HUMSS-2111 World Religion Week 1-15 by Wewo
HUMSS-2111 World Religion Week 1-15 by Wewo
HUMSS-2111 World Religion Week 1-15 by Wewo
1st Attempt 10/10
Refer to Johan Galtung’s Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct
answers. Some numbers may have two/three answers.
Witchcraft performed as part of native religion in Negroid populations in Africa often
results to murder of human Albinos as they are perceived as objects of fear and
Women being deprived of political rights and viewed as inferior to men is a clear
manifestation of
A person working as a house helper who does not meet his/her basic needs such as
food because of his/her employer’s restrictions is a clear manifestation of
A: Direct Violence
Refer to Johan Galtung’s Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct
answers. Some numbers may have two/three answers.
A: Structural Violence
A person working as a house helper who does not meet his/her basic needs such as
food because of his/her employer’s restrictions is a clear manifestation of
A: Direct Violence
Refer to Johan Galtung’s Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct
answers. Some numbers may have two/three answers.
Verbal attacks/abuse
A: Direct Violence
True or False: Massive cultural violence is labeled today as discrimination.
True or False: Galtung’s typologies of violence present the idea of violence being inevitable.
Refer to Johan Galtung’s Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct answers.
Some numbers may have two/three answers.
Farmers who cannot own, sell nor mortgage the land to take a loan
A: Structural Violence
True or False: The three forms of violence are interrelated and mutually reinforcing.
Positive peace is the absence of violence, curative and achieved not always by peaceful means.
Refer to Johan Galtung’s Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct answers.
Some numbers may have two/three answers.
Palestinians in Israel do not have 100% rights and privileges of Jewish citizens.
Refer to Johan Galtung’s Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct answers.
Some numbers may have two/three answers.
In China, female babies are sometimes killed with a law limiting families to one child.
Structural violence represents the existence of prevailing or prominent social norms that make
direct violence seem natural or right.
A: False
Refer to Johan Galtung’s Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct answers.
Some numbers may have two/three answers.
In Yemen, a woman’ testimony isn’t taken seriously unless backed up by a man’ testimony.
Women can’t testify at all in cases of adultery, libel, theft or sodomy.
Refer to Johan Galtung’s Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct answers.
Some numbers may have two/three answers.
Minority (ethnic) discrimination in workplaces.
A: Structural Violence
Refer to the reading, The Clash Within: The Manichean claim is that the real struggle is a
struggle within the individual self.
A: False
All forms of violence are shaped by conscious or unconscious human agency where religious
influences are always operative.
A: True
Negative peace includes structural (human) integration, preventive and achieved always by
peaceful means.
A: False
Remote communities having no access to basic resources and services is a clear manifestation of
A: Structural Violence
Refer to Johan Galtung’s Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct answers.
Some numbers may have two/three answers.
In Yemen, a woman’ testimony isn’t taken seriously unless backed up by a man’ testimony.
Women can’t testify at all in cases of adultery, libel, theft or sodomy.
True or False: The three forms of violence are interrelated and mutually reinforcing.
A: True
A: False
Refer to Johan Galtung’s Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct answers.
Some numbers may have two/three answers.
Farmers who cannot own, sell nor mortgage the land to take a loan
A: Structural Violence
Refer to Johan Galtung’s Three Types of Violence and select the letter of the correct answers.
Some numbers may have two/three answers.
A: Direct Violence
The type of violence that represents the existence of prevailing or prominent social norms that
make direct and structural violence seem natural or right or at least acceptable
A: Cultural Violence
The type of violence that represents the systematic ways in which some groups are hindered
from equal access to opportunities, goods and services that enable the fulfillment of basic
human needs
A: Structural Violence
Women being deprived of political rights and viewed as inferior to men is a clear manifestation
A: Structural Violence OR Cultural Violence
In Yemen, a woman’ testimony isn’t taken seriously unless backed up by a man’ testimony.
Women can’t testify at all in cases of adultery, libel, theft or sodomy.
Farmers who cannot own, sell nor mortgage the land to take a loan
1st Attempt 16/20
The promised land in Jewish’ history which Jews’ intended to return to after their enslavement in
A: Canaan
The Torah is a religious textual compendium developed over the history of the Jewish
A: False
A: False
Which of the following statement on the early Hebrew’s understanding of God is true?
A: Unlike Mesopotamians or the Egyptians, the early Hebrews affirmed that their laws came
directly from God.
What was the consequence given for Jews to achieve civil equality and acceptance in European
countries like Germany and France?
A: Jews should divert their political and social perspectives to Western ideologies onpolitics and
society for a national progress.
The set of Jews’ Divine laws informing both ethical and ritual behavior
A: Mitzvot
A: Judaism is the belief that there is one God the Creator who communicates to people through
prophets and revelation.
A: Kabbalah
Conversion to Judaism is possible, but the concept of family heritage remains paramount.
