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GG Av Density (Fluid) 1
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Iteration CPUTime PhysTime Travels Value AvValue MinValue
MaxValue Delta Criteria Progress dGMaxMin CriteriaType
CriteriaVarType CriteriaPercentage
1 0 0 0.000657894737 0.956523524 0.956523524 0.956523524 0.956523524
0 0 0 0.942045 0 0 3
5 1 0 0.00328947368 0.990108931 0.973316227 0.956523524 0.990108931
0.0167927033 0 0 1.27598 0 0 3
10 1 0 0.00657894737 1.03183442 0.992822292 0.956523524 1.03183442
0.0362987677 0 0 1.70149 0 0 3
15 1 0 0.00986842105 1.07642152 1.0137221 0.956523524 1.07642152
0.0571985753 0 0 1.8473 0 0 3
20 1 0 0.0131578947 1.12307641 1.03559296 0.956523524 1.12307641
0.0790694376 0 0 2.09038 0 0 3
25 1 0 0.0164473684 1.16977868 1.05795725 0.956523524 1.16977868
0.101433724 0 0 2.11082 0 0 3
30 2 0 0.0197368421 1.21584813 1.08051309 0.956523524 1.21584813
0.123989564 0 0 2.35594 0 0 3
35 2 0 0.0230263158 1.26129657 1.10311102 0.956523524 1.26129657
0.146587499 0 0 2.48895 0 0 3
40 2 0 0.0263157895 1.30783395 1.12585801 0.956523524 1.30783395
0.169334491 0 0 2.74966 0 0 3
45 2 0 0.0296052632 1.35686819 1.14895903 0.956523524 1.35686819
0.192435508 0 0 2.86016 0 0 3
50 2 0 0.0328947368 1.40455651 1.17219517 0.956523524 1.40455651
0.215671643 0 0 2.73722 0 0 3
55 3 0 0.0361842105 1.44739141 1.19512819 0.956523524 1.44739141
0.238604663 0 0 2.34126 0 0 3
60 3 0 0.0394736842 1.48965095 1.21778378 0.956523524 1.48965095
0.26126026 0 0 2.335 0 0 3
65 3 0 0.0427631579 1.53197724 1.24022617 0.956523524 1.53197724
0.28370265 0 0 2.32681 0 0 3
70 3 0 0.0460526316 1.57482489 1.26253275 0.956523524 1.57482489
0.306009231 0 0 2.3168 0 0 3
75 4 0 0.0493421053 1.61802733 1.28475117 0.956523524 1.61802733
0.328227642 0 0 2.30722 0 0 3
80 4 0 0.0526315789 1.66121199 1.30689592 0.956523524 1.66121199
0.350372396 0 0 2.29874 0 0 3
85 4 0 0.0559210526 1.70434468 1.32897641 0.956523524 1.70434468
0.372452883 0 0 2.35197 0 0 3
90 4 0 0.0592105263 1.74723545 1.35099004 0.956523524 1.74723545
0.394466516 0 0 2.3928 0 0 3
95 4 0 0.0625 1.78830802 1.37285594 0.956523524 1.78830802
0.416332415 0 0 2.42445 0 0 3
100 5 0 0.0657894737 1.82461565 1.39436831 0.956523524 1.82461565
0.437844782 0 0 2.44841 0 0 3
105 5 0 0.0690789474 1.85597531 1.41535044 0.956523524 1.85597531
0.458826919 0 0 2.55256 0 0 3
110 5 0 0.0723684211 1.88329786 1.43569598 0.956523524 1.88329786
0.479172459 0 0 2.56893 0 0 3
115 5 0 0.0756578947 1.9074426 1.45535209 0.956523524 1.9074426
0.498828568 0 0 2.62344 0 0 3
120 5 0 0.0789473684 1.93130675 1.47439028 0.956523524 1.93130675
0.517866754 0 0 2.73311 0 0 3
125 6 0 0.0822368421 1.9580538 1.49299272 0.956523524 1.9580538
0.536469197 0 0 2.89767 0 0 3
130 6 0 0.0855263158 1.98729667 1.51130027 0.956523524 1.98729667
0.554776751 0 0 3.02556 0 0 3
135 6 0 0.0888157895 2.01726983 1.52937062 0.956523524 2.01726983
0.572847092 0 0 3.12912 0 0 3
140 6 0 0.0921052632 2.046853 1.54721484 0.956523524 2.046853
0.590691312 0 0 3.22602 0 0 3
145 6 0 0.0953947368 2.07430931 1.56478465 0.956523524 2.07430931
0.608261128 0 0 3.3154 0 0 3
150 7 0 0.0986842105 2.09811397 1.58198882 0.956523524 2.09811397
0.6254653 0 0 3.35458 0 0 3
155 7 0 0.101973684 2.1216445 1.59885306 0.956523524 2.1216445
0.64232954 0 0 3.3919 0 0 3
160 7 0 0.105263158 2.14811397 1.61549733 0.956523524 2.14811397
0.658973809 0 0 3.37462 0 0 3
165 7 0 0.108552632 2.17858321 1.63205868 0.956523524 2.17858321
0.675535159 0 0 3.42345 0 0 3
170 7 0 0.111842105 2.21240968 1.64864014 0.956523524 2.21240968
0.692116616 0 0 3.36423 0 0 3
175 7 0 0.115131579 2.24890632 1.6653142 0.956523524 2.24890632
0.708790676 0 0 3.4503 0 0 3
180 8 0 0.118421053 2.28682073 1.68211167 0.956523524 2.28682073
0.72558815 0 0 3.52581 0 0 3
185 8 0 0.121710526 2.32607888 1.69905818 0.956523524 2.32607888
0.742534656 0 0 3.57714 0 0 3
190 8 0 0.125 2.36668788 1.71617689 0.956523524 2.36668788 0.759653366
0 0 3.58617 0 0 3
195 8 0 0.128289474 2.40823728 1.7334784 0.956523524 2.40823728
0.776954876 0 0 3.60155 0 0 3
200 9 0 0.131578947 2.45008906 1.75095671 0.956523524 2.45008906
0.794433184 0 0 3.61081 0 0 3
205 9 0 0.134868421 2.49174375 1.7685945 0.956523524 2.49174375
0.812070971 0 0 3.60025 0 0 3
210 9 0 0.138157895 2.53279862 1.78636668 0.956523524 2.53279862
0.82984316 0 0 3.56415 0 0 3
215 9 0 0.141447368 2.57116767 1.80420307 0.956523524 2.57116767
0.847679546 0 0 3.58951 0 0 3
220 9 0 0.144736842 2.59431847 1.82176119 0.956523524 2.59431847
0.865237666 0 0 3.58543 0 0 3
225 10 0 0.148026316 2.60097019 1.83870052 0.956523524 2.60097019
0.882176992 0 0 3.559 0 0 3
230 10 0 0.151315789 2.60021567 1.85490297 0.956523524 2.60097019
0.898379442 0 0 3.52954 0 0 3
235 10 0 0.154605263 2.59589117 1.87034022 0.956523524 2.60097019
0.913816696 0 0 3.50131 0 0 3
240 10 0 0.157894737 2.58971913 1.88502142 0.956523524 2.60097019
0.928497899 0 0 3.48577 0 0 3
245 10 0 0.161184211 2.58287066 1.89897841 0.956523524 2.60097019
0.942454883 0 0 3.4746 0 0 3
250 11 0 0.164473684 2.57618668 1.912257 0.956523524 2.60097019
0.955733477 0 0 3.45257 0 0 3
255 11 0 0.167763158 2.57029703 1.92491162 0.956523524 2.60097019
0.968388093 0 0 3.41265 0 0 3
260 11 0 0.171052632 2.56591328 1.93700599 0.956523524 2.60097019
0.980482464 0 0 3.38493 0 0 3
265 11 0 0.174342105 2.5633452 1.94860486 0.956523524 2.60097019
0.992081338 0 0 3.39353 0 0 3
270 11 0 0.177631579 2.56194446 1.95975649 0.956523524 2.60097019
