It is included based on the HTTP Basic
Authentication scheme. Oracle Integration Cloud Service then authenticates the
user credentials based on the HTTP Basic Authentication method and accepts the

Setting Up and Creating an Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Connection    2-5

business event data.

2. Configure proxy host and port for XML Gateway messages.

1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user who has the System Administrator
Select Oracle Applications Manager from the navigation menu. Navigate to the
Site Map.

2. Click AutoConfig.

3. In the Context Files page, click the Edit Parameters icon for the Applications
tier context file.

4. In the Context File Parameters page, select the System tab.

Expand the oa_web_server node and update the values for the following
AutoConfig variables:

Name Variable Value

OXTAOutUseProxy s_oxta_proxy true

OXTAOutProxyHost s_oxta_proxyhost <proxy host>

OXTAOutProxyPort s_oxta_proxyport <proxy port>

Save your work.

5. Run AutoConfig from the application tier.

Refer to Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations in Oracle E-Business
Suite Release 12, My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 387859.1.
Refer to the Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide R12.2 (Part Number E22953-13)
for information on changing AutoConfig variables and executing AutoConfig
in the application tier.

3. Configure proxy host and port at Concurrent Manger Tier JVM.

To access Oracle Integration Cloud Service from Oracle E-Business Suite on-premise
which is behind the firewall, all outbound requests from Oracle E-Business Suite
need to be routed through proxy host and port. Therefore, you need to configure
and set up the proxy appropriately at the Concurrent Manger Tier JVM.
1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user who has the System Administrator

2-6    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Select Oracle Applications Manager from the navigation menu. Navigate to the
Site Map.

2. Click AutoConfig.

3. In the Context Files page, click the Edit Parameters icon for the Applications
tier context file.

4. In the Context File Parameters page, select the Environments tab. Expand the
oa_environments:adovars node to locate the APPSJREOPTS (AutoConfig
variable or OA_VAR "s_appsjreopts").

5. Enter the following additional JVM parameters:

-Dhttp.proxyHost=<http proxy host>
-Dhttp.proxyPort=<http proxy port>
-Dhttps.proxyHost=<ssl proxy host>
-Dhttps.proxyPort=<ssl proxy port>
Save your work.

6. Run AutoConfig from the application tier.

Refer to Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations in Oracle E-Business
Suite Release 12, My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 387859.1.
Refer to the Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide R12.2 (Part Number E22953-13)
for information on changing AutoConfig variables and executing AutoConfig
in the application tier.

4. (Optional) Import the SSL certificates to cacerts in Oracle E-Business Suite.

This step is required only if Oracle Integration Cloud Service server certificate is not
in the Oracle E-Business Suite trusted certificate list.
Exporting the Oracle Integration Cloud Service Certificates
Perform the following steps to export the Oracle Integration Cloud Service
1. Access the Oracle Integration Cloud Service instance with the HTTPS URL from
a web browser.

2. After the Oracle Integration Cloud Service UI page has been successfully
loaded in a browser, double click the Lock icon in the bottom right corner of the
browser and export the certificates. For example,

Note: Different browser versions may have different steps to

Setting Up and Creating an Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Connection    2-7

export SSL certificates.

• In Internet Explorer, double click the Lock icon, then select Details, and
then Copy to File.

• In Mozilla Firefox, double click the Lock icon, then select Security, then
View Certificate, then Details, and then Export.

Alternatively, you can use the browser menu to export the certificates using the
following steps:
1. In Internet Explorer, select Internet Options from the Tools drop-down
menu to open the Internet Options pop-up window.

2. In the Content tab, click Certificates.

3. In the Personal (or Other People) tab, select your certificates and click

3. You can export or save the certificates either in DER encoded binary X.509 (
.crt) or in Base64 encoded. For example, the exported certificate is named as

Importing the Oracle Integration Cloud Service Certificates to Oracle E-Business

Perform the following steps to import the Oracle Integration Cloud Service
certificates to Oracle E-Business Suite:
1. Navigate to the $AF_JRE_TOP/lib/security directory.

2. Backup the existing cacerts file.

3. Copy the Oracle Integration Cloud Service server's root certificate rootCA.crt
imported earlier to the security directory.

4. Execute the following command to ensure that cacerts has the write
$ chmod u+w cacerts

5. Add the server's root certificate rootCA.crt to the cacerts file:

$ keytool -importcert -keystore cacerts -storepass -alias
rootCA -file rootCA.crt -v
Enter the keystore password when prompted. If the certificate already exists in
the cacerts file, keytool will warn you and allow you to cancel the import.
Cancel the import.

2-8    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

6. When you have completed the modifications to the cacerts file, reset the
$ chmod u-w cacerts

7. Restart Oracle E-Business Suite application tier services. Use the adstpall.sh
and adstrtal.sh scripts in the $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME directory to stop
and restart all services.

Setting Up and Creating an Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Connection    2-9

Creating an Oracle E-Business Suite
Connection with Oracle E-Business Suite

This chapter includes the following topics:
• Creating an Oracle E-Business Suite Connection with Oracle E-Business Suite
Adapter, page 3-1

• Testing an Oracle E-Business Suite Connection, page 3-6

Please note that you can modify, delete, or clone the connection if needed after creating
or testing a connection. See Creating Connections, Developing Integration Cloud
Services chapter, Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Integration Cloud Service.

Creating an Oracle E-Business Suite Connection with Oracle E-Business

Suite Adapter
Before establishing an Oracle E-Business Suite connection using the Oracle E-Business
Suite Adapter in Oracle Integration Cloud Service, you must complete the required
setup tasks and apply the latest patches for enabling the Oracle E-Business Suite REST
services provided through Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway.
For setup information, see Setting Up the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter, page 2-1.
Creating an Oracle E-Business Suite Connection with the Oracle E-Business Suite
Once you have successfully logged in to Oracle Integration Cloud Service (
http://<servername>:<portnumber>/ics) through a web browser, the home

Creating an Oracle E-Business Suite Connection with Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter    3-1
page appears.
1. Click Connections.

2. Click Create New Connection.

3. In the Create Connection - Select Adapter dialog appears.

You can locate the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter in either of the following ways:
• Scroll down and select "Oracle E-Business Suite" from the dialog.

Selecting Oracle E-Business Suite in the Create Connection - Select Adapter


• Use the search feature to enter a full or partial name to locate "Oracle
E-Business Suite" from the dialog.

3-2    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Searching Oracle E-Business Suite in the Create Connection - Select Adapter

Click the Select button for "Oracle E-Business Suite" to use the Oracle E-Business
Suite Adapter. The New Connection - Information dialog appears.

4. Enter the following information for your connection:

Creating an Oracle E-Business Suite Connection with Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter    3-3
Entering Connection Information in the New Connection - Information Dialog

Click Create to create the connection.

• Connection Name: Specify a unique name for your connection, such as

• Identifier: Enter a unique identifier for your Oracle E-Business Suite

connection. You can also accept the default value, such as

• Connection Role: Specify either one of the following roles for your connection:
• Trigger: This indicates this connection can only be added as a trigger
(source) in an integration.

• Invoke: This indicates this connection can only be added as an invoke

(target) in an integration.

• Trigger and Invoke: This indicates this connection can be added as a

trigger (source) or an invoke (target) in an integration.

• Description: Enter description information for your connection, such as "Use

the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter connection in an integration".

5. Enter additional connection details by specifying the following information:

• Email Address: Enter an administrator's email address to receive notifications if
problems or changes occur in this connection.

• Connection Properties: Click Configure Security to open the Connection

3-4    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Properties dialog where you enter a URL (http://<ebs host
name>:<port>) to connect to an Oracle E-Business Suite instance.
Please note that this URL address is where the Oracle E-Business Suite services
are deployed and can be publicly accessible either through DMZ configuration
or the Oracle Integration Cloud Service agent framework. See the step about
configuring the access to Oracle E-Business Suite services, as described in
Setting Up the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter, page 2-1.

Entering Connection URL in the Connection Properties Dialog

Click OK to save your work.

• Security: Click Configure Credentials to open the Credentials dialog. Specify

security policy, username, and password information to access the Oracle
E-Business Suite instance you specified earlier in the Connection Properties
The username specified here should be granted the privileges to access and
execute the Oracle E-Business Suite APIs and services. See the step about
granting the required user privileges, as described in Setup Tasks for Enabling
the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter, page 2-1.

Note: HTTP Basic Authentication is the only security policy

supported in this release.

Creating an Oracle E-Business Suite Connection with Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter    3-5
Entering User Credentials in the Credentials Dialog

Click OK to save your work.

• Agent Group: Click Configure Agents to display the Select an Agent group
dialog. A list of available agent groups is automatically populated for your
Select a desired agent group, such as "EBS", and click Use to enable the
The selected agent group serves as a channel for communication between
Oracle E-Business Suite and Oracle Integration Cloud Service.
For information on setting up agent groups, refer to Creating an Agent Group,
Managing Agent Groups and the On-Premises Agent section in the Developing
Integration Cloud Services chapter, Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Integration Cloud

After you specify the required connection information, the "EBS_Connection"

connection detail page appears.

6. Click Save to save your connection.

Testing an Oracle E-Business Suite Connection

After creating an Oracle E-Business Suite connection with Oracle E-Business Suite
Adapter, you can test the connection by clicking Test to test the availability of the
Oracle E-Business Suite instance you entered earlier.
Once you have successfully tested and established the connection to the Oracle
E-Business Suite instance, a list of serviceable APIs or interfaces (such as XML Gateway
maps or business events) from Oracle E-Business Suite licensed products and product
families will be imported from the connected instance to Oracle Integration Cloud

3-6    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

For information about error messages if occur while testing the connection, see Error
Messages for Testing the Oracle E-Business Suite Connection, page B-1.

Creating an Oracle E-Business Suite Connection with Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter    3-7
Creating an Integration

Creating an Integration with the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Perform the following steps to create an integration:
1. In the Integration Cloud Service toolbar, click Designer.

2. On the Designer Portal, click Integrations.

3. In the Integrations page, click New Integration.

The Create Integration - Select a Style/Pattern dialog appears.
• For an integration with Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a trigger (source)
Depending on your integration requirements, when adding the Oracle
E-Business Suite Adapter as a trigger (source) connection, you can use it with
"Map My Data", "Orchestration" and "Publish To ICS" patterns.
For example, click Select for the "Publish To ICS" integration pattern.

Creating an Integration    4-1

Selecting the "Publish To ICS" Pattern for an Integration

This pattern allows you to publish business events from Oracle E-Business Suite
(trigger) to Oracle Integration Cloud Service through a predefined Integration
Cloud Service Messaging target.
See: Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a Trigger (Source)
Connection, page 5-1.

• For an integration with Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an invoke (target)

When adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an invoke (target)
connection, you can use it with "Map My Data", "Orchestration" and "Subscribe
To ICS" patterns based on your business needs.
For example, click Select for the "Map My Data" integration pattern to create an
integration with a blank source and target.

Note: You can also use the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as
a trigger (source) connection in this "Map My Data" integration
pattern to trigger an integration.

4-2    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Selecting the "May My Data" Pattern for an Integration

This pattern allows you to add desired adapters as a trigger (source) and an
invoke (target) connections in an integration. For example, add the Oracle
E-Business Suite Adapter as an invoke (target) connection to receive inbound
request from a trigger (source) connection and invoke an Oracle E-Business
Suite REST service.
See: Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target)
Connection, page 5-13.

4. The New Integration - Information dialog appears. Enter the following information:
• What do you want to call your integration? Enter a meaningful name for your
integration, such as Create_Order.

• Identifier: Accept the default identifier value such as "CREATE ORDER".

• Version: Accept the default version number.

Please note that integrations are identified by an identifier and version. For
more information about the usage of the integration version, see Oracle Cloud
Using Oracle Integration Cloud Service.

• What does this integration do? Enter description information for your

• Which package does this integration belong to? Enter a new or an existing
package name in which to place your integration.
For more information about package, see Managing Packages, Oracle Cloud

Creating an Integration    4-3

Using Oracle Integration Cloud Service.

Entering Integration Information in the New Integration - Information Dialog

5. Click Create.
The integration designer is displayed with the type of integration pattern you
selected earlier.

6. Add desired connections to the integration you just created.

• Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a Trigger (Source) Connection,
page 5-1

• Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target) Connection,

page 5-13

7. Create mappings to map data between the source connection and the target
connection in the integration.
See: Creating Mappings and Lookups, page 6-1.

8. Once you complete the required tasks for the integration, click Save and then click
Exit Integration.

To be able to use the integration at runtime, you must activate it.

See: Activating an Integration, page 7-1.

4-4    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

If an XML Gateway message is used in the integration, after the activation, you must
perform post activation steps to ensure the integration works properly. See: Post
Activation Manual Steps for XML Gateway Messages as a Trigger, page 5-10.

Creating an Integration    4-5

Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter
Connection to an Integration

When you drag the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter into the trigger or invoke area of
an integration, the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard appears. This wizard
guides you through configuration of Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter endpoint
The following sections describe the wizard pages that guide you through configuration
of the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a trigger or an invoke in an integration.
• Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a Trigger (Source) Connection, page
• Configuring an Oracle E-Business Suite Business Event in an Integration, page

• Configuring an Oracle E-Business Suite XML Gateway Message in an

Integration, page 5-6

• Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target) Connection,

page 5-13

Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a Trigger (Source)

When you use the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a trigger in an integration, you
can have an option to use either a business event or an XML Gateway message as an
inbound integration in Oracle Integration Cloud Service.

Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Connection to an Integration    5-1

Important: Before adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a
trigger (source) connection for an inbound integration, ensure that you
have performed the required setup tasks to enable this feature. See
Setup Tasks for Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a Trigger
(Source) Connection, page 2-5.

For information about error messages if occur while adding the Oracle E-Business Suite
Adapter as a trigger (source) connection in an integration, see Error Messages While
Creating an Integration with Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a Trigger (Source)
Connection, page B-5.
Perform the following steps to add the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a trigger
(source) connection in your integration:
1. In the Integration Designer, drag Oracle E-Business Suite from the Connections
panel on the left to the Trigger (Source) area on the canvas.
The Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Endpoint wizard appears.

2. In the Basic Info page, enter the following information for the Oracle E-Business
Suite Adapter Endpoint that you are creating:

5-2    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Entering the Basic Information for the Adapter Endpoint with Business Event

• What do you want to call your endpoint? - Provide a meaningful name so that
others can understand the responsibilities of this connection, such as
"EBS_Source_event" or "EBS_Source_XML".

• What does this endpoint do? - Enter an optional description of the connection's
responsibilities, such as "Raise a business event" or "Use XML Gateway

• What do you want to configure the endpoint for? - Select either one of the
interface types that you want to configure in your integration:
• Business Event
To configure the endpoint for business events, see: Configuring an Oracle
E-Business Suite Business Event in an Integration, page 5-4.

• XML Gateway Map

To configure the endpoint for XML Gateway message maps, see:
Configuring an Oracle E-Business Suite XML Gateway Message in an
Integration, page 5-6.

Click Next to proceed with the rest of the configuration for your integration.

Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Connection to an Integration    5-3

Configuring an Oracle E-Business Suite Business Event in an Integration
Publishing Business Events from Oracle E-Business Suite to Oracle Integration
Cloud Service
When Business Event is selected in the Basic Info page in an integration, you need to
specify a desired business event in the Business Events page.
When a business event is raised in Oracle E-Business Suite at runtime, the Oracle
E-Business Suite Adapter will propagate the event information from Oracle E-Business
Suite to Oracle Integration Cloud Service.
Perform the following steps to configure a business event in an integration:
1. After adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a trigger (source) connection in
an integration, select Business Event in the Basic Info page.
See: Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a Trigger (Source) Connection,
page 5-1.

2. In the Business Events page, specify the following information:

• Product Family: Select a desired Oracle E-Business Suite application family that
you want to use for your integration, for example, Applications Technology.
The available Oracle E-Business Suite application families from the drop-down
list are based on the Oracle E-Business Suite instance you are connecting.

• Product: Select a desired product name available from the selected product
family, for example, XML Gateway.
Once you select a desired product, a list of business events including Oracle
seeded events and custom ones contained in the selected product is populated
for further selection.

Note: You can define custom business events to meet your

needs if required, annotate the custom events, and then upload
them to the Integration Repository.
For information on creating custom business events, see
Creating Custom Integration Interfaces, Creating and Using
Custom Integration Interfaces chapter, Oracle E-Business Suite
Integrated SOA Gateway Developer's Guide.
For information on uploading custom interfaces to Oracle
Integration Repository resided in Oracle E-Business Suite
Integrated SOA Gateway, see Generating and Uploading iLDT
Files, and Uploading ILDT Files to Integration Repository,
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation

5-4    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

• Business Event: Locate a desired business event through either of the following
• Select a desired event name from the drop-down list. For example, select
"CLN: Event for Notification Processing".

Selecting a Business Event from the Event List

• Use the Filter by name field to find your desired event. For example, enter
"CLN" in this field to find the event names starting with "CLN".

Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Connection to an Integration    5-5

Entering a Partial or Full Name to Locate a Desired Event

After you select a business event, the corresponding event information is

automatically populated in this page. This includes the event internal name (
oracle.apps.cln.np.processnotification) and its description

Click Next.

3. The Summary page appears with the selected business event information.
The Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Source Endpoint configuration is successfully
created with the selected event.
Click Done.
The connection for Oracle E-Businses Suite now appears in the Trigger (Source)
area on the canvas.

For more information on using business events in integrations, see An Example of

Using a Business Event as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration, page 8-1.

Configuring an Oracle E-Business Suite XML Gateway Message in an Integration

When XML Gateway Map is selected in the Basic Info page in an integration, you need
to specify a desired XML Gateway message in the XML Gateway Message page.
When an XML Gateway outbound transaction occurs in Oracle E-Business Suite at

5-6    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

runtime, this message will be enqueued to the ECX_OUTBOUND queue as an existing
XML Gateway processing. Oracle Transport Agent (OTA) from Oracle XML Gateway
will fetch the message from the queue and post it to Oracle Integration Cloud Service.
Perform the following steps to configure an XML Gateway message in an integration:
1. After adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a trigger (source) connection in
an integration, select XML Gateway Map in the Basic Info page.
See: Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a Trigger (Source) Connection,
page 5-1.

2. In the XML Gateway Message page, specify the following information for your
source connection:
• Product Family: Select a desired Oracle E-Business Suite application family that
you want to use for your integration, for example, Service Suite.
The available Oracle E-Business Suite application families from the drop-down
list are based on the Oracle E-Business Suite instance you are connecting.

• Product: Select a desired product name available from the selected product
family, for example, Telecommunications Billing Integrator.
Once you select a desired product, a list of XML Gateway message maps
including Oracle seeded message maps and custom ones contained in the
selected product is populated for further selection.

Note: You can define custom XML Gateway message maps to

meet your needs if required, annotate the custom message
maps, and then upload them to the Integration Repository.
For information on creating custom XML Gateway messages,
see XML Gateway Annotations, Integration Repository
Annotation Standards, Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA
Gateway Developer's Guide.
For information on uploading custom interfaces to Oracle
Integration Repository resided in Oracle E-Business Suite
Integrated SOA Gateway, see Generating and Uploading iLDT
Files, and Uploading ILDT Files to Integration Repository,
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation

• XML Gateway Message: Locate a desired message map through either of the
following ways:
• Select a desired message map name from the drop-down list. For example,
select "Add Salesorder".

Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Connection to an Integration    5-7

Selecting a Desired XML Gateway Message Map from the List

• Use the Filter by name field to find your desired map. For example, enter
"add" in this field to find the message map names starting with "add".

5-8    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Enter a Partial or Full Name to Locate a Desired XML Gateway Message Map

After you select a desired message map, the corresponding information is

automatically populated in this page. This includes the Integration Repository
name (XNB:SOO), internal name (XNB_OM_SALESORDER_OAG72_OUT),
integration standard (OAG 7.2) and the message map description.

Click Next.

3. The Summary page appears with the selected XML Gateway message information
that you specified earlier. This includes the XML Gateway message name
XNB_OM_SALESORDER_OAG72_OUTfrom the selected "Service Suite" product
family and "Telecommunications Billing Integrator" product, as well as the "Request
Only" interaction pattern.

Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Connection to an Integration    5-9

The Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Source Endpoint configuration is successfully
created with the selected message map.

Important: To successfully use the selected message map in Oracle

Integration Cloud Service, you must perform required manual
tasks after you activate the integration. These manual steps are
included in the Instructions section as part of the Summary page.
See: Post Activation Manual Steps for XML Gateway Messages as a
Trigger, page 5-10.

4. Click Done.
The connection for Oracle E-Businses Suite now appears in the Trigger (Source)
area on the canvas.

For more information on using XML Gateway messages in integrations, see An

Example of Using an XML Gateway Message as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration,
page 9-1.

Post Activation Manual Steps for XML Gateway Messages as a Trigger

After you create an integration with an XML Gateway message from Oracle E-Business
Suite in Oracle Integration Cloud Service, you must manually perform the following

5-10    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

1. Activate the integration.

2. Obtain the integration endpoint URL.

In the Integrations page, click the Integration Details icon ("i") for a desired
integration. The endpoint URL should be displayed in a pop-up window with the
following format:
The URL will be used later as the protocol address when configuring a trading
partner in Oracle XML Gateway.

• <integration> indicates the alias name for a deployed REST

service, such as "PROCESS_PO" in this sample.

• Do not include metadata listed at the end of the URL when

defining a trading partner.

Integrations Page Showing an Endpoint URL

3. Configure a desired trading partner in Oracle E-Business Suite by specifying the

communication protocol and address as well as the user credentials for the XML
message specified in an integration.
1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user (such as sysadmin) who has the
XML Gateway responsibility.

2. Select the XML Gateway responsibility and then select Define Trading Partners
from the navigator. The Define Trading Partner Setup form appears.

3. Search and locate a desired trading partner to be configured.

4. In the Trading Partner Details region, add the following information for the
trading partner:

Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Connection to an Integration    5-11

• Transaction Type: A desired transaction type for your XML Gateway
message, such as PO

• Transaction Subtype: A desired subtype for your XML Gateway message,

such as PRO

• Map: A desired XML Gateway message, such as


• Connection/Hub: DIRECT

• Protocol: HTTPS

• Protocol address: https://<ICS

Enter the integration endpoint URL you recorded earlier.

• Username: <ICS Username>

Enter the Oracle E-Business Suite user credentials used to create an Oracle
E-Business Suite connection in Oracle Integration Cloud Service.

• Password: <ICS Password>

5-12    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Updating the Trading Partner Details for the Outbound XML Gateway Message

5. Save your work.

For more information on setting up trading partners, see Trading Partner Setup,
Oracle XML Gateway User's Guide.

Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target)

Perform the following steps to add the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an invoke
(target) connection in an integration:
1. In the Integration Designer, drag Oracle E-Business Suite from the Connections
panel on the right to the Invoke (Target) area on the canvas.
The Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Endpoint wizard appears.

2. In the Basic Info page, enter the following information for the Oracle E-Business
Suite Adapter target endpoint:
• What do you want to call your endpoint? - Provide a meaningful name so that
others can understand the responsibilities of this connection, such as

• What does this endpoint do? - Enter an optional description of the connection's

Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Connection to an Integration    5-13

responsibilities, such as "Create a Sales Order in Oracle E-Business Suite".

Entering the Basic Information for the Target Endpoint

Click Next.

3. In the Web Services page, specify the following information for your target
• Product Family: Select a desired Oracle E-Business Suite application family that
you want to use for your integration, for example, Order Management Suite.
The available Oracle E-Business Suite application families from the drop-down
list are based on the Oracle E-Business Suite instance you are connecting.

• Product: Select a desired product name available from the selected product
family, for example, Order Management.

Selecting a Product Family and Product for a Web Service

Once you select a desired product family and a product, a list of the supported
interfaces including Oracle seeded and custom interfaces contained in the
selected product is populated for further selection.

5-14    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Important: In this release, only PL/SQL APIs and concurrent
programs are available for selection when adding the Oracle
E-Business Suite Adapter as an invoke (target) connection in an

Note: You can define custom PL/SQL APIs and concurrent

programs to meet your needs if required, annotate the custom
integration interfaces, and then upload them to the Integration
Repository. You can deploy the custom PL/SQL APIs and
concurrent programs as REST services from Oracle E-Business
Suite Integrated SOA Gateway. These REST services will then
be available to use for integrations in Oracle Integration Cloud
For information on creating custom PL/SQL APIs and
concurrent programs, see Creating Custom Integration
Interfaces, Creating and Using Custom Integration Interfaces
chapter, Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway
Developer's Guide.
For information on uploading custom interfaces to Oracle
Integration Repository resided in Oracle E-Business Suite
Integrated SOA Gateway, see Generating and Uploading iLDT
Files, and Uploading ILDT Files to Integration Repository,
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation

• API: Select a desired interface through either of the following ways:

• Select a desired interface name from the drop-down list. For example, select
the "Sales Order Services" PL/SQL API.

Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Connection to an Integration    5-15

Selecting a PL/SQL API from the Populated List

The corresponding interface information is automatically populated. This

includes the interface internal name (OE_INBOUND_INT) and description.

Note: Other than selecting a PL/SQL API, you can select a

desired concurrent program in your integration. For
example, select a concurrent program "Claim Settlement
Fetcher Program" from the Marketing Suite product family
and the Trade Management product.

5-16    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Selecting a Concurrent Program from the Populated List

• Use the Filter by name field to find your desired interface. For example,
enter "sales" in this field to find the interface names starting with "sales".

Note: If one ore more methods contained in the selected

interface are deployed as REST service operations, after you
click Next, the Operations page appears.
If none of the methods within the selected interface is deployed
as a REST service operation, then an error message is shown
instead, indicating that the associated REST service is not
available. You must deploy the selected interface as a REST
service first before using it in an integration.

Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Connection to an Integration    5-17

Showing an Error for a Not Available API

Click Next.

4. In the Operations page, the selected interface internal name OE_INBOUND_INT is

automatically populated.
Choose a desired method name contained in the selected interface for this target
connection. For example, select "PROCESS_ORDER".

