Nichrome Thin Film Technology and Its Application
Nichrome Thin Film Technology and Its Application
Nichrome Thin Film Technology and Its Application
NiCr thin film resistors are widely used in the current resistor technology. Ranging from discrete resistors up to highest
performance hybrid integrated circuits, vacuum deposited NiCr alloys cover extreme areas of application. Depending
upon NiCr composition, process parameters, substrate and conductor materials, resistors with extremely low
temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) and high stability, low noise and distortion can be produced. NiCr
resistors therefore offer particular advantages for applications with special demand for high stability as well as low
TCR-like selected circuits for measuring equipment, data processing, telecommunication, etc.
FIGURE 1 Influence of NiCr composition on TCR. ppmlK
T 4O sot
a: 30
20 50 3 4 nmls
30 40 60 70 80
Evaporation Rate
Wt % Ni
FIGURE 4 Influence of evaporation rate on TCR and
FIGURE 2 Influence of NiCr composition on resistance resistivity.
change during stabilization treatment (350C, 0.5 h).
that thermal evaporation of NiCr from a finite mass of Of some major importance is- due to the affinity of
molten alloy causes a film composition change away Cr for oxygen the influence of the latter on structure
from the composition of the source. Besides the film and electrical behaviour (TCR, stability, resistivity).
composition changes from run to run. Therefore flash The main source of oxygen and other detectable
evaporation of NiCr powder or wires or sputtering impurities during deposition are constituents of the
are recommended methods to ensure reproducibility. residual atmosphere: Oxygen, originated by splitting
But in order to understand the behaviour of thin NiCr HaO-molecules as is shown by mass spectra analysis
resistor films completely, we have to take into account during deposition (Figure 3). Therefore, a strict control
some phenomena such as incorporated impurities, of vacuum and deposition data is absolutely necessary
imperfections, crystal structures, etc. In this connection to produce thin film NiCr resistors with closely
the following process parameters are of’special interest: tolerated and reproducible electrical behaviour.
On the other hand, it is possible to utilize the strong
oxygen dependence by reactive sputtering in an
Ar/O2-mixture. By choice of a suitable oxygen partial
pressure, followed by a sufficient post deposition heat
treatment, stable resistors with low and closely
tolerated TCR can be produced 2 (Figure 5).
Incorporating a third metallic constituent is another
way to produce resistors with near zero TCR. Ternary
alloys of NiCrSi 6 and NiCrAu7 of suitable composition
are reported to provide films with low TCR and high
stability too.
ppm K Without 0 2 A: High Vacuum (10-7Pa)
B Air
FIGURE 6 Change of TCR and resistivity during heat
treatment. Temperature: 350C.
5 Pa
8x10 Pa
0 9,x 10- 7 Pa (Cr203) with negative TCR. Figure 1 shows the
composition influence on TCR change during heat
-20 treatment. There is a considerable increase of TCR for
40 Ni rich films, due to precipitation and oxidation of Cr
during annealing. 4
The structure of thin NiCr film depends considerably
80 upon the deposition conditions. The equilibrium phase.
-100 diagram of bulk NiCr shows a large immiscibility gap
between two solid solutions (Figure 7):
bcc -Cr with incorporated Ni
fcc r-Ni with incorporated Cr
FIGURE 5 Influence of 0 2 partial pressure and stabilization
time on TCR. Annealling temperature" 350C.
Weight Per Cent Nickel
10 20 30 40 50- 60 70 80 90
c 18800
2.2. Thermal aging and film structure 1800
coo !
Two Phase
R’glo fcc
Solid ’-Solution
2.3. Substrates 20 10 0 % 10 20
The electrical properties and the stability of NiCr &RIR
resistor films are considerably influenced by physical FIGURE 8 Influence of surface roughness on resistor
and chemical interactions between film and substrate spread. One substrate for each substrate type. (73 resistors).
surface. 5,16,8 Thus, the yield of production greatly
depends upon the uniformity and reproducibility of
substrate properties, such as surface roughness (Figures
8, 9), texture, flatness, chemical composition, etc. Any
choice of substrate material for a particular application 9
is determined by such quite different aspects as power Glass and Glazed
Alumina Substrates
dissipation, required stability, TCR, costs, etc. Thus, in 8
thin film technology alternative materials are used:
Borosilicate glasses
Polycrystalline alumina, glazed or as fired
Silicon wafers
Polyimide a7
Alumina Substrates
Advantages and disadvantages of the above /Surface Roughness
materials are discussed shortly: / 3-4 pinch
10-10 M
0 10-50
Current noise index A dB -40
A "real" thin film resistor consists of three parts: the Distortion index A dB 120c-150df
resistor film, the conductor and an interracial film
between both. Technological shortcomings concerning aLaser trimmed
these films and/or insufficient layout design may impair bStorage at 125C, 0.5 h
CAlkali free glass
the high performance of the resistive material by d99,5% Alumina (as fired)
increasing TCR and current noise, and decreasing the eA 20 log E1/U Measurement method DIN 44049
long term stability. 19 To insure an adequate bond to the /A 20 log U1/E3, Measurement method DIN 44049
resistive film, usually a chemically active material (e.g.
Ti, Cr) is deposited between resistor and conductor
film. By combining metallurgically unsuitable
range the resistance drive AR/R is proportional to 1/n
with n between 225 and 4, depending upon processing
materials, a remarkable increase of interfacial and film structure 26 (Figure 10). Concerning the
resistance may occur due to interdiffusion, forming
temperature dependence, a linear relationship exists
intermetallic compounds with high resistivity. Further, between log AR/R and l/T, being typical for thermal
conductor films, evaporated at higher angles of activated processes. This can be used to predict long
incidence, may show a porous structure, thus term stability at the operation temperature: We found
supporting electrocorrosion or oxidation of the by thermal analysis and extrapolation a resistance drift
adhesion layer. 2 The adhesion strength of such of NiCr films on as fired alumina (Figure 10) less than
conductors may decrease and a higher current noise can 1% after 15 years operation at 70C.
In practice, long term stability may be deteriorated
Besides metallurgical processes at the resistor/
by superimposed additional processes like
conductor interface, similar processes on top of the ion-migration, chemical or electrochemical corrosion.
conductor have to be considered. Depending upon The former process may occur due to choice of
the assigned assembling techniques (bonding, unsuitable (e.g. sodium rich) substrate material. 24 The
soldering), demands for high frequency stability (e.g.
MIC’s) and cost efficiency, different metallizations for
different applications are usual. Thus, in NiCr thin film 20
technology a wide spectrum of materials and
combinations of materials can be found for conductor
application, e.g.: ml, 21 Cu, 17 Au, 16 PdAu, 22 NiAu. 14 .
Storage at 125C, No Load
gg,5 % Alumina (As ),2,,,
The main advantage of NiCr thin film resistors is their Corning 7059
high stability in combination with very low TCR, an 0,5
.- 140