A: True
What accusations and/or events of the anti-Jewish reactionaries led to the formation of a new
political movement, anti-Semitism or the elimination of Jews from the society?
Kabbalah was the movement of the common folk, stressing populism and social welfare.
A: True
A: True
The vision of a universal, singular God is arguably one of the greatest religious
innovations of the Jewish tradition among the world’s historic religious systems.
A: True
A Greek termed coined specifically for the dispersion of Jews throughout the Hallenistic or
Greek-speaking world
A: Diaspora
A: Bundism
A modern ideological movement of Jewish nationalism and the idea of the restoration of the
Jewish homeland in Palestine
A: Zionism
A: False
Refers to the repeated exile of the Jewish people from their homeland in Israel
A: Galut
One of Judaism’s elements that embodies Judaism’s intellectual culture, focusing on the study,
understanding, and interpretation of sacred texts.
A: Torah
A: True
The stream of Judaism which emphasizes concerns with ethics and morality is referred to as
A: Rabbinic Judaism
What was the main goal of the movement, Reform Judaism, during the modern period?
A: Solomon
A: Kabbalah
The Jewish tradition of peopehood have produced the modern ideological movement of Jewish
nationalism called
A: Zionism
The promised land in Jewish’ history which Jews’ intended to return to after their enslavement in
A: Canaan
From the historical perspective, all Jews share a common ancestry descended from Abraham
and his wife Sarah.
A: True
A modern ideological movement of Jewish nationalism and the idea of the restoration of the
Jewish homeland in Palestine
A: Zionism
One of Judaism’s elements that includes customs and food, arts and music, dance and folkways.
A: Peoplehood
The Hebrews believe that God was an abstract concept or principle socially constructed by
A: False
What mainly differentiates the early Hebrews’ understanding of God to that of the ancient
A: The ancient Hebrews believed in one God represented by a divine ruler on earth; early
Hebrews also believed in one God, but rejected the human representation of God.
Conversion to Judaism is possible, but the concept of family heritage remains paramount.
A: True
The rabbis designated their literature the Written Torah.
A: False
One of Judaism’s elements that emphasizes the relationship of the Jewish people with the
A: God
A: False
The movement born for the improvement of the Jews; the Jewish Enlightenment
A: Haskalah
The Torah is a religious textual compendium developed over the history of the Jewish people.
A: False
A: True
A: True
What was the consequence given for Jews to achieve civil equality and acceptance in European
countries like Germany and France?
A: Jews should convert to Christianity which was the major religion in Western societies because
only then can both live in harmony
The Hebrew term for the widespread and enormous genocide of the Jewish people brought by
A: Holocaust
The movement born for the improvement of the Jews; the Jewish Enlightenment
A: Haskalah
Conversion to Judaism is possible, but the concept of family heritage remains paramount.
A: True
Kabbalah was the movement of the common folk, stressing populism and social welfare.
A: True
Which of the following statement on the Hebrew’s understanding of God is not true?
A: God was not an abstract concept or principle, but actively involved in history through
revelation and covenant.
The set of Jews’ Divine laws informing both ethical and ritual behavior
A: Mitzvot
One of Judaism’s elements that emphasizes the relationship of the Jewish people with the
A: God
A: Kabbalah
Which of the following statement on the early Hebrew’s understanding of God is true?
A: Unlike Mesopotamians or the Egyptians, the early Hebrews affirmed that their laws came
directly from God.
What was the main goal of the movement, Reform Judaism, during the modern period?
One of Judaism’s elements that includes customs and food, arts and music, dance and folkways.
A: Peoplehood
The stream of Judaism which emphasizes concerns with ethics and morality is referred to as
A: Rabbinic Judaism
The rabbis designated their literature the Written Torah.
A: False
Which of the following statements speaks for early Hebrew’s understanding of God?
A: The early Hebrews’ religion posited an unchanging set of nature deities represented on earth
by a divine ruler.
A: Judaism is conceptualized as a triad with three points of reference: God, Torah and
A: Solomon
1st Attempt 9/10
What is the difference between Shi’a and Sunni interpretations of the Quran?
A: Shi’a Muslims believe that leadership was passed on by the designation of a successor (Imam)
within the Prophet’s family; Sunni Muslims believe that the sources of religious authority were
the Quran, the custom of the Prophet, and the communal consensus of Muslims.
The rules of pronunciation, intonation, and approach governing the recitation of Quran
A: Tajwid
What term refers to a stream of interpretation of Islam emphasizing the interior path of mystical
love and knowledge of God?
A: Sufism
A: The One who guides humanity to the path of righteousness through messengers and
Traditional schools throughout the Muslim world for advanced study of law, philosophy,
theology, arts and sciences
A: madrasah
What refers to the movement born during the European colonialism arguing that the faith and
practice of Muslims had become distanced from the original message of Quran and the Prophet,
as the masses have adapted and innovated devotional practices?