5-18    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Selecting a Method in the Operations Page

Note: If you select a concurrent program in your integration, such

as "Claim Settlement Fetcher Program" as shown in the following
screenshot, you can select "Process" in the Operations page.

Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Connection to an Integration    5-19

Selecting a Concurrent Program Method in the Operations Page

Once the desired method is selected, its corresponding REST service status is
displayed in the Service Status field.
• Ready to Use
This indicates that the selected method is deployed as a REST service operation
and it is ready to use in your integration.

• Not Deployed
If the selected method is not deployed as a REST service operation, then "Not
Deployed" is shown as the service status instead. A warning message also
appears, indicating that you must deploy the method as a REST service
operation first before using it in your integration.

5-20    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Showing a Method with "Not Deployed" Service Status

To deploy the selected method as a REST service operation, you need to log in
to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user who has the Integration Administrator role.
Select the Integrated SOA Gateway responsibility and the Integration
Repository link from the navigation menu. Search and locate the selected
interface from the Integration Repository, and then deploy it as a REST service.
Only when the REST service is available in Oracle E-Business Suite, you can
proceed and complete the process of adding Oracle E-Business Suite as an
invoke (target) connection.
For information on deploying REST services, see Deploying REST Web
Services, Administering Native Integration Interfaces and Services chapter,
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.

Click Next.

5. The Summary page appears with the selected interface information. The Oracle
E-Business Suite Adapter Target Endpoint configuration is successfully created.
Click Done.
The connection for Oracle E-Businses Suite now appears in the Invoke (Target) area
on the canvas.

Once the Oracle E-Businses Suite invoke (target) connection is created, you can add an
application adapter as a trigger (source) connection to complete your integration

Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Connection to an Integration    5-21

creation. For information on adding a trigger (source) connection, see Developing
Integration Cloud Services, Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Integration Cloud Service.
For information about error messages if occur while creating an integration with the
Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an invoke (target) connection in Oracle Integration
Cloud Service, see Error Messages While Creating an Integration with the Oracle
E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target) Connection, page B-5.

5-22    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Creating Mappings and Lookups in

Creating Mappings and Lookups

Creating Mappings
You must map data between the source connection and the target connection in an
For information on creating mappings, see Mapping Integration Cloud Service Data,
Developing Integration Cloud Services chapter, Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Integration
Cloud Service.
Creating Lookups
You can also optionally create lookups in integrations.
See Creating Lookups, Developing Integration Cloud Services chapter, Oracle Cloud
Using Oracle Integration Cloud Service.

Creating Mappings and Lookups in Integrations    6-1

Administering Integrations

Activating and Managing Integrations

Oracle Integration Cloud Service provides you with the information and tools required
to activate, monitor, and manage your integrations in the runtime environment.
Activating an Integration
Once you create the mappings for an integration, you can activate the integration by
clicking Activate. The Confirmation dialog appears where you can confirm this
activation and enable tracing if desired to track runtime activities for this integration.
Additionally, you can deactivate and delete an integration if desired. Refer to Managing
Integrations, Administering Integration Cloud Service chapter, Oracle Cloud Using
Oracle Integration Cloud Service.
Monitoring Integrations
You can monitor and manage all the integration activities with Oracle E-Business Suite
services through the Oracle Integration Cloud Service dashboard. From the dashboard,
you can view information about how your integrations are performing and the details
of each running integration.
For more information on monitoring integration activities, see Monitoring Integration
Cloud Services, Administering Integration Cloud Service chapter, Oracle Cloud Using
Oracle Integration Cloud Service.

Administering Integrations    7-1

An Example of Using a Business Event as a
Trigger (Source) in an Integration

Sample Business Scenario
A business event "Event for OIP status update notification" (
oracle.apps.ont.oip.statuschange.update) is used in this example to explain
using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter to trigger an integration in Oracle Integration
Cloud Service.
In this example, when a sales order is booked as part of the business flow, Oracle Order
Management raises the event oracle.apps.ont.oip.statuschange.update, and
a draft invoice is created in Oracle Accounts Receivables.
At the design time, you need to create an integration called "Order to Invoice" with
Oracle E-Business Suite Order Management as a trigger (source) connected through the
Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter and Oracle E-Business Suite Accounts Receivables as
an invoke (target) connected through a generic REST Adapter. The "Order to Invoice"
integration will subscribe to this business event.
During the runtime, when the status of the sales order is changed in the order header,
the business event oracle.apps.ont.oip.statuschange.update is raised in
Oracle E-Business Suite Order Management which triggers the integration. If the status
of the sales order is "Booked", the order details information is fetched from Oracle
E-Business Suite Order Management. The Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter prepares
and propagates the order details as event payload from Order Management to invoke
the integration endpoint in Oracle Integration Cloud Service. As a result, the draft
invoice is created in Oracle Accounts Receivables.
• Assume that REST services are directly accessible from Oracle Integration Cloud
Service; therefore, ICS Connectivity Agent is not used in this example.

An Example of Using a Business Event as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration    8-1

• Oracle E-Business Suite Order Management and Oracle E-Business Suite Accounts
Receivables are two different instances used in this example.

Using Business Events for Integrations in Oracle Integration Cloud Service

Based on the integration scenario, the following tasks are included in this section:
1. Preparing the Oracle E-Business Suite Instances, page 8-2

2. Establishing Oracle E-Businss Suite Connections, page 8-4

3. Creating an Integration, page 8-10

4. Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter (Trigger) and the REST Adapter
(Invoke) to the Integration, page 8-12

5. Creating Mappings, page 8-24

6. Assigning Business Identifier for Tracking, page 8-33

7. Activating and Testing the Integration, page 8-33

Preparing the Oracle E-Business Suite Instances

Before adding Oracle E-Business Suite connections, you must prepare the following
Oracle E-Business Suite instances to ensure the required setup or configuration is in
• Preparing the Order Management Instance, page 8-2

• Preparing the Oracle Accounts Receivables Instance, page 8-3

Preparing the Order Management Instance

Perform the following tasks to ensure the required setup and configuration for Oracle
E-Business Suite Order Management is ready for integrations in Oracle Integration
Cloud Service:
1. Ensure that you perform the required setup tasks to enable the Oracle E-Business
Suite Adapter.
These tasks include configuring Oracle E-Business Suite REST services, configuring
the access to these services, deploying required REST services in Oracle E-Business
Suite, and granting the user privileges to these services.
Specifically, ensure that you deploy the following REST services and have grants
for the operations user:
• Metadata Provider REST service

8-2    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

• Deploy the Metadata Provider API with "provider" as the service alias

• Deploy the Metadata Provider API with GET HTTP method for all the
methods contained in the API

• Grant the access privileges for all the methods contained in the API to the
operations user

• Event Manager REST service

• Deploy the Event Manager API with "subscription" as the service alias

• Deploy the Event Manager API with POST HTTP method for all the
methods contained in the API

• Grant the access privileges for all the methods contained in the API to the
operations user

For detailed instructions on these tasks, see: Setup Tasks for Enabling the Oracle
E-Business Suite Adapter, page 2-1.

2. Ensure that you perform the required setup tasks to enable the inbound (trigger or
source) integrations.
These tasks include storing the ICS user credentials in Oracle E-Business Suite FND
vault, setting up proxy URLs in Oracle E-Business Suite, and importing SSL
certificates to Oracle E-Business Suite. For detailed instructions, see: Setup Tasks for
Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a Trigger (Source) Connection, page

3. Deploy the Order Management API, OE_ORDER_PUB (Process Order), as a

REST service and grant the method access privileges to the operations user.
In this example, only grant the "Get Order" method contained in the API to the
operations user.

4. Ensure that the profile option "OM: Raise Status Change Business Event" is set to

Preparing the Oracle Accounts Receivables Instance

Perform the following tasks to ensure the required setup and configuration for Oracle
E-Business Suite Accounts Receivables is ready to use in an integration in Oracle
Integration Cloud Service:
1. Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway REST services.

An Example of Using a Business Event as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration    8-3

Follow the setup tasks as described in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document
556540.1 to configure Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Release
12.1.3 and apply the REST service patches to enable the REST service feature. For
more information, see step 1, as described in Setup Tasks for Enabling the Oracle
E-Business Suite Adapter, page 2-1.

2. Deploy the Invoice Creation API as a REST service with the following requirements
and grant the desired method access privilege to the operations user:
• Deploy the Invoice Creation API with "invoice" as the service alias name

• Deploy the Invoice Creation API with POST HTTP method only for the "
Create Single Invoice" method contained in the API

Note: PL/SQL APIs can be exposed as REST services only with

POST HTTP method.

• Grant the access privilege only for the Create Single Invoice method
contained in the API to the operations user

For information on deploying REST services, see Deploying REST Web Services,
Administering Native Integration Interfaces and Services chapter, Oracle E-Business
Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.
For information on creating security grants for REST services, see Managing Grants
for Interfaces with Support for SOAP and REST Web Services, Administering
Native Integration Interfaces and Services chapter, Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated
SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.

Establishing Oracle E-Business Suite Connections

Before creating an integration, you need to establish the following connections that will
be used later in this example:
• Creating the Connection for Oracle E-Business Suite Order Management, page 8-4

• Creating the Connection for Oracle E-Business Suite Accounts Receivables, page 8-

Creating the Connection for Oracle E-Business Suite Order Management

This section describes how to create a connection for the Oracle E-Business Suite Order
Management instance by using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter. This connection
will be added later as a trigger (source) in an integration.
Perform the following steps to establish the connection for Oracle E-Businss Suite Order
Management in Oracle Integration Cloud Service:

8-4    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

1. Log in to Oracle Integration Cloud Service.

2. Click Connections in the Oracle Integration Cloud Service home page.

3. Click Create New Connection.

4. In the Create Connection - Select Adapter dialog appears.

You can locate the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter by entering a full or partial
name to locate "Oracle E-Business Suite" from the dialog.
For example, enter "Oracle E-Business Suite" in the Search field. The Oracle
E-Business Suite Adapter is filtered from the list of adapters.
Click the Select button for "Oracle E-Business Suite" to use the Oracle E-Business
Suite Adapter. The New Connection - Information dialog appears.

5. Enter the following information for the Oracle E-Business Suite Order Management

Creating the Order Management Connection

• Connection Name: Enter "Order Management".

• Identifier: Accept the default populated identifier such as,


• Connection Role: Select "Trigger and Invoke" role for this connection.

• Description: Enter "Create an Oracle E-Business Suite Order Management

connection" as the description.

Click Create to create the connection.

An Example of Using a Business Event as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration    8-5

6. The Connection Details page is displayed for the "Order Management" connection
you just created. Enter additional connection details by specifying the following
• Email Address: Enter an administrator's email address to receive notifications if
problems or changes occur in this connection.

• Connection Properties: Click Configure Connectivity to open the Connection

Properties dialog where you enter a URL (http://<ebs host
name>:<port>) to connect to an Oracle E-Business Suite Order Management
Click OK to save your work.

• Security: Click Configure Security to open the Credentials dialog.

Enter operations as the username and its associated password in the
Credentials dialog to access the Oracle E-Business Suite Order Management
instance you specified earlier in the Connection Properties dialog.
Click OK to save your work.

After you specify the required connection information, the "Order Management"
connection detail page appears.

7. Click Test to test the "Order Management" connection you just specified.

8. Click Save to save your connection.

Click Exit Connection.

Oracle E-Business Suite connection "Order Management" appears in the Connections


Creating the Connection for Oracle E-Business Suite Accounts Receivables

As described earlier that Oracle E-Business Suite Order Management and Accounts
Receivables are two different instances used in this example, you need to create a
connection for the Oracle Accounts Receivables instance by using the REST Adapter.
This connection will be added later as an invoke (target) to an integration.
1. Log in to Oracle Integration Cloud Service.

2. Click Connections in the Oracle Integration Cloud Service home page.

3. Click Create New Connection.

4. In the Create Connection - Select Adapter dialog appears.

Enter "REST" in the Search field. The REST Adapter is filtered from the list of

8-6    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Searching REST Adapter in the Create Connection - Select Adapter Dialog

Click the Select button for "REST" to use the REST Adapter. The New Connection -
Information dialog appears.

5. Enter the following information for the Oracle E-Business Suite Accounts
Receivables connection:

An Example of Using a Business Event as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration    8-7

Creating the Accounts Receivables Connection

• Connection Name: Enter "Receivables" as the connection name.

• Identifier: Accept the default populated identifier such as "RECEIVABLES".

• Connection Role: Select "Trigger and Invoke" role for this connection.

• Description: Enter "Create a connection for Oracle E-Business Suite

Receivables" as the description.

Click Create to create the connection.

6. The Connection Details page is displayed for the "Receivables" connection you just
created. Enter additional connection details by specifying the following
• Email Address: Enter an administrator's email address to receive notifications if
problems or changes occur in this connection.

• Click Configure Connectivity to open the Connection Properties dialog. Enter

the following information:
• Connection Type: Select "REST API Base URL".

• Connection URL: Enter a connection URL (http://<ebs host

name>:<port>/webservices/rest/invoice) for the Invoice Creation
REST service with invoice alias name that you deployed earlier while
preparing the Receivables instance.

8-8    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Entering the Connection Properties through the REST Adapter

Click OK to save your work.

• Security: Click Configure Security to open the Credentials dialog.

