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1. Exhaustible Resources
2. Inexhaustible Resources
3. Petroleum
4. Paraffin Wax
5. Lubricant Oil
6. Fossil Fuel
7. Petroleum Refinery
8. Coke
9. Coal Tar
10. Natural Gas
1. Which of the following is not a fossil fuel?
(a) Petrol (b) Coal (c) Charcoal (d) Coke
ANS:- Charcoal (c)
2. What is usually found along with petroleum in the reservoirs under the ground?
(a) Petroleum gas (b) Natural gas (c) Coal gas (d) Biogas
ANS:- Natural gas (b)
3. Which gas is produced when coal burns in air?
(a) Sulphur dioxide (b) Hydrogen (c) Carbon monoxide (d) Carbon dioxide
ANS:- Carbon dioxide (c)
4. Which of the following is a renewable natural resources?
(a) Natural gas (b) Petroleum gas (c)Coal gas (d) Biogas
ANS:- Biogas (d)
5. What is the use of bitumen?
(a) In fuel (b) In manufacturing of wax
(c) For dry cleaning (d) For road surfacing
ANS:- For road surfacing (d)
6. Which is the purest form of carbon?
(a) Coke (b) Coal (c) Coal tar (d)Charcoal
ANS:- Coke (a)
7. What is the slowest process of conversion of dead vegetation into coal known as?
(a) Carbonization (b) Carbonation (c)Caburation (d) Carbocation
ANS:- Carbonization (a)
8. Which of the following is used for manufacturing of steel?
(a) Bitumen (b) Coal tar (c) Coke (d) Coal
ANS:- Coke (c)
9.Which of the following is known as black gold?
(a) Coke (b) Petroleum (c) Petrol (d) Coal tar
ANS:- Petroleum (b)
10. Which of the following is not obtained during refining of petroleum?
(a) Lubricating oil (b) Bitumen (c) Kerosene (d) Natural gas
ANS:- Natural gas (d)
1. Air is a ______ resources. (NATURAL)
2. Coal and natural gas are _______ fuels. (FOSSIL)
3. Sunlight is an _______ natural resources. (INEXHAUSTIBLE)
4. Forest and wildlife are _______ natural resources. (EXHAUSTIBLE)
5. The substances formed from natural gas and petroleum are called. (PETROCHEMICALS)
6. ________ the constituents of petroleum is used for road surfacing. (BITUMEN)
7. Petroleum is very important and due to its great commercial importance is called _________ . (BLACK
8. The world’s first oil well was drilled in _________ USA. (PENNSYLVANIA)
9. ______ the constituents of petroleum is used for jet aircrafts. (KEROSENE)
10. __________ is obtained during the processing of coal to get coke. (COAL GAS)


(1) Petroleum (A) Mixture of 200 organic substance
(2) Carbon dioxide (B) Purest form of carbon
(3) Coke (C) Fossil fuel
(4) Coal tar (D) Combustion of carbon
ANS:- (1) - (C) (2) - (D) (3) - (B) (4) - (A)


(1) Fossil fuels are exhaustible natural resources.
Fossil fuels were formed from the dead remains of living organisms. It required millioms of years for the
conversion of dead organisms into the fuels. Fossil fuel stocks are limited. So fossil fuels are exhaustible
natural resources.
(2) Petroleum is called “BLACK GOLD”.
Many useful substances are obtained from petroleum. These are used in the manufacture of detergents,
fibres, lubricating, colours. Due to its great commercial importance, petroleum, the black liquid, is called


Q1. Which are the two types of natural resources?
A1. Two types of natural resources are inexhaustible and exhaustible natural resources.
Q2. Write two names of inexhaustible natural resources?
A2. Air and sunlight are inexhaustible natural resources.
Q3. Which type of natural resources are forest and wildlife?
A3. Forest and wildlife are exhaustible natural resources.
Q4. From which are natural resources like coal and petroleum formed?
A4. Natural resources like coal and petroleum formed were formed from from the dead remains of
living organisms.
Q5. What is carbonization?
A5. The slow process of conversion of dead vegetation into coal is called carbonization.
Q6. What are the substances produced from coal?
A6. Coke, coal tar and coal gas are produced from coal.
Q7. What is the use of coal gas?
A7. Coal gas is used as a fuel in many industries.
Q8. What are petrochemicals?
A8. Those chemicals which are obtained from petroleum and natural gas are called petrochemicals.
Q9. What is the greatest advantage of CNG?
A9. The greatest advantage of CNG is that it can be supplied through pipes in homes and factories.
Q10. What is PCRA short form of?
A10. Petroleum Conservation Research Association.


