Pulmonary Heart Disease
Pulmonary Heart Disease
Pulmonary Heart Disease
Bibliography: p.
Includes index.
1. Cor pulmonale. I. Rubin, Lewis J. [DNLM:
1. Pulmonary heart disease. WG 420 P975]
RC685.C55P85 1984 616.1'2 84-1523
ISBN-13: 978-1-4612-9797-0 e-ISBN: 978-1-4613-2847-6
DOl: 10.1007/978-1-4613-2847-6
To my mother, Erna Rubin, and in memory of my father, Theodore Rubin.
Preface xiii
1. Introduction 1
viii Contents
x Contributing Authors
xiv Preface
The pulmonary circulation plays a pivotal role in the gas exchange function of the
lungs and, therefore, in the ultimate delivery of oxygen to the tissues. The central
location of the pulmonary circulation-interposed between the two sides of the
heart-coupled with its intimate relationship with the airspaces, renders this vascu-
lar network vulnerable not only to disorders that may affect it primarily, but to
conditions that alter the structure or function of the heart and lungs as well.
Disorders of the pulmonary circulation can be broadly classified based on the
segment of the circulation where the predominant pathophysiologic insult occurs
(table 1-1). Conditions that raise pulmonary venous pressure, such as left ventricu-
lar failure or mitral stenosis, may increase secondarily pulmonary arterial pressure.
The adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and other forms of noncardio-
genic pulmonary edema primarily attack the pulmonary capillary network, al-
though precapillary pulmonary hypertension may also occur in this setting. A
variety of diseases affect predominantly the pulmonary arterial tree, from the main
pulmonary arteries down to the small, muscular arterioles, ultimately producing
pulmonary arterial hypertension. This book will focus primarily on acute or
chronic respiratory conditions that affect the pulmonary circulation at a site proxi-
mal to the capillaries.
L.J. Ruhin (ed.), Pulmonary Heart Disease. All rights reserved. Copyright @ 1984 Martinus NijhoffPuhlishing. Boston/The Hague/Dor-
2 1. Introduction
Precapillary Postcapillary
Laennec (1) described the clinical and pathological features of emphysema in 1826
and noted that severe lung disease may produce heart failure:
All diseases which give rise to severe and long continued dyspnoea produce, almost
necessarily, hypertrophy or dilatation of the heart, through the constant efforts the organ
is called on to perform, in order to propel the blood into the lungs against the resistance
opposed to it by the cause of the dyspnoea.... When, however, diseases of the heart are
found to coexist with chronic pleurisy, phthisis, emphysema, and, in general, with chronic
disease of the lungs, it will usually be found, on close examination, that the latter are the
primary diseases. It follows from these, and other facts noticed under the head of emphy-
sema and pulmonary catarrh, that a neglected cold is frequently the original cause of the
most severe diseases of the heart. (1)
In 1960 an expert committee of the World Health Organization (WHO) convened
to address several issues concerning cor pulmonale. The deftnition of cor pulmonale
agreed upon by that committee has been widely accepted and is the most precise:
"Hypertrophy of the right ventricle resulting from diseases affecting the function
and / or structure of the lung, except when these pulmonary alterations are the result
of diseases that primarily affect the left side of the heart or of congenital heart
disease." (4)
The terms cor pulmonale and pulmonary heart disease can be used synonymously.
It is my preference to use pulmonary heart disease because cor pulmonale is fre-
quently equated with right-sided cardiac failure. It is worth emphasizing that right
heart failure is a late manifestation of pulmonary heart disease and need not be
present to entertain that diagnosis (5,6). The earliest and most consistent feature
of pulmonary heart disease is an elevation in pulmonary arterial pressure or
pulmonary vascular resistance, measured either at rest or during exercise. Increased
right ventricular afterload is what ultimately leads to right ventricular hypertrophy
and / or dilatation.
The classification of chronic pulmonary heart disease proposed by the WHO
committee is based on causative diseases and is shown, with minor modifications,
in table 1-2. These conditions include primary disorders of the pulmonary vascula-
ture as well as diseases which affect the lung parenchyma or the thoracic cage and
which interfere with efficient intrapulmonary gas exchange. While this classifica-
tion is useful because it emphasizes the different pathophysiologic mechanisms
responsible for the development of pulmonary heart disease, one should keep in
mind that considerable overlap in mechanisms may exist in some conditions. For
example, while sarcoidosis generally produces cor pulmonale as a result of pulmo-
nary interstitial disease, pulmonary vascular granulomata may cause or contribute
to pulmonary heart disease in this condition (7,8). Primary vascular involvement
with polymyositis, without evidence of parenchymal lung disease, has been re-
ported (9). Similarly, intravenous drug abusers may have evidence of interstitial
lung disease as well as primary vascular abnormalities (10,11). This point has great
relevance to the therapy of pulmonary heart disease, which will be discussed in
chapter 12.
While a variety of conditions may be associated with pulmonary heart disease,
patients with chronic obstructive lung diseases comprise the largest group in whom
cor pulmonale occurs, accounting for over 80% of cases in the United States and
other industrial countries (108-110).
An accurate estimate of the incidence of pulmonary heart disease is difficult to
obtain from the published literature. Since the populations studied are frequently
not randomly selected, there is a predilection to selecting out and reporting patients
who are at the greatest risk for developing cor pulmonale. For example, an autopsy
study from the Cleveland Cystic Fibrosis Center found that 15% of cystic fibrosis
patients dying at 25 years of age or older had overt right heart failure (23); while
these statistics convey the bleak prognosis of pulmonary heart disease, they provide
only limited information concerning the overall magnitude of the problem.
A major obstacle to determining the incidence of pulmonary heart disease has
been the lack of uniform agreement on the clinical criteria necessary for diagnosis.
Although the WHO definition of cor pulmonale may be the most accurate, its
clinical usefulness is limited. Right ventricular hypertrophy per se has no clinical
correlate, and overt clinical signs tend to appear late in the course of the disease.
The incidence varies from 5 to 40% of patients with chronic obstructive lung
disease in studies that defme cor pulmonale as the presence of clinical signs of right
Table 1-2. Classification of pulmonary heart disease according to causative diseases
1. Diseases affecting air passages of the lung and alveoli 2. Diseases affecting thoracic cage movement
a. Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (ref. 5, 12-19) a. Kyphoscoliosis (ref. 57, 58)
b. Cystic fibrosis (ref. 20-23) b. Thoracoplasty (ref. 52)
c. Congenital developmental defects (ref. 24) c. Pleural fibrosis (ref. 4)
d. Infiltrative or granulomatous diseases d. Neuromuscular weakness (ref. 59, 60)
(1) Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (ref. 25-28) e. Sleep apnea syndromes (ref. 61-64)
(2) Sarcoidosis (ref. 7,8, 29-31) f. Idiopathic hypoventilation (ref. 59, 65-67)
(3) Pneumoconiosis (ref. 12, 32-34)
(4) Scleroderma (ref. 35, 36)
(5) Mixed connective tissue disease (ref. 37-39)
(6) Systemic lupus erythematosus (ref. 40, 41)
(7) Rheumatoid arthritis (ref. 42-45)
(8) Polymyositis (ref. 9)
(9) Eosinophilic granuloma (ref. 46, 47)
(10) Malignant infiltration (ref. 48)
(11) Radiation (ref. 49)
e. Upper airways obstruction (ref. 50)
f. Pulmonary resection (ref. 51-53)
g. High-altitude disease (ref. 54-56)
3. Diseases affecting the pulmonary vasculature 4. Pressure on pulmonary arteries by mediastinal tumors, aneurysms,
a. Primary diseases of the arterial wall granulomata, or fibrosis (ref. 105-107)
(1) Primary pulmonary hypertension (ref. 68)
(2) Granulomatous pulmonary arteritis (ref. 29, 43, 44, 69, 70)
(3) Toxin-induced pulmonary hypertension
a) Aminorex fumarate (ref. 71-73)
b) Intravenous drug abuse (ref. 10, 11, 74-77)
(4) Chronic liver disease (ref. 78-85)
(5) Peripheral pulmonic stenosis (ref. 86)
b. Thrombotic disorders
(1) Sickle cell disease (ref. 87, 88)
(2) Pulmonary microthrombi (ref. 89)
c. Embolic disorders
(1) Thromboembolism (ref. 90-96)
(2) Tumor embolism (ref. 97-101)
(3) Other embolism (amniotic fluid, air) (ref. 102)
(4) Schistosomiasis and other parasites (ref. 103, 104)
heart failure (4,18,109,111). Additionally, the presence of edema is not specific for
cor pulmonale, and this sign is likely to be an insensitive marker when used as the
sole criterion for the presence of pulmonary heart disease.
The accurate diagnosis of pulmonary heart disease requires the measurement of
pulmonary arterial pressures and pulmonary blood flow, but these invasive proce-
dures are not indicated in every patient in whom that diagnosis is suspected.
Furthermore, the hemodynamic criteria for the diagnosis are not uniform: Siassi
et al. found that 50% of 34 children with cystic fibrosis had hemodynamic evidence
of cor pulmonale, defmed in that study as a mean pulmonary artery pressure
exceeding 20 mmHg (20). The WHO committee defmed pulmonary hypertension
as a mean pulmonary artery pressure of 25 mmHg or greater (4). In our laboratory
pulmonary hyptertension is considered to be present if the mean pulmonary arterial
pressure is greater than 25 mmHg with a pulmonary capillary wedge pressure less
than 15 mmHg, or a pulmonary vascular resistance of 3 units (approximately 240
dynes·sec·cm- S) or greater, measured either at rest or during exercise (112). We
defme right ventricular failure as the presence of hepatomegaly, ascites, or edema
in association with a right ventricular end-diastolic pressure of 10 mmHg or greater
(113). While these criteria may be somewhat rigid, they serve to differentiate
between patients with cor pulmonale and patients with combined biventricular
failure or those with mild hemodynamic abnormalities which may not significantly
contribute to mortality or warrant specific therapy. Additionally, these criteria
recognize the profound hemodynamic abnormalities that may develop during
exercise in some patients.
An additional difficulty encountered in clarifying the true incidence of pulmo-
nary heart disease is the tendency for both clinical and autopsy studies to reflect
the prevalence of certain lung diseases in specific geographic areas. Studies from
the industrial Midlands of Great Britain showing that 25 to 40% of patients
admitted to hospitals because of congestive heart failur/e had cor pulmonale (108,-
109) may reflect the high incidence of lung disease mthat region, estimated to be
67% of males and 26% of females. Similarly, a range in incidence from 0.9% of
cardiac autopsies in Massachusetts to 54% in Arizona may reflect the incidence of
lung disease in the Southwest, a popular region for people suffering from chronic
respiratory diseases (4). A reasonable estimate may be that pulmonary heart disease
accounts for approximately 10% of heart disease in the United States (114).
Although the exact incidence of pulmonary heart disease may not be known, this
entity clearly seems to be a clinically important complication of lung disease which
influences both morbidity and mortality. These important issues will be discussed
in greater detail in subsequent chapters.
By elaborating on some of the disparate data concerning the incidence of pulmo-
nary heart disease, I have deliberately set the stage for discussions in later chapters
of this book. While the goal of this work is to provide the reader with a
6 1. Introduction
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10 1. Introduction
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The pulmonary vasculature is the crossroad between the right and left ventricles.
Therefore, the circwnstances under which the pulmonary circulation operates are
the key to understanding the pathophysiology of pulmonary heart disease.
We shall begin by describing the functional characteristics of the normal pulmo-
nary circulation. We shall then proceed to delineate the pathological mechanisms
that lead to abnormalities in the pulmonary vasculature and their physiological
12 2. Pathophysiology of the Pulmonary Circulation
to control the distribution of blood flow within the lung by hypoxic pulmonary
vasoconstriction in order to improve the matching of perfusion to ventilation in
lung units. Active mechanisms that affect the pulmonary vasculature are of interest
because of the potential for pharmacological interventions in pulmonary heart
In this section we shall outline the functional aspects of the normal pulmonary
vasculature anatomy. Since the key variables for describing circulatory function are
pressure and flow, we shall introduce some concepts that are used to examine the
relation between pressure and flow in the pulmonary vasculature and then describe
the passive and active factors that affect this relation.
MORPHOMETRY. Despite the close relation between the bronchial and pulmonary
arterial trees, quantitative differences are found in their morphology as measured
from casts of postmortem material. The total cross-sectional area of the bronchial
tree ranges from 2 cm2 in the trachea to 280 cm2 in the terminal respiratory
bronchioles (8). The total cross-sectional area of the pulmonary arterial tree ranges
from 7 cm2 in the main pulmonary artery to an estimated 400 cm2 in the precapil-
lary arteries (9). These geometric differences have been used to calculate the
pressure drop along the bronchial and pulmonary arterial trees under Poiseuille
flow conditions (see later in this chapter). In contrast to the bronchial tree, most
of the pressure drop along the pulmonary arterial tree is believed to occur in the
small peripheral arteries (10). This fact suggests that the design of the pulmonary
vasculature is better suited to control blood flow distribution than the bronchial
tree is to control ventilation distribution, in order to match the ratio of ventilation
to perfusion within small lung units.
The greater total cross-sectional area of the precapillary arteries is due to exces-
sive branching of the pulmonary arterial tree compared with the bronchial tree
(10). This excessive branching gives rise to supernumerary vessels and is particularly
prominent at the lobular level where the number of branches that do not accom-
pany airways exceeds the number of branches that do by fourfold (11). This
arrangement results in a close proximity of the walls of these small vessels to
alveolar gas in neighboring alveoli. Therefore, a potential pathway exists whereby
alterations of alveolar gas tensions due to changes in local alveolar ventilation can
modify the local pulmonary blood flow by hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction
and control of the local ventilation-perfusion ratio (VA/Q).
FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY OF THE VASCULAR TREE. The idea of active control of the
pulmonary vessels is supported by the structure of their walls. It is sometimes stated
that the walls of pulmonary arteries are so thin (the walls of pulmonary veins are
even thinner [11]) relative to systemic arteries that active control of the pulmonary
vasculature is of little consequence. Indeed, bronchial arteries, which are part of
the systemic circulation, have a wall thickness four times greater than pulmonary
arteries of similar diameters (12). This difference probably reflects the greater
pressure in the systemic circulation rather than a lack of active control of the
pulmonary vasculature.
The structure of the media varies along the length of the pulmonary arterial tree.
In large arteries (greater than 2 mm external diameter) the media consists of
muscular-elastic tissue with seven elastic lamina and is about 2% of the internal
diameter (11). The elastic lamina between the innermost and outermost layers
become less distinct toward the periphery, and the media consists almost entirely
of smooth muscle in vessels with a diameter less than 2 mm. In vessels less than
0.2 mm, the thickness of the muscular arteries increases from 2 to 10%. Vessels
between 0.15 mm and 0.03 mm may be completely, partially, or nonmuscularized
(11). Arteries that accompany the respiratory bronchioles are invariably muscula-
rized. Therefore, the machinery exists for controlling the caliber of small pulmo-
nary arteries far out into the periphery of the lung.
14 2. Pathophysiology of the Pulmonary Circulation
.--. -,
,, "
I \
I ,
, I
• I
Figure 2-1. Windkessel model of the pulmonary arterial tree and microcirculation. During
systole flow passes through the one-way valve (pulmonary valve). Some flow passes directly
through the narrow resistance (R), which represents the pulmonary microcirculation, and the
rest distends the elastic wall of the pulmonary arterial tree to a position shown by the dashed
line. During diastole inflow ceases and the valve closes. Blood leaves the elastic chamber as it
recoils and drives flow through the microcirculation. (Reproduced with permission from
Hemodynamics by W.R. Milnor, published by Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore.)
The adventitia of both pulmonary arteries and veins contains nerve fibers that
extend down to vessels of 0.03 mm in the human pulmonary tree (14). In most
mammalian species, both adrenergic and cholinergic endings have been located in
the outer parts of the media (15). Thus, histochemical evidence exists that the
pulmonary vasculature is innervated by the autonomic nervous system.
CONSEQUENCES FOR CARDIAC FUNCTION. The anatomy of the pulmonary vascular
tree indicates that it is not a rigid structure. This design is of particular importance
as far as cardiac function is concerned. Blood flows through the lung as the result
of rhythmic contraction of the heart. Flow would be impossible if the entire
pulmonary vasculature, including the pulmonary microcirculation, was composed
of rigid elements. During systole flow from the pulmonary circulation to the left
ventricle is interrupted due to closure of the mitral valve. During diastole, flow
into the left ventricle can proceed, but flow into the pulmonary artery ceases due
to closure of the pulmonary valve. Without a compliant element in the system to
store stroke volume during systole, pulmonary blood flow would cease no matter
how large the total cross-sectional area of the pulmonary vasculature.
The existence of a compliant element in the vasculature was recognized in the
eighteenth century (16) and came to be described as the Windkessel (17), (figure
2-1). A Windkessel is a compliant element in a fire hose that is designed to convert
the pulsatile flow of water into a steady stream. The Windkessel effect of the
pulmonary vasculature behaves similarly in the human lung: only 44% of the
amplitude of flow pulsations in the pulmonary artery is transmitted to the pulmo-
nary microcirculation (18), and 15% of the pulmonary arterial pressure pulsations
is transmitted through to the pulmonary veins (19). Therefore, the major portion
of the Windkessel appears to reside in the pulmonary arterial tree. Although the
pulmonary arterial tree does not anatomically resemble the Windkessel shown in
figure 2-1, it does appear to function in a somewhat similar manner (see the section
discussing consequences for cardiac function).
The primary function of the pulmonary vascular tree is to conduct blood to and
from the pulmonary microcirculation. Although evidence suggests that gas ex-
change may occur in the small pulmonary arteries (20-22), the pulmonary mi-
crocirculation is almost certainly the main location for this function.
Figure 2-2. Tracing of part of the human capillary bed. (10 p.m = 0.01 mm.) (Reproduced
with permission from original publication in Z. Zellforsch 57: 64S--666, 1962.)
lary lengths vary between 0.0015 and 0.0325 nun, and diameters vary between
0.0005 and 0.0615 nun (1).
vides a surface view of the capillary bed. The manner in which blood traverses the
capillary bed can be viewed from two different perspectives: blood can be consid-
ered to flow through a network of interconnecting tubes (tube flow), in which each
element has variable dimensions and may have correspondingly variable mechanical
characteristics (27), particularly as blood has to negotiate numerous branch points.
This idea is particularly apparent from the upper portion of figure 2-2. Alterna-
tively, blood can be considered as flow through a sheet sandwiched between two
layers of capillary endothelium held together by posts of cellular and interstitial
tissue covered with endothelium, similar in structure to an underground parking
garage. This idea is particularly apparent in the lower portion of figure 2-2, where
the stippled area represents the film of blood and the white areas represent the posts
as viewed from the alveolar surface. Although we have illustrated the concepts of
tube flow and sheet flow in terms of structure of the pulmonary microcirculation,
the important differences between them are functional (28).
•... -
>1/l 60
... .....
c 80
Q. 100
Pulmonary 30-50 20 10 1020 30-50 Pulmonary
arterial venous
Diameter (um)
Figure 2-3. Profile of the distribution of vascular resistance along the pulmonary circulation in
the isolated perfused dog lung with pulmonary artery pressure of 16.7 em H 20, venous pressure
of 11.1 em H 20, and alveolar pressure of 5 em H 20. 46% of the total resistance resides in the
capillaries. (Reproduced with permission from reference 38, copyright 1980 by American
Association for the Advancement of Science.)
tions of Poiseuille flow, pulmonary vascular resistance can be calculated from the
following relation:
R = (8 u l)/(1T'r 4),
where u is viscosity of blood, 1 is the effective length, and r is the effective radius
of the pulmonary vasculature. Because resistance is inversely proportional to the
fourth power of the radius, it is particularly sensitive to changes of vessel caliber.
Apart from the fact that flow through the pulmonary circulation is pulsatile,
characterization of the circuit in terms of pulmonary vascular resistance has several
First, Poiseuille flow conditions exist only in long narrow tubes. Although
turbulent flow is unlikely at rest because oflow Reynold's numbers in the pulmo-
nary vasculature, true laminar Poiseuille flow is unlikely to occur because of the
branching nature of the vascular tree (39). Resistance, therefore, is not necessarily
constant. The pressure drop is not linearly related to flow, but perhaps to some
power of flow rate.
Second, blood is not a Newtonian fluid because it contains cellular elements.
Therefore, viscosity is not a constant but will vary with flow and depends on the
geometry of the pulmonary vasculature (39). The apparent viscosity of blood
20 2. Pathophysiology of the Pulmonary Circulation
,;;- 80
~ 60
~ 40
(Pressure leads)
-I (Flaw leads)
o 4 8
Frequency Hz
Figure 2-4. Typical pulmonary input impedance in man shown in the solid line. The dashed
line indicates the theoretical input impedance in a tube of similar characteristics as the
pulmonary vasculature but without wave reflections, so that input impedance at higher
frequencies is the characteristic impedance. Note that pulmonary input impedance at high
frequencies (solid line) fluctuates around the value of characteristic impedance. (Reproduced
with permission from Cardiovascular Fluid Dynamics, copyright American Press, Inc. [London]
Ltd., 1972.)
result, the wave will die out before it reaches the far end of the rope. In a long
elastic tube the pressure and flow waves will be in phase (no phase shift), but input
impedance changes with frequency. At zero frequency its value is the terminal
impedance of the system (pulmonary vascular resistance). As frequency increases
the input impedance tends toward the characteristic impedance of the system (39).
Transmission line theory indicates that the characteristic impedance is independent
of frequency and depends on the ratio of inertial to compliant properties of the
system. Characteristic impedance can be approximated by the following equation
Zc = V {(p/'1Tr 2)/(dS/dP)}.
where p is the density of blood, r is the radius of the tube, P is pressure, and S
is cross-sectional area; thus, p/7Tr 2 expresses the inertance per unit length of the
tube, and dS/ dP expresses the compliance of the tube per unit length. This equation
contains no resistance term because at very high frequencies the changes of pressure
22 2. Pathophysiology of the Pulmonary Circulation
and flow are so rapid that the inertial and compliant properties prevent flow
through the system. As any hi-fi enthusiast will attest, wave reflections will occur
when impedances are not matched. The extent of wave reflection can be expressed
as the reflection coefficient (r):
r = 1 - Zc/Z
1 + Zc/Z'
where Zc is the characteristic impedance and Z is the input impedance (43). At
very low frequencies the input impedance is close to the terminal impedance. In
the pulmonary circulation, characteristic impedance is less than the terminal imped-
ance; therefore, wave reflections can be anticipated at low frequencies. The pulmo-
nary vasculature is quite different from a uniform tube of infinite length. The
pulmonary arterial tree has a fmite length with numerous bifurcations and termi-
nates in the pulmonary microcirculation, where the major portion of pulmonary
vascular resistance resides (38). Therefore, opportunity is ample for wave reflections
to occur.
Although the forward pressure and flow waves are in phase at the input, the
measured pressure and flow waves become out of phase as a result of wave
reflections. Phase shifts occur because the measured pressure is the sum of the
forward and reflected waves. The extent of these phase shifts will depend on the
frequency, the average distance between the input and the sites of wave reflection,
and the speed of wave propagation, which, in turn, depends on the mechanical
properties of the vessel walls and the viscosity of the blood. As a result the modulus
and phase angle of input impedance fluctuates around characteristic impedance to
an extent that depends on the reflection coefficient and frequency (figure 2-4). But
as frequency increases, the input impedance tends toward the characteristic imped-
ance, and the reflection coefficient decreases toward zero at very high frequencies.
Therefore, wave reflection and the deviations of input impedance from characteris-
tic impedance diminish as frequency increases.
Characteristic impedance can be estimated from the input impedance, but it is
not a particularly useful measurement of vascular function because as the degree
of vascular distention increases, vascular compliance decreases and tends to diminish
the changes in characteristic impedance (44). Total arterial compliance can be
estimated by other techniques (45,46). Nevertheless, the changes of input imped-
ance with frequency have important implications for cardiac function. The after-
load for the right ventricle is not the terminal impedance of the system (pulmonary
vascular resistance), but rather the input impedance.
~ 100
oscillatory terms
a: 0
0 mean terms
a.. 100
<IIC 200
Figure 2-5. Diagram that indicates the hydraulic power delivered by the right ventricle to
blood in the main pulmonary artery (in), the power present in the pulmonary veins (out), and
the difference, which represents the power used (dissipated) to produce pulsatile pulmonary
blood flow. The total power is separated into a component due to the oscillatory (pulsatile)
nature of flow (above), and a component due solely to mean flow (below). The shaded area
represents power due to pressure energy, and the unshaded area represents power due to kinetic
energy. (Based on the data supplied in reference 42.)
ence of the alveolar vessel in the longitudinal axis of alveolar septa, decreases while
the pressure on the external circumference of the alveolar vessel in an axis perpen-
dicular to the alveolar septa remains constant. For positive pressure inflation,
pulmonary vascular pressure is related to pleural pressure. Under these conditions
similar changes on the external circumference of the alveolar and extra-alveolar
vessels occur with lung inflation, except that the pressure on alveolar vessels
increases in an axis perpendicular to the alveolar septa. As a result negative and
positive inflation cause differing effects on pulmonary vascular resistance by virtue
of differing effects on the caliber of the alveolar and extra-alveolar vessels rather
than lung volume per se. For example, negative pressure inflation from zero
transpulmonary pressure causes pulmonary vascular resistance to decrease at low
lung volumes as the caliber of extra-alveolar vessels increases by lung expansion,
but to increase at high lung volumes as the caliber of alveolar vessels is reduced
by stretching in an axis longitudinal to the alveolar septa. Pulmonary vascular
resistance is minimal at mid-lung volumes and tends to be related to the changes
oflung volume rather than transpulmonary pressure (55), which differs on inflation
and deflation due to the hysteresis that occurs as a result of alveolar surface tension.
On the other hand, positive pressure inflation causes pulmonary vascular resistance
to increase from low to high lung volume (56) because of the dominant effect of
alveolar pressure to compress the alveolar vessels in an axis perpendicular to the
alveolar septa. Not surprisingly, therefore, these changes of pulmonary vascular
resistance tend to be related to changes of transpulmonary pressure rather than to
lung volume.
Surfoce tension
The hysteresis of lung volume is thought to be related to changes in surface tension
on the alveolar surface since it occurs in air-filled, but not saline-filled, lungs (57).
Lloyd and Wright (58) showed that surface tension also affects the pulmonary
vessels. When alveolar pressure exceeds pulmonary arterial pressure, the alveolar
vessels are compressed. By staining the perfusate of an isolated lung with Evans
blue dye, the investigators showed that flow occurs even when alveolar pressure
exceeded pulmonary arterial pressure by 5 em ~O in the air-filled lung, but not
in the saline-fuled lung. They suggested that in the air-ft1led lung, surface tension
forces were responsible for maintaining the vessels' patency by counteracting the
effects of alveolar pressure. This idea has been confmned by others (59, 60) who
made use of the hysteresis effect of lung volume to change surface tension. In
addition, it has been shown that flow occurs through the corner vessels (61), which
are somewhat protected from alveolar pressure but are likely to be influenced by
alveolar surface tension due to their location.
These changes of pulmonary vascular resistance with lung volume demonstrate
the differing mechanical influence of lung mechanics on the alveolar and extra-
alveolar vessels. They also point out that the effects of alveolar pressure on the
alveolar vessels also depend on its relation to vascular pressures. We shall now
examine this relation in greater detail.
26 2. Pathophysiology of the Pulmonary Circulation
Alveolar pressure
Under physiological conditions three relations are possible between alveolar pres-
sure (P alv)' pulmonary arterial pressure (ParJ' and pulmonary venous pressure
All three conditions can exist within the adult human lung in the upright posture
because of the low pressures in the normal pulmonary circulation, and they have
been designated zones 1, 2, and 3, respectively (62). The vascular pressures at any
level in the lung will vary with lung height because of a hydrostatic gradient of
pressures due to the earth's gravitational field. The height of the lung is approxi-
mately 30 em, with the hilum midway between the apex and the base. A pulmonary
artery pressure of 14 em H 20 relative to the hilum would be insufficient to perfuse
the apex 15 em H 20 above the hilum. Palv (zero em H 20) would compress the
alveolar vessels, and Part at this level would be insufficient to overcome Palv; thus
no Bow would occur (zone 1 conditions). If Pyen (or left atrial pressure) is 5 em
H 20, Pyen at 5 em H 20 above the hilum would be zero. Above this level, where
P art exceeds P alv' Bow would depend on this pressure difference and would be
independent of Pyen (zone 2 conditions). Below this level Pyen exceeds Palv' and
now flow would depend on the pressure difference between Part and Pyen (zone 3
The mechanisms that govern blood Bow under each of these three conditions
are illustrated in figure 2-6, based on data obtained with the radioactive xenon
gas method in the isolated perfused dog lung. This method estimates the blood
Bow through alveolar vessels per unit lung volume at each level. This value is
calculated using the ratio of the radioactivity of xenon gas that is evolved into
the alveolar space to blood Bow after vascular injection of the gas in solution and
the radioactivity after the alveolar space is equilibrated with radioactive xenon
gas by rebreathing. Under zone 1 conditions no Bow occurs because P alv com-
presses the alveolar vessels. Under zone 2 conditions, with Part greater than
Palv' P art is sufficient to start overcoming critical opening pressures. As Part in-
creases down zone 2 while alveolar pressure remains constant throughout the
lung, Bow increases. Histological measurements indicate that capillary recruit-
ment is the dominant factor that accounts for the increase in Bow under these
conditions (25,30).
The independence of Bow on the difference between Part and Pyen in zone 2
gave rise to the analogy to sluice Bow (63) or waterfall conditions (64) where
Bow is independent of the height of the fall. This independence of vascular
pressure drop means the concept of pulmonary vascular resistance may be some-
what misleading under these conditions (65). The measurement of pulmonary
Blood F\ow---+
Figure 2-6. On the left is a diagram to show the factors that operate to modify blood flow in
zones 1, 2, 3, and 4 of a lung in the verticle position. On the right is a diagram to show
regional blood flow per unit lung volume at corresponding levels in the lung. (Reproduced
with permission from reference 72.)
-i"' ::::::-- • • • ..A;.AI
:::0 lC,
C> x,"
RV lC""
ao 50
Bottom eX
o· I
I 1
LUNG DISTANCE (ems be(ow nb 21
Figure 2-7. Relative blood flow at different levels in the lung (ordinate) plotted against
vertical distance of the lung from the second rib anteriorly (abscissa) at total lung capacity
(TIC). functional residual capacity (FRC). and residual volume (RV). Each point represents
average data obtained in eight normal subjects in the upright posture. (Reproduced with
permission from reference 72.)
Interstitial pressure
Below zone 3, flow decreases down the lung despite increasing levels of Part and
Pyen in zone 4. This fmding indicates that flow can no longer be explained in terms
of the relation between alveolar and vascular pressures on alveolar vessels. It has
been suggested that the chief site of resistance shifts from the alveolar to the
extra-alveolar vessels (68). The location of the extra-alveolar vessels protects them
from alveolar pressure but exposes them to lung interstitial pressure. Two factors
that can increase interstitial pressure and reduce the caliber of extra-alveolar vessels
are a decrease in lung volume and the development of perivascular edema (71).
Changes of regional blood flow that occur with lung volume (72) and edema (73)
in upright human subjects support the idea that zone 4 is due to changes in the
extra-alveolar vessels. Zone 4 occurs at the dependent portion of the lung (72),
where the lung is less distended compared with the apex (74) due to the vertical
gradient of transpulmonary pressure (75). The height of zone 4 increases as lung
volume is reduced (73). At residual volume, where the extra-alveolar vessels are
likely to be the chief site of resistance (see earlier discussion on lung volume), zone
4 occupies the entire lung (figure 2-7): regional blood flow per unit lung volume
progressively increases from base to apex. A similar distribution of pulmonary
blood flow at all lung volumes has been observed in patients who have raised
venous pressure and are likely to have perivascular edema (73).
On the other hand, the cause of zone 4 in the isolated perfused lung is less readily
explained. The decreased blood flow in zone 4 in this preparation (71) cannot be
related to a reduction of regional lung volume because alveolar size is uniform
throughout the isolated lung (76). The decreasing flow toward the lung base could
be due to increasing interstitial pressure since the interstitium of the lung is a
continuum and subject to a hydrostatic gradient of pressures. This hypothesis lacks
morphometric support (77), and why the hydrostatic gradient of interstitial pres-
sure is not balanced by the hydrostatic gradient of pulmonary vascular pressures
is unclear.
Type II
o Q
Figure 2-8. Diagram to show the two types of pressure-flow relations that have been obtained
in supine human subjects. The pressure drop across the lungs (ordinate, .1P, which is the
difference between mean pulmonary arterial pr.essure and mean left atrial pressure) as plotted
against total pulmonary blood flow (abscissa, Q). Pulmonary vascular resistance is represented ~y
the slope of the interrupted lines. For type I curve pulmonary vascular r!=Sistance decreases as Q
increases. For type II curve pulmonary vascular resistance is constant as Q increases. (Modified
from graph given in reference 80.)
approach assumes that the interventions designed to increase blood flow do not
modify the pressure-flow relation by active mechanisms. These experiments were
conducted in the supine position so that the major portion of the lung was
presumably under zone 3 conditions.
Two types of relation have been observed (figure 2-8). In normal subjects with
increased alveolar pressure (78), in high-altitude dwellers with pulmonary hyper-
tension (81), and in patients with chronic bronchitis (78), the relation is initially
curvilinear and then becomes linear as blood flow increases (type I). The initial
curvilinear portion is presumed to be the result of recruitment and distention of
the pulmonary vasculature, but becomes linear as blood flow increases when these
processes are complete. In one study additional data points to obtain the shape of
this relation were obtained from spontaneous fluctuations of blood flow (80). On
this plot pulmonary vascular resistance is represented by the slope of a line between
a point on this relation and the origin. For the type I relation, pulmonary vascular
resistance decreases as blood flow increases. This pattern of a decreasing pulmonary
vascular resistance with increased flow is similar to that which occurs in different
lung regions. It should be noted that pulmonary vascular resistance, as convention-
ally calculated, continues to decrease even on the linear portion of this relation.
400 cmH 2 0
Pyen= 0 Pyen=O
P A1y =4 P A1y = 4
300 Pyen =8
I Pyen =12
~ 200
E 10
100 5
The component of pulmonary artery pressure that is required to recruit and distend
the pulmonary vasculature is incorporated into the calculation of pulmonary
vascular resistance. In normal subjects (78,80) and in patients with mitral stenosis
(78), a rectilinear relation was obtained with an intercept close to the origin (type
II). It was suggested that in this circumstance the pulmonary vasculature was
completely recruited and distended. Consequently, pulmonary vascular resistance
was constant despite increases of blood flow (80).
The conclusion that the pulmonary vasculature in normal supine subjects is
completely recruited and distended is difficult to reconcile with measurements of
regional blood flow in the human lung and histological data from the canine lung.
We believe that this conclusion is unwarranted for the following reasons. First, we
shall examine the pressure-flow data obtained by Banister and Torrance (63) in the
isolated canine lung (figure 2-9, left-hand panel). These data have been replotted
(figure 2-9, right hand panel) as dP against blood flow (0) similar to the plot
shown in figure 2-8. The pressure-flow relation obtained under zone 2 conditions
is similar to the type I relation. The two pressure-flow relations obtained under
zone 3 conditions are similar to the type II relation. It is important to remember
that the data shown in figure 2-9 were obtained under experimental conditions that
were ideal for accurate data collection. Human pressure-flow data, on the other
hand, are obtained under conditions that subject the measurements to greater errors,
32 2. Pathophysiology of the Pulmonary Circulation
and usually only three points are available to describe the relation. Under these
circumstances, it seems unlikely that the subtle nonlinearities of pressure-flow
relations under zone 3 conditions can be detected. The pressure-flow relations in
human subjects are indistinguishable from a rectilinear relation (type II). This
statement does not exclude the possibility that the pressure-flow relation is curvilin-
ear (type I). Measurement error and the small number of data points available from
experiments of this kind render it difficult to detect the small departures from a
rectilinear relation that are likely to occur under these conditions. Therefore,
alterations of pulmonary vascular resistance with changes of pressure and flow
under zone 3 conditions cannot be ruled out.
We believe that the degree of nonlinearity of pressure-flow relations under zone
3 conditions has been overemphasized. Likewise, the resolution of human pressure-
flow data in normal subjects is inadequate to state that recruitment and distention
are virtually complete in zone 3.
The best way to ensure that a change of pulmonary vascular resistance reflects
an active rather than passive effect on the pulmonary vasculature is to measure
changes of flow when all mechanical factors that may affect the pulmonary vascula-
ture are held constant: pulmonary vascular pressures, alveolar pressure, lung vol-
ume, and interstitial pressure. While these criteria can be achieved only in the
experimental animal, they need not preclude clinical investigation. The studies of
human pressure-flow relations have demonstrated the possibility of obtaining useful
information about the behavior of the pulmonary circulation when experimental
design is appropriate. Changes of pulmonary vascular resistance in normal supine
subjects can probably be attributed to active rather than passive effects on the
pulmonary vasculature, but not in the presence of lung disease. Because of the
possibility that the pressure-flow relation in the diseased lung may be curvilinear,
it is not possible to attribute changes of pulmonary vascular resistance to active
effects on the pulmonary vasculature when both pressure and flows are changing
in the same direction and the pulmonary vascular resistance changes in the opposite
ical differences of pulmonary blood flow distribution have little effect on pulmo-
nary gas exchange, they may be of importance in modifying the ventilation-
perfusion inequality that occurs at a local level within the lung. As we shall see,
to distinguish the cause for alterations of pulmonary blood flow distribution is
often difficult because both active and passive factors may be operating simultane-
ously. We shall illustrate this problem in two disease states: bronchial asthma and
The topographical distribution of pulmonary blood flow in patients with bron-
chial asthma shows a patchy distribution (83-85). Areas of hypoperfusion may be
related to local increases of alveolar pressure or mechanical distortion of lung
architecture. Alternatively, local hypoperfusion may be related to pulmonary
vasoconstriction due to local alveolar hypoxia secondary to reduced local alveolar
ventilation, or perhaps due to vasospastic effects of chemical mediators (4,86). In
this circumstance distinguishing the relative roles of active and passive effects is
difficult. In atelectasis a similar problem exists, but the position has been clarified,
at least in animal models.
Passive mechanisms can be invoked to explain the decreased pulmonary blood
flow to an atelectatic lobe: a reduced lung volume increases pulmonary vascular
resistance. On the other hand, lobar collapse causes local hypoxia, which leads
to pulmonary vasoconstriction. At least two studies (87,88) indicate that the ac-
tive pulmonary vasoconstriction causes the decreased blood flow to the atelectatic
lobe. In this circumstance active mechanisms predominate over passive mechan-
Humoral control
The ability of alveolar hypoxia to cause pulmonary vasoconstriction is generally
accepted to be the most important active effect on the pulmonary vasculature (89).
This response can occur at a local level within the lung and has been observed to
a varying extent in many mammalian species, including unanesthetized human
subjects with and without lung disease (90--92). The major portion of the hypoxic
pulmonary vascular response occurs at alveolar oxygen tension of25 to 150 mmHg
(93-95). In isolated perfused lungs pulmonary vasodilation has been observed in
many species below an alveolar oxygen tension of 25 mmHg (95,96), but this
degree of hypoxemia is unlikely to occur in human lung disease. The response
(figure 2-10) has been demonstrated to occur even within a small group oflobules
34 2. Pathophysiology of the Pulmonary Circulation
( ml.miri.')
o 50 100 150
Figure 2-10. The hypoxic pulmonary vascular response in a small group of lobules in the
South American raccoon (94). Local blood flow (Q) in the ordinate is plotted against the
alveolar oxygen tension (PA02) on the abscissa. The relation is drawn by eye. (Reproduced
with permission, from reference 131.)
(less than 1%of the lung) in the South American raccoon (93). Since the majority
of generalized lung disease causes hypoxemia due to ventilation-perfusion inequal-
ity between lung units at a subsegmental level, this result indicates that hypoxic
pulmonary vasoconstriction may be important for regulating local VAl Q ratios (see
the discussion on consequences for gas exchange that follows).
The debate remains unresolved (97) as to whether hypoxia has a direct effect
on pulmonary vascular smooth muscle or an indirect effect that occurs due to
release of a vasoconstrictor mediator or to suppression of a vasodilator substance
during hypoxia (98). Experiments on isolated pulmonary vascular smooth muscle
by the same investigator can be used to support either school of thought (99,100).
Histamine and prostaglandins now appear to be unlikely candidates as a unique
mediator of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, although they may playa modu-
lating role (101,102). Possibly, both direct and indirect mechanisms may coexist.
The hypoxic pulmonary vascular response is variable not only between species
but within one species, even over the course of a single experiment (103,104). The
state of the initial tone is one reason proposed to explain the variable nature of
the hypoxic response (105). If initial tone is high, then alveolar hypoxia may be
a less effective vasoconstrictor. Perhaps histamine and prostaglandins affect hypoxic
pulmonary vasoconstriction by altering vascular tone.
Some have debated the site of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, that is,
whether the chief site of vasoconstriction resides in the pulmonary arteries, in
capillaries, or in veins. The most compelling evidence indicates that it is in the small
pulmonary arteries associated with terminal and respiratory bronchioles (106,107).
Reports vary as to whether pulmonary arterial (mixed venous) blood oxygen
tension has any direct effect on the pulmonary vasculature. The difficulty with
experiments of this kind is determining whether a decrease of mixed venous oxygen
tension has a direct effect on the pulmonary vasculature or an indirect effect due
to secondary alterations of alveolar oxygen tension. Pulmonary arterial hypoxemia
has been shown to increase pulmonary vascular tone during ventilation with pure
oxygen (108). Under these circumstances alveolar oxygen tension will remain too
high to affect the vasoconstrictor response. In our opinion the claim that the direct
effect of precapillary hypoxemia is as equally effective as alveolar hypoxia in
causing pulmonary vasoconstriction is less certain.
The effects of CO 2 on the pulmonary vasculature have not been evaluated as
extensively as hypoxia but have been studied in human subjects (109). Difficulty
in identifying a pulmonary vascular response to CO 2 may be related in part to its
complex effect. It has been suggested that there may be two components to the
response to increased levels of CO 2: a direct vasoconstrictor effect due to molar
CO 2 and an indirect vasodilator effect due to an associated increase of hydrogen
ion concentration (110-112). The net effect in most manunals is hypercapnic
vasoconstriction. This response is of a lesser magnitude compared with the hypoxic
response (92) and is less likely to be as effective at controlling the distribution of
pulmonary blood flow within the lung because of the narrow range of alveolar
CO 2 tension within the lung compared with alveolar 02 tension. Nevertheless,
CO 2 can have marked effects on the time course (113) of the hypoxic pulmonary
vascular response and may enhance the hypoxic response (111).
The lung is the only organ that receives the entire cardiac output. Therefore,
one is not surprised that many substances are generated, stored, or metabolized by
lung tissue. Although the potential exists, the precise role of these compounds for
control of the pulmonary vasculature in the normal or diseased lung is unknown.
Histamine and prostaglandins are of particular interest because they are known to
be released from lung tissue in circumstances of clinical interest such as anaphylaxis.
Perivascular mast cells contain histamine, which may modulate hypoxic pulmo-
nary vasoconstriction. Exogenous histamine, by acting through HI receptors, causes
vasoconstriction under hyperoxic conditions, but can cause vasodilation through
~ receptors under hypoxic conditions (114). Again, this differential response may
be explained by differences in the initial vascular tone. Prostaglandins are synthe-
sized in the lung (115), and some of these compounds are vasoconstrictors (PGF2J
whereas others are vasodilators (PGE I and PGI:J. Prostaglandins may also
modify flow through the pulmonary circulation by their effects on platelets; for
example, thromboxane promotes while PGI2 inhibits platelet aggregation. Platelets
themselves contain vasoactive substances such as adenosine (116), and antiplatelet
serum has been shown to suppress the hypoxic pulmonary vascular response (117).
36 2. Pathophysiology of the Pulmonary Circulation
Neural control
Electrical stimulation of the autonomic nervous system has profound effects on
pulmonary blood flow in fetal lambs (118). Sympathetic stimulation reduces blood
flow to one lung to near zero whereas vagal stimulation can double blood flow
to that lung. Electrical stimulation of the sympathetic nerves decreases pulmonary
vascular compliance (51), but the effects on flow are less pronounced in the adult
compared with the fetus (119, 120). Recent data indicate that both alpha- and
beta-adrenergic receptors in pulmonary vascular smooth muscle are innervated and
can cause vasoconstriction and vasodilation, respectively (121). Electrical stimula-
tion of parasympathetic fibers in the vagus nerve has been shown to cause vasodila-
tion (122).
Although there are reflex pathways that act through efferent autonomic path-
ways in response to stimulation ofbaroreceptors and chemoreceptors by pharmaco-
logical stimuli, their pathophysiologic importance is uncertain (123). However,
two studies suggest that physiological stimuli can have an effect through neuronal
efferent pathways. Hypoxemia that is isolated to the systemic vascular bed increases
pulmonary artery pressure (124), and bilateral sympathectomy reduces the local
decrease of pulmonary blood flow in response to unilateral alveolar hypoxia in dogs
(125). At this time no evidence exists that autonomic innervation affects pressure-
flow relations in human subjects. Nevertheless, this possibility cannot be discounted.
Myogenic control
In the systemic circulation vascular smooth muscle tone increases when it is
stretched (126). At a local level this phenomenon may playa role in the autoregula-
tion of blood flow. In the human pulmonary circulation, myogenic control has
been implicated in the pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension, where it may have
the deleterious effect of magnifying an increase of pulmonary vascular pressure
(127), although direct evidence is lacking. Of interest is the demonstration of a
myogenic reflex in the dog. Acute nonocclusive distention of the main pulmonary
artery causes reflex pulmonary vasoconstriction (128). Unlike the peripheral circu-
lation, this reflex appears to be mediated locally through sympathetic pathways
(129), but its behavior resembles myogenic control. On the other hand, pulmonary
microembolism, which raised the feline pulmonary artery pressure by 21 to 75%,
caused reflex vasodilation. This reflex is mediated through vagal afferents and by
beta-adrenergic efferent pathways (130).
0.01 0.1
10.0 100.0
Figure 2-11. Negative feedback effect of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction on gas exchange
in a single lung unit, based on the relations shown in figure 2-10. The homeostatic effect on the
local ventilation-~rfusion ratio to small changes of local alveolar ventilation, expressed as gain.
due. to feedback (Gfb' on the ordinate), is plotted against the local ventilation-perfusion ratio (V
A/Q, on the abscissa on a log scale). Inspired gas was air and mixed venous gas tensions for
oxygen and CO 2 were 40 and 46 mmHg, respectively. (Reproduced with permission from
reference 131.)
Blood Gas
0.5 .5
100 ,
Mi xed Venous 60
Blood Gas
Figure 2-12. Effect of local hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction on arterial (above, on the
ordinate) and mixed venous gas tensions (below, on the ordinate) plotted against the degree of
ventilation-perfusion inequality Qog.,SD) on the abscissae. The interrupted lines show the effects
of ventilation-perfusion inequality for arterial (Pa02 and PaC02) and mixed venous (PV02 and
P V C0 2) blood gas tensions without hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction. Overall alveolar
ventilation, pulmonary blood flow, oxygen uptake, and carbon dioxide output are held constant
at 5.1, 6.0,0.3, and 0.24 liters/min- t , respectively. The solid line shows the blood gas tensions
under the same conditions when local hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction is incorporated into
each of the 100 lung compartments and allowed to alter overall pulmonary blood flow.
(Redrawn from data provided in reference 131.)
adverse effects on mixed venous oxygen tension are avoided (figure 2-13). This
analysis demonstrates that hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction has the potential to
reduce the deleterious effects of lung disease on pulmonary gas exchange, particu-
larly when it operates in association with other regulatory mechanisms.
