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China Eastern Airlines 2015

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Corporate Social
Responsibility Report

2015 China Eastern Airlines

Corporate Social Responsibility Report


01 About the report

02 Message from Chairman
04 Approaching China Eastern
14 Social responsibility management

71 Appendix
71 Performance Indicators

73 GRI Content Index

80 HK-ESG Content Index

Journey of Universal Love
82 Assurance Statement
Responsibility for
the society 84 Feedback

Journey of Dreams 66 “Love in China Eastern”

Building and sharing a public welfare project
happy China Eastern
69 Supporting regional development
Journey of Development Journey of Greenness

Expanding Journey of Relief

Flying towards 56 Luring diverse talents
70 Guaranteeing special flights
commercial value Securely flying between Journey of Excellence
sustainable future
58 Flying with dreams
heaven and earth Creating a better
22 Promoting transformational travel experience 60 Providing staff with
50 Environmental Stewardship
development 30 Strengthening safety management healthcare initiatives
50 Addressing climate change
25 Outlining global blueprint 32 Flight safety 38 Improving service management 61 Caring for employees
52 Properly handling emissions
26 Supply chain responsibility 34 Ground safety 41 High-quality during the whole journey
53 Enhancing environmental
27 Working together with 35 Aviation safety 44 One-stop solution
partners for a win-win 46 Meeting specific needs


from the East to the World

Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

About the report

Purpose of the report Eastern holds a minority stake. “Eastern Airlines Logistics Co., Ltd.” was referred to as If you need a print report or you have any suggestion, please
“Eastern Logistics”.“China Eastern Airlines E-Commerce contact as follows:
This report is the 8th corporate social responsibility (CSR) Report compilation principles
Co., Ltd.” was referred to as “Eastern E-commerce”. “China
report released by China Eastern Airlines Corporation Eastern Airlines Wuhan Co., Ltd.” was referred to as “Wuhan
The report was prepared in accordance with the requirements
Limited. Its theme is “Happiness, from the East to the world”. Company”. “China Eastern Airlines Jiangsu Co., Ltd” was
of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration
It discloses the Company’s CSR concepts and practices, Department: Party Publicity Department of China Eastern
Commission of the State Council’s Guidelines to the State- referred to as “Jiangsu Company”. All branches were
promotes understanding, communications and interaction Airlines
owned Enterprises Directly under the Central Government referred to as “the name of region + branch”.
between the Company and its stakeholders, facilities the Phone: 021-22331435
on Fulfilling Corporate Social Responsibilities and based on
establishment of trust and cooperation based on the same Acquisition of related information
Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (G4) of the Global Reporting
value, and fosters sustainable development of the Company Fax: 021-62686883
Initiative (GRI), Social Responsibility of GB/T 36001 Guidance, The report has a Chinese version and an English version. If
and the society. Address: 92, Konggang No.3 Road, Changning District,
Guidelines on Preparation of CSR Reports of Shanghai there is any conflict between the two versions, the Chinese
Stock Exchange and Reporting Guide of the Hong Kong version shall prevail. The report has both print and electronic Shanghai
Change in the report
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG). Other references versions. The electronic version is available on the website
Zip Code: 200335
Due to the changes in expectations of external stakeholders included Social Responsibility Guide (ISO 26000:2010) of of Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Company’s portal
and disclosure requirements, the report has adopted a new International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and Writing www.ceair.com and www.ceairgroup.com.
structure based on the latest international and domestic CSR and Compiling Guidelines of the Chinese Corporate Social G4 Materiality Disclosure: G4-18
standards. To ensure the accuracy of the information, China Responsibility Reporting (CASS-CSR3.0) of Chinese Academy
Eastern commissioned an independent assurance agency, of Social Sciences (CASS).
without any conflict of interest, to verify the accuracy of the Analysising of
Data source Project launch Drafting the report
Chinese version with an independent assurance report. Material issues

Relevant information, data and case studies were from China Setting up a working group Internal and external data collection Preparing report framework
Reporting period Eastern Airlines, its branches, wholly owned subsidiaries
Starting training session Questionnaire Finalizing the report’s theme Reviewing/
and some subsidiaries in which its holds a majority stake. All
Unless otherwise specified, the data and content in the Interview & survey Forming the first draft Soliciting opinions
the materials have been reviewed by relevant authorities.
report are from January 1 to December 31, 2015. Some
CSR experts’ opinions
parts may trace data in the previous years.
Abbreviations Inter-department verification

Reporting cycle To facilitate presentation and reading, “China Eastern

Airlines” in this report was referred to as “China Eastern”,
This report is published annually. Publishing/Summarizing Report Assurance Improving/designing
“Company” and “We”. China Eastern Air Holding Company the report the report
was referred to as “China Eastern Group”. “Shanghai
Scope of the report G4 Materiality Disclosure: G4-17, G4-22 Stock exchange website/ Data and information verification Revising the text
Airlines Co., Ltd.” was referred to as “Shanghai Airlines”.
company official website
The entire company (including branches, wholly owned “China United Airlines Co., Ltd.” was referred to as “China Revise and improve the report Verifying data
Multi-channel / multi-media /
subsidiaries, and some subsidiaries in which China Eastern United Airlines”. “Eastern Airlines Technology Co., Ltd.” was multi-language disemination Comparing with benchmark standards
holds a majority stake), excluding companies in which China referred to as “Eastern Technology”. “Shanghai Eastern
Analyzing the results and drafting
Flight Training Co., Ltd.” was referred to as “Flight Training”. a clear improvement plan

Process of report preparation

00 01
Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

Message from Chairman

China Eastern Airlines has a long-term mission to become a

world-class carrier with “Staff Devotion, Customers Loyalty,
Shareholders Satisfaction, Public Trust” and is committed to
joining hands with various stakeholders towards sustainable
development with an aim to jointly create experience of
happiness and share the achievements.

optimized the service procedures, boosted service quality and the society. We base ourselves on China but think globally. We
As economic globalization and regional economic integration In order to integrate the expectations and demands of the
provided passengers with better travel experience. will work with various parties to move forward together. We are
accelerate, an all-round opening-up pattern is emerging. The stakeholders into our business strategy and jointly promote
committed to pursuing higher-quality sustainable development,
implementation of "the Belt and Road" initiative marked that economic, social and environmental sustainability via a 2016 is the first year of the 13th Five-Year Plan period. The
so that “happiness” can benefit the general public and “happiness”
China is integrating into the world with a more open and inclusive “development community”, we raised the strategic goal of whole 13th five-year period will be a critical period for China
can be spread from the East to the World.
manner, highlighting the image of a responsible large country. “creating a world-class company, building a happy China Eastern to accelerate transformational development, bolster
As the fastest and most secure means of transportation, civil Eastern”. As we strive to realize the strategic objective, we capacity and build up brands.
aviation will undoubtedly play an important role in the “the Belt also recognize that we are endeavoring to cater to people’s
We will unswervingly promote comprehensive reform and step
and Road” initiative to promote interoperability. It’s an opportunity need for a happy life and we will ultimately realize our dream
up efforts to propel the development of a “happy China Eastern”.
for China Eastern in the new era, and it’s also the mission and as long as we move forward step by step. In 2015, in addition
We will make plans based on five development concepts of
responsibility of the Company. to ensuring operational safety, China Eastern Airlines had a
“innovation, coordination, greenness, openness and sharing”
number of business indicators ranked among the best in the
While we face a historic opportunity for development, global and rev up structural adjustment and reform. We will tap new
world. The Company posted a profit for the seventh consecutive Liu Shaoyong,
economic recovery was still weak, developed economies technologies, new products, new businesses and new models
year with improved overall competitiveness and growth quality,
showed differentiated trends, growth in emerging economies to foster upgrading and transformation, provide competitive Chairman
becoming a “Chinese backbone” in the global aviation industry.
had repeated setbacks, geopolitical risks increased, and global products and services, promote the integration of the aviation
We have made use of the innovative “Internet +” development China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited
climate change issues were prominent. It means that there is industry and other sectors and achieve greater development in
mode, accelerated globalization strategies, strengthened
still a long way to go to realize sustainable development. As a the value chain, service chain, and industry chain. This process
win-win cooperation worldwide and provided a new path for
company that has a significant impact on economic, social and is in line with our efforts to create happiness, perceive happiness
upgrading and transformation. At the same time, based on the
environmental sustainability, China Eastern Airlines needs to be and spread happiness. It’s also a process under which we extend
characteristics of the aviation industry, we continued to both
more open-minded and work with all stakeholders to take more the happiness to our employees, customers, stakeholders and
improve service quality and beef up brand communications. We
actions to counter the challenges.

02 03
Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

China Eastern
About us

Corporate information

China Eastern Airlines was established in April 1995 and is a Sino-

foreign joint venture exclusively initiated by China Eastern Air Holding.
Headquartered in Shanghai, it is one of the three state-owned
backbone airlines in China. In 1997, it became the first Chinese aviation
enterprise to go public in New York, Hong Kong and Shanghai. It mainly
operates domestic and approved international and regional flights in
passenger, freight, mail, and luggage transport as well as extended
services. Other businesses include general aviation services, aircraft
maintenance, aviation equipment manufacturing and maintenance,
agency services for domestic and foreign airlines, insurance and
agency services, E-commerce, air markets, wholesale, retail and other
businesses related to air transport.

The Company owns nine branches, including Northwest, Beijing,

Shandong, Shanxi, Zhejiang etc, 57 overseas outlets and offices, as
well as a total of 21 wholly-owned subsidiaries or those in which it holds
a majority stake, including Shanghai Airlines, China Eastern Yunnan,
Eastern Logistics and China United Airlines.

The Company has created an air transport network with Shanghai as a

core hub to cover the whole China, expanding to 1,057 destinations in
179 countries and regions in Asia, Europe, the Americas and Oceania.
In 2015, The number of passengers carried was 93.78 million. Its
fleet size, passenger traffic and other operational indicators all ranked
among the Top 10 global airlines.

The Company focused on brand building, with a corporate core value of

“Customer-oriented, Detail-oriented” to create a brand value of “World- Basic Information Key Performance
class Hospitality with Eastern Charm”. In addition to the parent brand
“China Eastern”, the company also has 78 other registered trademarks, Company name: China Eastern Airlines Indicators 2015
including “Eastern Airlines”, “CEA”, “Lingyan Service”, “Eastern Miles”, Corporation Limited
Operating revenue (billion yuan) 93.844
“Shanghai Airlines”, “Golden Crane”, and “Shanghai Airlines Holiday”.
Registered capital: 13,140,178,860 yuan
Total profit (billion yuan) 5.671
In recent years, the Company has adopted a new stance to usher in
Date of Establishment: April, 1995
Safe flight (million hours) 1.804
new development. It has received awards such as one of the “Top
25 Most Innovative Chinese Companies” presented by the Chinese Enterprise category: Sino-foreign joint venture The number of passengers carried (million people) 93.78
edition of the Fortune magazine, the CSR Top 10 list, and “Flight Safety Legal representative: Liu Shaoyong Passenger satisfaction (points) 88.11
Diamond Award of China Civil Aviation”. For many years, it has been
regarded by global brand agency WPP as one of “Top 50 Most Valuable Headquarters address: 2550, Hongqiao Road, The total number of employees 71,033
Chinese Brands.” Changning District, Shanghai
Fuel consumption per hour (tons of jet fuel per hour) 2.945

The number of participants in public welfare activities 274,979

04 05
Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

Aircraft model 2015 2014

Boeing B777 9 4

Boeing B767 6 6

Boeing B757 0 5

Boeing B737 211 190

Airbus A340 0 4

Airbus A330 51 44

Airbus A321 48 39

Airbus A320 160 154 179 countries and regions

Airbus A319

1,057 destinations
35 29

Embraer EMB 6 10

93.78 million passengers carried

Boeing B777 (freight) 6 6

Boeing B747 (freight) 3 4

Boeing B757 (freight) 0 2

535 497
06 07
Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

Corporate strategy and governance Corporate governance

China Eastern Airlines strictly complies with domestic and overseas listing rules and relevant laws and regulations,
The prerequisite to achieve sustainable development is complying with laws and regulations while adhering to honesty and
trustworthiness. China Eastern is always adhering to business ethics, constantly improving corporate governance and internal risk
and constantly improves its modern corporate governance structure consisting of shareholders’ meeting, board
of directors, board of supervisors and management, thus forming a system of checks and balances with regard to 2 financial performance
management system, and make efforts to boost the legal awareness of all employees, with an aim to foster a corporate culture centering the relationship between the stakeholder, decision-making body, supervisory body and corporate managers. The
on integrity and compliance management. Company also continued to strengthen developing a variety of rules and systems. In 2015, it revised Administrative
Rules over Connected Transaction and Administrative Rules of Information Disclosure for the board of directors.

Company philosophy
The shareholders’ meeting, board of directors, board of supervisors and management perform their respective regular analyst
duties independently in accordance with the stipulation in the Articles. There are Nomination and Remuneration conference calls on
We are convinced that a top enterprise should be able to offer happiness to people. The Company has proposed “to create a world-
Committee, Audit and Risk Management Committee, Planning and Development Committee and Aviation Safety financial performance
class company and build a happy China Eastern”. To create a world-class carrier, we need to develop a safe, efficient, passionate and
and Environment Committee to assist and support the Board of Directors. In 2015, the Board of Directors consisted
innovative company, striving to transform from a traditional air carrier to a modern integrated air service provider. To build a happy China
of 11 directors, among whom four were independent directors. The Company organized its directors and senior
Eastern, we need to spread positive information and happiness to our customers, stakeholders, employees and the society in a bid to
executives to participate in business trainings and arranged some of its independent directors to conduct field
better serve the sustainable development of the society. Communicating with
research and inspect accounting in its overseas business outlets. All these efforts helped them enhance their own

capacity to perform their duties.
investors and
The Company communicated with investors in an open and apparent way via on-site meeting, telephone, fax and media reporters
Internet. In 2015, the Company joined hands with the Listed Companies Association of Shanghai to host the “Getting
to know listed companies” activity, enhancing interaction and communications with small investors.

