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Cyber Risk in IoT Systems

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Cyber Risk in IoT Systems

Preprint · March 2019

DOI: 10.20944/preprints201903.0104.v1


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6 authors, including:

Petar Radanliev Jason R. C. Nurse

University of Oxford University of Kent


Razvan Nicolescu Uchenna P. Daniel Ani

University College London Federal University Lokoja


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Cyber Risk in IoT Systems

Petar Radanlieva*, David Charles De Rourea, Carsten Mapleb, Jason R.C.

Nursec, Razvan Nicolescud, Uchenna Anie

Department, University, City, Country; bDepartment, University, City, Country

Oxford e-Research Centre, Department of Engineering Sciences, University of Oxford,
UK, petar.radanliev@oerc.ox.ac.uk, david.deroure@oerc.ox.ac.uk; bWMG Cyber
Security Centre, University of Warwick, carsten.maple@warwick.ac.uk; cSchool of
Computing, University of Kent, UK, j.r.c.nurse@kent.ac.uk; dImperial College London,
UK, r.nicolescu@imperial.ac.uk; eSTEaPP, Faculty of Engineering Science, University
College London, u.ani@ucl.ac.uk

Corresponding author: Petar Radanlieva*: petar.radanliev@oerc.ox.ac.uk

Funding: This research was funded by the UK EPSRC with project [grant number
EP/N02334X/1 and EP/N023013/1] and by the Cisco Research Centre [grant number 2017-
169701 (3696)].

Acknowledgments: Sincere gratitude to the Fulbright Commission for supporting this project
with the Fulbright Visiting Fellowship at MIT and the University of North Carolina.

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.


In this paper we present an understanding of cyber risks in the Internet of Things

(IoT), we explain why it is important to understand what IoT cyber risks are and
how we can use risk assessment and risk management approaches to deal with
these challenges. We introduce the most effective ways of doing Risk assessment
and Risk Management of IoT risk. As part of our research, we also developed
methodologies to assess and manage risk in this emerging environment. This
paper will take you through our research and we will explain: what we mean by
the IoT; what we mean by risk and risk in the IoT; why risk assessment and risk
management are important; the IoT risk management for incident response and
recovery; what open questions on IoT risk assessment and risk management

Keywords: cyber risk; Internet of Things; cyber risk impact assessment; cyber
risk estimation; cyber risk insurance

1. Introduction - Defining the Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) represents the idea of networked objects communicating

their data which can be controlled across other objects, systems and servers.

Communication between objects, networks and humans involves conscious and/or

unconscious actions from one IoT agent or device to another IoT agent or device. This

differentiates the IoT from the Internet, the automation and the reduction of human

input, which is a requirement for the Internet to function. The development of IoT has

given us opportunities for social and economic interaction in a wide number of areas

such as supply chain management, social media, medicine and energy consumption (for

example, smart health devices). IoT provides advanced connectivity that goes beyond

machine-to-machine (M2M) communications and applies to a diversity of protocols,

domains, and applications. All of this is very exciting, but with new technologies comes

new types of risks, and current risk assessment and risk management methods haven’t

been designed to anticipate or predict what these may be.

2. Defining what is IoT risk

Risk is all around us, and governments, businesses and individuals engage in risk-based

decisions countless times every day. Risk can generally be regarded as the potential for

some event to occur, be it positive or negative. For example, let’s consider an individual

risk like drinking alcohol; we know the negative medical effects and the associated cost

to the NHS alcohol consumption has, yet it is considered by many as a positive social

event and people continue drinking despite the risks to their health. If we think about

businesses, they face strategic, compliance, operational, financial and reputational risks

on a regular basis, all of which could affect their profitability or ability to function.

However, this paper is about the IoT and currently, many businesses are looking to

adopt new forms of technology (such as the IoT, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence)

to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their services. This opens them up to the

risks that come along with these technologies. While these technologies have the

potential to improve their productivity, there is also the potential for the business to be

exposed to a series of technical, ethical, security and privacy risks – it is these aspects of

IoT that we will focus on in this paper.