1.00323297 0 0 3.42148 0 0 3
275 12 0 0.180921053 2.56093372 1.9704918 0.956523524 2.60097019
1.01396828 0 0 3.42893 0 0 3
280 12 0 0.184210526 2.56001876 1.98083438 0.956523524 2.60097019
1.02431085 0 0 3.40417 0 0 3
285 12 0 0.1875 2.55976596 1.99081596 0.956523524 2.60097019
1.03429243 0 0 3.3744 0 0 3
290 12 0 0.190789474 2.56068821 2.00047481 0.956523524 2.60097019
1.04395128 0 0 3.34116 0 0 3
295 12 0 0.194078947 2.56252594 2.00984233 0.956523524 2.60097019
1.0533188 0 0 3.31441 0 0 3
300 13 0 0.197368421 2.56462678 2.01893715 0.956523524 2.60097019
1.06241363 0 0 3.2983 0 0 3
305 13 0 0.200657895 2.56640899 2.02776735 0.956523524 2.60097019
1.07124382 0 0 3.28904 0 0 3
310 13 0 0.203947368 2.56794632 2.03634161 0.956523524 2.60097019
1.07981809 0 0 3.27684 0 0 3
315 13 0 0.207236842 2.56956256 2.04467319 0.956523524 2.60097019
1.08814967 0 0 3.25996 0 0 3
320 13 0 0.210526316 2.57156021 2.05277915 0.956523524 2.60097019
1.09625562 0 0 3.24465 0 0 3
325 13 0 0.213815789 2.57423652 2.06068002 0.956523524 2.60097019
1.10415649 0 0 3.23326 0 0 3
330 14 0 0.217105263 2.57764318 2.06839588 0.956523524 2.60097019
1.11187236 0 0 3.22488 0 0 3
335 14 0 0.220394737 2.58136353 2.07593953 0.956523524 2.60097019
1.119416 0 0 3.21452 0 0 3
340 14 0 0.223684211 2.58506222 2.08331812 0.956523524 2.60097019
1.12679459 0 0 3.20434 0 0 3
345 14 0 0.226973684 2.58882175 2.0905396 0.956523524 2.60097019
1.13401607 0 0 3.19413 0 0 3
350 14 0 0.230263158 2.59283987 2.09761425 0.956523524 2.60097019
1.14109072 0 0 3.18352 0 0 3
355 14 0 0.233552632 2.59701955 2.10455043 0.956523524 2.60097019
1.14802691 0 0 3.17342 0 0 3
360 15 0 0.236842105 2.60109389 2.1113524 0.956523524 2.60109389
1.15482887 0 0 3.1622 0 0 3
365 15 0 0.240131579 2.60491124 2.11802211 0.956523524 2.60491124
1.16149859 0 0 3.14996 0 0 3
370 15 0 0.243421053 2.60841258 2.12456065 0.956523524 2.60841258
1.16803713 0 0 3.1398 0 0 3
375 15 0 0.246710526 2.61167239 2.13097002 0.956523524 2.61167239
1.17444649 0 0 3.13101 0 0 3
380 15 0 0.25 2.6149817 2.13725588 0.956523524 2.6149817 1.18073236
0 0 3.12059 0 0 3
385 15 0 0.253289474 2.61864696 2.14342756 0.956523524 2.61864696
1.18690404 0 0 3.10853 0 0 3
390 16 0 0.256578947 2.6225166 2.14949198 0.956523524 2.6225166
1.19296846 0 0 3.09615 0 0 3
395 16 0 0.259868421 2.62627466 2.15545176 0.956523524 2.62627466
1.19892824 0 0 3.08456 0 0 3
400 16 0 0.263157895 2.63008132 2.16131139 0.956523524 2.63008132
1.20478786 0 0 3.07348 0 0 3
405 16 0 0.266447368 2.63364582 2.16707156 0.956523524 2.63364582
1.21054804 0 0 3.06256 0 0 3
410 16 0 0.269736842 2.6375487 2.17273996 0.956523524 2.6375487
1.21621644 0 0 3.05249 0 0 3
415 17 0 0.273026316 2.642003 2.17832643 0.956523524 2.642003
1.2218029 0 0 3.046 0 0 3
420 17 0 0.276315789 2.64683099 2.18383825 0.956523524 2.64683099
1.22731472 0 0 3.04464 0 0 3
425 17 0 0.279605263 2.65184387 2.18928017 0.956523524 2.65184387
1.23275665 0 0 3.03856 0 0 3
430 17 0 0.282894737 2.65696974 2.19465591 0.956523524 2.65696974
1.23813239 0 0 3.02539 0 0 3
435 17 0 0.286184211 2.66209201 2.19996769 0.956523524 2.66209201
1.24344416 0 0 3.01338 0 0 3
440 17 0 0.289473684 2.66680657 2.20521307 0.956523524 2.66680657
1.24868955 0 0 3.00788 0 0 3
445 17 0 0.292763158 2.67131336 2.21039196 0.956523524 2.67131336
1.25386844 0 0 3.011 0 0 3
450 18 0 0.296052632 2.67596366 2.21550813 0.956523524 2.67596366
1.25898461 0 0 3.0018 0 0 3
455 18 0 0.299342105 2.68086251 2.22056633 0.956523524 2.68086251
1.26404281 0 0 3.01299 0 0 3
460 18 0 0.302631579 2.68596291 2.2255706 0.956523524 2.68596291
1.26904707 0 0 3.04308 0 0 3
465 18 0 0.305921053 2.69117835 2.23052387 0.956523524 2.69117835
1.27400035 0 0 3.06301 0 0 3
470 18 0 0.309210526 2.69653959 2.2354293 0.956523524 2.69653959
1.27890578 0 0 3.06668 0 0 3
475 18 0 0.3125 2.70201006 2.24028952 0.956523524 2.70201006
1.28376599 0 0 3.05668 0 0 3
480 19 0 0.315789474 2.70768246 2.245108 0.956523524 2.70768246
1.28858448 0 0 3.05985 0 0 3
485 19 0 0.319078947 2.71331976 2.24988567 0.956523524 2.71331976
1.29336215 0 0 3.05935 0 0 3
490 19 0 0.322368421 2.71818876 2.25461601 0.956523524 2.71818876
1.29809248 0 0 3.05209 0 0 3
495 19 0 0.325657895 2.72331824 2.25930303 0.956523524 2.72331824
1.3027795 0 0 3.05149 0 0 3
500 19 0 0.328947368 2.72874625 2.26395098 0.956523524 2.72874625
1.30742746 0 0 3.04087 0 0 3
505 19 0 0.332236842 2.73423703 2.26856163 0.956523524 2.73423703
1.3120381 0 0 3.06001 0 0 3
510 20 0 0.335526316 2.7397391 2.27313617 0.956523524 2.7397391
1.31661264 0 0 3.10297 0 0 3
515 20 0 0.338815789 2.74545767 2.27767772 0.956523524 2.74545767
1.3211542 0 0 3.13117 0 0 3
520 20 0 0.342105263 2.75130539 2.28218846 0.956523524 2.75130539
1.32566494 0 0 3.1494 0 0 3
525 20 0 0.345394737 2.75742461 2.28667182 0.956523524 2.75742461
1.3301483 0 0 3.15632 0 0 3
530 20 0 0.348684211 2.76379443 2.29113091 0.956523524 2.76379443
1.33460739 0 0 3.14774 0 0 3
535 20 0 0.351973684 2.76957351 2.29556093 0.956523524 2.76957351
1.33903741 0 0 3.12453 0 0 3
540 21 0 0.355263158 2.77509559 2.29996033 0.956523524 2.77509559
1.34343681 0 0 3.12409 0 0 3
545 21 0 0.358552632 2.7809978 2.3043334 0.956523524 2.7809978
1.34780988 0 0 3.1949 0 0 3
550 21 0 0.361842105 2.78687208 2.3086806 0.956523524 2.78687208
1.35215707 0 0 3.22919 0 0 3
555 21 0 0.365131579 2.79238884 2.31299942 0.956523524 2.79238884
1.3564759 0 0 3.22645 0 0 3