Corporate Vision Corporate Core Values Corporate Spirit

Annual General Meeting

Become a world-class carrier Board of Directors Board of Supervisors

with “Staff Devotion, Customers Earnestness, Efficiency,
Customer-oriented, Detail-oriented
Loyalty, Shareholders Enthusiasm, Excellence
Satisfaction, Public Trust”
Nomination and Audit and Risk Planning and Aviation Safety and
Remuneration Committee Management Committee Development Committee Environment Committee

Corporate culture system


Corporate governance framework

Name Position
Liu Shaoyong Chairman
Brand core Brand Brand
Orientation Ma Xulun Vice Chairman, General Manager
value Style
Xu Zhao Director

Gu Jiadan Director

Li Yangmin Director, Party Secretary, Deputy General Manager

Tang Bing Director and Vice President

World-class Hospitality with Wonderful Journeys Begin with
Exquisite, Elegant, Fashionable
Delicate Service Tian Liuwen Director and Vice President
Eastern Charm
Ji Weidong Independent Director

Brand value system Li Ruoshan Independent Director

Ma Weihua Independent Director

Shao Ruiqing Independent Director

The Board of Directors

08 09
Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

G4 Materiality Disclosure: G4-17 Shanghai Airlines Co., Ltd. Compliance Anti-corruption

China Eastern Airlines Yunnan Co., Ltd. China Eastern thoroughly studied and implemented the spirits of
Under the guidance of CPC, China Eastern is promoting “rule
China Eastern Airlines Jiangsu Co., Ltd. by law” within the Company with themed training sessions and the Fourth Plenary Session of 18th CPC Central Committee and
stepping up building a team of captains, crew chiefs and team the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Commission for
Eastern Airlines Logistics Co., Ltd.
leaders. The Company constantly promoted education of law to Discipline Inspection of the CPC. The Company focused on the
its employees, cultivated a special “rule by law” Corporate culture overall objective for 2015 and responded to the strategic layout

Eastern Airlines Technology Co., Ltd.
and beefed up the capacity to govern the operation by law. In of “Four Comprehensives” by carefully “transforming functions,
China Eastern Airlines Wuhan Co., Ltd.
2015, the Company held “Leaders Giving Lectures on Law” changing approaches and altering attitudes” to develop its
China United Airlines Co., Ltd. program and “Happy China Eastern: Online Test of Law” event, priorities and main businesses. Based on the deployment and
encouraging employees to pay attention to, learn and apply the requirements for special inspection tours, China Eastern adhered
General Office Shanghai Eastern Flight Training Co., Ltd. (Institute of Flight Safety Technology Application)
laws and creating a good atmosphere of compliance. to Party disciplines and regulations to discover problems and
Board Secretary Office Eastern Business Airlines Service Co., Ltd. issue warnings. The Company focused on key areas and
The Company adheres to a concept of fair competition and
key links to further strengthen its efforts to prevent corruption
Human Resources Shanghai Airlines Tours International (Group) Co., Ltd. multi-win cooperation and carries out compliance management
from the source, with strengthened system construction and
Accounting Department China Eastern Airlines E-Commerce Co., Ltd.
of contracts and projects. The Company also strengthened
appropriate use of power.
management of trademarks and other intellectual property rights
Planning and Development
Department while complying with the relevant antitrust and anti-monopoly
Northwest branch
laws and regulations in relevant countries and regions. In 2015,
Construction of information systems
Legal Department
Beijing branch the Company’s contract compliance rate was 100%. There was
Services Management Department The Company adhered to tap information technology to lead
no anti-monopoly or anti-trust litigation and intellectual property
Shandong branch transformational development and constantly played catch-up
Transformation Office disputes.
with globally leading aviation enterprises. The Company’s IT
Anhui branch
China Eastern Airlines

Safety Supervision Department automation coverage reached more than 95%, thus fully using
Jiangxi branch
information technology and mobile Internet technology to build
Risk control

Operation Management Department

Shanxi branch an integrated system to coordinate and arrange operation with

The Company took a risk- and problem-oriented approach to real-time operational data. The Company has been building a
Zhejiang branch
constantly strengthen risk control, and assessed major risks such system to control the operation of hubs, guaranteeing ground
Flight Technology Management Department
Gansu branch as operational, production and management risks. The Company services, and fostering a comprehensive standardized budget
Maintenance Engineering Department management system. At the same time, through the integration
developed and implemented the measures to effectively counter
Sichuan branch
Auditing Department the risks, foster the improvement of internal control, and boost of businesses and technologies, the Company comprehensively
Guangdong branch (preparing) operation capacity and risk-control capabilities. promoted service innovation and optimized customer experience.
Security Department
In 2015, the Company became the only company to pilot the
Purchasing Center integration of industrialization and information technology in
Shanghai Flight Division
China’s civil aviation industry. It’s also the first company in the
Party Work Department
Passenger Marketing Committee domestic aviation industry to obtain both the ISO 20000 (IT
Party Publicity Department
Ground Services Department Service Management) and GB/T 24405.1 certifications.

Commission of Discipline Inspection

Chief-on-duty Manager Office
Office (Supervision Department)

Operations Control Center

Business units

Labor Union Office

Cabin Service Department Risk prevention Internal review Improving shortcomings
Youth League Committee

Air Security Management Department

Preparing internal risk control Conducting independent internal Summarizing internal control
Information Department
manual and update details inspection problems to draw a list
Integrated Management Department Specifying the main responsibility Summarizing inspection of Establishing a quarterly

for risk control at all levels operational safety tracking and reporting system
Training Center
Assessing major risks Organizing on-site tests to rectify problems
Customer Service Center

China Eastern Airlines Hongqiao Construction Headquarters

Beijing New Airport China Eastern Base Project Construction Headquarters

Measures to boost internal risk controls

Organization Structure
10 11
Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

Highlights of China Eastern 2015

April 2015
April 2015
January 2015 China Eastern flight landed at the re-opened August 2015 September 2015
Kathmandu airport in the wake of the Nepal
China Eastern held a conference to promote earthquake for rescue and relief efforts Eastern Logistics launched the country’s largest China Eastern Airlines and Delta Air Lines
China Eastern and Air France-KLM jointly
professionalism of flight teams Logistics Integrated Services Platform for cross- formally formed a global strategic partnership
launched two-way transfer services at
border e-commerce
Shanghai Pudong International Airport

China Eastern wrapped up flight

demonstration of China’s first GBAS

Landing System (GLS)

China Eastern made an emergency

transport of fire extinguishing agent

to help cope with the explosion in the

Zhangzhou PX project

China Eastern and One Foundation signed a SkyTeam Alliance, China Eastern and
strategic cooperation agreement China Airlines jointly celebrated the

launch of SkyTeam Alliance Lounge at

Hong Kong airport

China Eastern flagship Boeing 777-300ER’s
first flight to Los Angeles International Airport China Eastern organized SkyTeam

Alliance’s “Great China Connection”

China Eastern acquired 50% stake of

Melbourne CAE Flight Training Co., Ltd.

China Eastern hosted the 9th IATA Global Logistics China Eastern set up a service center for other Ma Xulun, general manager of China Eastern,
October 2015 China Eastern organized the first training

program for internationally renowned

Conference; Chairman Liu Shaoyong attended the carriers attended the Airbus aircraft delivery ceremony.
January 2015
enterprises - “GE Aviation Executives
meeting and delivered a keynote speech China Eastern officially received the 50th Airbus Experiencing China Eastern, a cross personnel
A330 aircraft, becoming one of the largest program for senior executives of both
China United Airlines fully implemented the low-
August 2015
operators in the model companies”
cost airline service model

September 2015 November 2015

March 2015

12 13
Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

Social responsibility management Identification of material issues G4 Materiality Disclosure: G4-18, G4-19, G4-23

Material issues are a company’s issues that have significant economic, environmental and social impacts or can substantially influence
stakeholders’ evaluation and decision-making. The process to identify Material issues is also to specify a company’s key CSR-related
China Eastern caters to the expectations of various stakeholders, including customers, shareholders, employees and the society, by
issues so as to adjust and improve the work priorities and orientation. In 2015, we refer to the G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines of
integrating economic, social and environmental responsibilities into corporate strategies and business activities, and working closely with
the Global Reporting Initiative to analyze and identify the Materialissues.
stakeholders to maximize the overall value in economic, social and environmental fields.

CSR philosophy 1.Review 2.Identification

We have been adhering to the corporate vision of “Staff or relevant principles by the UN Global Compact. With the theme Stakeholder engagement
Devotion, Customers Loyalty, Shareholders Satisfaction, Public of “Happiness, from the East to the World”, we communicated Report

Trust” to manage the influence of corporate operation on the with stakeholders when compiling the report. We hoped that our
economy, environment and society in a responsible manner. customers, shareholders, employees and the society can see
our efforts and sincerity to create a happy experience for these
We are actively taking up our social responsibility while 4.Verification 3.Sequencing
stakeholders. We also hoped to demonstrate our determination
continuing to assess the social and economic growth trend to
and courage to extend the happiness to the globe and let
align our development with the national strategy, the development
the “Oriental” charm shine throughout the world during our
trend as well as the expectations and demand from stakeholders.
globalization process.
We supported the economic, environmental and social initiatives Review Identification G4 Materiality Disclosure: G4-18, G4-19, G4-23

Based on the feedback from internal and external stakeholders We analyzed the macro-policy orientation and trend for
e ss Gr e in 2015, we evaluated the 35 CSR issues with regard to our sustainability initiatives in China, catered to the latest
Encouraging customers to r fu l n en Making the environment
de ne
prefer China Eastern on ss more harmonious stakeholders -- “Staff, Customer, Shareholder, Society” – which requirements on CSR issue management and information
acti Cu
were defined in our 2014 CSR report. We sorted out some disclosure in global and domestic standards and guidelines, took
tisf st o
Sa m
issues that our stakeholders are more concerned about, laying into consideration our own operation strategy and practice and



o ya

the foundation for analysis of Material issues in 2015. finalized the 2015 pool of CSR issues.
S a f e ty

lt y

D rea m

Helping the public feel at ease Inspiring our employees

to love China Eastern
St a

Sources of issues Pool of issues

ff D

bli on
o ti

e ni
m ve
l op e l Lo
rs a Safety Operating performance Noise control
Letting shareholders satisfied D ev Arousing public trust for
ve International and domestic economic and social trends
Supplier development support Protection of customer Industry development
with China Eastern China Eastern
CSR/sustainability policies, standards and guidelines information support
Innovation of business models
Assessment requirements Environmentally friendly Protection of intellectual
Risk management and control office property

Promoting social responsibility work

Satisfaction surveys and feedback
Improvement of service quality Prevention and treatment Smart services
Staff social platform of pollution
Work-life Balance Efficient use of resources
CEA website, Microblog, WeChat and other Internet Addressing climate
Fair competition
In 2015, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central In 2015, to further promote CSR undertakings, based on the platforms change Flight punctuality

Social welfare volunteers

Committee put forward five development concepts: requirements and deployment of the State-owned Assets Investors Meeting Training and development Brand image
“Innovation, Coordination, Greenness, Openness and Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council Supply chain management
Aviation Safety and Environment Committee and other Regional economic Democratic management

Sharing.” As the Chinese counterpart of the global ISO 26000 on social responsibility management, the relevant requirements special committees Globalized development development
CSR standards, China’s own CSR national standard GB/T of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the Hong Kong Stock Discussions on industry trends and exchange of Management of state-owned Helping the vulnerable rescue
perspectives assets group
36000 was issued accordingly. With the CSR development Exchange as well as the latest international and domestic CSR Community development
Community feedback Optimization of hardware support
becoming a global consensus, it has also become an standards, we analyzed and sorted out our CSR initiatives and Compliance management
important part of China Eastern’s strategies. We continued drafted clear work plans with regard to information disclosure, News media Protection of basic rights
Transparency of
Diversity of Workforce information
to promote social responsibility management and integrate indicators management and communications channels. We Health and safety
the CSR concept into our daily operation by establishing tapped the preparation of the 2015 CSR report to organize
and improving CSR management and information disclosure trainings for staff responsible for CSR in various departments,
systems. branches and subsidiaries. Identification process of CSR issues

14 15
Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

Sequencing Stakeholders engagement G4 Materiality Disclosure: G4-24, G4-25, G4-26, G4-27

In order to further clarify the importance of each issue, we conducted interviews with 66 internal and external stakeholders via
questionnaire, on-site and telephone interviews in 2015, covering employees, suppliers, customers, industry associations and partners. We obtained values from a large number of stakeholders and maintained close communications with them via a sound management
From two perspectives (importance to stakeholders & importance to China Eastern), we sequenced the results of our survey and listed system. We listened to their demands, accepted their supervision, got their feedback and improved our decision-making processes. We
the priorities as the initial results for the selection of Material issues. integrated stakeholders’ expectations and aspirations into our business strategies and core business areas, responded to the concerns of
our stakeholders in various ways in a timely manner, and continuously improved our CSR management.

Based on the corporate strategy and business policy, we verified the initial results of the Material issues and listed the top 18 Material The main issues of Response from China
issues, which are important to both the Company and stakeholders, and their priorities. concern Eastern
Communications Supervision

Operating performance

Compliance management
Risk management and

Protection of customer information Globalized development

Innovation of business Working conference Business assessment P8\P11\

Innovation of business models
models Regular report Inspection tour P22-23\P25\P50-51\

Optimization of Improvement of service quality Addressing climate change P66-67\P70

hardware facilities SASAC Disaster/emergency rescue

Smart services Helping the vulnerable

Flight punctuality
Compliance Risk Brand image
Importance to stakeholders

management management
Efficient use and control
of resources
Prevention and
Operating Safety
treatment of Supply chain management
pollution Flight punctuality
Protection of basic rights
Improvement of service
Training and quality
Addressing climate change development Health and safety
Addressing climate change
Working conference Supervision and check P11\P27\P28-35\
Compliance management
Issuance of notices Operational guidance P38-47\P50-51
Fair competition

Civil Aviation Industry support

Administration Protection of intellectual


Regional economic
development Daily communications

Low Compliance management Working conference

Submission of statistical
Addressing climate change Government-enterprise P11\P25\P50-52\P69
Low Importance to China Eastern high reports
Prevention and treatment of partnership

The Company’s Material issues in 2015 Local governments pollution

Operating performance Regular information

The Company’s 2015 CSR report collected and disclosed information round the management methods and indicators of these 18 Material Company announcements
Risk management and disclosure
issues. For the issues on which we were unable to acquire management and performance information, they will be given priority to in our Shareholders’ meeting P8\P11\P22\P25
control Independent directors
CSR initiatives and we will set up a management and information collection system for our future CSR reports, thus further enhancing our Stock exchanges/investors Performance roadshow
Brand image Auditing system
disclosure of CSR information.

16 17
Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

G4 Materiality Disclosure: G4-24, G4-25, G4-26, G4-27

The main issues of

Response from China
Significant external recognitions
concern Eastern
Communications Supervision

Major awards for China Eastern in 2015


Flight punctuality
Customer satisfaction
Optimization of hardware Name Receiver Issuer
facilities Member activities
Customer complaints China Civil Aviation Flight Safety Top Award “Flight Safety Diamond
Improvement of service Customer hotline China Eastern Civil Aviation Administration of China
management P8\P25\P28-35\P38-47 Award”
quality Microblog, Wechat
External ombudsperson
Customers Protection of customer platform
system Best China Airlines China Eastern TTG

Smart services
The world's Most Reliable Airlines, No. 3 China Eastern US travel website Wanderbat
Brand image

Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao, Beijing Listed

Protection of basic rights
Companies Association, the Hong Kong
Occupational health and Staff congress Chinese Enterprises Association, the Hong
Internal supervisors “China Golden Bauhinia Awards” “Most Innovate Listed Company”
safety China Eastern Kong Chinese Finance Association, the Hong
Online exchanges,
Service satisfaction & “The Most Influential Leader of Listed Companies”
Training and development seminars P54-63 Kong Chinese Securities Association, the
Work-life balance Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries,
Training, competing for
Trade unions and Hong Kong Securities Institute
Employees Democratic management positions

World Economic and Environmental

2015 International Carbon-Value Award - Social Citizenship Award China Eastern
Compliance management conference
2014-2015 Most Respected Company in China China Eastern The Economic Observer
Fair competition Exchanges of industry Social supervision P11\P27
views World Air Stewardess Association, and the
Industry support
Peers/industry associations 2015 the World’s Most Popular Airline, No.7 China Eastern World Urban Cooperation Organization
Project cooperation
Aviation Committee

Compliance management 21st Century Business Review, Nanfang Daily,

The Best Business Model Innovation Award China Eastern
and 21st Century Business Herald
Risk management and
control Project Cooperation
2015 China Best Customer Loyalty Program Eastern Miles Loyalty Marketing Institute
Supply chain management Routine business
Reporting mechanism P8\P11\P23\
Smart services exchanges
Auditing/Assurance P25-26\P44-45 “Outstanding Service Brand” in Shanghai’s construction and China Eastern The Civilization Office of Shanghai
Suppliers/other partners Supplier Development Business meetings and transportation system Lingyan Transportation Committee
Support negotiations
Shanghai Commission of Spiritual Civilization
Brand image Shanghai Model Unit China Eastern

