Hadith-e-Kisa (Tradition of The Cloak)
Hadith-e-Kisa (Tradition of The Cloak)
Hadith-e-Kisa (Tradition of The Cloak)
َ تال َّ َس
اع ًة ِو ِإ َذا ِب َول َ ِد َي
No more than a while passed
when my son al-Hasan came in, َف َما ك َان َ ْ ِإ
"Peace be upon you, mother!" he
” : َوقَا َل، ْقبَ َلٱل َْح َس ِن َق ْد ا
Arabic Image FORMAT
In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the All-
Fatimatuz-Zahra, the daughter of the Prophet,
peace be on them, is to have thus
related ( an event ) :
My father, the Prophet of Allah, came to my
house one day and said to me : "Peace be on
you, Fatimah"
I replied : "And upon you be peace"
Then he said : "I feel weakness in my body"
I said : "Allah protects you from weakness,
He said : "Fatimah, please bring Yemeni cloak
and cover me with it"
So, I brought the Yemeni cloak and covered him
with it.
Then, I looked at him and saw that his face was
shining like a full moon with its glory and
splendor After a while, my son Hasan came in
and said : "Peace be on you, mother"
I replied : "And upon you peace, O light of my
eyes, and the delight of my heart"
He then said : "Mother! I smell a fragrance so
sweet and so pure as that of my grandfather,
the Prophet of Allah"
I replied : "Yes. Your grandfather is lying
underneath the cloak"
Hasan went near the cloak and said : "Peace be
on you, my grandfather, the Prophet of Allah;
May I enter the cloak with you?"
He replied : "And upon you peace, my son and
the master of my fountain (Kauthar), you are
given the permission to enter"
So, Hasan entered the cloak with him.
After a while, my Husain came in and said :
"Peace be on you, mother"
I replied : "And upon you peace, O light of my
eyes, and the delight of my heart"
He then said : "Mother! I smell a sweet
fragrance like that of my grandfather, the
Prophet of Allah"
I replied : "Yes. Your grandfather and your
brother are lying underneath the cloak"
Husain stepped towards the cloak and said :
"Peace be on you, my grandfather, the Chosen
of Allah; May I enter the cloak with you?"
He replied : "And upon you peace, my son and
interceder of my followers, you are given the
permission to enter"
So, Husain entered the cloak with them.
After a while, Abul Hasan, Ali bin Abi Talib came
in and said : "Peace be on you, O daughter of
the Prophet of Allah"
I replied : "And upon you peace, O father of
Hasan, and the Commander of the faithful"
He then said : "Fatimah! I smell a sweet
fragrance like that of my brother, (my cousin),
the Prophet of Allah"
I replied : "Yes. He is underneath the cloak with
your two sons"
So, Ali went near the cloak and said : "Peace be
on you, Prophet of Allah; May I enter the cloak
with you?"
He replied : "And upon you peace, my brother,
my legatee, my successor, and my standard
bearer, you are given the permission to enter"
So, Ali entered the cloak with them.
Then I stepped forward and said : "Peace be on
you, my father, O Prophet of Allah; May I enter
the cloak with you?"
He replied : "And upon you peace, my daughter,
O part of my self; you are given the permission
to enter"
So, I entered the cloak with them.
Getting together underneath the cloak, my
father, the Prophet of Allah, held the two ends of
the cloak and raised his right hand towards the
heavens and prayed :
"O Allah, these are the people of my Household
(Ahlul-Bayt). They are my confidants and my
Their flesh is my flesh and their blood is my
Whoever hurts them, hurts me too.
Whoever displeases them, displeased me too.
I am at war with those at war with them.
I am at peace with those at peace with them.
I am the enemies of their enemies and
I am the friend of their friends.
They are from me and I am from them.