Accept the "Basic Authentication" as the default security policy.
Enter operations as the username and its associated password in the
Credentials dialog to access the Invoice Creation REST service you specified
earlier in the Connection Properties dialog.

Entering User Credentials in the Credentials Dialog

Click OK to save your work.

7. Click Test to test the connection you just specified for Oracle E-Business Suite
Accounts Receivables.

8. Click Save to save your connection.

Click Exit Connection

Oracle E-Business Suite connection "Receivables" now appears in the Connections page.

An Example of Using a Business Event as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration    8-9

Creating an Integration
Based on the business scenario described earlier, you need to create an integration
called "Order to Invoice" with the Orchestration pattern. This pattern allows you to
orchestrate trigger, invoke, and switch activities if required into a process diagram in an
integration. You can also add mappings on switch branches later if needed.
This section describes how to create an integration with the Orchestration pattern.
Information on adding each activity in the diagram is explained later in this chapter.
Perform the following steps to create an integration:
1. In the Integration Cloud Service toolbar, click Designer.

2. In the Designer Portal, click Integrations.

3. In the Integrations page, click New Integration.

The Create Integration - Select a Style/Pattern dialog appears.
Click Select for the "Orchestration" integration pattern that is used in this example.

Creating the Integration with the Orchestration Pattern

4. The New Integration - Information dialog appears. Enter the following information:
• What do you want to call your integration? Enter a meaningful name for your
integration, such as "Order to Invoice".

• Identifier: Accept the default identifier value "ORDER_TO_INVOICE".

8-10    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

• Version: Accept the default version number.

• What does this integration do? Enter "Create an integration for order to
invoice" as the description for this integration.

• Which package does this integration belong to? Leave it blank.

Entering Integration Information in the New Integration - Information Dialog

5. Click Create and Save.

To complete the integration, you need to add the following tasks that are described in
the next few sections:
• Add the desired connections to the integration you just created.
See: Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter (Trigger) and the REST Adapter
(Invoke) to the Integration, page 8-12.

• Add mappings in the integration.

See: Creating Mappings, page 8-24.

• Assign business identifiers for tracking.

See: Assigning Business Identifier for Tracking, page 8-33.

An Example of Using a Business Event as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration    8-11

Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter (Trigger) and the REST
Adapter (Invoke) to the Integration
In this example, you need to add the following activities in the integration:
• Add the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a trigger activity called
"Order_Status_Update" for the Oracle E-Business Suite Order Management
This trigger activity uses the business event
oracle.apps.ont.oip.statuschange.update through the Oracle E-Business
Suite Adapter. When the status of a sales order is updated, Oracle Order
Management raises this event.

• Add a switch with two branches. The defined branch is called "Booked Order"
which contains the major orchestration flow for the integration, the other branch is
the otherwise branch which is not used in this example.

• Define mappings for "Get_Order".

It allows you to map and pass the order related parameters to the "Get_Order"
activity to invoke the GET_ORDER REST Service.
See: Creating Mappings, page 8-24.

• Add the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an invoke activity called "Get_Order"
for the Oracle E-Business Suite Order Management instance.
This invoke activity uses the GET_ORDER operation of the Process Order
(OE_ORDER_PUB) REST service when adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter
as an invoke. This service retrieves the sales order information.

• Define mappings for "Create_Invoice".

This activity assigns the sales order related elements from the "Get_Order" activity
to the Invoice related elements in the "Create_Invoice" activity.
See: Creating Mappings, page 8-24.

• Add the REST Adapter as an invoke activity called "Create_Invoice" for the Oracle
E-Business Suite Accounts Receivables instance.
This activity configures a request payload using the XML schema file type and then
creates an invoice in Oracle Accounts Receivables through the invocation of the

Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a Trigger with a Business Event
Perform the following steps to add the first activity called "Order_Status_Update" for
the Oracle E-Business Suite Order Management connection:

8-12    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

1. In the "Order to Invoice" integration page, drag and drop the Oracle E-Business
Suite connection called "Order Management" from the TRIGGERS toolbar on the
left to the large + section within the circle in the integration canvas.

Dragging the Order Management Connection to the Center to Start the Integration

The Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Endpoint wizard appears.

2. Enter the following information In the Basic Info page:

• What do you want to call your endpoint? - Enter "Order_Status_Update" as the
endpoint name.

• What does this endpoint do? - Enter the description of this integration

• What do you want to configure the endpoint for? - Select Business Event.

An Example of Using a Business Event as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration    8-13

Entering the Basic Information for the Adapter Endpoint with Business Event

Click Next to proceed with the rest of the configuration.

3. In the Business Events page, specify the following information for your connection:
• Product Family: Select "Order Management Suite" from the drop-down list.

• Product: Select "Order Management" from the drop-down list.

• Business Event: Select "Event for OIP status update notification" from the
populated list.
After you select an event name, the corresponding event information, including
internal name (oracle.apps.ont.oip.statuschange.update) and
description, is automatically populated in this page.

8-14    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Selecting a Desired Business Event

Click Next.

4. The Summary page appears with the selected event information.

The Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Source Endpoint configuration is successfully
created with the selected event.
Click Done.
The "Order_Status_Update" endpoint now appears as TRIGGER in the integration

Adding a SWITCH with Two Branch Rules

Perform the following steps to add a SWITCH:
1. Drag and drop the SWITCH action from the ACTIONS section on the left to the
integration right after the Order_Status_Update activity.

An Example of Using a Business Event as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration    8-15

Adding the SWITCH Action After the Order_Status_Update Activity

This action adds two rules allowing you to define routing expression branches for
your integration.

8-16    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Adding Two Branches to the Integration Flow

2. Click edit on the first rule. The Condition Builder page appears.

3. In the Condition Builder, enter the following information to create the condition:
All of Name = 'STATUS_CODE' and Value = 'BOOKED':
• Enter "Booked Order" as the Expression Name.

• In the Match field, select "All of" from the list.

• In Source section, expand the BusinessEvent_Input node, then the

InputParameters node, then the BusinessEvent node, then the ParameterList
node, and then the Parameter node.
1. Drag and drop the Name element to the right top under the New Condition
• Select = from the drop-down list.

An Example of Using a Business Event as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration    8-17

• Enter 'STATUS_CODE' in the text box as the condition value.

Click the Add Condition (+) icon.

2. Drag and drop the Value element to the right top under the New Condition
• Select = from the drop-down list.

• Enter 'BOOKED' in the text box as the condition value.

Click the Add Condition (+) icon.

Editing the First Rule (Booked Order) with Required Condition

Save your work. Click Exit Condition Builder to return to the integration.

Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke for the "Get_Order"
Perform the following steps to add the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an invoke
1. Drag and drop the Oracle E-Business Suite connection "Order Management" from
the INVOKES toolbar on the left to the integration right after the Booked Order
The Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Endpoint wizard appears.

2. In the Basic Info page, enter the following information:

• What do you want to call your endpoint? - Enter "Get_Order" as the endpoint

• What does this endpoint do? - Enter the description of this integration

8-18    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

endpoint, such as "Get an order in Oracle E-Business Suite".

Click Next.

3. In the Web Services page, specify the following information for your target
• Product Family: Select "Order Management Suite" from the drop-down list.

• Product: Select "Order Management".

• API: Select "Process Order API" from the populated list for this example.
The corresponding API internal name (OE_ORDER_PUB) and description are
automatically populated.

Selecting an API in the Web Services Page

Click Next.

4. The selected API internal name OE_ORDER_PUB appears in the Operations page.
In the Methods field, select a desired method name contained in the API. For
example, select "GET_ORDER". The corresponding service status value is displayed
in the Operations page, along with the description information.

Note: The Service Status of the selected method GET_ORDER

should be "Ready to Use".

An Example of Using a Business Event as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration    8-19

Selecting a Method as the Target Endpoint for the Integration

Click Next.

5. The Summary page displays the selected API information. This includes the
selected product family name (Order Management Suite), product name (Order
Management), web service name (OE_ORDER_PUB), integration pattern
(Synchronous), operation name (GET_ORDER), and the operation status (Ready to

Displaying the Selected API Details in the Summary Page

Click Done.
The "Get_Order" activity for Order Management now appears as part of the
integration flow, along with the "Get_Order" map icon where you can define the
mapping later. See: Creating Mappings, page 8-24.

8-20    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Adding the REST Adapter as an Invoke for the "Receivables" Activity
Perform the following steps to add the REST Adapter as an invoke connection:
1. Drag and drop the Oracle E-Business Suite connection "Receivables" from the
INVOKES toolbar on the left to the integration, after the Get_Order activity in the
Booked Order route.
The Configure Oracle REST Endpoint wizard appears. Enter the following
information in the Basic Info page:
• What do you want to call your endpoint? - Enter the name of this endpoint,
such as "Create_Invoice".

• What does this endpoint do? - Enter the usage of this endpoint, such as
"Provide REST endpoint with input payload for invoice creation".

• What is the endpoint's relative resource URI? - Enter "


• What action does the endpoint perform? - Select "POST" from the drop-down

• Configure a request payload for this endpoint - Select this check box
indicating that a request payload is required in this activity.

An Example of Using a Business Event as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration    8-21

Entering the Basic REST Endpoint Information

Click Next.

2. In the Request page, perform the following tasks:

• In the "Select the request payload file" section, select the XML schema radio
Please note that the request payload file type can be either XML schema or
JSON format.

• Browse and select the sample XSD for the Create Invoice REST service.
For the sample XSD information, see Sample XSD for the Create_Invoice
Activity Used in the Business Event Example, page A-1.

• In the Element field, select "CREATE_SINGLE_INVOICE_Input" from the

drop-down list.

• In the "Select the type of payload with which you want the endpoint to receive"
section, select the XML button as the payload type.

8-22    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Click Next and Next.
In this example, we do not need to configure this endpoint to receive Response.

3. Click Next. This displays the Summary page with the following REST service
information that you specified earlier:
• REST Service URL: http://<host

• Method: POST

• Request Media Type: application/xml

Click Done.
The Create_Invoice activity appears in the integration flow, listed as the last
activity in the Booked Order rule.
Similar to the "Get_Order" activity, the "Create_Invoice" map icon also appears
(along with the Create_Invoice activity) where you can define the mapping
later. See: Creating Mappings, page 8-24
Save the integration.

At the end of this step, the integration flow contains the activities added in this section.

An Example of Using a Business Event as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration    8-23

The "Order to Invoice" Integration Flow Diagram

Creating Mappings
Oracle E-Business Suite Business Event is defined by the WF_EVENT_T data structure.
After adding the required connections to the integration, you need to create the
following mappings to pass the required parameter values to the subsequent REST
• Define mapping for Get_Order

• Define mapping for Create_Invoice

Creating Mappings for the Get_Order Map

In this example, a sales order Header Id is available as one of the business event
parameters. In WF_EVENT_T, event parameters are available as Name-Value pair in
repeating Parameter element. To obtain the value of the Header Id parameter and pass
it to the subsequent Get_Order service call, you need to create mappings for the
Get_Order map.
1. In the Order_Status_Update integration flow, click edit for the Get_Order map

8-24    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Selecting the Get_Order Map for Mapping

The Mapper page is displayed.

2. In the Mapper page, the business event related elements are displayed in the Source
section, whereas the Get_Order related parameters are listed in the Target area. To
obtain the value of the sales order Header Id (P_HEADER_ID) included as part of
the event parameters and pass it to the subsequent Get_Order REST service, you
need to define the XSL expression for the P_HEADER_ID parameter.

3. Define the XSL expression for the P_HEADER_ID parameter by performing the
following tasks:
1. In the Target section, expand the GET_ORDER_Input node, and then the
InputParameters node. Click the P_HEADER_ID element to open the Build
Mappings page.

2. In the Mapping area of the Build Mappings page, notice that the
P_HEADER_ID element is displayed as the Target element.

3. In Source section of the Build Mappings page, expand the

BusinessEvent_Input node, then the InputParameters node, then the
BusinessEvent node, then the ParameterList node, and then the Parameter

4. Drag and drop the Value element from the Source section to the Mapping
section as the value for the P_HEADER_ID element.

5. Similarly, drag and drop the XSL element "if" and the Name element from the
Source section to the Mapping section to define the XSL expression <xsl:if

An Example of Using a Business Event as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration    8-25

6. Drag and drop the XSL element "for-each" from the Source section to the
Mapping section to define the XSL expression <xsl:for-each

Displaying the Mappings for the P_HEADER_ID Parameter

7. Save your work.

Expand the nodes to ensure that the P_HEADER_ID parameter is included as
part of the structure.

4. Perform the following tasks to assign constant values to the target elements:
1. In the Target section, expand the GET_ORDER_Input node, and then the
RESTHeader node.
Click the Responsibility element to open the Build Mappings page.

2. Enter "ORDER_MGMT_SUPER_USER" in the text box as the value for the

Responsibility element.

Similarly, use the same approach to assign appropriate values to the target elements
listed in the following table:

Path Element Value

GET_ORDER_Input/RESTH RespApplication ONT




8-26    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Path Element Value



GET_ORDER_Input/RESTH Org_Id 204





GET_ORDER_Input/InputP P_ORG_ID 204


After you complete the mappings for Get_Order, the mapped source values
should appear in the Mapping column of the Target section.