The Most Influential Brands in Singapore 2015 China Eastern Influential Brands
Prevention and treatment of
Xinhua News Agency Shanghai Branch,
Outstanding Enterprise Award on China (Shanghai) CSR Summit
Community development China Eastern Xinhua Online, Shanghai Listed Companies
of Listed Companies
support Volunteer activities Association, and Shanghai Securities News
Social supervision P52\P64-70
Helping the vulnerable Community projects
Communities / nonprofit Best Employers in China Top 30 China Eastern Zhaopin.com
Disaster/emergency rescue
Taozhu Gong Awards Best Cash Management Award - key China Eastern
recommendation overseas cash pool

Press conference China Eastern official

Brand image The Most Influential New Media Account of Central SOEs The Central Enterprise Media Alliance
Media interview Media monitoring P8-9\P25
Media Transparency of information
Interactive new media

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Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

Journey of Development
Expanding commercial value
The civil aviation industry contributes greatly to the national economy. It’s a key approach
to promote the globalization of production, distribution, investment and consumption.
China Eastern is always committed to expanding and creating sustainable business
value with a focus on global cooperation and brand building in a bid to continuously
boost profitability and create commercial value for its shareholders and partners
alongside the value chain.
Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

Promoting transformational
China Eastern is committed to developing itself into a “world-class” air carrier with a new perspective and big ambition. It is actively

Transformation of passenger transport: from “traditional passenger
adapting to the “new normal” and adopting innovative business models to drive the company’s transformation and growth. The company transport services” to “one-stop solution”
is integrating its advantageous resources and is boosting investments in product, business and technology innovation. It’s gradually Establishing the world’s first Eastern E-commerce with aviation industry background
propelling a strategic transformation that suits its business growth: from a“traditional air carrier” to a “modern integrated air service
Providing one-stop integrated travel services and value-added aviation services
Developing Fly-Fi service
100 million tonne kilometers 100 million yuan
178.2 938.44
180 1,050
881.09 897.46
175 900

Transformation of cargo transport: from “only freight services” to “logistics
170 solutions”
165 Improving and integrating Logistics for Fast Fashion, Logistics for Pharmaceuticals, Logistics for Aircraft
155.52 600 Parts, and Air Cargo Forwarder Service
450 Establishing China Eastern “Express delivery from the Origin” and “Cross-border delivery” freight platforms
Exploring the “Express Delivery - E-commerce - Trade” fast supply chain mode

145 150

140 0 Dual-mode transition: transformation of China United Airlines
2013 2014 2015 2013 2014 2015
Optimizing cost-effective organization, adjusting operational structure, and improving the
Revenue tonne kilometers (2013-2015) Operating revenue (2013-2015) utilization of aircraft

Actively improving service quality and re-shaping the brand

10,000 people 10,000 tons Three strategies for corporate transformational development

9,500 145
Through establishing the world's first Eastern E-commerce with aviation industry background, China Eastern Airlines continued to

141.03 strengthen its operational capacity and online service capabilities in 2015. From a traditional perspective, air carriers used to cater
to airport-to-airport transport. China Eastern Airlines has taken an innovative approach to tap air tickets as a gateway to a economic
8,381 140 platform. It provides one-stop travel solutions to carter to customers’ travel needs and travel scenarios and uses mobile connectivity and
big-data management tools to constantly upgrade the platform’s technologies. Ultimately, its commercial value expands from an air ticket
7,909 to a series of derivative products.

7,000 130
2013 2014 2015 2013 2014 2015 Fly-Fi service fosters service transformation

The number of passengers carried (2013-2015) Cargo, parcel and mail volume (2013-2015) In November 2015, China Eastern Airlines became the first domestic carrier to officially provide Fly-Fi service, which not only
help better meet the needs of passengers in the mobile Internet era, but also allow the carrier to fully capture the personalized
needs based on the passengers’ characteristics and preferences. Under the program, China Eastern Airlines is actively
diversifying the business models of its inflight connectivity platform with an aim to transform itself from a “channel provider” to
According to the data provided by the 201st IATA Committee and its 71st annual meeting, the Company’s global passenger
a “service provider” and to eventually make the aircraft a “mobile service and operation platform”.
carried continued to increase with its ranking rising to the seventh in the world.

According to the Aviation Week & Space Technology’s rankings of the 2015 world’s best-performing airlines, the Company
moved up the ladder to the 15th in the world, with both the ranking and its increase leading other Chinese airlines.

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Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

Outlining global blueprint

Eastern Logistics started the “Express delivery from the Origin” and “Cross-border direct delivery” platforms, which significantly shortened
the logistics cycle and helped address the long-standing issues with regard to procedure connections, information sharing and logistics
timeliness. As a logistics solution provider, the Company has created value for the industry chain.

As important links to connect different countries and geographical markets, airlines have been the backbone to promote international
Case cooperation. In 2015, China Eastern continued to accelerate globalization with efforts to enhance the brand’s global reputation by building
more international routes to expand the commercial value.

From the “origin” to the “table”

Promoting international Strengthening a
In June 2015, the “Express delivery from the Origin” team Global market layout
cooperation global brand
wrapped up shipping cherries in northwest part of the United
States to Shanghai within 48 hours, including picking the
cherries on the US farm, packing, transportation, inspection Strategic cooperation with Delta Air Lines Expansion of international (regional) Holding product recommendation meeting

and putting them on the shelf. The fast and efficient cold destinations and routes roadshows in North America and Europe
Joint operation with Qantas
chain ensures the freshest and most tasty cherries arrive in “The Pacific Plan” and “the Europe Partnering with Tourism New Zealand to
Strengthening connecting flights and
China. The “Express delivery from the Origin” fast supply chain Profitability Plan” to promote sales and jointly host inauguration ceremonies for
codeshare with foreign airlines
marketing in North America, Australia, and new flights
platform proved to be safe and efficient.
Strengthening cooperation with overseas European route”
To increase overseas advertising spending
In November 2015, more than 120 Netizens bought 600 bottles airports and other agencies
“The Sector Plan” to expand the routes to
of latest French wine from Beaujolais via a group-buying Japan and South Korea
Signing a strategic cooperation memorandum
program. These bottles were shipped directly to Shanghai with Queensland, Australia
via the “Express delivery from the Origin” service provided by
China Eastern. The group-buying program was an innovative
Globalized initiatives
attempt by Eastern Logistics to meet the new market demand.
It marked China Eastern has launched an Internet-based trade
model for its freight business with a new way to expand the China Eastern operates connecting flights together with 73 foreign airlines
commercial value. while it has 816 codeshare routes

In December 2015, Chilean Ambassador to China, Jorge

Heine, attended the launch ceremony of the cooperation Case
project organized by China Eastern and the Chilean Cherry
Committee. In 2013, China Eastern shipped Chilean cherries Strategic cooperation with Delta Air Lines
to China with all chartered cargo flights, making a history in
In September 2015, China Eastern and Delta Air Lines
the domestic aviation industry. From 2013 to 2015, the amount
signed a strategic investment agreement. Delta invested
of Chilean cherries shipped to China under China Eastern’s
US$450 million to buy a stake in China Eastern, making
“Express delivery from the Origin” project rose from 200 tons
it the biggest foreign shareholder. The two sides formed a
with two chartered cargo flights to over 2,000 tons with 17
global strategic partnership, which aims at fully connecting
chartered cargo flights in 2015.
the world’s two biggest economies and biggest aviation
markets. It was a major strategic initiative of China Eastern
to comprehensively deepen reforms, actively explore and
develop a mixed ownership, and promote globalization.

“Cross-border direct delivery” improves supply chain efficiency

In October 2015, as China’s first cross-border e-commerce chartered flight shipping products bought directly from overseas, In 2015, China Eastern took the “the Pacific Plan” and “the and communications mechanism, China Eastern boosted its
China Eastern’s Boeing 777 freighter flew from Seoul in South Korea directly to Pudong, Shanghai, carrying a total of 70,000 Europe Profitability Plan” as its core marketing strategies capabilities to demonstrate its corporate value and corporate
pieces of Korean products weighing 90 tons. China Eastern’s “Cross-border direct delivery” team joined hands with the Customs and significantly enhanced the operation and service quality culture while boosting its brand awareness and influence in the
to realize efficient connection within the supply chain via air-road multimodal transport. It was a key milestone for the Company to of its international long-haul routes. By establishing an global market. According to Nielsen, a market research firm, the
transform to a “logistics solutions provider”. integrated, market-oriented and globalized branding model brand awareness of China Eastern rose 16% in New York and
17% in Los Angeles.

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Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

Supply chain responsibility G4 Materiality Disclosure: G4-21

Working together with partners G4 Materiality Disclosure: G4-21

for a win-win scenario

The Company’s long-term development depends on a stable manual for the procurement center, specifying key risk points
China Eastern always attributes its development to strong support and help from the government and various partners. The company
and sustainable supply chain. China Eastern is committed to and control measures.
always attaches great importance to establishing a harmonious and cooperative partnership, creating a win-win scenario and fostering
promoting win-win results and constantly helping suppliers
China Eastern requires its suppliers to sign the Letter of the industry progress and economic prosperity.
boost their sustainability capacity, thus establishing a closer
Commitment by Suppliers on Social Responsibility and Letter
partnership with them.
of Commitment by Suppliers on Integrity with detailed rules to
In 2015, the Company formed a sound framework for require suppliers to comply with laws and regulations, adhere
1 Government-enterprise
2 Cross-sector cooperation 3 Cooperation with industry
procurement by improving its purchasing management system in to business ethics, hire employees legally and eliminate child
four aspects: regulations, operational procedures, administrative labor, eliminate forced labor, respect human rights and move
China Eastern has signed Launching co-branded credit card with Expanding cooperation with SkyTeam
rules and operational guidelines. The Company uses a against discrimination, pay attention to environmental protection CITIC Bank Alliance, providing five premium services
several strategic cooperation
procurement management system to boost risk control in five and organize social welfare activities. China Eastern requires including Sky Priority, promoting synergies
agreements with local Launching co-branding activities with
aspects: “personnel”, “system”, “skills”, “rules and regulations” suppliers to make commitment that their products and operations within in the union
governments in Shanghai, Greenland Group
and “internal control and audit”. It also created the risk control have no negative impact on the environment and society. Participating in the International Air Transport
Zhejiang and Hunan, serving
Jointly launching “Sui Xing Bao” financial
Association (IATA) projects including the
local economic and social product with Ping An Property & Casualty
ground operations manual, FAST TRAVEL,
Signing a strategic cooperation and aviation data collection
The number of suppliers by region agreement with BOCOM Financial
The total number of the Signing a cooperation framework agreement
China United Leasing in maintenance guarantee
Company’s suppliers Zhejiang Yunnan Southwest Wuhan Sichuan Shanxi Shandong Jiangxi Jiangsu Gansu Beijing Anhui Shanghai with SF Express

Airlines and Hebei
44 24 34 34 10 16 26 34 16 20 22 13 10 444
China Eastern’s cooperation projects with the government and partners in 2015

Note: The above statistics do not include aircraft suppliers, infrastructure suppliers and medicine suppliers.
China Eastern continues to actively promote industry development, teaming up with industry partners in business cooperation while
taking the initiative to undertake research within the industry.

China Eastern constantly provides suppliers, especially small-sized ones, with strong support and helps them develop in a healthy, stable
and sustainable way. For new suppliers who have passed the initial assessment, the Company conducts a test to verify their performance Stakeholders’ voice
in service quality and compliance. For existing suppliers, China Eastern establishes a long-term communications mechanism with them,
which includes regular meetings. Meanwhile, the Company also supervises the product quality, response time and work procedures at its China Eastern always actively cooperates with trade associations and other project issues. For example, it set up a project
suppliers with an aim to help them grow their business. For suppliers with quality problems, the Company urges them to rectify relevant team to undertake the pilot research on cold-chain transport of medicines commissioned by the China Air Transport
procedures and decides whether to restore their identities as suppliers or terminate the contracts based on the results after rectification. Association. It played a leading role in setting the standards and verifying the procedures for cold-chain transport.
For suppliers who have contracts spanning over a year, the Company will audit their performance.
- Li Aiqing, Director, The Standardization Office of China Air Transport Association

Stakeholders’ voice

Our company is a small business. The support and help we get from China Eastern play an important role in our
Association Title
development. After China Eastern became the first to buy our products, other companies started to believe us and
cooperate with us. In the 8 years partners with China Eastern, leaders and staff at both the procurement center of China International Air Transport Association Member

Eastern Shanghai headquarters and its branches were kind to us and we felt grateful. We also made efforts to contribute China Air Transport Association Vice President

our high-quality products and services in return for the trust. If without China Eastern, Minkang would not have been what Civil Aviation Maintenance Association of China President
it is today.
Shanghai Federation of Economic Organizations Vice President

- Liang Rongkang, Chairman, Shaoxing Minkang Sterilization Supplies Co., Ltd. (Supplier) Shanghai Society of Aeronautics Vice President

Shanghai Transportation Trade Association Vice President

Shanghai Ports Federation Vice President

In 2015, the Company used local suppliers at all of its four major hubs: Shanghai, Beijing, Xi’an and Kunming. During the reporting
period, the Company did not find any suppliers who had a significant negative impact on the environment, employees and society. The role of China Eastern in industry associations

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Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

Journey of Relief
Securely flying between
heaven and earth
Safety is the cornerstone of the aviation industry, the lifeline of any flight and the
foundation to ensure social stability and economic development. China Eastern is
fully aware that safety matters for every passenger, employee and their families. The
Company adheres to the principle of “Safety First, Prevention Prioritized, Comprehensive
Management, Continuous Improvement” to enhance flight safety, ground safety and
aviation security, thus allowing passengers to enjoy a safe and sound trip.

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Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

Strengthening safety management Development of safety culture

The Company strengthened education and training for its staff on work
China Eastern follows Work Safety Law as a guide and the group’s Decision to comprehensively Strengthen Work Safety as a principle
safety and organized Work Safety Month activities with a theme of
to strictly implement the responsibility system for work safety. The Board of Directors has set the Aviation Safety and Environment
“boosting rule of law on safety, and ensuring work safety”. The Company
Committee, which is responsible for research and consideration of major security-related issues. The Company has set the Safety
actively participated in the “Ankang Cup” contest and boosted employees’
Committee led by its general manager and party secretary to comprehensively enhance the safety management system (SMS). The
awareness of safety, thus realizing transformation from “requiring me to
committee holds regular meetings, supervises the implementation of safety regulations such as Safety Management Manual and
improve safety” to “I want to improve safety”. By shifting from passive
Emergency Response Guidebook, and improves safety assessment standards, definition of errors as well as incentives and punishments,
management to active management, the Company managed to create a
in a bid to bolster risk management and control.
common value on safety for its employees.

The Company took advantage of the “Staff Active Reporting on Safety”

Strengthening risk management platform to encourage employees to actively report security risks, offer
recommendations for improvement and share their experience in work
safety. The Company organized an expert committee to assess the active
The Company promoted the construction of the MORCS and safety reports, drafted countermeasures to eliminate risks and appraised
analyzed and classified sources of risks in different stages and awarded the employees on their reports in a quarterly manner.
of operations based on the crew, aircraft and environmental Interface of “Staff Active Reporting on Safety” APP

factors so as to identify and control the sources of operational

risks. In 2015, the Company promoted the establishment of a
risk database and assessment model for flight operations by
wrapping up identifying and classifying 164 sources of risks
The first pilot skills contest in the aviation industry
in the airports. The Company also completed drafting the
assessment methods for 39 combinations of risks in the crew In June 2015, China Eastern held the first pilot skills contest in China’s civil aviation industry with a theme of “Safety,
and environment categories. Accountability, Responsibility, Dedication”. As the Level II national competition, the event was recognized and supported by the
SASAC, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Civil Aviation Administration of China. The competition
The Company promoted a three-in-one regulatory model,
was aimed at testing the skills and knowledge of the pilots, boosting their awareness of safety and creating a self-restraint and
covering area-based supervision, safety audits and safety
self-management safety culture.
supervision. The Company implemented the inspection system,
took the initiative to discover risks and nipped the security risks
in the bud. In August 2015, the Company conducted safety
Chairman Liu Shaoyong conducted safety inspection at Anhui Branch
inspection of 23 units via self-examination or introducing third-
party inspectors. A total of 1,168 issues were raised and 95% of
them have already been rectified.


