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Chemosphere: Mayerly Alexandra Oyuela Leguizamo, Wilmar Darío Fern Andez Gomez, Martha Cecilia Guti Errez Sarmiento

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Chemosphere 168 (2017) 1230e1247

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Native herbaceous plant species with potential use in

phytoremediation of heavy metals, spotlight on wetlands d A review
Mayerly Alexandra Oyuela Leguizamo*, Wilmar Darío Ferna
ndez Go
rrez Sarmiento
Martha Cecilia Gutie
Faculty of Environmental and Natural Resources, Campus El Vivero, Natura Building, Universidad Distrital Francisco Jos
e de Caldas, Bogota, Colombia

h i g h l i g h t s

 Wetland degradation is linked to heavy metals contamination.

 Phytoremediation impacts the environment with the use of exotic species.
 Future research in phytoremediation must be focuses on native and endemic biodiversity.
 Discoveries of wild plants decontaminators, could conserving the nature's remnants in urban wetlands.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Soil, air and water pollution caused by the mobility and solubility of heavy metals significantly damages
Received 20 April 2016 the environment, human health, plants and animals. One common in situ method used for the decon-
Received in revised form tamination of heavy metals is phytoremediation. This usually involves the use of exotic species. However,
19 October 2016
these species may exhibit invasive behavior, thereby, affect the environmental and ecological dynamics
Accepted 20 October 2016
Available online 4 November 2016
of the ecosystem into which they are introduced. This paper focuses on some native herbaceous plant
species reported on the wetlands of Bogota, Colombia, with potential use in phytoremediation of heavy
Handling Editor: T Cutright metals. To do that, the authors identified and searched a bibliography based on key words related to
heavy metal decontamination. In addition, authors gathered and analyzed relevant information that
Keywords: allowed the comprehension of the phytoremediation process. This paper suggests the study of 41 native
Allochthonous plants or endemic species regarding their behavior towards heavy metal contamination. From a survey of
Autochthonous plants herbaceous plants reported in Bogota, native and endemic species that belong to predominant families in
Heavy metals heavy metal accumulation processes were selected. Although found in Colombian's wetlands, these can
Herbaceous vegetation species
also be found worldwide. Therefore, they are of great interest due to their global presence and their
potential for use in phytoremediation. The current research about the development of phytoremediation
Wetlands worldwide
focuses on the identification of new herbaceous species able to decontaminate substratum polluted with
heavy metals to contribute with the investigation of the ecology and environment of the nature’s
remnants in urban wetland ecosystems.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1231
2. Wetlands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1231
2.1. Wetland importance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1231
2.2. Wetland degradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1232
2.3. Heavy metals (HM) worldwide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1232

* Corresponding author. Diagonal 5 D Bis Number 46-10, 111611, Colombia.

E-mail addresses: mayerly.oyuela@gmail.com (M.A. Oyuela Leguizamo),
wfernandez@udistrital.edu.co (W.D. Fernandez Go
mez), marthagutierrezs@gmail.
com (M.C.G. Sarmiento).

0045-6535/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.A. Oyuela Leguizamo et al. / Chemosphere 168 (2017) 1230e1247 1231

2.4. Allochthonous and autochthonous plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1234

3. Phytoremediation of heavy metals (HM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1234
3.1. Phytoremediation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1234
3.2. Phytoremediation approaches and technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1235
3.3. Advantages of phytoremediation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1236
3.4. Limitations of phytoremediation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1237
4. Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1238
5. Analysis of research on heavy metals (HM) and native herbaceous vegetation species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1238
6. Analysis of research on heavy metals (HM) and herbaceous plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1238
7. Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1238
8. Discussion and conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1242
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1243
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1244

1. Introduction Section 2.4.

This review focuses on native herbaceous plant species reported
Wetlands are aquatic and semiaquatic ecosystems, subject to a on wetlands, especially in terms of studies of plant behavior with
permanent or periodic water logging with low depth; wetlands also the HM in growth substrate. Species were chosen based on global
have a strip of land that acts as a zone of environmental manage- presence; that is, species taken from a local base of Bogota's plain
ment and preservation. Wetlands are recognized for their ecologi- wetlands, located approximately between 2540 and 2700 meters
cally significant contributions to biogeochemical cycles (Garg, above sea level, in the urban zone (Alcaldía Mayor de Bogota , 2006).
2015; Lewis, 1995) and as mega-diversity regions. Heavy metals The authors selected species present in other countries, for a
(HM) are found in large quantities of wetlands around the globe, greater geographical expansion in its study and application, and
spread, among other factors, by anthropogenic interferences such took into consideration that these species are fast growing, and
as mining, industry, agriculture and construction activities easily propagated. Together, these characteristics are important for
(Cunningham et al., 1995; Switras, 1999). These metals eventually phytoremediation (Ghosh and Singh, 2005a) and enable heavy
reach a point of toxicitydnaturally and due to human activityd- metal research. The present article discusses the importance and
which causes them to exceed the limits of geochemical background degradation of wetlands, the presence of HM worldwide, the im-
limits. Despite the essential functions of many metals for living plications of allochthonous and autochthonous vegetation in an
beings, others can be toxic in high concentrations (Henry, 2000). ecosystem, and delves into the phytoremediation of HM. Finally,
Therefore, the principal problem lies in the toxicity of HM elements after a detailed summary of native herbaceous plants and the cor-
and the bioaccumulative behavior that harms humans, plants and responding research, authors recommend vegetation species that
animals' health (Athar and Ahmad, 2002; Moalla et al., 1998; Paz belong to predominant families in heavy metal accumulation pro-
et al., 2014) by and large, with deleterious effects on the environ- cesses, that do not have a negative impact on the environment
ment like pollution, degradation of resources in quantity and (because they are native or endemic). In other words, the plants
quality, among others. See Sections 2.2, 2.3, 3 and 8 for more recommended in this paper differ from those generally reviewed,
detailed information about all these topics. i.e., exotic species that exhibit invasive behavior. In short, the aim of
In light of the aforementioned problems related to high metal this paper is to go beyond the limited number of species previously
concentrations, HM must be immobilized or physically removed. investigated for phytoremediation, as well as the greatest limita-
The literature widely reports wetlands, natural or constructed, in tions of the use of plants in decontamination processes (Ghosh and
wastewater treatment, also known as sinks for metals and metal- Singh, 2005b), described in Section 3.4, and contribute to the
loids (Calijuri et al., 2011; Dunbabin and Bowmer, 1992; Kohler ecology and environment of the nature's remnants in urban
et al., 2004; Mays and Edwards, 2001; Yadav and Chandra, 2011). wetland ecosystems.
Phytoremediation, also named as phytocorrection and phyto-
cleaning are promising technological approaches in the decon- 2. Wetlands
tamination process (Chaney et al., 1997; Clemens, 2001;
Cunningham et al., 1995; McGrath and Zhao, 2003; Pilon et al., 2.1. Wetland importance
2000; Prasad, 2004; Rascio and Navari, 2011; Raskin, 1996; Raskin
et al., 1997; Vassilev et al., 2004). See Section 3 for more informa- Wetlands ecosystems figure among the most productive on
tion. Among the benefits described in Sections 2.1 and 3.3, about Earth thanks to their components (biotic and abiotic features),
wetland importance and the advantages of phytoremediation, functions (which give rise to component interactions, nutrient cy-
wetland water treatment is considered as a “socially acceptable” cle, surface and subterranean water interchange and surface and
form of decontamination that does not have a negative impact on atmosphere interaction, among others) and properties (i.e., species
the landscape. diversity) (Barbier et al., 1997; Mitsch and Gosselink, 2015a).
For phytoremediation and wetland restoration projects, it is Functions, components and properties attributed to wetlands
necessary to determine the ecosystem-related and ecological depend on their geographical distribution, environmental compo-
functions of native or endemic species (Budelsky and Galatowitsch, nents (i.e., hydrospheric, geospheric) and interactions between
2004). Since, paradoxically, ecological restoration increases bio- them. All these goods or services are ecosystem services (Corte s
logical invasion. In many cases, this increase is direct via re- and Estupin ~a
n, 2016). The classification of ecosystem services is
vegetation with exotic species. Other times, it is indirect, and subject to analysis by a multiplicity of approaches, either at a purely
caused by the creation of an artificial or altered environment in anthropocentric or ecological level, but the implementation of any
which exotic or invasive species can thrive (Castro et al., 2004). See of the classifications depends on the ecosystem characteristics or
1232 M.A. Oyuela Leguizamo et al. / Chemosphere 168 (2017) 1230e1247

