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Linear Project Management Framework: Dr. Rupali Kalekar

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Linear Project Management




1.1 Overview of project Management

1.2 Project management life cycle-IEEE Life Cycle
1.3 Project Management Process
1.4 Role of Project Manager
1.5 Quality Metrics
1.6 Risk Management Process (Case Study Based)
1.6.1 Risk Identification
1.6.2 Risk Analysis
1.6.3 Risk Mitigation
1.6.4 RMMM

DR.Rupali Kalekar
Basic Terminologies

 Program – set of instructions

 Software
 Computer instructions or data. Anything that can be stored
electronically is software.
 Collection of programs to achieve some goal.

 Project
 A project is a sequence of unique, complex and connected activities
having one goal or purpose and that must be completed in a specific
time within budget and according to requirement specifications.
 A temporary efforts undertaken to create a unique product, service or

DR.Rupali Kalekar
1.1 Overview of project Management


 Management is an act, manner, or practice of managing, handling,

supervising, or controlling the project activities.

For successful management, manager can control or direct a business or

other enterprise.

Project Management

It is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to perform or

carry out project activities in order to meet stakeholders’ need.

Project Management is the discipline of planning, organizing and managing

resources to complete a project within defined scope, quality and cost
DR.Rupali Kalekar
• Examples of project
1. A plan or proposal; a scheme.
2. An extensive task undertaken by a student or group of
students to apply, illustrate, or supplement classroom
3. A housing project.

DR.Rupali Kalekar
Software Project Management

Software project management is the discipline used for

managing projects effectively.

It is a challenging activity and plays a vital role in the

success of a project.

 SPM is nothing but the planning, monitoring and

control of the people, process and events that occur as
software evolves from preliminary investigation to

DR.Rupali Kalekar
Software Project Management
 Project Management is the application of knowledge, skills,
tools and techniques to project activities to meet project
requirements. The PMBOK (Project Management Body of
Knowledge) lists nine knowledge areas of PM-
 Integration Management
 Scope Management
 Time Management
 Cost Management
 Quality Management
 Human Resource Management
 Communication Management
 Risk Management
 Procurement Management
DR.Rupali Kalekar
Who needs software?

Most software's are built in organizations for people with

specific needs.

A stakeholder is a anyone who has an interest (or stake) in

the software being completed.

An user is someone who will need to use the software to

perform tasks.

Sometimes stakeholders will be users; but often the

stakeholder will not use the software.
DR.Rupali Kalekar
Who builds software?

Software is typically built or develop by a team of software

engineers, which includes:

 Business analysts or requirements analysts who talk to users

and stakeholders, plan the behavior of software and write
software requirements.

 Designers and architects who plan the technical Solution

 Programmers who write the code.

 Testers who verify that the software meet its requirements and
behaves as expected.

DR.Rupali Kalekar
Important Aspects

The 4 P’s
 People — the most important element of a
successful project
 Product — the software to be built
 Process — the set of framework activities and
software engineering tasks to get the job done
 Project — all work required to make the product a

DR.Rupali Kalekar
1.1 Overview of Software Project Management

Important Aspects of SPM - 4 P’s


Project Dependency Product

4 order 2

Fig. Factors of management dependency form project to people
DR.Rupali Kalekar
For successful project people are important aspects
in project.
They could be:
2.Team Leader/Project Manager
3.Software Team
4.Agile Team
5.Coordination and Communication Issues

DR.Rupali Kalekar
1. People/Stakeholders
 Senior managers: who define the business issues that often
have significant influence on the project.

 Project (technical) managers : who must plan, motivate,

organize, and control the practitioners who work on software.

 Practitioners/Programmers : who deliver the technical skills that

are necessary to engineer a product or application.

 Customers : who specify the requirements for the software to be

engineered and other stakeholders who have a peripheral interest
in the outcome.

 End-users : who interact with the software once it is released for

DR.Rupali Kalekar
2. Team Leader/Project Manager

Jerry Weinberg model for leadership

1.Motivation : Ability to encourage the people to produce
their best level.

2.Organization : Ability to mold existing process or invent

new one that will be enable to translate initial concept to
final product.

3.Ideas or Innovations : Ability to encourage people to

create and feel creative when they must work within the
bounds established for a particular software product or any
DR.Rupali Kalekar
Characteristics of Project Manager

 Problem Solving: diagnose and solve organizational

and technical issues

 Managerial Identity : He should be confident and

proper control

 Achievements : He should have to take initiative to

enhance the productivity

 Influence and Team building : Able to read people,

able to communicating with customers and also proper
control in high stress situation.
DR.Rupali Kalekar
3. Software Team

 Team structure depends on

 Management style of organization

 No. of people in the team

 Their skill level

 Overall problem difficulty and way to find solutions

DR.Rupali Kalekar

 Software project management is dedicated to the planning,

scheduling, resource allocation, execution, tracking, and
delivery of software and web projects.