Only for safer flights

In 2015, during evaluating the sources of risks in the airports, the Company discovered risks at the Shennongjia airport were
at an alerting level, indicating significant security risks. The airport is located in the plateau and is easily subject to fog and low
visibility. In winter, snow might pile up while the airport also lacks of fences and other security facilities.

The Company founded an expert committee to conduct field visits to the Shennongjia airport and located two uncontrollable
hazards after analysis. Following the resolution of the Safety Committee resolution, the Company decided to suspend flights to
the Shennongjia airport in autumn and winter while urging the government and airport to improve the safety facilities and lower
the risks.

The pilot skills contest

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Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

Flight safety Flight personnel training

China Eastern sticks to the principles of “rigorous procedures, rigorous standards, rigorous training” to strengthen
Flight safety is the top priority of aviation safety. It Unit: 10,000 hours pilot training. The Company established the Institute of Flight Safety Technology Application to study the
Total training period on simulators
Safe Flight is an important commitment to the public. China 185 technologies for flight safety, thus providing support to cultivate and train pilots with an aim to develop a high-level


1.804 Eastern sees flight safety as the core of its safety 180
team of flight personnel.
management. By focusing on the whole flight 175 hours
million hours process, the Company constantly improves the
quality of the crew members, ensures the safe
162.5 a year-on-year increase of 9.1 %
operation of facilities and guarantees the safety of 154.7
every flight. Researching pilots’ visions Strengthening monitoring of training Partner with aviation schools
Flight incident and accident rate 150
Error recognition project and gradually establish a monitoring to train cadets
per 10,000 hours 145
Analyzing flight data and mechanism Establishing training camps

0.025 2013 2014 2015

make recommendations Modifing training programs for
different aircraft types
for new cadets
Improving management
system of flight cadets
Substantially lower than the 2013-2015 Safe Flight Hours of China Eastern
industry average of 0.431
Building a talent
Strengthening Carefully organize
Guaranteeing safe operation of airplanes
(Source: the 2015 China Civil pool of flight
Aviation Safety Information theoretical study training personnel
Analysis Report issued by
the Safety Office of the Civil The Company reduced the average fleet age, improved efficiency of aircraft maintenance and fully tapped the Measures to create a high-level team of flight personnel
Aviation Administration of growing maintenance capacity in order to ensure aircraft in good state.


serious maintenance error
fleet structure
Improving the training system of flight personnel

In January 2015, China Eastern acquired a 50% stake of CAE Melbourne Flight Training, a subsidiary of
Centralized management
Replacing old models
and maintenance
Canadian Aviation Electronics. This is the first overseas equity acquisition by China Eastern. It marked
Introducing new models Innovativing maintenance that China Eastern formed a complete training system after setting up a class for domestic junior pilots,
Unified maintenance investing in an international flight school, independently operating Flight Training and establishing the
Institute of Flight Safety Technology Application. All these efforts helped improve the efficiency and quality
The average fleet age
of pilot training.

Regular inspection and maintenance


Third-party recognition of maintenance capability

Optimizing flight quality
In March 2015, Eastern Technology received the aircraft maintenance license issued by the Federal The Company made full use of the latest aviation technology to enhance flight safety, enhanced monitoring of safety
Aviation Administration (FAA) of the United States. China Eastern has obtained global recognition for its issues during the flight and analyzed irregular behavior, thus fully optimizing flight quality.
maintenance technology and its ability to ensure flight safety, aircraft maintenance and release as well as
emergency coordination.

As the largest aircraft maintenance company in Shanghai and the Yangtze River Delta region, Eastern Enhancing monitoring Unifying quality standards Using new technologies
Technology is China’s first company to receive the authorization certificate as “the Appointed Unit for of procedures
Design and Modification of Civil Aircraft”. It also obtained the maintenance license from the European Checking the Cockpit Voice Recorder Standardizing decoding analysis Electronic Flight Bag (EFB)
Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) and the Ministry of Land, (CVR) to judge the implementation of Quick Access Recorder (QAR) GBAS Landing System(GLS)
of the rules Amending quality control Performance-based Navigation (PBN)
Infrastructure and Transport of the Republic of Korea (MOLIT).
Line Operations Safety Audit (LOSA); standards
arranging observers to monitor pilots
Note: FAA is a civil aviation authority set up by the U.S government for the protection of aviation
security. Its aerospace manufacturing technologies and standards have been globally recognized. The
maintenance license issued by the FAA is the highest level in the world’s aviation maintenance industry.

Measures to optimize flight quality

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Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

Ground safety Aviation safety

Ground safety involves vehicles, warehouse, fire prevention and sanitation. Although they belong to the non- Aviation safety plays an important role in national safety and the country’s anti-terrorism strategies. The whole aviation industry must give
traditional areas in aviation safety, they are also equally important to China Eastern. top priority to the issue. China Eastern recognizes the importance of aviation safety from a global and non-traditional perspective with
a variety of measures to strengthen aviation security, safeguard national security and ensure social stability. In November 2015, China
The Company improved its ground management system, amended the Ground Safety Management Manual and
Eastern won the assurance certificate on aviation safety issued by the Civil Aviation Administration of China.
organized its ground security management personnel to attend training. The Company took an active approach to
inspect and supervise ground safety and strictly control risks. In 2015, the Company conducted a self-inspection and
rectification campaign with a theme of “checking hidden risks and reinforcing treatment”. It discovered 627 hidden
risk factors while 620 of them have been rectified. Promoting the development of security management program

Improving the security management system manual

Developing air protection emergency response manual
Developing aviation
Preparing integrated work manual

Coordinating the cabin crew to have exercises

Introducing the industry-leading “Redman” combat training

Safety work on Standardizing work flows to deal with inflight emergencies
Traffic safety Food hygiene and safety Electrical safety Organizing special training on apparatuses and weapons
hazardous goods Participating in job skills contest and claim the championship
Unifying inflight aviation safety broadcast

Routine inspection and Amending the Hazardous Inspecting food safety at Conducting safety checks
special inspection of traffic Goods Manual and other the staff canteen on use of electricity on Boosting staff’s
Setting unified
safety regulations Providing training on a regular basis comprehensive
major traffic accident work standards
Warning and education on abilities
Carrying out specific projects food safety training for Identifing problems in
driving safety to tackle transport of employees a timely manner, ensure
hazardous goods rectification

Monitoring measures for ground safety

Note: Redman training is a simulated training of real combat

Enhancing measures to ensure aviation safety

34 35
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Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

Journey of Excellence
Creating a better travel experience
Every day, over 200,000 passengers choose to fly with China Eastern. It’s our greatest
pursuit to let passengers be satisfied. We cherish every customer’s experience, strive to
understand and meet the expectations of our passengers, and constantly explore and
extend our service value. Through delicate services, we hope passengers can enjoy a
free journey to discover the wonderful world .

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Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

Improving service management Improving flight punctuality

G4 Materiality Disclosure:
G4-17, G4-20

Flight punctuality is closely related to passengers’ interests and core demands. It’s also an important part of the
We uphold the “customer-oriented, service-focused” principle. The Service Management Department, Ground Service Department, Cabin Flight punctuality rate
operation quality of airlines. In 2015, in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Aviation Administration of China,
Service Department and Customer Service Department are responsible for coordinating management and providing specific services.
Meanwhile, they work closely with the Passenger Marketing Committee, Operation Control Center and Information Department to jointly
provide customers with integrated services in the whole process.
China Eastern unveiled four measures to manage regular flights and increased its coordination capability. The
Company also unveiled Operations Center Handbook and Disposal Plan for Massive Flight Delays in order to 68.09 %
improve flight punctuality. Note: Data from Civil Aviation
Administration, excluding
In 2015, the Company boosted efforts to notify passengers of irregular flights through its information platform and Shanghai Airlines and China
accelerated improving the automatic endorsing and rescheduling functions. The Company also promoted endorsing United Airlines

functions among the domestic alliance members. These efforts helped passengers to keep abreast of the conditions
of irregular flights and reschedule their trips via self services in a timely manner, thus minimizing the impact of
irregular flights. The effective irregular flight
notification rate

Improving coordination mechanisms with the Civil Aviation

Administration and air traffic control authority Managing
94.3 %
Improving calculation and analysis of irregular flights
Promoting a swift taxiing system

Unifying management of crew resources

Optimizing the on-site monitoring system at the airport
schedules Improving protection plants for airport operations

Strengthening on-site inspection Strengthening

Improving the efficiency of ground resources management
and control

Measures to improve flight punctuality rate

Improving service standards Note: In addition to the operation and safety work of airlines, flight punctuality is much affected by a variety of
complex factors, including weather conditions, flow control, military operations, air traffic control and airport issues.
The Company completed the revision of the new Service Manual, specifying its service quality standards and
The extreme weather and air traffic control can cause massive delays.
establishing a scientific and reasonable service quality system

Evaluating services with benchmark indicators

Developing an information platform to collect and analyze the benchmark indicators in all contact points along the
whole service process

Improving the assurance system for the service

Updating the service assurance list, revising the assurance process and setting a complete assurance system

Improving the evaluate system for service quality

Link the evaluation of service quality with the brand’s service performance; establish a comprehensive, objective
and international assessment system of service quality

Measures to improve the service management system

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Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

Attaching great importance to customer

communications and feedback
G4 Materiality Disclosure:
G4-17, G4-20
High-quality service during
Passenger satisfaction surveys and complaints from passengers help us understand their expectations and foster the whole journey
Passenger satisfaction us to improve service quality. We analyze data in our passenger satisfaction surveys every month, every quarter
We took a customer experience-oriented approach to cater to all major contact points alongside the whole service processes, such as
questionnaires and ever year. Based on the analysis, we work out improvement plans. Meanwhile, the Company is committed to
ticketing, check-in, boarding and baggage services. We promoted the overall upgrade of hardware and services, while fully respecting the

properly handling customer complaints in a timely and efficient manner. After receiving complaints, the Company
emotional needs of the passengers. We enhanced the affinity of our services and interacted with our passengers in an effective manner
copies would contact the customer within one working day. In 2015 China Eastern received a total of 415 complaints from
to maximize the service value.
passengers (CAAC statistics, excluding Shanghai Airlines and China United Airlines). We optimized the satisfaction
survey interface, upgraded and improved the complaints handling system, and enhanced rapid remediation and
Passenger satisfaction score
complaint management. Customer complaints were handled properly during the reporting period, without any Satisfying inflight experience
88.11 points
major incident that has serious negative impact. The Company invited some Gold members to serve as external
inspectors and reported the highlights and problems of the cabin services through the evaluation system in a timely
No matter the passengers are at the check-in counter, in the lounge or in the aircraft cabin, we are committed to giving our passengers a
manner. We regularly convened external inspectors to meet together and continued to analyze the suggestion and
pleasant and satisfying feeling in five aspects (taste, hearing, sight, smell and touch), thus enhancing the sense of happiness.
comments from external inspectors.
Passengers’ endorsement letters

5,858 copies

Cabin environment: Qualify of inflight food: Entertainment equipment:

Properly handling passenger complaints
comfortable and elegant safe and delicious interesting and convenient
In December 2015, a rare-disease patient from China-Dolls Center for Rare Disorders complained to
Establishing maintenance standards for Regular sampling of inflight food with Integrating inflight entertainment resources with
media, saying that China Eastern staff failed to give enough support to help her get off the plane in facilities and equipment to support cabin services an annual audit innovative entertainment products
Enhancing management to ensure full Customizing exclusive inflight meals Optimizing inflight entertainment structure;
a timely manner. After hearing the incident, the Company immediately contacted the passenger and
functions of cabin facilities and equipment improve quality of the programs
cabin crew for an investigation. It found that because the cabin aisle was narrow while the passenger’s Clearing the cabin thoroughly
wheelchair is wide, the wheelchair can not be moved on board. Although the crew finally assisted the
Enhancing the flight experience of passengers
passenger to get off the plane in a safe manner, the delayed service caused inconvenience to the
passenger. We communicated with the passenger and her company and apologized for the operational
errors. We also arranged corporate leaders to visit the passenger at her home and made an apology,
eventually obtaining the passenger’s understanding.

We will take this event as a warning and further attach great importance to improving services for
passengers with special needs. We will also tap the aviation platform to actively advocate for social care
for the passengers with special needs.

Protecting information security

Protecting the safety of passenger information is what airlines must do to fulfill their social responsibilities. China
Eastern has given priority to protection of passenger information on the corporate level and drafted Access Control
Management, Operation and Maintenance Standards to Develop Projects Safely under the Information Department
and other rules, specifying a variety of measures for the protection of passenger information.

In 2015, the Company has sorted out data relationship in the passenger-related key information system,
standardized the internal and external Internet activities and strengthened traceability of security-related incidents. In
addition, the Company also sent alerts to remind passengers and general public to protect their personal information
via the official website, text messaging, and other media forms. The Company also included the relevant provisions China Eastern introduced the B777 -300ER aircraft. The aircraft uses a whole new generation of passenger service system,
of information protection into the cooperation agreements it signed with partners. which greatly enhances the comfort of the passengers

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Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

Considerate services and care

We are committed to capturing the demand of passengers and

provide them with tailor-made services. The Company initiated
the “321” project in the cabin, which means the crew actively
communicated with three passengers, took the initiative to provide
services for two passengers with special needs and consult one
frequent flyer for advice and suggestion on each flight. Meanwhile,
through the new technology-driven service platform, we enhanced
self-service capability by leaps and bounds to win the hearts of our
China Eastern’s VIP lounge at the Terminal 2 at Shanghai Pudong International Airport put into use

Extended reading: China Eastern’s “Lingyan” service brand was established on May 4, 1989. Adhering to the spirit of “flying
High-end ground service with superb experience high, pursuing excellence”, the brand constantly adopted innovative approaches to surpass itself and has become the leading
service brand at China Eastern. It has won the top prize in the service quality appraisals for five consecutive years and the “Five
China Eastern’s V7 lounge at Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport Terminal 2 has been officially put into use. It covers
Star Diamond Award” issued by the American Academy of Hospitality Sciences.
a total area of 720 square meters, with 222 independent seats. Apart from its large and airy environment, there is a quiet
massage area and a separate smoking room. There is a USB modular socket on each seat, a separate luggage storage room
and baby seats in the men’s toilet. The lounge provide premium services for first-class passengers, China Eastern Miles Gold
and Silver members, and SkyTeam elite members.


Decisive return to care for life

On September 12, 2015, on China Eastern’s flight MU591 from Shanghai to Moscow, a passenger suddenly felt numb on
the left side of the body, with shortness of breath and heart symptoms. The crew took full consideration of the passenger’s
condition, adopted urgent measures and made a decisive return to Shanghai Pudong International Airport. Throughout the
flight, the crew has accompanied by the passenger’s side, lift the oxygen bag and actively explained to other passengers to
gain their support. The aircraft arrived in Shanghai in time to help the passenger escape the danger. We are devoted to cater to
every traveler’s health and safety, providing fine services and winning their praise and support.

Stakeholders’ voice

The highest standard is to provide passengers with quality services and let them relax and feel at home. It’s also an opportunity
for domestic airlines to become among the world’s leading carriers. I flew with China Eastern back home and I think it’s a
perfect ending for our trip. I’d like to thank all the flight attendants for their attentive services. I will continue to support China
Eastern. I hope I will fly with you again in the next trip.