the purpose of their application (Camacho and Ruiz, 2012). The culture (e.g. spiritual, aesthetic, recreation, and education) and
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment divided ecosystem services into support (e.g. primary production, and soil formation). In so doing,
four types: supporting, provisioning, regulating and cultural human well-being and biodiversity are diminished and spatio-
(Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005). temporal disturbances are brought about (Lewis, 1995; Millennium
Wetlands ecosystems provide tangible and intangible Ecosystem Assessment, 2005). Moreover, the loss of wetlands re-
ecosystem services. The intangible ecosystem services, such as duces an ecosystem's ability to filter and decompose waste (Lewis,
supporting, with or without direct implications on human life, are 1995; Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005).
the ecological roles in the hydrologic, biogeochemical cycles, From a market-based perspectivedwith the concomitant
maintaining biodiversity and biological pest control (Corte s and emphasis on economic criteria such as environmental goods and
n, 2016; Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005). Like- services, natural resourcesdone of the main causes of degradation
wise, regulating services, i.e. the regulation of climate, floods, dis- and excessive conversion of wetland resources is related to the
ease, and water treatment. Finally, tangible and intangible cultural frequency in which wetland ecological contributions are not
services, such as recreational, (i.e. pedagogical spaces for bird considered in economic terms. Measuring and comparing the
watching, sailing or scientific studies), aesthetic enjoyment, and numerous benefits provided by wetlands commercially, then, fa-
spiritual fulfillment. In sum, they are socially and culturally cilitates taking wetlands into account as part of sociopolitical
important. An example: sphagnophile soils found on wetlands decision-making processes. Expressing these ecosystems as pro-
conserve vestiges of towns and roads with historical and archaeo- viders of values in perpetuity (Mitsch and Gosselink, 2000). Addi-
logical significance (Barbier et al., 1997), in turn boosting regional tionally, this commercial consideration of wetlands establishes the
tourism (Burton and Tiner, 2009). Tangible services of wetlands, a foundation for rational use, management and preservation of
group from provisioning services, which are countable and wetland resources (Barbier et al., 1997). This concurs with “biodi-
consume ecosystems products, like food, medicines, fibers and versity prospecting,” that offers a several opportunities to save as
water. In accordance with the aforementioned, wetlands are even much as possible of the variety of ecosystems, focus on a com-
referred to as “nature's kidneys” (Garg, 2015), given that they mercial viewpoint (Prasad, 2003). From a different perspective, the
temporarily store water and reduce flooding damage, refill sub- holistic approach to resource management eschews economic
terranean water supplies (i.e. wetlands connected to groundwater value in favor of an ethical and cultural conception (Grayman et al.,
systems or aquifers). Wetlands also purify water, maintain or 2012). This approach goes against viewing ecosystems through a
transform nutrients, sediments and toxic materials circulating in market-based perspective, where the focal point is its use and
water, help control erosion and sediment transport (i.e. wetlands usufruct as an exploitable good or service, resulting in the inevi-
that occur along the shoreline of lakes, the banks of rivers and tably of quantitative and qualitative deterioration of ecosystems
streams) and improve air quality (Lewis, 1995; Millennium (Lozano, 2011).
Ecosystem Assessment, 2005). Colombia has 30.781.149 ha and more than eighty-eight types of
As far as environmental benefits are concerned, wetlands are wetlands between marine-coastal, inland and artificial (Flo res et al.,
viewed as “biological supermarkets” due to the complex food web 2015; Ricaurte et al., 2015). In Colombia, the market-based view has
and biological diversity they support as a wildlife habitat (Mitsch taken hold, but that has not prevented the massive under-
and Gosselink, 2015a). Furthermore, they sustain and nurture hu- appreciation of the economic value of natural resources. And this
man life through a set of scenarios and processes present in the underappreciation is even less understandable when accounting
ecosystems (Daily, 2000). Likewise, it has been suggested that for the existence of clear-cut Methodologies for Valuing Natural
wetlands will play a key role in achieving the goals set out in the and Environmental Goods and Services (MAVDT, 2003). Therefore,
UN's Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and the Sustainable a large part of the economy has been building around unsustainable
Development Goals (SDGs), among others (Barbier et al., 1997; Ten extraction activities, such as mining, fishing, cattle, agriculture, etc.,
Brink et al., 2013). Soil is one of the most important components in without taking steps towards realizing the biodiversity as a sus-
wetlands. In accordance with Keesstra et al. (2016), that mention tainable potential of the country's economy. This under-
the soil as a decisive component in an ecosystem management, appreciation becomes more significant if readers keep in mind that
when taking into account the relationship between the soil and one Colombia has the second most biological diversity in the world,
or more of the SDGs: food security; human health; land manage- product of evolution, Tertiary and Quaternary speciation, concen-
ment, including land restoration; water security; climate change; trated in the Amazon and the Andes Region (MMA, 2002).
and biodiversity preservation. Likewise, Keesstra et al. (2016) In Bogota, uninformed decisions regarding land use, urbaniza-
discuss how soils can contribute to the development of the SDGs. tion and haphazard expansion have negatively impacted wetlands,
of 50,000 ha, only eight hundred (perhaps less) remain. The result
2.2. Wetland degradation is fragmented ecosystems, obliterated connectivity and modified
hydric systems. In sum, Bogota has a serious wastewater dumping
Drivers of change, direct or indirect, may affect the ecosystem problem, unsuitable waste regulation, difficult access to better in-
degradation. Indirect drivers of change include demographics, come opportunities, depredation of local flora and fauna and
economics (e.g. globalization, trade, market, policy framework), adaptation of land for farming, among other issues (Alcaldía Mayor
society and politics (e.g. government, institutional and legal de Bogot a, 2006). Mitsch and Gosselink (2015b) indicate the extent
frameworks), science and technology, culture and religion (e.g. of the world's wetlands are about 5%e8% of the land surface of
beliefs, consumption choices) (Abínzano, 1998). Changes in these Earth. The documentation of loss of wetlands in various locations in
drivers can impact direct drivers of change, such as changes in local the world estimates over (27%) Asia, (6%) South America, (2%) Af-
land use, species introduction or removal, technology adaptation rica, (90%) New Zealand, (60%) China and (60e80%) Europe (Mitsch
and use, external inputs (e.g. fertilizer use, pest control, and irri- and Gosselink, 2015b).
gation), harvest and resource consumption, climate change, natu-
ral, physical, and biological drivers (e.g. evolution, volcanoes). 2.3. Heavy metals (HM) worldwide
These factors may lead to changes of ecosystems, as a result in the
services offered, including provisioning (e.g. food, water, fiber, and From a chemical perspective, HM are transition metals with an
fuel), regulation (e.g. climate regulation, water, and disease), atomic mass greater than 0,002 Kg and a specific weight greater
M.A. Oyuela Leguizamo et al. / Chemosphere 168 (2017) 1230e1247 1233

than 5 N/m3. Biologically speaking, “heavy” describes a series of Those plants colonize soils characterized as lightly acidic, from soils
metals, in some cases metalloids, that even in low concentrations in serpentinized or ultramafic areas, rich in Ni, and calamine (a
can be toxic for plants and animals (Rascio and Navari, 2011). The mineral with high levels of Zn and Cd), whether naturally occurring
origin of heavy metal contamination consists of activities that or the product of anthropic- or mining-related contamination.
contribute to soil, air and water contamination. Common examples Heavy metal hyperaccumulators species occur in metal-rich
include industrial activities (dumping and inadequate waste soils, temperate and tropical zones (South America, North Amer-
disposal), mining for waste processing (Pfeifer et al., 2000; Tanhan ica, Europe and New Caledonia) (Baker and Brooks, 1989). These
et al., 2007), chemical industries, metal processing industries plants are chosen based on their high tolerance. Serpentine toler-
(Athar and Ahmad, 2002), traffic jams, construction materials and ance can be explained as part of three established physiological and
agriculture (inadequate agricultural practices), among others evolutionary mechanisms: tolerance to a low Ca/Mg ratio, avoid-
(Barba and Edith, 2002; Diez, 2008). Around the world, there is a ance of Mg toxicity or high Mg requirement. The vast majority of
strong presence of chemical elements in sediments in different known hyperaccumulator species belong to vegetation commu-
types of natural wetlands, considered as sink for metals, in the nities, characteristic of soils in serpentinized areas. Not all accu-
anoxic zone, containing very high concentrations of this HM in mulative species concentrate metal equally. Small to large
reduced state. Therefore, wetlands may be sources as well as sinks concentrations are tolerated in different plants. The former are
for contaminants, as metals, persistent materials (Das and Maiti, considered “accumulators,” while the latter are considered
2008). Schaller et al. (2013) refer to many articles about the pres- “hyperaccumulators” (Jaffre  et al., 1976). See Section 3.2.
ence of metals/metalloids, such as Ni, Zn, U, Pb, Cu and As, in Metalliferous soils have high concentration of metals elements,
sediments of different types of wetlands around the world, in of natural origin, as well as sites polluted with HM due to anthro-
China, Canada, Germany, Zambia, USA, Spain, UK, India, Paraguay, pogenic activities. These soils are geographically distributed in New
Poland, Vietnam, Brazil, Malaysia, Egypt, Czech Republic, Taiwan, Caledonia (Baker and Brooks, 1989), China (Wei et al., 2009), Saudi
Pakistan, Italy, Australia and Belgium. Some examples of these Arabia, Sudan, Papua New Guinea's (Bertram et al., 2011), The
sediments are paddy fields, wetlands receiving waste waters, river Democratic Republic of Congo (50% of the world's cobalt reserves),
sediments, marsh sediments, river sediments, free water surface, Chile (30% of the world's copper reserves), Ukraine and South Africa
wetlands near copper smelter, wetland effected by mine waters, (world's manganese reserves) (USGS, 2010). Some others are
urban lakes, lake and wetland sediments, anthropogenic lake sed- located in Switzerland, Eastern France, Northern Italy (Pfeifer et al.,
iments, among others. In Bogota-Colombia's natural wetlands, the 2000) and in Tanzania's North Mara Gold Mine (Mataba et al.,
metals present include Al, Cu, Zn, Cn, (found in all wetlands), Cd, Cr, 2016). Serpentine, ultramafic, and calamine soils are sources char-
Ni and Pb. The presence of these HM can be attributed to flawed acterized by high concentrations of HM of natural origin (Maleri
connections in the industrial sector and a flawed urban sewage et al., 2007). Some authors refer areas with these characteristics
system (Alcaldía Mayor de Bogota  D.C, 2010). in Southern Europe, Asia Minor, Portugal, West of Iraq, Turkey, Iran,
Ultramafic rocks describe, among others, piroxenite, dunite and northwestern North America, Zimbabwean, Cuba, New Caledonia,
igneous (such as peridotites) or metamorphics (such as serpen- Brazil (Baker and Brooks, 1989; Ghaderian et al., 2007; Pollard et al.,
nchez, 2010), that are less than 45% silica (SiO2) and have
tinites) (Sa 2014). Also in Australia, Canada, Russia, Congo and Zambia, (USGS,
high concentrations of Mg and Fe. Often, these soils present, in 2010), Puerto Rico, Brazil, Costa Rica, California, the Philippines,
addition, high levels of Cr, Co and concentrations of Ni, raised Mg/ Indonesia (Reeves et al., 2007; Van der Ent et al., 2013b), Albania
Ca quotient and low levels of P, K and Ca (Ghaderian et al., 2007; (Shallari et al., 1998). Ultramafic rocks, places like Cuba and New
Robinson et al., 1997). Consequently, soils that evolve on these Caledonia, where serpentine-endemic hyperaccumulators can be
types of ultramafic rocks are slightly acidic, have low nutrient concentrated in one locality (Baker et al., 2000). Phytomining, the
contents (K, N, P), exhibit more erosion, contain high concentra- use of plants in mining, was the result of the discovery of HM,
tions of HM (Fe, Co, Cr, Hg, Ni) and have a low Ca/Mg ratio. These accompanied by considering their use in commercial processes, as
conditions diminish the vegetation's productivity and represent a well as the increase of HM in plant growth substrate (Chaney et al.,
serious disadvantage for conditions for life of all organisms present 1997; Prasad, 2004; Sheoran et al., 2009; Vassilev et al., 2004).
(Brady et al., 2005; Garnier et al., 2006; Maleri et al., 2007). In worldwide is evaluated actual and potential metal environ-
Hyperaccumulation, per the definition provided by Jaffre  et al. mental risks, in order to decide the necessity/urgency of rehabili-
(1976), describes plants that grow on serpentine soils, species tation, Mench et al. (2000) describes some cases as follows: in
able to concentrate up to 1000 mg/kg of Ni. The high concentration many parts of Europe and North America, natural vegetation
of HM in the vegetative organs of most plants reaches toxicity for Ni completely disappears due to HM contamination. In France, 2000 of
around 10e15 mg/kg. Consequently, hyperaccumulators can with- the most polluted sites were rehabilitated. In northeast Belgium,
stand up to 100 times higher metal concentrations than typical the surface soil of more than 280 km2 contains the highest back-
plants without reported accumulation processes (Boyd et al., 2008). ground values levels of HM. In the U.K., soils were contaminated by
Ni has been shown to reach its highest concentration in a plant the industrial legacy from base metal mining, metal refining and
between 100 and 1000 mg/kg of dry weight (accumulators) or more smelting. In India, there was a contamination, product of industrial
than 1000 mg/kg (hyperaccumulators) (Rascio and Navari, 2011). effluent and sewage sludge on agricultural land (Athar and Ahmad,
This confirms results of studies on serpentine substrates in Central 2002); also, in this country, there are more than 3000 tanning in-
America, Greater Antilles and South America, where most hyper- dustries (Arora et al., 2005). Rail junction areas in Poland are
accumulators are focused on nickel(Reeves et al., 1999). Baker et al. contaminated with numerous compounds and chemical substances
(2000) indicates global distribution of nickel hyperaccumulation, (Malawska and Wiołkomirski, 2001). Sultan Marsh, one of the most
geographic areas and number of hyperaccumulators: New Cale- important wetlands in Turkey, Middle East and Europe, is mainly
donia (50), Australia (5), South Europe/Asia Minor (90), South West polluted with Pb, Cd and Cr (Aksoy et al., 2005). Distribution and
of Asia (11), Cuba (128), Dominican Republic (1), U.S. (Pacific N.W. phase association of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn in Lake Nasser
and California) (5), Zimbabwe (5), South Africa (Transvaal) (4), (Aswan, Egypt), were investigated (Moalla et al., 1998). In Spain, the
Japan (Hokkaido) (1), Brazil (Goia s) (11), Canada (Newfoundland) potential use of spontaneous vegetation (Festuca rubra and Juncus
(4). Plants that can grow and develop in soils with high concen- sp.) was evaluated for phytoremediation and/or phytostabilization
trations of HM are part of a specialized flora (Reeves et al., 1999). in the former serpentinite quarry of Penas Albas (Moeche, Galicia,
1234 M.A. Oyuela Leguizamo et al. / Chemosphere 168 (2017) 1230e1247