The price to be paid for hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction is the increased
energy demands placed on the right ventricle to pump blood through the pulmo-
40 2. Pathophysiology of the Pulmonary Circulation
\ /
80 \ ,, ,
,'''----P a CO2
~ ,, ,,
Arterial 60 ,
Blood Gas
40 '0,
'",, '0,
'''"':-P a 02
0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5
/'----.py- CO2
Mixed Venous
BT'ood Gas
- ..- .......... ,Y
--o...---o...... ~o...
--" ,
20 "-, ,
a 0.5 1.0 '.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
VA/a inequality (loge SO)
Figure 2-13. Effect of local hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction and overall pulmonary blood
flow (cardiac output) control by arterial blood gas tensions on the blood gas tensions in the
presence of increasing ventilation-perfusion inequality. The plots are similar to those shown in
figure 2-12. The interrupted line shows the blood gas tensions with no control mechanisms
operating under the same conditions described in the legends of figure 2-12. The continuous
lines show the blood gas tensions under the same conditions when both local (hypoxic
pulmonary vasoconstriction) and overall pulmonary blood flow control are incorporated into the
model. (Redrawn from data provided in reference 131.)
nary circulation. As larger portions of the lung become hypoxic, the ability of
hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction to redistribute flow diminishes and pulmo-
nary hypertension occurs (133,134). An extreme example is the global alveolar
hypoxia that occurs on ascent to high altitude, which leads to pulmonary hyperten-
sion and edema in susceptible individuals (135).
Vascular remodeling
Any prolonged elevation of pulmonary artery pressure, regardless of the cause, will
lead to anatomic remodeling of the pulmonary vessels {136}. Since a complete
discussion of these morphological changes will be found in chapter 3, we will
confme ourselves here to discussing the consequences of chronic hypoxia as they
influence pathophysiology in clinical situations.
The acute and reversible effects of alveolar hypoxia on pulmonary vascular tone
have already been discussed. The beneficial effects of hypoxic vasoconstriction on
ventilation-blood flow matching {94} and the detrimental effects during the pro-
duction of high-altitude pulmonary edema {137} suggest the degree of its acute
influence on cardiopulmonary hemodynamics. In disorders characterized by
chronic pulmonary abnormalities where the presence of hypoxia is likely to be
prolonged, the vasoconstriction will eventually lead to significant anatomic
changes. These, in turn, result in progression of pulmonary hypertension and its
continued presence, even when the initial stimulus has been removed.
Much of our knowledge of these changes comes from descriptions of chronic
hypoxia induced in experimental animals. In rats exposed to hypobaric hypoxia,
a gradual but progressive increase in pulmonary artery pressures above the initial
acute response is found {138}. The initial response results from hypoxic vasocon-
striction and is rapidly reversible on return to normoxia. The progressive increase
correlates with changes in the anatomy of the small pulmonary arterioles and
arteries. With continued hypoxia the first change seen is an alteration in the
distribution of smooth muscle in the small pulmonary arterioles. In the normal lung
the muscle coat of these arteries progressively decreases along with the diameter.
Chronic hypoxic exposure results in an extension of the smooth muscle into the
partially muscularized and unmuscularized vessels so that a progressively longer
segment of the arterial tree is enveloped in a fully developed muscular coat {139}.
The new smooth muscle is thought to arise from the conversion of pericytes and
intermediate cells, which are normally found in nonmuscular arteries, into smooth
muscle cells {140}. At the same time an increase in the medial muscle coat of the
small pulmonary arteries and a decrease in their total number are seen by angio-
graphic techniques {141}. Other anatomical changes that have been described in
pulmonary hypertension, including medial hypertrophy of the larger arteries and
angiodestructive lesions, are not seen as a result of hypoxia. The absense of these
42 2. Pathophysiology of the Pulmonary Circulation
changes are most likely related to the relatively milder elevations of pulmonary
artery pressures that develop (142).
Whereas most of the morphological alterations resulting from hypoxic exposure
are reversible, the presence of these anatomical changes is likely to explain the
failure of patients with hypoxic lung disease to respond acutely to increased oxygen
levels with a reduction in pulmonary vascular resistance. Despite the general
impression that hypoxia is the major cause of pulmonary hypertension in patients
with hypoxemic lung disease, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD), and the observation that in these patients the level of pulmonary artery
pressure is inversely correlated with the arterial P0 2 (143,144), an acute response
to oxygen is rarely seen. In patients with stable severe COPD, increasing the
inspired oxygen concentration (FI0z) not uncommonly leads to a fall in pulmo-
nary artery pressure, but this fall is usually accompanied by a fall in cardiac output
and no decrease in the calculated pulmonary vascular resistance (145,146). Even
during exacerbations of chronic disease with worsening hypoxemia, the acute
effects of supplemental 02 on pulmonary vascular resistance have been unimpres-
sive (147). On the other hand, these patients do appear to retain their ability to
exhibit hypoxic vasoconstriction; an increase in pulmonary arterial pressure was
observed when stable patients with COPD were exposed to 14 to 15% oxygen
(147). Additionally, it has been demonstrated that the administration of oxygen
could lessen the rise in pulmonary artery pressure seen during exercise in patients
with COPD (144).
If we accept that anatomical alterations prevent the acute reversal of hypoxia-
induced pulmonary hypertension, we must next look at the time course of reversal
of the anatomical changes with prolonged relief of the hypoxia. This pattern of
regression can, perhaps, be best described in its purest form in subjects born and
raised at high altitudes who return to sea level for prolonged periods (137).
Highlanders have been clearly shown to have pulmonary hypertension. The pulmo-
nary vascular resistance is highest in children and gradually falls to adult levels after
five years of age. This difference relates to the greater muscularity state of the fetal
pulmonary vascular bed. The fall of pulmonary vascular resistance to adult levels
following birth is duplicated in lowlanders, but over a markedly shorter period
of time. Healthy highlanders have a pulmonary vascular resistance 2 to 2.5 times
that of age-matched lowlanders, and this difference is exaggerated during exercise.
When highlanders return to sea level, an immediate decrease in pulmonary vascular
resistance of 15 to 20% occurs, which is ascribed to the release of hypoxic
vasoconstriction. The remainder of the pulmonary hypertension reverses slowly,
and the reversal is thought to involve both a decrease in the viscosity of the blood
as hypoxemia-induced polycythemia resolves and a regression of the musculariza-
tion of the terminal portions of the pulmonary arteries. After two years normal
sea-level pressures are invariably found. In experimental animals the recovery of
normal pressure after relief of chronic hypoxia is more rapid, although evidence
of continued anatomical changes is present for months (148).
In light of this behavior, one might expect prolonged oxygen therapy to result
01 40
.... 30
<0 20
s 10
0.01 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0
Figure 2-14. Values of the partial derivative (8PA02/8VA/Q) on the ordinate at different
ventilation-perfusion ratios on the abscissa. The partial derivative is a measure of t~e c~ge of
alveol:rr o:crgen tension (PA02) for a small change of ventilation-perfusion ratio (VA/ Q). At
each VA/Q ratio the inspired gas is air, and mixed venous blood gas tensions are 40 mmHg for
oxygen and .46 ipffiHg for carbon dioxide. Note the maximum value of the partial derivative
occurs at a VA/Q ratio of 0.4.
.... 1.0
..J •
o .50
o .001 .01 0.1 1.0 10 100
Ventilation - Perfusion Ratio
Figure 2-15. The ventilation-perfusion distribution of a patient with chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease during an episode of acute bronchitis.
Figure 2-16. The effect of increasing the inspired oxygen fraction (F10 2) on the arterial blood
and end-capillary blood in individual lung units in a patient with COPD. While the arterial
P0 2 is increased to clinically accep~ablt; levels by an F10 2 as low as .28, the end-capillary blood
in individual lung units with low VA/Q ratios are relatively unchanged.
often assessed by measuring the thickness of the right ventricular free wall. This
measurement has been shown to be less sensitive than a measurement of the weight
of the right ventricle or, preferably, the ratio of the weight of the right ventricle
to the weight of the left ventricle plus the septum after excluding hearts with
significant left ventricular hypertrophy (162).
Some studies have indeed found a positive correlation between the degree of
emphysema and right ventricular weight (163,164). However, these studies invari-
ably have included individuals with no history of COPo. Examination of these
data suggests that the correlation is due in great part to the inclusion of a large
number of subjects with no emphysema and normal right ventricular weight.
Studies in which only patients with known lung disease were included failed to
demonstrate any relationship between right ventricular hypertrophy and the degree
of emphysema. In fact, evidence of cor pulmonale was more likely to be found
in the presence of centrilobular emphysema than in panlobular, despite its less
destructive nature (161,165).
A strong correlation has been found between right ventricular hypertrophy and
muscularization of the media of the small pulmonary arterioles in patients with
COPO and cystic fibrosis (161,166). As mentioned earlier, increased musculariza-
tion of the media is typically seen in chronic hypoxic states and suggests that
vasoconstriction rather than anatomical obliteration is a more important etiology
of the pulmonary hypertension in patients with copo.
At first glance, pulmonary embolic disease would appear to present a clear
situation in which the alterations in pulmonary vascular resistance are the direct
effect of vascular obliteration. As might be predicted from the pressure-flow
relations in the normal supine lung, a direct relationship between the loss of
vascular cross-sectional area (as estimated by angiography) and the increase in
pulmonary artery pressure has been found following pulmonary emboli in patients
who are free of underlying cardiopulmonary disease (167). No apparent obstruc-
tion threshold for the elevation of pressure in this study was found, but there
appeared to be a limit. No patients were found to have a mean pulmonary artery
pressure greater than 40 mmHg. The authors suggested that 40 mmHg represented
the pressure limit that could be achieved by the normal right ventricle. This would
appear to be a reasonable approximation. In a similar study of acute cardiopulmo-
nary hemodynamics following acute pulmonary emboli, four of eight patients with
a mean pulmonary artery pressure of 40 mmHg or greater died, three within hours
of the acute event (168).
The hemodynamic consequences of acute embolic disease in patients with preex-
isting cardiovascular disease are accentuated (169). The degree of pulmonary hyper-
tension is much greater for a lesser degree of occlusion, often exceeding a mean
pressure of 40 mmHg. In addition, there is no apparent correlation of the pressure
rise with the degree of occlusion. This fmding is not surprising since the pressure-
flow characteristics in these patients may differ considerably from normals, with
a steeper slope and nonlinear relation. Some have suggested that the fmding of high
48 2. Pathophysiology of the Pulmonary Circulation
Mechanical factors
Both the heart and lungs are enclosed within the thorax and are thus subject to
the alterations in pressures occurring during respiration. The heart and large intra-
thoracic vessels are exposed to pleural pressure, while the remainder of the extra-
alveolar vessels are surrounded by pulmonary interstitial pressure. When transpul-
monary pressure is low (at low lung volume), interstitial pressure approaches
pleural pressure but becomes exceedingly more negative as transpulmonary pressure
(and thus lung volume) increases (175). The intra-alveolar vessels, in contrast, are
exposed to alveolar pressure which remains close to atmospheric pressure during
normal spontaneous ventilation.
While we reference our clinical measurements of intravascular pressures to
atmospheric pressure, it is important to realize that from the view of the heart, the
true distending pressure is the transmural pressure, or the difference in pressure
across the wall of the cardiac chamber or vessel. These transmural pressures deter-
mine both the preload and afterload on the heart and influence the transvascular
movement of fluid in the lungs (175).
During normal inspiration ventricular stroke volume falls (176). This fall is
thought to be the result of two mechanisms. First, the decrease in pleural pressure
leads to an increase in the afterload on both the right and left ventricles. This results
from an increase in the transmural pressure in the intrathoracic vessels while the
pressure around the intra-alveolar and extrathoracic systemic vessels remains rela-
tively unchanged. Even et al. (177) likened this situation to a water pump in a
valley filling a reservoir on the top of the hill: "If a pump (the heart) in a valley
(the thorax) has to fill a reservoir on the hill (the alveolar or peripheral vessels),
the pressure that the pump has to develop must be measured by reference to the
level of the pump and not to the level of the hill. So the lower the valley, the
higher the energy needed to fill the reservoir, and the lower (i.e., more negative)
the intrathoracic pressure, the higher the cardiac afterload."
In addition to this increase in afterload, the increased venous return that occurs
during inspiration leads to a shift in the intraventricular septum toward the left
ventricle. This shift decreases left ventricular compliance and further contributes
to the fall in stroke volume (178). Experimental evidence suggests that during
normal quiet breathing this effect of ventricular interdependence is what plays the
major role in the inspiratory fall in stroke volume (179).
In the presence of obstructive lung disease, major alterations in transpulmonary
pressures may occur with a concomitant exaggeration of the influence of respiration
on cardiovascular function. For example, it has long been appreciated that pulmo-
nary artery pressure increased during the development of acute asthma. The increase
was initially assumed to result from the high positive pressures generated as the
patient attempted to expire through obstructed airways. However, measurements
of pleural pressure in these patients have now shown that the major alteration is
a marked increase in the negative pressure during inspiration (180,181) (table 2-1).
This results from an increase in resting lung volume and is thought to occur as an
attempt to maintain airway patency in the face of severe bronchoconstriction (180).
The markedly negative pleural pressure increases the hydrostatic gradient which
must be overcome, and thus the heart must develop increased pressure to maintain
flow through the alveolar and extrathoracic systemic vessels. Similar changes in
transpulmonary pressure have been seen in patients with COPD, espeically during
exercise (table 2-1). In contrast to normal respiration, this increase in ventricular
afterload is thought to play the dominant role in the decreased stroke volume seen
during obstructed breathing (179). A further impediment to cardiac output result-
ing from increased lung volume may occur due to direct impairment of ventricular
filling due to compression of the heart by the hyperinfiated lungs. This may also
limit the unstressed volume of the pericardium, exaggerating the effect of the
inspiratory increase in right ventricular volume on left ventricular compliance
To some extent, these detrimental effects on cardiac function can be compensated
for by an increase in venous return. However, the increasing negative pleural
pressure has only a limited ability to increase the gradient to venous inflow because
of the tendency of the large intrathoracic portion of the veins to collapse as the
negative pressure increases: "the waterfall effect" (183). In addition, studies in
individuals with grossly overinflated lungs have shown an inspiratory decrease in
venous return from the inferior vena cava which is thought to result from an
anatomic constriction of the vena cava by the flattened diaphragm (184). Finally,
the positive expiratory pleural pressures that develop, especially during exercise,
may further impair venous return.
While gas exchange is the most widely appreciated function of the lung, it has
become increasingly clear that the lung also participates in the metabolism and
production of many hormones and mediators (185). Clearly evident is the existence
of an active mechanism for the uptake and degredation of 5-hydroxytryptamine
(5-HT) and norepinephrine. The presence of angiotensin-converting enzyme
(ACE) is important in the hydrolysis of angiotensin I to the active octapeptide,
angiotensin II. In addition, this enzyme is able to metabolize the vasoactive media-
tor, bradykinin, to inactive peptides and dipeptides. The mast cells in the lung are
actively involved in the production of histamine, as well as slow-reacting substance
of anaphylaxis (SRS-A), eosinophilic leukocyte chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis
(ECF-A), and other proteolytic enzymes. They are related in a number of situa-
tions, including hypoxia and asthma.
The lung is probably also prominent in the synthesis and degradation of eicosan-
oids from both the cyclo-oxygenase and lipoxygenase pathways. Recently, addi-
tional vasoactive polypeptides have been discovered in lung extracts. These include
a vasodilator agent identical to vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and vasocon-
strictive substances yet to be characterized (186).
With the exception of the mast cell, the site of most of this metabolic activity
appears to be the pulmonary endothelial cells. This metabolic activity seems to be
a characteristic of endothelial cells in general, and the importance of the lung,
therefore, may lie in its anatomy. The large cross-sectional area of the pulmonary
vascular bed necessary for gas exchange also results in a large concentration of
endothelial cells available for metabolism. In addition, since the entire blood flow
passes through the lungs, its products are capable of generalized effects, as opposed
to other vascular beds which are more likely to exert local control.
The exact role of this activity in overall body homeostasis is unclear. For
example, even though the ACE in the lung is responsible for both the production
of a vasoconstrictor (angiotensin) and the destruction of a potent vasodilator
(bradykinin), whether this plays a significant role in the overall mediation of blood
pressure is unclear. Additionally, while many of these hormones and mediators are
capable of dilatation and constriction of both the pulmonary vessels and airways,
the role of these substances in the modulation of gas exchange is unclear, despite
the fmdings that mediators such as histamine are released during lung hyperinflation
(187,188). In addition, their role in lung injury is unclear. Many of them, especially
certain arachidonic acid metabolites, are released in response to endotoxin, pulmo-
nary embolism, aspiration, and other acute insults (115). While many of these
substances have the capability of increasing vascular permeability, their role in the
production of the adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is unclear. Some
studies have suggested that prostaglandins are released during mechanical ventila-
tion with positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and may be responsible for
myocardial depression and the observed fall in cardiac output (189).
Additionally, the development of lung disease has been shown to interfere with
the metabolic function of the lungs. The total endothelial surface area and the time
of exposure of the blood to these cells appear to be important in modulating both
the synthetic and degradative abilities of the lungs. Inhibition of oxidative metabo-
lism in the lung has been shown to impair the metabolism of 5-HT and the synthesis
oflung lipids (190). In rats given monocrotaline to induce pulmonary hyperten-
sion, a reduction in ACE levels in both serum and lung has been found (191), as
well as a decreased removal of 5-HT and noradrenaline (192). However, clinical
consequences of this reduced metabolic activity on either the lung or any other
body function have yet to be conclusively demonstrated.
V, 1.0 5.0
0 10 5.0
V,/O 1.0
Peoz 39 39
v, 10 5.0
0 5.9
V,/O 100 0.9
Paz 142 98
Peoz 16 40
V, 5.0
0 3.5 2.5
V,/O 0.3 2.0
Po, 58 123
~ 33
Peo, 44
Figure 2-17. Two-compartment lung model with ventilation and blood flow matched in the
top panel. In the middle panel blood flow to the small compartment has been reduced ~y ~O%
and diverted to the large compartme.nt. This will result in the development of a high VA/Q
unit, but a minimal decrease in the VA/Q of the larger compartment (1 to 0.9). Thus, no
significant hypoxemia would ensue. In the bottom panel, flow to the larger compartment has
been decreased by 50% and diverted t<? tht; small compartment. This leads to 58% of the blood
flow distribution to a lung unit with VA/Q of 0.3 and significant hypoxemia. In each case the
P0 2 and PC02 of the mixed venous blood are assumed to remain constant at 40 and 45 mmHg,
respectively. (Reproduced with permission from reference 62.)
0.3 Vlnlllflli(JII
81f1f1d {Ifl'
.. 0.1
o o QI LO 10.0 o 0.01 0.1
~ 0.4 ·OCAD DEAD
Jrl 41.
..J 0.3
,,-17" Q8"
o J....,t .rSlNtnI
......_ _r/L-.-----'-~'/>- J:..,t......-..,IL-.----.-_,I-
o 0.01 0.1 1.0 100 100.0 0 001 0.1 1.0 10.0 1000
Figure 2-18. The VA/Q distributions pre- and postemboliza~on !n two dogs. In the top case
embolization led predominantly to the development of high VA/Q units and a siglJifi~t fall in
the arterial paz. In the bottom case the major alteration was the creation of low VA/Q units
and the development of hypoxemia. (Modified from reference 62.)
0.3 61.1.
·ec 0.2
• 0.1
o O~~-- . .--~~,-~~--r--
...I o 0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0
:!: 0.2
ffi 0.1
distribution, with the PV02 having increasing influence as the degree of VAl Q
inequality or the amount of shunt increases. As an example, the Pa02 of patient
V J. in figure 2-20 was 58 mmHg with a PV0 2 of 24 mmHg. With the same
minimally abnormal VA/Q but a PV0 2 of 40 mmHg, her Pa02 would have been
88 mmHg. A similar influence of the Pv02 on arterial oxygen has been seen in
patients with COPD (202) and cystic fibrosis (193) with mixed venous hypoxemia
as a result of cor pulmonale.
The influence of the Pv02 becomes even more important during exercise. In
normal subjects exercise results in a widening of the arterial-venous 02 difference
since increased cardiac output by itself is unable to provide the necessary increase
in oxygen delivery (203). In patients with cor pulmonale, the cardiac output is less
able to increase with increasing metabolic demands, and the fall in Pv0 2 for any
56 2. Pathophysiology of the Pulmonary Circulation
CIT = 1.84 I/min Space
'liE = 8.41 I/min 41.7%
lJ... 0.8 Baseline
m·e 0.6
o ~ 0.4
'-III' : :
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V£ '17.94 IImin
0.8 37.6%
~ 0.2
~ Shunt
~ 0.3%
~ 1.2
.., E.S
o Or' 2.58
ffi 1.0 v. -582
~ 0.8 Space
~ 06
~% -
0.0 0.01 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0
Ventilation- Perfusion Ratio
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196. D' Alonzo GE, Bower JS, Dantzker DR. Gas exchange alterations in acute massive pulmonary
embolism in humans (abstract). Chest 82: 223, 1982.
197. Nadel JA, Colebatch HJH, Olsen CR. Location and mechanism of airway constriction after
barium sulfate microembolism. J Appl Physiol19: 387-394, 1964.
198. Chernik V, Hodson WH, Greenfield LJ. Effects of chronic pulmonary artery ligation on
pulmonary mechanics and surfactant. J Appl Physiol 21: 1315-1320, 1966.
199. Ohkuda F, Nakahora K, Weidner WJ, Binder A, Staub NC. Lung fluid exchange after uneven
pulmonary artery obstruction in sheep. Circ Res 43: 152-161, 1978.
200. Dantzker DR, Bower J. Mechanisms of gas exchange abnormality in patients with chronic
obliterative pulmonary vascular disease. J Clin Invest 64: 1050-1055, 1979.
201. Dantzker DR, Bower JS. Pulmonary vascular tone improves V A/Q matching in obliterative
pulmonary hypertension. J Appl Physiol 51: 607-613, 1981.
202. Mithoefer JC, Ramirez C, Cook W. The effect of mixed venous oxygenation on arterial blood
in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Am Rev Respir Dis 117: 259-264, 1978.
203. Jones NL, Campbell EJM, Edwards RHT, Robertson DG. Clinical Exercise Testing. Philadel-
phia: W.B. Saunders, 1975.
204. Wagner PD, Dantzker DR, Dueck R, Depolo JI., Wasserman K, West JB. Distribution of
ventilation-perfusion ratios in patients with interstitial lung disease. Chest 69: 256--257, 1976.
The critical review and helpful suggestions ofL. Max Buja, M.D., are gratefully acknowledged. The photographic
expertise of Dan Rodriguez and Linda Bolding and the typing efforts of Jean Redding are also recognized.
L.J. Ruhin (ed.), Pulmonary Heart Disease. All rights reserved. Copyright © 1984 Martinus NijhofJPuhlishing. Boston/The Hague/Dor-
66 3. Pathology of Pulmonary Heart Disease
heart disease can be applied in a proper sense (2). This approach is both customary
and convenient, but it neglects the fact that changes in the pulmonary vasculature
associated with congenital cardiac diseases may be remarkably similar, if not
identical, to changes thought to represent intrinsic pulmonary vascular disease (3).
Furthermore, for some congenital heart lesions, such as atrial septal defects, to
present as occult causes of pulmonary vascular disease is not unusual (4). For these
reasons, and for the sake of a more complete understanding of the response of the
pulmonary vasculature to increased load, a brief description of the changes in the
pulmonary vasculature that result from m:yor congenital heart lesions will be
included to the extent deemed appropriate. Otherwise, the bulk of this chapter will
concentrate on the pulmonary vascular changes of pulmonary heart disease.
One must recognize that pulmonary vascular overload and the resultant pulmo-
nary heart disease represent dynamic processes that may become clinically apparent
late in their natural course. One might divide this course into three stages. The
earliest stage is represented by a purely functional increase in pulmonary vascular
load, usually evidenced by pulmonary arterial hypertension, although in some cases
the load might be an increased volume of flow. Since the elevations of arterial
pressure are either low or intermittent, little compensatory effort is required by the
right ventricle to accommodate. Anatomically, any cardiac change is trivial, and
pulmonary vascular alteration is mild. Clinically, this stage of pulmonary heart
disease is silent. This stage could hardly be called cor pulmonale, yet it represents
the initial phase.
In the second stage of pulmonary heart disease, the increased pulmonary vascular
load provokes right ventricular hypertrophy, but this compensatory mechanism
allows the load to be handled without a reduction in output. Anatomically, the
right ventricular wall is thickened and the total right ventricular weight is in-
creased. The pulmonary vasculature reflects significant changes of hypertension.
Few clinical signs or symptoms are present, certainly none that reflects overt failure
of the right heart. Cor pulmonale is an appropriate term for this point in the
evolution of cardiac disease (5).
The third stage is characterized by the presence of right ventricular hypertrophy,
to which may be added the additional element of failure. The pulmonary load has
increased beyond the point at which hypertrophy alone can maintain output, and
cardiac dilation is now required to increase ejection volume according to the
Frank-Starling mechanism (6). If this proves inadequate, then the overt signs and
symptoms of right heart failure become clinically apparent. Anatomically, the right
ventricle is now hypertrophied and dilated, and the pulmonary vasculature contains
pronounced changes (5).
These three stages correlate quite well with the anatomic changes and reasonably
well with the clinical fmdings. Clearly, these stages represent a continuum of
change rather than discrete leaps from one to another. Additionally, reversing the
direction of change may be possible in some instances, thus providing further
evidence of the dynamic factors at work.
Also important is the examination of cor pulmonale from the standpoint of real
time, to borrow a term from the computer world, in which it might be divided
into acute, subacute, or chronic forms. Acute cor pulmonale occurs in a limited
number of clinical settings; for instance, sudden massive pulmonary thromboem-
bolism. In this condition right ventricular overload develops so rapidly that com-
pensatory hypertrophy cannot take place. Under the acute strain the ventricle
dilates and fails (7,8). Chronic cor pulmonale, on the other hand, is what is usually
implied when the unqualified term cor pulmonale is used. This condition arises over
long periods of time, usually months and often years. Progressive increases in
pulmonary resistance result in the compensatory changes described previously (1,2).
Interposed between these two extremes is subacute cor pulmonale, a term
initially reserved for right ventricular hypertrophy as a result of tumor emboli
(9-13), but more recently used for other conditions that may give rise to rapidly
progressive increases in pulmonary resistance for which time is sufficient for the
heart to undergo hypertrophy (14). This condition usually develops over a few
weeks or months.
In a practical sense these categorizations are somewhat arbitrary, but they may
have clinical application in sorting out the etiology of some forms of pulmonary
heart disease, and they serve to emphasize the dynamic interplay between the heart
and pulmonary vasculature.
With this introduction the remainder of the chapter will describe the salient
pathologic features of pulmonary heart disease. This discussion will include a brief
review of the normal pulmonary vasculature, alterations due to aging and other
influences, a general discussion of the changes caused by pulmonary arterial hyper-
tension, and how these changes may be graded and categorized by etiology. A brief
description of other organs affected by cor pulmonale and a discussion of the use
of the open lung biopsy in evaluating pulmonary heart disease will complete this
Pulmonary arteries
In general the course of the pulmonary arteries parallels the dichotomous branching
pattern of the bronchial tree, so that each bronchial, or bronchiolar, airway is
accompanied by at least one and sometimes two or more arterial branches. This
pattern is maintained from the level of the main right and left pulmonary arteries
and the mainstem brochi, to the point at which the respiratory bronchioles and
pulmonary arterioles terminate into their respective functional units, alveolar ducts
or sacs, and alveolar capillaries (15,16). However, not all branches of the pulmonary
artery remain adjacent to the wall of a bronchus, there being many so-called
supernumerary branches that diverge at right angles from the bronchovascular area
to enter the pulmonary parenchyma directly, that is, without an accompanying
bronchial airway. While these supernumerary branches may arise at any point along
the course of the pulmonary artery from the proximal part of the pulmonary
segment outward, the bulk arise within the last several centimeters of the bron-
68 3. Pathology of Pulmonary Heart Disease
chovascular tree. The supernumerary branches are numerous and, in fact, may
outnumber the conventional branches of the pulmonary artery (17,18). This
branching pattern may explain why the diameter of the conventional artery nar-
rows more rapidly than does the diameter of its companion bronchus as they reach
the peripheral parts of the lung.
Besides being classified as conventional or supernumerary, the pulmonary arter-
ies may be classified by their size, or histologic structure, as proposed by Brenner
in 1935 (15). If classified by the structure of their middle layer or media, arteries
may be either elastic or muscular. The elastic arteries are large and usually have
an external diameter of 1 mm or greater if the poorly demarcated adventitia is
neglected, and the measurement is made at its widest point from one external elastic
lamina to the opposite. Muscular arteries range from 0.1 mm to 1.0 mm in external
diameter, and those with a diameter of less than 0.3 are considered small muscular
arteries. The arteries smaller than 0.1 mm in diameter are usually termed arterioles
although they differ considerably in structure from the arterioles of the systemic
circulation, as will be described later. Histologically, the large or elastic arteries
consist of three layers: an outer adventitia of fibrous tissue with occasional small
blood vessels and nerves, a distinct media composed of layers of elastic tissue
arranged in laminae, and a thin intima formed by a single layer of endothelial cells
applied directly to an internal elastic lamina. In vessels of 5 mm to 6 mm in
diameter, the media may contain 16 to 20 elastic laminae, whereas vessels of 1 mm
in diameter rarely have more than 3 or 4 laminae. Smooth muscle is evident in
the media, but compared to the elastic tissue it is not prominent.
Muscular arteries are composed of the same layers as the elastic arteries and differ
mainly by the prominence of smooth muscle in the media. Elastic tissue is present,
but it is more conspicuous at the inner and outer zones of the media, where it forms
discrete internal and external elastic laminae. The intima consists of a single layer
of endothelium applied to the internal elastic lamina, and the adventitia is a layer
of fibrous tissue, often fairly thick but still poorly segregated from other fibrous
tissue present in the bronchovascular structure.
A third category of artery, the arteriole, is much more difficult to defme
histologically. These small vessels consist of tubes of endothelium with a spirally
wound elastic fibril that is continuous with the external elastic lamina of its parent
muscular artery, and occasional eccentrically placed smooth muscle cells that are
rarely apparent in vessels less than 0.08 mm to 0.06 mm in diameter. No well-
defmed circular band of smooth muscle is characteristic of the systemic arterioles.
The recognition of these vessels as arterioles depends in large part on measuring
their diameter or demonstrating that they arise from larger muscularized arteries.
While Brenner's classification of the pulmonary arteries has formed the basis of
many studies of the pulmonary vascular disorders, evidence suggests that it is too
simple. Some have pointed out that the vessels between 1.0 mm and 0.5 mm are
generally "transitional" arteries and have a medial structure intermediate between
that of the typical elastic and muscular arteries (3,17). Likewise, the transition from
muscular arteries to arterioles is not clear-cut. While unusual, tiny vessels with a
diameter of 0.025 mm may on occasion have a muscularized wall (19). The age
of the patient and whether the artery is a conventional or a supernumerary vessel
may also be important in determining whether a muscular media will be present
(17). One suggestion to clarify the nomenclature of these vessels is to call all of
these precapillary vessels arteries, with the additional comment that they are either
muscularized, incompletely muscularized, or nonmuscularized (17). Nevertheless,
the divisions originally proposed by Brenner have been used by many authorities
in the field (3,20-23), are strongly entrenched in the literature, and can still be
useful subcategorizations of the pulmonary arterial tree.
Pulmonary capillaries
The pulmonary alveolar capillaries constitute the business end of the pulmonary
vascular tree, but are relatively simple compared with the other pulmonary vascular
structures. They consist of a single layer of endothelium supported by a basement
membrane. Their lumens are somewhat larger than the diameter of a red blood cell
(seven microns), but they can be distended to several times that size (15).
Pulmonary veins
The pulmonary venules form the anatomic counterpart of the pulmonary arteriole,
and up to a diameter of 0.15 mm to 0.25 mm they possess the same histologic
structure. Unless they are located within a lobular septum, or serial sections reveal
they are connected to larger more clearly defined veins, they cannot be reliably
distinguished from pulmonary arterioles. In a general way the vessels in the
periphery of a pulmonary acinus are more likely to be venules, whereas similar
vessels of the same size in the central part of the acinus are more likely to be
arterioles. Veins larger than 0.25 mm gradually accumulate smooth muscle in the
media, although never to the extent that an artery of the same caliber does nor as
organized to the extent seen in arteries. More connective tissue is seen in the wall
of the vein than in its counterpart artery, and the elastic fibers are more irregularly
placed. Veins from 1 mm to 5 mm in diameter possess an internal elastic lamina,
a relatively thin media with scattered bundles of smooth muscle, and a thick
adventitia of fibrous tissue. Based on histology alone, telling these larger veins from
their arterial counterparts is usually no problem (15).
Bronchial vessels
The bronchial arteries arise from the systemic circulation and course as small vessels
that run within the outer bronchial wall. Histologically, they may be distinguished
from pulmonary arteries by their smaller size, relatively thick muscular media, and
possession of a single, well developed internal elastic lamina. These vessels extend
to the level of the bronchioles, where they are no longer apparent in histologic
sections. Capillary networks fed by the bronchial arteries supply the entire wall
of the bronchus and its supporting tissues, and even form collateral connections
with capillaries of adjacent alveoli (24). The capillary network drains into a plexus
70 3. Pathology of Pulmonary Heart Disease
of bronchial veins which anastomose freely with the pulmonary veins, thereby
effectively delivering the blood from the bronchial circulation back to the left
heart. Anastomoses between the bronchial and pulmonary arterial systems exist, but
are difficult to demonstrate except by use of specialized techniques since they
usually constitute a small component of the vascular tree (15,25).
Pulmonary lymphatics
Lymphatic vessels consist of thin-walled structures lined by endothelium, but
without a basement membrane. They parallel the blood vascular system, except that
they extend only as far as the alveolar ducts where they apparently end directly
in the interstitium. They are ordinarily inconspicuous, unless distended by fluid.
They form rich plexuses in the bronchi, interlobular septa, and pleura (15).
intimal sclerosis in the lungs of smokers when compared to control lungs from
nonsmokers (33,34). In some cases the degree of vascular change parallels the degree
of small airways disease and obstructive emphysema, suggesting that the major
determinant of the vascular change may be parenchymal disease rather than some
direct effect of the smoke (35). Clarification of this point will have to await further
Changes are commonly found in the pulmonary arteries of individuals with
bronchial carcinoma. Both medial hypertrophy and severe intimal fibrosis may be
found in the lung with the tumor. These fmdings may be even more striking in
the lobe with the tumor, but they are not seen in the opposite lung. The cause is
not known with certainty, but it appears to be a local disturbance and may result
from bronchial artery Ipulmonary artery shunts or from the effects of thrombi,
which are increased in cases of lung cancer (36).
Alterations in the pulmonary venous system also occur as a result of aging. The
main feature is increased intimal fibrosis, which becomes evident as early as 20 years
of age (15,37).
Grade one
Two main fmdings are characteristic of this grade: the extension of smooth muscle
cells into arterioles that normally do not have a visible muscle coat and increased
thickness of the medial smooth muscle in the small muscular arteries. As a response
to pulmonary hypertension, even arterioles with a diameter of 0.03 mm may possess
a distinct and completely muscularized media (figure 3-1). Because these vessels
now look different from the pulmonary veins, and because they are more promi-
nent, at first glance the lung appears to have increased numbers of arterioles (21,39).
Those arteries that are normally muscularized exhibit hypertrophy of the medial
72 3. Pathology of Pulmonary Heart Disease
Figure 3-1. Mild pulmonary hypertension. This pulmonary arteriole with a diameter of
approximately 0.06 rom possesses a distinct medial layer of circumferential smooth muscle.
Extension of smooth muscle into these normally nonmuscularized vessels represents an early
response to increased pulmonary artery pressure. This is a Heath and Edwards Grade 1 change.
(Elastic stain; bar length indicates 0.04 rom.)
smooth muscle (figure 3-2) although considerable variation in wall thickness may
exist from one artery to another. There are no intimal changes in this stage, but
to see some degree of increased adventitial fibrous tissue in both the arterioles and
muscular arteries is not uncommon.
Grade two
In addition to the changes of medial hypertrophy found in the previous grade, there
are now intimal changes seen in the small muscular arteries (less than 0.3 mm in
diameter) and in the arterioles. Proliferations of plump cells resembling endothelial
cells are prominent in these vessels and appear to occlude the lumens in some vessels
(figures 3-3 and 3-4). As an average, the degree of muscular hypertrophy is greater
than that seen in grade 1, although there is substantial variation from one vessel
to another.
Grade three
At this level of injury, three main changes separate this phase from grade 2. First,
the character of the intimal proliferation changes from a predominantly cellular
composition to one of less cellular fibrous tissue, and fmally to one of acellular
Figure 3-2. Mild pulmonary hypertension. The small muscular pulmonary artery has a diameter
of !-'pproximately 0.26 mm. The muscular media is substantially thickened, and represents over
30% of the external diameter of the artery. This percentage is calculated by multiplying the
average medial thickness (as determined by the distance between the inner and outer elastic
laminae) by two, dividing the product by the average external diameter of the artery
(determined by the distance from one external elastic lamina to the opposite external lamina).
and expressing the result as a percentage. In an uninjected lung greater than 10% medial
thickness is abnormal (58). No intimal change is present. This is a Heath and Edwards grade 1
change. (Elastic stain; bar length indicates 0.1 mm.)
fibrous tissue. Also, some increase in elastic material is often evident in the in-
tima, and the internal elastic lamina may be split in regions. A second change is
the extension of the proliferation of fibrous intimal tissue into the larger muscu-
lar arteries (0.3 mm to 0.5 mm in diameter). These masses of tissue may be either
eccentric or concentric, and in some areas may be florid enough to occlude
vessels or to leave only a pinpoint lumen. Some of the concentric proliferations
of intimal fibrous tissue resemble an "onionskin" (figures 3-5 and 3-6). At first
the proliferations are focal, but as the disease progresses they become widespread.
The third and fmal change represents a continuation of medial hypertrophy, so
that in this grade the media attains its greatest relative thickness, in some cases
being up to 30% of the external diameter of the vessel. Further increases in
pressure may produce alterations in the vessel wall (as described in grades 4
through 6), but will not produce any further degree of medial hypertrophy.
Variation in extent of medial and intimal changes is still found from vessel to
vessel, with some vessels exhibiting grade 1 lesions, and some grade 2, as well as
the more severe grade 3 lesions. As the disease advances some vessels may begin
Figure 3-3. Mild pulmonary hypertension. This pulmonary arteriole (diameter approximately
0.06 rom) has not only a distinct muscular media, but there is also a cellular intimal
proliferation that compromises the lumen, leaving a faintly apparent opening. This is a Heath
and Edwards grade 2 change. (Elastic stain; bar length indicates 0.04 rom.)
Figure 3-4. Mild pulmonary hypertension. The small muscular artery in this illustration has an
external diameter of approximately 0.28 rom and a medial thickness of 30%. Also present is a
subsrantial proliferation of cellular intimal tissue. Note the perpendicular arrangement of intimal
nuclei relative to the elastic lamina. This is a Heath and Edwards grade 2 change. (Elastic stain;
bar length indicates 0.1 rom.)
Figure 3-5. Concentric laminar intimal fibrosis. The pulmonary artery (0.14 mm diameter)
depicted here has a distinct muscular media, but the most prominent change is a concentric
proliferation of cellular intimal tissue, forming an "onionskin" pattern. This is a relatively early
lesion since there are still a large number of nuclei visible in the intima. This change is
characteristic of Heath and Edwards grade 3. (Elastic stain; bar length indicates 0.04 mm.)
Figure 3-6. Concentric laminar intimal fibrosis. The small muscular artery in this
photomicrograph demonstrates essentially the same lesion as depicted in figure 3-5, except that
the intimal proliferation is much less cellular and much more fibrotic. Sometimes, substantial
amounts of elastic tissue are present in the older lesions. This is still a grade 3 change in the
Heath and Edwards system. (Elastic stain; bar length indicates 0.1 mm.)
76 3. Pathology of Pulmonary Heart Disease
to show generalized dilation, which should not be confused with the more spe-
cific and focal "dilatation lesions" to be found in more advanced grades (that is,
grades 4 to 6).
Grade four
Beginning with this grade proliferation is no longer the major reaction to in-
creased pulmonary load. The main new features of this grade and the higher
grades are specific "dilatation lesions." The best known of these is the plexiform
lesion, which is the hallmark of grade 4 and represents a focal change within a
dilated thin-walled arteriole or muscular artery. It consists of a saclike dilated
wall of the parent vessel and a knot of tortuous small channels and intervening
stroma resembling a glomerular tuft that fill the sac (figures 3-7 and 3-8). Proxi-
mal to the plexiform lesion, the artery has the other changes of pulmonary
hypertension, such as medial hypertrophy, fibrous intimal proliferation, and gen-
eralized dilation. At or distal to the lesion is frequently a thrombus, which may
eventually organize and be incorporated into the plexiform lesion. Elsewhere,
the arteries exhibit changes described before, including proliferative intimal le-
sions and muscular medial hypertrophy.
Grade five
In addition to the plexiform lesion, three other specific dilatation lesions were
described by Heath and Edwards as characteristic of grade S. These include the
angiomatoid lesions, cavernous lesions, and the transformation of branches of
hypertrophied muscular arteries into dilated vessels resembling veins. All of these
lesions and the plexiform lesion give rise to thin-walled vessels resembling sinusoids
that deliver blood to the alveolar capillaries. The presence of these congested
structures makes the lung appear extremely vascular. More detailed descriptions of
these lesions are presented in previous publications (3,38,40-42). Other changes
representative of this grade are the appearance of medial fibrosis of the muscular
arteries and hemosiderin deposits within alveolar macrophages. The hemosiderosis
is rarely as prominent as that seen in chronic passive pulmonary congestion due
to left heart failure.
Grade six
Besides the cumulative lesions of the previous grades, the hallmark of grade 6 is
the presence of focal fibrinoid necrosis of muscular pulmonary arteries. If the
necrosis is recent, the smudgy or glassy red appearance of fibrinoid in hematoxylin
and eosin-stained sections can be seen replacing part of all of the medial muscle.
An acute inflammatory infiltrate of neutrophils and sometimes eosinophils gives
this lesion a striking resemblance to the arteritis of polyarteritis nodosa (figure 3-9).
Later lesions show less inflammatory infiltrate and often have superimposed
thrombi. Organization of these thrombi with capillaries and fibrous tissue may
produce structures resembling the plexiform lesion. Fibrinoid necrosis may occur
Figure 3-7. Plexiform lesions. A cross section through this pulmonary artery (0.18 mm
diameter) shows the complex pattern of vascular channels within a dilated vessel that is typical
of the plexiform lesion of Heath and Edwards grade 4. (Elastic stain; bar length indicates 0.04
Figure ~. Plexiform lesion. This is a lower magnification of the same type lesion depicted in
figure 3-7. except that the parent artery is more clearly visible. (Elastic stain; bar length
indicates 0.1 mm.)
78 3. Pathology of Pulmonary Heart Disease
Figure 3-9. Fibrinoid necrosis. The entire wall of this muscularized pulmonary artery, cut at a
branch point, is involved by fibrinoid necrosis. An inflammatory infiltrate containing neutrophils
indicates that this lesion is probably recent. Older lesions often have less inflammatory infiltrate
and demonstrate some evidence of organization by granulation tissue or fibrosis. This is a grade
6 lesion by the Heath and Edwards system. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; bar length indicates
0.1 mm.)
prognosis. A suggestion was made that grades 4 through 6 be combined into a single
grade 4 to simplify the grading system and remove the implication that grade 6
is worse than grade 4 (47). This approach has been used in some pathological
evaluations and correlates well with the way primary physicians use the system to
assess the feasibility of surgery in congenital heart diseases (48).
An additional problem with grade 6 is that a considerable number of studies now
indicate that fibrinoid necrosis may precede the formation of the plexiform lesion.
In essence, it is thought that extreme elevations in pulmonary artery pressure,
perhaps even transiently, may result in necrosis, which then provides a nidus for
thrombus formation. Organization of this area results in a plexiform mass of
capillary-sized vessels within a dilated artery. That the plexiform lesion should be
confused with organizing thrombi is then easily understood since both may have
a similar origin (3,49-51).
Another shortcoming of the Heath and Edwards grading system has emerged
because of the recognition of slightly different patterns of pulmonary vascular
lesions that are dependent on the underlying cause. This has proven to be true with
regard to congenital heart diseases (52-54) and with some other forms of pulmo-
nary heart disease (55). Heath and Edwards recognized certain differences between
patients with atrial septal defects and other congenital shunts (38). Even more
critical may be the recognition that a grading system applicable to congenital heart
disease, and perhaps primary pulmonary hypertension, may not be applicable to
other types of pulmonary heart disease. For instance, the Heath and Edwards
grading system takes into account changes that occur only in the arterial circulation.
Complete evaluation of the lung lesions of pulmonary heart disease requires
examination of veins, lymphatics, and parenchyma, not just arteries. This point
should become even clearer during the subsequent section on classification of
pulmonary vascular disease.
Finally, the Heath and Edwards system is qualitative and depends on a relative
assessment of medial hypertrophy as well as on the presence or absence of certain
features (such as plexiform lesions) to determine grade, rather than some more
quantitative method. The hazards of attempting to quantify medial hypertrophy
in relative terms should be obvious. Assuming one minimizes any artifacts due to
the preparation of the tissue, one must still make a subjective judgment about the
amount of medial smooth muscle relative to what is considered "normal." Like-
wise, the presence or absence of a given lesion may be a relatively crude measure,
and in some cases may be misleading. For example, mild intimal fibrosis in a few
pulmonary arteries does not carry the same prognostic significance as does more
severe and widespread intimal fibrosis, yet it may be accorded the same grade (53).
One might also question whether the presence of a single plexiform lesion in a lung
biopsy is sufficient to render a grade 4 categorization and to deny the possible
benefit of surgery to some cases of congenital heart disease.
A number of attempts to grade pulmonary vascular disease by more objective
methods have been tried. Brenner (15) measured the medial thickness of arteries
relative to their external diameter, excluding adventitia, but his measurements may
80 3. Pathology of Pulmonary Heart Disease
be falsely high since he used uninjected and probably underinflated lungs from
autopsy. More consistent data had been obtained by either injecting the lungs
through the pulmonary artery at constant pressure (31,56-59) or by simply assuring
that the lungs are adequately inflated before they are fixed (table 3-1) (52,58,60,61).
Not only can studies of this type provide information about the amount of smooth
muscle, they can also provide some idea of the overall number of arterioles in a
unit volume of lung.
Rather unexpectedly, a significant decrease in the number of arterioles has been
found in some types of pulmonary vascular disease, especially that associated with
certain congenital heart diseases (56,57,61). Needless to say, there is no part of the
Heath and Edwards grading system that can take arterial density into account, and
a modified grading system has been proposed. The modification is essentially a
refmement and expansion of grade 1, with an additional category for number of
arterioles. In this system grade A is characterized by abnormal extension of muscle
into peripheral arterioles, grade B by increased thickness of the media, and grade
C by reduction in number of arterioles per unit volume oflung (58,61). The main
use of this grading system has been the preoperative evaluation of congenital
cardiac shunts for possible surgical correction; it has not found great use in other
pulmonary vascular diseases. In fact, some recent studies question the role of
decreased numbers of arterioles in producing pulmonary hypertension with certain
congenital heart diseases (62,63). Nevertheless, the increased amount of objective
information obtained by these kinds of methods might prove of value in evaluating
other pulmonary vascular diseases and should be encouraged.
