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110 SEPTEMBER 2015

UDC 621 . 311 . 24 : 669 . 14 . 018 . 292 : 539 . 43

Technical Report

Steel Plates and Fatigue Solution for Offshore Wind Turbines in the
Fukushima Floating Offshore Wind Farm Demonstration Project
Ryuichi HOMMA* Yoichi KAYAMORI

Floating offshore wind farms are essential for increasing the efficiency of wind power
generation in Japan because ocean areas that have high wind potential are spread over
Japan’s deep-sea areas. The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in Japan (METI)
launched the Fukushima Floating Offshore Wind Farm Demonstration Project in 2012.
The aim of this project is to strengthen Japan’s competitive position in the global wind farm
market. Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation participated in the project, and dem-
onstrated that both TMCP steel plates for large heat input welding and UIT technology for
solving the problems associated with fatigue are useful in offshore wind turbine structures.

1. Introduction plex is to have a 7 MW plant, the world’s largest class. Thus, the
Wind and solar energy are promising sources of renewable ener- project is very important for the country to stand at the top in the
gy for power generation. Wind power plants can be constructed ei- field of floating offshore wind farms.
ther on land or offshore, but offshore locations are considered more This paper presents the outlines of the study for the project, and
suitable for wind power generation because offshore wind is strong­ principal items of the study subjects of the Company, namely high
er and less turbulent than onshore wind. tensile strength steel plates produced by the thermo-mechanical con-
Many bottom-mounted offshore wind turbines have been con- trol process (TMCP) for large-heat-input welding and the applica-
structed in Europe. This is because the seas are shallow there in tion of a fatigue solution.
many places, and even at 100 km or more away from the coast, the
water depth is often less than 60 m. Japan is surrounded by the sea, 2. Outlines of Demonstration Study
and offshore wind turbines are expected to play a significant role in As shown in Fig. 1,1) the Fukushima FORWARD project is di-
power generation, but the sea bottoms in Japan are generally deeper vided into Phase 1 (2011–2013, in terms of fiscal year starting from
than those in Europe, and it is necessary to make practical floating
wind power plants.
As a member of an 11-party consortium for the Fukushima
Floating Offshore Wind Farm Demonstration Project, abbreviated as
Fukushima FORWARD (suggesting the recovery from the Great
East Japan Earthquake in 2011),1) under the auspices of the Ministry
of Economy, Trade and Industry, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal
Corporation has undertaken studies regarding the floating platforms
for offshore wind farms since 2011.
While floating offshore wind turbine generators of 2 MW class
have already been tested in Norway and Portugal, what is envisaged
in the first stage of the Fukushima FORWARD project is the world’s
first floating offshore wind farm complex composed of a wind pow-
er plant and a substation. Furthermore, in the second stage, the com- Fig. 1 Scope of Fukushima FORWARD project 1)

* Senior Researcher, Plate & Shape Research Lab., Steel Research Laboratories
20-1 Shintomi, Futtsu City, Chiba Pref. 293-8511

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Table 1 Project member and main role 1)