 Software project management is an art and discipline of

planning and supervising software projects. It is a sub-
discipline of software project management in which software
projects planned, implemented, monitored and controlled.

 It is a procedure of managing, allocating and timing resources

to develop computer software that fulfills requirements.

 In software Project Management, the client and the developers

need to know the length, period and cost of the project.

DR.Rupali Kalekar
Prerequisite of software project management?

 Time
 Cost
 Quality

It is an essential part of the software organization to

deliver a quality product, keeping the cost within the
client’s budget and deliver the project as per schedule.
There are various factors, both external and internal,
which may impact this triple factor. Any of three-factor
can severely affect the other two.

DR.Rupali Kalekar
1.1 Overview of project Management

DR.Rupali Kalekar
1.2 Project management life cycle-IEEE Life Cycle

Project, as defined in the PMBOK Guide, is a

“temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique
product, service or result.”
 All projects vary in complexity but they all follow
similar life cycles.
 All projects have deliverables (meaning they always
produce something)
Project examples: −
 New product development − Building renovation −
Wedding − Dinner party
DR.Rupali Kalekar
What is a project life cycle?

Project life cycle is a series of phases of a project from

initiation to completion.
 The life cycle gives a practical approach to problem
solving applied to all aspects of a project.
 Phases in a project life cycle encompasses sequential
and overlapping phases.
 A project life cycle typically has 4 major phases:
− Initiation Phase
− Planning Phase
− Implementation/ Execution Phase
− Closure Phase

DR.Rupali Kalekar
DR.Rupali Kalekar
DR.Rupali Kalekar
Initiation Phase

 The first phase explores the project concept.

 Scope is defined during this phase.

 Feasibility studies are made in order to identify if there is a business

need and justification to pursue the project.

 Project charte is developed for approval.

 This is the phase that the project team is assembled and the project
manager is identified.

DR.Rupali Kalekar
Planning Phase

 This phase further details the scope of the project.

 Tasks and resources are identified and assigned during this phase

 Project manager coordinates the preparation of the schedule and

project budget

 Risks are identified ahead to anticipate any project threats

 Quality plan is developed to maintain proper standards throughout


 Communications plan is created in order to ensure everyone is

constantly informed of project status

DR.Rupali Kalekar
Implementation/ Execution Phase

This phase is where the work outlined in the project plan is


 This phase consumes the most resources and energy.

 Constant and close monitoring of the work should be done to

ensure efficiency of the project execution.

 Status reports are important for all stakeholders involved.

 Deliverables are measured against the set metrics to ensure

quality is acceptable

DR.Rupali Kalekar
Closure Phase

This is the last phase of the project life cycle and involves
handing over final deliverable to the customer.

 Contracts are properly terminated for equipment,

vendors and staff.

 All stakeholders are to be informed of project closure.

 This phase is when the team reviews the overall project

and identify lessons learned for future projects.

DR.Rupali Kalekar
1.3 Project Management Process

 Process

DR.Rupali Kalekar
DR.Rupali Kalekar
Project Management Process

On any project, you will have a number of project constraints that are competing
for your attention. They are cost, scope, quality, risk, resources, and time

DR.Rupali Kalekar
1.4 Role of Project Manager

DR.Rupali Kalekar
1.4 Role of Project Manager

 Leader

A project manager must lead his team towards success.

He should provide them direction and make them understand what is

expected of them.

Clearly explain the roles of each member of the team.

He must build a team comprising of individuals with different skills so that

each member contributes effectively to the best of their abilities.

DR.Rupali Kalekar
 Liaison
The project manager is a link between his clients, his team and
his own supervisors.

He must coordinate and transfer all the relevant information from

the clients to his team and report to the upper management.

He should work closely with analysts, software designers and other

staff members and communicate the goals of the project.

He monitors the progress of the project, taking action accordingly.

DR.Rupali Kalekar
 Mentor

He must be there to guide his team at every step and

ensure that the team has cohesion.

He provides advice to his team wherever they need it

and points them in the right direction.

DR.Rupali Kalekar
Responsibilities of a Project Manager

 Planning

In order for a project to be successful and completed within a specified time the
project manager for a software company must plan effectively.

This also includes:

 Scope:

The project manager must clearly define the scope of the project and answer
questions like,

who is the customer?

What need will the software satisfy?

How will it be beneficial to others?

