Student Attendance System Using Face Recognition
Student Attendance System Using Face Recognition
Student Attendance System Using Face Recognition
Abstract-: Face recogniti on is among the most producti ve these digital methods such as biometric fingerprinting
image processing applicati ons and has a pi votal role in the techniques and card swapping techniques. however, these
technical fiel d. Recognition of the human face is an acti ve methods prove to be a statute of limitations as it subjects
issue for authentication purposes specifically in the context students to wait in a time-consuming queue. if the student fails
of attendance of students. Attendance system using face to bring his id card then he will not be able to get attendance.
recognition is a procedure of recognizing students by using evolving technologies have made many imp rovements in the
face bi ostatistics based on the high defini tion monitoring changing world.
and other computer technologies. The development of this The system of intelligent attendance is generally implemented
system is aimed to accomplish digitizati on of the traditi onal with bio metrics help. Recognition of face is one of the
system of taking attendance by calling names and Bio metric ways of improving this system. Face recognition
maintaining pen-paper records. Present strategies for proved to be a productive method for taking attendance. The
taking attendance are tedious and ti me -consuming. normative face recognition techniques and methodologies fail
Attendance records can be easily mani pulated by manual to tackle challenges like scaling, pose, illu mination, variat ions,
recording. The tradi tional process of making attendance rotation, and occlusions. The framework proposed is designed
and present biometric systems are vulnerable to proxies. to solve the drawbacks of current systems. there has been a lot
This paper is therefore proposed to tackle all these of advancement in face recognition but the vital steps are face
problems. The proposed system makes the use of Haar detection, feature extraction, and face recognition. firstly, two
classifiers, KNN, CNN, SVM, Generati ve adversarial or more cameras depend on the need, and the size of the
networks, and Gabor filters. After face recogni tion classroom has to be installed on the ceiling of the classroom
attendance reports will be generated and stored in excel fro m where it covers the entire area. image captured fro m these
format. The system is tested under various condi tions like cameras will be considered as an input to the system. There
illumination, head movements, the vari ati on of distance may be a possibility of getting image b lurred due to movements
between the student and cameras. After vig orous testing of students, for better efficacy image can be upgraded using
overall complexity and accuracy are calculated. The Generative Adversarial Net works. A newly generated
Proposed system proved to be an efficient and robust device ameliorated image will be passed to the system for face
for taking attendance in a cl assroom without any ti me detection. process of face detection is acco mpanied by feature
consumption and manual work. The system developed is extraction and face recognition these process makes the use of
cost-efficient and need less installation. Gabor filters. face recognition is done using the K-nearest
neighbor algorithm, Convolutional neural networks, and SVM
Keywords – KNN, SVM , VIOLA-JONES, HAAR classifiers, algorith m with their co mparat ive studies. post-complet ion of
CNN. face recognition, the system generates the name and
identification nu mber o f the students who are present and
I. INT RODUCT ION identified in the image. then attendance is marked in front of
the student names in the excel fo rmat with respective date and
Attendance being a very necessary side of ad min istration may subject of a lecture in an institution. It requires very few
normally beco me an arduous, redundant activity, pushing itself hardware resources hence it is a cost-friendly system.
to inaccuracies. The tradit ional approach of making ro ll calls
proves itself to be a statute of limitations as it is very difficult to
call names and maintain its record especially when the ratio of
students is high. Every organizat ion has its way of taking
measures for the Attendance of students. So me organizations
use document-oriented Approach and others have implemented
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20V90-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-5461-9
captured and matched with the database and SMS is sent to the
Above statement can be illustrated as figure 1 below authorized number. major steps performed in this approach for
generating the features are scale-space extreme detection,
keypoint localization, o rientation assignment, keypoint
descriptor. As soon as the face is recognized by the system
LED on the Arduino board will start blinking.
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20V90-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-5461-9
III. PROPOSED SYST EM system. This system captures single image for a student for
training purpose.