NW Spain). The activity on this quarry left behind a large amount of biological techniques. These methods fall into one of two cate-
waste material scattered over the surrounding area (Lago et al., gories: ex situ and in situ. In the former, the contaminated substrate
2015). is removed, treated and returned; conventional ex situ techniques
include excavation (followed by burial of contaminated substrate at
2.4. Allochthonous and autochthonous plants a disposal site), detoxification and/or destruction of contaminants
by physical or chemical processes. In addition, these methods may
Allochthonous plants are not native to a phytogeographic re- subject the contaminants to stabilization, solidification, immobili-
gion; in contrast, autochthonous plants are native to a territory zation, incineration or destruction (Macnair et al., 1999; Sadowsky,
(Elorza et al., 2001; Vigo, 1976). The terminology for the former has 1999). The immobilization of inorganic contaminants can be used
been the object of various revisions (Kasperek, 2008; Pysek, 1995; to recover HM from contaminated soils (Bhargava et al., 2012), by
Schroeder, 1968), in which, allochthonous plants have also been way of increasing pH to decrease the solubility of HM such as Cd,
called non-native plants or exotic plants (Elorza et al., 2001). The Cu, Ni, Zn in the soil. The majority of conventional technologies for
term even includes plants that are cultivated (intentionally intro- remediation carry a large price tag and run the risk of further
duced by humans to satisfy certain demands; they have specific damaging the affected area. In their deployment, then, the problem
care requirements), non-cultivated (arrived with cultivated species is not resolved but rather, deferred. As a result, ex situ treatments
without knowledge of their reproduction or if they constitute a do not represent a viable option for addressing heavy metal
population), sub-spontaneous plants (also known as escaped decontamination (Arshad et al., 2008; Macnair et al., 1999;
cultivated plants that are found near cultivated areas) (Vigo, 1976). Sadowsky, 1999); in fact, they affect biological properties in the
Some others revisions incorporate naturalized plants (allochtho- soils where they are used (Arshad et al., 2008). In situ methods, on
nous plants that establish themselves in the environment, without the other hand, do not entail contaminated soil excavation. Instead,
human assistance; these plants do not, over time, become native they employ remediation technologies that destroy or transform
members of the local plant community) (Ojasti, 2001). Established contaminants in the substrate (Ghosh and Singh, 2005b; Prasad
plants (those exotic species that do not exhibit invasive behavior, and Freitas, 2003; Sadowsky, 1999; Susarla et al., 2002). One of
but can reproduce and produce a viable population) (McNeely et al., these in situ methods is the use of plants for bioremediation, known
2001). Other revisions include adventitious (which are established as phytoremediation (Sadowsky, 1999). There are many advantages
spontaneously in natural or artificial habitats, although they are not of these methods, compared to ex situ methods. Key benefits
able to effectively prosper and are at risk of disappearing due to include lower costs and reduced impact on the ecosystem (Tanhan
changes in the factors that favored their introduction) (Vigo, 1976) et al., 2007).
and invasive plants (Pysek, 1995). The work of the Swiss botanist In 1983, metal-accumulating plants were first used to remove
Albert Thellung (1881e1928), a pioneer in invasion research, HM and other compounds. Although using metal-accumulating
contributed to the understanding of this field (Kowarik and Pysek, plants for soil decontamination is an innovative idea, it must be
2012). Invasive species are introduced by humans in areas out of understood as a variation of a technique already implemented for
their natural distribution (Elorza et al., 2001); in some cases, they over 300 years in wastewater decontamination (Henry, 2000). The
are used for biological control or in research (Ojasti, 2001; generic term “phytoremediation” consists of a Greek prefix,
Villaronga, 2003). Biological control only represent 6.8% of cases “phyto,” which means plant, and a Latin root, “remedium”, which
of exotic species introduced to continental waters (Welcomme, means a cure or remedy (Prasad, 2004); naturally, then, phytor-
1988). emediation “cures” the soil by means of plants. This technology can
To clarify, biological invasion is a process in which plants be applied to organic and inorganic contaminants present in soil
disperse and establish themselves, mainly affecting the ecosystem (solid substrate), water (liquid substrate), air (Prasad, 2003), sludge,
and local species in ways that are generally incalculable and irre- sediments and groundwater (Prasad, 2004; Ramamurthy and
versible, namely exotic species can impact native species abun- Memarian, 2012). The use of physico-chemical approaches for soil
dance (Tilman and Lehman, 2001). Moreover, they generate recovery leave the ground unusable for the plant growth because
massive economic losses; vast sums are spent on controlling these this decontamination process eliminates the biological activities of
invasive species. For example, the South African government the soil's “edofauna” (Ali et al., 2013).
spends 40 million dollars annually to control three invasive plant Phytoremediation is a form of bioremediation that detoxifies by
species (Kowarik, 2008; Villaronga, 2003). On top of that, these means of biological processes. This has been utilized since the
species present sanitary, i.e. vectors for disease (Villaronga, 2003), eighteenth century (Barcelo  and Poschenrieder, 2003). It specif-
and ecological issues, i.e. the invasion of these species is second ically consists of using plants to remove contaminants from the
biggest factor in the species extinction worldwide (Lowe et al., environment and render them harmless; it is also known as phy-
2000), followed by habitat destruction. Damage at an ecological tocleaning or phytocorrection (Chaney et al., 1997; Cunningham
level is due to the competition between invasive and autochtho- et al., 1995; McGrath and Zhao, 2003; Pilon et al., 2000; Raskin,
nous species, acting as plagues and pathogens, or disperse aller- 1996; Sarma, 2011). Phytoremediation entails the use of plants to
genic and infectious agents in native plants, which may affect sequester, bioaccumulate and transform hazardous substances in
biodiversity and, in turn, in situ conservation of endemic vegetation the environment in order to control contamination (Rodríguez,
(Elorza et al., 2001; UICN, 2000). These issues unequivocally 2003).
demonstrate the global problem presented by invasive species. This One example of this technology is the study of aquatic macro-
problem requires international action and cooperation to avoid the phytes to absorb HM (Celis et al., 2005; Robinson et al., 2006). In
most dire threats and further reduction of biological diversity phytoremediation, in situ or ex situ plants reduce the concentration
(Clavero and García, 2005; Lodge, 1993). of various compounds via their biochemical processes (Delgadillo
et al., 2011). Furthermore, this technique employs associated
3. Phytoremediation of heavy metals (HM) micro-biotics, soil improvement and agronomic techniques to
remove or retain contaminants or neutralize their effects
3.1. Phytoremediation (Cunningham et al., 1995). Phytoremediation is currently used for
the decontamination of soils that display increased levels of HM.
Heavy metal decontamination relies on chemical, physical and These levels exceed the soil's naturally occurring chemical
M.A. Oyuela Leguizamo et al. / Chemosphere 168 (2017) 1230e1247 1235