What are the operational requirements for the project?
DR.Rupali Kalekar
 Activity Schedules:
Making activity schedules and planning out the activities according o the
time frame is extremely important.

He must first list out the jobs to be done and then allot specific jobs to
team members.

For each job there are different tasks to be accomplished which must be
clearly outlined.

Identifying and specifying the critical activities of the project and then
equally delegating the roles to each member of the team.

DR.Rupali Kalekar
 Gantt Chart:
Once the activities and their different tasks have been outlined, he must list all the
activities in a Gantt chart and allot time frames for their completion. This always
helps in deciding deadlines for the various activities and also in refining the project
plan as it moves along.

 Potential Risks:
 He must plan for any hindrances that might occur during the course of the
project. Risk management is an integral part of the project and ensures the
presence of a backup plan. Some of the potential risks could be:
 Design variations
 Variations by the client
 Occurrence of dispute and fixing any discrepancies arising due to personal
conflicts between the team members.
 Incomplete or inaccurate cost estimate
 He must be the one to take the decision of handling any free riders in the team
and decide on how they are to be handled.
 If the project has been delayed then he must try to fix the gap brought about by
the delay.
DR.Rupali Kalekar
 Setting Goals
He must set measurable goals that should define the overall project’s

 Time Management
Time estimation for the various activities is of major significance as it
helps set the daily priorities of each team member.

A project manager has to properly time all the activities for the completion
of the project and also prepare for any delays in any of the activities.

DR.Rupali Kalekar
 Budget Allocation and Cost Estimates
Project manager must assign budgets to the various activities and make
any cost considerations that there might be.

 Implementation and Monitoring

Implementation of the project’s activities includes delegating different
activities and ensuring their completion on time.
Executing the plan of action and ensuring that it is monitored along the
way is a key responsibility if his.
A project manager must set out the project boundaries and scope for the
project which them formulates itself into a plan of action and assists in
successful completion of the project.

DR.Rupali Kalekar
Software project managers may have to do any of the following tasks:

 Planning:
 The project manager puts together the blueprint for the entire project.
 The project plan will define the scope, necessary resources, timeline, procedure for execution,
communication strategy, and steps required for testing and maintenance.

 Leading:
 A software project manager assembles and leads the project team, which consists of developers,
analysts, testers, graphic designers, and technical writers.
 Heading up a team requires excellent communication, people, and leadership skills.

 Execution:
 The project manager will supervise the successful execution of each stage of the project.
 This includes monitoring progress, conducting frequent team check-ins, and creating status

 Time management:
 Staying on schedule is crucial to the successful completion of any project.
 This can be particularly challenging when managing software projects because changes to the
original plan are almost guaranteed as the project evolves.
 Software project managers must be experts in risk management and contingency planning to
ensure progress in the face of roadblocks or changes.

DR.Rupali Kalekar
 Budget:
Like traditional project managers, software project managers are tasked
with creating a budget for a project and sticking to it as closely as
possible, moderating spend and re-allocating funds when necessary.

 Maintenance:
Software project management encourages constant product testing to
discover and fix bugs early, adjust the end product to the customer’s
needs, and keep the project on target.
The software project manager ensures the product is properly and
consistently tested, evaluated, and adjusted accordingly.

DR.Rupali Kalekar
Quality Metrics

 Quality Metrics in Project Management are those KPIs (Key

Performance Indicators) which are critical during the realization of a

 Smart project manager always makes sure to track them, as they

provide information on every aspect of the working process.

 They have to be carefully monitored in order to ensure that the team is

working on the proper tasks.

 If a project manager does not control the KPI, the risk of failure or

project’s going past the deadline drastically rises.

DR.Rupali Kalekar
DR.Rupali Kalekar
Project management quality metrics


 The name says it all – it is the estimated amount of money

that’s needed to finish all the planned activities and tasks on


 You can try and compare it to other metrics to have a better

view of the progress of the project.

 You will notice if some tasks are doing better than others, and

you will be able to react if some tasks will be consuming too big
part of the company’s budget.
DR.Rupali Kalekar
 Actual Cost KPI tells you how much money your team has actually
spent on the project. As it includes factors that may appear randomly,
there is no formula to calculate it. You count it by adding up all the
expenses that project required.
 If you have all the hours tracked, it is easy to calculate the Actual Cost
spent on salaries, resources, and other factors that were needed to
complete the project.

 Probably the one, that you will be most interested in Earned Value KPI,
which is also called the Budgeted Cost of Work Performed, is
responsible for displaying the results of the planned work and the
budget received for completing them.

DR.Rupali Kalekar
1.6 Risk Management Process

1.6.1 Risk Identification

Dilbert’s Take…

DR.Rupali Kalekar
What is Project Risk?

