Training Trainers Latest Ed 10-02-12
Training Trainers Latest Ed 10-02-12
Training Trainers Latest Ed 10-02-12
Training Trainers
Personal Messages from Alberto C. Gulfan, Jr. and the SSD Committee on Integrated
Evangelism, Union and Conference/Mission leaders
Personal Letter from John and Millie
06 04
Reflect and Discuss Questions on the Homes of Hope & Health Program 26
Plans for WIN! Wellness Homes of Hope & Health Training of Trainers Training 29
Suggested Training of Training of Trainers Schedule and Activities 31
Closing Homes of Hope & Health Commitment Service 42
Devotionals 107
Holy Spirit—Your Helper 107
Paralytic at Capernaum Healed 109
Partnership with God 111
The Reward at the End of The Journey 112
Songs Appropriate for WIN! Wellness Homes of Hope & Health 149
Winners’ Circle
Come To Worship
Welcome, Welcome, Sabbath Day 151
Back to Eden Garden 153
Bless our Home 154
Training-Trainers Information 20
Leadership Homes of Hope & Health Training Guide for Churches or Community 34
Health-Spiritual-Family Resources 52
Songs 104
Welcome Trainers of Trainers
You are now part of the Worldwide WIN! Wellness Team and we are delighted to have you participate in these
Leadership Training sessions that will prepare you to train others how to use Homes of Hope & Health materials
for small group ministry, seminars and evangelistic meetings. You are preparing to be a laborer for the Lord in
this WIN! Wellness Leadership Training Seminar.
The WIN! Wellness Homes of Hope & Health Ministry is a love gift to you and the world field. We want to share
with you briefly about the rationale and the foundational base for this ministry, which inspired us to prepare it
for the worldwide field.
Ellen White gives us guidelines in her writings, which justify this type of ministry. She indicates that the medical
evangelism ministry is a last-day method of reaching thousands. It is the “Jesus Method.” He is the Greatest
Medical Evangelist who guides this ministry.
We believe Homes of Hope & Health is a “heaven-born idea” and God has directed in the preparation of these
materials for our end-times ministry. This is evident not only in the Bible but in the Spirit of Prophecy. We believe
it is Medical Evangelism and a Ministry of Healing Model. Included in the book The Ministry of Healing are 7
chapters on the family. Homes of Hope & Health strongly integrates family topics in the program.
The goal of WIN! Wellness is to equip anyone whom God impresses to do this ministry with ready-to-use
We share with you, Trainers of Trainers, some reasons for this ministry, which is going to the world field. Some
Bible texts and Ellen White quotes will help you understand more fully the importance of this WIN! Wellness
ministry. Those are included in this Leadership Training Manual.
From the inception of this material we were impressed with the promise given to Abraham in Genesis 12:2, 3
(The Clear Word version). It says, “I will bless you and through you all the nations of the earth will be blessed. . .
My intention is for you to be a blessing to the whole world.” Also we were reminded of Jesus’ commission, “Go ye
into all the world.” May Homes of Hope & Health be a blessing to you and to those for whom you minister.
John and Millie Youngberg
WIN! Wellness Homes of Hope & Health
Training of Trainers Manual
The authors are John B. & Millie Youngberg and their son Wes Youngberg.
Doctor Wes Youngberg is a clinical professor of both the School of Medicine and the School
of Public Health of Loma Linda University. He is a founding director and Fellow of the
American College of Lifestyle Medicine and is Director of the Youngberg Lifestyle and
Nutritional Medicine Clinic in Temecula, California. He worked 14 years as medical
missionary transforming patients from sickness to health on the Island of Guam. Wes plays
basketball every week, frequents the gym and enjoys participating in his children’s
activities. Wes and his wife Betsy have 3 children.
Doctors John and Millie Youngberg have taught in the School of Education of Andrews
University most of their professional careers and directed Family Life International for 24
years. They are international speakers having ministered in 32 countries, have authored
more than 30 books and are Professors Emeriti of Andrews University. John has been a
mountain-climbing enthusiast and has climbed the highest mountains in 43 states of the
US. Millie organized the 10 Days of Prayer program each January 1-10, which they have
held in their home for anyone interested for the last 21 years. The family has built a cabin
in the forests of the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina. Their son John Jr. heads the
Construction Management program at Southern Adventist University and as a project with
his students is building an orphanage in Haiti.
Doctor Wes Youngberg is a clinical professor of both the School of Medicine and the School
of Public Health of Loma Linda University. He is a founding director and Fellow of the
American College of Lifestyle Medicine and is Director of the Youngberg Lifestyle and
Nutritional Medicine Clinic in Temecula, California. He worked 14 years as medical
missionary transforming patients from sickness to health on the Island of Guam. Wes plays
basketball every week, frequents the gym and enjoys participating in his children’s
activities. Wes and his wife Betsy have 3 children.
John and Millie Youngberg are the copyright holders of the books and DVDs of WIN!
Wellness Homes of Hope & Health. The DVD graphics are licensed to John and Millie
Youngberg and the non-profit corporation Marriage & Family Commitment, Inc. (This
corporationCorporation does business as WIN! Wellness).
The posting or distribution of these WIN! Wellness Homes of Hope & Health to the internet,
is strictly prohibited.
These books and DVDs are made available to countries around the world with special
financial arrangements for the purpose of spreading the gospel to all the world.
When these materials have been published overseas with permission for use in those
particular fields, it is strictly prohibited to distribute these materials in English / Spanish in
the North American Division. Such distribution would undermine WIN! Wellness’ attempt
to help countries overseas, since our sales in North America give a financial base for
benefitting the world field.
When fields have been given permission to translate the WIN! Wellness Homes of Hope &
Health books and DVDs, these translations must credit WIN! Wellness and John and Millie
Youngberg as authors since they have purchased the rights of publication from various
graphics distributors. Any duplication without recognizing the purchasers of these rights
would be illegal.
WIN! Wellness Trainsing of Trainers for a World Ministry
Those who are interested in becoming Trainers for the WIN! Wellness Homes of Hope &
Health Ministry would profit by participating in training sessions to prepare them for this
important life changing ministry for the world field. This ministry carries with it significant
responsibilities and requires essential knowledge, skills and background information. It is
leadership training.
There are individual who are able to use WIN! Wellness Homes of Hope and Health
materials successfully without training but begin with limited knowledge and skills.
Those being trained to become Trainers, are immersed in important and beneficial
information and also participate in various learning and motivational activities.
When involved in the activities they absorb information more quickly and learn
needed skills. They also become involved in small group activities where they are
exposed to personal stories of others. In a small group everybody learns from every
other person and so all are blessed.
There are those who buy the WIN! Wellness products with intent to use the “ready-to-use”
materials as part of their ministry for Jesus but some of these books and DVDs sit on the
desk waiting to be used. Often individuals need encouragement, instruction and help to
them get started. This is a time where the trainers can step in to give support in fieldwork
outside of a training session.
Those in training more quickly realize the value of the content materials and are
more likely to become involved in conducting their own Homes of Hope & Health
small groups, do evangelistic meetings or begin to train others to do this ministry.
There is a ripple affect that affects thousand and will change the demography of
WIN! Wellness has two levels for Certification. Level I Certification is for those who are
trainers in Churches and Communities. Level II Certification is for trainers who will train
trainers such as is being done by divisions, unions and conferences. Level II training is more
intense and requires fieldwork. “How To” instruction for both of these levels of training are
included in this manual. Local leaders who have been trained in WIN! Wellness leadership
are extremely valuable since they in turn can train people in the churches in this Medical
and Family Evangelism who may not have money to travel long distances to receive training.
The goal is to Teach, coach and prepare other trainers to help individuals to conduct WIN!
Wellness Seminars, have evangelistic meetings or to organize and successfully conduct
Homes of Hope & Health small groups or the PowerPoint Presentations. The goal is to give
competence to the trainers of this ministry.
All in training should cover the material in this manual either by instruction from
the leader, participating in small group activities, or by personally reading the
content in this manual.
Add to it by your own notes whichnotes, which you can share when instructing
What is the WIN! Wellness Ministry?
WIN! Wellness is an Integrated Balanced Living model for physical, mental, spiritual
And family wellness
The goal is to equip others with ready-to-use gospel-centered materials.
It is Biblical and is a witnessing ministry
It is about serving others
In small groups or large ones
It is spiritual-Biblical-scientific-interesting-unique-and fun
It’s exciting It’s simple It’s easy to do It’s powerful
It is lifestyle changing
It is about helping people to LIVE
To live longer, healthier, happier and holier
Health Educators
Family Ministry Leaders
Men’s Ministry Leaders
Qualified Lay Speakers
Woman’s Ministry Speakers
Literature Evangelists
Community Service Lecturers
Sabbath School Classes
Youth interested in ministering
For anyone who wants to minister for the Jesus
For You
Today in many countries hopelessness is all around. Food lines are growing. Millions
are losing their jobs and are looking for employment. Children are in need—some
homeless. Sickness stalks many lands. Marriages are disintegrating. Young and old
are fearful. Health laws are being broken daily bringing on degenerative and
catastrophic diseases further adding strain to already stressed families.
Many individuals desire a ministry that will bring hope, encouragement, emotional
help and healing to someone in such a time as this. Families do have deep needs.
They require guidance and instruction that will help them to be resilient during
tough times. In the midst of all of these awkward life situations, think of what it
would mean if every church member had a loving Home of Hope & Health ministering
to someone—a neighbor—a friend—a stranger—a relative. Think of the joy of
helping someone start on a new spiritual and lifestyle journey.
We welcome you to our WIN! Wellness TeamWelcome to the WIN! Wellness Homes
of Hope & Health Team
Oof men and women in many places in the World Field.
Guidepost magazine invited their readers to enter a contest by writing about their sincere
desire to transform their life—physically, mentally, spiritually. Those who entered the
contest wrote what changes they needed to make and why. The chosen person of the
contest was promised one year of coaching, encouragement and help by a Dream Team of
four who would come to the selected person’s home to help make the changes possible and
support them for a year. WOW! What a privilege. Tammie Temple was chosen to be that
person who would have this privilege of having a Dream Team to help her “transform her
life — body, mind and soul”.
As she waited for the Dream Team to arrive at her home she reflected on her personal
struggles to improve her lifestyle and was extremely nervous about what was going to
happen next in her life. Tammie was not sure she was ready for this new journey towards
more healthful living.
When the car drove in her driveway she realized her moment of a new beginning had
arrived. Soon after the greetings one of the team asked the Big Question, “Tammie, are you
ready to change your life?” Her response was, “I’m ready,” but inside she was not sure that
she really was.
And that is the questions we have to ask ourselves and ask others. Are we ready for this
experience of Training Trainers for WIN! Wellness ministry? Are we ready to improve our
own personal lifestyle? The choice is ours! Each of us is the architect of our own lives.
With God’s help we are able to do anything difficult that lies ahead of us. Are we ready to
change our lives and help others to change theirs? What is our answer?
During this Training of Trainers sessions you will be introduced to WIN! Wellness Homes of
Hope & Health ministry designed to help others make significant lifestyle changes,
prolonging life, reducing risk of degenerative diseases 50% to 80% and to help families to
have positive relations with each other thereby improving their own health. To experience
such a radical lifestyle change is a choice.
But beyond this is the spiritual component of preparing ourselves and others for the Lord’s
second coming by maintaining a close spiritual walk with God, following the principles of
healthful living to prevent disease in our lives and the lives of others. While we teach others
how to heal their bodies we also have the privilege of opening avenues for healing their
souls. The goal is to get our bodies and souls ready for Christ’s return. This is true Medical
Missionary work, which God is calling you to as a Trainer of Trainers.
“This was Christ’s method. He worked to restore both the physical and moral image of God
in man. Both physical and moral health is to be communicated from the mighty Healer”
(Australasian Union Conference Record, June 1, 1900).
Satan knows that if we disregard the health rules by our poor health habits this will also
affect the frontal lobe of our brain and our spirituality. He wants us to make bad choices.
Ask God for Divine help us to make good daily living choices. We, also have to do our part.
Paul tells us: “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present
your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service”
Romans 12:1.
WIN! Wellness—Homes of Hope & Health MinistryLast Days Ministry
What are we about?
John and Millie Youngberg, Emeritus Professors of Andrews University and authors of this
ministry were directors of Family Life International training for 24 years at Andrews
University, in Michigan, USA. After retiring and doing some traveling Millie became
seriously ill with large B Cell Lymphoma. It was at this time of her illness that they were
impressed that family ministry was not enough— health and spiritual wellness was also
That was when they prayed and were impressed that a Ministry of Healing Model, an
integrated balanced living ministry, which included physical, mental, spiritual, and family
wellness was what the world needed now. God led them and with His help they created
WIN! Wellness Homes of Hope & Health ministry which is beginning to touch the world. It
was to be for others to use. Others were the presenters since they could not travel all over
the world to present the important medical and family evangelism lifestyle changing topics.
Thousands of trainers can spread the good news in your local area, conference/mission,
union or division.
Woven into the presentation of topics are Biblical doctrines are briefly
introduced:. Examples:
Hope topic—Second coming of Jesus
Joy topic—Heaven
Rest topic—the Sabbath.
Water topic—baptism.
Crisis topic—State of the dead, signs of the end
Crooked Thinking topic—Elijah Message, danger of deceived thinking in
last days
Finishing Strong—the Cross, victory at the end of the race
Often individuals request Bible studies to learn more about what the Bible says.
It is no longer necessary to present a short health talk first and follow it with an
evangelistic topic. Each Homes of Hope & Health presentation integrates health with
the evangelistic topic. All topics are gospel centered and content may be adapted for
those who attend the presentations, such as Muslims, Jewish people, Buddhists,
Hindus, Atheist and others. Bible doctrines are gently introduced.
Prevention and healing instruction includes the Basic 8 healing remedies and
continues with current research on immunology, genetic expression, cardiovascular
diseases, diabetes, depression, women’s health concerns, cancer, arthritis, and more.
These are some of the reasons why the WIN! Wellness ministry is being launched to
go worldwide.
Duo learning for a couple or with a friend and then shared with other couples
or friends
It is designed for small group ministry for friends, neighbors, relatives,
coworkers, and new acquaintances
It is designed for health and family seminars with 29 topics and 1281 new
PowerPoints coveringPowerPoint slides covering all the topics
WIN! Ministry may be non-electronic using the 3 small books, or it may be
electronic using a computer or DVD player.
You are the presenter or you and a team present, or you organize the
It can be used for professional health and family presentations or for
evangelistic meetings. All new 2012 PowerPoint topics are ready for public
The goal is: to help people to LIVE—live longer, healthier, happier and holier.
How to Use the Homes of Hope & Health DVDs with Computer or DVD Player
Topics 1-10 are presented on DVD # 1 called “Getting Started on the Path to Health
and Healing”
Topics 11-19 are presented on DVD #2 called “Pressing Forward on the Path to
Health and Healing”
Topics 20-29 are presented on DVD #3 called “Finishing Strong on the Path to
Health and Healing”
DVD Player:
Insert the appropriate DVD into the DVD Player and a menu will come up allowing
you to access the chosen topic.
Use the Remote Control and click FORWARD to advance, or PREVIOUS to go back.
Some DVD Players require 2 clicks to go back (and at times 2 left clicks quickly
followed by clicking the pause button.
The DVD Player does not have scripts on it. The presenter must print off the
corresponding script using a computer and printer.
Cables are used to connect the DVD Player with the viewing device which is usually
a TV screen.
Viewers will see the same graphics that have the same words on them as they would
if the presenter were using a computer.
DVD Players in some countries may be incompatible with software coming from
other areas of the world. The software that WIN! Wellness has chosen is considered
“universal” and usable in different areas of the world. Check to see if there is
compatibility in your area.
Either a PC or an Apple computer may be used. If your computer is old and uses old
programs, you may need to consult with a local technician to see if compatible
updated software is available.
For PC Users:
Click on Start button, click on My Computer option and then choose the icon with
the DVD icon on it. If the program has defaulted to the DVD Player option, exit this
window using the Escape key.
Right click on the DVD icon and choose Open and the computer topic folders will
Double left click on the desired topic.
Select desired topic and then choose either the Word script or PowerPoint file and
double-click to open
To edit or change the document, save a copy onto your computer since the DVDs are
read only.
When the menu comes up you may choose one of two methods.
Click on the PPT file for the topic you want. This will make all the graphics of the
topic available to you. In order to know the suggested speaker’s comments between
the PowerPoint slides, you will need to print off the .doc file. This .doc file has boxes
in it, each one containing a thumbnail of each slide on the left and an enlarged script
of the words of the slide on the right for easy reading. Additional script between
this box and the next box give an idea to the speaker what comments he/she might
make and how to bridge to the next slide.
Suggested participant activities are also found in the printed script as well as
optional Handout Material
A new second computer option is available which opens exciting possibilities to
people who want to launch out in something that is new. This is called the “All-in-
One” PowerPoint file for that particular topic.
The “All-in-One” file enables the speaker to read or refer to the presenter’s notes
and comments directly under the PowerPoint image on her/his own computer
screen. The notes are identical to that of the .doc file of the script. When the image
comes up on the computer screen, click on SLIDE SHOW on the top bar, then on the
click on VIEW PRESENTERS TOOLS. Four handy advantages then emerge:
The PowerPoint image on your computer screen has all the corresponding speaker
notes below it.
In the lower right corner is a thumbnail of the next PowerPoint slide in the sequence
or sometimes a strip of many slides on the left side, with the present slide
In the upper left corner is a clock telling the speaker how much time has elapsed
since starting the PowerPoint presentation.
Yet the screen the audience is viewing shows only the full-size PowerPoint slide.
In summary: How to Use the Homes of Hope & Health DVDs with a Computer or DVD
4. Topics 1-10 are presented on DVD #1 called “Getting Started on the Path to Health
and Healing”
5. Topics 11-19 are presented on DVD #2 called “Pressing Forward on the Path to
Health and Healing”
6. Topics 20-29 are presented on DVD #3 called “Finishing Strong on the Path to
Health and Healing”
The presenter has the choice of 3 electronic methods of presenting
exactly the same material:
o 1. DVD Player: Insert the appropriate DVD into the DVD Player and a menu
will come up allowing you to access the chosen topic. Use the Remote Control
and click FORWARD to advance, or PREVIOUS to go back. Some DVD Players
require 2 clicks to go back. The DVD Player does not have scripts on it. The
presenter must print off the corresponding script using a computer and
printer. Cables are used to connect the DVD Player with the viewing device
which is usually a TV screen. Viewers will see the same graphics that have
the same words on them as they would if the presenter were using a
computer. DVD Players in some countries may be incompatible with software
coming from other areas of the world. The software that WIN! Wellness has
chosen is considered “universal” and usable in different areas of the world.
Check to see if there is compatibility in your area.
o 2. Computer: Either a PC or an Apple computer may be used. When the disc
is inserted, the software program will sense which kind of computer is being
used. If your computer is old and uses old programs, you may need to
consult with a local technician to see if compatible updated software is
o When the menu comes up you may choose one of two methods.
o Click on the PPT file for the topic you want. This will make all the graphics of
the topic available to you. In order to know the suggested speaker’s
comments between the PowerPoint slides, you will need to print off the .doc
file. This .doc file has boxes in it, each one containing a thumbnail of each
slide on the left and an enlarged script of the words of the slide on the right
for easy reading. Additional script between this box and the next box give an
idea to the speaker what comments he/she might make and how to bridge to
the next slide.
o Suggested participant activities are also found in the printed script as well as
optional Handout Material.
o A new second computer option is available which opens exciting possibilities
to people who want to launch out in something that is new. This is called the
“All-in-One” PowerPoint file for that particular topic.
As a presenter you can chose among 4 different ways of presenting exactly the same
material. 1. Use the WIN! Wellness Homes of Hope and Health 3 volume set of small books.
This is the non-electronic option. This has the advantage of encouraging small group
participation and can be used with larger audiences. 2. Use a DVD Player. Advantage is
that DVD Players are inexpensive and most homes have a TV as a viewing device. 3. Use
the computer with regular PowerPoint files oftentimes employed with a projector,
although technicians can hook it up to a TV screen. For small, medium, or large audiences.
4. Use the computer with the “All-in-One” PowerPoint files with a projector. Advantage is
that everything is at your fingertips. No paper notes, you know what is coming next, and
you know if you are on schedule.
3. The “All-in-One” file enables the speaker to read or refer to the presenter’s notes
and comments directly under the PowerPoint image on her/his own computer
screen. The notes are identical to that of the .doc file of the script. When the image
comes up on the computer screen, click on SLIDE SHOW on the top bar, then on the
click on PRESENTERS TOOLS. Four handy advantages then emerge:
1). The PowerPoint image on your computer screen has all the corresponding speaker
notes below it.
2). In the lower right corner is a thumbnail of the next PowerPoint slide in the sequence.
3). In the upper left corner is a clock telling the speaker how much time has elapsed since
starting the PowerPoint presentation.
4). Yet the screen the audience is viewing shows only the full-size PowerPoint slide.
In summary:
As a presenter you can chose among 4 different ways of presenting exactly the same
material. 1. Use the WIN! Wellness Homes of Hope and Health 3 volume set of small books.
This is the non-electronic option. This has the advantage of encouraging small group
participation and can be used with larger audiences. 2. Use a DVD Player. Advantage is
that DVD Players are inexpensive. 3. Use the computer with regular PowerPoint files
oftentimes employed with a projector. For small, medium, or large audiences. 4. Use the
computer with the “All-in-One” PowerPoint files with a projector. Advantage is that
everything is at your fingertips. No paper notes, you know what is coming next, and if you
are on schedule.
Many stories in the content motivate interest in the topics.
Example: Armand story of Armenian Earthquake in the Trust topic.
Content focuses on current research and blends the physical and emotional health
Example: A Canadian study based on data from 54 countries found that 35%
of heart attacks globally are caused by diets heavy in fried foods, salty snacks
and meat.
If the health principles and guidelines are followed lifestyles will be changed and
health risks will be reduced.
WIN! Wellness Homes of Hope & Health
Seminars & Evangelistic Meetings
Seminars can be scheduled for long weekends, or a weekend and several times during the
week for about four times a year or more frequently. Meals may be a part of a weekend
seminar. Usually when this is done there may be a registration fee, which includes
vegetarian meals prepared by the church or a caterer. There are times the church
members will provide the meal and no fees are required. There may be a small registration
fee for materials. If individuals do not pay a registration fee, many times they decide at the
last minute not to attend. Those who wish to participate in the seminar should register for
the event so that sufficient materials are available. They should register by a phone call or
filling in a registration form.
A continuous monthly seminar is “Dinner with the Doctor” which includes a vegetarian
meal, a food demonstration, a doctor or public health person answering questions on any
health topic, which then is concluded by a WIN! Wellness, presentation and small group
discussion time. These are often done on Saturday or Sunday late afternoon and evening.
Leaders find that if they market well they will have more non-church people attending than
church members. These may be done at a church or non-church facility. Some of these
seminars are held at vegetarian restaurants.
Evangelistic Meetings
After small group meetings in homes many are asking for Bible studies and are showing
interest in baptism. A reaping series of evangelistic meetings helps individuals to make
definite decisions to become followers of Jesus and keepers of the Sabbath. These meetings
may be only 8–10 nights. In the Homes of Hope & Health content, the doctrines are gently
introduced but these can be added to in the evangelistic meetings.
Some individuals will have full evangelistic meetings using the Homes of Hope & Health
presentations and will add additional doctrinal information. A decision card may be given
to each person when they attend. Prayer requests on the card may indicate any decisions
made during the meeting. To those who attend each evening or most of the evenings the
Homes of Hope & Health series of books may be given consecutively: Getting Started,
Pressing Forward, and Finishing Strong as a reward for attending X number of meetings.
Those receiving the set of books may be encouraged to become a part of a small group
where these books are used after the conclusion of the evangelistic meetings to deepen
fellowship and reinforce the Gospel message and lifestyle decisions.
As a result of WIN! Wellness evangelistic meetings lives have been changed, people are
ready now to improve their health habits and be better husbands and wives, and even
divorce plans are canceled. There are large numbers of baptisms being reported as a result
of these evangelistic medical evangelism events. This ministry is part of the right arm of
the gospel message and the 3 Angels’ Messages.
Those heeding the call experience what it means to keep “the commandments of God”
(Rev.14:12) and can claim the promises of Deuteronomy 5, “Oh, that they had such a heart
in them that they would fear Me and always keep all My commandments [including a better
lifestyle], that it might be well with them and with their children forever! . . . You shall walk
in all the ways which the Lord your God has commanded you, that you may live and that it
may be well with you, and that you may prolong your days in the land which you shall
possess” (vv. 29, 33).
If God has richly blessed your efforts toward a healthier lifestyle, give your testimony and
share with others what God has done for you. It may motivate others to become a part of a
Home of Hope & Health small group, seminar or evangelistic meeting.
WIN! Wellness Homes of Hope & Health Components and Use
Information is given in this section to help you know what the WIN! Wellness Homes of
Hope & Health components are and how to use the DVDs and the Series of 3 books in a
Training Session for other Trainers. Some of the same training procedures may be used for
not only the Trainers of Trainers but also for individuals being trained in local churches or
These books are continuous with the same topics as found in the PowerPoint
presentations. The books are non-electronic for small group presentations or for seminar
content and are easier for some to use than having an electronic PowerPoint presentation.
We suggest that those who plan to present the 29 topics with PowerPoint slides start
preparing by first reading the 3 books before going over the Homes of Hope & Health slides.
The books have more extensive documentation and references than the slides.
There are those who prefer a non-electronic method of sharing information for small group
ministry. When used in small groups the church and non-church members read and discuss
and begin to quickly bond together. There is greater discussion time while reading the
content of the book.
The Home of Hope & Health series of books may be used in a number of ways:
1. Solo learning—Read for personal information and application and then share
content with someone else who may join you on a new health journey.
2. Duo learning—Husband and wife study together and then invite other couples,
friends or relatives to a weekly health and wellness get-together.
3. Duo learning with a friend—ask a friend for a weekly read-and-discuss time on
balanced living topics. Then share with other friends
4. Family learning—study as a family the chapters, then ask other families to come for
a fun learning evening. Some may want to move from non-electronic to electronic
showing of the PowerPoint slides.
5. Small group learning—invite neighbors, friends, coworkers, relatives to join you
weekly to learn how to live healthier, happier and even holier.
6. Wellness Seminar leaders adapt chapters for presentations to be given to large
groups interested in physical, emotional, spiritual and family wellness. A number of
topics can be presented at 2 or 3 day seminar sessions. In 3 months have another
Homes of Hope & Health Seminar.
7. Evangelistic meetings and reaping seminars. The presenter may use content in the
HOHH series and/or give the books to those who attend a designated number of
meetings. They may also be used for continued spiritual education and fellowship of
group meetings after baptism.
8. Those who will use PowerPoints for presentation often like reading the topics in the
Homes of Hope & Health books before starting to prepare for their presentations
using PowerPoint slides.
When using these books, learning can take place, even if there is only one copy of the HOHH
book to use. However, there are visual learners who enjoy having their personal copy so
they can mark, record ideas given by others and personalize the content. Check store for purchasing more books for small group.
These books help make the learning experience easy for the presenter and the participants.
The leader does not need as much time for preparation.
The group can simply read the chapter and discuss the content that is new,
interesting or challenging.
Some leaders assign a chapter to someone to present to the small group of learners
for the following week.
Sometimes one is assigned to start with a story or present the first few pages and
then other group members take turns reading around the circle until they finish the
Some use their books for their weekly small group session and when finished review
content by the PowerPoint slides.
In the future, as God permits, the goal is to prepare a fourth book combining Bible
prophecies as they relate to families and last day events so that when crisis events start
taking place they will not be deceived.
It is suggested that individuals in training actually have hands-on experience using
PowerPoint with the Homes of Hope & Health DVD and the DVD player in their
learning sessions. All DVD players are not compatible. Try them at home before your
first meeting. Some individuals need an electronic support person to help them get
Some of those using PowerPoint with their computer and projectors also may need
some hands-on experience as well while in training. All projectors are not alike as
Those in training need to be shown what is the procedure of finding the PowerPoint
slides, the script with the small graphic of the PPt, and the “All-in-One” feature where
the presenter’s notes are found. Each trainer needs this hands-on experience, which
might be part of a presentation topic, where all in the training group rotate sharing a
slide and reading about it to their group on one topic.
It is important that students are made aware that the script may be downloaded and
slightly modified for time allotted and group attending. After the topic has been
downloaded onto computer and parts deleted or added has been done, then print
your lecture notes. The script is in Word and is not a PDF.
This is true of the PPt graphics as well. They are open and can be modified.
For those who use the DVD player and want to read the script, it will be necessary to
use a computer to get the script. Delete or add and then print out.
Those being trained learn not only the wellness content but also the technical
methodology they will employ.
Leadership Training
Reflect and Discuss Questions on the Homes of Hope & Health Program
As an icebreaker for the training group we suggest some discussion questions on health
and family concerns in their community. When discussing questions with a group of 5 - 6
new thoughts surface, personal concerns surface and ideas crystallize.
Start with: Greatest Health Concerns and Family Relationship Concerns questions.
Discuss in small groups and then share with total group the 5 greatest health
concerns of their country / countries and 5 of the greatest family concerns. On a
white board or computer record the concerns of the groups. The findings are always
What do you believe to be the greatest physical health and emotional problems in
your area, community or country? Make a list of concerns. Then choose top 5 of the
greatest health concerns in your area? Groups share.
What is this saying to you about a need for instruction on physical and emotional
health, spiritual growth and family relationships?
Is Medical Missionary work in the last days a part of the Three Angels’ Messages?