elements, which is known as natural or geochemical background or 2004). The first step in applying this method is the selection of
geochemical baselines; this geochemical background is the average plant species best suited for: a) the removal of the metals to be
local content of chemical elements in rock soil, natural waters, addressed and b) site characteristics. Once the plant is fully grown,
surface atmosphere and plants, generally in air, water, soil and it is cut and incinerated before finally being transported, in the form
sediments. Different degrees of metal accumulation have been re- of ashes, to a disposal site (Delgadillo et al., 2011).
ported, from slightly higher than the geochemical background to It is worth pointing out that some plants that survive, grow and
extreme cases in which the metal exceeds 2% of the plant's dry reproduce naturally in metalliferous soils are restricted to that type
material (Kidd et al., 2007). In sum, phytoremediation represents a of soils (obligate metallophytes), whereas others do all that in
promising solution to the decontamination of a number of con- normal soils or occasionally in metalliferous soils (facultative
taminants across a variety of sites. hyperaccumulators) (Pollard et al., 2014) See Section 2.3. Plants
growing on metalliferous soils are classified as 1) Excluders, in
3.2. Phytoremediation approaches and technologies which concentrations in the sprouts are tolerated, until reaching a
critical value. Likewise, they prevent the absorption and/or trans-
Phytoremediation or phytocorrection encompasses a group of location of HM in the cells in the roots towards the leaves, and
techniques and mechanisms premised on the use of vegetation maintain constant low concentrations over a long period in the
species and their related microorganisms to remove, uptake, aerial biomass, regardless of metal concentration in the soil (Ghosh
immobilize or transform soil or water contaminants (Barcelo  and and Singh, 2005b; Lasat, 2002; Srivastava and Bhargava, 2015; Van
Poschenrieder, 2003; Cunningham et al., 1995; Ghosh and Singh, der Ent et al., 2013a). Excluders can be used for soil stabilization and
2005b; Pilon et al., 2000; Prasad, 2003). Contaminants may be to avoid greater propagation of the contamination through erosive
immobilized, stabilized or degraded in the rhizosphere, seques- processes (Lasat, 2002). 2) Accumulators allow the plant to absorb
tered or degraded within the plant or volatilized (Cunningham and uptake metalsdwithout toxic effectsdin their aerial biomass.
et al., 1995; Horne, 2000). Ranges for accumulation run from low to high concentrations in the
Within the field of phytoremediation of soils contaminated by soil. These plants, upon preventing metals from entering their
HM, there are numerous sub-fields: phytostabilization or phy- roots, bioaccumulate high concentrations of metals. 3) Indicators,
toimmobilization, phytovolatilization, phytodegradation, phytoex- an intermediate plant between excluders and accumulators, have
traction (principally soil, sediments and sludge's applications), internal concentrations that reflect external concentrations found
rhizofiltration, rhizodegradation, hydraulic barriers, hydraulic in the growth substrate (Ghosh and Singh, 2005b).
control, vegetative caps, constructed wetlands (principally water The majority of these species, that tolerate toxic concentrations
applications), and phytorestauration (Adams et al., 2000; Barcelo  of HM, exhibit the behavior of “excluders,” which employ tolerance
and Poschenrieder, 2003; Prasad, 2004, 2003). Vassilev et al. and even hypertolerance strategies to help prevent the metal from
(2004) summarize information concerning development, achieve- entering the plant's aerial parts. These species retain and detoxify
ments, and research needs of metal phytoremediation concept, most of the HM in the root tissues with minimized translocation to
technological, and economical aspects, including description of the leaves and stalks, which are sensitive to the effects of phyto-
phytoremediation subfields, and focuses on phytoextraction and toxicity. Some plants reach higher exclusion values; this is called
phytovolatilization. hyperexclusion. Hyperexclusion does not present metal trans-
The following paragraphs describe some of the phytor- location to the plant's aerial parts and entails minimal impact
emediation technologies. (Proctor, 1999). Yet, there are hypertolerant species that behave
Phytostabilization: (soil, sediment and sludge's media) is used quite differently: some have uptake and distribution of the heavy
to reduce or eliminated the mobility of toxic elements from the metal throughout the entire plant. These are known as “hyper-
contaminated soil to the environment, thus, they are stabilized in accumulators” (Rascio and Navari, 2011).
the substrate or roots. These subfield transform soil metals to less To develop phytoextraction mechanisms, there are numerous
toxic forms, without removing the metal from soil (Adams et al., plants endowed with the natural ability to tolerate some toxic
2000; Chaney et al., 1997; Cunningham and Berti, 2000; Prasad, compounds, for they are perfectly adapted to their habitat's specific
2004). environmental conditions. Hyperaccumulators concentrate more
Phytovolatilization: (groundwater, soil, sediment and sludge's than 1000 mg/kg of As, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sb and Se; more than
media) is the extraction from media and transpiration of a 10,000 mg/kg of Mn or Zn; more than 100 mg/kg of Cd in their
contaminant or a modified form, by plants (Adams et al., 2000; aerial biomass (Ghosh and Singh, 2005b; Jaffre  et al., 1976; Wei
Prasad, 2004). Terry and Ban ~ uelos (2000) described investigations et al., 2008), until exceeding concentrations of 2% of their dry
on phytovolatilization of heavy metals like As, Hg, and Se. material (Kidd et al., 2007).
Phytodegradation: (soil, sediments, sludge's media) refers to Bioaccumulation refers to the mechanism for absorbing chem-
the destruction and breakdown of the contaminant (Adams et al., ical compounds performed by an organism within the biotic (food
2000). resource) or abiotic (environment) medium. A quantitative form of
Rhizofiltration: (groundwater, surface water media), also expressing bioconcentration is via the bioconcentration factor
known as phytotransformation, is the use of plants' roots to remove (BCF), which is the ratio of the compound's concentration in the
contaminants from flowing water (Adams et al., 2000; Chaney et al., environment or in the growth substrate to that found in the living
1997). element. In the case of heavy metal phytoremediation, this factor is
Hydraulic control: (groundwater, surface water media), is the the ratio of the metal in the plant biomass, or tissue (mg/Kg dry
use of plant uptake and consumption, to remove, contain or control weight) to the initial metal concentration in the soil or solution (Kg/
the migration of contaminants (Adams et al., 2000). mL) where the plant growsdthis ratio is a determining factor when
Phytoextraction: (soil, sediments and sludge's media), also it comes to identifying a plant's metal removal efficiency. Vegeta-
known as phytoaccumulation, uses the plants' ability to absorb and tion species are considered to exhibit removal potential when they
remove contaminants from the soil and “uptake” them into their have a ratio greater than 1 (Sun et al., 2009a).
leaves and stalks. Next, the plant parts storing contaminants are To ensure the plant's roots uptake metals in the soil, the metals
removed and destroyed or recycled; in either scenario, the metal is from the soil-bound metal must first be solubilized; this can be
extracted from the soil (Cunningham et al., 1995; Vassilev et al., achieved if the plant secretes metal-chelating molecules or metallic
1236 M.A. Oyuela Leguizamo et al. / Chemosphere 168 (2017) 1230e1247

reducers. Once solubilized, the metal ions can enter the roots via friendly technology (Raskin et al., 1997; Bennicelli et al., 2004).
extracellular or intracellular pathways, where the latter generally Horne (2000) specified the historical background of wetlands and
require the presence of an ion channel or a metal transport protein traditional remediation techniques, similarities and differences
in the root cell's plasma membrane. It has been suggested that between conventional bioremediation, phytoremediation, and
some of these channels may be non-specific, meaning that various wetlands phytoremediation. Baker et al. (2000) reported successful
metals may be used. After metal ions reach the root, they can be cases of metal removal by phytoremediation wetlands.
stored in the root's vacuoles, often in chelated form, or they can be The following are a few of the advantages of some phytor-
transported to the plant's aerial parts (Prasad, 2003). The afore- emediation technologies:
mentioned process outlines how plants in growth conditions in Phytostabilization: it is not necessary soil removal, ecosystems
native soils concentrate HM in their aerial organs without under- restoration is enhanced by the revegetation, does not required the
going phytotoxicity (Baker and Brooks, 1989; Sarma, 2011). disposal of hazardous materials, reduces bioavailability for entry in
Hyperaccumulation is a phenomenon that cannot be defined at a food chains, prevents erosion and improves visual amenity in a
laboratory level; it is necessary to study it in a natural environment derelict site (Adams et al., 2000; Cunningham and Berti, 2000;
(Van der Ent et al., 2013a). Prasad, 2004).
Some researchers have hypothesized that plant hyper- Phytovolatilization: pollutants could be transformed into less-
accumulation, understood as an evolutionary process, can be toxic forms; the contaminants forms released into the atmosphere
described in five categories: i) a tolerance mechanism; ii) an un- might be subject to a natural degradation process (Adams et al.,
noticed absorbance; iii) an allelopathic interference mechanism; iv) 2000; Prasad, 2004).
a drought-resistance mechanism; v) a defense against herbivores/ Phytodegradation: potentially could occur in soils where
pathogens (Boyd and Martens, 1998). Of these five hypotheses, the biodegradation cannot. This phytoremediation technology has the
fifth one has garnered the most attention (Boyd, 2007; Pollard and advantage that enzymes produced by a plant can occur in an
Baker, 1997; Poschenrieder et al., 2006), while the first four have environment free of microorganisms. Also, plants are able to grow
been scantly researched. Therefore, they cannot be discarded in sterile soils, and in those with toxic levels for microorganisms
outright, though hypothesis iii (allelopathic interference) seems to (Adams et al., 2000).
merit rejection based on results from a study on the Ni hyper- Rhizofiltration: can be used in terrestrial or aquatic plants.
accumulator Alyssum murale (Zhang, Angle et al., 2007). Terrestrial plants, through a platform, can accumulate more con-
Research into hyperaccumulators identified more than 500 taminants than aquatic species. Rhizofiltration is applicable to in
hyperaccumulator species (Van der Ent et al., 2013a), as shown on situ and ex situ systems, the latter can be placed anywhere, it is not
Table 1, that belong to a total of 45 families. The families Asteraceae, necessary to be at the original location of the contamination
Brassicaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Cyperaceae, Cunouniaceae, Fabaceae, (Adams et al., 2000).
Flacourtiaceae, Lamiaceae, Poaceae, Violaceae and Euphobiaceae Hydraulic control: avoids migration of leachate towards
accounted for the majority of hyperaccumulator species and, sub- groundwater or receiving waters (Prasad, 2004). It is not necessary
sequently, were the predominant families in metal accumulation to install an engineered system. The roots are in contact with a
processes (Baker and Brooks, 1989; Prasad and Freitas, 2003). From much greater volume of soil than a pumping well (Adams et al.,
hyperaccumulators, 79% are plant species found in Central and 2000).
South America, mainly distributed throughout Cuba, 18% in Puerto Phytoextraction: This technology may be used to improve
Rico and Hispaniola, with values frequently between 1000 and livestock nutrition (Robinson et al., 2015), that is how plant biomass
10000 mg/kg. Families that stand out include: Euphobiaceae, can be a resource of the extracted contaminant (Prasad, 2004).
Asteraceae, Buxaceae, Acanthaceae, Ochnaceae, Clusiaceae, Tiliaceae, Species that hyperaccumulate metals have a massive biotechno-
Turmeraceae, Boraginaceae, Scrophulariaceae and Violaceae logical potential (Hassan and Aarts, 2011; Lone et al., 2008;
(Marrero et al., 2012). Mengoni et al., 2010). Plants capable of accumulating HM are
grown on contaminated sites, and the aerial biomass rich in metals
is collected when mature. As a result, part of the soil contaminant is
3.3. Advantages of phytoremediation
removed. The success of phytoextraction as an environmental
“purifier” hinges on factors such as availability of the metal for
It is safe to say that phytoremediation is the best alternative for
absorption, and the plant's capacity to absorb and uptake metals in
the removal, decontamination and primary isolation of toxic sub-
its aerial parts. For cost-related purposes, the harvested biomass is
stances in soils, for it does not destroy soil structure or fertility
generally incinerated or composted, and, less frequently, recycled
(Ghosh and Singh, 2005b). This method also boasts positive cost-
for reuse (Prasad, 2003). Phytoextraction is one of the most
benefit and engineering-economy relations as an environmental

