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Stryker Endoscopy warrants the X-7000 Light Source shall Stryker Endoscopy be liable for any breach of war-
against defects in both materials and workmanship to the ranty in any amount exceeding the purchase price of the
registered owner at the time of purchase. All components product.
are covered by the warranty for a period of one year from
the date of purchase. No agent, employee or representative of Stryker Endoscopy
has the authority to bind the Company to any other war-
This warranty does not apply to any unit which has been ranty, affirmation, or representation concerning this
the subject of misuse, abuse, neglect, improper installation instrument.
or operation or that which has been altered, adjusted, or
tampered with by any person other than Stryker Endos- This warranty is valid only to the original purchaser of
copy authorized service personnel. Stryker Endoscopy products directly from Stryker Endos-
copy or from a Stryker Endoscopy authorized agent. The
The customer is responsible for returning the defective warranty cannot be transferred or assigned by the original
equipment to the factory at his or her own expense. purchaser.
Stryker Endoscopy or its representative will service the
unit, repair or replace any defective parts thereof, and The X-7000 Light Source warranty is void if any WARN-
return the unit. INGS, CAUTIONS, or NOTES are disregarded.

If, upon examination, it is determined that the fault has All Stryker products are warranted against defects in mate-
been caused by misuse or abnormal conditions of opera- rials and workmanship.
tion, the repairs will be billed to the customer in the same
manner as out-of-warranty repairs.

Products repaired by Stryker Endoscopy will be issued a 30 © Stryker and Stryker Endoscopy are registered trade-
day repair warranty against defects in both materials and marks of Stryker Corporation.
workmanship, provided the original warranty period has
expired. This warranty applies only to products that have
been repaired by Stryker. Instruments submitted due to
defects in materials and workmanship during the warranty
period will be repaired at no charge to the customer.

The warranty as set forth herein is exclusive and in lieu of

all other warranties, remedies, obligations, and liabilities of
Stryker Endoscopy Inc., expressed or implied, including
the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for
use and of consequential damages. These products are
being sold only for the purpose described herein, and such
warranty only runs to the original purchaser. In no event

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Table of Contents

1.1 Scope.........................................................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Responsibility...........................................................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Upgrades...................................................................................................................................................................................1
1.4 Equipment Overview...............................................................................................................................................................1
1.5 Service Options........................................................................................................................................................................1
1.6 Maintenance Precautions........................................................................................................................................................1
1.7 Factory Service Instructions...................................................................................................................................................2
1.8 Required Equipment...............................................................................................................................................................2
1.9 Required Skills.........................................................................................................................................................................2
1.10 Required Replacement Components..................................................................................................................................2


2.1 General Recommendations....................................................................................................................................................3
2.2 Power Requirements...............................................................................................................................................................3
2.3 Ambient Requirements...........................................................................................................................................................3
2.4 Connections and Wiring.........................................................................................................................................................3
2.5 Verify Operation......................................................................................................................................................................3


3.1 Diagnostic Analysis Checklist................................................................................................................................................5
3.2 Repair Matrix ..........................................................................................................................................................................6


4.1 Component Replacement Instructions.................................................................................................................................7
4.1.1 Component Removal Table.................................................................................................................................7
4.1.2 Individual Replacement Instructions.................................................................................................................8
4.2 Console Cover Removal ..........................................................................................................................................................8
4.3 Power Source Components...................................................................................................................................................9
4.3.1 Control Board Replacement...............................................................................................................................9
4.3.2 Lamp Ballast Replacement.................................................................................................................................10
4.3.3 AC Inlet Board Replacement.............................................................................................................................11
4.3.4 Ballast Fan Replacement....................................................................................................................................12
4.4 Light Source Components....................................................................................................................................................12
4.4.1 Bulb Fan Replacement........................................................................................................................................12
4.4.2 Bulb Board Replacement...................................................................................................................................13
4.4.3 Shutter Replacement..........................................................................................................................................13
4.4.4 Hot Mirror Replacement...................................................................................................................................13
4.4.5 Motor Mount Replacement..............................................................................................................................14 Motor Replacement.........................................................................................................................................15 Integrating Rod Replacement........................................................................................................................15

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4.5 Front Panel Components......................................................................................................................................................16
4.5.1 Jaw Handle Replacement...................................................................................................................................16
4.5.2 Potentiometer Knob Replacement....................................................................................................................16
4.5.3 Front Panel Replacement...................................................................................................................................17
4.5.4 Jaw Assembly Replacement...............................................................................................................................17
4.5.5 Power Switch Replacement................................................................................................................................18
4.5.6 Display Board Replacement..............................................................................................................................18
4.6 Fuse Replacement..................................................................................................................................................................19
4.6.1 Rear Panel Fuses..................................................................................................................................................19