A: Salafis
One of the Sunni Muslim’s “five pillars of Islam” referring to the pilgrimage to Mecca
A: hajj
The totality of God’s will regarding human action as represented in the Quran and Sunnah
A: Shariah
The unity and oneness of God which Muhammad spoke of in contrast to polytheism
A: Tawhid
A: the Creator and Ruler of the entire universe and the ultimate Judge of all human beings
The Quran is composed of chapters called as surahs which include themes such as the following
The recitation of the Quran which is considered as a science, an art and a form of devotion
A: Fatihah
The unity and oneness of God which Muhammad spoke of in contrast to polytheism
A: Tawhid
What is the difference between Shi’a and Sunni interpretations of the Quran?
A: Shi’a Muslims believe that leadership was passed on by the designation of a successor (Imam)
within the Prophet’s family; Sunni Muslims believe that the sources of religious authority were
the Quran, the custom of the Prophet, and the communal consensus of Muslims.
The opening chapter (surah) in the Quran which is recited by many Muslims as part of their
prayer everyday
A: Fatihah
A: Ummah
A: khalifah
What term refers to a stream of interpretation of Islam emphasizing the interior path of mystical
love and knowledge of God?
A: Sufism
The totality of God’s will regarding human action as represented in the Quran and Sunnah
A: Shariah
One of the Sunni Muslim’s “five pillars of Islam” referring to the pilgrimage to Mecca
A: hajj
1st Attempt 12.50/20
A: The Creation began as soon as time existed and would end when time stops to exist.
A: the Creator and Ruler of the entire universe and the ultimate Judge of all human beings
Traditional schools throughout the Muslim world for advanced study of law, philosophy,
theology, arts and sciences
A: madrasah
The recitation of the Quran which is considered as a science, an art and a form of devotion
A: Fatihah
A: The religious orientation of Vedic culture was toward orderly functioning of the cosmos and
the well-being of life on earth.
What term refers to a stream of interpretation of Islam emphasizing the interior path of mystical
love and knowledge of God?
A: Sufism
True or False: Traditionally, the Hindu society has been matriarchal manifested by the strong
presence of female deities.
A: True
What refers to the movement born during the European colonialism arguing that the faith and
practice of Muslims had become distanced from the original message of Quran and the Prophet,
as the masses have adapted and innovated devotional practices?
A: Salafis
What is the difference between Shi’a and Sunni interpretations of the Quran?
A: Shi’a Muslims believe that leadership was passed on by the designation of a successor (Imam)
within the Prophet’s family; Sunni Muslims believe that the sources of religious authority were
the Quran, the custom of the Prophet, and the communal consensus of Muslims.
A: Brahman
The Quran is composed of chapters called as surahs which include themes such as the following
A: khalifah
What was/were the new concept/s introduced in the Upanisads which was/were critical in the
development of Hindu belief?
A: The concept of human personhood as an eternal and immutable soul
What Hindu concept was the major basis to the development of the Hindu caste
A: Karma; a person is born in a specific group because of their actions in past life
The rules of pronunciation, intonation, and approach governing the recitation of Quran
A: Tajwid
What was/were the major concern/s of reforms and movements in the modern period of
A: Ummah
A: Harappan civilization whose cultural centers emerged and flourished along the Indus River
The totality of God’s will regarding human action as represented in the Quran and Sunnah
A: Shariah
Sufism is a stream of Islam interpretation emphasizing the interior path of mystical love and
knowledge of God.
A: True
A: False
A: True
The majority of Muslims believe that the last prophet of Allah isAnswer who wrote the
last revelation in the Qur’an.
Answer: Muhammad
A: False
A: False
Muslims claim that Muhammad is only a messenger and not a divine being.
A: True (Different Attempts may vary it; can false, please read the instruction below)
An energetic devotional reform movement, emphasizing the forgiveness and grace of a loving
A: Methodism
A: True
Situated knowledge presents religious claims that are no different from other forms of universal
A: False
is the religion of a people who believes that there is one God the Creator (Allah in Arabic) who
communicates to people through prophets and revelations.
A: Islam
A new movement to reform the corrupt practices within the Catholic Church.
A: Catholic Reformation
The Quran originally functioned as an oral scripture that was meant to be recited, heard and
A: True
The Hasidism is a movement that sought to preserve the essentials of Judaism while changing
the public image of the Jew though secular education.
A: False
A: False
A: Structural Violence
A: True
Muslims claim that Muhammad is only a messenger and not a divine being.
A: True (Different Attempts may vary it; can true, please read the instruction below)
A: True
The Torah is a religious textual compendium developed over the history of the Jewish people.
A: False
The Christian scriptures have been translated into many languages leading to more conversions
into the faith.
A: True
Studying religion helps one understand the modern world we are living in today - locally,
nationally, and globally.
