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2 times a day BID

3 times a day t.i.d.

4 times a day QID
1st heart sound S1
2nd heart sound S2
3rd heart sound S3
4th heart sound S4
Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist, Arrange 5 A抯
a drop gt
abdomen, abdominal Abd
Abdominal pain, Chest pain, Headaches, Eye problems, Severe leg pain ACHES
abnormal Abn, ABNL
abortion ab, AB
absent without leave AWOL
absent, absence abs
absolute bed rest ABR
acceleration accel
acceptable daily intake ADI
according acc
accumulation accum
Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) ASA
Acid Fast Bacilli AFB
Acidophilus and Bifidum A&B
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome AIDS
Acromioclavicular AC
activated clotting time ACT
activities of daily living ADL
activity act
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia ALL
Acute Myeloid Leukemia AML
Acute Otitis Media AOM
Acute Respiratory Disease ARD
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome ARDS
adequate adeq
to be administered adhib
administered, administrator, admission adm
Adrenocorticotropic hormone ACTH
Adult Treatment Panel III ATP III
Advanced Beneficiary Notice ABN
Advanced Life Support ALS
Advanced Practice Registered Nurse APRN
advised adv
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices ACIP
Advisory Opinion Statement AOS
after (post) post, p
after meals (post cibos) pc
after surgery Post-op
agglutinate, agglutination agg, aggl
AIDS-Related Complex ARC
Alanine Aminotransferase ALT
alcohol alc
alcohol like substance on breath ALSOB
alcohol on breath AOB
alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs ATOD
Alcoholics Anonymous AA
alert and oriented A/O
alert and oriented to time, person, place, and date A+Ox4
alive and well A&W
Alpha-Fetoprotein AFP
alternate alt
Ampoule amp
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis ALS
anatomy anat
anatomy and physiology A&P
annual family planning AFP, ANF
anterior ant
antibiotics abx
antibody Ab
Antibody to Hepatitis A Virus anti-HAV
Antibody to Hepatitis B Core Antigen anti-HBc
Antibody to Hepatitis B Surface Antigen anti-HBs
Anticipatory Guidance AG
Anticubital AC
antigen, silver Ag
Anti-Rabies Serum ARS
apparent appar
application, applied appl
appropriate for gestational age AGA
aqua � water aq, aqu
Area Agency on Aging and Independent Living AAAIL
Argininemia ARG
arteriosclerosis AS
artery art
artificial artif
as directed (modo praescripto) emp, mp
as much as desired qp, qv, qu
as needed (pro re nata) prn
as soon as possible ASAP
as tolerated as tol
ascorbic acid Vitamin C
Ask-Advise plus Refer 2A 抯 + R
Aspartate Aminotransferase AST
aspirin ASA
aspirin/caffeine APC
asymptomatic asx
at bedtime hd, hs
Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease ACVD
Atrial Septal Defect ASD
Atrioventricular AV
atrophy atr
Attention Deficit Disorder ADD
Atypical Glandular Cells of Undetermined Significance AGC
Atypical Squamous Cells � Cannot Exclude High-Grade Lesion ASC-H
Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance ASC-US
auditory AUD
auscultation ausc, auscul
Auscultation and Palpation A&P
auxillary aux
axillary Ax, ax
baby teeth A-T
Bacille Calmette-Guerin Vaccine BCG
back up method BUM
backache B/A
bacterial bact
Bacterial Vaginosis BV
bag of waters BOW
balance bal
barbiturates barbs
barium Ba
Bartholins, Urethral & Skenes gland BUS
basal body temperature BBT
basal cell cancer BCC
basal energy expenditure BEE
basal metabolic rate BMR
battered child syndrome BCS
battered woman syndrome BWS
because of B/O
bed rest BR
before a
before dinner ap
before meals a.c.