Table 1
Number of metal hyperaccumulator plants.

Description References

145 hyperaccumulators of Ni, distributed in 22 families (Baker and Brooks, 1989)

400 angiosperm hyperaccumulator species (Baker and Brooks, 1989; Baker et al., 2000; Prasad
and Freitas, 2003)
415 species from 45 botanical families (Boyd et al., 2008)
317 species hyperaccumulate Ni, (28) Co, (37) Cu, (14) Pb, (1) Cd, (11) Zn and (9) Mn (Baker et al., 2000)
320 species hyperaccumulate Ni, (30) Co, (34) Cu, (20) Se, (14) Pb, (1) Cd, (11) Zn and (10) Mn (Ghosh and Singh, 2005b)
450 species of angiosperms with accumulative behavior of: As, Cd, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Tl, Zn (Rascio and Navari, 2011)
320 species hyperaccumulate Ni, (34) Cu, (34) Co, (20) Se, (18) Zn, (14) Pb, (9) Mn and (4) Cd (Bhargava et al., 2012)
More than 450 species of known hyperaccumulators hyperaccumulate Ni, generally from ultramafic (Chiarucci and Baker, 2007)
or serpentine soils
500 species that hyperaccumulate at least one heavy metal. (450) Ni, (32) Cu, (30) Co, (20) Se, (14) Pb, (Van der Ent et al., 2013a)
(12) Zn, (12) Mn, (5) As, (2) Cd.
M.A. Oyuela Leguizamo et al. / Chemosphere 168 (2017) 1230e1247 1237

promising approaches in terms of commercialization. Patents for 2004).

commercial phytoextraction were issued in Japan in 1980 Phytodegradation: contaminants destruction could be difficult
(Cunningham et al., 1995). to confirm, thus the presence or identity of metabolites may form
degradation or intermediate products (Adams et al., 2000).
3.4. Limitations of phytoremediation Rhizofiltration: needs continuous adjustment of pH influent;
interactions of species in the influent have to be understood; an
Phytoremediation also comes with its own obstacles: this pro- engineered system is required to control influent concentration and
cess is limited by the depth reached by the roots. It is restricted to flow rate; are required periodic harvesting and plant disposal
surface area soil available for root uptake, surface and subterranean (Adams et al., 2000).
water. Moreover, phytoremediation is a slow method and one Phytoextraction success using hyperaccumulators has been
affected by the contaminant's bioavailability, which often means it hindered, in many cases, by the limited biomass of these species.
ought to be employed in conjunction with other approaches so as to Species with this limitation include that most heavily studied,
optimize performance (Monferra n and Wunderlin, 2013). As an T. caerulescens, which is probably feasible in moderately contami-
example of this combination, there is the potential use of biochar nated soils (McGrath and Zhao, 2003). However, there are excep-
and phytoremediation technologies on heavy metal polluted soils, tions: hyperaccumulators with large biomasses include the Ni
with the goal that biochar can reduce the bioavailability and hyperaccumulator Berkheya coddii (Robinson et al., 1997). There-
leachability of heavy metals in the soil (Paz et al., 2014). In spite of fore, there doesn't seem to be any intrinsic reason for low biomass
phytoremediation is an environmental friendly technology, it has in hyperaccumulators, i.e. there is no reason for all hyper-
its own impact, i.e., the decrease of resources, plus the risk for accumulator plants and/or plants capable of tolerating high metal
human health, as a result of exposure conditions, and viability of concentrations to be competitively inferior or slow growth
businesses (Cundy et al., 2013). (Macnair et al., 1999). In any case, more biomass production by
Here, attention shifts toward the reported costs associated with hyperaccumulator plants could significantly minimize the time
heavy metal decontamination. In Cunningham et al. (1995), it is needed for phytoextraction (McGrath and Zhao, 2003). Robinson
reported that, on average, in situ remediation cost between 10 and et al. (2015) explain the relation between soil conditions and the
100 dollars for each cubic meter (m3) of soil for volatile contami- bioaccumulation coefficient, in which a small minority of plants
nants or water soluble contaminants; this increased to 60e300 with roots forage contaminant hotspots, would remove greater rate
dollars per cubic meter (m3) for those deposited in landfills or un- of metals. It is also mentioned that HM uptake is in function of the
dergoing low-temperature treatments. This figure jumped to a soil concentration, therefore, uptake and the metal concentration in
range of 200e700 dollars per cubic meter (m3) for contaminants soil decrease at the same time. That would represent a significantly
that require disposal in special dumps or high-temperature treat- efficiency into the field and laboratory experiments.
ments. For the sake of comparison, contaminated soil incineration Hyperaccumulation is indeed a rare phenomenon, and docu-
costs roughly 100 dollars per cubic meter (m3). Some materials mented cases are naturally low, given that the phenomenon occurs
require specialized treatments that are in the neighborhood of in less than 0.2% of the global vascular plant inventory (Baker et al.,
thousands of dollars (1000e3000) per m3 of soil. Thus, conventional 2000; Tanhan et al., 2007; Van der Ent et al., 2013b). This particu-
treatments can surpass 1.6 million dollars, while phytoremediation larity, coupled with the potential of these plants in commercial and
can be up to 1000 times cheaper. Therefore, it comes as no surprise scientific terms, provides a strong foundation for further study
that in the United States, 16e29 million dollars were spent on (Pollard et al., 2014). The limitations of using hyperaccumulator
phytoremediation from 1998 to 2000, whereas this number spiked plants for phytoextraction stem primarily from the scarcity of po-
to 214e370 million in 2005 (Barcelo  and Poschenrieder, 2003). To tential species and the high concentrations of dangerous metals
reiterate, phytoremediation is much more cost-effective than ex situ possibly toxic to plants, e.g. HM (As, Cd, Hg, Pb or Se) which are not
methods; Terry and Ban ~ uelos (2000) have more information on essential for plants. That is to say, the plant in its normal growth
specific cases. Adams et al. (2000) indicate phytoextraction, rhizo- and metabolism does not use these metals, and their presence al-
filtration, phytostabilization, hydraulic control and vegetative cover ters physiological processes at a cellular and molecular level by
costs. For more information, see Sections 3.1 and 3.2. In spite of the virtue of inactivating enzymes and blocking functional groups of
benefit mentioned above, in Sections 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3, about the low- molecules that are highly metabolically significant for the plant. In
cost of phytoremediation technology, Robinson et al. (2007) so doing, damage is caused in the cellular membranedthe deteri-
mentioned that it does not include the opportunity cost of not us- oration of cellular macromoleculesdand, finally, in the DNA (Rascio
ing the land for a long time, as it happens in urban environments. and Navari, 2011). Likewise, these HM are highly toxic due to their
The following are few of the limitations of some phytor- reactivity with S and N atoms present in the amino acids DNA
emediation technologies: proteins (Clemens, 2001). Another limitation is related to weather:
Phytostabilization: It will be irrelevant if its focal point is the climactic conditions, drought and flooding can interfere with or
prevention of erosion and the improvement of visual amenity of a inhibit plant growth, reduce remediation efficiency and/or prolong
contaminated site. The land value is reduced due to the presence of treatment duration (Robinson et al., 2015; Vanek et al., 2010).
toxic metals in the plants on sites to be used as a resource for Hyperaccumulator plant biomass must be picked and removed,
biofuels or timber (Cunningham and Berti, 2000). Another limita- followed by metal recovery or proper disposal (Prasad, 2004).
tion is that vegetation and soil require long-term permanence in The success of phytoextraction and the commercial use in
order to prevent discharge of the contaminants and leaching. Plants phytomining, see Section 2.3, and 3.3, has some implications that
require extensive fertilization or the use of amendments. Phytos- oppose this hypothesis, as an example, Robinson et al. (2015)
tabilization might be considered as an interim measure. Soil and analyzed phytoextraction effectiveness in a time-frame <25 years,
plant characteristics must be monitored to prevent the increase of and they also determined that there is not a commercial use for
metal solubility and leaching (Adams et al., 2000). phytomining of valuable metals. Otherwise, phytoextraction needs
Phytovolatilization: There is evidence of low levels in plant specific concentrations of HM in both substrate and plant for an
tissues of the contaminant forms, which might have been released effective decontamination; this represents a hypothetical idea. In
into the atmosphere or could accumulate in vegetation and be addition, it indicates that phytomining may have a grater ecological
passed on in latter products as fruits (Adams et al., 2000; Prasad, footprint than conventional mining. Nevertheless, it is crucial to
1238 M.A. Oyuela Leguizamo et al. / Chemosphere 168 (2017) 1230e1247