560 21 0 0.368421053 2.79713513 2.31728381 0.956523524 2.79713513
1.36076028 0 0 3.20569 0 0 3
565 22 0 0.371710526 2.80123403 2.32152898 0.956523524 2.80123403
1.36500546 0 0 3.20573 0 0 3
570 22 0 0.375 2.80525744 2.32573532 0.956523524 2.80525744 1.3692118
0 0 3.24166 0 0 3
575 22 0 0.378289474 2.80944757 2.32990525 0.956523524 2.80944757
1.37338173 0 0 3.27114 0 0 3
580 22 0 0.381578947 2.81384816 2.33404152 0.956523524 2.81384816
1.37751799 0 0 3.28714 0 0 3
585 22 0 0.384868421 2.81839179 2.33814618 0.956523524 2.81839179
1.38162266 0 0 3.2751 0 0 3
590 23 0 0.388157895 2.82297915 2.34222041 0.956523524 2.82297915
1.38569688 0 0 3.27849 0 0 3
595 23 0 0.391447368 2.82814858 2.34626981 0.956523524 2.82814858
1.38974628 0 0 3.3272 0 0 3
600 23 0 0.394736842 2.84079384 2.35035678 0.956523524 2.84079384
1.39383326 0 0 3.27205 0 0 3
605 23 0 0.398026316 2.84742029 2.35443107 0.956523524 2.84742029
1.39790755 0 0 3.29532 0 0 3
610 23 0 0.401315789 2.85518811 2.35850227 0.956523524 2.85518811
1.40197875 0 0 3.28393 0 0 3
615 23 0 0.404605263 2.87409123 2.36266025 0.956523524 2.87409123
1.40613672 0 0 3.27866 0 0 3
620 24 0 0.407894737 2.87967868 2.36679639 0.956523524 2.87967868
1.41027287 0 0 3.27786 0 0 3
625 24 0 0.411184211 2.88529077 2.37091143 0.956523524 2.88529077
1.4143879 0 0 3.29426 0 0 3
630 24 0 0.414473684 2.89091932 2.37500598 0.956523524 2.89091932
1.41848245 0 0 3.32728 0 0 3
635 24 0 0.417763158 2.89669789 2.3790817 0.956523524 2.89669789
1.42255817 0 0 3.36129 0 0 3
640 24 0 0.421052632 2.90268838 2.38314066 0.956523524 2.90268838
1.42661714 0 0 3.3725 0 0 3
645 24 0 0.424342105 2.9088416 2.38718452 0.956523524 2.9088416
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650 25 0 0.427631579 2.91479723 2.39121209 0.956523524 2.91479723
1.43468857 0 0 3.35992 0 0 3
655 25 0 0.430921053 2.92056467 2.39522234 0.956523524 2.92056467
1.43869882 0 0 3.36753 0 0 3
660 25 0 0.434210526 2.92604549 2.39921349 0.956523524 2.92604549
1.44268997 0 0 3.39999 0 0 3
665 25 0 0.4375 2.93140153 2.40318504 0.956523524 2.93140153
1.44666152 0 0 3.41784 0 0 3
670 25 0 0.440789474 2.93689054 2.40713842 0.956523524 2.93689054
1.45061489 0 0 3.4214 0 0 3
675 25 0 0.444078947 2.94269617 2.41107634 0.956523524 2.94269617
1.45455282 0 0 3.42224 0 0 3
680 26 0 0.447368421 2.94828443 2.41499757 0.956523524 2.94828443
1.45847405 0 0 3.4281 0 0 3
685 26 0 0.450657895 2.95383488 2.41890219 0.956523524 2.95383488
1.46237866 0 0 3.43012 0 0 3
690 26 0 0.453947368 2.95959789 2.42279209 0.956523524 2.95959789
1.46626856 0 0 3.4727 0 0 3
695 26 0 0.457236842 2.96582358 2.42667088 0.956523524 2.96582358
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700 26 0 0.460526316 2.97243635 2.43054156 0.956523524 2.97243635
1.47401804 0 0 3.63033 0 0 3
705 26 0 0.463815789 2.97929488 2.43440602 0.956523524 2.97929488
1.4778825 0 0 3.65586 0 0 3
710 27 0 0.467105263 2.98595474 2.438263 0.956523524 2.98595474
1.48173948 0 0 3.64389 0 0 3
715 27 0 0.470394737 2.99198193 2.44210827 0.956523524 2.99198193
1.48558475 0 0 3.62987 0 0 3
720 27 0 0.473684211 2.99719959 2.44593649 0.956523524 2.99719959
1.48941297 0 0 3.64753 0 0 3
725 27 0 0.476973684 3.00142831 2.44974123 0.956523524 3.00142831
1.4932177 0 0 3.65461 0 0 3
730 27 0 0.480263158 3.00462298 2.45351593 0.956523524 3.00462298
1.49699241 0 0 3.66165 0 0 3
735 27 0 0.483552632 3.00724688 2.45725736 0.956523524 3.00724688
1.50073384 0 0 3.66665 0 0 3
740 28 0 0.486842105 3.009743 2.46096532 0.956523524 3.009743
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745 28 0 0.490131579 3.01262466 2.46464305 0.956523524 3.01262466
1.50811952 0 0 3.67643 0 0 3
750 28 0 0.493421053 3.01607937 2.46829494 0.956523524 3.01607937
1.51177142 0 0 3.68928 0 0 3
755 28 0 0.496710526 3.01965036 2.47192228 0.956523524 3.01965036
1.51539876 0 0 3.70705 0 0 3
760 28 0 0.5 3.02289482 2.47552341 0.956523524 3.02289482 1.51899988
0 0 3.72421 0 0 3
765 28 0 0.503289474 3.02563903 2.49890847 1.03183442 3.02563903
1.50608618 0 0 3.73859 0 0 3
770 29 0 0.506578947 3.0278904 2.50236587 1.03183442 3.0278904
1.50954358 0 0 3.75345 0 0 3
775 29 0 0.509868421 3.02974931 2.51542414 1.07642152 3.02974931
1.50170204 0 0 3.77006 0 0 3
780 29 0 0.513157895 3.03143489 2.53744625 1.16977868 3.03143489
1.479489 0 0 3.78386 0 0 3
785 29 0 0.516447368 3.03323285 2.54970582 1.21584813 3.03323285
1.46919273 0 0 3.78918 0 0 3
790 29 0 0.519736842 3.03533669 2.56167614 1.26129657 3.03533669
1.45856511 0 0 3.7932 0 0 3
795 29 0 0.523026316 3.03757569 2.57336218 1.30783395 3.03757569
1.44750417 0 0 3.80781 0 0 3
800 30 0 0.526315789 3.03993894 2.58475761 1.35686819 3.03993894
1.43579858 0 0 3.82263 0 0 3
805 30 0 0.529605263 3.04250933 2.58774945 1.35686819 3.04250933
1.43879042 0 0 3.84232 0 0 3
810 30 0 0.532894737 3.04535119 2.60664206 1.44739141 3.04535119
1.41151387 0 0 3.85653 0 0 3
815 30 0 0.536184211 3.04841407 2.6171751 1.48965095 3.04841407
1.39939132 0 0 3.86674 0 0 3
820 30 0 0.539473684 3.05165271 2.62745143 1.53197724 3.05165271
1.38722526 0 0 3.87462 0 0 3
825 30 0 0.542763158 3.05486746 2.63747044 1.57482489 3.05486746
1.37493769 0 0 3.88307 0 0 3
830 31 0 0.546052632 3.05754645 2.64722519 1.61802733 3.05754645
1.36247403 0 0 3.88751 0 0 3
835 31 0 0.549342105 3.05927076 2.6499183 1.61802733 3.05927076
1.36516713 0 0 3.89567 0 0 3
840 31 0 0.552631579 3.06045116 2.66591258 1.70434468 3.06045116
1.33693617 0 0 3.9029 0 0 3
845 31 0 0.555921053 3.06134485 2.67484021 1.74723545 3.06134485