The problems discussed above have led at least one authority to recommend
abandoning the Heath and Edwards system altogether (47). To do so may be
somewhat unrealistic since the system is so strongly entrenched both in the litera-
ture and in common practice. The recommendation likewise fails to consider that
% medial Method of
Study Size vessels thickness' preparation
1Percent medial thickness is calculated by multiplying the average medial thickness (distance between inner and
outer elastic laminae) by two, dividing the product by the arterial diameter (distance from one outer elastic lamina
to the opposite one), and multiplying by 100 to convert the answer to a percentage fraction. If the artery is
sectioned tangentially, then the minimum thickness and shortest diameter should be used in these calculations.
the grading system has usefulness in at least several areas, including primary
pulmonary hypertension. The objections do serve to emphasize the fact that any
grading system should be only one aspect of an overall appraisal of the severity,
prognosis, and etiology of any given example of pulmonary vascular disease.
Figure 3-11. Eccentric fibrous plaque. A larger muscular pulmonary artery contains an eccentric
fibrous plaque. the residual of a completely organized pulmonary thromboembolus. In other
areas there were more recent thromboemboli in varying stages of organization. Many
thromboemboli undergo complete lysis. leaving behind no evidence of their presence. (Elastic
stain; bar length indicates 0.2 mm.)
Figure 3-12. Intraluminal fibrous septa. The small muscular pulmonary artery contains fibrous
bands that bridge the lumen and are characteristic of organized thromboemboli. In some
examples only a single fibrous strand is apparent; in others the proliferation may be so complex
that it may be mistaken for the plexiform lesion. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; bar length
indicates 0.1 mm.)
Figure 3-14. Trophoblastic embolus, older lesion. This photomicrograph is from the same case
illustrated in figure 3-13. The lesion in the center is a dilated and inapparent arteriole filled
with trophoblasts and thrombotic material. This lesion has been present for some time, probably
several days or a week, proving that embolization occurred prior to delivery. The right
ventricle was dilated, but unfortunately, the weight was not determined. This case is an example
of "acute" cor pulmonale. If right ventricular hypertrophy had been present, it would be an
example of "subacute" cor pulmonale. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; bar length indicates 0.1
uncommon, but these emboli rarely account for chronic pulmonary hypertension
and usually represent incidental findings. If massive, marrow or fat emboli are often
fatal (82-84). Of more significance may be the emboli of foreign material, such
as talc and fiber, that result from intravenous drug abuse. These emboli eventually
result in destruction of enough pulmonary vessels to produce pulmonary hyperten-
sion (85-87), but whether this is the only cause of pulmonary hypertension in drug
abusers is not clear. At least some may have pulmonary vascular changes from the
drugs per se, as with users of propylhexedrine, for whom evidence suggests a
vasoconstrictive component (88-90).
Figure 3-15. Chroniclassive congestion of the lungs. A section of lung from a patient with
rheumatic valvulitis an untreated mitral stenosis demonstrates thickening of the alveolar walls
due to a combination of factors, including congestion, interstitial edema, and interstitial fibrosis.
The dark, heavily pigmented alveolar macrophages contain hemosiderin, the result of
intra-alveolar hemorrhage by diapedesis. Such cells, often referred to as "heart-failure cells," are
prominent in cases of chronic passive congestion of the lungs. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; bar
length indicates 0.1 mm.)
Figure 3-17. Venous sclerosis in chronic passive congestion of the lungs. A larger vein with
medial thickening and intimal sclerosis is shown in the photomicrograph. The elastic lamina is
more apparent than normal, giving this vein a strong resemblance to pulmonary arteries of the
same caliber. In other areas of the section, arterial changes were evident, indicating both arteries
and veins were affected in this case (same as shown in figures 3-15 and 3-16). (Elastic stain; bar
length indicates 0.2 mm.)
Figure 3-18. Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease. In the central portion of the photo!11icrograph
is an arc-shaped interlobular septum containing a markedly dilated lymphatic vessel. Also
evident are focal collections of hemosiderin-laden alveolar macrophages, patchy interstitial
fibrosis, and interstitial inflammation. Such findings in pulmonary veno-occlusive disease are
extremely variable from one area of lung to another. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; bar length
indicates 0.2 mm.)
Figure 3-19. Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease. A pulmonary venule has been obliterated by a
proliferation of fibrous connective tissue within the lumen. Such vessels are easily overlooked
unless specifically sought. Elastic stains are especially helpful in this search and should always be
performed. In this case the venules were more severely affected than the larger veins. A febrile
episode preceded the onset of respiratory symptoms in this patient, suggesting the possibility of a
viral or inflammatory etiology. No venous thrombi were present in this case, but they may be
prominent in others. Same case as illustrated in figure 3-18. (Elastic stain; bar length indicates
0.1 mm.)
plete transposition of the great vessels with intact septa (112,113). In each case the
pulmonary arterial flow is decreased and substantial collateral flow develops
through the bronchial circulation. The pulmonary arteries are widely dilated and
exhibit medial atrophy that in some vessels is reflected by complete absence of
smooth muscle (52,55,114). As a secondary change, there are often thrombi in
varying stages of organization, and, indeed, patients with tetralogy of Fallot seem
especially prone to thrombosis of both arteries and veins (115).
Figure 3-20. Hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. The pulmonary arteriole shown in this
photomicrograph contains an eccentric bundle of longitudinally oriented smooth muscle in the
intima, a fmding that is virtually pathognomonic of hypertension induced by alveolar hypoxia.
This section came from a patient with asbestosis and cor pulmonale. In addition to the diffuse
interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, extensive pleural fibrosis was present (see figure 3-21). (Elastic
stain; bar length indicates 0.04 mm.)
pulmonary artery pressures in these cases. This explains the difficulty in correlating
the severity of parenchymal disease to the severity of pulmonary hypertension (42).
This also accounts for the classification of interstitial pulmonary fibrosis by some
authors under diseases with destruction of vasculature, and by other authors as an
hypoxic form of pulmonary vascular disease (115). One may further compound
interpretation if there are additional causes of alveolar hypoxia, such as severe
pleural fibrosis, which could interfere with the normal bellows action of the chest
wall and result in hypoventilation (figure 3-21) .
Cor pulmonale in many cases, if not most cases, is the result of more than one
factor (116). In mitral stenosis, there is frequently evidence that pulmonary venous
hypertension and hypoxic vasoconstriction are both important in producing vascu-
lar changes (43-45). Again, deciding which of these two factors is most important
in producing physiologic or histologic abnormalities may be very difficult. As a
fmal example, to examine a tissue section and separate primary changes from
secondary changes is often difficult. Patients with pulmonary venous hypertension
may develop thromboembolic disease to complicate the pathologic picture, just as
patients with primary pulmonary hypertension develop this same complication. In
92 3. Pathology of Pulmonary Heart Disease
Figure 3-21. Asbestosis. Diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis with early honeycombing is
illustrated in this photograph, as well as extensive pleural fibrosis. Pulmonary vascular changes
of hypoxic hypertension were evident microscopically (see figure 3-20), and the right ventricle
was severely hypertrophied and dilated. (Bar length indicates 5 mm.)
Figure 3-22. External view of the heart in cor pulmonale. If the right ventricle is only
modestly hypertrophied and not dilated, the heart probably will be normal externally. In this
advanced case of cor pulmonale, the presence of severe right ventricular hypertrophy and, more
importantly, dilation due to failure, gives the heart a distinctly globular appearance. In some
cases this change is detected by chest roentgenograms.
at this point, depending on the degree of dilatation, which, if severe, can mask
even marked hypertrophy. If the heart is opened by cross sections, the effects of
dilation are revealed by the assumption of a rounded configuration by the cavity,
rather than by the sharply angled crescent shape of the normal right ventricle
(figure 3-24).
Several factors make it easy to overlook right ventricular hypertrophy. Mild
changes are rarely detected because they are rather subtle, and by comparison to
the large bulk of the left ventricle the right heart seems diminutive. If the right
heart is hypertrophied but also dilated, then the wall is thinned and measurements
of thickness may be false estimates of the total right ventriclar mass. Conversely,
in some cases of acute cardiac dilation without hypertrophy (that is, acute massive
thromboembolism), the presence of a large dilated right ventricle may mislead the
A,14- 082
Figure 3-23. Cor pulmonale, heart opened anteriorly. The left ventricle is normal. Notice the
markedly increased surface area of the right ventricle (indicated by arrow) in comparison to the
left. The right ventricle in this example is both hypertrophied and dilated.
Figure 3-24. Cor pulmonale, heart cut in cross section. Notice the rounded contour of the
right ventricular cavity (indicated by arrow), which is typical of dilation. The normal right
ventricle is a crescent-shaped thin-walled structure. Both hypertrophy and dilatation of the right
ventricle are present in this case.
unwary into overestimating the bulk of this chamber. Finally, in left ventricular
hypertrophy there is always some mild increase in right ventricular thickness and
muscle mass that is unrelated to any evidence of pulmonary vascular disease, left
heart failure, or increased right ventricular load. This increase probably results from
the anatomic extension of some left ventricular myofibers into the right ventricle,
a fmding present in all normal hearts. If not aware of this phenomenon, one might
mistake this physiologic response for evidence of pulmonary heart disease (117,-
Clearly, then, a more defmitive method of detecting hypertrophy must be used
if reliable data are to be obtained. The method recommended by the World Health
Organization (68) is that used by Fulton (119) and others. Simply, the heart is
trimmed of excess epicardial fat, the atria and valves are removed, and the right
ventricle is dissected free from the left ventricle and interventricular septum, which
is considered as a single unit. Weights are determined on a sensitive balance, and
the ratio between the left and right is calculated. By this method the upper limit
of normal weight for the right ventricle is 65 gms, and the ratio of left ventricle
to right ventricle is 2.3 to 1 up to 3.3 to 1 (119). To eliminate borderline cases
80 gms has been recommended as the minimum weight before a diagnosis of
hypertrophy is made (68). Mild right ventricular hypertrophy is probably a reason-
able diagnosis if the weight is less than 80 gms but the LV /RV ratio is less than
2 to 1. Moderate hypertrophy is present if the weight is 80 to 100 gms, and severe
hypertrophy if the weight is greater than 100 gms (111). In both situations the
LV / R V ratio is less than 2 to 1 as long as hypertrophy is confmed to the right
ventricle. If concomitant left ventricular hypertrophy is present, the LV / R V ratio
may be in the normal range of 2.3-3.3 to 1 (119).
In order to diagnose cor pulmonale pathologically, as defined by the World
Health Organization and as used in this chapter, careful dissection of both ventricles
with measurement of weights and calculation of LV /RV provides the best docu-
mentation of isolated right ventricular hypertrophy. Unless these simple measures
are taken, many cases of cor pulmonale will most likely be missed.
Left ventricular hypertrophy is a common fmding with many different causes
and might occur in many cases of pulmonary heart disease by coincidence alone
(1,2). This subject is addressed in detail in chapter 9.
Figure 3-26. Chronic passive congestion of the liver. The total weight of this liver was well
below normal, reflecting both loss and atrophy of the centrilobular hepatocytes. Alternating
areas of dark (congested centrilobular sinusoids) and light (nonnal hepatocytes and sinusoids in
the periportal areas) give the liver its characteristic "nutmeg" appearance.
Figure 3-28. Foreign body reaction, intravenous drug abuser. This pulmonary arteriole contains
multinucleated foreign body giant cells in addition to a plug of fibrous connective tissue. By
polarized light microscopy, birefringent crystals were also apparent in the giant cells and
elsewhere within vascular lumens. Such changes are common in persons who inject crushed
tablets intravenously and may cause pulmonary hypertension. (Elastic stain; bar length indicates
0.1 mm.)
In some cases a formal grading system should be used (such as the Heath and
Edwards system or some modification), as well as more quantitative measurements
of medial muscle thickness (table 3-1). In a biopsy specimen medial thickness
greater than 10% of the external diameter of the artery in an adult is indicative
of pulmonary hypertension (58). The density of arteries per volume of lung may
be important in some cases. In other circumstances, the calculation of medial
cross-sectional area may give more reliable information about medial muscle mass
than measurements of percentage thickness (21,59). For diseases such as embolic
pulmonary hypertension, a more subjective assessment of the severity may be
sufficient since the most important information in this case is not the grade of
disease but the classification.
Our understanding of the pulmonary vascular changes that underlie pulmonary
heart disease allows the recognition of seven different classes of disease based on
histologic examination of lung tissue: plexogenic pulmonary arteriopathy, chronic
embolic pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary venous hypertension, pulmonary
veno-occlusive disease, hypoxic pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary vasculopathy
associated with parenchymal diseases, and pulmonary vasculopathy associated with
decreased pulmonary flow. In some cases congenital heart defects may be the
underlying cause of pulmonary vascular disease, and right ventricular hypertrophy
in these cases is not properly called cor pulmonale. In other cases right ventricular
enlargement results from either pulmonary vasoconstriction or mechanical block-
age of the pulmonary vessels and is termed cor pulmonale, or pulmonary heart
disease. The concept that cor pulmonale frequently results from destruction of
pulmonary parenchyma has proven inadequate, and most parenchymal diseases are
now known to produce hypertension because of alveolar hypoxia. In some cases
more than one mechanism may be important in producing pulmonary hyperten-
sion. Open-lung biopsy may be helpful in certain situations, providing information
regarding the cause of pulmonary heart disease and helping to determine therapy.
Recommendations are made regarding the proper handling of open-lung biopsy
specimens and the assessment of right ventricular hypertrophy at the time of
necropsy. Grading of pulmonary vascular disease is appropriate, in certain situa-
tions, and may be improved by the use of rather simple quantitative measurements.
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J Med 302: 69-73, 1980.
125. Abraham jL, Brambilla C. Particle size for differentiation between inhalation and injection
pulmonary talcosis. Environ Res 21: 94-96, 1980.
126. Gaensler EA, Carrington CB. Open biopsy for chronic diffuse infIltrative lung disease. Clinical,
radiologic-physiologic correlations in 502 cases. Ann Thor Surg 30: 411-426, 1980.
No symptoms are related specifically to the presence of right ventricular hypertro-
phy. Symptoms do not develop until hemodynamic compromise occurs, and this
may occur months or years after the initiation of the stimulus for right ventricular
pressure overload. Furthermore, the symptoms that develop with pulmonary hy-
pertension or, ultimately, with right ventricular failure are frequently nonspecific.
The keys to the successful clinical diagnosis of pulmonary heart disease are a high
index of suspicion in patients at risk for its development, coupled with the presence
of those signs and symptoms sufficiently compatible with the diagnosis to warrant
further noninvasive or invasive investigation.
L.J. Rubin (ed.j, Pulmonary Heart Disease. All riglrts reserved. Copyright @ 1984 Martinus NijhoffPubiishing. Boston/The Hague/Dor-
108 4. Clinical Evaluation
Dyspnea is the most common symptom of patients with pulmonary heart disease
(1-5). Patients with normal lung function and mild to moderate pulmonary
hypertension may have dyspnea only with exertion. Dyspnea at rest occurs in
patients with chronic respiratory diseases in the presence or absence of pulmonary
heart disease, or in patients with severe pulmonary hypertension resulting from
primary vascular disease. An increase in effort-related dyspnea in a patient with
chronic pulmonary disease may be suggestive of the development of coexistent
heart disease, particularly if no demonstrable change has occurred in airway dynam-
ics. Cor pulmonale or left ventricular dysfunction may be contributing factors in
this setting.
Dyspnea is a common presenting complaint of patients with primary pulmonary
hypertension and pulmonary heart disease secondary to chronic thromboembolism.
The mechanism responsible for dyspnea and tachypnea in these conditions is
unclear; it is unrelieved by the administration of 100% oxygen (6), but improves
with interventions that reduce pulmonary vascular resistance (7,8). Some have
suggested that dyspnea is caused by the stimulation of intrapulmonary receptors
(6,9), somehow affected by the presence of pulmonary vascular disease. Alterna-
tively, dyspnea may be related to the impairment in tissue oxygen delivery, which
is common in these patients, since improving systemic oxygen delivery by increas-
ing cardiac output frequently results in a reduction in breathlessness.
Some patients with pulmonary heart disease seek medical attention because of
dizziness or syncope. These symptoms may be effort related or, particularly in
patients with chronic obstructive lung disease, may be induced by paroxysms of
coughing (10). The mechanism responsible appears to be a decrease in cerebral
blood flow resulting from the inability of the right heart to increase its output with
exertion, coupled with the peripheral vasodilation that accompanies exertion (11,-
12). In cough-related syncope the increased intrathoracic pressure reduces venous
return to the heart, resulting in a decreased cardiac output. Arrhythmias or conduc-
tion defects may also cause or contribute to syncope.
Chest pain
Several studies have reported the association of substernal or parasternal chest pain,
frequently exertional, with pulmonary hypertension from a variety of causes
(10,13-15). This pain is often indistinguishable from left ventricular ischemic pain
and has been referred to as "right-heart angina." Right ventricular ischemia is most
likely responsible and is most likely caused by the increased oxygen demands of
a hypertrophied right ventricle exceeding its oxygen delivery. Dilatation or disten-
tion of the main pulmonary trunk has also been suggested as a possible mechanism
for pain (14), but there is little evidence to support this. In the author's experience,
precordial pain is more common in those conditions that produce the highest
Hemoptysis occurs frequently in patients with chronic bronchitis and does not
necessarily imply the presence of an abnormality in the pulmonary circulation. The
constellation of hemoptysis, dyspnea, and pleuritic chest pain suggests the diagnosis
of an acute pulmonary embolism to most clinicians. But the absence of these
symptoms does not exclude recurrent thromboembolism as the cause of pulmonary
heart disease since many patients with pulmonary heart disease secondary to recur-
rent thromboembolism experience no symptoms until they present with the non-
specific signs and symptoms of right heart failure (17-20). Hemoptysis can occur
in the advanced stages of primary pulmonary hypertension, probably due to
rupture of dilated capillaries or arterioles that are under increased pressure (5).
other symptoms
Other symptoms included palpitations, either from arrhythmias or from the sensa-
tion of an enlarged heart "pounding in the chest," and hoarseness, resulting from
compression of the recurrent laryngeal nerve by enlarged proximal pulmonary
arteries (21). Early satiety, epigastric or right upper quadrant pain, nausea, and
vomiting occur occasionally, due to hepatic congestion and distention of Glisson's
capsule. RaynilUd's phenomenon is said to occur in 30% of patients with primary
pulmonary hypertension (22), but in my experience with 20 patients with primary
pulmonary hypertension, only one had Raynaud's phenomenon. Headache was
observed in 55% of patients with chronic obstructive lung disease in Flint's series
(10) and was attributed to the vascular dilatation produced by hypoxia and hyper-
The general appearance of a patient may provide important clues regarding the
pathogenesis of pulmonary heart disease. Chest cage deformities with limited
respiratory excursion suggest hypoventilation secondary to chest wall disease.
Obesity, somnolence, and plethora are suggestive of obesity-hypoventilation syn-
drome or sleep apnea. The appearances of the "pink puffer" and "blue bloater" with
obstructive lung disease are familiar to most clinicians.
Cyanosis is often one of the first signs observed by the physician and may be
prominent in patients with pulmonary heart disease. Several potential causes for
110 4. Clinical Evaluation
Vital signs
Tachypnea is common in primary pulmonary hypertension and thromboembolic
pulmonary hypertension (23), whereas most patients with obstructive lung disease
have hypoventilation. Tachycardia is common, particularly late in the course of
the disease when right heart failure may be present. Systemic hypertension is said
to be uncommon in patients with severe parenchymal lung disease (24,25). This
may be due to the inability of the diseased lung to metabolize or synthesize
vasocative substances, such as angiotensin. An exception to this may be patients
with sleep apnea syndrome and cor pulmonale, who may also have systemic
hypertension (26-28). Most patients with severe pulmonary hypertension and a
reduced cardiac output have low systemic blood pressures.
GenerM exanrlnanon
Patients with severe derangements in gas exchange may be somnolent, confused,
and alarmingly sedate. A flapping tremor, similar to asterixis in patients with
hepatic failure, may be present (2). A puffy facies may be present, and exophthal-
mos has been noted, both due to increased venous pressure (29). On fundoscopic
examination these patients may have dilated and darkly congested retinal veins (10)
and papilledema from the effects of hypoxia and hypercarbia (30).
Cardiovascular exanrlnanon
The cardiovascular examination may be quite impressive. A visible right ventricu-
lar impulse may be appreciated, either in the parasternal region or, commonly in
patients with obstructive airways disease, in the epigastrium. The neck veins may
be distended, but this condition does not necessarily imply right ventricular failure:
patients with obstructive airways disease and increased intrathoracic pressures may
have jugular venous distention in the absence of cor pulmonale. A prominent A
wave in the jugular venous pulse is a useful sign, implying the presence of a
noncompliant right ventricle. Prominent CV waves are generally felt to reflect the
presence of tricuspid insufficiency, but Sherman et al. (31) suggested an alternate
explanation. They analyzed 70 right atrial curves obtained by cardiac catheteriza-
tion in patients with cor pulmonale, of whom 46% had peripheral venous conges-
tion, and found only one case with true tricuspid regurgitation. They suggested
that the clinical signs frequently attributed to tricuspid insufficiency may be ex-
plained by a sudden reversal of flow from the right atrium to the veins as a
consequence of pressure variations within a dilated right atrium.
Palpation of the precordium may reveal a parasternal right ventricular lift, and,
on occasion, a palpable pulmonic component of the second heart sound (P~. On
auscultation P 2 may be loud and delayed, particularly if a right bundle branch block
is present. A right-sided fourth heart sound and pulmonic ejection click are fre-
quently audible. A right ventricular gallop (S3) implies right ventricular failure
It should be emphasized that these signs are more prominent in patients with
primary vascular disease. In patients with severe obstructive airways disease, auscul-
tation of either normal or abnormal sounds is often impossible, owing both to the
hyperinflation of the chest and noisy airway sounds.
Murmurs of tricuspid or pulmonic insufficiency may be heard. Tricuspid insuffi-
ciency is a holosystolic murmur, generally best heard at the sternal border and
increasing in intensity with inspiration (Carvallo sign) (33). The murmur may also
be augmented by manual hepatic pressure. The Graham Steell murmur of pulmonic
insufficiency is a short, early diastolic murmur heard at the parasternal region or
second left intercostal space.
An enlarged and tender liver is suggestive of venous congestion. Patients with
obstructive lung disease and hyperinflation have low diaphragms and may have a
palpable liver without congestion. Hepatic pulsation suggests tricuspid insuffi-
The presence of edema is frequently and, often incorrectly, ascribed to right heart
failure. Although this condition is no doubt frequently the case, other causes for
edema should be considered. We have performed right heart catheterization on six
patients referred to us with severe chronic obstructive lung disease, edema, and "cor
pulmonale," only to find that hemodynamic measurements, both at rest and with
exercise, were normal. Venous insufficiency and hypoalbuminemia, particularly in
patients with cystic fibrosis (34), are other potential causes for edema. Campbell
et al. (35) suggested that in patients with obstructive lung disease, edema was more
closely related to hypercarbia than the presence of right heart failure. They sug-
gested that an increased PC02 would promote the exchange of H+ for Na+ in
the renal tubules, expanding the intravascular volume and potentially predisposing
to edema formation.
Table 4-1. Clinical features of most common etiologies for pulmonary hypertension I
Diagnosis Cor pulmonale Recurrent Primary pulmonary Left ventricular Congenital heart
secondary to pulmonary hypertension failure disease with
disturbances in thromboembolism Eisenmenger's
ventilation complex
History Dyspnea (rest and Dyspnea, usually Dyspnea, usually Dyspnea (on Dyspnea, especially
exertion), cough exertional; fatigue; exertional; fatigue; exertion or rest), exertional;
(dry or chest pain; chest pain; paroxysmal syncope; chest
productive), syncope or syncope; nocturnal dyspnea, pain; hemoptysis
fatigue, weight dizziness Raynaud's fatigue, weight
gain. phenomenon gain
Physical examination Findings consistent Tachypnea; R V Tachypnea; R V Tachypnea; left-sided Tachypnea; central
with underlying heave; loud P2; heave; loud P2; S4' S3; rales; cyanosis; R V lift;
disease, i.e., right-sided S4' S3; right-sided S4' S3; edema loud P2;
wheezes, ronchi, TR or PR TR or PR right-sided S4' S3;
dry rales; central murmurs; edema; murmurs; edema; TR,PR
cyanosis; Edema; peripheral cyanosis peripheral cyanosis murmurs;
clubbing clubbing
Pulmonary function Abnormal, usually Normal or mildly Normal or mildly Minimally abnormal Normal; DLCO
tests severe defect; sleep abnormal in abnormal in absence of may be low
study in suspected absence of coexistent lung
sleep apnea coexistent airways disease
disease; DLCO
may be low
Arterial blood gases Hypoxemia, usually Moderate hypoxemia Mild hypoxemia Mild hypoxemia, Moderate to severe
severe in COPD; with respiratory with respiratory often with mild hypoxemia;
hypercapnia in alkalosis alkalosis respiratory minimal change
COPD; alkalosis with 100% O 2
polycythemia respiratory
EKG R VH or nonspecific RVH RVH Nonspecific changes; RVH
changes LV ischemic
changes, i.e.,
previous infarct
Chest roentgenogram Evidence of Normal lung fields; Normal lung fields; Pulmonary vascular Cardiomegaly;
parenchymal enlarged R V; enlarged R V; congestion; dilated pulmonary
disease dilated proximal dilated proximal enlarged LV arteries; normal
pulmonary arteries pulmonary arteries lung fields
Radionuclide Abnormal R VEF; Abnormal R VEF; Abnormal R VEF; Abnormal LVEF; Abnormal R VEF;
angiocardiogram normal LVEF normal LVEF normal LVEF normal or Normal LVEF;
abnormal R VEF shunt may be
Echocardiogram Dilated RA and Dilated RA and Dilated RA and Dilated LV; normal Dilated R V; shunt
RV; normal LV; RV; normal LV; RV; normal LV; or abnormal R V may be
normal valves; normal valves normal valves demonstrable by
(right heart not contrast study
always visualized)
'The studies listed may not be necessary for all patients. Other tests, i.e., open-lung biopsy, may be necessary for diagnosis in some patients.
114 4. Clinical Evaluation
Digital clubbing is common in many forms of chronic pulmonary disease and does
not imply the presence of pulmonary heart disease in this setting. Clubbing is
unusual in patients with either primary pulmonary hypertension or thromboem-
bolic disease, and its presence in the face of significant pulmonary hypertension
justifies a search for other causes, such as congenital heart disease, parenchymal lung
disease, or cirrhosis with pulmonary hypertension.
The diagnosis of pulmonary heart disease at the bedside is frequently difficult and
occasionally impossible. The clinician must extract information from the history
and physical exam, piece it together into a unifying hypothesis, and couple this
with an index of suspicion. The clinician may then be justified in performing
additional noninvasive or invasive tests, which may both facilitate making the
diagnosis and clarify the etiology. The features of the history, physical examination,
and laboratory tests of several of the etiologies for pulmonary hypertension which
are frequently considered are listed in table 4-1. These tests, and their roles in
diagnosis and management of patients with suspected pulmonary heart disease, are
discussed in subsequent chapters.
1. W orId Health Organization: Chronic cor pulmonale. Report of an expert committee. Circula-
tion 27: 594-615, 1963.
2. Oakley CM, GoodwinJF. Current clinical aspects of cor pulmonale. AmJ Cardiol20: 842-852,
3. Neal R W, Nair KG, Hecht HH. A pathophysiological classification of cor pulmonale: With
general remarks on therapy. Mod Concepts Cardiovasc Dis 37: 107-112, 1968.
4. Yu PN. Primary pulmonary hypertension: Report of 6 cases and review of the literature. Ann
Intern Med 49: 1138-1161, 1958.
5. Voelkel N, Reeves Jr. Primary pulmonary hypertension. In Pulmonary Vascular Diseases, KM
Moser, ed. New York; Marcel Dekker, 1979, pp. 609-611.
6. Obrecht HG, Scherrer M, Gurtner HP. Der Gasaustausch in der Lunge bei der prirnar vascularen
Form des chronischen Cor pulmonale. Schweiz Med Wochenschr 98: 1999-2007, 1968.
7. Rubin LJ, Peter RH. Oral hydralazine therapy for primary pulmonary hypertension. N Engl
J Med 302: 69-73, 1980.
8. Klinke WP, Gilbert JAL. Diazoxide in primary pulmonary hypertension. N Engl J Med 302:
91-92, 1980.
9. Guz A. Regulation of respiration in man. Ann Rev Physiol 37: 303--323, 1975.
10. Flint FJ. Cor pulmonale. Lancet 2: 51-58, 1954.
11. Howarth S, Lowe JB. Mechanism of effort syncope in primary pulmonary hypertension and
cyanotic congenital heart disease. Br Heart J 15: 47-54, 1953.
12. Dresdale DT, Schultz M, Michtom RJ. Primary pulmonary hypertension. I. Clinical and hemo-
dynamic study. Am J Med 11: 686--705, 1951.
13. Lasser RP, Genkins G. Chest pain in patients with isolated pulmonic stenosis. Circulation 15:
258-266, 1957.
14. Viar WN, Harrison TR. Chest pain in association with pulmonary hypertension. Circulation 5:
1-11, 1952.
15. Ross RS. Right ventricular hypertension as a cause of precordial pain. Am Heart J 61: 134-135,
16. Zimmennan D, Parker BM. The pain of pulmonary hypertension. Fact or fancy? J Amer Med
Assoc 246: 2345-2346, 1981.
17. Owen WR, Thomas WA, Castleman B. Unrecognized emboli to the lungs with subsequent cor
pulmonale. N Engl J Med 249: 919-926, 1953.
18. Freilich JK, Szatkowski J. Pelvic vein thrombosis with pulmonary vascular lesions simulating
primary pulmonary hypertension. Am J Cardiol 7: 297-301, 1961.
19. Davison PH, Armitage GH, McIlveen DJS. Chronic cor pulmonale due to silent pulmonary
embolism. Lancet 2: 224-226, 1956.
20. Riedel M, Stanek V, Widimsky J, Prerovsky I. Long-term follow-up of patients with pulmonary
thromboembolism. Chest 81: 151-158, 1982.
21. Wilmshurst PT, Webb-Peploe MM, Corker RJ. Left recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy associated
with primary pulmonary hypertension and recurrent pulmonary embolism. Br Heart J 49:
141-143, 1983.
22. Walcott G. Burchell HB, Brown AL. Primary pulmonary hypertension. AmJ Med 49: 70-79,
23. Fanta CH, Wright TC, McFadden ER. Differentiation of recurrent pulmonary emboli from
chronic obstructive lung disease as a cause of cor pulmonale. Chest 79: 92-95, 1981.
24. Anderson AE, Bedrossian CWM, Foraker AG. Systemic blood pressure in subjects with and
without emphysema. Am Rev Respir Dis 103: 576-578, 1971.
25. Schrijen F, Uffholtz H, PoluJM, Poincelot F. Pulmonary and systemic hemodynamic evolution
in chronic bronchitis. Am Rev Respir Dis 117: 25-31, 1978.
26. Tilkian AG, Guilleminault C, Schroeder JS, Lehrman KL, Simmons FB, Dement WC. Hemody-
namics in sleep-induced apnea. Ann Intern Med 85: 714-719, 1976.
27. Guilleminault C, Tilkian A, Dement WC. The sleep apnea syndromes. Ann Rev Med 27:
465-484, 1976.
28. Guilleminault C, Eldridge FL, Tilkian A, Simmons FB, Dement WC. Sleep apnea syndrome due
to upper airway obstruction. Arch Intern Med 137: 296-300, 1977.
29. Spain DM, Handler BJ. Chronic cor pulmonale. Arch Intern Med 77: 37-65, 1946.
30. Simpson T. Papilledema in emphysema. Br Med J 2: 639-641, 1948.
31. Sherman WT, Ferrer MI, Harvey RM. Competence of the rricuspid valve in pulmonary heart
disease (cor pulmonale). Circulation 31: 517-522, 1965.
32. Gupta BD, Moodie DS, Hodgman JR. Primary pulmonary hypertension in adults. Clinical
features, catheterization fmdings and long-term follow-up. Cleve Clin Quart 47: 275-284,1980.
33. Cha SD, Gooch AS. Diagnosis of rricuspid regurgitation. Arch Intern Med 143: 1763-1768, 1983.
34. Fleisher DS, DiGeorge AM, Bamess LA, Cornfeld D. Hypoproteinemia and edema in infants with
cystic fibrosis of the pancreas. J Pediat 64: 341-348, 1964.
35. Campbell EJM, Short DS. The cause of edema in "cor pulmonale." Lancet 1: 1184-1186, 1960.
The authors wish to express appreciation to Nancy B. Hindman for editorial review and to Gail McKinnis for
preparation of the manuscript.
L.J. Rubin (ed.), Pulmonary Heart Disease. All rights reserved. Copyright © 1984 Martinus NijhofJPublishing. Boston/The Hague/Dor-
118 5. The Electrocardiogram in Chronic Lung Disease
due to the descended heart with resultant negative deflections (rS, QS, qrS) in leads
I-III, aVF, and V4-6; (b) to right axis deviation (RAD); (c) to posterior displace-
ment of the transitional complex (and therefore the mean QRS vector) in the
horizontal plane from its normal location near V3, often past V6 (termed "clock-
wise rotation" of the heart); and (d) to diminished limb lead voltages due to more
posterior net force orientation placing them more perpendicular to the frontal
Other investigators have considered the electrical conduction properties of the
tissues (for example, muscles, lungs) surrounding the heart responsible for transmis-
sion of cardiac potentials to the body surface. Evidence suggests that air trapping
serves to electrically isolate the heart. Hyperinflation approximately triples the
electrical resistance of normal lung tissue (1), while increased anteroposterior
thoracic diameter both increases the necessary conduction distance and alters con-
duction pathways. These factors are primarily responsible for the decreased ECG
voltages in those diseases with increased lung volumes.
The lung, a nonhomogeneous conductor under normal conditions, may also
contribute to changes in vector direction when it is randomly fIlled with em-
physematous air sacs of low conductivity. Grant (4) postulated that the insulation
effect resulting from voluminous, poorly conducting lung tissue surrounding the
heart would concentrate the electric fIeld along the vertical axis of the medias-
tinum. This would minimize anterior, posterior, and laterally directed vector
components, yielding largely superior or inferior forces. The net result would be
determined by extent and location of hyperinflation, anatomic cardiac position,
chamber enlargement, and so forth. Rudy et al. (5) have confIrmed that diminished
voltage, both overall and especially in the anterior and posterior vectors, can
accompany hyperinflation. Similar fmdings have been reported to explain surface
potential abnormalities occurring with cystic fIbrosis (without apparent R VH) (6)
and the variations induced by normal respiration (7). In a canine preparation
without either R VH or cardiac rotation, hyperinflation produced decreased volt-
ages in both the frontal plane and the left precordial R waves and superior and
posterior migration of the QRS vectors (8).
is maintained by the vast number of recruitable capillary beds with their minimal
autonomic and muscular tone.
As may be inferred from neonatal events, oxygen is a potent pulmonary
vasodilator. Conversely, hypoxemia, produced by the ventilation-perfusion (V/O)
mismatch of COPD, is the major stimulus for pulmonary vasoconstriction and
pulmonary hypertension. This relationship underlies most of the effects of pul-
monary disease on heart disease. At first, the hypoxemia and pulmonary hyper-
tension may be episodic, occurring only nocturnally (9) or with exercise (10),
and thus the R V disturbance may also be intermittent. Diminished ventilation,
due to airways obstruction and to increased dead space from destroyed alveoli,
induces hypercapnia and acidosis, both of which have a vasoconstrictive effect
and thereby potentiate the pulmonary hypertensive effect of hypoxemia (11,12).
Pulmonary arterial pressure can be approximately predicted by an equation that
requires only the results of arterial blood gas analysis (13). Pulmonary hyperten-
sion increases RV pressure work (systolic overload), which, if it is sustained
chronically, produces the predominant response of muscular hypertrophy of the
RV free wall (14).
Other consequences of COPD contribute to a R V diastolic (volume) over-
load, via hypoxemia-induced compensatory erythrocytosis and intravascular vol-
ume expansion. These processes increase cardiac output and pulmonary blood
flow via the Frank-Starling mechanism. The R V reaction to volume overload is
dilatation, especially of the inflow tract (14). Right bundle branch block
(RBBB)---either complete or incomplete-is characteristic of R V volume over-
load (15).
Irreversible anatomic constriction and Ior destruction of the pulmonary vascular
bed had been considered to be the primary cause of pulmonary heart disease in
COPD. These factors are now known to playa minimal role until later in the
disease course. The relatively new concept of the reversibility of many of the
cardiac sequelae of cor pulmonale with early diagnosis and therapy has been a
significant cause of decreased patient morbidity and mortality (16). This under-
standing is a major stimulus to fmd methods for early diagnosis of cor pulmonale
using the ECG and other techniques.
Unfortunately, the ECG changes specific for these events have not yet been well
defined. The inability to develop reliable ECG criteria for the detection of cor
pulmonale is a result of three causes. First, the masking effects of the larger LV
in the adult necessitates a greater degree of R V abnormality for it to become
apparent; concurrent presence of systemic hypertension will enhance this masking
effect. Second, coexistent diseases such as coronary artery disease with myocardial
infarction also complicate ECG interpretation. Finally, the variable severity of
coexistent emphysema-induced hyperinflation influences the electroconductive
effects that alter axes and voltages. These problems have confounded the execution
of well-designed studies leading to ECG criteria that are both sensitive and specific
for the diagnosis of cor pulmonale.
Table 5-1. Selvester and Rubin's proposed criteria for pulmonary emphysema
Definite Possible
P-axis > +60· in limb leads' P-axis > + 60· in limb leads
1) Rand S amp. ~0.7mv in limb R and S amp. ~ 0.7mv in limb
1 leads
All) leads
2) R amp. ~ 0.7mv in lead V6 2) R amp. ~ 0.7mv in lead V6
B) SV4 ~ RV4
I AVR ~ H-fI--t-t-t+-H
n AVl
L.... ,-
Figure 5-1. Criteria of Selvester and Rubin (table 5-1) and of Spodick (table 5-2) are
satisfied, but none of the criteria for cor pulmonale are satisfied. Frontal plane axis is + 90· and
the S amplitude is > the R amplitude in lead V4 (Selvester and Rubin). P pulmonale is
present, the frontal P axis is +90·, and the S waves are at least 2 mm in duration in all of the
precordial leads (Spodick).
would meet the SV4 ~ R V4 criterion. This index of posterior QRS orientation
also appears to be independent of age, sex, and body habitus. This criterion is
frequently observed as a reversible abnormality in acute status asthmaticus in the
presence of a normal heart and normal right heart pressures (29,30).
Potential limitations of the Selvester and Rubin criteria have also been cited.
Frontal plane P wave axis and horizontal plane transitional complex shifts may be
transient and thus occur as a result of acute airways obstruction as well as with
emphysematous destruction (23,24). Posterior QRS orientation has also been
shown to correlate with autopsy or other EeG evidence of RVH(2,28,31). Low
voltage has been considered an important but not consistent feature of the ECG
in emphysema. However, voltage normally decreases with age (23), myocardial
infarction, and in patients with a vertical (but otherwise normal) heart and no
pulmonary disease (2,25,32). However, the P wave is usually normal in these
conditions (33). Thus, the strong methodology of the Selvester and Rubin system
permits identification of patients with "pure" emphysema and implementation of
multiple criteria for the diagnostic scoring of an individual ECG. These features
are absent in the methods of Littman (3), Wasserburger et al. (19), and others.
Although few patients have "pure" emphysema, many present with emphysema as
the dominant process. Further, the need to establish and assess diagnostic criteria
based upon a "pure" population is obvious.
Spodick's descriptors of "diffuse lung disease" (17,18,34) are presented in table
5-2 and illustrated in figure 5-2. Differences from those of Selvester and Rubin's
system include (a) substitution of "P pulmonale" (P wave > 2.5 mm in leads II,
III, and aVF) or a "Gothic" P wave (single-peaked P of normal size in II, III, and
aVF; (b) inclusion of rightward QRS axis shift or "axis illusion"; (c) absence of
a low voltage criterion; and (d) addition of an abnormally deep S wave persisting
across the left precordium. The frontal plane P wave amplitude is < 2 mm in 99%
of normal adults. Like rightward P axis shift, P pulmonale has been correlated with
abnormal PFT's indicative of obstruction. P pulmonale, but not rightward P axis
shift, has been described in many forms of both pulmonary (35) and nonpulmo-
nary-induced (36) cor pulmonale and is therefore a less specific criterion for
emphysema. Gothic P waves are difficult to defme and can occur in normals. The
specificities of the QRS criteria (b,c,d above) are also uncertain. Rightward shifts
of the QRS axis, like P pulmonale, may occur with either emphysema or cor
pulmonale (3,27,29,32,37-39). "Axis illusion" is defmed as a frontal plane axis
between _910 and 1800 and is not specific for emphysema since it could be due
either to extreme right or to left axis deviation. When due to emphysema, it is
thought to result from either (a) the insulating effect of the lungs concentrating
electrical forces along the vertical axis of the mediastinum (4) (see earlier section)
and/or (b) the emphysema-produced posterior orientation of the mean QRS axis,
so that small superior or inferior alterations of the angle of this vector in the sagittal
plane can project the frontal plane superiorly (- 800 to - 90j or inferiorly (+
800 to +90j (3,17,40). Precordial S waves may also arise from both pulmonary
and cardiac causes.
Spodick reported 93% sensitivity and 96% specificity for these criteria; how-
ever, the population was mixed (emphysema with associated bronchitis, bronchiec-
tasis, or pulmonary fibrosis). Thus, the title "Criteria for Diffuse Lung Disease"
is accurate, and these criteria should not be considered as specific for emphysema
as should the Selvester and Rubin criteria. In general, the performance of the
Spodick criteria is inconsistent, as some studies have shown that low specificity is
achieved in normals and in patients with congenital heart disease, R VH, and/or
RBBB (21,22), while other studies reaffirm the high sensitivity and specificity
originally reported (40,41).
124 5. The Electrocardiogram in Chronic Lung Disease
Any of:
.•.-.-.-.. ". -. =
.:: :
I - : : .i AVR
II f-+-1F-F1+-t---tl AVL
AVF ~+++-II-+-H
Figure 5-2. Only the Spodick criteria for "diffuse lung disease" are satisfied. P pulmonale is
present, and S wave amplitude is at least 2 mm in all of the precordial leads (table 5-2).
Criteria type Sokolow and Lyon (47) I Milnor (39)2 Phillips and Burch (48)3
QRS axis RAD (+110· to -80j RAD (110· to -90j RAD in a radiologically enlarged heart
Voltage lead I
or II
Abnormal III
deflection aVR R >5.0 mm
aVL R :;: 5.0 mm and !ST and T
aVF R :;: 5.0 mm and !ST and T
V, R ; 7.0 mm or R > 5.0 mm with !ST and T R/S or R' /S > 1.0 R> QorS
S <2.0 mm and
R/S > 1 (age > 5) R or R' > 0.5 m V
intrinsicoid .04 to .07
V2 intrinsicoid.04 to .07
R > 5.0 mm and !ST and T
V3 R ~5.0 mm and !ST and T
Vs R in Vs or V6 :S;4.0 mm
Sin Vs or V6 ~7.0 mm
V6 R/S in Vs or V6 < 1.0
RV, + SVs or SV6 >10.5mm (age >5)
R/S in Vs + R/S in V, :s;0.04
• 1+ .1-:
r ]
.. H:
Figure 5-3. Neither the top set nor the bottom set meets either the Selvester and Rubin or the
Spodick criteria. However, the top set meets both the Sokolow and Lyon and the Milnor
criteria (table 5-3) for RVH, and the bottom set meets the Phillips and Burch criteria for
RVH. The top set shows marked right axis deviation, S wave amplitude < 2 mm, and RIS
ratio > 1 in lead VI: delayed intrinsicoid deflection in lead V2; and R amplitude :0:; 4 mm and
RIS ratio <1 in both Vs and V6 (Sokolow and Lyon) . The QRS duration <0.12 sec and the
marked right axis deviation satisfy the criteria of Milnor. In the bottom set neither the Sokolow
and Lyon nor the Milnor criteria are satisfied; however, the marginal right axis deviation and
incomplete right bundle branch block with prominent R' in VI satisfy the Phillips and Burch
criteria for "fairly conclusive of R VH."
Axis illusion
The potential for frontal plane axis between - 91 0 and 1800 due to a vertical cardiac
position and hyperinflation was discussed previously. Since this phenomenon has
been noted in approximately 10% of patients with cor pulmonale from COPD
128 5. The Electrocardiogram in Chronic Lung Disease
Incomplete RBBB (characterized by RSR' in lead V t of 0.10-0.11 sec) has been
considered characteristic of cor pulmonale due to the specific problem of volume
overload and resultant crista supraventricularis hypertrophy (15,48). Since the crista
is depolarized relatively late in the cardiac cycle, it is less likely to be obscured by
the larger LV; therefore, incomplete RBBB is a sensitive indicator of cor pul-
monale (2,16,31,35,45). RBBB occurs independent of the degree of airway ob-
struction (18,27) and is present in approximately 15% of patients with cor pul-
monale (35,43). Some studies (16,32,35) have stressed the responsive nature of this
parameter to exacerbations and subsequent remissions of the disease early in its
course. The overall incidence of complete RBBB (~0.121 sec) in cor pulmonale
is much lower (::::;; 5%) and is often associated with coexisting left ventricular
disease (35,39,43).
Voltage measurements
The range of normal limits of QRS amplitudes has been presented by many
investigators (23,47,51,52). The amplitude limits of the right precordial R waves
or the left precordial S waves are rarely exceeded in cor pulmonale due to COPO
until late in the course when significant R V free wall hypertrophy is present
(39,43,48). This is probably due to the effects of coexisting emphysema, as illus-
trated in figure 5-4. When amplitudes of this magnitude (table 5-3) occur, they
are indicative of significant cor pulmonale (37). The R/S criteria are somewhat
more useful (25,32,39,43) (sensitivity and specificity approximately 50%), most
likely because the ratio method circumvents the problem of diminishing absolute
voltage due to emphysema. As indicated by Milnor (39), the efficacy of QRS
amplitude considerations can be enhanced by combination of absolute amplitude
and amplitude ratio criteria (for example, neither R/S in V t > 1.0 nor V t voltage
> 0.5 mV is individually abnormal in a significant number of patients, but their
simultaneous occurrence is almost always abnormal).
lilillll' 'Ii Hi' iii Iii ',ii jl!m~ 1=1: Ii!! ,' .. '!:
, II\! 'II: lilllH ;m ji!,!W I ii i,i! I'; 1i\ I: :,'
I V, H!; ~~ I ~:. Ill; :i!i H,I li:! l!ilm :l:j ,::1 !~i .~:.
IllillliilUlIHlli1 ;~ ': :~i.: ;~. '1:,: hi" :t~f :' • ll~: '::
111 '11':" , I,
;1!,jUl "
-'-'-+ I
' Il ij 'r ~
If !.'
':: ~~~,~
\! , ~
Figure 5-4. Criteria for emphysema, diffuse lung disease, and for R VH are all satisfied in this
(43,44,48), as illustrated in figure 5-5. These Q waves have been noted to occur
as frequently as 18% in cor pulmonale (35) and were found to be the most valuable
predictor of RVH in cor pulmonale in a study with autopsy correlation (43) . No
method is available to distinguish such QRS changes due to cor pulmonale from
those of myocardial infarction; therefore, history, comparison with old ECGs, and
the like (54) are important.
Figure 5-5. Criteria for pulmonary emphysema, common diffuse lung disease, and R VH are all
satisfied by this example. In addition Q waves are present in Vt-V J with minimal R waves in
VC V6 mimicking anterior and lateral myocardial infarction.