demonstrate phytoextraction convincing basic mass-balance cal- Scrophulariaceae/Calceolariaceae, Solanaceae. Studies directly
culations, through new plants and soil investigation and in a full- related to HM have been done for only 19 plants.
scale file operation. Most studies have looked into the toxic effects of metals in
plants. Hence, the need for studies on plant tolerance of metals
4. Methodology becomes even greater. Only 11 species studied included informa-
tion on family (even fewer included discussion of genus); (5) re-
The authors identified and selected the following group of ported hyperaccumulation studies, (3) accumulation and (3) metal
words. “Wetlands, Heavy Metals, phytoremediation, phytor- tolerance (see Information on Publications about Metals column).
emediation technologies, native species, exotic species, herbaceous Studies on hyperaccumulation for most native herbaceous vege-
plants, environmental, biodiversity.” These words were searched tation species listed are lacking, as are studies focusing on the
individually and in groups in different database all over the world. phytoremediation of HM.
The search returned about 3568 documents; of these, 304 were
chosen based on relevance to the present meta-review's objectives. 6. Analysis of research on heavy metals (HM) and herbaceous
The correlation between keywords and the number of articles plants
selected was as follows: Wetlands (10), HM (108), phytor-
emediation (112), hyperaccumulation (97), native species (12), In contrast to the results discussed in Section 5, there are a
exotic species (21), herbaceous plants (110), environmental (15), myriad of studies on the accumulation of HM in non e native
biodiversity (6) and plants (22). From a list of Bogota's wetland plants, as Table 3 shows.
plants, provided by the Botanical Garden of Bogota  “Jose
 Celestino Most species studied in terms of HM di.e. phytoremediation
Mutis” and found in the city's Environmental Management Plans, processes, among othersdare naturalized (Marrubium vulgare,
the following information was searched with criteria of species and Chenopodium album, Chenopodium polyspermum, Hypochaeris rad-
family: status, presence of invader character and global distribu- icata, Malva sylvestris, Portulaca oleracea, Silybum marianum, Tar-
tion. From this list, native, endemic, and non-invader plants were axacum officinale, Trifolium pratense, Trifolium pratense, Cyperus
selected. Most of these plants also belong to predominant families difformis), cultivated (Armeria marítima, Pelargonium sp., Allium
in HM accumulation processes. Information about HM studies of all schoenoprasum), adventitious (Sonchus oleraceus, Bidens pilosa),
of these plants was researched at a family, gender or specie level. naturalized and adventitious (Sorghum bicolor, Brachiaria decum-
The result was 41 species, shown in Section 5. bens), exotic with documented invasive behavior (Cotula corono-
pifolia) according to the Catalog of Invasive Exotic Species, and of
5. Analysis of research on heavy metals (HM) and native invasive nature according to the Global Invasive Species Database
herbaceous vegetation species (Cynodon dactylon, Bidens pilosa, Sonchus oleraceus, Hypericum
perforatum, Hypochaeris radicata, Taraxacum officinale, Trifolium
Below is a list of plants reported in the information of the repens). Some of the aquatic plants, e.g. Eichhornia crassipes (Farago
characterization of the vegetation of Bogota's wetlands provided by and Parsons, 1994), Lemna minor (Vardanyan and Ingole, 2006;
the “Botanical Garden of Bogota  Jose
 Celestino Mutis”. Bogota's Wang et al., 2002) and Azolla pinnata (Arora et al., 2005), Myr-
wetlands are home to more than 90 herbaceous plants species iophylhum aquaticum, Ludwigina palustris, and Mentha aquatic
(Vargas et al., 2012), which are also distributed globally. Table 2 (Kamal et al., 2004), have been the subject of research into rhizo-
includes species status (native and/or endemic) and the “Global filtration, phytodegradation, phytoextraction and their ability to
Distribution”, based on information from standard regional flora remove heavy metals from contaminated water. Similarly, many
and online searches of herbarium records from the Missouri aquatic species have been used in the bioremoval of HM: Fillifu-
Botanical Garden, Calflora Database, Global Invasive Species Data- loides azolla, A. pinnata, Typha orientalies and Salvinia molesta,
base, Catalogue of Plants and Lichens of Colombia, Catalog of among others (Ghosh and Singh, 2005b). In summary, studies on
Bogota's Invasive Wetland Plants, Navarra's Floristic Catalog, Cata- hyperaccumulation, accumulation and heavy metal tolerance for
logue of the Vascular Plants of Venezuela, Illustrated Catalog of species listed in Fig. 1 have centered on some naturalized species
Cundinamarca's Plants, Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of the and species with invasive behavior.
Department of Antioquia, and Catalogue of the Southern Cone's
Vascular Plants. 7. Results
Of the herbaceous species aforementioned, emphasis is placed
on species with no human intervention, just a natural process, Of the wide range of extant native or endemic herbaceous
known as species endemics (exclusives and unique of a specific species, Table 2 contains the following: Baccharis latifolia, Bromus
geographic area) and natives (can found in a wide geographic range catharticus, Calceolaria bogotensis, Carex buchananii, Carex lanugi-
in the word) (Calvachi, 2002), that contribute positively to the nosa, Carex lurida, Cestrum buxifolium, Cyperus bipartitus, Cyperus
biodiversity of ecosystems and represent evolution and residence rufus, Eleocharis dombeyana, Eleocharis montana, Eleocharis pal-
in an area across millennia. Furthermore, these species are consti- ustris, Equisetum bogotense, Fuirena incompleta, Gratiola bogotensis,
tutive elements that help regulate the ecosystem, maintain equi- Hydrocotyle umbellata, Hypericum humboldtiana, Hypericum hum-
librium and are capable of adjusting to the biogeographic boldtii, Juncus densiflorus, Juncus effusus, Juncus microcephalus,
conditions of their growth habitat (Ojasti, 2001). In addition, these Juncus ramboi colombianus, Juncus ramboii Barros subsp. Colombia-
species are important insofar as HM are concerned: see Table 2 for a nus Balslev, Kyllinga brevifolia, Ludwigia peploides, Ludwigia peruvi-
summary of the literature review related to HM and native and/or ana, Marsilea mollis, Polygonum hydropiperoides, Polygonum
endemic species selected. segetum, Potamogeton paramoanus, Ranunculus flagelliformis, Sene-
Of the 41 species described, five are endemic and 36 are native cio carbonelli, Physalis peruviana, Hyptis capitata, Nicotiana tabacum,
(not one presents invasive behavior). The species come from the Arabidopsis thaliana, Leersia hexandra, Bidens triplinervia Kunth,
following 18 families: Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Cyper- Lepidium bipinnatifidum, Plantago orbignyana and Potamogeton
aceae, Equisetaceae, Hypericaceae, Juncaceae, Lamiaceae, Marsila- pectinatu. These species are found worldwide, and are commonly
ceae, Oenotheraceae, Plantaginaceae, Plumbaginaceae, Poaceae, found in wetlands. Table 2 displays the global distribution of each
Polygonaceae, Potamogetonaceae, Ranunculaceae, species listed above; these species can be found in Colombia, New
Table 2
Examples of endemic and native herbaceous vegetation species studied in terms of heavy metals.

Species Species Status Endangered Global distribution Information on Publications about Countries of cited publications Reference
species Metals
Native Endemic

Family: Apiaceae
Hydrocotyle umbellata x Colombia, present throughout the Apiaceae Family Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, As India (Sharma and Agrawal, 2005)
American continent
Family: Asteraceae
Baccharis latifolia x Colombia, Northern Andes As, Hyperaccumulator of Pb Brazil, USA, Mexico, Spain n, 2010; Haque et al., 2008;
Menezes et al., 2015; Santos et al.,
Bidens triplinervia Kunth x Hyperaccumulator of Cu, Fe, Spain, Peru n, 2010)
(Bech et al., 2012; Dura
Accumulator of Mn, Zn and in
greater proportion of Pb
Senecio carbonelli x x Colombia-Bogota Endemic Plant Senecio Genus Ni, Zn, Cu, Mn, Al Cuba, Canada, Africa, Poland (Boyd et al., 2008; Reeves et al.,
Family: Brassicaceae
Lepidium bipinnatifidum x Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Accumulator of Pb Spain n, 2010)

M.A. Oyuela Leguizamo et al. / Chemosphere 168 (2017) 1230e1247

Peru, Bolivia, Brazil and Argentina
Family: Cyperaceae
Carex buchananii x Colombia and New Zealand Cd, Zn, Ni France, Spain, Ireland (Ladislas et al., 2014; Matthews
Carex lanuginosa x Colombia, and reported in the Cd, Zn, Ni, Al, Co, Cr, Ni, Pb, Cu et al., 2005; Walker et al., 2004)
Carex lurida x x American continent
Cyperus bipartitus x Colombia, North, Central and South Mn, Zn, Cd, Ni, Pb, Cu, Cr Malaysia, Egypt, Tanzania, USA (Akinbile et al., 2012; Ewais, 1997;
America Mganga et al., 2011)
Cyperus rufus x Colombia, Argentina, Chile
Eleocharis dombeyana x Colombia, Costa Rica, Central and As Mexico, Brazil, Argentina (Litter et al., 2012)
South America
Eleocharis montana x Colombia, the Antilles, South
Eastern United States to Chile and
Eleocharis palustris x Colombia, America, Europe, Asia
and Africa
Fuirena incompleta x x Mexico to Argentina, Colombia and Apiaceae Family Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, As India (Das and Maiti, 2008)
Kyllinga brevifolia x Colombia, Tropical America. U, Th, Sr, Ba, Ni and Pb China (Li et al., 2011)
Paraguay, India, Malaysia, the
Philippines and China
Family: Equisetaceae
Equisetum bogotense x Colombia, Costa Rica and South As Mexico, Brazil, Argentina (Litter et al., 2012)
Family: Hypericaceae
Hypericum humboldtiana x x Colombia-Bogota Endemic Plant Hypericum perforatum was tolerant Italy, Canada (Murch et al., 2003; Tirillini et al.,
Hypericum humboldtii x x Colombia Endemic Plant to Cr, presents effects to Ni 2006)
Family: Juncaceae
Juncus densiflorus x Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Juncaceae Family Cu, Pb, Cd, studies Austria, Australia, Scotland (Archer and Caldwell, 2004;
Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay on plant tolerance Johnston and Proctor, 1977; Wenzel
Juncus effusus x Colombia, common to large number Cd, Zn, Ni, Al, Co, Cr, Ni, Pb, Cu France, Poland, China and Jockwer, 1999)
of countries
Juncus microcephalus x x Colombia, Central Mexico to Bolivia Juncaceae Family Cu, genus juncus Austria, Australia, Scotland
and South West Brazil Pb, Cd, studies on plant tolerance
Juncus ramboi colombianus x x Colombian Endemic Plant Juncaceae Family with Cu, Pb, Cd,
studies on plant tolerance
Juncus ramboii Barros subsp. x Colombia, Southeastern Brazil Juncaceae Family with Cu, Pb, Cd, (Ladislas et al., 2014; Samecka and
Colombianus Balslev studies on plant tolerance Kempers, 2001; Yanqun et al., 2004)
Family: Lamiaceae
Hyptis capitata x Colombia, neotropics; introduced in Accumulator of Cd and Cu Australia (Nedelkoska and Doran, 2000)
tropical Asia and Pacific