Displaying the Mappings for the Get_Order Activity

5. Click Save to save your work.

Creating Mappings for the Create_Invoice Map

Perform the following steps to create the mappings:
1. In the Order_Status_Update integration flow, click edit for the Create_Invoice
map icon.
The Mapper page appears.

An Example of Using a Business Event as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration    8-27

2. Assign constant values to the target elements.
1. In the Target section, expand the execute node, then the
CREATE_SINGLE_INVOICE_Input node, and then the RESTHeader node.
Click the Responsibility element to open the Build Mappings page.

2. Enter "RECEIVABLES_VISION_OPERATIONS" in the text box as the value for

the Responsibility element.

Similarly, use the same approach to assign appropriate values to the target elements
listed in the following table:

Path Element Value
















8-28    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Path Element Value








E_Input/InputParameters/P_ integration for booked Sales

After you complete this step, the mapped source values should appear in the
Mapping column of the Target section.

Displaying the Mappings with Constant Values

3. Add the following mapping for the header:

• In the Source section, enter "HEADER_ID" in the Search field to locate this

An Example of Using a Business Event as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration    8-29

Select the HEADER_ID element from the X_HEADER_REC node.

• In the Target section, expand the execute node, then the

CREATE_SINGLE_INVOICE_Input node, then the InputParameters node,
then the P_TRX_HEADER_TBL node, and then the
Select the TRX_NUMBER element.

Drag the HEADER_ID element from the Source section to the TRX_NUMBER
element in the Target section to map the data.
After the mapping, the source element HEADER_ID should appear in the Mapping
column next to the TRX_NUMBER element in the Target section.

Mapping the Source HEADER_ID to the Target TRX_NUMBER

4. Use the same approach, as described in the previous step, to add the following sets
of mappings for the line items:

Source Path Source Element Target Path Target Element


t/InputParameters/B NGLE_INVOICE_In
usinessEvent/X_LIN put/InputParameters

8-30    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Source Path Source Element Target Path Target Element


t/InputParameters/B NGLE_INVOICE_In
usinessEvent/X_LIN put/InputParameters


t/InputParameters/B ITY NGLE_INVOICE_In RED
usinessEvent/X_LIN put/InputParameters


t/InputParameters/B ITY NGLE_INVOICE_In CED
usinessEvent/X_LIN put/InputParameters


t/InputParameters/B ICE NGLE_INVOICE_In ICE
usinessEvent/X_LIN put/InputParameters

Once you complete this step, the mapped source values should appear next to the
corresponding target elements with the green check mark icons:

An Example of Using a Business Event as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration    8-31

Displaying the Mappings for the Line Items

5. Assign the following values:

• In the Target section, expand the execute node, then the
CREATE_SINGLE_INVOICE_Input node, then the InputParameters node,
and then the P_TRX_DIST_TBL node.
Click the P_TRX_DIST_TBL_ITEM element to open the Build Mappings page.
In the Mapping section, enter the following information:

• In the Target section, expand the execute node, then the

CREATE_SINGLE_INVOICE_Input node, then the InputParameters node,
and then the P_TRX_SALESCREDITS_TBL node.
Click the P_TRX_SALESCREDITS_TBL_ITEM element to open the Build
Mappings page.
In the Mapping area, enter the following information:

The newly assigned mapping values should appear next to the corresponding
elements in the Target section.

8-32    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Displaying the Mappings

Save your work.

6. Click Exit Mapper.

7. Save the integration.

Assigning Business Identifier for Tracking

Perform the following steps to track payload fields in messages during runtime:
1. In the Create Order Integration page, click Tracking.
The Business Identifiers For Tracking dialog appears.

2. From the Available Source Fields section, expand the BusinessEvent_Input node,
then the InputParameters node, and then the BusinessEvent node.
Drag and drop the Event Key element to the Tracking Field column in the table as
the primary Tracking field.

3. Click Done.

4. Save your work and then click Exit Integration.

Activating and Testing the Integration

Perform the following steps to activate the integration:
1. In the Integrations page, click Activate for the "Order to Invoice" integration that
you created earlier.

2. The Confirmation dialog appears. Click Activate to confirm this action.

The status of the "Order to Invoice" integration is now changed to ACTIVE with a
green check mark icon.

Testing the Integration at Runtime

An Example of Using a Business Event as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration    8-33

1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as the operations user who has the Order
Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) responsibility.

2. Select Order, Returns and then Sales Order from the navigation menu to open the
Sales Orders form.

3. In the Sales Orders form, select the Order Information tab.

4. Create a new Sales Order for customer "A.C. Networks" with the following
• Customer: A.C. Networks

• Operation Unit: Vision Operations

• Order Type: Mixed

• Ship To Location: Provo (OPS) 3405 East Bay Blvd. Provo, UT 84606, US

• Bill To Location: Provo (OPS) 3405 East Bay Blvd. Provo, UT 84606, US

• Price List: Corporate

• Currency: USD

8-34    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Creating a Sales Order in the Sales Orders Form

5. Select the Line Items tab to add the following line item:
• Ordered Item: AS54888

• Quantity: 1

• Item Type: STANDARD

• UOM: Each

• Unit Price: Accept the populated unit price.

• Request Date: Accept the populated date (such as 14-MAY-2016)

An Example of Using a Business Event as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration    8-35

Adding Line Items for the Sales Order

6. Save this new order.

This order is created with "Entered" status.

7. Click Book Order.

The order status is now updated to "Booked". It internally raises a business event
oracle.apps.ont.oip.statuschange.update which will trigger the

In the design time, the "Order to Invoice" integration created earlier in Oracle
Integration Cloud Service will subscribe to this business event. At runtime, since the
order status is changed to "Booked", Oracle Order Management will raise the business
event which triggers the integration in Oracle Integration Cloud Service. The order
details information is fetched from Oracle E-Business Suite Order Management and
passed as event payload to create the invoice in Oracle Accounts Receivables.
Monitoring the Result in Oracle Integration Cloud Service
1. Log in to Oracle Integration Cloud Service.
On the Integration Cloud Service toolbar, click Monitoring.

2. In the navigation pane, click Tracking.

The Tracking page appears.

8-36    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

3. Click the instance created for the "Order to Invoice" integration.

Displaying the Tracking Page for the Order to Invoice Integration

4. Click "Event Key" to display the flow diagram of the integration instance.
This page provides the instance tracking information. Notice that the status of this
instance is "Completed" indicating that the integration is executed successfully. You
can verify if there is any error occurred if desired.

Viewing and Tracking the Orchestration Flow of the Instance

Validating the Result in Oracle E-Business Suite Accounts Receivables

Log in to Oracle Accounts Receivables as the operations user who has the
Receivables, Vision Operations (USA) responsibility. Select Transactions and then
Transactions from the navigation menu.
Locate the invoice transaction for the "A.C. Networks" customer by selecting Query for
Transaction. The invoice should be created in Oracle Accounts Receivables.

An Example of Using a Business Event as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration    8-37

An Example of Using an XML Gateway
Message as a Trigger (Source) in an

Sample Business Scenario
When a purchase order is approved in the Oracle E-Business Suite Purchasing
application, a process purchase order XML message should be sent from Oracle
E-Business Suite to Oracle Integration Cloud Service.
In this example, an XML Gateway message "Purchase Order XML message" from
Oracle Purchasing is used as a trigger (source) to explain using the Oracle E-Business
Suite Adapter to trigger an integration in Oracle Integration Cloud Service. The Oracle
E-Business Suite Adapter is used to connect to the Oracle Purchasing instance.
Additionally, you need to configure the trading partner in Oracle XML Gateway to send
the outbound XML message from Oracle E-Business Suite to the integration endpoint in
Oracle Integration Cloud Service.
At runtime, when an order is approved, if the supplier or trading partner is configured
to receive the outbound XML message for Process Purchase Order, Oracle E-Business
Suite Purchasing will trigger the integration and initiate XML Gateway outbound
processing to send the process order XML message from Oracle E-Business Suite to
Oracle Integration Cloud Service.
Using XML Gateway Messages for Integrations in Oracle Integration Cloud Service
Based on the business scenario, the following tasks are included in this section:
1. Preparing the Oracle E-Business Suite Instances Purchasing Instance, page 9-2

2. Establishing an Oracle E-Businss Suite Connection for Publishing XML Gateway

Messages, page 9-3

An Example of Using an XML Gateway Message as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration    9-1

3. Creating an Integration, page 9-5

4. Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a Trigger (Source) Connection, page

5. Assigning Business Identifier for Tracking, page 9-11

6. Activating the Integration, page 9-12

7. Configuring Trading Partner Information for Post Integration, page 9-13

8. Testing and Validating the Integration, page 9-15

Preparing the Oracle E-Business Suite Instances Purchasing Instance

This example uses the Oracle E-Business Suite Purchasing application to approve a
purchase order. Before creating a connection, you must prepare the Oracle E-Business
Suite Purchasing instance to ensure the required setup or configuration is in place.
1. Configure Oracle E-Business Suite REST services provided through Oracle
E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway.
Follow the setup tasks, as described in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document
556540.1, to configure Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Release
12.1.3 and apply the REST service patches to enable the REST service feature. For
more information, see step 1, as described in Setup Tasks for Enabling the Oracle
E-Business Suite Adapter, page 2-1.

2. (Optional) Import SSL certificates of Oracle Integration Cloud Service to Oracle

E-Business Suite if required.
For information on importing SSL certificates, refer to step 4 as described in Setup
Tasks for Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a Trigger (Source)
Connection, page 2-5.

3. (Optional) Set up proxy URLs in Oracle E-Business Suite if required.

For information on the proxy setup, refer to step 2 as described in Setup Tasks for
Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a Trigger (Source) Connection, page

4. Deploy the Metadata Provider API as a REST service with the following
requirements and grant the method access privileges to the operations user:
• Deploy the API with "provider" as the service alias name

• Deploy the API with GET HTTP verb for all the methods contained in the API

9-2    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

• Grant the access privileges for all the methods contained in the Metadata
Provider API to the operations user

For information on deploying REST services, see Deploying REST Web Services,
Administering Native Integration Interfaces and Services chapter, Oracle E-Business
Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.
For information on creating security grants for REST services, see Managing Grants
for Interfaces with Support for SOAP and REST Web Services, Administering
Native Integration Interfaces and Services chapter, Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated
SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.

Establishing an Oracle E-Businss Suite Connection for Publishing XML

Gateway Messages
Perform the following steps to establish the connection for Oracle E-Businss Suite in
Oracle Integration Cloud Service:
1. Click Connections.

2. Click Create New Connection.

3. In the Create Connection - Select Adapter dialog appears.

You can locate the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter by entering a full or partial
name to locate "Oracle E-Business Suite" from the dialog.
Click the Select button for "Oracle E-Business Suite". The New Connection -
Information dialog appears.

4. Enter the following information for your connection:

An Example of Using an XML Gateway Message as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration    9-3

Creating the Purchasing Connection

• Connection Name: Enter "Purchasing" as the connection name.

• Identifier: Accept the default identifier for your Oracle E-Business Suite
connection, such as "PURCHASING".

• Connection Role: Select "Trigger and Invoke" role for this connection.

• Description: Enter description information for your connection, such as "Create

an Oracle E-Business Suite Purchasing connection".

Click Create to create the connection. The Connection Details page is displayed for
the "Purchasing" connection.

5. Enter additional connection details by specifying the following information:

• Email Address: Enter an administrator's email address to receive notifications if
problems or changes occur in this connection.

• Connection Properties: Click Configure Connectivity to open the Connection

Properties dialog where you enter a URL (http://<ebs host
name>:<port>) to connect to an Oracle E-Business Suite instance.
Click OK to save your work.

• Security: Click Configure Security to open the Credentials dialog.

Ensure that "Basic Authentication" is selected as the security policy.
Enter operations as the username and its associated password in the
Credentials dialog to access the Oracle E-Business Suite Purchasing instance

9-4    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

you specified earlier in the Connection Properties dialog.
Click OK.

6. Click Test to test the "Purchasing" connection you just specified.

7. Click Save to save your connection.

Click Exit Connection.

Creating an Integration
This section provides the instructions on creating an integration called "PROCESS PO"
with the "Publish To ICS" integration pattern. This pattern allows you to add the Oracle
E-Business Suite Purchasing connection specified earlier as a trigger in the integration.
Perform the following steps to create an integration:
1. In the Integration Cloud Service toolbar, click Designer.

2. In the Designer Portal, click Integrations.

3. In the Integrations page, click New Integration.

The Create Integration - Select a Style/Pattern dialog appears.
Click Select for the "Publish To ICS" integration pattern.

An Example of Using an XML Gateway Message as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration    9-5

Selecting the "Publish To ICS" Pattern for the Integration

4. The New Integration - Information dialog appears. Enter the following information:
• What do you want to call your integration? Enter "PROCESS PO" as the
integration name.

• Identifier: Accept the default identifier value, such as "PROCESS_PO".

• Version: Accept the default version number.

• What does this integration do? Enter description information for your
integration, such as "Create an integration for processing a purchase order in
Oracle Purchasing".

