St. Scholastica'S Academy
St. Scholastica'S Academy
St. Scholastica'S Academy
To define folk dance.
To enumerate the characteristics of Philippine folk dances.
To explain the different classification of folk dance.
Process Questions
What is folk dance?
How do folk dances influence our lives even at this modern time?
Activity 2:
Folk Dance:
Are the indigenous dances of any “folk” or common people.
They are traditional, customary, or recreational dance forms of a given country
which have evolved naturally and have been handed down across generations.
Folk dances are related to everything that is important in our daily lives, such as
customs, rituals and occupation of a specific group of people.
According to Duggan, Schlottmann, and Rutledge (1948), “ folk dance became the
overt expression of emotions and ideas which were peculiarly significant or the
reenactment of customs and events constituting an important part of their history
and patterns of daily living.”
Activity 3:
Characteristics of Folk Dance:
It is traditional.
It has an expressive behavior.
Simple, basic rhythm dominates the folk dance and establish the pattern of
It is created by an unknown choreographer or by communal efforts.
It performs a function in the life of the folk (people).
Process Question:
What are the characteristics of folk dance?
Activity 4:
Major Regional Classification of Folk Dance:
Tribal dances from the Cordilleras -
These include non – Christian from Cordilleras.
Lowland Christian dances -
Influenced by Hispanic and European cultures, these are dances coming from places with
Western influences such as that of the Tagalogs, Ilokanos, Pampangueños, Pangasinense,
Bisayans and Bicolanos.
Muslim Dances –
Influenced by Arabic and Indo – Malayan cultures, these are dances from people of
Southern Islands of the Philippines such as in Mindanao and Sulu.
Philippine Folk Dances, regardless of their classifications, may also be categorized as:
Life – cycle dances – dances that serve as ritual as one passes to a different stage of life
such as from birth to childhood to adulthood; from singlehood to marriage and from life
to death.
a. Courtship Dances
b. Wedding Dances
c. Funeral Dances
Festival Dances – dances that are either religious or secular and are connected with the
celebration of recurring events of special significant. ( Ex. Sinulog Festival, Halad Inasal
Festival, Sugat Kabahawan Festival)
Occupational Dances – dances that depicts the means of livelihood of the Filipino people.
( ex. Siksiliw, Mananagat,)
Ritual and ceremonial dances- dances performed as part of the rituals and ceremonies of
a certain tribe or group of people.
Game dances – derivations from local folk games. One example of these dances is the
Pukol dance from Aklan and Capiz in the Panay region. “Pukol means to strike or bump
each other”. (Aquino, 1979)
Joke and trickerster dances – include jokes or tricks played by a dancer on another or a
group of dancers who is one of them. The intention is to render that individual “to a
physical or mental indignity or discomfort” (Lopez, 2006). Example of these is the
Pandanggo sa Sambalilo dance from the Tagalog regions wherein a girl teases he male
partner by playing with his hat then pushes him when he is about to succeed in getting
back and putting on his hat from the floor.
Mimetic or drama dances – dances that mimic animals, inanimate objects or other
people. The dancers get into roles other than themselves and become actors totally
immersed in the story the dances tell. The Itik-Itik dance from Surigao is an example of a
mimetic dance as it imitates the movements of a duck.
War dances – dances that express feud and enmity wherein two male dancers engage in
physical combat with Spartan-like intensity (Lopez, 2006).
Social amenities dances – dances that expresses social graces, hospitality and offerings of
gifts to friends. (ex. Habanera Botoleña, Minuete Yano). Usually dance or performed from
high social standing in the community during special occasions honoring government
officials and church dignities (Aquino, 1979).
Process Questions:
What are the different classifications of folk dance?
Activity 6:
Process Questions:
What is the role of dance in preserving one’s culture and traditions?
Activity 7:
Thoughts to ponder!
Dance comes in different forms. All dances styles are not alike and they are distinctive.
Dance mirrors one’s beginning and everyday living.
Process Questions:
In what way our dances before differ from the dances we have today?
Is there a great impact in the evolution of dance with the Philippine folk dances?
