MolecularGeometryandPointGroups 002
MolecularGeometryandPointGroups 002
MolecularGeometryandPointGroups 002
• The goal for this section of the course is to understand how symmetry arguments can be
applied to solve physical problems of chemical interest.
• To achieve this goal we must identify and catalogue the complete symmetry of a system and
subsequently employ the mathematics of groups to simplify and solve the physical problem
in question.
• A symmetry element is an imaginary geometrical construct about which a symmetry
operation is performed.
• A symmetry operation is a movement of an object about a symmetry element such that the
object's orientation and position before and after the operation are indistinguishable.
• A symmetryt operation
ti carries
i every point
i t in
i the
th object
bj t into
i t an equivalent
i l t point
i t or the
identical point.
Point Group Symmetry
• All symmetry elements of a molecule pass through a central point within the molecule.
• The symmetry of a molecule or ion can be described in terms of the complete collection of
symmetry operations it possesses.
• The total number of operations may be as few as one or as many as infinity. The more
symmetry operations a molecule has, the higher its symmetry is.
• Regardless of the number of operations, all will be examples of only five types.
The Identity Operation (E)
• The simplest of all symmetry operations is identity, given the symbol E.
• Every object possesses identity. If it possesses no other symmetry, the object is said to be
• As an operation, identity does nothing to the molecule. It exists for every object, because the
object itself exists.
• The need for such an operation arises from the mathematical requirements of group theory.
• In addition,
addition identity is often the result of carrying out a particular operation successively a
certain number of times,
i.e., if you keep doing the same operation repeatedly, eventually you may bring the object
back to the identical (not simply equivalent) orientation from which was started.
• When identifying the result of multiple or compound symmetry operations they are
designated by their most direct single equivalent.
• Thus, if a series of repeated operations carries the object back to its starting point, the result
would be identified simply as identity.
The Rotation Operation (C)
• The operation of rotation is designated by the symbol
Cn .
• If a molecule has rotational symmetry Cn , rotation by
2/n = 360°/n brings the object into an equivalent
• The value of n is the order of an n‐fold rotation.
• If the molecule has one or more rotational axes, the
one with the highest value of n is the principal axis of
• SSuccessive
i C4 clockwise
l k i rotations
t ti off a planar
l MX4
molecule about an axis perpendicular to the plane of
the molecule (XA = XB = XC = XD).
• Multiple iterations are designated by a superscript,
e.g. three successive C4 rotations are identified as C43
• The C42 and C44 operations are preferably identified as
the simpler C2 and E operations,
operations respectively.
• There are four other C2 axes in the place of the molecule.
• The C2' and C2" axes of a planar MX4 molecule.
• As these twofold axes are not collinear with the principal C4 rotational axis they are
distinguished by adding prime (‘) and double prime (‘’) to their symbols.
• axes because both C2’ axes are said to belong to
Only two notations are needed for the four axes,
the same class, while the two C2’’ axes belong to a separate class.
i.e., both C2’ axes are geometrically equivalent to each other and distinct from C2’’ .
Cnn‐1 = Cn‐1
• Every n‐fold rotational axis has n–1 associated operations (excluding Cnn = E).
• Remember, the rotational operation Cnm is preferably identified as the simpler Cn/m
operation where m/n is an integer value.
The Reflection Operation (σ)
• The operation of reflection defines bilateral symmetry about a plane, called a mirror plane or
reflection plane.
• For every point a distance r along a normal to a mirror plane there exists an equivalent point
at –r.
Two points, equidistant from a mirror plane σ, related by reflection.
• For a point (x,y,z), reflection across a mirror plane σxy takes the point into (x,y,–z).
• Each mirror plane has only one operation associated with it, since σ2 = E.
Horizontal, Vertical, and Dihedral Mirror Planes
• A h plane is defined as perpendicular
to the principal axis of rotation.
• If no principal axis of rotation exists, h
is defined as the plane of the molecule.
• v and d planes are defined so as to
contain a principal axis of rotation and
to be perpendicular to a h plane.
• When both v and d planes occur in
the same system, the distinction
between the types is made by defining
v to contain the greater number of
atoms or to contain a principal axis of a
reference Cartesian coordinate system
(x or y axis).
• Any d planes typically will contain
bond angle bisectors.
• The five mirror planes of a square
planar molecule MX4 are grouped into
three classes (h , 2v , 2d ).
The Inversion Operation ( i )
• The operation of inversion is defined relative to the central point within the molecule,
through which all symmetry elements must pass,
e g typically the origin of the Cartesian coordinate system (x,y,z
e.g., (x y z = 0,0,0).
0 0 0)
• If inversion symmetry exists, for every point (x,y,z) there is an equivalent point (–x,–y,–z).
• Molecules or ions that have inversion symmetry are said to be centrosymmetric.
• Each inversion center has only one operation associated with it, since i 2 = E.
• Ethane in the staggered configuration. The inversion center is at the midpoint along the C‐C
y g atoms related byy inversion are connected byy dotted lines,, which intersect at
bond. Hydrogen
the inversion center. The two carbon atoms are also related by inversion.
