Getting Started: Your Checklist
Getting Started: Your Checklist
Getting Started: Your Checklist
Congratulations, you are at the starting line. The Get Your Shit Together
Checklist is a handy summary of the key documents and tasks covered on
this site.
Start here and use it to track your progress as you go. Print it out, save it to
your desktop, email it to yourself, send it to your partner – whatever it takes
to keep it top of mind till you make it through the list. Take it from the top,
and check off as you go.
Get Started: Review this document completely and keep this on file with
your will and other important documents.
The will is signed, notarized, and a copy has been given to those listed.
Living Will:
The living will is signed, notarized, and a copy has been given to those listed.
I have researched Life Insurance options and purchased the best possible plan for me
and/or my family
I have researched Short term Disability and completed all steps
I have researched Long term Disability and completed all steps
I have reviewed my financial situation and, if necessary, discussed this with those
closest to me
I have completed a budget and track monthly actual costs to my budget
I have ______ weeks/months of expenses saved in case of accident or emergency
I have a plan in place to meet my goal to have _________ by this date ___________
I have a savings plan and/or retirement plan
I have listed my Personal Details out in case of emergency or some one else needs to
retrieve it (passwords, contact information, accounts, etc)
Personal items:
I have thought about my relationships and how I want to move forward to resolve any
unfinished business
I have reached out to those people
I have deeply considered how my life lines up with my values and priorities, how I
am spending my energy, and what I want to do differently to have the life that is
meaningful and important to me