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Reflective Essay Example 09

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Katie Hook 20061397

OAEH01- Advanced Outdoor Practice

Reflective Essay: Write a reflective essay to critically analyse

the physical, social, emotional and cognitive aspects of your
personal learning during intensive professional development
skills programme (2500 words)

By Katie Hook (20061397)

Word Count: 2744

Katie Hook 20061397

Contents Page

Contents Page(s)

Essay 3-12

References 13-14

Image References 14-15

Appendix 16-19

Appendix 1 16

Appendix 2 17

Appendix 3 18

Appendix 4 19

Katie Hook 20061397

Write a reflective essay to critically analyse the physical, social, emotional and cognitive aspects of
your personal learning during intensive professional development skills programme (2500 words)

As a part of my degree we as a group of students undertake a module named advanced outdoor

practice. During this module, each student including myself must complete an intensive professional

development skills programme. I chose to participate in the RYA Powerboating Level 2 course. This

took place at the Mount Batten Centre in Plymouth on consecutive Thursdays for a period of four

weeks. The principle behind RYA schemes is to educate those undertaking the course (RYA, 2013).

Mendez (2009) states that these courses provide potential powerboaters with the opportunity to

gain the skills and knowledge to safely and competently control a powerboat. An additional aspect

to the module is to critically analyse the physical, social/ emotional and cognitive areas of my

learning during the powerboat course.

As a means of critically analysing my personal learning I am going to use reflective practice to delve

back into my experiences, feelings and thoughts during the powerboat level 2 course. Reflective

practice allows for exploration of learning from personal experience to decipher how they can model

our future experiences and practice (Thompson and Thompson, 2008). Similarly, Boud et al. (1985)

states that reflection is a developmental process of exploration that can lead to unforeseen results.

Moon (2004) argues that reflective practice can be considered one of the key elements in

experiential learning. Pearson and Smith (1985, cited in Moon, 2004) states that without reflection,

adults cannot learn from their experiences. I will convey my physical, social/ emotional and cognitive

aspects of learning using Rolfe et al. (2001) Reflective cycle. Rolfe’s model is built upon three areas;

what, so what and now what (University of Cumbria, 2016). I will use sub questions under these

three areas to analyse in deeper detail. The questions will include; what was the learning experience

Katie Hook 20061397

or situation, so what have I discovered and how can I apply this somewhere else (College of Policing,

unknown) (See Appendix 1 for figure).

The physical aspect most prominent over the powerboat course was the effect the cold conditions

had on my physical and mental abilities (See Appendix 2 for image). I have chosen to explore this

through a theory named conditions of favourability. Conditional favourability relies upon the five

following factors: Environmental dangers, Individual competences, Group unity, leader proficiency

and decision consequences (Martin et al., 2006). Though conditions of favourability are usually in

cohesion with leadership, I believe it has a strong impact upon myself as a participant also. The

conditions were considered unfavourable for myself and some of the others for effective learning

and participation. In relation to my experiences during the course, the aspect which presented itself

as the most prominent was that of the cold and windy weather which is included in the

environmental factor (Martin et al., 2006).

Blog Example: I decided to check the weather myself that night to

investigate into what conditions we should be expecting tomorrow. It

was pretty unanimous across all weather sources that it was going to

be bloody windy… Got to Mount Batten the next day and I learnt the

internet does not lie! The water was intriguing, filled with waves,

ripples and resistance. It looked like it was going to be a very

interesting day for being on the water.

(Blog Entry from The Perfect Storm- 23/11/17) (Hook,2017)

Katie Hook 20061397

On certain days during the course there were large wind chills and as a result made me and the

others quite cold. As we were not sheltered whilst on the boats we were at times heavily effected by

the prevailing weather conditions. As stated by Cool Antarctica (2001) layering is the most important

factor when undergoing an activity in cold conditions in order to stay warm, comfortable and will

affect how well the muscles will perform. As seen in the image found on Appendix 2 (also can be

seen in the other images found in Appendix 3 and 4), each session we individually bought and wore

lots of layers to ensure we stayed warm for the duration we would be on the water that day.