A. Architecture With the aid of all the p ictures the student has stored in the
database, facial recognition for all of the students attending a
The proposed system is very simp le, effort less, and manageable lecture. It can be accomplished.
with lucid operations. It embraces a database of student's faces
and their details like name, enro lment number, course. two or Image amelioration
more cameras depending on the need and size of the classroom
are to be accommodated on the ceiling of the classroom Due to the movements of a student in a classroom, the image
covering the entire area. these cameras will capture images captured by the camera may get blurred. the image can be
several times during a lecture. this will increase the efficiency ameliorated using Generative Adversarial Networks. GANs
of the system because if the camera will not cover so me are known for their ability to retain texture information in
students then other cameras will capture their faces. there are images, create solutions similar to the actual range of
numerous expressions and poses possible which a student can aspects, and look perceptibly convincing.
perform. if at a part icular instance system fails to detect faces
due to unfavorable poses then the system can detect those faces ܤܫൌ ݇ሺܯሻ ݏܫ כ ܰ
at another instance of image acquisition. Once the image
acquisition is done when the teacher triggers the system by where ܤܫis a distorted image, k(M) is referred to as unknown
making a click on the start button thereafter system will blur kernels identified by mot ion field M. ݏܫis the sharp latent
undergo face detection. after the faces are detected in an image
image and * symbolizes convolution whereas N denotes an
taken by all cameras at all g iven instances then detected faces
additive noise.
will be co mpared with stored images of the students in the
database. Once the face is matched then present is marked in
Face detection
front of its corresponding enrolment number and name in excel
format. though there are mu ltiple cameras and mu ltip le
For detection of faces 68 landmarks of faces are taken into
instances, there is a possibility of redundant faces. collaborated
account. with the help of these landmarks , faces are detected.
results will be generated by excluding redundant faces of the
For face detection, Haar classifiers have been used. It is an
same student so that single attendance is given to that student
approach based on mach ine learning in wh ich a cascade
during a lecture.
function is trained fro m many positive and negative images.
This is then used on other images to detect images. These
B. methodology
classifiers are simp ly the subtraction of the su m o f p ixels under
the black area fro m the sum of pixels under the white area.
Developing an intelligent attendance management system,
applying 6000 features on each window frame was found to be
some steps need to be followed to achieve this Successful task.
difficult. features were grouped into stages which are known as
The steps are definable as follows:
cascades of a classifier.
AdaBoost is used for removing redundant features and for
x Database creation selecting only appropriate features. These features are known as
x Image amelioration weak classifiers. A weighted combination of weak classifiers is
x Face detection used to detect faces. using the AdaBoost linear comb ination of
x Feature extraction weak classifiers is constructed known as a strong classifier.
x Face recognition
x Redundancy removal
ܲ ሺܻሻ ൌ ሺܵ כ ሺܻሻ ሻ
x Report generation
In the first step, the database will be created at the time of Feature extraction
enrollment of students. The database will store generic
informat ion of students like name, identification nu mber,
For feature extraction, Gabor filters are used to lay hold on
course, semester subjects. alongside the image of the student is
to be captured by the system for train ing of the proposed
facial features inclined at various angles. It is a very critical
step since it is believed that a successful feature extractor
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20V90-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-5461-9
Face recognition the system was tested on three different algorithms out of wh ich
the KNN algorithm proved to be better with the accuracy of
For face recognition, the K-nearest neighbor algorith m have 99.27 %. The system was tested on various conditions which
been used, convolutional neural networks , and support vector include illu mination, head movements, expressions, the
mach ine. These three algorith ms are co mpared on the grounds distance of students from the camera. The system stands up to
of accuracy, robustness, time complexity. the expectations even when the image contains faces with
beards and spectacles and without beard and spectacles.
A. K-nearest neighbor algorithm proposed system evinced to be magnificent to recognize faces
having two years of difference. Being tested on these conditions
KNN is called memo ry-based or lazy learning since it only KNN proved to be better by achieving the overall accuracy of
preserves the interpretations of the training examp les as a result 97 %. when tested on conditions listed above CNN achieved
of the way it learns. the overall accuracy of 95 % and SVM achieved an accuracy of
The Euclidean d istance metric is often selected to Determine 88 %. viewing the aspect of time co mp lexity, CNN exposed to
the location of data points within KNN. An object is classified have low time co mple xity. It was found that SVM has the
according to the Voting done by the majority of its neighbors, highest time co mplexity among these three listed algorith ms.
with the object delegated to the most common class of its The proposed system is tested on 200 real-time images of a
nearest neighbors (k Is a positive integer). If k = 1, the object is classroom with a maximu m strength of 70 students. The
then it is allocated to his closest neighbor 's family. proposed system is robust enough to take attendance of 70
students in a classroom.