1.3141094 0 0 3.91264 0 0 3
850 31 0 0.559210526 3.06205798 2.68349036 1.78830802 3.06205798
1.27374996 0 0 3.92252 0 0 3
855 31 0 0.5625 3.06262985 2.69187405 1.82461565 3.06262985
1.2380142 0 0 3.93158 0 0 3
860 32 0 0.565789474 3.06310354 2.700022 1.85597531 3.06310354
1.20712823 0 0 3.93858 0 0 3
865 32 0 0.569078947 3.06349397 2.70239763 1.85597531 3.06349397
1.20751866 0 0 3.94664 0 0 3
870 32 0 0.572368421 3.06367505 2.7102911 1.88329786 3.06367505
1.18037719 0 0 3.95311 0 0 3
875 32 0 0.575657895 3.0636763 2.72333864 1.93130675 3.0636763
1.13236955 0 0 3.95843 0 0 3
880 32 0 0.578947368 3.06365949 2.73078833 1.9580538 3.0636763
1.1056225 0 0 3.96433 0 0 3
885 32 0 0.582236842 3.06378872 2.7380629 1.98729667 3.06378872
1.07649205 0 0 3.97131 0 0 3
890 33 0 0.585526316 3.06413039 2.74514734 2.01726983 3.06413039
1.04686056 0 0 3.96731 0 0 3
895 33 0 0.588815789 3.06461884 2.75203779 2.046853 3.06461884
1.01776583 0 0 3.95265 0 0 3
900 33 0 0.592105263 3.06511235 2.75408403 2.046853 3.06511235
1.01825934 0 0 3.94864 0 0 3
905 33 0 0.595394737 3.06566628 2.76525895 2.09811397 3.06566628
0.967552303 0 0 3.94487 0 0 3
910 33 0 0.598684211 3.06634472 2.77162889 2.1216445 3.06634472
0.944700224 0 0 3.93445 0 0 3
915 33 0 0.601973684 3.06704035 2.7778486 2.14811397 3.06704035
0.918926385 0 0 3.91461 0 0 3
920 34 0 0.605263158 3.06758314 2.78389774 2.17858321 3.06758314
0.888999924 0 0 3.89809 0 0 3
925 34 0 0.608552632 3.06793519 2.78974874 2.21240968 3.06793519
0.855525512 0 0 3.8929 0 0 3
930 34 0 0.611842105 3.06811401 2.79156812 2.21240968 3.06811401
0.855704332 0 0 3.88952 0 0 3
935 34 0 0.615131579 3.06813376 2.80076803 2.28682073 3.06813376
0.781313031 0 0 3.88468 0 0 3
940 34 0 0.618421053 3.0680104 2.80590743 2.32607888 3.06813376
0.742054885 0 0 3.87709 0 0 3
945 34 0 0.621710526 3.06783005 2.81078737 2.36668788 3.06813376
0.701445882 0 0 3.8676 0 0 3
950 35 0 0.625 3.0676479 2.81539895 2.40823728 3.06813376 0.659896488
0 0 3.85412 0 0 3
955 35 0 0.628289474 3.0674406 2.81973582 2.45008906 3.06813376
0.618044705 0 0 3.84695 0 0 3
960 35 0 0.631578947 3.0672052 2.82379579 2.49174375 3.06813376
0.576390011 0 0 3.83672 0 0 3
965 35 0 0.634868421 3.06693226 2.82538492 2.49174375 3.06813376
0.576390011 0 0 3.82386 0 0 3
970 35 0 0.638157895 3.06657879 2.83109164 2.55976596 3.06813376
0.508367802 0 0 3.81381 0 0 3
975 35 0 0.641447368 3.06609692 2.83434775 2.55976596 3.06813376
0.508367802 0 0 3.81362 0 0 3
980 36 0 0.644736842 3.06545542 2.83744734 2.55976596 3.06813376
0.508367802 0 0 3.80729 0 0 3
985 36 0 0.648026316 3.06467587 2.84049803 2.55976596 3.06813376
0.508367802 0 0 3.79521 0 0 3
990 36 0 0.651315789 3.06378004 2.8435478 2.55976596 3.06813376
0.508367802 0 0 3.78521 0 0 3
995 36 0 0.654605263 3.0627466 2.84498047 2.55976596 3.06813376
0.508367802 0 0 3.77444 0 0 3
1000 36 0 0.657894737 3.06159892 2.84972369 2.55976596 3.06813376
0.508367802 0 0 3.76179 0 0 3
1005 36 0 0.661184211 3.06040738 2.85286538 2.55976596 3.06813376
0.508367802 0 0 3.75497 0 0 3
1010 37 0 0.664473684 3.05920756 2.85604314 2.55976596 3.06813376
0.508367802 0 0 3.74219 0 0 3
1015 37 0 0.667763158 3.05800669 2.85925176 2.55976596 3.06813376
0.508367802 0 0 3.7276 0 0 3
1020 37 0 0.671052632 3.0568305 2.86248148 2.55976596 3.06813376
0.508367802 0 0 3.71195 0 0 3
1025 37 0 0.674342105 3.0556872 2.86572057 2.55976596 3.06813376
0.508367802 0 0 3.69364 0 0 3
1030 37 0 0.677631579 3.05453828 2.86896132 2.55976596 3.06813376
0.508367802 0 0 3.67854 0 0 3
1035 38 0 0.680921053 3.05338764 2.87220115 2.55976596 3.06813376
0.508367802 0 0 3.6545 0 0 3
1040 38 0 0.684210526 3.05229168 2.87543979 2.55976596 3.06813376
0.508367802 0 0 3.64007 0 0 3
1045 38 0 0.6875 3.05123263 2.87867312 2.56068821 3.06813376
0.507445549 0 0 3.62026 0 0 3
1050 38 0 0.690789474 3.05014543 2.88189323 2.56252594 3.06813376
0.505607821 0 0 3.60086 0 0 3
1055 38 0 0.694078947 3.049083 2.88509427 2.56462678 3.06813376
0.503506983 0 0 3.57957 0 0 3
1060 39 0 0.697368421 3.04809932 2.88615966 2.56462678 3.06813376
0.503506983 0 0 3.55325 0 0 3
1065 39 0 0.700657895 3.04713211 2.89143766 2.56794632 3.06813376
0.500187443 0 0 3.52584 0 0 3
1070 39 0 0.703947368 3.04609048 2.89458334 2.56956256 3.06813376
0.498571206 0 0 3.50621 0 0 3
1075 39 0 0.707236842 3.04503655 2.89771146 2.57156021 3.06813376
0.496573551 0 0 3.49289 0 0 3
1080 39 0 0.710526316 3.04403648 2.90081986 2.57423652 3.06813376
0.49389724 0 0 3.476 0 0 3
1085 39 0 0.713815789 3.04301265 2.90390391 2.57764318 3.06813376
0.490490585 0 0 3.45725 0 0 3
1090 40 0 0.717105263 3.04194113 2.90480612 2.57764318 3.06813376
0.490490585 0 0 3.43811 0 0 3
1095 40 0 0.720394737 3.04087423 2.9099816 2.58506222 3.06813376
0.483071547 0 0 3.41843 0 0 3
1100 40 0 0.723684211 3.03977721 2.91297315 2.58882175 3.06813376
0.479312017 0 0 3.39693 0 0 3
1105 40 0 0.726973684 3.03853802 2.91593181 2.59283987 3.06813376
0.475293897 0 0 3.37409 0 0 3
1110 40 0 0.730263158 3.03714564 2.91885487 2.59701955 3.06813376
0.471114209 0 0 3.3506 0 0 3
1115 40 0 0.733552632 3.0356822 2.92174081 2.60109389 3.06813376
0.467039872 0 0 3.32842 0 0 3
1120 41 0 0.736842105 3.0341802 2.92459006 2.60491124 3.06813376
0.463222519 0 0 3.32489 0 0 3
1125 41 0 0.740131579 3.03257193 2.92740362 2.60841258 3.06813376
0.459721182 0 0 3.32029 0 0 3
1130 41 0 0.743421053 3.03083586 2.93018272 2.61167239 3.06813376
0.45646137 0 0 3.31458 0 0 3