before surgery Pre-op
begin, began, beginning beg
benign prostatic hypertrophy BPH
between bet
Bicarbonate Bicarb, HCO3
Bi-chloroacetic acid BCA
bilateral bilat
bilateral breath sounds BBS
Bilateral Otitis Media BOM
Bilateral Salpingo-Oophorectomy BSO
Bilateral Serous Otitis Media BSOM
biopsy Bx, bx
Biotinidase Deficiency BIOT
birth control BC
birth control clinic BCC
birth control pills BCP
birthmark BMK
black box warning BBW
blood Bl, bld
blood alcohol BA
blood alcohol level BAL
Blood Assay for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis BAMT
blood brain barrier BBB
blood glucose BG
blood lead level BLL
blood pressure BP
blood sugar BS
blood sugar level BSL
blood urea nitrogen BUN
Blood volume Q
body mass index BMI
body surface area BSA
body weight BW
bone os
bone mineral density BMD
born b
both ears, each ear AU
bottle bot
bowel movement BM
bowel sounds normal BSN
breakthrough bleeding BB, BTB
Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program BCCTP
Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System BI-RADSTM
breast self exam BSE
Breastfeeding Woman BF
breath br
breath sounds bilateral BSB
bright red blood BRB
brought in by BIB
buccal B
By mouth (per os) po
揷 ut down�, 揳 nnoyed�, 揼 uilty�, and 揺 ye-opener� CAGE
calcium Ca
calorie cal
cancelled canc
cancer, carcinoma Ca, CA
Cancer Screening Education Materials CSEM
capillary cap
Capillary Blood Lead Level CBLL
capsule cap
carbohydrate CH20, CHO, COH
carcinoma-in-situ CIS
cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR
cardiovascular disease CV, CVD, CD
cardiovascular heart disease CHD
cardiovascular system CVS
Carnitine acylcarnitine translocase deficiency CACT
Carnitine palmitoyl II deficiency CPT-II
Carnitine Uptake Defect CUD
case unknown CU
Casual Blood Sugar CBS
catheter cath
caucasian cauc
cavity cav
centigrade cent
Centigrade/Celsius C
centigram cg, Cgm
central nervous system CNS
cephalopelvic disproportion CPD
Cerebral Palsy CP
Cerebral Spinal Fluid CSF
Cerebrovascular Accident CVA
Certificate of Need CON
Certified Medical Assistant CMA
Certified Nurse Midwife CNM
certified, certificate cert, crt
cervical cerv, C
Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasm CIN
cervical motion tenderness cmt
cervical spine C-spine
cervix cerv, Cx
Cesarean Delivery CD
Cesarean Section CS, C-section
chemical, chemistry chem
chest ch
chest pain CP
chest x-ray CXR
chest-back C-B
chicken pox ch px
chief complaint C.C., CC
child ch
Child Advocacy Centers CAC
child fatality review CFR
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program Nurse CLPPP
Chlamydia Trachomatis/Neisseria Gonorrhea CT/GC
Chlamydia Test CT
chlorine Cl
cholesterol CH, chol
cholesterol/triglyceride ratio C/TG
Chorionic Gonadotropin CG
chromium Cr
chronic chr
chronic liver disease CLD
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD
chronic serous otitis media CSOM
chronic tuberculosis CTB
circulate, circumference circ
circumcision circ, circum
Citrullinemia type I CIT-I
Citrullinemia type II CIT-II
clear to auscultation CTA
clear to auscultation bilaterally CTA(B)
clinic, clinical clin
Clinical Assessment Software Application CASA
clinical breast exam CBE
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act CLIA
Clinical Nurse Specialist CNS
clue cells CC
coagulation coag
cold knife conization CKC
combined oral contraceptives (estrogen & progestin) COCs
communicable disease commun dis, CD
Community Health Nurse CHN
compare, compound comp
complains of C/O, ?
complete compl
complete blood count CBC
complication complic
compound compd
Compressions-Airway-Breathing CAB
computer-aided detection CAD
computerized axial tomography CAT scan
concentrated, concentration conc
condition cond
confirmed & compatible C&C
congenital cong
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia CAH
congenital heart disease CHD
Congenital Hypothyroidism CH
Congenital Polycystic Disease CPD
Congenital Rubella Syndrome CRS
congestive heart failure CHF
conjugated conjug
Consistent with C/w
constant const
contact C
Continue with C/W
continuing education CE
continuing education unit CEU
Contraceptive Technology CT
Contraction Stress Test CST
contractions contrx
control ctr
copper Cu
coronary care unit CCU
correct, correction corr
counterclockwise CCW
cryosurgery, cryotherapy cryo
cubic micron CU?