April) and Phase 2 (2014 to 2015); in Phase 1, a 2 MW downwind velopment subject essential for expanding offshore wind turbine
type floating wind power plant, named Fukushima Mirai (future), power generation, either fixed or floating.
and a floating substation to boost the power from 22 kV to 66 kV, Outside Japan, higher welding efficiency has been pursued for
named Fukushima Kizuna (the bonds of friendship), the world first building the support structures for offshore wind turbine generators
example of floating substation, were installed, and in Phase 2, two by increased welding speed 3) and use of narrow grooves.4) In Japan,
units of 7 MW floating wind power plants are being constructed. in contrast, large-heat input welding, which allows a large decrease
Table 1 1) shows the roles of the consortium members. Nippon in the number of passes, has been widely practiced in fields such as
Steel & Sumitomo Metal is responsible for the development of high- shipbuilding and building construction as a high-efficient and easily
performance steels for floating wind turbine facilities and has been controllable approach.5) However, note that with increasing heat in-
conducting the demonstration studies on the following four subjects: put, the holding time at high temperatures is longer and the cooling
(1) Application of high tensile strength steel plates to floating off- rate after the welding is lower in the heat affected zones (HAZ), and
shore wind turbine structures (mainly for high-efficiency weld- consequently, grains grow coarse and it not easy to secure high
ing using TMCP steel plates for large-heat-input welding). toughness in the temperature range of 0 to −40°C, which is essential
(2) Application of fatigue solution to floating offshore wind tur- for the structures for offshore wind turbines. Nippon Steel & Sumi-
bine structures (mainly for the improvement of fatigue strength tomo Metal has developed a technology called the “high HAZ
in welded joints by the Ultrasonic Impact Treatment (UIT), toughness technology with fine microstructure imparted by fine par-
whose technology is possessed by UIT, L. L. C. in the US. ticles (HTUFF™),” 6–8) whereby grain coarsening in HAZ is pre-
(3) Use of mooring chains to anchor floating units to the sea bot- vented by thermally stable nanoparticles at high temperatures; this
tom (for the improvement of resistance to wear and fatigue us- exactly meets the above requirement. In fact, heavy plates for large-
ing high-strength steel, etc.). heat-input welding manufactured through TMCP and application of
(4) Corrosion resistance of steel material (mainly for the evalua- HTUFF have been used for the support structures for fixed offshore
tion of corrosion characteristics in different types of stainless wind turbines.9)
steels by exposure testing). In the present study, the characteristics of joints of TMCP plates
welded under large heat input were examined considering their ap-
3. TMCP Steel for Large-heat-input Welding plication to the support structures for floating offshore wind tur-
In general, the support structures for offshore wind turbine gen- bines.
erators are more costly than those for others on land, and in the case 3.1 Test method
of bottom-mounted offshore turbines, larger support structures are Heavy plates of grades KD36-TM and KE36-TM, high-tensile
required as the water depth increases, which means increasingly steels for ship hulls under Class NK, most likely to be used for the
higher costs in the future.2) Typical fixed support structures include core parts of the floating structures for wind turbines, were selected
mono-piles and jackets, and thicker steel plates (40 mm or more) are as the specimens. While KD36-TM is a conventional high-HAZ-
used for these structures in the latest trend for larger turbines. For toughness steel using TiN, KE36-TM is another conventional steel
floating wind turbines, support structures of spar type, semi-sub- to which the said HTUFF is applied. Considering the plate thick-
mersible (Semi-Sub) type, etc., to which the technologies for ships nesses of real floating structures and practicable welding methods,
and marine structures are applicable, are being considered. The larg- 25-mm plates of the former were selected as the specimens for gen-
er the turbine, the thicker the steel plates for core structural parts, as eral structural parts, and 40- and 50-mm plates of the latter as those
is the case with fixed ones. It follows therefore that, in view of the for important parts. Tables 2 and 3 list the target properties and the
increasing number of large wind turbines, cost reduction of welding chemical compositions, respectively, of the specimen plates. Three
of thick plates, or efficiency improvement of welding work, is a de- methods of high-efficiency welding suitable for the manufacture of