5.1 Required Skills.......................................................................................................................................................................20
5.2 Alignment and Calibration..................................................................................................................................................20


6.1 Required Skills.......................................................................................................................................................................21
6.2 Assembly.................................................................................................................................................................................21
6.3 Electrical Current Leakage Test...........................................................................................................................................21
6.4 Hi-Pot Test..............................................................................................................................................................................22

7.1 Assembly Diagram................................................................................................................................................................23
7.2 Parts Listing............................................................................................................................................................................23
7.3 Reference Documents...........................................................................................................................................................23





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1.0 Introduction

1.1 SCOPE tive for up-to-date information on available options and

This manual is intended to be used as a reference guide for upgrades to equipment as well as updates to this manual.
electronics technicians and the Stryker Repair Team in the
analysis and repair procedures for the X-7000 Light 1.4 EQUIPMENT OVERVIEW
Source. It is meant to be used in conjuction with the
Stryker X-7000 Universal Light Source Operating and The Stryker Endoscopy X-7000 Light Source consists of
Maintenance Manual (Stryker P/N 1000-400-651) and the light source, power cord, and Operation and Mainte-
does not replace existing documentation. nance Manual. Replacement or spare lamps can be pur-
chased separately.
Stryker Endoscopy maintains a complete repair depart-
ment for the sole purpose of providing efficient and reli- 1.5 SERVICE OPTIONS
able service.
The user is advised to return a malfunctioning unit to
1.2 RESPONSIBILITY Stryker Endoscopy for repair or replacement, where spe-
cialized equipment and technicians are available to per-
Stryker Endoscopy accepts full responsibility for the effects form repairs while maintaining full product quality and
on safety, reliability, and performance of the equipment safety.
only if readjustments, modifications and repairs have been
carried out exclusively by a person specifically authorized In the event that the user decides to undertake repair pro-
by Stryker Endoscopy to do so. cedures, Stryker Endoscopy recommends that these be car-
ried out only by qualified technicians with proper test
In no event shall Stryker Endoscopy be liable for incidental equipment listed in this manual, so that the safety of oper-
or consequential damages in connection with or arising ators and patients may not be compromised.
from the performance or use of its products after unautho-
rized modification or repair performed by individuals 1.6 MAINTENANCE PRECAUTIONS
other than Stryker Endoscopy perosnnel.
WARNING: The incorrect use of any of the required tools
1.3 UPGRADES and techniques may risk damage to the
equipment or injury to the person carrying
The Stryker Endoscopy X-7000 Light Source is a high per- out the procedure, subsequent operators, or
formance device designed for use with Stryker Endoscopy patient. Repairs should be made ONLY by
medical video cameras to provide outstanding illumina- those that have been specificallytrained in
tion of the surgical site across all endoscopic applications. the use of all pertinent equipment andtech-
With the proper light cable and adapters, it can be con- niques. Stryker Endoscopy cannot continue
nected to any flexible or rigid endoscope. Stryker Endos- to guarantee compliance to UL, CSA, TUV,
copy reserves the right to incorporate improvements or other labeled safety standards if service is
without notice. However, updated parts will be fully inter- performed by anyone other than Stryker
changeable with older versions and will offer at least the Endoscopy Personnel.
same level of quality and performance.

Stryker Endoscopy will inform customers of significant

upgrades to the product. Contact your Stryker representa-

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If service is needed either during or after the warranty Each diagnostic and repair procedure described in this
manual requires a technician qualified by training or expe-
rience in the following areas:

Contact Stryker Endoscopy at 1-800-624-4422 or contact •Basic electronics techniques

your local Stryker Endoscopy sales representative. If •Multimeter operation
needed, a loaner unit may be requested during the time of

Package the X-7000 carefully in the original shipping con- If a repair procedure necessitates replacements parts,
tainer, if possible. please refer to the Appendix (page 22).

Ship the Stryker Endoscopy X-7000 Light Source, prepaid

and insured, to:

Stryker Endoscopy Customer Service

Attention: Repair Department
5900 Optical Court
San Jose, CA 95138


Most of the procedures described in this manual require

the following basic tool kit:

• Small flat blade screwdriver

• Medium Philips screwdriver
• 8” adjustable wrench
• Needlenose pliers
• Small wire cutting pliers
• Wire stripper
• Soldering iron and solder
• Multimeter
• Stryker medical video camera
• Stryker Scope
• Fiber optic cable
• Glass fuse puller
• Shorting clip
• Bio Tek Model 170 Analyzer or equivalent current
leakage tester
• Nut drivers 11/32” and 5/16”
• Open end wrenches 7/16” and 1/2”
• Set of standard allen wrenches / hex keys
• Hi-Pot Tester

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2.0 Diagnostic and Corrective Maintenance