culture cult
Culture Filtrate Protein-10 CFP-10
culture & sensitivity C&S
current cur
current diagnosis cd
current procedural terminology CPT-4
cutting in to -otomy
Cystic Fibrosis CF
cystoscopy cysto
Cytomegalovirus CMV
date of admission D/A
date of birth D/B, DOB
date of death DOD
date of service DOS
date D
daughter dau
decameter dkm
deceased Dec, dec 抎
deceleration decel
decibal dB
decigram dg, dgm
deciliter dL
decimeter dm
decrease, decreased decr
deep tendon reflex DTR
deep vein thrombosis DVT
deficiency def
deformity deform
degeneration degen
degree Deg, deg
delayed-type hypersensitivity DTH
delivery, delivered del
Denver Articulation Screening Examination DASE
Denver Development Screening Tool DDST
Deoxyribonucleic Acid DNA
Department for Community Based Services DCBS
Department for Public Health DPH
dependent dep
Depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate DMPA
derive, derivative deriv
descent, descending desc
development Dev, devel
developmental age DA
developmental disability DD
developmental quotient DQ
Devereux Early Childhood Assessment DECA
deviated nasal septum DNS
diabetes diab
Diabetes Centers of Excellence DCOE
Diabetes Mellitus DM
Diabetes Self Management Training DSMT
Diabetic Ketoacidosis DKA
diagnosis Dx, diag
diagram diagm
diameter diam
diarrhea and vomiting D & V
diastolic blood pressure DBP
did not keep appointment DNKA
diet as tolerated DAT
dietary reference intakes DRI
Diethylstilbestrol DES
differential blood count dif
dilation and curettage D & C
dilation and evacuation D & E
diminish, dimension dim
Diphtheria diph
direct, direction, director dir
direct fluorescent antibody DFA
directly observed preventative therapy DOPT
directly observed therapy DOT
disabled dis
discharge disch, D/C, DC, dc
discontinue disc, D/C, d/c
Discussed with D/W
disease dis
Disease Intervention Specialist DIS
dislocate, dislocation disloc
dispense disp
disseminated dissem
Disseminated Gonococcal Infection DGI
dissolved dissd
distal D
distal pulses DP
distance dis
distribute, disturbance dist
divide, division div
Division of Administration & Financial Management AFM
Division of Laboratory Services DLS
Division of Maternal & Child Health MCH
Division of Prevention & Quality Improvement PQI
Doctor 抯 orders DO
domestic violence DV
domestic violence/sexual assault DV/SA
dominant dom
Dorsalis pedis pulse DP
dose, dosage D,dos
double vision dv
Down 抯 Syndrome DS
dram dr
dressing Drsg, dsg
drink bib
driving under influence DUI
drop by drop guttat
drops gtt
drug history D/H
drug of choice DOC
dry dressing DD
duck embryo vaccine DEV
Ductal Carcinoma in situ � type of breast cancer DCIS
duplication, duplicate dup
durable medical equipment DME
dysfunctional uterine bleeding DUB
each eye OU
ear, nose, (and) throat ENT
early periodic screening diagnosis and treatment EPSDT
ears, eyes, nose, throat EENT
ectopic pregnancy EP
educate, education educ
effect, effective eff
effective dose ED
egg, ovary ov
elbow elb
elect, elective el, elect
elective termination of pregnancy ETP
electrocardiogram ECG, EKG
electroencephalogram EEG
Electronic Disease Notification EDN
electronic fetal monitor EFM
elevated blood lead level EBLL
eligible elig.
embryo Emb
emergency emer
emergency contraception EC
emergency contraceptive pills ECP
emergency operations plan EOP
emergency room ER
emotional emot
EndoCervical Curretage ECC
Endometrial Biopsy EMB
enhanced-potency Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine eIPV
enlarged enl
environment environ
Environmental Smoke Exposure ETS
Enzyme Immunoassay EIA
Enzyme-linked Immunoadsorbent Assay ELISA
eosinophil eos
epidemiology epi
episiotomy epis
epithelial EPITH
Epstein-Barr Virus EBV
equal eq
equal bilateral breath sounds EBBS
equipment equip
equivalent equiv
erectile dysfunction ED
erythrocytes per deciliters ery/dL
Erythromycin EES
Escherichia coli E coli
essential ess
estimated blood loss EBL
estimated date of confinement EDC
estimated fetal weight EFW
estimated gestational age EGA
estradiol E2
estrogen E, ESG
estrogen replacement therapy ERT
Ethanol or Ethyl alcohol EtOH, EOH
Ethinyl estradiol EE
Ethmbutol EMB
evacuate, evacuation evac
evaluate and advise E&A
every 2 hours q2h
every 3 hours q3h
every 4 hours q4h
every 5 hours q5h
every 8 hours q8h
every day qd
every four hours qqh
every hour, each hour qh
every morning qam, qm
every night qn, qpm
every other day qod
every other hour qoh
every other night qon
examination Ex, exam
except, excision exc
Expanded Role Registered Nurse ERRN
expected date of delivery EDD
expected, expired exp
expire, expiration expir
expressed breast milk EBM
exterior, external ext
extremity ext
eye E
face-to-face En face
failure to thrive FTT