To properly understand risk, and by extension risk in the IoT, we need to consider its

main components. An organisation’s assets form the basis for risk. By assets, we mean

something the organisation values, so it could be a product it makes, it could be an app

they have developed, or it could be data or information about their customers. From

this, we can see that there are many different types of asset, and that the harm or

damage to an asset will come in different forms - how this damage or harm could

happen can occur in different ways, and we call these threats. Threats are those actions

that target assets to cause some negative result (for example, remember the ransomware

attacks on the NHS in 2017?); threat events will also have some likelihood or

probability of success. Therefore, we think that risk is the probability that a threat event
will occur and result in negative impact on or harm of an asset. An IoT-based example

of this is the probability of a phishing attack on a connected corporate device occurring,

like a company laptop or a smart phone, which then causes several IoT sensors to be

infected with malware and consequently the disruption of a manufacturing plant’s

production line. While there are many application domains for the IoT, such as

Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, Health and Well-being, Industry 4.0 and Smart

Grid, for organisations to consider cyber security risk solely in the context of their

particular domain would give misinformed results, since the IoT is an ecosystem with

platforms and services shared by different application domains [1]. In the following

table, we explore the main cyber risks that many businesses face. We use the term

‘cyber risk’ in line with the Institute for Risk Management definition of:

“Cyber risk’ means any risk of financial loss, disruption or damage to the reputation of

an organisation from some sort of failure of its information technology systems.”


Type of Risk Definition Key Words Example

Ethical An action that falls short of what Integrity, honesty, Volkswagen develop and install
is considered morally right or fraud, moral, software to cheat diesel emissions
outside of a professional standards, tests. This compromises
standard. So, an ethical risk for an compliance, organisation and industry
institution is the unintended misconduct standards and results in massive
harm caused by an unethical reputational and financial losses.
Privacy Most information about people is Trust, In May 2014 145 million eBay
digitised. Keeping this private transparency, customers have their names,
and confidential is important. So, data, addresses, date of birth and
a privacy risk is when there is a confidentiality, passwords accessed.
temporary or permanent loss of cyberattack, Yahoo was the victim of a
control over data that may causes hacking, data massive data breach in 2013-2014.
some form of harm to the breach, phishing, In 2017 they finally admitted that
individual and the business, pharming, all 3 billion user accounts had
organisation or government that ransomware, been compromised.
holds the data. spam
Security This is to do with vulnerabilities Vulnerability, In October 2016 the Mirai Botnet
and gaps in security programmes weakness, launched a DDoS attack on DYN
and systems. These vulnerabilities protection, attacks, which led to parts of the internet
can be exploited in order to gain breaches, DDoS going down and affected Twitter,
access to assets causing damage, (distributed denial Netflix, CNN, Reddit (along with
harm or loss. Types of attack of service), many others)
include physical, network, botnets, malware, Building management systems
software and encryption attacks. virus were attacked in a Finnish town
of Lappeenranta, causing the
heating in two buildings to fail.
Technical The failure of hardware or Compliance, It was recently discovered that
software due to poor design, regulation, testing, computer chips produced in the
construction or evaluation. evaluation last 20 years all contain
fundamental security flaws.
Depending on the particular flaw
variation on the chip, such as
Spectre and Meltdown1.

Table 1: Defining the types of cyber risk from IoT systems

1.1 Defining what is IoT risk assessment

Understanding what is meant by risk is only the first step when we are considering the

potential risks in IoT. The next step is to be able to assess the risk, which involves the

tasks of; Identifying (or defining) the risk this is the action of developing a clear

understanding of what organisational IoT assets are targeted by which threats, and what

harm could happen if those attacks are successful.

Estimating the risk; this step aims to measure the IoT risk based on the likelihood of the

threat occurring and the impact on the organisation’s IoT infrastructure if it does occur.

These measures can be qualitative (e.g., ratings using the levels, high, medium and low)

or quantitative (e.g., based on mathematical estimations and calculations). Prioritising

the risk; once we have a list of the risks and each one has been estimated, the next step

is to prioritise the risks. This essentially provides a ranking of the risks based on their

estimated levels. We consider these three steps as the best process of IoT risk

assessment. Figure 1, below, sets this out, and also demonstrates that this is a

continuous process [2].