The Improper Rotation Operation (Sn)
• The improper rotation operation Sn is also known as the rotation‐reflection operation and, as
its name suggests, is a compound operation.
• Sn exists
i t if the
th movements
t Cn followed
f ll d by
b σh (or
( vice
i versa)) bring
b i the
th object
bj t to
t an equivalent
i l t
If m is
i even, Snm = Cnm = Cn/m when d Snm = Cnm–n
h m < n and m n when
h m>n
2. The z axis is collinear with the highest‐order rotational axis (the principal axis). If there
are several highest order rotational axes, z is usually taken as the axis passing through
the greatest number of atoms.
If the z axis lies in the plane of the molecule, then the x axis stands perpendicular to the
Defining the Coordinate System (contd.)
4. For non‐planar molecules, once the z axis has been defined, the x axis is usually chosen
so that the xz plane contains as many atoms as possible. If there are two or more such
planes containingg identical sets of atoms,, anyy one mayy be taken as the xz p
p plane.
Where a decision about the orientation of the x axis cannot be made on this basis, the
distinction between x and y is usually not important or is not generally fixed by
Combining Symmetry Operations (Multiplication)
• Multiplication of symmetry operations is the successive performance of two or more
operations to achieve an orientation that could be reached by a single operation
e.g., i 2 = E ; S4 S4 = S42 = C2 ; C4 h = S4 etc.
• The order in which successive different symmetry operations are performed can affect the
• Multiplication of symmetry operations is not commutative in general, although certain
combinations may be.
• In writing multiplications of symmetry operation we use a "right‐to‐left" notation:
BA = X "Doing A then B has the same result as the operation X."
We cannot assume that reversing the order will have the same result.
It may be that either BA ≠ AB or BA = AB.
• Multiplication of symmetry operations is associative:
C(BA) = (CB)A
The order of performing S
The order of performing S4 and σ
and σv , shown here for a tetrahedral MX
shown here for a tetrahedral MX4 molecule, affects the result.
molecule affects the result
The final positions in each case are not the same, but they are related to each other by C2 .
S4 σv ≠ σv S4 but C2σv S4 = S4 σv
• We will now consider the complete set of symmetry operations for a particular molecule
and determine all the binary combinations of the symmetry operations it possesses.
• The symmetry elements of the CBr2Cl2 molecule are shown below. This molecule has a
tetrahedral geometry
Note: tetrahedral geometry does not automatically imply tetrahedral symmetry !
• Th we have
Thus h th following
the f ll i relationships:
l ti hi
C2E = EC2 = C2 vE = Ev = v v‘E = Ev‘ = v‘
Step 3: Mixed binary combinations.
• Let us consider the combination of C2 σv .
• First we perform the v operation followed by the C2 operation.
• General Features:
The first row of results duplicates the list of operations in the header row.
The first column of results duplicates the list of operations in the label column.
The order of resultant operations in every row is different from any other row.
The order of resultant operations in every column is different from any other column.
Symmetry Point Groups
• The complete set of symmetry operations (not symmetry elements) for a molecule or ion
satisfies the requirements of a mathematical group.
• y
These symmetry y operations
p are the elements of a ggroup
p and define the symmetry
y yppoint
group for that molecule or ion.
• The total number of symmetry operations comprising the group is the order of the group, h.
• The group formed by the operations of CBr2Cl2 is named C2v where h = 4.
• The group of symmetry operations must satisfy the four requirements of a mathematical
group, i.e., closure, identity, associativity, and reciprocality.
Requirements of a Mathematical Group (1)
• Closure: If A and B are in the group G, and AB = X, then X is also in G.
All groups have a self‐contained multiplication table, whose products are members of
the group.
For example, inspection of the multiplication table for the operations of CBr2Cl2 shows
that all binary combinations equal either E, C2 , v or v‘ .
These four symmetry operations constitute the complete set of elements of a point
group called C2v , the order of which is four.
Requirements of a Mathematical Group (2)
• Identity: In any group G, there is an element E, such that
EX = XE = X
This requirement explains the need to define the symmetry operation of identity, which
functions at the identity element for every symmetry group.
As the C2v multiplication table demonstrates, the identity operation does indeed meet
the requirements of the identity element of a group.
Requirements of a Mathematical Group (3)
• Associativity: The associative law of combination is valid for all combinations of elements
of the group. If A, B, C, and X are in G, then
C(BA) = X
( ) = (CB)A
( )
But commutation is not general (e.g., BAC ≠ CBA).
Groups in which all elements do commute are called Abelian (e.g., C2v).
Requirements of a Mathematical Group (4)
• Reciprocality: In any group G, every element A has an inverse A‐1, such that
AA–1 = A–1A = E
For the C2v point group every symmetry operation is its own inverse.
• Within all groups there are smaller collections of elements, called subgroups, which also
obey the criteria for a group.
• The order of any subgroup, g, relative to the order of its parent group, h, must be
• For the C2v point group (h = 4) subgroups with g = 1, 2 are possible and each exist.
• From the multiplication table of C2v we can identify the following subgroups
Point Groups of Molecules
• Chemists in general and spectroscopists in particular use the Schönflies notation.