2.1 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS NOTE: A proper electrical installation procedure will

ensure that all associated signal cabling is cor-
The Stryker Endoscopy Model X-7000 Light Source is a rectly installed prior to applying AC power to the
precision instrument which has been engineered and man- system.
ufactured with great care to ensure the safety of operators
and patients. In order to maintain the high level of safety 2.3 AMBIENT REQUIREMENTS
and reliability required of the X-7000, it is important to
fully understand and comply with all required procedures Ensure that:
set out herein.
• The distance between the X-7000 Light Source and the
If some part of a procedure is omitted or adequate equip- associated devices does not exceed the available cable
ment is not used, the safety and performance of the device length.
may be unknowingly compromised. It is strongly recom- • Controls will be easily accessible to operator.
mended that if any element in these procedures is beyond • Ventilation is not obstructed around the unit. Avoid
the scope of the technician’s training, refer to section 1.7 locations with excessive heat or temperature fluctua-
for information on obtaining fully qualified professional tions, such as direct sunlight.
service at Stryker Endoscopy.
WARNING: As is the case with all AC powered devices,
dangerous voltages are present. If adequate Please refer to the procedures detailed in the X-7000 Uni-
safety precautions are not taken, results may versal Light Source Operating and Maintenance Manual
include damage to the equipment, injury, or (Stryker P/N #1000-400-651).
death. It is imperative that these procedures
be approached only by trained technicians 2.5 VERIFY OPERATION
with proper equipment after fully reading
and understanding the steps involved. After ensuring that both power and signal connections
have been correctly made, place the power switch in each
2.2 POWER REQUIREMENTS unit to the “ON” position. Check that an image is present
on the monitor.
• There is one AC power cord for the X-7000 Light Source.
A separate AC power cord is normally required for any
other instrument being used.
• Each instrument is clearly marked for power require-
ments at the AC power cord connection.
• Testing the outlet for proper grounding and polarity is
highly recommended prior to connecting the X-7000
Light Source. If available, a ground-fault-interrupt type
outlet will provide an additional level of safety.

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3.0 Repair Checklist and Matrix


The following page is intended for use by qualified Stryker

personnel only. Complete a copy of the checklist and file it
in the DHR.



The Repair Matrices are intended for use by qualified

Stryker personnel only, in conjuction with section 4.0
(Component Removal and Repair). See page 6 and 7 for
Repair Matrices.

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5900 Optical Court
San Jose, CA 95138
t: 408 754 2000 f: 408 754 2505

DIAGNOSTIC ANALYSIS CHECKLIST CHECK DATE: _______________NAME: _____________________

SERIAL #: ___________________

What is the customer complaint?

General Assembly Check Points Yes/No Details

Is there any visual damage on the unit?
Are the door switches plastic or metal?
Are there screws on the door switches?
What is the Rev of the control board? (Rev. stamped on
control board)
Does the front display board backlight turn on when the device
Does warm message appear when the unit is powered on?
Does the unit turn on the front panel LEDs as expected after
warm message?
What is the software version number?
How many hours are there on the bulb?

System Checks Yes/No Details

Does the unit have D53 and D54 chips? (Rev. F and prior
versions only)
Does the unit turn on the bulb when the interlocks are closed?
(door and light cable)
Does the unit show the brightness properly?
Does the unit switch between run/standby?
Does the unit switch between auto/manual?
When the cable is pulled out, does the bulb turn OFF?
If not, record the voltage between TP20 and GND. Cable in: Cable out:
When the door is opened, does the bulb turn OFF?
If not, record the voltage between TP23 and GND. Door open: Door closed:
Failure Diagnostics Yes/No Details
Is power button flashing when powered on?
Disconnect the ballast from the control board and
connect the jumper cable, Does the bulb turn ON?
If the bulb does not turn on,
Measure the boost voltage. Boost voltage =
Measure the 5-V line voltage on the jumper. 5-V line value =
Measure the 12-V line voltage on the jumper. 12-V line value =

Other Observations:

Staff Recommendation:

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Use the following matrix to identify failure and repair codes. Refer to section 4.0 for repair instructions.












