Dynamic Stability of Ships in Waves
Dynamic Stability of Ships in Waves
Dynamic Stability of Ships in Waves
A method is proposed for evaluating the overall dynamic stability of an intact vessel
in a seaway. We use an existing ship motions program to study the motion of a vessel
with a certain loading condition, speed and heading, in given wave conditions. A
deterministic method is discussed for looking at the stability of a vessel over a wide
range of these parameters. This is done with a view to giv ing operators advice on the
safest headings and speeds to adopt in extreme conditions, as well as gauging the
overall safety of a particular vessel. It is hoped that eventually such dynamic stability
analysis can be used to modify the present IMO stability criteria for ships.
At present, safety regulations with regard to ship capsize are based primarily on static
stability concepts. The efficient calculation of GZ curves that is possible nowadays
permits quick and accurate determination of a ship’s static stability. Although it is
well accepted that capsizing of ships is a dynamic phenomenon, static stability
considerations are still used almost exclusively to gauge the propensity of a ship to
capsize in waves.
This means, for example, that some vessels are at risk of dynamic capsize despite
having favourable GZ curves, whereas others are perhaps being over-penalized due to
the nature of their GZ curve, despite having good dynamic stability.
Seakeeping is now a well-developed field, and basic techniques for simulating the
motion of a ship in both regular and irregular waves are well-known (see e.g. [1,2]).
Newton’s 2nd Law is used to predict the time rate of change of each of the six degrees
of freedom (roll, pitch, yaw, heave, surge, sway), using the nett forces and moments
acting on the vessel at each point in time. The hydrodynamic forces and moments are
caused by the accelerated motion of the vessel through the water, as well as the action
of the wave, and may involve significant cross-coupling. Still, if the time-varying
forces and moments on the vessel can be accurately modelled, the computational
solution of the resulting ship motions is straightforward.
Such time -domain simulations may be used to predict the “capsize” of a vessel, and
thereby used to assess ship safety. The capsize of a vessel is normally defined by a
predetermined roll angle, such as the angle at which downflooding occurs, or the
angle at which the GZ-curve becomes negative. By definition, capsize involves large
roll angles and hence highly nonlinear behaviour. Therefore, basic linear seakeeping
theory has given way to more accurate modelling of the hydrodynamic forces for
predicting capsize, involving significant cross-coupling and nonlinear terms (see e.g.
One problem with using dynamic analysis to gauge the stability of a vessel is the large
number of parameters involved. Static stability analysis can be condensed into a
single GZ-curve for each vessel and loading condition, whereas dynamic stability is
also a function of ship speed, heading angle and wave conditions. Despite continuing
improvements in the accuracy of ship motions programs, a reliable method for
condensing all the relevant data into an overall safety assessment remains an elusive
In this paper we discuss the use of both irregular and regular waves to assess dynamic
stability, and propose a method whereby the dynamic stability of ships in waves can
be compared through the complete spectrum of relevant parameters. For our results
the dynamic stability code FREDYN has been used (courtesy of CRNav and the
Australian Defence Force), although the methods are equally applicable to the use of
any dynamic stability code.
Clearly the ideal way to approach dynamic stability is to run the ship motion
simulation in an irregular seaway, which is as close as possible to the actual seaways
the ship is likely to encounter.
This method can produce two types of outcome: the average time taken to capsize, or
the probability of exceeding a certain roll angle in a specified time.
Time to capsize
For a given speed and heading, simulations are performed up until the ship’s roll
angle reaches the predetermined capsize angle. The time to capsize depends strongly
on the initial wave conditions; hence many runs must be performed in order to gain a
statistically significant “average time to capsize” for that particular seaway, speed and
The other way to numerically model capsize is to perform simulations over a shorter
time, say one hour, and then fit a distribution to the probability of exceeding a given
roll angle in a specified time. This approach was pioneered by McTaggart ([6], see [7]
for a comprehensive overview). The extrapolation to large roll angles is done by
assuming a Gumbel distribution of the data, resulting in a “probability of capsize in a
specified time” for that particular seaway, speed and heading.
Although irregular wave analysis is considered the optimum method for modelling the
motions of a ship in a real seaway, its use in assessing ship stability has some serious
• If using the time to capsize, large simulation times are needed for each run, and
many runs (we use 50) are needed to find the average time to capsize. If using the
probability of exceeding a given roll angle, the results only loosely follow a
Gumbel distribution, and the extrapolation to larger roll angles remains
questionable. Even with the extrapolation the computations are very lengthy.
• The question remains what constitutes an acceptable time to capsize, or acceptable
probability of capsize for a given situation.
• Validation of the dynamic stability codes with model experiments is very difficult
for irregular waves.
• The physics of the capsize phenomenon can be difficult to understand in irregular
Note that at this stage only long-crested irregular waves can be accurately modelled,
which are themselves an approximation to the short-crested waves in a true seaway.