family fam
family support worker FSW
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act FERPA
family goal sheet FGS
family history F/H, FH, FHx
family nurse practitioner FNP
family planning FP
family planning education materials FPEM
family resource youth services center FRYSC
fasting blood glucose FBG
fasting blood sugar FBS
fasting lipid panel FLP
fasting plasma glucose FPG
fat free FF
father F
fecal occult blood test FOBT
Federal Trade Commission FTC
feeding fdg
fee-for-service FFS
female Fe
female genital tract FGT
fertility awareness methods FAM
fetal alcohol syndrome FAS
fetal heart rate FHR
fetal heart sounds FHS
fetal heart tones FHT
fetal movements FM
fever of unknown origin FUO
fibrocystic breast FCB
Fibromyalgia Syndrome FMS
fine needle aspiration (cytology) FNA(c)
finger stick blood glucose/sugar FSBG or FSBS
first menstrual period FMP
flexion flex
fluid Fl, fld
fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test FTA-ABS
Fluoroquinolone FQN
foam and condoms F&C
folic acid FA, B9
follicle-stimulating hormone FSH
force fluids ff
follow-up F/U, FU
follow-up nutrition education by kiosk FNEK
follow-up nutrition education per protocols
(wic abbreviation) FNEPP
foot, feet ft
for further appointment FFA
for your information FYI
forearm FA
four times a day qid
fracture frac, fx
fragment frag
from fr
full mouth series FMS
full range of motion FROM
full strength FS
full term FT
full term normal delivery FTND
function func
fungal elements FE
Galactosemia GAL
gallbladder GB
Gamma Globulin GG
Gastroesophageal Reflux GER
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease GERD
gastrointestinal GI
genitourinary GU
genitourinary system GUS
gestational diabetes mellitus GDM
gland gl
Glaxo Smith Kline GSK
glomerular filtration rate GFR
glucose glu
glucose challenge test GCT
glucose insulin tolerance test GITT
glucose tolerance test GT, GTT
Glutaric academia type II GA-II
gluteus maximus glut max
gold Au
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone GnRH
Gonococcal Isolate Surveillance Project GISP
Gonococcal Urethritis GU
gonococcus/gonorrhea gc, GC
government govt
gradual, gradually grad
grain gr
gram g, gm
gram negative GN
gram negative bacillus GNB
gram negative cocci GNC
gram negative diplococci GND
gram per deciliter g/dL
gram positive GP
gram positive cocci GPC
grandfather GF
grandmother GM
Gravida G
gravity grav
Group A streptococcus GAS
Group B beta-hemolytic streptococcus GBBS
Group B streptococcus GBS
Growing Great Families GGF
Growing Great Kids GGK
growth hormone GH
guide, guidance guid
Guillain-Barr� Syndrome GBS
gynecologist, gynecology Gyn, GYN
half Hf
half gallon HG
hard of hearing HOH
head and neck H&N
head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat HEENT
headache HA, h/a
Health Access, Nurturing Development Services HANDS
Health Care Provider HCP
health care worker HCW
Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act HIPAA
health maintenance organization HMO
health risk assessment HRA
healthy balance HB
heart disease HD
heart rate, heart risk HR
heart sounds HS
Hemagglutination Inhibitor HI
Hemagglutinin H
Hematocrit crit, Hct, HCT
Hemoglobin HB, Hb, Hgb, Hg
Hemoglobin A HbA
Hemoglobin A and Hemoglobin S (Sickle cell trait) HbAS
Hemoglobin B HbB
Hemoglobin C; a variant/abnormal hemoglobin HbC
Hemoglobin F HbF
Hemoglobin S HbS
Hemoglobin S-C HbS-C
Hepatitis A antibody Anti-HAV
Hepatitis A virus HAV
Hepatitis B core antigen HBcAg
Hepatitis B eantibody (Antibody to HBeAg) Anti-HBe
Hepatitis B e Antigen HBeAg
Hepatitis B immune globulin HBIG
Hepatitis B surface antibody (Antibody to HBsAg) Anti-HBs
Hepatitis B surface antigen HbsAg
Hepatitis B virus HBV
Hepatitis C Virus HCV
Hepatitis D virus HDV
Hepatitis E virus HEV
Herpes Simplex HS
Herpes Simplex Virus HSV
Herpes Simplex, Genitalis HSG
Herpes zoster virus HZV
hertz Hz
high hyper
high blood pressure HBP
high density lipoprotein HDL, HDLP
high density lipoprotein cholesterol HDL-C
high efficiency particulate air filtration HEPA
high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion HSIL
history Hx
history and physical H&P
history of h/o, H/O
history of present illness HPI
HIV � postexposure prophylaxis HIV-PEP
HIV Counseling and Testing HIVCT
home blood glucose monitoring HBGM
home visitor HV
Homocystinuria HCY
horizontal bitewings BW
hormone replacement therapy HRT
hospital hosp
Home Visit HV
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin HCG
Human Delta Virus HDV
Human diploid cell rabies vaccine HDCV
Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV
Human Papillomavirus HPV
Human Rabies Immune Globulin HRIG
Human T-cell Leukemia Virus, Type 1 HTLV-1
husband husb.