A: True
The nature of method of cultural studies approach to religion is multi and inter-disciplinary.
A: True
A: False
Physical evidence of early Hindu religious thought in Harappa is the terracotta figurines also
found in the large public baths that depicted venerated goddesses.
A: True
The communal expansion of the Diaspora also served to fragment world Jewry.
A: True
A: False
A: True
A: False
A: False
Monasticism was the movement emphasizing the forgiveness of and grace of loving God.
A: False
A: True
A nonsectarian perspective in understanding religion fosters religious literacy.
A: True
The story of Jesus comes from that part of the Bible called the New Testament.
A: True
There was a time when Indian society was not at all divided according to these hereditary social
groups called vanas
A: True
A: False
One assumption of the cultural studies approach is that the method is discrete.
A: False
A: Muslim
A: False
A: True
What is the type of violence that represents the systematic ways in which some groups
are hindered from equal access to opportunities, goods and services that enable the
fulfillment of basic human needs?
A: Structural Violence
Slavery of Africans
A: Cultural Violence
One assumption of the cultural studies approach is that the method is discrete.
A: False
Religions are static and separate from the movements of history.
A: False
is the religion of a people who believes that there is one God the Creator (Allah in Arabic) who
communicates to people through prophets and revelations.
A: Islam
The Christian scriptures have been translated into many languages leading to more conversions
into the faith.
A: True
A: True
A: True
A: True
A: True
A: False
The establishment of Israel was more than a political event but also a cultural watershed.
A: True
A: False
The nature of method of cultural studies approach to religion is multi and inter-disciplinary.
A: True
Theology is the academic study of religious beliefs, behaviors and institutions.
A: False
A Christian sacrament marked by ritual use of water and admitting the recipient to the Christian
A: Baptism
A: Religious claims are situated in that they arise out of a particular social/historical contexts
What is the difference between Shi’a and Sunni Muslims interpretations of Quran?
A: Shi’a Muslims believe that leadership was passed on by the designation of a successor (Imam) within
the Prophet’s family; Sunni Muslims believe that the sources of religious authority were the Quran, the
custom of the Prophet, and the communal consensus of Muslims.
The Hasidism is a movement that sought to preserve the essentials of Judaism while changing
the public image of the Jew though secular education.
A: False
Christians believe that the common ancestor of humankind is Abraham and his wife Sarah.
A: False
Why are generalizations such as, “Buddhists encourages internal peace.” or “Islam encourages
violence.” problematic and even wrong?
A: True
Physical evidence of early Hindu religious thought in Harappa is the terracotta figurines also
found in the large public baths that depicted venerated goddesses.
A: True
The majority of Muslims believe that the last prophet of Allah isAnswer who wrote the
last revelation in the Qur’an.
Answer: Muhammad
A: True
The ancient Hebrews affirms that their laws came directly from God.
A: True
Monasticism was the movement emphasizing the forgiveness of and grace of loving God.
A: False
Studying religion helps one understand the modern world we are living in today - locally,
nationally, and globally.
A: True
The story of Jesus comes from that part of the Bible called the New Testament.
A: True
A: True
Religious expressions and traditions are uniform within all sects/branches or denominations.
A: False
A: True
Religious expressions and traditions are uniform within all sects/branches or denominations.
A: False
A: False
Muslims generally consider translations of Quran to different languages to be interpretations
and not the Quran itself.
A: True
A: True
A: False
There was a time when Indian society was not at all divided according to these hereditary social
groups called vanas
A: True
A: Diaspora
A: False
A: True
Jews believe that the words of their sacred book were originally revealed by the Angel Gabriel.
A: False
A: False
A: False
The Hasidism is a movement that sought to preserve the essentials of Judaism while changing
the public image of the Jew though secular education.
A: False
Fiqh is the totality of God’s will regarding human action as represented in the Quran and
A: False
The communal expansion of the Diaspora also served to fragment world Jewry.
A: True
What it the form of violence, according to Galtung, that represents the existence of prevailing or
prominent social norms that make direct violence seem natural or right.
A: Cultural Violence
A new movement to reform the corrupt practices within the Catholic Church.
A: Catholic Reformation
1st Attempt
What was Martin Luther’s argument in attacking the Catholic Church which eventually led him to
establish Protestant Reformation?
A: It is not certain whether the Bible is the revelation of God or a collection of inspired writings
that are products of particular historical contexts, with their own historical concern
The majority of Muslims believe that the last prophet of Allah isAnswer who wrote the
last revelation in the Qur’an.
A: Muhammad
A: sacred space
The communal expansion of the Diaspora also served to fragment world Jewry.
A: True
Religious traditions and practices are uniform.
A: False
A: True
A: God’s creation of the universe, including the possibilities of good and evil, implies the existence of
human free will.
Religious expressions and traditions are uniform within all sects/branches or denominations.