It has been shown (e.g. [8]) that ship behaviour leading to capsize in irregular waves
is similar to that in the dominant regular waves. Therefore, a simplified approach is to
conduct stability assessment in regular waves, which are determined by a wave height
and length. In order to represent an extreme sea state, a characteristic dominant wave
height and length can be chosen, or a wide range of component waves can be
considered individually.
This approach is deterministic rather than probabilistic, in that each simulation results
in a definitive “capsize” or “no capsize”. If the ship has not capsized in a moderate
amount of time in the regular sea, it will never capsize, so only relatively short runs
are needed.
KG (m)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
An example of this regular wave analysis is given in figures 1 and 2, which show the
maximum roll angle reached in regular waves of height h=15.5 metres and length
λ=217 metres for a certain ship. In figure 1 a wide range of KG values are plotted,
and we see that the dependence on loading is complicated. In this case capsize occurs
in bands of KG corresponding to resonance situations. These “capsize bands” were
not present over all headings and speeds, but they do provide a complication to the
concept of limiting KG values.
KG (m)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
As we have discussed, both irregular and regular waves have their advantages and
disadvantages for assessing dynamic stability. We are currently developing a method
that we hope will combine the strengths of each of the methods.
The approach is to correlate the capsize risk of a ship in irregular waves with its
propensity to capsize in regular waves. To do this we consider a spectrum of regular
waves (i.e. the full range of wavelengths) which aims to model the most dangerous
components of the irregular spectrum.
The correlation between irregular and regular waves results in a certain wave height
for each wavelength, to use in the regular analysis. An example of this is given in
figure 3.
Wave height (m)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
The curve of wave height versus length is designed to model the most dangerous
elements of an irregular sea, by choosing the larger wave heights that might occur at
each wavelength. Even in an irregular sea the wave steepness h/λ generally has an
upper limit, and it is this limit that we are modelling in a broad sense. All smaller
wave steepness values do not represent the largest wave height for that particular
wavelength, and therefore are not as dangerous as the chosen curve, so need not be
In order to correlate the results with irregular waves, we choose a constant wave
steepness h/λ for the regular waves. We must also ca p the wave height at a realistic
value; this might be for example H1 / 100 , the average height of the highest 1% of
waves in the chosen irregular spectrum.
The regular wave simulation can now be run over the entire range of wavelengths and
corresponding wave heights to find the maximum roll angle reached by the vessel in
each case. Again, we go one step further and consider a large range of loading
conditions, in order to determine the limiting KG value both at each wavelength and
over the whole spectrum.
We must now correlate the boundary between capsize and no capsize in regular waves
(which we measure in terms of the limiting KG value), with an “acceptable risk” or
“acceptable time to capsize” in irregular waves. At present we nominally use a 10-
hour average time to capsize, which gives us our corresponding limiting KG value in
the irregular sea (see figure 4).
Average Time (hr)
KG (m)
In this way, correlating the limiting KG values in the regular and irregular sea allows
the regular wave steepness to be determined, which will ensure that our regular wave
results correlate with the irregular wave results.
Preliminary calculations suggest that the wave steepness values obtained are close to
those observed in an irregular sea, around 1/14, and that performing the correlations
over different cases will yield a sensible average to use.
Regular wav e simulations
Having chosen this wave steepness, dynamic stability assessments can be performed
with far less computational effort in regular seas, with subtleties such as the effect on
capsize of loading, speed and heading readily understood.
We also notice that the most dangerous heading angle is around 50 degrees (away
from astern seas) for most wavelengths at this speed.
KG (m)
We can now define the overall limiting KG value for each heading and speed by
picking off the smallest limiting KG value over all wavelengths. Doing this allows a
polar plot to be generated of limiting KG values as a function of speed and heading
Using the results
Areas of small limiting KG on the polar plot are the most dangerous heading/speed
combinations, while areas of high limiting KG are the safest. This information can be
passed onto ship captains - which headings and speeds are best to adopt or avoid in
extreme seas.
These limiting KG values can also be used to gain an overall limiting KG value that is
deemed safe for the survival of the ship in these extreme conditions. For example, this
might be the smallest limiting KG on the whole polar plot (so that the vessel should
be able to survive all headings and speeds), or it may not include heading/speed
combinations which are known to be dangerous and would be avoided by ship
Finally, the chosen overall limiting KG value can be compared with current IMO
criteria to gauge the effect of wave dynamics on the vessel’s stability. Comparing this
between different vessels shows which are at risk of dynamic capsize despite having
favourable GZ curves, or which are being over-penalized due to the nature of their GZ
curve, despite having good dynamic stability. This may be used to modify IMO
stability requirements in future.
We have outlined a method for assessing the overall dynamic stability of a ship in
waves. The method is based on regular wave simulations, over a range of wavelengths
whose heights are chosen to correlate with an irregular sea. The advantages of this
method over the full probabilistic method are greatly decreased computing time, a
simplified analysis and increased understanding of the essential capsize phenomena.
The authors wish to acknowledge the help of the Australian Defence Force in
providing funding for this research.