Table 5--4. Reversible ECG criteria for the diagnosis of cor pulmonale (32) 1
With arterial oxygen saturation < 85% and mean pulmonary artery pressure (PAM) ~ 25
1. RAD or rightward shift of > 30· as compared to a prior tracing
2. Flattened or inverted T waves in right precordial leads
3. S-T segment depression in leads II, III, and aVF
4. Transitory RBBB
1. One or more criteria seen; will usually revert with improvement in O 2 saturation and pulmonary hypertension.
2. Calculated from ABG (12) as PAM = 40.363 - O.713H - 3.0085 + +
1028HS, where H = [H J in mEq/1,
S = % arterial hemoglobin desaturation.
diagnosis of cor pulmonale (table 5-4). These changes were largely reversible if
hypoxemia and/or pulmonary hypertension improved.
It is interesting to examine the changes that occur during an acute asthmatic attack
as a model for airways obstruction with (relatively) normal heart and lungs.
P-wave changes have been the most frequent abnormality observed, with rightward
P-axis shift and P pulmonale occurring at incidences of 50 to 75% and 20 to 30%,
respectively. These abnormalities correlated well with the degree ofPFT abnormal-
ity (29,30,58,59). The following criteria also occurred in less than 25% of these
acute asthmatic episodes: S-T segment and T-wave changes, posterior QRS orienta-
tion, RAD of the P wave or QRS complex, RBBB, and one or more voltage
criteria for R VH (29,30,58,59). All of these abnormalities were transient in the
majority of patients, resolving in several hours to two weeks. Also, in two studies
of chronic, institutionalized asthmatic patients examined in the nonacute state
(60,61), low P- and R-wave amplitudes were consistent fmdings without other
evidence of either hyperinflation or cor pulmonale.
VCG analysis has been reported to indicate abnormalities in a large number of
asthmatic patients with normal ECGs (59,60,62). In addition to diminished ampli-
tudes in the chronic state, acute abnormalities include posterior orientation of the
QRS loop (30 to 90%), patterns of right atrial and right ventricular enlargement,
and T-loop changes (20%).
this "classic" cor pulmonale with (a) RAD of the QRS (> 110, in 50 to 100%;
(b) R VH (either Sokolow and Lyon [47] or Milnor [39] criteria) in > 90%; and
(c) T-wave inversion (75%) (63-66). The RVH criteria might be expected to
perform much better in this type of cor pulmonale than in that induced by COPD
due both to the severity of the pressure overload and to the absence of the vagaries
of emphysema. Abnormalities of P-wave axis or amplitude are very uncommon
until late in the disease process, when P pulmonale (but not P-wave RAD) may
occur in about 50% (64,66) of patients. This P pulmonale probably represents
severe and prolonged R V overload, but similar fmdings have been observed in
normals at high altitude (67).
1. Holford FD. The electrocardiogram in lung disease. In Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders,
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20. Phillips R W. The electrocardiogram in cor pulmonale secondary to pulmonary emphysema. A
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21. Selvester RH, Rubin HB. New criteria for the electrocardiographic diagnosis of emphysema and
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22. Cowdery TS, Wagner GS, Pratt PC, Pressley JC, Ideker RE, Selvester RH. The evaluation of
quantitative electrocardiographic criteria for pulmonary emphysema. Manuscript in preparation.
23. Lamb LE. Electrocardiography and Vectorcardiography. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1965, pp.
24. Chapman TT. Lung function tests and a vertical P wave axis in the electrocardiogram. Thorax
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25. Kamper D, Chou T-C, Fowler NO, Witt RL, Bloomfield S. The reliability of electrocardio-
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33. Wool P. Electrocardiographic appearance in acute and chronic pulmonary heart disease. Br Heart
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35. Padmavati S, Raizada V. Electrocardiogram in chronic cor pulmonale. Br Heart J 34: 658-667,
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38. Soffer A. Range of frontal plane QRS axis. Electrocardiograms of subjects in multiphasic
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39. Milnor R W. Electrocardiogram and vectorcardiogram in right ventricular hypertrophy and right
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42. Rasmussen HK, Juhl JH. The T-A wave of the adult electrocardiogram. An expression of
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43. Van Lingen B, Palrnhert R. The electrocardiogram in isolated right ventricular hypertrophy due
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47. Sokolow M, Lyon TP. The ventricular complex in right ventricular hypertrophy as obtained by
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134 5. The Electrocardiogram in Chronic Lung Disease
48. Phillips JH, Burch GE. Problems in the diagnosis of cor pulmonale. Am Heart J 66: 818-832,
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51. Simonson E. Differentiation Between Normal and Abnormal in Electrocardiography. St. Louis:
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54. Phillips ]H, Burch GE. Selected problems in the management of emphysema complicated by heart
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61. Miyamoto T, Kass I, Hoffman MS. Electrocardiogram in asthmatic children. Circulation 22:
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Despite the virtual explosion of newer imaging modalities and the continued
importance of history, physical examination, and electrocardiography, the plain
chest radiograph remains one of the most important methods for evaluating the
patient with pulmonary and associated cardiac disease. The chest radiograph pro-
vides one of the most reproducible methods for evaluating the heart, lungs, and
pulmonary vasculature. Morphologic alterations in these structures provide signifi-
cant clues not only to underlying pathologic changes but also to physiologic
changes that might otherwise be difficult, if not impossible, to detect. Accurate
interpretation of the chest fum requires an understanding of normal anatomy and
physiology as well as of potential pathologic alterations. When combined with the
remainder of the patient's clinical and laboratory evaluation, the chest radiograph
frequently enables the physician to make an accurate diagnostic evaluation of a
variety of pathophysiologic alterations.
136 6. Roentgenographic Evaluation of Pulmonary Heart Disease
another, potentially provide for a complete look at the underlying thorax and
intrathoracic contents. Obtaining only a single frontal view may result in the
missing of significant lesions, particularly in the anterior mediastinum and the
retrocardiac and subdiaphragmatic portions of the lung.
Frontal Projection
By convention, the routine chest radiograph is obtained at a six-foot focal-film
distance (distance between the x-ray tube and the film). In order to keep magnifica-
tion of the heart to a minimum, the heart is placed as close as possible to the film
so that the x-ray beam passes through the patient from back to front (posterio-
anterior or PA film). Turning the patient so that the back is close to the film and
the beam passes from front to back (antero-posterior or AP film) will result in some
magnification of cardiac structures because they are now further from the film. In
addition, it is generally true that when an AP film is obtained, the focal-film
distance is frequently less than six feet, again contributing to increased magnifica-
tion of the cardiac image. Inasmuch as cardiac size constitutes a major radiographic
clue to the pathophysiologic status of the heart, recognition of magnification effect
and spurious increase in heart size is of considerable importance. One way in which
this can be judged is to recognize the difference between PA and AP film. Because
of factors related to patient positioning and divergence of the x-ray beam from
its source at the x-ray tube, determination of whether a film has been obtained PA
or AP can often be made by analysis of the lower cervical spine (2) (figure 6-1).
In a PA film the posterior arches of the lower cervical spine are generally seen,
whereas with an AP film the vertebral bodies of the lower cervical spine will
usually be imaged. If the film is obtained in a PA projection, it will generally be
done at a six-foot focal-fum distance. On the other hand, if the film is obtained
in an AP projection, some spurious magnification of the cardiac shadow is likely
to occur.
One also needs to evaluate the film for technical adequacy. To begin with, the
appropriateness of the overall radiographic exposure should be analyzed. Films that
have been "overexposed" will tend to have black lung fields, and, as a result, it
will be difficult to correctly analyze the pulmonary vasculature or to visualize
changes in the pulmonary_ parenchyma. Films that have been "underexposed" will
show the mediastinum to be too white, and lesions behind the heart or in the
subdiaphragmatic areas of the lung will be impossible to visualize. A film is
generally appropriately exposed if one can just see the vertebral bodies and inter-
vertebral disc spaces through the heart. In overexposed films the vertebral bodies
and intervertebral disc spaces stand out very clearly, and in underexposed films they
cannot be seen at all. If one is just able to visualize them, however, the film will
generally have been appropriately exposed and the risks of missing lesions in the
retrocardiac and subdiaphragmatic areas reduced.
In addition to checking exposure, one should evaluate the film for rotation and
ensure that the patient has made an adequate inspiratory effort. Rotation is most
easily evaluated by noting the relationship between structures known to be anterior
Figure 6-1. Recognizing a PA versus AP film.
A. On the P A film the posterior arches of the lower cervical spines are imaged.
B. On the AP film, however, the vertebral bodies of the lower cervical spine are better
138 6. Roentgenographic Evaluation of Pulmonary Heart Disease
and those known to be posterior. In the chest the medial ends of the clavicles are
readily recognizable anterior structures that parallel the midline, and the dorsal
spines of the vertebral bodies are easily identifiable midline posterior structures. In
a nonrotated film the dorsal spines will project midway between the medial ends
of the clavicles.
Recognition of rotated films is extremely important, as rotation will distort the
normal mediastinal and cardiac contours; if unrecognized, rotated films can inap-
propriately suggest enlargement of various cardiac chambers or mediastinal struc-
tures (figure 6-2). In addition, rotation frequently tends to make the lung on the
side toward which the patient is rotated appear hyperlucent (figure 6-3). Such
hyperlucency, if real, would potentially be of great significance and certainly
would require further investigation. Therefore, one should recognize that such
hyperlucency can be due to technical factors (rotation) and is not necessarily related
to underlying pathologic alteration.
With regard to satisfactory inspiratory result, accurate assessment can generally
be made by noting the number of visualized ribs. In general, an adequate inspiratory
result has been achieved if nine to ten posterior ribs or six or seven anterior ribs
are visualized above the level of the hemidiaphragm. When one sees eleven or
twelve ribs posteriorly, the possibility of hyperinflation should be considered
strongly. However, there is a potential difficulty with equating hyperinflation on
the chest film with obstructive lung disease, since the patient is instructed to take
as deep a breath as possible and to hold it for the fUm. Athletic individuals or those
engaging in regular exercise programs frequently can take a very deep breath, deep
enough to drive the diaphragm to a low level and, indeed, to even flatten its
mimicking the appearance often seen with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
If, however, the patient is not an athlete or regularly engaging in a physical fitness
program, observation of a significant inspiratory result on the chest film should
suggest the possibility of obstructive lung disease.
Several chambers of the heart routinely can be assessed on the frontal projection
(figure 6-4A). The right cardiac border is formed by the right atrium and generally
projects slightly to the right of the vertebral column. It is in anatomic contact with
the adjacent right middle lobe. The left-sided contours from above downward are
formed by the aortic arch, the pulmonary artery, the left atrial appendage, and the
left ventricle. The left ventricle is in anatomic contact with the lingula. The right
ventricle cannot be directly assessed on the frontal projection as it is not border
forming. The left atrium, which is also not border forming in general, can also
not be directly assessed. Occasional clues to left atrial size are available, however,
by noting enlargement of the left atrial appendage or alterations in the bronchial
angle. In general, the atrium must increase in size by two to three times before it
can be recognized radiographically.
Lateral projection
The lateral view provides a right-angle projection to the routinely obtained frontal
view and, as such, is a most important view of the chest. In truth, when reviewing
Figure 6-2. Effects of rotation on the appearance of mediastinal and cardiac contours.
A. The patient is rotated slightly to the left, accentuating the left cardiac silhouette.
B. The same patient is rotated to the right, markedly changing the appearance of the mediastinal
and cardiac silhouettes. The right-sided cardiac structures now appear far more prominent than
they did in A.
Figure 6-3. Effect of rotation. This three-part figure illustrates the effect B. With the phantom turned toward the right. the right lung appears
of rotation on the appearance of the final chest radiograph. The studies more lucent than the left.
were perfonned on a phantom so that changes in the configuration of C. With the phantom rotated to the left. the left lung appears more
soft tissues cannot be responsible for the changes seen. lucent than the right. This series of films indicates that rotation can result
A. Equal lucency of both lungs is demonstrated with the phantom in the spurious appearance of hyperIucency in the lung toward the side
position without rotation. which the patient is rotated.
chest radiographs, most physicians spend the vast majority of their time and effort
analyzing the frontal projection and rarely spend much time with the lateral view.
This approach seems attributable to the fact that they do not understand the
anatomy as projected on the lateral view and, therefore, are uncomfortable with
its analysis. The primary confusion on the lateral view occurs in the area of the
hilum. The normal anatomic structures in the hilum are illustrated in figure 6-4B.
The lateral view is a very useful projection for evaluating the size of the pulmonary
artery, which, as will be seen later, can provide significant clues as to alterations
in pulmonary blood flow and/or pressure. The lateral view is extremely valuable
in evaluation of the "prominent hilum," in that it allows distinction between an
enlarged hilum due to arterial prominence and one due to adenopathy and/or mass
(figure 6--5). In the former situation, the pulmonary arteries are enlarged but the
normal, relatively radiolucent area beneath the left upper lobe bronchus remains
clear. The overall appearance is that of a "horseshoe" (figure 6--5B). In the setting
of adenopathy and/or mass, the area projected beneath the left upper lobe bronchus
is frequently radio-opaque and the overall appearance resembles a "doughnut"
(figure 6--5D).
The lateral view permits direct analysis of the two cardiac chambers, which were
not well visualized on the frontal projection because they were not border forming
(figure 6-4B). That is, the right ventricle, positioned anteriorly projects directly
behind the sternum on the lateral view. The left atrium, which sits behind the rest
of the cardiac mass and is not normally border forming on the frontal view, can
also be readily visualized on the lateral view. Visualization is enhanced by filling
the esophagus, which is in anatomic contact with the left atrium, with barium. In
addition, the left ventricle can be seen forming the lower cardiac border in the
lateral view.
Evaluating the size of the left ventricle on the lateral view is frequently possible
by applying a sign described by Hoffman and Rigler in 1965, which has come to
be known as "Rigler's sign." In their initial article (3), Hoffman and Rigler
described two measurements that could provide clues as to the left ventricular
enlargement. The measurement most often referred to (their measurement A) is
defined as the distance which the left ventricle extends posteriorly to the posterior
border of the inferior vena cava measured at a point 2 em cephalad to the crossing
of the vena cava and the left ventricle. The other sign they described, which has
not received as much attention (measurement B), is defmed as the distance of the
crossing of the inferior vena cava and the left ventricle caudad to the left leaf of
the diaphragm. In their study they noted that if measurement A was 1.8 em or
greater, there was a strong probability that the left ventricle was enlarged. If a good
inspiratory film had been obtained and measurement B was noted to be 0.75 em
or less, the left ventricle also was probably enlarged. Although the measurements,
particularly measurement A, are frequently referred to, a number of factors poten-
tially limit their application. To begin with the lateral film must meet several
requirements in order to utilize the sign. The film must be a true lateral projection
(without any rotation), obtained in deep inspiration and penetrated sufficiently to
Figure 6-4. Cardiac anatomy as demonstrated on routine radiographic pulmonary artery (LPA) is seen arching over the left mainstem bronchus.
C. The left posterior oblique view is demonstrated. Here the chest is
A. A frontal projection demonstrates that the border-forming structures rotated so that the interventricular septum is turned on end. The right
are the right atrium (RA) on the right and, from the top down on the ventricle (RV) is border forming on the right side of the cardiac
left, the aortic arch (AO), pulmonary artery (PA), and left ventricle silhouette and the left ventricle (LV) border forming to the left.
D. On the right posterior oblique view, the septum has been rotated so it
B. The lateral projection demonstrates the right ventricle (RV) border is oriented en face and the two ventricles project over one another. The
forming in the retrosternal space. Posteriorly, one can identify the inferior pulmonary artery (PA) and outflow tract form the upper portion of the
vena cava (IVC), the left ventricle (LV), and the left atrium (LA). In the cardiac border and are well seen in this projection. The left atrium (LA)
hilar region the right pulmonary artery (RPA) is seen in front of the is turned so that it may be visualized as well.
lucent circle formed by the left mainstem bronchus (arrow), and the left
c o
Figure 6-5. Radiographic analysis of the "prominent" hilum. Figures C and 0 illustrate the prominent hilum secondary to adenopathy
and mass. On the frontal view (C) the etiology of the prominent hilum
Figures A and B demonstrate a prominent hilum secondary to enlarged
(that is, enlarged arteries vs. adenopathy) is again unclear. However, on
pulmonary arteries. While the etiology of the large hilum on the frontal
the lateral view (0), the normal "horseshoe" configuration is now seen
projection is difficult to diagnose, the lateral projection demonstrates the
to be obliterated by a large mass (arrows) giving an overall configuration
classic "horseshoe" configuration formed by the right (RPA) and left
of a "doughnut," with the normal lucent left mainstem bronchus
(LPA) pulmonary arteries with relative radiolucency beneath the level of
occupying the position of the "hole" in the doughnut.
the left mainstem bronchus (arrow). ....
146 6. Roentgenographic Evaluation of Pulmonary Heart Disease
see the retrocardiac space clearly. Rotation and suboptimal inspiration can both
create false positive results. In addition, enlargement of the right ventricle often
displaces the left ventricle posteriorly, giving the false impression ofleft ventricular
enlargement. Even when none of the above factors is present, the original study
by Hoffman and Rigler had an 11 % false positive rate and a 19% false negative
rate for measurement A. Measurement B had a false positive rate of 41 % and a
false negative rate of 32%. Therefore, our conclusion has been that although the
Rigler's sign may occasionally be helpful in analysis of left ventricular size on the
chest radiograph, a number of false positives and false negatives are associated with
its use even if the films are technically appropriate for its application. In addition,
one must be particularly cautious applying this sign in situations in which the film
is rotated or when there has been a suboptimal inspiratory result or when the right
ventricle is enlarged. This last consideration (right ventricular enlargement) is
obviously of particular concern in patients with obstructive pulmonary disease and
cor pulmonale.
Oblique views
While frontal and lateral views are the standard projections obtained for analysis
of both pulmonary and cardiac structures, additional information can often be
obtained from oblique views (figures 6-4C and 6-4D). This is particularly true
in analysis of the heart and great vessels. The interventricular septum runs at an
angle of approximately 45° to the plane of the x-ray fum; therefore, rotating the
patient toward the 45° angle will enable one to look "down the septum" and cause
the right ventricle to form one cardiac border and the left ventricle to form the
other (figure 6-4C). This view (known as a left posterior-antero oblique) is
obtained by placing the patient's left side against the fum cassette and rotating the
right side out at an angle of 45° with the x-ray beam passing from back to front.
The 45° obliquity may be increased to 50 or 55° on occasion to avoid projecting
the heart over the spine. Ordinarily, the left ventricle will project away from the
spine, and the right ventricle will be seen to form a smooth convexity with the
ascending portion of the aortic arch. This view provides maximum clarity of the
bifurcation of the trachea, the arch of the aorta, and the posterior basilar portion
of the left ventricle. Although both ventricles can be evaluated in this view, the
standard lateral view often provides similar information, in that the right ventricle
is border forming in the retrosternal space and the left ventricle forms the lower
portion of the cardiac shadow.
The right posterior-antero oblique view of the chest (figure 6-4D)---obtained
by placing the patient's right side against the film and angling the left side back
45°, with the beam passing from back to front-places the interventricular septum
parallel to the film plane. In this situation both ventricles are projected over one
another. This view demonstrates to good advantage the proximal portions of the
main pulmonary artery as well as the left atrium.
Both of these views may be of help in assessing cardiac chamber enlargement,
but were of more importance historically, prior to the advent of echocardiography.
With the latter modality, to directly assess chamber size is now possible; therefore,
use of oblique views that provide only indirect evidence of specific chamber
enlargement is not required as commonly as in the past. The views remain useful
in situations in which echocardiographic or other direct assessment of cardiac
chambers is not available. The major views, however, with which all physicians
should be familiar, are the frontal and lateral projections discussed above.
Figure 6-6. Classic radiographic fmdings of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. There is
hyperinflation of the lungs. areas of focal oligemia. with a tendency for the vessels to be
markedly diminished in the periphery of the lungs. The heart is small and narrow as it has been
elongated by depression of the hemidiaphragms secondary to hyperinflation.
Figure ~7. Classic radiographic features of emphysema. There is marked The heart is relatively narrow due to the depressed position of the
hyperaeration of the lungs with flattening and inversion of the diaphragm. The vascular distribution is no longer normal and there are
hemidiaphragms. On the frontal view (figure A), the costal insertions of both focal areas of oligemia as well as some change in normal vascular
the slips of diaphragmatic muscle can be visualized (arrow), while on the distribution pattern. ....
lateral view (figure B), there is almost inversion of the hemidiaphragms. ~
150 6. Roentgenographic Evaluation of Pulmonary Heart Disease
Figure 6-8. Classic fmdings of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with hyperaeration of the
lungs, flattening of the hemidiaphragrns, and focal areas of oligemia. The oligemia reflects areas
of pulmonary parenchymal destruction secondary to emphysema.
Figure 6-9. Severe bullous lung disease. The large bullae compress the remaining lung
parenchyma (figure A). This compression is dramatically illustrated by the pulmonary
arteriogram (figure B) showing how the remaining parenchyma of the lung is displaced against
the heart and mediastinum by the large bullae.
152 6. Roentgenographic Evaluation of Pulmonary Heart Disease
Figure 6-10. Saber-sheath trachea. PA (figure A) and lateral (figure B) front to back plane. This is better illustrated on the close up views in
view of the chest demonstrate marked narrowing of the trachea (arrows) figures C and D. ....
from side to side at the level of the thoracic inlet and widening in the
154 6. Roentgenographic Evaluation of Pulmonary Heart Disease
Figure 6-11. Normal distribution of pulmonary vascularity. The effect of gravity superimposed
on the low-resistance, low-pressure pulmonary vascular bed is illustrated by the normal chest
radiograph shown in figure A. Note that the vessels at the lung bases are two to three times the
size of those in the upper lung zones. Figure B demonstrates how pulmonary vascular
distribution may be analyzed by evaluating vessels along a line (arrowheads) equidistant from
the hilum. Again, the size and number of vessels at the lung bases is normally significantly
greater than those seen in the upper lung zones. Alterations in this normal relationship should
suggest underlying pathophysiologic abnormality.
Figure 6-12. Figure A demonstrates the normal pattern of pulmonary with the patient standing erect (E) can be contrasted against the larger
vascular distribution with the patient standing erect (E). Note that the and more numerous vessels noted when the patient is placed supine (S)
vessels are larger and more numerous at the lung base than in the lung and flow redistributes to the upper lung zone.
apex as flow is diverted by gravitational effects superimposed on the Figure D demonstrates the changes associated with redistribution in the
low-resistance, low-pressure pulmonary circuit. lower lobes as there are fewer vessels seen at the lung base with the
Figure B shows that with the patient placed supine (S) there is a patient supine (S) as contrasted with the larger, more numerous vessels
tendency toward equalization of pulmonary vascular distribution between seen when the patient is standing erect (E) and there is more flow to the
upper and lower lung zones. lung base. As illustrated here, the changes of "redistribution" are much
easier to recognize in the upper lung zones than at the lung bases.
Figure C illustrates to better advantage the changes noted with close-up
views of the left upper lung zone. The relative sparsity of vessels seen
because most of the flow is directed toward the lung base), chronic pulmonary
venous hypertension (in which the earliest changes are generally noted at the lung
bases), and certain lung disease, such as alpha-I-antitrypsin deficiency, which, while
diffuse, seem to affect the lung bases more severely early in its course (figure 6-15).
Two groups of patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension have been iden-
tified in which a generalized reduction of the pulmonary vascular bed occurs
without a predilection for either upper or lower lung zones. These two groups
include patients with primary pulmonary arterial hypertension and patients with
central alveolar hypoventilation.
Patients with primary pulmonary arterial hypertension suffer from a generalized
reduction in cross-sectional area of the pulmonary arterial bed (15,16). The exact
etiology of the disease has not been established, although it is known that there
is a significant reduction in the luminal size of small pulmonary arteries and
arterioles with associated medial muscular hypertrophy and intima proliferation.
The resulting decrease in cross-sectional area of the pulmonary arterial bed in turn
results in the development of pulmonary arterial hypertension. The process occurs
160 6. Roentgenographic Evaluation of Pulmonary Heart Disease
diffusely throughout the lungs, and there is no obvious predilection for the lung
bases. Radiographs in these patients demonstrate equalization of vessel size and
number between upper and lower lung zones as well as dilatation of the main and
central pulmonary arteries with apparent tapering or disproportionate narrowing
of the distal branches, all of which reflect the pulmonary arterial hypertension
(figures 6-16 to 6-18) .
Patients with central alveolar hypoventilation (Ondine's curse) (17-20) suffer
from a dysfunction of automatic control of respiration. This causes a generalized
alveolar hypoxia, which is more pronounced when the patient sleeps. The low
alveolar oxygen tension, which occurs secondary to alveolar hypoventilation, in
turn causes vasoconstriction of the small pulmonary arterioles adjacent to the
alveolar spaces. Such vasoconstriction, occurring diffusely throughout the lungs,
significantly reduces the cross-sectional area of the pulmonary arterial bed and
produces pulmonary arterial hypertension. Chest radiographs of these patients
demonstrate the radiographic changes classically associated with pulmonary arterial
hypertension, including enlargement of the main and central pulmonary arteries
Figure 6-16. Primary pulmonary hypertension. Note the prominent main and centtal
pulmonary arteries and the equalization of flow between upper and lower lung zones. The
vessels supplying the periphery of the lungs appear disporportionately small, a feature often
described as "pruning."
with disproportionate narrowing of the more distal branches (14) (figure 6-19) .
As in other causes of pulmonary arterial hypertension, the vessels supplying the
upper lung zones are larger than normal and are nearly equal in size to those in
the lower lung fields. This change in vessel size is a reflection of redistribution of
pulmonary blood flow which is now more equally distributed between upper and
lower lung zones.
Figure 6-17. Severe pulmonary arterial hypertension. B. The close-up demonstrates calcification secondary to atherosclerotic
change within the main pulmonary artery. Such calcification is seen only
A. Note the markedly enlarged central pulmonary arteries on the frontal
in the setting of long-standing and severe pulmonary arterial hypertension.
Figure 6-18. Patient with primary pulmonary hypertension. The cardiomegaly is solely
attributable to right ventricular enlargement.
A. The main and central pulmonary arteries are enlarged on the frontal projection.
B. Although both hila appear prominent, the lateral view shows that the normal "horseshoe"
configuration about the left mainstem bronchus is maintained although the arteries are larger
than normal.
164 6. Roentgenographic Evaluation of Pulmonary Heart Disease
. .
Figure 6-19. A patient with central alveolar hypoventilation (Ondine's curse). Note the
cardiomegaly, which is entirely attributable to right ventricular enlargement. The main and
central pulmonary arteries are enlarged and there is equalization of flow between upper and
lower lung zones. The vessels supplying the periphery of the lungs are disproportionately small.
The patient has been treated with phrenic nerve pacer (arrow) .
bronchus on the lateral view remains relatively radiolucent since arteries do not
normally occupy this area.
Somewhat similar changes can be seen with left-to-right shunts and reflect
dilatation of the central pulmonary vascular bed due to increased flow. These
changes are most marked, however, as pulmonary arterial hypertension supervenes
secondary to vasoconstriction of more distal small peripheral arteries and arterioles
(Eisenmenger's physiology). The largest main and central pulmonary arteries are
generally identified in the setting of left-to-right shunts with Eisenmenger's physi-
ology, but may occasionally be seen with pure pulmonary arterial hypertension
The combination of enlarged main and central pulmonary arteries, as well as
equalization of pulmonary blood flow between upper and lower lung zones, with
disproportionate narrowing of the distal arterial branches suggests strongly the
diagnosis of pulmonary arterial hypertension.
Numerous attempts have been made to predict the degree of pulmonary arterial
hypertension or the actual pulmonary artery pressure by developing various in-
Figure 6-20. Frontal (A) and lateral (B) views of a patient with primary pulmonary
hypertension demonstrating massively enlarged central pulmonary arteries. Although appearing
masslike on the frontal projection, on the lateral view the enlarged pulmonary arteries (arrows)
maintain their normal horseshoe configuration with an area of relative lucency seen beneath the
level of the left mainstem bronchus (arrow) , suggesting that the changes seen on the frontal
view are due solely to enlargement of the pulmonary arteries.
166 6. Roentgenographic Evaluation of Pulmonary Heart Disease
dexes to compare the size of the pulmonary arteries at the hilar and/or right
intralobar pulmonary artery level with the cardiothoracic ratio. The results of most
of these investigations indicate that enlargement of the arteries is a reasonably good
predictor of elevated pulmonary artery pressure, but the various indexes cannot
predict accurately specific pulmonary artery pressure (21,22).
Cardiac changes
On the standard chest roentgenogram, the distinction between right atrial and right
ventricular enlargement is frequently difficult. For most purposes the right-sided
cardiac chambers are dealt with as a single unit. Pulmonary arterial hypertension
primarily affects the right ventricular contour and results in hypertrophy and,
eventually, dilatation of this chamber. This process is evidenced by an apparent
"filling in" of the retrostemal space on the lateral view by the enlarging right
ventricle. On the frontal view the heart may also appear enlarged, particularly
when associated tricuspid insufficiency and right atrial enlargement occur. In the
setting of right-sided cardiac enlargement, the heart tends to have an upward tilt
of the left apex whereas with left ventricular enlargement the heart appears to
extend more inferiorly. One should also be aware that enlargement of the right
ventricle will appear to displace the left ventricle posteriorly on the lateral view,
often giving the false impression that the left ventricle, rather than the right
ventricle, is enlarged. Therefore, in the setting of right ventricular enlargement,
one should be careful in assessing the size of the left ventricle, particularly on the
lateral projection. In fact, Murphy and co-workers (23) found that even for trained
observers, none of the roentgenographic criteria usually suggested for the specific
diagnosis of right or left ventricular hypertrophy was reliable in the setting of
chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Obtaining oblique views may be of help in
making the distinction between right and left ventricular enlargement, but this has
not yet been tested.
pickwickian syndrome
The massive obesity associated with Pickwickian syndrome restricts the ability of
the lungs to ventilate normally (24,25). The sheer bulk of the patient's body
increases the work of breathing significantly, and hypoventilation tends to occur.
As a result, alveolar oxygen tension throughout the lungs falls, and the reactive
vasoconstriction in the small, adjacent pulmonary arterioles results in a significant
reduction in the cross-sectional area of the pulmonary vascular bed. Pulmonary
arterial hypertension supervenes, and again seen are the classic radiographic features
of dilatation of the main and central pulmonary arteries, equalization of pulmonary
blood flow between upper and lower lung zones, and a relative diminution of
pulmonary vasculature supplying the lung periphery (figure 6-22).
Figure 6-21. Patient with gibbus deformity of the spine and secondary pulmonaty atterial
hypertension. Frontal (A) and lateral (B) views of a patient with healed tuberculosis of the
spine and a resulting severe gibbus deformity, whose respiratory mechanics ate severely
compromised by the abnormalities of the bony thorax. As a result there is chronic alveolat
hypoventilation, and the resulting atteriolat vasoconstriction has caused pulmonary atterial
hypertension. This is evidenced radiographically by the very large central pulmonary atteries.
The pulmonary atteries ate so latge that they resemble masses on the frontal view (A), but can
be distinguished from masses on the lateral view (B) by noting that the atea beneath the left
mainstem bronchus is relatively radiolucent.
Figure ~22. Pickwickian syndrome. This massively obese patient clinically suffers from chronic
alveolar hypoventilation of the type associated with the Pickwickian syndrome. Note the large
prominent main and central pulmonary aneries, radiographically suggesting the diagnosis of
pulmonary arterial hypertension.
Left-sided failure
Failure of the left ventricle to perform adequately is manifest initially by evidence
of increased pressure in the pulmonary venous system and subsequently by accumu-
lation of fluid in interstitial and alveolar spaces. In addition the heart is often seen
to enlarge in conjunction with left ventricular failure.
As the left ventricle begins to fail, two phenomena occur. Left ventricular
end-diastolic pressure increases. Pressure subsequently rises in the left atrium in
order to maintain the gradient required to ensure filling of the left ventricle during
diastole. As there are no valves between the left atrium and the pulmonary veins,
pressure increases in the atrium are reflected in the pulmonary venous bed. In order
to maintain an appropriate pressure gradient across the vascular bed from the
Figure 6-23. Patient with emphysema and redistribution of pulmonary pulmonary arterial hypertension. At catheterization, the wedge pressures
blood flow. Thelatient has generalized emphysema as evidenced by were normal, excluding congestive heart failure and the pulmonary artery
hyperaeration an flattening of the hemidiaphragms. There is pressures were moderately elevated consistant with pulmonary arterial
redistribution of blood flow to the upper lungs, suggesting the possibility hypertension.
of either venous hypertension and associated left heart failure, or
Figure 6-24. Patient with pulmonary arterial hypertension secondary to which suggests a mass on the frontal projection. The radiographic features
multiple recurrent pulmonary emboli. are those of pulmonary arterial hypertension, but the fact that there are
A. On the frontal view note the prominent main and central pulmonary large areas with no vascular supply and no obvious lung disease should
arteries. suggest the correct diagnosis of multiple pulmonary emboli.
B. on the lateral view note the large right pulmonary artery (RPA), ...
172 6. Roentgenographic Evaluation of Pulmonary Heart Disease
Figure 6-25. Congestive heart failure. Note the cardiomegaly and redistribution of flow to the
upper lung zones. The vessels in the upper lungs are equal in size to those at the lung bases, but
there is no prominence at the central pulmonary arteries to suggest pulmonary arterial
hypertension. This patient suffers from left ventricular failure with a wedge pressure of 25
arterial to venous side, pressures eventually rise on the arterial side as well. Radio-
graphically, these alterations in pulmonary vascular pressure, superimposed on a
low-resistance, low-pressure system, will be seen as "redistribution" of pulmonary
blood flow to the upper lung zones (figure 6-25). This phenomenon is manifest
radiographically as an increase in size and number of pulmonary vessels supplying
the upper lungs (27,28). In general this phenomenon can be recognized radiograph-
ically when left atrial pressure (as determined by pulmonary wedge pressure)
exceeds 15 mmHg. The radiographic changes become more pronounced as pressures
are elevated above this level, and, eventually, plasma oncotic pressure is exceeded
and fluid begins to leak into the extravascular interstitial space. In a normal patient
this process occurs at approximately 25 to 26 mmHg, but in patients with low
protein or with increased capillary permeability, such leakage may occur with
lower intravascular pressures. The fluid first accumulates in the interstitial spaces,
where it is cleared by lymphatic drainage. Radiographic features at this stage
include indistinct vessel margins and peribronchial "cuffing," reflecting thickening
of the peribronchial interstitial space by the edema fluid. If fluid leakage occurs at
Figure 6-26. Bat wing pulmonary edema. Demonstration of the so-called "bat wing" pattern
of pulmonary edema. The air space edema is bilaterally symmetrical and perihilar in distribution
with sparing of the lung periphery. This pattern, although seen to be classic, is unusual for
cardiogenic pulmonary edema and is more frequently seen in patients with uremia. In the case
illustrated, however, no evidence of renal failure was found, and the edema was on the basis of
left ventricular failure following myocardial infarction.
a rate greater than can be managed by lymphatic drainage, fluid begins to accumu-
late in the alveolar spaces. As this happens confluent air space opacities are noted
radiographically. These generally occur first at the lung bases and, on occasion, have
a somewhat central distribution which has been described as a "bat wing" pattern.
This latter appearance, although visually very striking, is the exception rather than
the rule and when it occurs is more commonly seen in patients with renal failure
than congestive heart failure (figure 6-26).
The radiographic pattern is altered by the presence of underlying pulmonary
disease. Edema will occur only in those areas that are being perfused by the
pulmonary arterial system. Therefore, if there is bullous disease or emphysema, and
particularly if destruction is localized, pulmonary edema will spare the destroyed
area. As a result of this sparing, the radiographic patterns of pulmonary edema may
be very unusual in patients with obstructive or destructive lung disease (figure
6-27), and the appropriate diagnosis may not be suggested unless the observer
recognized or is aware of the underlying lung disease.
Figure 6-27. Atypical pulmonary edema superimposed on chronic radiographic distribution suggests the possibility of pneumonia, but there
obstructive pulmonary disease. Frontal (A) and lateral (B) views of the were no clinical symptoms to suggest infection and all of the air space
chest demonstrate marked hyperaeration, focal areas of oligemia, and opacity was felt attributable to pulmonary edema secondary to congestive
bullous formation throughout the lungs. The patient is in congestive heart heart failure. The changes resolved completely with appropriate medical
failure, but the edema is accumulating primarily in the left upper lobe, management of the congestive heart failure.
which is the best perfused portion of the lung in this patient. The
In sununary, the plain chest radiograph remains a significant cornerstone in the
evaluation of patients with pulmonary heart disease. It provides a consistent,
reproducible, low-risk procedure that enables assessment of a variety of cardiac and
pulmonary abnormalities. An understanding of the pathophysiologic alterations
operative in these patients is critical to accurate interpretation of the radiograph.
A wide variety of alterations related to various pulmonary diseases may be imaged
on the chest film, but very important among these are relatively subtle alterations
in the pulmonary vascular pattern which may provide significant clues to underly-
ing pathophysiologic alterations. Most important to recognize among these altera-
tions is "redistribution" or increased flow relative to normal in the upper lung
zones. This alteration reflects early pressure changes and can be seen in association
with both pulmonary venous and pulmonary arterial hypertension. Arterial hyper-
tension, however, is associated with dilatation of the main and first- and second-
order branches of the pulmonary artery and a relative diminution of the peripheral
arterial tree. These findings are most striking radiographically and strongly suggest
pulmonary arterial hypertension. When associated with dilatation of right-sided
cardiac chambers and obvious pulmonary disease, the possibility of cor pulmonale
may be legitimately suggested from the chest radiograph.
1. Ravin CEo Disease signs in chest radiography. Optimization of Chest Radiography. U.S.
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LJ. Ruhin (ed.), Pulmonary Heart Disease. All rights reserved. Copyright @ 1984 Martinus NijhoffPuhlishing. Boston/The Hague/Dor-
178 7. Pulmonary Function and Exercise Testing
:::> 60 •
•• •
·••••.,. •
0: •
0.. 40
<{ 20 • ... •
o o+-~--~--?-~--~
o 1-0 2·0
:::> FEV 1 (UTRES)
Figure 7-1. An inverse relationship exists between the FEV1.0 (liters) and mean pulmonary
artery pressure (nunHg) in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease. (Reproduced with
permission from reference 19.)
This vital point must always be kept in mind when interpreting the clinical
significance of the many relationships that have been described in the literature.
r=0.S7 p<.OOl
(mm Hgi
00 20 40 60 80
Figure 7-2. An inverse relationship exists between the vital capacity (expressed as a percentage
of predicted) and pulmonary vascular resistance (expressed as the pulmonary artery
diastolic-wedge pressure gradient) in patients with a variety of diffuse interstitial lung diseases
resulting in restriction. (Reproduced with permission from reference 11.)
r = -0.81 ,:·0."
SEE ,5.2 SEE '1.0
':<0.001 '''000$
r: +0.70
SEE '1.3
065 75 85 95 lOS
Figure 7-3. Relationship between arterial blood gases and pH and mean pulmonary artery
pressure (PA mean), total pulmonary resistance (TPR), and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR)
in patients with COPD. Oxygen saturation (%) showed the best correlation with hemodynamic
measurements. However, the clinical significance of these correlations, particularly pH, is limited
by the wide scatter of points. (Reproduced with permission from reference 22.)
[H]+ mIiEQ/'':-l,jI-L20----..L30------'4-0-------J5L.0----6.L0-
Figure 7-4. In patients with COPD a relationship exists between mean pulmonary artery
pressure and both hydrogen ion concentration and artetial oxygenation. A normal or high pH in
the face of diminished arterial saturation is associated with a relatively lower mean pulmonary
artery pressure than would be seen if acidosis were present. The sevetity of pulmonary
hypertension in such patients can be estimated to within 5 to 10 mmHg using this graph.
(Reproduced with permission from reference 42.)
globin), and changes in pulmonary capillary blood volume (reduced cardiac output
or pulmonary embolism). To eliminate more easily correctable technical factors,
hemoglobin and carboxyhemoglobin levels should also be measured in patients
with an abnormal OLCO. The physiologic significance of the other abnormalities
can be only roughly estimated from other parameters such as the chest x-ray,
arterial blood gases or, if available, lung biopsy.
Single-breath measurements (OLCOSB) are the most widely reported (66--68).
Results are easily obtained, but they are subject to error due to ventilation perfusion
mismatching in patients with COPO. Measurements of OLCO sB may not be
possible during exercise or in patients unable to inspire the necessary volume of
test gas or who are so dyspneic that a 10-second breath-holding maneuver cannot
be completed. Steady state measurement (OLCO ss) (69) is a reasonable alternative
in these patients. Results are easily obtained, and steady state measurements can be
performed during exercise, but like single-breath measurements they are influenced
by ventilation perfusion mismatching (63,64).
Rebreathing measurements (OLCO RB) are very accurate, reproducible, and less
affected by ventilation perfusion mismatching due to the mixing process of the
rebreathing maneuver itself, and can be performed during exercise. Rapid accumu-
lation of carbon monoxide in the patient's blood may occur, however, when
repeated measurements are made. An additional obstacle to widespread use of
rebreathing has been the need for a computer to perform the complex calculations
involved (70,71).
The potential clinical significance of the OLCO in the evaluation of patients
with cor pulmonale is suggested by the demonstration of correlations between the
DLCO (percent predicted) and a variety of hemodynamic abnormalities measured
both at rest and during exercise (10,22). For example, in a small group of patients
with sarcoidosis (10) (figure 7-5), only one patient-who had a OLCO of 61 %
-had normal hemodynamics both at rest and during exercise, suggesting that a
OLCO ofless than 60% of predicted was the threshold below which hemodynamic
abnormalities were present. When the OLCO is less than 40% of predicted, the
likelihood increases that one or more hemodynamic measurements may be abnor-
mal. Hemodynamic abnormalities are invariably present when the OLCO is less
than 20 to 33% of predicted (10,35).
Similar fmdings were noted in 18 patients with COPO, but the threshold below
which rest or exercise PVR was elevated was a OLCO 70% of predicted (22).
Presumably, hemodynamic abnormalities were noted in these patients at this rela-
tively higher OLCO due to associated arterial blood gas abnormalities (52). In
support of this, and in contrast to the patients with sarcoidosis, arterial oxygen
saturation also correlated with hemodynamic measurements (r=0.88), and this
correlation improved (r = 0.97) using a multiple regression analysis using OLCO
and oxygen saturation versus PVR (22).
The subdivision of the OLCO into two components-Om, or the membrane
component of carbon monoxide transfer from alveolar gas into the blood, and Vc,
the capillary blood volume-may enable a more meaningful analysis of abnormali-
•• ..3.
" at.
" 001
SEt '51
MI ,
10203040 so no 70 l010JO'OSOo07(
Figure 7-5. The relationship between diffusing capacity expressed as a percentage of predicted
nonnal (DCOpp) and a variety of hemodynamic measurements in a small number of patients
with sarcoidOSIS. Parameters include mean pulmonary artery pressure at rest (P AMR) and during
exercise (PAME), pulmonary vascular resistance during exercise (PVRE), log of resting
pulmonary vascular resistance (PVRRlog), and total pulmonary resistance during exercise (TPRE
lo~. All but one patient whose DLCO was 40% of predicted had an elevated pulmonary artety
pressure or resistance at rest or during exercise. The mean DLCO for the group was 33%
(range 16-91%). (Reproduced with permission from reference 10.)
Available reports are suggestive that these two measurements may be clinically
useful in the evaluation of patients with pulmonary heart disease. For example, V c
is normal or increased in patients with mitral stenosis whereas a decrease in Vc has
been associated with increased PVR (74,75). These changes, however, as well as
changes in Dm related to the amount of associated capillary thickening and fibrosis,
are variable (76-79). There is a disproportionately greater decrease in Dm com-
pared with Vc in patients with pulmonary fibrosis (64,76), but whether this
relationship persists or whether V c is comparably decreased when pulmonary
hypertension is also present is unknown. Extremely variable changes in both
parameters have been reported in patients with COPD, although Dm may be
decreased more than Vc in emphysema (64,80).
Both Dm and Vc have been reported to be reduced in patients with either
primary pulmonary hypertension and recurrent pulmonary embolism, presumably
due to intense precapillary vasoconstriction, partial destruction of the capillary bed,
or both, but the number of patients is small and other reports have demonstrated
more variable changes (76,74,81,82). Changes in Vc have been used to monitor the
results of thrombolytic therapy in patients with pulmonary embolism (83), but a
relationship between decreased Vc and pulmonary vascular resistance in these
patients has not been reported. Whether V c would also be useful in monitoring
vasodilator therapy of patients with either primary or secondary pulmonary hyper-
tension is an unknown but intriguing possibility.
Table 7-1. Coefficients of correlation between various pulmonary function tests and mean
pulmonary artery pressure (PAPm)
VC=vitai capacity, VC(%) = percent predicted VC, FEVl.0=forced expiratory volume in one second, FEV
1.0(%) = percent predicted FEV1.0' R V = residual volume, TLC = total lung capacity, R V /TLC = ratio of R V
to TLC, DLCOSB = single breath diffusing capacity, DLCO SS = steady state diffusing capacity, pH = arterial pH,
P02=arteriai oxygen tension, pC02=arterial carbon dioxide tension, 02 sat %=percent oxygen saturation.
was with the vital capacity (= - 0.46). However, in both groups there was such
a wide range of PAPm in patients with the most severe abnormalities that PAPm
could not be accurately determined in an individual patient on the basis of spirome-
try alone.
No correlation was found using either the DLCO ss or DLCO SB in either group,
but the lack of a relationship does not diminish the value of this measurement in
the evaluation of these patients. This apparent discrepancy with the literature may
be due to the small number of patients in other reports.
Arterial oxygenation, measured as either the P0 2 or as oxygen saturation,
provided the best correlations in both groups. Correlation using oxygen saturation
may be stronger because the interaction between pH and PaC0 2 on the pulmonary
vasculature is also reflected in their effects on oxygen saturation through the oxygen
hemoglobin dissociation curve. Figure 7-6 demonstrates that while the strongest
correlation, oxygen saturation and PAPm, is highly significant (p < 0.00(1) and
the presence of pulmonary hypertension is strongly suggested on the basis of this
relationship, the severity of pulmonary hypertension in any given patient is more
difficult to determine. Furthermore, because patients with arterial hypoxemia to a
degree comparable to that seen in many of these patients do not invariably have
cor pulmonale, it is important to reemphasize that the presence of pulmonary
hypertension cannot always be ascertained on the basis of this relationship alone.
25 • MIXED
L., ,
70 80
, ,
O2 SAT (%)
Figure 7-6. Relationship between oxygen saturation (02 sat %) and mean pulmonary artery
pressure (PAPm) from patients in table I shown in figure (closed symbols) with obstruction (n
=150) and restriction (n=33). The correlation coefficient (r= -0.74) and equation of the
regression line derived from these data are shown. Data from table II shown in figure (open
symbols) are superimposed and demonstrate that patients from our laboratory with obstruction
(n=18), restriction (n=9), and mixed obstruction and restriction (n=7) do not appear to be
significantly different from the group as a whole. However, there is little or no relationship
between 02 sat % and PAPm in patients with normal spirometry (n=7), emphasizing that
factors other than arterial hypoxemia contribute to hemodynamic abnormalities in some patients.
categories: (a) obstruction, (b) restruction, (c) a mixture of both obstruction and
restriction, and (d) normal. Measurements oflung volume confirmed each patient's
classification and further defined underlying abnormalities, particularly in those
with mixed obstruction and restriction. Single-breath diffusing capacity (DLCO SB)'
arterial blood gases, and mean pulmonary artery pressure (P APm) are also shown.
The relatively large standard deviation for each parameter is indicative of a wide
range of disease severity in these patients.