- Zhao Jun, China Eastern passenger

Complete transformation of the high-end international flight check-in areas in Pudong, New York and Los Angeles (Picture: China
Eastern’s high-end check-in area at Pudong International Airport)

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Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

One-stop solution

Fly-Fi service allows passengers to enjoy flying time

In May 2015, the Company was approved to operate commercial operation test of Fly-Fi service on 21 aircraft flying domestic
We believe that with information technologies constantly changing today, the best service is to help passengers save
and international routes, providing passengers with inflight Internet services. In November 2015, the Company took the lead to
time and obtain value. We hope that we can tap our innovation and imagination to provide personalized products
launch Fly-Fi service on North America routes linking Shanghai to New York, Toronto and Los Angeles. Real-time interaction
and customized one-stop travel solutions for our passengers, allowing them to enjoy a more relaxed, convenient
between the ground service system and cabin service system offers us great convenience to provide inflight services and
travel experience.
handle emergencies in a timely manner.

Stakeholders’ voice
Providing innovative online integrated services
As a finance professional, I fly over 100 times a year. As long as China Eastern is able to reach that place, I will

The Company made full use of information technology and mobile Internet technology, and actively promoted choose to fly with China Eastern. In so many of my flights, as long as customers had reasonable demands, China

transformation and service innovation. The Company comprehensively promoted the services in five aspects, Eastern would make efforts to meet them. Now cross-border flights have Fly-Fi service, which allows me to read
Self-service check-in for domestic
namely integration, personalization, self-service, convenience and fineness. In 2015, the Company realized timely news and get real-time trading information. The time flies during the flight. It also helps my investment
decisions. I am very much pleased.

interoperability of passenger orders in a variety of channels while improving self-service functions, allowing

% passengers to enjoy a raft of special services anytime and anywhere. - Dong Yinming, China Eastern Gold member

Automatic refund and change


Coverage of self-service check-in

On natio

om tions

machines in domestic terminals er

pro l spe
icia e fun

100 vis

ion ial se

Facilitating transit services




Today, connecting flights that allow luggage checked through to the final destination contribute to the most convenient
De seas



and most popular transit model, under which passengers can check in only once at the departure for all the Domestic destinations of
lop webs



connecting flights and claim the checked luggage at the final destination. In December 2015, the Company added connecting flights




seven new domestic and international sites under the program, bringing the total number of hubs to 69 and helping



passengers with international connecting flights boost efficiency of customs clearance. Meanwhile, the Company
Integrating online customer operations
promoted the luggage management system at transit terminals to strengthen management and control of luggage
transport and improve the functions of the luggage inquiry centers. These initiatives helped improve the quality of
luggage transport and boost the chances for passengers with connecting flights to get their luggage at the final International destinations of
Part of the integrated online service destination. In 2015, luggage mishandling rate of China Eastern was 26.75 out of 10,000, down 1.41 year on year. connecting flights

Case 32
Kunming transit achieves “luggage checked through to the final destination”

The Company officially included Kunming airport in the multi-destination flight program. Passengers
Hotels at home and abroad Pick-up & drop-off Holiday arrangement
purchase the tickets of connecting flights at Kunming airport no longer need to print the boarding pass for
the next flight or claim the luggage at the next stop and check it in again. The luggage is checked through

Outbound WIFI Valet parking Business jet to the final destination, bringing passengers an easy and convenient trip. The business now involves
10 daily round-trip flights between Kunming and global destinations while it can also connect with 196
round-trip domestic flights, cutting passengers’ transit period at Kunming airport from 180 minutes to 120

New travel solutions in 2015

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Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

Case Case

Cooperation with Delta Air Lines and Air France-KLM to carry out Successful transport of living organ

transit projects In October 2015, the Company received one call from a passenger at Wuxi People’s Hospital, who would take the MU5204
flight to transport live lung organ and require China Eastern help coordinate air-road transport and ensure that the flight
In April 2015, the Company launched cooperation projects in two-way transit
would take off on time. We immediately contacted relevant departments to facilitate efficient coordination and successfully
services with Delta Air Lines and Air France-KLM. Passengers who arrive at
completed transport of the living organ. We created a life-saving channel via air-road collaboration.
Shanghai Pudong can check in for the connecting flight at the same floor where
he or she claims the luggage before going directly to the departure hall for
boarding. The cooperation projects effectively shortened the time and allowed
passengers to enjoy convenient and high-quality services. It’s a new driver for
China Eastern to develop itself into an internationally competitive carrier with a
large network.

Meeting specific needs

The number of passengers
who need special services rose

China Eastern constantly improved the guarantee system for service quality and provided more personalized and
humane measures to address the special needs of our passengers. Based on our professional experience and
attentive services, we addressed inflight emergencies and met special needs of our passengers with an aim to
provide them with a comfortable journey. In 2015, the Company has become the Chinese airline that accepted the
most diversified requests for special services with a monthly amount of 2,200 cases.

China Eastern ensures the success of live organ transport

10 categories of passengers
Four online channels
who need special services

Mobility impaired passengers 95530 Hotline
Unaccompanied children China Eastern official website
Passengers on stretcher China Eastern M Website Stakeholders’ voice
Passengers who need oxygen China Eastern APP
Small animals
Blind /deaf passengers Online requests for
special services What impressed me most was when the Oriental Star capsized in 2015, the family members of many victims took airplane to
Service dogs/guide dogs
Pregnant passengers the scene of the accident. China Eastern arranged the family members in its VIP lounge and offered buses to transport them
Wheelchair travelers with all-round services. The care they provided for the relatives of the victims touched me a lot.
Sick passengers
- Dong Yinming, China Eastern passenger

From July 1, 2015, China Eastern opened online channels to cater to 10 categories of
passengers with need for special services

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Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

Journey of Greenness
Flying towards sustainable future
Sustainable development of the aviation industry depends on that airlines proactively
identify and manage their environmental impact. As an international carrier, China
Eastern abides by its commitment to the environment, attaches importance to the global
climate change and other environmental challenges, and constantly explores new ways
to promote low carbon and “green” flight operations, so as to create a harmony with
nature in the future.

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Eastern Airlines

Environmental Stewardship Case

Fuel efficiency to protect the environment

China Eastern adheres to green and harmonious development and improves its environmental management In 2015, the Jiangxi branch explored routes that could be improved and analyzed the route structure and flight numbers. It
Comprehensive energy consumption system. The Board of Directors has set up the Aviation Safety and Environment Committee, which studies, actively coordinated with Air Force and air traffic control authorities to draft optimization plans for the routes with an aim to
per 10,000 yuan of operating revenue reduce fuel consumption while protecting the margin of safety. In addition, it also required each pilot to attach great importance
reviews and deliberate on major domestic and global environmental issues in a regular basis. It also supervises

tons of standard coal per 10,000 yuan
the implementation of relevant recommendations. The Company has also established an Energy Conservation
Leading Group, with General Manager as its leader, as well as an office for the leading group. The Planning and
to fuel efficiency and actively to apply for direct flight routes to reduce fuel consumption. In 2015, the Jiangxi branch optimized
six routes, involving 4,079 flights and saving more than 410 tons of fuel.

Development Department manages the energy saving emission reduction and other environmental protection issues
through a three-tier management network including the Company’s various functions, the management at second-
tier subsidiaries, as well as managers at various positions.

We actively implemented the national energy conservation policies, developed and improved the energy
Managing and controlling energy use in operations
management program and Regulations of Energy Saving and Emission Reduction, while informing its subsidiaries
and branches of the requirements on energy management and energy saving through the three-tier management
network. The Company has also included energy saving and emission reduction indicators into its performance Monitoring of energy use is the basis and an important part of energy management. In 2015, the Company completed the construction of
evaluation system. a general monitoring platform for the use of energy. The platform adopts the structure of Shanghai municipal monitoring platform, enabling
real-time monitoring and analysis of energy consumption of the buildings. In the future it will be built into a platform to monitor the energy
Fuel costs saved through route
use in buildings and mobile sources as well as to monitor the environment. Meanwhile, it will be promoted to various branches.

Addressing climate change


18.91 million yuan

We strive to play an active role in tackling the global climate change, and explore effective ways to maximize energy
efficiency. The Company is actively achieving energy conservation and emission reduction through optimization of
The proportion of four main its technologies and operations.
As the first airline to participate in China’s domestic carbon trading, the Company has developed and improved its

97.1 %
management system for carbon emissions. In 2015, the Company successfully completed trading settlements for
2014 on the carbon market in Shanghai.

Aircraft utilization
Improving fuel efficiency
10.03 hours
The Company focused on reducing fuel consumption as part of its efforts to reduce energy use and cut emissions.
Through effective way to improve technologies and transport efficiency, the Company has improved the aircraft’s
fuel efficiency and reduced carbon emissions. In addition, we continued to explore the use of biofuels and other
Fuel consumption per hour innovative ways to meet the challenges of reducing aviation emissions.

2.945 Installing winglets in new models Increasing the use of domestic temporary routes,
Interface of the Company’s energy monitoring platform

tons of jet fuel per hour Fleet optimization Case

Modifying engines shortening flight distance

Washing engines with water Big data analysis to enhance operational efficiency
Use of new energy
Assessing the electric taxiing system
Gradually phasing out aging aircraft
Carbon dioxide emissions To respond positively to the nation’s clean energy strategy,
Effectively matching the models based
Flight Training has launched a distributed photovoltaic

16.74 million tons

Technology optimization
on the length of the voyage, reducing

aircraft types
Operation optimization power generation project. In May 2015, construction of the
project wrapped up and it started generating electricity. By
Note: Calculation based on the end of 2015, the project has a total power generation of
the rules of Shanghai carbon
about 200,000 kWh, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by
trading market, only covering
Ways to achieve fuel efficiency
the emissions with regard to fuel 200 tons.
Distributed PV project

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Properly handling emissions Enhancing

Disposal of hazardous waste
(waste fluorescent tubes)
We are keenly aware of the negative and destructive impact of environmental pollution on the ecosystem. Therefore,
we tried our best to reduce the impact from the operational aspects on the environment. The Company has adopted awareness
a series of strict measures on emissions control.

0.8 tons In 2015, the Company invested about 28 million yuan to revamp the wastewater treatment systems in the east
Environmental sustainability is closely related to each individual.
China Eastern advocates and implements the environmental
part of Hongqiao Airport and nearby regions, by laying 10 kilometers of underground pipes and setting up 17 new protection initiatives, calling on all employees to have a low-
monitoring wells. Meanwhile, in accordance with the relevant regulations, the Company eliminated all yellow-label carbon lifestyle and to create a green office. Meanwhile, the
vehicles (with emission standards lower than National I for gasoline and Nation III for diesel) to reduce the pollution. Company also promotes the environmental awareness to its
Wastewater discharge
passengers and the general public through a variety of activities

Anhui branch captain talked about the impact of pollution on flight safety
in a bid to create a green environment. and encouraged audience to boost environmental awareness and pursue a
million tons
healthy lifestyle
In 2015, the Company launched a publicity campaign with
a theme of “smart energy saving brings benefits” during the
2015 energy conservation promotion week and low-carbon day
Recycling of waste oil Waste oil (aviation fuel),
(aviation fuel) activities, which significantly boosted the employees’ awareness
Wastewater Hazardous Waste garbage and packages

of inflight supplies of energy saving and emission reduction.


Recovery of inflight garbage

and packages of inflight Municipal pipe network Qualified third party agencies Recycling

100 % Measures to handle emissions

Wuhan Company volunteers participated in the “friendly neighbors, friendly Jiangsu Company’s “Ling Yan Team” launched a campaign to pick up

city” green lung campaign garbage in scenic spots


Creating a green cabin

Taking into account the environmental impact of huge amount of disposal inflight supplies, the Company started in 2014
to promote the environmentally friendly meal boxes using non-toxic plastic materials in the economy class during Beijing-
Shanghai flights and other key routes. In January 1, 2015, the Beijing branch organized the New Year Day activity with a theme
of “Blessings for the New Year, flying with China Eastern in a green trip”. It recycled the wastes on the aircraft, such as slipper
bags and tea leaf boxes, to make them into commonly-used tissue boxes, pen holders and handbags. It not only avoided the
waste, but also boosted the awareness of environmental protection.

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Journey of Dreams
Building and sharing a happy China Eastern
“Staff Devotion” is the cornerstone of an enterprise’s development. Only when the employees
have a sense of belonging and happiness, an enterprise can realize its full vitality and harmonious
development. China Eastern hopes that every employee is devoted to creating a “world-class”
enterprise and building a “happy China Eastern”. We hope that every employee can grow together
with the company, realize their colorful dreams and share the happiness when jointly developing the

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Eastern Airlines

Luring diverse talents Case

Employees are one of the important factors that contribute to the Tibetan pilot’s life as a legendary song Social insurance coverage

core competitiveness of an enterprise. They are the main force Total number of employees 71,033
As one of the first group of minority pilots picked
to help the enterprise to achieve sustainable development. China %
by former Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai and the
Eastern actively promoted diversity and inclusiveness as part of its
first Tibetan fighter pliot, Luo Ge wrapped up
corporate culture, and is committed to building a warm family for its Proportion of female Proportion of female
employees executives his career with a perfect landing on October 10,
employees with material and non-material incentives. Corporate annuity coverage
36.11% 6.99% 2015. Luo Ge always believed that working at
The Company adhered to fair and equal employment policies,
respected and protected human rights, eliminated the use of Minority employees Foreign employees
911 people
Shanghai Airlines is a very happy thing. He loved
Shanghai Airlines so much. He said, “I will never
91.26 %
child and forced labor, strictly complied with the Labor Law, other 1,795 people
forget who allowed a Tibetan boy in a poor area
regulations and international conventions on human rights and labor to fly over the sky. I attributed all of this to the
standards. The Company reserved the positions for employees The percentage of signing of The percentage of participation country and the Party. I am a pilot.” With 43 years
collective contracts in the Trade Union
during their maternity leaves and briefed the employees on any 100% of experience as a pilot, Tibetan Luo Ge’s life is a
significant change in operations. In 2015, the Company handled legend for China Eastern. A passenger saluted to captain Luo Ge
237 labor disputes. The percentage of signing
New employees
of labor contracts
3,168 people
The Company has a worldwide business network. Through a 100%
team of diverse backgrounds, we provided our customers with
personalized and localized services. The Company actively
The overview of staff in 2015
recruited employees with different age, gender, cultural background,
race, and nationality. We hired local crew in the places where we
operated and they formed the core talent pools for our localization The Company developed the remuneration regulations, insisted on equal pay for men and women, improved the
moves. performance appraisal methods, optimized the welfare system, and stimulated the enthusiasm of its employees. In
addition to five types of social security insurance and one housing fund, other benefits the employees are entitled to

Graduate and above include supplementary housing fund, corporate annuity, supplementary medical insurance, free and discounted air

3.0% Over 50 years old 8.7%

tickets as well as subsidies for high-temperature days. Flight crew can enjoy a career security scheme.
41-50 years old


Unit: Yuan
Junior colleague 4,500
Undergraduate graduate and below 31-40 years old Below 31 years old 4,000 3,673
Remuneration Remuneration
system for
49.6% 35.4% 38.1% ground staff
system for crew
3,373 3,223
47.4% members
2,020 1,720
Basic salary Basic pay 2,000
Academic background Ages 1,570 1,480
Seniority wage Pay on flight hours 1,500
Post salary Flight subsidies
Performance salary Other incentives 1,000
Ground service and Various types of allowances and subsidies 500
Management officers 7% 0
others 42%

Shanghai Beijing Kunming Xi'an

and technical
personnel 18%
Remuneration system for employees with contracts Comparison of the starting salary of employees with contracts and the

local minimum wage

Finance staff 1%
Flight Crew 8%

Sales staff 6% Cabin Crew 18%

In-service employees A French crew member provided flight services

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Eastern Airlines

Flying with dreams Innovation fosters a young dream

The Company implemented an innovation-driven development strategy to host training courses, letters and exchange programs. It tapped
traditional media and new media channels to create a corporate culture focusing on innovation and efficiency.
Talent is the most fundamental and important resource for an enterprise. For a company, its long-lasting success
Investment in training relies on how to turn “people” into “talents”. China Eastern constantly helped its staff move up the career path, Through the “We are young-we win” series activities, the Company aimed to foster young people to beef up innovation, find talents with

improved the training system and encouraged employees to work out innovative ideas and realize their dreams. innovative ideas, discover innovation results, develop an innovation team and propel the application and promotion of innovative results,

million yuan in a bid to aid the transformational development of China Eastern.