݀ሺݔǤ ݕሻ ൌ ඥሺ ݔଵ െ ݕଵ ሻଶ ǥ ǥ ǥ ሺ ݔ െ ݕ ሻଶ
The figure below shows the result of our proposed system
݀ሺݔǤ ݕሻ is the euclidean distance which is by default used by
KNN to find the nearest class.
Convolution Neural Networks allow us to derive fro m images a Figure 4 Proposed system
large variety of features. This concept of extracting the
functionality for face recognition can also be used. CNN uses
68 facial landmarks to generate 128-dimensional encodings V. COMPARISON
which are facial features encoded in RGB format. These
encodings are co mpared to match faces. The strictness of face In our proposed system Haar cascades are used for face
comparison can be manipulated by tolerance value. detection and generative adversarial networks for image
amelioration and for feature extraction Gabor filters were used.
For face recognition, different algorith ms were used. These
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20V90-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-5461-9
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50
pitch angle variation
Table 1 Comparison 80
A. Head movements 20
In a classroom head movements at different angles is possible -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50
during a lecture. Head movements can be categorized into three pitch angle variation
categories measured in angles which are p itch, yaw, and Roll at
the respective x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis. Graph 3 Variation of accuracy with variation in pitch angle using SVM
Above listed algorithms were tested with different head
movements. Graphs below show the variat ion of algorith ms
accuracy with a variety of angles. 2) Yaw angle variation
For Ro ll and Yaw angles, the negative x-axis shows the head
movement in the left d irect ion and the positive x-axis shows the variation of accuracy with different yaw angle using KNN
head movement in the right direction.
For the Pitch angle, the negative x-axis shows the head 100
movement in the downward direction and the positive x-axis
shows the head movement in the upward direction. 60
1) Pitch angle variation 0
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
variation of accuracy with different pitch angle using KNN yaw angle variation
120 Graph 4 Variation of accuracy with variation in Yaw angle using KNN
variation of accuracy with different yaw angle using CNN
20 120
0 100
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20V90-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-5461-9
there may be a possibility of the varying distance between
20 student and camera as students can sit at different seats. A
0 system using three different algorith ms were tested under the
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 situation of the varying distance between student and cameras.
yaw angle variation The graph below shows the variation inaccuracy of the above-
mentioned algorithms.
Graph 6 Variation of accuracy with variation in yaw angle using SVM
60 60
20 40
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
roll angle variation
1m 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m
Graph 7 Variation of accuracy with variation in roll angle using KNN
KNN 100 100 99 98 97 90 70
CNN 100 100 98 97 96 88 65
variation of accuracy with different roll angle using CNN SVM 95 95 90 88 85 79 55
60 C. Overall result
Taking into account all the above-mentioned conditions and
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 situations overall accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, and time
roll angle variation complexity of the algorithm are calculated.
Graph 8 Variation of accuracy with variation in roll angle using CNN The table listed below describes the above statement.
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
roll angle variation
Graph 9 Variation of accuracy with variation in roll angle using SVM Table 2 result
Authorized licensed use limited to: Middlesex University. Downloaded on November 01,2020 at 18:41:07 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20V90-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-5461-9
VI. CONCLUSION [13] Wei Wu, Chuanchang Liu, Zhiyuan Su, “Novel Real-time Face
Recognition from Video Streams”, International Conference on Computer
Systems, Electronics and Control, 2017.
The proposed system meets the objective of achiev ing high
precision and less computational complexity. This system is [14] Changxing Ding, Dacheng T ao, “Trunk-Branch Ensemble Convolutional
Neural Networks for Video-Based Face Recognition”, IEEE transactions on
cost-efficient and less manual work is needed. Using Gabor pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 2018.
filters accuracy is highly improved. Fo r face recognition, Th ree
algorith ms have been used which are K-nearest neighbor, [15] Aziza Ahmedi, Dr Suvarna Nandyal, “An Automatic Attendance System
convolutional neural networks , and support vector mach ine, Using Image processing”, The International Journal of Engineering and
Science, 2015.
among these, the KNN algorith m proved to have the highest
accuracy of 99.27 %. Convolutional neural networks evinced to
have low co mputational complexity. SVM algorith m proved to
be less efficient
[8] Chen, Joy Iong Zong. "Smart Security System for Suspicious Activity
Detection in Volatile Areas." Journal of Information T echnology 2, 2020.
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