O Allah! Bestow Your Blessings, Benevolence,
Forgiveness and Your pleasure upon me
and upon them. And remove impurity from them
and keep them thoroughly pure"
Then the Lord, Almighty Allah said :
"O My angels! O Residents of My Heavens,
verily, I have not created the erected Sky, the
stretched earth, the illuminated moon, the bright
sun, the rotating
planets, the flowing seas and the sailing ships,
but for the love of these Five lying underneath
the cloak"
Gabriel, the trusted angel, asked : "Who are
under the cloak?"
The Almighty answered : "They are the
Household of the Prophet and the assets of
Prophethood. They are : Fatimah, her father, her
husband and her two sons"
Gabriel said : "O Lord, May I fly to earth to be
the sixth of them?"
Allah replied : "Yes. You are given the
Gabriel, the trusted, landed near them and said :
"Peace be on you, O Prophet of Allah. The All-
Highest conveys His peace on you and His
greetings and says:
"By My Honor and Glory, O My angels! O
Residents of My Heavens, verily, I have not
created the erected Sky, the stretched earth, the
illuminated moon, the bright sun, the rotating
planets, the flowing seas and the sailing ships,
but for your sake and love"
God has given me permission to enter the cloak
with you. May I join you, O Prophet of Allah?"
The Prophet replied : "And peace be on you, O
trusted bearer of Allah's Revelations! you are
granted the permission"
So, Gabriel entered the cloak with us and said to
my father : "Allah sends His Revelations to you"
Verily Allah's desire is to remove blemish from
you, O People of Household (Ahlul-Bayt) and
purify you with a perfect purification"
Then Ali said to my father: "O Prophet of Allah,
tell me: What significance has Allah reserved
from His grace for this gathering of ours under
this cloak?"
The Prophet replied: "I swear by He who
rightfully appointed me a Prophet and selected
me with prophethood as a saviour: this episode
of ours will not be recounted in any gathering
from the gatherings of the people of the earth
where a group of our shias and lovers are
present except that there will descend upon
them mercy! And angels will encircle them
asking Allah the remission of their sins until the
assembly disperses!"
So Ali said: "In that case, We have attained
success, and our Shias have attained success, by
the Lord of the Ka'bah!"
Then the Prophet replied a second time: "O Ali! I
swear by He who rightfully appointed me a
Prophet and selected me with prophethood as
a saviour: this episode of ours will not be
recounted in any gathering from the gatherings
of the people of the earth where a group of our
shias and lovers are present and there be a
person present full of grief except that Allah will
remove his grief! And no person in distress
except that will dispel his distress! And no
seeker of any wish except that Allah grants his
So Ali stated: "In that case, by Allah! We have
attained success and felicity, and our followers
also have attained success and felicity, in this
world and the hereafter, by the Lord of the
Hadeeth-e-Kisa is that gracious description, which is a Tradition too and a description and an event too, a description of excellences
also and a reason of prosperity too – Who is among the believers not aware of the words or meaning of this gracious Hadeeth, this is
the Hadeeth healing the ill, the medium of fulfilling the desires of the desirous, supporting the helpless person engulfed in calamities –
Just as this fact has also been mentioned itself in it that, by reciting it the mercy of Allah descends, and angels come and are busy
asking for forgiveness – If recited before an owner of insight then better and spacious conditions are attained, if recited before a needy
person then his needs are fulfilled, and since hundreds of years the believers are deriving the benefits of it’s graces, and why should it