• In contrast , crystallographers prefer to use the Hermann‐Mauguin notation, which is best
suited for designating the 32 crystallographic point groups and the space groups used to
describe crystal structures.
• Familiar Schönflies labels and their corresponding Hermann‐Mauguin notation are
• All of the chemically important point groups fall within one of four general categories:
1. Non‐rotational
2. Single‐axis rotational
3. Dihedral
4. Cubic
Non‐Rotational Point Groups
• With their low orders (h = 1,2) and lack of an axis of symmetry, the non‐rotational point groups
represent the lowest symmetry point groups.
C1 is the point group of asymmetric molecules which only possess the identity element E.
The Cs point group describes the symmetry of bilateral objects that lack any symmetry
other than E and h .
The Ci point group is not commonly encountered as most molecules which posses the i
element also possess other complimentary symmetry elements.
Single‐Axis Rotational Point Groups
• The simplest family of this group are the Cn point groups, which consist of operations
generated by an n‐fold rotation Cn applied successively n times.
• These p
point ggroups
p are an example
p of the important
p cyclic
y groups.
g p
• A cyclic group of order h is generated by taking a single element X through all its powers up
to Xh = E.
G = { X, X2 , ... , Xh = E }
• All cyclic groups are Abelian, since all of their multiplications commute.
• The Cn and S2n groups are cyclic groups; e.g.,
C4 = { C4 , C42 , C43 , E }
S4 = { S4, C2 , S43 , E }
• The multiplication tables of cyclic groups "scroll" from row to row and column to column:
• To the rotations of the corresponding Cn groups the family of Cnv groups adds n vertical mirror
planes which intersect at the Cn axis.
planes, axis
• The point group Cv , which has a infinite‐fold C rotational axis, is an important member of this
family. It is the point group of all non‐centrosymmetric linear molecules.
e g H‐Cl,
e.g., H Cl CO.
• To generate any of the Cnh groups, we need only add a horizontal mirror plane to the series of
Cn rotations of the appropriate cyclic Cn group.
• Since Cnh = Sn and C2h = S2 = i , these groups also have n‐fold improper axes when n > 2,
and they are centrosymmetric when n is even.
• The S2n series are not common.
Dihedral Point Groups
• The dihedral groups have n twofold axes perpendicular to the principal n‐fold axis. These C2
axes are called the dihedral axes.
• The number and arrangement of the dihedral axes are dictated by the n‐fold order of the
principal axis.
e.g. the staggered conformation of ethane is of D3d symmetry and possesses 3C2 dihedral axes.
• There are three families of dihedral groups: Dn , Dnd , Dnh
1) The Dn groups may be thought of as Cn groups to which n dihedral C2 operations have
been added.
Unlike the Cn groups, the Dn groups are not cyclic.
2) Similarly
Similarly, the Dnd groups may be thought of as Cnv groups to which n dihedral C2
operations have been added.
In Dnd groups, the combination of rotational operations and vertical mirror reflections (d)
ggenerates a series of S2n operations
p about an axis collinear with the p
p axis.
3) The Dnh groups may be thought of as Cnh groups to which n dihedral C2 operations have
been added.
Like the Cnh groups,
groups the Dnh groups include n‐fold improper axis when n>2 and are
Cubic Point Groups
• The cubic groups are associated with polyhedra that are geometrically related to the cube.
• All are characterized by the presence of multiple, intersecting, high‐order rotational axes.
• There are seven ggroups
p of this type,
yp , three of which are frequently
q y encountered and highly
g y
relevant in chemistry
Tetrahedron (T d )
• The octahedron and cube both belong to the point group Oh , which is comprised of the
following 48 operations (h = 48)
E , 8C3(= 4C3 , 4C32 ), 6C4(= 3C4 , 3C43 ), 6C2 , 3C2(= 3C42), i , 6S4(= 3S4 , 3S43 ), 8S6(= 4S6 , 4S65 ),
h(= xy , yz , xz), 6d
• In the octahedron a fourfold axis emerges from each pair of opposite apices, whereas a
h f ld axis
i emerges from
f each
h pair
i off opposite
i triangular
i l faces.
• In the cube, a fourfold axis emerges from each pair of opposite faces, whereas a threefold axis
emerges from each pair of opposite corners,
corners extending the diagonals of the cube.
Cube (Oh)
• Both the regular icosahedron and dodecahedron belong to the point group Ih , composed of
120 symmetry operations
E , 8C3(= 4C3 , 4C32 ), 6C4(= 3C4 , 3C43 ), 6C2 , 3C2(= 3C42), i , 6S4(= 3S4 , 3S43 ), 8S6(= 4S6 , 4S65 ),
h((= xy , yz , xz), 6d
• Aside from the Cv and Dh point groups which have an order of h = , Ih represents the
highest symmetry one is likely to encounter in structural chemistry.
• A fivefold axis emerges from the face of each five‐membered ring and a threefold axis emerges
from the face of each six‐membered ring.
Icosahedron (I h)
Flow chart for systematically determining the point group of a molecule.
Examples for point group classification.