9-6    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Entering Integration Information in the New Integration - Information Dialog

5. Click Create and Save.

To complete the integration, you need to add the following tasks that are described in
the next few sections:
• Add the desired connections to the integration you just created.
See: Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a Trigger (Source) Connection,
page 9-7.

• Assign business identifiers for tracking.

See: Assigning Business Identifier for Tracking, page 9-11.

Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a Trigger (Source)

Once the "PROCESS PO" integration is created, you can add the "Purchasing"
connection that you just created by using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a
trigger (source).
Perform the following steps to add the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a trigger in
the integration:
1. In the "PROCESS PO" integration page, search the "Purchasing" connection that you
created earlier from the Connections panel.

An Example of Using an XML Gateway Message as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration    9-7

2. In the Integration Designer, drag "Purchasing" from the Connections panel on the
right to the Trigger (Source) area on the canvas. The Configure Oracle E-Business
Suite Adapter Endpoint wizard appears.

3. Enter the following information In the Basic Info page:

• What do you want to call your endpoint? - Enter "EBS_Source" as the endpoint

• What does this endpoint do? - Enter "Process a purchase order in Oracle
E-Business Suite".

• What do you want to configure the endpoint for? - Select XML Gateway Map.

Entering the Basic Information for the Adapter Endpoint with XML Gateway Message

Click Next to proceed with the rest of the configuration for your integration.

4. In the XML Gateway Message page, specify the following information for your
trigger (source) connection:
• Product Family: Select "Procurement" from the product family.

• Product: Select "Internet Procurement Enterprise Connector" from the list of

product names.

9-8    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

• XML Gateway Map: Select a desired XML Gateway message name from the
drop-down list. For example, select "Purchase Order XML message".
After you select the message map, the corresponding information is
automatically populated in this page. This includes the Integration Repository
name (PO:PRO), internal name (itg_process_po_007_out), integration
standard (OAG 7.2) and the message map description.

Selecting a Desired XML Gateway Message Map

Click Next.

5. The Summary page appears with the selected XML Gateway message information
that you specified. This includes the XML Gateway message name
itg_process_po_007_out from the selected "Procurement" product family and
the "Internet Procurement Enterprise Connector" product, as well as the "Request
Only" interaction pattern.

An Example of Using an XML Gateway Message as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration    9-9

Viewing the Selected XML Gateway Message Information in the Summary Page

The Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Source Endpoint configuration is successfully

created with the selected XML Gateway message.
Click Done.
The connection for Oracle E-Businses Suite (called "Purchasing" in this example)
now appears in the Trigger (Source) area on the canvas.

9-10    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Displaying "Purchasing" in the Trigger Area with XML Gateway Map in the Integration

Assigning Business Identifier for Tracking

Perform the following steps to track payload fields in messages during runtime:
1. In the Create Order Integration page, click Tracking.
The Business Identifiers For Tracking dialog appears.

2. From the Available Source Fields section, expand the XmlGateway_Input node,
then the PROCESS_PO_007 node, then the DATAAREA node, then the
PROCESS_PO node, and then the POORDERHDR node.
Drag the POID element to the Tracking Field column in the table.
The POID is displayed in the Tracking Field with a green check mark next to it in
the table.

An Example of Using an XML Gateway Message as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration    9-11

Displaying the Selected Identifier for Tracking

3. Click Done.

4. Save your work and then click Exit Integration.

Activating the Integration

Activating the Integration
After you complete the integration with a desired XML Gateway message, you can
activate the integration.
1. In the Integrations page, click Activate for the "PROCESS PO" integration that you
created earlier.

2. The Confirmation dialog appears. Click Activate to confirm the action.

Notice that the status of the "PROCESS PO" integration changes to ACTIVE.

Recording the Integration Endpoint in Oracle Integration Cloud Service

After activating the integration, you need to obtain the integration endpoint URL by
clicking the Integration Details icon ("i") for the "PROCESS PO" integration. A pop-up
window appears. Record the endpoint URL information.
In this example, the endpoint URL should be like:

9-12    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter


Note: The metadata at the end of the URL is not required.

Obtaining the Integration Endpoint URL in the Integrations Page

This recorded integration endpoint URL will be used as the protocol address value
when defining a trading partner in the post integration configuration, as described in
Configuring Trading Partner Information for Post Integration, page 9-13.

Configuring Trading Partner Information for Post Integration

After you activate the integration, you must perform manual tasks to configure the
trading partner ("Advanced Network Devices" in this example) for the outbound
transaction message selected in the integration. This includes specifying the
communication protocol and address as well as the user credentials in Oracle
E-Business Suite.
Additionally, obtain the integration endpoint URL you recorded earlier, such as
Perform the following steps to configure the trading partner in Oracle E-Business Suite:
1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user (such as sysadmin) who has the XML
Gateway responsibility.

2. Select the XML Gateway responsibility and then select Define Trading Partners
from the navigation menu. The Define Trading Partner Setup form appears.

3. In the Trading Partner Setup form, search and locate the desired trading partner
called "Advanced Network Devices".

4. In the Trading Partner Details region, add the following information for the trading

An Example of Using an XML Gateway Message as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration    9-13

• Transaction Type: PO

• Transaction Subtype: PRO

• Standard Code: OAG

• External Transaction Type: PO

• External Transaction Subtype: PROCESS

• Direction: OUT

• Map: itg_process_po_007_out

• Connection/Hub : DIRECT

• Protocol: HTTPS

• Protocol address:https://<ICS
Enter the integration endpoint URL you recorded earlier.

• Username: <ICS Username>

Enter the Oracle E-Business Suite user credentials used to create an Oracle
E-Business Suite connection in Oracle Integration Cloud Service.

• Password: <ICS Password>

9-14    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Updating the Trading Partner Details in the Trading Partner Setup Form

5. Save your work.

Testing and Validating the Integration

Based on the example scenario, once a purchase order is approved in the Oracle
E-Business Suite Purchasing application, Oracle Purchasing will initiate XML Gateway
outbound processing and publish XML message to Oracle Integration Cloud Service.
Therefore, you need to create a purchase order first and then approve the order to
trigger the outbound processing from Oracle E-Business Suite.
Perform the following steps to create and approve a new purchase order:
1. Log in to the Oracle E-Business Suite Purchasing instance as the operations user
who has the Purchasing, Vision Operations (USA) responsibility.
Select Purchase Orders and then Purchase Orders from the navigation menu.

2. In the Purchase Orders form, create a new purchase order for the configured
trading partner or supplier called "Advanced Network Devices" with the following
• Supplier: Advanced Network Devices

• Type: Standard Purchase Order

An Example of Using an XML Gateway Message as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration    9-15


• Ship-To: M1- Seattle Mfg

• Bill-To: V1- New York City

3. In the Line tab, add one line item:

• Num: 1

• Item: AS10000

• Description: 405 Digital Camera

• UOM: Each

• Quantity: 1

• Price: 1

• Freight: Accept the default value

• FOB: Accept the default value

• Promised Date: Enter a desired date

• Need By Date: Enter a desired date

9-16    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Entering a Purchase Order Line Item Information in the Purchasing Orders Form

4. Click Save.
Purchase order is created with "Incomplete" status.

5. Click Approve.
The Approve Document form appears.

6. In the Approval Details tab, select the "Submit for Approval" check box and ensure
that the XML button is selected in the Transmission Method region.

An Example of Using an XML Gateway Message as a Trigger (Source) in an Integration    9-17

Approving a Purchase Order with Approval Details

Click OK. The order status is now updated from "Incomplete" to "Approved".
This status change will internally trigger the XML Gateway engine for outbound
transactions. Additionally, it will trigger the "PROCESS PO" integration you created
in Oracle Integration Cloud Service.

Monitoring the Result in Oracle Integration Cloud Service

1. Log in to Oracle Integration Cloud Service.
On the Integration Cloud Service toolbar, click Monitoring.

2. In the navigator, click Integrations.

Click the instance created for the "PROCESS PO" integration to monitor the result.

9-18    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

An Example of Using the Oracle E-Business
Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target) in an

To better understand how to use Oracle E-Business Suite services in Oracle Integration
Cloud Service, this chapter describes an integration example through the use of Oracle
E-Business Suite Adapter as an invoke (target) connection.
Sample Business Scenario
Take a PL/SQL API called Sales Order Services (OE_INBOUND_INT) as an example to
explain the integration between the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter and a trigger
(source) connection in Oracle Integration Cloud Service.
In this example, the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter is used as an invoke (target)
connection for service invocation, and the REST Adapter is used as a trigger (source)
connection to provide a REST request. When the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter
receives the request message with input payload for order creation from the trigger
(source) connection, the OE_INBOUND_INT REST service in Oracle E-Business Suite is
invoked to create the order.

Note: Any application adapters can be used as trigger (source)

connections to create integrations for your business needs. In this
example, the REST Adapter is used as a trigger (source) connection.

Once the integration is successfully executed at runtime, a sales order will be created in
Oracle E-Business Suite.
Using Oracle E-Business Suite REST Services for Integrations in Oracle Integration
Cloud Service
Based on the integration scenario, the following tasks are included in this section:

An Example of Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target) in an Integration    10-1
1. Establishing the Connections for Oracle E-Business Suite and REST Services, page

2. Creating an Integration, page 10-6

3. Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target) Connection,

page 10-8

4. Adding the REST Adapter as a Trigger (Source) Connection , page 10-14

5. Creating Mappings, page 10-19

6. Assigning Business Identifier for Tracking, page 10-25

7. Activating and Testing the Integration, page 10-26

Establishing the Connections for Oracle E-Business Suite and REST

Before creating an integration, you need to create the following two connections:
• Connection for Oracle E-Business Suite
Once the connection to an Oracle E-Business Suite instance is successfully
established, you can add the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an invoke (target)
connection later in an integration.

• Connection for REST services

Similar to the Oracle E-Business Suite connection using the Oracle E-Business Suite
Adapter, once the connection to REST services is established, you can use it as a
trigger (source) connection later in an integration.

Creating an Oracle E-Businss Suite Connection with Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter
Perform the following steps to establish the connection for Oracle E-Businss Suite in
Oracle Integration Cloud Service:
1. Log in to Oracle Integration Cloud Service.
In the Integration Cloud Service toolbar, click Connections.

2. Click Create New Connection.

In the Create Connection - Select Adapter dialog appears. Scroll down and select
"Oracle E-Business Suite" from the dialog. You can optionally use the search feature
to enter a full or partial name to locate the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter from the
dialog. Click the Select button for "Oracle E-Business Suite" to create a connection
through the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter.

10-2    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

3. In the New Connection - Information dialog, enter the following information for
your connection:
• Connection Name: Enter "EBS1225".

• Identifier: Accept the default populated identifier, such as "EBS1225".

• Connection Role: Select "Trigger and Invoke" role for this connection.

• Description: Enter "Use the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter connection in an

integration" as the description.

Creating the Oracle E-Business Suite Connection

Click Create to create the connection.

4. Click Configure Connectivity to open the Connection Properties dialog where you
enter a URL (http://<ebs host name>:<port>) to connect to an Oracle
E-Busiess Suite instance.
Click OK to save your work.

5. Click Configure Security to open the Credentials dialog.

Ensure that the Basic Authentication is selected as the security policy.
Enter operations as the username and its associated password in the Credentials
dialog to access the Oracle E-Business Suite instance you specified earlier in the
Connection Properties dialog.
Click OK to save your work.

6. Click Configure Agents to display the Select an Agent group dialog. A list of

An Example of Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target) in an Integration    10-3
available agent groups is automatically populated for your selection.
Select a desired agent group, such as "EBS", and click Use to enable the selection.

Selecting an Agent Group

7. After you specify the connection information for "EBS1225", the connection details
page is displayed.

8. Click Test to test the connection you just specified for Oracle E-Business Suite.

9. Click Save to save your connection.

Click Exit Connection.

The Oracle E-Business Suite connection "EBS1225" now appears in the Connections
Creating an Connection for REST Services
Perform the following steps to create an connection for REST APIs:

10-4    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

1. In Oracle Integration Cloud Service, click Create New Connection.
The Create Connection - Select Adapter dialog appears.

2. Scroll down and select "REST" from the dialog. You can optionally use the search
feature to enter a full or partial name to locate the REST Adapter from the dialog.
Click the Select button for "REST" to create an connection through the REST

3. The New Connection - Information dialog appears.

Enter "GenericREST" as the Connection Name. The identifier value,
GENERICREST, is automatically populated.
Select "Trigger and Invoke" as the Connection Role. Enter a meaningful description
for this connection, such as "The sample source REST endpoint".

4. Click Create to create the connection.

5. Click Configure Connectivity to open the Connection Properties dialog where you
select "REST API Base URL" as the Connection Type and enter a connection URL (
http://<ebs host name>:<port>/webservices/rest/orderMgmt) to
connect to an instance for REST services.

Entering the Connection Properties through the REST Adapter

Click OK to save your work.

6. Click Configure Security to open the Credentials dialog.

Enter operations as the username and its associated password in the Credentials
dialog to access the instance for REST services you specified earlier in the
Connection Properties dialog.
Click OK to save your work.

7. Click Test to test the connection you just specified for REST services.

8. Click Save to save your connection.

An Example of Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target) in an Integration    10-5
Click Exit Connection.