hydrogen H
hygiene hyg
Hypermethioninemia MET
Hyperphenylalaninemia H-PHE
hypertension Hpn, HPN, HTN
hypertensive cardiovascular disease HCVD
hypodermic injection hypo
hysterectomy hyst
ideal body weight IBW
immediate, immediately (at once) immed, stat
Immune Globulin IG
Immune Serum Globulin ISG
immunization imm
Immunization Action Coalition IAC
Immunofluorescence Assay IFA
Immunoglobulin Ig
Immunoglobulin A IgA
Immunoglobulin G IgG
Immunoglobulin M IgM
impaired fasting glucose IFG (pre-diabetes)
impaired glucose tolerance IGT (pre-diabetes)
impaired, impairment impair
important import
impression imp
Inborn error of metabolism IEM
inch in
Incisal I
incision and drainage I&D
incompatible incompat
incomplete incompl
increase inc, incr
increment incre
independent ind
indicate, indication indic
infant Inf, I
Infant of diabetic mother IDM
infect, infection infect, infx
inflammation inflam
influence infl
Influenza A H1N1
information info
ingestion ingest
inguinial ing
inhalation inh, inhal
inhibit, inhibitor inhib
initial family planning IFP, INF
initial office visit IOV
Initial Preventive Physical Exam IPPE
injecting drug user IDU
injection inject, inj
injury inj
inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation IPPA
inspiration insp
Inspiratory/expiratory I/E
instructor, instructed instr
instrument inst
insufficient insuff
insulin dependent diabetes IDD
insulin dependent diabetes mellitus IDDM
intake and output I&O
Intensive Care Unit ICU
Interferon Gamma Release Assay IGRA
Interferon-gamma INF-?
Intermittent positive pressure IPP
Intermittent positive pressure breathing IPPB
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant IBCLC
Interproximal Interprox.
intestine intest
intoxication Intox
Intra Uterine Fetal Demise IUFD
intra-amniotic IA
intra-arterial IA
intradermal, intradermally ID
intramuscular, intramuscularly IM
intrauterine device IUD
intrauterine growth retardation IGR, IUGR
intrauterine system IUS
intravenous IV
Intravenous pyelography IVP
iodine I
iron Fe
Iron-deficiency anemia IDA
irrigate, irrigation irrig
Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS
isolation isol
Isoniazid INH
Isovaleric Acidemia IVA
jaundice jaund
joint jnt, jt
juvenile juv
Juvenile Onset Diabetes Mellitus JODM
Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis JRA
KKentucky AIDS Drug Assistance Program KADAP
Kentucky Children 抯 Health Insurance Program KCHIP
Kentucky Department of Education KDE
Kentucky Diabetes Prevention and Control Program KDPCP
Kentucky Domestic Violence Association KDVA
Kentucky Early Intervention System KEIS
Kentucky Health Insurance Assistance Program KHIAP
Kentucky HIV Care Coordinator Program KHCCP
Kentucky Revised Statutes KRS
Kentucky Vaccines Program KVP
Kentucky Women 抯 Cancer Screening Project KWCSP
Ketoacidosis KA
Ketone bodies KB
kilocalorie kcal
Kosher K
Kosher-Dairy K-D
Kentucky Association of Sexual Assault Programs KASAP
Kentucky Association of Child Advocacy Centers KACAC
Kentucky Department of Aging and Independent Living DAIL
laboratory procedure lab proc
lactating lact
lactation amenorrhea method LAM
lactic acid LA
Lactic dehydrogenase LDH
large lg, mag
large-for-gestational-age LGA
Laryngotracheo bronchitis LTB
last (normal) menstrual period LNMP
last menstrual period LMP
latent TB infection LTBI
lateral lat
lead Pb
left arm LA
left deltoid LD
left eye LE
left forearm LFA
left leg LL
left lower lobe LLL
left lower quadrant LLQ
left lung LL
Left Otitis Media, Suppurative, Acute LOMSA
Left Otitis Media, Suppurative, Chronic LOMSCH
Left quadrant LQ
left to right L-R, L/R
Left upper lobe LUL
left upper quadrant LUQ
left, length L, lt
lethal dose LD
Levodopa L-dopa
Levovogestrel IUD LNG IUD
Licensed Practical Nurse LPN
Light and Accommodation L&A
limited Lmtd
Limited English Proficiency (Title VI) LEP
lithium Li
Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine LAIV
live birth LB
live vaccine LV
liver function test LFT
Local Health Operations Branch LHO
Long Acting LA
Long-acting thyroid stimulator LATS
Long-acting thyroid stimulator protector LATS-P
Long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency LCAD
Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure LEEP, LOOP, LETZ
loss of consciousness LOC
loss of motion LOM
Lost to Follow-up LTF
low birth weight LBW
low blood pressure LBP
low carbohydrate LoCHO
low cholesterol LoChol
low density lipoprotein LDL, LDLP
low density lipoprotein cholesterol LDL-C
low fat diet LFD
low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion LSIL
low or below hypo
low sodium LoNa
lower arch of the jaw MAND
lower extremity LE
Lunelle MPA/E2C
lung L
Lupus Erythematosus LE
Luteinizing Hormone LH
Lymphogranuloma venerum LGV
magnesium Mag, Mg
Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI
Make Yours A Fresh Start Family MYFSF
mammogram Mammo
mandibular md.
manifest manif
Maple Syrup Urine Disease (WIC abbreviation) MSUD
Marginal, margin Marg.
marijuana MJ
mastectomy mast
Master Patient Index MPI
Master 抯 Degree in Nursing MSN
Masters of Public Health MPH
Material Safety Data Sheets MSDS
Maternal and Child Health Services MCH
maternal grandfather/grandmother MGF, MGM
Maxillary mx.