Total attendance at trainning Boosting employees’ career development
481,205 China Eastern has clear job sequences for different categories and positions, allowing employees to be promoted
We are young-we win - Who is the expert in interactive marketing?

in the same job sequence or be shifted to another job sequence. The Company standardized its internal In 2015, the Company launched the “We are young-we win – expert in interactive marketing” program, which is a competition on

competition system to apply for positions and improved the job evaluation mechanism to provide a transparent interactive marketing on social media channels. Participating employees catered to the demand of passengers and used social
Duration of training per capita
career development path for employees. In 2015, 100% of the employees had performance evaluation while 968 media as the platforms to demonstrate their talent in innovation and support the Company’s transformational development .

48 hours
employees were shifted to other positions internally.

According to the different characteristics of its employees, the Company developed different training programs and
“We are young-we win” program is helping young people at China Eastern to realize their dreams. The designer of the 2014
winner “Pet Helper,” which addresses the transport of pets for our passengers, was moved from Wuhan to Shanghai to aid

promoted the setup of a learning map. It tapped the combination of online and offline training to help its staff grow the project’s operation. The project started to serve the passengers in 2015 and has become one of the innovative services

and achieve success. launched by China Eastern.

Yan Program, Yi Program, Xiang “Sailing Plan” for newly promoted managers Establishing the evaluation institute for

Program, Ying Program Advanced training for middle-level managers vocational skills
Training methods: intensive training, Lean Six Sigma project Promoting developing a pool of highly

job rotation, executives as mentors skilled talents

Cultivation of highly skilled

Cultivation of strategic talents Cultivation of leadership

Special training
"We are young-we win-expert in interactive marketing" competition scene

Optimizing the Learning Map

Improving the online learning platform

Stakeholders’ voice

Staff cultivation system

“We are young-we win” is a good platform that allows us to do our favorite things. This platform can demonstrate
the talent of young people. It helps us make our ideas into reality and achieve our own personal values.
- Chen Meng, China Eastern "We are young-we win" contest winner

Sailing to pursue a bigger dream

In order to build a management team that is quick to adapt to changes and takes the lead to embrace
innovation, China Eastern has developed a “Sailing Plan” for its newly-promoted middle-level managers.
In March 2015, the first phase of the “Sailing Plan” training project was launched with a total of 42 newly
promoted managers as participants. Training programs covered three major aspects: self-management,
team management, work management. It helped middle-level managers boost their capacity to The Company actively promoted the “Wise Startup Service” incubation platform, inviting well-known mentors to provide intensive courses
implement corporate strategies and quickly adapt to the requirements of the management positions. and organizing youth salons to select, support and incubate start-up projects. It provides a platform for employees with entrepreneurial
passions to put their ideas into reality and inspire them to start up their own businesses.

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Eastern Airlines

G4 Materiality Disclosure:
G4-17, G4-20
Providing staff with Caring for employees
healthcare initiatives
Health and safety is the prerequisite for every employee to work and live well. China Eastern is committed to Only a happy enterprise can make employees love it. The Company advocated open communications and regarded
Employees’ feasible suggestions
Percentage of employees providing employees with a comfortable and secure working environment and serving as an “umbrella” to protect the helping employees strike a work-and-life balance as its key responsibility. The Company provided real care to its

participating in physical
health and safety of our employees. employees, by allowing them have a full sense of belonging and become happier. It encouraged employees to
share the happiness and enjoy a better life.

The Company strictly enforced laws and regulations and the provisions of collective agreements on working

% conditions and working hours, improve the pilot health hierarchical management approach, aircrew medical records
management regulations and organize regular health examination, establishment of health records, reasonable
Note: This data does not include arrangements for staff transfer Hugh. Listening to the voices of employees Effective proposals
branches and subsidiaries; the
Company arranged medical In 2015, the number of reported occupational injuries was 102, with one death (traffic accident during commuting). 58,783
examinations for all employees; The Company established standardized and smooth communication channels, improved the democratic
The Company has properly handled these incidents.
for those who didn’t complete
physical examinations on time,
management system based on the workers’ congress, and solicited proposals from our employees. We set up a
they were not included in the pool of experts to evaluate the feasibility of all recommendations and encouraged our employees to actively engage
calculation in managing the Company. Proportion of adopted proposals
Building a team

The Company took full account of the needs of our employees, improved service processes at the Employee 74.23%
Establishing a
Service Center, optimized the Intranet for employees and developed a service APP for our staff so as to boost
Creating a studio
mental health website services for our employees. In 2015, the number of the service of Employee Service Center is 121, 000, with a
satisfaction ratio of 96%.
Six Ones Proportion of proposals put
into implementation
Setting up mental Conducting a series
health records of trainings Creating a colorful life 65.46%
Publishing a book We encouraged and guided more employees to participate in our campaign to build a happy China Eastern and to
share the results of happiness. We helped our employees know how we proceed to build a “happy China Eastern”
“Six Ones” objectives for mental health and launched an index to evaluate the happiness. We organized the “happy China Eastern” series activities to pass
on the happiness and helped our employees to enjoy an exciting life in their spare time.

The Company attached great importance to the mental health of its employees. With the clear “Six Ones” objectives, the Company
eased the psychological pressure on its staff, improved the quality of their life and inspired them to work actively. In 2015, the Company
launched over 10 mental health training sessions with more than 500 participants. Over 50 employees had one-on-one interviews.


Promoting employee

assistance program

To help pilots improve their “Youth MUMU tea” activities

“mental fitness” and catered to
mental health care for our pilots,
China Eastern promoted the
Employee Assistance Program
(EAP) project. In September

2015, China Eastern became the first to set up the EAP studio for its pilots in China’s civil aviation industry. It recruited more than
50 volunteers, issued over 1,000 EAP monthly journals and brochures and lured 450 participants.

“Happy China Eastern” spring run A hundred people in cheongsam

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Eastern Airlines


Telling stories, sharing happiness

On October 30, 2015, China Eastern held the final of
“tell stories, share happiness --- happy China Eastern
storytelling session”. Participants told their own stories or
stories of their colleagues from different perspectives in
work and life. The happy China Eastern storytelling session
allows our employees to share their insights of work and
life via telling stories. Everyone is engaged in promoting
and sharing the happiness under a sound atmosphere with
the Company.  
“Happy China Eastern storytelling session”

The Company catered to the need of every employee and provided them with care. It launched the “Warmth for winter, Coolness
for summer” campaign to promote happiness among employees. In 2015, the Company paid 2.76 million yuan in allowances to 138
employees with critical diseases.

In July 2015, Chairman Liu Shaoyong visited and cheered up our staff at the Shanghai Pudong International Airport

Comforting employees in difficulties “1st June” parent-child activity

“Happy baby” aviation summer camp Mid-Autumn Festival “Heart-to-Heart” activity

Providing care Providing Care

to front-line staff for crew staff

Cheer up our Cheering up our employees who worked

Providing care for
on the charter flight with medical
employees under
female employees assistance in the fight against Ebola
Cheering up the ground staff who provided
Holding “Sunshine Class” circumstances passenger services for a long time
Setting up the “Mum Care” room Comforting the China Eastern staff that lost
their relatives in the “Oriental Star”
Comforting the local staff that fell the
victims of the earthquake in Nepal

Employee care initiatives

In February 2015, General Manager Ma Xulun visited the aviation division of China Eastern to cheer up pilots who worked for the Spring Festival travel rush

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Eastern Airlines

Journey of Universal Love

Responsibility for the society
There is a Chinese old saying “the world is full of peace with universal love”. China Eastern’s rapid
growth is inseparable from the concern and attention from all stakeholders as well as trust and
support from people in all walks of life. A fish dies out of water while it becomes happy in the water.
We are devoted to tapping our love, wisdom and creativity, with a steady stream of investment and
resources, to participate in social welfare activities, to support regional economic development and to
serve people’s livelihood. We take on the responsibility in line with the new era.

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“Love in China Eastern” Case

public welfare project

Love in China Eastern-to bring hope to little patients
The Company’s “Love in China Eastern” project is a large-scale volunteer activity with a theme of “spreading
The number of registered Public welfare has no limits while love brings people together. We joined hands with the Communist Youth League of
love and serving the society”. Under the project, every employee spends a working day each year to organize or
volunteers in “Love in China Shanghai, the Shanghai Children’s Medical Center and Jinjiang Inn to launch a “love crowdfunding” innovative mode to aid
Eastern” projects
participate in a variety of social welfare and volunteer activities. The Company formed a leadership team for the “Love
children with congenital heart diseases. All the participants made use of their advantages to jointly help the children and their
in China Eastern” project and constantly improved the management system and process. The Company has already

451 established a set of rules and regulations for the “Love in China Eastern” project: the “Love in China Eastern”
Volunteer Activity Management System, Administrative Measures on Application of the “Love in China Eastern”
families. The Company provided free air tickets for the families with volunteers accompanying them along the way.

On May 17-18, 2015, volunteers went to Yichang and visited the three families. On May 19, colleagues at Yichang sales
Volunteer Activity and others. In 2015, the Company unveiled and implemented Articles of ‘ Love in China Eastern ’ department helped the special group of passengers print boarding passes and serve front-row seats in advance. The staff
registered volunteers. Through designing the rules and regulations, we encouraged our staff to devote themselves also carefully offered the parents with some tips to prevent tinnitus. At the noon of May 19, 12 children and their families
The number of “Love in China
to social welfare activities, ensured all of our employees participate in volunteer activities and promoted sustainable arrived in Shanghai accompanied by China Eastern volunteers. They received surgeries in Shanghai. On the Children’s Day
Eastern” projects
development of the society. after the surgeries, we also organized special celebrations with specially rehearsed programs to celebrate the holiday and

5,179 their rehabilitation.

Setting up Organizing Exchanging

Skills training opinion &
The number of participants in the teams activities exhibition
public welfare projects

274,979 Process management of “Love in China Eastern” social welfare activity

Community services Public utility services

The number of people having been
Communities, welfare houses, children with “Colleague students go west” plan,
intellectual disabilities Sunshine Home, social groups, poverty relief relay,

geracomium, etc. environmental protection,
friend-making among the youth

"Love in China Eastern" aid children with congenital heart diseases

Student Aid Programs Transportation and travel services

The cumulative service time Hope Primary School, children of migrant workers in Aviation security, road traffic relief
urban schools School, deaf school, Stakeholders’ voice
750,000 hours
college teachers and students, etc.

Three of us traveled a long way to Yichang. We talked with the parents, accompanied the families to Shanghai,
Categories of “Love in China Eastern” volunteer activities
and took care of the children along the way. In Yichang, we saw the living conditions totally different from what
we have in cities. Although we were a bit tired these days, we felt very happy to be able to really help these
children. The parents were also touched by what we did. I felt it’s our mission to do so. I am very proud.

- Yang Yanting, "Love in China Eastern" registered volunteer, cabin crew of LingYan team
A 4-year-old amputated boy realized his dream of
flying in the air

In February 2015, a video recording the sad story of a 4-year-

old amputated boy Xiao Feng lured a lot of attention on the
Internet. Wuhan Company joined hands with hb.qq.com to
launch a donation campaign on Tencent’s social welfare
platform and raised over 500,000 yuan in just seven hours,
creating a miracle of love. Wuhan company’s pilots and
attendants invited Xiao Feng to visit the plane, letting him have
the experience of becoming “a small pilot”.

66 67
Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

Case Supportting regional development

“Love in China Eastern - Campus trip” - “Relay of Youth, Relay of Integrity” Transportation is a leading indicator of national economic and social development. Under the integration of global
economies, China Eastern leverages on its global transportation network to integrate the flows of people, goods,
The “Relay of Youth, Relay of Integrity” initiative features a three-year period. Colleague graduates are allowed to take the
information and capital to absorb and aggregate productivity while promoting social and economic development.
flight first and pay the fee at discounted price later if they tap the trips to seek jobs, do internship or volunteer to teach kids at
remote areas. Students participating in the initiative signed an agreement with China Eastern, pledging to pay the ticket fee As a responsible enterprise, China Eastern actively responded to the nation’s anti-poverty policies and joined hands
based on a pre-set price a year after the ticket is issued. In 2015, up to 99.4% of the students engaged in the first batch of the with all walks of life to counter the challenge of poverty. The Company has been long supporting Shuangjiang and
project returned the money for the air tickets, reflecting their integrity. Through the “integrity ticket”, we hope to promote our Cangyuan, Lincang , Sichuan Province for a long time. Leveraging on its advantages as an air carrier, China Eastern
corporate culture and integrity to the society. actively contributed to combating poverty in the regions.

Forming mechanisms
Developing an anti-poverty work system; sending selected cadres to go to poor areas
to promote the initiative
Anti-poverty fund invested in
The Company invited the Eastern Miles members to participate in the public welfare activities. It organized six “China Eastern Little Lincang, Yunnan in 2015
“3 + X” project and “Big mountain · Dream” campaign; organizeing summer camps and teaching

Education aid
Flyers” project, boosting the interest of little members to know China Eastern and the aviation knowledge. The Company also established program in remote areas; setting up scholarships

the donation platform and held three “Eastern Miles Charity Trip” activities, helping transfer the supplies donated by China Eastern and its million yuan
Openning flights from Lincang to Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu; promoting development of
members directly to the children in the poor mountainous regions. Anti-poverty flights
cultural tourism

China Eastern has supported Lincang in Yunnan for more than a decade

Case Stakeholders’ voice

Since 2003, China Eastern has been supporting Cangyuan County and
Love in China Eastern - Loving Lincang Shuangjiang County in our city via a variety of ways. The Company has

The Company launched the vegetable demonstration invested 23 million yuan to contribute greatly to the poverty alleviation work

project in Yongleng Village, Cangyuan County in and the development of the civil aviation sector in Lincang. The Company

Lincang City to promote structural adjustment in local helped improve the city infrastructure and foster development of our

agricultural sector, increase farmers’ income, and education sector and other industries. The “Love in China Eastern - Loving

effectively promote local progress and development, Lincang” and “Love in China Easter - Big mountain Dream” projects helped

highlighting China Eastern’s mission and responsibility reduce the populations in poverty in the two counties by 16,479 and 25,424

as a corporate citizen. respectively. We thank China Eastern for its long-standing care and help to
Lincang’s economic and social development.

- CPC Lincang Committee, the Lincang People’s Government


Helping promote Sino-Indian cooperation and foster

development of South Asia
The first leg of 2015 “Eastern Miles Charity Trip” in Nanchong, Sichuan China Eastern’s Kunming-Kolkata route has been fully recognized by the
participants of the 11th Kolkata to Kunming (K2K) Forum and contributed to
the exchange and cooperation between the provinces in China’s southwest
region and the east states of India. China Eastern’s Kolkata business office
China Eastern anti-poverty cadre Feng Yiming
also participated in the China-India trade fair and joined hands with local
(second from right) won the “Outstanding Individual
governments and schools to organize competition on the Chinese language.
of poverty alleviation and development work in
They also jointly promoted the “Silk Road Tourism” events and facilitated
Yunnan Province”
economic, trade and cultural exchanges.