Eighteen patients classified as having obstructive lung disease included ten with
clinical features of both chronic bronchitis and emphysema, six with cystic fibrosis,
one with emphysema due to alpha-l-antiprotease deficiency, and one with chronic
asthma. Patients classified as having restrictive lung disease included five with
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis documented by lung biopsy, three with primary
pulmonary hypertension, and one with sleep apnea. Seven patients were classified
as having a mixture of obstructive and restrictive lung disease, including one each
with scleroderma and chronic bronchitis, extensive fibrotic changes secondary to
tuberculosis in addition to chronic bronchitis, sarcoidosis, angiographically
Table 7-2. Pulmonary function tests in 41 patients with pulmonary hypertension l
192 7. Pulmonary Function and Exercise Testing
conftrmed recurrent pulmonary emboli, and chronic intravenous drug abuse. Two
patients had mixed defects of an undetermined etiology. Seven patients with
normal spirometry included one with angiographically documented recurrent pul-
monary embolism and six with primary pulmonary hypertension.
Normal spirometry
The group with normal spirometry included patients with severe pulmonary
vascular abnormalities, predominantly primary pulmonary hypertension. Moderate
arterial hypoxemia was generally present, but PaC0 2 tended to be normal or low.
The most notable abnormality in this group as a whole appeared to be a reduction
in DLCO, but this was highly variable. The lowest DLCO (21%) we observed
in any of these 41 patients was in the patient with chronic recurrent pulmonary
embolism. Patients with pulmonary hypertension secondary to intracardiac defects
or valvular heart disease may also have normal spirometry (98), but these condi-
tions were excluded prior to catheterization and are not represented in this series.
who eventually underwent right heart catheterization. The significant effect of our
referral pattern is demonstrated by the nine patients with primary pulmonary
hypertension. However, our cohort is also more typical in that, as in most other
series, the most common underlying lung disease was COPD.
The only significant relationship noted between PFT results and hemodynamic
measurements was with the level of oxygenation in patients with obstruction
(r = - 0.58, P < 0.05). This fmding emphasizes that while no single test oflung
function is adequate to evaluate the complex physiologic abnormalities of patients
with pulmonary heart disease, arterial oxygenation appears to be the most signifi-
cantly related to the presence of cor pulmonale of all the tests available.
Spirometry does not reflect the physiologic impact of abnormalities suggested
by measurements of the DLCO and arterial blood gases. While the pattern of
abnormality on spirometry may suggest an underlying anatomic and physiologic
basis for the development of pulmonary heart disease, it is often not specific in
evaluating patients in whom pulmonary hypertension may have developed as a
result of primary vascular process, abnormalities of respiratory drive, or neuromus-
cular disease. If the severity of spirometric abnormalities were the sole criterion to
be considered, a number of our patients with relatively mild defects might have
gone undetected. Pulmonary hypertension was documented in patients with a wide
range of obstruction or restriction. On the other hand, severe spirometric abnor-
malities do not conclusively prove the presence of underlying pulmonary hyperten-
sion. Several of our patients with severe airways obstruction had only borderline
elevations of pulmonary artery pressure. We have also seen seven patients with
pulmonary function abnormalities comparable to these pulmonary hypertensive
patients who were found to have normal pulmonary artery pressures at right heart
Abnormalities of the DLCO or arterial blood gases were the major clue to the
presence of underlying pulmonary vascular disease in many of our patients. Some
of the many limitations of the DLCO have been described, but its potential value
should also be emphasized. More work is needed to defme its clinical significance,
particularly in terms of using measurements of Dm and Vc to further interpret
reductions in DLCO in patients with cor pulmonale.
Arterial blood gas abnormalities are particularly important because they quan-
titate, at least in part, the roles of hypoxia and acidosis in the development and
severity of pulmonary hypertension. One or more arterial blood gas measure-
ments were abnormal to some degree in most of our patients. However, the
clinical significance of arterial blood gas abnormalities in terms of the presence
and severity of pulmonary hypertension in any given patient must be viewed
with caution, despite the fact that significant correlations are frequently noted.
To demonstrate, individual data from our 41 patients have been plotted on figure
7-6. While most of our patients (table 7-2) do not appear to be significantly
different from the group (table 7-1) as a whole, the wide scatter of points
emphasizes the complex interaction of other factors that relate to the develop-
ment of pulmonary hypertension in some of these patients, particularly the pa-
tients with normal spirometry.
Pulmonary function tests are an important part of the evaluation of patients with
pulmonary heart disease. Results of simple tests, including spirometry, lung
volumes, DLCO, and arterial blood gases, are useful both to determine the type
and to quantitate the severity of the underlying lung disease. Relationships between
the various test results and the pulmonary circulation suggest that pulmonary
function abnormalities, particularly severe abnormalities, may correlate to some
degree with the presence and the severity of underlying pulmonary hypertension.
Isolated abnormalities of pulmonary function such as spirometry are very diffi-
cult to interpret in the context of pulmonary heart disease. For this reason the
clinical evaluation of these patients should include, at a minimum, the several tests
described. The results of all these tests must be interpreted in light of results from
other diagnostic studies such as the electrocardiogram and chest x-ray. A severe
abnormality in one or more pulmonary function tests, combined with evidence of
right ventricular hypertrophy or large pulmonary arteries on a chest x-ray, in a
patient with suspected pulmonary hypertension would make a strong case for the
presence of cor pulmonale.
On the other hand, demonstration of mild abnormalities or even normal pulmo-
nary function tests does not exclude the possibility that pulmonary hypertension
is present, particularly if the ECG and chest x-ray are abnormal. More importantly,
this opens up the differential diagnosis to a variety of diseases not associated with
parenchymal destruction, such as sleep apnea syndromes, congenital heart disease,
recurrent pulmonary embolism, and, rarely, primary pulmonary hypertension. In
our experience these patients provide the greatest diagnostic challenge. All too
often this type of patient simply carries the clinical diagnosis of cor pulmonale of
unknown etiology despite the unfortunate fact that, with aggressive diagnostic
evaluation to determine the underlying disease process, a specific treatment may
be available.
The possibility that a patient may have pulmonary hypertension should always
be considered in patients with severe pulmonary function test abnormalities even
if the chest roentgenogram and electrocardiogram are normal. The specificity of
both criteria is such that an absence of abnormalities should not prevent a complete
evaluation if clinically indicated. Results of exercise testing in this setting can
provide valuable clues both to the functional severity of the underlying lung disease
and in some cases to the presence of otherwise undetected pulmonary vascular
The possibility that a patient may have pulmonary hypertension should be
considered if there is severe obstruction (FEV 1.0 < 1 liter or < 70% predicted)
or restriction (FVC < 40% of predicted) and significant reductions in DLCO
( < 40--60% and < 70% of predicted in patients with restriction or obstruction,
respectively). The addition of severe arterial hypoxemia (Sa02 < 85%), particularly
when it is present in combination with acidosis and hypercarbia, considerably
increases the likelihood that hemodynamic abnormalities are present. However,
beyond these generalizations, pulmonary function tests do not appear to be useful
196 7. Pulmonary Function and Exercise Testing
in clearly distinguishing patients with severe lung disease alone from those with
secondary cardiac involvement, and may only provide a rough estimate of the
severity of pulmonary hypertension if it is present. As a result, it seems unlikely
that any of these relationships can completely eliminate the need for more sensitive
or specific evaluation of these patients.
Exercise testing provides an objective assessment of the complex interaction of
ventilation and gas exchange, the central and peripheral circulation, blood gas
transport, and tissue metabolism under controlled circumstances of increasing or
maximal physiologic stress. An abnormality in anyone or in a combination of these
processes results in quantitative alterations in a variety of measurements that are
an important part of the evaluation of patients with chronic lung disease.
Cardiovascular and ventilatory changes that occur during exercise in patients with
chronic lung disease have been extensively studied, but the exercise response of
patients with pulmonary heart disease, in particular, is very poorly characterized
because the diagnosis is frequently based on clinical findings. Hemodynamic meas-
urements are either not done during exercise or are made at different levels of exercise
or workload, making it difficult to compare and interpret results from different
series. Because the exercise response of patients with cor pulmonale is frequently
assumed to be similar to patients with severe chronic lung disease, much of our
current understanding is extrapolated from patients who may not be even compara-
All of these points, coupled with a general reluctance to exercise patients with
clinical evidence of cor pulmonale, account for an amazing lack of information
relating to exercise testing in patients with pulmonary heart disease. As a result
specific recommendations are not possible, and suggestions tend to be based more
on theory than on fact.
General clinical objectives of exercise testing in patients with chronic lung
disease include the following needs:
In the context of patients with pulmonary heart disease, the clinical objectives and
thus the value of exercise testing are more limited.
The degree of disability is clinically obvious in most patients with pulmonary
hypertension secondary to chronic parenchymal lung disease, even to the point that
functional limitations are so severe that an exercise test may not be possible. Given
the age of many of these patients, the possible presence of associated left ventricular
severe lung disease. Simple, noninvasive measurements are made during a progrer
sive incremental power test to the patient's symptom-limited maximum. Stage 2
is also noninvasive, but involves more complex measurements such as oxygen
consumption (VOz) during steady state exercise at a level determined during stage
1. Stage 3 essentially repeats stage 2 measurements, but adds arterial blood sampling.
Stage 4 is the most complex and invasive, requiring right heart catheterization for
central venous blood sampling and hemodynamic measurements. In our lab patients
undergo a stage 4 evaluation as part of research protocols. The risk of either right
heart catheterization or exercise testing in an experienced research setting is very
low, even when performed together (113).
Two basic exercise protocols can be used to evaluate these patients: steady state
and progressive incremental, or multistage (108,112,114). In steady state testing the
patient exercises at a constant workload for at least 3 minutes before measurements
are recorded. After resting 30 minutes or until baseline returns, exercise is repeated
at a higher workload, and this process continues until either the patient cannot
complete at least 3 minutes of exercise at a higher load or predetermined end points
such as maximum heart rate are reached. In order to ensure that excessive fatigue
does not determine the maximum load in a patient with limited cardiopulmonary
reserve, repeat testing may be necessary on the following day beginning at 50%
of the previous maximum load, increasing to the previous maximum, and if this
is easily obtained, proceeding on to progressively higher loads as tolerated. Both
the cycle ergometer and treadmill are suitable for this protocol.
In multistage testing workload is progressively increased at intervals as short as
one minute until the patient is either unable to continue or predetermined end
points are reached (108,115). The cycle ergometer is best suited for this protocol.
This technique offers the advantage of rapidly assessing the maximal limitations of
a patient who is likely to be exhausted by repeated periods of exercise. This
consideration is important in the evaluation of patients with pulmonary heart
disease, who might be expected to have a very limited cardiopulmonary reserve.
By utilizing equipment that ,rapidly measures expired oxygen and carbon dioxide
in combination with computer analysis of data, the multistage method can be used
to determine VE , V0 2, and carbon dioxide production (VCOz) on a breath-by-
breath basis. With this technique maximum oxygen consumption (V0 2 max) and
anaerobic threshold (AT) can be visually identified (109,116).
Many patients with chronic lung disease have such severe limitations that
obtaining the steady state necessary for measurements in stages 2 through 4 may
be difficult. The possible effect this may have on the interpretation of data can be
minimized if steady state measurements are repeated at several different power
outputs. Most measurements made using breath-by-breath analysis during incre-
mental tests have been shown to be comparable to those obtained after 4 minutes
of steady state exercise (117). In severely limited subjects cycle ergometry using
a multistage protocol consisting of very small increments of power (50 kpm) may
be the only way to obtain meaningful information (112,115).
Cycle ergometers and the treadmill are the most commonly used modes of
exercise in patients with lung disease. We use the cycle because the patient's arm,
wrist, and torso are relatively stable, thereby reducing the effect of body motion
on hemodynamic tracings. In addition, breathing through a mouthpiece and re-
peated blood sampling are more easily accomplished. The most significant differ-
ence between the two is that a higher V02 max is measured using the treadmill.
This is apparently due to greater work efficiency, familiarity with walking, and
less thigh muscle fatigue, a limiting factor on the cycle (112). Because the difference
is small and patients with severe chronic lung disease can rarely exercise at these
work levels, this consideration is generally unimportant (112,118).
We also routinely insert an arterial line in order to facilitate repeated blood
sampling, minimize patient discomfort, and reduce the amount of time lost due
either to attempting to locate an artery or to the difficulty in sampling arterial
blood in an exercising patient. To avoid complications adequate circulation to the
hand should always be confirmed using the Allen's test (119), arterial catheters
should never be flushed by syringe (120), and the catheter should be immediately
removed if excessive patient discomfort, redness, or blanching develops in the
region of the catheter tip at any time.
The standard objective end point of the exercise test is V0 2 max (108,122).
Predictions ofV0 2 max based on age or extrapolations from a heart rate measured
during submaximal exercise are unreliable because maximum heart rate is highly
variable in patients with chronic lung disease (20,123,125). While determining
V0 2 max in each patient is desirable, a reasonable clinical alternative is to determine
the symptom-limited maximum oxygen consumption. In fact, pushing patients
with cor pulmonale beyond the point at which clinical symptoms develop may be
particularly unwise. We had one patient terminate exercise due to symptoms that
developed only after mixed venous oxygen saturation fell to less than 10%!
Unfortunately, measurements based on the presence or absence of subjective
symptoms may be subject to considerable error due, for example, to psychological
or nutritional factors and poor effort. However, intra- and inter-individual varia-
bility can be minimized, and objective, reproducible end points can be developed
by relating all measurements to the work rate or V0 2 at which they were made.
Our experience has been that a careful explanation of the procedures and the
patient's awareness of the seriousness of the underlying disease result in good
cooperation and consistent results.
Closely related to concerns about patient effort are physiologic alterations due
to the general deconditioning of most patients with chronic lung disease. Abnor-
malities that result from deconditioning are particularly troublesome because of
their similarity to the abnormalities seen with intrinsic cardiac disease, thus render-
ing distinction between the two etiologies difficult (124,125). Since there is no
evidence to suggest that patients with pulmonary heart disease are more severely
deconditioned than patients with chronic lung disease alone, exercise duration does
not, by itself, signify the presence of pulmonary hypertension. Furthermore, the
exercise capacity of most patients is so limited that their capability to exercise long
enough at work levels high enough to cause a training effect is unlikely, even with
200 7. Pulmonary Function and Exercise Testing
repeated exercise testing (123). However, this should not be taken as a rationale
for not encouraging patients with cor pulmonale to be active (127), particularly
if an exercise test can be used to suggest a safe level of activity for each individual.
The level of oxygen consumption at which minute ventilation and expired
e02 increase in response to increasing lactate concentrations has been described as
the anaerobic threshold (AT) (125,128). However, because anaerobic metabolism
may be important at the start of exercise before ventilatory and circulatory adapta-
tions occur, it is unlikely that, as suggested by this term, there is ever a point or
threshold below which tissue lactate is not present (129). Peak blood lactate levels
are seen three to five minutes after maximal exercise is reached because diffusion
of lactate from muscle is slow and results in a delayed appearance in the blood
during exercise.
Significant increases in blood lactate normally do not occur before reaching at
least 50% ofV0 2 max. In contrast, lactate concentrations do not increase until very
high V0 2 in trained individuals, but in poorly conditioned subjects, lactate levels
begin to rise at very low V0 2• On this basis the AThas been suggested as an index
of physical conditioning (109,125,130). However, chronic lung disease limits the
clinical value of this concept. Ventilatory limitations are frequently so severe that
patients either fatigue and stop exercising before AT is reached or their VE increases
so rapidly in response to increased ve0 2 that exercise is terminated due to dyspnea
which develops as maximum obtainable levels of ventilation are approached, even
at low workloads (112,128).
Many patients with lung disease also develop severe hypoxemia during exercise
(123,131). In this circumstance supplemental oxygen administration generallyal-
lows patients to do comparable work at a lower VE with less dyspnea, resulting
in increased exercise duration or higher work rates. Outpatient ambulatory oxygen
is generally prescribed if both improved exercise tolerance and oxygen saturation
are demonstrated on repeat exercise testing (123,132,133). More specific recommen-
dations for using supplemental oxygen during exercise cannot be made until more
data are available, particularly from long-term studies. In more practical terms,
supplemental oxygen makes the determination of V0 2 more difficult because even
small errors in measuring either inspired or exhaled oxygen concentrations result
in large errors in the calculation of V0 2•
Figure 7-7. Schematic illustration of the complex physiologic interactions that are
physiologically linked during exercise in a system represented by the gears. (Reproduced with
permission from reference 111.)
resting FEVl.O' FVC, DLCO, VD/VT, and predicted V0 2 max have been used
to estimate the degree of exercise limitation due to the lungs (114,124,134-136).
However, such approaches are limited because assumptions must be made about
cardiac output and the homogeneity of the distribution of ventilation, perfusion,
and diffusing capacity throughout the lung that may not be clinically valid in
patients with cor pulmonale. Additionally, many patients increase their FEV1.0 and
FVC above resting values during exercise (112,134), resulting in considerable
underestimation of maximum ventilatory capacity.
Malfunction of one of the interacting gears in figure 7-7 results in adaptations
in the others that may make continued exercise possible. Abnormalities can be
measured and interpreted in a way that helps localize the primary defect-be it
the peripheral tissues and circulation, heart, pulmonary circulation, or the lungs
(108). Figure 7-7 does not demonstrate which tests (stages 1-4) may be useful and
how they relate to underlying abnormalities or whether they can be used to
distinguish patients with chronic lung disease from those with cor pulmonale (112).
Pulmonary circulation
The most widely recognized abnormalities associated with pulmonary heart disease
are increases in pulmonary arterial pressure and vascular resistance during exercise
(20,30,46,87,147,157,160,161,166,167), which are found in up to 50% of patients
with COPD in whom hemodynamic measurements are made at rest and during
exercise (162).
If resting pulmonary artery pressures are elevated, increases during exercise tend
to be large, suggesting that in later stages of disease even small changes in cardiac
output cause excessive increases in pressure (figure 7-8). The steeper slope of the
regression line for decompensated patients may be due to associated hypoxemia and
acidosis that develop as patients deteriorate (147), resulting both in further increases
in PAP and PVR and decreases in Q. The absolute change in pulmonary artery
pressure does not distinguish between patients with and without right ventricular
failure, although resting PAP tends to be higher and larger changes are more likely
in the latter.
Ppa, mmHg
7 •
"0 •
o , , ,
" 8
Q 1 min-1 m-2
Figure 7-8. The relationship between cardiac index (Q) and mean pulmonary artery pressure
(lip.) at rest (open symbols) and during exercise (closed symbols). In group I 25 patients with
clironic bronchitis (circles). In group II 14 patients with chronic bronchitis and a history of
right heart failure (squares). In group III 10 patients with chronic bronchitis and clinical right
heart failur~ (triangles). Hatched area .represents 95% confidence interval of normal values. The
increase in Ppa is larger at any given Q as patients deteriorate and develop cor pulmonale.
(Reproduced with permission from reference 47.)
MECHANICAL FACTORS. Mechanical abnormalities such as muscular weakness,
decreased lung compliance, or increased airways resistance limit exercise by reduc-
ing ventilatory capacity, although reductions in ventilatory capacity are not specific
for patients with cor pulmonale. The measurement of FEV1.0 allows estimation of
ventilatory capacity through its relationship to the maximum voluntary ventilation
(MVV) (MVV = FEVl.O X 35) (114,124), but MVV is often underestimated by
this formula in patients with .an FEV1.0 less than 1 liter (112,124). MVV is clinically
useful if its relationship to VE and the subjective sensation of dyspnea are consid-
ered. Breathlesmess is usually first noted when the "dyspnea index" (VE/MVV X
1(0) exceeds 50% (177,180). Exercise-induced bronchospasm should always be
considered in patients who develop dyspnea at aVE well below levels predicted
using the resting FEVl.O (179,180). Beyond this point, breathlessness is not a specific
fmding of cor pulmonale although it is frequently severe and out of proportion
to other clinical findings and may be an important diagnostic clue, particularly in
patients with primary pulmonary hypertension (170).
Excessive positive intrathoracic pressure may develop during expiration in
patients with severe obstruction. Direct transmission of this pressure to the heart
and blood vessels results in an overestimation of intravascular pressures, including
the pulmonary capillary wedge, even if electronic integration of the systolic and
diastolic pressure is used (181). For this reason, PCW measured during exercise
is generally considered to be unreliable in the setting of COPD and frequently
leads to clinical confusion about the presence of associated left ventricular dys-
function (18,19,31,43,46,150,157,167,182). The magnitude of the contribution of
increased intrathoracic pressure to the development of cor pulmonale by directly
increasing pulmonary vascular resistance is still controversial (25,123,158,159,-
RATIO OF DEAD SPACE TO TIDAL VOLUME (VD/VT). The ratio of dead space to tidal
volume (VD /VT) is normally 25% to 30% at rest and falls during exercise because
tidal volume (VT) increases while dead space (VD), which is predominantly fixed
(or anatomic), changes minimally (106,107). In contrast, VD/VT may increase
during exercise in some patients with lung disease (185) (figure 7-9), due to large
50 ,
-- ---'
......... I
...... I
~.>--- ,
,................ . . . . . . ------------- ,,-'
not improve V/ Q, so that VD /VT will neither change nor increase. In one study
in which VD /VT decreased during exercise in patients with pulmonary vascular
disease, the mean DLCO was 65% of predicted (188) compared to mean values
of 50% in a study of comparable patients in whom VD /VT increased during
exercise (185).
While resting DLCO measurements are also important clues to the presence of
underlying vascular disease, a low DLCO does not necessarily mean that VD /VT
will increase during exercise. Additionally, an elevated VD /VT at rest that in-
creases further during exercise does not by itself diagnose the presence or determine
the severity of cor pulmonale. Finally, the magnitude of changes in VD /VT in
patients with chronic parenchymal lung disease varies widely, even when associated
vascular involvement is present.
Along similar lines, changes in the DLCO and Vc in response to cold or changes
in body position have also been used to suggest early pulmonary involvement of
systemic diseases such as scleroderma. For example, patients with Raynaud's phe-
nomenon increase Vc and DLCO after exposure of an extremity to cold, presuma-
bly due to central redistribution of blood during peripheral vasoconstriction (189).
This response is absent in patients with both Raynaud's phenomenon and sclero-
derma or scleroderma alone (189,190), although recent studies suggest that this
actually may also be a normal response (191). Patients with scleroderma also do
not increase DLCO when changing from a sitting to supine position.
While this is generally interpreted to be evidence of a lack of distensibility of
pulmonary vasculature secondary to structural vascular changes, hemodynamic
measurements have not been done to rule out changes in Q, reflex pulmonary
vasodilation, or abnormal peripheral vascular response as possible mechanisms for
these observations. While these changes may be evidence of early pulmonary
vascular involvement, they have not been shown to be also specific for the presence
of cor pulmonale, even though approximately 50% of patients with scleroderma
have pulmonary hypertension in the absence of overt clinical signs (33). Another
unknown factor is whether these patients would increase VD /VT during exercise,
although this would seem likely (190).
An increase in physiologic dead space is also an important cause of dyspnea both
at rest and during exercise because VE is increased by the need to maintain an
adequate alveolar ventilation (VA = VE[1- VD/VT]) and normal PaC0 2, partic-
ularly during exercise (111,114,185,192). As a result, patients with severe COPD
have an excessive VE at any level of V0 2 or an abnormal ventilatory equivalent
for oxygen (VE/VO~, which, in some patients, is also associated with a higher
dyspnea index.
DIFFUSING CAPACITY (DLCO). DLCO increases in a nearly linear relationship
with V0 2 during exercise in normal patients (66,193,194) due predominantly to
increases in Vc, but evidence that Dm is also increased suggests that a combination
of both capillary recruitment and distention is occurring (193). In patients with
severe lung disease, the absolute increase in DLCO during exercise is often blunted,
particularly in patients with emphysema (122). As previously discussed the signifi-
cance of changes in DLCO must always be interpreted in light of the difficulty
If 80
~ 60
en 40
Capillary Capillary
Transit Time-: Transit Tim~
0.2 0.4 0.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Figure 7-10. The relationship between oxygen saturation (%) of pulmonary capillary blood
and the time (seconds) spent in transit through the lung capillaries. Calculations were done
assuming a normal maximum cardiac output and diffusing capacity. The effect of decreasing the
gradient between alveolar and capillary oxygen tension is demonstrated using two different PA
02 based on an altitude of 3,100 meters and sea level of 110 mmHg and 70 mmHg,
respectively. See text for discussion of the clinical implications of decreasing PA0 2 and DLCO
and changing cardiac output based on this relationship. (Reproduced with permission from
reference 114.)
blood through the lungs during heavy exercise in normals at both sea level (PA0 2
= 110 mmHg) and 3,100 meters (PA0 2 = 70 mmHg) is shown in figure 7-10
(114). Blood remains in the capillaries nearly twice as long as required for complete
oxygen saturation, even at a very high cardiac output. As a result cardiac output,
theoretically, could double (or capillary transit time could be halved) before
end-capillary oxygen saturation would decrease. In contrast, the driving pressure
between the alveolus and capillary blood at 3,100 m is low enough that the time
spent in the lung capillaries at high cardiac outputs may be insufficient for equilibra-
tion and arterial hypoxemia could develop, particularly if further increases in
cardiac output were possible (114) or alveolar oxygen tension fell even lower.
The clinical implications of figure 7-10 are that the DLCO could theoretically
fall to less than 50% of predicted at sea level before maximum exercise tolerance
would be impaired by arterial hypoxemia due to diffusion abnormalities alone
(114). Additional reductions in P A 0zdue to abnormal distribution of ventilation
that also occur in many of the chronic lung diseases associated with a reduction
in DLCO could precipitate arterial hypoxemia and limit exercise tolerance at lower
cardiac outputs in these patients. Patients with an abnormal DLCO who desaturate
during exercise generally have both severe diffusion and V/o. abnormalities rather
than alveolar capillary block alone (198).
A patient with a low DLCO who also desaturates during exercise might be at
risk to develop hypoxemia during vasodilator therapy since cardiac output may
increase, V/o. may deteriorate, or both may occur (1,16). The interaction between
cardiac output and arterial blood gas abnormalities in patients with cor pulmonale
is so complex that this concept may be too simplistic to be clinically useful. The
effect of a low cardiac output in the setting of right ventricular failure would cause
capillary transit time to lengthen and mixed venous oxygen to fall. The combined
action of these two effects, coupled with V abnormalities and all changes related
to vasodilators, would determine end-capillary oxygen saturation (114,196,197).
ARTERIAL BLOOD GASES. The strength of the correlations between resting arterial
oxygen saturation and PAPm (figure 7-6) suggests that arterial blood gas abnor-
malities are a major determinant of pulmonary artery pressure, particularly at low
oxygen saturations. However, arterial blood gas changes during exercise do not
appear to be specific for cor pulmonale except that further deterioration could
worsen pulmonary hypertension at any level of exercise (131,137,146,167). A fall
in exercise PaOz has also been associated with decreased survival in patients with
COPD (143).
The alveolar arterial oxygen gradient (P[A-a]0z) is the most useful means to
clinically assess arterial hypoxemia during exercise in patients with chronic lung
disease because it is unaffected by hyperventilation. Normally, P (A-a)02 decreases
slightly with mild exercise due to improved V/o., but during heavy work it begins
to increase due to a reduced mixed venous oxygenation (Pv0z). A widened
P(A-a)02 at rest does not necessarily imply that an irreversible abnormality is
present unless it either does not change or increases significantly during exercise
The mechanism(s) responsible for hypoxemia and thus an increased P(A-a)02
include the following:
The presence of a shunt can be excluded in patients who are not at risk for CO 2
narcosis by measuring PaOz while breathing 100% oxygen. The possible role of
diffusion abnormalities has been briefly discussed. Abnormal V/o. is the most
common and usually the most clinically obvious cause of hypoxemia in patients
with chronic lung disease and is discussed in greater detail in chapter 2.
The distribution of V/o., measured using the multiple inert gas elimination
method, is not significantly changed during exercise in patients with COPD. As
a result mixed venous P0 2 contributes significantly to the level of arterial oxygena-
212 7. Pulmonary Function and Exercise Testing
tion (58). In contrast, similar studies in patients with V/Q abnormalities secondary
to cystic fibrosis demonstrated substantial alterations in the pattern ofV/Q distribu-
tion during exercise in some patients which resulted in improved gas exchange and
minimal changes in arterial P0 2. The resting V/Q pattern of distribution in these
patients appeared to be unrelated to clinical status, degree of airways obstruction,
or pulmonary artery p'ressure (45). In the patients with COPD, type A or "pink
puffers" had high V/Q areas, and type B or "blue bloaters" more variably had
distinct low and/or high V/Q areas (58). No diffusion impairment for oxygen was
noted in either group (45,58).
The potential significance of a reduction in Pv02 is much more difficult to detect
clinically. Pv02 is most commonly reduced as a result of a decreased arterial
Pa02' decreased cardiac output, increased oxygen consumption, or increased blood
flow to tissues with high oxygen extraction (123). A reduction in Pv02 secondary
to inadequate cardiac output in patients with pulmonary heart disease may have
a greater role in the development of arterial hypoxemia than in other patients with
chronic lung disease. However, the range of cardiac output and oxygen consump-
tion in these latter patients is such that a low Pv02 does not appear specific for
cor pulmonale (201).
The level of oxygenation of mixed venous blood may contribute to the modula-
tion of pulmonary vascular tone either by acting directly on vascular smooth
muscle or indirectly by decreasing arterial oxygenation (Pa02) (202), alveolar
oxygen tension (PAO~ (203), or both. Thus, a low Pv02 may also playa major
role in the development of the increased pulmonary vascular resistance in patients
with pulmonary heart disease.
Despite a paucity of data, it is clear that some measurements made during exercise
testing (stages 1-4) can be helpful in the diagnostic evaluation of some patients with
suspected or known pulmonary hemodynamic abnormalities. For example, an
increase in VD /VT during exercise strongly suggests the presence of underlying
pulmonary vascular disease, particularly if the DLCO is also abnormal. In some
patients exercise DLCO appears to correlate with pulmonary resistance, but more
work is needed to firmly establish this relationship before it can be clinically useful.
Abnormalities of resting pulmonary function tests in combination with either of
these abnormalities would be a strong clinical indication for further investigation,
possibly including right heart catheterization.
At the present time hemodynamic measurements made during stage 4 are still
necessary to document the severity of pulmonary hypertension and the presence
of right ventricular failure and to confirm the presence or absence of significant
left ventricular dysfunction. Evidence strongly suggests that radionuclide angiogra-
phy may also be useful in this regard, but more work is needed to better define
its role, particularly as part of an exercise test.
Possibly, there may be a physiologic profile of exercise abnormalities that is
typical of a patient with pulmonary heart disease (108,111). For example, patients
with cardiac limitations typically have a normal Pa02 and a normal or decreased
PaC02, normal MVV, while V0 2 max, AT, and oxygen pulse are decreased.
VD /VT may be normal or increased at rest but usually decreases during exercise.
In contrast, patients with ventilatory limitation~ ty'pically have an abnormal
Pa02 and PaC02 and decreased MVV, a high VE /V0 2 but a normal AT and
oxygen pulse. VD /VT is more likely to be increased at rest, but subsequent changes
during exercise are variable (125).
In contrast to patients solely limited by either heart or lung disease, the physi-
ologic proftle of patients with pulmonary heart disease may prove to be indicative
of both a ventilatory and cardiac limitation. That is, ventilatory parameters will
be abnormal in addition to an increased heart rate, abnormal oxygen pulse, and a
low AT. Whether these measurements are sufficiently distinct or speciftc in a
clinical setting to separate patients with lung disease from those with cor pulmonale
is unknown, but deserves additional investigation.
At the present time the exercise response of patients with pulmonary heart disease
does not appear to be sufficiently speciftc to distinguish patients with chronic lung
disease from those with cor pulmonale. Results do quantify pathophysiologic
abnormalities that may explain symptoms, but this does not necessarily imply that
these abnormalities also account for the development of pulmonary hypertension.
As a result the current role of exercise testing in the evaluation of patients with
cor pulmonale overlaps with the clinical objectives for exercise testing in patients
with severe chronic lung disease. With continued research and a better understand-
ing of many of the complex physiologic interactions discussed, the clinical indica-
tions and diagnostic importance of exercise testing in patients with cor pulmonale
seem likely to be signiftcantly expanded in the near future.
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The triangular, crescent-shaped right ventricular chamber is a structure bounded
by the convex interventricular septum and the concave free wall. Its surface-area-
to-volume ratio is quite large. Contraction of this chamber involves three inde-
pendent phenomena. With the first, the trabeculae and papillary muscles push the
tricuspid valve plane down toward the apex. This action shortens the longitudi-
nal axis of the chamber, but has little effect on actual ejection. Second, the free
wall of the chamber moves toward the convex surface of the septum and is
responsible for the major portion of right ventricular contraction. Finally, the
L.J. Rubin (ea.), Pulmonary Heart Disease. All rights reserved. Copyright @ 1984 Marlinus NijhoffPuhlishing. Boslon/The Hague/Dor-
224 8. Radionuclide Angiocardiographic Assessment of Ventricular Perfonnance
circular fibers of the thicker left ventricle contract, increasing the curvature of
the interventricular septum. While this activity enhances the bellows action of
the free wall, its relative significance in overall right ventricular performance
remains unknown (6).
Because of its configuration, the right ventricle is ideal for ejecting relatively
large amounts of blood with minimal myocardial shortening (4). However, this
chamber is not well suited to the high intracavitary pressures that develop with
increases in pulmonary arterial pressure and pulmonary vascular resistance. The
tension of the right ventricular myocardium would have to be greater than that
of the left ventricle under similar conditions. Normally, the pulmonary vasculature
provides relatively moderate resistance to flow from the right ventricle. However,
a sustained increase in pulmonary arterial pressure culminating in pulmonary
arterial hypertension inevitably leads to cor pulmonale and right heart failure (4).
The surface of the left ventricle is small relative to its intracavitary volume. A
reduction in the diameter of the main axis, generally resulting from contraction
involving the circumferential muscle bundles, is responsible for approximately
85% of the volunie changes. The left ventricle is an excellent pressure pump,
capable of ejecting against the high-resistance systemic circuit (6).
Radionuclide techniques
Radionuclide techniques for evaluation of cardiovascular function fall into two
broad categories: (a) analysis of the first transit through the central circulation
(first-pass technique) or (b) analysis of the total equilibrium blood pool subsequent
to intravascular labeling (equilibrium gated technique). Technical details for these
methods may be found elsewhere (12-21).
Figure 8-1. Traced outlines of contrast angiographic studies in six normal patients without
evidence of cardiovascular disease. The shaded areas represent the right ventricle (RV). The left
ventricle (LV) is also indicated. These diagrams were obtained directly from contrast
angiographic studies in the anterior projection. Note the wide variation in the shape and
configuration of the normal right ventricle. (Modified, with permission, from Dotter and
Steinberg [11].)
First-pass technique
Quantitative analysis in first-pass radionuclide angiocardiography is based on the
principles of the indicator-dilution technique (12), which assume a homogeneous
mixing of the radioactive tracer with blood. To ensure adequate mixing a compact
bolus injection is essential. When the mixture is uniform alterations in externally
detected radioactive counts are proportional to changes in chamber volume. Be-
cause radioactivity is segregated both temporally and anatomically within each
chamber, both right and left ventricular performance can be evaluated from the
same study. Left ventricular ejection fraction, regional wall motion and end-
diastolic volume, right ventricular ejection fraction, and other indexes of systolic
and diastolic ventricular function can be determined by assessment of the high-
frequency components of the time-activity curve (12-17). A separate injection of
a technetium-99-m labeled radio tracer is necessary for each first-pass study. The
major limitation of this technique is the relatively low count rates of the raw data
since analysis is based on several cardiac cycles. This factor is particularly significant
when conventional single-crystal scintillation cameras are used. However, the
226 8. Radionuclide Angiocardiographic Assessment of Ventricular Performance
oIL. 0 OL.-----"_ _ _ _ __
~ 2000 r--,----,,------,.-----.,,------..-,r-__.---r----.------,...-----,
Figure 8-2. First-pass radionuclide angiocardiography. Illustrated are high count rate
time-activity curves generated from the right and left ventricular regions of interest after
peripheral venous injection of technetium-99-m radiotracers. Peaks in the curves represent
end-diastolic counts, and valleys represent end-systolic counts. The maximal count rate in each
curve corresponds to 100%. Right and left ventricular ejection fractions are calculated from
counts at end-diastole and end-systole. (RV, right ventricle; LV, left ventricle.) (Reproduced
with permission from Berger et al. [12].)
equilibrium blood pool has been employed recently to determine right ventricular
ejection fraction since the right atrium contributes substantially to right ventricular
counts in this position (19,20) (figure 8-3). Overlap of the right atrium and right
ventricle occurs throughout the cardiac cycle, even with a variable region of
interest (11,18) (figure 8--4). These factors should be considered when assessing
results obtained with this method.
Thallium-201 imaging
Another nuclear approach useful in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD) is thallium-201 myocardial imaging. Regional myocardial blood flow
and myocardial mass determine distribution of this tracer. Due to the greater mass
of the left ventricle, it is visualized clearly at rest while normally the right ventricle
is not seen. The increased right ventricular blood flow during exercise permits
demonstration of this chamber. Visualization of the resting right ventricle was first
described in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension by Cohen et al. (22).
Additional fmdings included thickening of the right ventricular free wall in the
most severe cases of pulmonary arterial hypertension and right ventricular hyper-
trophy (figure 8-5).
228 8. Radionuclide Angiocardiographic Assessment of Ventricular Perfonnance
Figure 8-3. Gated equilibrium cardiac blood pool imaging in a patient with cor pulmonale.
Images are shown in the anterior (ANT) and the left anterior oblique (LAO) positions at
end-diastole (ED) and end-systole (ES). Note the marked right ventricular dilatation and diffuse
dysfunction. The left ventricle is nonnal.
Figure S-4. Traced outlines of contrast angiocardiogram obtained in the left anterior oblique
projection. The outlines were traced directly from frame-by-frame contrast angiograms. The
right ventricle is shown as the shaded area.
A. Frame obtained 1.5 seconds after contrast injection, with minimal activity is noted in the
right ventricle. The right atrium is predominantly opacified.
B. Frame obtained 2 seconds after injection, with the right ventricle, pulmonaty conus, and
pulmonary arteries opacified. Note the substantial overlap between right ventricle and right
atrium in the left anterior oblique projection.
C. Frame obtained 2.5 seconds after injection, with the outflow tract of the right ventricle
superimposed on the right atrial appendage. However, there still is superimposition of the right
atrium and right ventricle in this projection. This first-pass contrast angiographic study
highlights the potential problems encountered in equilibrium cardia! pool imaging. (Modified,
with permission, from Dotter and Steinberg [11] .)
Figure 8-5. Resting thallium-201 myocardial perfusion images in a patient with chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease. Images are shown in the anterior (ANT), 45° left anterior oblique
(LAO), and left lateral (LLAT) positions. Note the marked right ventricular thallium-201
uptake seen in all three positions. Using quantitative computerized analysis, the right ventricular
background ratio for thallium-201 was 1.6 to 1. The patient had an abnormal right ventricular
ejection fraction (37%). (Reproduced with permission from Berger and Matthay [4].)
..... 70 r- • -
••• ••
Q • ••
u 60
~ l- •• -
ct •
~ Mean±SO ••
z •• •
0 50 r- •• • -
~ •• ••
u •
w •
w • ••
• ••
0: 40 r- •• -
ct •
...J ••
;:) ••
u ••
0: ••
z 30 r- -
~ N = 50 N = 36
0: 20 r- • -
I 1
Figure 8-6. Right ventricular ejection fraction in 50 normal control subjects without evidence
of cardiopulmonary disease and in 36 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD). The mean±standard deviation (SD) is shown for the normal group. Using 2±
standard deviations, the lower limit of normal is 45%. Note the wide variation in ejection
fraction values for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Nineteen of these
patients demonstrated abnormal right ventricular performance at rest. (Reproduced from Berger
et al. [16])
addition, there were inverse correlations between right ventricular ejection fraction
and parameters reflecting preload, either right ventricular end-diastolic volume
index (r = -0.56), or mean right atrial pressure (r = -0.51) (figure 8-8).
Cardiac index, the ratio of peak pulmonary arterial pressure to right ventricular
end-systolic volume index, arterial oxygen tension, and left ventricular ejection
fraction had no relationship to right ventricular ejection fraction. These results
indicate that aside from intrinsic contractile influences, right ventricular ejection
fraction in COPD patients is largely dependent upon afterload, but less so upon
A. B.
r = -O.BI
n= 20 55
• • n= 20
• • •
.. •• • • •
• \.
, • • •• •
35 •
• •• •
35 • ••••
• • ••
25 25
Figure 8-7. A. Relation of right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) and indices of right
ventricular afterIoad as measured by peak pulmonary arterial systolic pressure (PPAP).
B. Pulmonary vascular resistance index (PVRI). Note the good inverse relation between right
ventricular ejection fraction and right ventricular afterload. (N = number of patients; r =
correlation.) (Reproduced with permission from Brent et al. [27].)
A. B.
r = -0.56 r=-0.51
n=20 n= 20
• • •
• • • • • •
• •• • •
• • ••
Figure 8-8. The relation of right ventricular preload as measured by ventricular end-diastolic
volume index (RVEDVI) (panel A) and mean right atrial pressure (RAP) (panel B). Note the
good inverse relation between right ventricular ejection fraction and right ventricular
end-diastolic volume index and right atrial pressure. (Reproduced with permission from Brent et
al. [27].)
234 8. Radionuclide Angiocardiographic Assessment of Ventricular Performance
• MAXIMAL (N=14:
% %
90 90
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
p<O.OOI p< 0.001
Figure 8-9. Right ventricular (RV) and left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction at rest and
exercise in normal control subjects. Fourteen patients exercised using a single-stage submaximal
protocol. Both right and left ventricular ejection fractions increased by 5% in each patient.
irrespective of the exercise protocol. On the basis of these data. normal exercise ventricular
reserve is defined as an absolute increment in ejection fraction of at least 5%. (p=probability.)
(Reproduced with permission from Matthay et aI. [30].)
Thallium-201 imaging
Recently, 71 COPD patients were evaluated to determine the significance of right
ventricular visualization in thallium-201 images (33). Computerized thallium-201
images were compared with resting right ventricular ejection fraction data deter-
mined by first-pass radionuclide angiocardiography, electrocardiography, and pul-
monary status. The right ventricle was demonstrated in 52 of these patients. Mild
uptake was defined as a right-ventricular-to-background ratio of less than 1.5. Of
11 patients with electrocardiographic evidence of right ventricular hypertrophy,
9 had significant right ventricular uptake and 2 had mild uptake. The former group
had significantly greater right ventricular dysfunction, arterial hypoxemia, and
airways obstruction compared with patients with normal thallium-201 images. Of
23 patients with substantial right ventricular uptake, 20 had abnormal right ven-
tricular ejection fraction while only 9 demonstrated electrocardiographic evidence
70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 <>30
p = NS p<O.OI
Figure 8-10. Right ventricular (RV) and left ventricular (LV) ejection fractions at rest and
submaximal exercise in 30 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Data in
individual patients are shown as closed circles connected hy solid lines. The mean values are shown
at the sides of each panel. For the overall group right ventricular ejection fraction was
unchanged with exercise, whereas left ventricular ejection fraction increased normally.
(Reproduced with permission from Matthay et al. [30].)
0.. 100
0 N=30
:L: 80
« 40
z 20
0.. 0
ever, the majority of studies have shown that left ventricular performance is
unaltered in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as long as no other
associated cardiac abnormalities are present (16,36--42). First-pass radionuclide
angiocardiography studies in our laboratory (16,30) and others (15,38) have estab-
lished that resting left ventricular ejection fraction is usually normal (figures 8-10
and 8-11). In each study, however, specific patients had abnormal left ventricular
function despite the absence of concomitant systemic hypertension or coronary
artery disease. Furthermore, abnormalities in early systolic left ventricular function
have been described in some individuals with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease without underlying left-sided heart disease (15). The potential mechanisms
responsible for this observation are discussed in chapter 9.
function at rest (30). For the group as a whole, left ventricular ejection fraction
increased normally (figures 8-10 and 8-11). No correlation was found between
abnormalities in left ventricular exercise reserve and pulmonary function or arterial
blood gases.
Biventricular performance
In describing the qualitative characteristics of a radiographic examination, Ellis and
Steele (43,44) determined left ventricular ejection fraction, pulmonary blood vol-
ume, pulmonary transit time, and cardiac index in 125 patients with acute respira-
tory failure. A significant drop in pulmonary blood volume associated with a
shorter pulmonary transit time generally occurred in patients with major pulmo-
nary embolism; left ventricular ejection fraction usually remained normal. A total
or partial loss of the distinct right and left ventricular peaks associated with a
normal pulmonary blood volume was characteristic of right ventricular dysfunc-
tion. Mean pulmonary artery pressure was substantially higher, and marked right
ventricular dilatation with minimal hypertrophy was apparent at autopsy. Left
ventricular ejection fraction was normal. Abnormalities in left ventricular perform-
ance were significant in 25% of these patients. Acute ventilatory failure was linked
with concomitant myocardial infarction in most instances. These fmdings illustrate
the potential value of using radionuclide studies of biventricular function as a
complement to conventional hemodynamic monitoring in patients with acute
respiratory failure.
238 8. Radionuclide Angiocardiographic Assessment of Ventricular Performance
90 00
80 00000o
c:0 0
:;::; 70 0 000
(,) 0
~ 0 0
u. 0
c:: 0 0
:;::; 60 0
U 00
W •
.!!! SO
::l 00
0 00
- or•
~ ..0 oe
...J as 0
20 ODDO . . . . . . .
Stable Acute
Figure 8-12. Left ventricular ejection fraction at rest in 28 patients with stable chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease and in 92 patients with acutely decompensated cor pulmonale.
Data in patients with definite concomitant left-sided heart disease are shown in closed circles,
data in patients with no evidence of left-sided heart disease are shown in open circles. Note that
most patients with an abnormal left ventricular ejection fraction have concomitant docwnented
left-sided heart disease (in most cases hypertensive cardiovascular disease or myocardial
infarction). (Reproduced with permission from Steele et al. [38].)
Response to digitalis
Administration of digitalis and its derivatives to cor pulmonale patients is a
controversial issue (see chapter 12). Green and Smith (45) reviewed the literature
and found no defInite evidence that cardiac glycosides are useful except in cases
of concomitant left ventricular failure. Radionuclide techniques may provide the
solution to the problem, and preliminary data are available from two studies. Ellis
et al. (25) reported no improvement in radionuclide-assessed right ventricular
ejection fraction after the intravenous administration of 0.01 mg/kg of ouabain in
11 patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cor pulmonale.
However, their study evaluated only the acute effects of this digitalis glycoside.
Recently, Mathur et al. (46) used the equilibrium blood pool technique to evaluate
left and right ventricular ejection fractions in 15 cor pulmonale patients. Both
values improved signifIcantly after eight weeks of digitalization. However, four
individuals who responded with substantially augmented left ventricular ejection
fraction (from 43% to 56%) and right ventricular ejection fraction (from 30%
to 37%) appeared to account for the overall improvement observed. The other 11
patients exhibited no change in either left or right ventricular ejection fraction.
Baseline left ventricular ejection fraction was considerably lower in patients who
responded than in those who did not. These initial fIndings seem to support the
conclusion that digitalis improves right ventricular function in obstructive airways
disease only in the presence of simultaneous left ventricular dysfunction (45).
Additional studies are needed to confIrm these results.
Response to theophylline
First-pass radionuclide studies have been performed to evaluate the effects on
biventricular function of intravenously administered aminophylline, a potent bron-
chodilator (47). Data on arterial blood gases, ventilatory function, and theophylline
blood levels, as well as left and right ventricular ejection fractions, were obtained.
Studies were performed in the control state and after a 30-minute intravenous
infusion of 9 mg/kg aminophylline in 15 patients with chronic bronchitis and
emphysema, including 4 individuals with cor pulmonale. In 8 of the 15 patients,
right ventricular ejection fraction at rest was normal. Aminophylline markedly
improved the right ventricular ejection fraction from 45 ± 4% to 52 + 4%
(fIgure 8-13). Aminophylline normalized right ventricular ejection fraction in six
of the eight individuals with basal right ventricular dysfunction. Concomitant
increases in left ventricular performance were noted in 11 of 15 patients. These
alterations in biventricular function were noted despite only minimal improvement
in FEV 1 and forced vital capacity. Additionally, while arterial carbon dioxide
tension dropped, presumably due to a central mechanism involving hyperventila-
tion, arterial oxygen tension underwent little change.