The "GenericREST" connection for REST services appears in the Connections page,
along with the Oracle E-Business Suite connection "EBS1225" that you created earlier.

Creating an Integration
Perform the following steps to create an integration between REST services and Oracle
E-Business Suite:
1. In the Integration Cloud Service toolbar, click Designer.

2. In the Designer Portal, click Integrations.

3. In the Integrations page, click New Integration.

The Create Integration - Select a Style/Pattern dialog appears.

4. Click Select for the "Map My Data" integration pattern to create an integration with
a blank source and target.

Selecting the "Map My Data" as the Integration Pattern

5. The New Integration - Information dialog appears. Enter the following information:

10-6    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Entering the "Create Order" Integration Information

• What do you want to call your integration? Enter "Create Order" as the name.

• Identifier: Accept the default identifier value such as "CREATE ORDER".

• Version: Accept the default version number.

• What does this integration do? Enter description information for your
integration, such as "Create a sales order in Oracle E-Business Suite".

6. Click Create and Save.

To complete the integration, you need to add the following tasks that are described in
the next few sections:
• Add the desired connections to the integration you just created.
• Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target) Connection,
page 10-8

• Adding the REST Adapter as a Trigger (Source) Connection , page 10-14

• Add mappings to the integration.

See: Creating Mappings, page 10-19.

• Assign business identifiers for tracking.

An Example of Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target) in an Integration    10-7
See: Assigning Business Identifier for Tracking, page 10-25.

Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target)

Once the integration is created, add the Oracle E-Business Suite connection "EBS1225"
that you created earlier as an invoke (target) connection in your integration.
Perform the following steps to add the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an invoke
(target) connection:
1. In the Create Order integration page, search the "EBS1225" connection that you
created earlier from the Connections panel.

Selecting "EBS1225" from the Connections Panel

2. In the Integration Designer, drag EBS1225 from the Connections panel on the right
to the Target area on the canvas.
The Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Endpoint wizard appears.

3. In the Basic Info page, enter the following information for your endpoint:
• What do you want to call your endpoint? - Enter "EBS_Reference".

• What does this endpoint do? - Enter "Create a Sales Order in Oracle E-Business

10-8    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Entering the Basic Information for the Target Endpoint

Click Next.

4. In the Web Services page, specify the following information for your target
• Product Family: Select "Order Management Suite" from the drop-down list.

• Product: Select "Order Management".

An Example of Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target) in an Integration    10-9
Selecting a Product Family and Product for a Web Service

After you select a desired product family and a product, a list of PL/SQL APIs
including Oracle seeded APIs and custom ones contained in the selected product
"Order Management" is populated for further selection.
Select a desired API name, such as "Sales Order Services". The corresponding API
internal name (OE_INBOUND_INT) and description are automatically populated.

10-10    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Selecting the "Sales Order Services" API from the Populated List

Click Next.

5. The selected API internal name OE_INBOUND_INT appears in the Operations

Select a desired method name contained in the selected OE_INBOUND_INT API
for this invoke (target) connection. For example, select "PROCESS_ORDER".

An Example of Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target) in an Integration    10-11
Selecting the "PROCESS_ORDER" Method in the Operations Page

Click Next.

6. The Summary page displays all the selected interface details. This information
includes the selected "PROCESS_ORDER" operation (with "Ready to Use" status)
contained in the "OE_INBOUND_INT" web service from the Order Management
Suite product family and Order Management product. This page also displays the
default interaction pattern "Synchronize" and security policy "Username Token" for
the selected service.

10-12    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Viewing the Selected Target Endpoint Details in the Summary Page

The Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Target Endpoint configuration is successfully

Click Done.

7. Click Save to save your work.

The connection for Oracle E-Businses Suite now appears in the Invoke (Target) area on
the canvas.

An Example of Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target) in an Integration    10-13
Showing the Oracle E-Businses Suite Connection in the Invoke Area

Adding the REST Adapter as a Trigger (Source) Connection

After adding the Oracle E-Business Suite invoke (target) connection, you need to add a
trigger (source) connection in the integration. The trigger (source) connection can be
any application adapters suitable for your integrations. In this example, the REST
Adapter is used for the integration.
Perform the following steps to add the REST Adapter as a trigger (source) connection:
1. In the Create Order integration page, locate the "GenericREST" connection that you
created earlier by entering "GenericREST" in the Connections field.

Selecting "GenericREST" from the Connections Panel

2. Drag GenericREST from the Connections panel on the right to the Trigger (Source)
area on the canvas.
The Configure Oracle REST Endpoint wizard appears.

10-14    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

3. Enter the following information:
• What do you want to call your endpoint? - Enter the name of this endpoint,
such as "Source".

• What does this endpoint do? - Enter the usage of this endpoint, such as
"Provide REST endpoint with input payload for sales order creation".

• What is the endpoint's relative resource URI? - Enter /process_order.

• What action does the endpoint perform? - Select "POST" from the drop-down

Ensure that you select the following two check boxes for this trigger (source)
• Configure a request payload for this endpoint

• Configure this endpoint to receive the response

An Example of Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target) in an Integration    10-15
Entering the REST Adapter Endpoint Details in the Basic Info Page

Click Next.

4. In the Request page, perform the following tasks:

• In the "Select the request payload file" section, select the JSON schema button.
Please note that the request payload file type can be either XML schema or
JSON format.

• Click Browse to select a desired request payload file, such as "request.json".

Click Open to attach the selected file.
For the sample request payload, see Sample JSON Payloads for the Oracle
E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke Example, page A-3.

• In the "Select the type of payload with which you want the endpoint to receive"
section, select the JSON button as the payload type.

10-16    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Specifying the Request Payload Details in the Request Page

Click Next.

5. In the Response page, select the JSON Sample button for this example.
Similar to the request, the response payload type can be either XML schema or
JSON format.

An Example of Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target) in an Integration    10-17
Specifying the Response Payload Details in the Response Page

Click Browse to select a desired request payload file, such as "response.json". Click
Open to attach the selected file.
For the sample response payload, see Sample JSON Payloads for the Oracle
E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke Example, page A-3.
In the "Select the type of payload with which you want the endpoint to reply"
section, select the JSON button as the payload type.

6. Click Next.
This displays the Summary page with the following REST service information that
you specified earlier:
• REST Service URI: /process_order/

• Method: POST

• Request Media Type: application/json

• Response Media Type: application/json

10-18    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Viewing the REST Endpoint Summary Information

Click Done.
Click Save to save your work. The GenericREST connection now appears in the
Trigger (Source) area on the canvas, along with the "EBS1225" displayed in the
Invoke (Target) area.

Creating Mappings
This step is to create mappings between the source and target data structures in the
integration. It includes the following three mappings:
• Map the data for the request message

• Map the data for the response message

• Map the data for the fault

Creating the first mapping for the request:

1. In the middle of the integration, click the Mapper icon for the request.
Click Create (the + icon) to display the Mapper page.

An Example of Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target) in an Integration    10-19
Creating the Mapping for the Request Message

2. In the Mapper page, create the mappings between the source and target elements:
• In the Source section, expand the execute node, then the request-wrapper node,
then the PROCESS_ORDER_Input node, and then the InputParameters node.
Select the P_API_VERSION_NUMBER element.

• In the Target section, expand the PROCESS_ORDER_Input node, and then the
InputParameters node.
Select the P_API_VERSION_NUMBER element.

Drag the P_API_VERSION_NUMBER element from the Source section to the

P_API_VERSION_NUMBER element in the Target section to map the data.
Once you complete this step, the mapped source value and the corresponding
target element are connected by a green line.

10-20    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Displaying a Green Line for Mapped Source and Target Fields

Similarly, use the same approach to complete the mappings for the elements listed
in the following table.

Source Path Source Element Target Path Target Element

execute/equest-wrap Responsibility PROCESS_ORDER_I Responsibility

per/ nput/RESTHeader

execute/equest-wrap RespApplication PROCESS_ORDER_I RespApplication

per/ nput/RESTHeader

execute/equest-wrap SecurityGroup PROCESS_ORDER_I SecurityGroup

per/ nput/RESTSecurityG

execute/equest-wrap NLSLanguage PROCESS_ORDER_I NLSLanguage

per/ nput/RESTHeader

An Example of Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target) in an Integration    10-21
Source Path Source Element Target Path Target Element

execute/equest-wrap Org_Id PROCESS_ORDER_I Org_Id

per/ nput/RESTHeader


per/ nput/InputParamete


per/ S nput/InputParamete S


per/ IT nput/InputParamete IT

Notice that a green check mark icon appears for the element that has a mapping
created. Additionally, the mapped data appears in the Mapping column of the
Target section.

3. Once the mapping is complete, click Save to save your work.

4. Click Exit Mapper.

Creating the second mapping for the response:

1. In the middle of the integration, click the Mapper icon for the response.
Click Create (the + icon) to display the Mapper page.

2. In the Mapper page, create mappings to map the source and target elements.
• In the Source section, expand the PROCESS_ORDERResponse node, and then
the OutputParameters node.
Select the X_RETURN_STATUS element.

• In the Target section, expand the executeResponse node, then the

10-22    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

response-wrapper node, and then the Output Parameters node.
Select the X_RETURN_STATUS element.

Drag the X_RETURN_STATUS element from the Source section to the

X_RETURN_STATUS element in the Target section to map the data.

3. Use the same approach to complete the mappings for the elements listed in the
following table.

Source Path Source Element Target Path Target Element


esponse/OutputPara ponse-wrapper/Out
meters/X_MESSAGE putParameters/X_M


esponse/OutputPara ponse-wrapper/Out
meters/X_HEADER_ putParameters/X_H

An Example of Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target) in an Integration    10-23
Displaying Mapped Fields in the Mapping Column

Click Save to save your work.

4. Click Exit Mapper.

Creating the third mapping for the fault:

1. In the middle of the integration, click the Mapper icon for the fault.
The Fault Mappings dialog appears.

2. Under the Route To, select "APIInvocationError" as the fault type.

3. Under Map, click the Mapper (+) icon to create mapping.

4. Create the mapping between the source and target elements:

• In the Source section, expand the fault node.
Select the errorCode element.

• In the Target section, expand the APIInvocationError node.

Select the errorCode element.

Drag the errorCode element from the Source section to the errorCode element in
the Target section to map the data.

5. Use the same approach to complete the mappings for the elements listed in the
following table.

10-24    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Source Path Source Element Target Path Target Element

fault reason APIInvocationError/ instance


fault details APIInvocationError/ errorPath


Displaying Mappings for the Fault

6. Click Save to save your work, and then click Exit Mapper.

The mappings for the request, response, and fault are all created successfully.
Click Save to save your work.

Assigning Business Identifier for Tracking

To effectively track payload fields in messages during runtime, you can specify up to
three tracking fields to enable runtime tracking on messages.
1. In the Create Order Integration page, click Tracking.
The Business Identifiers For Tracking dialog appears.

2. From the Available Source Fields section, drag the payload field that you want to
track to the Tracking Field column.

An Example of Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target) in an Integration    10-25
For example, drag the INVENTORY_ITEM_ID element from the Available Source
Fields section to the Tracking Field column in the table.
Enter "item" as the Tracking Name for the INVENTORY_ITEM_ID element.

Displaying the Selected Element for Tracking

3. Click Done.
Save your work and then click Exit Integration.

Activating and Testing the Integration

Activating the Integration
After you complete the integration with desired source and target connections and
mappings, you can activate the "Create Order" integration.
Perform the following steps to activate the integration:
1. In the Integrations page, click Activate for the "Create Order" integration that you
created earlier.

2. The Confirmation dialog appears. Click Activate.

10-26    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Displaying the Integration with ACTIVE Status

Notice that the status of the "Create Order" integration changes to ACTIVE
indicating that the integration is ready to use at runtime.

Testing the Integration

To view the activated "Create Order" integration, click the View icon. A pop-up dialog
appears with the integration details.
You can copy the Endpoint URL (https://<ebs host
name>:<port>/integration/flowapi/rest/CREATE_ORDER/v01/) and open it
in any REST client to invoke the REST service for order creation.
For example, an order number 69359 is created successfully after the service invocation
and is shown in the Response tab.

Displaying the Service Invocation Response with an Order Number

Verifying Order Creation in Oracle E-Business Suite

Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as a user who has the Order Management Super User,
Vision Operations (USA) responsibility.
Select Order Returns and then Sales Order from the navigation menu to open the Sales
Orders form.
Search for an order by pressing the F11 key. In the Customer PO field, enter the order
ID retrieved from the service invocation. For example, enter 69359 and press the
CTRL+F11 keys to execute the query. You should be able to find the order created in

An Example of Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target) in an Integration    10-27
Oracle E-Business Suite.

10-28    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Sample Payloads

This appendix covers the following topics:

• Sample XSD for the Create_Invoice Activity Used in the Business Event Example
• Sample JSON Payloads for the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an Invoke

Sample XSD for the Create_Invoice Activity Used in the Business Event
The following information shows the sample xsd used for the Create Invoice REST
service. This service is added through the REST Adapter for the business event example
described earlier. For information on how to use this sample xsd in an integration, see:
Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter (Trigger) and the REST Adapter (Invoke)
to the Integration, page 8-12.