median md
medical history M/Hx
medical nutrition therapy MNT
medical record MR
medical technologist MT
Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency MCAD
Medroxyprogesterone acetate and estradiol cypionate MPA/E2C
megahertz mHz
member mem
membrane memb
Memorandum of Agreement MOA
menstrual menst
menstrual history MH
menstrual period MP
mental age MA
mental health MH
Mercury Hg
metabolic, metabolism metab
metastasis, metastasize M, metas
Methotrexate MTX
Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase deficiency MUT
Microgram mcg
microgram � 0.000001 gram ug
Microhemagglutination assay for antibody to Treponema pallidum MHA-TP
midline mid
Milk of Magnesia MOM
milliequivalent mEq, meq
milliequivalent per liter mEq/l
milligrams per deciliter mg/dL
milligrams per kilogram mg/kg
millimeters of mercury mm Hg, mmttg
millimicron m?
minim min
minimal effective dose MED
minimum inhibitory concentration MIDC
misoprotol MIS
missed opportunity MO
mitral valve MV
mitral valve prolapse MVP
mixture mixt
Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partners MAPP
monoamine oxidase MAO
monocytes monos
Mononucleosis mono
Monosodium glutamate MSG
Monozygotic MZ
months old MO
mother M
mother & father M&F
mouth os
moves all extremities MAE
moves all extremities well MAEW
Mucopurulent cervicitis MPC
Mucous Membrane MM
Multi-drug resistant MDR
Multi-drug resistant TB MDR TB
Multipara multip
multiple mult
Multiple carboxylase deficiency MCD
Multiple Sclerosis MS
Multi-Vitamin MVI
murmur mm
muscle musc
musculoskeletal MS
Mycobacteria other than TB MOTT
Mycobacterium avium complex MAC
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis MTB
Myocardial infarction MI
nanogram ng
nanoliter nl
nanometer nm
nanosecond ns
natural family planning NFP
nausea and vomiting N&V
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea NVD
Necrotizing enterocolitis NEC
Negative Intraepithelial Lesion NIL
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit NICU
nervous nerv
nervous system NS
Neural Tube Defect NTD
New tuberculin (tuberculin residue) TR
newborn NB
Newborn, Term, Normal, Female/Male NBTNF/M
nickel Ni
Nicotine Replacement Therapy NRT
nitrogen N
nitroglycerin NTG
no acute distress or no apparent distress NAD
no complaints N/C
no evidence of disease NED
no known drug allergies NKA, NKDA
no previous complaints NPC
no previous history NPH
nocturnal, night Noc, noct
non stress test NST
nondistended ND
Nongonococcal urethritis NGU
Nonketotic Hyperglycinemia NKHG
Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus NIDDM
Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors NNRTI
Nonspecific urethritis NSU
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic NSAIA
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug NSAID
non-tender NT
Non-tender/Nondistended NT/ND
Nontuberculosis mycobacteria NTM
normal N, n, NL, norm
normal full term delivery NFTD
normal record NR
normal shape, size & consistency nssc
normal sinus rhythm NSR
normal spontaneous (full term) delivery NSD, NSFTD
normal spontaneous vaginal delivery NSVD
normal vaginal delivery NVD
not elsewhere classified NEC
not known NK
not significant ns
not yet diagnosed NYD
nothing by mouth NPO
nothing per mouth (at night) npo, npo/hs
Nucleic Acid Amplification NAA
Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors NRTI
nulliparous Nullip
Nurse Case Manager NCM
Nurse Practitioner NP
nursing nsg
Nutrition Education Per Protocols (WIC abbreviation) NEPP
Nutritional Risk Criteria Code NRCC
observation and examination O&E
observed obsd
obstruct, obstruction obst
occasional occ, occas
occlusal O
occlusal radiograph OR
oculus dexter � right eye OD
oculus sinister � left eye OS
office visit OV
ointment oint, ung
Old Tuberculin OT
once a day id
on examination O/E
one-half ss
opening opg
ophthalmology, ophthalmoscope Oph, Ophth
opposite opp
optimal opt
oral contraceptive OC
oral contraceptive pills OCP
Oral Glucose Tolerance Test OGTT
Oral Poliovirus vaccine, live, trivalent OPV
organization org
oriented Orx
Orthodox Union OU
osteo myelitis osteo
other O, o
Otitis Externa OE
Otitis Media OM
otoscope oto
ova and parasites O&P
oxygen O, O2
Oxytocin Challenge Test OCT
pack per day ppd
pair pr
palatal P
palpable palp
panoramics PAN
Papanicolaou smear pap
Papillary Pap.