A: False
A: True
Why did Martin Luther founded Protestantism, breaking away from the Church?
A: He insisted that religious authority lay not primarily in church traditions, nor in the hierarchy of
bishops and popes, but in the Bible alone.
A: Judaism is conceptualized as a triad with three points of reference: God, Torah and
The Quran originally functioned as an oral scripture that was meant to be recited, heard and
A: True
A: God, Torah and Peoplehood (proper of putting the answer may vary or will not accept by oed)
The Torah is a religious textual compendium developed over the history of the Jewish people.
A: False
Muslims claim that Muhammad is only a messenger and not a divine being.
A: True (Different Attempts may vary it; can false, please read the instruction below)
Christians believe that the common ancestor of humankind is Abraham and his wife Sarah.
A: False
A: True
is the religion of a people who believes that there is one God the Creator (Allah in Arabic) who
communicates to people through prophets and revelations.
A: Islam
Sufism is a stream of Islam interpretation emphasizing the interior path of mystical love and
knowledge of God.
A: True
Studying religion helps one understand the modern world we are living in today - locally,
nationally, and globally.
A: True
A: the Creator and Ruler of the entire universe and the ultimate Judge of all human beings
Religious expressions and traditions are uniform within all sects/branches or denominations.
A: False
Jews believe that the words of their sacred book were originally revealed by the Angel Gabriel.
A: False
A follower of Islam is called a
A: False
A: Diaspora
A: the belief in one God as the Creator and the Divine Ruler
One assumption of the cultural studies approach is that the method is discrete.
A: False
There was a time when Indian society was not at all divided according to these hereditary social
groups called vanas
A: True
Withdrawing from everyday life to concentrate on prayer, meditation and practice of devotional
A: Monasticism
The ancient Hebrews affirms that their laws came directly from God.
A: True
A: True
A: False
A: True
Religions function in isolation from political, cultural, and economic contexts.
A: False
A: Structural Violence
A: True
The Christian scriptures have been translated into many languages leading to more conversions
into the faith.
A: True
The nature of method of cultural studies approach to religion is multi and inter-disciplinary.
A: True
A: the diversity of religious beliefs, traditions and institutions among and within religions
What is the difference between Shi’a and Sunni Muslims interpretations of Quran?
A: Shi’a Muslims believe that leadership was passed on by the designation of a successor (Imam) within
the Prophet’s family; Sunni Muslims believe that the sources of religious authority were the Quran, the
custom of the Prophet, and the communal consensus of Muslims.
A: False
A: False
Kabbalah represents the repeated exile of the Jewish people.
A: False
The establishment of Israel was more than a political event but also a cultural watershed.
A: True
A: True
A Christian sacrament marked by ritual use of water and admitting the recipient to the Christian
A: Baptism
A: Structural Violence
A: The struggle to understand how God would allow Muslims to become subjugated to foreign,
non-Muslim powers contributed to the emergence of new ideological movements
An Islamic stream of interpretation emphasizing the interior path of mystical love and
knowledge of God.
A: Sufism
A: True
A: True
A: False
The nature of method of cultural studies approach to religion is multi and inter-disciplinary.
A: True
Christianity is a world religion with diverse religious beliefs, practices and traditions
however uniform in
What it the form of violence, according to Galtung, that represents the existence of prevailing or
prominent social norms that make direct violence seem natural or right.
A: Cultural Violence
A: True
A: True
Physical evidence of early Hindu religious thought in Harappa is the terracotta figurines also
found in the large public baths that depicted venerated goddesses.
A: True
2nd Attempt
A: The struggle to understand how God would allow Muslims to become subjugated to foreign,
non-Muslim powers contributed to the emergence of three major perspectives: Salafism,
modernism and messianism
Monasticism was the movement emphasizing the forgiveness of and grace of loving God.
A: False
A: True
A: the diversity of religious beliefs, traditions and institutions among and within religions
Why did Martin Luther founded Protestantism, breaking away from the Church?
A: He insisted that religious authority lay not primarily in church traditions, nor in the hierarchy
of bishops and popes, but in the Bible alone.
A: True
The Hasidism is a movement that sought to preserve the essentials of Judaism while changing
the public image of the Jew though secular education.
A: False
An Islamic stream of interpretation emphasizing the interior path of mystical love and
knowledge of God.
A: Sufism
A: False
A: the belief in one God as the Creator and the Divine Ruler
A: Pentecostalism
One assumption of the cultural studies approach is that the method is discrete.
A: False
The nature of method of cultural studies approach to religion is multi and inter-disciplinary.
A: True
A: Islam
The majority of Muslims believe that the last prophet of Allah isAnswer who wrote the
last revelation in the Qur’an.