Replace Eprom / Upgrade EPR


Replace Integrating Rod

Replace Ethernet Board

Replace AC Inlet Board
Replace Bulb Assembly

Replace Slide Pot Knob

Replace Control Board

Replace Display Board

Replace Jaw Assembly

Replace Ribbon Cable

Replace Power Switch

Replace Front Panel

Software (in-house)
Replace Bulb Board

Replace Hot Mirror

Replace Jaw Handle

Replace Ballast Fan
Replace Bulb Fan
Replace Chassis
Replace Shutter
Replace Ballast

Replace Motor

Replace Cover
Replace Fuse

Replace Feet
Error Code Failures
E1F E-1 2 3 1
E2F E-2 3 1 4 2
E3F E-3 2 1
E5F E-5 4 3 2 1
E6F E-6 1 2
Power Failures
PSF Power Switch Failure 4 3 2 1
LPF No Power 2 3 4 1
FBF Flashing Power Button 2 1 3
BUF "Bulb" in Bulb Hours 1 2 3
PFF Power only to Front Panel 1 2 3 4
Light Output Failure
NLF No Light Output 3 4 1 5 6 2
SBY Unit won't exit Standby Mode 4 2 3 6 7 1 5 8
LLF Low Light Output 5 1 4 3 2
BHF Bulb Hours not Displayed 3 1 2 4
DCF Delayed Ignition, Clicking 2 3 1
DPF Delayed Ignition, Popping 1 3 2
STR Strobing Light 3 2 1 5 4 6
LOF Light Stays On 2 3 1
Input/Output Ports
PSF Permanent Sidne Failure 1 2

ISF Intermittent Sidne Failure 2 1

ECF Ethernet Communication Failure 2 1
VIF Video Failure 1
Board/Component Failures
CBF Control Board Failure 1
LBF Ballast Failure 1
DBF Display Board Failure 1
BJW Jaw Assembly Failure 1
BAF Bulb Assembly Failure 1
BBF Bulb Board Failure 1
EBR Ethernet Board Failure 1
PBF AC Inlet Board Failure 1
FMO Motor Failure 1
IRF Integrating Rod Failure 1
BFG Hot Mirror Failure 1
BSH Shutter Failure 1
PSF Power Switch Failure 1
BSP Slide Pot Knob Failure 1
BHD Jaw Handle Failure 1
EPF Eprom Failure 1
FUF Fuse Failure 1
RBF Ribbon Cable Failue 1
FNF Fan Failure 1 2
CHF Damaged Chassis 1
COF Damaged Cover 1
DFF Damaged/Missing Feet 1
FPF Damaged Front Panel 61
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4.0 Component Removal and Repair


Required skills: NOTE: All components in previous columns must be

Basic electronics techniques. removed before removing a component.

WARNING: The incorrect use of any of the required tools

and techniques may risk damage to the
1 2 3 4 5
equipment or injury to the person carrying
out the procedure, subsequent operators, or Control Ballast AC Inlet
patient. Repairs should be made ONLY by Board Board

those that have been specifically trained in Ballast

the use of all pertinent equipment andtech- Fan

Bulb, Bulb
The following instructions apply to the removal of compo- Bulb Fan Board
nents from the X-7000. To remove a component for
replacement or repair will require the removal of certain Shutter Hot Motor Motor
Mirror Mount
other components. Components must be removed in the
order listed in the following procedures.
ing Rod
The table in section 4.1.1 shows the order in which compo-
nents must be removed according to the basic physical
assembly of the X-7000. To remove a component for Slide Front Power
replacement, or repair, begin with section 4.2 and proceed Button, Panel Switch
accordingly to the appropriate section. Jaw Knob


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4.1.2 Individual Replacement Instructions 4.2 CONSOLE COVER REMOVAL

NOTE: Before removing any component in the X-7000, Tools Required:

the Console Cover must be removed (refer to sec- Basic Tool Kit
tion 4.2).
• Remove power cord.
To remove and repair any of the following components, • On the back of the unit, remove the two screws attaching
proceed to section 4.3 (Power Source Components): the console to the unit.
• Control Board (4.3.1) • Open the lamp door latch on the side of the unit and
• Lamp Ballast (4.3.2) open the door.
• AC Inlet Board (4.3.3) • Slide the cover back, then lift off.
• Ballast Fan (4.3.4)

To remove and repair any of the following components,

proceed to section 4.4 (Light Source Components):
• Bulb (4.4.1)
• Bulb Fan (4.4.2)
• Shutter (4.4.3)
• Hot Mirror (4.4.4)
• Motor Mount (4.4.5)
• Motor (
• Integrating Rod (

To remove and repair any of the following components,

proceed to section 4.5 (Front Panel Components):
• Jaw Handle (4.5.1)
• Potentiometer Knob (4.5.2)
• Front Panel (4.5.3)
• Jaw Assembly (4.5.4)
• Power Switch (4.5.5)
• Display Board (4.5.6)

To remove and repair any of the following components,

proceed to section 4.6 (Rear Board Components):
• Fuses (4.6.1)

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4.3.1 Control Board Replacement

Tools Required:
Basic Tool Kit

• Remove power cord and console cover (procedure 4.2).

• Disconnect connectors and attached wires.

• Remove the 5 screws attaching the control board to the


• Unscrew the nut and washer on the BNC connector.

• Remove the old control board.

• Install a new control board with 4 screws.