not be? It is a recital of the owners of infallibility and purity, a mention of Siddiqa-e-Tahera (s.a.w.a), a commentary of the Holy Qur’an,
an event of the assembly of Allah’s lights, amazement and hope for the dwellers of Allah’s throne and the greatness and excellence for
the best of humans and it’s pure roots – If, in presence of these specialities if grace, prosperity and mercy does not descend then
As per it’s authenticity, Hadeeth-e-Kisa is highly reliable, whose authenticity has been traced by a great honourable Scholar of Bahrain,
Sheikh Abdullah Bahrani in his book Awaalim and he saw it written by the pen of Sheikh Jaleel Sayyid Hashim Bahrani – He from
Sheikhul Hadeeth Sayyid Majid Bahrani (r.a.), he from Sheikh Hasan ibne Zaynuddin, he from Sheikh Muqaddas Ardbaili (r.a.) he from
Sheikh Ali ibne Abdul aalaa al Karki (r.a.), he from Ali ibne Hilal al Jazaaeri, he from Ahmad ibne Fahdal Hilli (r.a.), he from Ali ibne
Khazanal Haaeri (r.a.), he from Sheikh Ziauddin Ali ibne Shaheedal Awwal (r.a.), he from Shaheede Awwal (r.a.), he from Fakhrul
Muttaqeen (r.a.), he from his revered father Allamah Hilli (r.a.), he from his elder Mohaqqiqe Hilli (r.a.), he from his elder ibne Numma
Hilli (r.a.), he from his Sheikh Mohammad ibne Idris Hilli (r.a.), he from ibne Hamza Toosi (r.a.) author of Thaqibul Manaaqib, he from
Allamah Mohammad ibne Shahr Aashob (r.a.), he from Allamah Tabrasi (r.a.) author of Ihtejaaj, he from Sheikh Jaleel Hasan ibne
Mohammad ibnal Hasanal Toose, he from his revered father Sheikhut Taaif (r.a.), he from his teacher Sheikh Mufiid (r.a.) he from
Sheikh ibne Qawliya-e-Qummi (r.a.), he from Sheikh Kulayni (r.a.), he from Ali ibne Ibrahiim (r.a.), he from Ibrahim ibne Hashim (r.a.),
he from Ahmad ibne Mohammad ibne Abi Nasral Bazanti (r.a.), he from Qasim ibne Yahya al Jila al Kufi (r.a.), he from Abu Baseer
(r.a.), he from Aabaan ibne Taghlab (r.a.), he from Jabir ibne Yazid, he from Jabir ibne Abdullah Ansari and he heard from Siddiqa-e-
Tahera (s.a.) that……
Due to the unawareness of this authenticity looking at the starting words roveya an Fatemahtiz Zahra of the narration, objected that,
this narration is weak, it’s narrator is not known, and a narration starting with a passive text cannot be relied upon, whereas surely it is
not so – Roveya has been used as a brevity or for a honour, otherwise a chain of authenticity is present for the narration, and for it one
after another great honourable, authenticating, and reliable scholars’ names are mentioned, after which there remains no place for any
doubt or suspicion.
A copy of this Hadeeth has been entered in the book of Allamah Sheikh Mohammad Taqi ibne Mohammad Baqir Yazdi Bafqi, which he
has directly traced from Awaalim, and has quoted that, this Hadeeth is present in the book Awaalim, which is in more than 70 volumes,
and is secure in the library of Hujjatul Islam Aaqae Mirza Sulayman in Yazd – 11th volume is regarding the events of Siddiqa-e-Tahera
(s.a.), and in this itself this noble Hadeeth is found.
Allamah Sheikh Mohammad Saduqi Yazdi (r.a.), quotes that this Hadeeth is quoted in the annotation of Awaalim – But, is, by all
means, present in the original book.
The second copy is of the author of Majma-ul-Bahrain, Allama Jaleel Sheikh Fakhruddin Mohammadal Turaehi, which is generally
concurrent in our countries, and from this angel there is a distinctive difference in both of them, as in this copy there is no reply along
with the Salaam (salutations), whereas in the copy of Awaalim the salaam and it’s reply both are present.
Other than this in the copy of Awaalim some other additions are also there, which are not mentioned in Muntakhabe Turaehi.
Allamah Delmi (r.a.) too in his book Ghurarud Durar has quoted this Hadeeth, and Allamah Sheikh Mohammad Jawad ar Razi has also
mentioned in his book Noorul Aafaaq, and from his quotation it is clear that this Hadeeth is in the 11th volume of Awaalim also and in
the 13th volume also.