1. Coal and Coke
1. It is hard as stone and black in colour. 1. It is tough, porous and black
2. Made from dead vegetation millions of 2. Made from reaction on coal.
years ago.
3. The percentage of carbon depends on 3. The percentage of carbon is 87% to
the types of coal. 89%.

2. LPG and CNG

1. The petroleum gas which has been 1. Natural gas which is stored under high
liquefied under pressure is know as LPG. pressure is called CNG.
2. It is the most important fuel used in 2. It is used as a fuel for transport vehicles.
homes and vehicles It can be supplied through pipes as a fuel.

3. Exhaustible Resources and Inexhaustible Resources

Exhaustible Resources Inexhaustible Resources
1. The resources which are present in 1. The resources which are present in
limited quantity in nature and can be unlimited quantity in nature and are not
exhaustible by human activities are called likely to be exhaustible by human
exhaustible natural resources. activities are called inexhaustible natural
2. EX:- Forest, wildlife, minerals, etc. 2. EX:- Air, clay, sunlight.


Q1. Write the uses of coal.
A1. Following are the uses of coal:-
(1) It is used as a fuel in homes and industry.
(2) It is used as a fuel at thermal power plants for generating electricity.
(3) It is used to make coal gas which is an important industrial fuel.
(4) It is used to make coke.
(5) It is used as a source of organic chemicals.
Q2. Why CNG is called a clean fuel?
A2. CNG is called clean fuel because:-
(1)It is less polluting.
(2) It burns completely in the air.
(3) No residue is left after burning of CNG.
Q3. What is CNG? Write its use.
A3. Natural gas is stored under high pressure called a compressed natural gas. CNG is used for power
generation. It is now being used as a fuel for transport vehicles. It can be used directly for burning in homes
and factories where it can be supplied through pipes.
Q4. What are the used of petrochemicals?
A4. Petrochemicals are used in the manufacture of detergents, fibres, polythene and other plastics and
Q5. Write the characteristics ans some important uses of coal tar.
A5. Characteristics of coal tar:-
(1) It is black and thick liquid.
(2) It has an unpleasant smell.
(3) It is a mixture of about 200 organic substances.
Uses of coal tar:-
(1) It is used as starting materials for manufacturing various substances used in everyday life.
(2) Manufacturing of dyes, drugs, explosives.
(3) In perfumes.
(4) Manufacturing of plastics, paints, photographic materials and roofing materials.
(5) To make naphthalene balls.


Q1. Draw a line diagram to show position of layer of natural gas petroleum and water deposits.
A1. Line diagram is as follows:
Q2. Write the constituents of petroleum and their uses.

Q3. What are the harmful effects of using fossil fuels?

A3. Following are the harmful effects of using fossil fuels:-
(1) They cause Air Pollution. During the burning of coal it produced gases like carbon dioxide, sulphur
dioxide and oxides of nitrogen.
(2) They cause Global Warming because the produce green house gas, like carbon dioxide on burning.
(3) The gases mix with water during rain called acid rain which pollute the land.
(4) Due to incomplete combustion of fossil fuels, carbon particles spread in air causing respiratory diseases
in human beings.
(5) They are Exhaustible Natural Resources (available in limited amount).
Q4. What should be done to conserve petrol and diesel?
How to make judicious use of fuels like petrol and diesel?
A4. Following are the points:-
(1) Do not use petrol or diesel vehicles in a place of walking distance.
(2) Drive at a constant and a moderate speed.
(3) Switch off the engine of the vehicles at a traffic light or at a place where you have to wait.
(4) Use public vehicles instead of a private vehicle for going long distances.
(5) Ensure regular maintenance of the vehicle.
Q5. Why should fuel such as petrol and diesel be used economically?
A5. Following are the points:-
(1) Petrol and diesel are obtained from petroleum.
(2) Petroleum is an exhaustible natural resources. The formation of petroleum took millions of years.
(3) The amount of these resources in nature are limited.
(4) These fuels will be exhausted fast due to their reckless and thoughtless, use transport will be effected
(5) The next generation will not have to face the darkness due to its economical and prudent use.

Do QUESTION-9 of exercises from science textbook.


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