However, at cold temperatures the areas that were the furthest away from my core were the most

vulnerable to losing their internal heat (Cold Antarctic, 2001). With this in mind, my hands suffered

in addition to them being bare to the forces of the weather in combination. Consequently, they

often became uncomfortably cold and as a result made basic actions quite difficult. The cold

temperatures affected my physical strength and reaction time due to having cold nerve endings and

a lower muscle temperature (Cold Antarctic, 2001) (Grayson, 2013). Having these minor physical

issues caused by the cold weather effected my ability (minimally) in carrying out some basic physical

tasks that needed to be carried out on the boat. Moreover, the cold feeling in my hands occasionally

distracted my attention away from the information being given because I was concentrating more on

the condition of my hands than the task. This made prolonged powerboating throughout the day

quite difficult on particular sessions. I believe that overall the physical aspect of my learning wasn’t

the most prevailing of my personal learning, though it did affect minor areas throughout the course

the physical side of things had a minimal impact.

From this I have found that it is key to think about the importance of the surrounding conditions

from two separate perspectives. The first as an individual and taking responsibility for placing the

correct measures (such as clothing and checking weather conditions) in place to make sure I stay

comfortable for the duration of the activity, to make sure these physical infractions don’t happen

Katie Hook 20061397

again in future experiences. Secondly, from the point of view as a current and future group leader to

consider the effect that certain unfavourable conditions can have on the participants mental,

physical and emotional well- being. As a leader I must consider if the conditions are of low, medium

or high favourability (Priest and Gass, 2005) and how this will affect the completion of the task,

myself and the individuals within the group. As a leader it would be my responsibility to make sure

that the learning would still be beneficial to the individuals in those conditions (Ewert and Sibthorp,

2014). These areas I will consider when I undertake another intensive course or when going on to

work in the outdoor adventure education sector.

One emotional and social aspect that sticks out for myself the most was the sense of group cohesion

throughout each week of powerboating (See Appendix 3 for image). Ewert and Sibthorp (2014) state

that group cohesion is related to the factors that keep the group together, generally either task or

socially related motives. Task motives can include areas such as completion of an exercise, whereas

social motives relate to enjoyment of working together (Ewert and Sibthorp, 2014). In this particular

context, I believe the sense of community and cohesion whilst powerboating was socially motivated.

Blog Example: Everyone on our boat had such a great time and we

just couldn’t stop laughing at Fiona laying down taking photos and

videos of us nor could we stop laughing at each other… But Fiona got

some great videos of us and Anna got some great pictures of us all!

Though I was nervous to start with, once I got used to the speed

going straight (reasonably) the turning manoeuvres were easy and

were really fun and exciting. We all felt like kids on a rollercoaster!

(Blog Entry from The Adventure Begins-16/11/17) (Hook, 2017)

Katie Hook 20061397

As a result of our small size, conflict can arise however as we are a small group we are able to avoid

cliques and strong disagreements (Walsh and Golins, 1976 cited in Berry and Hodgson, 2009).

Additionally, the time we have all spent together over the past three years have grown strong bonds

with one another (Levi, 2015). Having these connections means that within this community, we

have built compassionate and trusting friendships (Carter, 2007). Through this compassion and trust,

I have grown comfortable and confident with the other students and staff and as a result have built

good strong friendships with those in the group especially with the females. This particular session

was my favourite one of the four as I learnt new things, whilst also spending the day with like-

minded, funny people and that I consider to be my close friends (See Blog Extract above).

Furthermore, this particular day I worked with all female friends of mine. It is found that friendships

between females is built upon the sharing of feelings and confiding in one another (Lowenthal et al.,

1976 cited in Aries and Johnson, 1983). With this in mind, I have grown strong ties to the females of

our group. Berndt (2002) claims that close friendships such as the ones I have with the other women

on the course, lessen the chances of individuals acting withdrawn socially. As seen in Appendix 3,

this particular session was our first session and I spent the day with two close female friends,

Maddie and Anna and our female lecturer, Fiona. As a result, I felt I was in a comfortable learning

environment in which I felt I could thrive and try new manoeuvres without judgement or fear of

embarrassment or failure. Additionally, spending the day with those particular friends dispensed the

nervousness I was feeling because we spent the day happy, making jokes and laughing, as you can

see in appendix 3.