(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued )

Species Species Status Endangered Global distribution Information on Publications about Countries of cited publications Reference
species Metals
Native Endemic

Family: Marsilaceae
Marsilea mollis x North America, Colombia to Cu Canada (Kamal et al., 2004)
Family: Oenotheraceae
Ludwigia peploides x Colombia, South America, Greater Cu, Pb, Cr, Zn, Cd, Ni and Hg India, Tanzania (Das and Maiti, 2008; Kamal et al.,
Antilles and East Asia 2004; Mganga et al., 2011)
Ludwigia peruviana x Colombia, South America;
introduced in South Asia and
Family: Plantaginaceae
Gratiola bogotensis x x Colombia Plantaginaceae Family Pb, Zn, Cu, Spain (Del Río et al., 2002)
Cd, As
Plantago orbignyana x Southern Colombia to Bolivia Accumulator of Pb y Zn n, 2010)
Family: Plumbaginaceae
Arabidopsis thaliana x x Native to Europe, Asia, Africa, Hg Germany (Battke et al., 2008)

M.A. Oyuela Leguizamo et al. / Chemosphere 168 (2017) 1230e1247

present in all five continents, poor
in South America, Asia and Canada
Family: Poaceae
Bromus catharticus x Colombia, Guatemala to South Cu, Zn USA (O'Dell et al., 2007)
Leersia hexandra x Colombia, the Antilles, Canada to Hyperaccumulator of Cr (Zhang, Liu et al., 2007)
Argentina and Uruguay
Family: Polygonaceae
Polygonum hydropiperoides x Colombia, the Antilles, Canada to Cu, Pb USA (Kamal et al., 2004)
South America
Polygonum segetum x Mexico to Colombia, and the Genus Polygonum accumulator of Japan (Shinmachi et al., 2003)
Antilles Cd
Family: Potamogetonaceae
Potamogeton paramoanus x x Colombia, Venezuela to Bolivia Potamogeton Cd, Pb, Cr, Ni, Zn y Cu Turkey (Demirezen and Aksoy, 2004)
Potamogeton pectinatus x Colombia, common to a large Accumulator of Cd, Pb, Cr, Ni, Zn y
number of countries Cu
Family: Ranunculaceae
Ranunculus flagelliformis x x Colombia, Venezuela to Argentina Genus Ranunculus Cr Turkey (Aksoy et al., 2005)
Family: Scrophulariaceae/Calceolariaceae
Calceolaria bogotensis x x Colombian Native Endemic Plant Cu USA (Silk et al., 2006)
Family: Solanaceae
Cestrum buxifolium x Colombia, Venezuela to Peru Solanaceae Family Cr, Hg, Pb, Zn, Cu, Poland, Spain (Bennicelli et al., 2004; Del Río et al.,
Cd, As 2002)
Nicotiana tabacum x Colombia and South America. Accumulator of Cd and Cu. Australia, Poland (Bennicelli et al., 2004; Nedelkoska
Native cultivated plant Tolerance to Hg and Doran, 2000)
Physalis peruviana x Colombia, American continent. Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Hg, Pb Kenya (Maobe et al., 2012)
Native cultivated plant
M.A. Oyuela Leguizamo et al. / Chemosphere 168 (2017) 1230e1247 1241

Table 3
Examples of herbaceous vegetation species studied in terms of heavy metals.

Species Information on Publications about Metals Countries of cited publications Reference

Family: Asteraceae
Conyza dioscorides Zn, Cu, Pb Egypt (Abou et al., 2007)
Bidens pilosa Hyperaccumulator of Cd. Excluders of As. China (S
anchez, 2010; Sun et al., 2009a, 2009b)
Appropriate adaptation and a good level of
tolerance with Pb, Cr, and Ni, characterized
by the greater absorption of Cr
Foeniculum bulgare Studies on Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, As, Spain (Del Río et al., 2002)
Hypochaeris radicata Zn Portugal (Moreira et al., 2011)
Senecio azulensis Hyperaccumulator of Ni Cuba (Reeves et al., 1999)
Senecio biseriatus
Senecio brasiliensis Zn
Senecio coronatus Hyperaccumulator of Ni and Zn; Africa, Poland (Boyd et al., 2008; Mesjasz et al., 1994)
accumulator of Cu and Mn
Senecio ekmanii Hyperaccumulator of Ni Cuba (Reeves et al., 1999)
Senecio plumbeus
Senecio rivalis
Senecio subsquarrosus
Silybum marianum Studies on Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, As Spain (Del Río et al., 2002)
Sonchus oleraceus Hyperaccumulator of Pb Spain, China (Duran, 2010; Xiong, 1997)
Taraxacum officinale Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Hg, Fe, Co, Cr, Mo Case Studies, Poland (Malawska and Wiołkomirski, 2001)
Family: Brassicaceae
Armeria maritima Pb and Zn Poland (Olko et al., 2008)
Family: Chenopodiaceae
Chenopodium ambrosioides Studies on effects of Cd, Ni and Pb Egypt (Ewais, 1997)
Chenopodium album Tolerance to Pb, Cu, Zn, Mn Spain, China (Hu et al., 2012; Walker et al., 2004)
Family: Cistaceae
Cistus salvifolius Hyperaccumulator of Al Spain n, 2010)
Family: Convolvulaceae
Chenopodium amaranticolor U India (Eapen et al., 2003)
Family: Cyperaceae
Schonoeplectous americanus Tolerance to As Mexico (Valles and Alarco  n, 2014)
Cyperus difformis Studies on effects of Cd, Ni and Pb Egypt (Ewais, 1997)
Eleocharis machrostachya Tolerance to As. Efficient rhizofiltrator of As Mexico, Brazil, Argentina  n, 2014)
(Litter et al., 2012; Valles and Alarco
Family: Equisetaceae
Equisetum arvense Zn and some possible accumulators of Pb USA, Alaska (Cannon et al., 1968)
Equisetum kansanum and Cu
Equisetum variegatum
Family: Fabaceae
Lupinus albus Zn, Mn, Co, Cd Switzerland (Page et al., 2006)
Trifolium pratense Cd, Zn USA, Slovenia, China (Grcman et al., 2001)
Trifolium repens Belgium, Lithuania (Lambrechts et al., 2014; Stravinskiene_ and
Ra _ 2014)
Family: Geraniaceae
Pelargonium sp. Pb France (Arshad et al., 2008)
Family: Hypericaceae
Hypericum perforatum Tolerance to Cr Italy (Tirillini et al., 2006)
Family: Juncaceae
Juncus squarrosus Pb, Zn, Ca, Ni, Cr, Co, Fe, Mg Scotland (Johnston and Proctor, 1977)
Juncus usitatus Tolerance to Cd, Pb Australia (Archer and Caldwell, 2004)
Family: Liliaceae
Allium schoenoprasum Cd Israel (Barazani et al., 2004)
Family: Malvaceae
Malva nicaeensis Studies on Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, As Spain (Del Río et al., 2002)
Malva sylvestris (Pastor and Herna ndez, 2002)
Family: Poaceae
Cynodon dactylon Zn, Cu, Pb Egypt (Abou et al., 2007)
Brachiaria decumbens Cd, Zn, Pb Portugal (Santos et al., 2007)
Digitaria sanguinolis Studies on effects of Cd, Ni and Pb Egypt (Ewais, 1997)
Sorghum bicolor Cd, Co, Cu, Zn Italy (Marchiol et al., 2007)
Family: Polygonaceae
Polygonium thunbergii Studies on accumulation of Cd Japan (Shinmachi et al., 2003)
Family: Portulaceae
Portulaca oleracea Studies on toxicity for Cd, Cu, Zn, Hg, Pb, Se, India (Thangavel and Subburam, 1998; Thangavel
Hg et al., 1999)
Family: Ranunculaceae
Ranunculus sphaerosphermus Cr Turkey (Aksoy et al., 2005)
Family: Solanaceae
Datura stramonium L. Studies on Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, As Spain (Del Río et al., 2002)
Solanum elaeagnifolium Tolerance to Cr Poland (Bennicelli et al., 2004)
Solanum nigrum L. Studies on Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, As, Spain (Del Río et al., 2002)
Family: Typhaceae
Typha angustifolia Cd, Pb, Cr, Ni, Zn, Cu Turkey (Demirezen and Aksoy, 2004)
1242 M.A. Oyuela Leguizamo et al. / Chemosphere 168 (2017) 1230e1247

Fig. 1. Relative frequency of native herbaceous species and other species (naturalized, introduced, invasive, cultivated and adventitious) that were studied in terms of their relation
to HM. Eight representative countries have been chosen, as recorded in Tables 2 and 3. The classification (species status) of each species is based on information from the data
sources mentioned in Section 5.