Why do you think so?
WIN! Wellness Homes of Hope & Health
Seminars & Evangelistic Meetings
Seminars can be scheduled for long weekends, or a weekend and several times during the
week for about four times a year or more frequently. Meals may be a part of a weekend
seminar. Usually when this is done there may be a registration fee, which includes
vegetarian meals prepared by the church or a caterer. There are times the church
members will provide the meal and no fees are required. There may be a small registration
fee for materials. If individuals do not pay a registration fee, many times they decide at the
last minute not to attend. Those who wish to participate in the seminar should register for
the event so that sufficient materials are available. They should register by a phone call or
filling in a registration form.
A continuous monthly seminar is “Dinner with the Doctor” which includes a vegetarian
meal, a food demonstration, a doctor or public health person answering questions on any
health topic, which then is concluded by a WIN! Wellness, presentation and small group
discussion time. These are often done on Saturday or Sunday late afternoon and evening.
Leaders find that if they market well they will have more non-church people attending than
church members. These may be done at a church or non-church facility. Some of these
seminars are held at vegetarian restaurants.
Evangelistic Meetings
After small group meetings in homes many are asking for Bible studies and are showing
interest in baptism. A reaping series of evangelistic meetings helps individuals to make
definite decisions to become followers of Jesus and keepers of the Sabbath. These meetings
may be only 8–10 nights. In the Homes of Hope & Health content, the doctrines are gently
introduced but these can be added to in the evangelistic meetings.
Some individuals will have full evangelistic meetings using the Homes of Hope & Health
presentations and will add additional doctrinal information. A decision card may be given
to each person when they attend. Prayer requests on the card may indicate any decisions
made during the meeting. To those who attend each evening or most of the evenings the
Homes of Hope & Health series of books may be given consecutively: Getting Started,
Pressing Forward, and Finishing Strong as a reward for attending X number of meetings.
Those receiving the set of books may be encouraged to become a part of a small group
where these books are used after the conclusion of the evangelistic meetings to deepen
fellowship and reinforce the Gospel message and lifestyle decisions.
As a result of WIN! Wellness evangelistic meetings lives have been changed, people are
ready now to improve their health habits and be better husbands and wives, and even
divorce plans are canceled. There are large numbers of baptisms being reported as a result
of these evangelistic medical evangelism events. This ministry is part of the right arm of
the gospel message and the 3 Angels’ Messages.
Those heeding the call experience what it means to keep “the commandments of God”
(Rev.14:12) and can claim the promises of Deuteronomy 5, “Oh, that they had such a heart
in them that they would fear Me and always keep all My commandments [including a better
lifestyle], that it might be well with them and with their children forever! . . . You shall walk
in all the ways which the Lord your God has commanded you, that you may live and that it
may be well with you, and that you may prolong your days in the land which you shall
possess” (vv. 29, 33).
If God has richly blessed your efforts toward a healthier lifestyle, give your testimony and
share with others what God has done for you. It may motivate others to become a part of a
Home of Hope & Health small group, seminar or evangelistic
WIN! Wellness Homes of Hope & Health Components and Use
Information is given in this section to help you know what the WIN! Wellness Homes of Hope &
Health components are and how to use the DVDs and the Series of 3 books in a Training Session for
other Trainers. Some of the same training procedures may be used for not only the Trainers of
Trainers but also for individuals being trained in local churches or community.
Using the Homes of Home & Health DVDs ( John go over this and improve)
The Homes of Hope & Health DVDs may be used on both PC and Apple computers and are
programmed to run on either a DVD player or with a projector/monitor. We have discovered that
not all DVD players are able to play our materials. If you encounter problems while trying to use the
DVDs it may be necessary to consult someone to help you with technical support.
Although the scripts with PowerPoint prompts are Word files, they can be opened with Pages. The
PowerPoint files can also be opened with Keynote. The PowerPoint slides may be changed, hidden
or omitted. New research may also be added along with additional graphics to reflect the ethnic
majority of your area. Instructions specific to both operating systems are listed below.
For PC Users:
Insert disc and wait for the main menu to appear.
Select desired topic and then choose either the Word script or PowerPoint file and double-
click to open.
To edit or change the document, save a copy onto your computer since the DVDs are read-
These books are continuous with the same topics as found in the PowerPoint presentations. The
books are non-electronic for small group presentations or for seminar content and are easier for
some to use than having an electronic PowerPoint presentation.
We suggest that those who plan to present the 29 topics with PowerPoint slides start preparing by
first reading the 3 books before going over the Homes of Hope & Health slides. The books have
more extensive documentation and references than the slides.
There are those who prefer for small group ministry a non-electronic method of sharing
information. When used in small groups the church and non-church members read and discuss and
begin to quickly bond together. There is greater discussion time while reading the content of the
The Home of Hope & Health series of books may be used in a number of ways:
9. Solo learning—Read for personal information and application and then share content with
someone else who may join you on a new health journey.
10. Duo learning—Husband and wife study together and then invite other couples, friends or
relatives to a weekly health and wellness get-together.
11. Duo learning with a friend—ask a friend for a weekly read-and-discuss time on balanced
living topics. Then share with other friends
12. Family learning—study as a family the chapters, then ask other families to come for a fun
learning evening. Some may want to move from non-electronic to electronic showing the
PowerPoint slides.
13. Small group learning—invite neighbors, friends, coworkers, relatives to join you weekly to
learn how to live healthier, happier and even holier.
14. Wellness Seminar leaders adapt chapters for presentations to be given to large groups
interested in physical, emotional, spiritual and family wellness. A number of topics can be
presented at 2 or 3day seminar sessions. In 3 months have another Homes of Hope &
Health Seminar.
15. Evangelistic meetings and reaping seminars. The presenter may use content in the HOHH
series and/or give the books to those who attend a designated number of meetings. They
may also be used for continued spiritual education and fellowship of group meetings after
16. Those who will use PowerPoints for presentation often like reading the topics in the Homes
of Hope & Health books before starting to prepare for their presentations using PowerPoint
When using these books, learning can take place, even if there is only one copy of the HOHH book to
use. However, there are visual learners who enjoy having their personal copy so they can mark,
record ideas given by others and personalize the content. Check store for
purchasing more books for small group.
These books help make the learning experience easy for the presenter and the participants. The
leader does not need as much time for preparation.
The group can simply read the chapter and discuss the content that is new, interesting or
Some leaders assign a chapter to someone to present to the small group of learners for the
following week.
Sometimes one is assigned to start with a story or present the first few pages and then
another group members take turns reading around the circle until they finish the chapter.
Some use their books for their weekly small group session and when finished review content
by the PowerPoint slides.
In the future, as God permits, the goal is to prepare a fourth book combining Bible prophecies as
they relate to families and last day events so that when crisis events start taking place they will not
be deceived.
Start a presentation and invite someone from the learning group to present a portion of the
presentation by reading the PowerPoint slides and commenting on them.
Start session presenting a chapter in the HOHH book and follow up with a fly-by
presentation of slides on the topic.
After using any methodology follow-up with Reflect/Discuss activities, whether it is on the
screen or in the book. The group will soon begin to bond together when responding to the
discussion questions. This is the goal.
Plans for Suggested Training Session for Training of TrainersWIN!
Wellness Homes of Hope & Health Training
Training of Trainers Training
Suggestions for a Training sessions in a lesson plan format is prepared for Trainers. From
these personal lesson plans and schedule may be prepared. You may include health and
family professionals to be part of training. Presentations from DVDs of professionals are
beneficial and less costly than inviting them to come to the session. Even Skype
presentations may be used for enriching the training.
What is done in a training session is not just a seminar but also a learning experience like a
class at a university. Specific assignments will be given. You first will be a learner and then
a trainer. Much information given is background material that not only informs the trainer
of information but also impresses the learner of the importance of this ministry and helps
justify why Homes of Hope & Health is a Heaven Born idea for the last days when doors will
be closed to other types of ministry but open to health and family content.
Make a schedule for the allotted leadership training time available. The leadership training
does not have to be completed at one time but may be scheduled to continue later or during
an in-the-field experience with a trainer.
In the training schedule insert devotionals, prayer time, leadership training, Spirit of
Prophecy quotes, testimonies, human-interest stories, current research, demonstrations,
small group discussion time and Homes of Hope & Health presentations demonstrating
different instructional methods.
You may contextualize the research and stories to the country or region where the training
is being given. Local pictures that are copyright free may be inserted in PowerPoints if
using the computer and projector but will not be possible if using the DVD Playerrojector.
Getting Started
Each person in the training session is given or purchases:
Homes of Hope & Health series of three Homes of Hope & Health books,
3 DVD with script and PowerPoint slides and “All-in-One” Program with presenter
notes below the graphic and the next slide on the screen.
WIN! Wellness brochure that tells briefly what WIN! Wellness HOHH is about.
A digipack with 3 non-audio DVDs or 3 DVDs with the same content but in a Home of
Hope & Health case.
Suggested Training of Trainers Schedule and Activities
Needed: Stop watch for time keeping. But be flexible when the Spirit is powerfully at work.
Short devotionals are appropriate at the HOHH training sessions. They could include
the Elijah Message—Malachi 4:5-6, Jabez Prayer— 1 Chronicles 4:10, Isaiah 40, God’s
Promises, The Holy Spirit, Latter Rain Power, Motivation for serving the Lord or that
which the Lord impresses you to present.
Introduce the “Winners Circle” Song found in handouts and on PowerPoint slide of Training
of Trainers DVD.
Group 1
What do you believe to be the greatest physical health and emotional problems in
your area, community or country? Make a list of concerns. Then choose top 5 of the
greatest health concerns ? Groups share and record their 5 concerns on computer PPt
or white board.
Discuss what is this saying to us about the need for Family Wellness in our
geographical area
Group 2
What do you believe to be the greatest family problems in your area, community or
country? Make a list of the concerns. Choose top 5 of the greatest concerns. Groups
share and record their 5 concerns on computer or white board.
Discuss what is this saying to us about the need for Family Wellness in your
geographical area.
Next Step
Group 1 and Group 2 summarize their findings with total group and answer the
question, “What is this saying to all of us about the need for Health and Family
Wellness ministry in our geographical area.”
Option: Preview questions relating to information that will be part of the training
program are listed on previous pages, “Leadership Training Reflect and Discuss
Questions”. Divide training group into 9 small groups of 3-6 individuals. Assign one
of the 9 topics to each group. They are to read and respond from their knowledge to
the questions given. Time limits of 5-6 minutes given to the discussion of the
questions asked.
1) What is this saying to you about a need for instruction on physical and emotional
health, spiritual growth and family relationships?
Trainer will give presentations for three reasons. The first is that these presentations are
an introduction to the Homes of Hope & Health content that will help the listener to
remember the stories and information presented. The second reason is that different
methods of presenting will be introduced to the participants. The third, they experience
the value of being in a small group as a follow-up to the presentation.
Suggested topics that introduce different methodologies in the training sessions are:
These presentations come from Homes of Hope & Health Book 1, Getting Started. After
hearing a presentation the trainers have a small group learning experience. Also the New
You topic from book 32, Pressing Finishing StrongForward will be prepared by those in
training to present to a small group of 10. This is a must requirement.
Balancing Act—‘Life is a Balancing Act”
The Methodology—One person presents and directs the small group breakout
The training leader presents a PowerPoint overview presentation on the
Homes of Hope & Health presentation. Time limit is 30 minutes.
It is followed by 8+ minutes of discussion time in small groups of 5-6.
It is followed by 8+ minutes of discussion time in small groups of 5-6.
Leadership Training:
There are many individuals worldwide who want to participate in small group
ministry and are not into electronics. The Homes of Hope & Health books were
prepared for non-electronic small group ministry. These books may be used in
a number of ways. One way will be demonstrated with the Hope topic.
Demonstration of Methodology:
Hope topic—“Hope in a Hopeless World” Chapter 2
Trainer Present pages 22-23 and the first paragraph on 24
Small group of 5 then are encouraged to read a portion or paragraph orally, or story
or section. When they or the group identify with something said, they briefly
The goal is to finish the content in 30 or 35 minutes and then go to page 31 and
respond to Reflect/Discuss, Personal Reflection, and Intentionality questions.
If there is sufficient time discuss the Case Study on page 31.
The group discussion time is 25-30 minutes. The goal is not to spend more than one
hour on a chapter.
If time permits do a quick flyby of PowerPoints just to give the group an idea of what
the graphics are on the topic.
Leadership Training:
Three Angels’ Messages handouts and quotes
Leader Reads/Shares
Group of 4-5 Reflect/Discuss
Assign group to privately read more of quotes on Three Angels’ Messages
“Quotes, Texts, Texts and Notes” section in this training manual.
Underline what is important to them. Two or three from total group share at a
Leadership Training:
Exercise topic—“Just Do It!” Chapter 3
Instruct group where to locate on the DVD the Exercise topic using the
If using the DVD Player—you must print out the script from a computer and
Find the Exercise script, PowerPoint Presentation, and “All-in-One” which has the
PowerPoint with the presenter notes.
Presenter tells Hulda Crooks story
Have 2 people in group whom you have alerted previously to come up and
participate by showing two or three PowerPoint slides and read the script.
Make a few short offshort off-the-cuff comments on what was seen and read.
Presenter returns to present the rest of the topic on Exercise.
Choose two or 3 Reflect/Discuss questions for groups of 5-6 to discuss. Time 5-6
Check out the information on pages 47-49. Discuss how these might be used.
Time 4 minutes.
Lead the group in 4 or 5 exercises standing in place in the conference room.
Break the training sessions with short exercises for 2 or 3 times during a day.
Follow this with drinking water by all in the group.
Out-of-doors exercise sessions may also be scheduled if time is available or
suggest each person have their own exercise before the scheduled beginning
time in the morning or early evening.
Motivational Testimonies:
Share your personal experience, or that of other individuals who have used
HOHH, or show a CD of people whose lives have been changed by participating
or leading out in small groups or having seminars or evangelistic meeting.
Some examples of testimonies are in this manual.
Leadership Training:
Leader reads and discusses, “Every Church a Medical Missionary Center”
Leader asks, “If we have this information then what should as individuals do
who want to be co-workers with God.
Groups of 5-6 /Reflect/Discuss topic. Time limit 5 minutes
Forgiveness topic--“A Time for Healing”
It is recommended that the Forgiveness topic, be given as a demonstration of a
Sabbath sermon or Sabbath evening vespers. It could be a seminar with several
sessions, which really is needed in order to do justice to this significant and
essential topic for the last days Elijah’s prophecy of “Heart Turning” in families.
Methodology of presenting—Given by 2 people—husband and wife or 2 trainers
alternating sharing stories and PowerPoint slides.
Do Reflect/Discuss in groups of 3-5 for 8+ minutes.
Follow up by silently reading, “Along the Pathway of Forgiveness,” page 79 in
Getting Started. This could conclude with a personal prayer time for each
person as they ask God to forgive them for their personal mistakes, sins, and
when they have hurt someone else. This is also a great opportune time to
release past hurts to God by forgiving those who hurt each individual person
present. Then too, don’t forget to forgive yourself when you disappointed
yourself by improper words or acts.
This might be done while soft gentle instrumental music is played.
This session is a must.
Be well prepared for the Holy Spirit to minister through you during this session.
There even may be tears. Usually healing takes place and freeing victory is
experienced over the past, which actually helps to bring emotional healing as
well physical and spiritual healing.
Leadership Training:
Assign each Trainer to read silently the Quotes, Texts, and Notes section:
Neighbor-to-Neighbor quotes
Small Group quotes
Assign each Trainer to read silently the Quotes, Texts, and Notes section:
Neighbor-to-Neighbor quotes
Small Group quotes
Underline portions that impress you
In small groups of 5 discuss what impressed you the most
Make a list of suggestions as to how this could be done in your field and why it
is an important last day method of sharing the gospel
Janice and I went to make another call where we had another great contact. Looking at her
watch, Pam saw that we had no time to make another call. Yet, Janice now so excited about her
canvassing experiences was pleading to go to at least one more door.
Pam and Janice made another stop at Carol’s and found her not home. Upon leaving a car drove
in. It was Carol. “She met us in the driveway and immediately my shy partner began to share the
reason for our visit. This dear sweet elderly lady was widowed and had just lost her brother.
She was lonely and missed her husband and brother. Carol was more than a little excited to
accept an invitation to the HOHH meeting in her area. She made us promise, several times, to
remember to contact her as soon as the time and date to start was set. She signed up for a Bible
study also. This was another Divine Appointment. And the rest of the story is that Janice who
was scared to death going out knocking doors reported to her friends when arriving back at the
church, “It was a wonderful day.”
Update: Carol continues to attend a friendly small Homes of Hope of Health study group and is
excited about the what she has learned and now she want to have a HOHH at her own home.
She also started attending the Sabbath services at a local church.
Pam trained a number of individuals for going door-to-door using the church’s Interest Cards to
call on individuals who had shown interest in health and spiritual information at some time to
invite them to a small Homes of Hope & Health group. Pam shares that it was a frightening
experience for Janice. She was scared to death to go out following up leads. Pam tried to
encourage her by saying she would be her partner.
“We couldn't find the right house number so I pulled the car into a random driveway with the
intention of asking for directions. Of course, we would share the HOHH plan for small groups in
their neighborhood. Janice, my scared friend, about had a stroke when she realized this would
mean we would be making a COLD call.
“A very lovely polite 23-year-old lady answered the door. She stepped out to talk to us and we
began to explain the purpose of our visit. She began to cry as she told us about her military
husband’s bad accident that has left him crippled. She readily accepted our invitation to attend a
small HOHH group. She also said she had a sister that lived in town and would love to bring her
“Finally we got around to asking her about the address we couldn't find. She said we were on the
wrong road. Pam thought in her mind, “WERE WE REALLY? ? ? ?” and then praised God.
This visit was a God Thing—a miracle moment.”
This 23-year-old lady and her sister are still attending faithfully a small group in their area
enjoying learning about integrated balanced living while growing spiritually as well.
Pam and Janice made another stop at Carol’s and found her not home. Upon leaving a car drove
in. It was Carol. “She met us in the driveway and immediately my shy partner began to share the
reason for our visit. This dear sweet elderly lady was widowed and had just lost her brother.
She was lonely and missed her husband and brother. Carol was more than a little excited to
accept an invitation to the HOHH meeting in her area. She made us promise, several times, to
remember to contact her as soon as the time and date to start was set. She signed up for a Bible
study also. This was another Divine Appointment. And the rest of the story is that Janice who
was scared to death going out knocking on doors reported to her friends when arriving back at
the church, “It was a wonderful day.” Also Carol is no longer so lonely and is greatly enjoying
the small group experience.
Sunlight topic, “The Miracle Drug”.
Instruction—use the Sunlight topic to demonstrate how to use the computer
and projector, to find the topic, how to add slides and change script or graphics,
and skip slides.
Method of presentation—choose 4 individuals that will prepare in advance the
Sunlight topic and present to trainers.
Choose 3 from training group to read the additional information in Book 1 Getting
Started, titled “A summary of Recent Expert Scientific Opinion on Vitamin D” pp. 62-
64, after the Reflect/Discuss section. Also refer to the “Resources” section.
Then discuss with their group. Encourage all to have a lab test on their Vitamin
D level.
We want our Trainers to be healthy and live longer.
Leadership Training
Read silently in the Quotes, Texts and Notes chapter of this Training Manual the
following quotes.
Medical Missionary Work in Every City
Medical Work in Churches
Every Church Member a Medical Missionary
Ministers and Medical Missionaries
Underline parts of quotes that are new to you or impress you.
In small groups discuss why these are important for the trainers and for our
Training Leaders makes closing statement of the importance of Medical
Missionary using the Ministry of Healing Model which includes topics on the
Professional Presentation:
Have a professional present current health or family research relevant to your
Topics to consider—Prevention of cardio-vascular problems, cancer, diabetes,
arthritis, hypertension, conflict in the home. Positive topics on , fidelity,
communication, sexuality etc.
Leadership Training:
Introduce Coaching techniques as part of Training of Trainers for those who
will be Small group leaders.
The coaching instruction is at the end of this Leadership Training Manual.
You may present and have the group practice the coaching question techniques.
A caution is, if you over-emphasize coaching it may take away from the
extremely important discussion time in small groups.
When coaching questions come natural to the Small group leaders it is effective.
How to use the WIN! Wellness HOHH DVD player option, how to use remote
control to change slides. Find the file “Your Fate is on Your Plate—Part I”.
Remind those being trained that the script must be printed from the computer
and is not in the DVD player program menu.
Introduce “Back to Eden Garden” song, which is appropriate for the “Your Fate
is on Your Plate” topic. Words are on a handout and a PowerPoint slide. (John
see what you can do with this song)
Have a demonstration of several healthy main meals using easy- to- get local
foods. Also have handouts of a number of healthy recipes prepared for the
group. Ask group for some of their favorite healthy ethnic recipes with
ingredients that are readily available. Share recipes.
Leadership Training—Service
Find in this manual—“Service for the Lord”
Read silently the quotes and underline the ones that speak to you.
Discuss them with just one person.
Pray together that God will guide you as you serve Him and give you a burden to
save souls for the kingdom and that the demography of heaven will be changed
because of your ministry. Pray also that you will be able to encourage others to
also join you in this ministry for Jesus.
Leadership Training:
In groups of 5 -6 makes a list of suggestions as to what a “Church Wellness
Center” might be like in order to meet the needs of the community.
What happens in a Church Wellness Center? Time limit 8 minutes.
One person in each Group shares their suggestions with all.
Compile lists of ideas on a PPt slides with suggestions for an effective Church
Wellness Center.
Then give “Every Church a Wellness Center” Handout to evaluate and add to.
Research Update:
Have an invited professional guest to share current research, information, or
prevention topics that are relevant to HOHH topics. This could be a Skype
presentation or DVD video.
Leadership Training:
Discuss the importance of healthy emotions in marriage and the effect this has
on the health of husband and wife, children and other relatives.
Read and discuss Quotes, Texts, and Notes on family topics.
These activities are “Keeper Activities” that bring in a lot of laughter and
enhance the marriage relationship of couples.
In a mini Marriage Commitment Service there can be a “Love Banquet” after the
couple strategies are completed, with attractive atmosphere and delicious
foods. See topic 13 computer options Marriage Commitment booklet PDF for quality
This is followed by husband giving a rose/flower to his wife with words of
affirmation spoken to her and she to him. Some are not comfortable doing this
in public so time is given for them to express their love thoughts in private. In
some cultures public affection may not be appropriate.
Also, there may not be time for all to give verbal affirmation. Be prudent.
At the close of the banquet and affirmation, the re-commitment of couples
follows when they renew their vows. In closing a pastor prays for the couples.
(The vows will be found in the handouts).
Have a committee of women to organize the Marriage Commitment event and
make it special with attractive decorations, appropriate wedding music and
sequence of events. It can become a mini recommitment wedding service
sometimes followed by refreshments that are locally used at wedding
all places this may not be possible. It may have to be a non-electronic
Leadership Training:
Handout: Health Emphasis Read and discuss in a group of 3
Discuss the importance of trainers having a positive healthy lifestyle.
Some may have to work towards improving their lifestyle while working with
At first they may only take baby step towards changing their own health habits.
In the end it will benefit their personal health and may prevent disease in the
future and a longer life.
After a presentation coaching questions could be asked of the group such as, “What
would you do differently if you presented this topic again in a seminar or in a small
“Did you feel we covered the topic in a satisfactory way?”
“What did you like about our presentations?”
“Were we satisfied with our/your presentation?
What could we do better the next time we present the New You topic?
Individuals my comment on their presentation and indicate how they would improve
presenting the content.
Leadership Training:
Suggest some to consider conducting seminars, such as: “Dinner with the Doctor”.
Some churches have “Dinner with the Doctor” once a month, others once a quarter.
Usually they are on Sabbath or Sunday late afternoon and evening.
The sequence of activities are:
Meal comes first,
Demonstration of a recipe,
Presentation by the doctor,
Questions for the doctor on any health topic written out. An appointed person
reads questions to the doctor who answers them.
Marketing posters, pictures of Wes Youngberg’s “Dinner with the Doctor” done in his
church will be in the Trainers DVD that may be shown to those interested in this type
of ministry.
Research Update:
Have a professional or use a DVD of a professional to present some current health or
family research topic.
We are always first a learner than a teacher.
Increasing knowledge on health and family issues increases our credibility.
After a presentation coaching questions could be asked of the group such as, “What would you do differently
if you presented this topic again in a seminar or in a small group?”
“Did you feel we covered the topic in a satisfactory way?”
“What did you like about our presentations?”
“Were we satisfied with our/your presentation?
What could we do better the next time we present the New You topic?
Individuals my comment on their presentation and indicate how they would improve presenting the content.
Leadership Training:
Suggest some to consider conducting seminars, such as: “Dinner with the Doctor”.
Some churches have “Dinner with the Doctor” once a month, others once a quarter.
Usually they are on Sabbath or Sunday late afternoon and evening.
The sequence of activities are:
Meal is first comes first,
Demonstration of a recipe,
Presentation by the doctor,
2. Questions for the doctor on any health topic written out,
An appointed person reads questions to the doctor who answers
1. Marketing posters, pictures of Wes Youngberg’s “Dinner with
the Doctor” done in his church will be in the Trainers DVD that
may be shown to those interested in this type of ministry.
Research Update:
Have a professional or use a DVD of a professional to present some current health or
family research topic.
We are always first a learner than a teacher.
Increasing knowledge on health and family issues increases our credibility.
Little Wilma weighed only 4 ½ pounds at birth. She was the 20 th of 22 children.
Sickly as a child, she suffered through one illness after another: measles, mumps,
scarlet fever, whooping cough, chicken pox and double pneumonia. Her mother
refused to give up. She wanted her Wilma to live and have a chance in life. Then
came polio. The local hospital would not accept her because she was black. At that
time polio was considered to be a crippling disease that had no cure. Her left leg and
foot were becoming weak and deformed. More problems surfaced. She was unable to
walk. Her left leg was shorter than her right leg. For two years her mother took her
twice a week to a hospital for blacks 50 miles away. She responded well to water
treatments with hot fomentations and eventually she could walk with a metal brace,
crutches and corrective shoes. Her mother and siblings persevered at home giving
her hydrotherapy treatments.
Yet Wilma had a vision for the future and she decided that she would not only walk
but against all odds she would become an athlete. By the age of 12 she was able to
say good-bye to leg braces and orthopedic shoes. She couldn’t keep up with her
brothers and sisters on the way to school, so she decided to run.
Years of difficult and at times painful training followed. But by high school she set a
state record for the most points scored in one game of basketball. By 1960 she set a
world record in the 200-meter sprint at the U.S. Championships. And then it was on
to the 1960 Olympic Gamesgames in Rome, Italy. Wilma won the 100-meter dash, the
200-meter dash, and ran as anchor on the winning 400-meter relay team becoming
the first American woman in history to win 3 gold medals in the Olympics. That’s the
story of Wilma Rudolph, the poor and sickly little girl of a minority race, who
“finished strong.”
It isn’t only people who’ve suffered accidents, illnesses, and other set backs in life
who feel motivated to achieve—everybody wants to WIN! We have yet to meet a
man, woman, boy or girl who doesn’t want to be a winner in life. That is why millions
compete in sports. They want to WIN. Even the apostle Paul in the Bible wrote about
his goal in life saying he considered everything else but “useless rubbish compared
with being able to WIN” that goal. Paul goes on to tell us, “Forgetting the past and
looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race and receive
the prize. . . .”
There is within us a desire that we not alone are winners but that we also help others
to be winners. When we join the Jesus team we work with Him for saving of souls for
the Kingdom. We also have a desire to help others prosper and be in good health—3
John 2. To be in good health requires good relations in the families of God since
negative areas do affect health, relations and spirituality in a synergistic way. The
Jesus team has a great work to do in this big world. He is recruiting helpers. The
wages are eternal. Join the Team.
Oswald Chambers was willing to pay any price for the life goal he considered worthy.
He captured the challenge with an intriguing phrase—“My utmost for His highest.” Is
there some dream in your life worthy of your best effort? Something to which you
can give your “utmost”? Is there something you can do that will make a difference
and will leave the world a better place because you have lived and ministered to
others? Can you, like David Livingstone, “throw your all into the furrow of the
world’s great need, with but one regret—that you have not more to give”?
During the closing service give WIN! Wellness Level I Certificates to the
trainers. After other requirements are fulfilled including fieldwork, the WIN!
Wellness Level II Certificate will be given.
Commission group to Go Ye into All the World . . .
Sign a commitment sheet for service.
Record when and where they will conduct a Training of Trainers session in their area.
Repeat together the commitment to Homes of Hope & Health Ministry.
Leader reads “The Charge” to the group. (found in the Handouts)
Make Plans for when and where Homes of Hope & Health Ministry of Training
Trainers in your area.
Record when and where you will conduct a Training of Trainers session.
Have a prayer of dedication
Sing, “So Send I You”. Stanzas 1, 2, 3, and 4.
“Christ is no longer in this world in person, to go through our cities and towns and villages,
healing the sick; but He has commissioned us to carry forward the medical missionary
work that He began.”
Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 168. {ChS 135.5}
Go Forward and help heal the broken hearted, set the captives free,
And bring healing to many as Jesus did.
You are on the Jesus Team to do great Medical Missionary work with the Greatest Medical
Missionary. You will help to change the demography of heaven.
I want to make a Commitment to WIN! Wellness Homes of Hope & Health Ministry for
the Glory of God and to help men, women and families in my community to live an
integrated well-balanced and healthy lifestyle.
This is my desire.