See https://www.csoonline.com/article/3247868/vulnerabilities/spectre-and-meltdown-
explained-what-they-are-how-they-work-whats-at-risk.html for a further discussion of
Spectre and Meltdown.
Figure 1: The risk assessment process

1.2 Defining what is IoT risk management

Risk management builds on the risk assessment process described above. While risk

management techniques are well developed and used in a variety of areas, there remains

a significant challenge in managing risk in certain application domains. There are four

basic way to handle risk:

• IoT risk mitigation – this involves either reducing the likelihood of the risk

happening or reducing the impact of the risk. In IoT risk management, this

might include implementing IoT risk controls;

• IoT risk transfer – this involves outsourcing the risk to a third-party. In this

instance, via cyber insurance for example;

• IoT risk avoidance – this involves removing the risk. An example would be to

remove the IoT asset where the risk has originated; and

• IoT risk acceptance – this involves accepting the risk as it stands, due to either

the risk falling within the organisational risk appetite or the aggregated risk

being sufficiently within the accepted risk levels.

The type of treatment selected for each risk is based on its estimated level, the costs

associated with the treatment, and the organisation’s overall tolerance for risk [3]. In the
IoT, these factors are constantly changing and therefore, form one of the unique

challenges when managing risks in dynamic IoT environments [4].

2 Defining how IoT transform the nature of risk

IoT represents interconnected technologies continuously communicating and sharing

data. This technology creates serious safety risks and ethical concerns. For example,

IoT devices can outlive humans, so the questions arises; who owns the data on an IoT

device if and when the owner dies? Another example might be where smart meter

information can be used to see when householders are at home; or if an autonomous car

is on a collision course, does it protect the driver or the pedestrian, or a child in the car

or child on the road? While the ethical questions triggered by the IoT are intriguing,

currently we only have philosophical debates with no real answers, and as stated

previously, the focus of this book is the economic impact of IoT cyber risk. In this and

following sections, we discuss the related IoT risk assessment approaches that have

been used to date, and discuss how we think these approaches can be adapted to assess

the impact of IoT cyber risk.

3 Defining how to perform risk assessment for IoT systems

One of the main difficulties of the IoT is that it is developing at a faster rate than other

technologies, and governments have not been able to catch up with standards and

security regulations. We found that there are, currently, no risk assessment standards to

govern companies in assessing the new types of risk before implementing IoT

technologies and solutions [5].In the present climate, given the lack of unified global

standards and regulations, businesses are pursuing economic profits from IoT solutions,

but when it gets to understanding the risk to their operations, businesses are often just

hoping for the best [6].

3.1 Analysis of cyber risk assessment approaches

As part of our research, we did an analysis of the existing cyber risk assessment

approaches [6]–[13] so we could give basic guidance on how to develop a unified

approach to risk assessment. In summary, a majority of the cyber security frameworks

today apply qualitative approaches to measuring cyber risk (e.g. OCTAVE, TARA,

NIST). Quantitative approaches are mostly present in the cyber security models (e.g.

Risk Lens).

Name Author(s) or What is it Type

OCTAVE Caralli, Stevens, This is a standardised questionnaire that can Qualitative
Young, & Wilson, be applied to investigate and categorise
2007 recovery impact areas. However, the
OCTAVE method is complex and takes time
to understand
TARA Wynn et al., 2011 This is a predictive framework that enables Qualitative
targeting of the most crucial exposures, as
opposed to promoting the defence of all
possible vulnerabilities
CVSS (Common First (2017) A scoring system “that provides a way to Qualitative
Vulnerability https://www.first.org/ capture the principal characteristics of a
Scoring System) cvss/ vulnerability and produce a numerical score
reflecting its severity”. It is relatively easy to
use and translate results although, the
calculator is based on experts’ opinion and
do not represent an ultimate precision, the
calculator represents a guiding point.
Exostar System Exostar LLC This system enables enterprises to assess, Qualitative
https://www.exostar.c measure, and mitigate risk across multi-tier
om see also Shaw, partner and supplier networks and
Takanti, Zullo, 2017 determines the gaps between cybersecurity
posture and regulatory compliance.
Capability CMMI Institute This combines set of best practices in the Qualitative
Maturity Model https://cmmiinstitute. disciplines of systems analysis and design,
Integration com software engineering and management.
(CMMI) CMMI can simultaneously address multiple
as opposed to stand alone improvements.
This enables improvement in the entire
enterprise risk and the full product
development life cycle risk.

NIST National Institute of This is a framework based on an extensive Qualitative

Cybersecurity Standards and use of acronyms, which can be confusing and
Framework Technology (2016) require a detailed understanding of the
available here: standards referred to in the acronyms. At
https://www.nist.gov/ present, the NIST framework is documented,
cyberframework not an automated tool.
ISO/IEC 27001 International This risk management framework promotes Qualitative
Organization for standardisation of cyber risk and reflects
Standardization international experience and knowledge. It is
https://www.iso.org/h based on voluntary shared knowledge and is
ome.html consensus based.