1135 41 0 0.746710526 3.02901199 2.93292837 2.6149817 3.06813376
0.453152066 0 0 3.30904 0 0 3
1140 41 0 0.75 3.02709732 2.93563966 2.61864696 3.06813376 0.449486802
0 0 3.30449 0 0 3
1145 41 0 0.753289474 3.02506487 2.93831346 2.6225166 3.06813376
0.445617161 0 0 3.30042 0 0 3
1150 42 0 0.756578947 3.02297255 2.93886679 2.6225166 3.06813376
0.445617161 0 0 3.29762 0 0 3
1155 42 0 0.759868421 3.02089722 2.94147058 2.62627466 3.06813376
0.441859106 0 0 3.2948 0 0 3
1160 42 0 0.763157895 3.0188131 2.94610169 2.63364582 3.06813376
0.434487946 0 0 3.29411 0 0 3
1165 42 0 0.766447368 3.01667479 2.94862162 2.6375487 3.06813376
0.43058506 0 0 3.29401 0 0 3
1170 42 0 0.769736842 3.01452172 2.9511017 2.642003 3.06813376
0.426130759 0 0 3.29336 0 0 3
1175 42 0 0.773026316 3.01238107 2.9535384 2.64683099 3.06813376
0.421302771 0 0 3.29334 0 0 3
1180 43 0 0.776315789 3.01018172 2.95390862 2.64683099 3.06813376
0.421302771 0 0 3.29357 0 0 3
1185 43 0 0.779605263 3.00791696 2.95626866 2.65184387 3.06813376
0.416289893 0 0 3.29346 0 0 3
1190 43 0 0.782894737 3.00566955 2.96056553 2.66209201 3.06813376
0.406041753 0 0 3.29332 0 0 3
1195 43 0 0.786184211 3.00345615 2.96281135 2.66680657 3.06813376
0.401327193 0 0 3.29349 0 0 3
1200 43 0 0.789473684 3.00119156 2.96501125 2.67131336 3.06813376
0.396820406 0 0 3.29347 0 0 3
1205 43 0 0.792763158 2.99887645 2.96716627 2.67596366 3.06813376
0.392170107 0 0 3.29319 0 0 3
1210 44 0 0.796052632 2.99659153 2.96927566 2.68086251 3.06813376
0.387271258 0 0 3.29308 0 0 3
1215 44 0 0.799342105 2.99433411 2.96943944 2.68086251 3.06813376
0.387271258 0 0 3.29301 0 0 3
1220 44 0 0.802631579 2.99203282 2.97335159 2.69117835 3.06813376
0.376955413 0 0 3.29273 0 0 3
1225 44 0 0.805921053 2.9897205 2.97531568 2.69653959 3.06813376
0.371594169 0 0 3.29225 0 0 3
1230 44 0 0.809210526 2.98745851 2.97722963 2.70201006 3.06813376
0.3661237 0 0 3.29159 0 0 3
1235 44 0 0.8125 2.98521942 2.97909284 2.70768246 3.06813376
0.360451301 0 0 3.2913 0 0 3
1240 45 0 0.815789474 2.98294177 2.98090376 2.71331976 3.06813376
0.354814001 0 0 3.29073 0 0 3
1245 45 0 0.819078947 2.980661 2.98090217 2.71331976 3.06813376
0.354814001 0 0 3.28965 0 0 3
1250 45 0 0.822368421 2.97842631 2.9826349 2.71818876 3.06813376
0.349945007 0 0 3.28808 0 0 3
1255 45 0 0.825657895 2.97619586 2.98603834 2.72874625 3.06813376
0.339387518 0 0 3.28618 0 0 3
1260 45 0 0.828947368 2.97393244 2.98765141 2.73423703 3.06813376
0.333896737 0 0 3.28395 0 0 3
1265 45 0 0.832236842 2.97168861 2.98921359 2.7397391 3.06813376
0.328394667 0 0 3.28141 0 0 3
1270 46 0 0.835526316 2.96949314 2.99072513 2.74545767 3.06813376
0.322676098 0 0 3.27859 0 0 3
1275 46 0 0.838815789 2.96729665 2.990572 2.74545767 3.06813376
0.322676098 0 0 3.27562 0 0 3
1280 46 0 0.842105263 2.96507914 2.99200744 2.75130539 3.06813376
0.316828373 0 0 3.27261 0 0 3
1285 46 0 0.845394737 2.96290247 2.99494283 2.76379443 3.06813376
0.304339336 0 0 3.26998 0 0 3
1290 46 0 0.848684211 2.96078545 2.99623883 2.76957351 3.06813376
0.298560249 0 0 3.26741 0 0 3
1295 46 0 0.851973684 2.95866145 2.99748283 2.77509559 3.06813376
0.29303817 0 0 3.26487 0 0 3
1300 47 0 0.855263158 2.95652788 2.99867646 2.7809978 3.06813376
0.287135963 0 0 3.26239 0 0 3
1305 47 0 0.858552632 2.95443807 2.99981751 2.78687208 3.06813376
0.28126168 0 0 3.2599 0 0 3
1310 47 0 0.861842105 2.95238469 2.99950749 2.78687208 3.06813376
0.28126168 0 0 3.25739 0 0 3
1315 47 0 0.865131579 2.95030763 3.00194535 2.79713513 3.06813376
0.270998638 0 0 3.25485 0 0 3
1320 47 0 0.868421053 2.94822768 3.00293938 2.80123403 3.06813376
0.266899733 0 0 3.25234 0 0 3
1325 47 0 0.871710526 2.94619819 3.00389309 2.80525744 3.06813376
0.262876324 0 0 3.24987 0 0 3
1330 48 0 0.875 2.94419347 3.00480715 2.80944757 3.06813376 0.258686195
0 0 3.24743 0 0 3
1335 48 0 0.878289474 2.94215905 3.00568025 2.81384816 3.06813376
0.254285604 0 0 3.24504 0 0 3
1340 48 0 0.881578947 2.94013466 3.00525184 2.81384816 3.06813376
0.254285604 0 0 3.24268 0 0 3
1345 48 0 0.884868421 2.93816843 3.0060644 2.81839179 3.06813376
0.249741971 0 0 3.24038 0 0 3
1350 48 0 0.888157895 2.93622272 3.00804411 2.82814858 3.06813376
0.239985182 0 0 3.23807 0 0 3
1355 48 0 0.891447368 2.93426557 3.00874225 2.84079384 3.06813376
0.227339923 0 0 3.23572 0 0 3
1360 49 0 0.894736842 2.93234746 3.00934457 2.84742029 3.06813376
0.220713478 0 0 3.23344 0 0 3
1365 49 0 0.898026316 2.93049251 3.0098911 2.85518811 3.06813376
0.212945656 0 0 3.23126 0 0 3
1370 49 0 0.901315789 2.92864733 3.00936009 2.85518811 3.06813376
0.212945656 0 0 3.22904 0 0 3
1375 49 0 0.904605263 2.92679272 3.0098281 2.87409123 3.06813376
0.194042532 0 0 3.22672 0 0 3
1380 49 0 0.907894737 2.92498769 3.01101919 2.88529077 3.06813376
0.182842996 0 0 3.22443 0 0 3
1385 49 0 0.911184211 2.92324834 3.01126891 2.89091932 3.06813376
0.177214441 0 0 3.22222 0 0 3
1390 50 0 0.914473684 2.92151341 3.01147019 2.89669789 3.06813376
0.171435875 0 0 3.22005 0 0 3
1395 50 0 0.917763158 2.91978998 3.01162211 2.90268838 3.06813376
0.165445379 0 0 3.21771 0 0 3
1400 50 0 0.921052632 2.91812977 3.0117237 2.9088416 3.06813376
0.159292165 0 0 3.21524 0 0 3
1405 50 0 0.924342105 2.91652237 3.01110147 2.9088416 3.06813376
0.159292165 0 0 3.2127 0 0 3
1410 50 0 0.927631579 2.91490944 3.01177497 2.91490944 3.06813376
0.153224327 0 0 3.20993 0 0 3
1415 50 0 0.930921053 2.91331105 3.01172725 2.91331105 3.06813376
0.154822718 0 0 3.20694 0 0 3