Stambor (2006) states that laughter and other forms of humour can improve student performance

because it reduces levels of anxiety and encourages participation in the students, it further improves

motivation for students to learn the subject at hand. I found this particular environment very

effective for me to learn in because it was relaxed, filled with laughter and fun. This fun and

Katie Hook 20061397

humorous environment made by those I was with defused the emotional and physical stress I was

experiencing about controlling a large motor boat having had very little experience prior to the

course. The humour acted as a stress reliever (Stambor, 2006) and allowed me to enjoy the

experience and retain the skills and information being given.

Though I found the environment enjoyable and educational, there were times where the fun

overtook the educational aspects and lead to distractions that had a minor negative impact upon my

learning. Steele (1998) states that there are many benefits related to humour and retaining

information, however humour works most proficiently when it is linked to the subject at hand. The

conversation and jokes would sometimes become off topic and I would become engrossed in the

joke and not in the learning. Steele (1998) claims that humour aids in building positive and strong

rapport between lecturer and students. As a group, we have great rapport with our lecturers due to

the humour between us the students and lecturers themselves (see blog extract below).

Blog Example: During this time, our lecturer Fiona was trying to do

Instagram live videos of us driving the power boat… that didn’t quite

go to plan either! Eventually with some help she finally managed to

do what she wanted and the results were hilarious! It’s quite sad

how different and what’s the word… awful you sound on video!

(Blog Entry from The Adventure Begins- 16/11/17) (Hook, 2017)

On this particular occasion, I offered a helping hand but as a result I became engrossed in helping

Fiona that I wasn’t watching Maddie and Anna drive, I usually watched because it helped when I

Katie Hook 20061397

came to drive the boat myself. Berk (unknown, cited in Stambor, 2006) proclaims that humour

should complement the course material in order to avoid distraction from learning. Though it was

very funny and made the whole day even more enjoyable, I felt I did get distracted from the physical

learning of the skills which my have helped me when reversing for the first time.

Overall, I found that taking part in this course with a group of people that I have strong cohesion

with and enjoy spending time with, allowed for myself and others to be comfortable and have an

enjoyable experience and as a result create an effective enriched learning environment.

Subsequently, as Steele (1998) suggests an environment that doesn’t hold these qualities can prove

to be a hostile and apprehensive environment for participants, these feelings as a result can distract

from the learning. Respectively, in the future I hope to be able to work in close knit groups such as

the one I have experienced at university, not only to continue my learning throughout my future

career and experiences but to also create an enjoyable professional working environment.

The cognitive aspects I have taken from the powerboat level 2 course was the way in which I learnt

the manoeuvres and retained the relevant information given to me. Davis (1993, cited in Martin et

al., 2006) states that the way in which an individual prefers or best gathers, interprets and retains

information is referred to as their personal preferred learning style. In an effort to explore my

cognitive learning aspects deeper I used the VAK learning style model and applied it to my

experiences to differentiate what worked most effectively for me throughout the course. This

particular model refers to three sensory areas- visual, auditory and kinaesthetic (Gholami and

Bagheri, 2013). Throughout the course, we were taught the manoeuvres and information through all

three of those forms of learning previously mentioned, such as; practical demonstrations both

carried out by staff as well as students, drawings on the whiteboard and verbal instruction, an

example of this can be found in appendix 4.

Katie Hook 20061397

Blog Example: She told us that we were starting the day by righting

some single hander sailing boats. She drew some lovely pictures on

the board to try and explain a bit clearer because there were quite a

few different scenarios of flipped boats… well it seemed like it to me

anyway. It’s fair to say though the drawings went exactly Di Vinci

standard, but they made more sense than the talk through.