I want to help these individuals to improve their lifestyle, know Jesus through this
ministry and help them on their Spiritual Journey.
This is my desire.
This my desire
I am intentional about starting this health, family and spiritual balanced living ministry
by the date of_________________
at ___________________________________
This is my desire.
Signature _______________________________Date_________________
Leadership Homes of Hope & Health Training
Churches or Community
We have discovered one of the best ways to get individuals involved in improving their
health and family topics is by being a part of a small group.
In this training manual some of the same information is presented as in the Training of
Trainers. Choose whatto do that which seemseems to be the most appropriate for your
church members to know. We don’t want to overload them with too munch information at
one time.
The following could be a quick start introduction for church members to do small group
medical and family ministry after a motivational sermon by a local pastor or a Homes of
Hope and Health Trainer. It could be used as a handout in church, which could also include
the Homes of Hope & Health Interest Card for church members to record their interest in
participating in the churches small group ministry.
Quick Start to
Homes of Hope & Health
Personal Small Group Medical and Family Ministry
“The formation of small compapanies as a basis of Christian effort is a plan that has
been presented before me by One who cannot err. If there is a large number in the
church, let the members be formed into small companies, to work not only for the
church members but for unbelievers also.” Christian Service, p. 72
Invite your neighbors to your home, and read with them from the precious Bible and
from books that explain its truths.
Invite them to unite with you in song and prayer.
In these little gatherings, Christ Himself with be present, as He has promised, hearts
will be touched by his grace.” Ministry of Healing, p. 152 {DG 114.1}
“Hundreds and thousands were seen visiting families and opening before them the
word of God. Hearts were convicted by the power of the Holy Spirit, and a spirit of
genuine conversion was manifest.” 9 T 12
Training of Trainers for small group in Mexico and US
What Homes of Hope and Health Materials will you use?
—--Do you plan to use with WIN! Wellness Getting Started Book 1
—--Do you wish to have every person have a copy of the book?
—--Will you pay for each or have each person buy the book?
—--Will you use the PowerPoints with a computer and projector?
—-- Will you use the DVD player and TV screen option?
What day of the week do you plan to have your small group meeting?_? _________
How will you prepare your home for the guests? _________________________________
What method of instruction will you use to present the topic?
Share reading to each other by those who enjoy reading orally.
You present the topic and have group do the small group reflect and
discuss questions.
Each week someone is assigned to present topic
This too may happen as friendships are made in the Homes of Hope & Health small group
ministry. Research is telling us that with the increase of electronics people are having less
real close friends and many people are lonely. Good friends to fellowship with are needed
not only for companionship now but when facing crisis—either theirs or yours.
In Bible times there were small groups who met with each other for fellowship and prayer. After
Peter was jailed, an angel let him out. Peter found his way to a home of friends. They had
gathered in their small group to pray for Peter and were so busy praying that when Peter knocked
at the gate that they didn’t even recognize that it truly was Peter that was awaiting entrance.
On a different occasion the Bible says that the apostles “went back to preaching and teaching the
people about Jesus, both in the Temple and in their homes, sharing with them the good news that
[Jesus] was the Messiah” Acts 5:42 Clear Word. The apostles met with small groups in the
Ellen White writes, “The presentation of Christ in the family, by the fireside, and in small
gatherings in private houses, is often more successful in winning souls to Jesus than are sermons
delivered in the open air, to the moving throng, or even in halls or churches” Gospel Workers, p.
193. (1915) {Ev 587.2}.
Ellen White encourages ministering to small groups with church and non-church members.
One of these ladies was not a church member, the other two were not attending members.
Friendship/Love Evangelism started in those three home small groups while they learned
about integrated balanced living.
It was amazing what God did for these 3 individuals who opened theirs homes. The light of
love filled there home. In one year’s time one of the “Hermit” ladiesy was baptized and the
other two began attending church services faithfully. From the small group ministry there
were 9 baptisms, one came in on professional of faith, 3 started coming to church who had
not been attending, there was forgiveness and a church revival was experienced. Now
many of those who attendeding a small group are leaders of their own small groups.
The Lord changed hermits to be leaders of small groups, which then changed their lives and
the lives of others. God did this before and He can do it again.
That which will be presented in the training session for church or community groups will
depend on how much time is available and how much do busy people want to learn. The
instruction is shorter than for Training Trainers. for Seminars. Training half day to two
days, or part of a day may be all the time that is available to start gettingget a a group
started for church small group ministry. And especially if going door-to-door following up
church interest leads, inviting local people to be a part of a small group is being done.
Training may continue byin practical hands-on fieldwork or by one-to-one instruction.
Often you learn more by doing—getting involved right away.
Today hopelessness is all around. In some countries food lines are growing. Millions are
losing their jobs and are looking for employment. Children are in need—some homeless.
Sickness stalks some countries. Marriages are disintegrating. Young and old are fearful.
Health laws are being broken daily bringing on catastrophic diseases further adding strain
to already stressed families.
Many individuals desire a ministry that will bring hope and encouragement and even
emotional help and healing to others. Families today do have deep needs. They require
guidance and instruction that will help them to be resilient during tough times. Think of
the joy it will bring you when you help someone start on a new spirituall journey and a
new lifestyle journey that will change ahis life for good and other lives in a positive healthy
1. A Home of Hope & Health is a fellowship place where health, family and spiritual
instruction isis given and friendships are made.
2. It is a place where there is love and a genuine concern for neighbors, relatives
and friends.
Have a motivational meeting in the church to introduce Homes of Hope & Health
Ministry and encourage members to be part of it in some way. There can be 100%
Prepare an invitation card to be filled out by church and non-church members during
church service stating their interest in opening their home for a small group, or
attending one in someone else’s home or record names of people no longer attending
church or of someone who might like to attend a weekly small group, or just be
willing to help in any way as needed. They record how they would like to participate
in the Church-wide HOHH ministry. A prepared Connection Card is below.
Check the church interest lists of those who have attended church functions or and
have shown an interest in church activities such as; cooking classes, attended
evangelistic meetings, from fair contacts, shown interest in health, attended an EXPO
and invite them to attend small groups. Identify where they live on the map of the
area. These may be contacted by a door-to-door team that follows up leads.
Get a map of the church area and identify where members live and where there are
people from church interest list who could possibly attend a HOHH weekly session.
The HOHH Organizational team will help identify areas where the Homes of Hope &
Health small groups could meet. Ask church or non-church members if they would
volunteer to open their home for a weekly one-hour meeting to WIN! Wellness Home
of Hope & Health ministry.
Organize the small group teams to include church and non-church members.
Recruit a Prayer Ministry leader and form a prayer teams to pray for the Homes of
Hope & Health ministry. Encourage Prayer partners of 2 people to pray together daily
by phone for the ministry. Prayer requests are sent to prayer leaders who send pass
them on to praying teams or prayer partners by the Internet or phone.
For those who are considering getting involved in this ministry, have leadership
training on Sabbath afternoon or Sunday for 3 hours. If a number of sessions will be
held the meeting may be short. Some instruction will be given as it is needed or
requested or during fieldwork.
Have a Health EXPO to stimulate interest in health and family topics. Ask each
attending the
EXPO to fill out a survey on health, spiritual or family interest. Follow up on this
information by a visit or phone call inviting them to a HOHH.
Have a team go door-to-door inviting individuals to join a small group in their living
area. near to where they live.
Invite colporteurs to sell books in the in the areaareas, which then manday be
targeted foridentify home that are interested in weekly small groups in homes.
study time on health and family topics.
Presentation Plans
Decide what materials will be used for this ministry in your home, or church or
seminar room. Choices are PowerPoint presentation by computer and projector, or
DVD Player. The non-electronic method is reading and discussing the chapter on the
topic using the Homes of Hope & Health three books in sequence: Getting Started,
Pressing Forward, and Finishing Strong.
Attend leadership training where there will be demonstrations on using equipment
and practice sessions.
Word files, they can be opened with Pages. The PowerPoint files can also be opened
with Keynote. The PowerPoint slides may be changed, hidden or omitted. New
research may also be added along with additional graphics to reflect the ethnic
majority of your area. Instructions specific to both computer operating systems are
listed below.
The “All-in-One” file enables the speaker to read or refer to the presenter’s notes
and comments directly under the PowerPoint image on her/his own computer
screen. The notes are identical to that of the .doc file of the script. When the image
comes up on the Computer screen, click on SLIDE SHOW on the top bar. Choose VIEW
PRESENTERS TOOLS on the drop down menu. Four handy advantages then emerge:
1). The PowerPoint image on your computer screen has all the corresponding
speaker notes below it. 2). In the lower right corner is a thumbnail of the next
PowerPoint slide in the sequence or sometimes a strip of many slides on the left side,
with the present slide highlighted. 3). In the upper left corner is a clock telling the
speaker how much time has elapsed sine starting the PowerPoint presentation. 4).
Yet the screen the audience is viewing shows only the full-size PowerPoint slide.
As a presenter you can choose among 4 different ways of presenting exactly the same
material. 1. Use the WIN! Wellness Homes of Hope & Health 3 volume set of small
books. This is the non-electronic option. This has the advantage of encouraging
small group participation and can be used with larger audiences. 2. Use a DVD
Player. Advantage is that DVD Players are inexpensive. 3. Use the computer with
regular PowerPoint files oftentimes employed with a projector. For small, medium,
or large audiences. 4. Use the computer with the “All-in-One” PowerPoint files with a
projector. Advantage is that everything is at your fingertips. No paper notes, you
know what is coming next, and if you are on schedule.For Apple Users:
Insert disc. Quit DVD Player if it opens.
Double-click on the DVD icon on your desktop or click on Finder and click on the DVD via
side navigation bar.
Select desired topic and then choose either the Word script or PowerPoint file and
double-click to open.
To edit or change the document, save a copy onto your computer since the DVDs are
If you do not have Microsoft Office and are using iWork, right-click on the desired file,
navigate to “open with” and select either Pages or Keynote depending on which file you
wish to open.
Presenter Preparation
1. Before the small group or meeting, study the script, which gives a thumbnail sketch
of the PowerPoint, suggested comments and print this presentation guide to use as
presenter’s notes.
2. The Word script and the PowerPoint are in an open format, which permits the
presenter to add to, delete or update with new research or contextualize the content
to his/her country and culture.
3. Since the graphics are in an open format, the words on them may be translated to
other languages.
4. Start preparing presentation materials by reading over, learning stories—becoming
comfortable with content. Practice using PowerPoint presentation with script.
5. Become comfortable using equipment.
6. Before meeting begins make sure the equipment works properly
7. Check with electronic support professionals if problems occur with equipment.
8. Practice presenting to someone. It could even be a neighbor.
9. Start praying for those attending the sessions as you drive by or walk by their
homes and also during your devotional time. Pray that angels will give you words
that will change their lives in a positive way.
10. Pray that the Holy Spirit will help you to prepare and to present His message.
“Hundreds and thousands were seen visiting families and opening before them the word
of God. Hearts were convicted by the power of the Holy Spirit, and a spirit of genuine
conversion was manifest.” 9 T 126
marketing plans should be considered to get individuals to attend Homes of Hope & Health
weekly sessions in community homes?
Hi! My name is ___________________. People all around us are suffering in many ways
from one thing or another. We came by to take your prayer requests and tell you
about an exciting community project. (Pass them an invitation). Homes of Hope &
Health strengthens community while giving families the tools they need to build
good healthy relationships. There is a group meeting close-by. We’d like to invite
you to it.
Hi! I am___________ your neighbor down the street at ______________ We are visiting
our neighbors and friends to pray for them. It seems so many have no one to go to
for prayer. Do you have some prayer request that you would like me to pray for?
(Have a card—write their name and address and their prayer request.) I appreciate
the opportunity to pray for these prayer requests. I will keep in touch with you.
(Give them a card with your name and telephone number so they can contact you.)
Friendship Evangelism
Friendship Evangelism
Mike Tucker reports, “. . . Rarely do people join a church because someone ‘proved’
something to them from the Bible. About eighty-five percent of people who attend church
on a given weekend point to a friend or relative as the reason they are in church. Loving
relationships build bridges!” It also makes memories and friends for life.
Jesus was a friend of those He met. He cared about their needs, their health, their families,
and their concerns. He was there healing, helping, sympathizing, giving, teaching, loving
and even feeding 4,000 men, 5,000 men and their families with a simple meal of loaves and
fishes—What a mountain hospitality that was! It has been said that, “A loaf of bread doesn’t
have two ends, it has two beginnings.”
You prayed for her healing and pain as she wiped away the tears. You were impressed that
she must be without money and courage and God nudged you while you prayed to give her
a check of $100 and send her home with tomatoes and potatoes and even an onion from
your garden. And as she left she softly spoke through tears, “God told me today that He
would show me His glory when I came to your home.” She needed something. You had
something. What you gave was just God’s love shown in a practical way through you.
Loving acts brighten people’s day, remind them that God loves them, sow caring seeds,
find joy in giving little gifts, defend them, protect them, teach them, talk to them, befriend
Ruthie Jacobsen says, “Few things give greater joy than giving. Are you a giver? Do you
look for ways to give and people to give to? When we give, it broadens our horizons, it
‘enlarges our territory.’ . . When we give away some of even what we don’t have enough of,
God says He’ll give it back, and more. Need happiness? Give some away. Need love? Give
some away. Need time? Give some away. His promises never fail.”
Add to this prayer: Lord open up my eyes and mind to creative ways I can love people
during my daily walk with You. Nudge me when You want me to do some special loving
things for those in my path. Love people through me and help me to praise You when You
do. Give me a sensitive caring heart. Keep nudging me so others will feel your love.
Friendship evangelism is a golden key to opening hearts and minds to the gospel
message and improved lifestyle. Contacts
Invite neighbors, friends, co-workers, relatives, strangers and those no longer
attending church to attend sessions by an invitation card, a visit, phone call, email or
face book.
Become intentional about making new friends and share what you are learning about
health, family, spiritual insights.
Talk to everyone you meet about health/family topics and Homes of Hope and Health
small group meeting in the neighborhood.
Ask those you meet if they have special interest in health and family topics. Chat with
them about their interests. Then invite them to a HOHH session.
Just start talking to friends and others about health/family and stimulate interest by
sharing new information you have learned. Then ask, “Do you know of 5-6 friends
who are also interested in healthful living and family topics who you think could join
us in a weekly session where we could study together as a group and learn how to
better balance our lives?” Then organize a group in your home or someone else’s
home for a weekly one-hour session.
Being friendly to all people you meet. Start a conversation with those around you.
Attempt to make a new friend.
Smile, give little gifts, information and do loving acts for them.
Direct conversation to health and family topics. If interested invite them to a Homes of
Hope & Health small groups.
Start making friends outside of the church. Where? Health clubs, garage sales, place of
employment, children’s sports areas, aerobic classes, swimming pool, over the garden
fence, travelling, where God leads you and gives you a Divine appointment. He has
surprises for us if we listen to His soft voice.
Sow beside all waters. Share new research on healthful living or new research about
Invite people to your home for healthy refreshments or a vegetarian meal.
Make new friends who have positive health and family interests and encourage them
to have a fellowship time with others in HOHH small group meetings once a week.
Share success stories of what is happening in HOHH meetings with those you meet.
Just start talking to friends and others about health/family and stimulate interest by
sharing new information you have learned. Then ask, “Do you know of 5-6 friends
who are also interested in healthful living and family topics who you think could join
us in a weekly session where we could study together as a group and learn how to
better balance our lives?” Then organize a group in your home or someone else’s
home for a weekly one-hour session.
Being friendly to all people you meet. Start a conversation with those around you.
Attempt to make a new friend.
Smile, give little gifts, information and do loving acts for them.
Direct conversation to health and family topics. If interested invite them to a Homes of Hope & Health small
Start making friends outside of the church. Where? Health clubs, garage sales, place of employment, children’s
sports areas, aerobic classes, swimming pool, over the garden fence, travelling, where God leads you and gives
you a Divine appointment. He has surprises for us if we listen to His soft voice.
Sow beside all waters. Share new research on healthful living or new research about families.
Invite people to your home for healthy refreshments or a vegetarian meal.
Make new friends who have positive health and family interests and encourage them to have a fellowship
time with others in HOHH small group meetings once a week.
Share success stories of what is happening in HOHH meetings with those you meet.
Pray that the Holy Spirit will direct you to find those who are seekers and need to attend a
small group. Ask God to show you how to have one-to-one contacts with those whom He
wants in some small group or to attend a Homes of Hope & Health seminar or evangelist
meeting. Ask for Divine Appointments.
Market the event. We market by our lives when we show by our actions that we want
to make a difference
Word of mouth is the best marketing. Share what a blessing Homes of Hope & Health
HOHH has been to those you meet.
HOHH team identifies others living in the designated area from the church’s “interests
lists” to invite to the home small group meetings. Those people may be some who no
longer attend church, took Bible studies, recorded interest in Bible topics from past
evangelistic meetings, were in cooking classes, participated in a Health EXPO, went to
a health lecture, recorded interest at a fair, etc. These are personally contacted and
are invited to a small group meeting in their neighborhood. This is a great time to give
a gift of a Health magazine, tract or some small piece of literature.
Market by TV—radio—local paper—local marketing papers.
Encourage Sabbath School classes to start a Home of Hope & Health group and to
invite their friends, relatives, co-workers to join them on their new lifestyle journey.
Maker flyers and or leavehandout in community placesin neighborhood. Put posters
at key places. Announce the Homes of Hope & Health ministry in the Church bulletin,
local community flyers.
Once the Homes of Hope & Health team has had sufficient time to get organized and some
church/no-church members have been identified for small group ministry it is time for
leadership training.
Have a meeting for all leaders and facilitators of small groups to be instructed, answer their
questions and encourage them with the great importance of this ministry. Let them know
how significant this ministry is to the Lord. Invite all to attend but it is not vital that all stay
for the full Leadership Training depending on what part each individual plays in the small
group ministry.
The training may be Sabbath afternoon and parts of Sunday or evening meetings during the
week. Often the church will provide a meal for those in training on weekends with a
breakfast or lunch meal. This first training may be short followed up by other training
sessions. The instruction may be one-to-one for those who are ready to have their first
small group meeting in their home.
Suggested Curriculum for HOHH Homes of Hope & Health Training Sessions
The following are suggestion for what can be a part of a Homes of Hope & Health Training
Session for Church Small Group Ministry. There is much that can be presented in a
leadership training but all that we suggest does not have to be done at one time in the
church training session. We don’t want to overwhelm those being trained. There can be
some evening meetings on specific topics. Instruction can be by one-to-one contact or by a
fieldwork experience. Use your good judgment. Select wisely. The information, however, is
good for the Trainer to know when working one-to-one with those who are participating in
the ministry.
There are some who get minimal training, just read the instruction and are ready to go,
while others feel they need specific steps to follow. Here are some suggestions for the
training of small group leaders.
What is HOHH about?
Why is HOHH important?
What is the rationale for HOHH?
How to prepare for HOHH in church and home
Observe a demonstration of presenting topic with different method
Get acquainted with content of a number of topics
Share testimonies of others doing HOHH ministry and the success stories
Learn about leadership of small group for Reflect/Discuss
Hear Leadership Training “How tos”
Take part in presenting a portion of a presentation in a group of 5 to 8.
Learn how to use equipment, DVD Players and DVDs
Learn how to download script and PPt and adapt as needed –shorten—add to—
outline etc
Discuss Friendship methods in the HOHH small groups
Discuss the importance of serving others.
Discuss Spiritual emphasis, importance of church medical missionary work, EGW
quotes on medical missionary work as part of the 3 Angels’ Messages etc.
For those who are helping to get additional homes for small group ministry there
may be instruction on doing door-to-door ministry
HOHH Small Group Church Training Session Plans
A very comprehensive Small Group Ministry Training Session outline may look like the
following. Additional training activities may be added as suggested in the Training of
Trainers schedule.
Introduction to WIN! Wellness Homes of Hope & Health Ministry. What is it?
Introduction to WIN! Wellness Homes of Hope & Health Ministry. What is it?
Leadership Training:
Give each a brochure, handout or just tell briefly what it is about and answer
Leadership Training: Why do you think there are so many churches world- wide
encouraging small group ministry in their church and community homes?
Leadership Training:
Share human-interest illustrations on how others have successfully used the
materials with testimonies of positive experiences. Such as:
Clare Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Michigan, led by Pam Knechtel and Marcia
Lincoln and their husbands.
What do you believe are the most important health problems in your community?
Make a list of them. Which 3 are of greatest concern to you?
What do you believe are the greatest family problems and needs in your
community? Make a list of them. What are the 3 greatest needs?
Leadership Training:
Methods of inviting community to a HOHH.
What can you do to encourage individuals to come to a HOHH small group weekly
The goal for the breakout sessions is to get all individuals in a group to feel
comfortable enough to take part during the discussion time. The first question
should be one that everyone can respond to such as: What did you learn from the
presentation or what impressed you the most? In which way can you apply the
information to your life? What mini steps might you take to improve in this area?
The goal is to help participants to become intentional about improving their health,
to grow spiritually and improve relationships and to take positive lifestyle action.
“Hope in a Hopeless World” a non-electronic presentation, using the Book 1 of
HOHH Series, Getting Started. The presenter introduces the first two paragraphs,
tells the first story and then the group continues with a group of 3-5 reading and
discussing portions of the chapter. Give group a stopping time for their reading and
discussing of the Hope topic. They may or may not finish but they get an idea of how
to do non-electronic presentations. Give time for some questions from
Reflect/Discuss list. Invite others to share their own experiences. Sharing should be
To make a friend one must first show ones-self friendly. Ellen White tells us in
Desire of Ages that “Only by love is love awakened.” The way to be a successful soul
winner is to invest ones-self in people. Show them you care for them. Be sincere,
compassionate and be truly sympathetic to their needs. That was the “Jesus
Method” of touching hearts. He had deep love.
“Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with loving kindness I have
drawn you” Jeremiah 31:3. We cannot over-estimate God’s love power. The greatest
healing agent in the universe for the emotions and the body is love. When we help
the afflicted and comfort those who sorrow we are showing God’s love through us.
There is almost not a home today that is not in some kind of personal or family crisis.
Go to your neighbors purposing in your heart to show them love and pray for them.
Show true interest in them by sharing some freshly baked healthy goodies, a spiritual
book or beautiful flowers from your garden, a toy for the baby or show your love by
being willing to help them to do something that is difficult for them. You may even
invite the neighbor or neighbors to come to your home for a meal or a backyard
picnic. Start making true friends by loving acts.
Leadership Training:
Share more testimonies of WIN! Wellness HOHH ministry. See Testimonies
section of this manual.
See article on Clare Church Ministry using Homes of Hope & Health in the training
Use Video “The Clare Church Homes of Hope & Health Ministry” (Available at
Testimony of Dr. Wendell Lawrence, a dentist, who uses his waiting room at his
Dental Office to minister to other using the WIN! Wellness curriculum. (See
Testimony in Training Manual—Handouts)
Start your own Testimony file of success stories and miracles
Demonstrate: Topic 5, “A Time for Healing.” This Forgiveness topic may be used for the
Sabbath sermon. It is a powerful presentation and can be a model and demonstration to the
church of what Homes of Hope & Health is about. Make it a PowerPoint presentation. Use 2
people (husband and wife or 2 trainers) method of presentation—with each sharing stories
or their favorite part of the topic. Be well prepared and let the Holy Spirit minister to you
and through you. Usually some healing takes place and there are freeing victories from the
past, which actually helps to bring emotional healing as well as physical and spiritual
Do Reflect/Discuss in groups of 3 -5 minutes.
Follow-up with the chosen discussion questions and direct the group to the
Handout/supplementary in book 1 Getting Started, Chapter 5, “Steps Along the
Pathway of Forgiveness.” This session is a must.
Leadership Training:
Why is there an emphasis on family ministry in WIN! Wellness Homes of Hope
& Health? Reflect/Discuss
“The restoration and uplifting of humanity begins in the home. The work of parents
underlies every other. Society is composed of families, and is what the heads of
families make it. Out of the heart are ‘the issues of life’ (Proverbs 4:23); and the
heart of the community, of the church, and of the nation is the household. The well-
being of society, the success of the church, the prosperity of the nation, depend upon
home influences.” {MH 349.1}
“There is need of a different kind of labor in our churches from what they have had.
… . . Let families invite in their neighbors, and then let the minister hold Bible
readings with them, and become acquainted with them. There needs to be less
preaching and more pastoral work done in our churches. Those who have no
aptitude for this kind of labor, should educate themselves, and come more into
harmony with Christ's manner of working.” --HM Nov. 1, 1890. {PaM 137.3}
The group needs study time of their part in the presentation. They do their best
when they have an evening to look over the material, but if not, study time is given
in the class. The presenters are encouraged to give short illustrations from their life
experience in their presentation section. They must be short because of time
limitations. This topic usually takes longer than other topics when only one or two
Each individual evaluates his/her personal presentation. Were you satisfied with
your presentation? What could I do better the next time I present this portion of the
New You topic?
The goal is for each group to have a projector and use PPt slides as they
present their assigned part but in some places this may not be possible. It
may have to be a non-electronic presentation. At the close of the
presentations one person leads out in the Reflect/Discuss time. The chairs
should be set in a circle for the presentations.
Option to a Group 5-8 presenting is one or two present the New You topic at a well-
attended church meeting, at a Sabbath afternoon Youth meeting or in a Small Group
in a home.
Leadership Training:
Read/Reflect/Discuss “Every Church a Medical Missionary Center” See Handouts
Think creatively about having Homes of Hope & Health in the very best places where
people will enjoy attending. Some physicians invite patients to come to a
restaurant. His invitation says, “Come have dinner with the Doc on Tuesday evening
at 6:15.” Having dinner with the doctor (which each attendee pays for) may precede
or follow-up with Homes of Hope & Health instruction.
Dinner with the Doctor may be held at a local church without cost.
For the public in the local library
With patients in the doctor’s waiting room
In Family Centers
For health evangelism meetings/seminars since a number of doctrines are
gently introduced
In clinical setting — live in or non-residential
To follow up CHIP, Cooking Classes, Lifestyle Matters, Depression or
Diabetes seminars
Follow up for Parenting classes
Before aerobic classes
At county fairs
Overseas, out of the country health and family seminars
Part of a sponsored mission project
University or college classes on Wellness
Have HOHH part of a monthly supper club, monthly WIN! Health Club, or
Lunch and Learn meetings
Camp Meetings
Leadership Training
Share with the local church how God is blessing in the small group ministry
and answering prayers.
Have individuals share testimonies of what has happened in their lives and miracles
that have taken place. This can be reported in the missionary time between Sabbath
School and church service or during the announcement time. Better yet, have the
pastor include the report as part of his sermon.
Every 6 to 8 months have some special event for all small groups in the area to
attend, such as a picnic, Marriage Commitment fun couple evening with an agape
banquet, musical concert, cooking demonstrations, interesting film, hydrotherapy
demonstration, Dinner with the Doctor, view a Health or Family Documentary, etc.
Activity Question: How can we motivate church members to serve the Lord
and be co-workers with Him in saving souls for the kingdom? Do preaching
sermons on Service really help? What other things can we do to help our
church members to get out of the pews and get involved in a ministry of any
Activity: When a series of HOHH has finished what can we do to keep the
interest advancing in health, family, spirituality for those who have been
attending the small group meetings? Many ask, “What next?”
After all the topics have been finished, what do you do next? It is important that
those who attended the small groups keep connected and friendships are
These are suggestions of possible follow-up events.
Transition smoothly with much prayer that the group may not lose its
identity. After the 9 groups in the Clare Church in Michigan finished the
HOHH series, with much prayer they transitioned into “New Beginnings”
doctrinal series. Instead of losing attendees, the actually added 5 new
Group members may decide to divide in order to multiply. Big group A
becomes little groups B and C as new Homes of Hope & Health are begun
in homes of some of the participants.
Transition into another more prophetic/doctrinal series such as “New
Beginnings” or “Share Him” with their PowerPoint presentations.
Attend a local Reaping Series or Evangelistic Series.
Start a “Lifestyle Matters” Michigan Conference’s Health Program
Join a Bible Study group
Organize a monthly Supper Club for Home of Hope & Health small groups
Have a full or short Marriage Commitment Seminar
Have Cooking Classes for all to attend
Organize a Health Club that has monthly health lectures.
Participate in Church Health Ministry
Start an exercise Program—Walk away the pounds and stresses
Enriching Homes of Hope & Health Activities/ Resources
WIN! Wellness Homes of Hope & Health
Marketing for Seminars, Professional & Evangelistic Meeting
In this section you will find quotes, texts, and spiritual thoughts that are recorded here to
help immerse you with information that have inspired the authors to prepare Homes of
Hope & Health. These are recorded for your information, inspiration, motivation, and
transformation. We recommend that all those who are training to be Homes of Hope &
Health trainers in the world field read this section during the training sessions. That which
is recorded is to justify why Homes of Hope & Health are part of God’s plan for the last days
and are part of the Three Angels’ Messages for preparing individuals for the return of Jesus.
The principles and guidelines for this ministry are founded in these quotes and texts below.
Jesus gives us the commission “Go into all the world” and the medical missionary work is
an entering wedge into the world.
The quotes and texts in this chapter help us realize the importance of Medical Evangelism
for these times. In 1863 Ellen White began publishing a new paradigm of health concepts
linked to missionary outreach. She continued to expand on the theme until her death in
1915. But was it really a new paradigm? No it wasn’t. It was only a restatement, a
recuperation or restoration of what Christ brought to earth 2,000 years ago and which was
practiced by the apostles. As you read these quotes what is the Holy Spirit saying to you?