The effect of ventilatory status alterations on improvement in cardiac function
was evaluated further in a comparable study performed in fIve normal patients who
had no evidence of cardiopulmonary disease (47). Aminophylline infusion in these
240 8. Radionuclide Angiocardiographic Assessment of Ventricular Performance
80 80
50 e
e---;-'--"o..c;..., 50
40 40
30 30
p< 0.001
p< 0.001
20 L - - - _ L - -_ _ _-'-----------' 20 '-----'--------'-----'
Figure 8-13. Effect of aminophylline upon right and left ventricular performance in 15 patients
with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Data obtained during the control state and at the
conclusion of the aminophylline infusion are depicted by closed circles connected by solid lines.
The means are represented by open circles at the sides of each panel. Note that right ventricular
and left ventricular ejection fractions increased significantly with aminophylline. (Reproduced
with permission from Matthay et al. [47].)
control subjects produced similar increases in right and left ventricular ejection
fractions, while ventilatory performance and arterial oxygen tension remained
unaltered. A direct inotropic effect or a secondary improvement in ventricular
function as a result of reduced pulmonary and systemic vascular resistances is the
most likely explanation for improvement in left and right ventricular ejection
fractions. Moderate enhancement of biventricular performance was maintained
during long-term therapy up to four months in a study using oral sustained-release
theophylline (48).
nary hypertension. These agents may decrease right ventricular afterload through
(a) direct dilation of the pulmonary vasculature, (b) recruitment of underperfused
pulmonary vessels, or (c) reduction of alveolar pressure.
First-pass radionuclide angiocardiography and pulmonary artery catheteriza-
tion with a thermodilution catheter have been useful in assessing the acute
effects of these agents. The vasodilators nitroglycerin, nitroprusside, and hy-
dralazine (49,50) and the betaz-adrenergic agent terbutaline (51) were adminis-
tered to patients with chronic bronchitis and emphysema and right ventricular
dysfunction. The venodilators, nitroglycerin, and nitroprusside reduced cardiac
output and right ventricular end-diastolic volume indices, but did not alter
right ventricular afterload (49,50). Nitroglycerin also resulted in diminished ar-
terial oxygen tension and systemic oxygen transport values (50). The arteriolar
dilator hydralazine produced a reduction in pulmonary vascular resistance and
increases in right ventricular ejection fraction, cardiac index, and systemic oxy-
gen transport (49).
In one study subcutaneous terbutaline, considered a selective betaz agonist,
increased biventricular ejection fractions, lowered pulmonary and systemic vascular
resistances, and enhanced systemic oxygen transport (51) (figures 8-14 and 8-15).
In another study Teule and Majid (52) administered terbutaline intravenously in
patients with severe COPo. They found a significant reduction in mean pulmonary
artery pressure and pulmonary vascular resistance accompanied by enhanced cardiac
output and resting peak expiratory flow rate. These two trials (51,52) suggest that
a decreased biventricular afterload, rather than a positive inotropic effect on the
myocardium, is primarily responsible for the beneficial effects of terbutaline on
systolic ventricular function. Thus, the principal value of terbutaline is its ability
to lower right and left ventricular afterload, thereby improving cardiac perform-
ance and oxygen delivery to the tissues, in addition to its role in augmenting
airways flow in COPO patients. Further studies should determine the influence of
oral and inhaled terbutaline and other beta-adrenergic agents on the cardiovascular
system of patients with obstructive airways disorders.
150 750
00- 00- 00-
100 -<>- 500
~ 75
------- ~
50 250
p= NS 25 poNS
Figure 8-14. Acute effects of terbutaline on right ventricular preload and afterload. Mean
pulmonary arterial pressure and right ventricular end-diastolic volume index are unaffected by
terbutaline. In contrast, pulmonary vascular resistance index is decreased significantly. (C =
control state; NS = not significant; p = probability; T = 30 minutes after terbutaline
administration.) (Reproduced with permission from Brent et al. [51].)
75- ~
50~ -o-~
25 I-
p<.01 p<.005
Figure 8-15. Acute effects of subcutaneous terbutaline on right ventricular (RV) and left
ventricular (LV) ejection fraction. Both right and left ventricular ejection fraction increased
significantly with terbutaline. (C=control state; NS=not significant; p=probability; T=30
minutes after terbutaline administration.) (Reproduced with permission from Brent et al. [51].)
long-term low-flow oxygen therapy as well, the therapeutic value of this technique
in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease would seem apparent.
Radionudide angiocardiography provides the opportunity to noninvasively evalu-
ate cardiac function in the setting of pulmonary heart disease. These techniques may
prove useful in the darification of patterns of cardiovascular dysfunction in chronic
lung disease, in the early diagnosis of pulmonary heart disease, and in the evaluation
of therapy.
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This chapter was prepared during a sabbatical leave as a visiting associate professor of medicine, Pulmonary
Division, the University of Texas Health Science Center at Dallas.
L.J. Rubin (ed.), Pulmonary Heart Disease. All rights reserved. Copyright ® 1984 Martinus NijhoffPublishing. Boston/The Hague/Dor-
248 9. The Left Ventricle in Chronic Lung Disease
as a sequel to emphysema. Of the four cases he described, one had a normal heart
and the other three had biventricular enlargement (3).
By the early 1940s clinicians and pathologists agreed that the heart was apt to
be enlarged in pulmonary emphysema (4-6). Unfortunately, many autopsy series
focused on ventricular wall thickness as the criteria for hypertrophy (7-12).
Ventricular weight is a more accurate reflection of hypertrophy when compared
to wall thickness because of the variability in wall thickness and the nonuniformity
of measurement site selection by investigators (13-17). These considerations were
ignored in most studies evaluating the incidence of left ventricular hypertrophy
in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) throughout the 1960s and
resulted in studies reporting that left ventricular hypertrophy occurred in 24% to
97% of patients with COPD (10-12,18). The cause ofleft ventricular hypertrophy
was not readily apparent, but most authors speculated that hypoxemia, ventricular
interdependence, or a combination of both factors might be responsible.
In this chapter we will examine the effect of chronic lung disease on the left
ventricle, the relationships between the right and left ventricles in chomic lung
disease and potential mechanisms that may be involved in the development of left
ventricular dysfunction in the setting of chronic respiratory disease.
Ventricular anatomy
A brief overview of gross ventricular anatomy is in order to appreciate the
interaction between the right and left ventricles in normal as well as disease states.
To state that the left ventricle is a complex muscular organ is a gross underesti-
mation. Interest in its anatomy has a long and noble history, with many opinions
concerning the appropriate geometry. Studies of left ventricular architecture ex-
tend back over 300 years (19,20).
The ventricles are the major source of energy to propel blood through the
pulmonary and systemic vasculature, albeit at different pressure loads. The right
and left ventricles act as two pumps side by side, each possessing a unique structure.
Flow of blood through the right ventricle is unidirectional; blood enters at one
orifice and leaves by another, with inflow and outflow tracts forming an angle of
90° with each other. In contrast, left ventricular flow is essentially bidirectional:
blood enters and leaves from the same orifice separated by a thin membrane, the
anterior leaflet of the mitral valve situated between the mitral and aortic orifices
of the left ventricle (21). Ventricular flow differences are shown in figure 9-1. The
ventricles are composed of inlet, trabecular, and outlet components. An internal
view indicates the ventricular inlet extending from the atrioventricular annulus to
the origins of the papillary muscles. Beyond this point the apical parts of the
ventricles represent trabecular components, coarse trabeculations in the right ventri-
cle, and a fmely trabeculated left ventricle. The outlet component supports the
arterial valve. In the left ventricle the outlet component is contiguous with the inlet
Figure 9-1. The directions of the inflow and outflow tracts of the right and left ventricles
from the frontal view. (From reference 21, with permission.)
Figure 9-2. Muscle fiber direction of the left ventricle. Upper left panel: Fiber direction of the
superficial myocardial muscle layer. Upper right panel: The solid arrows depict fiber direction of
the middle myocardial muscle layer. The dashed arrows show relation of superflcial layer
orientation. Lower panel: Subendocardial muscle fiber direction is shown.
muscles of the right ventricle arise from the subendocardial fibers, but are less well
formed than in the left ventricle.
The septum is formed from the subendocardial fibers of right and left ventricle,
together with a middle layer composed of circumferential fibers continuous with
those from the corresponding layer of the free wall of the left ventrIcle. The septum
therefore "belongs" to the left ventricle by virtue of its thick middle layer (23).
The cardiac fibrous skeleton supports the leaflets of the atrioventricular valves
and attaches them to the ventricular mass. The muscle fibers of the ventricles arise
by branching from one another rather than taking origin from the fibrous skeleton.
This feature is in concert with the origin of the heart as an expanded blood vessel.
Fiber orientation is maintained during systole and diastole despite the change in
wall thickness. This type of muscle architecture allows for only minimal tension
development between successive myocardial layers during contraction.
Ventricular pathology
Credible anatomic studies of the left ventricle in patients with COPD began to
appear in the late 1960s (24-28) when the method of Fulton for left ventricular
anatomic assessment (13) became widely accepted. This technique separates the atria
from the ventricles, removes extraneous tissue from the outer cardiac surface
(vessels and fat), and separates the right free ventricular wall froIll the septum along
with excision of the septum from the left ventricle. These three structures are then
weighed. Recently, the septum and left ventricle have been combined by omitting
amputation of the septum. The incidence of left ventricular hypertrophy in studies
using this method ranged from 11 to 37% in populations with COPO. Table 9-1
was constructed by including right and left ventricular weights from patient data
presented by the respective authors. In each series patients were excluded for clinical
evidence of systemic hypertension, coronary artery disease, or left ventricular
valvular disease. A ventricle was considered to be either normal or hypertrophied
based on the ventricular weight using the criteria of Fulton et al. (13). When data
from comparable groups are pooled and reexamined, the following pattern
emerges: the overall incidence of left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with
COPO is approximately 26%, with virtually all left ventricular changes occurring
in association with right ventricular hypertrophy.
Murphy et al. (26) studied postmortem prevalence of left ventricular hypertro-
phy in 72 patients with an unequivocal clinical diagnosis of COPo. Thirty-three
patients (46%) had right ventricular hypertrophy, and 20 patients (28%) had left
ventricular hypertrophy, including 12 patients with hypertensive, arteriosclerotic
heart, or aortic valve disease. Thus, in this study, left ventricular hypertrophy in
patients with COPO usually resulted from associated disease states. In 8 patients
(11 %), however, the etiology of left ventricular hypertrophy was unknown.
Cardiac growth in humans involves an increase in the number of myocardial
cells (hyperplasia) throughout fetal life and following birth until the age of three
months. Thereafter, cardiac growth is associated with progressive myocardial cell
enlargement (hypertrophy). Hypertrophy appears to be the primary method by
which myocardial mass increases during normal growth from infancy to adulthood
(29). Subsequent increases in ventricular mass result from the addition of new
contractile proteins in series and parallel within a virtually constant population of
cardiac muscle cells.
The nature of left ventricular hypertrophy in disease states was further examined
by Ishikawa and coworkers (27), who measured fiber diameter as a function of
ventricular size. In their study of adult normal hearts from patients with known
systemic hypertensive cardiovascular disease and from patients with cor pulmonale
due to COPO, they found that as the right ventricle gained mass the diameter of
the myocardial fibers of the right ventricle increased. The diameter of left ventricu-
lar fibers increased along with right ventricle fiber diameter changes, but not to
the same degree. The changes in left ventricle fiber diameter in patients with COPO
did not mirror the fiber diameter changes seen in "pure left ventricular hypertro-
phy" resulting from hypertensive cardiovascular disease, but left ventricle fiber
diameter changes in those hearts of COPO patients with combined increased right
and left ventricular mass were increased compared to the controls (27). Septal fiber
diameter changes followed the left ventricle rather than the right ventricle, a
phenomenon that has been noted previously with ventricular mass changes.
Table 9-1. The association of gross left ventricular changes with right ventricular changes in chronic lung disease with cor pulmonale
Experimental animal studies using the hypoxia model to produce right ventricu-
lar hypertrophy have shown left ventricular weight changes similar to that seen
in patients with COPD (30). In addition to heart weight changes, focal myocardial
ischemic lesions have been noted by both Samad and Noehren (11) and Moret et
al. (31). The etiology of these focal degenerative changes is unknown but they
appear to be independent of coronary artery disease. Of particular relevance is a
recent animal study by Larson and coworkers (32) demonstrating significant left
ventricular mass increases with two experimental models of right ventricular
pressure overload. Right ventricular pressure overload (RVPO) was produced by
repeated intravenous injections of silica particles or by intraperitoneal injections of
monocrotaline, which produces R VH in rodents via a toxin-induced pulmonary
artery fibrosis. Volume overload to the right ventricle was accomplished by surgi-
cally implanting a shunt graft between the pulmonary artery outflow tract and
right atrium. These models developed not only significant R VH when compared
to controls but also significant increases in left ventricular mass. Furthermore,
ventricular mass changes were correlated with plasma epinephrine concentration,
irrespective of any alterations in hemodynamic parameters. Norepinephrine levels
did not correlate with either right or left hypertrophy in any of the overload
models. Propranolol, a beta-adrenergic antagonist, attenuated myocardial growth
in the silica pressure-overload model either by (a) selective beta-receptor blockade
of the myocardium and/or (b) decreased release of epinephrine from the adrenal
medulla. Similarly, epinephrine levels have been shown to increase and parallel the
development of LVH in response in aortic constriction in the dog, and propranolol
blocked LVH in the acute phase (first 96 hours) (33).
Since an increased myocardial mass is predominantly the result of enlargement
rather than the multiplication of the myocardial cells, some authors have suggested
that this response may be detrimental since diffusion distances for nutrients must
increase. The issue of capillary density or myocardial fiber to capillary ratio is
controversial because human studies are rare. The capillary density does appear to
maintain a 1 to 1 fiber-capillary relationship during hypertrophy in the adult
human heart (34).
Iml. sec-I) ':Ll\-
left ventricular
ImmHg . sec-II 0
']I\ !
ImmHg) J
L-.J L----.J
I~ sec 10 sec
Figure 9-3. Chart recording of changes in hemodynamic variables following the start of
administration of 5% CO 2 at the time indicated by the arrow. (From reference 42, with
of Noble et al. (43) that the initial transient depression of the heart produced by
hypercarbia is a direct effect and the subsequent stimulation is an adrenergic
mediated response.
The cardiopulmonary unit consists of three an1tomic subunits, two muscular
pumps in-series, which are mechanically coupled by the third subunit, the lungs.
Although the right and left ventricular pumps normally perform at different
pressure levels, the anatomy of the heart allows for direct interaction between
ventricles. As we have seen the myocardium is a syncytium of muscle fibers tethered
within a supportive network of collagen. The contraction, or shortening, of these
muscle fibers results in the generation of pressure within the ventricular chambers,
thickening of the wall, and a reduction in ventricular volume. The load on the
muscular wall and its fibers is a function of both the chamber pressure and the
configuration of the chamber. For example, the myocardium surrounding an
enlarged ventricle has to develop more force to generate a given level of pressure
than does a normal-sized heart. Wall stress, force per unit of cross-sectional area
of myocardium, is homogeneously distributed throughout the ventricle favoring
uniform wall motion. In a similar fashion stress is uniformly distributed across the
interventricular septum. However, septal stress will be a function of the right
256 9. The Left Ventricle in Chronic Lung Disease
decrease in pleural pressure. The relationship between left ventricular and pleural
pressures was further expanded by Permutt and Buda et al., who demonstrated that
during situations of dynamic alterations in intrapleural pressure, transmural left
ventricular pressure (PT~-that is, the left ventricular pressure (PLV) relative to
intrapleural pressure (PpJ, or PLY minus PpL-more accurately reflects left ven-
tricular afterload than does systolic aortic pressure. Thus, large sustained changes
in intrathoracic pressure may affect left ventricular function not only by altering
ventricular filling but also by changing afterload. When left ventricular transmural
pressure falls, afterload decreases; when left ventricular pressure increases, afterload
increases. In the presence of large changes in intrathoracic pressure in man, one must
consider their influence on left ventricular transmural pressure and the resulting
effects on cardiac performance (46,47).
Brisket disease in calves, a relatively "pure" form of pulmonary hypertensive
heart disease occurring as a result of chronic exposure to moderately high altitudes,
provides an animal model to examine the left ventricle in pulmonary heart disease.
On occasion these animals develop an elevated pulmonary capillary wedge, left
atrial, and left ventricular end-diastolic pressure. The mechanism of left ventricular
involvement in brisket disease is not known. Several possibilities were suggested
by Hecht et al., including conforming restrictions of the pericardium or excessive
pericardial fluid; however, hemodynamic measurements and autopsy studies did not
support such a mechanism. Although hypoxia is crucial to t;!!e development of
brisket disease, the degree of hypoxemia was not striking and the correlation
between the level of arterial oxygen saturation and LVEDP was poor. An increase
in collateral pulmonary blood flow as a cause of left ventricular dysfunction has
been suggested in cystic lung disease and bronchiectasis, but no lesions of this type
were found on autopsy. Unfortunately, no clear answer was obtained (48).
In both acute and chronic right ventricular pressure overload models, derange-
ments in left ventricular performance have been observed. This is manifested in the
chronic preparation by a diminution of left ventricular peak systolic pressure, peak
dP Idt, and calculated peak systolic wall stress developed during isovolumic con-
traction over a wide range of left ventricular end-diastolic pressures (49). Bemis
and coworkers found that left ventricular end-diastolic pressure and geometry were
significantly altered by acute changes in right ventricular filling pressures. Aug-
mented right ventricular filling resulted in an apparent decrease in left ventricular
compliance, producing a direct shift of the interventricular septum toward the left
ventricle. The magnitude of change in shape, albeit small, produced a substantial
change in left ventricular filling pressure (46,50). Left ventricular volume changes
are illustrated in figure 9-4. Stool and coworkers (51), using an animal model of
acute pulmonary hypertension, found that left ventricular stroke volume decreased
when the mean pulmonary arterial pressure was increased to 60 mmHg. Right
ventricular end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes increased approximately 50%
above control values at this level of mean pulmonary artery pressure, while right
ventricular ejection fraction remained essentially unchanged.
During acute pulmonary hypertension a characteristic distortion of left ventricu-
258 9. The Left Ventricle in Chronic Lung Disease
[wr -
EF 047 047 047 046 041 037
_ 60
sv ,
...... ...
r ---
..J 40
~ 30
--- I --- - ~
10 20 30 40 ~O 60
Figure 9-4. Effect of progressive pulmonary hypertension on left ventricular volumes. Volumes
represent mean data from eight dogs and brackets represent the standard error of the mean.
(EDV = end-diastolic volume; EF = ejection fraction; ESV = end systolic volume; LV = left
ventricle; SV = stroke volume.) (From reference 51, with permission.)
Table 9-2. Catheterization data of patients at rest with COLD and cor pulmonale!
Jezek (64) 19 4
Rubin (65) 38 5
Christianson (66) 19
Kline (67) 20 2
Louridas (88) 13 1
Rice (89) 7 1
Krayenbuehl (70) 10 2
Dexter (71) 15
Herles (72) 92 12
Rao (73) 4 3
Segel (74) 15 3
Lockhart (75) 86 12
Matthay (76) 9
Baum (77) 15 4
Parker (78) 9
Parker (79) 10
Davies (80) 12
Jezek (81) 32 1
Evans (82) 47 3
Williams (83) 16
Khaja (84) 20
Moret (31) 22 1
Horsfield (85) 17 3
Weitzenblum (86) 32
Stem (87) 29 5
Total 608 62
catheter to defme left ventricular function. Table 9-2 shows the incidence of left
ventricular dysfunction at rest in several studies in which cardiac catheterization
was performed (33,64-89). A pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) of 16
mmHg or greater is considered indicative of left ventricular dysfunction, based on
data generated from the Duke University catheterization laboratory: in 619 patients
undergoing routine right and left heart catheterization for workup of clinical chest
complaints and who had normal hemodynamics, normal coronary angiograms, and
normal left ventricular function as determined by biplane angiography, the mean
PCWP was 7.7 + 2.8 mmHg (SO) and ranged from 1 to 16 mmHg (90). It could
be argued, however, that a PCWP of > 16 mmHg is a liberal criterion for LV
dysfunction. The high incidence of LV dysfunction in some reports may be
explained on the basis of using a lower PCWP as evidence for LV dysfunction and
acceptance of exercise data (91,92). Accurate measurements ofPCWP are difficult
to obtain during exercise in patients with COPD because of the large swings in
intrathoracic pressure.
260 9. The Left Ventricle in Chronic Lung Disease
fested by decreases in systemic blood flow, LVEF, and left ventricular stroke
volume-and abnormal interventricular septal motion by angiocardiography and
echocardiography have been observed. The cause of left ventricular failure in atrial
septal defect, first reported clinically by Dexter (97), was postulated to be a reverse
Bernheim's syndrome: the encroachment on the left ventricular cavity by the
interventricular septum causes an interference with filling. Patients undergoing
surgical closure of an atrial septal defect showed inappropriate cardiac output
responses to exercise postoperatively compared to age-matched control subjects.
These data suggest that left ventricular dysfunction may be present after operation,
even in patients who are asymptomatic (94).
In a group of 25 adults with atrial septal defect who were studied at rest and
exercise preoperatively, only eight patients had normal biventricular function (98).
Left ventricular dysfunction was defmed as an LVEDP greater than 16 mmHg, an
increase in systemic cardiac output of less than 550 ml/min for each 100 ml/min
increase in oxygen consumption during exercise, or a decrease in left ventricular
stroke volume from rest to exercise associated with an increase in LVEDP. Right
ventricular function was considered abnormal if the right ventricular stroke vol-
ume decreased from rest to exercise in association with an increase in right ventricu-
lar end-diastolic pressure. The authors favored the concept that the functional and
structural impairment that occurs in response to overload of one ventricle produces
a generalized myocardial response with involvement of both ventricles. Other
studies evaluating left ventricular function in atrial septal defect have speculated
that a decrease in LV compliance resulting from decreased preload contributed to
left ventricular dysfunction (97,99,100).
authors imply that their patients had more severe airways disease compared to
patients in the other two studies.
Rao et al. (73) reported eight patients with severe COPO and clinical left
ventricular failure. None of these patients had systemic hypertension or coronary
or valvular heart disease. Of four patients who underwent right heart catheteriza-
tion, three had an elevated pulmonary capillary wedge pressure. Postmortem
examination in five patients showed hypertrophy and dilatation of both ventricles.
These authors could fmd no clear correlation with hypoxemia, hypercapnia, or
infection, but concluded that left ventricular failure may develop in the presence
of right ventricular failure secondary to chronic lung disease. Unfortunately,
separate ventricular weights were not obtained in the autopsy study, and ventricular
wall thickness was used as the criterion for hypertrophy. Lamb (14) has demon-
strated that there is no correlation between weight and thickness for individual
Left ventricular performance curves were also created by Khaja and Parker (84)
in 20 patients with COPO, nine with cor pulmonale. In plotting stroke work
against LVEOP, they found that left ventricular performance was slightly reduced
in the chronic cor pulmonale group compared to normals. Those patients without
cor pulmonale had ventricular function curves similar to normals. In plotting
stroke volume against LVEOP, left ventricular performance was markedly de-
pressed in those patients who had chronic lung disease and cardiac involvement.
In each case the patients without cor pulmonale had depressed slopes, while patients
with cor pulmonale showed even lower slopes than the other two groups. These
data showed depressed left ventricular function in some patients with COPo. The
patients with cor pulmonale had markedly elevated values for total pulmonary
resistance, and these authors suggested that decreased left ventricular performance
was a manifestation of reduced right ventricular work output which is the result
of the increased pressure work.
The study by Krayenbuehl et al. (70) offers the opportunity to examine left
ventricular function in association with primary pulmonary hypertension or pul-
monary hypertension resulting from thromboembolic disease. In this study values
for mean pulmonary arterial pressure and pulmonary vascular resistance were
higher than in most reports of patients with COPo. Left ventricular systolic
function in patients with chronic pulmonary hypertension was judged to be normal
at rest because the maximal velocity of contractile element shortening, determined
from left ventricular total pressure-velocity curves and volumetric measurements
derived from cineangiography, did not differ from normals. Similarly, left ven-
tricular ejection determined from cineangiograms was preserved at rest. In contrast
to left ventricular systolic function at rest, diastolic function appeared to be clearly
abnormal. Plotting LVEOP against volume showed decreased chamber compliance.
Measurements of left ventricular contractile function during isometric exercise,
Vmax, and VPM (peak velocity of shortening) increased only slightly and insignifi-
cantly in the patients with pulmonary hypertension, in marked contrast to control
subjects. The authors could only speculate as to the cause of impaired left ventricu-
264 9. The Left Ventricle in Chronic Lung Disease
lar contractile reserve, since hypoxemia was not a consistent fmding and coronary
artery disease, although not excluded, was considered unlikely. Septal bulging and
hypertrophy were noted on cineangiography and echocardiography and were
thought to play an important role in altering left ventricular geometry.
Christianson and co-workers (66) carried out a quantitative cineangiographic study
of the left ventricle in 19 patients with severe COPD. Approximately one-half of
the group (n=9) had a documented episode of right-sided heart failure previously.
Their methods enabled them to evaluate wall motion and thickness for assessment
of myocardial contractility. In addition, pulmonary capillary wedge and/or left
ventricular end-diastolic pressures were monitored, allowing a complete evaluation
of left ventricular contractility. Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure was elevated
and ejection fraction was significantly depressed in 3 of 19 patients either at rest
or exercise. These numbers are admittedly small, and quantitative indices of left
ventricular contractility did not correlate well with hemodynamic abnormalities.
Left ventricular wall motion was abnormal in the patients with depressed ejection
indices. Coronary arteriograms were not helpful in elucidating a reason for ven-
tricular dyskinesis. These authors suggest that chronic pressure overload to the right
ventricle does not alter left ventricular contractility at rest. However, the exercise-
induced left ventricular dyskinesis remains to be explained. The angiographic data
obtained by Krayenbuehl et al. (70) is in agreement with the measurements of
LVEF and mean velocity of circumferential fiber shortening at the minor axis of
the left ventricle by Christianson et al. (66).
Author (ref) Rest Exercise Comments
of their patients, which was attributed in part to possible latent coronary artery
In a group of 15 patients with stable COPD and evidence of right ventricular
dysfunction studied by Mathur et al. (110),4 had significantly depressed LVEF.
The authors did not attribute a cause for the depressed LVEF.
Slutsky et al. (109) studied three groups of patients during exercise with gated
equilibrium radionuclide angiography and right heart catheterization. The patients
included a group with angiographically demonstrated proven coronary artery
disease (CAD), a group with stable severe COPD, and a group with both severe
COPD and CAD. During exercise the patients with CAD had significant increases
in PCWP while both LV end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes increased and
ejection fraction was unchanged. The LVEF response to exercise was abnormal in
50% of COPD patients while the PCWP did not significantly change. Left
ventricular end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes both decreased. In patients with
both COPD and CAD exercise LVEF responses were abnormal, but, in contrast
to COPD patients without CAD, both LV end-systolic and end-diastolic volumes
increased. The authors concluded that the depression of left ventricular ejection
fraction in the COPD patients with and without CAD was due to different
mechanisms. Exercise-induced LV dysfunction associated with LV dilation is prob-
ably due to concomitant CAD, whereas a reduction in LV volume during exercise
implies the absence of abnormalities in contractility. Exercise produces a severe
exacerbation of pulmonary hypertension and increases the pressure overload on the
right ventricle in COPD, producing RV dilation, a reduced stroke volume, and
R V failure. The reduction in left ventricular preload likely explains the abnormal
left ventricular volume response to exercise in COPD alone.
Chipps et al. (111) examined left ventricular function in 21 patients with cystic
fibrosis. Because of their age, the presence of atherosclerotic or hypertensive disease
was unlikely. Radionuclide determination of left ventricular ejection fraction was
abnormal in four patients at rest and in three during exercise. The authors specu-
266 9. The Left Ventricle in Chronic Lung Disease
lated that myocardial fibrosis, which has been reported in some patients with cystic
fibrosis, may diminish the compliance of the ventricle and cause LV dysfunction.
Differences in techniques, including single-crystal or multi crystal scintillation
cameras, studies in the supine or upright positions, and bedside studies of critically
ill patients make comparing results from these studies difficult.
The anatomic evidence supports the contention that the left ventricle does increase
in size when a right ventricular pressure overload stress occurs in the presence of
chronic lung disease. The degree of left ventricular hypertrophy is less than would
occur if this chamber were the direct recipient of a pressure overload stimulus. The
macroscopic, microscopic, and clinical evidence for hypertrophy of the left ventri-
cle secondary to right ventricular hypertrophy has been presented. The develop-
ment of the left ventricular lesion associated with experimental right ventricular
hypertrophy has been demonstrated, and epinephrine has been implicated as a
possible mediator for cardiac myocyte hypertrophy.
The issue of left ventricular dysfunction in the clinical setting, however, is not
settled. Left ventricular filling pressures appear to be abnormally elevated in only
10% of patients with right ventricular failure and/or hypertrophy due to chronic
lung disease. The evidence for LV dysfunction from indirect hemodynamic tech-
niques is at variance with the catheterization information; this may be due to more
stringent catheterization criteria for LV dysfunction.
What has unfolded is a spectrum of left ventricular function in the presence of
cor pulmonale. To be sure, enlargement occurs in about one-third of cases, but
hypertrophy per se does not necessarily lead to ventricular dysfunction. It is
appropriate to determine left ventricular function using strict cardiac catheteriza-
tion criteria in the presence of right ventricular failure when all of the issues of
cor pulmonale have been clinically addressed and dyspnea remains unchanged.
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119. Alpert ]S, Rickman FD, Howe JP, Dexter L, Dalen ]E. Alteration of systolic time intervals in
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120. Hooper GH, Whitcomb ME. Systolic time intervals in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
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121. Alpert], Crawford M, Karliner], O'Rourke RA. STI in COPD (letter to editor). Circulation
52: 354, 1975.
122. Bahler RC. Assessment of left ventricular function in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Chest 68: 132-133, 1975.
Patients who have pulmonary disorders, especially those with chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, often have atrial and ventricular arrhythmias. However, the
pathogenesis of these arrhythmias is complex and may involve many factors. For
example, these individuals often have anatomic cardiac abnormalities, such as right
ventricular hypertrophy, with or without associated congestive heart failure. Ciga-
rette smoking is protean in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
and, consequently, atherosclerotic heart disease may be present with its attendant
complications. Hypoxia and hypercapnia occur in these patients and, under appro-
priate circumstances, can be arrhythmogenic. Patients may receive drugs that can
cause arrhythmias. For example, diuretics may lead to hypokalemia, and amino-
phylline and adrenergic bronchodilator drugs may create the environment neces-
sary for arrhythmias to emerge. Finally, patients with pulmonary disease are prone
to any arrhythmias that occur in other people, for example, atrioventricular nodal
reentry and Wolff-Parkinson-White reentry.
We have divided this chapter into three parts. In the first part, we review
The authors greatly appreciate the secretarial assistance of Nancy S. Lineback. This work was supported in part
by the Hennan C. Krannert Fund, Indianapolis, Indiana; by Grants HL--06308 and HL--07812 from the National
Heart, Lung and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland; by the Attorney General
of Indiana Public Health Trust and by the Roudebush Veterans Administration Medical Center, Indianapolis,
Indiana; and by a Grant-in-Aid from the American Heart Association, Indiana Affiliate, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana.
L.J. Rubin (ed.), Pulmonary Heart Disease. All rights reserved. Copyright © 1984 Martinus Nijh4JPubiishing. Boston/The Hague/Dor-
274 10. Arrhythmias in Chronic Lung Disease
Review of the literature demonstrates a very complex interaction between periph-
eral and central reflex mechanisms, as well as direct effects caused by hypoxia and
hypercapnia. It is very difficult to determine which factor or combination of factors
is responsible for the initiation of a particular arrhythmia in man. Thus, although
the following abnormalities are discussed under separate headings, one must re-
member that interactions between these factors may be highly significant for the
emergence of arrhythmias.
Reflex mechanisms
Activation of peripheral chemoreceptors results in responses that are highly inte-
grated with central nervous system activity (1). Other factors also influence the
responses to carotid body stimulation. For example, carotid body reflex cardioinhi-
bition is modulated by changes in breathing. Thus, the bradycardia due to activa-
tion of the peripheral chemoreceptors can be enhanced in the presence of apnea.
Therefore, any situation that results in apnea, combined with activation of the
cardioinhibitory reflexes, can potentially lead to serious clinical consequences such
as prolonged cardiac asystole (1). Such clinical conditions may include the Pick-
wickian syndrome, Ondine's curse, and the sleep apnea syndrome (1).
The sleep apnea syndrome is an interesting condition that often results in various
forms of arrhythmias, especially bradyarrhythmias (2). Zwillich and colleagues (3)
recently investigated the mechanisms which caused bradycardia during sleep apnea
in six patients. In general, periods of apnea were associated with sinus bradycardia,
although shorter episodes of apnea were accompanied by no or only minimal
bradycardia. Further, there appeared to be a direct relationship between the length
of the apneic spells and the degree of bradycardia. A corresponding relationship
between degrees of bradycardia and oxygen desaturation was also found. Supple-
mental oxygen appeared to abolish most of the bradycardia during apneic spells.
Slowed heart rate, also occurred in some normal patients who were evaluated
during periods of breath holding that resulted in oxygen desaturation (3). This
bradycardia was blocked by administration of atropine prior to breath hold.
Bradycardia with breath hold also was abolished when supplemental oxygen was
given. The authors concluded that the bradycardia of sleep apnea results from the
combined effect of cessation of breathing in the presence of hypoxemia.
Research on responses of the intact animal to hypoxia has demonstrated various
results, depending on the species studied as well as the integrity of the nervous
system (4,5). For example, hypoxia produces an increase in heart rate and cardiac
output and may cause a decrease in blood pressure in man, but blood pressure often
is better maintained in the dog and cat (5). In the rabbit P0 2 greater than 35 mmHg
results in tachycardia, but more severe hypoxemia results in bradycardia (5). In
patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hypoxia most often is as-
sociated with other abnormalities, and arrhythmogenesis is probably multifactorial.
The following is a review of some effects of hypoxia on various cardiac tissues.
Samuelsson (6) evaluated the outcome of systemic hypoxia on action potential
duration and heart rate in dogs. Intracardiac suction electrodes were used to record
monophasic action potentials from the right atrium and right ventricle. Systemic
hypoxia was induced by exchanging the air in the ventilation system for 100%
nitrogen. When the nervous system was intact, hypoxia induced a pronounced
decrease in heart rate which was associated with a marked shortening of the atrial
monophasic action potential duration, but the ventricular action potential duration
increased with the slowing of heart rate as expected. These results were similar to
those obtained with vagal nerve stimulation. When cardiac pacing was employed
to keep heart rate constant during hypoxia, the atrial monophasic action potential
duration was decreased, but the duration of the ventricular monophasic action
potential was not changed. Parasympathetic denervation and hypoxia resulted in
an increased heart rate. The author concluded that severe systemic hypoxia resulted
in a substantial increase in parasympathetic as well as sympathetic activity in the
heart, but that parasympathetic activity predominated on the sinus node and atrium.
Studies in man have shown that the parasympathetic nervous system is prepotent
on the sinus node, but the effects of resting parasympathetic tone on ventricular
refractoriness is less pronounced (7). Additionally, enhanced parasympathetic tone
shortens atrial refractoriness in man (8).
The central sites responsible for the apparent vagal-induced bradycardia caused
by hypoxia were investigated in cats (9). The area mediating this effect appears to
be in the lateral mesencephalic reticular formation, for bilateral lesions in this area
either decreased the extent of bradycardia or caused reversal to tachycardia. Bilat-
erallesions in the medial mesencephalic reticular formation failed to alter brady-
cardia in cats.
The effects of hypoxia also have been evaluated in isolated rabbit sinus nodal
preparations using intracellular microelectrodes to record action potentials from
sinus nodal cells (10). These preparations are superfused with nutrient solutions
containing various amounts of oxygen. Induced hypoxia decreased the rate of
spontaneous sinus nodal impulse formation primarily by decreasing the slope of
diastolic depolarization. Further, the amplitude of the sinus nodal action potentials
was diminished and the conduction time from the atrium to the sinus node was
prolonged. The authors noted that these changes occurred fairly promptly.
Atrioventricular nodal conduction is also affected by hypoxia. In dogs subjected
to severe hypoxia during atrial pacing, second-degree AV nodal block occasionally
occurred (6). Investigations of isolated AV nodal preparations during hypoxia
show conflicting results (10-12). Senges et al. (10) exposed rabbit AV nodal cells
to a superfusate with P0 2 of 40 mmHg and noted a marked reduction in action
276 10. Arrhythmias in Chronic Lung Disease
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Figure 10-1. Atrial tachycardia. This arrhythmia occurred sporadically in a 50-year-old woman
with chronic lung disease. The atrial rate is approximately 160 beats per minute and the
ventricular response is variable ("PAT with block"). Note that atrial tachycardia persists in the
presence of AV block, proving that the ventricle is not required in the perpetuation of the
Figure 10-2. Multifocal atrial tachycardia. This arrhythmia was documented on ambulatory
monitoring in a 45-year-old female with no apparent medical disease. The ventricular response is
irregular, and at least three P wave morphologies are observed.
of patients recovering from acute myocardial infarction, and they suggested that
these arrhythmias might portend a poor prognosis. Diener and Burrows (23) noted
that 8% of 200 patients with COPD died unexpectedly over long-term follow-up,
but could not determine whether these deaths were due to bradycardia, tachycardia,
or neither. In truth, the prognostic significance of ventricular ectopy in stable
COPD is not known, and possible modification of mortality with antiarrhythmic
drug therapy remains speculative.
Bradycardia has been observed less frequently in this patient group. Five of
thirty-five patients studied by Holford and Mithoefer (19) had "significant" sinus
arrest, junctional bradycardia, or Mobitz II AV block, whereas other investigators
(20,21) examining ambulatory records of patients with COPD did not emphasize
the occurrence of these arrhythmias.
MAT also can be observed in congestive heart failure, in the critically ill patient
from a variety of causes, and even in patients without apparent associated disease.
MAT can be short-lived (seconds) or sustained for months and can terminate
abruptly or by gradual slowing. The arrhythmia is usually associated with a poor
prognosis in respiratory failure, but is probably a "marker" for severe cardiopulmo-
nary disease rather than a significant factor in the patient's demise.
The presence of ventricular arrhythmias on a routine ECG is associated with
high in-hospital mortality (70%) and long-term mortality (100% over 2Y2 years)
in COPD patients with acute respiratory failure (25). However, the clinical signifi-
cance of these arrhythmias other than possibly as a clinical marker is not known.
For example, only one of sixteen patients suffering a witnessed cardiac arrest in an
intensive care setting (five with documented ventricular fibrillation) could be
resuscitated (25). The latter suggests to us that ventricular fibrillation is the culmi-
nation of end-stage cardiorespiratory disease and not a primary arrhythmia that
could be prevented or reversed with antiarrhythmic medication.
Bronchial asthma
Arrhythmias other than sinus tachycardia in acute bronchial asthma are rare (29-31)
and generally confmed to simple atrial or ventricular ectopy. Moderate use of
epinephrine and/or aminophylline does not have a significant impact on arr-
hythmias (31,32), although an "epidemic" of sudden deaths was observed previ-
ously in asthmatic patients using potent beta-adrenergic aerosols, which are no
longer available (33). Mortality in acute asthma is related to the severity of the
acute obstruction and not to arrhythmias (29-31).
Pulmonary embolism
Unexplained atrial arrhythmias, especially atrial flutter, have been reported to be
a frequent accompaniment of recurrent pulmonary embolism (34,35), whereas
ventricular arrhythmias are infrequently seen (35). We have recently observed a
patient presenting with unexplained syncope that was shown to be related to
ventricular tachycardia (figure 10-3). This patient subsequently was documented
to have recurrent pulmonary embolism without organic heart disease. Ventricular
tachycardia did not recur after appropriate therapy for pulmonary embolism.
Arrhythmias probably have poor specificity and sensitivity for the diagnosis of
pulmonary embolism, but the latter diagnosis should be considered for any unex-
plained arrhythmias, especially atrial flutter.
mn-floor'1I ~ .n
..H I
. "',...
10 11 14 "IU lDI - •• ) III .:1"
r 11
~l ~ II ! 1 1 II lilil J.
III . 1m!
! ~
: i
._. - --
Figure 10-3. Ventricular tachycardia. This arrhythmia was recorded during a presyncopal spell
in a 60-year-old man with recurrent pulmonary embolism. The tachycardia rate exceeds 300
beats per minute. It is remotely possible that this arrhythmia represents atrial Hutter with 1 to 1
conduction and aberration.
Mechanical ventilation
Osborn et al. (37) reviewed arrhythmic complications occurring in 150 monitored
patients with a variety of illnesses undergoing ventilation postthoracotomy. Eight
patients had malignant ventricular arrhythmias, that is, ventricular tachycardia or
fibrillation, and significant hypercarbia was present in five of these patients. Wasser-
man (38) also emphasized the importance of alkalosis and acidosis in the genesis
of arrhythmias in patients receiving assisted ventilation therapy.
The most important therapeutic goal in patients with arrhythmias and pulmonary
disease is to correct any underlying disturbances in oxygenation or electrolyte and
acid-base balance. Often, these measures alone will alter the arrhythmogenic milieu
and resotre normal sinus rhythm. If arrhythmias persist despite optimal treatment
of the underlying pulmonary disorder, specific antiarrhythmic therapy may be
necessary, and, with few exceptions, the decision to treat, as well as the choice of
antiarrhythmic drug, is guided by the same principles used to treat patients without
pulmonary disease.
Supraventricular tachycardia can be classified into two broad categories-ar-
rhythmias in which AV nodal conduction is necessary for maintenance of the
tachycardia, notably AV nodal reentry and WPW reentry, and arrhythmias that
do not require AV nodal conduction for maintenance of tachycardia but utilize
the AV node to conduct impulses to the ventricle, for example atrial flutter, atrial
fibrillation, or multifocal atrial tachycardia. Drugs such as verapamil, digitalis, and
beta blockers impair AV nodal conduction and may terminate or prevent the
occurrence of AV nodal and WPW reentry. These same drugs usually will not
terminate the latter group of arrhythmias, but are useful to block AV nodal
conduction of some of the atrial impulses and thereby decrease the ventricular rate.
Verapamil is a very effective agent for both groups of supraventricular tachycardia
(39,40) and is probably the drug of choice in patients with COPD, assuming no
contraindications for its use are present. Digitalis should be used with caution
282 10. Arrhythmias in Chronic Lung Disease
because patients with severe pulmonary disease may have an increased sensitivity
to digitalis (41), and beta blockers should be avoided whenever possible. Prevention
of either group of supraventricular arrhythmias often is difficult and may require
treatment with quinidine, disopyramide, or procainamide.
Treatment of patients who have ventricular arrhythmias is controversial. Al-
though most cardiologists would agree that patients with a history of sustained
ventricular tachycardia or cardiac arrest require long-term antiarrhythmic therapy,
little data are available regarding the necessity to treat patients with nonsustained
ventricular tachycardia or only premature ventricular complexes. If these latter
arrhythmias cause substantial symptoms, attempts to suppress them seem justified.
However, antiarrhythmic drugs, especially quinidine, can be arrhythmogenic and
result in life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias. Further, prospective intervention
trials to demonstrate that therapy prevents sudden death in these patients are not
available. Thus, at present we do not recommend antiarrhythmic drug treatment
for asymptomatic patients who have only premature ventricular complexes. Ther-
apy may be useful for patients with nonsustained ventricular tachycardia and should
be considered if the runs of tachycardia are long and/or rapid or if other factors
such as substantial myocardial dysfunction are present.
1. Daly M, Angell-James JE, Elsner R. Role of carotid-body chemoreceptors and their reflex
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17. Steele P, EllisJH, Van Dyke D, Sutton F, Creagh E, Davies H. Left ventricular ejection fraction
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18. Kachel RG. Coronary arterial disease and arrhythmias in chronic obstructive lung disease. Chest
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19. Holford FD, Mithoefer JC. Cardiac arrhythmias in hospitalized patients with chronic obstructive
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23. Diener CF, Burrows B. Further observations on the course and prognosis of chronic obstructive
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"Cor pulmonale" refers to heart disease caused by diseases that involve primarily
the lung or its vascular supply ("cor" meaning heart and "pulmonale," lungs). The
most widely accepted definition of cor pulmonale is the one suggested by the
WHO Technical Series report in 1961 (1). This definition, however, raises an
important question: Is cor pulmonale a clinical or morphological diagnosis? For
example, when evidence of pulmonary hypertension is present but actual documen-
tation of ventricular hypertrophy is impossible, can one consider the patient to be
suffering from cor pulmonale? Autopsies often show a predominance of right
ventricular dilation with little, if any, hypertrophy. Do these patients have cor
pulmonale? For all practical purposes, the answer to this question is yes. Since, from
a clinical viewpoint, right ventricular hypertrophy or dilatation is difficult to
document, any proven sustained elevation in pulmonary artery pressure may be
considered evidence for chronic cor pulmonale. For this chapter we will consider
any acute elevation in pulmonary artery pressure or pulmonary vascular resistance,
with or without documented right ventricular hypertrophy or an increased ven-
tricular volume, to be indicative of acute cor pulmonale.
The pathogenesis of acute cor pulmonale usually begins when a chronic pulmonary
disease produces a reduced capacity of the pulmonary vascular bed, leading to an
L.J. Ruhin (ed.), Pulmonary Heart Disease. All rights reserved. Copyright © 1984 Martinus NijhofJpuhlishing. Boston/The Hague/Dor-
286 11. Acute Cor Pulmonale
~ ~
~ ~ :~I:~RS~::N~~
HYPERVISOSITY _ _ _ _ .. / '
increased resistance to blood flow and pulmonary hypertension. This process can
be best documented by shifts in pressure flow relationships observed with at least
two levels of cardiac output (2). The increased pressure load on the right ventricle
eventually leads to myocardial hypertrophy and right ventricular failure (figure
11-1). The most common disease associated with these changes is chronic obstruc-
tive pulmonary disease (COPD). The mechanism responsible for this effect in
COPD has been shown to be due predominantly to alveolar hypoxia (3). Exactly
how hypoxia produces the pulmonary vasoconstriction is not known, but is
thought to be sensed directly, through locally reduced alveolar oxygen tension
Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction may be a direct effect on smooth muscle
contraction (4-6) or may be mediated through the stimulation of chemoreceptors
(7,8) and/or local release of vasoconstricting mediators such as catecholamines,
histamine, and arachidonic acid metabolites. The release of undefmed substances
associated with mast cell degranulation has also been implicated in hypoxic vaso-
constriction (4,5,9-11). An alternative hypothesis to explain the relationship be-
tween hypoxia and pulmonary vasoconstriction suggests that normoxia or pulsatile
flow produces pulmonary vascular relaxation through the enzymatic or mechanical
release of vasodilators (12-15), and removal of these influences during hypoxia
results in vasoconstriction. Although no unified hypothesis exists to clarify ade-
quately the mechanisms responsible for hypoxic pulmonary hypertension, the
continued effort to identify agents or circumstances that attenuate or augment
hypoxic vasoconstriction is important in order to fmd a means for treating patients
with acute or chronic cor pulmonale. Regardless of the intermediary steps leading
to vascular muscular contraction, recent studies suggest that calcium ions play an
integral role in acute hypoxic vasoconstriction (6,16).