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the floating structure were employed for the test: one-side sub- test pieces in welded joints.
merged arc welding (called FCB in the figures and tables), electro- 3.2 Test results and discussion
gas arc welding (EGW), and two-side submerged arc welding Table 5 shows the results of the tensile and Charpy impact tests
(SAW). How these welding methods were employed in the present of the specimen plates. All the target values were satisfactorily
test is given in Table 4. cleared.
In principle, the properties of welded joints were evaluated as Typical examples of sectional photographs of the joints welded
follows according to Part M “Welding” of the Rules and Guidance by different welding methods are given in Fig. 3. All the joints ex-
for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships of Class NK: the ex- hibit satisfactory penetration, and no cracks, insufficient penetration
istence or otherwise of defects and the quality of welding was evalu- or fusion, or any other harmful defects were found.
ated by macroscopic test, tensile properties by tensile test using Table 6 shows the results of the tensile test of the welded joints.
U2A test pieces cut out in right angles to the weld line, and tough- All the joints satisfied the relevant tensile strength figures (490–620
ness by Charpy impact test using V-notch test pieces (according to MPa according to Part K of the said Rules and Guidance of Class
JIS Z 2242) cut out likewise. Figure 2 illustrates the positions of the NK; all test pieces finally broke at the base metal, which evidences
good joint performance.
Table 2 Target properties The Charpy impact values of the joints are given in Fig. 4; all
the test pieces cleared the stipulation in Part M of the said Rules and
Steel : KD36-TM, KE36-TM Guidance, evidencing good impact characteristics.
Tensile properties : YS ≧ 355MPa, TS 490–620MPa Figure 5 shows typical sectional photomicrographs of the weld-
Thickness : 25–50mm ed joints of the test pieces. All the joints proved to have good micro-
KD36-TM: −20°C in base metal, structures; the photos confirm that, near the fusion line (FL) espe-
Test temperature of Charpy 0°C in welding joint cially of KE36-TM, to which HTUFF was applied, the coarsening
: of prior γ grains is clearly suppressed, and grain boundary ferrite
impact test KE36-TM: −40°C in base metal,
−20°C in welding joint and bainite, which form during cooling, are prevented from coarsen-
ing as well.
Welding method : FCB, EGW, SAW
Figure 6 shows the relationship between weld heat input and the
Maximum welding heat input : 10–31 kJ/mm
fracture appearance transition temperature (vTrs) at the FL on the
root side (see Fig. 2(a)), the part of a welded joint where impact
Table 3 Chemical compositions (mass%) toughness is most likely to fall, of each of the steels. Note that the
plotting of SAW, which was applied to double V grooves only, rep-
Thicness resents the FL on the cap side (see Fig. 2(b)). The vTrs value of ei-
No. Steel C Si Mn P S Others Ceq
(mm) ther of the steels was equal to or below the assessment temperature,
A KD36-TM 25 0.13 0.22 1.18 0.011 0.003 Nb, Ti 0.33 which evidenced good impact characteristics; note here that KE36-
B KE36-TM 40 0.11 0.29 1.30 0.010 0.002 Nb, Ti 0.33 TM, the HTUFF steel, exhibited generally better values of vTrs than
C KE36-TM 50 0.12 0.29 1.31 0.008 0.002 Nb, Ti 0.34 those of KD36-TM, the conventional TiN steel. In consideration of
Ceq = C + Mn/6 + (Cr + Mo + V)/5 + (Ni + Cu)/15 the facts that the chemical compositions of the two are substantially
the same and that, in terms of the microstructure of HAZ, the crystal
grains of the latter are finer than those of the former, the effect of
Table 4 Welding methods

Welding conditions
No. Steel Welding
(mm) Position Heat input
A1 Flat FCB 16 kJ/mm
KD36-TM 25
A2 Vertical up EGW 10–11 kJ/mm
B1 Flat FCB 31 kJ/mm
KE36-TM 40
B2 (two-run SAW 12 kJ/mm
C1 KE36-TM 50 Vertical up EGW 28 kJ/mm Fig. 2 Sampling of test specimens from welded joints

Table 5 Mechanical properties of developed steel plates

Tensile test Charpy impact test

No. Steel Direction, YS TS EL Direction, Temp. vE
location (MPa) (MPa) (%) location (°C) Min./Ave. (J)
A KD36-TM 25 T, 1/4t 419 527 24 L, surface −20 291/310
B KE36-TM 40 T, 1/4t 429 557 28 L, surface −40 256/272
C KE36-TM 50 T, 1/4t 409 539 27 L, 1/4t −40 271/299
T: Transverse direction, t: Thickness, YS: Yield stress, TS: Tencile strength, EL: Elongation, L: Longitudinal direction

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HTUFF to prevent the coarsening of HAZ structure is greatly effec-

tive at improving the vTrs of welded joints.
3.3 Advantages of large-heat-input welding
The authors examined the effects of large-heat-input welding on

Table 6 Results of welded joint tensile tests

Tensile strength
No. Steel Fracture position
A1 KD36-TM 540 Base metal
A2 KD36-TM 561 Base metal
B1 KE36-TM 533 Base metal
B2 KE36-TM 565 Base metal
C1 KE36-TM 577 Base metal
Fig. 3 Macroscopic appearances of welded joints
(a) FCB, B1, (b) SAW, B2, (c) EGW, C1 Class NK M – 490–620 –

Fig. 4 Charpy impact toughness of welded joints

Fig. 6 Relationship between Charpy vTrs in FL (root) and weld heat in-
Fig. 5 Microstructures of welded joints put