(Blog Entry from The Boat that Rocked- 7/12/17) (Hook, 2017)

I found that during my time on the course that the best way for myself to gather and interpret

information being given and taught to us was by looking at pictures, videos and watching

demonstrations given by someone else such as one of the lecturers. As a result, I have concluded

that I am a visual learner predominantly based upon the VAK learning model. Oxford (1995, cited in

Gholami and Bagheri, 2013) states that visual learners are individuals who learn through visual aids

such as whiteboards and videos and benefit greatly from detailed written instructions. I found that

during the course I would understand the task and the manoeuvre greater after having seen it in the

form of a picture drawn on the whiteboard before getting on the water, as displayed in the image

found in appendix 4, we had many of these whiteboard gatherings before getting onto the boats.

Visual learners are shown to have trouble remembering and interpreting verbal information, but

remember diagrams and pictures more profoundly than words (Study and Learning Centre, 2007).

Moreover, I found watching demonstrations and observing the other students very helpful,

especially when they had a practice before myself. This allowed for me to watch their movements

and the resulting effect those had on the movement of the boat itself and be able to apply those

motions when my turn arose.

Katie Hook 20061397

Blog Example: However, I was determined to do the best a possibly

could in the conditions. I had a generally idea what to do after having

watched Anna have her go and listening to Emma’s instruction

towards Anna.

(Blog Entry from The Boat that Rocked- 7/12/17) (Hook, 2017)

During the course, not everything was in the form of an image or a demonstration, sometimes I had

to take what I could verbally. Which I am able to do but with lesser an understanding of the

information or task than with visual aids. Felder (unknown) states that those with unimpaired vision

or hearing are able to learn using both, however can have a preference for one or the other that can

vary. During my experience on the course I found that I have a high preference for visual and a much

lower preference for verbal. For example, there was a time when Emma, one of the Plymouth Youth

Sailing volunteers tried to explain to me verbally what she wanted me to do. I felt rather

embarrassed sitting at the wheel not understanding what she was saying. Emma’s verbal instructions

would have probably been very helpful for those who are Auditory learners and learn from

discussion and relay more on verbal directions (Oxford, 1995 cited in Gholami and Bagheri, 2013).

However, for myself I asked for a demonstration in addition to the verbal direction to try to apply

words to the visual and that worked more proficiently, rather than just verbal alone. Felder

(unknown) claims that ‘good learners’ grasp concepts and information greater when there is a

mixture of both verbal and visual components (see blog extract above).

Going forward in my education and outdoor adventure education as a career I hope to keep this in

mind in future endeavours. For example, moving onto participating in intensive training courses in

Katie Hook 20061397

other activities. By remembering this I can perhaps ask for information in a visual way if I am

struggling to understand all the informational components. Overall, it will help in my future

development as a practitioner and as participant to know the best way in which I learn and succeed.

Additionally, as a leader would give me greater understanding of how individuals gather and

interpret information differently and adapt my leading to support all areas of preferred learning.

The learning undertaken during the powerboat level 2 course was vast and came from a variety of

areas such as the ones spoken about throughout. What could be considered as a small aspect had

made a large impact on the enjoyment and learning during the course, it is not till I reflected and

explored these areas, that their impact is realised. Through reflecting I can create emphasis on what

I have learnt through questioning such as through Rolfe’s model and in turn develop an

understanding (Smyth, 1992, cited in Loughran, 2002). I found that the weather, the company

throughout the sessions and my learning style were major contributors to my personal outcome of

the course, having completed the course I can see the positives and negatives of how each of those

effected my learning in a variety of ways. From having explored my learning, I can now take on what

I have learnt personally and about the activity (powerboating) into future endeavours and


Katie Hook 20061397


Aries, E. J. and Johnson, F. L. (1983) Close friendship in adulthood: Conversational content between

same-sex friends. Sex Roles. Vol. 9, No. 12: 1183–1196.

Berndt, T. (2002) Friendship Quality and Social Development. Department of Psychological Sciences,

Purdue University. Vol. 11, No. 1: 7-10.