Sample Payloads    A-1

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
<xs:element name="CREATE_SINGLE_INVOICE_Input">
<xs:element name="RESTHeader">
<xs:element name="Responsibility" type="xs:string"></xs:element>
<xs:element name="RespApplication" type="xs:string"></xs:element>
<xs:element name="SecurityGroup" type="xs:string"></xs:element>
<xs:element name="NLSLanguage" type="xs:string"></xs:element>
<xs:element name="Org_Id" type="xs:string"></xs:element>
<xs:element name="InputParameters">
<xs:element name="P_API_VERSION" type="xs:int"></xs:element>
<xs:element name="P_INIT_MSG_LIST" type="xs:string"></xs:element>
<xs:element name="P_COMMIT" type="xs:string"></xs:element>
<xs:element name="P_BATCH_SOURCE_REC">
<xs:element name="BATCH_SOURCE_ID" type="xs:int"></xs:element>
<xs:element name="P_TRX_HEADER_TBL">
<xs:element name="P_TRX_HEADER_TBL_ITEM">
<xs:element name="TRX_HEADER_ID" type="xs:int"></xs:element>
<xs:element name="TRX_NUMBER" type="xs:string"></xs:element>
<xs:element name="CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID" type="xs:string"></xs:element>
<xs:element name="BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_ID" type="xs:int"></xs:element>
<xs:element name="SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_ID" type="xs:string"></xs:element>
<xs:element name="COMMENTS" type="xs:string"></xs:element>
<xs:element name="P_TRX_LINES_TBL">
<xs:element name="P_TRX_LINES_TBL_ITEM">
<xs:element name="TRX_HEADER_ID" type="xs:int"></xs:element>
<xs:element name="TRX_LINE_ID" type="xs:string"></xs:element>
<xs:element name="LINE_NUMBER" type="xs:string"></xs:element>
<xs:element name="DESCRIPTION" type="xs:int"></xs:element>
<xs:element name="QUANTITY_ORDERED" type="xs:string"></xs:element>
<xs:element name="QUANTITY_INVOICED" type="xs:int"></xs:element>
<xs:element name="UNIT_SELLING_PRICE" type="xs:string"></xs:element>

A-2    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

<xs:element name="LINE_TYPE" type="xs:int"></xs:element>
<xs:element name="P_TRX_DIST_TBL">
<xs:element name="P_TRX_DIST_TBL_ITEM">
<xs:element name="TRX_DIST_ID"></xs:element>
<xs:element name="P_TRX_SALESCREDITS_TBL">
<xs:element name="P_TRX_SALESCREDITS_TBL_ITEM">
<xs:element name="TRX_SALESCREDIT_ID"></xs:element>

Sample JSON Payloads for the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an

Invoke Example
This section includes the JSON request and response payloads used in the example of
adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an invoke (target) connection in an
For information on using these payloads, see: Adding the REST Adapter as a Trigger
(Source) Connection , page 10-14.
Sample Request Payload for the request.json File

Sample Payloads    A-3

"RESTHeader": {
"Responsibility": "ORDER_MGMT_SUPER_USER",
"RespApplication": "ONT",
"SecurityGroup": "STANDARD",
"NLSLanguage": "AMERICAN",
"Org_Id": "204"
"InputParameters": {
"ORDER_TYPE_ID": "1430",
"ORG_ID": "204",
"PRICE_LIST_ID": "1000",
"SOLD_TO_ORG_ID": "1002",
"LINE_TYPE_ID": "1427",
"PRICE_LIST_ID": "1000",
"UNIT_LIST_PRICE": "12.55",

Sample Response Payload for the response.json File

"OutputParameters" : {
"MESSAGE_TEXT" : " Debug File: "
} ]

A-4    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Error Messages

This appendix describes the error messages if occur at the design time while testing an
Oracle E-Business Suite connection and while creating an integration with an Oracle
E-Business Suite Adapter connection in Oracle Integration Cloud Service. The possible
resolutions are also included in this appendix.
• Error Messages While Testing an Oracle E-Business Suite Connection, page B-1

• Error Messages While Creating an Integration with Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter
as a Trigger (Source) Connection, page B-5

• Error Messages While Creating an Integration with Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter
as an Invoke (Target) Connection, page B-5

For additional information on managing errors, see Managing Errors, Administering

Integration Cloud Service chapter, Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Integration Cloud Service.

Error Messages While Testing an Oracle E-Business Suite Connection

The following table describes error messages if occur while testing an Oracle E-Business
Suite connection with Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter from Oracle Integration Cloud

ICS Error Code Error Message Resolution

CASDK-0004 Invalid user name or Provide valid Oracle

password. E-Business Suite user name
and password combination.

Error Messages    B-1

ICS Error Code Error Message Resolution

CASDK-0005 User is not authorized to All methods of the Metadata

execute the service. Please Provider service do not have
check the user grants. required grants created. Grant
the required user privileges to
Metadata Provider service, as
described in step 4, Setting
Up Oracle E-Business Suite
Adapter from Oracle
Integration Cloud Service,
page 2-1.

Alternatively, this error could

also occur if the access to
Oracle E-Business Suite
instance is forbidden or
blocked from Oracle
Integration Cloud Service.
Ensure that Oracle Integration
Cloud Service is able to access
the Oracle E-Business Suite

CASDK-0005 Verify Integrated SOA Ensure to complete the setup

Gateway setup on Oracle tasks for Oracle E-Business
E-Business Suite. For details, Suite Integrated SOA
refer to documentation. Gateway (ISG), as described
in Setting Up Oracle
E-Business Suite Adapter
from Oracle Integration
Cloud Service, page 2-1.

B-2    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

ICS Error Code Error Message Resolution

CASDK-0005 Verify if Metadata Provider This error occurs due to either

service is deployed with alias of the following reasons:
'provider'. Ensure that all its
• The Metadata Provider
methods are deployed with
GET verb. API is not deployed as a
REST service.

• All the methods of the

API are not deployed
with GET verb.

• The API is deployed with

GET verb but with a
service alias other than "

To resolve the issue, ensure to

deploy all the methods in the
Metadata Provider API with
GET verb and with service
alias "provider".

For information on deploying

Metadata Provider service,
see step 3, as described in
Setting Up Oracle E-Business
Suite Adapter from Oracle
Integration Cloud Service,
page 2-1.

CASDK-0005 Error connecting to the Oracle Provide valid Oracle

E-Business Suite: <URL> E-Business Suite host and port
information (
http(s)://<ebs host
name>:<port>) where
Oracle E-Business Suite is
configured for ISG REST

Error Messages    B-3

ICS Error Code Error Message Resolution

CASDK-0005 A connector specific exception This error occurs due to

was raised by the application. invalid URL format.

The connection URL should To resolve the issue, remove

be of the format: any trailing slash in the URL.
http://<ebs host Ensure that the Oracle
name>:<port> E-Business Suite connection
URL is of the format:
http(s)://<ebs host

CASDK-0007 Unable to establish a secure This error occurs because of

connection to example.com. SSL certificate issues.
SSL protocol related
exception occurred. If Oracle E-Business Suite
requires a specific SSL
- certificate, ensure that you
sun.security.validator.Validat import or upload the Oracle
orException: PKIX path E-Business Suite SSL
building failed: certificate to Oracle
sun.security.provider. Integration Cloud Service.
ilderException: unable
to find valid
certification path to
requested target

- PKIX path building failed:

ilderException: unable
to find valid
certification path to
requested target

- unable to find valid

certification path to requested

CASDK-0005 Connection URL should be of This issue occurs because of

the format: http://<host protocol error.
To resolve the issue, the
connection URL should be of
the format:
http(s)://<ebs host

B-4    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Error Messages While Creating an Integration with Oracle E-Business
Suite Adapter as a Trigger (Source) Connection
The following table describes error messages if occur while creating an integration
using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a trigger (source) connection at the design

Error Message Resolution

Please select a Business Event to proceed. If no If no Business Event is selected in the Business
events are listed, select another Product / Events page, after you click Next, this error
Product family. occurs.

Ensure that you select a desired business

event from the populated list based on your
selected product and product family before
clicking Next.

For information on configuring the endpoint

for business events, see Configuring an Oracle
E-Business Suite Business Event in an
Integration, page 5-4.

Please select a XML Gateway Map to proceed. If no XML Gateway map is selected in the
If no maps are listed, select another Product / XML Gateway Message page, after you click
Product family. Next, this error occurs.

Ensure that you select a desired XML

Gateway message from the populated list
based on your selected product and product
family before clicking Next.

For information on configuring the endpoint

for XML Gateway message maps, see
Configuring an Oracle E-Business Suite XML
Gateway Message in an Integration, page 5-6.

Error Messages While Creating an Integration with the Oracle E-Business

Suite Adapter as an Invoke (Target) Connection
The following table describes error messages if occur while creating an integration
using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an invoke (target) connection at the design

Error Messages    B-5

Error Message Resolution

Empty set of values appear in the drop down This error occurs when the Metadata Provider
during the Product Family selection. API in Oracle E-Business Suite only has the
"isActive" method deployed, but the rest of all
methods in the API are not deployed.

To resolve the issue, ensure to deploy all the

methods in the Metadata Provider API with
GET verb and with service alias "provider".
For information on deploying Metadata
Provider service, see step 3, as described in
Setup Tasks for Enabling the Oracle
E-Business Suite Adapter, page 2-1.

Service is not deployed as a REST service in This error occurs when the selected interface is
Oracle E-Business Suite. To use this service, not deployed as a REST service.
deploy it from Integration Repository of
Oracle E-Business Suite. Contact Oracle Ensure that you deploy the selected interface
E-Business Suite Integration Administrator. as a REST service. For information on
deploying an interface as a REST service, see
step 3 as described in Setup Tasks for
Enabling the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter,
page 2-1.

Service Status: Not Deployed When a selected operation or method is not

deployed as a REST service operation, this
Service is not deployed as a REST service in error occurs.
Oracle E-Business Suite. To use this service,
deploy it from Integration Repository of Ensure that you deploy the selected method in
Oracle E-Business Suite. Contact Oracle an interface as a REST service operation.
E-Business Suite Integration Administrator.

The application has encountered an This error occurs when any of the Metadata
unexpected error. Please check the application Provider API methods (such as getInterfaces,
connection details and credentials, and retry getMethods, getProducts) except the
your request. "isActive" method are deployed but do not
have grants created.

To resolve the issue, in addition to deploying

all the methods in the API with GET verb,
ensure that you grant the required user
privileges to Metadata Provider service, as
described in step 4, Setup Tasks for Enabling
the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter, page 2-1.

B-6    Oracle Cloud Using the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter


Accessing Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter, 3-

A 1
Testing Oracle E-Business Suite Connection, 3-
Adding the Connection to an Integration
Overview, 5-1
Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a
Source E
Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite XML Error Messages
Gateway Messages, 5-6 Creating an Integration with Oracle
Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as a E-Business Suite Adapter as a Target, B-5
Source Creating an Integration with Oracle
Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite Business E-Business Suite Adapter as a Trigger, B-5
Events, 5-4 Overview, B-1
Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter in Testing an Oracle E-Business Suite
an Integration Connection, B-1
Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter Establishing the Connections
as a Source, 5-1 Connection for Oracle E-Business Suite
An Example of Using Oracle E-Business Suite Accounts Receivables, 8-6
Adapter Connection for Oracle E-Business Suite Order
Activating and testing the Integration, 10-26 Management, 8-4
Adding Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as an
Invoke (Target) Connection , 10-8 G
Adding REST Adapter as a Trigger (Source)
Getting Started
Connection , 10-14
About, 1-1
Assigning Business Identifier for Tracking, 10-
Common Terminologies, 1-2
Concepts, 1-4
Creating an Integration , 10-6
Getting Started with Oracle E-Business Suite
Creating Mappings, 10-19
Establishing the Connections, 10-2
Typical Task flow, 1-5
Overview, 10-1
Preparing the Oracle E-Business Suite Instances
Creating an Oracle E-Business Suite Connection
Accounts Receivables Instance, 8-3

Order Management Instance, 8-2 Testing and Validating the Integration, 9-15

Sample Payloads
Sample JSON Payload , A-3
Sample XSD for Create_Invoice, A-1
Setting Up Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter
Enabling Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter, 2-1
Setup Tasks for SSL, 2-5
Tasks for Outbound Integrations from Oracle
E-Business Suite, 2-5
Setting Up Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter
overview, 2-1
Setup Tasks for Using Oracle E-Business Suite as
a Trigger
Setup Tasks for XML Gateway Messages as a
Trigger, 5-10

Use Example for Oracle E-Business Suite
Adapter as Trigger
Creating an Integration, 8-10
Use Example for Oracle E-Business Suite
Adapter as Trigger
Activating and Testing the Integration, 8-33
Adding Trigger and Invoke, 8-12
Creating Mappings, 8-24
Establishing the Connections for Publishing
Business Events, 8-4
Overview, 8-1
Preparing the Oracle E-Business Suite
Instances, 8-2
Tracking, 8-33

XML Gateway Message Use example
Activating the Integration, 9-12
Adding the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter
as a Trigger, 9-7
Configuring Trading Partner Information, 9-13
Creating an Integration, 9-5
Establishing the Connection, 9-3
Overview, 9-1
Preparing Purchasing Instance, 9-2
racking, 9-11


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