RiskLens RiskLens This is a quantitative assessment method Quantitative

https://www.risklens. based on FAIR (Factor Analysis of
com Information Risk) and “provides a model for
understanding, analyzing and quantifying
information risk in financial terms”.

CyVaR (Cyber Cyberpoint LLC This presents a method to quantitatively Quantitative

Value at Risk) https://www.cyberpoi assess risk with Monte Carlo simulations.
ntllc.com/cyvar/index CyVaR needs to be adapted and modified to
.html include units of measurement for IoT cyber
risk vectors.

FAIR FAIR Institute This model promotes a quantitative, risk Quantitative

https://www.fairinstit based, acceptable level of loss exposure.

Table 2: Analysis of cyber risk assessment approaches

3.2 Defining new IoT Risk Assessment approach with Dependency Modelling

Given the diversity of cyber risk assessment approaches, to develop a unified cyber risk

assessment approach for IoT risk, we need to start looking at the dependencies. To

achieve that, we could apply a so-called dependency modelling approach [14]–[19].

Interactions within IoT can be seen as complex, tightly coupled relationship structures

amongst the systems, sub-systems and components. The proper functioning of one or

more sub-systems rely to some degree upon another system’s proper functionality(ies).

Therefore, there is a dependency relationship between them that can either be direct (a

first order) or indirect (a higher order) [20]. For example, normal functions for

components and services on the application layer (that is, the front end of the IoT

architecture, which may be the user interface that displays received information to the

user) of the IoT typically depend on the normal functioning of transmission of data (the

network layer), and the perception layer (which perceives the physical properties of

things). If a service on a perception layer is impaired, it can affect the functioning of the
connected service on the network or application layers. This suggests an entire risk

landscape that is not about the failure of one specific IoT component, but the failure of

other IoT components (devices or services) due to abnormal impacts on a component

they depend on. This dependency amongst IoT sub-systems can also cause impacts or

failures to cascade from one affected system or component onto another; aggravating

the impacts [21].

4 Defining IoT risk management for incident response and recovery

Risk management is a separate process that follows on from risk assessment and is

predominately focused on recovery, business continuity, mitigation of risk, and

eventually risk acceptance. In the following section, we give an overview of the steps

involved in incident response and recovery. We end this section with a discussion of

cyber insurance, which represents a method for risk transference for companies.

4.1 Incident Response and Recovery

Incidence response and recovery (IR&R) for IoT typically adopts similar approaches

already common to digital and computing systems. Key phases of an incident response

and recovery procedure for IoT systems include planning, detection, analysis and

response formulation, containment, eradication, recovery, and post-incident activity.

The diagram in Figure 2 (below) illustrates this process.

Figure 2: Security Incident Response Approach

The Planning phase, or Incident Response (IR) Preparation, involves activities that work

to make sure that IoT-User organisations are in a state of readiness for the prompt

handling of incidents. Example activities include;

(1) Setting and training IoT incident response teams;

(2) Defining appropriate security response and escalation policies;

(3) Forensic evidence management in line with relevant security guidelines and


(4) Awareness and response strategies to common security threats such as Denial of

Service, Worms/Trojans, Phishing, web-based and web application attacks,

insider threat, exploit kits, information leakage, and identity theft [13], [22].

However, the scope and number of questions that need consideration and answers have

only increased in the process of planning for an effective response to IoT security

incidents compared to traditional IT systems. For example, let’s think about a self-

driving vehicle that crashes and kills a pedestrian. The car relies on radar sensors to
detect obstacles, which evidently can fail, resulting in a crash. This is a complex human-

machine system relying on many different systems owned by a variety of enterprises. A

good solution path would include viewing IoT incident response considering the

mission process of the IoT devices and system. This can support understanding of how

malicious actors might exploit the normal infrastructure (device or system) functionality

failures and impacts to hide malicious actions. Greater understanding can be achieved

through ensuring that security experts responsible for securing the operations of IoT

systems clearly understand the threat models that drive the systems [23]. Security

experts also need to be conscious and responsive to the dynamic states of the security

threats to provide effective response actions [24].

The primary aim of incidence response is to discover and stop security threats and their

effects on IT systems and there are several conventional IR methodologies and

frameworks that can be adapted for IoT [5], [24]. While it may not be feasible to

prevent all security compromises in IoT, effective response and management of threats

are needed, which must be built on well-structured and holistic incidence response plans

and procedures.