 An event that, if it occurs, causes either a positive

or negative impact on a project

 Keys attributes of Risk

 Uncertainty
 Positive and Negative

 Cause and Consequence

DR.Rupali Kalekar
Risk Management

 Risk management is concerned with identifying

risks and drawing up plans to minimise their
effect on a project.

 A risk is a probability that some adverse (or positive)

circumstance will occur
 Project risks affect schedule or resources;
 Product risks affect the quality or performance of the software
being developed;
 Business risks affect the organization developing or procuring
the software.

DR.Rupali Kalekar
The Risk Management Process

DR.Rupali Kalekar
Identifying Risk

 Continuous, Iterative Process

 What is it and what does it look like
 The sooner the better
 The more the merrier
 A fact is not a risk (it’s an issue).
 Be specific
 Don’t try to do everything at once

DR.Rupali Kalekar
Risks and Risk Types

Risk type Possible risks

Technology The database used in the system cannot process as many transactions
per second as expected.
Software components that should be reused contain defects that limit
their functionality.
People It is impossible to recruit staff with the skills required.
Key staff are ill and unavailable at critical times.
Required training for staff is not available.
Organizational The organization is restructured so that different management are
responsible for the project.
Organizational financial problems force reductions in the project budget.
Tools The code generated by CASE tools is inefficient.
CASE tools cannot be integrated.
Requirements Changes to requirements that require major design rework are proposed.
Customers fail to understand the impact of requirements changes.
Estimation The time required to develop the software is underestimated.
The rate of defect repair is underestimated.
The size of the software is underestimated.
DR.Rupali Kalekar
Software Risks

Risk Affects Description

Staff turnover Project Experienced staff will leave the project before it is
Management change Project There will be a change of organizational management
with different priorities.
Hardware unavailability Project Hardware that is essential for the project will not be
delivered on schedule.
Requirements change Project and There will be a larger number of changes to the
product requirements than anticipated.
Specification delays Project and Specifications of essential interfaces are not available
product on schedule
Size underestimate Project and The size of the system has been underestimated.
CASE tool under- Product CASE tools which support the project do not perform
performance as anticipated
Technology change Business The underlying technology on which the system is
built is superseded by new technology.
Product competition Business A competitive product is marketed before the system
DR.Rupali Kalekar is completed.
Risk Analysis

 Assess probability, seriousness, and urgency of each

 Probability may be very low, low, moderate, high or
very high.
 Risk effects might be catastrophic, serious, tolerable
or insignificant.
 Urgency might be immediate, short term, or long

DR.Rupali Kalekar
Analyzing Risk - Qualitative

 Subjective
 Educated Guess
 High, Medium, Low
 Red, Yellow, Green
 1-10
 Prioritized/Ranked list of ALL identified risks
 First step in risk analysis!

DR.Rupali Kalekar
Risk Analysis - Quantitative

 Numerical/Statistical Analysis
 Determines probability of occurrence and
consequences of risks
 Should be focused to highest risks as determined by
Qualitative Risk Analysis and Risk Threshold

DR.Rupali Kalekar
Risk Analysis - Quantitative

 Numerical/Statistical Analysis
 Determines probability of occurrence and consequences of
 Should be focused to highest risks as determined by
Qualitative Risk Analysis and Risk Threshold

DR.Rupali Kalekar
Risk Analysis (i)

Risk Probability Effects

Organizational financial problems force reductions in Low Catastrophic
the project budget.
It is impossible to recruit staff with the skills required High Catastrophic
for the project.
Key staff are ill at critical times in the project. Moderate Serious
Software components that should be reused contain Moderate Serious
defects which limit their functionality.
Changes to requirements that require major design Moderate Serious
rework are proposed.
The organization is restructured so that different High Serious
management are responsible for the project.

DR.Rupali Kalekar
Risk Analysis (ii)

Risk Probability Effects

The database used in the system cannot process as Moderate Serious
many transactions per second as expected.
The time required to develop the software is High Serious
CASE tools cannot be integrated. High Tolerable
Customers fail to understand the impact of Moderate Tolerable
requirements changes.
Required training for staff is not available. Moderate Tolerable
The rate of defect repair is underestimated. Moderate Tolerable
The size of the software is underestimated. High Tolerable
The code generated by CASE tools is inefficient. Moderate Insignificant

DR.Rupali Kalekar
Identification Techniques

 Brainstorming
 Checklists
 Interviewing
 SWOT Analysis (strengths, weaknesses opportunities, threats)
 Delphi Technique (anonymous consensus building)
 Diagramming Techniques
 Cause & effect

 Flow Charts

 Influence Diagrams

DR.Rupali Kalekar

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