A: Muhammad
A: True
Answer: an ensemble of beliefs and practices that function as a pervasive technology of control
- a personal set of or institutionalized system of religious beliefs, attitudes and practices (wrong)
- the practices and processes of making meanings with and from texts we encounter in our everyday lives (wrong)
A: False
An energetic devotional reform movement, emphasizing the forgiveness and grace of a loving
A: Methodism
A: Structural Violence
One assumption of the cultural studies approach is that the method is discrete.
A: False
A: True
What it the form of violence, according to Galtung, that represents the existence of prevailing or
prominent social norms that make direct violence seem natural or right.
A: Cultural Violence
Situated knowledge presents religious claims that are no different from other forms of universal
A: False
A: True
Jews believe that the words of their sacred book were originally revealed by the Angel Gabriel.
A: False
Religious expressions and traditions are uniform within all sects/branches or denominations.
A: False
Slavery of Africans
A: Cultural Violence
A: The struggle to understand how God would allow Muslims to become subjugated to foreign, non-
Muslim powers contributed to the emergence of three major perspectives: Salafism, modernism and
A: True
Studying religion helps one understand the modern world we are living in today - locally,
nationally, and globally.
A: True
A: True
The communal expansion of the Diaspora also served to fragment world Jewry.
A: True
Christianity is a world religion with diverse religious beliefs, practices and traditions however
uniform in
A: True
Fiqh is the totality of God’s will regarding human action as represented in the Quran and
A: False
A: False
A: Structural Violence
A: False
Physical evidence of early Hindu religious thought in Harappa is the terracotta figurines also
found in the large public baths that depicted venerated goddesses.
A: True
A: God, Torah, and Peoplehood (proper of putting the answer may vary or will not accept by oed)
A: True
A: The struggle to understand how God would allow Muslims to become subjugated to foreign, non-
Muslim powers contributed to the emergence of new ideological movements
A: False
The communal expansion of the Diaspora also served to fragment world Jewry.
A: True
Withdrawing from everyday life to concentrate on prayer, meditation and practice of devotional
A: Monasticism
A: True
Why are generalizations such as, “Buddhists encourages internal peace.” or “Islam encourages
violence.” problematic and even wrong?
There was a time when Indian society was not at all divided according to these hereditary social
groups called vanas
A: True
A: True
A: Religious claims are situated in that they arise out of a particular social/historical contexts
A: False
Withdrawing from everyday life to concentrate on prayer, meditation and practice of devotional
A: Monasticism
The Christian scriptures have been translated into many languages leading to more conversions
into the faith.
A: True
An Islamic stream of interpretation emphasizing the interior path of mystical love and
knowledge of God.
A: Sufism
Sufism is a stream of Islam interpretation emphasizing the interior path of mystical love and
knowledge of God.
A: True
A: True
What is the difference between Shi’a and Sunni Muslims interpretations of Quran?
A: Shi’a Muslims believe that leadership was passed on by the designation of a successor (Imam) within
the Prophet’s family; Sunni Muslims believe that the sources of religious authority were the Quran, the
custom of the Prophet, and the communal consensus of Muslims.
A: False
The essay, “Overcoming Religious Illiteracy: A Cultural Studies Approach” proposes which of the
following to diminish religious illiteracy?
A: the practices and processes of making meanings with and from texts we encounter in our
everyday lives
Muslims claim that Muhammad is only a messenger and not a divine being.
A: False
3rd Attempt
A: True
The Torah is a religious textual compendium developed over the history of the Jewish people.
A: False
Physical evidence of early Hindu religious thought in Harappa is the terracotta figurines also
found in the large public baths that depicted venerated goddesses.
A: True
What is the type of violence that represents the systematic ways in which some groups are
hindered from equal access to opportunities, goods and services that enable the fulfillment of
basic human needs?
A: Structural Violence
A: False
A: False
Muslims claim that Muhammad is only a messenger and not a divine being.
A: False (Different Attempts may vary it; can true, please read the instruction below)
A: True
A: God Torah Peoplehood (putting the answer may vary but it is the correct answer but wrong input yawa)
A: True
A: the Creator and Ruler of the entire universe and the ultimate Judge of all human beings
A: sacred space
The essay, “Overcoming Religious Illiteracy: A Cultural Studies Approach” proposes which of the
following to diminish religious illiteracy?
A: False
A: False
Muslims claim that Muhammad is only a messenger and not a divine being.
A: True (Different Attempts may vary it; can false, please read the instruction below)
A: False
A: False
The Christian scriptures have been translated into many languages leading to more conversions
into the faith.
A: True
Christians believe that the common ancestor of humankind is Abraham and his wife Sarah.
A: False
A: False
is the religion of a people who believes that there is one God the Creator (Allah in Arabic) who
communicates to people through prophets and revelations.
A: Islam
The Hasidism is a movement that sought to preserve the essentials of Judaism while changing
the public image of the Jew though secular education.
A: False
One assumption of the cultural studies approach is that the method is discrete.