• The Detection phase of IR emphasizes the importance of promptly recognizing

the beginning of what is considered a ‘threat’ in an IoT system for which critical

decisions and actions are required. Since IoT relies on cloud-hosted

infrastructures and often includes limited-functionality devices (from an events

and log management perspective), it is necessary to include in the infrastructure

monitoring design, a capacity to capture instrumentations data directly from IoT

devices, as well as from supporting cloud service providers [23], [25]. IoT

devices use trusted credentials for exchanges which when compromised can

result in significant vertical and horizontal impacts across the system. Only
complex monitoring as described above can provide timely visibility necessary

to spur timely decisions and responses. There is an increasingly important and

significant role for computational intelligence in supporting risk assessment,

through identifying risk, capitalising on opportunities and gaining a deep

understanding of a business with reports, dashboards, visualisations and analysis

of information [13].

• Traditional security information and event management (SIEM) systems,

although powerful and well-advanced for standard networks, are unable to

handle the complexities involved in the IoT, where massive numbers of nodes

and millions of data are involved, hence the need for newer more tailored IoT-

centric systems.

• The Analysis and Response formulation phase focuses on understanding the

characteristics of security threats or incidents to learn the most suitable strategy

or method for handling future incidents; again, traditional systems struggle and

IoT-specific digital forensic and incident response tools are necessary. In the

IoT, analysis of threats should consider both system-wide and component-

specific perspectives. Using effective threat intelligence tools and processes that

relate to the IoT application sector is a good place to start, as threat indicators

and protective patterns are often shared and made available on threat intelligence

platforms [26], [27]. Examples of threat intelligence tools include:

a). DHS Automated Indicator Sharing (AIS) which focuses on technology

and energy sectors (https://www.us-cert.gov/ais);

b). Industrial Control System (ICS) ISAC (http://ics-


From these, further analysis can be explored evaluating the scope of compromise,

activities, timelines, and attacker identities related to certain breaches. However,

recognition of the potential for attacks to employ anonymity and other anti-forensic

capabilities characterised in the IoT domain, is required. Since IoT systems are data

intensive, data compromise analysis with respect to confidentiality, integrity, and

availability are also crucial. This can be complemented with IoT devices and

gateway forensic analysis to provide acceptable proof of the breach of IoT devices

and systems.

• The Containment phase aims to ensure prompt, interim resolution to a security

incident by engaging attempts to restrict further damage to the system. Typical

actions in traditional IT systems may include: disabling affected services,

disconnecting or swapping out compromised devices and systems with new

ones, revising access credential values such as passwords, disabling affected

accounts or at worst, initiating a temporary shut-down. However, some of these

activities do not happen translate to incidents in IoT systems, not least of all

given the crucial importance of not disrupting critical business/mission

processes within the system. What is key, is that affected devices, services, or

system should be isolated from the operations IoT network as quickly as

possible, while allowing for forensic analysis on affected systems.

• The Eradication phase leads on from the containment phase and focuses on the

long-term removal of threats, and ensures that the system is no longer vulnerable

to the threat. Typical activities in this phase include policy updates and

independent security audits. This can be achieved in IoT systems through

evaluating whether existing security policies can sufficiently address any threats

that have been identified; if not, security policy upgrades need to be adopted and

implemented. For example, automated software/firmware updates and patching

are challenging in today’s IoT. It is necessary to devise and adopt policies and

approaches for security patching that would provide the necessary security

without disrupting operations and functionality. With reference to the need to

support forensic analysis, it is desirable to track the activities of a malicious

actor in a network. The IoT can benefit from gateway devices that support the

establishment of logical rules for automated isolation of compromised

infrastructure based on monitored commands or traffic flow patterns without

alerting an active attacker on the network. In this way, the attacker’s actions and

activities can be observed and studied in great detail to inform decisions for

necessary security improvements.

• The Recovery phase is the process of restoring the system to normal working

order. Typical actions may include restoring systems using backups, system re-

configurations, or fresh installations. It is necessary to consider these for both

cloud and on-premise infrastructure and that restoration is initiated in such a

way that it does not cause significant delays or disruptions for the normal

operation of the IoT system.