• Reattach the connectors to their original locations,

including attaching the ground for the ribbon cable with
the 5th screw.

• Screw washer and nut onto BNC.

• Perform calibration (procedure 5.2).

• Reinstall the console cover.

• Perform Electrical Current Leakage Test (procedure


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4.3.2 Lamp Ballast Replacement

Tools Required:
Basic Tool Kit

• Remove power cord and console cover (procedure


• Remove the control board (procedure 4.3.1).

• Label and disconnect the three power input cables

located at the rear of the ballast.

• Remove the bulb holder assembly.

• Using the X-Long Magnetic Phillips screwdriver, remove

the 4 screws attaching the lamp ballast to the chassis.

• Replace the lamp ballast assembly.

• Install new ballast assembly using an X-Long Magnetic

Phillips screwdriver.

• Reconnect all cables previously disconnected.

• Reattach the control board to the chassis.

• Reinstall the console cover.

• Perform Electrical Current Leakage Test (procedure 6.3).

• Perform Hi-Pot test (procedure 6.4).

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4.3.3 AC Inlet Board Replacement

Tools Required:
Basic Tool Kit

• Remove power cord and console cover (procedure


• Remove the control board (procedure 4.3.1).

• Remove the lamp ballast (procedure 4.3.2).

• Remove the 2 bolts from the 2 nuts.

• Remove the 1-2 screws from the AC inlet board (number

of screws varies by revision).

• Remove the wiring harness from the J2 connector.

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4.3.4 Ballast Fan Replacement 4.4 LIGHT SOURCE COMPONENTS

Tools Required: 4.4.1 Bulb Fan Replacement

Basic Tool Kit
Tools Required:
NOTE: BOTH fans must be replaced if one fan malfunc- Basic Tool Kit
NOTE: BOTH fans must be replaced if one fan malfunc-
• Remove power cord and console cover (procedure tions.
• Remove power cord and console cover (procedure
• Remove the black ribbon cable. 4.2).

• Remove the fan wire harness assembly. • Remove the bulb module.

• Note the fan orientation. • Detach the wire harness from the control board.

• Remove the 2 nuts attaching the fan to the Chassis and • Remove the 2 nuts attaching the bulb fan housing assem-
remove the sub-assembly. bly to the chassis.

• Remove the 4 screws from the fan mounts. • Note the fan orientation.

• Remove the malfunctioning fan(s) and replace. Ensure • Remove the 4 nuts attaching the bulb fan to the fan
the correct orientation. mounts/fan ducts.

• Reinstall the 2 fan mounts with the 4 screws. • Reinstall the new fan onto the mounts/duct with 4 bolts,
ensuring the correct orientation.
• Reinstall the 2 nuts.
• Reinstall the fan assembly onto the chassis with 2 nuts.
• Reinstall the black ribbon cable, fan wire harness assem-
bly, and console cover. • Reconnect the wire harness.

• Perform Electrical Current Leakage Test (procedure 6.3). • Replace the bulb module and cover.

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4.4.2 Bulb Board Replacement

• Remove power cord and console cover (procedure 4.2).

• Remove the bulb.

• Remove the bulb fan (procedure 4.4.1).

• Remove the 2 wire harnesses.

• Remove the bulb board and replace.

4.4.4 Hot Mirror Replacement
• Reinstall the 2 wire harnesses, bulb fan, bulb, and cover.
• Remove power cord and console cover (procedure 4.2).

• Remove the bulb (procedure 4.4.1).

• Remove the shutter (procedure 4.4.3).

• Remove the 2 Allen screws.

• Remove the hot mirror mount and replace.

• Reinsert the 2 Allen screws.

• Replace the shutter, bulb, and cover.

4.4.3 Shutter Replacement

• Remove the power cord and console cover (procedure


• Remove the bulb (procedure 4.4.1).

• Remove the Allen screw from the shutter shaft.

• Remove the shutter and replace.

• Reinsert the Allen screw.

• Replace the bulb and cover.

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4.4.5 Motor Mount Replacement

• Remove power cord and console cover (procedure 4.2).

• Remove the bulb (procedure 4.4.1).

• Remove the hot mirror (procedure 4.4.4).

• Remove the 2 Phillips screws from beneath the hot mir-


• Remove the 2 nuts.

• Remove the motor wire harness from the control board.

• Remove the motor mount assembly with the motor

attached, and replace.

• Replace the wire harness.

• Reinsert the 2 nuts and 2 Phillips screws beneath the hot


• Replace the hot mirror, bulb, and cover.

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• Remove power cord and console cover (procedure 4.2).

• Remove the motor mount (procedure 4.4.5).

• Remove the 4 Allen screws.

• Remove the motor and replace.

• Reinsert the 4 Allen screws.

• Replace the motor mount and cover. Integrating Rod Replacement

• Remove power cord and console cover (procedure 4.2).