Any way regarding the differences in expressions, it is necessary to hint at some of the specialities, so that the investigators can
benefit from these points, and the believers gain from their achievements.
1. In the copy of Awaalim, the reply of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) for the salaam of everyone coming under the blanket (Kisa) is
quoted, which is exactly according to the commands of Islam – And in those copies in which the reply of salaam is not found, is only
due to brevity or these scholars have not deemed it as a salaam of benediction, whose reply is obligatory.
2. In the copy of Awaalim, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a) has mentioned some additions after every salaam, as per the rules of Islam – For
example, for Imam Hasan (a.s.) He replied, Waladee wa saaheba Hawzee, for Imam Husayn (a.s.) Waladee wa shaafe’e ummatee,
and for Ali (a.s.) Khalifatee wa saahebal Vaa’a, on which the intellectuals can put more light.
3. In the copy of Awaalim after the collection of all (Panjetan paak) these remarks of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a) is also quoted: “O! Lord
these are my Ahle Bayt and are my specials, their flesh is my flesh, their blood is my blood, whoever troubles them I am troubled by if,
whoever pains them I am pained by it, whoever fights with them I fight with them, and whoever compromises with them I compromise
with them, whoever is their enemy is also my enemy, and a friend of them is my friend, they are from me and I am from them, O! Lord
please do make Your greetings, mercy and grace and forgiveness and Your will, a part of their state, and keep away from them all the
defects and declare their Purity”.
These words are not found in common copies, whence in it is founds the complete series of virtues and excellences.
4. In the copy of Awaalim along with Falakan, Tasree is quoted, whereas in other copies, Yasree and Tasree both are quoted. The
word Fulk is singular and plural both.
5. In the last part of the Hadeeth, Awaalim quotes “We rabbil K’abate” as stated by the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a) after both of his
mentions, whereas in other copies it is quoted once only.
In Hadeeth-e-Kisa, such spiritual virtues of Aale Mohammad (a.s.) are found that a person goes on penetrating in them and
experiences the ecstasy on their spirituality, and goes on swinging on the eloquence of Siddiqa-e-Tahera (s.a.) – Some parts of this
fact has already hinted at initially, and some are hinted now:
The Holy Prophet has not mentioned illness but has mentioned of weakness, and it is quite apparent that the healing of weakness is
different from curing illness.
The Holy Prophet’s weakness is related to body, and not the constitution, and an eloquent difference is found in this, as in the
constitution head is also included – But a body is excluding the head, which means that the weakness (mentioned) cannot be related
to head and brain.
The Ahle Bayt have been as members of the house, for Prophethood, and have been deemed a mine for Messengership, which clearly
means that not the house members of the Prophet, but a family of Prophethood, and Allah’s message will be achieved by us from them
For the assembly, the word “Shi’a” and “Devotee” both are used, which are well distinguished as per belief (Aqeedah) and deeds
In declaring of the “Successful” the promise of the Lord of Ka’bah is mentioned, the example of which is also found in the last moments
of the master of the universe.
Lastly it is necessary to make this clear that, in izaa wajhohoo yatalaa laa the word is izaa and not izan – The word izan is used in the
last part of the Hadeeth, the difference of which can be orderly sensed by the owners of intellect and literature.
Allaahumma J’alna minhum wah shuma Mohammadinw Wa allehit Taahereen.
AAYAT – E – TAT-HEER (Quran 33:33)" Verily Allah's desire is to remove blemish from you, O People of Household (Ahlul-Bayt) and
purify you with a perfect purification"
There is no place for any doubt or suspicion in this matter for the rightful persons that, the verse of Tat-heer is descended in the glory
of the pure Ahle Bayt (a.s.) (Panjetane 5 Paak-pure) declaring their purity and infallibility – And there is no place in this noble verse for
any other lady other these five noble ones – Neither it is related to the wives of the Prophet (s.a.w.a), and nor with the companions of
the Messenger (s.a.w.a) – The Shi’a and Sunni Scholars both are unanimous over this fact, and except for some prejudiced no other
denies it – On contrary some scholars of the Ahle Sunnat have mentioned such facts and informations regarding this verse, which
serves as an eye-opener, and it is therefore judged that knowledge of truth is not a heritage of any one person or association, to
whomsoever Allah graces and with whomsoever justice goes along, he can be aware with the realities and then can denominate those
realities. Hereunder is mentioned the achievement of one or two great honourable scholars amongst the scholars of Islam.
