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111 PFQ Iv 2021

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Jl. Raya Pasar Kemis Cikupa, Tangerang - Banten 15560
(o21) 5902211 (hunting)
(021) 5930375s
marketing@induro.co.id sales@induro.co.id Certincate No D99i 16921


1tl/PFQlrY12021 Tangerang, 22"d Apil 2o2l

To PT. Recon Sarana Utama

Athr Mr. Taufan Ramadhan

Mobile +62 822 2600 3942
Email Taufan.Ramadhan@re.rekayasa. co. id

Subject FRP Pipe and Fittins for Catalvst Merah Putih - Cikamoek Proiect

Dear Sir,
With regard to your request for our quotation, herewith we would like to submit our best offer to you as follow:

Name of Product : FRP Pipe and Fitting for Catalyst Msrah Putih - Cikampek Project

Fabrication Method : - Filament Windlng Method for FRP Pipes O >2"

- Hand Lay Up Method for FRP Pipes O < 2"& FRP Fittings

Design Pressure : 10 Bar

Material : Vinyl Ester Resin fupory R-802 manufactured by Showa Highpolyner.

Price : USD. 45,749.00 (See price detail attached)

Scope of supply : - Material procuement

- Fabrication FRP Pipe and Fitting

Out of scope :- Unloading, Joint and Installation at site

- Material Joint
- BolYNut and Gasket
- Pipe & Fittings high density polyethylene
- Hydlotest

Tenn of Payment : - 30 o/o Dor.r,n paymenl

- 70 % After finish fabrication before delivery

Delivery time : Will be discuss frirther

Remarks : - The above price is excluded VAT 10 %

- Vqlidity of price is I (one) month
- Currency of US Dollar Refer to Bank Indonesia Middle Rate
- FOT Cikampek

Thant you for your kind attentiorg looking forward receiving your reply and hope that this will produce a long tetm
mutually beneficiai relationship. we remain.

Best Rega.rds,
Jl. Raya Pasar Kemis Cikupa, Tangerang - Banten 15560
Tel. (.021) 5902211 (hunting)
Fax. (021) 59303755
marketing@induro.co. id sales@lnduro. co. id Certificale No lD99/16921



No Item Size (mm) Thk Qtv Unit Price Total Price

a L (mm) (USD) (USD)
FRP Pipe & Fittinss
FRP Pioe @314" 20 1000 4.4 1m '12 00 12.00
2 FRP Pioe @1" 25 1000 4A 6m 15.00 90 00
FRP Pioe A1 112" 40 1000 4.4 600 m 25.00 15 000.00
4 FRP Pioe 42" 50 1000 180 m 15 00
5 FRP Pipe @3" 80 1000 5 210 m 25 00 5,250.00
6 FRP Pioe Q4', 100 1000 5 2m 30.00 60 00
7 FRP PiDe 06" 1000 6.5 120 m 60 00 7.200.00
I FRP Elbow 45' @1 1/2" 40 55 14 ocs 2.OO 28.00
I FRP Elbow 90" 01" 4.8 6 Dcs 3.00 18.00
'lo FRP Elbow 90" Ol 1/2" 40 5.5 331 pcs 4.00 1.324.OO
11 FRP Elbow 90" 02" 50 6 22 Dc.s 7 .00 154 00
12 FRP Elbow 90' 93" 80 7.5 42 ocs 20.00 840.00
13 FRP Elbow 90' O6" 150 10.5 22 ecs 90 00 1.980.00
14 FRP Flanqe @3/4" ASIVIE 816.5 250 4.4t20 4 Dcs '1 1 .00 44.OO
'15 FRP Flanoe 91" ASME 816.5 250 4.4/20 4 Dcs 13.00 52.00
FRP Flanoe @1 1/2' ASME 816.5 40 250 5.5t20 361 pcs 20.00 7 .220.OO
17 FRP Flanqe 02' ASME 816.5 50 250 '18 ocs 30.00 540 00
'18 FRP Flanqe @3" ASME 816.5 80 250 7.5t26 2 Dcs 55.00 110.00
19 FRP Flanoe O4" ASME 816.5 100 B/30 2 pcs 80 00 160.00
20 FRP Flanoe 06" ASME 816.5 150 10 5t32 4 ocs '130.00 520 00
2'l FRP Blind Flanae @1 112" 40 18 1oc 9.00 9.00
22 FRP Blind Flanoe 03" 80 27 2 pcs 30.00 60 00
FRP Eoual Tee @1 1/2" 40x40 62 ocs 12.00 744.OO
24 FRP Equal Tee 03" 80x80 4 Dcs 40 00 160.00
za FRP Equal Tee 06" '150x150 10.5 1oc 145.00 145 00
FRP Reducer Tee 01 112"x314" 4b/20 280 55 2 ocs '10.00 20.00
27 FRP Reducer Tee 01 1/2"x1" 4Ox25 2AO 5.5 '1 oc 1100 11.00
FRP Reducer Tee O3"x1 1/2" 80x40 360 7.5 4 Dcs 35.00 140.00
29 FRP Reducer Tee O6"x3" 150x80 500 10 5 4 ocs 125.00 500.00
30 FRP Reducer U 3"xl 1/2" 80x40 100 7.5 1oc 800 8.00
FRP Reducer 46"x4" 150x100 10.5 2 pcs 25.00 50.00

Total Price Ex-Work lndJro Factory 45,149.00

TransDortation to Cikampek 600.00
Total Price FOT Cikampek 45,749.00

O llaiLFl!i.1i:r.
Sales Manager

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