• Remove the motor mount (procedure 4.4.5).

• Remove the 2 screws and the cover.

• Slide the integrating rod out.

• Swab the rod holder with alcohol.

• Insert new integrating rod.

• Reinsert the 2 screws.

• Replace the cover and motor mount.

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4.5 FRONT PANEL COMPONENTS 4.5.2 Potentiometer Knob Replacement

4.5.1 Jaw Handle Replacement • Remove power cord.

• Remove power cord. • If potentiometer knob is damaged or detaches from the

front panel, but the protruding metal tab is still con-
• Remove the set screw from the bottom of the jaw handle. nected, perform the following repair steps:

• Remove the jaw handle from the actuator shaft. • Remove the set screw from the bottom of the potentiom-
eter knob.
• Ensure that the jaw handle key (P/N 105-186-472) stays
in place on the actuator shaft. • Remove the knob from the slide pot of the front panel.

• Replace the jaw handle onto the actuator shaft. • Loosely screw the set screw into the bottom of the poten-
tiometer knob.
• Secure the jaw handle in place using the set screw.
• With the screw hole facing down, insert the potentiome-
• Reinsert the set screw and reinstall the cover. ter knob onto the slide pot.

• Secure the knob in place by screwing in the set screw.

• If the potentiometer knob is damaged or detaches from

the front panel, and the protruding metal tab is also
damaged or disconnected, replace the display board and
potentiometer knob.

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4.5.3 Front Panel Replacement • Replace all removed components.

• Remove power cord and console cover (procedure 4.2). 4.5.4 Jaw Assembly Replacement

• Remove the jaw knob and potentiometer knob (proce- • Remove power cord and console cover (procedure 4.2).
dures 4.5.1 and 4.5.2,).
• Remove the front panel (procedure 4.5.3).
CABLE WHEN REMOVING THE FRONT • Remove the motor mount (procedure 4.4.5).
• Remove the ESST wire harness from the display board.

• Disconnect the ribbon cable from the inside of the front • Remove the 4 Phillips screws.
• Remove the jaw assembly and replace.
• Disengage the six tabs which hold the front panel onto
the chassis. • Reinsert the 4 Phillips screws.

• Remove the jaw interlock cable from the display board. • Replace the ESST wire harness, motor mount, front
panel, and cover.
• Remove the display board (procedure 4.5.6).

• Remove the power switch (procedure 4.5.4).

• Remove the ESST ring.

• Remove the front panel and replace with new panel.

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4.5.5 Power Switch Replacement 4.5.6 Display Board Replacement

• Remove power cord and console cover (procedure 4.2). • Remove power cord and console cover (procedure 4.2).

• Remove the jaw knob and potentiometer • Remove the front panel (procedure 4.5.3).
knob (procedures 4.5.1 and 4.5.2).
• Detach the flex cable from the display board (J1).
• Remove the front panel (procedure 4.5.3).
• Unclip the 6 front panel clips from the chassis.
• Cut the zip tie over the cables.
• Remove the ESST ring cable from the display board.
• Disconnect wire harness from display board.
• Remove the ribbon cable from the display board.
• Push in the two snap clips and push out the switch from
inside the console. • Remove the power switch wire harness from the display
• Remove the LED and verify its operation.
• Remove the display board from the front panel clips.
• Replace the LED if necessary, inserting it to full depth
with the appropriate Allen wrench. • Replace the display board.

• Insert a new power switch. • Push the board onto the front panel clips.

• Reconnect the wire harness. • Reattach the power switch wire harness.

• Replace the zip tie, front panel, and console cover. • Reattach the ESST ring wire harness.

• Perform Electrical Current Leakage Test (procedure 6.3). • Reattach the front panel ribbon cable.

• Reinsert the front panel onto the chassis.

• Reattach the jaw handle and potentiometer knob (proce-

dures 4.5.1 and 4.5.2).

• Reinstall the console cover.

• Perform Electrical Current Leakage Test (procedure 6.3).

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4.6.1 Rear Panel Fuse Replacement

Tools Required:
Basic Tool Kit

• Remove power cord.

• Locate the fuse holder below the power cord inlet (see
Figure 1).

• Release the fuse holder clamps with a flat head screw

driver and remove the fuse holder with 2 attached fuses.

• Wipe the metallic ends of the new fuse(s) with a clean

tissue to remove any residue from fingers..

• Remove the old fuse(s) and install a new 5a fuse in the

fuse holder.

• Replace the fuse holder with 2 attached fuses.

• Reattach the fuse holder clamps.

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5.0 Electrical Procedures


• Basic electronics techniques.

• Experience in the operation of an oscilloscope.

