Hello Everyone Today I Am Presenting That How Coca Cola Company Analyze Their STEEPLE Strategy So Let's Start With Social Factors
Hello Everyone Today I Am Presenting That How Coca Cola Company Analyze Their STEEPLE Strategy So Let's Start With Social Factors
Hello Everyone Today I Am Presenting That How Coca Cola Company Analyze Their STEEPLE Strategy So Let's Start With Social Factors
Social Factors:
As Coca-Cola operates in many countries, the taste of its drinks may slightly vary
to reflect the local cultures, customs, and tastes. The basic ingredients and process
used to make the end products are the same in all countries.
Coca-Cola has always come up with some social campaigns to connect with its
consumers. In 2014 it launched campaign #ShareCook which was a mega-success.
People were encouraged to find the bottle with their name on it and then give it to
their family or friends and share it on social media platforms with the hash tag
Share Coke.
Coca-Cola has brought a variety to its products as people are becoming more
aware of their health. They increased demand for items like Gold Peak tea and
Simply Light juice.
People are becoming increasingly health conscious and concerned about the
effects of fizzy drinks on their health. This may lower demand for fizzy drinks, but
it may also raise desire for healthy beverages. The increased demand for items like
Gold Peak tea and Simply Light juice demonstrates this.
Technological Factors:
The Coca-Cola Company has long experimented with new product development.
This is the first time a ready-to-drink frozen beverage has been introduced in
Japan. The organization has a culture that encourages creativity. Customers are
encouraged to participate in online games and interact with Coca-Cola goods.
Coca-Cola has been using digital technology to create new consumer experiences
via innovative programs. An innovative program like the sip & scan lets
consumers unlock experiences and prizes by scanning icons on Coke packages
with their mobile phones (The Coca-Cola Company, 2020).
Coca-Cola has made significant investments in research and development. It is
using artificial intelligence (AI) to ensure that it can gain significant insights into
consumer behavior from the data it collects. Introducing Cherry Sprite as a new
flavor was a result of that data collection effort (Marr, 2017).
Economic Factors:
As the Coca-Cola Company operates in many countries, its operations are affected
differently. For instance, its products are generally affordable for customers in
developed countries; however, many customers in developing and poor countries
may not be able to afford them.
Lucas (2020), reports that the CEO of the Coca-Cola Company is concerned about
economic conditions around the world and how they may impact on consumer
behavior. As many customers are losing their jobs and have financial limitations,
they may reduce their consumption of soft drinks like many other less important
products. Likewise, the rising cost of raw materials and labor is another important
factor affecting the company.
Environmental Factors:
Political Factors:
Coca-Cola food products can have a direct impact on laws and government
regulations. These laws may vary from country to country. Earlier, the sale of
Coca-Cola was banned in Burma due to some trade sanctions between the United
States and Burma. Sales began almost six decades later in 2012 when approval was
suspended. Cuba and North Korea are still two countries where Coca-Cola cannot
be bought or sold due to the political situation in these countries. The recent trade
war between the United States and China has had a major impact on the price of
Coca-Cola canned products. The company is facing cost pressures due to tariff
hikes on steel and aluminum.
Legal Factors:
Coca-Cola has faced problems in the past due to the amount of caffeine in its
products in different countries. There were also allegations against the company
for paying low wages and treating their employees inappropriately, which drew
various protests from trade unions. It has filed lawsuits against its employees for
racial discrimination. This has led to a serious concern about the incorrect labeling
of one of its products as pomegranate and blueberry juice in spite of apple and
grape juice. Issues related to packaging, water use and air pollution has been a
matter of concern for the company. It should mainly focus on its corporate ethics.
They are a matter of primary concern for the Coca-Cola Company.
The Coca-Cola Company has been fined substantial amount of money in some
countries over breaches of certain rules and regulations. Therefore, it is very
important for it to ensure that it meets and fulfills all the local and international
rules and obligations to run its operations smoothly.
Ethical Factor:
Coca-Cola is the target of several trade union campaigns. The 2019 Food
International Union (IUF) severed its 15-year partnership with Coca-Cola, blaming
union leaders for attacking and intimidating members through dismissal and
punitive measures. Ireland's largest trade union, the Service Industry Professional
and Technical Union (SIPTU), Ethical Consumer, declined to comment on what
happened at the Ballina Company's headquarters in Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola receives
the worst rating of ethical consumer for supply chain management. The company
and its subsidiaries have also been accused of contributing to the water crisis in
Mexico, justifying the Guarani culture, and using child labor within its Mexican
recycling system.