Para-aminobenzoid acid PABA
Para-aminosalicyclic acid PAS
Parathyroid hormone PH
parent visitor PV
parity PARA
partial thromboplastin time PTT, ptt
parts per million ppm
past family and social history PFSH
past history PH
past medical history PMH
paternal grandfather/grandmother PGF, PGM
pathologist path
patient complains of pt ?
patient, patients Pat, pt, pts
pediatrician PED
pediatrics Peds
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease PID
penicillin PCN, pen
per high density field /hdf
per low density field /ldf
percussion and auscultation P&A
perforation perf
periapicals PA
perimeter perim
Period late, abnormal bleeding; Abdominal pains, pain with intercourse; Infection,
STD, abnormal discharge; Not feeling well, fever, chills; String missing, shorter
or longer PAINS
periodic per
peripheral periph
permanent perm
permanent teeth 1-32
Pertussis vaccine P
Pervasive Development Disorder PDD
pharmacy pharm
Phenylketonuria PKU
phone order PO
phosphate phos, HPO4
phosphorus P
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia PCP
pneumothorax Pnx
point of entry POE
Poliomyelitis polio
Polycystic kidney disease PKD
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome PCOS
Polymerase chain reaction PCR
Polysaccharide-ribitol-phosphate vaccine PRP
Positive Pregnancy Test PPT
positive pressure breathing PPB
possible poss
post-exposure prophylaxis PEP
post nasal drip PND
posterior post
posterior/anterior P/A
postpartum P.P., PP
postprandial PP
Postprandial Blood Sugar PPBS
potassium K, K+
potassium chloride KCL
Potassium hydroxide KOH
Prausnitz-kustner test PK test
Pregnancy Induced Hypertension PIH
pregnancy, pregnant Pg, preg
Pregnancy Test Education Materials PTEM
Premature Rupture of Membranes PROM
premenstrual tension PMT
prenatal PN
pre-pregnancy weight PPW
prescription Rx
present illness PI
Presumptive Eligibility PE
Preventative Medicine PM
prevention, preventive, previous prev
previous menstrual period PMP
Primary Care Physician PCP
primipara primip
private medical doctor PMD
probable, problem prob
Progestin-only contraceptive pills POPs
prognosis Px
progress progr
Propionic Acidemia PA
Prostrate specific antigen PSA
Protease inhibitors PI
protein Prot
Protein bound iodine PBI
Protein Energy Malnutrition PEM
Prothrombin time proTime, PT
proximal prox
psychiatry, psychology psy, psych
Public Health Nurse PHN
pulmonary pul, pulm
pulmonary embolism PE
pulse P
pulse and respiration P & R
pupils equal and react to light PERL
pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation PERRLA
pupils equally round and reactive to light PERRL
purified chick embryo cell PCEC
purified protein derivative (tuberculin) PPD
Pyrazinamide PZA
Pyridoxine Vitamin B6, B6
quadrant quad
quality control QC
Quality Improvement Section QIS
QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube test� QFT-GIT
quantitative quant
quantity not sufficient QNS
quantity sufficient qs
Quinolone-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae QRNG
Rabies Immune globulin RIG
Rabies vaccine, adsorbed RVA
radium Ra
range of motion, rupture of membranes ROM
rapid eye movement REM
Rapid plasma reagent (test), Rapid Plasma Regain RPR
rate R, r
rate and rhythm R&R
reaction react
ready to feed RTF
recommendation recc
recommended dietary allowance RDA
Recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis RVVC
red blood cells RBC
reflex refl
refuse(s) medical assistance RMA
Registered Dietician RD
Registered Nurse RN
Registered Therapist RT
regular rate and rhythm RRR
respiratory rate RR
related, relative rel
related to r/t
release of information ROI
Report of Verified Case Tuberculosis RVCT
residue res
Respiration R
Respiratory Distress Syndrome RDS
resuscitation resc
return to clinic rtc, RTC
reverse, review rev
review of systems ROS
Rhesus (blood factor) Rh
riboflavin Vitamin B2, B2
Ribonucleic acid RNA
rifabutin RFB
rifampin RIF
Rifapentine RPT
right D, R, rt
right arm RA
right deltoid RD
right eye RE
right leg RL
right lower lobe RLL
right to left R-L, R/L
right upper leg RUL
right upper lobe RUL
risk management RM
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever RMSF
roentgenogram X-ray
rule out R/O, r/o
rupture rupt
Salicylic acid SA
Sanofi Pasteur SP
Saquinavir SAQ
science sci
screen, ask, validate, evaluate/educate SAVE
second, secondary sec, 2�
second hand smoke SHS
seizure Sz
self breast examination SBE
self monitoring blood glucose SMBG
self testicular exam STE
sensitivity sens
sequence seq
Serologic Test for Syphilis STS
Serous Otitis Media SOM
Serum glutamicoxaloacetic transaminase SGOT
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome SARS
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency SCID
sexual assault SA
Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Exam SAFE
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner SANE
Sexual Maturity Rating SMR
Sexually Transmissible Infection STI
Sexually Transmitted Disease STD
Short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency SCAD
shortness of breath SOB
shortness of breath on exertion SOBE
shoulder shld
sibling sib
sickle cell trait AS, A/S
sickle-cell hemoglobin HbS
side effects S/E
signal sig
signature sign.