WARNING: The incorrect use of any of the required tools

and techniques may risk damage to the
equipment or injury to the person carrying
out the procedure, subsequent operators, or
patient. Repairs should be made ONLY by
those that have been specifically trained in
the use of all pertinent and techniques.


1. Align and calibrate the unit per the instructions in MAP

2. If the lamp ballast or the control board were replaced,
then perform a burn-in and hot strike, per the instruc-
tions in MAP 0337.

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6.0 Final Assembly and Testing

6.1 REQUIRED SKILLS • Disconnect the X-7000 power cord from the power
• Basic electronics techniques
• Disconnect the video cables from the console.
• Experience in the operation of a Current Leakage Tester.

• Connect the X-7000 power cord to the power receptacle

on the safety analyzer front panel.

• Reinstall all pertinent components.

• Clip the safety analyzer test load to the X-7000 console
ground post.
• Verify that all connectors are firmly attached to their
proper locations.
• Set the main power switch on the X-7000 to “ON” and
plug in the light cable.
• Ensure that there are no unattached or unsoldered leads.

• Set the main power switch on the safety analyzer to the

• Check all physical mounting screws and nuts for tight-
“CHASSIS LEAKAGE µA” position.

• Read the leakage current in the following positions:

• Install console cover.


• Apply power and check for proper operation.
• If unit is still malfunctioning after following this man-
ual’s instructions, follow procedure 1.7 to obtain factory
service at Stryker Endoscopy.
• If any leakage reading is over 500µA, send the unit to
Stryker Endoscopy for repair (refer to procedure 1.6 to
• If the unit appears to be operating correctly, proceed to
obtain factory service at Stryker Endoscopy).
procedure 6.3.

• Set the X-7000 power and the safety analyzer power to


Required Equipment:
• Disconnect the safety analyzer from the X-7000.
Bio-Tek Current Leakage Tester

• This completes the repair procedure

• ALWAYS perform this test after working on the unit and
prior to returning it to operation.

• Maximum leakage specification is 500µA for “open

ground” or single-fault condition.

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• Energize the Hi-Pot tester and adjust the voltage by turn-

ing the adjusting knob until the meter reads 1.8KV.

• Ensure the Hi-Pot tester is operating properly by touch-

ing the positive and negative test leads and listening for
the sound emitted.

• If no sound is emitted, turn the equipment in for repair.

• If sound is emitted, reset the unit before proceeding.

• Connect an alligator clip to the neutral and positive ter-

minals of the power plug.

• Turn on the standby and power switches.


• Touch the positive test lead (red probe) to the alligator

clip and the negative lead (black probe) to the ground

• Hold the leads there for one second. If sound is emitted

from the Hi-Pot tester, reject the unit.

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7.0 Appendix



A 105-199-584 ASSY, X-7000 BOTTOM TRAY

C 105-199-678 ASSY, COVER, X-7000
D 105-193-198 SCREW, 6-32 X 0.25 PH EXT. SEMS


• MAP 0337


turing Assembly Procedures), QIPs (Quality
Inspection Procedures), SPECIALTY TOOLS,

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8.0 Warranty

This Stryker Endoscopy product is warranted to the original purchaser to be free from defects in material and workmanship for
the following times:
• One year following the date of delivery and an additional 30 days following repair
This warranty extends to all purchases and is limited to the repair or replacement of the product without charge when returned
in the original shipping case to:

Stryker Endoscopy
5900 Optical Court
San Jose, CA 95138
Stryker Endoscopy cannot accept responsibility for returns or replacements which have not been authorized. This warranty
does not cover damages caused by misuse or by failure to follow the procedures outlined in this manual or demonstrated by
Stryker Endoscopy representatives.
There are no other expressed warranties.

9.0 Service

The user is advised to return a malfunctioning unit to Stryker Endoscopy for repair or replacement, where specialized equip-
ment and technicians are available to perform repairs while maintaining full product quality and safety.

In the event that the user decides to undertake repair procedures, Stryker Endoscopy recommends that these be carried out
only by qualified technicians with proper test equipment listed in this manual, so that the safety of operators and patients may
not be compromised.

If service is needed either during or after the warranty period:

1. Contact Stryker Endoscopy at 1-800-624-4422, or call your local Stryker Endoscopy sales representative.
2. Clean and sterilize all parts that will be returned for service. Follow the instructions provided in the user manual.
3. Package all the components carefully in the original shipping container if possible.
4. Ship the product pre-paid and insured to:
Stryker Endoscopy Customer Service
Attention: Repair Department
5900 Optical Court
San Jose, CA 95138
The product described in this manual is continually being reviewed, and improvements may be made without notice.
Stryker and Stryker Endoscopy are registered trademarks of Stryker Corporation.