Medical Ministry of Jesus
Medical Ministry of Jesus
Jesus ministered with the healing power of love. He had great compassion for those who
had infirmities and wanted to minister to needs of all humanity. He loved them so much
and desired that each prosper in health. Jesus wanted to heal the broken hearted and set
the captives free. His deep burden was to remove sin, disease and to bring health, peace
and complete restoration to those whom he met. To do this Jesus ministered on
mountaintops, in boats and as He walked on busy streets. He lovingly went to the small
villages, towns and important cities like Capernaum and Jerusalem and made a difference
in the lives of many. He set an example for us today to minster to the little villages and on to
the big cities. How can we, wherever we are, model His ministry to those without hope and
in need and go beyond even to far away places as He guides us?
Most of us do not have the gift of instant healing but there are some things we can do to
help prevent sickness and give instruction that may bring restoration of health. One thing
we can all do is to show love for others by love acts, which in themselves have healing
power. When the law of love is kept and we love others like Jesus did, miracles start taking
The greatest health law, the greatest spiritual law, the greatest family law, the greatest
relationship law, the greatest ministry law is “LOVE”. Love heals! Love teaches! Love
encourages! Love cares! Love reaches!
A Homes of Hope & Health ministry is a love ministry that can change lives. So Lord, teach
us how to love others, our families, our neighbors and even love ourselves enough to care
for the “One Body” You have given us that our bodies may be Your temple and You may live
within us.
“Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching
the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.
But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they
were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.” Matt 9:35-36
Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled
with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to
their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them “Follow Me.” MH, p. 143.
Christ feels the woes of every sufferer. When evil spirits rend a human frame, Christ feels
the curse. When fever is burning up the life current, He feels the agony. And He is just as
willing to heal the sick now, as when He was personally on earth. Christ's servants are His
representatives, the channels for His working. He desires through them to exercise His
healing power. --The Desire of Ages, pp. 823, 824. {ChS 135.1}
Through His servants, God designs that the sick, the unfortunate, and those possessed of
evil spirits, shall hear His voice. Through His human agencies He desires to be a comforter,
such as the world knows not.--The Ministry of Healing, p. 106. {ChS 135.2}
Christ co-operates with those who engage in medical missionary work.--Testimonies, vol.
7, p. 51. {ChS 135.3}
The Lord wrought through them. Wherever they went, the sick were healed, and the poor
had the gospel preached unto them.--The Acts of the Apostles, p. 106. {ChS 135.4}
Christ is no longer in this world in person, to go through our cities and towns and villages,
healing the sick; but He has commissioned us to carry forward the medical missionary
work that He began.--Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 168. {ChS 135.5}
“I have been instructed that we should lead the sick in our institutions to expect large
things because of the faith of the physician in the great Healer, who, in the years of His
earthly ministry, went through the towns and villages of the land and healed all who came
to Him. None were turned away; He healed them all. Let the sick realize that, although
unseen, Christ is present to bring relief and healing.” {LLM 355.4}
Jesus' ministry consisted not merely in sermonizing, but in educating the people.
“We should seek to follow more closely the example of Christ, the great Shepherd, as He
worked with His little company of disciples, studying with them and with the people the
Old Testament Scriptures. His active ministry consisted not merely in sermonizing but in
educating the people. As He passed through villages, He came in personal contact with the
people in their homes, teaching, and ministering to their necessities. As the crowds that
followed Him increased, when He came to a favorable place, He would speak to them,
simplifying His discourses by the use of parables and symbols.”--Ev 203. {PaM 285.2}
“Christ, the great medical missionary, is our example. . . . He healed the sick and preached
the gospel. In His service, healing and teaching were linked closely together. Today they are
not to be separated.”--Testimonies, vol. 9, pp. 170, 171. {ChS 133.1}
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the
poor; He has sent Me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery
of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of
the Lord.” Luke 4:18–19 See Isaiah 61:1-2
Holy Spirit
“We cannot use the Holy Spirit; the Spirit is to use us. Through the spirit, God works in His
people ‘to will and to do of His good pleasure’ Phil. 2:13. But many will not submit to be led.
They want to manage themselves. . . . Only to those who wait humbly upon God, who watch
for His guidance and grace, is the Spirit given. This promised blessing claimed by faith,
brings all other blessings in its train. It is given according to the riches of the grace of
Christ, and He is ready to supply every soul according to the capacity to receive.” Gospel
Workers 285
“God has provided divine assistance for all the emergencies to which our human resources
are unequal. He gives the Holy Spirit to help in every strait, to strengthen our hope and
assurance, to illuminate our minds and purify our hearts. He means that sufficient
facilities shall be provided for the working out of His plans. I bid you seek counsel
from God. Seek Him with the whole heart, and whatsoever he saith unto you do.” -John 2:5
Gospel Workers p 66
“If they will constantly be learners, through His providence He will make them men and
women fitted to do a work that is not beyond their capabilities; through the impartation of
the Holy Spirit. He will give them power of utterance.” Gospel Workers p 36
Dwight Nelson’s Prayer: “O God have mercy on us in our weakness and fill us with the
mighty Holy Spirit, so that our impossibilities might be transformed into Your
glorious possibilities through Christ.”
Medical Missionary Work
“The evangelization of the world is the work that God has given to those who go forth in His
name. They are to be co-laborers with Christ, revealing to those ready to perish His tender,
pitying love. God calls for thousands to work for Him, not by preaching to those who know
the truth, going over and over the same ground, but by warning those who have never
heard the last message of mercy. Work with a heart filled with an earnest longing for souls.
Do medical missionary work. Thus you will gain access to the hearts of the people. The way
will be prepared for more decided proclamation of the truth. You will find that relieving
their physical suffering gives an opportunity to minister to their spiritual needs.” {CME
“The Lord will give you success in this work, for the gospel is the power of God unto
salvation, when it is interwoven with the practical life, when it is lived and practiced. The
union of Christlike work for the body and Christ like work for the soul is the true
interpretation of the gospel.”
--An Appeal for the Medical Missionary College, pp. 14, 15. {CME 7.3}
Divine Origin
“True medical missionary work is of heavenly origin. It was not originated by any person
who lives. But in connection with this work we see so much which dishonors God that I am
instructed to say, The medical missionary work is of divine origin and has a most glorious
mission to fulfill. In all its bearings it is to be in conformity with Christ's work. Those who
are workers together with God will just as surely represent the character of Christ as Christ
represented the character of His Father while in this world.”
--Medical Ministry, p. 24. {CME 8.1}
“As a means of overcoming prejudice and gaining access to minds, medical missionary
work must be done, not in one or two places only, but in many places where the truth has
not yet been proclaimed. We are to work as gospel medical missionaries, to heal the sin-
sick souls by giving them the message of salvation. This work will break down prejudice as
nothing else can.” --Testimonies, Vol. 9, p. 211. {CME 8.3}
It Opens Doors
“The right hand is used to open doors through which the body may find entrance. This is
the part the medical missionary work is to act. It is to largely prepare the way for the
reception of the truth for this time. A body without hands is useless. In giving honor to the
body, honor must also be given to the helping hands, which are agencies of such
importance that without them the body can do nothing. Therefore the body which treats
indifferently the right hand, refusing its aid, is able to accomplish nothing.”
--Medical Ministry, p. 238. {CME 9.1}
“In every place the sick may be found, and those who go forth as workers for Christ should
be true health reformers, prepared to give those who are sick the simple treatments that
will relieve them, and then pray with them. Thus they will open the door for the entrance of
the truth. The doing of this work will be followed by good results.”
--Medical Ministry, p. 320. {CME 9.2}
“All who believe the truth for these last days have something to do in this matter. It
concerns them, and God requires them to arouse and interest themselves in this reform. He
will not be pleased with their course if they regard this question with indifference.”
--Testimonies, Vol. 1, p. 618. {CME 10.4}
Zeal and Perseverance Required
“Could I arouse our people to Christian effort, could I lead them to engage in medical
missionary work with holy zeal and divine perseverance, not in a few places, but in every
place, putting forth personal effort for those out of the fold, how grateful I should be! This is
true missionary work. In some places it is attended with little success, apparently; but
again, the Lord opens the way, and signal success attends the effort. Words are spoken
which are as nails fastened in a sure place. Angels from heaven co-operate with human
instrumentalities, and sinners are won to the Saviour.”
--Medical Ministry, p. 256. {CME 11.3}
In Time of Persecution
“As religious aggression subverts the liberties of our nation [USA], those who would stand
for freedom of conscience will be placed in unfavorable positions. For their own sake, they
should, while they have the opportunity, become intelligent in regard to disease, its causes,
prevention, and cure. All those who do this will find a field of labor anywhere. There will be
suffering ones, plenty of them, who will need help, not only among those of our own faith,
but largely among those who know not the truth. The shortness of time demands an energy
that has not been aroused among those who claim to believe the present truth.”
--Counsels on Health, p. 506. {CME 11.4}
“How slow men are to understand God's preparation for the day of His power. He works
today to reach hearts in the same way that He worked when Christ was upon this earth. In
reading the Word of God, we see that Christ brought medical missionary work into His
ministry. Cannot our eyes be opened to discern Christ's methods? Cannot we understand
the commission He gave to His disciples and to us?” {CME 12.2}
“The world must have an antidote for sin. As the medical missionary works intelligently to
relieve suffering and save life, hearts are softened. Those who are helped are filled with
gratitude. As the medical missionary works upon the body, God works upon the heart.”
--Manuscript 58, 1901. {CME 12.3}
“We shall see the medical missionary work broadening and deepening at every point of its
progress, because of the inflowing of hundreds and thousands of streams, until the whole
earth is covered as the waters cover the sea.” --Medical Ministry, p. 317. {CME 13.2}
“The two lines of work must not be separated. Satan will invent every possible scheme to
separate those whom God is seeking to make one. We must not be misled by his devices.
The medical missionary work is to be connected with the third angel's message as the hand
is connected with the body; and the education of students in medical missionary lines is not
complete unless they are trained to work in connection with the church and the ministry.”
{CH 557.1}
“Take the students out to hold meetings in different places, and to do medical missionary
work. They will find the people at home and will have a splendid opportunity to present the
truth. This way of spending Sunday is always acceptable to the Lord.”
--9T 238 (1909). {LDE 140.3}
“The medical missionary work is a door through which the truth is to find entrance to many
homes in the cities. In every city will be found those who will appreciate the truths of the
third angel’s message...” {Ev 391.2}
“The medical missionary work should be a part of the work of every church in our land.”
6T 289 {CH 425}
Every Church Member a Medical Missionary
The following is a message for all church members today but most church members are not
even aware of it.
“We have come to a time when every member of the church should take hold of medical
missionary work. The world is a lazar house filled with victims of both physical and
spiritual disease. Everywhere people are perishing for lack of knowledge of the truths that
have been committed to us. The members of the church are in need of an awakening, that
they may realize their responsibility to impart these truths. Those who have been
enlightened by the truth are to be light bearers to the world. To hide our light at this time is
to make a terrible mistake. The message to God's people today is, ‘Arise, shine; for thy light
is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.’ Isa. 60:1.” 7T, 62 (1902) {CH 425.1}
“Medical missionary work is the pioneer work of the gospel. It is the door through which
the truth is to find entrance to many homes. A demonstration of the principles of health
reform will do much toward removing prejudice against our evangelical work; and the
Great Physician, the originator of medical missionary work, will bless all who thus seek to
impart the truth for this time.” {RH, April 25, 1912}
“A minister of the gospel, who is also a medical missionary, who can cure physical ailments,
is a much more efficient worker than one who cannot do this. His work as a minister of the
gospel is much more complete.” MM 245
He designs that the medical missionary work shall prepare the way for the presentation of
the saving truth for this time, --the proclamation of the third angel's message. If this design
is met, the message will not be eclipsed nor its progress hindered. --Testimonies, vol. 6, p.
293. {ChS 132.6}
First meet the temporal necessities of the needy, and relieve their physical wants and
sufferings, and you will then find an open avenue to the heart, where you may plant the
good seeds of virtue and religion.--Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 227. {ChS 132.7}
Nothing will give greater spiritual strength and a greater increase of earnestness and depth
of feeling, than visiting and ministering to the sick and the desponding, helping them to see
the light and to fasten their faith upon Jesus.-- Testimonies vol. 4, pp. 75, 76. {ChS 132.8}
Christ's example must be followed by those who claim to be His children. Relieve the
physical necessities of your fellow men, and their gratitude will break down the barriers,
and enable you to reach their hearts. Consider this matter earnestly. --Testimonies, vol. 9, p.
127. {ChS 133.3}
Especially should those who are medical missionaries manifest, in spirit, word, and
character, that they are following Christ Jesus, the divine Model of medical missionary
effort. --Testimonies, vol. 7, p. 127. {ChS 133.4}
It is the divine plan that we shall work as the disciples worked. Physical healing is bound up
with the gospel commission. In the work of the gospel, teaching and healing are never to be
separated.--The Ministry of Healing, p. 141. {ChS 133.6}
Medical missionary work and the gospel ministry are the channels through which God
seeks to pour a constant supply of His goodness. They are to be as the river of life for the
irrigation of His church.--Bible Echo, Aug. 12, 1901. {ChS 133.7}
Let our ministers, who have gained an experience in preaching the word, learn how to give
simple treatments, and then labor intelligently as medical missionary evangelists.
--Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 172. {ChS 134.1}
As the canvasser goes from place to place, he will find many who are sick. He should have a
practical knowledge of the causes of disease, and should understand how to give simple
treatments, that he may relieve the suffering ones. More than this, he should pray in faith
and simplicity for the sick, pointing them to the great Physician. As he thus walks and
works with God, ministering angels are beside him, giving him access to hearts. What a
wide field for missionary effort lies before the faithful, consecrated canvasser; what a
blessing he will receive in the diligent performance of his work!--Southern Watchman, Nov.
20, 1902. {ChS 134.2}
Divine Co-operation
Christ feels the woes of every sufferer. When evil spirits rend a human frame, Christ feels
the curse. When fever is burning up the life current, He feels the agony. And He is just as
willing to heal the sick now, as when He was personally on earth. Christ's servants are His
representatives, the channels for His working. He desires through them to exercise His
healing power.--The Desire of Ages, pp. 823, 824. {ChS 135.1}
Through His servants, God designs that the sick, the unfortunate, and those possessed of
evil spirits, shall hear His voice. Through His human agencies He desires to be a comforter,
such as the world knows not.--The Ministry of Healing, p. 106. {ChS 135.2}
Christ co-operates with those who engage in medical missionary work.--Testimonies, vol. 7,
p. 51. {ChS 135.3}
The Lord wrought through them. Wherever they (the apostles) went, the sick were healed,
and the poor had the gospel preached unto them.--The Acts of the Apostles, p. 106. {ChS
Christ is no longer in this world in person, to go through our cities and towns and villages,
healing the sick; but He has commissioned us to carry forward the medical missionary
work that He began.--Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 168. {ChS 135.5}
This work, properly conducted, will save many a poor sinner who has been neglected by
the churches. Many not of our faith are longing for the very help that Christians are in duty
bound to give. If God's people would show a genuine interest in their neighbors, many
would be reached by the special truths for this time. Nothing will or ever can give character
to the work like helping the people just where they are. Thousands might today be rejoicing
in the message, if those who claim to love God and keep His commandments would work as
Christ worked. When the medical missionary work thus wins men and women to a saving
knowledge of Christ and His truth, money and earnest labor may safely be invested in it; for
it is a work that will endure.--Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 280. {ChS 136.2}
Let our people show that they have a living interest in medical missionary work. Let them
prepare themselves for usefulness by studying the books that have been written for our
instruction in these lines. These books deserve much more attention and appreciation than
they have received. Much that is for the benefit of all to understand has been written for the
special purpose of instruction in the principles of health. Those who study and practice
these principles will be greatly blessed, both physically and spiritually. An understanding of
the philosophy of health will be a safeguard against many of the evils that are continually
increasing,--Testimonies, vol. 7, p. 63. {ChS 136.3}
I have been instructed that the medical missionary work will discover, in the very depths of
degradation, men who, though they have given themselves up to intemperate, dissolute
habits, will respond to the right kind of labor. But they need to be recognized and
encouraged. Firm, patient, earnest effort will be required in order to lift them up. They
cannot restore themselves. They may hear Christ's call, but their ears are too dull to take in
its meaning; their eyes are too blind to see anything good in store for them. They are dead
in trespasses and sins. Yet even these are not to be excluded from the gospel feast. They are
to receive the invitation, "Come." Though they may feel unworthy, the Lord says, "Compel
them to come in." Listen to no excuse. By love and kindness lay right hold of them,--
Testimonies, vol. 6, pp. 279, 280. {ChS 136.4}
Those who take up this line of work [circulating publications] are to go prepared to do
medical missionary work. The sick and suffering are to be helped. Many for whom this
work of mercy is done will hear and accept the words of life.--Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 34.
{ChS 137.1}
Let them take the living principle of health reform into the communities that to a large
degree are ignorant of these principles.--Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 118. {ChS 137.4}
I am instructed to say to health reform educators, Go forward. The world needs every jot of
the influence you can exert to press back the tide of moral woe. Let those who teach the
third angel's message stand true to their colors.-- Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 113. {ChS 137.5}
Institutional Work
Health restaurants and treatment-rooms should be established. Our efforts in these lines
should include the great seaside resorts. As the voice of John the Baptist was heard in the
wilderness, "Prepare ye the way of the Lord," so must the voice of the Lord's messengers be
heard in the great tourist and seaside resorts.--Testimonies, vol. 7, pp. 55, 56. {ChS 138.1}
I have been given light that in many cities it is advisable for a restaurant to be connected
with treatment-rooms. The two can co-operate in upholding right principles. In connection
with these it is sometimes advisable to have rooms that will serve as lodgings for the sick.
These establishments will serve as feeders to the sanitariums located in the country.--
Testimonies, vol. 7, p. 60. {ChS 138.2}
The Lord has a message for our cities, and this message we are to proclaim in our camp-
meetings, and by other public efforts, and also through our publications. In addition to this,
hygienic restaurants are to be established in the cities, and by them the message of
temperance is to be proclaimed. Arrangements should be made to hold meetings in
connection with our restaurants. Whenever possible, let a room be provided where the
patrons can be invited to lectures on the science of health and Christian temperance, where
they can receive instruction on the preparation of wholesome food, and on other important
subjects.--Testimonies, vol. 7, p. 115. {ChS 138.3}
Those who come to our restaurants should be supplied with reading matter. Their
attention should be called to our literature on temperance and dietetic reform, and leaflets
treating on the lessons of Christ should also be given them. The burden of supplying this
reading matter should be shared by all our people. All who come should be given
something to read. It may be that many will leave the tract unread, but some among those
in whose hands you place it may be searching for light. They will read and study what you
give them, and then pass it on to others.-- Testimonies, vol. 7, p. 116. {ChS 138.4}
I have been instructed that one of the principal reasons why hygienic restaurants and
treatment-rooms should be established in the centers of large cities, is that by this means
the attention of leading men will be called to the third angel's message. Noticing that these
restaurants are conducted in a way altogether different from the way in which ordinary
restaurants are conducted, men of intelligence will begin to inquire into the reasons for the
difference in business methods, and will investigate the principles that lead us to serve
superior food. Thus they will be led to a knowledge of the message for this time.--
Testimonies, vol. 7, pp. 122, 123. {ChS 139.1}
Cooking Schools
Cooking schools are to be held. The people are to be taught how to prepare wholesome
food. They are to be shown the need of discarding unhealthful foods. But we should never
advocate a starvation diet. It is possible to have a wholesome, nutritious diet without the
use of tea, coffee, and flesh food. The work of teaching the people how to prepare a dietary
that is at once wholesome and appetizing, is of the utmost importance.--Testimonies, vol. 9,
p. 112. {ChS 139.3}
A Timely Message
I cannot too strongly urge all our church members, all who are true missionaries, all who
believe the third angel's message, all who turn away their feet from the Sabbath, to
consider the message of the fifty-eighth chapter of Isaiah. The work of beneficence enjoined
in this chapter is the work that God requires His people to do at this time. It is a work of His
own appointment. We are not left in doubt as to where the message applies, and the time of
its marked fulfillment, for we read: "They that shall be of thee shall build the old waste
places; thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called,
The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in." {ChS 139.4}
God's memorial, the seventh-day Sabbath, the sign of His work in creating the world, has
been displaced by the man of sin. God's people have a special work to do in repairing the
breach that has been made in His law; and the nearer we approach the end, the more
urgent this work becomes. All who love God will show that they bear His sign by keeping
His commandments. They are the restorers of paths to dwell in. . . . Genuine medical
missionary work is bound up inseparably with the keeping of God's commandments, of
which the Sabbath is especially mentioned, since it is the great memorial of God's creative
work. Its observance is bound up with the work of restoring the moral image of God in
man. This is the ministry which God's people are to carry forward at this time. This
ministry, rightly performed, will bring rich blessings to the church.--Testimonies, vol. 6, pp.
265, 266. {ChS 140.1}
“I wish to tell you that soon there will be no work done in ministerial lines but medical
missionary work. The work of a minister is to minister.” GCB Apr. 12, 1901
“The medical missionary work is as the right arm to the third angel’s message which must
be proclaimed to a fallen world. . . .In this work the heavenly angels bear a part. They
awaken spiritual joy and melody in the hearts of those who have been freed from suffering,
and thanksgiving to God arises from the lips of many who have received the precious
6T 229
God’s faithful who accept the final message are “Those that keep the commandments of God
and the faith of Jesus” Rev. 14:12.
The purpose of the three angels’ messages is to prepare a people who will reflect the image
of God physically, mentally, spiritually and relationally. They will stand with the Lamb on
Mount Zion “having His Father’s name written on their foreheads.” “They are without fault
before the throne of God” Rev. 14:1,5.
“At the time of the Exodus God said, “If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God
and do what is right in His sight, give ear to his commandments and keep all His statutes, I
will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the
Lord YHWH-Rophe (Jehovah your healer) who heals you.” Exod. 15:26.
A Door of Entrance to City Homes
“The medical missionary work is a door through which the truth is to find entrance to
many homes in the cities. In every city will be found those who will appreciate the truths of
the third angel's message.” --Counsels on Health, p. 556. (1906) {Ev 533.2}
“We cannot use the Holy Spirit; the Spirit is to use us. Through the spirit, God works in His
people “to will and to do of His good pleasure” Phil. 2:13 But many will not submit to be led.
They want to manage themselves. …Only those who wait humbly upon God, who watch for
His guidance and grace, is the Spirit given. This promised blessing claimed by faith, brings
all other blessings in its train. It is given according to the riches of the grace of Christ, and
He is ready to supply every soul according to the capacity to receive.” Gosper Workers 285
“God has provided divine assistance for all the emergencies to which our human resources
are unequal. He gives the Holy Spirit to help in every strait, to strengthen our hope and
assurance, to illuminate our minds and purify our hearts. He means that sufficient
facilities shall be provided for the working out of His plans. I bid you seek counsel
from God. Seek Him with the whole heart, and whatsoever he saith unto you do.” -John 2:5
Gospel Workers p 66
“If they will constantly be learners, through His providence He will make them men and
women fitted to do a work that is not beyond their capabilities; through the impartation of
the Holy Spirit. He will give them power of utterance.” GW p 36
Health Emphasis
Natural Remedies
“ Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust in
divine power—these are the true remedies. Every person should have a knowledge of
nature’s remedial agencies and how to apply them. It is essential both to understand the
principles involved in the treatment of the sick and to have a practical training that will
enable one rightly to use the knowledge.” –{MH 127.3}
“Medical missionary work is the pioneer work of the gospel, the door through which the
truth for this time is to find entrance to many homes. God's people are to be genuine
medical missionaries, for they are to learn to minister to the needs of both soul and body.
The purest unselfishness is to be shown by our workers as, with the knowledge and
experience gained by practical work, they go out to give treatments to the sick. As they go
from house to house they will find access to many hearts. Many will be reached who
otherwise never would have heard the gospel message. A demonstration of the principles
of health reform will do much toward removing prejudice against our evangelical work.
The Great Physician, the originator of medical missionary work, will bless all who thus seek
to impart the truth for this time.” {CH 497.1}
Those we minister to have the potential of living longer, healthier, happier and holier by
following new lifestyle laws of health.
The health principles taught may prevent disease and a lot of doctor bills, costly
medication and pain.
They will have less catastrophic or degenerative diseases.
They will be more able to minister to others who may have health concerns.
They may be more productive and live to enjoy their grandchildren.
If insurance will not be available, they may be healthy and not in need of it.
The government may run out of medical funds so they must be healthy.
In the last days there may be no doctor available to help the ill, but those who have
taken the time to learn the principles of abundant living including simple health
remedies, will still thrive like a watered garden (Isa. 58:11).
Jesus ministered to the diseased, helpless, and poor and He is our example.
After attending their physical needs, Jesus then healed them spiritually as well.
At the time of the Exodus God said, “If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God
and do what is right in His sight, give ear to his commandments and keep all His statutes, I
will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the
Lord YHWH-Rophe [Jehovah your healer] who heals you.” Exod. 15:26.
“Our church schools are ordained by God to prepare the children for this great work. Here
children are to be instructed in the special truths for this time and in practical missionary
work. They are to enlist in the army of workers to help the sick and the suffering. Children
can take part in the medical missionary work and by their jots and tittles can help to carry
it forward. . . . {AH 489.4} By them God's message will be made known and His saving
health to all nations. Then let the church carry a burden for the lambs of the flock. Let the
children be educated and trained to do service for God.” {AH 490}
“Many who desire to obtain knowledge in medical missionary lines have home duties that
will sometimes prevent them from meeting with others for study. These may learn much in
their own homes in regard to the expressed will of God concerning these lines of
missionary work, thus increasing their ability to help others. Fathers and mothers, obtain
all the help you can from the study of our books and publications. . . . Take time to read to
your children from the health books, as well as from the books treating more particularly
on religious subjects. Teach them the importance of caring for the body--the house they live
in.” {CH 427.1}
The book Ministry of Healing is, perhaps with the exception of Steps to Christ and Desire of
Ages, the greatest book Ellen White ever wrote. Its oft referred to statement on the eight natural
remedies (p. 127) has come to be considered as the model for medical missionary work. But
other emphases of this marvelous book have been largely neglected. Its large section near the
beginning about spiritual factors of healing and Jesus as the great Medical Missionary deserve
even more emphasis. The chapter on “Mind Cure” forcefully portrays the importance of mental
health and straight thinking for holistic healing. And many have all but lost to view the fact that
Ministry of Healing includes seven chapters on the family. Relationship in a family affects
physical health in a positive or negative way.
Family Ministry
If marriages and families have relationship problems it affects not only health but
relationship with God—spirituality may suffer.
If the Holy Spirit’s fruit—love, joy, peace, longsuffering/patience, gentleness,
goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance/self control. (Gal. 5:22, 23) blossoms
and grows in us, we will be healthier, happier and have a better relationship with
each other and God.
If we want this, ask the Holy Spirit for the fruit of the Spirit in our life and in our
family. It is necessary for physical, emotional and spiritual health.
God also asks us, and our family to keep His commandments. When we do, there are
health blessings. God promised the children of Israel coming out of Egypt, “And the
Lord will take away from you all sickness, and will afflict you with none of the
terrible diseases of Egypt, which you have known . . . Deut. 7:11-15
“Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour
unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel and as being heirs together of the grace of
life; that your prayers be not hindered” 1 Peter 3:7
“The restoration and uplifting of humanity begins in the home. The work of parents
underlies every other. Society is composed of families, and is what the heads of families
make it. Out of the heart are ‘the issues of life’ (Proverbs 4:23); and the heart of the
community, of the church, and of the nation is the household. The well-being of society, the
success of the church, the prosperity of the nation, depend upon home influences.” [MH
“There is need of a different kind of labor in our churches from what they have had. . . Let
families invite in their neighbors, and then let them minister hold Bible readings with them,
and become acquainted with them. There needs to be less preaching and more pastoral
work done in our churches. Those who have no aptitude for this kind of labor, should
educate themselves, and come more into harmony with Christ’s manner of working.”
–HM Nov. 1, 1890. {PaM 136.6}
Small Groups
Around the world small group ministries in churches are increasing in number. In some
churches a large percent of the church members are involved in small groups. Spiritual
growth takes place, prayers are reinforced with agreement by 2 or more. Friendships are
made in these social support groups of praying friends. A new spiritual journey starts and
spiritual knowledge is increased.
It is rather interesting that Ellen White has written about small companies getting together
and church members inviting neighbors to a small group for instruction and Bible study.
She also speaks of members of the church going to neighbors which sounds like the “door
to door” ministry.
“Greet also the church that meets at their house [Aquila and Priscilla]. Greet my dear friend
Epenetus, who was the first convert to Christ in the province of Asia.” Romans 16:5
"This is the way we used to do. We prayed for our own souls and for those who were
carrying on the work. The Lord Jesus declares that where two or three are gathered
together in his name, he is in the midst of them, to bless them. Let there be less talking, and
more sincere, earnest prayer.” {RH, December 20, 1906 par. 5}
“The formation of small companies as a basis of Christian effort is a plan that has been
presented before me by One who cannot err. If there is a large number in the church, let
the members be formed into small companies, to work not only for the church members
but for unbelievers also.” Christian Service, p. 72
Ellen White said, “Let the Los Angeles church have special seasons of prayer daily for the
work that is being done. The blessing of the Lord will come to the church members who
thus participate in the work, gathering in small groups daily to pray for its success. Thus
the believers will obtain grace for themselves, and the work of the Lord will be advanced.”