A: False
A: True
Religious expressions and traditions are uniform within all sects/branches or denominations.
A: False
A: False
Why are generalizations such as, “Buddhists encourages internal peace.” or “Islam encourages
violence.” problematic and even wrong?
Situated knowledge presents religious claims that are no different from other forms of universal
A: False
What was Martin Luther’s argument in attacking the Catholic Church which eventually led him to
establish Protestant Reformation?
A: It is not certain whether the Bible is the revelation of God or a collection of inspired writings
that are products of particular historical contexts, with their own historical concern
The communal expansion of the Diaspora also served to fragment world Jewry.
A: True
A: Religious claims are situated in that they arise out of a particular social/historical contexts
The Hasidism is a movement that sought to preserve the essentials of Judaism while changing
the public image of the Jew though secular education.
A: False
A: God’s creation of the universe, including the possibilities of good and evil, implies the
existence of human free will.
A: True
A: Judaism is conceptualized as a triad withthree points of reference: God, Torah and Peoplehood.
The majority of Muslims believe that the last prophet of Allah isAnswer who wrote the
last revelation in the Qur’an.
A: Muhammad
There was a time when Indian society was not at all divided according to these hereditary social
groups called vanas
A: True
A: False
The nature of method of cultural studies approach to religion is multi and inter-
A: True
Fiqh is the totality of God’s will regarding human action as represented in the Quran and
A: False
The ancient Hebrews affirms that their laws came directly from God.
A: True
Studying religion helps one understand the modern world we are living in today - locally,
nationally, and globally.
A: True
A Christian sacrament marked by ritual use of water and admitting the recipient to the Christian
A: Baptism
A: the practices and processes of making meanings with and from texts we encounter in our everyday
The Quran originally functioned as an oral scripture that was meant to be recited, heard and
A: True
A: False
A: Structural Violence
A: True
The story of Jesus comes from that part of the Bible called the New Testament.
A: True
A: True
The establishment of Israel was more than a political event but also a cultural watershed.
A: True
A: Diaspora
A: The struggle to understand how God would allow Muslims to become subjugated to foreign, non-
Muslim powers contributed to the emergence of three major perspectives: Salafism, modernism and
An energetic devotional reform movement, emphasizing the forgiveness and grace of a loving
A: Methodism
A: True
Which of the following definitions pertain to Culture?
Answer: an ensemble of beliefs and practices that function as a pervasive technology of control
- a personal set of or institutionalized system of religious beliefs, attitudes and practices (wrong)
- the practices and processes of making meanings with and from texts we encounter in our everyday lives
A new movement to reform the corrupt practices within the Catholic Church.
A: Catholic Reformation
Ans :structural
Ans :structural/cultural
Ans :false
Ans :structural
Why are Muslim families in France facing difficulties after the Paris attacks?
The phrases, “Buddhists encourages internal peace.” or “Islam encourages violence.” are
problematicand even wrong. Why?
The correct answer is:No generalizations can be made because of the vast diversity of
beliefs andinterpretations of sect/branches within a religion
The Hebrew term for the widespread and enormous genocide of the Jewish people
brought by anti-Semitism
One of Judaism’s elements that includes customs and food, arts and music, dance and folkways
The major Jewish holidays all originated as agricultural festivals
Answer: TRUE
Refers to the repeated exile of the Jewish people from their homeland in Israel
Answer: Diaspora Nationalism
Which of the following statements refers to Judaism?
Answer: Judaism is conceptualized as a triad with three points of reference: God, Torah and
A Greek termed coined specifically for the dispersion of Jews throughout the Hallenistic or Greek-
speaking world
Muslims claim that Muhammad is only a messenger and not a divine being.
A: 1st Attempt: False 2nd Attempt: True 4th Attempt: False 5th Attempt: False
True or False: The Hindu understanding of creation is that it goes through cycles of existence
and non-existence.
A: True
A: Brahman
The totality of God’s will regarding human action as represented in the Quran and Sunnah
A: Shariah
A: The Creation began as soon as time existed and would end when time stops to exist.
Traditional schools throughout the Muslim world for advanced study of law, philosophy,
theology, arts and sciences
A: madrasah
What term refers to a stream of interpretation of Islam emphasizing the interior path of mystical
love and knowledge of God?
A: Sufism
The Hindu epic that tells the story of a cataclysmic war between two sets of cousins
A: Mahabharata
The opening chapter (surah) in the Quran which is recited by many Muslims as part of their
prayer everyday
A: Fatihah
True or False: Most Hindus believe that the Vedic texts are revealed or heard and not composed
by humans.
A: True
What was/were the major concern/s of reforms and movements in the modern period of
A: Fighting against “untouchability” and for greater equality for women in all areas of family and
public life
The Quran is composed of chapters called as surahs which include themes such as the following
The Hindu epic that tells the story of a great prince who battled a demon to rescue his abducted
wife is
A: Ramayana
How did Mahatma Gandhi envision India during the British rule?