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10.0 Other Service

For service in the U.S.A., call your Stryker Endoscopy Representative. Outside of the U.S.A., please contact your Stryker
Endoscopy distributor at one of the following locations:

Stryker Corporation Stryker European Rep - RA/QA Manager

2725 Fairfield Road ZAC Satolas Green Pusignan
Kalamazoo, MI 49002 Av. De Satolas Green
USA 69881 MEYZIEU Cedex, France
Phone:1-269-385-2600 Phone:33-1-48175000
Telex:224464 STRYKER KMZ Fax:33-1-48632175

Stryker Canada Stryker India Private Limited

45 Innovation Drive First Floor
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada C-5, SDA Commercial Complex
L9H 7L8 New Delhi 110 017
Phone: (905) 690-5700 INDIA
(800) 668-8323 (toll free) Phone:91-11-686-6740
Fax: +1(905) 690-5698 Fax:91-11-696-6020

Stryker Deutschland GmbH Stryker Australia

Gewerbeallee 18, D-45478 Unit 58, 2a Herbert St.
Mulheim an der Ruhr St. Leonards NSW 2065
Phone:49-208-999-060 Phone: 02 9467 1000
Fax:49-208-999-0666 Fax: 02 9467 1010

Stryker Latin America Stryker Singapore PTE/LTD

15100 N.W. 67th Ave. Suite 210 70 Bendemeer Road
Miami, Florida 33014 #03-32 Hiap Huat House
Phone:1-305-821-1888 Phone:65-293-0119
Fax:1-305-826-0067 Fax:65-293-7028

Stryker B.V. Stryker Pacific Ltd.

Marinus van Meelweg 17 Suite 2501, Citibank Tower
P.O. Box 8747 Citibank Plaza
5657 En Eindhoven 3 Garden Road, Central
Phone:31-40-2922522 Phone:61-2-9415-5100
Fax:31-40-2922555 Fax:61-29-4294127
Stryker Osteonics, SA Stryker Mexico, S.A. de C.V.
5, Chemin des Aulx 5 Calle Sacramento 410
1228 Plan-les-Ouates Col. Insurgentes San Borja
Case Postale 725 C.P. 03100
1212 Grand-Lancy 1 Mexico, D.F.
Phone:41-22-884-0111 Phone:525-488-0890
Fax:41-22-884-0199 Fax:525-488-0891

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Stryker Finland Stryker Middle East / Africa
PL 80 (Makelankatuz) Via Della Posta
FIN 00501 Helsinki 6934 Bioggio
FINLAND Switzerland
Phone:358 (0) 9 7744 680 Phone:(4021) 212-1122
Fax:358 (0) 9 7744 6820 Fax:(4021) 212-1133

Stryker Korea NV Stryker SA (Belgium)

11F Dong Sung Bldg. Ikaros Business Park Fase III
154-24 Samsung-dong Ikaroslaan 12
Kangnam-ku 1930 Zaventem
Seoul, KOREA 135-090 Brussels, BELGIUM
Phone:82-2-34517572 Phone:32-2-717-92-10
Fax:82-2-552-4156 Fax:32-2-717-92-49

Stryker China Limited Stryker Chile

Room 903-905, Office Tower 2 Avenida Nueva Tajamar 481
Beijing Sun Dong An Plaza Oficina 805 Piso 8 Torre Norte Santiago,
138 Wang Fu Jing Da Jie CHILE
Beijing 100006, P.R. China Phone:562-244-3600
Phone:86-10-65136183 Fax:562-244-3696
Stryker Japan Stryker Spain
Dai Tokyo Kasai Shinjuku Bldg. Manuel Tovar 35
3-25-3, Yoyogi 28034 Madrid
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0053 SPAIN
Phone:813-535-29106 Phone:34-91-7283500
Fax:813-535-21789 Fax:34-91-3580748

Stryker Europe Headquarters Stryker AB Scandinavia

Cite-Centre, Grand Rue 92 Krossverksgatan 3
CH-1820 Montreux S-216 10 Malmö
Phone:41-21-966-1201 Phone:46 40-69-18-100
Fax:41-21-966-1200 Fax:46 40-69-18-190

Stryker Taiwan Stryker AB Denmark

5F-1,23 Pa Te Road Sankt Annae Plads 9
Section 1, Taipei, TAIWAN, R.O.C. 1021 Copenhagen, Denmark
Phone:886-2-2322-2895 Phone:45 33 9360 99
Fax:886-2-2357-8543 Fax:45 33 9320 69


Hambridge Road Stryker Endoscopy Inc.
Newbury 5900 Optical Court
Berkshire RG14 5 EG San Jose, CA 95138
United Kingdom USA
Phone:44-1635-262400 Phone:408-754-2000
Fax:44-1635-262464 Fax:408-754-2505

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5900 Optical Court
San Jose, CA 95138

1000-400-755 Rev. A

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