RH, December 20, 1906
“The blessing of the Lord will come to the church members who thus participate in the
work, gathering in small groups daily to pray for its success. Thus the believers will obtain
grace for themselves, and the work of the Lord will be advanced.” {Ev 111.3}
“Later in the history of the early church, when in various parts of the world many groups of
believers had been formed into churches, the organization of the church was further
perfected, so that order and harmonious action might be maintained. Every member was
exhorted to act well his part. Each was to make a wise use of the talents entrusted to him.
Some were endowed by the Holy Spirit with special gifts—‘first apostles, secondarily
prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments,
diversities of tongues.’ 1 Corinthians 12:28. But all these classes of workers were to labor in
harmony.” {AA 91.2}
“The presentation of Christ in the family, by the fireside, and in small gatherings in private
houses, is often more successful in winning souls to Jesus than sermons delivered in the
open air, to the moving throng, or even in halls or churches.” Gospel Workers, p.193
Hold Bible readings and pray with families and little companies
“My ministering brethren, do not think that the only work you can do, the only way you can
labor for souls, is to give discourses. The best work you can do is to teach, to educate.
Whenever you can find an opportunity to do so, sit down with some family and let them ask
questions. Then answer them patiently, humbly. Continue this work in connection with
your more public efforts. Preach less and educate more by holding Bible readings, and by
praying with families and little companies.” --RH Dec. 8, 1885. {PaM 137.1}
Little groups that meet together for Bible study receive spiritual muscle
“Let little companies meet together to study the Scriptures. You will lose nothing by this,
but will gain much. Angels of God will be in your gathering, and as you feed upon the Bread
of Life, you will receive spiritual sinew and muscle. You will be feeding, as it were, upon the
leaves of the tree of life. By this means only can you maintain your integrity.”
--TDG 11. {PaM 274.1}
“In these small gatherings the Lord will use his human agents if they will surrender all to
him, and the soul will gain spiritual strength. I greatly desire that every individual child of
God may realize that he is a laborer together with God. The gospel is the power of God unto
salvation to every one that believeth. The Holy Spirit will take the passions of the heart and
bring them into subjection to Jesus Christ.” {RH, September 10, 1895 par. 13}
Small Companies
“Little companies of workers go out as the Lord’s missionaries, and do as Christ
commissioned the first disciples to do. Let them go into the different parts of our cities,
two and two, and give the Lord’s message of warning.” The Upward Look p 91
“God bless the church at Petaluma. Brethren, do not forget the wants of these small and
isolated companies. Christ will be found a guest at their little gatherings.”
E. G. White {ST, January 12, 1882 par. 13}
“The formation of small companies as a basis of Christian effort is a plan that has been
presented before me by One who cannot err. If there is a large number in the church, let
the members be formed into small companies, to work not only for the church members
but for unbelievers also.” Christian Service, p. 72
Neighbor to Neighbor
“Hundreds and thousands were seen visiting families and opening before them the word of
God. Hearts were convicted by the power of the Holy Spirit, and a spirit of genuine
conversion was manifest.” 9 T 126
Members can invite friends and neighbors to their home then ask the minister to
meet with them.
“The interest continues to grow, and those who embrace the truth go right to work for their
friends, inviting them to come out to hear. More than this, they invite their neighbors and
friends to come to their house. They then secure one of our ministers to give a Bible
reading. These meetings are made very interesting.” --16MR 45. {PaM 137.2}
“Invite your neighbors to your home, and read with them from the precious Bible and from
books that explain its truths. Invite them to unite with you in song and prayer. In these
little gatherings, Christ Himself will be present, as He has promised, and hearts will be
touched by His grace.” Ministry of Healing pp 152-153
“Those who love Jesus with heart and mind and soul, and their neighbor as themselves,
have a wide field in which to use their ability and influence.” Ministry of Healing p 153
“Some of these may have been not able to leave their families to go to some mission field,
but they have been missionaries in their own neighborhood. Their hearts have been so
filled with the love of God that their great anxiety has been to win souls for Him.”
The Upward Look p 264.4
“Church members should educate themselves to do this work. This is just as essential as to
save the benighted souls in foreign countries. While some feel the burden for souls afar off,
let the many who are at home feel the burden of precious souls who are around them and
work just as diligently for their salvation. . . .Those who love Jesus with heart and mind and
soul, and their neighbor as themselves, have a wide field in which to use their ability and
influence. “ Ministry of Healing pp. 152-153
“We should feel it our special duty to work for those living in our neighborhood. Study how
you can best help those who take no interest in religious things. As you visit your friends
and neighbors, show an interest in their spiritual as well as in their temporal welfare.
Speak to them of Christ as a sin-pardoning Savior. Invite your neighbors to your home, and
read with them from the precious Bible and from books that explain its truths. Invite them
to unite with you in song and prayer. In these little gatherings, Christ Himself will be
present, as He has promised, and hearts will be touched by His grace.”
--Ministry of Healing, p. 152 {DG 114.1}
“Thus the question, ‘Who is my neighbor?’ is forever answered. Christ has shown that our
neighbor does not mean merely one of the church or faith to which we belong. It has no
reference to race, color, or class distinction. Our neighbor is every person who needs our
help. Our neighbor is every soul who is wounded and bruised by the adversary. Our
neighbor is everyone who is the property of God.” {DA 503.5}
“It is not God's purpose that ministers should be left to do the greatest part of the work of
sowing the seeds of truth. Men who are not called to the gospel ministry are to be
encouraged to labor for the Master according to their several ability. Hundreds of men and
women now idle could do acceptable service. By carrying the truth into the homes of their
neighbors and friends, they could do a great work for the Master. God is no respecter of
persons. He will use humble, devoted Christians who have the love of the truth in their
hearts. Let such ones engage in service for him by doing house-to-house work. Sitting by
the fireside, such men--if humble, discreet, and godly--can do more to meet the real needs
of families than could a minister.” {RH, August 26, 1902 par. 4}
“The precious light was communicated from neighbor to neighbor. Family altars which had
been broken down were again erected, and many were converted to the truth.” Ev 458.1
“Invite your neighbors to your home, and read with them from the precious Bible and from
books that explain its truths. Invite them to unite with you in song and prayer. In these
little gatherings, Christ Himself will be present, as He has promised , and hearts will be
touched by His grace. --Ministry of Healing, p. 152 {ChS 122.1}
The Spiritual Foundation for Homes of Hope & Health
The demography of heaven could be changed because of this Homes of Hope & Health
Ministry for millions. We want salvation for those who are in our neighborhood and for our
friends and family. The health message for many is the first step towards a new spiritual
walk with God. It is the “entering wedge.” Loving act towards those in need is also a bride
to an introduction to a Heavenly Father who cares and sympathizes with those in need.
Spirituality and a close relationship with God contribute to our personal mental and
physical health.
Prayer cover and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit are vital before, during and after the
Homes of Hope & Health series. Without the aid of the Holy Spirit this ministry cannot be
successfully carried out.
This ministry will not be as effective as it should be without daily personal prayer. Make it
a priority to daily study the Bible, and read devotional Spirit of Prophecy books on health
and family as God guides you. Pray fervently and plead with God to help you in this
ministry for Him. Ask for the Holy Spirit to baptize you, fill you to the fullest and give you
wisdom, protection and help to do this most important work of medical evangelism. And
God will!
“The religion of the Bible is not detrimental to the health of either body or mind. The
influence of the Spirit of God is the very best medicine for disease. Heaven is all health; and
the more deeply heavenly influences are realized the more sure will be the recovery of the
believing invalid. The true principles of Christianity open before all a source of inestimable
happiness.” Counsels on Health, p. 28
Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will
have them. Mark 11:22
For with God nothing shall be impossible Luke1:37
Because you believed it will be done. Luke 7:10 CW
Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and it will be opened to
you. Luke 11:9
All that the Father give Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me, I will by no
means cast out. John 6:37
And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the
Son. John 14:13 (NKJV)
If you ask anything in My name, I will do it. John 14:14
If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall
be done for you. John 15:7
You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear
fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He
may give you. John 15:16
And in that day you will ask Me nothing. Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask
the Father in My name He will give you. John 16:23
Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy
may be full. John 16:24
In that day you will ask in My name, and I do not say to you that I shall pray the Father for
you; for the Father Himself loves you, because you have love Me and have believed that I
came forth from God. John 16:26-27
Who ever calls on the Lord will be saved. Romans 10:13 CW
And now abideth faith, hope, love, these 3 but the greatest of these is love. 1 Cor 13:12
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think
according to the power that works in us. Eph 3:20
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 3:13
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with
thanksgiving, let your requests to be made known to God, and the peace of God which
surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Phil 4:6-7
Don’t worry so much about everything. When you pray ask God for what you need.
Don’t be afraid to plead with Him, but always do so with a grateful heart. Phil 4:6 CW
My God will supply all your needs from His glorious riches, which, because of Jesus
Christ, now belong to you. Phil 4:19
The Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one. 2 Thes.
The Lord is my helper. I will not be afraid of what anyone can do to me Heb 13:6 CW
Leave all you anxieties and worries with Him because He cares for you. 1 Pet 5:7 CW
Anyone who believes in the Son of God will be saved. 1 John 5:12 CW
We know He hears us, and whatever we ask for, we know that He will give us
according to His love 1 John 5:15 CW
Are you suffering misfortune? Take it to the Lord in prayer. He will give you strength
through it. James 5:13 CW
On December 26, 2004 a man living in Indonesia felt the earthquake and saw the ocean
recede stranding huge fish. But when he saw the crowds of people rushing to the beach to
gather the fish, he instantly moved into action. Running along the shore, he shouted to his
neighbors, “Head for high ground! A tsunami is coming!” Although 225,000 perished in 11
countries battered by waves up to 100 feet high, not one person was lost in that village,
because one man was willing to risk his life and warn his neighbors.
In our neighborhood, maybe living next door, are wonderful people who may miss heaven
if we don’t open our doors and invite them to not only a new lifestyle but to a new spiritual
When we are converted and join the Winning Team of Jesus what does He ask us to do for
Him? God’s Commission to his disciples and his followers is: “Go ye into all the World and
preach the gospel to every creature.”
“The Lord has given His church a special work of personal service to do. God could have
sent angels to work for the reformation of man, but He did not do this. Humanity must
touch humanity. Christ’s commission is be received and acted upon.” This Day with God,
Do you think we have a God-given responsibility to minister to others—to tell them about
the Jesus who loves them, gives them salvation, who encourages them with hope, is
merciful to them, helps them on the spiritual journey and with their physical and temporal
needs? When we serve Him, He will help us to share this message. Jesus our Coach is
compassionate and will never leave us or forsake us when we serve Him. We are to share
the Gospel that Jesus died for them, forgave them of their sins and has made salvation
possible. Another exciting thought is that there are mansions ready for the people we serve
and an eternity of no-stress lifestyle for ever-and-ever.
“God will use humble men [women] as His instruments. Even though they have but one
talent, if they trade upon it, it will increase . . .We are to minister to every creature. A
responsibility is laid upon us to work for all, our friends, our acquaintances . . .” This Day
with God, p. 330
Let us look at these words from Jesus—“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to
every creature.” Mark 16:15—Then Jesus says in Luke 6:46, “But why do you call Me ‘Lord,
Lord’ and not do the things which I say?”
Jesus says to us, “I will bless you and you will be a blessing to the nations—wherever you
The people in the little villages, small towns and big ones, the cities small and big, like New
York City, Hong Kong, Beijing, Singapore, Manila, Taipei, Paris all need to be reached with
the Gospel message and helped with a balanced life—physically, emotionally, spiritually
and relationally. There is a great work to be done.
Jesus said, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of
the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Luke 10:2
• Pray for laboring laborers who avoid worldly distractions and time robbers, like
Paul who was a tent maker while ministering to others.
• Luke 14:16-20 Tells what the distracters were in Bible time:
• “Bought a piece of ground” -Materialism
• “Bought 5 yoke of oxen” - Work, getting ahead
• “Married a wife” - Some merit. Marriage and family are important, but
should not keep us from the marriage supper of the Lamb. The spouse would
also have been welcomed to the feast.
• Today what are the distractions?
• Everyone is busy—too busy. Doing what? Is this Satan’s plan?
• Our “To Do” List may be long. What about God’s “To Do” list for us?
God needs us to be a co-laborer with Him and is on our side to help and support us in His
ministry. He has a bulging heaven full of spectacular blessings to bestow on us. This
amazing Father God has supernatural power and is ready to shower it on us when we ask
in the name of Jesus for special favors that will bless others. From His busy and powerful
Throne-room God gives us amazing miracles. All is done for Him and for His glory. He will
give us miraculous strength and ability as we labor for those He puts into our pathway.
Ahead of us we will enjoy unimaginable answers to prayers. When we ask for the Holy
Spirit in our lives He blesses us with incredible wisdom just when we need it the most.
Challenges will be reversed or dynamically zapped. There is no limit to what God can do
for us and through us when we are one to be His laborers. Joy will flood our hearts as we
experience His loving acts towards us, and those we are willingly serve.
“A new element needs to be brought into the work. God's people must receive the warning
and work for souls right where they are, for people do not realize their great need and
peril. Christ sought the people where they were, and placed before them the great truths in
regard to His kingdom. As He went from place to place, He blessed and comforted the
suffering and healed the sick. This is our work. God would have us relieve the necessities of
the destitute. The reason that the Lord does not manifest His power more decidedly is
because there is so little spirituality among those who claim to believe the truth.”
--Medical Ministry, p. 319. {CME 11.2}
“The strength of those who love and serve Him will be renewed day by day. He is able and
willing to bestow upon His servants all the help they need. He will give them the wisdom
which their varied necessities demand.” MH 482
“He who is truly converted will be so filled with the love of God that he will long to impart
to others the joy that he himself possesses. . . .The doing of medical missionary work brings
rays of heavenly brightness to wearied, perplexed, suffering souls. . . At every work of
mercy, every work of love, angels of God are present. ” Manuscript 55, 1901. {CME 26-27}
“In these small gatherings the Lord will use his human agents if they will surrender all to
him, and the soul will gain spiritual strength. I greatly desire that every individual child of
God may realize that he is a laborer together with God. The gospel is the power of God unto
salvation to every one that believeth. The Holy Spirit will take the passions of the heart and
bring them into subjection to Jesus Christ.” {RH, September 10, 1895 par. 13}
“Church members young and old should be educated to go forth to proclaim this last
message to the world. If they will go in humility, angels of God will go with them, . . .
Christ will lead you, and teach you to use your abilities to good purpose. . . .
As you receive the quickening influence of the Holy Spirit, and you seek to teach others,
your minds will be refreshed, and you will be enabled to present words that are new and
strangely beautiful to your hearers.” The Upward Look p 91
“There is something more for you to do than to sit in your churches Sabbath after Sabbath
and to listen to the preaching of the Word. You have a work to do for [your] friends and
neighbors. God requires . . .that you visit these families and seek to create an interest in the
truth for this time. You are not laboring together with God if you neglect the work of
helping others to take hold upon eternal realties.” The Upward Look p. 264
“Let each bear in mind that his capabilities are only lent him, and that by these God is
testing him to see whether he will use these entrusted talents to honor God and work for
the good of his brother and his neighbor.” The Upward Look p 273
Is God interested in your service of helping people have hope, live healthier and have
happier families? The answer is a definite “Yes”. In fact, Jesus commands, “Go ye into all the
world and preach the gospel.” It is our responsibility as Christians to share the gospel with
others. Through health and family topics the task has been made easy. Won’t you partner
with the Lord? Angels are longing to be your helpers. The Lord is standing by to see your
response. He is willing to open doors but He needs you to be His helper, agent, and co-
laborer. People around you are in need of hope. Think of all the joy you will have in sharing
hope with others. How Jesus longs for your home to be a Home of Hope & Health! Your
ministry is very important to the Father and Son. Satan may try to discourage you, but
Christ has gained the victory over the enemy.
Group Leader
Being a good small group leader means being able to help those in a small group to
take steps towards a better lifestyle change by their intentionality coaching
questions. This takes practice and does not come easily by some group leaders but
with practice improves.
Coaching questions are non-directive. They help participants decide for themselves
to integrate positive “Intentionality” choices into their lifestyle.
An example—“This week I will exercise for 25 minutes a day.” The coaching
question could be: “How did you do on your exercise plan last week?” Asking
appropriate coaching questions is a skill and takes practice.
The participants being coached are encouraged to have a plan and receive support as
they focus on their own goals. Through open questions, rather than “yes” or “no”
closed questions, the individual crystallizes his or her thinking and becomes aware
of need for improvement in specific health or family-related areas.
If the desire to change the lifestyle is of sufficient importance, a coach can instill
confidence and help the participant to stay on track and become a winner by choice.
Many participants take in information they find interesting but do not apply to their
lives. Actually to learn something and not integrate or internalize it in corresponding
action is detrimental to the individual.
In small groups with coaching, participants tend to connect better with words they
have heard themselves say than the same words spoken by others. Their thoughts
come out in response to questions asked of them. These lead to deeper thinking and
choice making.
These questions guide participants to act on what they have learned. Guide
participants to clarify and negotiate SMART goals, determine their first step, and
explore possible obstacles.
“What specifically will you do?”
“When will you do this?”
“Is there anything that might get in the way?”
“Who could help you?”
Resist telling participants what to do. Research shows that telling people what to do
doesn’t work. Be SMART in negotiating goals—
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely
Ask questions that are specific, measurable, achievable and timely.
Listed are types of individual coaching questions that can lead to positive choice
making. Try experimenting using some of these coaching questions.
How do you see this information impacting your life?
In what areas do you see that you might need to change after reading the
chapter or listening to this presentation?
What’s important for you to try this week as you move forward toward your
How might you be able to apply the presentation to your life? What are your
What would a change in this area look like in your life this week?
How important is this change to you? What do you want to do about this?
What other changes will you consider making?
If it were someone else in your situation, what would you tell him or her to do?
What is your first step?
What ONE thing can you commit to do tomorrow to take a step in this
What do you see as a next step for you that is related to the new things you
What one step can you take before returning to our next meeting?
In the next week, what could you do that would move you forward towards
your goals?
If you wanted to do something between now and the next session — a baby
step towards your goal, what could you do? — Something that would be
impossible to fail at.
Appropriate questions aid in helping individuals to make changes that will enhance
their health, spirituality, and relationships. We realize that many who will lead out in
small discussion groups do not have coaching skills but a quick introduction to good
coaching techniques may contribute to enhance discussion time and positive lifestyle
Coaching Activity
In your leadership training have a demonstration of coaching.
Also have a group of three to work on a personal problem that needs to be improved.
Each identify what the health, family or spiritual problem is.
Then have three coaching sessions. Time limit five minutes each
One shares his concern, another is the coach, and a third checks to see if the
coaching questions were done correctly and responds with coaching questions
Repeat this 3 times rotating and specifically participating in sharing a problem,
coaching and identifying if the coaching was done correctly by coaching
question of the coach.
Thanks to Lilly Tyron from Christian Lifestyle Coaching Ministry for sharing this
coaching information with us. The information given has been shortened and
adapted. For more information on coaching check
Many homes are without hope or peace and need Jesus. The goal is to help our
neighbors friends and relatives to start or continue to grow in a powerful
spiritual way during these difficult times. In many countries the economy is
uncertain, scores are unemployed and families and relationships are
fractured. There are gigantic health issues. When there are uncertainties in
life, individuals are more open to learning new things and are drawn towards
a Spiritual Power for help. Often there is a turning to the Source of help—to
God who has thousands of ways of helping us.
“The religion of the Bible is not detrimental to the health of either body or
mind. The influence of the Spirit of God is the very best medicine for disease.
Heaven is all health; and the more deeply heavenly influences are realized the
more sure will be the recovery of the believing invalid. The true principles of
Christianity open before all a source of inestimable happiness.” Counsels on
Health, p. 28
“Go Ye Into all World”
On December 26, 2004 a man living in Indonesia felt the earthquake and saw
the ocean recede stranding huge fish. But when he saw the crowds of people
rushing to the beach to gather the fish, he instantly moved into action.
Running along the shore, he shouted to his neighbors, “Head for high ground!
A tsunami is coming!” Although 225,000 perished in 11 countries battered by
waves up to 100 feet high, not one person was lost in that village, because one
man was willing to risk his life and warn his neighbors.
In our neighborhood, maybe living next door, are wonderful people who may
miss heaven if we don’t open our doors and invite them to not only a new
lifestyle but to a new spiritual journey.
When we are converted and join the Winning Team of Jesus what does He ask
us to do for Him? God’s Commission to his disciples and his followers is: “Go
ye into all the World and preach the gospel to every creature.”
“The Lord has given His church a special work of personal service to do. God
could have sent angels to work for the reformation of man, but He did not do
this. Humanity must touch humanity. Christ’s commission is be received and
acted upon.” This Day with God, 330.
Do you think we have a God-given responsibility to minister to others—to tell
them about the Jesus who loves them, gives them salvation, who encourages
them with hope, is merciful to them, helps them on the spiritual journey and
with their physical and temporal needs? When we serve Him, He will help us
to share this message. Jesus our Coach is compassionate and will never leave
us or forsake us when we serve Him. We are to share the Gospel that Jesus
died for them, forgave them of their sins and has made salvation possible.
Another exciting thought is that there are mansions ready for the people we
serve and an eternity of no-stress lifestyle for ever-and-ever.
“God will use humble men [women] as His instruments. Even though they
have but one talent, if they trade upon it, it will increase . . .We are to minister
to every creature. A responsibility is laid upon us to work for all, our friends,
our acquaintances . . .” This Day with God, p. 330
Let us look at these words from Jesus—“Go into all the world and preach the
gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15—Then Jesus says in Luke 6:46, “But
why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord’ and not do the things which I say?”
Jesus says to us, “I will bless you and you will be a blessing to the nations—
wherever you are.
The people in the little villages, small towns and big ones, the cities small and
big, like New York City, Hong Kong, Beijing, Singapore, Manila, Taipei, Paris all
need to be reached with the Gospel message and helped with a balanced life—
physically, emotionally, spiritually and relationally. There is a great work to be
Jesus said, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray
the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Luke 10:2
• Pray for laboring laborers who avoid worldly distractions and time
robbers, like Paul who was a tent maker while ministering to others.
• Luke 14:16-20 Tells what the distracters were in Bible time:
• “Bought a piece of ground” -Materialism
• “Bought 5 yoke of oxen” - Work, getting ahead
• “Married a wife” - Some merit. Marriage and family are important, but
should not keep us from the marriage supper of the Lamb. The spouse
would also have been welcomed to the feast.
Today what are the distractions?
Everyone is busy—too busy. Doing what? Is this Satan’s plan?
Our “To Do” List may be long. What about God’s “To Do” list for us?
God needs us to be a co-laborer with Him and is on our side to help and
support us in His ministry. He has a bulging heaven full of spectacular
blessings to bestow on us. This amazing Father God has supernatural power
and is ready to shower it on us when we ask in the name of Jesus for special
favors that will bless others. From His busy and powerful Throne-room God
gives us amazing miracles. All is done for Him and for His glory. He will give us
miraculous strength and ability as we labor for those He puts into our
pathway. Ahead of us we will enjoy unimaginable answers to prayers. When
we ask for the Holy Spirit in our lives He blesses us with incredible wisdom
just when we need it the most. Challenges will be reversed or dynamically
zapped. There is no limit to what God can do for us and through us when we
are one to be His laborers. Joy will flood our hearts as we experience His
loving acts towards us, and those we are willingly serve.
Evangelistic Meetings
“of Evangelistic Meetings
You know people who we will never meet unless you win them for Jesus". This is the
statement that the Holy Spirit gave us to say to our group in the Upper
PenninsulaPeninsula of Michigan as we closed out training seminar. We had been
emphasizing the importance of friendship evangelism & how vital it is to church
growth both within & without. HOH&H small groups are necessary for healing the
brokenness of our chirchchurch families as well as that of our communities. If the
head is sick the whole body is sick. Well WOW! And Praise the Lord! I have seen so
many "Sermons in Shoes" as a result.
The best one so far has to do with a struggling new "all most" member. We were
visiting church members for the purpose of setting up Host homes. Next we would
help the church family fill these homes with the broken & needy which includes our
own from within. While visiting at a new Host home we were made aware of the
desperate need of this new brother in Christ. His was the miserable unsanitary task
of digging up his septic system by hand. We found him alone and& discouraged (one
can only imagine) as the young personal ministries leader, determined to find a way
to help his new brother with this deplorable situation., & WeI made our way across
the backyard towards a spot in the ground where there were large deep grooves that
looked like wild boars on steroids had dug. There on the edge the soggiest rain
soaked oozing mess is where we found this brother looking "not so" forward to the
daunting task before him. Don't miss the embarasmentembarrassment and& shame
this poor fellow must have been feeling now as a delegation of leaders from the church
arrived.up walks what represents church leadership.
The younger assessing the situation and possible reaction offers a solution
immediately for he knows as soon as this mess is fixed he will have the great
privelegeprivilege of mentoring this new brother in Christ at HOH&H meeting in his
area & not only will he gain an eternal friend but emerging from the HOH&H series
will be a strong compassionate leader for Christ.
Upon agreement to accept the offered help we learn that our dear new friend had a
forgotten Birthday the day before. No one had remembered! We had prayer with him
and gave him hardy hugs just before we handed him his HOH&H invitation. I said,
"Starts Monday". "When this mess is cleaned up I could go", he said.
Less than 12 hours later our young church leader and& other church helpers are on
the job repairing so much more than what meets the eye with heavy equipment. And
on prayer meeting nightnite there wasill be a Surprise Birthday Party for guess who?
This my dear brothers & sisters is friendship evangelism at it's best. Only by love is
love is awakened. Makes you want to go make a friend for Jesus right now, doesn’t it
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Pam shares her story of going door-to-door inviting people to a Small group.
Sorry I hit the wrong button. Sent the e-mail before it was ready. Soooo tired.
We went to run a lead card from the drawing boxes. A man came to the door. He was a
BIG hairy bare chested guy who smelled like sweat and& beer. It was 10 am. He said
the lady we were we looking for was asleep.
I remembered the card was filled in by a childa child filled in the card. Her card was
actually the winner. So I oooooo . . .i asked to seeshe the child. Nine year oldNine-year-
old Naomi promptly came to the door. We gave her a magazine from Review &
Haraold written just for kids her age and & a website address for Kids time Bible
study. Then I told her we came from a long way away to see her mom.
I asked her if she could go get her. She then left to fulfill our request. Upon returning
she shared how her mom wasn't feeling well. Looking down quickly at her card
showed that she had an interest in friendship camp. The Holy Spirit prompted me to
say, "Naomi, I noticed you are interested in summer camp. Could we come back in an
hour and talk to your mom about camp for you?"
What an idea! Of course she would bug her mom till she GOT UPgot up bbefore we
came back. And just like that when we returned her mom was out on the porch
waiting for us. When we had talked "camp" we talked Homes of OHope & Health.
Many people were interested in HOH&H as the 25 of us went door to door from the
MichiganMI Camp Mmeeting training class. We will now do friendship evangelism
with these precious souls.
People in our class were so excited that at one point we walked into the Adventist
Book CenterABC and one of our students was giving a sales talk on Homes of Hope &
Health OH&H materials at our table.
There was another cold contact made. Here was a young mom with four kids. She
invited us in and after we explained Homes of Hope & Health OH&H and had given her
the invitation card she asked if she could take it to her church & invite her church
Is there any doubt about what we gave her for an answer? Can we say "PRAISE GOD?"
Got to sleep now. It is after midnite again. Happy Sabbath mamma & papa. You are loved
Your very Happy girls
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Device
Pastor Dudley Hosin from the North Jamaica Conference reports 45 baptized after a
4-week evangelistic series titled “WIN! Wellness Integrated Health and Family
Living”. He used the WIN! Health lecture first for 15-20 minutes followed by a
presentation of 45 to 60 minutes on Family Life & the Gospel. There were No Friday
evening meetings. This evangelism approach is part of the last day Elijah Message of
“Heart Turning.”
“What great joy and privilege to know and experience the loving kindness of our Lord Jesus
Christ through your untiring ministry for Him. My wife Marigold and I are so thankful for
the knowledge and information we've got through your presentation. And now going back
home with all of the WIN! Wellness material was really amazing. We used them in our 14
nights evangelistic campaign, starting May 23 - June 5, 2010. I have presented it with my
wife. It was perfect for our Health Gospel presentation in our Family Encounter Series.
Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge with us. God bless you and may he give
you more power!” Pastor & Mrs. Vicente B. Hulguin, District Pastor/Davao Mission
“June 21 - July 3, 2010 we held a two week revival and spiritual enrichment series
using the same materials in the Garcia Memorial SDA Church also in my district. The
results were so amazing! Ten backslider couples were revived and are about to be
rebaptized together with three couples whose husbands were not yet baptized but
are now joining the church services and another two non-Adventist couples who are
also ready to join the church through baptism.
“And now, the said church is preparing for the reaping crusade this coming August
16 - 28, where all of those backsliders will be reunited again through baptism
together with the new ones who are ready for baptism. Again thank you so much,
God bless and more power!” Vicente & Marigold Hulguin, pastoral couple, South
Philippine Union
“The results have included 5 new members baptized, and 3 recommitments resulting in
baptisms. HOHH is not only planting new seeds but is disciplining, mentoring, restoring
and unifying our church so we can be active about our Father’s business.
“Here are just a few of stories of God’s leading. Margaret Howe was a cold contact from
knocking on doors. A church member found her home, lonely, but very interested in what
we had to offer. Margaret began attending the meeting in her area, kept her first Sabbath
that very week, has gone through an evangelistic seminar and was one of our first Homes of
Hope & Health related baptisms.