Core Subject: PHYSICAL EDUCATION & HEALTH 12 Teacher: Mrs. Mary Ann M. Bacus
September 25 - October 9, 2021
To identify different dance steps use in folk dance.
To explain the mechanics on executing the dance steps.
Execute correctly the different dance terms use in folk dance.
Instructional Materials: Text book: PE & HEALTH Vol. 3&4
Fritziemarie R. Muyot Et.Al
Marivic Barsilo Tolitol Et. Al
Ppt on: Traditional Dances
Youtube Videos on Philippine Folk Dances
Review of the fundamental positions of arms and feet in folk dance.
Activity 2: Read and analyze…
Dance Step Time Signature Counting Step-by-step Description
Waltz 3/4 1,2,3 (count 1) step left (right) foot in fourth position in front,
(count 2)step right (left) foot close to left in first or third
postion in rear,
(count 3) step left (right) foot in fourth position in front.
(count 1) step right (left) foot in fourth position in front,
(count ah) cut the right (left) foot with the left (right)
thus displacing it and at the same time taking the
weight of the body with the left (right) foot,
Gallop 2/4 1, ah, 2, ah
(counts 2, ah) repeat count 1 and ah.
This is executed with one foot always leading and
maybe done in any direction.
There are two gallops to one measure.
(count 1) step right (left) foot in fourth position in
Change (count and) step left (right) foot close to right (left) in
2/4 1, and 2
Step third position in rear or in in first position.
(count 2) step right (left) foot quickly in fourth position
in front.
(count 1) step right (left) foot in fourth in front
(count and) step left (right) foot close to left foot in
Polka 2/4 1, and, 2 and third position in rear,
(count 2) step right (left) in fourth position in front,
Count and) take a pause.
(count 1)slide right (left) foot to second position
(count 2) cut right (left) foot sideward with the left
Mazurka 3/4 1,2,3
(count 3)hop on the left (right) foot.
This is executed with one foot leading away and my be
done in any direction.
(count 1,2) step right(left) foot obliquely forward right
1,2,3 to a (count 3) step left (right) foot acrossed the right (left) in
(with a
3/4 measure front,
close, point,
2 measures (count 1,2)step right (left) foot obliquely backward
brush, hop,
raise, waltz
(count 3)close/poin/brush/hop/raise/waltz left
(right)foot in fourth or third position in front.
2/4 1,2 (count 1)step right (left) foot in fourth position in front,
Close Step (count 2)close left (right) foot in third or first position in
2/4 or 4/4 1,2 Spring from one foot landed on the other foot.
Leap 1 count per
Three - step 3/4 1,2,3 (count 1) step right (left) foot in second position
turn (count 2) turn left (right) about and step left (right) in
second position
(count 3)turn right (left) about and step right(left) in
second position to face front.
Process questions:
What are some basic dance steps use in folk dance?
COUNT: One, two, three, or one, and two and three to measure.
(c) Quarter turn left, with the R foot leading take two
chasing steps sideward right to partner's place arms
as in (a) (cts. 1, and, 2, and), step R foot sideward
(ct. 3), cross L in front of R foot (ct. 1) and turn
right, salok the L arm in R arm in fifth position (cts.
2, 3) finish the turn facing each other........2 M
Music B.
(a) Two sway balance steps with a brush (R, L), moving
counterclockwise. Arms in fourth position R and L arm
high (4 M). Waltz turn right, arms in lateral position
moving sideward right and left, with a forearm turn
(2 M). Finish in partner's place...............6 M
(a) Two sway balance steps with a hop (R, L). Arms in
fourth position R and L arm high...............4 M
Process question:
Learning the different dance steps help us interpret easier a dance literature. All you have to do is be
more patient and spend more time reading and understanding the concept.
Activity 8:
Do the following:
After studying and analyzing the different dance steps and the dance “Kuratsa”,
a practical test will be conducted.
Each students are scheduled as to when they are going to perform.
Please watch the video of the dance through this link
Indicators Level of Performance
Excellent Good Fair
20 pts. 19-16 pts 15-12 pts
Execute correctly the dance patterns
There was grace and beauty in the execution of
the dance figures.
Wears appropriate attire for the dance.
The presentation is a product of one’s effort and
Student was conversant of the steps of his/her
own routine.