Prolonged pulmonary vasoconstriction results in muscularization of the small
arterioles (17). A significant degree of muscularization and, therefore, sustained
pulmonary hypertension takes a significant period of time either to develop or to
recede. Apparently, however, tremendous individual variability is found in pulmo-
nary vasoreactivity. A survey of people living at high altitude shows that while
some may have a mean pulmonary arterial pressure less than 30 mmHg, others have
pressures greater than 60 mmHg (normal PA pressure at sea level is 20 mmHg).
Most individuals with an elevated PA pressure are clinically "healthy" and are able
to take part in athletic events. Clinical studies of patients with cor pulmonale have
demonstrated an inverse correlation between the arterial P02 and PA pressure
(18,19). Similarly, when one plots P a0 2 against right ventricular diameter or fiber
thickness in animals with experimentally induced cor pulmonale, the curve is
identical to the plot of Pa0 2 versus PA pressure (20). This correlation, however,
is never very tight because of the wide individual variations. Another factor
influencing the less than tight inverse correlation between P a0 2 and PA pressure
is the problem of sampling error. A random arterial P a0 2 does not reflect the total
hypoxic experience of patients. Flick et al. (21) have shown that the PP2 varies
with the level of activity and may fall to low levels during sleep.
Pulmonary artery pressure seems to have a bimodal distribution among hypoxic
subjects. Lindsay and Read (22) found that approximately half the population falls
into a group that responds to hypoxia with acute vasoconstriction. If these subjects
have COPD, their prognosis is worse than that of patients who have similar degrees
of airflow limitation and are poor responders to hypoxia. The implied assumption
is that those responders who develop COPD are more likely to develop cor
pulmonale and have a worse outcome. Thus, cor pulmonale complicates COPD
only in patients who are "significant responders" to alveolar hypoxia, through its
tendency to produce vasoconstriction, muscularization of pulmonary arterioles, and
pulmonary hypertension. Once muscularization occurs in the pulmonary arteries
with increased pulmonary arteriolar resistance (a narrowed vascular bed), further
acute reductions in oxygen tension associated with such events as acute respiratory
failure result in severe pulmonary hypertension (23), right ventricular strain, and
possibly failure.
Recent studies have suggested that acute hypoxemia may produce an increased
pulmonary artery pressure by a Starling resistorlike effect at the level of small
vessels (24). This result has been demonstrated in an isolated lung model, in which
acute hypoxia produced an increase in critical opening pressure and a parallel shift
in fluid filtration. A parallel association between hypoxic vasoconstriction and
increased fluid filtration (lung leak) at any level of blood flow suggests that acute
hypoxic constriction occurs downstream from fluid exchanging vessels. Although
this downstream acute hypoxic vasoconstrictive effect appears well documented in
an isolated lung preparation, clinical evidence of acute pulmonary edema following
288 11. Acute Cor Pulmonale
sudden hypoxia has been limited to studies evaluating individuals at high altitude.
An increased fluid filtration in most cases of acute pulmonary hypertension may
be prevented by the prior muscularization of pulmonary arterioles and increased
resistance in the upstream vessels. High-altitude pulmonary edema may occur after
return to altitude because of recent upstream vasodilation resulting from a period
of normoxia.
The pathogenesis of other forms of pulmonary hypertension has been less well
studied. Vascular obstruction is the major cause of the reduced pulmonary bed
following thromboembolism, but some element of vasoconstriction may contribute
to both acute and chronic occlusive states (25,26). The effect of new emboli on
pulmonary vascular resistance is different in patients with normal lungs compared
to those with previously injured lungs (27).
Secondary vasoactive factors could have a profound effect when the pulmonary
vascular bed has already been narrowed by preexisting derangements. In the adult
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), an increased pulmonary artery pressure may
result from perivascular edema, release of mediators, thromboembolism, or hypoxia
(28-32). Pulmonary artery pressure can be elevated relative to atmospheric pressure
because of respiratory therapy interventions that increase pleural pressure. In addi-
tion, transmission of an increased alveolar pressure to the pulmonary capillaries
with the use of positive end-expiratory ventilation (PEEP) may result in elevations
in pulmonary arterial transmural pressure.
Vascular obliteration frequently occurs in sarcoidosis, scleroderma, idiopathic
fibrosis, or pneumoconiosis although recent data suggest that vasoconstriction may
also playa role in some patients (32,33). In scleroderma the performance of
thermodilution cardiac output determinations with iced injections has been as-
sociated with acute pulmonary vasoconstriction (34), presumably by a pulmonary
vascular Raynaud's phenomenonlike effect. Primary pulmonary hypertension is
one of the most interesting diseases producing a progressive reduction of the
pulmonary arterial bed. Various hypotheses for the increase in pulmonary vascular
resistance have been suggested although no single factor has been isolated (35).
Acute exacerbations of pulmonary hypertension, possibly due to vasoconstriction,
have been documented in these patients after spontaneous withdrawal of vasodila-
tor drugs.
diagnosis. Unfortunately, the same acute event that leads to the clinical recognition
of the diagnosis of pulmonary veno-occlusive hypertension often results in the
death of the patient.
Presenting symptoms
Right-sided heart failure is the third most common cause of heart disease and
accounts for approximately 10 to 30% of hospital admissions for heart failure (40).
Acute cor pulmonale, with or without overt right-sided failure, usually occurs in
the setting of chronic cor pulmonale and is often precipitated by acute respiratory
failure (ARF). It is therefore important to remember that ARF may develop from
a host of physiologic derangements that result from numerous pathogenic events
(41). Thus, the clinical presentation of acute cor pulmonale is markedly influenced
by the underlying disease that results in ARF, and these respiratory events usually
overshadow the cardiovascular consequences.
A background of chronic heart, lung, musculoskeletal, or neuromuscular disease
is usually present. Patients with COPD usually have a history of cough, sputum
production, heavy cigarette consumption, shortness of breath, wheezing, and occa-
sionally ankle edema. Nonspecific chest pain is common. Acute pleuritic chest pain
suggests a pneumothorax, pneumonia, or pulmonary embolism as the cause of the
acute cardiopulmonary decompensation. Status asthmaticus may result in acute cor
pulmonale, but rapidly progressive respiratory failure is usually the life-threatening
process in this setting. A history of previous episodes of respiratory failure and the
prior use of therapeutic interventions, such as assisted ventilation or bronchodila-
tors, often indicate the etiology of ARF and help guide future therapeutic deci-
sions. The overall level of consciousness and ease of arousal may help differentiate
between primary respiratory failure or primary CNS events and secondary respira-
tory insufficiency. Sedative drug overdose, a common cause of ARF, is rarely
associated with significant acute cor pulmonale. Most neuromuscular diseases that
result in pulmonary heart disease have a protracted period of weakness prior to the
development of respiratory failure. The rapidity of onset of symptoms is very
helpful in considering the presence of pulmonary embolism, but sudden dyspnea,
in itself, is far from diagnostic of thromboemboli. In addition, most patients with
cor pulmonale secondary to thromboemboli probably have several weeks or
months of recurrent embolic events prior to the event that produced clinically
obvious heart failure. The majority of patients with massive emboli die prior to
hospitalization or within the first hour of embolism. Those lasting long enough
to reach medical attention are usually severely dyspneic and tachypneic, markedly
agitated, and in a shock state.
Patients with ARDS and significant cor pulmonale have symptoms very similar
to patients without substantially elevated pulmonary artery pressures. Most patients
with ARDS and a high initial pulmonary vascular resistance are extremely hypoxic
and require aggressive respiratory support. Patients with progressive or persistent
Physical examination
Isolated, acute cor pulmonale produces numerous physical fmdings that make the
diagnosis relatively obvious. The best prototype for such an event is massive
pulmonary embolism (44,45), with marked hyperpnea with a respiratory rate of
up to 40 per minute and a tidal volume as high as 1 liter. Such an extreme situation,
due to marked loss of lung perfusion, results in huge increases in physiologic dead
space. Heart rate is also usually very rapid, and the pulse pressure is narrowed.
Pulsus paradoxus may be present in any patient with hyperpnea secondary to
respiratory or metabolic etiologies (46), but it is most profound with the acute cor
pulmonale associated with asthma (47).
The jugular venous pulse is usually elevated with an accentuated A wave.
Although internal jugular venous valves have been well described (48), they usually
do not impair visualization of the height and pattern of the pulse. In fact, patients
with long-standing right-sided failure may develop incompetent valves. Cannon
waves or absence of A waves is rare although an irregular rhythm, such as multifo-
cal atrial tachycardia, may make assessment of the venous pulse difficult. A promi-
nent A wave is one of the most helpful indicators of reduced ventricular compliance
(or overdistention) and is more commonly seen than an elevated venous pressure
in acute cor pulmonale. Prominent A waves may help distinguish multifocal atrial
tachycardia, which is often difficult to ascertain by electrocardiography, from atrial
fibrillation. In patients with right ventricular failure, the degree of right atrial
pressure can usually be estimated within 4 em of water pressure by evaluation of
the jugular venous pressure (49). Unfortunately, the use of the accessory muscles
of respiration in acute cor pulmonale often makes evaluation of both the contour
and the level of the venous pulse difficult. Increased accessory muscle activity is
most pronounced in asthma and upper airways obstruction although prominent
contractions of sternocleidomastoid and scaleneus muscles occur with all forms of
respiratory distress. Tricuspid regurgitation is usually not seen in the venous pulse
during acute exacerbations of cor pulmonale, except in patients with primary
pulmonary hypertension.
Cardiac examination of isolated acute cor pulmonale often reveals a gentle and
sustained parasternal lift. This fmding should not be confused with the brief tap
that can be appreciated in thin individuals or patients with the straight back
syndrome. The parasternal lift can often be appreciated best by placing one hand
over the other, in cardiac resuscitation fashion, at the left parasternal region and
applying firm pressure to the area while watching the rise and fall of one's fingers.
The pulmonary outflow tract and the pulmonary component of the second heart
sound (P ~ may be palpated occasionally in patients with acute cor pulmonale.
Cardiac auscultation in isolated acute cor pulmonale usually reveals a narrowed
inspiratory splitting of the second sound. However, because of the increased
292 11. Acute Cor Pulmonale
Laboratory assessment
Laboratory abnormalities in acute cor pulmonale demonstrate a spectrum, depend-
ing on the precipitating cause or underlying conditions. Many of the specialized
laboratory techniques are discussed more extensively in other chapters of this book.
The hemoglobin level is often increased in patients with chronic hypoxia from
COPD or obesity hypoventilation syndrome, but it is usually low with connective
tissue diseases or multiple tumor emboli. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding and
nonspecific bone marrow depression are common with severe underlying disease
and often overwhelm the erythropoietic-stimulating effects of chronic hypoxemia.
Fluid retention may expand plasma volume and result in an underestimation of the
true red cell mass. In ARDS the hemoglobin is usually low, due to a combination
of bleeding, hemolysis, and underproduction. No characteristic hematologic pat-
terns are seen with most causes of acute cor pulmonale, although disseminated
intravascular coagulation has been reported to occur frequently in both ARDS and
massive pulmonary emboli (32,55). Erythrocyte morphology may help in the
diagnosis of pulmonary thrombosis in patients with sickle anemia and acute pulmo-
nary hypertension by showing an increased number of fragmented red blood cells
such as helmet cells and triangular cells (56).
No specific electrolyte changes occur with acute cor pulmonale. Hypokalemia
and metabolic alkalosis commonly result from the use of diuretics in patients with
COPD. Superimposed ARF in these patients usually produces a mixed respiratory
acidosis, in contrast to the pure respiratory acidosis seen in untreated patients with
hypoxic-hypercapnic ARF. Acute respiratory alkalosis occurs in most cases of acute
cor pulmonale that are not associated with severe airways obstruction and may be
accompanied by an increased anion gap due to increased production of both
pyruvic acid and lactic acid (57).
The blood urea nitrogen may be elevated secondary to prerenal azotemia if the
cardiac output is significantly diminished. Acute hepatic congestion can produce
elevations of serum transaminases, bilirubin, or alkaline phosphatase. Very high
arterial ammonia levels are seen in hypoxic patients with acute cor pulmonale when
cardiac output is reduced to a degree sufficient to result in congestion of the liver.
Liver congestion persistent over days will result in a prolongation of the prothrom-
bin time.
Arterial blood gases reflect the underlying respiratory process. Patients with
acute hypoxic pulmonary hypertension usually have a severe worsening of their
chronic hypoxemia although on rare occasion the Pa02 may be only slightly
depressed from baseline levels. These patients usually have an acute respiratory
acidosis, which probably contributes to the degree of pulmonary hypertension (11).
If pulmonary vascular obliteration produces acute cor pulmonale either from
embolism, vasculitis, edema, or pneumonitis, both the PaC02 and P a0 2 are usually
low. The reason for a reduced Pa0 2 following vascular occlusion is not clear, but
may be due to the development of anatomic pulmonary arterial-venous fistulae in
the parenchyma or pleural surface, opening of a patent foramen ovale, or the
development of macro- and microatelectasis in areas of remaining blood flow
producing new low VA/Q regions. Usually both VA/Q mismatch and shunts are
present since the hypoxemia is frequently nearly completely reversed by the ad-
ministration of 100% oxygen (58,59). A decreased P aC02, despite the increased
physiologic dead space, is seen with acute vascular occlusion and is caused by the
294 11. Acute Cor Puhnonale
-- -----
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, /' 1:01IIII '
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Figure 11-2. Patient is a 56-year-old white female with severe COPD who presented with
ARF and cor pulmonale. Routine EeG one month prior to admission showed an axis of 75°,
poor R wave progression in precordial leads, and an S in V6 of 4 mm. The P waves were 2
mm in height with rounded tops. On discharge her axis was 90°, the S in V6 was 5 mm, and
the R/S ratio in VI was 1. Her P waves were 2.5 and slightly peaked.
/1-"3 - 7~
57?- ;2..,;;. -;1. ~o
Figure 11-3. Posterior-anterior chest film of a 62-year-old male with severe COPD and cor
pulmonale. Postmortem examination showed marked muscular hypertrophy of pulmonary
arterioles and multiple segmental and subsegmental emboli.
Figure 11-4. Posterior-anterior chest film in a 52-year-old woman with unexplained pulmonary
hypertension. The mean pulmonary arterial pressure was 58 mmHg.
In 1936 Prinzmetal stated the diagnosis of cor pulmonale by clinical examination
is difficult. Definitive diagnosis of acute cor pulmonale, with recent elevation in
pulmonary artery pressure, can be made only by direct hemodynamic measure-
298 11. Acute Cor Pulmonale
Figure 11-5. Antero-posterior chest film in a 64-year-old male diagnosed as having congestive
heart failure. Treatment included 240 mg lasix and digoxin. Cardiac catheterization revealed a
pulmonary artery pressure of 90/50 mmHg with a pulmonary capillary wedge pressure of 15
mmHg. FEV\ performed after catheterization was 0.5 L, and PaC0 2 was 54 mmHg.
Hemodynamic features
The hemodynamic abnormalities in patients with acute cor pulmonale require a
brief discussion. The respiratory group from Nancy, France, has performed
hemodynamic studies repeatedly in a series of patients with significant COPD
(78). This study took place over a five-year period and the patients were reca-
theterized at three-year intervals. Approximately one-half of these patients ini-
tially had normal pulmonary arterial pressures. The hemodynamics in this group
were stable, with no new development of pulmonary hypertension. Longer peri-
ods of observation in this group would probably show similar stability since all
m:uor studies of patients with significant chronic lung disease have revealed that
approximately 50% do not have cor pulmonale at postmortem examination. This
study is probably of a tight little group who represent the natural history of
patients with COPD and who are inherently "poor responders" to a hypoxic
Figure 11-6. Upper panel: Left lateral chest film in a 61-year-old patient with severe COPD, a
mean PAP of 35 mmHg, and a right atrial pressure of 6 mmHg. The inferior vena cava is
concave toward the spine, although somewhat straightened compared to most normals. Lower
panel: Same patient four months later during an episode of acute cor pulmonale, mean PAP 60
mmHg, and right atrial pressure 12 mmHg. The inferior vena cava is now bowed backward
(convex toward spine).
Approximately 50% of patients with COPO will have cor pulmonale at autopsy
(79). Hemodynamic data from this group are usually divided into data obtained
from patients with and without heart failure. Catheterization is usually performed
when the patient's condition is stable (80). Patients without any evidence of heart
failure usually have a mean PA pressure of appro~imately 27 mmHg, and the
pressure increases with exercise. The right atrial pressure and the right ventricular
stroke work index are normal at rest and increase with exercise (81). These patients'
cardiac status appears to approximate a normal cardiac function curve although
they seem to extend higher on that normal curve, especially with exercise. A
number of patients with this type of hemodynamic profile have also undergone
300 11. Acute Cor Pulmonale
repeated right heart catheterization (78). Interestingly, these patients with COPD
and compensated pulmonary hypertension have also been found to be extremely
stable over time.
Hemodynamic measurements in patients with significant right heart failure have
also been performed when their conditions are relatively stable. In contrast, mean
PA pressures are usually > 40 mmHg and increase significantly with minimal
exercise. The right atrial pressures are elevated (average 9 mmHg) and increase
further with exercise. The stroke work index may be either slightly depressed or
normal at rest, but it does not rise normally with exercise. These patients usually
have a short survival and all have cor pulmonale at autopsy.
Hemodynamic measurements in patients with acute cor pulmonale secondary to
COPD have not been frequently reported. The pulmonary artery pressure, resist-
ance, and cardiac output vary, depending on the study and are obviously deter-
mined by group selection. When hemodynamics are measured during an acute
exacerbation of COPD and repeated during recovery, acute pulmonary vasocon-
striction can be shown to be occurring at the height of the illness. Mean pulmonary
artery pressure is usually greater than 50 mmHg, but levels over 60 mmHg are not
uncommon and levels above 90 mmHg have been recorded. The pulmonary
vascular resistance is usually three to four times normal. The cardiac output remains
normal in most cases, but high and slightly low values also occur.
Experimental and clinical studies in cor pulmonale with elevated right atrial
pressure have revealed another interesting hemodynamic fmding: a direct correla-
tion between the wedge and right atrial pressures (78,80): the higher the right atrial
pressure, the more abnormal the left atrial pressure. This relationship may be
explained by ventricular interdependence (82,83) although left ventricular dysfunc-
tion secondary to right heart disease has been a recurring issue (84,85) (see chapter
9). Volume overload associated with cor pulmonale does not have as significant
an effect on gas exchange or alveolar ventilation as it does in left-sided failure (86).
Pulmonary artery pressure and resistance can also be elevated with acute pulmo-
nary emboli or ARDS. The hemodynamic measurements in pulmonary embolism
are markedly influenced by underlying cardiopulmonary disease (87,88). This is
probably less important for ARDS since patients with significant underlying
pulmonary disease usually do not survive the initial insult leading to increased
capillary permeability. Left heart disease with decreased oxygen delivery contrib-
utes adversely to survival in both pulmonary emboli and ARDS (89). Patients
without significant previous left or right heart disease usually have an elevated
cardiac output. With severe pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular over-
load, venous return and cardiac output will fall and shock may ensue. A reduced
intravascular volume status and elevations in pleural pressure can play key roles
in producing significant reductions in cardiac output (36).
During spontaneous inspiration the right heart distends because of increased
venous return, decreasing left ventricular compliance through ventricular inter-
dependence. Although this effect may change left-sided pressure-volume relation-
ships and reduce left ventricular stroke volume, its clinical significance in acute cor
pulmonale has not been documented. Spontaneous respiration with a falling pleural
pressure has been shown to directly influence left ventricular performance by
increasing the impedance to left ventricular ejection (90). This effect is uncommon
with ARF and COPD, in which pleural pressure falls minimally; in contrast, it
is common with ARDS and status asthmaticus, in which pleural pressure swings
are large (46,47,90).
During intermittent positive pressure breathing (IPPB), cardiac output decreases
primarily as the result of an increased pleural pressure and a decreased venous
return. This condition will be most prominent in patients with acute cor pulmonale
and high pulmonary compliance and low circulatory volume. Although IPPB may
transiently increase left ventricular stroke volume during inspiration, the steady
state effect is clearly a reduction in venous return. The reduction in venous return
can be corrected by reestablishment of the appropriate gradient for venous return
with fluid administration (91,92). Thus, patients with COPD on assisted ventilation
who show transient decreases in systemic blood pressure with inspiration are
frequently volume depleted.
High tidal volumes during artificial ventilation contribute to a reduction in the
effective pulmonary vascular bed by increasing pulmonary artery pressure (93,94).
Since the effect of alveolar pressure on pulmonary artery pressure is dependent on
the mean transpulmonary pressure, this phenomenon can be minimized by reducing
tidal volume and prolonging expiratory time (47,91,92).
Hemodynamic measurements during artificial ventilation in ARDS have been
extensively studied (42,95,96). Positive end-expiratory pressure reduces cardiac
output in proportion to the reduction in venous return and does not appreciably
depress ventricular function (37,91,97,98). In this setting cardiac output can be
increased through fluid administration (99,100). Levels of transpulmonary pressure
above left atrial transmural pressure produce a back pressure similar to elevating
wedge pressure. Prevention of excessive alveolar pressure and distention will
minimize the effects of airway pressure on pulmonary artery pressure.
Newer modes of assisted ventilation such as high frequency ventilation have been
introduced in order to improve gas exchange while potentially producing less
barotrauma and circulatory alterations (101-103). Although peak airway pressure
may be lower with high-frequency ventilation compared to conventional ventila-
tion, hemodynamics are similar if the mean airway pressures are identical (103).
More experience is necessary to evaluate the circulatory effects of high-frequency
ventilation, but to date improvement in hemodynamics does not appear to be one
of its advantages.
Therapy for acute cor pulmonale is obviously influenced by the underlying eti-
ology and pathogenesis of the pulmonary hypertension. Treatment directed specifi-
cally at the elevated pulmonary artery pressure and its effect on right ventricular
performance should be instituted only when it has a reasonable potential to im-
prove patient outcome without excessive risk or cost. Much has been written about
302 11. Acute Cor Pulmonale
1. Reverse hypoxemia
2. Optimize oxygen delivery
3. Diagnose and improve underlying physiologic dysfunction
-Correct airflow limitation
-Correct ventilation perfusion imbalance
-Correct pH
-Prevent new and dissolve old thromboemboli
-Increase alveolar ventilation
-Reduce physiologic dead space
4. Identify precipitating events
5. Adjust fluid volume
6. Prevent complications
7. Direct reduction of pulmonary vascular resistance
risk-cost-benefit ratio in the treatment of critically ill patients (104), but little is
known about outcome for most therapies, including those directed toward treat-
ment of cor pulmonale. Thus, although the tendency is to do more, as more
therapeutic modalities arise, one should temper enthusiasm unless prior experience
suggests the reasonable possibility of treatment success. Occasionally, when the
situation appears desperate, new and theoretically helpful modalities may be tried.
An outline of therapeutic goals in the treatment of acute cor pulmonale is listed
in table 11-2.
Correction of hypoxemia
The major cause of acute cor pulmonale and threat to survival in ARF is severe
hypoxemia, and primary attention should be paid to its reversal. Treatment of ARF
has been extensively reviewed in numerous textbooks and monographs (41,105).
Conservative treatment with low flow 02 is now well documented as successful
in alleviating hypoxemia and improving patient survival (106,107). Although the
PaCO2 will rise in over two-thirds of these patients, continued conservative therapy
is often still successful, and failure of this approach identifies the group of patients
with an extremely high mortality regardless of the mode of treatment, including
assisted ventilation (108). The arterial PC02 often rises following 02 therapy in
patients who need 02 the most-those with the lowest Pa02 during an episode
of ARF (109,110). Concern over a rising PaC02 should not prevent relief of
hypoxia since oxygen is essential for tissue viability and carbon dioxide produces
little direct physiologic injury.
The conventional explanation for this rise in PaC02 has been a suppression of
the chemoreceptor anoxic respiratory drive (109). Some improvement in the pH
of cerebrospinal fluid with relief of 02-dependent lactic acidosis may also contrib-
ute to the reduced respiratory drive. Recently, Murciano et al. (111) have suggested
that the increase in PaCO~ is ?ue to the oxygen-induced decrease in pulmonary
vascular resistance in low VA/Q regions, whose increased flow then "steals" blood
from the high VA/Q areas and results in an increase in physiologic dead space.
Either mechanism could explain why patients with the lowest Pa0 2 are most likely
to increase P aC02, but only the "steal" hypothesis would correlate a rise in PaC02
with a fall in pulmonary vascular resistance. Regardless of the mechanism for
increased PaC02' the correction of hypoxemia has the highest priority. If resistance
falls markedly as it may in some patients, cardiac output and 02 delivery are usually
further augmented, allowing for improved peripheral oxygenation at any level of
Pa0 2. Since both Pa0 2 and oxygen delivery have physiologic consequences, inter-
ventions should be made that take into account Pa0 2, 02 delivery, pulmonary
vascular resistance, PaC02 and pH, and their effects in a particular patient. Al-
though any rise in CO2 may contribute to an increase in pulmonary vascular
resistance, this effect may be overshadowed by an increased alveolar oxygen ten-
sion. However, if the PaC0 2 increases sufficiently to reduce the alveolar 02 tension
to baseline levels, the therapeutic effects of supplemental 02 may be negated and
the pulmonary vascular resistance may be higher than when therapy was first
Relief of hypoxemia improves pulmonary vasoconstriction and reduces pulmo-
nary vascular input impedance (112). The initial hemodynamic effects of removing
alveolar hypoxia are rapid (113), and in stable COPD the pulmonary vasoconstric-
tive effect induced by acute hypoxia is reversed within one hour. However, the
ultimate effect of supplemental oxygen on pulmonary vascular resistance may take
months (114). In acute cor pulmonale the administration of supplemental 02 will
produce more acute pulmonary vasodilatation than oxygen administered at a
similar F10 2 on subsequent days (115) although the most marked fall in PA pressure
and resistance occurs within the first five to seven days of relieved hypoxia.
Long-term continuous 02 is required to reduce muscularization of the pulmonary
arteries and to further reduce pulmonary vascular resistance (114).
Hypoxic vasoconstriction is not present in normals at high altitude until PA02
falls below 80 mmHg, and vasoconstriction continues until the PA02 reaches 50
mmHg. In animal models and newcomers to a higher altitude, lower 02 tensions
produce increasing vasoconstriction. Little is known about the relationship between
the extent of hypoxic vasoconstriction and the levels of acute hypoxia in patients
with known muscular hypertrophy of the pulmonary arteries. From acute animal
experiments a P a02 of 25 mmHg produces maximum vasoconstriction, and pro-
gressive vasodilation occurs when Pa02 is increased from 50 mmHg up to approxi-
mately 150 mmHg (116-118). Since many patients tolerate high PP2 (> 80
mmHg), especially after 24 hours of treatment, levels of 02 considered "excessive"
for tissue oxygenation may be helpful in relieving the elevated pulmonary resist-
ance in severe acute cor pulmonale. Certainly, when such a patient is receiving
assisted ventilation to maintain a desired PaC0 2, a higher Fr02 than would be
desired during weaning may be beneficial in relieving pulmonary vasoconstriction.
The criteria used to determine the need for subsequent respiratory support are
described elsewhere (105,117).
Although hypoxia is usually present and often severe following acute massive
pulmonary embolization, correction of the Pa02 with supplemental 02 does little
to reduce pulmonary arterial pressure. The lack of effect of 02 has also been seen
304 11. Acute Cor Pulmonale
Pulmonary circulation
Systemic circulation
Decreased 02 content
Decreased 02 delivery
Increased peripheral resistance with intact chemoreceptors
Arrhythmias---depends on underlying cardiac status
Decreased myocardial contractility p.0 2 < 30 mmHg and underlying cardiac status
Lactic acidosis p.02 < 30 mmHg
Decreased free water clearance (SIADH)
Decreased GFR
Increased airways resistance (blocked by atropine)
Decreased cognitive functioning; obtundation
Endocrine system
Increased catecholamine secretion
Blood and bone marrow
Demargination of WBC
Increased marrow release of WBC
Increased RBC production
vasodilators is discussed in chapter 12. However, the amount of drug and degree
of monitoring for bronchodilation must be kept distinct from that used for vasodi-
lation. Aminophylline may be additive to beta agonists in some cases of severe
asthma (130) and, at high therapeutic levels, appears to significantly improve
airflow in patients with ARF (131). Aminophylline is also a respiratory stimulant
and diuretic that can aid in the management of respiratory failure. Its effects as a
pulmonary vasodilator and attenuator of hypoxic pulmonary hypertension are
generally accepted, although recent experiments have questioned its effectiveness
(132). Aminophylline may be very difficult to manage in older patients with cor
pulmonale and liver congestion (133,134), however, and its volume of distribution
may change during stages of acute respiratory failure and recovery (135). Toxicity
is not uncommon in the critically ill, and seizures and cardiac arrhythmias have
significant morbidity. Some of the effects of aminophylline may be related to
increased catecholamine secretion (136). Recently, it has been suggested that
aminophylline may contribute to reduced pulmonary antibacterial defenses in
respiratory patients (137).
Acidosis can augment pulmonary vasoconstriction, result in fluid shifts from the
peripheral to the central circulation, and may also diminish the responsiveness to
beta agonists in asthma. In isolated lung preparations a rise in pulmonary vascular
resistance can be related to hydrogen ion concentrations (H+) (5), but in anesthe-
tized sheep the increased pulmonary artery pressures associated with increased
(H+) are related to catecholamine secretion as well (11). Severe acidosis may also
impair cardiac contractility. Correction of respiratory acidosis is often not an
immediate priority unless the pH is < 7.2 and the PaC02 continues to rise.
Bicarbonate administration is usually not indicated in these patients since this
therapy may merely depress respiration and actually further reduce cardiac output
by producing greater intracellular myocardial acidosis (138). Similarly, correction
of lactic acidosis with sodium bicarbonate may depress cardiac function without
improving survival (139,140).
Alkalosis depresses respiration, but usually has little clinical effect on pulmonary
artery pressure. Isolated alkalosis tends to attenuate hypoxic vasoconstriction. Re-
cent studies in our laboratory, using an oxidant injury model of ARDS, suggest
that alkalosis may potentiate the release of cyclooxygenase mediators, resulting in
an augmentation of pulmonary artery pressure.
Electrolyte abnormalities may aggravate cardiac arrhythmias and acid-base ab-
normalities, but they have little direct effect on pulmonary vascular resistance.
Calcium transmembrane potentials may regulate hypoxic vasoconstriction (6), but
acute pulmonary hypertension does not appear to be related to serum calcium
Polycythemia is a frequent manifestation of chronic hypoxemia, but the in-
creased red cell mass has little effect on pulmonary resistance until the hematocrit
exceeds 56%. The rheologic effect of polycythemia on vascular resistance is more
significant at high blood flows. Treatment by venesection to restore the hematocrit
toward normal produces a small decrease in pulmonary artery pressure (141), but
the total and central blood volumes are more important in the adjustment of
pulmonary artery pressure and flow than blood viscosity. No consistent changes
occur in PaOZ or PaCO Z after phlebotomy (142), and a slight reduction in oxygen
transport may occur (143). Phlebotomy may improve cerebral blood flow in these
patients (144).
Fluid overload
Patients with acute cor pulmonale frequently retain large amounts of fluid which
appears out of proportion to the extent of right ventricular dysfunction (54).
Although the mechanism for fluid retention has not been fully elucidated, recent
studies have documented elevated levels of antidiuretic hormone in both congestive
heart failure (145) and acute respiratory failure (146). Careful reversal of the fluid
overload may improve pulmonary compliance, alveolar ventilation, and ventila-
tion-perfusion ratios (86,147), as well as reduce pulmonary arterial pressure, right
ventricular filling pressure, and wall stress.
Acute cor pulmonale is seldom a life-threatening disorder, and diuretics should
be used with caution (148) since oxygen delivery will rarely be improved by
diuresis and secondary electrolyte abnormalities will often be aggravated. Absolute
or relative dehydration is probably more worrisome a problem in patients with
ARF and should be avoided. Volume depletion itself does not precipitate cor
pulmonale but may lead to a sequence of events that worsens tissue oxygenation
and airway function and reduces perfusion to high VAl Q units with physiologic
deterioration leading to higher pulmonary vascular resistance.
A number of other factors may be involved in the development of acute
respiratory failure and cor pulmonale. These include muscle fatigue (149), malnu-
trition, arrhythmias often induced by digitalis toxicity, sedation, negative inotropic
or bronchodilator drugs, and electrolyte disturbances such as hypophosphatemia
(150,151). Obviously, reversal of an acute pneumothorax in a patient with respira-
tory failure and cor pulmonale has the highest priority since this complication may
worsen arterial blood gases and decrease cardiac output, leading to a rapid demise.
Tension pneumothorax per se does not usually produce pulmonary hypertension
or reduce venous return (152).
Special conditions
A number of conditions may result in acute cor pulmonale or contribute to an
already elevated pulmonary vascular resistance. Sleep apnea or hypopnea may
produce severe cor pulmonale in patients with the obesity hypoventilation syn-
drome (153) or aggravate hypoxic vasoconstriction in patients with COPD (154-
156). Treatment of the obesity hypoventilation syndrome is still unsatisfactory, but
clinical improvement may be achieved with progesterone (157); tricyclic an-
tidepressants (158); a nasal pharyngeal airway, nasal CPAP (159); weight loss,
uvulopaletectomy (160,161); and oxygen (162). In cases with severe cor pulmonale
and life-threatening arrhythmias, tracheostomy is often required (163). No therapy
308 11. Acute Cor Pulmonale
has been evaluated satisfactorily for the patient with COPD and sleep apnea or
hypopnea (164) exacerbating pulmonary heart disease. Optimization of waking
cardiopulmonary status is the only therapeutic approach currently agreed upon and
alcohol, beta blockers, and sedatives should be avoided in these patients.
Thromboembolism is a common autopsy froding in patients with ARF second-
ary to COPD or ARDS {165}, but its exact role in patient outcome is not clear.
Prescott et al. (f~6) have recently reported that COPD patients admitted with ARF
who survive do not have an increased incidence of clinically detectable venous
obstruction and, by inference, should not develop pulmonary emboli. In 250
consecutive autopsies on patients dying in our MICU, we found a 33% incidence
of major {subsegmental or larger} thromboemboli which were rarely diagnosed
premortem. Over two-thirds of these patients had respiratory failure. A similar
incidence of undetected premortem clots has been reported by others (167). The
significance of thromboemboli found at autopsy is not clear, and mortality may
or may not be influenced by embolic events. Studies without concurrent controls
reporting prevention of pulmonary emboli with low-dose heparin in intensive care
units are difficult to interpret.
Patients with clinical acute cor pulmonale due primarily or secondarily to
thromboembolism should be treated with fibrinolytic therapy (168,169), unless
contraindicated {170}. If these patients deteriorate during subsequent heparin ther-
apy or have significant bleeding, they are candidates for interruption of the inferior
vena cava {171}. The major therapeutic strategy for patients with acute thrombo-
embolic cor pulmonale other than dissolution of clots and prevention of recurrence
is maintenance of adequate venous return, which may require massive fluid ad-
ministration. Oxygenation should also be optimized and can usually be accom-
plished with a high F10 2, but occasionally the use of PEEP is required. PEEP can
effectively reduce the right-to-Ieft shunt in patients with pulmonary emboli by
opening perfused atelectatic units, but it may also complicate hemodynamic man-
agement; its use requires careful monitoring.
Patients with acute respiratory failure secondary to neurologic disorders are
uncommon and should be treated with assisted ventilation and oxygen in a manner
simialr to patients with COPD since elevation of the pulmonary vascular resistance
is usually the result of similar physiologic derangements.
The treatment of cor pulmonale with digitalis is discussed in chapter 12. Many
experimental models and most patients with acute cor pulmonale have a normal
cardiac output in spite of elevated filling pressures {172,173}. Demonstrating a
substantial clinical effect of digitalis in these patients has been difficult. However,
in patients with poor ventricular performance, digitalis may reduce ventricular
filling pressure and improve cardiac output {148,174}. Such improvement in myo-
cardial performance may be associated, however, with further elevations in pulmo-
nary artery pressure and resistance due to direct vasoconstriction {175}. Addition-
ally, arrhythmias secondary to digitalis occur frequently, even in the face of
to a total of 30 to 40 mg, were given while systemic arterial pressure and right
atrial pressure were monitored. These patients uniformly manifested a decrease in
pulmonary vascular resistance and an increase in cardiac output. Over half demon-
strated a fall in PA pressure, as reported by Simonneu. The Pa0 2 fell only slightly,
and in four patients not receiving respiratory assistance, the PaCO2 also fell. The
effects on PaC02 may be due to the increased respiratory drive resulting from a
decreased Pa02 or from a change in airway function resulting in a reduced
physiologic dead space. All patients also received supplemental 02 to maintain a
P a02 between 50 and 80 mmHg, as well as theophylline and nebulized bron-
chodilators. Although none of these patients developed systemic hypotension, this
drug's long duration of action makes it difficult to regulate in ARF. Although
nifedipine is not a bronchodilator, it may attenuate acute airways reactivity (180).
Intravenous nitroglycerin (TNG) has recently been introduced into clinical
practice. It is a superb venous and systemic vasodilator with a very short half-life
(181,182). We examined the effects of intravenous nitroglycerin in seven patients
with ARF within 12 hours of admission to the MICU. All patients received
low-flow 02 to maintain an average Pa02 of 80 mmHg, intravenous aminophylline
(5.6 mg/kg load followed by 0.5 mg/kg/hr infusion) and nebulized betaz-agonists
every 4 hours (183). For one hour prior to and throughout the study, no nebulized
therapy was administered. Increasing concentrations of TNG were administered
until mean arterial pressure fell 10 mmHg. These patients experienced a 16%
decrease in mean pulmonary artery pressure, a 40% decrease in PVR, and a 20%
increase in cardiac output. The mean Pa02 fell approximately 20 mmHg, but
because supplemental 02 was given, the P a02 remained at satisfactory levels (>
60 mmHg) in all patients. Spirometry improved in three patients, but was un-
changed in the group as a whole. This unpredictable airway response is consistent
with previous studies in acute asthma (184). The difference between the effects of
TNG in patients with COPD (72) and the above results can probably be explained
by the tendency of TNG to decrease cardiac output in stable patients due to
vasodilation when intravascular volume is low. In contrast, all of our patients had
elevated right ventricular filling pressures and most were edematous. Other
vasodilators have been shown to be effective in some patients with hypoxic
pulmonary hypertension (72,73,185,186), but the advantage of intravenous nitro-
glycerin over these other agents may be the ability to titrate effective doses and
its short half-life of two to three minutes (181). The infusion rate is generally begun
at 5 p.g/min and increased every 5 minutes until a 5-10 mmHg reduction in mean
systemic arterial pressure is obtained. The average dose in patients with acute cor
pulmonale has been 50 p.g/min. The effects on the pulmonary circulation are then
determined by hemodynamic measurements. Side effects other than a reduction in
Pa0 2 have not been observed.
Clinical interest is also increasing in the beneficial pulmonary and cardiac
hemodynamic effects of established bronchodilation. Aminophylline and beta ago-
nists improve right and left ventricular performance (72,73,185,186) in addition to
reducing acute hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (187). These drugs might be
of primary value in patients with a very low cardiac output and systemic hypoten-
sion. However, most patients with ARF are already receiving these medications,
a possible reason why patients with acute cor pulmonale do not generally have a
reduced cardiac output. The current usage of these drugs makes it difficult to
consider increasing doses to improve cardiac performance. Intravenous nitroglyc-
erin may have additional hemodynamic effects in patients with ARF who are
receiving usual doses of nebulized beta agonists and intravenous aminophylline,
although prospective studies are required before any vasoactive drug should be
routinely recommended for patients with acute cor pulmonale secondary to
Isoproterenol reduces pulmonary vascular resistance following experrimental
acute massive pulmonary embolism (118). Isoproterenol may be an ideal vasodila-
tor for this condition because of its additional inotropic effects on the right
ventricle. Because of poor left ventricular filling (obstruction to flow through the
lung), the associated chronotropic effect of isoproterenol is also probably advanta-
geous as long as heart rate does not exceed 150 beats per minute. Other vasodilators
have produced a decrease in pulmonary vascular resistance in patients with more
stable pulmonary vascular occlusive disease (26,94,188). However, any venous
dilation resulting in a reduction in venous return in patients with acute massive
emboli and systemic hypotension could be disastrous. Drugs with negative in-
atropic effects should probably be avoided in the acute setting, especially if systemic
hypotension is present.
Patients with ARDS and severe pulmonary hypertension may benefit from
reducing fluid flux by a reduction in left atrial pressure (96,189,190). Lowering
mean pulmonary artery pressure and thus mean microvascular pressure can also
reduce lung leakage (191,192). Recent experimental evidence suggests that hypoxia
itself increases lung fluid filtration (24,193). On rare clinical occasions an elevation
of alveolar pressure with PEEP may also reduce mean pulmonary artery pressure,
but more often increasing lung volume results in an elevation of pulmonary arterial
pressure (94) with either an unchanged (92,194) or an increased fluid flux (120).
Although a variety of vasoconstricting substances have been shown to be released
by the lungs of ARDS patients (195,196), blockade of mediator release has not been
effective clinically. A number of nonspecific vasodilators have been shown to
reduce pulmonary vascular resistance in models of ARDS-induced pulmonary
hypertension (197,198). If patients with pulmonary hypertension require cardiac
augmentation either because of the use of PEEP or coexistant myocardial dysfunc-
tion, selection of a vasoactive agent with combined inotropic and vasodilating
properties is probably wise (73,187). Some of these substances may actually reduce
fluid flux as well as the driving pressures for fluid filtration (192,199,200).
Assisted ventilation
Patients with acute cor pulmonale may require assisted ventilation for their primary
pulmonary condition. Assistance is most frequently instituted to increase ventila-
tion and augment CO 2 elimination in patients with COPD or asthma, but may
312 11. Acute Cor Pulmonale
by increasing the inspiratory flow rate, a process that will produce a shorter period
oflung inflation and leave sufficient time for complete airway emptying (204,205).
Numerous studies have now demonstrated that left ventricular performance is not
significantly altered by assisted ventilation and end-expiratory pressure (96,98,206).
The effectiveness of high-frequency ventilation in reducing the risk of baro-
trauma in the usual patient requiring assisted ventilation is still in the investigative
stage, and this mode has not been proven superior to conventional ventilation.
Although peak airways pressure may be high during high-frequency ventilation,
this pressure is extremely transient and probably not transmitted to the alveolae.
Compared to high-frequency ventilation, conventional ventilation produces higher
peak alveolar pressures, but for the same mean transpulmonary pressure the circula-
tory effects of high-frequency ventilation are probably not significantly different
than conventional ventilation, although research in this area is in its infancy (102).
At very high frequencies and driving pressures, air trapping may occur with jet
ventilation. We have seen two patients with severe ARDS who could be ade-
quately ventilated with high-frequency jet ventilation but could not maintain an
adequate blood pressure, presumably because of high alveolar and/or pleural
pressures. The chest films at this time demonstrated marked hyperinflation and the
appearance of bronchopulmonary dysplasia. In contrast, both of these patients
maintained a better blood pressure and cardiac output with conventional ventila-
tion although adequate gas exchange could not be sustained. Both patients expired
and were found to have severe pulmonary congestion, hyaline membranes, and
pulmonary fibrosis consistent with end-stage ARDS.
Aspiration of gastric contents
Atelectasis (especially LLL)
Barotrauma, pneumothorax
Tracheal hemorrhage or injury
Hypoxemia (vasodilation, i0 2 extraction)
Liver dysfunction (i NH 3, t drug clearance)
Volume overload
Alkalosis (hyperventilation, N-G suction, diuretics)
Hypokalemia, hypophosphatemia
Bleeding from anticoagulation
Clotting from stasis, intravascular lines
Gastric distension (aerophagia)
Fecal impaction
Nosocomial, mostly respiratory
Urinary and systemic also frequent
Airway injury (upper or lower)
Vascular injury (lacteration or hemothorax)
Lung perforation (pneumothorax)
Infection (local, bacteremic, embolic)
Volume overload
Acute fatty liver (pain, nausea)
Elevated transaminase
Many drugs, especially aminophylline, antibiotics, digitalis
Cimetidine (affects metabolism of other drugs)
A number of complications are associated with therapy of ARF and cor pulmonale.
Most of these complications have been extensively reviewed elsewhere (41), and
316 11. Acute Cor Pulmonale
the major complications encountered during treatment are listed in table 11-5.
Whether any particular untoward event is due to ill-advised therapy per se or is
a result of poor response to state-of-the-art treatment is often hard to determine.
Most complications occur in association with assisted ventilation, but this is obvi-
ously a selected group of the most severely ill patients. Many of the complications
are so interrelated that their organization as to site, etiology, or ultimate conse-
quence is impossible. For example, volume overload is frequently seen during
attempts to correct hypokalemia or during hyperalimentation and results in marked
circulatory congestion, pulmonary hypertension, and hepatic congestion, which can
also cause a decreased drug clearance. Volume overload also results in increased
hypoxemia and either hyperventilation or hypoventilation, which can both pro-
duce arrhythmias and seizures. The insertion of lines to monitor the effects of
hypervolemia may also result in additional complications.
In general, it must be reemphasized that acute cor pulmonale itself is usually not
the limiting factor in patient outcome. However, a circulatory demise is often the
result of overzealous therapy for all aspects of ARF. Attention must be paid to
careful monitoring of the responses to any therapeutic intervention, and considera-
tion should be given to its discontinuation if adequate improvement is not forth-
coming. Drugs such as aminophylline (214) are often utilized because of hopeful
salutary effects on isolated organ systems, but the use of these drugs may be further
complicated by the addition of other medications such as cimetidine (215), which
may actually increase sensitivity to bronchospasm and potentiate hypoxic vasocon-
striction (5). Acute and chronic cor pulmonale has created many controversies
because specific physiologic effects on the host are hard to isolate and attempts to
reverse hemodynamic dysfunction with treatment may not influence outcome. The
best a physician can do is to treat the whole patient and not reverse anyone
parameter too quickly or too extensively.
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324 11. Acute Cor Pulmonale
Theophylline and other xanthine derivatives can improve intrapulmonary gas
exchange in patients with obstructive lung disease through several mechanisms,
including bronchodilatation with improved airflow (1), enhanced mucociliary
clearance (2), and improved diaphragmatic function (3). Aminophylline is widely
L. J. Rubin (ed.), Pulmonary Heart Disease. All rights reserved. Copyright @ 1984 Martinus NijhoffPubiishing. Boston/The Hague/Dor-
326 12. Therapy of Pulmonary Heart Disease
used in patients with reversible airways disease in this country; moreover, it may
also be useful in patients with nonreversible airways disease because of its other
potentially beneficial effects on gas exchange (2,3).
In addition to its effects on respiratory function, theophylline also has cardiovas-
cular effects that are noteworthy. Aminophylline produces systemic vasodilation
and increases cardiac output in patients with left ventricular failure (4). Parker et
al. (5) infused aminophylline in eight patients with left ventricular failure and
demonstrated an increase in cardiac output and a reduction in pulmonary arterial
and both right and left ventricular end-diastolic pressures. The fall in pulmonary
artery pressure in these patients, however, may have been the result of improved
left ventricular emptying rather than a direct effect on pulmonary vascular tone.
Parker et al. (6) administered aminophylline to nine patients with chronic
obstructive lung disease and cor pulmonale and found that both pulmonary arterial
and right ventricular pressures fell significantly. Heart rate increased while cardiac
index was unchanged, and mean systemic arterial pressure fell by approximately
10 mmHg. As a result pulmonary vascular resistance and right ventricular stroke
work decreased significantly. Interestingly, arterial oxygen saturation was un-
changed despite an increase in alveolar ventilation and a fall in arterial peo2• The
authors concluded from their observations that aminophylline exerted a direct
pulmonary vasodilator effect in their patients. Harris (7,8) has suggested an alterna-
tive hypothesis: the increased intrathoracic pressure present in patients with severe
airways obstruction could contribute to the hydrostatic pressures in the cardiac
chambers, and bronchodilators such as aminophylline could lower transmural
pulmonary vascular pressures by improving airflow and decreasing intrathoracic
pressure. Additionally, an indirect beneficial hemodynamic effect resulting from
improvement in gas exchange cannot be excluded.