“One HOHH team baked some goodies to share; and on delivery day we found Tonya
Maxwell at home and very surprised and grateful for the gift of love packed in her basket.
She was so grateful that she accepted an invitation to an evangelistic seminar. She was
impressed with the message and admitted that she had studied SDA doctrines all her life. At
the end of the seminar she asked to become a member of the church by profession of faith.”
Activity: Read and underline that which speaks to you.
I tell you the truth; anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do
even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. John 14:12
“And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with
you forever.” John 14:16
He is also our Comforter, Intercessor, Strengthener, Friend.
He often fulfills his role as Helper through another Spirit-filled person who
comforts, encourages and helps us when we have a need. Human beings are
instruments that the Holy Spirit uses in ministry.
“There is nothing that Satan fears so much as that the people of God shall clear the way by
removing every hindrance, so that the Lord can pour out His Spirit upon a languishing church
and an impenitent congregation. If Satan had his way, there would never be another awakening,
great or small, to the end of time. But we are not ignorant of his devices. It is possible to resist
his power. When the way is prepared for the Spirit of God, the blessing will come. Satan can no
more hinder a shower of blessing from descending upon God's people than he can close the
windows of heaven that rain cannot come upon the earth" (1 SM 124)
“In visions of the night, representations passed before me of a greater reformatory
movement among God’s people. Many were praising God. The sick were healed, and other
miracles were wrought. A spirit of intercession was seen, even as was manifested before
the great Day of Pentecost. Hundreds and thousands were seen visiting families and
opening before them the word of God. Hearts were convicted by the power of the Holy
Spirit, and a spirit of genuine conversion was manifest.” 9 T 126
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the
poor; He hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and
recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the
acceptable year of the Lord.” Luke 4:18
Jesus through the Holy Spirit set the captive’s free. Matt 12:28
He will help us to set the captive’s free when we minister for Him. That is what WIN!
Wellness Homes of Hope & Health is all about.
What can the Holy Spirit do for you and through you?
God gives the Holy Spirit to those who ask for Him.
Holy Spirit is the most dynamic force in the world
Holy Spirit defeats the enemy
Holy Spirit dwell in us
Holy Spirit comforts us
Holy Spirit is our Helper as we minister to other
Holy spirit teaches us that which we do not know
Holy Spirit is the giver of wisdom
Holy Spirit anoints us—empowers us—baptizes us—fills us
Holy Spirit is the Miracle Maker and Giver—He has All Dynamic Power
Holy Spirit uses us to the fullest we can be used
Holy Spirit is a friend and partner for life
Holy Spirit draws us to Jesus
Holy Spirit has access to our heart
Holy Spirit convicts us of sin
Holy Spirit opens minds and hearts to understanding
Holy Spirit speak to the heart—mind—tenderly—lovingly
Holy Spirit leads us to victory and assurance in the salvation through Jesus
Holy Spirit guides us and tells us what to do
Holy Spirit leads us gently
Holy Spirit never pushes us but He leads us to minister to others.
Holy Spirit has bigger plans for us than we have for ourselves
Holy Spirit assures us that we are beloved sons and daughters of God
Holy Spirit gives us the confidence that Jesus is our personal Savior
Holy Spirit is our friend who will never hurt or embarrass us or leave us.
The Holy Spirit regenerates us
Holy Spirit works with mighty incredible power
Holy Spirit brings victories
Holy Spirit makes miracles to happen
The greatest Helper that we can ask for is the Holy Spirit when we take on the Homes of
Hope & Health Ministry. Without the Holy Spirit’s help there may be little success. He is
there to encourage and help us when we are out of our comfort zone and leads to the Faith
Zone. Jesus has given the Holy Spirit to us so that we can do a mighty work for Him. We
need Jesus. We need the Holy Spirit. Pray for the Holy Spirit daily and when you do
miracles will start happening that will astonish you and others. Amazing things will start
happening when you partner with the Holy Spirit.
Prayer: What would you like for the Holy Spirit to do for you?
With a partner ask for the Holy Spirit as you minister to others. Ask Him to give you a
double portion of the Holy Spirit and tell Him why you desire to have His power in your
ministry. Elisha received a double portion or the Elijah’s Spirit and in the last days a double
portion of the Holy Spirit will again be given.
There is no limit to what God can do. No limit to what He can do for you, through you.
“Many of those who came to Christ for help had brought disease upon themselves, yet He
did not refuse to heal them. And when virtue from Him entered into these souls, they were
convicted of sin and many were healed of their spiritual disease as well of their physical
maladies.” (Example –paralytic at Capernaum) MH 73-
“He needed health of soul before he could appreciate health of body. Before the physical
malady could be healed, Christ must bring relief to the mind and cleanse the soul from sin.
This lesson should not be overlooked. There are today thousands suffering from physical
disease who like the paralytic are longing for the message, “thy sins are forgiven.” The
burden of sin, with its unrest and unsatisfied desires, is the foundation of their maladies.
They can find no relief until they come to the Healer of the soul. The peace, which He alone
can impart, would restore vigor to the mind and health to the body.” (Example –paralytic
at Capernaum) MH 77
While Jesus healed some of those individuals before their sins were forgiven, others were
forgiven their sins and then were healed. Before anointing takes place, the first step is to
ask God and others to forgive you—it is a path to healing. Others are healed and are then
ready to accept Jesus as the Lord of their life.
2. (Man had been a cripple for 38 years.) His disease was in a great degree the
result of his own evil habits… MH 82
3. Again this man brought on his own problem because of his lifestyle—breaking
the laws of health. God did not bring it on. God was not to be blamed for his
physical situation. But even so Jesus had mercy upon this man. This poor
helpless sufferer with almost no strength to get to the waters edge. It was then
that the compassionate Jesus bent over him and said, “Wilt thou be made
whole?” He had hope by the encouraging question and replied that he had no
one to help him get to the waters edge. Then the miracle happens—instantly.
Jesus tells him to get up and take up his bed and walk. He did. No questions
asked—no doubt. He got up and picked up his dirty old mat and walked. His
whole body responds immediately –the Miracle takes place for a sinner. He
was healed!
4. God is asking us who have brought some of our own illnesses on ourselves,
“Wilt thou be made whole?” Then Jesus says, “Take action, stand up.” A
miracle takes place. The paralytic is healed.
4. He writes on the sand and says, “He that is without sin among you, let him first
cast a stone at her. This seemed to her to be a death sentence and she waited for
the first blow.
5. All the accusers retire in silence--leaving her with the caring Savior—none
were without sin.
7. The words of love, compassion, hope fell on her ears. “Neither do I condemn
thee; go and sin no more.”
8. Her heart melted with God’s compassionate grace and she fell at his feet
sobbing out her thankful heart and with “bitter tears” she confessed her sin. A
miracle had taken place.
This is what WIN! is about—to heal the broken hearted and set the captives free.
Psalm 103
“Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
“Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits- who forgives all your sins and
heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and
compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things.
“The LORD works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed. He made known his ways to
Moses, his deeds to the people of Israel:
“He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; he does not treat us as our sins
deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so
great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed
our transgressions from us.
“As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear
him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust.”
The life of Jesus is the Pattern for our life. As we follow His example we are changed
to a “New Person” which may be a total U Turn. Miracle changes will take place in our
New Journey for Life.
When we follow Christ we are not always free from conflict. There are battles to fight.
We are in a spiritual warfare between good and evil.
God give us abilities to do great things for Him and for others. He improves our gifts
and skills and helps us to keep improving in all aspects of life.
To be all we want to be takes self-denial and self-sacrifice but it is worth it.
Go out in nature in fresh air away from other people and ask God to guide you to a new
better, healthier and happier life—to a “new you” experience. Have two-way
communication. You two can set goals. He will give you desires in your heart.
As you start or continue your spiritual journey take time for God daily. Ask Him to
show you what your potential is. Don’t let it frighten you.
Don’t settle for living a mediocre life—you are a masterpiece created by a most famous
Artist. Plan to bring some excitement into your life. Don’t expect others to do it for
Take time to recharge your battery, take care of the things you are tolerating.
Take moments in time for personal growth and self-care. Caring for others is important
but just as important is self-care. Choose to improve your health.
Find informative books that teach healthful living and good relationships with others.
Don’t just buy them— take time to read, chew and digest the important parts, apply
information, be intentional about making a change. TAKE ACTION.
Positive activities for you to consider in your new experience:
Join a health club or a gym, take morning or evening walks, go birding, do good
for someone you know or don’t know since the act is health producing, take time
to bring joy to the family, drink 6-8 glasses (8 oz.) of water daily so you can think
better and live longer, eat your fruits and veggies, get your Vitamin D outdoors
from the sun, do something that you have never done before, stretch your mind, get
out of your comfort zone, find a prayer partner with whom you can pray, be
positive—negativity is bad for your emotional and physical health.
Invest time for daily spiritual growth. A good way is to start reading the Bible in the
Psalms then Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. Add to this, daily prayer.
Remember your life is significant and you are part of God’s eternal plan. You have a
pivotal role to play in history.
Live the way you want your children to be. Pass it on to the next generation.
Remember God energizes your body and mind to make dreams a reality and provides
resources for reaching dream goals.
Go back to the essentials.
--John and Millie Youngberg
The Reward at the End of The Journey
“And the inhabitant will not say, ‘I am sick’; The people who dwell in it will be forgiven
their iniquity.” Isa. 32:24
“In the Bible the inheritance of the saved is called ‘a country.’ . . . There the heavenly
Shepherd leads His flock to fountains of living waters. The tree of life yields its fruit every
month, and the leaves of the tree are for the [healing] of the nations. There are ever-
flowing streams, clear as crystal, and beside them waving trees cast their shadows upon the
paths prepared for the ransomed of the Lord. There the wide-spreading plains swell into
hills of beauty, and the mountains of God rear their lofty summits. On those peaceful plains,
beside those living streams, God’s people, so long pilgrims and wanderers shall find a
home.” Great Controversy, 675
But instead:
Endless happiness
Endless perfect health
Eternal never-ending relationships with those we love
Travel to worlds afar, exploring the universe, learning from the Creator
Restoration to eat of the Tree of Life and “growing up” to our full stature.
The battle won, the conflict ended between good and evil, our unutterable joy will be in
seeing those who, through our efforts, prayers, and sacrifice, have been saved from a world
of sin and who now share with us forever the reward of eternal life. The saved of all ages
are welcomed into the fullness of the joy of their Lord. The family of earth and the family of
heaven will be one.”
--John, Millie and Wes Youngberg, Finishing Strong on the Path to Health and
Healing, WIN! Wellness—Homes of Hope & Health Book 3, chapter “The Magic
The quotes and texts in this chapter help us realize the importance of Medical Evangelism for these
times. In 1863 Ellen White began publishing a new paradigm of health concepts linked to
missionary outreach. She continued to expand on the theme until her death in 1915. But was it
really a new paradigm? No it wasn’t. It was only a restatement, a recuperation or restoration of
what Christ brought to earth 2,000 years ago and which was practiced by the apostles. As you read
these quotes what is the Holy Spirit saying to you?
Jesus ministered with the healing power of love. He had great compassion for those who had
infirmities and wanted to minister to needs of all humanity. He loved them so much and desired
that each prosper in health. Jesus wanted to heal the broken hearted and set the captives free. His
deep burden was to remove sin, disease and to bring health, peace and complete restoration to
those whom he met. To do this Jesus ministered on mountaintops, in boats and as He walked on
busy streets. He lovingly went to the small villages, towns and important cities like Capernaum and
Jerusalem and made a difference in the lives of many. He set an example for us today to minster to
the little villages and on to the big cities. How can we, wherever we are, model His ministry to
those without hope and in need and go beyond even to far away places as He guides us?
Most of us do not have the gift of instant healing but there are some things we can do to help
prevent sickness and give instruction that may bring restoration of health. One thing we can all do
is to show love for others by love acts, which in themselves have healing power. When the law of
love is kept and we love others like Jesus did, miracles start taking place.
The greatest health law, the greatest spiritual law, the greatest family law, the greatest relationship
law, the greatest ministry law is “LOVE”. Love heals! Love teaches! Love encourages! Love cares!
Love reaches!
A Homes of Hope & Health ministry is a love ministry that can change lives. So Lord, teach us how to
love others, our families, our neighbors and even love ourselves enough to care for the “One Body”
You have given us that our bodies may be Your temple and You may live within us.
“Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel
of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. But when He saw
the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered,
like sheep having no shepherd.” Matt 9:35-36
Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men
as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and
won their confidence. Then He bade them “Follow Me.” MH, p. 143.
“I have been instructed that we should lead the sick in our institutions to expect large things
because of the faith of the physician in the great Healer, who, in the years of His earthly ministry,
went through the towns and villages of the land and healed all who came to Him. None were turned
away; He healed them all. Let the sick realize that, although unseen, Christ is present to bring relief
and healing.” {LLM 355.4}
Every Town and Village to Hear
“There are many places to be worked. Every town or village on the railway is to have the message
the Lord has given us. We cannot stop to rejoice over a few victories. We must press the battle to
the very gate. The Lord has never left Himself without a witness.” Ev 426
Jesus' ministry consisted not merely in sermonizing, but in educating the people.
“We should seek to follow more closely the example of Christ, the great Shepherd, as He worked
with His little company of disciples, studying with them and with the people the Old Testament
Scriptures. His active ministry consisted not merely in sermonizing but in educating the people. As
He passed through villages, He came in personal contact with the people in their homes, teaching,
and ministering to their necessities. As the crowds that followed Him increased, when He came to a
favorable place, He would speak to them, simplifying His discourses by the use of parables and
symbols.”--Ev 203. {PaM 285.2}
“Christ, the great medical missionary, is our example. . . . He healed the sick and preached the
gospel. In His service, healing and teaching were linked closely together. Today they are not to be
separated.”--Testimonies, vol. 9, pp. 170, 171. {ChS 133.1}
Is WIN! Wellness Homes of Hope & Health considered Medical Evangelism? The answer is a definite
“Yes”. In fact, we call it the Ministry of Healing Model since the book Ministry of Healing not only has
much to say on health but also 7 chapters are on the family. Health affects marriages, family and
spirituality. It is also true that family relations affect health and spirituality. All these areas need to
be integrated for total balanced living.
“I can see in the Lord's providences that the medical missionary work is to be a great entering
wedge, whereby the diseased soul may be reached.”
--Counsels on Health, p. 535. {CME 7.1}
“The evangelization of the world is the work that God has given to those who go forth in His name.
They are to be colaborers with Christ, revealing to those ready to perish His tender, pitying love.
God calls for thousands to work for Him, not by preaching to those who know the truth, going over
and over the same ground, but by warning those who have never heard the last message of mercy.
Work with a heart filled with an earnest longing for souls. Do medical missionary work. Thus you
will gain access to the hearts of the people. The way will be prepared for more decided
proclamation of the truth. You will find that relieving their physical suffering gives an opportunity
to minister to their spiritual needs.” {CME 7.2}
“The Lord will give you success in this work, for the gospel is the power of God unto salvation, when
it is interwoven with the practical life, when it is lived and practiced. The union of Christlike work
for the body and Christ like work for the soul is the true interpretation of the gospel.”
--An Appeal for the Medical Missionary College, pp. 14, 15. {CME 7.3}
“Medical missionary work brings to humanity the gospel of release from suffering. It is the pioneer
work of the gospel. It is the gospel practiced, the compassion of Christ revealed. Of this work there
is great need, and the world is open for it. God grant that the importance of medical missionary
work shall be understood, and that new fields may be immediately entered.” --Medical Ministry, p.
239. {CME 7.4}
Divine Origin
“True medical missionary work is of heavenly origin. It was not originated by any person who lives.
But in connection with this work we see so much which dishonors God that I am instructed to say,
The medical missionary work is of divine origin and has a most glorious mission to fulfill. In all its
bearings it is to be in conformity with Christ's work. Those who are workers together with God will
just as surely represent the character of Christ as Christ represented the character of His Father
while in this world.”
--Medical Ministry, p. 24. {CME 8.1}
“The principles of health reform are found in the Word of God. The gospel of health is to be firmly
linked with the ministry of the Word. It is the Lord's design that the restoring influence of health
reform shall be a part of the last great efforts to proclaim the gospel message.” --Medical Ministry, p.
259. {CME 8.2}
“As a means of overcoming prejudice and gaining access to minds, medical missionary work must
be done, not in one or two places only, but in many places where the truth has not yet been
proclaimed. We are to work as gospel medical missionaries, to heal the sin-sick souls by giving
them the message of salvation. This work will break down prejudice as nothing else can.”
--Testimonies, Vol. 9, p. 211. {CME 8.3}
It Opens Doors
“The right hand is used to open doors through which the body may find entrance. This is the part
the medical missionary work is to act. It is to largely prepare the way for the reception of the truth
for this time. A body without hands is useless. In giving honor to the body, honor must also be given
to the helping hands, which are agencies of such importance that without them the body can do
nothing. Therefore the body which treats indifferently the right hand, refusing its aid, is able to
accomplish nothing.”
--Medical Ministry, p. 238. {CME 9.1}
“In every place the sick may be found, and those who go forth as workers for Christ should be true
health reformers, prepared to give those who are sick the simple treatments that will relieve them,
and then pray with them. Thus they will open the door for the entrance of the truth. The doing of
this work will be followed by good results.”
--Medical Ministry, p. 320. {CME 9.2}
“Why has it not been understood from the Word of God that the work being done in medical
missionary lines is a fulfillment of the scripture, "Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the
city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind . . . . The servant said,
Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded, and yet there is room. And the lord said unto the servant,
Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled."
{CME 9.3}
“This is a work that the churches in every locality, north and south and east and west, should do.
The churches have been given the opportunity of answering this work. Why have they not done it?
Someone must fulfill the commission.” RH, May 25, 1897. {CME 9.4
“The Lord gave me great light on health reform. In connection with my husband, I was to be a
medical missionary worker. I was to set an example to the church by taking the sick to my home
and caring for them. This I have done, giving the women and children vigorous treatment.” {CME
“I was also to speak on the subject of Christian temperance, as the Lord's appointed messenger. I
engaged heartily in this work and spoke to large assemblies on temperance in its broadest and
truest sense.” --Review and Herald, July 26, 1906. {CME 10.1}
“I saw that the Lord was giving us an experience which would be of the highest value to us in the
future in connection with His work . . . . I saw that God was fitting up my husband to engage in the
solemn, sacred work of reform which He designs shall progress among His people.” {CME 10.2}
“It is important that instructions should be given by ministers in regard to living temperately. They
should show the relation which eating, working, resting, and dressing sustain to health.” {CME
“All who believe the truth for these last days have something to do in this matter. It concerns them,
and God requires them to arouse and interest themselves in this reform. He will not be pleased with
their course if they regard this question with indifference.”
--Testimonies, Vol. 1, p. 618. {CME 10.4}
“We have come to a time when every member of the church should take hold of medical missionary
work. The world is a lazar house filled with victims of both physical and spiritual disease.
Everywhere people are perishing for lack of knowledge of the truths that have been committed to
us. The members of the church are in need of an awakening, that they may realize their
responsibility to impart these truths.”
--Testimonies, Vol. 7, p. 62. {CME 10.5}
“Medical missionary work is yet in its infancy. The meaning of genuine medical missionary work is
known by but few. Why?-- Because the Saviour's plan of work has not been followed. God's money
has been misapplied. In many places practical, evangelistic, medical missionary work is being done,
but many of the workers who should go forth as did the disciples are being collected together and
held in a few places, as they have been in the past,
notwithstanding the Lord's warning that this should not be.”
--Special Testimonies, Series B, No. 8, p. 28. {CME 10.6}
“The purest example of unselfishness is now to be shown by our medical missionary workers. With
the knowledge and experience gained by practical work, they are to go out to give treatments to the
sick. As they go from house to house, they will find access to many hearts. Many will be reached
who otherwise would never have heard the gospel message.”
--Counsels on Health, p. 538. {CME 11.1}
“A new element needs to be brought into the work. God's people must receive
the warning and work for souls right where they are, for people do not realize
their great need and peril. Christ sought the people where they were, and
placed before them the great truths in regard to His kingdom. As He went
from place to place, He blessed and comforted the suffering and healed the
sick. This is our work. God would have us relieve the necessities of the
destitute. The reason that the Lord does not manifest His power more
decidedly is because there is so little spirituality among those who claim to
believe the truth.”
--Medical Ministry, p. 319. {CME 11.2}
“If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is
right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes
[including health laws], I will put none of these diseases upon thee, . . . for I am the Lord
that healeth thee. Exodus 15:26.
Our bodies are wonderful gifts from a loving God who created us in His likeness and who
wants us to be as healthy as possible. He has given us health laws to follow. We are under a
divine obligation to be committed to take care of our body temple –we are bought with a
precious price “therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s” (1
Cor. 6: 19-20).
Research on health keeps informing us about laws for living a lifestyle that help prevent
disease, pain, and even death. All we have to do is choose to follow the laws for prevention
of disease and we will live healthier, longer, and happier. So much of the research brings
out what we have already been given by God’s prophet.
WIN! Wellness is dedicated to helping individuals prevent disease, to live longer for the
Lord, and to have a well balanced healthy, happy life as long as possible.
Our emotional health affects our physical health. When we have a happy, peaceful positive
spirit and are full of hope we are usually more healthy people.
“However dark his prospects, let him cherish a spirit to hope for good. . . .While
cheerfulness, and a calm resignation and peace will make others happy and healthy, it will
be of the greatest benefit to one’s self . . . . Sadness deadens the circulation in the blood
vessels and nerves, and also retards the action of the liver. It hinders the process of
digestion and of nutrition and has a tendency to dry up the marrow of the whole system.”
The Upward Look, p 102. What is this quote saying to you?
Harmful emotional habits and a poor lifestyle usually contribute to pain, doctor visits,
medication, hospital, financial losses and more. Homes of Hope & Health ministry is
committed to educate and encourage others to follow the physical and emotional health
rules that will contribute to physical, emotional, spiritual and family wellness. What do you
think you can do in your community to bring wellness and healthful living to others?
Ellen White recognizes that, “Many seek medical advice and treatment who have become
moral wrecks through their own wrong habits.” MH 133. We as wellness trainers have a big
challenge to reverse this international trend of destructive living. What steps can we take
to make a difference in the lives of some of those who are on the path to self-destruction?
Is this what God is encouraging you to do for Him?
During this WIN! Leadership Training we desire that you relax, learn, be positive
and at peace. May your heart be full of love for others and may you have an
enjoyable experience learning how to help yourself and others to have an
integrated balanced life.
Let go and give to God— any anxiety—fear—bitterness—hurt feelings—
disappointments—big concerns, and trust them totally into the hands of the wise
Heavenly Father. Have faith in God for He cares for you.
Pray together for each other as you “go forward” on a new adventure with the
“Could I arouse our people to Christian effort, could I lead them to engage in medical
missionary work with holy zeal and divine perseverance, not in a few places, but in every
place, putting forth personal effort for those out of the fold, how grateful I should be! This is
true missionary work. In some places it is attended with little success, apparently; but
again, the Lord opens the way, and signal success attends the effort. Words are spoken
which are as nails fastened in a sure place. Angels from heaven co-operate with human
instrumentalities, and sinners are won to the Saviour.”
--Medical Ministry, p. 256. {CME 11.3}
In Time of Persecution
“As religious aggression subverts the liberties of our nation [USA], those who would stand
for freedom of conscience will be placed in unfavorable positions. For their own sake, they
should, while they have the opportunity, become intelligent in regard to disease, its causes,
prevention, and cure. All those who do this will find a field of labor anywhere. There will be
suffering ones, plenty of them, who will need help, not only among those of our own faith,
but largely among those who know not the truth. The shortness of time demands an energy
that has not been aroused among those who claim to believe the present truth.”
--Counsels on Health, p. 506. {CME 11.4}
“True sympathy between man and his fellow men is to be the sign distinguishing those who
love and fear God from those who are unmindful of His law. How great the sympathy that
Christ expressed in coming to this world to give His life a sacrifice for a dying world! His
religion led to the doing of genuine medical missionary work. He was a healing power. ‘I
will have mercy, and not sacrifice,’ He said. This is the test that the great Author of truth
used to distinguish between true religion and false. God wants His medical missionaries to
act with the tenderness and compassion that Christ would show were He in our world.”
--Medical Ministry, p. 251. {CME 12.1}
“How slow men are to understand God's preparation for the day of His power. He works
today to reach hearts in the same way that He worked when Christ was upon this earth. In
reading the Word of God, we see that Christ brought medical missionary work into His
ministry. Cannot our eyes be opened to discern Christ's methods? Cannot we understand
the commission He gave to His disciples and to us?” {CME 12.2}
“The world must have an antidote for sin. As the medical missionary works intelligently to
relieve suffering and save life, hearts are softened. Those who are helped are filled with
gratitude. As the medical missionary works upon the body, God works upon the heart.”
--Manuscript 58, 1901. {CME 12.3}
“In the future our work is to be carried forward in self-denial and self-sacrifice even beyond
that which we have seen in past years. God desires us to commit our souls to Him, that He
may work through us in manifold ways. I feel intensely over these matters. Brethren, let us
walk in meekness and lowliness of mind and put before our associates an example of self-
sacrifice. If we do our part in faith, God will open ways before us now undreamed of.”
--Manuscript 12, 1913. {CME 13.1}
“We shall see the medical missionary work broadening and deepening at every point of its
progress, because of the inflowing of hundreds and thousands of streams, until the whole
earth is covered as the waters cover the sea.” --Medical Ministry, p. 317. {CME 13.2}
“God works by means of instruments or second causes. He uses the gospel ministry,
medical missionary work, and the publications containing present truth, to impress hearts.
All are made effectual by means of faith. As the truth is heard or read, the Holy Spirit send it
home to those who hear and read with an earnest desire to know what is right. The gospel
ministry, medical missionary work, and our publications are God's agencies. One is not to
supersede the other. But you have sought to make the medical missionary work the whole
body, instead of the arm and hand.” {SpM 303.1}
“Let the living gospel be taught in our schools. Let students be educated in its principles
that they may be prepared to impart the truth to others. Let them learn to minister to the
spiritual and physical needs of those whom they will meet in their work. By the ministry of
the word, the gospel is preached: by medical missionary work the gospel is practiced. The
gospel is bound up with medical missionary work. Neither is to stand alone, bound up in
itself. The workers in each are to labor unselfishly and unitedly, striving to save sinners.
“The two lines of work must not be separated. Satan will invent every possible scheme to
separate those whom God is seeking to make one. We must not be misled by his devices.
The medical missionary work is to be connected with the third angel's message as the hand
is connected with the body; and the education of students in medical missionary lines is not
complete unless they are trained to work in connection with the church and the ministry.”
{CH 557.1}
“Take the students out to hold meetings in different places, and to do medical missionary
work. They will find the people at home and will have a splendid opportunity to present the
truth. This way of spending Sunday is always acceptable to the Lord.”
--9T 238 (1909). {LDE 140.3}
“The medical missionary work is a door through which the truth is to find entrance to many
homes in the cities. In every city will be found those who will appreciate the truths of the
third angel’s message. . . .” {Ev 391.2}
“Medical missionary work should have its representative in every place in connection with
the establishment of our churches.” Manuscript 88, 1902. {WM 138.5}
“The medical missionary work should be a part of the work of every church in our land.”
6T 289 {CH 425}
The following is a message for all church members today but most church members are not
even aware of it.
“The medical missionary work should be a part of the work of every church in our land.”
6T 289 {CH 425}
“We have come to a time when every member of the church should take hold of medical
missionary work. The world is a lazar house filled with victims of both physical and
spiritual disease. Everywhere people are perishing for lack of knowledge of the truths that
have been committed to us. The members of the church are in need of an awakening, that
they may realize their responsibility to impart these truths. Those who have been
enlightened by the truth are to be light bearers to the world. To hide our light at this time is
to make a terrible mistake. The message to God's people today is, ‘Arise, shine; for thy light
is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.’ Isa. 60:1.” 7T, 62 (1902) {CH 425.1}
“Medical missionary work is the pioneer work of the gospel. It is the door through which
the truth is to find entrance to many homes. A demonstration of the principles of health
reform will do much toward removing prejudice against our evangelical work; and the
Great Physician, the originator of medical missionary work, will bless all who thus seek to
impart the truth for this time.” {RH, April 25, 1912}
“Every gospel worker should feel that to teach the principles of healthful living is a part of
his appointed work. Of this work there is a great need, and the world is open for it.”
Counsels on Health, 389-390 (1914) {Ev 526.3}
“A minister of the gospel, who is also a medical missionary, who can cure physical ailments,
is a much more efficient worker than one who cannot do this. His work as a minister of the
gospel is much more complete.” MM 245
“In preparing a people for the Lord’s second coming a great work is to be done through the
promulgation of health principles. We are to relieve suffering by the use of natural agencies
that God has provided. We should teach people how to prevent sickness by obedience to
the laws of life, and while we work for the healing of the body we should seize every
opportunity to work for the healing of the soul.”
--Australasian Union Conference Record, June 1, 1990
“I wish to tell you that soon there will be no work done in ministerial lines but medical
missionary work. The work of a minister is to minister.” GCB Apr. 12, 1901
“The medical missionary work is as the right arm to the third angel’s message which must
be proclaimed to a fallen world. . . .In this work the heavenly angels bear a part. They
awaken spiritual joy and melody in the hearts of those who have been freed from suffering,
and thanksgiving to God arises from the lips of many who have received the precious
6T 229
God’s faithful who accept the final message are “Those that keep the commandments of God
and the faith of Jesus” Rev. 14:12.