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bines, as well as sea waves, which are inevitable in floating struc-

tures. Some structural members accordingly undergo complicated
cyclic stress in the wide frequency range, and careful fatigue design
is required for the structural components of high stress concentra-
tion to secure design life. On the other hand, the use of high-tensile
strength steels can be required for weight reduction for constructing
large floating offshore wind turbines, but high tensile strength steel
does not result in the high fatigue strength of welded joints. Fatigue
solutions are useful technologies for taking advantage of using high
tensile strength steels and are measures to enhance the fatigue
strength of welded joints; such measures are referred to as fatigue
solutions in this technical report.
Grinding, additional welding, and TIG dressing have been inves-
tigated and applied as conventional fatigue solution to welded struc-
tures such as ships and bridges; however, their effects on fatigue
mostly result from decrease in stress concentration caused by toe
Fig. 7 Advantages of high heat input SAW in arc time shape improvement. Another fatigue solution of UIT contributes to
the improvement of residual stress and grain refining as well as toe
welding work efficiency. Figure 7 shows the estimation of the arc shape improvement, and its superior effect on fatigue strength im-
time (per meter) and the number of passes required for welding the provement effect is being appreciated through applications to ships
entire thickness of double-V-groove joints by two-side SAW, widely and bridges.10–17) While the fatigue property of welded joints with
employed for the bases of offshore wind turbines. Compared with UIT has been studied for conventional welded structures such as
twin-wire, single electrode SAW (the left-hand-most bar) commonly ships and bridges,12–16) it has not as yet been studied for floating off-
used for mono-pile foundations, the arc time can be considerably re- shore wind turbine structures, which constitute an entirely new type
duced by high-speed SAW; however, when the heat input is in- of welded structure. These structures, in addition to being subject to
creased to 10 kJ/mm, it is shortened by 66%, and at 20 kJ/mm, by as the abovementioned complicated cyclic stress, are often installed at
much as 86%. In addition, large-heat-input welding offers further positions where access is not easy, and high fatigue property is re-
advantages in relation to preparation work, which is not at all negli- quired of them to reduce maintenance costs.
gible in actual field work; such include elimination of the groove In this study, the authors focused on a corner boxing bracket end
forming on the outside after welding from inside and less auxiliary between a floating horizontal deck plate and a wind turbine tower,
work items before every pass. The above indicates that the use of which is one of the severest welded joints for fatigue design require-
TMCP steels for large-heat-input welding results in the significant ment, and prepared large-scale structural model fatigue specimens
reduction of the welding time simulating a part of wind turbine corner boxing bracket ends. High
3.4 Summary tensile strength TMCP steel plates were used for the specimens, and
To collect data on the use of high-tensile steel plates for the con- the effect of UIT on fatigue property improvement was investigated
struction of a large-scale floating offshore wind farm, the world’s for the specimens.
first example of the kind, steel plates of five different types were 4.1 Testing methodology
welded employing large-heat-input welding processes suitable for 4.1.1 Steel plates used for tests
manufacturing floating offshore structures, and the characteristics of High tensile strength steel of YP 355, whose specified minimum
the joints were examined. As a result, all the welded joints proved to yield stress, SMYS, is 355 MPa, has been used for most of the float-
have good properties in every evaluation item. It has been made ing structures in the present project, but in the future, higher strength
clear that KE36-TM, an HTUFF steel, maintains good HAZ tough- steel of YP 460, whose SMYS is 460 MPa, is expected to be used for
ness even under large heat input for welding. It has been demon- weight reduction and for constructing a lot of large offshore wind
strated in addition that an increase in heat input is significantly ef- power plants efficiently. YP 460 steel plates were used for manufac-
fective at enhancing the efficiency of high-speed SAW, which is turing fatigue specimens in this study. Table 7 shows the chemical
widely employed for the support structures for offshore wind farms. compositions and the mechanical properties of the plates used.
4.1.2 Large-scale structural model fatigue specimens
4. Fatigue Solution As stated earlier, the corner boxing bracket edge between the
Floating offshore wind farms are subject to variable loading by floating horizontal deck plate and the wind turbine tower was select-
ocean winds and rotor vibrations, which are typical of wind tur- ed as the location of the fatigue crack initiation. A large-scale struc-

Table 7 YP 460 steel plates used for large-scale structural fatigue specimens

Chemical compositions (%) Mechanical properties

Yield stress Tensile strength Elongation
(mm) C Si Mn P S
(MPa) (MPa) (%)
0.09 0.29 1.51 0.013 0.002 564 623 20
0.09 0.29 1.51 0.012 0.002 584 657 19
50 0.10 0.05 1.42 0.009 0.004 527 620 19