A personality, amongst one of the great investigators of the twentieth century, is that of Allamah Sayyid Alavi al Huda al Alavi al
Hazrami al Jaavi ash Shaafi, has written a book “Al qawlul Fasl fee mal Bani Hashim wa Qureish minal fazl” and has prescribed such
virtues of Ahle Bayt (a.s.) that a person remains amazed, and after this has also mentioned the prevailing impiety in Islamic world,
injustice and irreligiousness, as, how the Islamic Scholars have deemed the narrations reliable and unreliable, as per their wishes, and
how did they unsuccessfully try to put curtains on the virtues of Ahle Bayt (a.s.).
Replying to the answers of some of the prejudiced persons, the noted Allamah writes in the volume 2, page 162 of his book that,
Hadeeth-e-Kisa is absolutely correct, and the revelation of the verse of Tat-heer is seen in Sahih Muslim, Sahih Tirmizi, Musnad
Ahmad, Mustadrak Hakim, and Sunan Baheeqi and ibne Haban, author of M’ojame Kabeer, Tabari, Nisaai, Tafseer ibne Katheer, ibne
Manzar, ibne Abi Hatim, ibne Mardvaiyya, Khateeb ibne Abi Shayba, Tayalsi etc., too hae done the extractions of this Hadeeth.
Deeming it correct are the great honourable scholars of Ahle Sunnat like, Muslim, ibne Abi Hatim, Saleh ibne Mohammad Asadi, ibne
Shaheen, Hafiz Ahmad ibne Saleh Misri Hakim, Baheeqi, Hafiz ibne Hajar, ibne Abdul Birr, ibne Taymiya, Sakhavi, Qastalaant,
Kamaal, Zarqani, Samhudi, Shawkani – And among the Shi’a scholar all have deemed it correct and reliable, after which there remains
no place for doubt and suspicion.
Other than this, among the narrators of this Hadeeth, are 15 companions of the Messenger (s.a.w.a) too, Hazrat Ali (a.s.) Hazrat
Hasan (a.s.) Hazrat Husayn (a.s.) Hazrat Abdullah ibne J’afar, ibne Abbas, Umme Salma, Aayesha, S’ad ibne Abi Waqqas, Anas ibne
Malik, Abu Saeed Khudri, ibne Mas’ood, Muaqqal ibne Yasar, Wathela ibne Asq’a, Umro ibne Abi Salma, Abul Hamra etc.
After this the noted Allama, has traced this quotation from the Shafe’I Scholars while putting more light on the guidance and meaning
of the verse that, the gracious verse is a proof of this matter that the pure Ahle Bayt (a.s.) are the fountainhead of virtues and
excellences, and excluding them wherever excellences are found, is all their alms and pretext, just like a slave shares the destination
with his master – They were the preferred by the Prophet of Islam, heir, Caliph and are the equals and equivocal of the Holy Qur’an –
No one is a part and partner of them in their virtues, the like of their honour was neither achieved by Aale Abbas nor Aale Ja’far – On
the contrary even among the children of Ali (a.s.) other than the children of Fatemah no one has attained this honour and excellence.
That is why when Allamah Baheeqi stated the narration about Wathela ibne Asq’a that Anta min Ahlee then explained it’s matter that,
Wathela has been enjoined with Ahle Bayt (a.s.), which in itself is a best proof of an accomplishing honour and excellence of Ahle Bayt
After this the noted Allamah has quoted a detailed investigation, referring Allamah Samhudi about the meaning and sense of the verse,
the summary of which is that nearly 15 specialities are found in the verse, and every speciality is a separate proof of the greatness and
virtues of Ahle Bayt (a.s.).