• Post-Incident Activity includes a combined process of drawing together lessons

from breaches, and reporting these lessons in a structured way that helps to form

capability for future occurrences. Typically, this should be conducted through

reflective meetings that bring together both senior executives and technical

experts [7], [19]. In the reflective reviews, privacy checks, root cause analysis,

and after-incident forensics can be performed in relation to the compromised

system. Using root cause analysis, organisations can easily understand the

failure of their security and determine how to strengthen the weaknesses as well

as produce true assessments of what happened, how it happened, how well or

poor the response went and why, and what a better response may look like in the
future [5]. Overall, lessons learned should be evaluated and amended as required

including the incident response plan, the network access control (NAC) plan,

existing tools and resources to enhance security, deficiencies in cloud service

provider’s and the on-premise incidence response.

IoT brings inherent cyber risks that span multiple functional sectors with varied degrees

of dependencies. Further, IoT systems often operate on platforms that cut across

geographical boundaries for which appropriate cyber incident response and recovery

plans and strategies are required. Collaborative Incident Response and Recovery

(IR&R) utilises shared threat intelligence and should evolve based upon this

intelligence. This is required since the security risk landscape is continually evolving so

that an incident response plan which was appropriate yesterday might not be today; a

plan that seems effective today could also be ineffective tomorrow. Effective IR&R

should be characterised by continuous refinements of processes and procedures [1].

This demonstrates a move from a reactive response to the management of security

incidents in a way that fosters cooperation through the exchange and sharing of

incidence management information among several distinct IoT-adopter organisations.

Such an approach should enable both proactive and reactive capacities, and also enforce

and assure trust and privacy among IoT infrastructures, and cooperating organisations.

4.2 Discussion on estimation and valuation of Cyber Risk Insurance

Cyber risk insurance represents risk transference and is categorised as a risk

management operation. IoT technologies are booming and we can observe cyber risks

worldwide, increasingly impacting physical property and challenging present notions of

accountability and liability. In consequence, cyber insurance has often been investigated

as a possible market-based solution to the problems of cyber security [4]. However, the

cyber insurance market faces challenges in its ability to measure and assess risks and to
design and manage cyber risks efficiently. Some of the major problems cyber insurers

face is the lack of historical data on risks, a lack of claims data, the volatility of the

rather immature IoT technology and markets and the increased scope for cyber security

risks. Looking at the broader perspective, governments and the insurance industry are

far from a working public-private partnership for cyber insurance [28].

The current model of cyber insurance works as a risk mitigation tool and covers the

costs of losses caused by human malicious activity or natural disasters. In this context,

many of the problems in the banking and financial sector and their failures of the past

decade can be directly tied to model failure or overly optimistic judgments in the setting

of assumptions or the parameterisation of a model [1]. Now, a new public policy has

emerged in which insurance companies act as clearing houses for information, integrate

different security services and provide guidance on appropriate security investments to

businesses seeking liability coverage [29]. For example, new and traditional insurers

can outsource important parts of the forensic investigation to different consultancies

such as software or networking companies. However, recent research shows that this

view of cyber insurance as a delegated policy tool has limitations in producing the

anticipated coordination benefits and indeed may erode the aggregate level of security

investment undertaken by targets in different insurance markets [29].

It should be recognised that the IoT represents a huge opportunity for insurers to

harness and understand the right kind of data at the right time. IoT can thus represent a

part of the solution to improved coverage and liability of non-tangible digital assets and

to the dynamic nature of cyber-attacks. IoT can provide a part of response to the general

agreement that there is simply not enough data to actually understand the risks and also

reduce the resource allocation problems arising from incomplete information regarding

parties’ actions (moral hazard) and characteristics (adverse selection). However, the
analysis and correlation of large IoT data sources and the use of new digital forensics

and methods might not be enough sometimes. For example, despite the fact that

algorithms used to calculate cyber-risk metrics can analyse and correlate vast amounts

of data, the methodologies that inform actuarial models may still struggle to make sense

of, and integrate, the real-time information that is available from IoT devices.