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Fig. 8 Large-scale structural fatigue specimen

tural model fatigue specimen comprising a horizontal member simu- loading points was calculated by the elastic four-point bend calcula-
lating a floating deck plate and a vertical member simulating a tower tion of the I-section beam, and its range Δσ was set at two different
was designed for four-point-bend testing, and the specimen has two levels for two specimens in each type of specimen, UIT or AW. The
brackets (see Fig. 8). The horizontal member was a welded beam of fatigue testing was conducted in air at room temperature, and the
an I-section composed of an upper and a lower flange, a web and load was applied with sinusoidal waveform, where the stress ratio R
stiffeners, and to simulate the tower, two vertical plates penetrating was 0.1 and the frequency f was 0.5–1.0 Hz. The local strain range
the horizontal member were placed and tied to each other at the top was measured in the longitudinal direction through an uniaxial elas-
with a horizontal plate. Four fatigue specimens, each of which was tic strain gauge attached 5 mm away from the center of the UIT
5 500 mm in length, were manufactured by gas-shield arc welding groove or the AW toe for each bracket end, and the fatigue testing
using flux-cored wires for 590 MPa class tensile strength and CO2 was continued until the local strain range decreased by 5% of the
as the shielding gas. As is the common practice of shipbuilding, all initial value on either of the sides. Fatigue crack initiation life Ni
the welding was fillet welding. Of the four specimens, two under- was defined as the number of cycles to fatigue crack initiation de-
went UIT along the corner boxing weld toes on the bracket side and tected at the weld toe or the UIT groove by dye penetrant testing.
the flange (horizontal member) side before fatigue testing, and the 4.2 Test results and discussion
other two were used for as-welded (AW) bracket ends without UIT. The relationship between Δσ and Ni is shown in Fig. 9. The UIT
Note that to prevent fatigue cracks during the tests, UIT was ap- specimens had higher fatigue strength and longer fatigue life than
plied to all the welded joints of the four specimens, except for the the AW specimens did. Note here that, when a fatigue crack was
weld toes along the corner boxing bracket edges of the AW speci- found at the weld of one of the bracket ends of a UIT specimen, it
mens. As an UIT equipment, ESONIX® 27 UIS manufactured by was repaired by welding, and the test was continued for the other
Applied Ultrasonics in the US was used in this study. The operating bracket end; thus two plots were obtained with each of the UIT
frequency of the ultrasonic generator was 27 kHz, the diameter of specimens. Note also that, since the number of the plots was insuffi-
the indenter pin was 3 mm, and the tip radius of the indenter pin was cient for fitting an S–N curve for each type of specimen, the slope m
also 3 mm. of each S–N curve was determined using the same m as that of
4.1.3 Fatigue tests DNV-PR-C203,18) m = 5, the value for hammer peened welded joints
Large-scale structural model fatigue tests were conducted using for the UIT specimens, wherein m is known to be larger than in AW
an electro-hydraulic fatigue test machine with the load capacity of joints owing to the compressive residual stress,17) and m = 3 for the
2.5 MN. The nominal stress σ on the flange surface between the two AW specimens with tensile residual stress. As a result, each S–N

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supposed to be employed for floating offshore wind turbines, proved

to have sufficiently good properties. Regarding the application of
UIT, large-scale structural model fatigue specimens with corner
boxing bracket ends were manufactured using high-tensile strength
TMCP steel plates to simulate a high stress concentration welded
joint between a floating horizontal deck plate and a wind turbine
tower. Their fatigue tests demonstrated that UIT remarkably im-
proved the fatigue properties of welded joints. These technologies
are expected to greatly enhance the construction efficiency and en-
durance of floating offshore wind turbine structures, and can signifi-
cantly contribute to the expansion of floating offshore wind power
plants in the future.