Boud, D., Keough, R. and Walker, D. (1985) Reflection: Turning Experience into Learning. New
York: Nichols Publishing Company`.

Carter, J. (2007) Leadership the Outward-Bound Way. Seattle: The Mountaineers Books.

College of Policing (2017) Rolfe's Reflection Model. [Online]

Available from: http://www.college.police.uk/What-we-do/Development/professional-
development-programme/Documents/rolfereflectionmodel.pdf [accessed 22 December 2017].

Cool Antarctic (2001) Cold Weather and Sport Exercise in Low Temperatures. [Online]

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Ewert, A. W. and Sibthorp, J. (2014) Outdoor Adventure Education. Leeds: Human Kinetics.

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Styles regarding Gender and Students' Fields of Study. Journal of Language Teaching and
Research. Vol. 4, No. 4: 700-706.

Grayson, M. (2013) Exercising in Cold Environments. [Online] Available from: http://www.dna-sports-

performance.com/exercising-in-cold-environments/ [accessed 28 December 17].

Hook, K. (2017) Powerboat Day One: Plymouth Adventure- 16/11/17. [Online] 21 November 17.
Available from: http://sites.marjon.ac.uk/khook/[accessed 04 January 2018].

Hook, K. (2017) Powerboat Day Two: The Perfect Storm- 23/11/17. [Online] 24 November 2017.
Available from: http://sites.marjon.ac.uk/khook/[accessed 04 January 2018].

Levi, D. (2015) Group Dynamics for Teams. (5th ed.) London: SAGE Publications.

Katie Hook 20061397

Loughran , L. (2002) Effective Reflective Practice: In Search of Meaning in Learning about

Teaching. Journal of Teacher Education. Vol. 53, No. 1: 33-44.

Martin, B., Cashel, C., Wagstaff, M. and Breunig, M. (2006) Outdoor Leadership: Theory and Practice.
(1st ed.) Leeds: Human Kinetics.

Mendez, J. (2009) Start Powerboating. (2nd ed.) Southampton: The Royal Yachting Association.

Moon, J. A. (2004) Reflection in Learning & Professional Development. Abingdon: RoutledgeFalmer.

Priest, S. and Gass, M. (2005) Effective Leadership in Adventure Programming. (2nd ed.)

Leeds: Human Kinetics.

Stambor, Z. (2006) How laughing leads to learning. American Psychological Association. Vol. 37, No.
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University of Cumbria (2016) Rolfe et al.’s (2001) reflective model. [Online]

Available from: https://my.cumbria.ac.uk/media/MyCumbria/Documents/ReflectiveModelRolfe.pdf 
[accessed 22 December 2017].

Image References

Leather, M. (2017) OAEH01. [Online]

Available from: https://www.facebook.com/groups/818128431632967/ [accessed 04 January 18].

Nicholls, F. (2017) Day 3 - RYA PB L2 & RYA Sailing. [Online]

Available from: https://www.facebook.com/groups/818128431632967/ [accessed 05 January 2018].

Katie Hook 20061397

Oxford Brookes University (2017) Reflective writing: About Gibbs reflective cycle. [Online]

Available from: https://www.brookes.ac.uk/students/upgrade/study-skills/reflective-writing-gibbs/ [
accessed 22 December 2017].

Percival, A. (2017) Great First Day Powerboating. [Online]

Available from: https://www.facebook.com/Curlytop96 [accessed 04 January 18].

Katie Hook 20061397

Appendix 1

Figure 1: Rolfe's Reflection Model (Open Learn Create, 2017)

Appendix 2

Katie Hook 20061397

Figure 2
3 Coming alongside with lots of clothing layers (Nicholls,
(Leather, 2017)

Appendix 3

Katie Hook 20061397

Figure 4 Maddie, Anna, Fiona and myself powerboating on day one (Percival, 2017)

Appendix 4

Katie Hook 20061397

Figure 5 The group observing the teaching on the board (Leather, 2017)


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