1. The verse is started with the word innama, which itself means that Allah has based His wish in their purity, and this a best proof of
their being a fountainhead of piety and graces.
2. The Lord of the worlds has made this arrangement only to state their virtues, except this nowhere (in the Qur’an) this arrangement is
to be seen.
3. By mentioning the origin of purity (Tat-heer) additional emphasis has been created in the subject.
4. Using Tat-heeran, as an indefinite article, it has been exhibited that this purity is a special kind of a great purity which cannot be
compared to the common purities.
5. The Prophet (s.a.w.a) addressing them as Ahle Bayt (a.s.) and supplicate for purity is a sign that along with the wish of Allah the
claim of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a) is also functioning, and all are worried about the propagation of the virtues of Ahle Bayt (a.s.).
6. As per the narration of Abu Saeed Khudri, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a) too is a participant in the verse, which is an additional proof of
the greatness of Ahle Bayt (a.s.).
7. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a) has supplicated for the grace, mercy and peace and forgiveness for the Ahle Bayt (a.s.) which is the
proof that these very souls are the owners of purity, other wise no other is entitled for these supplications.
8. In every supplication the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a) has kept himself also a participant in it, so that by this the honour of equality of the
Ahle Bayt (a.s.) be adjudged too.
9. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a) has also mentioned the descendance of mercy on Janabe Ibrahim a.s. in the supplication, which is the
proof of Ahle Bayt a.s. being the heirs and of equal rank of Ibrahim (a.s.).
10. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a) praying for peace is a proof that Ahle Bayt (a.s.) are entitled for peace (Salawaat) because the
supplication of the Prophet (s.a.w.a) is not rejected.
11. Innahum minni wa anaa minhum is a hint that Ahle Bayt (a.s.) are the partners of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a) in all the ranks of
virtues and excellences.
12. Wishing for purity and the disappearance of defects, is a separate proof that Ahle Bayt (a.s.) are completely secure from the fire of
Hell in the Hereafter.
13. To come and salute everyday on the door of Zahra (s.a.w.a) is a hint that, whose rank and position is high, their character also
should be higher, and Ahle Bayt (a.s.) are as such.
14. The mention of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a) in the Hadeeth, of himself that, Allah has kept me in a best family, is itself a proof of the
Ahle Bayt (a.s.) being best persons.
15. He has, by declaring the purity and equality in excellences made this also clear that, alms are prohibited for Ahle Bayt (a.s.),
because alms is dirt of hands and a kind of unclean wealth which is not according to the glory of the beholders of purity.
After this the noted Allamah has quoted this mention of some investigators too that, even if in Ahle Bayt (a.s.) the house and the
household all enjoin, but in general application the dwelling householders are not encounted, but only the family members are counted,
who always live along with the family, the dwellers can at any time separate themselves from the house – A wife after divorce goes to
her own or another husband’s house and mingles in their household, she cannot participate in the Ahle Bayt.
The Holy Qur’an has addressed the wives as Yaa nisaa an Nabiyy, which means it has ascribed them to the Prophet, and has not
mentioned their comparison to Ahle Bayt (a.s.) which itself means that Ahle Bayt (a.s.) are something else and wives something else –
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a) is not a participant with the wives and in Ahle Bayt (a.s.) the Prophet (s.a.w.a) has also participated himself.
In the verse of purity the word Bayt is singular, and is not wives of Ahle Bayt but Ahle Buyoot, meaning of different houses, and Alif and
Laam has been enjoined to Bayt, from which it is known that it is some special house.
By mentioning Umme Salamah as Alaa Khayr, and keeping her away from the holy blanket (Kisa) is a proof, that in the verse of purity
there is no place for wives, and it has been revealed only for the declaration of the greatness, infallibility, purity and glory of the
Panjatan-e-Paak (a.s.).