1) Fukushima Offshore Wind Consortium: Fukushima Floating Offshore
Wind Farm Demonstration Project (Fukushima FORWARD). 2012
2) Ishihara, T.: Sangyo-to-Kankyo. 6, 35 (2011) (in Japanese)
3) Gehring, M.: Welding in the World. 52, 545–550 (2008)
4) Nakazawa, H., Nagasaki, H.: J. Japan Welding Society (JWS). 79 (7), 22
Fig. 9 Fatigue properties of large-scale structural specimens (2010)
5) Sasaki, K., Suda, K., Motomatsu, R., Hashiba, Y., Ohkita, S., Imai, S.:
Nippon Steel Technical Report. (90), 67 (2004), for example
curve fitting was closely located to the experimental plots for each 6) Kojima, A., Uemori, R., Minagawa, M., Hoshino, M., Ichikawa, K.: Ma-
type of specimen. The curves show that UIT has a significant effect teria Japan. 42, 67 (2003)
on fatigue property improvement, especially in the low Δσ region. 7) Kojima, A., Kiyose, A., Uemori, R., Minagawa, M., Hoshino, M., Naka­
What designers use in the practical fatigue assessment, however, shima, T., Ishida, K., Yasui, H.: Nippon Steel Technical Report. (90), 2
is not such test results obtained using large structural models but au-
8) Minagawa, M., Ishida, K., Funatsu, Y., Imai, S.: Nippon Steel Technical
thorized fatigue design curves. When one of the characteristic fa- Report. (90), 7 (2004)
tigue strengths in the design curves, which is defined by the stress 9) Homma, R., Hoshino, M., Nakashima, K., Shishibori, A., Kojima, K.,
range at 2 million cycles, is used for comparison between two types Nishimura, S., Bockelmann, M.: Proc. of EWEA Offshore 2013. 2013,
of specimen, the fatigue strength of the UIT specimens is more than p. 104
10) Statnikov, E. S.: Comparison of Post Weld Deformation Methods for In-
twice as high as that of the AW specimens at 2 million cycles. This crease in Fatigue Strength of Welded Joints. IIW Doc. XII-1668-97,
indicates that UIT significantly improves the fatigue strength of 1997
welded joints of not only ships and bridges but also floating offshore 11) Haagensen, P. J., Statnikov, E. S., Lopez-Martinez, L.: Introductory Fa-
wind turbine structures. tigue Tests on Welded Joints in High Strength Steel and Aluminium Im-
proved by Various Methods including Ultrasonic Impact Treatment
4.3 Summary
(UIT). IIW Doc. XIII 1748-98, 1998
In the present study, the effect of UIT on fatigue property im- 12) Shimanuki, H., Nose, T.: Effect of Ultrasonic Impact Treatment on Fa-
provement in corner boxing bracket ends was investigated using tigue Properties of Structural Model. Preprints National Meeting JWS.
large-scale structural model fatigue specimens simulating floating Vol. 81, 2007, p. 342 (in Japanese)
offshore wind turbine structures. As a result, UIT specimens demon- 13) Nose, T., Shimanuki, H.: Experiment and Analysis of Influence of Ultra-
sonic Peening on Fatigue Life of Pad Welded Joints. Transactions of Ja-
strated higher fatigue strength and longer fatigue life than those of pan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series A. 74 (737), 166–167
AW specimens. According to the comparison of obtained fatigue (2008) (in Japanese)
strength at 2 × 106 cycles, welded joints with UIT have double the 14) Shimanuki, H., Ohkawa, T., Nose, T.: Proc. 2009 Welded Structure Sym-
fatigue strength of AW joints, and UIT is expected to significantly posium. 2009, p. 479–482 (in Japanese)
15) Mori, T., Shimanuki, H., Tanaka, M.: Effect of UIT on Fatigue Strength
improve the fatigue properties of floating offshore wind turbine
of Web-gusset Welded Joints Considering Service Condition of Steel
structures. Structures. Welding in the World. 56, 141–149 (2012)
16) Okawa, T., Shimanuki, H., Funatsu, Y., Nose, T., Sumi, Y.: Effect of Pre-
5. Concluding Remarks load and Stress Ratio on Fatigue Strength of Welded Joints Improved by
This technical report first summarizes the Fukushima floating Ultrasonic Impact Treatment. Welding in the World. 57, 235–241 (2013)
17) Shimanuki, H., Tanaka, M.: Application of Fatigue Crack Initiation Sup-
offshore wind farm demonstration project, and then demonstrates pression Technology of Welded Structures by UIT, Nippon Steel &
the results of the study on the applicability of TMCP steel plates for Sumitomo Metal Technical Report. (110), (2015)
large-heat-input welding and a fatigue solution of UIT to floating 18) Det Norske Veritas: Fatigue Design of Offshore Steel Structures. DNV-
offshore wind turbine structures. The TMCP plates, which were RP-C203, 2011
evaluated under the conditions of large-heat-input welding that were

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Senior Researcher Senior Manager
Plate & Shape Research Lab. Plate Technology Dept.
Steel Research Laboratories Plate Technology Div.
20-1 Shintomi, Futtsu City, Chiba Pref. 293-8511 Plate Unit


Senior Researcher, PhD Researcher, Dr.Eng.
Materials Reliability Research Lab. Oita R&D Lab.
Steel Research Laboratories


Chief Researcher, PhD General Manager
Materials Reliability Research Lab. Plate Products Technical Service & Solution Dept.
Steel Research Laboratories Plate Technology Div.
Plate Unit

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