If aminophylline is used, its administration should be monitored by serum drug
levels, and the dose should be adjusted to avoid toxicity. Patients with severe
hypoxemia and hepatic or renal dysfunction secondary to right heart failure are
particularly susceptible to adverse effects, especially arrhythmias or cardiac ectopy
Beta-adrenergic agonists
Isoproterenol is a potent beta-adrenergic agonist that has been used for bronchodila-
tation in patients with reversible obstructive airways disease. Isoproterenol also
exerts a pulmonary vasodilator effect in isolated perfused lungs and in intact
animals with pulmonary vasoconstriction induced by alveolar hypoxia (12,13).
Williams et al. (14) evaluated the responses to intravenous isoproterenol 5-10
mcg/min in 18 subjects with emphysema and cor pulmonale. Isoproterenol de-
creased pulmonary arterial pressure and pulmonary vascular resistance and increased
cardiac output at rest and with exercise. Mean systemic blood pressure was un-
changed, and, not unexpectedly, heart rate increased. Most interestingly, arterial
Terbutaline is a beta-adrenergic agonist with /3 2 selectivity widely used in the
management of obstructive airways disease. Stockley et al. (20) found that intrave-
nous terbutaline produced significant reductions in pulmonary vascular resistance
without affecting pulmonary artery pressures in a group of patients with chronic
bronchitis and cor pulmonale. Cardiac index and the oxygen content of mixed
venous blood increased while arterial oxygen saturation remained unchanged.
328 12. Therapy of Pulmonary Heart Disease
95 D-a P"<O.05
65 &
e 55
Figure 12-1. Relationship between mean pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) and cardiac index
(Cl) before (B) and after (A) isoproterenol. (From reference 18, with permission.)
Studies by Brent et al. (21) and by Tuele and Majid (22) suggested that terbutaline
reduces both right and left ventricular afterload in patients with obstructive airways
disease. Both of these studies reported significant reductions in pulmonary vascular
resistance and increases in cardiac output and systemic oxygen delivery in patients
with obstructive lung disease who were given subcutaneous terbutaline.
Terbutaline produced hemodynamic benefit in a patient with primary pulmo-
nary hypertension (19), but this observation has not been confirmed. We reserve
the use of terbutaline for patients with demonstrable airflow obstruction that is
reversible since side effects, particularly tremor and palpitations, are both common
and frequently bothersome to patients.
The role of cardiac glycosides in the treatment of pulmonary heart disease has been
controversial for many years (23). Ferrer et al. (24) demonstrated that acute
intravenous digoxin reduced right ventricular end-diastolic pressures in a series of
patients with cor pulmonale, and both right ventricular and pulmonary artery
10 2000
u 1750
..Do 1500
ct 1000
C I.L.min.M 2
--IV ~
- - - - Sublino Normol
Figure 12-2. Relationship between cardiac index (el) and pulmonary arteriolar resistance
(PAR) before (B) and after (A) infusion or sublingual administration of isoproterenol. (From
reference 18, with permission.)
pressures were lower at restudy after several weeks of combined therapy with
digitalis and intensive pulmonary toilet. Patients with cor pulmonale and normal
right ventricular end-diastolic pressure, however, have no response to digitalis
(25,26). Smith et al. (27) demonstrated that ouabain reduced right ventricular
systolic time intervals, thus suggesting that right ventricular function was im-
proved, but the significance of this finding is unclear since the right ventricular
end-diastolic pressures were normal and unchanged after ouabain in their patients.
Additionally, ouabain produced no other significant hemodynamic changes in their
Aside from studies showing no benefit from digitalis, there is reason to believe
that glycosides may be harmful in the setting of pulmonary heart disease, particu-
larly when it is the result of chronic lung disease. Digitalis produces a small but
consistent increase in pulmonary vascular resistance (26,28,29) which appears to be
a direct effect. Coates and his colleagues (30) found that chronic oral digoxin
administration in ten patients with cystic fibrosis produced no change in maximum
work capacity during bicycle exercise. They did note, however, that cardiac output
and stroke volume decreased during steady state exercise after digoxin and that
330 12. Therapy of Pulmonary Heart Disease
Diuretics have been advocated in the management of pulmonary heart disease
because they can reduce the degree of salt and water retention and may also exert
independent effects on alveolar ventilation and pulmonary vasomotor tone (37-
42). Noble et al. (37) reported improvement in both symptoms and arterial blood
gases following the administration of furosemide to four patients with acute
respiratory failure and edema, but the presence of concomitant left ventricular
dysfunction was not excluded. Whitman and his associates (38) found that diuretics
reduced central venous pressure in patients with cystic fibrosis, but they found no
consistent changes in either arterial blood gases or pulmonary hemodynamics as a
result of diuresis.
As emphasized previously (see chapter 4), the presence of peripheral edema in
the setting of chronic respiratory disease does not imply failure of the right
ventricle as a pump. Indeed, while six of the seven patients reported by Whitman
et al. (38) had elevated right atrial pressure and all seven had edema, the cardiac
I ••
I ••
Figure 12-3. Digoxin increased right ventticular ejection fraction in the four patients (open
bar) whose left ventticular ejection fraction improved, but not in the 11 patients (closed bar)
whose left ventricular ejection fraction did not change. (From reference 35, with permission.)
index was normal or high in all but two. Additionally, decreasing intravascular
volume as a result of aggressive diuresis can reduce right ventricular preload and
decrease cardiac output (39). The striking sensitivity of the right ventricle to
alterations in preload is demonstrated by the effects of changing position: patients
with pulmonary heart disease experience marked decreases in cardiac output and
stroke volume upon assuming a sitting or upright position, due, to a large extent,
to the reduction in venous return (4~5).
Potent diuretics such as furosemide can produce hypokalemia and, by enhancing
the reabsorption of bicarbonate in the kidney, produce a metabolic alkalosis that
may be poorly tolerated by patients with chronic hypercapnia and hypoxemia (46).
Diuretics should be reserved for patients with pulmonary congestion, which may
contribute to respiratory failure, or for patients with massive volume overload and
symptomatic edema which is refractory to measures directed at improving ox-
ygenation and gas exchange. The doses used initially should be conservative, and
potassium supplements should be given as needed.
The goal of supplemental oxygen therapy for pulmonary heart disease is twofold:
to ameliorate symptoms related to tissue oxygen deprivation and to alleviate
332 12. Therapy of Pulmonary Heart Disease
c 0.90
0 0.80
Q. 0.70
;> 0.60
:I 0.50
;> 0.40
:I 0.30
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45
Figure 12-4. Overall mortality in continuous Q2 therapy group (open circles) and nocturnal
02 therapy group (open squares). Ordinate is fraction of patients surviving; abscissa is time from
randomization or duration of treatment. (From reference 50, with permission.)
0 ..-..
-10 (XX)
Torr -15
-20 0
-30 0
-35 oR
l1 PAP
Figure 12-5. Changes in mean pulmo~ artery pressure (~PAP) after breathing oxygen for
24 hours in individual subjects. The PAP falls more than 5 nunHg in the responders (R) (open
circles) and remains unchanged or even rises in the nonresponders (NR) (closed circles). (From
reference 51, with permission.)
These studies demonstrate clearly that patients with hypoxemia and cor pul-
monale may benefit from the use of oxygen, at least in terms of improved survival
and intellectual function. The inclusion criteria used by the NOTT study are useful
in selecting patients who may benefit from such therapy: (a) hypoxemia, that is,
Pa0 2 less than 55 mmHg while breathing room air, (b) presence of edema, (c)
hematocrit greater than 55%, and (d) P pulmonale on electrocardiogram. Ashutosh
et al. (51) have recently suggested that a hemodynamic response to short-term
oxygen administration (a change in pulmonary artery pressure of 5 mmHg or
greater or a maximal oxygen consumption during exercise of 6.5 ml/min/kg after
24 hours of 28% oxygen) was useful in identifying patients who were likely to
improve with long-term oxygen administration and may be an additional criterion
for selecting candidates for oxygen therapy (figure 12-5).
Oxygen should be used for at least 16 to 18 hours daily, and most of its use
should be during sleep since nocturnal hypoxemia is common in chronic obstruc-
tive lung disease (52-54) and may produce arrhythmias, sudden death, or contrib-
334 12. Therapy of Pulmonary Heart Disease
Systemic oxygen transport is often maintained in chronic hypoxic states by the
development of polycythemia. Hyperviscosity resulting from polycythemia, how-
ever, can lead to further increases in pulmonary vascular resistance. Segal and
Bishop (58) found that exercise cardiac output was improved after venesection in
some patients, and Harrison et al. (59) demonstrated a significant decrease in
pulmonary vascular resistance during exercise associated with an increased exercise
tolerance after phlebotomy. Weisse and his associates (60) have shown that isovo-
lumic reduction in hematocrit from a mean of 61 % to 50% resulted in significant
reductions in pulmonary artery pressure and pulmonary vascular resistance in 12
patients with cor pulmonale. These investigators also found that no additional
improvement was achieved by further reducing the hematocrit to the normal range
(mean value, 44%). A recent study by Chetty and his associates (61) demonstrated
improved exercise tolerance after phlebotomy in 13 polycythemic patients with
severe chronic obstructive lung disease. Although central hemodynamics were not
measured, the authors reasoned that the observed increases in exercise duration,
workload tolerated, and maximal oxygen consumption after phlebotomy were
likely to be the result of decreasing pulmonary artery pressure and increasing right
ventricular ejection fraction.
Phlebotomy is not indicated in all patients with pulmonary heart disease, even
if polycythemia is present. When polycythemia is the sequela of chronic hypox-
Pulmonary thromboembolism is not only a cause of pulmonary heart disease, but
it also may contribute to worsening pulmonary hypertension and death in patients
with other etiologies for cor pulmonale (62-64). Patients with pulmonary hyper-
tension are susceptible to venous thrombosis because stasis and increased blood
volume are frequently present. The sluggish pulmonary blood flow may also
predispose to pulmonary vascular thrombosis in situ. Whatever the responsible
mechanism, even a small additional vascular obstruction produced by thrombosis
is poorly tolerated by patients with preexistant compromise of the pulmonary
Most authors recommend chronic anticoagulation in patients with pulmonary
heart disease secondary to chronic recurrent thromboembolism. Unless contrain-
dicated, oral anticoagulation with warfarin is the treatment of choice, but bleeding
complications occur frequently (65,66). Experience to date with chronic subcutane-
ous heparin is limited, but recent studies suggest that adjusted-dose heparin (ad-
justed to obtain a partial thromboplastin time one and one-half times control) may
be as effective as warfarin in preventing recurrence and is associated with a lower
incidence of adverse effects (67).
The clinical differentiation between primary pulmonary hypertension and mi-
cro-theomboembolic disease is difficult at best and often impossible. Additionally,
patients with primary pulmonary hypertension tend to die suddenly (68,69), sug-
gesting the possibility of acute thrombosis in the pulmonary vasculature. Although
anticoagulation does not produce any hemodynamic effects, a recent retrospective
study from the Mayo Clinic suggests that survival may be prolonged with an-
ticoagulation in primary pulmonary hypertension (70). These data are preliminary,
and additional studies are needed to resolve this issue. We do not anticoagulate
patients with parenchymal lung disease and cor pulmonale unless thromboembol-
ism is documented.
One of the most difficult diagnostic problems facing the clinician caring for
acutely ill patients with chronic pulmonary heart disease is the question of an acute
thromboembolism versus an exacerbation of the underlying disease. Symptoms,
such as dyspnea or even hemoptysis, are not diagnostic, and worsening hypoxemia
or signs of increasing right-sided heart failure may be due to progression of the
primary process. Electrocardiography, chest radiography, and ventilation-perfusion
lung scanning are not generally helpful in this setting. Although both right heart
336 12. Therapy of Pulmonary Heart Disease
Physical conditioning has been demonstrated to improve work capacity in patients
with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, but the results of the hemodynamic
effects of rehabilitation in patients with cor pulmonale have been disappointing.
Although the total work performed is increased at a lower maximal heart rate,
several studies have failed to demonstrate any hemodynamic benefit from an
aggressive program of physical conditioning using either a stationary bicycle or
walking treadmill exercise (71,72). Nevertheless, patients may feel better, and they
should be encouraged to perform submaximal exercise to the level their symptoms
will allow, preferably as part of a monitored rehabilitation program.
The earliest clinical descriptions of the hemodynamic abnormalities in patients with
pulmonary heart disease included descriptions of attempts to lower pulmonary
arterial pressure using systemic vasodilators. The development of potent systemic
vasodilators led to their use in treating left ventricular failure, and this approach
has been applied with increasing frequency to conditions affecting exclusively the
right side of the heart and the pulmonary circulation. The rationale for vasodilator
therapy for pulmonary heart disease is based on the demonstration that right
ventricular dysfunction results from an increased afterload rather than an impair-
ment in contractility (73,74), and that pulmonary vasoconstriction may constitute
a variable but often significant component of the elevation in pulmonary vascular
resistance (75). A drug that decreases pulmonary vasomotor tone would reduce
right ventricular afterload and increase pulmonary blood flow. Systemic vascular
resistance is likely to be reduced by vasodilators as well, but a minimal change may
occur in systemic blood pressure if cardiac output increases. Although no specific
or even preferential pulmonary vasodilator has been identified, several vasodilators
have been used to treat patients with pulmonary heart disease resulting from a
variety of causes, including conditions in which active vasoconstriction would not
be expected to playa major role. Since the mechanisms responsible for the develop-
ment of pulmonary vascular disease are incompletely understood and are likely to
be multiple, therapy with vasodilators remains empiric and is frequently unsuccess-
Acetylcholine was one of the first agents shown to produce pulmonary vasodilata-
tion. Harris (76) found that intrapulmonary infusion of acetylcholine produced
transient reductions in pulmonary artery pressure in patients with pulmonary
hypertension resulting from a variety of causes. Systemic arterial pressure was not
affected, presumably due to the rapid inactivation of acetylcholine by circulating
cholinesterase. Fritts and his co-workers (77) demonstrated that a continuous
intrapulmonary infusion of acetylcholine in normals breathing 12% oxygen re-
duced pulmonary artery pressure and Behnke et al. (78) found that acetylcholine
infused into the pulmonary artery at a rate of 2 to 8 mg/min produced reductions
in rest and exercise pulmonary artery pressures in patients with emphysema and
pulmonary hypertension. Marshall (79) found that intrapulmonary acetylcholine
infused at a rate of 2 mg/min produced a 60% reduction in total pulmonary
resistance in a patient with primary pulmonary hypertension. Samet et al. (80) and
Wood (81) reported similar results in two and five of six patients, respectively,
with primary pulmonary hypertension. These studies suggested that vasoconstric-
tion is present and at least transiently reversible in some patients with this disease.
Samet and Bernstein (82) subsequently reported a patient who was unresponsive
to acetylcholine three years after an initial catheterization demonstrated vasoreac-
tivity with acetylcholine.
The obvious limitations to the clinical utility of acetylcholine lie in its rapid
inactivation in the blood and the lack of a suitable orally active analog. Neverthe-
less, the demonstration of pulmonary vascular responsiveness to acetylcholine
confirmed that some forms of pulmonary heart disease are characterized by varying
degrees of potentially reversible vasoconstriction. These observations prompted and
justified the search for more effective and practical pulmonary vasodilating agents.
Alpha-adrenergic antagonists
Tolazoline (priscoline) is an alpha-adrenergic antagonist and vasodilator that has
been used to reduce pulmonary vascular resistance in a variety of disease states. In
1951 Dresdale and his associates (83) reported that two 50 mg doses of tolazoline
produced a marked reduction in pulmonary arterial pressure and vascular resistance
in a patient with primary pulmonary hypertension. Three years later the same
group reported similar hemodynamic results with tolazoline administered to a
patient with emphysema and cor pulmonale and to a patient with an atrial septal
defect and Eisenmenger's syndrome (84).
Widimsky and his colleagues (85) infused tolazoline 10 to 30 mg into the
pulmonary artery in 15 patients with chronic lung disease, with mean pulmonary
arterial pressures ranging from 16 to 68 mmHg, and found that pulmonary arterial
pressure fell and cardiac output increased in almost every patient. Kelminson et al.
(86) reported that parenteral tolazoline produced marked reductions in pulmonary
arterial pressure in six patients with cystic fibrosis and pulmonary heart disease.
338 12. Therapy of Pulmonary Heart Disease
Phentolamine is an alpha-receptor antagonist that is biologically active after oral
administration. Gould and his associates (87) found that an infusion of phentola-
mine in patients with emphysema and cor pulmonale produced significant reduc-
tions in pulmonary vascular pressures and resistance, but the hemodynamic abnor-
malities in his patients were modest (baseline mean pulmonary artery pressure 22.8
mmHg and pulmonary vascular resistance 240 dyne sec cm- S). Cardiac index and
arterial blood gases did not change, and mean systemic blood pressure was main-
tained, but pulmonary capillary wedge pressure fell. Van Mieghem et al. (88)
infused phentolamine in 13 patients with chronic obstructive lung disease and cor
pulmonale and reported that a three-day infusion produced significant reductions
in pulmonary artery pressure and vascular resistance without changing arterial
blood gases or spirometry. Hemodynamic parameters returned to baseline after the
infusion was discontinued. Side effects, including dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, and
"nervousness," developed in five patients.
Ruskin and Hutter (89) demonstrated hemodynamic improvement in response
to phentolamine 5 mg intravenously over 10 minutes in a 29-year-old man with
primary pulmonary hypertension who was evaluated both at rest and during
exercise. This patient was subsequently treated with phentolamine 50 mg by mouth
every three hours, to a total dose of250 mg per day, and reported improved activity
tolerance. The hemodynamic response was sustained at repeat catheterization after
seven months of oral therapy and symptomatic improvement persisted at 20-month
follow-up. Although this report was encouraging, subsequent experience with
phentolamine was disappointing, showing a paradoxical increase in pulmonary
artery pressure with a clinical decline, intolerable side effects, fatal hypotension, or
no objective benefit (90,91).
Knapp and Gmeiner (92) first reported that nitroprusside infused in nine patients
with pulmonary hypertension caused a dose-related decline in pulmonary artery
pressure. Left atrial or pulmonary capillary wedge pressures were not measured,
however. Additionally, cardiac output did not change while heart rate increased.
The fall in stroke volume observed is, therefore, consistent with a decreased preload
resulting from the venodilating properties of nitroprusside.
Dantzker and Bower (93) administered nitroprusside to five patients with
chronic pulmonary heart disease secondary to recurrent pulmonary thromboembol-
ism and reported significant reductions in pulmonary artery pressure and pulmo-
nary vascular resistance. Three of these patients were treated chronically with
long-acting nitrate preparations, either nitropaste or isosorbide dinitrate, with
improved exercise tolerance and a reduction in symptoms. Fourrier et al. (94)
treated 13 patients with cor pulmonale and acute respiratory failure with intrave-
nous nitroglycerin 1.5 mg for 1 to 4 minutes and noted that pulmonary arterial
pressure fell. Cardiac index decreased consistent with a fall in preload, and the net
effect appears to have been a reduction in systemic oxygen transport. Similarly,
Konietzko et al. (95) reported that isosorbide 5 mg by mouth administered to 10
patients with pulmonary heart disease secondary to pulmonary fibrosis resulted in
a decline in pulmonary artery pressure at rest and during exercise, but the alveolar-
arterial oxygen difference (A-aDO~ increased and cardiac output decreased
Although nitrates may be useful in selected individuals, cardiac output appears
to fall frequently with these agents due to their effects on venous capacitance.
Additionally, hypoxemia occurs commonly with their use (96-101).
Diazoxide is a potent vasodilator that has been used to treat acute hypertensive
emergencies (102). Wang et al. (103) infused up to 515 mg of diazoxide into the
pulmonary artery in three patients with primary pulmonary hypertension and
demonstrated that cardiac output increased and pulmonary artery pressure fell. One
patient who had thromboembolic disease had no response to diazoxide. Two
patients were treated with oral diazoxide in divided doses of up to 600 mg daily
and were symptomatically improved. Klinke and Gilbert (104) reported similar
results in a patient treated with oral diazoxide.
Honey et al. (105) evaluated the responses to diazoxide in nine patients with
primary pulmonary hypertension. They found that pulmonary vascular resistance
fell when up to 600 mg were given parenterally. Of seven patients treated with
oral diazoxide in divided daily doses ranging from 150 to 600 mg, five had side
effects that precluded continuation of therapy. Only two patients had symptomatic
and hemodynamic improvement without limiting side effects. Hall and Petch (106)
reported a patient in whom diazoxide returned all hemodynamic parameters to
normal and prior symptoms abated. Upon discontinuation of the drug after 15
months of treatment, symptoms promptly recurred and hemodynamic abnormali-
ties were present once again. These investigators suggested that treatment may be
successful in the early stages of the disease, before structural abnormalities predomi-
nate over vasoconstriction.
340 12. Therapy of Pulmonary Heart Disease
Hydralazine is a vasodilator that has been used as both an acute and chronic
antihypertensive agent. In 1956 Judson et al. (109) showed that hydralazine 14 to
50 mg given intravenously increased both cardiac output and renal blood flow in
seven patients with congestive heart failure and in four patients with chronic
pulmonary disease. Total pulmonary resistance fell after hydralazine in three of the
four patients with lung disease although pulmonary arterial pressure actually
increased from 30 to 37 mmHg.
In 1980 we reported four patients with primary pulmonary hypertension who
responded to oral hydralazine 50 mg four times daily (110). Pulmonary vascular
resistance fell as cardiac output increased while pulmonary arterial pressure was
essentially unchanged. The hemodynamic effects persisted at repeat cardiac catheter-
ization after three to six months of oral therapy. Clinical improvement was noted
as well, including a reduction in breathlessness and the frequency of exertional chest
pain or syncope.
Herrera and his associates (111) evaluated the acute effects of hydralazine 0.33
mg/kg injected into the pulmonary artery in twelve patients with primary pulmo-
nary hypertension and found that six experienced a significant reduction in pulmo-
nary vascular resistance. These patients were treated with oral hydralazine, and all
showed clinical improvement at follow-up of up to eight months. Five of these
patients underwent repeat cardiac catheterization after eight months of chronic
treatment, which showed persistence of the hemodynamic effects.
We reported 12 patients with cor pulmonale secondary to chronic lung disease
in whom oral hydralazine improved pulmonary hemodynamics both at rest and
during exercise (45). A recent study by Brent and his associates (112) demonstrated
that hydralazine decreased pulmonary vascular resistance and increased cardiac
output and right ve~tricular ejection fraction (measured by radionuclide angiocar-
diography) in a group of stable patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
and cor pulmonale. Similar observations have been made in isolated cases of
pulmonary heart disease resulting from talc granulomatosis (113), systemic lupus
erythematosis (114), scleroderma (115), massive acute pulmonary thromboembol-
ism (116), and the eRST syndrome (117). Hydralazine has also been shown to
reduce right ventricular end-diastolic pressure in patients with pulmonary heart
disease (118) (figure 12-6), possibly by either promoting a diuresis secondary to
increased renal blood flow or decreasing the regurgitant volume of tricuspid or
pulmonic valve insufficiency.
As with all other vasodilators, the results with hydralazine are not uniformly
favorable, and the administration of this drug to patients with pulmonary heart
disease is not without risk (119,120). Packer et al. (121) reported 13 patients with
precapillary pulmonary hypertension who were given up to 600 mg of hydralazine.
25 p<O.0001
E 15
w 10
Figure 12-6. Right ventricular end-diastolic pressure (RVEDP) before (control) and after
hydralazine. 50 mg orally every 6 hours for 48 hours. (From reference 118. with permission.)
Although pulmonary vascular resistance fell by 21 %in the group, several patients
experienced severe side effects, and fatal systemic hypotension occurred in one
patient. Only one patient who was able to tolerate oral hydralazine experienced
clinical improvement.
Captopril, an inhibitor of angiotensin-converting enzyme, is now frequently used
to treat systemic hypertension and left ventricular failure. Ikram et al. (137)
recently reported that captopril reduced pulmonary arterial pressure in five patients
with primary pulmonary hypertension, although cardiac output decreased in three.
Right ventricular ejection fraction, estimated using radionuclide scintigraphy,
increased from 39.5% to 59.8% after captopril, and exercise tolerance was im-
proved in one patient. Kokubu et al. (138) reported similar effects in one patient,
and Niarchos et al. (139) reported a 26% fall in pulmonary resistance after a single
dose of captopril in six patients with pulmonary hypertension "secondary to
collagen vascular disease."
Rich et al. (140) and Leier and associates (141) found that captopril produced
no pulmonary hemodynamic effects in their patients with primary pulmonary
hypertension. They concluded that since the major effects of captopril were on the
systemic vascular bed, patients with pulmonary hypertension were unlikely to
respond to this drug.
The prostaglandins are 20 carbon fatty acids produced in a variety of tissues,
including the lungs (142, 143). Both prostaglandins 12 (PGI 2, prostacyclin) and E1
(PGE 1) produce pulmonary vasodilatation in experimental pulmonary hyperten-
sion (144,145), and prostaglandins have been suggested to playa role in the
physiologic modulation of pulmonary vasomotor tone (146).
Watkins et al. (147) demonstrated that the infusion of prostacyclin into the right
atrium of an eight-year-old girl with pulmonary hypertension produced a marked
reduction in pulmonary vascular resistance. Rubin and his colleagues (148) infused
prostacyclin in doses ranging from 2 to 12 ng/kg/min in seven patients with
primary pulmonary hypertension and found that prostacyclin produced a dose-
related pulmonary vasodilation (figure 12-7). Prostacyclin had no specificity for
the pulmonary vascular bed, however, and systemic vascular resistance decreased
as well. The hemodynamic effects of prostacyclin were maintained during a 24-
to 48-hour infusion in three patients, but hemodynamic parameters returned to
baseline within minutes of discontinuation of the infusion (figure 12-8).
Naeije and his associates (149) administered PGE 1 intravenously to 26 patients
with decompensated chronic obstructive lung disease and cor pulmonale and
demonstrated a reduction in the degree of pulmonary hypertension without a
deterioration in gas exchange. Interestingly, the effects of PGE 1 were blunted in
patients on mechanical ventilation, and PGE 1 infusion in normal volunteers breath-
ing 12% oxygen did not block hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction.
Prostaglandin E1 has also been used to reduce elevated pulmonary vascular
resistance in patients with primary pulmonary hypertension (150), scleroderma
(151), and mitral valve disease (152).
As with acetylcholine the clinical utility of prostaglandins is limited since no
orally active analogue is currently available and the effects of an intravenous
infusion are dissipated within minutes of discontinuation. These agents may be
useful, however, in the management of acute pulmonary hypertensive states or in
evaluating pulmonary vasoreactivity in patients prior to administering longer
acting, nontitratable vasodilators (148).
What is the role of vasodilator therapy in the management of patients with
pulmonary heart disease? Despite a wealth of literature on the subject, it remains
to be defmed. Although some patients clearly demonstrate both hemodynamic and
+30 +30
+20 +20 0
! 1LI
1LI +10 (!)
z 0 i z 0
C( C(
::J: :I: t A
0 -10 t 0 -10
....Z 0
....Z 0
x x
0 -30
0: 6 0: 0
UJ 1LI i A
Q.. Q. -40 0
0 A
X a -!SO & 0
0 A
0 2 4 8 8 10 12 0 2 4 8 8 10 12
PG1 2 (no/ko/min) PGI Z (no/ko/min)
Figure 12-7. Effects of intravenous prostacyclin on total systemic and total pulmonary
resistance. Values are percentage changes compared with control. The 0 ng/kg/min dose
represents the effects of glycine buffer (vehicle). Symbols represent individual patients studied.
{From reference 148, with permission.}
18 I
I ~ 8 no/ko/min.
16 I 0---0 8 no/ko/min.
I 6----6 10 no/ko/min.
e;; 14 I
c: 12
a::: 10
....D.. 8 I
6 /
0 8 16 24 32 40 48
Pulmonary endarterectomy for chronic, recurrent thromboembolism (157-158)
and heart-lung transplantation (159-160) have been performed successfully in a
small number of patients. This approach is not uniformly successful and can be
performed at present at only a few institutions. Nevertheless, these techniques offer
promise and should be seriously considered for patients with end-state pulmonary
heart disease which is refractory to all other therapeutic approaches.
The management of pulmonary heart disease requires the physician to appreciate
the pathophysiology of the cardiopulmonary insult and to be familiar with the
pharmacology of the agents used. The primary approach to therapy remains di-
rected at treating the underlying disorder. Other, more controversial interventions,
such as vasodilator therapy and surgical approaches, should be reserved for patients
1.0 LIM IN
..... mee.ured, 42
V~: 32 ...
Pe02 mmHI
Q 'predlcted,41
iii .
Z .20 ...
i i i i i i
0 0.01 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0
1.0 L/MIN
..... mee.ured, 41
VD :,1'I.
Pe°2 mmHI
0 ..... predIcted, 48
•... G.,
~ 1
• 10 ...
0 0.01 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0
Figure 12-9. VA/Q distributions before and after nifedipine, 20 mg sublingually, in a patient
with primary pulmonary hypertension. (From reference 150, with permission.)
who fail to respond to these measures and should be performed by individuals who
are familiar and experienced with these techniques.
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L.J. Rubin (ed.), Pulmonary Heart Disease. All rights reserved. Copyright @ 1984 Martinus NijhoffPubiishing. Boston/The Hague/Dor-
356 13. Prognosis of Pulmonary Heart Disease
data will appear in the literature. In the present chapter, in an attempt to describe
the prognosis of cor pulmonale, we review the natural history studies of pulmonary
diseases often resulting in cor pulmonale in conjunction with reports emphasizing
the cardiovascular status of patients.
Patients with pulmonary obstructive disorders predominate the literature of
pulmonary heart disease, and this review reflects that emphasis. We have described
these patients in some detail because, among all patients with pulmonary heart
disease, patients with pulmonary obstructive disease benefit most by diagnosis and
treatment of their pulmonary hypertension. Oxygen therapy prolongs survival in
these patients although the mechanism is unclear, and this result has not been
conclusively demonstrated in the treatment of heart disease complicating other
pulmonary diseases.
We have divided the patients with pulmonary heart disease secondary to the
nonobstructive diseases into two groups: patients with restrictive lung diseases and
purely hypoventilatory disorders and patients with primary pulmonary vascular
diseases. Among diseases in the first category, including diseases of the chest wall
and nervous system, prognosis correlates roughly with the severity of the primary
disorder. Among patients with pulmonary vascular diseases, prognosis varies, but
most patients die within a few years of developing sustained severe pulmonary
hypertension. While this division oversimplifies the relationship between the lungs
and the pulmonary vascular system, especially in conditions such as idiopathic
kyphoscoliosis and progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS) , it is the same division used
in approaches to therapy, which if successful, influence prognosis. The pulmonary
heart disease secondary to restrictive disorders is generally treated indirectly by
therapy directed at the primary problem. Steroid therapy for diffuse interstitial
fibrosis and tricyclic therapy for sleep apnea are examples of such treatment. The
treatment of isolated pulmonary vascular disease is directed at the elevated pulmo-
nary artery pressure.
in these patients, who in general had a shorter duration of chest disease than had
the patients with heart failure. Fulton postulated that the patients with shorter
illness duration had rampant lung disease, with death occurring before right ven-
tricular failure could develop.
Other authors reported results similar to Fulton's. A study of patients from New
Dehli (6) found that survival after onset of heart failure averaged 19 months. In
this 1959 report, however, a few patients lived several years with pulmonary heart
Evidence that survival was gradually increasing continued with a report by
Stevens and his co-workers (7) in 1963. They reviewed the records of all patients
admitted to Massachusetts General Hospital between 1950 and 1956 with a diagno-
sis of cor pulmonale. Of 61 patients 47 had bronchitis and emphysema; the others
had restrictive disorders or nervous system disease with hypoventilation. The
average length of survival was 3.8 years after peripheral edema appeared. Survival
did not differ when patients with obstructive diseases were compared to the rest
of the group. Many of the patients had concomitant carbon dioxide retention, but
the authors did not report the cause of death in their patients.
Stevens and his co-authors attributed the improved survival time in their patients
to improved therapy. Assisted mechanical ventilation, for example, was employed
during episodes of carbon dioxide retention, a therapy previous authors generally
did not use. Aerosol bronchodilators also had become standard therapy by the time
these patients were studied. Improvements in intermittent oxygen therapy may
have also contributed to the results.
Improved survival in patients with obstructive disease has not, however, consis-
tently occurred. In 1980 Stern and co-workers (8) reported on the survival of 170
patients with cystic fibrosis. Fifty-five of the patients, mostly over 15 years of age,
died with overt pulmonary heart disease. Heart failure correlated well with hypox-
emia, and mean survival from onset of cardiac dilatation was eight months.
Over the past 20 years, since the report of Stevens et al., oxygen therapy has
evolved from intermittent to continuous and has become a standard therapy for
patients with obstructive pulmonary diseases. Enthusiasm for this therapy stemmed
from research that showed that oxygen relieved hypoxemic vasospasm in these
patients (9). Figure 13-1 shows that even brief oxygen therapy markedly reduces
the pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) increase seen in patients when they exercise
although it does little to resting PAP. Several groups of investigators have found
that continuous oxygen improves survival in chronic airways disease (10-12). If
oxygen prolongs survival by relief from pulmonary hypertension and right heart
failure, patients with overt pulmonary heart disease should be most benefited.
Surprisingly, then, in a large recent study that grouped patients according to
various cardiopulmonary characteristics (11), patients with marked pulmonary
vascular abnormalities did not show particular benefit from oxygen.
The Nocturnal Oxygen Therapy Trial (NOTT) attempted to confirm in a
controlled study the benefits of continuous oxygen (11), and the report, published
in 1980, clearly showed the benefits of continuous oxygen versus only nocturnal
358 13. Prognosis of Pulmonary Heart Disease
w 80 • Air breathing
o Oxygen breathing \
70 tChange with exercise
a:: 50 \
J!!,.. \
~~ \
>E 40 \
l1 [) t) ti
Figure 13-1. Effects of exercise on mean pulmonary artery pressure (PAPm) in 11 patients
with COPD with and without 02 breathing. Effects of 02 on resting PAPm may be seen by
comparing baseline values for the subjects connected by dashed lines. Effects on exercise PAPm
may be seen by comparing the tips of the arrows for each subject (representing their exertional
PAPm), also connected by dashed lines. (From reference 9, with permission of the authors and
use. Of a total of 203 patients, nearly twice as many had died in the nocturnal
oxygen group after a mean 19.3 months of follow-up. All patients had at least
moderately severe hypoxemia (pa0 2 < 55 mmHg) or a Pa02 < 59 mmHg plus
edema or polycythemia or cor pulmonale before entry. Continuous oxygen ther-
apy, however, did not excessively benefit the subgroup of patients who initially
showed evidence of pulmonary heart disease. For example, among patients with
relatively high pulmonary vascular resistances, the mortality rate was 45.2% in
those treated with nocturnal oxygen and 38.6% in those treated with continuous
oxygen (p = .11). Most of the improved survival occurred among patients with
relatively low pulmonary vascular resistances. From these data we cannot conclude
that continuous oxygen treatment for pulmonary heart disease is responsible for
the benefits oxygen produces in patients with obstructive diseases. Both the NOTI'
study and a British study of somewhat similar design suggested that the effect of
oxygen on other organ systems, such as the central nervous system, may explain
the results (11,12). On the other hand, a more complete evaluation of the pulmo-
nary circulation, such as with exercise measurements, may have identified a group
of patients with hemodynamic abnormalities and a significantly improved survival
with oxygen.
The reports of the NOTI' study group and Medical Research Council Working
Party are among the studies that have assessed the independent contribution of
Figure 13-2. Effect of cor pulmonale (CP) on survival in subjects less than 65 years of age
divided into three groups according to their percentage predicted postbronchodilator forced
expiratory volume in 1 sec ('Yo pb FEV!). (c=with, and s=without.) (From reference 13,
with permission of the authors and publisher.)
pulmonary vascular disease (and indirectly, pulmonary heart disease) to the mortal-
ity of the obstructive lung diseases. Most of the earlier investigations, such as those
of Stevens and co-workers (7), recognized that while pulmonary heart disease was
associated with a bad prognosis, the heart disease was incidental to the severe lung
disease. Stevens stated: "The prognosis of pulmonary heart failure depends largely
on the outcome of the underlying chronic pulmonary disease and the rapidity with
which it progresses."
The view that pulmonary heart disease only incidentally complicates the ob-
structive diseases and has no independent prognostic value is a controversial one.
Workers other than Stevens, with better control of dependent variables, reached
different conclusions. Traver, Cline, and Burrows (13) examined the usefulness of
a multitude of variables in predicting mortality in patients with emphysema or
chronic bronchitis. After controlling for age the investigators found that the
percent predicted forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) best indicated
prognosis. As figure 13-2 shows, however, among the subjects under age 65, the
presence or absence of cor pulmonale further improved predictions of mortality.
According to the figure, one-half of the patients with an FEV1 below 30.5%
(roughly 1.0 liter) and cor pulmonale died within 2.2 years, while the 50%
cumulative survival was over five years for those patients with similar pulmonary
function but without cor pulmonale.
As figure 13-2 and other cited studies demonstrate, the presence or absence of
pulmonary heart disease suffers as a predictor of mortality because it is a discontinu-
ous variable. Consequently, investigators have measured PAP and right heart
function, continuous variables, to predict more accurately the effects of pulmonary
vascular abnormalities on mortality.
360 13. Prognosis of Pulmonary Heart Disease
that patients with normal ejection fractions did not develop clinical pulmonary
heart disease in two years of follow-up (18) while most patients with overt disease
already present had a low R VEF when studied. Also, the same researchers have
reported that four of nine patients with a low R VEF and obstructive lung disease
progressed to overt pulmonary heart disease (19). These patients had markedly
abnormal pulmonary function and arterial blood gases at initial evaluation. These
results suggest that further studies, using techniques such as radionuclide injections,
will provide information on the earliest events that occur in patients destined to
develop pulmonary heart disease.
The studies of Burrows et al., Kawakami et al., and Lindsey and Read have
emphasized the importance of the heart and pulmonary circulation in the prognosis
of chronic airways disease. Based on these studies, we can postulate that patients
with severe hypoxemia develop pulmonary heart disease and die earlier than
patients with equally severe respiratory impairment (percent predicted FEV1) but
less severe absolute hypoxemia. The mechanisms of hypoxemia in these patients
might include hypoventilation (especially at night) (20), alveolar hypoventilation
secondary to shallow breathing (21,22), and severe ventilation-perfusion mismatch-
ing. In addition to the studies we have cited to support the central role of
hypoxemia in prognosis, other types of studies also are compatible. For example,
death rates from emphysema are much higher at higher altitude than among
comparable patients living at higher ambient oxygen concentration (23). To
confirm the importance of hypoxemia, observations are needed of patients earlier
in their course, before hypoxemia or altered pulmonary hemodynamics occur. Not
yet clear is whether patients who react acutely to hypoxemia with pulmonary
vasoconstriction are the same ones who, if they develop sustained hypoxemia, are
especially likely to develop persistently elevated pulmonary vascular resistance and
cor pulmonale.
"right heart failure," the median survival was 4 months. Among the 186 patients
without heart failure, the median survival was 53 months. In addition, the authors
reported that right axis deviation on the electrocardiogram predicted a mean
survival of 22 months while a normal axis meant a survival of 59 months. Among
the patients with heart disease, spirometric impairment did not relate to survival.
Based on the limited clinical literature to date, we cannot state that pulmonary
heart disease has an independent effect on the prognosis of the interstitial lung
diseases, but the data of Turner-Warwick et al. are suggestive. Other methods of
inquiry, such as pathologic studies, suggest that progression of the fibrosis obliter-
ates the pulmonary vascular bed as well as the lung architecture, culminating in
severe disease of both systems. As Fishman (26) and others have commented, heart
failure in the interstitial diseases is associated with severe lung disease and a short
As in the interstitial diseases, the development of cor pulmonale in patients with
thoracic cage disorders is a bad prognostic sign. Bergofsky has grouped patients
with thoracic cage disorders into mechanical and neuromuscular categories (27).
Diseases such as kyphoscoliosis and fibrothorax are chronic, slowly progressive
disorders in which pulmonary heart disease frequently occurs as a consequence of
chronic hypoxemia. Bergofsky et al. (28) have reported that among six patients
with severe kyphoscoliosis and untreated congestive heart failure, three died within
one year. While controlled trials of therapy with oxygen and various methods of
mechanical ventilation have not demonstrated that these therapies affect prognosis,
one would expect oxygen to have a beneficial effect. As with patients with chronic
airways disease, relief of hypoxemia and acidosis produces a fall in pulmonary
artery pressure in these patients, as Bergofsky and his co-workers (28) have shown
in individual cases. Purely neuromuscular diseases, such as amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis and myasthenia gravis, generally either progress too rapidly or are success-
fully treated before pulmonary heart disease appears.
Cor pulmonale has also been reported among patients with other forms of
hypoventilation. Most common among these are the various diseases collectively
termed sleep disorders (29). While the occurrence of sudden death in obese, somno-
lent patients with pulmonary heart disease has been described (30), the general
prognosis of sleep disorder patients is unknown. Study of these patients has inten-
sified over the past 20 years, but efforts have centered on cross-sectional studies.
While such reports have produced results that suggest that pulmonary heart disease
is a serious complication of the sleep disorders, prognostic observations can appear
only with longitudinal studies.
Catheterization studies in patients have demonstrated the striking changes in the
pulmonary circulation that can occur during sleep, especially in patients with
underlying pulmonary disease. Coccagna and Lugaresi (31) reported that during
some sleep stages patients with chronic airways disease developed mean pulmonary
artery pressures of over 80 mmHg. Such pressure changes were accompanied by
hypoxemia. In other studies sleep hypoxemia (32) occurred most frequently in the
"blue bloaters," patients who others might label "cor pulmonale, hypoxemic type."
Serious arrhythmias have also been observed in these patients (33). As mentioned
above these studies have prompted Block (20) to speculate that the patients who
progress from moderate chronic airways disease to cor pulmonale may do so
because of nocturnal hypoxemic episodes. While differences among patients in
breathing patterns during sleep may explain a disposition to pulmonary heart
disease, other differences, such as in lung mechanics, may also help explain the
development of heart disease in only some patients with chronic airways obstruc-
tion. A slow, deep breathing pattern has been shown to be common in patients with
an emphysematous type of disease who have very compliant lungs, and this pattern
is associated with better preserved alveolar ventilation and higher arterial oxygen
levels than that in patients with chronic obstructive bronchitis (21). The inflamma-
tory changes present in the lungs of subjects with a more "bronchitic" type of
disease may preclude a loss of recoil and dictate a more rapid, shallow breathing
pattern with a larger dead space ventilation, leading to a worsening of blood
gas abnormalities and the more likely development of pulmonary heart disease
(mmHol 100
Figure 13-3. The magnitude of pulmonary hypertension at the time of initial heart
catheterization is not correlated with the duration of subsequent survival. (From reference 34,
with permission of the authors and publisher.)
nary fibrosis, Salemi and her co-workers (40) and Sackner et al. (44) found a poor
correlation between the severity of pulmonary hypertension and the severity of the
interstitial lung disease. Salemi et al., for example, reported on 10 patients with
the CREST syndrome (Calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, esophageal dysfunc-
tion, sclerodactyly, telangiectasia), a variant ofPSS. The patients had no pulmonary
fibrosis, but all had abnormal pulmonary hemodynamics. Five of the patients died
from 1 to 38 months after catheterization. The authors directly attributed four of
these deaths to pulmonary hypertension because the autopsies demonstrated severe
pulmonary heart disease. These patients, unlike most with primary pulmonary
hypertension, had a prolonged clinical course before pulmonary hypertension was
Reports of the association of pulmonary heart disease with the other collagen
vascular diseases have not clearly linked early mortality to this complication. Such
an association, however, will probably appear with further study of affected
o 25 50 75 100
Figure 13-4. Pulmonary artery pressures in adult dogs and puppies following varying degrees
of pulmonary resection. (From reference 45, with permission of the authors and publisher.)
curve for animal lung shows that little change in pulmonary artery pressure occurs
until resection exceeds 50%, with further resection producing exponential increases
in pressure. According to the model resection of more than 75% oflung tissue (and
accompanying vasculature) produces a fourfold increase in pulmonary artery pres-
sure and, in many animals, death secondary to heart failure.
The animal model correlates well with reports from the medical literature on
the limits of pulmonary resection. Death secondary to cor pulmonale occurred
frequently in patients whose lung resection exceeded 60% to 75% of the paren-
chyma (46). As expected, preoperative pulmonary heart disease also predicted a
poor result. Pecora and Brook reported the mortality of patients with mean
pulmonary artery pressures exceeding 36 mmHg was ten times higher than the
death rate of other patients (47).
While the presence of marked pulmonary hypertension preoperatively and the
development of elevated pressures postoperatively both adversely affect the prog-
nosis of lung surgery patients, they are not synonymous with progressive pulmo-
nary heart disease. Burrows et al. (48) have demonstrated the ability of some
patients to maintain significant elevations of right ventricular pressures for years
after surgery. Thus, while guidelines exist to deter surgery on patients at high risk
of postoperative heart failure (49), they are only rough estimates of risk and
individual patients have defied these predictions (50).
In a manner similar to surgical resection, pulmonary embolism can abruptly
produce pulmonary heart disease and high risk of death. In animal models massive
366 13. Prognosis of Pulmonary Heart Disease
embolus causes right heart failure, shock, and death (51). Haggart and Walker (52),
using progressive pulmonary artery obstruction with clamps, showed that animals
tolerated up to 65% vascular obstruction before an abrupt rise in pulmonary
pressure, right heart failure, and death occurred. While no absolute level of
pulmonary artery pressure determined mortality, diastolic pressures over 30 mmHg
occurred only in animals with lethal obstruction.
Studies of pulmonary embolism in humans also have shown that fatal pulmonary
heart disease develops in patients with massive obstruction or less massive obstruc-
tion and underlying cardiopulmonary disease. Patients without underlying disease
who survive to be studied rarely have mean PAP exceeding 40 mmHg or overt
right heart failure (53). Thus, by inference, the prognosis of acute pulmonary heart
disease with more severe obstruction and hypertension is bleak. Pulmonary artery
pressures over 40 mmHg and elevated right ventricular diastolic pressures have been
recorded in surviving patients with underlying cardiopulmonary disease and, most
likely, underlying pulmonary hypertension, but in general these patients have a
worse prognosis than patients without underlying disease (54). The relative change
in pulmonary artery pressure rather than the absolute level seems to determine
Acute pulmonary heart disease in patients with adult respiratory distress syn-
drome (ARDS) , like patients with lung resection or embolism, has prognostic
importance. Zapol and Snider (55), in a study of 30 patients with severe respiratory
failure, found abnormally high pulmonary artery pressure. Because of low lung
compliances and low capillary wedge pressures in these patients, the authors be-
lieved the pulmonary hypertension did not reflect transmitted airway or left atrial
pressure but rather a combination of vasoconstriction, increased interstitial pressure,
and microvascular obliteration by microemboli or fibrosis. Patients whose pulmo-
nary hypertension remained or worsened did not survive. Several patients died with
mean pulmonary artery pressures over 50 mmHg and indicators of pulmonary heart
disease, such as high central venous pressures and low cardiac indices. As in patients
with other forms of interstitial lung disease, no independent effect of pulmonary
heart disease upon survival in ARDS was demonstrated by Zapol and Snider (55).
The strong association between sustained pulmonary hypertension and death is
the subject of continuing investigation (56), however, and as the number of studied
patients increases, an independent prognostic effect may be found.
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370 Index