Zealand, Chile, Costa Rica, the Antilles, Paraguay, India, Malaysia, imperative. Therefore, special attention is paid to the source of
the Philippines, China, Uruguay, Venezuela, Brazil, Australia, heavy metal contamination, that is, the activities that contribute to
Guatemala, Canada, Peru; in other words, they are found across soil, air and water contamination. See Section 2.3 for common ex-
Asia, Europe, North, Central and South America. Most of those amples of these sources. As previously mentioned, these activities
countries are exposed to metalliferous, serpentine (ultramafic) or affect both biotic and abiotic components, which in turn affect the
calamine soils, and in some of them, there are wetlands with HM ecosystem structure and functionality, eventually leading to the
contamination problems. See Section 2.3 for more information. loss of landscape. In an effort to mitigate these deleterious effects,
These 41 species named in the previous paragraph reported heavy metal contamination has been addressed with vegetation
non-invasive behavior. Besides, all of these species have been species in bioremediation processes, often mentioned as phytor-
studied in relation to HM, some directly overlapped in terms of the emediation; see Section 3 for an in-depth discussion of
species studied, while others indirectly overlapped with species phytoremediation.
from the same family or genus (see Tables 2 and 3, Sections 5 and 6) Given the previously reported potential of species found on
in countries such as Austria, Australia, Scotland, Brazil, USA, Mexico, wetlands, it is crucial to contribute to the preservation of native
Canada, China, Cuba, Poland, France, Spain, Ireland, India, Tanzania, species faced with an endangerment status, as well as to strengthen
Malaysia, Italy, Argentina, Turkey, Egypt, Switzerland, Portugal, the sustainable uses of phytoremediation as a cleaning alternative
Germany, Israel, Peru, Slovenia, Belgium, Lithuania, United States for environmental contaminants. To this end, phytoremediation has
(specifically Alaska) and on the African Continent. Additionally, the gained popularity among scientists and professionals: phytor-
majority of the studies compiled only record heavy metal concen- emediation improves the environment as part of ecological recov-
trations; most do not analyze plant processes. ery and restoration processes (Bhargava et al., 2012). In addition, as
Of the 41 plants mentioned in this article, noteworthy vegeta- concluded by Yang et al. (2005), for a greater success in phytor-
tion species include Hypericum humboldtii, Senecio carbonelli, emediation technology, a multidisciplinary work of different pro-
Hypericum humboldtiana, Juncus ramboi colombianus, Calceolaria fessionals is essential. Likewise, it is necessary to study the systems
bogotensis (endemic herbaceous species); Juncus microcephalus, involved in the environment, since the soil system is one of the
Gratiola bogotensis, Carex lurida, Fuirena incompleta, Potamogeton decisive components in the process of understanding the behavior
paramoanus, Arabidopsis thaliana and Ranunculus flagelliformis of an ecosystem. As mentioned by Smith et al. (2015), the soil's
(native species). The importance of these endemic species is importance lies on the fact that it hosts the largest diversity of
intertwined with their endangered status. organisms on land. Specifically, in the case of HM, and based on the
As can be seen in Table 2, of the predominant families in HM wide study on this substrate compared to others, it is concluded
accumulation processes, see Section 3.2, there are three: Asteraceae, that the use of the knowledge already acquired can improve the
Cyperaceae and Poaceae. The following species are part of these provision of ecosystem services. According to the latter, and as
three families: Baccharis latifolia, Senecio carbonelli, Carex bucha- mentioned by Brevik et al. (2015), after demonstrating the exam-
nanii, Carex lanuginosa, Carex lurida, Cyperus bipartitus, Cyperus ples involved in the study of soil science, it was concluded that a
rufus, Eleocharis leocharis dombeyana, Eleocharis montana, Eleocharis holistic investigation of this component requires an interdisci-
palustris, Fuirena incompleta, Kyllinga brevifolia and Bromus plinary study of the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and
catharticus. lithosphere, linking as central convergence axis the biodiversity
(mechanisms, organisms and soil properties), biogeochemical
8. Discussion and conclusions cycling, hydrology, human health, social sciences and soil threats;
important topics to be incorporated in a future article. In the same
In Section 2.2, the problem of wetland degradation is outlined, way, it is necessary to involve sustainable practices in the high
explaining that HM contamination is one of the most relevant impact activities on the soil or growth substrate, which will lead to
concerns. In Section 2.3, the presence of HM worldwide is dis- restoring and conserving biodiversity (Decock et al., 2015).
cussed. In light of this grave situation, the use of technologies to Based on the lack of current knowledge on phytoremediation,
minimize the presence of HM dand concomitant toxicity the fact that most thorough studies on this technology delve into
depending on concentration of metal in the substratedbecomes the mechanisms underlying hyperaccumulation, the advantages
M.A. Oyuela Leguizamo et al. / Chemosphere 168 (2017) 1230e1247 1243

and limitations of the phytoremediation process, set out in Section the majority of reported studies are over non-native species. Sec-
3, indicate that further research is warranted. There is a pressing ond, Spain and the US are countries with more native and endemic
need to focus on the mechanism behind “phyto” technologies, studies than others.Third, Spain is the most reported country with
which can be studied based on the already existing knowledge, non-native and non-endemic heavy metal studies.
such as hyperaccumulation, one of the most studied. In conse- The uses of native herbaceous species for phytoremediation
quence, it will allow researchers to move beyond the obstacles process must be researched in depth, supported by the plants'
created by the lack of specific experiments and experimental adaptation to the climate of the contaminated site, toxicity level
plants, as Schaller et al. (2013) indicate, as a limitation in the re- and properties of substrate, among other factors described by Xue
covery potential of wetlands. In addition, as Proctor (1999) argues, et al. (2014). As Conesa et al. (2009) mentioned, the herbaceous
the phytobiography of regions with high concentrations of HM species fast adaptation to these conditions, compared to other
requires further investigation. All of this, in order to deal with plants, is allowed by the production of various genotypes in a
phytoremediation limits, and use what nature brings, instead of shorter time because of their short life cycles. In light of the
developing antagonist technologies. aforementioned issues, the authors of this paper recommend
As we can see in Section 2.4 future studies on native or endemic investigating the behavior between HM and the 41 species
herbaceous vegetation species could help avoid the use of exotic mentioned in Table 2, described in Sections 5 and 7. The global
and invasive species that have transformed biogeographical bar- distribution of the plants recommended, combined with the
riers. The spread of the exotic and invasive species, whether acci- worldwide presence of soils with high concentrations of HM,
dental or deliberate, into new habitats, constitutes an naturally occurring, or the product of anthropic related contami-
environmental problem. The introduction of these exotic species is nation, set the stage for the continued investigation of phytor-
one of the main issues facing existing biological communities on emediation. Future research should seek to identify the mechanism
wetlands, often resulting in the displacement or extinction of the by which these plants transport the metal from the growth sub-
zone's characteristic species, which may lead to native biota loss, strate (see Section 3 for more information) in order to establish
mentioned by Yang et al. (2005). Likewise, reduced biodiversity in possible uses in the phytoremediation of HM. The aforementioned
various ecosystems all over the world, as noted by Tilman and can be accomplished by identifying the mechanisms and tech-
Lehman (2001), poses one of the great ecological challenges to niques employed by plants themselves, as well as the plants'
humankind. Exotic species with invasive behavior cause perturba- morphological characteristics, height, coverage, biomass and seed
tions in vegetation and animal species and affect the environment. production, growth capacity, bio-concentration factors, concen-
Such changes may result in a native species becoming invasive trations and bioavailability of metals (in the plant and the sub-
(Montes et al., 2007). Likewise, in accordance with Rodríguez strate) and other determining factors and characteristics, according
(2009), invasive species disrupt native mutualist edaphic net- to Ghosh and Singh (2005a). Kardanpour et al. (2015) mentioned
works, and thereby limit an ecosystem's natural capacity for resil- the heterogeneity characterization as the first, and in some cases,
ience and recovery. the most important step in soil contaminant studies.
Also, biological invasions alter the structure and function of the Phytoremediation studies provide information on physiological,
ecosystem into which they are introduced (Pimentel et al., 2001). photochemical, ecological and environmental aspects (such as life
The use of invasive species presents challenges to spreading con- cycles, morphological changes, chemical, biological structure and
trol; wetlands are especially vulnerable to invasion by new species composition of growth substrate, the move towards environmental
due to their position as ecotones or interfaces between terrestrial friendly technologies, etc.), biogeochemical cycles and possible ef-
and aquatic environments, exposing both environments to inva- fects on the trophic chain. Plants could be used as accumulation
sion, as Montes et al. (2007) indicated; see Section 2.1, about indicators, as Zechmeister et al. (2003) revealed and investigated
wetland importance. To prevent this undesirable outcome, in for indication of water quality. This kind of investigations brings the
agreement with Díaz et al. (2012), the recovery of wetlands is opportunity to establish ecological risks through the food chain in
sought via the use of native species and management for control ecosystems contaminated with HM.
and eradication of invasive vegetation. It is essential to engage in further research to increase our un-
The study of plants with endangered status, see Sections 5 and 7, derstanding of the vegetation species found especially on wetlands.
would allow scientists to create propagation processes and thus, Supported by investigations, which show that many wetland plants
increase the number of individuals. An in-depth study would can colonize heavy metal-polluted areas, and are found to deal with
broaden understanding of these species, possibly grant them an a wide range of soil metals (Pb, Zn, Cu and Cd), and demonstrated
economic valuation that could facilitate decisions fostering pro- their possible use in phytoremediation, as it is mentioned by Deng
tection and development and rational use, as is described by et al. (2004). Investigations such as those developed by Conesa et al.
Barbier et al. (1997). Seeing these ecosystems from a purely eco- (2009), Galfati et al. (2011) and García et al. (2011), mentioned the
nomic perspective is not mutually exclusive with resource man- experience of research on native vegetation with potential use in
agement from an ethical and cultural conception of water, give an phytoremediation, specifically with herbaceous plants in Xue et al.
account by Grayman et al. (2012). The unavoidable commercial (2014), wetland plants in Mateos (2013) and Wang et al. (2002). The
perspective denominated “biodiversity prospecting” defined by importance of biodiversity is gradually being considered for the
Prasad (2003), would lead to the discovery of wild plants that could decontamination of ecosystems affected by metals, as it is
decontaminate polluted environments of the world, on target of mentioned by Prasad (2003), is gradually being considered for the
conserving nature. decontamination of ecosystems affected by metals. An overriding
Studies on phytoremediation may also enhance knowledge of research into native and endemic biodiversity in cities around the
waste management, which reinforces the need for further studies, world is critical, for being nature's remnants in urban areas.
pointed out by Boyd et al. (2008) and Pollard et al. (2014). These
studies should be carried out in native sources of propagules, i.e., Acknowledgments
Colombia, Venezuela, Chile, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Guatemala, Costa
Rica and Cuba; see Table 2. Looking at those countries with studies The authors would like to recognize the invaluable information
on native, endemic or other species and HM, Fig. 1dat least those provided by Bogota's Botanical Garden, Botanical Garden of Bogota
analyzed in the present articledthree things become evident. One,  Celestino Mutis, as well as the support of the Distrital
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