1420 51 0 0.934210526 2.91178234 3.01163341 2.91178234 3.06813376
0.156351425 0 0 3.20384 0 0 3
1425 51 0 0.9375 2.91029401 3.01149454 2.91029401 3.06813376
0.157839749 0 0 3.20048 0 0 3
1430 51 0 0.940789474 2.90879376 3.0113097 2.90879376 3.06813376
0.159340004 0 0 3.19689 0 0 3
1435 51 0 0.944078947 2.90732097 3.01063003 2.90732097 3.06813376
0.16081279 0 0 3.19328 0 0 3
1440 51 0 0.947368421 2.90591102 3.01038961 2.90591102 3.06813376
0.162222741 0 0 3.18962 0 0 3
1445 51 0 0.950657895 2.90452357 3.01047378 2.90452357 3.06813376
0.163610197 0 0 3.18587 0 0 3
1450 52 0 0.953947368 2.90312384 3.01010224 2.90312384 3.06813376
0.165009923 0 0 3.18226 0 0 3
1455 52 0 0.957236842 2.90176312 3.00968079 2.90176312 3.06813376
0.16637064 0 0 3.1788 0 0 3
1460 52 0 0.960526316 2.90046834 3.00920731 2.90046834 3.06813376
0.167665427 0 0 3.17542 0 0 3
1465 52 0 0.963815789 2.89918169 3.00848819 2.89918169 3.06813376
0.168952078 0 0 3.17223 0 0 3
1470 52 0 0.967105263 2.89788735 3.00795612 2.89788735 3.06813376
0.17024641 0 0 3.16928 0 0 3
1475 53 0 0.970394737 2.89664148 3.00747362 2.89664148 3.06813376
0.171492287 0 0 3.16644 0 0 3
1480 53 0 0.973684211 2.89545314 3.00680424 2.89545314 3.06813376
0.17268062 0 0 3.16371 0 0 3
1485 53 0 0.976973684 2.89426064 3.00609919 2.89426064 3.06813376
0.173873119 0 0 3.16114 0 0 3
1490 53 0 0.980263158 2.89306926 3.00536528 2.89306926 3.06813376
0.175064508 0 0 3.15866 0 0 3
1495 53 0 0.983552632 2.8919305 3.00460662 2.8919305 3.06813376
0.176203261 0 0 3.15633 0 0 3
1500 53 0 0.986842105 2.89083338 3.003863 2.89083338 3.06813376
0.177300385 0 0 3.15426 0 0 3
1505 54 0 0.990131579 2.88971776 3.00301572 2.88971776 3.06813376
0.178416006 0 0 3.15258 0 0 3
1510 54 0 0.993421053 2.88860327 3.00217706 2.88860327 3.06813376
0.179530491 0 0 3.15098 0 0 3
1515 54 0 0.996710526 2.88754429 3.00130794 2.88754429 3.06813376
0.180589479 0 0 3.14941 0 0 3
1520 54 0 1 2.88651485 3.00041071 2.88651485 3.06813376 0.181618909
0.062340745 34.3 3.14779 0 0 3
1525 54 0 1.00328947 2.88546556 2.99948851 2.88546556 3.06813376
0.182668203 0.062340745 34.1 3.14619 0 0 3
1530 55 0 1.00657895 2.88443428 2.99854472 2.88443428 3.06813376
0.183699488 0.062340745 33.9 3.14462 0 0 3
1535 55 0 1.00986842 2.88345507 2.99758226 2.88345507 3.06813376
0.184678698 0.062340745 33.7 3.14304 0 0 3
1540 55 0 1.01315789 2.88249182 2.99683004 2.88249182 3.06813376
0.185641947 0.062340745 33.5 3.14155 0 0 3
1545 55 0 1.01644737 2.88150863 2.99560419 2.88150863 3.06813376
0.18662513 0.062340745 33.4 3.14024 0 0 3
1550 55 0 1.01973684 2.88055377 2.99485222 2.88055377 3.06813376
0.187579989 0.062340745 33.2 3.13896 0 0 3
1555 56 0 1.02302632 2.87965893 2.99354695 2.87965893 3.06813376
0.188474829 0.062340745 33 3.13763 0 0 3
1560 56 0 1.02631579 2.87876743 2.99248661 2.87876743 3.06813376
0.189366334 0.062340745 32.9 3.13725 0 0 3
1565 56 0 1.02960526 2.87786213 2.99140341 2.87786213 3.06813376
0.190271637 0.062340745 32.7 3.13756 0 0 3
1570 56 0 1.03289474 2.87699304 2.99029579 2.87699304 3.06813376
0.191140725 0.062340745 32.6 3.13786 0 0 3
1575 57 0 1.03618421 2.87616991 2.98954987 2.87616991 3.06813376
0.191963858 0.062340745 32.4 3.13819 0 0 3
1580 57 0 1.03947368 2.87533877 2.98800264 2.87533877 3.06813376
0.192794997 0.062340745 32.3 3.1386 0 0 3
1585 57 0 1.04276316 2.87449641 2.98681599 2.87449641 3.06813376
0.193637358 0.062340745 32.1 3.13907 0 0 3
1590 57 0 1.04605263 2.87369716 2.98560646 2.87369716 3.06813376
0.194436604 0.062340745 32 3.13953 0 0 3
1595 57 0 1.04934211 2.87293542 2.98438057 2.87293542 3.06813376
0.195198341 0.062340745 31.9 3.13997 0 0 3
1600 58 0 1.05263158 2.87214926 2.98364703 2.87214926 3.06813376
0.195984501 0.062340745 31.8 3.14043 0 0 3
1605 58 0 1.05592105 2.871358 2.98189182 2.871358 3.06813376
0.196775768 0.062340745 31.6 3.1409 0 0 3
1610 58 0 1.05921053 2.87061215 2.98116451 2.87061215 3.06813376
0.197521614 0.062340745 31.5 3.14133 0 0 3
1615 58 0 1.0625 2.86989193 2.9793643 2.86989193 3.06813376
0.198241835 0.062340745 31.4 3.14175 0 0 3
1620 58 0 1.06578947 2.86914721 2.97808827 2.86914721 3.06813376
0.198986552 0.062340745 31.3 3.14222 0 0 3
1625 59 0 1.06907895 2.86841169 2.97680484 2.86841169 3.06813376
0.199722074 0.062340745 31.2 3.14271 0 0 3
1630 59 0 1.07236842 2.86772391 2.97551568 2.86772391 3.06813376
0.200409849 0.062340745 31.1 3.14318 0 0 3
1635 59 0 1.07565789 2.86704607 2.97480673 2.86704607 3.06813376
0.201087695 0.062340745 31 3.14361 0 0 3
1640 59 0 1.07894737 2.86634056 2.97292391 2.86634056 3.06813376
0.201793207 0.062340745 30.8 3.14403 0 0 3
1645 60 0 1.08223684 2.86565342 2.9722228 2.86565342 3.06813376
0.20248034 0.062340745 30.7 3.1444 0 0 3
1650 60 0 1.08552632 2.86501791 2.97031044 2.86501791 3.06813376
0.203115853 0.062340745 30.6 3.14473 0 0 3
1655 60 0 1.08881579 2.86438338 2.9689931 2.86438338 3.06813376
0.203750387 0.062340745 30.5 3.14508 0 0 3
1660 60 0 1.09210526 2.86373072 2.96766822 2.86373072 3.06813376
0.204403039 0.062340745 30.4 3.14552 0 0 3
1665 60 0 1.09539474 2.863108 2.9663356 2.863108 3.06813376
0.205025759 0.062340745 30.4 3.14603 0 0 3
1670 61 0 1.09868421 2.86252634 2.96565711 2.86252634 3.06813376
0.205607428 0.062340745 30.3 3.14651 0 0 3
1675 61 0 1.10197368 2.86193428 2.96364531 2.86193428 3.06813376
0.206199483 0.062340745 30.2 3.1469 0 0 3
1680 61 0 1.10526316 2.86132959 2.96228838 2.86132959 3.06813376
0.206804175 0.062340745 30.1 3.14722 0 0 3