signs and symptoms S/S
Silver Nitrate AgNO3
simultaneously simul
slight sl
small sm
small for dates SFD
small for gestational age SGA
social history SH
social worker SW
sodium Na
Sodium Bicarbonate NaHCO3
Sodium chloride NaCl
son S
South Eastern National Tuberculosis Center SNTC
space sp
specific gravity sp gr
specimen spec
spontaneous spont
Spontaneous abortion SAB, spon AB
Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions SIL
standard of care SOC
standard operating procedures SOP
staphylococcus staph
status post s/p
Stavudine d4t
Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs SAID
stillborn stb
stimulation stim
straight st
Strategic National Stockpike SNS
streptococcus strep
streptomycin SM
structure struct
Study of Tamixofen and Raloxifene STAR
subcutaneous, subcutaneously SQ, subcu, SC
Subjective, Objective, Assessment and Plan SOAP
substance subst
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome SIDS
sulfate SO4
sulfur S
sulfuric acid H2SO4
sunlight protection factor SPF
superior, supervision supr
surgery surg, Sx
symmetrical sym
symptoms Sx, symp
syndrome syn
synthetic synth
syphilis syph
syringe syr
Ttablet tab
Tachycardia tachy
TB skin test TST
telephone call t.c.
telephone order TO
temperature T
temperature, Pulse, Respiration TPR
term birth, live child TBLC
terminal term
Tetanus antitoxin TAT
Tetanus immune globulin TIG
Tetanus toxoid TT
Tetracycline TC
the same id
therapeutic abortion TAB
therapeutic lifestyle changes TLC
therapeutic, therapy ther
Thiamin Vitamin B1, B1
thigh fem
three times a day tid
three times a night tin
three times a week tiwk
through per
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone TSH
Thyroxine T4
to be taken 3x a day tds
tolerance, tolerate tol
too numerous to count TNTC
Toxic Shock Syndrome TSS
toxic, toxicity, toxicology tox
Toxoplasmic encephalitis TE
Toxoplasmosis, Other, Rubella, Cytomeglovirus, Herpes simplex (titer) TORCH
trachea, tracheotomy trach
Transformation Zone TZ
Transient Ischemic Attack TIA
transverse trans
treatment tr, Tr, Treat, Tx
Trichloroacetic acid TCA
Trichomonas Trich
Triglycerides Trig
tubal ligation TL
Tubercle Bacillus TB
Tuberculin Units TU
Tuberculosis TB
twice b
twice a day bd, bid
twice a week bi-wk
Tympanic Membrane TM
Tyrosinemia type-III TYR-3
ultimate ult
ultrasound U/S, US
ultraviolet germicidal irradiation UVGI
umbilical, umbilicus umb
unchanged UC
unilateral unilat.
unknown unk
up to date UTD
upper and lower U/L
upper arch of the jaw MAX
upper gastrointestinal UGI
upper respiratory UR
upper respiratory infection URI
upper respiratory tract infection URTI
upper right quadrant URQ
urinalysis UA, U/A
urinary chorionic gonadotropin UCG
urinary output UOP
urinary tract infection UTI
urine U, ur
urogenital UG
vaccine administrator VA
Vaccine Adverse Reporting System VAERS
Vaccines for Children VFC
Vaccine Information Sheet or Statements VIS
Vaccinia Immune Glogulin VIG
vagina, vaginal vag
vaginal birth after delivery VBAC
vaginal contraceptive film VCF
vaginal hysterectomy Vag Hyst
valve val
variation, variety var
Varicella zoster Virus VZV
Varicella-zoster Immune Globulin VZIG
vascular vasc
Venereal Disease Research Laboratory Non-treponemal test for Syphilis VDRL
venipuncture VP
Venous Thromboembolism VTE
Ventricular Septal defect VSD
Verbal Lead Risk Assessment VLRA
verbal order VO
verification of certification VOC
vertical bitewings VBW
very high density lipoprotein VHDL
Very Long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency VLCAD
very low birth weight VLBW
very low density lipoprotein VLDL
Victims Identification and Notification Everyday VINE
vision vis
vital signs VS, V/S, v/s
Voucher Pick-up VP
Vulvovaginal candidiasis VVC
warm and dry w/d
warm, pink, dry (skin signs) WPD
well developed WD
well developed, well nourished WD/WN
well nourished WN, w/n
Western blot WB
wet mount WM
white wh
white blood cells, white blood count WBC
white female W/F, wf
white male W/M, wm
WIC Food Instruments (WIC abbreviation) WICFI
with c, w, w/within normal limits WNL or wnl
within the uterus in utero
without s, w/o
woman who has given birth para
Women, Infants, & Children WIC
Women 抯 Health Nurse Practitioner WHNP
work up w/u
wound wd
zero Z
Zidovudine ZDV
zinc Zn

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