The purpose of the three angels’ messages is to prepare a people who will reflect the image
of God physically, mentally, spiritually and relationally. They will stand with the Lamb on
Mount Zion “having His Father’s name written on their foreheads.” “They are without fault
before the throne of God” Rev. 14:1,5.
“At the time of the Exodus God said, “If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God
and do what is right in His sight, give ear to his commandments and keep all His statutes, I
will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the
Lord YHWH-Rophe (Jehovah your healer) who heals you.” Exod. 15:26.
“We cannot use the Holy Spirit; the Spirit is to use us. Through the spirit, God works in His
people “to will and to do of His good pleasure” Phil. 2:13 But many will not submit to be led.
They want to manage themselves. …Only those who wait humbly upon God, who watch for
His guidance and grace, is the Spirit given. This promised blessing claimed by faith, brings
all other blessings in its train. It is given according to the riches of the grace of Christ, and
He is ready to supply every soul according to the capacity to receive.” Gosper Workers 285
“God has provided divine assistance for all the emergencies to which our human resources
are unequal. He gives the Holy Spirit to help in every strait, to strengthen our hope and
assurance, to illuminate our minds and purify our hearts. He means that sufficient
facilities shall be provided for the working out of His plans. I bid you seek counsel
from God. Seek Him with the whole heart, and whatsoever he saith unto you do.” -John 2:5
Gospel Workers p 66
“If they will constantly be learners, through His providence He will make them men and
women fitted to do a work that is not beyond their capabilities; through the impartation of
the Holy Spirit. He will give them power of utterance.” GW p 36
Simple Remedies
“Medical missionary work is the pioneer work of the gospel, the door through which the
truth for this time is to find entrance to many homes. God's people are to be genuine
medical missionaries, for they are to learn to minister to the needs of both soul and body.
The purest unselfishness is to be shown by our workers as, with the knowledge and
experience gained by practical work, they go out to give treatments to the sick. As they go
from house to house they will find access to many hearts. Many will be reached who
otherwise never would have heard the gospel message. A demonstration of the principles
of health reform will do much toward removing prejudice against our evangelical work.
The Great Physician, the originator of medical missionary work, will bless all who thus seek
to impart the truth for this time.” {CH 497.1}
Children Part of Medical Ministry
“When heavenly intelligences see that men are no longer permitted to present
the truth, the Spirit of God will come upon the children, and they will do a
work in the proclamation of the truth which the older workers cannot do
because their way will be hedged up.” {AH 489.2}
“In the closing scenes of this earth's history many of these children and youth
will astonish people by their witness to the truth, which will be borne in
simplicity, yet with spirit and power. They have been taught the fear of the
Lord, and their hearts have been softened by a careful and prayerful study of
the Bible. In the near future many children will be endued with the Spirit of
God and will do a work in proclaiming the truth to the world that at that time
cannot well be done by the older members of the church.” {AH 489.3}
“Our church schools are ordained by God to prepare the children for this great
work. Here children are to be instructed in the special truths for this time and
in practical missionary work. They are to enlist in the army of workers to help
the sick and the suffering. Children can take part in the medical missionary
work and by their jots and tittles can help to carry it forward. . . . {AH 489.4}
By them God's message will be made known and His saving health to all
nations. Then let the church carry a burden for the lambs of the flock. Let the
children be educated and trained to do service for God.” {AH 490}
“Many who desire to obtain knowledge in medical missionary lines have home
duties that will sometimes prevent them from meeting with others for study.
These may learn much in their own homes in regard to the expressed will of
God concerning these lines of missionary work, thus increasing their ability to
help others. Fathers and mothers, obtain all the help you can from the study of
our books and publications. . . . Take time to read to your children from the
health books, as well as from the books treating more particularly on religious
subjects. Teach them the importance of caring for the body--the house they
live in.” {CH 427.1}
Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit brings power to the medical missionary work. Without the
Holy Spirit empowering this ministry the work will not be as successful in
changing lives physically, spiritually, and relationally.
“We cannot use the Holy Spirit; the Spirit is to use us. Through the spirit, God
works in His people ‘to will and to do of His good pleasure’ Phil. 2:13. But
many will not submit to be led. They want to manage themselves. . . . Only to
those who wait humbly upon God, who watch for His guidance and grace, is
the Spirit given. This promised blessing claimed by faith, brings all other
blessings in its train. It is given according to the riches of the grace of Christ,
and He is ready to supply every soul according to the capacity to receive.”
Gospel Workers 285
“God has provided divine assistance for all the emergencies to which our
human resources are unequal. He gives the Holy Spirit to help in every strait,
to strengthen our hope and assurance, to illuminate our minds and purify our
hearts. He means that sufficient facilities shall be provided for the
working out of His plans. I bid you seek counsel from God. Seek Him with
the whole heart, and whatsoever he saith unto you do.” -John 2:5 Gospel
Workers p 66
“If they will constantly be learners, through His providence He will make them
men and women fitted to do a work that is not beyond their capabilities;
through the impartation of the Holy Spirit. He will give them power of
utterance.” Gospel Workers p 36
Dwight Nelson’s Prayer: “O God have mercy on us in our weakness and fill us
with the mighty Holy Spirit, so that our impossibilities might be
transformed into Your glorious possibilities through Christ.”
Heavenly Father, I claim all of these promises for: Abe, Jacob, –team
members in Asia—Singapore, China, Taiwan and John and me as we
prepare ourselves and materials for ministry in Asia and believe that
you have already helped us and will continue to do so.
E. G. White Quotes
“It is part of God’s plan to grant us, in answer to the prayer of faith, that
which He would not bestow did we not thus ask.” GC 524
“The strength of those who love and serve Him will be renewed day by
day. He is able and willing to bestow upon His servants all the help they
need. He will give them the wisdom which their varied necessities
demand.” MH 482
“In every emergency we are to seek help from Him who has infinite
resources at His command.” DA 369
“The Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in His name, He shall teach
you all things.” DA 369
“Let Me go before you and you will not be overcome by the enemy.” DA
“The importance and the opportunities of the home life are illustrated in the
life of Jesus. He who came from heaven to be our example and teacher spent
thirty years as a member of the household at Nazareth. Concerning these
years the Bible record is very brief. No mighty miracles attracted the attention
of the multitude. No eager throngs followed His steps or listened to His words.
Yet during all these years He was fulfilling His divine mission. He lived as one
of us, sharing the home life, submitting to its discipline, performing its duties,
bearing its burdens. In the sheltering care of a humble home, participating in
the experiences of our common lot, He ‘increased in wisdom and stature, and
in favor with God and man.’ Luke 2:52.” MH 349.
The book Ministry of Healing is, perhaps with the exception of Steps to Christ and
Desire of Ages, the greatest book Ellen White ever wrote. Its oft referred to
statement on the eight natural remedies (p. 127) has come to be considered as the
model for medical missionary work. But other emphases of this marvelous book
have been largely neglected. Its large section near the beginning about spiritual
factors of healing and Jesus as the great Medical Missionary deserve even more
emphasis. The chapter on “Mind Cure” forcefully portrays the importance of
mental health and straight thinking for holistic healing. And many have all but lost
to view the fact that Ministry of Healing includes seven chapters on the family.
Relationship in a family affects physical health in a positive or negative way.
Family Ministry
If marriages and families have relationship problems it affects not only
health but relationship with God—spirituality may suffer.
If the Holy Spirit’s fruit—love, joy, peace, longsuffering/patience,
gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance/self control. (Gal.
5:22, 23) blossoms and grows in us, we will be healthier, happier and
have a better relationship with each other and God.
If we want this, ask the Holy Spirit for the fruit of the Spirit in our life and
in our family. It is necessary for physical, emotional and spiritual health.
God also asks us, and our family to keep His commandments. When we
do, there are health blessings. God promised the children of Israel
coming out of Egypt, “And the Lord will take away from you all sickness,
and will afflict you with none of the terrible diseases of Egypt, which you
have known . . . Deut. 7:11-15
“Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving
honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel and as being heirs
together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered” 1 Peter
“The restoration and uplifting of humanity begins in the home. The work of
parents underlies every other. Society is composed of families, and is what the
heads of families make it. Out of the heart are ‘the issues of life’ (Proverbs
4:23); and the heart of the community, of the church, and of the nation is the
household. The well-being of society, the success of the church, the prosperity
of the nation, depend upon home influences.” [MH 349.1}
“There is need of a different kind of labor in our churches from what they have
had. . . Let families invite in their neighbors, and then let them minister hold
Bible readings with them, and become acquainted with them. There needs to
be less preaching and more pastoral work done in our churches. Those who
have no aptitude for this kind of labor, should educate themselves, and come
more into harmony with Christ’s manner of working.” –HM Nov. 1,
1890. {PaM 136.6}
Those we minister to have the potential of living longer, healthier, happier and
holier by following new lifestyle laws of health.
The health principles taught may prevent disease and a lot of doctor bills,
costly medication and pain.
They will have less catastrophic or degenerative diseases.
They will be more able to minister to others who may have health
They may be more productive and live to enjoy their grandchildren.
If insurance will not be available, they may be healthy and not in need of
The government may run out of medical funds so they must be healthy.
In the last days there may be no doctor available to help the ill, but those
who have taken the time to learn the principles of abundant living
including simple health remedies, will still thrive like a watered garden
(Isa. 58:11).
Jesus ministered to the diseased, helpless, and poor and He is our
After attending their physical needs, Jesus then healed them spiritually as
At the time of the Exodus God said, “If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord
your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to his commandments and
keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have
brought on the Egyptians. For I am the Lord YHWH-Rophe [Jehovah your
healer] who heals you.” Exod. 15:26.
The “third angel’s message” is a figure of speech which means the _________ _________ ________.
In what ways is the medical missionary work “as the right arm” of the three angels’
1. Rev. 14:6 speaks of the _____________________ _________________. Did the Gospel as modeled by
Jesus include medical missionary work?
Galilean Ministry “Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues,
and preaching the _________ of the kingdom, and ___________ every sickness and every disease
among the people” Matt 9:35; see also Matt 4:23.
Ordination of the 12 “He ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might
send them forth to preach, and to have power to ______ sicknesses, and to cast out devils”
Mark 3:14,15
Sending out the 12 “And as ye go, preach, saying, the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal
the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely
give.” Matt 10:7,8; see also Luke 9:2
Commission to the 70 “Heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, the kingdom of
God is come nigh unto you” Luke 10:9
2. Those belonging to Babylon are portrayed as being __________. They are drunk. Rev. 14:8;
Rev. 18:3. They have “_______ ______” (Rev. 17:13, 17) to blindly follow their leader, the arch
rebel. The message of the three angels calls for __________ _______. A major purpose of the
health message is to enable people to think ________, to be able to choose wisely in the
momentous crisis of the end-time events.
3. “Here is the ________ of the saints” Rev. 14:12. Those with good _________ habits find it
easier to develop the trait of patience and face trials with a positive viewpoint.
4. “Those that keep the __________________ of God and the _______ of Jesus” v. 12. At the time of
the Exodus God said, “If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God and do what is
right in His sight, give ear to his commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of
the _________________ on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the Lord
YHWH-Rophe (Jehovah your healer) who heals you.” Exod. 15:26.
The purpose of the three angels’ messages is to prepare a people who will reflect the image
of God physically, mentally, spiritually and relationally. They will stand with the Lamb on
Mount Zion “having His Father’s name written on their foreheads.” “They are without fault
before the throne of God” Rev. 14:1,5.
5. ____________________________________________________________________
Answers: 1. Three Angels’ Messages; Everlasting gospel; gospel; healing; heal. 2. Intoxicated; one
mind; straight thinking; clearly. 3. Patience; health. 4. Commandments; faith; diseases.
Every Church a Medical Missionary Center
Quiz Time:
True or False or Don’t know. (Circle your response).
Activity: Read the following 9 short statements and underline parts that are most
meaningful to you. Then answer the “for Reflection” section and discuss in small groups of
(1). 3-Fold Ministry of Jesus
“Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues,
preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease
among the people. But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with
compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no
shepherd.” Matt 9:35-36
“Let no line be drawn between the genuine medical missionary work and the gospel
ministry. Let these two blend in giving the invitation: ‘Come; for all things are now
ready.’ Let them be joined in an inseparable union, even as the arm is joined to the
body.” 6T, 289-291
(4). “Every gospel worker should feel that to teach the principles of
healthful living is a part of his appointed work. Of this work there is a great
need, and the world is open for it.” Counsels on Health, 389-390 (1914) {EV 526.3}.
For Reflection: Discuss the following questions or if you prefer discuss one statement at a
time in small groups of 3.
1. Did you find that there were any counsels in the above 9 statements which are not
standard practice in the church today? If so, which one(s)?
2. Most of the above statements were written over a century ago. Do you feel that you
found something that is not applicable in the 21st Century? If so, what?
3. Which of the statements was a particularly meaningful challenge to you personally?
Church leaders, church planting groups, health and family ministry departments are
encouraged to begin a health/family ministry by organizing and training church members
for Homes of Hope & Health training and then continue with other health and family
ministries such as Lifestyle Matters, CHIP and many other “Evangeliving Ministries.” What
do you envision a Church Wellness Center should be like so that it will be helpful to church
and non-church members? Which of these do you think your church could do?
The following can be part of a local church Wellness Center’s activities and instructional
1. Laws for healthful living.
a. Cleanliness—hygiene—germ information
b. Cleanliness curriculum for children and adults
2. Prevention of disease
a. 8 Basic laws of health
b. WIN!/HOHH lecture on healthy lifestyle
3. First Aid Classes
a. Sprained ankles
b. Choking—use Heimlich Maneuver
c. CPR
d. Use of tourniquet for bleeding
e. More
4. Presentations on Prevention and Healing of Catastrophic diseases such as:
a. Diabetes
b. Heart disease
c. Arthritis
d. Breast Cancer
e. Cancer—all kinds
f. Tuberculosis
g. Gout
h. Hypertension
5. Weight loss or gain classes
6. Weekly “Blood Pressure Checkups”
7. Vegetarian Cooking classes
8. Free clinical medical help by retired doctors, nurses, lab people and volunteering
medical church members.
9. Exercise program appropriate for age and ability at designated places: For teens,
young adults, adults, elderly
10. Group walking or group biking organization
11. Swimming Classes and Life Saving classes
12. Lifestyle Changing Classes for 10 days to 21 days
a. Live in or out programs
b. Meals included
13. Supper Clubs
14. Health Clubs
15. Lunch and Learn get together
16. Dinner with the Doctor
17. Health Education from the Doctor
18. Pregnancy Instruction
19. Mother education for care of new born
20. Care of the aged
21. Family Ministry
22. Other _____________________________________
Summarize your thoughts about what might be possible for your church to do so that it is a
successful Wellness Center for your community?
Neighbor to Neighbor
“Hundreds and thousands were seen visiting families and opening before
them the word of God. Hearts were convicted by the power of the Holy Spirit,
and a spirit of genuine conversion was manifest.” 9 T 126
Members can invite friends and neighbors to their home then ask the
minister to meet with them.
“The interest continues to grow, and those who embrace the truth go right to
work for their friends, inviting them to come out to hear. More than this, they
invite their neighbors and friends to come to their house. They then secure
one of our ministers to give a Bible reading. These meetings are made very
interesting.” --16MR 45. {PaM 137.2}
“Invite your neighbors to your home, and read with them from the precious
Bible and from books that explain its truths. Invite them to unite with you in
song and prayer. In these little gatherings, Christ Himself will be present, as
He has promised, and hearts will be touched by His grace.” Ministry of Healing
pp 152-153
“Those who love Jesus with heart and mind and soul, and their neighbor as
themselves, have a wide field in which to use their ability and influence.”
Ministry of Healing p 153
“Some of these may have been not able to leave their families to go to some
mission field, but they have been missionaries in their own neighborhood.
Their hearts have been so filled with the love of God that their great anxiety
has been to win souls for Him.”
The Upward Look p 264.4
“We should feel it our special duty to work for those living in our
neighborhood. Study how you can best help those who take no interest in
religious things. As you visit your friends and neighbors, show an interest in
their spiritual as well as in their temporal welfare. Speak to them of Christ as
a sin-pardoning Savior. Invite your neighbors to your home, and read with
them from the precious Bible and from books that explain its truths. Invite
them to unite with you in song and prayer. In these little gatherings, Christ
Himself will be present, as He has promised, and hearts will be touched by His
--Ministry of Healing, p. 152 {DG 114.1}
“It is not God's purpose that ministers should be left to do the greatest part of
the work of sowing the seeds of truth. Men who are not called to the gospel
ministry are to be encouraged to labor for the Master according to their
several ability. Hundreds of men and women now idle could do acceptable
service. By carrying the truth into the homes of their neighbors and friends,
they could do a great work for the Master. God is no respecter of persons. He
will use humble, devoted Christians who have the love of the truth in their
hearts. Let such ones engage in service for him by doing house-to-house work.
Sitting by the fireside, such men--if humble, discreet, and godly--can do more
to meet the real needs of families than could a minister.” {RH, August 26,
1902 par. 4}
“Invite your neighbors to your home, and read with them from the precious
Bible and from books that explain its truths. Invite them to unite with you in
song and prayer. In these little gatherings, Christ Himself will be present, as
He has promised, and hearts will be touched by His grace. --Ministry of
Healing, p. 152 {ChS 122.1}
Small Groups
It is rather interesting that Ellen White has written about small companies
getting together and church members inviting neighbors to a small group for
instruction and Bible study. She also speaks of members of the church going to
neighbors which sounds like the “door to door” ministry.
“Greet also the church that meets at their house [Aquila and Priscilla]. Greet
my dear friend Epenetus, who was the first convert to Christ in the province of
Asia.” Romans 16:5
"This is the way we used to do. We prayed for our own souls and for those
who were carrying on the work. The Lord Jesus declares that where two or
three are gathered together in his name, he is in the midst of them, to bless
them. Let there be less talking, and more sincere, earnest prayer.” {RH,
December 20, 1906 par. 5}
Ellen White said, “Let the Los Angeles church have special seasons of prayer
daily for the work that is being done. The blessing of the Lord will come to the
church members who thus participate in the work, gathering in small groups
daily to pray for its success. Thus the believers will obtain grace for
themselves, and the work of the Lord will be advanced.”
RH, December 20, 1906
“The blessing of the Lord will come to the church members who thus
participate in the work, gathering in small groups daily to pray for its success.
Thus the believers will obtain grace for themselves, and the work of the Lord
will be advanced.” {Ev 111.3}
“Later in the history of the early church, when in various parts of the world
many groups of believers had been formed into churches, the organization of
the church was further
perfected, so that order and harmonious action might be maintained. Every
member was exhorted to act well his part. Each was to make a wise use of the
talents entrusted to him. Some were endowed by the Holy Spirit with special
gifts—‘first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that
miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.’ 1
Corinthians 12:28. But all these classes of workers were to labor in harmony.”
{AA 91.2}
Hold Bible readings and pray with families and little companies
“My ministering brethren, do not think that the only work you can do, the only
way you can labor for souls, is to give discourses. The best work you can do is
to teach, to educate. Whenever you can find an opportunity to do so, sit down
with some family and let them ask questions. Then answer them patiently,
humbly. Continue this work in connection with your more public efforts.
Preach less and educate more by holding Bible readings, and by praying with
families and little companies.” --RH Dec. 8, 1885. {PaM 137.1}
Little groups that meet together for Bible study receive spiritual muscle
“Let little companies meet together to study the Scriptures. You will lose
nothing by this, but will gain much. Angels of God will be in your gathering,
and as you feed upon the Bread of Life, you will receive spiritual sinew and
muscle. You will be feeding, as it were, upon the leaves of the tree of life. By
this means only can you maintain your integrity.”
--TDG 11. {PaM 274.1}
“In these small gatherings the Lord will use his human agents if they will
surrender all to him, and the soul will gain spiritual strength. I greatly desire
that every individual child of God may realize that he is a laborer together
with God. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation to every one that
believeth. The Holy Spirit will take the passions of the heart and bring them
into subjection to Jesus Christ.” {RH, September 10, 1895 par. 13}
Small Companies
“God bless the church at Petaluma. Brethren, do not forget the wants of these
small and isolated companies. Christ will be found a guest at their little
gatherings.” E. G. White {ST, January 12, 1882 par. 13}
“You have a work to do for [your] friends and neighbors. God requires…that
you visit these families and seek to create an interest in the truth for this time.
You are not laboring together with God if you neglect the work of helping
others to take hold upon eternal realties.
“He who is truly converted will be so filled with the love of God that he will
long to impart to others the joy that he himself possesses. . . .The doing of
medical missionary work brings rays of heavenly brightness to wearied,
perplexed, suffering souls. . . At every work of mercy, every work of love,
angels of God are present. ” Manuscript 55, 1901. {CME 26-27}
“In these small gatherings the Lord will use his human agents if they will
surrender all to him, and the soul will gain spiritual strength. I greatly desire
that every individual child of God may realize that he is a laborer together
with God. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation to every one that
believeth. The Holy Spirit will take the passions of the heart and bring them
into subjection to Jesus Christ.” {RH, September 10, 1895 par. 13}
As you receive the quickening influence of the Holy Spirit, and you seek to
teach others, your minds will be refreshed, and you will be enabled to present
words that are new and strangely beautiful to your hearers.” The Upward
Look p 91
“There is something more for you to do than to sit in your churches Sabbath
after Sabbath and to listen to the preaching of the Word. You have a work to
do for [your] friends and neighbors. God requires . . .that you visit these
families and seek to create an interest in the truth for this time. You are not
laboring together with God if you neglect the work of helping others to take
hold upon eternal realties.” The Upward Look p. 264
“Let each bear in mind that his capabilities are only lent him, and that by these
God is testing him to see whether he will use these entrusted talents to honor
God and work for the good of his brother and his neighbor.” The Upward Look
p 273
“He who is truly converted will be so filled with the love of God that he will
long to impart to others the joy that he himself possesses. . . . The doing of
medical missionary work brings rays of heavenly brightness to wearied,
perplexed, suffering souls. . . .At every work of mercy, every work of love,
angels of God are present. ” Manuscript 55, 1901. {CME 26-27}
Is God interested in your service of helping people have hope, live healthier
and have happier families? The answer is a definite “Yes”. In fact, Jesus
commands, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel.” It is our
responsibility as Christians to share the gospel with others. Through health
and family topics the task has been made easy. Won’t you partner with the
Lord? Angels are longing to be your helpers. The Lord is standing by to see
your response. He is willing to open doors but He needs you to be His helper,
agent, and co-laborer. People around you are in need of hope. Think of all the
joy you will have in sharing hope with others. How Jesus longs for your home
to be a Home of Hope & Health! Your ministry is very important to the Father
and Son. Satan may try to discourage you, but Christ has gained the victory
over the enemy.
Saved to Serve –Ministry of Healing, pp 95-107
He, Jesus, cannot be satisfied until all who will accept salvation are reclaimed
and reinstated in their holy privileges as His sons and daughters MH 99
When God blesses His children, it is not alone for their own sake, but for the
world’s sake. As He bestows His gifts on us, it is that we may multiply them by
imparting. Every true disciple is born into the kingdom of God as a
missionary . . .receivers become givers.
God calls on men (women) to minister gladly to their fellow men (women).
Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest
John 4:35
For three years the disciples had before them the wonderful example of
Jesus. . .When the time came for Him to leave them, He gave them grace and
power to carry forward His work in His name. They were to shed abroad the
light of His gospel of love and healing.
Through the Holy Spirit He would be even nearer to them than when He walked
visibly among men.
The work which the disciples did, we also are to do. Every Christian is to be a
In sympathy and compassion we are to minister to those in need of help,
seeking with unselfish earnestness to lighten the woes of suffering humanity.
All may find something to do,
His followers are not to feel themselves detached from the perishing world
around them.
Millions upon millions of human beings, in sickness and ignorance and sin, have
never so much as heard of Christ’s love for them. Were our condition and theirs
to be reversed what would we desire them to do for us?
What ever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them. Matt.
He who becomes a child of God should henceforth look upon himself as a link in
the chain let down to save the world, one with Christ in His plan of mercy, going
forth with Him to seek and save the lost.
We are to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and comfort the suffering and
afflicted in the hovels of poverty, in the crowded alleys of the great cities, and in
every place where there are human hearts in need of consolation. This is
Friendship Evangelism.
We are to minister to the despairing, and to inspire hope in the hopeless.
The missionary cannot only relieve physical maladies, but he can lead the
sinner to the Great Physician, who can cleanse the soul from the leprosy of sin.
A company of believers may be poor, uneducated, and unknown; yet in Christ
they may do a work in the home, in the community, and even in the “regions
beyond”, whose results shall be as far-reaching as eternity.
“All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach
all nations.” “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”
Matt 28:18,19; Mark 16:15
“Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” Matt 28:20
With all who are seeking to minister in His name, He waits to co-operate. He is
in the midst of us, to heal and to bless, if we will receive Him.
Group Discussion
Is a healing message part of God’s method of preparing individuals for the
Kingdom of God? In which way? Discuss.
What are the advantages of integrating health instruction and family
evangelism with the Gospel Message?
In which way can you personally do medical and family evangelism?
Lord, You have saved us to serve. We are indeed thankful for Your mercy. Teach us
how to minister to others as you ministered on this earth to those with physical,
emotional and spiritual needs. You are the Great Medical Evangelist and we look to
you for guidance as we serve our neighbors, friends and new people who come into
our lives.
Holy Spirit, fill me, use me, empower me to minister for and with You. Impress me as
to how I can help others who are in bondage and show me how to set them free. I
want to do my part to arouse souls to take an interest in eternal realities. Lord, what
would You have me to do? Holy Spirit, impress me of Your path of service. Show me
to whom I should minister.
May the Holy Spirit bless you exceedingly abundantly above all that you ask or think
and beyond your expectations in your service for the Lord as you reach out in your
Home of Hope & Health WIN! Wellness ministry.
Activity: Read and share ideas how the group does Friendship Evangelism.
One Homes of Hope and Health Leader shares some of her loving acts that are changing
lives in her church and community.
The reward at the End of The Journey
“And the inhabitant will not say, ‘I am sick’; The people who dwell in it will be
forgiven their iniquity.” Isa. 32:24
“In the Bible the inheritance of the saved is called ‘a country.’ . . . There the
heavenly Shepherd leads His flock to fountains of living waters. The tree of
life yields its fruit every month, and the leaves of the tree are for the [healing]
of the nations. There are ever-flowing streams, clear as crystal, and beside
them waving trees cast their shadows upon the paths prepared for the
ransomed of the Lord. There the wide-spreading plains swell into hills of
beauty, and the mountains of God rear their lofty summits. On those peaceful
plains, beside those living streams, God’s people, so long pilgrims and
wanderers shall find a home.” Great Controversy, 675
But instead:
Endless happiness
Endless perfect health
Eternal never-ending relationships with those we love
Travel to worlds afar, exploring the universe, learning from the Creator
Restoration to eat of the Tree of Life and “growing up” to our full
The battle won, the conflict ended between good and evil, our unutterable joy
will be in seeing those who, through our efforts, prayers, and sacrifice, have
been saved from a world of sin and who now share with us forever the reward
of eternal life. The saved of all ages are welcomed into the fullness of the joy of
their Lord. The family of earth and the family of heaven will be one.”
--John, Millie and Wes Youngberg, Finishing Strong on the Path to Health
and Healing, WIN! Wellness—Homes of Hope & Health Book 3, chapter
“The Magic Medicine”—Joy
WIN! Wellness Homes of Hope & Health Emphasis
Today is there a need for health and family relationship instruction for the
church and the world?
“If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do
that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and
keep all his statutes [including health laws], I will put none of these diseases
upon thee, . . . for I am the Lord that healeth thee. Exodus 15:26.
Our bodies are wonderful gifts from a loving God who created us in His
likeness and who wants us to be as healthy as possible. He has given us health
laws to follow. We are under a divine obligation to be committed to take care
of our body temple –we are bought with a precious price “therefore glorify
God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s” (1 Cor. 6: 19-20).
Research on health keeps informing us about laws for living a lifestyle that
help prevent disease, pain, and even death. All we have to do is choose to
follow the laws for prevention of disease and we will live healthier, longer,
and happier. So much of the research brings out what we have already been
given by God’s prophet.
Our emotional health affects our physical health. When we have a happy,
peaceful positive spirit and are full of hope we are usually more healthy
“However dark his prospects, let him cherish a spirit to hope for good. . .
.While cheerfulness, and a calm resignation and peace will make others happy
and healthy, it will be of the greatest benefit to one’s self . . . . Sadness deadens
the circulation in the blood vessels and nerves, and also retards the action of
the liver. It hinders the process of digestion and of nutrition and has a
tendency to dry up the marrow of the whole system.” The Upward Look, p
102. What is this quote saying to you?
Ellen White recognizes that, “Many seek medical advice and treatment who
have become moral wrecks through their own wrong habits.” MH 133. We as
wellness trainers have a big challenge to reverse this international trend of
destructive living. What steps can we take to make a difference in the lives of
some of those who are on the path to self-destruction? Is this what God is
encouraging you to do for Him?
During this WIN! Leadership Training we desire that you relax, learn, be
positive and at peace. May your heart be full of love for others and may
you have an enjoyable experience learning how to help yourself and
others to have an integrated balanced life.
Let go and give to God— any anxiety—fear—bitterness—hurt feelings—
disappointments—big concerns, and trust them totally into the hands of
the wise Heavenly Father. Have faith in God for He cares for you.
Pray together for each other as you “go forward” on a new adventure
with the Lord.
