VCE Summer Internship Program 2021: Smart Task Submission Format
VCE Summer Internship Program 2021: Smart Task Submission Format
VCE Summer Internship Program 2021: Smart Task Submission Format
Intern’s Details
Name Velagandula Divyaleela
Task Q1: How a new venture is assessed to qualify as project finance. What are the factors that
needed to be considered?
Task Q1 Solution:
In order to qualify for project funding, new ventures are evaluated on a variety of variables.
Because lenders always want to put their money into a business that will pay them back.
To qualify for project funding, new initiatives are evaluated in the following ways. These are
the most significant variables to consider while evaluating a new business endeavour.
Task Q2: Explain in detail the revenue model for Solar PV Project, Residential Building,
Manufacturing Unit and other PPP projects.
Task Q2 Solution:
The revenue model describes how a company produces money. The following is a revenue
model for a solar PV project, a residential building, a manufacturing unit, and other PPP
A. Revenue model for solar PV project is as follows-
Basically, there are two types of models in this-
Cost of plant is bearded by client/end users.
Maintenance of system is in client scope after AMC period under STC (Standard test
No overhead expenses for EPC (engineering, procurement and construction).
No capital loss risk for EPC.
Cost of plant is bearded by third party.
Revenue depends on PPA rate (Solar Power Purchase Agreement is a agreement where
developer arranges for the design, permitting, financing and installation of a solar
energy system on a customer’s property at little to no cost) and probably would be
constant over a period.
Maintenance of system is in scope of third party for total duration of PPA.
B. Revenue model for residential building-
Residential buildings are those that earn or have the potential to produce money. It
focuses on commercial real estate that is acquired and then rented out to individuals or
businesses, as opposed to residential real estate that is owner-occupied and not rented
out to others, such as single-family houses.
investor (lender) in the property and assess whether or not the equity or debt investor
should invest based on risks and possible rewards in residential building financial
C. Revenue model for manufacturing units and other PPP projects-
The government and/or fees (tariffs) levied to consumers of the service provide funding
for the PPP project. In some projects, the private sector provider also pays the
government or another designated authority concession fees in exchange for using the
government's projects. For example, the concession fee is based on the use of the service
or net income, giving the government a vested interest in the project's success. The
government's interests are equivalent to those of an equity investor in such instances.
500 Words (Max.)
Task Q3: What should be the additional points that needed to be included in a financial model, if
the financing bank is from abroad and the debt is in US$ but revenue is in INR.
Task Q3 Solution:
If the financing bank is from another country and the debt is in UD$ but the revenue is in INR,
the following extra considerations should be included in the financial model: 1. The financial
model should incorporate a fundamental assumption of currency conversion.
2. In order for the finflow sheet to be consistent, the currency exchange rate (USD/INR) must
be included in the financial model.
3. The service tax and transaction fees for the project's funding must be paid.