A: Salafis
One of the Sunni Muslim’s “five pillars of Islam” referring to the pilgrimage to Mecca
A: hajj
What is the difference between Shi’a and Sunni interpretations of the Quran?
A: Shi’a Muslims believe that leadership was passed on by the designation of a successor (Imam)
within the Prophet’s family; Sunni Muslims believe that the sources of religious authority were
the Quran, the custom of the Prophet, and the communal consensus of Muslims.
The unity and oneness of God which Muhammad spoke of in contrast to polytheism
A: Tawhid
A: The Creator and Ruler of the entire universe and the ultimate Judge of all human beings
WEEK 13:
The Buddhist tradition which regards itself as the most faithful to the teachings that have been
passed down through the generations
A: Theravada
The ideal spiritual model of Theravada Buddhism who attains nirvana and have perfected their
discipline such that defilements and desires are extinguished
A: Arahants
According to Buddha tradition, the only way to achieve freedom is to develop which of the
following habits?
A: Right speech
A: Bodhisattva
True or False: The stream of Buddhism, Vajrayana tradition, is most prominent in Tibet.
A: True
True or False: The Theravada tradition is more flexible about the orthodoxy of scriptures.
A: False
A syllable or phrase for chanting or meditation, containing within it the sacred power and
cosmic energies of a Buddha or bodhisattva
A: Mantra
The Buddhist tradition which regards itself as “great” both in its interpretations of the Buddha’s
teaching and in its openness to a broader group of people, especially lay people
A: Mahayana
A syllable or phrase for chanting or meditation, containing within it the sacred power and
cosmic energies of a Buddha or bodhisattva
A: Mantra
A: Vedic
Which of the following is/are included as not a type of dukha (suffering) the Buddha spoke of?
A: False
The ideal spiritual model of Theravada Buddhism who attains nirvana and have perfected their
discipline such that defilements and desires are extinguished
A: Arahants
Which of the following is/are not included in the five precepts at the foundation of all morality?
A: Not cheating
Answer: It sees itself as embodying both the teaching and meditation practice of the Theravada
monks, as well as the teaching of the emptiness of all conditioned things that is distinctive to
Mahayana philosophy.
A syllable or phrase for chanting or meditation, containing within it the sacred power and
cosmic energies of a Buddha or bodhisattva
A: Mantra
True or False: The stream of Buddhism, Vajrayana tradition, is most prominent in Tibet.
A: True
True or False: The Theravada tradition is more flexible about the orthodoxy of scriptures.
A: False
A: True
3rd Attempt
Which is true about the Vajrayana or Tribetan tradition of Buddhism?
A: It sees itself as embodying both the teaching and meditation practice of the Theravada
monks, as well as the teaching of the emptiness of all conditioned things that is distinctive to
Mahayana philosophy.
Which of the following is/are not included in the five precepts at the foundation of all morality?
A: Not cheating
A: True
A: False
The ideal spiritual model of Theravada Buddhism who attains nirvana and have perfected their
discipline such that defilements and desires are extinguished
A: Arahants
The Buddhist tradition which regards itself as the most faithful to the teachings that have been
passed down through the generations
A: Theravada
The Buddhist tradition which regards itself as “great” both in its interpretations of the Buddha’s
teaching and in its openness to a broader group of people, especially lay people
A: Mahayana
A: Vedic
Which of the following is/are included as not a type of dukha (suffering) the Buddha spoke of?
WEEK 15:
1 Attempt 15/20
A: Wu-hshin
What is the central theme of Daoism?
A: return: all things eventually decay and return to their ultimate source within the Dao
A: Religious Taoism
A: Wu-hshin
According to Taoist tradition, this both creates and sustains everything that exists.
A: Tao
This recommends pursuing the path of emptiness as a means of becoming united with the Tao
Which of the following is not included as the kind of actions that, according to Confucius, will
lead to good government?
A: He should acquire knowledge of all aspects in society such as religion, economy, science and
A: Lao-tzu
A: return
Who is credited for the foundation of one of the most important book of Taoism, often
regarded as the Classic of Complete Emptiness?
A: Lao-tzu
A: Lao-tzu
A: Philosophical Taoism
According to Taoist tradition, this both creates and sustains everything that exists.
A: Tao
A: return: all things eventually decay and return to their ultimate source within the Dao
He argues that we naturally have four specific moral virtues, namely, commiseration, shame,
respect, and approval
A: Mencius
Artificial actions run counter to the natural course of things, and usually involve aggression and
A: Non-action
This recommends pursuing the path of emptiness as a means of becoming united with the Tao
Leaders must abandon common notions of governance, which typically involve authoritatively
imposing their wills on the people.
A: Minimal governing
A: effortless action
2nd Attempt