“The medical missionary work is as the right arm to the third angel’s message
which must be proclaimed to a fallen world. . . . In this work the heavenly
angels bear a part. They awaken spiritual joy and melody in the hearts of
those who have been freed from suffering, and thanksgiving to God arises
from the lips of many who have received the precious truth.”6T 229
The “third angel’s message” is a figure of speech which means the _________
_____________ ___________________.
In what ways is the medical missionary work “as the right arm” of the three
angels’ messages?
1. Rev. 14:6 speaks of the _____________________ _________________. Did the Gospel
as modeled by Jesus include medical missionary work?
Galilean Ministry “Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in
their synagogues, and preaching the _________ of the kingdom, and ___________
every sickness and every disease among the people” Matt 9:35; see also Matt
Ordination of the 12 “He ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and
that he might send them forth to preach, and to have power to ______
sicknesses, and to cast out devils” Mark 3:14,15
Sending out the 12 “And as ye go, preach, saying, the kingdom of heaven is at
hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely
ye have received, freely give.” Matt 10:7,8; see also Luke 9:2
Commission to the 70 “Heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, the
kingdom of God is come nigh unto you” Luke 10:9
3. “Here is the ______________ of the saints” Rev. 14:12. Those with good _________
habits find it easier to develop the trait of patience and face trials with a
positive viewpoint.
4. “Those that keep the __________________ of God and the _______ of Jesus” v. 12.
At the time of the Exodus God said, “If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord
your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to his commandments and
keep all His statutes, I will put none of the _________________ on you which I have
brought on the Egyptians. For I am the Lord YHWH-Rophe (Jehovah your
healer) who heals you.” Exod. 15:26.
The purpose of the three angels’ messages is to prepare a people who will
reflect the image of God physically, mentally, spiritually and relationally. They
will stand with the Lamb on Mount Zion “having His Father’s name written on
their foreheads.” “They are without fault before the throne of God” Rev.
5. ____________________________________________________________________
Quiz Time:
True or False or Don’t know. (Circle your response).
Activity: Read the following 9 short statements and underline parts that are
most meaningful to you. Then answer the “For Reflection” section and discuss
in small groups of 3.
Medical Missionary Work in End Times
“I wish to tell you that soon there will be no work done in ministerial
lines but medical
missionary work. The work of a minister is to minister.” GCB Apr. 12,
For Reflection: Discuss the following questions or if you prefer discuss one
statement at a time in small groups of 3.
1. Did you find that there were any counsels in the above 9 statements which
are not standard practice in the church today? If so, which one(s)?
2. Most of the above statements were written over a century ago. Do you feel
that you found something that is not applicable in the 21st Century? If so,
Personal Study
This chapter on Medical Missionary written by Ellen White in the 11 th chapter
of Christian Service summarizes the importance of Medical and Family
ministry for today. The principles and guidelines for this ministry is recoded
for us as we, “Go into all the world”.
During His ministry, Jesus devoted more time to healing the sick than to
preaching.--The Ministry of Healing, p. 19. {ChS 132.1}
Before the true reformer, the medical missionary work will open many
doors.--Testimonies, vol. 7, p. 62. {ChS 132.2}
Genuine medical missionary work is the gospel practiced. --Testimonies,
vol. 8, p. 168. {ChS 132.3}
Medical missionary work is the pioneer work of the gospel. In the ministry
of the word and in the medical missionary work the gospel is to be preached
and practiced. --The Ministry of Healing, p. 144. {ChS 132.4}
The Saviour of the world devoted more time and labor to healing the
afflicted of their maladies than to preaching. His last injunction to His apostles,
His representatives upon the earth, was to lay hands on the sick that they
might recover. When the Master shall come, He will commend those who have
visited the sick and relieved the necessities of the afflicted.--Testimonies, vol.
4, p. 225. {ChS 132.5}
He designs that the medical missionary work shall prepare the way for the
presentation of the saving truth for this time,--the proclamation of the third
angel's message. If this design is met, the message will not be eclipsed nor its
progress hindered.--Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 293. {ChS 132.6}
First meet the temporal necessities of the needy, and relieve their physical
wants and sufferings, and you will then find an open avenue to the heart,
where you may plant the good seeds of virtue and religion.--Testimonies, vol.
4, p. 227. {ChS 132.7}
Nothing will give greater spiritual strength and a greater increase of
earnestness and depth of feeling, than visiting and ministering to the sick and
the desponding, helping them to see the light and to fasten their faith upon
Jesus.-- Testimonies vol. 4, pp. 75, 76.
{ChS 132.8}
The Divine Example
Christ, the great medical missionary, is our example. . . . He healed the sick
and preached the gospel. In His service, healing and teaching were linked
closely together. Today they are not to be separated.--Testimonies, vol. 9, pp.
170, 171. {ChS 133.1}
Christ's servants are to follow His example. As He went from place to place,
He comforted the suffering and healed the sick. Then He placed before them
the great truths in regard to His kingdom. This is the work of His followers.
--Christ's Object Lessons, pp. 233, 234. {ChS 133.2}
Christ's example must be followed by those who claim to be His children.
Relieve the physical necessities of your fellow men, and their gratitude will
break down the barriers, and enable you to reach their hearts. Consider this
matter earnestly.--Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 127. {ChS 133.3}
Especially should those who are medical missionaries manifest, in spirit,
word, and character, that they are following Christ Jesus, the divine Model of
medical missionary effort.--Testimonies, vol. 7, p. 127. {ChS 133.4}
The gospel and the medical missionary work are to advance together. The
gospel is to be bound up with the principles of true health reform. Christianity
is to be brought into the practical life. Earnest, thorough, reformatory work is
to be done. . . . We are to present the principles of health reform before the
people, doing all in our power to lead men and women to see the necessity of
these principles, and to practice them.--Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 379. {ChS
It is the divine plan that we shall work as the disciples worked. Physical
healing is bound up with the gospel commission. In the work of the gospel,
teaching and healing are never to be separated.--The Ministry of Healing, p.
141. {ChS 133.6}
Medical missionary work and the gospel ministry are the channels through
which God seeks to pour a constant supply of His goodness. They are to be as
the river of
life for the irrigation of His church.--Bible Echo, Aug. 12, 1901. {ChS 133.7}
Let our ministers, who have gained an experience in preaching the word,
learn how to give simple treatments, and then labor intelligently as medical
missionary evangelists. --Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 172. {ChS 134.1}
As the canvasser goes from place to place, he will find many who are sick.
He should have a practical knowledge of the causes of disease, and should
understand how to give simple treatments, that he may relieve the suffering
ones. More than this, he should pray in faith and simplicity for the sick,
pointing them to the great Physician. As he thus walks and works with God,
ministering angels are beside him, giving him access to hearts. What a wide
field for missionary effort lies before the faithful, consecrated canvasser; what
a blessing he will receive in the diligent performance of his work!--Southern
Watchman, Nov. 20, 1902. {ChS 134.2}
Every gospel worker should feel that the giving of instruction in the
principles of healthful living, is a part of his appointed work. Of this work
there is great need, and the world is open for it.--The Ministry of Healing, p.
147. {ChS 134.3}
Again and again I have been instructed that the medical missionary work is
to bear the same relation to the work of the third angel's message that the arm
and hand bear to the body. Under the direction of the divine Head they are to
work unitedly in preparing the way for the coming of Christ. The right arm of
the body of truth is to be constantly active, constantly at work, and God will
strengthen it. But it is not to be made the body. At the same time the body is
not to say to the arm, "I have no need of thee." The body has need of the arm in
order to do active, aggressive work. Both have their appointed work, and each
will suffer great loss if worked independently of the other.--Testimonies, vol.
6, p. 288. {ChS 134.4}
Medical missionary work is to be done. . . . It is to be to the work of God as
the hand is to the body.-- Testimonies, vol. 8, p. 160.
{ChS 134.5}
Divine Co-operation
Christ feels the woes of every sufferer. When evil spirits rend a human
frame, Christ feels the curse. When fever is burning up the life current, He
feels the agony. And He is just as willing to heal the sick now, as when He was
personally on earth. Christ's servants are His representatives, the channels for
His working. He desires through them to exercise His healing power.--The
Desire of Ages, pp. 823, 824. {ChS 135.1}
Through His servants, God designs that the sick, the unfortunate, and those
possessed of evil spirits, shall hear His voice. Through His human agencies He
desires to be a comforter, such as the world knows not.--The Ministry of
Healing, p. 106. {ChS 135.2}
Christ co-operates with those who engage in medical missionary work.--
Testimonies, vol. 7, p. 51. {ChS 135.3}
The Lord wrought through them. Wherever they went, the sick were
healed, and the poor had the gospel preached unto them.--The Acts of the
Apostles, p. 106. {ChS 135.4}
Christ is no longer in this world in person, to go through our cities and
towns and villages, healing the sick; but He has commissioned us to carry
forward the medical missionary work that He began.--Testimonies, vol. 9, p.
168. {ChS 135.5}
The Lord will give to our sanitariums whose work is already established an
opportunity to co-operate with Him in assisting newly established plants.
Every new institution is to be regarded as a sister helper in the great work of
proclaiming the third angel's message. God has given our sanitariums an
opportunity to set in operation a work
that will be as a stone instinct with life, growing as it is rolled by an invisible
hand. Let this mystic stone be set in motion.--Testimonies, vol. 7, p. 59. {ChS
Institutional Work
Cooking Schools
A Timely Message
I cannot too strongly urge all our church members, all who are true
missionaries, all who believe the third angel's message, all who turn away
their feet from the Sabbath, to consider the message of the fifty-eighth chapter
of Isaiah.
The work of beneficence enjoined in this chapter is the work that God
requires His people to do at this time. It is a work of His own appointment. We
are not left in doubt as to where the message applies, and the time of its
marked fulfillment, for we read: "They that shall be of thee shall build the old
waste places; thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and
thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell
in." {ChS 139.4}
God's memorial, the seventh-day Sabbath, the sign of His work in creating
the world, has been displaced by the man of sin. God's people have a special
work to do in repairing the breach that has been made in His law; and the
nearer we approach the end, the more urgent this work becomes. All who love
God will show that they bear His sign by keeping His commandments. They
are the restorers of paths to dwell in. . . . Genuine medical missionary work is
bound up inseparably with the keeping of God's commandments, of which the
Sabbath is especially mentioned, since it is the great memorial of God's
creative work. Its observance is bound up with the work of restoring the
moral image of God in man. This is the ministry which God's people are to
carry forward at this time. This ministry, rightly performed, will bring rich
blessings to the church.--Testimonies, vol. 6, pp. 265, 266. {ChS 140.1}
Personal Reflection
How has God impressed you after reading these special quotes?
What does God want you to do at this time of your life before Jesus comes?
The ideal goal is that every church member becomes involved in a health and
family ministry of some kind. Homes of Hope and Health, a Ministry of Healing
Model is one way that this can be done. Jesus started by healing the sick and
then ministered to the soul as he entered little villages, towns and cities. The
potential of this ministry is dynamic when church members reach out to the
The following can be part of a local church Wellness Center’s activities and
instructional curriculum:
Laws for healthful living.
o Cleanliness—hygiene—germ information
o Cleanliness curriculum for children and adults
Prevention of disease
o 8 Basic laws of health
o WIN!/HOHH lecture on healthy lifestyle
First Aid Classes
o Sprained ankles
o Choking—use Heimlich Maneuver
o Use of tourniquet for bleeding
o More
Presentations on Prevention and Healing of Catastrophic diseases such
o Diabetes
o Heart disease
o Arthritis
o Breast Cancer
o Cancer—all kinds
o Tuberculosis
o Gout
o Hypertension
Weight loss or gain classes
Weekly “Blood Pressure Checkups”
Vegetarian Cooking classes
Free clinical medical help by retired doctors, nurses, lab people and
volunteering medical church members.
Exercise program appropriate for age and ability at designated places
o For teens
o Young adults
o Adults
o Elderly
Group walking or group biking organization
Swimming Classes and Life Saving classes
Lifestyle Changing Classes for 10 days to 21 days
o Live in or out programs
o Meals included
Supper Clubs
Health Clubs
Lunch and Learn get together
Dinner with the Doctor
Health Education from the Doctor
Pregnancy Instruction
Mother education for care of new born
Care of the aged
Family Ministry
Other _____________________________________
Summarize your thoughts about what might be possible for your church to do
so that it is a successful Wellness Center for your community?
“Many of those who came to Christ for help had brought disease upon
themselves, yet He did not refuse to heal them. And when virtue from Him
entered into these souls, they were convicted of sin and many were healed of
their spiritual disease as well of their physical maladies.” (Example –paralytic
at Capernaum) MH 73-
“He needed health of soul before he could appreciate health of body. Before
the physical malady could be healed, Christ must bring relief to the mind and
cleanse the soul from sin. This lesson should not be overlooked. There are
today thousands suffering from physical disease who like the paralytic are
longing for the message, “thy sins are forgiven.” The burden of sin, with its
unrest and unsatisfied desires, is the foundation of their maladies. They can
find no relief until they come to the Healer of the soul. The peace, which He
alone can impart, would restore vigor to the mind and health to the body.”
(Example –paralytic at Capernaum) MH 77
While Jesus healed some of those individuals before their sins were forgiven,
others were forgiven their sins and then were healed. Before anointing takes
place, the first step is to ask God and others to forgive you—it is a path to
healing. Others are healed and are then ready to accept Jesus as the Lord of
their life.
(ii) (Man had been a cripple for 38 years.) His disease was in a great
degree the result of his own evil habits… MH 82
(iii) Again this man brought on his own problem because of his lifestyle—
breaking the laws of health. God did not bring it on. God was not to
be blamed for his physical situation. But even so Jesus had mercy
upon this man. This poor helpless sufferer with almost no strength to
get to the waters edge. It was then that the compassionate Jesus bent
over him and said, “Wilt thou be made whole?” He had hope by the
encouraging question and replied that he had no one to help him get to
the waters edge. Then the miracle happens—instantly. Jesus tells him
to get up and take up his bed and walk. He did. No questions asked—
no doubt. He got up and picked up his dirty old mat and walked. His
whole body responds immediately –the Miracle takes place for a
sinner. He was healed!
(iv) God is asking us who have brought some of our own illnesses on
ourselves, “Wilt thou be made whole?” Then Jesus says, “Take action,
stand up.” A miracle takes place. The paralytic is healed.
All the accusers retire in silence--leaving her with the caring Savior—
none were without sin.
Her heart melted with God’s compassionate grace and she fell at his feet
sobbing out her thankful heart and with “bitter tears” she confessed her
sin. A miracle had taken place.
(vi) This is what WIN! is about—to heal the broken hearted and set the captives
“Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
“Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits- who forgives all your
sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns
you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things.
“The LORD works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed. He made known
his ways to Moses, his deeds to the people of Israel:
“He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; he does not treat
us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the
heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as
the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
“As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on
those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are
Partnership with God
The life of Jesus is the Pattern for our life. As we follow His example we are
changed to a “New Person” which may be a total U Turn. Miracle changes
will take place in our New Journey for Life.
When we follow Christ we are not always free from conflict. There are
battles to fight. We are in a spiritual warfare between good and evil.
God give us abilities to do great things for Him and for others. He improves
our gifts and skills and helps us to keep improving in all aspects of life.
To be all we want to be takes self-denial and self-sacrifice but it is worth it.
Go out in nature in fresh air away from other people and ask God to guide
you to a new better, healthier and happier life—to a “new you” experience.
Have two-way communication. You two can set goals. He will give you
desires in your heart.
As you start or continue your spiritual journey take time for God daily. Ask
Him to show you what your potential is. Don’t let it frighten you.
Don’t settle for living a mediocre life—you are a masterpiece created by a
most famous Artist. Plan to bring some excitement into your life. Don’t
expect others to do it for you.
Take time to recharge your battery, take care of the things you are tolerating.
Take moments in time for personal growth and self-care. Caring for others is
important but just as important is self-care. Choose to improve your health.
Find informative books that teach healthful living and good relationships with
others. Don’t just buy them— take time to read, chew and digest the
important parts, apply information, be intentional about making a change.
Positive activities for you to consider in your new experience:
Join a health club or a gym, take morning or evening walks, go birding, do
good for someone you know or don’t know since the act is health producing,
take time to bring joy to the family, drink 6-8 glasses (8 oz.) of water daily
so you can think better and live longer, eat your fruits and veggies, get your
Vitamin D outdoors from the sun, do something that you have never done
before, stretch your mind, get out of your comfort zone, find a prayer partner
with whom you can pray, be positive—negativity is bad for your emotional
and physical health.
Invest time for daily spiritual growth. A good way is to start reading the
Bible in the Psalms then Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. Add to this, daily
Remember your life is significant and you are part of God’s eternal plan. You
have a pivotal role to play in history.
Live the way you want your children to be. Pass it on to the next generation.
Remember God energizes your body and mind to make dreams a reality and
provides resources for reaching dream goals.
Go back to the essentials.
--John and Millie Youngberg
Secrets to a Healthy Lifestyle
If you really want to be healthy, live long, have quality of life and a heart full of joy then
consider following these health laws which don’t just help us when diseases invades the
body but can dramatically prevent disease. With this “U-Turn” health is a returned to God’s
Eden’s plan and healthy living. Much current research confirms this. Proper lifestyle in its
various dimensions can prevent 50 to 80% catastrophic diseases. Many die who do not
need to die because of their choices. They did not follow the laws of health. Choose well!
Spiritual Wellness
The Bible says in Job 10:8, “Your hands have made me and fashioned me, and intricate
unity.” God has given us one body to care for as long as we have breath. We actually are the
temple of God. For a healthy spiritual life try these
Read the Bible daily, which has healing power and brings peace of mind. It is a
Guidebook that transforms us into a “New You” —a healthier and happier person.
Pray daily to the God of the Universe—share you anxieties, concerns. He is able help
you and remove your stresses which will enhance healing.
Look for the promises given in the Bible and record them. Claim those promises
during you prayer time. He hears the sincere prayers and answers them in His own
time and way.
If health laws are followed, which are backed by much research, there will be a reduction of
many catastrophic diseases such as:
1. Heart diseases is # 1 killer in the US____ killer
2. Cancer is on an increase
3. Diabetes is almost an epidemic in some countries where large quantities of Coke
and sodas are drunk and there is high fat consumption
4. Arthritis –so painful
5. Pulmonary problems –Asthma—
Just as grapes grow in clusters, the above have accompanying conditions. Some of these are
causes and some are results.
1. Hypertension—high blood pressure
2. Kidney problem—urinary urgencies and incontinence
3. Lungs start shutting down
4. Blindness
5. Blood clots
6. Metastasis of cancer to other organs
7. Loss of ability to walk
8. Loss of limbs –legs from diabetes
9. Poor circulation
10. Colostomy
11. Loss of ability to work
Many of these affect not only the individual but also the family. Care giving is necessary.
The greatest gift we can give our children is our good health. Sickness reduces the bank
account that could be left to children and to the spreading of the gospel to all the world.
Continue or start on the Healthy Path of Life by making wise health producing choices. Prevention is
the healthy way for balanced living—it’s the happy way to go—one choice at a time.
If you really want to be healthy, live long, have quality of life and a heart full of joy then consider
following these health laws which don’t just help us when diseases invades the body but can
dramatically prevent disease. With this “U-Turn” health is a returned to God’s Eden’s plan and
healthy living. Much current research confirms this. Proper lifestyle in its various dimensions can
prevent 50 to 80% catastrophic diseases. Many die who do not need to die because of their choices.
They did not follow the laws of health. Choose well!
Keep moving—inactivity is killing. Exercise 5-7 times a week for 30 minutes. Improve vital
circulation and bring clarity to the brain.
Sleep well—suggested even for adults 7 ½ to 8 ¼ hours.
Drink 6 – 8 + of 8 oz glasses of water daily so brain won’t shrivel up.
Eat daily 3 + fruits daily supplying your body with vital nutrients –not found in bottles.
Eat you veggies—5- 8 colorful servings of raw and cooked veggies—1/2 C is a serving.
Enjoy 10-15 minutes in mid day sun 3-5 times a week. During the winter supplement with
Vit D3
Enjoy being in fresh air day or night—breath deeply and exhale slowly
Reduce the risk of heart problems by eating a few nuts daily
For vital roughage— eat beans, whole grains, carrots, apples full of fiber
Eat flax seeds for Omega 3—can grind them up in a coffee grinder and put on any foods.
Wash away the dangerous germs that are out there in the public by washing hand before
eating, after going to the restroom and when in contact with the ill.
Loving and being loveable—love is the greatest health producer, which is a gift from God.
Those who have hope, are positive and optimistic have less stresses and are healthier.
Serve others—this enhances health—have “do-good” plans—helping to meet others needs
bring happiness and stimulates the endorphins to work and produce health.
Choose to remove bitterness, anger, and resentment, which produce destructive toxins to
the body. Many are not aware of how harmful these are to health and are diseases
Forgive others no matter what they did. Get rid of the killer grudges and get on with life.
Trust in God who help to reduce stress which contributes to high blood pressure.
Repent of sins that take away happiness and contribute to disease such as that of the
Paralytic spoken of in the Bible in Mark 2: 3-12 Jesus said your sins are forgiven and he was
healed. He was able to return to his family as a healed person.
Spiritual Wellness
The Bible says in Job 10:8, “Your hands have made me and fashioned me, and intricate unity.” God
has given us one body to care for as long as we have breath. We actually are the temple of God. For a
healthy spiritual life try these
Read the Bible daily, which has healing power and brings peace of mind. It is a
Guidebook that transforms us into a “New You” —a healthier and happier person.
Pray daily to the God of the Universe—share you anxieties, concerns. He is able help
you and remove your stresses which will enhance healing.
Look for the promises given in the Bible and record them. Claim those promises
during you prayer time. He hears the sincere prayers and answers them in His own
time and way.
Alcohol—numbs the frontal lobe where choices are made, affects relation, contributes to
abuse, accidents, brings on pain and is destructive to health
Tobacco—is dangerous to health, is costly, affects the countenance of a person.
Caffeine—doesn’t pick you up but lets you down, is costly, contributes to cancer, is
unhealthy to body
Sodas especially diet free ones take calcium from the body___________________
Hydrogenated fats clog up the arteries, contribute to heart attacks, to diabetes and poor
Processed meat—are high in fats and are some of the most destructive to health with all the
additives added
Refined junk foods—any kind of refined food are missing the nutrients that have been
Large quantity of cheese clog up the arteries
Red meats—high in fat and contribute to heart disease and diabetes
Stress— brings on anxiety and contributes to hypertension.
Sugar—limit your self, contributes to diabetes
Avoid living in an environment that is dangerous to health
Avoid Inactivity—keep moving
Avoid unclean meats as recorded in the Bible in Leviticus 11
If health laws are followed, which are backed by much research, there will be a reduction of many
catastrophic diseases such as:
Heart diseases is # 1 killer in the US____ killer
Cancer is on an increase
Diabetes is almost an epidemic in some countries where large quantities of Coke and sodas
are drunk and there is high fat consumption
Arthritis –so painful
Pulmonary problems –Asthma—
Just as grapes grow in clusters, the above have accompanying conditions. Some of these are causes
and some are results.
Hypertension—high blood pressure
Kidney problem—urinary urgencies and incontinence
Lungs start shutting down
Blood clots
Metastasis of cancer to other organs
Loss of ability to walk
Loss of limbs –legs from diabetes
Poor circulation
Loss of ability to work
Many of these affect not only the individual but also the family. Care giving is necessary. The
greatest gift we can give our children is our good health. Sickness reduces the bank account that
could be left to children and to the spreading of the gospel to all the world.
Continue or start on the Healthy Path of Life by making wise health producing choices. Prevention is
the healthy way for balanced living—it’s the happy way to go—one choice at a time.
Homes of Hope & Health Commitment
This is my desire.
I want to help these individuals to improve their lifestyle, know Jesus through this
ministry and help them on their Spiritual Journey.
This is my desire.
This my desire
I am intentional about starting this health, family and spiritual balanced living
ministry by the date of_________________
at ___________________________________
This is my desire.
Signature _______________________________Date_________________
Attend a WIN! Wellness training session and participate in all assigned
Training time requirement is a minimum of 10-15 hours. This may be done at
one seminar or during a number of short meetings.
During the training the candidates will participate in presenting a portion of
one or more Homes of Hope & Health topics.
They will show themselves able to effectively use the non-electronic
method of the Homes of Hope & Health presentations.
If they work in an area that has electronics available they should
demonstrate skill in using the computer-projector and the DVD Player-
TV screen for presentations.
The candidates will demonstrate how to incorporate Reflect/Discuss
questions in breakout sessions, how to ask coaching questions, and how to use
handout sheets.
The candidates will make plans to mobilize local resources to hold Homes of
Hope and Health neighborhood small groups or meetings.
Attend a TrainingTraining of Trainers Seminar for 30-40 hours.
Read the entire Training of Trainers manual including the Quotes and Insights
to Personal Health.
Read the entire three books of the WIN! Wellness Homes of Hope & Health
series: Getting Started, Pressing Forward, and Finishing Strong.
Read 15 chapters of the book The Ministry of Healing, including at least five
chapters in the section on the home. This may be read as a devotional book.
Contextualize at least one Homes of Hope & Health topic with scientific research
from your country and stories or illustrations from your culture.
Participate in at least 10 topic presentations of Homes of Hope & Health.
Train at least five individuals who will hold Homes of Hope & Health to Level I
certification and present five topics to this group, small groups, or larger public
Marks of a growing professional in training WIN! Wellness Homes of Hope & Health
Health-Spiritual-Family Resources
Trainers need to expand their knowledge about current research. We are first a
learner and then a teacher. There is much current information on health, spiritual
things and family that will benefit others. Trainers of Trainers need to keep up-to-
date on current research by reading health topics, watching videos, taking advantage
of health and family lectures and searching Google for current research helpful
information that relate to healthy family living and lifestyle and share it with others.
Cooking Smart –Blecenda Miranda-Varona & David Arsulo Varona available at
Natural Lifestyle Cooking, Healthy, tasty, plant-based recipes, Ernestine Finley, or tel. 800-765-6955
Naturally Gourmet: Simple, plant-based recipes that are healthy & delicious Karen
Houghton, tel. 800-487-4278
Muslim DVDs A series of 25 Muslim-friendly presentations with PPt in
English and Arabic languages.
Simple Remedies YouTube
YouTube – natural remedies, Agatha Thrash part 1, 3 and 4. Google to search <Uchee
Pines, H1N1, Natural Remedies>, starting at Part 1. Parts 3 and 4 give hands-on
Coaching Lilly Tryon is a trainer
WIN! Wellness website
The Power of Forgiveness
Health Bites from This site has relevant health information
shared by experts Each 3-5 minute episode features
health information produced by
Couples are enriched when they spend an evening together sharing memories,
having fun time with other couples, and making future plans for enriching their
Get a team together to plan a Special Fun evening for couples.
Plans include setting an aesthetic environment
Plans for couples all positive activities using Marriage Commitment Fun Activities
for Couples booklet.
Plan a Love Banquet for couples
Recommitment Vows shared
Evening Includes
Greeting - welcome couples
Couple activities
Agape Feast –Love Banquet
Affirmation Time
A rose – real or artificial is given to husband. At the appointed time after the meal is
over he affirms wife and gives her the rose or flower. Mikes may be used so all can
hear. There are some timid husbands and wives who prefer not to share in front of
others. They may share privately. Usually there is not time enough for all the
couples to share.
Couple Recommitment Service
28. Dim lights slightly if you can and have couple exchange their books and read their
love letter silently or each reads the love letter to their beloved.
29. This is an appropriate time to have a wedding song sung to the group.
30. Things I Appreciate About My Spouse
This is a home work assignment
During a month have each couple write one thing each day about their
beloved and share. Each appreciation statement should be different.
1. Have a 3-pronged candelabrum
2. In center prong have white candle
3. On table have 2 red candles lying by candelabrum (to be put into candelabrum)
4. Follow instruction as to when to light candles as instructed on vows sheet
5. Have someone sing a wedding song (optional)
6. Ask couples to stand
7. Repeat recommitment vows
8. Have Recommitment Prayer—by local pastor if available
9. Sing - "Blest Be the Tie That Binds"
At the time indicated in the vows script the pastor picks up one of the red candles, lights it
from one of the short candles and holds it. Next, as indicated in the script, the pastor's wife
does the same. After all couples repeat the vows, the pastoral couple lights the unity candle
with their red candles and then they place these red candles, still burning, into the
candelabrum, symbolizing the separate identity of husband and wife within the unity of
Download and print two copies of the vows—one for the pastor and one for his wife. Have full
vows for husband and wife on one page so a page does not have to be turned.
Some make an attractive hard copy of the vows with the names of the couple with the date of the
recommitment. Others add to this a picture of the couple in the center with a heart design in the
"I do."
Minister's wife
Do you wives choose to accept divine love and let it find full
expression in your love? If this is your desire, you may indicate
by saying, "I do".
"I do."
(Minister's wife picks up other red candle and lights it from the
smaller candle on her side of the candelabrum.)
We invite the husbands and wives at this time to join both their
hands and face each other as we all reunite ourselves with the
never-failing source of all love and recommit ourselves to God
and to each other.
Minister’s wife
Minister’s wife
Although we are one, we are still to maintain our God-given
individuality and personhood. By keeping both of our lights burning,
we symbolize this unique individuality.
Rx - For a Happy Marriage
1. Keep the PACT
12. Plan monthly special fun/recreational events for just the two of
Retype the page above and delete the one there
Back To Eden Garden
(3). Let's thank God for His blessings, as we are breathing in His
fresh air...
Now drinking pure clear water, it will do our bodies good...
A vibrant life depends, on the choices we make.
Surely God will see us safely through, if we feast on His word.
Family Sabbath Celebration