1685 61 0 1.10855263 2.86076793 2.96092544 2.86076793 3.06813376
0.207365832 0.062340745 30 3.1475 0 0 3
1690 61 0 1.11184211 2.8602469 2.95955789 2.8602469 3.06813376
0.207886861 0.062340745 29.9 3.14775 0 0 3
1695 61 0 1.11513158 2.85970666 2.95890527 2.85970666 3.06813376
0.208427105 0.062340745 29.9 3.14807 0 0 3
1700 62 0 1.11842105 2.85916427 2.95681267 2.85916427 3.06783005
0.200987594 0.062340745 31 3.14853 0 0 3
1705 62 0 1.12171053 2.8586652 2.95617118 2.8586652 3.06783005
0.200987594 0.062340745 31 3.14906 0 0 3
1710 62 0 1.125 2.8581924 2.95405859 2.8581924 3.0674406 0.192039151
0.062340745 32.4 3.14947 0 0 3
1715 62 0 1.12828947 2.85769887 2.95267871 2.85769887 3.0672052
0.187979176 0.062340745 33.1 3.14973 0 0 3
1720 62 0 1.13157895 2.85721652 2.95129721 2.85721652 3.06693226
0.186390049 0.062340745 33.4 3.14993 0 0 3
1725 62 0 1.13486842 2.85678513 2.94991466 2.85678513 3.06657879
0.18068333 0.062340745 34.5 3.15011 0 0 3
1730 63 0 1.13815789 2.85636567 2.94930323 2.85636567 3.06657879
0.18068333 0.062340745 34.5 3.15029 0 0 3
1735 63 0 1.14144737 2.85592034 2.94714894 2.85592034 3.06545542
0.174327631 0.062340745 35.7 3.15058 0 0 3
1740 63 0 1.14473684 2.8554931 2.94654988 2.8554931 3.06545542
0.174327631 0.062340745 35.7 3.151 0 0 3
1745 63 0 1.14802632 2.85511379 2.94438891 2.85511379 3.06378004
0.16822717 0.062340745 37 3.15142 0 0 3
1750 63 0 1.15131579 2.85473676 2.94301362 2.85473676 3.0627466
0.166794498 0.062340745 37.3 3.15168 0 0 3
1755 63 0 1.15460526 2.85434699 2.94164257 2.85434699 3.06159892
0.162051281 0.062340745 38.4 3.15181 0 0 3
1760 64 0 1.15789474 2.85399136 2.94027673 2.85399136 3.06040738
0.158909592 0.062340745 39.2 3.1519 0 0 3
1765 64 0 1.16118421 2.85367453 2.93971071 2.85367453 3.06040738
0.158909592 0.062340745 39.2 3.15199 0 0 3
1770 64 0 1.16447368 2.85334148 2.93756227 2.85334148 3.05800669
0.152523207 0.062340745 40.8 3.15211 0 0 3
1775 64 0 1.16776316 2.85299342 2.9362135 2.85299342 3.0568305
0.149293488 0.062340745 41.7 3.15235 0 0 3
1780 64 0 1.17105263 2.85268471 2.93487043 2.85268471 3.0556872
0.146054396 0.062340745 42.6 3.15273 0 0 3
1785 64 0 1.17434211 2.85240851 2.93353307 2.85240851 3.05453828
0.142813647 0.062340745 43.6 3.15309 0 0 3
1790 65 0 1.17763158 2.85211503 2.93300093 2.85211503 3.05453828
0.142813647 0.062340745 43.6 3.15328 0 0 3
1795 65 0 1.18092105 2.85183075 2.93087531 2.85183075 3.05229168
0.136335181 0.062340745 45.7 3.15332 0 0 3
1800 65 0 1.18421053 2.85158901 2.9303571 2.85158901 3.05229168
0.136335181 0.062340745 45.7 3.1533 0 0 3
1805 65 0 1.1875 2.85136232 2.92823996 2.85136232 3.05014543
0.129881735 0.062340745 47.9 3.15329 0 0 3
1810 65 0 1.19078947 2.85110882 2.92693051 2.85110882 3.049083
0.126680701 0.062340745 49.2 3.15333 0 0 3
1815 65 0 1.19407895 2.850862 2.92562642 2.850862 3.04809932
0.125615309 0.062340745 49.6 3.15354 0 0 3
1820 65 0 1.19736842 2.85066189 2.92432749 2.85066189 3.04713211
0.120337309 0.062340745 51.8 3.1539 0 0 3
1825 66 0 1.20065789 2.85046464 2.92384473 2.85046464 3.04713211
0.120337309 0.062340745 51.8 3.15425 0 0 3
1830 66 0 1.20394737 2.85025314 2.92174522 2.85025314 3.04503655
0.114063505 0.062340745 54.6 3.15438 0 0 3
1835 66 0 1.20723684 2.850069 2.92127675 2.850069 3.04503655
0.114063505 0.062340745 54.6 3.15431 0 0 3
1840 66 0 1.21052632 2.84991947 2.91918546 2.84991947 3.04301265
0.107871055 0.062340745 57.7 3.15419 0 0 3
1845 66 0 1.21381579 2.84976207 2.91791407 2.84976207 3.04194113
0.106968851 0.062340745 58.2 3.15414 0 0 3
1850 66 0 1.21710526 2.84958346 2.91664856 2.84958346 3.04087423
0.101793367 0.062340745 61.2 3.15417 0 0 3
1855 67 0 1.22039474 2.8494332 2.91538908 2.8494332 3.03977721
0.0988018207 0.062340745 63 3.15437 0 0 3
1860 67 0 1.22368421 2.84931686 2.91495723 2.84931686 3.03977721
0.0988018207 0.062340745 63 3.15475 0 0 3
1865 67 0 1.22697368 2.84917957 2.91289027 2.84917957 3.03714564
0.0988846956 0.062340745 63 3.15508 0 0 3
1870 67 0 1.23026316 2.84903808 2.91165272 2.84903808 3.0356822
0.100122245 0.062340745 62.2 3.15512 0 0 3
1875 67 0 1.23355263 2.84893536 2.91042412 2.84893536 3.0341802
0.101350843 0.062340745 61.5 3.15494 0 0 3
1880 67 0 1.23684211 2.84885618 2.90920489 2.84885618 3.03257193
0.10257008 0.062340745 60.7 3.15476 0 0 3
1885 67 0 1.24013158 2.84875057 2.90880976 2.84875057 3.03257193
0.102965206 0.062340745 60.5 3.15466 0 0 3
1890 68 0 1.24342105 2.84864178 2.90679689 2.84864178 3.02901199
0.104978076 0.062340745 59.3 3.15471 0 0 3
1895 68 0 1.24671053 2.84857246 2.90641634 2.84857246 3.02901199
0.105358628 0.062340745 59.1 3.15496 0 0 3
1900 68 0 1.25 2.84850962 2.90443487 2.84850962 3.02506487 0.107340098
0.062340745 58 3.15535 0 0 3
1905 68 0 1.25328947 2.84841674 2.90327271 2.84841674 3.02297255
0.108502256 0.062340745 57.4 3.1556 0 0 3
1910 68 0 1.25657895 2.84833922 2.90212381 2.84833922 3.02089722
0.10965116 0.062340745 56.8 3.15557 0 0 3
1915 69 0 1.25986842 2.84830722 2.90098835 2.84830722 3.0188131
0.11078662 0.062340745 56.2 3.15531 0 0 3
1920 69 0 1.26315789 2.84827172 2.90064379 2.84827172 3.0188131
0.111131173 0.062340745 56 3.15508 0 0 3
1925 69 0 1.26644737 2.84820958 2.89875804 2.84820958 3.01452172
0.113016927 0.062340745 55.1 3.15501 0 0 3
1930 69 0 1.26973684 2.8481662 2.89842737 2.8481662 3.01452172
0.113347592 0.062340745 54.9 3.15511 0 0 3
1935 69 0 1.27302632 2.84815279 2.89658315 2.84815279 3.01018172
0.11519182 0.062340745 54.1 3.15538 0 0 3