68 69
Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

Guaranteeing special flights Appendix

As an essential part of the public service system and emergency rescue system, civil aviation plays an important
role when faced natural disasters and emergencies. China Eastern takes special flights missions as a bounden
Performance Indicators
duty to actively provide transportation service for important events and help rescue people confronted with
The number of flights for important

106 Indicators Unit


Relief efforts for Transporting of Emergency 2013 2014 2015

major disasters special personnel charter flights

Aircraft in operation No. 465 497 535

China Eastern’s special flights in 2015 General Average age of aircrafts Years 6.86 6.10 5.42

Performance Revenue tonne kilometers Billion ton kilometers 15.55 16.12 17.82
Case Case
The number of passengers carried Million 79.09 83.811 93.78

The Chinese force to fight Ebola Emergency response: Rush to the rescue in Nepal Cargo, parcel and mail volume Million tons 1.41 1.363 1.399

The Ebola epidemic spread across the world. China On April 25, 2015, an 8.1-degree earthquake occurred in
Eastern actively responded to the nation’s call to provide Nepal. Chinese airlines rushed to rescue. China Eastern
emergency transport services in a bid to aid the African overcame a lot of challenges and became the first carrier to
region and combat the disease. China Eastern has been arrive at the reopened Kathmandu airport after the earthquake, Total assets Billion yuan 137.777 163.542 195.709

the first carrier to join the relief efforts with the biggest offering comfort to our compatriots, who felt the real strength Operating revenue Billion yuan 88.109 89.746 93.844
transport capacity and the most flights while transporting of the motherland.
Total profit Billion yuan 2.205 4.12 5.671
the largest number of medical practitioners. In 2015, the
From April 25 to 28, China Eastern dispatched 7 flights to 9.88 10.03
Economy Aircraft utilization Hours 9.80
cabin department of China Eastern and the captain of
receive 888 Chinese passengers stranded by the earthquake.
the Shanghai flight division won the “Outstanding Unit in Taxes and fees Billion yuan 4.803 6.832 9.038
After arriving at Kunming safely, one injured passenger said
Prevention and Control of the Ebola Epidemic” and the Contract compliance rate % 100% 100% 100%
emotionally, “Thank China Eastern, Thank the motherland!"
“Outstanding Individual in Prevention and Control of the
Purchase cost Billion yuan 34.308 32.97 23.43
Ebola Epidemic” respectively.


Safety Safe flight Million hours 1.54 1.625 1.804

China Eastern had an emergency transport of 300 tons of extinguishing foam to aid Zhangzhou

On April 7, 2015, in accordance with the requirement by the Civil Aviation Administration of China, China Eastern dispatched
three emergency freighters from Shanghai to Qingdao, where they loaded 300 tons of extinguishing foam and transported it
to Xiamen to aid the rescue efforts after the Xylene facilities at the Tenglong plant exploded in Gulei, Zhangzhou on April 6.
luggage mishandling rate Parts per ten thousand - 28.16 26.75

% 76.59% 69.03% 68.09%

Flight punctuality rate
- 93.0% 94.3%
The effective notification rate of %
Service irregular flight notification

Passenger satisfaction Points 87.74 90.77 88.11

Compliant from passengers No. 312 264 415
The complaint rate Parts per ten thousand 0.049 0.040 0.053

70 71
Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

Data GRI Content Index

Indicators Unit This Report is organized and presented in accordance with the GRI G4
2013 2014 2015
framework, using the “Core” option.
CO2 emissions Kilotons 14,290 14,986 16,740
Fuel consumption per hour Tons of aviation fuel per 2.946 2.927 2.945 Indicator State Location Page Description
Energy consumption per ten Tons of standard coal per 0.77 0.79 0.84
Strategy Analysis
thousand yuan revenue 10,000 yuan
Energy consumption per revenue Tons per ten thousand 2.92 2.95 3.00 G4-1 Provide a statement from the most senior decision-maker of the organization (such as CEO,

tonne kilometers kilometer chair, or equivalent senior position) about the relevance of sustainability to the organization and Included Message from Chairman P2-P3  

Aviation fuel consumption Kilotons 4,536.5 4,757.4 5,314.2 the organization’s strategy for addressing sustainability.

Manufacture gas consumption 1,000 m3 325.0 292.9 281.2 G4-2 Provide a description of key impacts, risks, and opportunities. Included Message from Chairman P2-P3
Natural gas consumption 1,000 m3 2,997.8 2,989.6 2,984.0 Organizational Profile
Environment Gasoline consumption Kiloliters 3,372.7 3,429.7 2,704.2 G4-3 Report the name of the organization. Included Approaching China Eastern P4  
Diesel consumption Kiloliters 13,212.1 13,694.0 13,323.7
G4-4 Report the primary brands, products, and services. Included Approaching China Eastern P4
LPG consumption 1,000 m3 139.6 108.9 82.5
G4-5 Report the location of the organization’s headquarters. Included Approaching China Eastern P4
Other petroleum products Tons 749.0 684.2 406.0
Electricity 1,000 kWh 137,908.8 146,465.5 150,358.0 G4-6 Report the number of countries where the organization operates, and names of countries

Water Kilotons 5,331.7 5,634.2 5,309.2 where either the organization has significant operations or that are specifically relevant to the Included Approaching China Eastern P4

Total energy consumption Tons of standard coal 6,756,273 7,085,339 7,904,416 sustainability topics covered in the report

Effluent volume Tons 4,799 5,071 4,778 G4-7 Report the nature of ownership and legal form. Included Approaching China Eastern P4
The recycling quantity of aviation fuel Tons 97.09 73.85 44.73 G4-8 Report the markets served (including geographic breakdown, sectors served, and types of
The quantity of waste lightning tubes Tons - 0.3 0.8 Included Approaching China Eastern P4
customers and beneficiaries).

G4-9 Report the scale of the organization. Included Approaching China Eastern P4
Total employees No. 68,874 69,849 71,033
G4-10 Report the total number of employees by employment contract and gender. Included Journey of Dreams P56  
The percentage of female executives % - 6.89% 6.99%
G4-11 Report the percentage of total employees covered by collective bargaining agreements. Included Journey of Dreams P56  
Management G4-12 Describe the organization’s supply chain. Included Journey of Development P26  
officers 0.65%
G4-13 Report any significant changes during the reporting period regarding the organization’s P4-P9\
Professional Included Approaching China Eastern  
size, structure, ownership, or its supply chain. P10
and technical
G4-14 Report whether and how the precautionary approach or principle is addressed by the
personnel 0.75% Included Approaching China Eastern P11  
Flight Crew 1.2%
Employee turnover rate % 1.9% 4.3% Cabin crew G4-15 List externally developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles, or other Social Responsibility
Included P14  
0.68% initiatives to which the organization subscribes or which it endorses. Management

Sales staff 7.1% G4-16 List memberships of associations (such as industry associations) and national or
Finance staff 2% international advocacy organizations in which the organization-
Employee Ground service • Holds a position on the governance body
and others 6.2% • Participates in projects or committees Included Journey of Development P27  
• Provides substantive funding beyond routine membership dues
The percentage of participation in % 97% 99.08% 98.40% • Views membership as strategic
the Trade Union This refers primarily to memberships maintained at the organizational level.
Percentage of employees % 66.37% 68.60% 73.56%
Identified Materials Aspects And Boundaries
participating in physical examinations
G4-17 a. List all entities included in the organization’s consolidated financial statements or equivalent
Investment in training Million yuan - 53 47.55 P0\P10\P39\
documents. b. Report whether any entity included in the organization’s consolidated financial statements or Included About the report  
Duration of training per capita Hours - - 48 P40\P60
equivalent documents is not covered by the report.
The number of reported occupational No. 66 90 102
injuries G4-18 a. Explain the process for defining the report content and the Aspect Boundaries. b. About the report/

The number of reported occupational No. 0 0 1 Explain how the organization has implemented the Reporting Principles for Defining Report Included Social Responsibility P1\P15

death Content. Management

Social Responsibility
The number of “Love in China No. 876 4,649 5,179 G4-19 List all the material Aspects identified in the process for defining report content. Included P15  
Eastern” public welfare projects
Social Responsibility
The number of participants in public No. 51,983 248,860 274,979 G4-20 For each material Aspect, report the Aspect Boundary within the organization. Included P39\P40\P60
welfare projects
Social Social Responsibility
The number of registered volunteers No. - - 451 G4-21 For each material Aspect, report the Aspect Boundary outside the organization. Included P26\P27
in “Love in China Eastern” projects Management

Anti-poverty funds invested in Million yuan 3.51 4.70 5.66 G4-22 Report the effect of any restatements of information provided in previous reports, and the There is no
Included About the report P0
Lincang reasons for such restatements. restatement

G4-23 Report significant changes from previous reporting periods in the Scope and Aspect Social Responsibility
Included P15
Boundaries. Management

Stakeholder Engagement

Social Responsibility
G4-24 Provide a list of stakeholder groups engaged by the organization. Included P17\P18  

Social Responsibility
G4-25 Report the basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engage. Included P17\P18

72 73
Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

Indicator State Location Page Description Indicator State Location Page Description

G4-26 Report the organization’s approach to stakeholder engagement, including frequency Indirect Economic Impact
Social Responsibility
of engagement by type and by stakeholder group, and an indication of whether any of the Included P17\P18
engagement was undertaken specifically as part of the report preparation process. The square
meters of major
G4-27 Report key topics and concerns that have been raised through stakeholder infrastructure
engagement, and how the organization has responded to those key topics and concerns, Social Responsibility projects are
Included P17\P18 G4-EC7 Development and impact of infrastructure investments and services supported. Included GRI Content Index  
including through its reporting. Report the stakeholder groups that raised each of the key Management 723,621, with a
topics and concerns. total investment
of 757,663 ten
Report Profile thousand yuan

G4-28~G4-31 Reporting period (such as fiscal or calendar year) for information provided. Date Journey of Development/ P26-27\
G4-EC8 Significant indirect economic impacts, including the extent of impacts. Included Partially  
of most recent previous report (if any). Reporting cycle (such as annual, biennial). Provide the Included About the report P0-P1   Journey of Universal Love P69
contact point for questions regarding the report or its contents.
Procurement Practices
GRI Content Index/
G4-32 Report the ‘in accordance’ option the organization has chosen. Included P73\P82\P83 In accordance-Core
Assurance Statement G4-EC9 Proportion of spending on local suppliers at significant locations of operation. Included Partially Journey of Development P26  

G4-33 Report the organization’s policy and current practice with regard to seeking external Environmental
Included About the report P0  
assurance for the report.
Social Responsibility
Governance DMA-Generic Disclosures on Management Approach. Included Management/Journey of P15-P16\P48  
G4-34 Report the governance structure of the organization, including committees of the
Approaching China
highest governance body. Identify any committees responsible for decision making on Included P9   Materials
economic, environmental and social impacts.
G4-EN1 Materials used by weight or volume. N/A - -  
Ethics and Integrity
G4-EN2 Percentage of materials used that are recycled input materials. N/A - -  
G4-56~G4-58 Describe the organization’s values, principles, standards and norms of behavior
such as codes of conduct and codes of ethics. Report the internal and external mechanisms Energy

for seeking advice on ethical and lawful behavior, and matters related to organizational
Approaching China G4-EN3~G4-EN7 Energy consumption within the organization. Energy consumption outside
integrity, such as helplines or advice lines. Report the internal and external mechanisms for Included P8\P11   Journey of Greenness/
Eastern of the organization. Energy intensity. Reduction of energy consumption. Reductions in energy Included Partially P50-P51
reporting concerns about unethical or unlawful behavior, and matters related to organizational Performance Indicators
requirements of products and services.
integrity, such as escalation through line management, whistleblowing mechanisms or
G4-EN8~G4-EN10 Total water withdrawal by source. Water sources significantly affected by
Included Partially Performance Indicators P72  
withdrawal of water. Percentage and total volume of water recycled and reused.

Social Responsibility
DMA- Generic Disclosures on Management Approach. Included Management/Journey of P15-P16\P20  
G4-EN11 Generic Disclosures on Management Approach. N/A - -  

G4-EN12 Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and
Economic Performance N/A - -  
areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas.

Approaching China
G4-EN13 Description of significant impacts of activities, products, and services on biodiversity
G4-EC1 Direct economic value generated and distributed. Included Eastern/Performance P22\P71 N/A - -  
in protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas.

G4-EN14 Total number of IUCN Red List species and national conservation list species with
G4-EC2 Financial implications and other risks and opportunities for the organization’s N/A - -  
Included Journey of Greenness P62   habitats in areas affected by operations, by level of extinction risk.
activities due to climate change.

G4-EC3 Coverage of the organization’s defined benefit plan obligations. Included Journey of Dreams P57  

G4-EN15~G4-EN19 Direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 1). Energy

G4-EC4 Financial assistance received from government. Not Included - -  
indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 2). Other indirect greenhouse gas
Included Partially Performance Indicators P50\P72  
(GHG) emissions (Scope 3). Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity. Reduction of
Market Presence
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

G4-EC5 Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage at
Included Partially Journey of Dreams P57   G4-EN20 Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS). Not Included - -  
significant locations of operation.

G4-EN21 NOX, SOX, and other significant air emissions. Not Included - -  
Most senior
G4-EC6 Proportion of senior management hired from the local community at significant
Included Partially GRI Content Index   managers are
locations of operation.
recruited locally

74 75
Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

Indicator State Location Page Description Indicator State Location Page Description

Effluents And Waste G4-LA4 Minimum notice periods regarding operational changes, including whether these are Included
Journey of Dreams P56  
specified in collective agreements. Partially
G4-EN22 Total water discharge by quality and destination. Journey of Greenness P52  
Partially Occupational Health And Safety

Included G4-LA5 Percentage of total workforce represented in formal joint management-worker health
G4-EN23 Total weight of waste by type and disposal method. Journey of Greenness P52  
Partially ed and safety committees that help monitor and advise on occupational health and safety Not Included - -  
G4-EN24 Total number and volume of significant spills. Included GRI Content Index   No
G4-LA6 Type of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, Included
G4-EN25 Weight of transported, imported, exported, or treated waste deemed hazardous Journey of Dreams P60  
Included and total number of work-related fatalities, by region and by gender. Partially
under the terms of the Basel Convention Annex I, II, III, and VIII, and percentage of Journey of Greenness P52  
transported waste shipped internationally. Included
G4-LA7 Workers with high incidence or high risk of diseases related to their occupation. Journey of Dreams P60  
G4-EN26 Identity, size, protected status, and biodiversity value of water bodies and related
N/A - -  
habitats significantly affected by the organization’s discharges of water and run off. Included
G4-LA8 Health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions. Journey of Dreams P60  
Products And Services
Training And Education
G4-EN27 Extent of impact mitigation of environmental impacts of products and services. Journey of Greenness P52  
Partially G4-LA9 Average hours of training per year per employee by gender, and by employee Included
Journey of Dreams P58  
category. Partially
G4-EN28 Percentage of products sold and their packaging materials that are reclaimed by
N/A - -  
category. G4-LA10 Programs for skills management and lifelong learning that support the continued
Included Journey of Dreams P58-P59  
employability of employees and assist them in managing career endings.
G4-LA11 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development Included
G4-EN29 Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for Journey of Dreams P58  
Included GRI Content Index   No reviews, by gender and by employee category. Partially
non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations.
Diversity And Equal Opportunity
G4-LA12 Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per employee
G4-EN30 Significant environmental impacts of transporting products and other goods and
N/A - -   category according to gender, age group, minority group membership, and other indicators of Included Journey of Dreams P56  
materials for the organization’s operations, and transporting members of the workforce.

