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Explain The Foreign Exchange Market

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Explain the foreign exchange market, the method in which exchange rates are

determined, and the international monetary system.

According to Investopedia, World Bank is an international organization dedicated

to providing financing, advice, and research to developing nations to aid their economic
advancement. The bank predominantly acts as an organization that attempts to fight
poverty by offering developmental assistance to middle- and low-income countries.
They have the goal to help a country to decrease poverty and to increase income
growth of every country by allowing them to borrow money from them. Those qualified
government is only charged with low-interest loans, zero-interest credits, and grants, as
this money will be used for the purpose of supporting the development of individual
economies. World Bank is also associated with International Monetary Fund (IMF) as
they were often called the Bretton Woods Institutions because they are an
intergovernmental pillar that support the world’s economy and financial order.

There are many countries that have their own currency, like Philippines, we are
the only country who have Philippine Peso. However, some countries or nations share a
common currency like some members of the European Union as they have Euro as
their common currency. It will easily help them whenever they are selling, buying, hiring,
borrowing, traveling, or investing across national borders. The market in which people
or firms use one currency to purchase another currency is called the foreign exchange
market. Foreign exchange market also known as forex, it is a global online network
where in traders buy and sell currencies. It is made up of banks, forex dealers,
commercial companies, central banks, investment management firms, hedge
funds, retail forex dealers, and investors. In addition, according to my research, foreign
exchange market is the largest financial market in the world as they also enable
currency conversion for international trade settlements and investments. In the process
of trading currency, it needs to be by pair so that the value of one of the currencies in
that pair is relative to the value of the other, therefore there will be no bias or one
country will be benefited to the other. Moreover, forex have fewer rules compared to
other market which means they can attract many investors as they don’t have stricter
standards or regulations. The market is also open 24 hours a day which mean they can
trade any time of the day. Another is that most investors don’t have to pay the traditional
fees or commissions that other market have.

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