1940 69 0 1.27631579 2.84812004 2.89551695 2.84812004 3.00791696
0.116258015 0.062340745 53.6 3.1557 0 0 3
1945 69 0 1.27960526 2.84806775 2.89446531 2.84806775 3.00566955
0.117309655 0.062340745 53.1 3.15586 0 0 3
1950 70 0 1.28289474 2.84805157 2.89342835 2.84805157 3.00345615
0.118346615 0.062340745 52.6 3.15579 0 0 3
1955 70 0 1.28618421 2.84806875 2.89313188 2.84805157 3.00345615
0.118643083 0.062340745 52.5 3.15551 0 0 3
1960 70 0 1.28947368 2.84805928 2.89139862 2.84805157 2.99887645
0.12037635 0.062340745 51.7 3.15527 0 0 3
1965 70 0 1.29276316 2.84803714 2.89040625 2.84803714 2.99659153
0.121368714 0.062340745 51.3 3.15521 0 0 3
1970 70 0 1.29605263 2.84804321 2.88942896 2.84803714 2.99433411
0.122346006 0.062340745 50.9 3.15532 0 0 3
1975 71 0 1.29934211 2.84806245 2.88846665 2.84803714 2.99203282
0.123308319 0.062340745 50.5 3.15554 0 0 3
1980 71 0 1.30263158 2.84805375 2.88820251 2.84803714 2.99203282
0.123572456 0.062340745 50.4 3.15576 0 0 3
1985 71 0 1.30592105 2.84804733 2.88658736 2.84803714 2.98745851
0.12518761 0.062340745 49.7 3.15589 0 0 3
1990 71 0 1.30921053 2.84808288 2.88633569 2.84803714 2.98745851
0.125439274 0.062340745 49.6 3.15583 0 0 3
1995 71 0 1.3125 2.84812359 2.88476847 2.84803714 2.98294177
0.127006501 0.062340745 49 3.15557 0 0 3
2000 71 0 1.31578947 2.84813194 2.88388156 2.84803714 2.980661
0.127893408 0.062340745 48.7 3.15528 0 0 3
2005 71 0 1.31907895 2.84814488 2.88300974 2.84803714 2.97842631
0.128765225 0.062340745 48.4 3.15517 0 0 3
2010 72 0 1.32236842 2.84818931 2.88215292 2.84803714 2.97619586
0.128158722 0.062340745 48.6 3.15523 0 0 3
2015 72 0 1.32565789 2.84822662 2.88193118 2.84803714 2.97619586
0.128158722 0.062340745 48.6 3.15537 0 0 3
2020 72 0 1.32894737 2.84824569 2.88048413 2.84803714 2.97168861
0.123651472 0.062340745 50.4 3.15553 0 0 3
2025 72 0 1.33223684 2.84828776 2.8802737 2.84803714 2.97168861
0.123651472 0.062340745 50.4 3.15563 0 0 3
2030 72 0 1.33552632 2.84835499 2.87887532 2.84803714 2.96729665
0.119259508 0.062340745 52.2 3.15557 0 0 3
2035 72 0 1.33881579 2.84840021 2.87809311 2.84803714 2.96507914
0.117041998 0.062340745 53.2 3.15531 0 0 3
2040 72 0 1.34210526 2.84842826 2.87732567 2.84803714 2.96290247
0.114865327 0.062340745 54.2 3.15499 0 0 3
2045 73 0 1.34539474 2.84848356 2.87657291 2.84803714 2.96078545
0.112748308 0.062340745 55.2 3.15482 0 0 3
2050 73 0 1.34868421 2.8485551 2.87638979 2.84803714 2.96078545
0.112748308 0.062340745 55.2 3.15482 0 0 3
2055 73 0 1.35197368 2.84860468 2.8751105 2.84803714 2.95652788
0.108490742 0.062340745 57.4 3.15492 0 0 3
2060 73 0 1.35526316 2.84865755 2.87440082 2.84803714 2.95443807
0.106400927 0.062340745 58.5 3.15504 0 0 3
2065 73 0 1.35855263 2.84873449 2.87370541 2.84803714 2.95238469
0.104347548 0.062340745 59.7 3.15512 0 0 3
2070 73 0 1.36184211 2.84880853 2.87302398 2.84803714 2.95030763
0.102270494 0.062340745 60.9 3.15507 0 0 3
2075 73 0 1.36513158 2.84885925 2.87286604 2.84803714 2.95030763
0.102270494 0.062340745 60.9 3.15484 0 0 3
2080 74 0 1.36842105 2.84891966 2.87170322 2.84803714 2.94619819
0.0981610468 0.062340745 63.5 3.15453 0 0 3
2085 74 0 1.37171053 2.84901114 2.8715549 2.84803714 2.94619819
0.0981610468 0.062340745 63.5 3.15433 0 0 3
2090 74 0 1.375 2.84908988 2.87043815 2.84803714 2.94215905 0.0941219155
0.062340745 66.2 3.15429 0 0 3
2095 74 0 1.37828947 2.84914981 2.86982624 2.84803714 2.94013466
0.0920975208 0.062340745 67.6 3.15436 0 0 3
2100 74 0 1.38157895 2.84922403 2.86922815 2.84803714 2.93816843
0.0901312949 0.062340745 69.1 3.15447 0 0 3
2105 74 0 1.38486842 2.84931499 2.86864359 2.84803714 2.93622272
0.0881855824 0.062340745 70.6 3.15454 0 0 3
2110 75 0 1.38815789 2.84939057 2.86851775 2.84803714 2.93622272
0.0881855824 0.062340745 70.6 3.1545 0 0 3
2115 75 0 1.39144737 2.84945227 2.86751434 2.84803714 2.93234746
0.0843103226 0.062340745 73.9 3.15432 0 0 3
2120 75 0 1.39473684 2.84953857 2.86739685 2.84803714 2.93234746
0.0843103226 0.062340745 73.9 3.15404 0 0 3
2125 75 0 1.39802632 2.84964268 2.86643764 2.84803714 2.92864733
0.0806101891 0.062340745 77.3 3.15383 0 0 3
2130 75 0 1.40131579 2.84971651 2.86591836 2.84803714 2.92679272
0.0787555857 0.062340745 79.1 3.15377 0 0 3
2135 75 0 1.40460526 2.84977607 2.86541167 2.84803714 2.92498769
0.076950546 0.062340745 81 3.15382 0 0 3
2140 75 0 1.40789474 2.84986072 2.86491741 2.84803714 2.92324834
0.075211199 0.062340745 82.8 3.15391 0 0 3
2145 76 0 1.41118421 2.8499546 2.86481961 2.84803714 2.92324834
0.075211199 0.062340745 82.8 3.15398 0 0 3
2150 76 0 1.41447368 2.85002618 2.8639649 2.84803714 2.91978998
0.0717528441 0.062340745 86.8 3.15395 0 0 3
2155 76 0 1.41776316 2.85010356 2.86350644 2.84803714 2.91812977
0.0700926337 0.062340745 88.9 3.1538 0 0 3
2160 76 0 1.42105263 2.85020422 2.86305956 2.84803714 2.91652237
0.0684852354 0.062340745 91 3.15356 0 0 3
2165 76 0 1.42434211 2.85029377 2.86262385 2.84803714 2.91490944
0.0668722977 0.062340745 93.2 3.15336 0 0 3
2170 76 0 1.42763158 2.85035428 2.86254365 2.84803714 2.91490944
0.0668722977 0.062340745 93.2 3.15329 0 0 3
2175 76 0 1.43092105 2.850421 2.86178539 2.84803714 2.91178234
0.0637451996 0.062340745 97.7 3.15333 0 0 3
2180 77 0 1.43421053 2.85051358 2.86171172 2.84803714 2.91178234
0.0637451996 0.062340745 97.7 3.15341 0 0 3
2185 77 0 1.4375 2.8505951 2.86098955 2.84803714 2.90879376
0.0607566201 0.062340745 100 3.15346 0 0 3
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