Equal Remuneration for Women And Men

G4-EN31 Total environmental protection expenditures and investments by type. Journey of Greenness P50-P52   G4-LA13 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men by employee category, by Included
Partially Journey of Dreams P57  
significant locations of operation. Partially

Supplier Environmental Assessment

Supplier Assessment For Labor Practices

G4-EN32 Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria. Journey of Development P26   Included
Partially G4-LA14 Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using labor practices criteria. Journey of Development P26  

G4-EN33 Significant actual and potential negative environmental impacts in the supply chain Included
Journey of Greenness P26   G4-LA15 Significant actual and potential negative impacts for labor practices in the supply Included
and actions taken. Partially Journey of Development P26  
chain and actions taken. Partially

Environmental Grievance Mechanisms

Labor Practices Grievance Mechanisms

G4-EN34 Number of grievances about environmental impacts filed, addressed, and resolved
Not Included - -   G4-LA16 Number of grievances about labor practices filed, addressed, and resolved through Included
through formal grievance mechanisms. Journey of Dreams P56  
formal grievance mechanisms. Partially

Human Rights

Labor Practices And Decent Work

Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility Management/Journey of

DMA - Generic Disclosures on Management Approach. Included P15-P16\P54  
DMA - Generic Disclosures on Management Approach. Included Management/Journey of P15-P16\P54   Development/Journey of

Dreams Dreams

Employment Investment

G4-LA1 Total number and rates of new employee hires and employee turnover by age group, Included G4-HR1 Total number and percentage of significant investment agreements and contracts
Journey of Dreams P56   Not Included - -  
gender and region. Partially that include human rights clauses or that underwent human rights screening.

G4-LA2 Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part- Included G4-HR2 Total hours of employee training on human rights policies or procedures concerning
Journey of Dreams P56-P57   aspects of human rights that are relevant to operations, including the percentage of Not Included - -  
time employees, by significant locations of operation. Partially
employees trained.
G4-LA3 Return to work and retention rates after parental leave, by gender. Journey of Dreams P56   Non-discrimination

Labor/Management Relations G4-HR3 Total number of incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken. Included GRI Content Index   No

76 77
Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

Indicator State Location Page Description Indicator State Location Page Description

Freedom Of Association And Collective Bargaining , Child Labor, And Forced Or Compulsory Labor G4-SO10 Significant actual and potential negative impacts on society in the supply chain and Included
Journey of Development P26  
actions taken. Partially
G4-HR4~G4-HR6 Operations and suppliers identified in which the right to exercise freedom
of association and collective bargaining may be violated or at significant risk, and measures Grievance Mechanisms For Impacts on Society
taken to support these rights. Operations and suppliers identified as having significant risk
Included G4-SO11 Number of grievances about impacts on society filed, addressed, and resolved
for incidents of child labor, and measures taken to contribute to the effective abolition of child Journey of Dreams P56   Not Included - -  
Partially through formal grievance mechanisms.
labor. Operations and suppliers identified as having significant risk for incidents of forced
or compulsory labor, and measures to contribute to the elimination of all forms of forced or Product Responsibility
compulsory labor.
Social Responsibility
Security Practices DMA - Generic Disclosures on Management Approach. Included Management/Journey of P15-P16  
G4-HR7 Percentage of security personnel trained in the organization’s human rights policies
Not Included - -  
or procedures that are relevant to operations. Customer Health And Safety

Indigenous Rights G4-PR1 Percentage of significant product and service categories for which health and safety
Included Journey of Relief P28-P35  
impacts are assessed for improvement.
G4-HR8 Total number of incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous peoples and
N/A - -  
actions taken. G4-PR2 Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes
concerning the health and safety impacts of products and services during their life cycle, by Included GRI Content Index No
type of outcomes.
G4-HR9 Total number and percentage of operations that have been subject to human
Not Included - -   Product And Service Labeling
rights reviews or impact assessments.
All seats are
Supplier Human Rights Assessment
fitted with safety
G4-HR10 Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using human rights criteria. Not Included - -   instructions;
providing health
G4-HR11 Significant actual and potential negative human rights impacts in the supply chain
Not Included - -   G4-PR3 Type of product and service information required by the organization’s procedures information,
and actions taken.
for product and service information and labeling, and percentage of significant product and Included GRI Content Index   all kinds of
Human Rights Grievance Mechanisms service categories subject to such information requirements. Passengers and
service information
G4-HR12 Number of grievances about human rights impacts filed, addressed, and resolved
Included GRI Content Index No bulletin on Public
through formal grievance mechanisms.
Society Platform

Social Responsibility G4-PR4 Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes
Included GRI Content Index   No
Management/Journey of P15-P16\ concerning product and service information and labeling, by type of outcomes.
DMA - Generic Disclosures on Management Approach. Included  
Excellence/Journey of P64
Journey of Excellence/
Universal Love G4-PR5 Results of surveys measuring customer satisfaction. Included P5\P40\P71
Performance Indicators
Local Communities
Marketing Communications
G4-SO1 Percentage of operations with implemented local community engagement, impact
Not Included - -   G4-PR6 Sale of banned or disputed products. Included GRI Content Index   No
assessments, and development programs.
G4-PR7 Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes
G4-SO2 Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local communities. Included GRI Content Index   No
concerning marketing communications, including advertising, promotion, and sponsorship, by Included GRI Content Index   No
Anti-corruption type of outcomes.

G4-SO3~G4-SO4 Total number and percentage of operations assessed for risks related to Customer Privacy
corruption and the significant risks identified. Communication and training on anti-corruption Included Approaching China Eastern P11  
G4-PR8 Total number of substantiated complaints regarding breaches of customer Included
policies and procedures. Journey of Excellence P40  
privacy and losses of customer data. Partially
G4-SO5 Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken. Not Included - -  
Public Policy
G4-PR9 Monetary value of significant fines for non-compliance with laws and regulations
Included GRI Content Index   No
G4-SO6 Total value of political contributions by country and recipient/beneficiary. N/A - - concerning the provision and use of products and services.

Anti-competitive Behavior

G4-SO7 Total number of legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly Included
Approaching China Eastern P11  
practices and their outcomes. Partially


G4-SO8 Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for
Included GRI Content Index   No
non-compliance with laws and regulations.

Supplier Assessment For Impacts On Society

G4-SO9 Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using criteria for impacts on society. Journey of Development P26  

78 79
Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

HK-ESG Content Index

Indicator State Location Page Description Indicator State Location Page Description
KPI B2.3- Description of occupational health and safety measures adopted, how they are implemented and Journey of
Environmental Included Partially P60  
monitored. Dreams

Aspect B3- Development and Training

Aspect A1- Emissions
General Disclosure- Policies on improving employees’ knowledge and skills for discharging duties at work. Journey of
Included P58  
General Disclosure- Information on the policies; and compliance with relevant laws and regulations that Description of training activities. Dreams
Journey of
have a significant impact on the issuer, relating to air and greenhouse gas emissions, discharges into water Included Partially P50   KPI B3.1- The percentage of employees trained by gender and employee category (e.g. senior
Greenness Not Included - -  
and land, and generation of hazardous and non-hazardous waste. management, middle management).
Journey of
KPI B3.2- The average training hours completed per employee by gender and employee category. Included Partially P58  
Journey of Dreams
KPI A1.1- The types of emissions and respective emissions data. Included Partially P52  
Aspect B4- Labour Standards

Journey of
General Disclosure- Information on the policies; and compliance with relevant laws and regulations that Journey of
KPI A1.2- Greenhouse gas emissions in total (in tonnes) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit of Greenness/ Included P56  
Included P50\P72   have a significant impact on the issuer, relating to preventing child and forced labour. Dreams
production volume, per facility). Performance
Indicators Journey of
KPI B4.1- Description of measures to review employment practices to avoid child and forced labour. Included Partially P56  
Journey of Dreams

KPI A1.3- Total hazardous waste produced (in tonnes) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit of Greenness/ Journey of
Included Partially P52\P72 KPI B4.2- Description of steps taken to eliminate such practices when discovered. Not Included -  
production volume, per facility). Performance
Indicators Operating Practices
KPI A1.4- Total non-hazardous waste produced (in tonnes) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit Journey of
Not Included -  
of production volume, per facility). Greenness Aspect B5- Supply Chain Management
Journey of Journey of
KPI A1.5- Description of measures to mitigate emissions and results achieved. Included Partially P50   General Disclosure- Policies on managing environmental and social risks of the supply chain. Included P26  
Greenness Development
KPI A1.6- Description of how hazardous and non-hazardous wastes are handled, reduction initiatives and results Journey of Journey of
Included Partially P52   KPI B5.1- Number of suppliers by geographical region. Included P26
achieved. Greenness  
Aspect A2- Use of Resources KPI B5.2- Description of practices relating to engaging suppliers, number of suppliers where the practices Journey of
Included Partially P26  
General Disclosure- Policies on the efficient use of resources, including energy, water and other raw Journey of are being implemented, how they are implemented and monitored. Development
Included Partially P51  
materials. Greenness
Aspect B6- Product Responsibility
KPI A2.1- Direct and/or indirect energy consumption by type (e.g. electricity, gas or oil) in total (kWh in ’000s) and Performance
Included P72  
intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility). Indicators General Disclosure- Information on the policies; and compliance with relevant laws and regulations that
Performance Journey of
KPI A2.2- Water consumption in total and intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility). Included Partially P72 have a significant impact on the issuer relating to health and safety, advertising, labelling and privacy Included P28-P35  
Indicators matters relating to products and services provided and methods of redress.
Journey of
KPI A2.3- Description of energy use efficiency initiatives and results achieved. Included Partially P51   KPI B6.1- Percentage of total products sold or shipped subject to recalls for safety and health reasons. N/A - -
KPI A2.4- Description of whether there is any issue in sourcing water that is fit for purpose, water efficiency Journey of
Not Included - -   KPI B6.2- Number of products and service related complaints received and how they are dealt with. Included P40  
initiatives and results achieved. Excellence
KPI A2.5- Total packaging material used for finished products (in tonnes) and, if applicable, with reference Approaching
Not Included - -   KPI B6.3- Description of practices relating to observing and protecting intellectual property rights. Included Partially P11  
to per unit produced. China Eastern

Aspect A3- The Environment and Natural Resources KPI B6.4- Description of quality assurance process and recall procedures. N/A - -  

General Disclosure- Policies on minimising the issuer’s significant impact on the environment and natural Journey of KPI B6.5- Description of consumer data protection and privacy policies, how they are implemented and Journey of
Included Partially P50   Included Partially P40  
resources. Greenness monitored. Excellence
KPI 3.1- Description of the significant impacts of activities on the environment and natural resources and Journey of P50-
Included Partially   Aspect B7- Anti-corruption
the actions taken to manage them. Greenness 52

Social General Disclosure- Information on the policies; and compliance with relevant laws and regulations that Approaching
Included P11  
have a significant impact on the issuer, relating to bribery, extortion, fraud and money laundering. China Eastern
Employment and Labour Practices
KPI B7.1- Number of concluded legal cases regarding corrupt practices brought against the issuer or its
Not Included - -  
employees during the reporting period and the outcomes of the cases.
Aspect B1- Employment
KPI B7.2- Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implemented Approaching
Included P11  
General Disclosure- Information on the policies; and compliance with relevant laws and regulations that and monitored. China Eastern
Journey of P56-
have a significant impact on the issuer, relating to compensation and dismissal, recruitment and promotion, Included Partially  
Dreams 58 Community
working hours, rest periods, equal opportunity, diversity, anti-discrimination, and other benefits and welfare.
Journey of
KPI B1.1- Total workforce by gender, employment type, age group and geographical region. Included Partially P56   Aspect B8- Community Investment
KPI B1.2- Employee turnover rate by gender, age group and geographical region. Included Partially P72   General Disclosure- Policies on community engagement to understand the needs of the communities where Journey of
Indicators Included P66  
the issuer operates and to ensure its activities take into consideration the communities’ interests. Universal Love
Aspect B2- Health and Safety

General Disclosure- Information on the policies; and compliance with relevant laws and regulations that KPI B8.1- Focus areas of contribution (e.g. education, environmental concerns, labour needs, health, Journey of P66-
Journey of Included  
have a significant impact on the issuer, relating to providing a safe working environment and protecting Included Partially P60 culture, sport). Universal Love P70
employees from occupational hazards. Journey of
KPI B8.2- Resources contributed (e.g. money or time) to the focus area. Included P66  
Journey of Universal Love
KPI B2.1- Number and rate of work-related fatalities. Included P60  

KPI B2.2- Lost days due to work injury. Not Included - -  

80 81
Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines

Assurance Statement of Corporate Social

Responsibility Report

Note:If there is any conflict between the Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail

82 83
Corporate Social
Responsibility Report
Eastern Airlines


Dear Sir/Madam,
6. Do you think the information, data and indicators disclosed in this report are accurate, clear and complete?
Thank you for reading China Eastern Airlines Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2015.
Clarity A. Very good B. Good C. Fair D. Poor E. Very poor
To enable our report to more systematic and scientifically offer you meaningful information, to
Accuracy A. Very good B. Good C. Fair D. Poor E. Very poor
facilitate monitoring of the CSR work and to improve the Company’s management and practice
Completeness A. Very good B. Good C. Fair D. Poor E. Very poor
of social responsibility, we sincerely await your opinions and suggestions.

Please fill the questionnaire and mail it to us according to the following address: 7. what is your assessment of the content and design of this report for reading?

Content A. Good B. Fair C. Poor

Design A. Good B. Fair C. Poor

Department: Party Publicity Department of China Eastern Airlines 8. Please choose 5-10 items which you think are important ones from the following list. (At least 5 items)

Fax: 021-62686883 E-mail: ceanews@163.com C.Innovation of business D.Risk management and

A.Safety B.Supplier development support
models control
Address: 92, Konggang No.3 Road, Changning District, Shanghai Zip Code: 200335
E.Improvement of service
F.Work-life Balance G.Fair competition H.Social welfare volunteers
K.Management of state-
I.Supply chain management J.Globalized development L.Compliance management
owned assets
P.Protection of customer
M.Protection of basic rights N.Health and safety O.Operating Performance
1.You are one of our_______________ information
Q.Environmentally friendly R.Prevention and treatment of
Passengers Shareholders Representative of government Representative of Community Partners Media Social group Other S.Addressing climate change T.Training and development
office pollution
(please note)
U.Regional economic W.Optimization of hardware
V.Helping the vulnerable group X.Diversity of Workforce
2. What’s your assessment of China Eastern Airlines Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2015? development facilities

A.Very good B. Good C. Fair D. Poor E. Very poor AA.Protection of intellectual

Y.Noise control Z.Industry development support BB.Smart services
3. What’s your assessment of China Eastern’s social responsibility performance of economy, environment and society?
Economic responsibility A. Very good B. Good C. Fair D. Poor E. Very poor CC.Efficient use of resources DD.Flight punctuality EE.Brand image FF.Democratic management

Social responsibility A. Very good B. Good C. Fair D. Poor E. Very poor GG.Disaster/emergency HH.Community development II.Transparency of
Environmental responsibility A. Very good B. Good C. Fair D. Poor E. Very poor rescue support information

4. What’s your assessment of this report on reflecting the impact of China Eastern’s social responsibility practice on economy, society and
9. Your comments and suggestions for China Eastern’s social responsibility work and this report:
A. Very good B. Good C. Fair D. Poor E. Very poor

5. What is your assessment of this report in responing and disclosuring the issues that draw the stakeholders' attentions.

A. Very good B. Good C. Fair D. Poor E. Very poor

Thank you for your attention!

84 85
Happiness from the East to the World

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