Over-reliance on modelling in cyber insurance can also conceal insidious and difficult

to detect processes [5], [26], such as in case of the ‘normalization of deviance [4]. The

normalization of deviance defines the processes that socially organise and

systematically reproduce mistakes related to complex technological solutions. In this

context, IoT can help by making use data to increase transparency and predictability of

such processes, understand the limitations of computational modelling and techniques

and improve the assumptions that these models are based on. The constant inspection of

granular IoT data and the possibility of sharing aggregates of IoT data and to increase

transparency between parties can help insurers and re-insurers to understand strict

liability and its sharing across parties across complex ecosystems. Parties can

collaborate to prevent risks cascading and to investigate possible “black swan” events

(an event that is unprecedented and unpredicted, but on reflection, was bound to

happen) in relation to the use of digital devices, which are likely to increase in number,

at least in the short term. Formal methods for trustworthiness assessment may then help

inform insurance models for complex IoT ecosystems. Such developments would

temper the proliferation of false beliefs due to over-reliance on the ‘accuracy’ of the

outputs from computing models, which can lend an apparent objectivity to the results

that can then justify inappropriate actions and policies [30].

From a risk management point of view, one important question is; what architectural

improvements of a company’s IT system might increase resilience to cyber risk?. We

tend to think of cyber security as pertaining to IT companies but, actually, the

digitalisation is currently extending well beyond the existing IT systems to

manufacturing floors and other production activities where only a few people normally

associate with IT. The boundaries between IT systems and manufacturing may not be so

obvious. This represents a particular challenge as, in spite of new investments in IoT

and broad concerns with cyber risks, the manufacturing industry as a whole is still

fragmented in its approach to managing cyber-related risks and in having the

organisational ownership to do so effectively [31]. More general risks pertain to the

vulnerability that IoT solutions currently have in relation to cyber-attacks and the

capability of such solutions to establish and maintain different sorts of rights, such as

the right to privacy. The relatively recent DDoS attacks that exploited simple but poorly

secured IoT end devices, such as baby monitors with immutable default passwords,

show that – on the one hand – the model of low-cost, low-security IoT solutions is not

sustainable and that – on the other hand – organisations and individuals need to protect

themselves through collaborations, increased transparency, re-drawing of the current

accountability and liability domains, and so forth.

From a public policy point of view, it has been argued that insurers became ‘de facto

regulators’ by establishing a minimum-security level to gain cyber coverage [13].

Indeed, there has been research trying to understand the link between security controls

and cyber insurance proposal forms [28]. In this context, IoT can help shape public

policies that are beneficial for the insurance sector and the society at large. For example,

one important opportunity is represented by businesses using IoT to demonstrate their

compliance with both national and international industry standards as well as internal

policies. The challenges facing organisations in standards compliance for IoT systems

are significant [6] However, insurers can design dynamic insurance policies that would

not only reflect the changes in behaviour and characteristics of businesses and the
contexts in which they operate, but will also allow the creation of insured ecosystems

where dynamic mechanisms such as double rewarding mechanisms and adaptive

incentives can be operationalized. In such ecosystems, network-specific risks could be

transferred between businesses and insurers (or re-insurers) in near real time, e.g. by

using smart contracts. These measures can improve some of the current challenges in

cyber risk and also contribute to the improvement of existing regulation, public policies

and government interventions in the cyber insurance market.

Current developments in the IoT ecosystems allow innovative ways to design cyber

insurance services that would utilise IoT data in order to:

• mitigate risk management and facilitate new developments in this area, such as

risk engineering;

• increase transparency and predictability of the cyber insurance processes,

including near real-time evidence-based explanations meant to increase trust and

reduce risks;

• increase the flexibility and adaptability of the current business environments,

including the correlation of multi-model information such as risk, anomaly

scores and liability;

• investigate the use of Smart Contracts to manage cyber risks within the insured


5 Conclusion

The design of a holistic model for IoT risk assessment and risk management remains a

challenge. To design such a model, research should focus on: IoT economic impact, IoT

machine ethics, IoT sensor networks, IoT safety, IoT cyber security and IoT equipment

combined. Interdisciplinary research such as this would benefit smart city design,
intelligent transport design, smart grid design and individual industries and services

(e.g. commercial and industrial IoT equipment), by bridging gaps between cyber risk

and economic value.

In this paper we have given you an overview of the current research on quantification of

IoT cyber risk, with specific new models on this topic, such as the dependency

modelling and cyber risk mitigation and transference strategies (e.g. cyber risk

insurance). We refer to a number of models and risk assessment articles and technical

publications that have emerged recently in the research literature. We believe that this

research is useful and important, since currently there are no specific standards to

govern the assessment of IoT cyber risk. So, we hope that this paper helps more people

to understand and consider the many issues around risk in IoT systems and ultimately,

that it can make a contribution to the design of a holistic approach to IoT risk


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